Prospects for Russian naval aviation. Flying power of the Navy: what is Russian naval aviation armed with? Naval aviation uniform

22.09.2019 Food and drink

In the second half of 1945, new ones began to arrive into service with the mine and torpedo aviation units of the Navy Air Force. The 5th Guards were the first to receive them. MTAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force and the 64th DBAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force. Over the next two years, the regiments of the 8th and 19th MTAD of the Baltic Fleet Air Force and the 567th Guards were re-equipped with these aircraft. MTAP Air Force Pacific Fleet.

On February 16, 1946, by decree of the PVS of the USSR, the NK of the Navy was abolished. The Navy, subordinate to the Minister of the Armed Forces, became known as the Navy. In accordance with this order of the Civil Code of the Navy No. 0100 dated March 26, 1946, the Air Force of the Navy was renamed Aviation of the Naval Forces, and the main directorate of the Navy Air Force was transformed into “obscure” Naval Air Commander's controls. They included: command, secretariat, headquarters, air defense department, IAS department, naval air supply department, airfield department and several departments (inspector, VMAUZ, personnel, financial and general). The same order carried out the transition to peacetime states. In the same year, the flight units armed with aircraft of this type were subject to decommissioning and, as a result, were disbanded. So only in the Pacific Fleet Air Force by 1947 the 117th OMDRAP, 31st, 47th, 57th, 63rd OMBRAE and 5th BRAZ were disbanded. A similar picture was observed in the air forces of other navies.

As of July 1, 1946, there were 5,252 aircraft in Naval Aviation, including 1,059 imported aircraft of all types, including 1,159 domestic fighters, 727 bombers and torpedo bombers, 482 attack aircraft, and 330 domestic boat aircraft. Another 1,455 aircraft were in educational institutions and naval aviation units.

In 1946-1950 There was an urgent need to streamline and reduce the vast post-war army economy, in light of which a wave of renaming of units, formations and associations swept across the entire Armed Forces. It did not bypass Naval Aviation either. The end of 1947 was marked by significant organizational and staffing changes for Naval Aviation. On December 15, 1947, in accordance with the NGSH Navy circular No. 0036 dated 10/07/1947, Naval Aviation switched to the standard organization of the Soviet Army Air Force. From now on, a unified system of unit and formation numbers was established for them. Based on the same document, a number of units of the Navy Air Force were renamed, receiving the numbers of the assault and fighter regiments of the SA Air Force that had been disbanded by that time. Thus, the 29th and 40th APPB of the Black Fleet Air Force became the 565th and 569th DBAP, the 17th Guards, 55th APPB and 64th DBAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force - respectively, the 567th Guards, 568- m and 570th MTAP, and the 95th AP of the Northern Fleet Air Force - 574th MTAP. Two divisions of dive bombers (13th ADPB of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force and 10th ADPB of the Pacific Fleet Air Force) were also reorganized. They became, respectively, the 88th DBAD (MTAD) and the 89th MTAD. “As unnecessary,” attack aviation was abolished (although this was done a little later in the SA Air Force). Attack aircraft divisions and regiments were disbanded or reorganized into fighter and bomber units. From that time on, the aviation regiments were transferred from three-squadron to four-squadron strengths. This consolidation turned out to be not very successful, given that several flight units were usually stationed at the airfields of the air force fleets, and difficulties arose in organizing joint flights.

Another important organizational event for Naval Aviation was the division of the Baltic Fleet in 1946, and the Pacific Fleet in 1947, into two independent operational-strategic formations each. This is how the 4th and 8th Navy appeared in the Baltic and the 5th and 7th Navy in Pacific Ocean. Each such fleet had its own air force. There are suggestions that the same fate should have befallen the Northern Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet, but for a number of reasons this was not done.

In the first post-war five-year period, the process of reduction of Naval Aviation proceeded steadily: out of 19 aviation divisions, 16 remained (at the end of 1947, the 12th ShAD, 14th and 17th SAD were disbanded). The air force of the fleets then had 75 aviation regiments (of which 11 were mine-torpedo regiments). The personnel and equipment of the disbanded units became part of the regiments that were not subject to disbandment.

In 1947-1948 The aviation of all military flotillas, naval defensive areas and bases was liquidated. This, in general, did not particularly affect the quantitative and qualitative composition of Naval Aviation, since, often, the entire aviation of a flotilla consisted of a single squadron or unit of auxiliary aviation.

Based on the circular of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces dated August 28, 1948, the air defense department and the general department were abolished in the structure of the command and control bodies of the Commander of Naval Aviation. However, the task of air defense in coastal areas continued to be assigned to formations and units of fighter aviation of the fleets.

In April 1949, in accordance with the circular of the National General Staff of the Navy No. 0119 dated 03/09/1949, the flight units of the Naval Aviation returned to the old, time-tested three-squadron system.

By the beginning of the 1950s, despite its impressive numerical strength, Naval Aviation had a morally and physically outdated aircraft fleet. It was necessary to take immediate measures to re-equip it with modern types of aircraft. The piston aircraft was being replaced by the era of jet aircraft. To quickly retrain combat units on new equipment, at the end of 1950, training squadrons were formed in all fleets under the control of the MTA and IA aviation divisions. They existed until mid-1953 - early 1954, and, having completed their task, were disbanded.

On February 26, 1950, the main command of the Navy was renamed the Navy Ministry of the USSR. At the beginning of March, on the basis of resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 804/293, the Main Naval Headquarters began to be called the Naval General Staff. In accordance with the MGSH circular dated March 16, 1950, the control bodies of the Commander of Naval Aviation underwent another transformation. Their structure began to include: command, secretariat, headquarters, IAS directorate, engineering and airfield directorate, rear of the Naval Air Force, VMAUZ directorate and departments (flight service, aeromedicine, stock and financial, qualification commission). In addition, the Naval Air Force headquarters included directorates (operational, combat training, communications, experimental construction of aircraft) and departments (intelligence, navigation, military-scientific, meteorological, secret office work, general and encryption).

Since 1951, fighter aviation, armed mainly with Yak-9, La-7, La-9, La-11, R-63 aircraft, was the first in the Navy to begin retraining for MiG-15 jet aircraft, and since 1953. - on the MiG-17. Early that year, a number of MA Navy regiments changed their numbers again, this time to four-digit ones.

The next stage of reforms began on April 21, 1951, when the USSR Minister of Defense, by order No. 0188, set the deadline for re-equipping MTA units with Tu-14t and Il-28t jet torpedo bombers. In 1951-1953 The regiments, previously armed with , and , were completely retrained and re-equipped from piston aircraft to jet technology. The first regiment to retrain on the Il-28 was the 1531st Guards in August 1951. MTAP Air Force of the 8th Navy, and in October the 1676th MTAP Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet began retraining. At the end of 1951, he began retraining the 567th Guards. MTAP Air Force of the 5th Navy. In April and May 1952, the newly formed 1941st MTAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force also retrained on the Tu-14t. In total, by the second half of 1952, eight mine and torpedo regiments had already been re-equipped with Il-28t and Tu-14t.

Reconnaissance aviation units began to master the reconnaissance version of the Il-28 aircraft in March 1952 (1733rd ORAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force, AE of the 15th ODRAP of the 8th Navy Air Force and AE of the 50th Guards ODRAP of the 5th Navy Air Force).

In the late 1940s - mid 1950s. A number of units and formations of SA Air Force fighter aircraft were transferred to the Navy Air Force. Thus, the 60th, 108th and 237th Guards were accepted in the Baltic. NAD, in the North - 107th and 122nd IAD, on the Black Sea - 181st IAD, in the Pacific Ocean - 147th and 249th IAD. In addition, a number of units and formations of the SA Air Force bomber aviation were also transferred to Naval Aviation. In the Baltic, the 4th Guards was transferred to the Fleet Air Force. BAD and 57th TBAD, on the Black Sea - 819th Guards. BAP, in the Pacific Ocean - 169 Guards. TBAP and 194th dietary supplement. This was an attempt to protect them from future layoffs. At the same time, they, as a rule, changed their numbering, and sometimes their purpose (bomber regiments and divisions became mine-torpedo units).

In 1952, new aviation equipment - helicopters - entered service with Naval Aviation. The first unit armed with them was the 220th separate aviation detachment of Ka-10 helicopters, formed in Sevastopol. These machines could hardly be called full-fledged aircraft, but time has shown that they are the future. Already by the mid-1950s. separate squadrons of basic (on Mi-4) and naval helicopters (on Ka-15) were created in the fleets: 255th, 507th and 509th UAEV in the Baltic, 1222nd and 272nd UAE on the Black Sea, 504th UAE in the North.

Based on the directive of the Moscow General Staff of the Navy dated February 21, 1953, the military scientific, navigational department and some other divisions were liquidated in the control bodies of the Naval Air Force.

By June 1953, in the Far East, the 5th and 7th Navy were united into a single Pacific Fleet, and, accordingly, a single Pacific Fleet Air Force reappeared on the basis of their air force. In the Baltic, this process occurred a little later: in February 1956, the two fleets merged, and a single Baltic Fleet Air Force was formed at the air force base of the 4th and 8th Navy.

By January 1, 1954, the Naval Air Force had 10 mine-torpedo, 20 fighter and 10 reconnaissance air regiments, as well as 29 separate squadrons and detachments.

In 1955, modern Tu-16 jet aircraft began to arrive in the mine-torpedo aviation unit. Although the Il-28 and Tu-14 often continued to be used in combat units, until 1960. The first regiment to retrain on the Tu-16 was the 240th Guards. MTAP 57th MTAD Baltic Fleet Air Force. Initially, the new aircraft were used in a bomber, torpedo-carrying and anti-submarine version, and from 1957 - in a missile-carrying version.

It should be noted that, unlike the SA Air Force, where Long-Range Aviation in the mid-1950s massively rearmed itself with the Tu-4 piston long-range bomber, this did not happen in the Navy Aviation. In addition to the 124th TAP (MTAP) of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, the 240th Guards. TAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force and a separate control detachment of the 143rd MTAD of the Pacific Fleet Air Force, these aircraft did not enter service, and those that did were taken from Air Force units.

