I want sweets and sleep, what vitamins do I need? What to do if you want something sweet? Diet problems.

19.08.2018 Psychology

People with a sweet tooth are very common, and today we will look at the reasons why you want sweets. There are people who constantly chew sweets among our family and friends, friends and just acquaintances.

It looks a little piquant when adults cannot give up the habit of eating sweets, but everything is not always so simple and naive, sometimes the craving for sweets is directly related to the state of our body or our health problems.

There could be several reasons why you crave sugary foods. One thought is that your blood sugar may be low and your body is trying to tell you that you need to eat something to get your blood sugar back to normal. Low level Blood sugar can occur due to not having enough food during the day or by making suitable food choices.

It could also be due to lack of energy or exhaustion, especially due to lack of sleep, where your body will start looking for other sources of energy. Sugar can be metabolized and converted into energy very quickly, so it is an obvious choice. It can be difficult to maintain an eating plan where you are constantly depriving yourself of things that you want to indulge in.

And you need to start looking for patterns by studying your diet. In order to understand why you constantly want sweets, you need to find out how a person eats, what kind of breakfast, lunch and dinner he has, what habits he has, how his morning begins and how he eats before bed.

Sweets and daily routine

Everyone is familiar with the situation when you don’t want anything for breakfast and have difficulty drinking a cup of tea or coffee with a small sandwich. And if this is a smoker, then coffee is drunk exclusively with a cigarette and without a sandwich.

Instead, consider moderation and portion control as healthy alternatives. Finally, there is also psychological reasons for those who crave sweets. For example, when you are stressed, you may sometimes seek comfort in food, craving something that actually tastes good. Eating sweets can trigger the reward mechanism in your brain, releasing serotonin, which helps boost your mood and help you feel better.

There are many reasons for sugar cravings, both physical and psychological. Maybe now that you're off the pill your cycles will return to normal and you'll experience more of the stress of fluctuating hormones. This could also be your limiting sweet items, causing you to be even more attractive to them.

This is quite understandable, because the body wakes up gradually, a little slower than consciousness, but this does not make it easier for the person, because as a result of the stress received from the same cigarette, at lunchtime you may want to eat more than usual, and the body will persistently demand not ordinary borscht, but what something sweet. This may be explained by the fact that he simply needs glucose.

You want to look at your diet first. Is it balanced with all food groups? Are you getting enough dietary fat to satisfy you? What are your favorite sweets? Have you tried including items such as dark chocolate or small portions of other sweet foods that you enjoy?

Diseases as a cause

Research is emerging that mindful eating can reduce food cravings in people with eating problems. This means you eat at the table, eat slowly, enjoy your food, and leave judgment out of your thoughts about food. It's all about listening to your body and trusting yourself with food. A registered dietitian can help you discover why you crave candy.

As you know, work in general, and mental work in particular, requires large quantity carbohydrates. A person busy with mental work from time to time, and sometimes all the time, craves sweets. For example, it is generally accepted that eating chocolate can charge the body with happiness hormones, and this is a scientifically proven fact.

Just high level glucose in the human body keeps him in a good mood. But if the glucose level drops, the mood immediately drops, sometimes even apathy sets in. Such a person does not want to do anything, he becomes lethargic, boring and loses his ability to work. However, an eaten chocolate bar, successfully gifted by someone, will do a miracle and return activity in work and a pleasant mood to the soul.

There's a good chance that you have a problem with a sugar connection or craving. In your situation, what you are doing is actually what we call "eating around addiction." You've done everything you can to remove refined and processed sugar from your diet. However, you have not replaced it with a healthy and delicious sweet from natural sources and thus you are still in a holding pattern. You want sweets but can't eat them, so you eat around them, constantly munching on other foods.

