Fleet history for 1. History of the Russian fleet

31.01.2021 Business

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“Every potentate [ruler] who has one land army has one hand
has, and whoever has a fleet has both hands.”
Peter I.

Peter I went down in history as a reformer, commander and naval commander, the first emperor of Russia. But his role in the creation of the fleet of the young empire is especially noticeable. Peter understood that without a fleet, his country would not be able to enter the "club" of great powers. And he set to work to remedy the situation. Thus, the Azov Fleet first appears, the historical significance of which is simply impossible to underestimate, and 7 years later, in 1703, the Baltic Fleet is created - the strongest maritime formation of modern Russia.

The first steps of the Russian fleet

It cannot be said that before Peter there were no attempts to create naval forces. There were, but they were very disorganized, unsystematic and, as a result, unsuccessful. Ivan the Terrible, for example, actively used the river fleet in his campaigns against the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates.

Later, during the war with the Swedes of 1656-1661, in the Muscovite kingdom they attended to the construction of a full-fledged fleet capable of operating in the Baltic. Voivode Ordin-Nashchekin distinguished himself especially in its creation. But under the terms of the peace signed in 1661, the Russians had to destroy all ships and shipyards. Having failed in the north, Ordin-Nashchekin drew the attention of the sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich to the south of the kingdom.

Meanwhile in the world...

Alexei Petrovich is born - the eldest son of Peter I

Launching the first warship in Rus' - Botik of Peter I

Peter I builds the first state shipyard in Arkhangelsk

The most interesting for you!

There it was decided to build a flotilla for the Caspian Sea, and even the beginning of this ambitious project was laid - in 1667-1668. a three-masted sailing ship "Orel" was built, the "great-grandfather" of the Russian sailing fleet (displacement 250 tons, length 24.5 meters, width 6.5 meters).

It had two decks, artillery armament consisted of 22 guns, about the tests of which a note has been preserved:

« the cannons were shot and according to the shot the cannons are all intact and fit for the ship».

Unfortunately, the fate of the ship was tragic - it served little, and later it was completely burned by Razin's rebels right in the harbor. The creation of a real fleet had to be postponed for several decades.

"Grandfather of the Russian Navy"

A landmark event for the entire Russian fleet happened in 1688 in the village of Izmailovo near Moscow. 16-year-old Peter found a small boat (length 6 meters, width 1 meter) in an old barn. This ship was brought from England as a gift to Tsar Alexei. About the amazing find, Peter later wrote:

« It happened to us (in May 1688) to be in Izmailovo, in the linen yard and, walking through the barns, where the remains of things lay in the house of grandfather Nikita Ivanovich Romanov, between which I saw a foreign ship, I asked Franz (Timerman) [Peter's Dutch teacher], what ship is this? He said that the bot is English. I asked: where is it used? He said that with the ships - for driving and carting. I again asked: what advantage does it have over our courts (before I saw it in image and strength better than ours)? He told me that he sails not only with the wind, but also against the wind; which word brought me great surprise and allegedly incredibly».

Having repaired the boat, Peter immediately took a short walk along the Yauza River. Later, the “grandfather of the Russian fleet” (as Peter himself called the boat) was transferred to different places(Millet Lake, Pleshcheev Pond, Pereyaslavskoye Lake), as the prince's skill in navigation grew. He built a shipyard right on Lake Pereyaslavl, and in 1692, in addition to the boat, two small frigates and three yachts sailed along the lake. The construction of the Amusing Flotilla was carried out by craftsmen under the leadership of the Dutchman Karshten Brant, who was hired by Peter's father Alexei Mikhailovich to build the Caspian Fleet. Interestingly, for a long trip to the lake, Peter had to lie to his mother Natalya Kirillovna: “Where did I ask my mother to go to the Trinity Monastery under the form of a promise?”