In 1956, the central apparatus of the Naval Aviation once again changed its name. Now he began to be called aviation authorities of the Navy.

Based on the directive of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated April 20, 1956, attack aviation in the Air Force and Navy was subject to disbandment. But Naval Aviation lost it two years earlier, when the last attack formation, the 601st ShAD Air Force of the 4th Navy, was reorganized into a fighter division.

The intensive development of submarine forces in the United States, especially the construction of submarines with nuclear power plants, has significantly increased the combat capabilities of the latter. Under these conditions, Naval Aviation was faced with the task of searching and destroying them. To successfully solve it, it was necessary to create a special type of aviation - anti-submarine aviation, since until 1956 this was mainly done by reconnaissance and mine-torpedo aircraft. The first anti-submarine aircraft of the Fleet Aviation was the Be-6 flying boat, and helicopters for a similar purpose were the shore-based Mi-4 and the ship-based Ka-15. Creation anti-submarine aviation required the creation of new means of detecting submarines. Therefore, in 1953, the Baku radiohydroacoustic system was created, which was equipped with Be-6 aircraft and Mi-4, Ka-15 helicopters. At the end of the 1950s. it was also not equipped a large number of aircraft Tu-16pl. The Baku system consisted of passive non-directional buoys RSL-N (Iva) and aircraft on-board equipment that received, analyzed and processed information coming from the RSL. In parallel with the development of aviation RSL, the creation of a helicopter lowered hydroacoustic station (OGAS “AG-19”) was underway. The Mi-4 and Ka-15 helicopters were initially armed with it. Aviation search magnetometers - APM-50, and in 1960 - APM-60 were developed and put into service in 1950.

From December 1, 1957, on the basis of the directive of the Civil Code of the Navy No. OMU/4/30250 dated July 20, 1957, linear training was introduced in Naval Aviation. From now on, all regiments are divided into parts of the 1st and 2nd lines. Units and subunits of the 1st line were planned to have large flight hours to train flight personnel, and the 2nd line was planned to maintain the already achieved level of flight training.

In the spring of 1958, individual squadrons of base and ship-based Mi-4m and Ka-15 helicopters in all fleets were reorganized into helicopter regiments. Thus, the 853rd and 872nd OAPV appear in the Black Sea, the 830th OAPV in the North, the 413th and 437th OAPV in the Baltic, and the 710th and 720th OAPV in the Pacific Fleet. They were staffed by the flight and technical personnel of the fighter units disbanded this year.

In the period 1956-1960. Naval Aviation, which was then entrusted with solving air defense problems in the coastal zone, was called Air Force and Navy Air Defense. But already in 1957, in connection with the reorganization of the country's air defense system, the first wave of transfer of fighter units and formations from the Air Force took place there.

Naval Aviation continued to improve continuously in the second half of the 1950s. A new formidable weapon began to enter its arsenal - an aircraft cruise missile. In 1957-1961 mine-torpedo aircraft successfully mastered new missile systems. Following the Tu-16ks missile system, the Tu-16k-10 missile system was adopted into service in 1959, intended primarily for the destruction of large surface ships. It consisted of a Tu-16k carrier aircraft and one K-10 missile. The 170th Guards were the first to rearm with the new missile system. MTAP DD Air Force BF, 924th Guards. and the 987th MTAP AD of the Northern Fleet Air Force. They were followed by the 240th Guards. MTAP DD Air Force BF, 5th Guards. and 124th MTAP DD Air Force Black Sea Fleet, 169th Guards. and the 570th MTAP DD Air Force Pacific Fleet, which received these weapons in 1960-1961.

In 1960, the Armed Forces of the USSR underwent a new catastrophic “reform” associated with the name of the then leader of the country N.S. Khrushchev. 1.2 million people were dismissed from the army. The newest ships and planes went under the knife, giving way to another fashionable toy - the rocket. All fighter aircraft were excluded from the Navy Air Force, and most mine-torpedo units and formations were also disbanded; at the same time, in fact, many thousands of flight and technical personnel were abandoned to the mercy of fate. At the end of 1960, the Air Force and Air Defense fleets began to be called fleet aviation(and the Air Force and Air Defense Directorate of the Navy was renamed Naval Aviation Directorate); The departments themselves were reduced by half.

During these sad processes, a new strike force of the Soviet Navy was born - its naval missile-carrying and anti-submarine aviation. Since May 1961, on the basis of the order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 0028 of March 20, 1961 and the order of the Navy Civil Code No. 048 of April 13, 1961, all mine-torpedo regiments and divisions began to be called naval missile-carrying regiments (while in the Air Force SA similar units and formations retained the name heavy bomber).

After 1961, the structure of Naval Aviation was completely defined. The air force of each fleet had a naval missile-carrying aviation division (except for the Pacific Fleet, where there were two MRADs), one reconnaissance regiment, 1-2 helicopter regiments (squadrons), an anti-submarine and transport regiment. There were also separate squadrons for special purposes. This composition remained virtually unchanged until the mid-1980s, when the fleet aviation was replenished with assault regiments.

In 1962, the combat capabilities of anti-submarine aviation expanded significantly with the adoption of the new Il-38 anti-submarine aircraft complex, which had an automated search and targeting system "Berkut", into service with Naval Aviation. But this aircraft began to arrive in combat units of the Air Forces of the fleets a little later: in 1967 at the airport. Kipelovo (SF) the 24th OPLAP DD was formed, armed with Il-38 aircraft. Behind him in 1969 at the air. Nikolaevka (Pacific Fleet) was formed by the 77th OPLAP DD, and in 1975 these aircraft were received by the 145th OPAAE DDAaviation BF, based at the aer. Skulte (Riga).

In 1962, the MRA received another aviation missile system - the Tu-16k-16 with the KSR-2 missile, designed to destroy ships of the destroyer-frigate class. The carrier aircraft could suspend and use two such missiles. A significant difference between the KSR-2 AKR and older types of missiles was that after it was uncoupled, the Tu-16 could turn back on its course, and the missile itself followed the target, while the K-10 and KS AKRs needed continuous “illumination” of the target onboard RAS of the aircraft. The first to re-equip themselves with the new missile system were: in 1963 - the 540th MRAP (II) of the 33rd TsBP and PAS and the 568th MRAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force, then, in 1964 - the 12th OMRAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, and in 1967 g. - 49th MRAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force. The adoption of a new missile system significantly expanded the combat capabilities of missile-carrying divisions. Now in a missile salvo it was possible to use two types of missiles with different speed and altitude characteristics, which created serious problems for the air defense system of the enemy naval group. It should be said that later, on the basis of the K-10 and KSR-2 missiles, specialized AKR K-Yusp and KSR-11 were developed and put into service, the first of which was an unmanned electronic jammer, and the second was an anti-radar missile that hit radio sources . MRA units began practicing the integrated use of these new types of weapons.

In 1962, the Navy reconnaissance aircraft received the Tu-22r supersonic reconnaissance aircraft. He entered first the 15th ODRAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, and then the 30th ODRAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force. This aircraft, although it was in service with several bomber and reconnaissance regiments of the DA, however, did not gain much love from the flight personnel due to its high accident rate. Perhaps that is why it was not supplied to the Navy aviation in a missile-carrying version (although there were plans to re-equip one of the regiments of the 3rd MRAD in the Pacific Fleet Air Force with it).

In 1963, the Tu-16k-26 complex with the KSR-5 supersonic missile was adopted by the MRA. Two missiles could be suspended from the carrier aircraft. Later, after modification, the Tu-16k-10 complex could be armed with three missiles (one K-10 and two KSR-2, KSR-5 or KSR-11, in various combinations). It was named Tu-16k-10-26. In the early 1970s. MRA units armed with Tu-16k-26 aircraft systems began to receive the KSR-5p anti-radar missile, capable of hitting operational enemy ship-based and ground-based missile systems.

It can be said, without exaggeration, that with the arrival of all this missile technology, the combat power of naval missile-carrying aircraft has increased significantly, without increasing the number of carrier aircraft. And even in the late 1990s, having re-equipped the supersonic missile carrier Tu-22MZ with the Kh-22 missile, MRA pilots recalled with nostalgia the good old and practically trouble-free Tu-16.

Reconnaissance aircraft also continued to develop. In 1963 at the air. Severomorsk-1 (SF Air Force) the 392nd ODRAP was formed, armed with the latest strategic aircraft at that time - Tu-95rts reconnaissance aircraft, equipped with electronic and radio reconnaissance complexes, as well as “Success” target designation equipment. By 1965, this regiment was relocated to its place of permanent deployment, at the air. Kipelovo. In 1965, the 867th Guards was rearmed with the Tu-95rts. ODRAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force at the air. Khorol. The Tu-95rts aircraft in one flight was capable of revealing the situation in an area of ​​8-10 million km?, detecting and identifying surface targets in it, which corresponded to the survey of the same area by 10 Tu-16r aircraft. In addition, it could automatically provide target designation data to the missile systems of the fleet’s strike forces.

In 1965, the short-range aviation anti-submarine complex Be-12 was adopted by the Navy Aviation. They were rearmed with aircraft of this type: in 1965 - the 318th OPLAP DD (Donuzlav airport), in 1967 - the 122nd OPLAP DD (Elizovo airport), in 1968 - the 403rd OPLAP DD (airport . Severomorsk-2), in 1969 - 289th OPLAP DD (Nikolaevka airfield), in 1970 - 17th OPLAP DD (Kosa airborne). Previously, all these flight units were armed with Be-6 flying boats.

Since 1965, the Ka-25pl shipborne helicopter has been mass-produced for Naval Aviation. The helicopter began to arrive in combat units in the same year - in the 872nd ORP of the Black Fleet Aviation and the 710th ORP of the Pacific Fleet Aviation. Ka-25pl helicopters entered the aviation of the Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet: in the 830th ORP and 745th ORP - in 1967 and 1969, respectively.