One problem with this, besides packing by the kilo, is that you can start to snag the dried fruit and nuts. It's never tuna on a bed of greens that we end up on. Good luck and let us know how you do. Processed foods produced these days are even more processed than in the recent past. These more processed foods make you crave more and more. There are a lot of hidden sugars in foods that also make you crave more of them.

The recovery mechanism is explained quite simply: carbohydrates are the source of almost 70% of the energy for the human body.

The absence or deficiency of the latter leads to glucose hunger, and everyone decides for themselves how to satisfy and replenish it. If you choose fruits and berries such as raisins, apples, oranges, dates, grapes or drink juice, then, apparently, you are worried about your figure, because these products contain simple carbohydrates that are processed quite quickly.

Why do you crave sweets from time to time?

Foods that have a lot of nutrition give your body what it needs and you start craving less junk. Take a look at your eating habits and change them. For example, I like to eat at night. It may not be the best, but I seemed to sleep better with some food in my stomach. Replace ice cream with Greek yogurt. Toss the fatty chips with crunchy celery, peanut butter or cream cheese. Instead of a sandwich with bread, make the turkey rolled. As someone who grew up always eating dessert, it was quite a learning process for me to change this habit.

The energy obtained from such fruits is also used by the body quite quickly, and it begins to require it again. A person needs to eat again. Other sources of energy include complex carbohydrates, such as potatoes, various cereals, pasta, bread, beans, etc.

They are more effective for replenishing energy because in the human body they are broken down into simple carbohydrates and processed more long time.

Many have beaten themselves up for falling into the sweet trap of post-meal cravings and feeling that this is the hardest craving to master. My book, Eat to Feel Full and Fuel Yourself for the Good, focuses on learning how to master our appetites and our cravings. We tend to force ourselves into thinking we have a diet and strengthen our willpower to eat better, but if we understand more about how food affects us, we can tailor our choices differently and naturally master our cravings.

Sugar cravings can come from a physical imbalance. There are basic physical reasons why we crave something sweet after eating. Something sweet afterwards is the body's way of trying to create balance. Eating salty foods makes us feel like we "must have" something sweet or we won't feel at peace.

Sweets after meals

Why do you crave sweets so much after eating? There is also a logical explanation for this question. When you eat any food, the pancreas secretes a certain amount of insulin. When insulin is released in greater quantities than is necessary for the carbohydrates eaten, blood glucose levels drop. The body tries to level it out and demands sweets.

You ate too many simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates make you want to keep going because the rapid rise in blood sugar causes insulin levels to rise and now you want more. If you don't feel full and nourished after eating, you may be missing the "magic" ingredients of fat and fiber needed to achieve satiety. Something sweet feels like a missing element.

Insufficient sleep time

Being unreasonable, eating too quickly or not chewing. The digestive system needs us to chew well because enzymes in saliva begin the digestion process, and chewing is how we mix food with saliva. You may need water after eating. Avoid drinking water with food, as this may cause you to not digest the food. When you have trouble digesting, you end up craving something sweet.

This usually happens in two cases:

  1. you do not consume enough carbohydrates for your weight or physical activity and the body thus compensates for the glucose deficiency;
  2. desserts are your habit and weakness.

Eating sweets after meals can also serve as an antidepressant. After all, sweets promote the production of serotonin in the brain. And this chemical process gives us a feeling of good mood and happiness.

Once we rule out physical imbalances, we must check our automatic habits. Is finishing a meal an automatic trigger for craving something sweet? We set up habits based on triggers, and this is not very important for the habit to become mindless, automatic behavior. Choosing to act differently is a practice not only of mindfulness, but also of patience and commitment.

Many people think of habits as something that can be broken and rely on willpower, but we really have to unlearn and choose a new one. What happens before the craving hits is the key to what is causing your unconscious reactionary behavior. Unconscious reactionary behavior causes us to feel stuck in patterns when we realize later that we have “done it again.”

Maybe you are not missing sweets, but bright positive emotions?