First trip to the sea

In 1689, the internal crisis was resolved - Princess Sophia was removed from power and tonsured a nun. Peter actually became the ruler of the whole country. By this time, the idea of ​​organizing a fleet had completely taken over the king. He worked diligently, studied everything that could be useful for the king-warlord - geometry, navigation, carpentry, cannon casting and other sciences. And all this time he did not leave his passion for the fleet. But the young tsar clearly did not have enough lakes and he decides to go to Arkhangelsk, to the White Sea.

In 1693, the road from Moscow to Arkhangelsk took as much as 24 days - from July 6 to July 30, Peter was on the road. Despite his mother's promise not to leave the shore, the young king, without any scruples of conscience, violated it. According to various sources, either on the very first day upon arrival, or towards the end of the visit, he goes to sea on the 12-gun yacht "Saint Peter" to escort Dutch and English merchant ships. This journey took 6 whole days and made a huge impression on the king.

In the same 1693, he built the first state shipyard in Arkhangelsk - Solombalskaya. And immediately lays down the 24-gun ship "Saint Paul the Apostle" there. This seemed not enough to Peter and he buys a 44-gun frigate "Holy Prophecy" in Holland. The trip to Arkhangelsk was an important milestone in the development of the young ruler's hobbies. The real sea, foreign ships and sailors, the construction of a shipyard - all this made a strong impression. But it was time to return - having been absent for almost three months, on October 1, the tsar returned to Moscow.

However, in January 1694, Peter's mother dies. Of course, this was a strong emotional shake-up for the king. But already at this age, he showed his nature - without indulging in excessive sadness, on May 1, Peter leaves for Arkhangelsk for the second time, by the beginning of summer navigation. This time he was accompanied by soldiers of the Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments, who, according to the idea of ​​the sovereign, were to become sailors on his ships.

Upon arrival, Peter personally supervised the armament of the "St. Paul" and inspected the frigate "Holy Prophecy" that arrived from Holland (later both ships were converted into merchant ships). In general, the tsar spent a lot of time "in the field" - he was constantly on ships, participated in repair and rigging work, and communicated with foreign sailors.

Since ancient times, mankind has made determined attempts to conquer water element. The earth was shaken natural disasters, one civilization replaced another, entire nationalities disappeared, but people never lost interest in sea travel and shipbuilding. Each new generation, relying on the experience and knowledge of its predecessors, introduced something new into these concepts.

Russian ships

Creating a variety of vehicles on the water, the Russians used a wide range of wood. The most popular material was pine. The masts of the master shipbuilder were made of yellow pine, as it was distinguished by high strength and elasticity. And in the manufacture of all important details ship hulls used red or ore pine. This breed contained a large number of resins. Thanks to this feature, it could remain in water for 100 years.

Spruce, larch, fir, oak, elm (or elm), ash, acacia, birch, beech, pear, cypress, maple, walnut and poplar were also used in shipbuilding. From spruce wood, which absorbs less moisture compared to pine, craftsmen made oars and some parts of the spars.

Larch, which, unlike all species, is more resistant to decay, was used in the construction of wooden ships as a finishing material. The deck flooring was also constructed from it.

Masts, spars, decking, hatch covers, etc. were very often made of fir, which in its qualities is close to the best varieties of spruce.

Oak, which is much stronger than pine, was used for the production of structural parts that carry a large load (keels, stems and frames). Oak wood, which has a beautiful texture, was very often used for finishing cabins, saloons, etc.

Elm, or elm, - a variety of the same tree species, which is distinguished by density, strength, toughness, flexibility and fine porosity, was widely used by Russian shipbuilders in the manufacture of curved parts.

Ash, which has a flexible, strong, viscous, durable, decay-resistant wood, was used in interior decoration ship, for the production of ladders, external doors, ship furniture, as well as curved hull framing.

Acacia, birch, beech, pear, cypress, maple, walnut and poplar wood was used to build a beautiful exterior finish.

The skillful combination of shipbuilders in the construction of ships of several tree species provided Russian ships with strength and durability.

Sailing ships

In the XI century. ships mostly sailed away from the coast. The need for oars gradually disappeared, since in conditions of pitching and high waves it was impossible to move the ship by rowing. Thus, the sail came to the fore.