In 1969, the leadership of the Navy decided to serially produce the more advanced ship-based anti-submarine helicopter Ka-27pl, and in 1973 it began to enter service with combat units. The first to receive it in the same year was the 872nd OKPLVP of the Black Sea Fleet Aviation.

In 1969, to expand the coverage area of ​​our anti-submarine forces into the ocean, a long-range aviation complex, the Tu-142, was adopted into service with the submarines. Although the anti-submarine weapons of the Tu-142 were similar to those of the Il-38 aircraft, its tactical radius was up to 4000 km, versus 2300 km for the latter. Aircraft of this type entered service with the newly formed air force. Kipelovo - 76th OPLAP AD SF Air Force (1969), and at the air. Khorol - 310th OPLAP AD VSTOF (1976).

Since the late 1960s. to the beginning of the 1990s. Naval Aviation successfully carried out combat service in the advanced areas of the world's oceans. The tasks of the Armed Forces were solved both from the decks of single and group-based aircraft carriers (745th ORP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, 78th and 872nd OCPLVP of the Black Fleet Air Force, 38th and 830th OCPLVP, 279th OKSHAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force, 207th , 710th OKPLVP, 175th OKPLVE, 311th OKSHAP Pacific Fleet Air Force), and from airfields of foreign countries. The geography of the deployment of naval aviators at foreign airfields is quite extensive: Egypt and Syria in the Mediterranean, Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen in the Indian Ocean, Cuba, Guinea and Angola in the Atlantic, Vietnam in the Pacific Ocean. At the airfields of these countries: Cairo, Aswan, Mersa Matrouh, Asmara, Hargeisa, Aden, El-Anad, Dahlak, Havana, Conakry, Luanda, Cam Ranh, Da Nang, aviation units and support units from the air force of the fleets were based. Areas of responsibility were also divided between the fleets. The crews of the 318th OPLAP and the 30th ODRAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, the 967th ODRAP and the 912th OTAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force worked in the Mediterranean Sea. The crews of the 392nd ODRAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force flew to the Atlantic for combat service, and the crews of the 145th OPLAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, the 77th OPLAP, the 710th OKPLVP and the 304th Guards flew to the Indian Ocean. ODRAP Air Force Pacific Fleet.

In Vietnam until 1982 on air. Da Nang was based in a mixed detachment of Tu-95rts and Tu-142m aircraft, from the 304th Guards. ODRAP and 310th OPLAP Pacific Fleet Air Force. Since 1982, by agreement with the government of Vietnam, at the air. Cam Ranh was deployed on a permanent basis by the 169th Guards Mixed Aviation Regiment (formerly 169th Guards MRAP), which, in addition to a squadron of Tu-142 and Tu-95rts aircraft, had a squadron of Tu-16k-10 missile carriers and Tu electronic warfare aircraft -16sps. Since 1984, a squadron of MiG-23mld fighters, formed from personnel and aircraft of the 1st VA Air Force, was added to them. This was the only case in the history of the Navy Air Force, since the withdrawal of our troops from China in 1955, of an entire aviation regiment being based at a foreign airfield along with support units. However, in 1993, after the collapse Soviet Union, a foreign page was closed in the history of Naval Aviation when the 362nd Guards was disbanded. OSAE (in 1989 the 169th Guards OSAP was reorganized into it), and in 2000 - the 128th Aviation Technical Commandant's Office at the air. Cam Ranh.

In 1974, the supersonic Tu-22M2 aircraft with variable wing geometry, capable of carrying three Kh-22M AKRs, entered service with the MRA. The first regiments to retrain in new type aircraft, became the 943rd MRAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force and the 240th Guards. MRAP Air Force BF. The Pacific received a new aircraft much later: in 1980. - 568th MRAP, in 1982 - 570th MRAP, and only in 1991 - 183rd MRAP.

In the mid-1970s. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers (TAKR) Project 1143 were introduced into the combat strength of the USSR Navy, capable, unlike the Moskva-type anti-ship missiles, of carrying not only helicopters, but also vertical take-off and landing aircraft Yak-38. At the same time, attack aircraft were revived as part of Naval Aviation. The Kyiv aircraft carrier was built for the Northern Fleet. The Pacific Fleet received two other ships: the Minsk and Novorossiysk aircraft carriers. For basing on them, in addition to shipborne helicopter regiments, shipborne assault aviation regiments were formed as part of the Aviation of the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet. In December 1973 at the air. Saki began the formation of the 279th separate naval assault aviation regiment, armed with Yak-38 aircraft, for the Northern Fleet Air Force. To train flight personnel for new aircraft, in September 1976 at the airport. Saki, the 299th separate ship-based instructor and research assault aviation regiment is being formed. In October 1976, as part of the Pacific Fleet Air Force at the air. The 311th separate naval assault aviation regiment is being formed at the marina.

Since 1975, coastal-based assault units have appeared in Naval Aviation. Then the 846th Guards. The Baltic Fleet Air Force OPLAP was reorganized into the 846th Guards Separate Marine Attack Aviation Regiment. In December 1982 at the air. At the pier, another assault unit was formed - the 173rd Separate Naval Assault Aviation Regiment. Both regiments received Su-17m aircraft.

In 1975, the next large-scale exercise of the USSR Navy, Ocean-75, was planned and carried out. For the first time, they practiced joint operations of reconnaissance and anti-submarine aircraft from foreign airfields in Cuba, Africa and Asia. Missile-carrying aviation of the Baltic Fleet and Black Sea Fleet performed inter-theater maneuvers during the exercises.

In March 1980, the Fleet Aviation was once again renamed Air Force fleets. At that time, Naval Aviation was an impressive force and had five naval missile-carrying divisions (13 missile-carrying regiments on Tu-16 and Tu-22m aircraft). There were also two reconnaissance regiments on the Tu-95rts, two regiments on the Tu-22r, a regiment and two squadrons on the Tu-16r. In 1983, the first and only 35th anti-submarine aviation division of the Northern Fleet Air Force was formed (two regiments flying Tu-142 aircraft). Two regiments and one squadron flew Il-38 aircraft, and another three regiments and two squadrons were armed with Be-12 amphibians. Six regiments and three squadrons were armed with helicopters. The special aviation included a separate electronic warfare regiment and four transport regiments. The assault aviation was represented by two naval assault and two naval assault regiments. In addition, a separate transport regiment was directly subordinate to the commander of the Navy Air Force, and the 33rd TsBP and PLS had instructor and research units: a missile-carrying regiment, a ship assault regiment, a helicopter regiment and an anti-submarine squadron.

In 1989, as part of the Treaty on the Reduction of Conventional Arms in Europe, a number of units and formations of bomber, attack and fighter aircraft were transferred from the country's Air Force to Naval Aviation. Thus, the Black Fleet Air Force was transferred to the 119th IAD (86th Guards IAP, 161st IAP, 841st Guards MAPIB) and the 43rd OMSHAP, the Baltic Fleet Air Force - the 132nd BAD (4th Guards BAP , 321st BAP, 668th BAP) and 66th APIB, SF Air Force -88th APIB.

The experience of operating Yak-38 attack aircraft from the deck of the Kiev, Minsk and Novorossiysk aircraft carriers helped to find a fundamental new way the use of conventional aircraft. We are talking about a springboard takeoff of an aircraft with an aerofinish landing. The ship capable of carrying such aircraft was the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Project 1143.5, which at the end of 1991 became part of the Northern Fleet under the name “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov.” Domestic front-line aircraft MiG-29 and Su-27 in naval version were chosen as the aviation complexes of this ship. The basis of its carrier-based aviation was the 279th MShAP. In March 1993, the first 4 Su-27k aircraft were transported from the aircraft plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur to the airport. Severomorsk-3. By the end of the tests, the regiment already had 24 aircraft of this type. At the same time, the regiment was reorganized into the 279th separate naval fighter aviation regiment, which was supposed to be armed with Su-27k, MiG-29k, Su-25utg aircraft. Together with the 830th OKPLVP, it formed the 57th mixed naval aviation division of the Northern Fleet Air Force. The new division adopted the number and honorary names from the 57th MRAD of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, disbanded in December 1991.

By the beginning of the 1990s. The country is experiencing decisive changes in the socio-political and economic spheres. But they have not yet touched much on Naval Aviation. Moreover, by January 1, 1991, the Naval Aviation Headquarters planned to have 45 air regiments and several separate squadrons in the combat composition of Naval Aviation, which were supposed to contain 1388 aircraft and 542 helicopters. In reality, by this time, Naval Aviation had 52 regiments, 10 separate squadrons and air groups with 1,701 aircraft and 363 helicopters, of which 372 were missile carriers, 966 fighters, attack aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft.

But then came December 1991, and the Soviet Union collapsed. For almost another year, the destructive whirlwinds of collapse almost did not touch the Navy Aviation, but, in the end, they reached it. The basing system was the first to begin to collapse. The aviators had to leave long-established airfields in Belarus (together with the 57th MRAD), Georgia (841st JGV. OPLVE) and the Baltic states (132nd MShAD). The naval aviation airfields in Ukraine also became a stumbling block. In addition to them, two training centers came under the jurisdiction of Ukraine - in Nikolaev and Saki.

In September 1992, the Navy Air Force Directorate was renamed Directorate of the Commander of Naval Aviation.

In 1993, another landslide reduction in Naval Aviation began. Under a far-fetched pretext - due to “low reliability” - aircraft with one engine were withdrawn from service: Su-17, MiG-27, MiG-23 - and, accordingly, the flight units armed with them were disbanded. (It should be noted that the same and similar aircraft continue to fly successfully abroad to this day). Then came the turn of the Tu-16 and Tu-95rts aircraft, which formed the basis of naval missile-carrying and reconnaissance aircraft. At the same time, due to the high accident rate, a ban was given on flights of Tu-22M2 aircraft. They were placed in storage for subsequent disposal. Thus, the following types of aircraft remained in service with Naval Aviation:

  • MRA -Tu-22mZ;
  • RzA - Su-24m, Su-24mr, An-12rr;
  • PLA - Be-12pl, Il-38, Tu-142mz, Tu-142k, Ka-27pl, Mi-14pl;
  • SHA - Su-24m;
  • TrA - Tu-134, Tu-154, Il-18, An-12, An-26, An-72, Mi-8;
  • SpA- Il-20rt, Il-22, Tu-142mr, Be-12ps, Mi-14ps, Mi-14bshz, Ka-27ps, Ka-27tl, Ka-27e.