Serotonin production is also stimulated exercise stress. If you don’t have problems with excess weight and decreased activity, then after eating you can easily afford to eat 2-3 chocolate candies or a couple of cookies.

Sweets and critical days

Almost all women periodically wonder: why do you want sweets before your period?

Hearing our triggers is a fantastic opportunity to get to know ourselves better, so it's important to be curious rather than critical. The first step in becoming aware of our triggers is to simply notice them by asking. What happened in my environment that affected me before? . Triggers come in many shapes and forms. It could be anything: smell, sound, or just Everyday life, which forces you to act in a certain way.

Example: You are walking around a cafe and smell coffee. You usually get something sweet with your coffee, so even if you don't want coffee right then and there, the smell of coffee can make you crave sugar. Using mindfulness to make healthy change for good.

It's all about hormones. A woman's body produces hormones that are responsible for the menstrual cycle. Estrogen, released before ovulation, is a “stimulating” hormone, and progesterone is a “calming” hormone. Before menstruation, the level of progesterone in a woman’s body decreases sharply and her brain receives a request for an alternative source of “soothing,” that is, sweets.

We tend to think of habits as good or bad, and we judge them. What makes a long-term difference for my clients is becoming familiar with their habits by “logging them,” or taking note, in a cause-and-effect manner. The goal is to find out how you feel before, during and after eating something sweet.

It's not easy to tune out the chatter of your mind, but start by putting your "mind in your belly." Focus your attention on a point in your belly and just notice how it feels there. Wrong or wrong, it's just to find out how you feel. This is a great practice when you have sugar cravings because it will help you get closer to understanding the cravings.

To prevent this “calming” effect from leaving unnecessary folds on the sides, consume complex carbohydrates during the premenstrual period, but it is better to abstain from coffee and alcohol, as they intensify symptoms.

Considering the above, a logical question arises: how can you avoid adding a couple of extra pounds to your figure while filling up with energy? The answer lies in moderation, in the rule of balancing hunger with the amount of glucose being replenished.

What holds most of us back from achieving success is the suffering that seems impossible. Did you know that sugar and processed foods are just as addictive as heroin or cocaine? Americans consume more soft drinks per capita than any other country on Earth, contributing to our nation's extreme obesity and diabetes rates1. This makes sense when you think about the addictive nature of sugar, which is everywhere, as James DiNicolantonio and Sean Lucan point out in their New York Times article.

Entire books are devoted to the issue of calorie content of food, and many people know that half a cake and a whole plate of pasta have almost the same energy value, but in terms of keeping fit, it is much safer to eat pasta. Confectionery products such as cakes and pastries deposit fat deposits much faster, but pasta not only deposits less fat, it also satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

They argue that sugar, found in about 75 percent of packaged foods in the United States, can be as addictive as drugs. 2. Want to get rid of sugar cravings forever? Before you reach that donut, take a sip of 2 oz. rich in probiotics! Like many adherents ecological ecology, you may find that the sour taste of the probiotic liquid eliminates your sugar cravings and allows you to get on with your day.

Craving something sweet - pregnancy

With food allergies, we often crave the thing we're allergic to in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. When adrenal fatigue is involved and your system is overworked, your body asks to "take away" what sugars are temporarily supplying. Unfortunately, sugar makes your body stronger, so it only makes the condition worse.

Having had breakfast in this way, you can not remember about snacks until lunch and keep your shape.

If you want to eat between meals, and this desire is strongest, snack on fruits and vegetables.

When your shape allows you not to think about being overweight, or your body is growing, you can pamper yourself with confectionery products, but also without fanaticism.

Premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy, or a, may cause you to feel the urge to move towards chocolate or some simple form of carbohydrates such as chips or bread. As a woman gets closer to her period, she should be more relaxed to allow the lining of her uterus to shed. But if she has been consuming too many foods, such as salt and animal protein, she will begin to crave expansive sweets to "open her up" and help her relax.