It was during this period that nautical astronomy began to develop. The Scandinavians have a compass. The location of the vessel at sea began to be determined not only by the sun and stars, but also by latitude and longitude.

The appearance of the first calculations of latitude according to the North Star dates back to 1462, according to the sun - to 1484. In 1475, the German scientist Regiomontanus created tables of ephemerides (coordinates on the celestial sphere) for thirty years ahead. But mostly the sailors used the "Permanent Almanac" of Abraham Zacuto - the court astronomer of the Portuguese king John P.

At the same time, an unknown author published a book called A Guide to the Astrolabe and Quadrant. It told how to determine the latitude by the sun and the North Star, tables of the latitudes of places, a calendar and ephemeris of the sun were placed, and instructions were given on how to control sails.

The famous English navigator Jean Davis published in 1594 the book "Secrets of the Navigator". In the XI century. such manuals for sailors as "Information on Geography" by Fernanda Encisco, "The Art of Navigation" by Francisco Faleiro, "The Art of Navigation" by Pedro Medina were widely known.

In the XV-XVI centuries. invented the following navigational tools for determining the location of a ship at sea by observing celestial bodies: a quadrant, an astrolabe, a gradstock, the Davis nocturnal, or the English Quadrant.

Special ships

With the development of shipbuilding and navigation, sea vessels appeared, including special ones designed for catching, processing and transporting fish, whales and other products of the sea. The history of sea fishing has no more than 300-400 years. Until that time, people fished only in coastal waters. Rowing boats were propelled by oars, which required a lot of effort from people. Mankind was able to fish in the open sea only after shipbuilding had reached a certain level and put at its disposal a sufficiently reliable nautical vehicle on water. The first sea fishing vessels were large sailboats, on which whale hunters dared to go to the Atlantic Eiseyan.


surface ships

Surface ships include combat sailboats, battleships, cruisers and aircraft carriers. Below will be given detailed description each class of warships, tells about their appearance and development from the very first days to the present.

History of the Russian fleet

Our Motherland is a great maritime power. In the west and east, in the north and south, its territory is washed by the waters of twelve seas belonging to the basins of three oceans, and two inland seas. The history of the national fleet is inseparable from the history of our multinational state. Eternal glory has been earned by many generations of Russian sailors by brilliant victories over foreign invaders, heroic deeds in the name of exploring the oceans.

Russians have long been famous for the art of navigation and original shipbuilding. About the sea campaigns of the ancestors of the Eastern Slavs on the Black, Marble and mediterranean seas documented since the 7th century. In the 10th century, no one, except for the Russians, sailed on the Russian (Black) Sea. The ancient waterway "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passed through Novgorod and Kyiv. Another great trade route mastered by the Russians from the Khvalyn (Caspian) Sea along the Volga through the Oka-Volga interfluve also reached the Varangian (Baltic) Sea, and along the Kama and further along the Northern Dvina to the White Sea. At the same time, the Russians descended along the rivers to the Arctic Ocean. The brilliant period of exploration of the northern shores of Siberia was completed by the feat of Semyon Dezhnev, who in 1648, having rounded Chukotka, went on a koche to the Pacific Ocean.

The heroic history of the Russian Navy has been going on for more than three centuries. It is known that until the middle of the 16th century, our ancestors sailed along the Varangian, Studenoy and Russian seas, defended their interests in sea voyages to Constantinople (Byzantium) and Sigtuna (Sweden), fought against foreign invaders on their trading and fishing sailing and rowing vessels - boats, kochas and seagulls.

The first Russian warship "Eagle" was built in 1669 in the village of Dedinovo on the Oka and went down the Volga to Astrakhan to protect merchant ships.

The vital need for the creation of a navy for Russia was well understood by Peter I, at whose insistence on October 20, 1696, the boyar duma issued a decree "to have sea vessels." From 1696 to 1711, 215 ships were built for the Azov fleet, including ships armed with 44 to 64 guns. Since 1702, the Baltic Fleet began to be created. After 20 years, it included 32 linear 50-100-gun ships, about 100 sailing and up to 400 rowing ships. Russian sailing ships, galleys and scampaways showed excellent combat and seaworthiness in the battles of the Northern War of 1701-1721. One of the best ships of the time of Peter the Great was the Ingermanland.