In 1994, all military formations of the Navy, Air Force, Air Defense and Ground Forces stationed in the Kaliningrad region were united into the Joint Group of Troops and Forces of the Baltic Fleet. The aviation component of this group became known as the Air Force and Air Defense of the Baltic Fleet.

By the beginning of 1995, Naval Aviation remained with 2 air divisions of two regiments, 23 separate regiments, 8 separate squadrons, a group of ekranoplanes and 2 training centers. This year it lost its reconnaissance aircraft. Individual reconnaissance squadrons were disbanded, and the entire fleet of reconnaissance aircraft over the next two years consisted of several An-12pp aircraft, which were part of transport regiments, and even then they were used mainly for transport and “commercial” transportation.

By mid-1996, the strength of the Navy Aviation was 695 aircraft, of which 66 missile carriers, 116 anti-submarine aircraft, 118 fighters and attack aircraft and 365 helicopters and special aircraft.

At the beginning of 1997, the staff strength of Naval Aviation was 619 aircraft and 716 crews. In February, 13 Ka-29tb helicopters were transferred to the Aviation of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which became unnecessary for the Navy Air Force. The remaining helicopters of this type quietly lived out their lives in a semi-disassembled state in the so-called “storage groups”, on the outskirts of airfields (although in the states of the 289th OPLAP and 317th SAP until 2007 they were still listed - 2 and 1 units, respectively ). The sailors remembered these specialized helicopters with “quiet sadness” at the end of 2008, when to fight pirates in the Gulf of Aden they had to use Ka-27ps helicopters with an improvised installation of a machine gun on board...

On November 1, 1997, the Directorate of the Commander of Naval Aviation was once again renamed Directorate of the Commander of Naval Aviation.

In 1998, the reorganization of Naval Aviation in the Far East took place. In Kamchatka, the 6th Air Defense Division and the 317th OSAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force were transformed into the Aviation and Air Defense Group of the Joint Command of Troops and Forces in the North-East of the Russian Federation (Aviation and air defense OKVS). The Navy MA included one missile-carrying division of two regiments, 12 separate regiments and 7 separate squadrons.

Then the leapfrog of renamings continued. Since 2000, Naval Aviation began to be called Naval Aviation of the Navy(at the same time, no one could clearly say what the essence of this renaming was), but already on September 1, 2002, the department of the commander of the Navy MA was renamed Directorate of the Chief of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy(for the second time since the mid-1950s, having received such a name). Now in Naval Aviation, instead of the position of commander, the position of chief has been introduced. How sadly the troops joked: “So soon we’ll reach the head of aviation.” It should be said that such a change in the name of the head of the Navy Aviation had another negative side. His status in the Navy leadership hierarchy and job category were lowered. Now from Colonel General she was demoted to Lieutenant General. Corresponding changes took place in the fleets. Since that time, there have been aviation associations there, bearing different names: in the Baltic - the Air Force and Air Defense of the Baltic Fleet, in the North and the Black Sea - the Air Force of the Northern Fleet and the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet, and in the Pacific Ocean - the Air Force and Air Defense of the Pacific Fleet, the Air Force and Air Defense of the OKVS. All these groups were represented by separate regiments and squadrons, and, in addition, at the Baltic Fleet and Pacific Fleet they also included anti-aircraft missile, radio engineering, and electronic warfare units.

Almost to this day, the process of reducing the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy has not stopped, although it is now hidden behind the fashionable word “optimization.” This is due, first of all, to the lack of supplies to Naval Aviation new technology, as well as with meager funding for maintaining existing aircraft.

The next round of these “reforms” began in October 2008, when the board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, chaired by Minister A. Serdyukov, adopted a program for another significant reduction Russian army(approved by the president of the country). According to it, the total strength of the RF Armed Forces by 2012 should be reduced by 350 thousand people, of which at least 150 thousand people should be officers. The institution of warrant officers and midshipmen was to be completely eliminated (instead of them it was proposed to create an institute of “professional sergeants and foremen”). The transformations affected all army structures. In particular, its strike component was removed from Naval Aviation - MRA, ShA and IA units, which, together with anti-aircraft missile and radio engineering units, were to be transferred to the Air Force and Air Defense. In addition to them, by mid-2011, parts of transport aircraft were also subject to seizure. By December 1, 2009, the remaining aviation (PLA and KIA) and rear units were reorganized into air bases, in the manner of the Air Forces of Western countries. The number of such air bases should be: from two (at the Baltic Fleet, Black Sea Fleet and Northern Fleet) to four (at the Pacific Fleet), including:

  • 7050th AvB MA SF at air. Severomorsk-1,
  • 7051st AvB MA SF at air. Kipelovo and Olenya,
  • 7052nd AvB MA BF at the air. Chernyakhovsk,
  • 7053rd AvB MA BF at the air. Chkalovsk,
  • 7054th Guards AvB MA BF on air. Khrabrovo,
  • 7055th Guards AvB ChCP on air. Ostafyevo,
  • 7056th AvB ChTsP on air. Island,
  • 7057th AvB MA Black Sea Fleet at the air. Kacha,
  • 7058th AvB MA Black Sea Fleet at the air. Gvardeiskoye,
  • 7059th AvB MA Pacific Fleet at the air. Knevichi,
  • 7060th AvB MA Pacific Fleet at the air. Elizovo,
  • 7061st Guards AvB MA Pacific Fleet at aer. Stone Brook,
  • 7062nd AvB MA Pacific Fleet at the air. Nikolaevka.

The number of personnel in flight units was supposed to be reduced by 35%, and headquarters and institutions - by 60%. A large number of officer positions were to be replaced by civilian ones. At the same time, the deadlines for carrying out these activities were set as extremely strict - by December 1, 2009. From the beginning of 2009, the directorate of the Chief of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy was once again renamed Directorate of the Chief of Naval Aviation of the Navy, with a simultaneous reduction of the apparatus by 60%.

Already during these so-called “transformations”, it was planned during 2011 to have only one air base in each fleet (which itself became part of the corresponding “newly formed” district). Russian Naval Aviation has not seen such a defeat since 1960...

Commanders of Naval Aviation

In 1916-1923 The Navy aviation was commanded by: A.A. Tuchkov (1914-1915), B.R. Miklashevsky (December 1915, VrID), I.N. Dmitriev (July 1916 - July 1917), A. A. Tuchkov (July 1917), B. Shcherbachev (August-October 1917), A. P. Onufriev (November 1917-19/9, Commissar of the MA), N. F. Chernov (in 1918 .), S.A. Lishin (March-November 1919, repressed), I.N. Dmitriev (September 1918 - June 1920), S.E. Stolyarsky (June 1920 - May 1921, office of the head of the Republic's Air Force for hydroaviation), M.F. -September 1920), A.P. Onufriev (September 1920 - 1922).

In the period 1923-1935. the post of head of the country's Naval Aviation was abolished.

From 1935 to the present, Naval Aviation has been commanded by:

V.K. Bergstrem (July 1935 - November 1937, repressed), Romashin (February-October 1936, VrID), F.G. Korobkov (January 1938 - June 1939, VrID) S F. Zhavoronkov (June 1939 - December 1946), P. N. Lemeshko (March 1947 - December 1949), A. M. Shuginin (December 1949 - February 1950 , VrID), GSS E.N.Preobrazhensky (February 1950 - May 1962), GSS I.I.Borzov (May 1962 - August 1974), GSS A.Mironenko (August 1974 - July 1982), GSS G.A. Kuznetsov (1982-1988), V.P. Potapov (1988-1994), V.G. Deineka (1994-2000), I.D. Fedin ( 2000-2003), Yu.D. Antipov (April 2003 -2007), V.P. Uvarov (2008-2009), N.V. Kuklev (January-August 2010, removed) , State Russian Federation I.V. Kozhin (since August 2010, VrID).

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1946

  • VOK (four UAE), VMAU named after. Stalin (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th UIAP, 6th UMAP), VMAU named after. Levanevsky (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th UMTAP), 4th VMAU (1st, 2nd UMTAP), 19th MTAD (66th, 67th y, 68th MTAP), 65th OTAP (formerly 65th Special Operations Regiment), 39th UAE NI;
  • Air Force of the South Baltic Fleet;
  • Air Force of the North Baltic Fleet;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Pacific Fleet Air Force;
  • Air Force STOF (3rd AK SakhVF);
  • Aviation AmVF;
  • Aviation DnVF;
  • Aviation DunVF;
  • Aviation KchVF;
  • Aviation KaVF;
  • 3rd AG (BelVF Air Force).

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1947-1948.

Naval Aviation Control Bodies - Moscow.

  • Aviation of the Civil Code of the Navy;
  • Aviation units of the Center and VMAUZ: Research Institute of Aviation Medical Sciences (Riga), VOK (1st, 2nd UAP) - since 1948, VMAU named after. Stalin (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th UIAP, 6th UMAP), VMAU named after. Levanevsky (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th UMTAP), 4th VMAU (1st, 2nd UMTAP), 65th OTAP, 25th OIAE GCP;
  • Air Force of the 4th Navy;
  • 8th Navy Air Force;
  • 5th Navy Air Force;
  • 7th Navy Air Force;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Aviation AmVF;
  • Aviation DnVF;
  • Aviation DunVF;
  • Aviation KchVF;
  • Aviation KaVF;
  • Aviation SakhVF;
  • Aviation of the Belomorsk MOR (3rd AG);
  • Aviation of the Vladivostok MOR;
  • Aviation of the Kola MOR;
  • Aviation of the Southern MOR;
  • Aviation of the Port Arthur naval base.

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1949-1953.

Naval Aviation Control Bodies - Moscow.