Pathogenic bacteria, parasites and yeast such as feed sugar. The more sugar you eat, the more attractive you make your gut to these bad boys. First, the bad news: you may be addicted to sugar. But, the good news is that it is a relatively easy tendency to break up.

Considering the above, when answering the question “why do you still want sweets all the time?”, you can make a fairly probable assumption that such a desire often arises from a lack of energy and, accordingly, a lack of good mood in the human body.

Eat delicious food, cheer yourself up, but watch your figure, and - be happy and healthy!

Good hour, dear sen-pro readers.

Has this ever happened to you: you just ate a hearty and tasty meal, and then you wonder why you want sweets after eating? This is actually understandable. After reading to the end, you will understand why this is so and what you need to do to avoid the desire to eat unhealthy sweets immediately after eating.

When you begin to analyze your actions, over time you begin to understand that such a desire may arise for the following reasons:

Firstly: if you ate too much for lunch or ate almost as much for dinner. In other words, if your edible fuel is much denser and heavier than usual.

Do you remember when this usually happens? That’s right – when visiting, when almost all the food is very tasty and, in fact, usually very heavy. At this point, be so kind as to serve us some cake for tea, please! Or some other cakes with cleverly unusual creams and compositions.

Secondly: if your meals are separated by a sufficiently long period of time, which, as you understand, is very undesirable to do, except in some strictly specified cases.

Now I want to address your Special attention to what we are talking about in this case about the desire to eat something sweet after a full meal. If you wanted this directly in the morning, or at some other time, completely different from the main breakfasts, lunches and dinners, then this is the topic of a completely different speech, which can be discussed in a separate post on this blog.

In principle, if you delve into the scientific explanations of this phenomenon, they, oddly enough, say the following: when we have just eaten, our blood contains a fairly high level of glucose, since sugar, which is found in almost all the foods we eat, penetrates into it from our intestines.

And since no one has “abolished” the hormone insulin in nature, glucose with its help quite naturally enters the body’s cells, where it is safely used as an energy charge, or is stored as an emergency reserve (emergency reserve) in the form of the well-known and so hated fat .

What's going on here?

Insulin, as it were, evens out the level of saccharin in the blood and essentially returns this level to the original level (which, in fact, was before eating).

Only, it doesn't always happen that way. Sometimes, this very insulin is produced much more than our body needs for everything, the carbohydrates we devoured at lunch and the glucose level takes, and even falls below, what it was exactly before we sat down to eat at the table. And, since it urgently needs to be raised (however, to varying degrees for everyone), we want to refuel additionally in the form of Napoleon cake or biscuits with butter cream.

This happens for the following reasons:

If you usually eat fairly light food, and then, bam - and suddenly you loaded it with dense food. That is, you give your body a rather large contrasting bias towards increased density and heaviness of food taken in one sitting.

The quantity of food is limited. That is, let’s say the portion turned out to be small. As a result, you did not receive the usual amount of calories. In this case, when all the glucose from the food entering the body is completely absorbed and without any residue, the sugar “falls” sharply. In other words, its level decreases sharply when food is poor in energy levels.

There are long time gaps between your meals. The body immediately begins to sound the alarm. And when, after a fairly long period of time, you “throw something” at him, he tries to “suck” everything out of this “something”, thinking: “What if the owner decides to starve me to death? Nope. I'd better stock up. It won’t be superfluous!”

And he prudently stores this sucked stuff for “every fireman” where? Exactly - in fatty deposits that we don’t like. The result is an imbalance and a drop in sugar below the baseboard (meaning its level in the blood).

When products that destabilize the sugar level in our blood enter the body - cakes and pies, sweet-carbonated drinks, booze, smoking and even coffee and tea.

When we carelessly “throw in” harmful sweets and flours, or something else that seems harmful, the sugar level in our blood instantly skyrockets, forcing us to produce insulin in incredible quantities. And after that the glucose goes boom and collapses. That is, its level drops sharply. Therefore, it turns out that getting high from eating chocolate for a long time does not work out - you need to repeat the “top-up”, which is what we do.