The revolutionary movement in Russia is inseparable from the actions of military sailors. Already in December 1825, the sailors of the guards naval crew went to Senate Square Petersburg. The names of warships "Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky", "Memory of Azov", "Ochakov", "Ambulance" and others are inscribed in golden letters in the history of the first Russian revolution.

Even before October 1917, the ships of the Baltic Fleet took the side of the revolution. The battleship Slava, the gunboat Brave, the destroyer Grom, fought to the end and fulfilled their duty to the revolutionary people in the battle near Moonsund with the German invaders ... And on October 25, 11 combat ships arrived in Petrograd to participate in an armed uprising. ships, including the destroyers "Zabiyaka" and "Samson", the messenger ship "Yastreb", the minelayer "Amur" and the yacht "Zarnitsa", thousands of Baltic sailors. The legendary cruiser "Aurora" heralded the beginning of the new era in the development of society - the era of the collapse of capitalism and the establishment of a new socialist system.

Great October marked the beginning of the history of the Soviet Navy. On January 29 (February 11), 1918, following the creation of the Red Army, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the Republic announced the formation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet of the country.

In order to save the ships from capture by the invaders, the revolutionary Baltics in February-May In 1918, they made the most difficult ice campaign from Reval (Tallinn), Helsingfors (Helsinki), Kotka and Vyborg to Kronstadt. Columns of warships, transport and auxiliary vessels brought the world's first icebreaker "Ermak", the battleship "Andrey the First-Called" and other vessels out of ice captivity. 236 ships and vessels became the basis for the revival of the Red Baltic Fleet and the creation of numerous river and lake fleets, which in the years selflessly defended the conquests of October, supported the troops of the Red Army in defeating the White Guards and interventionists. In March 1921, the 10th Congress Communist Party adopted a decision aimed at the revival and strengthening of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Fleet, and on October 16, 1922, the V All-Russian Congress of the Komsomol took patronage over the Navy.

Thanks to the cares of the party and government, already in 1922 the battleship "Marat", the training cruisers "Comintern" and "Aurora", destroyers, minesweepers and other vessels began to plow the waters of the seas. The successes achieved by our industry made it possible, as early as 1927, to launch the construction of new ships. Thanks to the selfless labor of all the people, shipbuilding workers, the fleet began to be replenished with submarines, torpedo boats, destroyers and other modern ships created at domestic factories.

In 1932, the Pacific Fleet was created, and in 1933, the Northern Fleet. During the years of the pre-war five-year plans, 312 warships were built, 211 were under construction. New submarines and surface ships had powerful weapons and good seaworthiness. The fleets and flotillas carried out intensive combat and political training.

As a result of popular concern, the Navy by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War took a worthy place in the combat formation of the Soviet Armed Forces. It included the Northern, Red Banner Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific Fleets. Amur Red Banner, Danube, Caspian and Pinsk flotillas. It consisted of 3 battleships, 7 cruisers, 7 leaders and 52 destroyers, 218 submarines, 22 patrol ships, 7 gunboats, 18 minelayers, 80 minesweepers, 269 torpedo boats...

Outstanding feats were performed by military sailors during the Great Patriotic War, they played an important role in achieving a common victory over the enemy. The Navy participated in all defensive and offensive operations in coastal, lakeside and river areas. The fleets and flotillas reliably provided the flanks of the ground forces, participated in the heroic defense of Liepaja, Riga, Tallinn, Leningrad, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk and other cities, the Hanko Peninsula and the Moonsund Islands. North Caucasus and the Soviet Arctic ...

With the landing of more than 110 landings, totaling thirty divisions in total, powerful artillery and air support, as well as the heroic participation of 500 thousand Red Navy men, foremen and officers in land battles, the Soviet Navy provided significant assistance to the troops of the fronts and armies.