  • VOK (2280th UIAP, 2284th UMTAP) - since 1951, VMAU named after. Stalin (1685th, 1686th, 1687th, 1688th, 1689th, 1690th UIAP), VMAU named after. Levanevsky (1681st, 1682nd, 1683rd, 1684th, 1885th, 2006th, 2015th, 2032nd UMTAP), 93rd VMAU (1580th, 1581st UMTAP) , 65th (ETAP, 1890th OAP SpN, 1950th IAP, GTSP (301st OMTIAE, 341st OMTAE, 25th OIAE - reorganized into the 9th AP LI);
  • Air Force of the 4th Navy;
  • 8th Navy Air Force;
  • 5th Navy Air Force;
  • 7th Navy Air Force;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • Air Force SF.

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1954

Naval Aviation Control Bodies - Moscow.

  • TsLTKUOS (2280th UIAP, 2284th UMTAP), VMAU named after. I.V. Stalin (1685th, 1686th, 1687th, 1688th, 1689th, 1690th UIAP), VMAU named after. S.A. Levanevsky (1681st, 1682nd, 1683rd, 1684th, 1885th, 2006th, 2015th, 2032nd UMTAP), 93rd VMAU (1580th, 1581 1st UMTAP), 65th OTAP, GCP: 1890th OAP Special Forces (formerly 9th AP LI);
  • Air Force BF;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Pacific Fleet Air Force;
  • Air Force STOF.

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1955 G.

Naval Aviation Control Bodies - Moscow.

  • TsLTKUOS (997th UMTAP, 999th UIAP), VMAU named after. I.V. Stalin (954th, 955th, 956th, 958th, 959th, 963rd UIAP), VMAU named after. S.A. Levanevsky (950th, 951st, 983rd, 992nd, 994th, 995th UMTAP), 12th VMAU (114th UIAP), 16th VMAU (115th UAP ), 93rd VMAU (933rd, 934th UMTAP), 65th OTAP, 986th OIAP SpN (formerly 1890th OAP SpN), 991st IAP (formerly 1950th IAP), 703rd OTAE;
  • Air Force BF;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Pacific Fleet Air Force.

Composition of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy in 1956-1959.

Naval Aviation Control Bodies - Moscow.

  • TsLTKUOS (997th UMTAP, 999th UIAP), VMAU named after. I.V. Stalin (954th, 955th, 956th, 958th, 959th, 963rd UIAP) until August 1956, VMAU named after. S.A. Levanevsky (950th, 951st, 983rd, 992nd, 994th, 995th UMTAP) until 1959, 33rd UTs (540th MTAP, 552nd MTAP, 555 1st PLSAP) since 1959, 12th VMAU (114th UIAP), 16th VMAU (115th UAP), 93rd VMAU (933rd, 934th UMTAP), 379th SAD (formerly 10th AG) (218th IAP SpN, 221st TAP), 918th OIAP SpN, 986th OIAP SpN, 111th UAEV GTSP (since 1956), 277th OTAE ( former 65th Special Operations Division);
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Baltic Fleet;
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Black Sea Fleet;
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Northern Fleet;
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Pacific Fleet.

Composition of the Navy Aviation in 1960-1980

Naval Aviation Directorate - Moscow.

  • TsLTKUOS: (997th UMTAP, 999th UIAP; before 1961), 33rd TsBP and PLS (formerly 33rd UTs): 540th MRAP (II), 552nd MTAP (before 1961) , 555th PLVP (AI); 379th SAD (until 1961), 210th Guards. TBAP (in 1962), 299th KShAP (II), 327th OTAP, 400th OIAP SpN (formerly 365th OIAP SpN), 555th PLVP (II), 848th OSAP SpN, 986th OIAP Special Forces, 90th ODRAE Special Forces, 196th OSAE GCP, 236th ekranoplane division (since 1976);
  • Aviation BF;
  • Black Sea Fleet Aviation;
  • Aviation Northern Fleet;
  • Pacific Fleet Aviation.

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1980-1990.

Naval Air Force Directorate - Moscow (until 1992).

  • 859th Training Center (Kacha); 33rd TsBP and PLS (Nikolaev): 100th KIAP (II), 299th KSAP (II), 540th MRAP (II), 555th PLVP (II), 316th OPLAE, 327 1st OTAP, 11th OAG (formerly 236th ODN) ekranoplanes;
  • Air Force BF;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Pacific Fleet Air Force.

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1991

Naval Air Force Directorate - Moscow.

  • 33rd TsBP and PLS (Nikolaev): 540th MRAP (II) (Kulbakino airfield), 555th PLVP (II) (Ochakov airborne), 316th OPLAE (Kulbakino airborne);
  • 1063rd TsBPKA (air. Saki): 100th KIAP (II) (air. Saki), 299th OMSHAP (air. Saki);
  • 859th TC (air. Kacha)
  • 327th OTAP (airport Ostafyevo), 11th OAG (formerly 236th ODN) ekranoplanes (Kaspiysk).
  • Air Force BF;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Pacific Fleet Air Force.

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1994-1997.

Office of the Commander of Naval Aviation - Moscow.

  • 444th TsBP and PLS (air. Island), 240th Guards. OSAP (II), 859th Training Center (Kacha air station), 327th OTAP, 400th Special Operations Aviation Aviation Regiment, 11th WIG OAG;
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Baltic Fleet;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Pacific Fleet Air Force.

Composition of naval aviation of the Navy in 1998-2002.

Office of the Commander of Naval Aviation - Moscow (since 1997).

  • 444th TsBP and PLS (air. Island), 240th Guards. OSAP (II) (air. Ostrov), 399th OTAE (formerly 327th OTAP) (air. Ostafyevo), 859th Training Center (air. Kacha), 4595th BHR of ekranoplanes (air. Kaspiysk);
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Baltic Fleet;
  • Air Force (MA) Black Sea Fleet;
  • Air Force (MA) Northern Fleet;
  • Air Force (MA) Pacific Fleet;
  • Aviation and air defense OKVS.

Composition of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy in 2002-2008.

Office of the Chief of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy - Moscow.

  • 444th TsBP and PLS (air. Island), 240th Guards. OSAP (II) (air. Island); 46th OTAP (formerly 399th OTAE) (Ostafyevo airfield), 859th TC (Kacha airborne);
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Baltic Fleet;
  • Black Sea Fleet Air Force;
  • SF Air Force;
  • Air Force and Air Defense of the Pacific Fleet;
  • Air Force and Air Defense OKVS.

The Navy has historically had a higher political significance in comparison with other types of the Armed Forces, approaching in this indicator the creation of modern times - strategic nuclear forces. The processes of fleet rearmament and its reorganization in this regard are closely monitored by all major powers - and Russia is no exception. Development naval aviation, the most important component of fleets around the world, can say much more about a state’s military plans than many other processes.

Tests of the Ka-52 on the SF "Vice Admiral Kulakov" BOD

Russian naval aviation in post-Soviet times experienced one of the most difficult periods of its existence, when a formidable force of several hundred aircraft and helicopters of various classes remained only a few dozen aircraft in disparate units with an unclear future. The revival of naval aviation today begins largely from scratch, and there is still a long way to go before it is brought back to normal.

In 2011, Russian naval aviation almost completely lost its strike component - its fighters, Su-24 front-line bombers, as well as some transport aircraft were transferred to the Air Force. The only exception was the Su-24 bombers from the Black Sea Fleet aviation, which remained subordinate to the Navy due to the fact that agreements between Russia and Ukraine allowed only Navy aviation, but not the Russian Air Force, to be based in Crimea.

In addition to the Black Sea Su-24 squadron, the fleet's aviation still includes Il-38 and Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft, Be-12 seaplanes, Su-25 attack aircraft, Ka-27 carrier-based helicopters and a number of transport aircraft and helicopters.

Russian aircraft carrier: time to get down to business

The removal of strike forces from naval aviation was caused by the desire to simplify the management and maintenance of the relevant units and formations, as well as their very poor condition due to chronic underfunding - for example, out of several dozen Tu-22M3 missile carriers, no more than ten vehicles could perform combat missions.

Carrier-based aviation was also in a deplorable state: the only Russian one with an air group consisting of one and a half dozen Soviet-built Su-33s, several Su-25UTG training aircraft and helicopters went to sea quite rarely, and the prospects for updating the carrier-based aircraft fleet were more than vague. In such a state, we could talk more about the elimination of naval aviation as a branch of the Navy's forces than about any prospects.

Carrier-based aviation: new hope

The prospects for serious changes dawned after a contract was signed in 2011 for the construction of universal landing ships of the type for the Russian Navy. Receiving even two such ships requires a serious modernization of the fleet’s existing helicopter fleet and the construction of new machines.

The main new product was the Ka-52K deck attack helicopters, designed to support marines and special forces units during operations on the shore. In addition, they will be able to hit surface targets. This type of helicopter is currently being tested. On February 8, 2014, a contract was signed for the supply of 16 Ka-52Ks to the Russian Navy.

Russian 5th generation fighter

Following the renewal of the helicopter fleet (expressed, among other things, in the arrival of modernized anti-submarine Ka-27M with digital equipment into the fleet), it was the turn of modernization of the air wing of the only Russian aircraft carrier. In addition to the overhaul of the Su-33s remaining in service, which will then be able to operate until the mid-to-late 2020s, Admiral Kuznetsov should receive new carrier-based MiG-29K fighters. As a result, its air wing will include 12-16 Su-33 fighters and 24 MiG-29Ks, which will significantly increase the aircraft carrier's capabilities, bringing the composition of its air group closer to what was originally planned back in the 1980s.

As a more distant prospect, a promising fifth-generation carrier-based fighter is being considered, created within the framework of the PAK KA program - a promising aviation complex for naval aviation. It is assumed that this vehicle will be a naval version of the fifth-generation ground fighter T-50, which first flew in 2010 and is currently undergoing testing.

The appearance of the new carrier is possible in the first half of the 2020s, and it will have to replace the Su-33 on the overhauled Admiral Kuznetsov, as well as form the basis of the air wing of the new Russian aircraft carrier, the design of which is currently being developed.