It turns out to be something of a vicious circle, sad as it may be. And teas and coffee (the main “containers” of caffeine) generally cause insulin to simply erupt, like lava from the crater of Vesuvius.

Now the most important thing, friends, is what the author wanted to say in this note. What the hell should you do in these very cases?

First: we avoid jumps in the “density” of food intake. That is, you eat a salad from empty cabbage for a while on a diet, and then - horseradish and sharply chopped pork with fried potatoes. And such frequency with enviable consistency. Nizzy!

Second: instead of the harmful sweets that the author mentioned above, we eat exclusively healthy ones for health. Such as dates with delicate crumbly halva, or aromatic honey with sweet dried fruits. Instead of the usual black tea, there are herbal infusions, all kinds of hibiscus teas with mate and other similar herbal benefits. I’m generally silent about coffee - it goes without saying that it’s a no-no! Or, if you absolutely cannot live without it, then at least consume it, diluting it with decent portions of fresh cow’s milk.

Third: consume carbohydrates of exceptional “correctness” - those that will give your body their energy for quite a long time and a little at a time. Such, for example, as whole grain cereals in the form of buckwheat, rice and pearl barley. If it’s pasta, then it’s also preferable to use whole grains. If you follow this simple and reasonable recommendation, then glucose will enter your blood very gradually and slowly, which will serve the “correct” production of insulin - for a long time and also gradually.

Fourth: it is quite reasonable to give preference to omega 3 and omega 6 products. That is, because they are contained in the quantities required by the body, in a ratio of either one to one, or “C” (that is, omega 3) a little more. These include walnuts, flax seeds and fatty fish, whoever eats it. Personally, the author of these lines has happily given up fish (as well as meat) altogether, and in terms of “omega-ness,” he only needs healthy nuts and seeds.

Fifth: do our best not to forget about fruits. And it’s not scary that they will turn out to be sweet times. The author, for example, can eat a couple of bananas after eating, which is extremely beneficial for him. And foods with a so-called high glycemic index are precisely those that are harmful. They have already been mentioned above - flour, sweet-cake, pie and other unhealthy super-sweet.

Sixth: we eat regularly, which is very important. Eating five or six times a day is not even harmful at all, when three meals are the main meals, and the remaining two or three are moderate snacks in the form of healthy fruits or vegetables. This way your entire body will work evenly throughout the day and the level of glucose in your blood will even out evenly, which is also important, no matter how you look at it.

This reasonable recommendation is especially relevant for those who engage in physical labor or train through hiking. Gym. If you did not replenish your glucose reserves in advance before training, or did not do the same after it, then this will highest degree NOT eating good. And we don’t listen to “smart” recommendations that it’s better to train on an empty stomach, thereby misleading our body in order to supposedly lose weight. Not a damn thing better. And in this way you will definitely cause him damage!

Let me remind you that these points are presented to my attentive reader from my personal experience and do not in the least encourage you to be fanatic in terms of their absolutely accurate and meticulous execution. We remember that it is wise to listen sensitively and carefully to your body, sometimes giving it the necessary slack, especially if it is catastrophically accustomed to all sorts of harmful things in the form of cakes and pastries.

In the future, everything will gradually begin to work out and life will sparkle with new colors. And understanding why you want sweets after eating will allow you a smooth and painless transition to the healthiest and no less tasty, at the same time, foods that are in no way inferior in their sweetness to harmful ones.

All I have to do is thank you for your attention and remind you to subscribe to the RSS feed of my blog in order to receive instant notifications about the release of his new notes first and directly in your browser. You can do this there: in the right sitebar, or the corresponding link in the main menu.

At this point, the author says goodbye to you and wishes you all the best.

See you soon in the next notes.