Fleets and flotillas destroyed more than 2,500 enemy ships and vessels during the war years, ensured the transportation of about 10 million people and more than 100 million tons of cargo by waterways.

During the war with imperialist Japan, the sailors of the Pacific Fleet and the Red Banner Amur Flotilla took part in the liberation of Manchuria, Korea, the Kuril Islands and South Sakhalin, and in the capture of Port Arthur.

The combat activity of the sailors was distinguished by selfless steadfastness and courage, courage, courage, and high military skill.

The ships of the river and lake flotillas played an important role in defeating the enemy. They participated in crossing the Dnieper, Berezina, Pripyat, Western Bug, Vistula, Oder, Spree, Danube, Amur, Ussuri and dozens of other rivers.

The Navy during the Great Patriotic War fulfilled its duty to the Motherland with honor. For outstanding military merits, more than 350 thousand sailors were awarded orders and medals, 520 people became Heroes Soviet Union, and seven of them were awarded this high title twice. During the Great Patriotic War, the list of ships-heroes of the Russian fleet was replenished with guards and order-bearing surface ships, submarines, formations of combat boats. In the combat chronicle of the Soviet Navy, the names of battleships are forever entered " October Revolution and Sevastopol, cruisers Krasny Kavkaz, Krasny Krym, Kirov and Maxim Gorky, destroyers Gremyashchiy, Soobrazitelny and Nezamozhnik, leaders Tashkent and Baku, underwater boats "D-3", "K-22", "L-3", "M-172", "S-13", "S-56" and "Lembit", minelayers "Marty" and "Okhotsk" , monitors "Sverdlov" and "Zheleznyakov", minesweepers "Gafel" and "Serpent", tens and hundreds of other ships, combat boats and vessels.

The post-war years were the years of a radical, qualitative change in the fleet. Its Dostav included surface and submarine ships and aircraft of the latest design, equipped with missile and nuclear weapons, modern artillery and torpedoes, nuclear power, first-class navigation, communications and radio systems with excellent seaworthiness. All this has significantly expanded the combat capabilities of our Navy, turned it into a strategic force, into one of the most important branches of the Soviet Armed Forces.

For the sake of peace and happiness of the people, ships of the Soviet Navy are vigilantly keeping watch on the seas and oceans.

History of the Russian Navy.

Informative conversation in preparatory group

Goals and objectives. To acquaint with the history of the Russian Navy. Cultivate a sense of pride in the native land, arouse interest in its history. Expand knowledge and understanding of military professions; to form in children the first ideas about the features of military service; to cultivate respect for people of military specialties.

Materials: map of Russia, photographs of the city, Tsar Peter I, sailing ships, modern ships.

Military clothing: peakless cap, guis, vest

Vocabulary work: duty, oath, charter, shipyard, captain, boatswain, radio operator, cook, sailor, navigator.

The course of the conversation.

Every person has a Motherland! Our Motherland is Russia. The motherland must be loved, cherished and protected. Look at the map. The borders of our country pass through forests, fields, mountains, seas and oceans. And they are protected by land and sea troops.

Our Motherland is a great maritime power. In the west and east, in the north and south, its territory is washed by the waters of twelve seas belonging to the basins of three oceans, and two inland seas. The history of the national fleet is inseparable from the history of our multinational state. Eternal glory has been earned by many generations of Russian sailors by brilliant victories over foreign invaders, heroic deeds in the name of exploring the oceans.

Our seas are protected by warships and submarines. Together they make up the navy.

But there were times when Russia did not have a fleet. And the enemies oppressed our country from the north, then from the south. The vital need for the creation of a navy for Russia was well understood by Peter I. late XVII century, a small town in the center of Rus' was awakened by the sound of axes, an unprecedented crowd. Here, on the banks of the Voronezh River, by the will of Peter 1, the beginning of the national fleet was laid.

It was our city of Voronezh that Peter chose as the central site for the construction of the Azov fleet, the surroundings of which were rich in good shipbuilding timber, and the ships built here could be launched on the Don.