After Crimea: the return of striking power

In 2014, plans for the development of the armed forces in general and the Navy in particular had to be seriously adjusted to take into account the changing situation: reunification with Crimea greatly changed the situation not only on the southwestern borders of Russia, but also in the world. The changes also affected naval aviation. In particular, strike forces will return to its composition. These plans were discussed even before the Crimean events, but they became a catalyst for the process.

In the next few years, the fleet will receive Su-30SM multirole fighters, which can provide effective support to warships both in naval theaters (in the Black, Japanese, Baltic seas), and increase the range of air support in ocean theaters, operating from bases on the Kola Peninsula, Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

Multirole fighter Su-30SM

It is expected that by the end of 2015 a contract will be signed for the supply of 50 fighters of this type for the Russian Navy, and this number may be increased in the future. Su-30SM are also supplied to the Air Force (60 aircraft under two existing contracts).

The update will also affect anti-submarine aviation, the range of whose tasks will expand significantly. In most developed countries, with the development of avionics, anti-submarine aircraft, through modernization, began to turn into multi-purpose maritime patrol vehicles. A striking example is the modernized P-3 Orion of the US Navy, the same age and classmates of the Russian Il-38.

In the course of evolution over the past 30 years, Orions have learned to attack surface ships with anti-ship missiles, operate as early warning and control aircraft, and patrol the exclusive economic zone and territorial waters, searching for smugglers and poachers.

Similar modernization is already underway on Russian anti-submarine vehicles - the first Il-38N was delivered to the fleet on July 15, 2014. But for the full range of challenges posed to Russia by its longest maritime border in the world, combined with the steady melting of polar ice, the 28 Il-38s that are planned to be modernized are clearly not enough - for example, the United States has 130 aircraft of this class. At the same time, many American experts also consider this number to be insufficient.

A-42PE seaplane project

Russia cannot compete with the United States, catching up with them in the number of naval aviation, but there are opportunities to significantly strengthen naval aviation by purchasing new aircraft.

First of all, we are talking about the A-42 seaplane, which was created on the basis of the A-40 Albatross developed in the 80s of the last century. These vehicles, capable of landing on water, in addition to all other tasks of maritime patrol aircraft, can be used in rescue operations.

The military department has already announced plans to purchase the A-42. In particular, in 2008 it was announced that they would purchase four such aircraft in the search and rescue version by 2010, and then move on to purchasing multi-purpose vehicles capable of carrying weapons. However, these plans have not yet been implemented.

According to the former commander of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy, Lieutenant General Valery Uvarov, the Russian Navy would have enough 15-20 new seaplanes to cover the needs for search and rescue vehicles and significantly strengthen the fleet of anti-submarine aircraft. It is hardly possible to talk about a complete replacement of old machines with the A-42 - given the state of the Taganrog plant, where these machines, as well as the smaller Be-200 purchased by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, are produced, fulfilling an order for at least 40 of these machines may take about 20 years .

Another option that would allow us to completely replace the fleet of old aircraft in an acceptable time frame is the purchase of Tu-214P aircraft. This machine, created on the basis of the Tu-204/214 airliner, is approximately similar in ideology to the newest American patrol aircraft P-8 Poseidon, created on the basis of the B-737 airliner.

Landing ship "Mistral"

Deploying mass production of such machines on order from the Navy is a more realistic task than launching a large series of the A-42, and, among other things, this will support the production of Tu-204 aircraft, for which there are practically no commercial orders today. The production of 50-60 such machines over ten years, in combination with a small series of A-42s, focused primarily on rescue missions, could generally alleviate the problem and lay the foundation for the further development of naval aviation.

Finally, you can support the aviation group in the near zone by ordering Il-114 aircraft in the patrol modification. Such vehicles can quite effectively provide patrols in closed maritime theaters, freeing up the modernized Il-38N and, if ordered, Tu-214P, for ocean theaters.

Assessing the prospects for changes in naval aviation as a whole, we can say that the key task of this type of naval forces remains to ensure the fleet’s ability to protect its own sea borders. However, some attention is also paid to the capabilities of force projection - the modernization of the Admiral Kuznetsov air wing, planned major renovation aircraft carrier itself, the construction of two Mistral-class landing ships will allow the Navy to form a core of forces capable of conducting local operations at a great distance from bases with full air support. A further increase in such opportunities depends primarily on the prospects for economic development of the country.

The birth of aviation in Russia became possible thanks to the initiative of military sailors. It was the sailors who were the first to see in aircraft an important means of increasing the power of the navy and put a lot of effort and money into training aviation personnel, acquiring aircraft and organizing domestic aircraft production.

The world's first proposal, in which the interaction of a ship and an aircraft was predetermined, was also born in the Russian Navy. Its author was the captain of the corps of naval engineers, Lev Makarovich Matsievich. Back on October 23, 1909, in his first memo to the Main Naval Headquarters, he predicted the future of naval aviation and proposed starting the construction of an aircraft carrier, a seaplane and a catapult for launching it from the deck of a ship. It is no coincidence that in Russia the process of movement of aircraft is called aeronautics, aviation is called the air fleet, the sky is called the fifth ocean, and heavy aircraft are called ships.

Hydroaviation in Russia began to emerge in 1911. At first, seaplanes were purchased abroad, but soon Russian engineers V.A. Lebedev and D.P. Grigorovich created several models of flying boats, which allowed the Russian Military Department in 1912-1914. on the basis of domestic seaplanes to form the first aviation units in the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. At the same time, the flying boat designed by Grigorovich M-5 was superior in its flight characteristics to foreign models of similar types.

At first, naval aviation was used mainly for reconnaissance purposes, that is, as a means of supporting the combat activities of the fleet. However, the experience of using aviation in the very first months of the outbreak of the First World War showed that the combat capabilities of aircraft went far beyond reconnaissance. They began to be used for bombing and shelling from the air of objects at fleet bases and ports, enemy ships and vessels at sea.

In the Russian Navy, the first aircraft-carrying ship "Orlitsa" was based on Grigorovich's M-9 seaplanes, which had machine guns and were capable of carrying bombs. On July 4, 1916, four aircraft from the Orlitsa conducted an air battle over the Baltic Sea with four German aircraft, which ended in victory for the Russian naval pilots. Two Kaiser airplanes were shot down, and the other two fled. Our pilots returned to their aircraft without losses.

This day - July 4, 1916 - the day of the first victory in an air battle over the sea by naval pilots on domestic seaplanes based on the first domestic aircraft carrier, is rightfully considered to be the Birthday of naval aviation.

By the middle of 1917, a turning point for the history of Russia, the prerequisites appeared in the Russian Navy for the transformation of aviation into one of the main forces of the fleet, which served as the basis for the establishment of a special body in the Maritime Department - the Directorate of Naval Aviation and Aeronautics.

After the October Revolution, the Soviet military leadership, during the armed struggle against the interventionists and White Guards on fronts adjacent to the sea, in regions with lakes and along large rivers could not do without hydroaviation. The creation of new naval aviation formations began.

April 27, 1918 became the birthday of the Baltic Fleet aviation. Then the Special Purpose Air Brigade was formed within it.

March 3, 1921 is considered the birthday of the aviation of the USSR Black Sea Fleet. On this day, the formation of the Headquarters of the Air Fleet of the Black and Azov seas. On April 4, 1932, the Pacific Fleet aviation was born, and on August 18, 1936, the Northern Fleet aviation.

History shows that in the 20s and 30s, when naval aviation was organizationally part of the Red Army Air Force, the country's top leadership and the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Defense assigned aviation tasks to support ground forces, cover troops and rear facilities from attacks from the air, as well as to combat enemy aerial reconnaissance. In accordance with this, the development and construction of aircraft and their weapons was carried out, and pilot training programs were drawn up in aviation educational institutions. The operational-tactical training of leading military personnel and all combat training of military aviation were aimed at this. In this case, naval aviation was assigned a secondary role, so the fleet of naval aviation in these years was replenished only with seaplanes, intended mainly for conducting aerial reconnaissance at sea. Flight personnel for it were trained only at the Yeisk school of naval pilots and flight instructors.

Grigorovich M-9 flying boat

The 1930s saw the triumph of aviation, design ideas and, above all, naval pilots who showed outstanding examples of flying skill, courage, bravery and heroism.

They were repeatedly involved in special and government tasks. Polar aviation was staffed by naval pilots, which played a huge role in the development of the Northern Sea Route, the importance of which for our country can hardly be overestimated.

The pilots especially showed themselves when rescuing the Chelyuskinites in 1934. Their courage and heroism, their willingness to take risks in the name of saving the lives of people in trouble, became a convincing basis for the establishment in our country of the highest degree of state distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The gold star of Hero number one was awarded to naval pilot Anatoly Vasilyevich Lyapidevsky. At the same time, naval pilots I. Doronin, S. Levanevsky and V. Molokov were awarded this title.

The country was full of great construction projects. The state took measures to strengthen the country's defense capability. The Navy received new warships, including those capable of carrying seaplanes. But this was far from enough.

The situation changed dramatically for the better with the formation of the People's Commissariat of the Navy, when naval aviation became part of it organizationally. By this time, the views on naval aviation as one of the main branches of the fleet forces were finally established. The first to be appointed to the position of Chief of Aviation of the USSR Navy was Corporal Semyon Fedorovich Zhavoronkov, who received the profession of a military pilot at a relatively mature age (34 years old) and successfully commanded Navy aviation until 1947. In 1944, he was promoted to air marshal.

The Aviation Flight Test Institute played a positive role in the further development of naval aviation. Its specialists developed tactical and technical requirements for equipment and weapons of naval aviation, tested prototypes and modernized models of aviation equipment and weapons, and also provided retraining for management flight personnel.

Fleets began to receive heavy aircraft of the same type as those in service with the Red Army Air Force on a large scale, such as TB-1, TB-3 and DB-3, specially converted for the use of mine-torpedo weapons - a traditional naval weapon for destroying the underwater part of ships and vessels at sea. .

Soon, mine-torpedo aviation emerged from bomber aviation and was organized into an independent branch of naval aviation.

With the transfer of aviation educational institutions to the fleet, the system of training naval aviation personnel became more advanced and focused. The School of Naval Pilots and Flying Officers in Yeysk and the School of Naval Pilots of the Polar Aviation Directorate of the Main Northern Sea Route in Nikolaev were transformed into Naval Aviation Schools, and the Military School of Aviation Technicians in Perm into the Naval Aviation Technical School. Over the first three years, the number of cadets in these educational institutions increased several times.

To train naval aviation command personnel, a command and aviation department was established at the Naval Academy, and year-long advanced training courses for fleet aviation management personnel were opened.

Aviation design bureaus and enterprises focused on the production of equipment and weapons for naval aviation also began to work purposefully. All this could not help but contribute to the fact that by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, naval aviation had grown significantly in quantitative and qualitative terms; this subsequently affected the effectiveness of its use in combat operations.

At the same time, the uncertainty of the organizational structure affected the nature of the views on its operational and tactical application. For a long time it was believed that air combat at sea would be carried out primarily by operational formations (air corps) of the Red Army Air Force. In accordance with this, the interaction of fleets and air corps was worked out in operational training, and naval aviation was entrusted with providing the fleet with aerial reconnaissance and air defense basing the fleet and ships at sea.

In practice this did not happen. Neither front-line aviation nor long-range aviation, formed in 1942, took a significant part in any fleet operation, and naval aviation became one of the main striking forces of the fleet.

From the first days of the war, due to the current situation on the coastal fronts, naval aviation was used to strike the battle formations of the advancing enemy. And this task became the main one for a long time, although naval aviation was not prepared for its solution in the pre-war years.

Apparently, this history lesson should be fully taken into account in the combat training of naval aviation in our peacetime.

The book convincingly shows that the combat operations of naval aviation against enemy ships and vessels at sea were especially effective, which is fully consistent with its main combat purpose.

The sections of the book devoted to the combat operations of naval aviation during the Great Patriotic War are filled with facts about the exploits of naval aviators. The first among naval pilots in this war to achieve success was the fighter squadron of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, attached to the Danube Flotilla, under the command of Captain A.I. Korobitsyn.

In the Baltic, the account of downed enemy aircraft was opened by the deputy squadron commander, Captain A.K. Antonenko, and in the Northern Fleet, by the air squadron commander, Senior Lieutenant B.F. Safonov.

The Baltic pilots under the command of Colonel E.N. Preobrazhensky, who carried out the first strike on Berlin on the night of August 7-8, 1941, gained worldwide fame.

During the Great Patriotic War, naval aviation carried out more than 350 thousand combat sorties and destroyed more than 5.5 thousand enemy aircraft in the air and at airfields. As a result of the actions of naval aviation fascist Germany and its satellites lost 407 warships and 371 transports with troops and cargo, which constituted two-thirds of the total enemy losses from the effects of fleet forces.

The Motherland highly appreciated the combat activities of naval aviation. 57 state awards adorned the banners of regiments and divisions, 260 naval aviators were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and five of them - B.F. Safonov, A.E. Mazurenko, V.I. Rakov, N.G. Stepanyan and N.V. . Chelnokov - twice.

Among the naval pilots there are heroes who repeated the feat of Alexei Maresyev. In the Baltic it is L. G. Belousov, in the Black Sea - I. S. Lyubimov, in the Northern Fleet - 3. A. Sorokin.

The combat experience gained during the war formed the basis for developing plans and directions for the further development of naval aviation, improving the principles and methods of its use in war at sea. This work also talks about this. The post-war development of naval aviation was characterized by the specialization of the aircraft and weapons systems being created, and the transition to jet technology with greater capabilities in terms of speed and impact range. Airplanes and helicopters were equipped effective means search and destruction, electronic equipment; Most flight control processes and weapons use are automated.

It should be borne in mind that this work was led by the most experienced aviation military leaders, who personally experienced the bitterness of failures and the joy of victories during the war years, and who deeply knew the needs and capabilities of the fleets. Among them were the famous aviation military leaders E. N. Preobrazhensky, I. I. Borzov, M. I. Samokhin, N. A. Naumov, A. A. Mironenko, G. A. Kuznetsov, S. A. Gulyaev, V. I. Voronov and others. Their ideas, plans and undertakings in the development of naval aviation found understanding and full support among the top leadership of the navy, headed by N. G. Kuznetsov and then S. G. Gorshkov.

In the fleets, the problems of countering the forces of a potential enemy operating secretly from under water came to the fore. Therefore, already in the 50s, the Be-6 long-range seaplane designed by G. M. Beriev was created and delivered to the unit. To combat submarines, the aircraft had radio sonar buoys and magnetometers as means of searching for an underwater enemy, and depth charges and torpedoes for destruction. The basic Mi-4 helicopters and the first-born of naval helicopter aviation, the Ka-15 naval helicopter designed by N. I. Kamov, were equipped with anti-submarine weapons.

During their flight operation, extensive research was carried out and the foundations were laid for the tactics and combat use of anti-submarine aircraft, which soon switched to more advanced anti-submarine systems such as Be-12, Ka-25, Ka-27, Mi-14, Il-38 and Tu-142 of various types. modifications.

The development of missile systems with aircraft cruise missiles has significantly increased the combat capabilities of strike aircraft of fleets in the fight against naval groups of a potential enemy at sea.

In the early 60s, anti-submarine and naval missile-carrying aviation took shape organizationally into independent branches of naval aviation. At the same time, the transformation of reconnaissance aviation of the fleets took place.

The high seas fleets - the Northern and Pacific - received long-range reconnaissance aircraft Tu-95rts with automated system target designation of missile weapons of the naval strike forces, including missile submarines performing combat service at sea. This also allowed naval aviation to reach remote areas of the World Ocean to monitor the naval forces of a potential enemy and provide timely warning of the threat of their impact on our forces and facilities.

In the Baltic and Black Sea, reconnaissance began to be carried out by supersonic reconnaissance aircraft Tu-22r.

The combat capabilities of the USSR naval aviation expanded significantly due to the inclusion of the anti-submarine cruisers "Moscow" and "Leningrad" into the navy. It was from this time that naval aviation was officially established as a new branch of aviation in the navy.

The anti-submarine cruiser "Moscow" with Ka-25 helicopters on board made its first trip to combat service in the Mediterranean Sea from September 19 to November 5, 1968. In subsequent years, the anti-submarine cruisers "Moscow" and "Leningrad" repeatedly carried out combat service in various areas of the World Ocean.

According to the conclusion of the then Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S.G. Gorshkov, helicopters became integral part modern surface ships for various purposes, they gave them a completely new combat quality. A fundamentally new direction in the development of naval aviation was opened by the creation of vertical take-off and landing aircraft and the construction of aircraft-carrying cruisers of the Kyiv type.

The first aviation regiment of Yak-38 naval attack aircraft was formed in the Black Sea Fleet. Its first commander was F. G. Matkovsky. He was the first to lead an aviation group and trained pilots to fly from a ship on a long voyage of the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Kyiv".

In the Northern Fleet, V.N. Ratnenko became the first commander of the air regiment of naval attack aircraft. V. M. Svitochev was the first to command a regiment of naval attack aircraft in the Pacific Fleet.

The aircraft-carrying cruisers "Kyiv", "Minsk" and "Novorossiysk" have repeatedly carried out combat service in various areas of the World Ocean, and the ship's aviators - pilots, engineers and technicians - have shown courage, skill and high moral and psychological qualities.

Particular attention in the book is paid to the naval fighter aviation of the fleet. Such aviation was created on the basis of fourth-generation fighters such as the Su-27 and MiG-29, recognized today as the best modern fighters in the world. The first aircraft carrier ship created in our country is capable of supporting the deployment and combat operations of ski-jump takeoff and arresting landing fighters.

The birth and development of naval fighter aviation is largely due to one of the leading test pilots, Viktor Georgievich Pugachev. One of the first enthusiasts in the development of a new type of naval aviation was Timur Avtandilovich Apakidze. His courage and professional skill is evidenced by the fact that back in 1991 he was awarded an Honorary Diploma and Prize International Fund Aviation Safety for decisive and competent actions in an in-flight emergency. While rescuing the experimental aircraft, T. A. Apakidze left the uncontrollable falling vehicle at the last second. Soon after the accident, he took a new risk and was the first of the pilots of combat aviation units in our country to land on the deck of the cruiser “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov” on the first Russian naval fighter Su-27k without transportation on a twin. It was September 29, 1991 in the Black Sea Fleet.

During the flight design tests of the Su-27k aircraft, the first leading group of pilots of the Northern Fleet Air Force was successfully prepared for flights and combat operations from the deck of the ship. Thus, in 1994, a new elite of military pilots was born in Russian naval aviation - the elite of deck pilots.

Video on topic

Naval Aviation - In the service of the fleet

Fleet exercises of the 70s. Hundreds of ships, thousands of naval aircraft. The scene of action is seas and oceans. Amphibians conducting reconnaissance, anti-submarine aircraft and helicopters carrying equipment for searching and destroying submarines. Missile carriers operating from shore are capable of destroying a potential enemy aircraft carrier. And carrier-based aircraft are about to be adopted. Soviet naval aviation in the 70s. was a formidable force.

By analogy with the ground forces of the Russian Federation, naval aviation dramatically increases the capabilities of the fleet. A Navy MA unit was created to solve several problems:

  • search for and destruction of sea, air and ground targets;
  • aerial reconnaissance and ship guidance;
  • production/destruction of minefields;
  • electronic warfare;
  • search/rescue of victims;
  • transportation and landing of special forces.

The main part of aviation is based on the shore, a smaller part of it - naval aviation - is located on the only aircraft-carrying cruiser in the Russian Federation, Admiral Kuznetsov. The composition includes only helicopters and airplanes; previously used seaplanes are now used by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for transportation and firefighting.