By the beginning of May 1696, the newly built navy consisted of 2 ships, 23 galleys, 4 fire ships and an auxiliary transport flotilla consisting of plows, boats and rafts. The first ship of the Azov Fleet was called the Apostle Peter. It was launched in Voronezh on April 26, 1696. It was 34.5 meters long and 7.6 meters wide.” The ship was equipped with 36 guns.

frigate, sailboat "Apostle Peter".

At the Voronezh shipyard, 26 ships were assembled and equipped within three months.

The fleet built in Voronezh made it possible for the Russian army on July 19, 1696 to take the Turkish fortress of Azov. Russia thereby gained access to the Azov and Black Seas


On October 20 (30), 1696, Tsar Peter 1 "instructed", and the Duma "sentenced": "There will be sea vessels" - state act, which officially laid the foundation for the creation of a regular fleet. Since then, this date has been celebrated as the birthday of the Russian Navy.

Created by the efforts of all the people, the Russian battle fleet in numerous battles fully justified its purpose. Russia went to the sea and became a great maritime power.

This central square Every resident of the city knows Voronezh (photo). Admiralteyskaya Square, where Peter's shipyards were located, was solemnly opened on September 7, 1996, when the whole city celebrated the 300th anniversary of the Russian military fleet.

The square was designed by architect AI An and is located on Petrovskaya embankment. The main landmark of the square is the Assumption Admiralty Church, built in the 17th century. The Assumption Church turned into the Admiralty Church and became a place of solemn ceremonies during the launching of sailing ships. Mitrofan, the first bishop of Voronezh, also served in it, and Peter himself often visited, who, according to legend, even sang in the kliros. There is a rostral column in the center of the square. This stele is a memory of the beginning of the construction of the fleet.

Today Admiralteyskaya Square is a place of mass festive festivities of Voronezh residents and guests of the city.

And this monument is well known to you. Monument to Peter 1 in Petrovsky Square from grateful descendants.

Guess the riddle

Whose ships are on the sea?

What country are they from?

To be able to know

Captains, boatswains,

These different squares

Attached to ropes

And they raise on the masts.

The seven winds blow them up.

History of the St. Andrew's flag

Naval (St. Andrew's) flag

St. Andrew's flag is the main ship banner of the Russian Navy. It is a white, rectangular panel, crossed diagonally from corner to corner with two blue stripes forming an oblique cross.

The symbolism of the St. Andrew's flag has deep ancient roots. The Apostle Andrew is the brother of the Apostle Peter, the patron saint of Peter I. Both brothers fished on the Lake of Galilee, that is, they were related to sea fishing. Andrew was the first to be called by Christ as a disciple and therefore called the First-Called. The Apostle Andrew walked around the lands inhabited by the Slavs. He was in Kyiv, where he erected a cross, and then reached Novgorod and near it, on the banks of the Volkhov, he also erected a cross (now it is the village of Gruzino, where St. Andrew's Church was built). Apostle Andrew became famous as a tireless traveler and preacher of Christianity. His life was crowned martyrdom- crucifixion on an oblique cross

The Apostle Andrew has always been greatly revered in Russia. In honor of this revered saint, who died a martyr's death for the faith, Peter the Great gave the St. Andrew's flag to his beloved offspring - the Russian fleet. “The flag is white, through which the blue cross of St. Andrew for the sake of what Russia received from this apostle holy baptism". And until now, Russian warships sail under the Andreevsky flag.

We will notice the sailor from afar and will not confuse anyone with anyone, thanks to the marine form.

A uniform is a uniform in color and cut. But not always familiar and beloved by all of us, the marine form had a modern, practical and dapper look.

With the creation of a regular fleet in Russia by Peter the Great (1696), a suit was introduced for the lower ranks and sailors, consisting of elements of Dutch naval clothing - a wide-brimmed hat, green short pants, stockings, leather shoes and a coarse-wool jacket in gray or green. February 10 In 1706, this form was officially approved. Sailors were charged with keeping their uniforms - otherwise the culprit would face severe punishment. According to the Naval Charter of 1720: "... if someone loses his uniform ... he has to be severely punished for the first and second time, and for the third time he is shot or exiled to the galley ...". Subsequently, the uniform of sailors - color, cut, wearing time - constantly changed.

The modern naval uniform for privates and officers was finally established in 1951.

The decoration of a sailor flannel shirt is a large collar of blue color with white stripes around the edge. The history of its origin is very curious. In the old days, sailors were required to wear powdered wigs and oiled horsehair braids. The pigtails soiled the robe, and the sailors were punished for this, so they came up with the idea of ​​hanging a leather flap under the pigtail. Pigtails are no longer worn in the Navy, and the leather flap has turned into a blue collar, reminding us of the old days. The sailors have a wide blue collar with three white stripes on their shoulders, like a wave with white foam - without it, the uniform is not uniform. There is another version: sailor collar the hood was transformed, with which the sailors were closed from splashes.

Peakless caps were established in November 1811 - as "... an everyday, everyday headdress." But the ribbons on them appeared later - in 1857. Sailors got ribbons from those distant times when sailors wore uncomfortable wide-brimmed hats. During a storm or strong wind hats were tied with scarves. Scarves were given to sailors by wives, mothers, brides. They embroidered words of prayers, their names, anchors on scarves with golden threads.

Over time, hats turned into caps, and scarves into ribbons. In November 1872, by order of the Admiral General (head of the entire fleet and the Naval Department), the type of inscriptions, the size of the letters and the shape of the anchors on the ribbons, as well as their length, were precisely determined - 140 centimeters.

Telnyashka - knitted sweatshirt with white and blue transverse stripes. The vest, as a kind of naval clothing, appeared during the sailing fleet. Initially, vests were made from a harsh linen. In the second half of the 19th century, white and blue stripes appeared on this shirt. This was justified by practical necessity: sailors working on masts in such clothes were better visible from the deck against the background of the sky, sea and sails. In addition, if a sailor fell overboard, he, in a shirt with stripes, was easier to find on the surface of the sea. The vest, in comparison with other uniforms, is very practical: it retains heat well, fits the body tightly, does not interfere with free movement in any type of activity, is very convenient when washing and practically does not wrinkle. On August 19, 1874, the vest was officially declared a mandatory element. sea ​​uniform"for the lower ranks". Many years have passed, a lot has changed in the Navy, but this type of marine clothing "remained afloat". Many generations of Russian, Soviet, Russian sailors have not imagined and cannot imagine life without a vest. This shirt fell in love with sailors and eventually became a symbol of naval prowess and brotherhood. The combination of stripes on the vest symbolizes the blue of the sky and the white crests of running waves. Repeating the colors of the St. Andrew's flag, the vest reminds the sailor of the sea and the ship. And it is no coincidence that the second, informal name of this truly popular element of marine equipment sounds proudly and significantly - "sea soul"!

Guess the riddle

He drove around the earth

And ships and ships

He has seen many countries

My acquaintance...

Answer: Captain

Right. The commander of the ship is the captain, he is responsible not only for the ship, but also for all the people who are on the ship. Everyone on the ship is under the command of the captain. There are many other positions and professions on ships: boatswain, radio operator, cook, sailor, navigator.

The navigator is the specialist that no ship can do without. They say this: any sailor can go to sea, but only the navigator can bring the ship back to the port. No wonder the need for such specialists was recognized back in the time of Peter the Great. 310 years ago, by decree of Peter I, a school of mathematical and navigational sciences (Navigation School) was created in Russia. Since then, January 25 has been considered the official founding date of the Navigator Service of the Russian Navy. The navigator usually performs the following duties: plots the course, calculates the movements and marks the movement on the map, and also monitors the proper operation of navigational instruments. After all, it is the navigator who must determine and establish security measures so that nothing prevents the ship at sea from fulfilling all assigned tasks.

Today we got acquainted with the history of the Russian Navy. We learned about the two main people on the ship: the captain and navigator. But each crew member also plays an important role on the ship, as the song sings "The crew is one family", the author of the text (lyrics): Pogorelsky Yu .; composer (music): Pleshak V.

We need anchors and thunderstorms for service,
We need a charter that all sailors remember.
We need a flag that flies over the blue wave,
And most importantly, the Motherland is Russia.

And then water is like earth to us.
And then we have a family crew.
And then any of us do not mind -
Though all my life to serve in the navy.

Elena Karamushko
Acquaintance of preschoolers with the history of the emergence of the Russian fleet. Synopsis of GCD in senior group"Navy"

GCD in senior group on the topic: « Navy» .

Goals: Give an idea about navy; to acquaint with the history of the emergence of the Russian fleet; with professions on the ship; arouse interest in seafarers; evoke a sense of admiration and pride in our fleet. On final stage hold a collective drawing: « Navy» .

Equipment: paintings sea ​​ships, attributes for games, sheets of paper, paints, pencils for drawing.

Course progress.

On the central wall are images of military courts, sea ​​waves, seagulls, Russian flag.

caregiver: Guys, we live in a country called Russia. Russia is our Fatherland. Our country has an army, just like other countries. Soldiers, sailors, pilots, border guards serve in the army. They are called defenders of the Fatherland. Soon the holiday of our army will come - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23rd.

There are various types of troops in the army - such an army strong: she can protect her country at sea, on land, and in the air. Today we will talk about navy.

Guys, look at the pictures. What do they show?

Children: Ships, sailors.

caregiver: Guys why the fleet is called maritime? And who is the most important on the ship? (captain). Who else is on the ship besides the captain?

Children: sailors.

caregiver: Right. But besides the sailors, guys, there is a boatswain, a navigator, a mechanic, a radio operator, a military doctor, a cook, a signalman on the ship. Do you know what each of them does?

Children: Cook - cooks food. The doctor heals. The mechanic is doing repair work.

caregiver: The radio operator transmits signals by radio. The navigator is at the helm. The signalman transmits signals with flags to other ships. Imagine if someone is not. The team must work together and coherently.

caregiver: Guys, do you know how the first warship appeared in Rus'? It was built with the help of foreign craftsmen Peter the Great. Great Russian emperor. By the end of the reign of Peter the Great, Russia became one of the strongest maritime powers of Europe.

Children come out "sailors"

1. We guys love the sea.

Over the seas and over the waves

In combat we go on patrol,

Today here, tomorrow there.

2. The captain will order strictly

Let the cars run at full speed.

Hello blue road!

Our ship is sailing.

3. Cap and vest

And on the anchor ribbons,

Large buckle on the belt

The sailor is not given in vain!

caregiver: These are the brave sailors we have. Do you know the proverbs about the army?


The brave enemy will not take.

A brave fighter and well done in battle.

Hero for the motherland.

To live is to serve the motherland.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

caregiver: Well done boys! With all the tasks

The sailor must cope

Fast and dexterous

Dress in your uniform!

A game: who will quickly put on a shirt, a vest and a peakless cap.

caregiver: Now let's play a game "One is many".

Tanker - tankers - a lot tankers; pilot - pilots - many pilots; sailor, soldier, warrior, hero, rocket, checker, cap, infantryman, paratrooper, border guard.

caregiver: Let's have a little rest - we will solve riddles.

1. To make a strong wave

The ship could not be moved

We quickly throw the chain overboard,

We lower the load into the water. (anchor)

2. To see me in the distance,

Steamboats, ships,

I'll take a quick look at it.

I will tell the whole team. (binoculars)

3. The arrow swings back and forth,

Shows us north and south without difficulty. (compass)


Our own army

Guards the peace of the country,

So that you grow up, not knowing troubles.

Let there be no war!

And now it's time for all of us

shout out: "Army - hurrah!"

Children draw on the topic: « Navy» .

Used Books.

Zatsepina M. B. Days of the military fame: Patriotic education preschoolers: To work with children 5-7 years old. -M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.-112 p.