Formation of naval aviation

The Russian Air Force, part of the Aerospace Forces, celebrates Aviation Day on August 12. Naval aviation units of the Russian Navy celebrate their “Birthday” almost a month earlier - on July 17. This branch of the military is very specific, protecting the boundaries of two elements at once - water and sky. The history of the development of naval aviation can be represented by the following dates:

  • 1910 - in the summer the Antoinette-4 aircraft was purchased for the Naval Department, the first flight on it was made by Lieutenant Dorozhinsky from the Kulikovo airfield in Sevastopol;
  • 1912 - Vice Admiral Grigorovich signed an order in May to create air detachments in the fleet, in August the first seaplane was launched on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg;
  • 1914 – First World War prevented the deployment of air detachments in the Pacific Fleet, and the existing units were transferred by order to the communications service;
  • 1916 - On July 17, four Russian aircraft repelled an attack by the same number of German aircraft in the Baltic, which is considered to be Russian Navy MA Day;
  • 1916 - the structure of units was formed - a detachment of 4 - 8 aircraft, a division of 2 - 4 detachments, a brigade of 2 - 4 divisions, a division of at least 2 brigades, the relationship between the chiefs/commanders of aviation and naval aircraft is regulated by the Regulations on the spacecraft division (ship aviation);
  • 1916 - creation of the Van flotilla (Lake Van, Turkey) of two M-5 seaplanes under the command of midshipman Ivanov to support the Baku detachment, Peipus hydroaviation detachment (Lake Peipus);
  • 1917 - formation of a special-purpose brigade with the powers of a division to support the Arctic Ocean flotilla;
  • 1917 - to manage fleet aviation, the UMAiV department was created, headed by A. A. Tuchkov;
  • 1917 - V.I. Lenin appoints A.P. Onufriev as commissar of the MA, then aviation joins the UVOFLOT air force and leaves subordination;
  • 1918 - The Baltic division is evacuated to the Volga, the command changes its status to a special purpose brigade (three divisions of eight detachments);
  • 1918 The Black Sea Division ceases to exist after the loss of personnel and equipment;
  • 1920 - naval aviation was subordinated to the Red Army Air Fleet, M.F. Pogodin became assistant for hydroaviation, then A.P. Onufriev.

Subsequently, from 1920, for 18 years, the Russian Naval Aviation Fleet was subordinate to the Red Army Air Force. In the 30s, Polar Aviation was formed from MA pilots. Then the People's Commissariat of the Navy again allocated Naval Aviation in December 1937, the further development of this type of troops continues:

  • 1937 - S. F. Zhavoronkov becomes chief of naval aviation (Marshal of the USSR Aviation since 1944);
  • 1941 - the formation of three detachments from civil aviation at the end of June for transport within fleets, assigning attack aircraft and combat aircraft units to the Border Guard Troops belonging to the NKVD;
  • 1941 - creation of a special strike group of 15 DB-3T aircraft by decree of the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy N. G. Kuznetsov;
  • 1941 - in the fall, units and formations that had lost their military equipment were disbanded, the crews were sent to the rear.

In 1942, the 1st, 5th and 13th Baltic Regiment, 72nd Regiment of the Northern Fleet were awarded the title of Guards. A little later, 2.5, 6 and 8 regiments of the Black Sea Fleet were added to them. After the addition of Pe-2 and Il-2 bombers and attack aircraft to naval aviation in the next two years, the corresponding naval aviation units were added.

In 1943, instead of amphibious boats, reconnaissance units began to use foreign bombers and fighters Boston, Airacobra P-39, Kittyhawk, Tomahawk and P-40.

IN last years war in the Northern Fleet, the 14th division of the SAD was added, the Pacific 15th and 15th SAD, the Black Sea 13th FAD. After the Victory, the assault units of the Navy aviation were liquidated, but three divisions 17, 18 SAD in the Pacific Fleet, 19 MTAD Civil Command of the Navy were created. Taking into account the effectiveness of combat operations during the Second World War, the further development of naval aviation occurred as follows:

  • 1946 - abolition of the Civil Code of the Navy, subordination to the Minister of the Armed Forces, renaming the Navy Air Force to Naval Aviation, transition to peacetime staff;
  • 1946 - disbandment of all flying units due to the decommissioning of MBR-2 flying boats;
  • 1947 - division of the TF into the 5th and 7th Pacific Fleets, the Baltic Fleet into the 4th and 8th Baltic Fleets.

Until 1950, 3 divisions were reduced, the flotillas lost bases, defensive areas and aviation itself. Starting next year, fighter pilots began retraining on MiG-15 and MiG-17 jet aircraft. The 1951 reform re-equipped units with torpedo bombers instead of mine-torpedo aircraft. In 1953, the Pacific Fleet became united again, and in 1956 the Baltic Fleet did the same.

In 1953, the Fleet Aviation was again renamed the Pacific Fleet Air Force, Northern Fleet, Baltic Fleet and Black Sea Fleet, respectively. At the same time, helicopters entered service:

  • The Ka-15s were based on ships;
  • Mi-4s were formed into separate squadrons on land.

Later in 1958 they were reorganized into OAPV regiments. Part of the fighter aviation was reassigned to the air defense forces, for whose commanders pilots in vests became a headache. A completely new unit - Naval Missile-Carrying Aviation MPA - arose in 1961. As new combat vehicles emerged, they were equipped with naval aviation units of the fleets:

  • 1962 – supersonic reconnaissance aircraft Tu-22R;
  • 1963 – modification of the Tu-95RTs reconnaissance aircraft;
  • 1965 – amphibious aircraft Be-12;
  • 1967 – anti-submarine aircraft Il-38;
  • 1969 – Tu-142 (long-range complex);
  • 1972 – Ka-27 helicopter for long-range patrol from the shore and on board a ship.

In the 70s, naval aviation began to develop long-distance airfields outside the USSR:

  • Pacific Ocean - Vietnam;
  • Atlantic Ocean - Angola, Guinea and Cuba;
  • Indian Ocean - Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia;
  • Mediterranean Sea - Syria and Egypt.

Since 1974, the missile carrier with variable wing geometry Tu-22M2 entered the MRA of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleet.

Six years later it became a standard part of the Pacific Fleet's weapons. Aircraft-carrying cruisers TAVKR, suitable for vertical take-off aircraft Yak-38, were launched in the mid-70s. The cruiser TAVKR Kyiv was built for the Northern Fleet, and Novorossiysk and Minsk for the Pacific Fleet.

In 1975, coastal assault units with Su-17M aircraft were created. In 1979, the 11th Navy Air Group, reporting directly to Moscow, was created to meet the needs of ekranoplanes of the Orlyonok MDE type.

In 1980, the AVMF was once again renamed the Navy Air Force. Today's only aircraft-carrying heavy cruiser, Admiral Kuznetsov, was commissioned in 1991.

Changing the structure of the Navy MA

At the beginning of the year following the creation of air squadrons in fleets Russian Empire, that is, January 1913. The Black Sea Fleet was armed with 5 seaplanes, and the Baltic Fleet was armed with 2 wheeled airplanes and one seaplane. A unit of 3 officers was introduced into the General Staff of the Navy - the aviation department.

At the beginning of World War I, 10 pilot officers were being trained in the navies, and 20 already had diplomas; there were 10 and 8 seaplanes in the Baltic and Black Sea, respectively. By 1915, the Black Sea and Baltic fleets had 30 and 47 seaplanes, respectively, and employed 859 lower ranks and 78 officers.

By 1917, the number of airplanes reached 264 units:

  • 29 aircraft – Baku and Petrograd aviation schools;
  • 88 aircraft and 20 seaplanes Grigorovich M-11, M-12 – Baltic;
  • 152 aircraft, 4 controlled small balloons, 61 seaplanes M-11 and M-12 - Black Sea Fleet.

There were 1,339 privates, non-commissioned officers and conductors, and 96 officers in the Baltic Fleet. At Chernomorskoe – 1039 and 115 people, respectively. M.I. Fedorovich, with the rank of captain 1st rank, became the head of the Black Sea division, and B.P. Dudorov in the same rank of the Baltic Sea. Before October Revolution The Russian MA included a division and 2 brigades of the Black Sea Fleet, a detachment and 2 brigades of the Baltic, with a total of 169 aircraft.

After the revolution, on the Black Sea there were 9 Nieuport-17 fighters and 104 seaplanes M-5, M-9, M-11 and M-15 for 74 pilots, on the Baltic Sea there were 24 Nieuport-21 fighters, 74 flying boats M-15, M -16 and M-95 for 87 pilots. Aerobatics and air combat schools operated in Krasnoselsk (25 pilots), Oranienbaum (50 pilots), Baku (180 cadets) with 75 training aircraft.

In the fall of 1918, the USSR Naval Aviation consisted of air detachments from Onega, Caspian, Volzhsky and Belomorsky. There are 9 fighters left (Lebed and Nieuport), only 18 M-9 seaplanes, 14 aircraft remain in the Baltic.

Then, in two years, this branch of the military was developed; in 1920 it had 4 fighter and 10 seaplane squadrons with a fleet of 75 aircraft.

Since 1921, naval aviation subordinate to the Red Army Air Force of the USSR existed in the form of units:

  • Baltic Fleet - separate fighter squad, 2 reconnaissance squads, equipment division;
  • Air Force of the Azov and Black Seas - fighter detachment, 2 reconnaissance detachments, hydroaviation division.

In the summer of 1937, aviation schools were opened in Nikolaev and Yeisk, and an aviation technical school in Perm. MA bombers appear, using torpedoes and mines. By 1940, the Navy's aviation consisted of 38 reconnaissance aircraft and bombers (Pe-2 and Che-2, respectively), 51 fighters (Yak-1 and MiG-3), and 2,824 combat aircraft.

During the Finnish War, naval aviation operated exclusively over land, disrupting road and rail transport. Due to the significant distance of the deployment points from the borders with Germany, in the first days of the war this branch of the military, unlike the USSR Air Force, suffered no losses either in equipment or in manpower. But later, naval aviation was brought in to cover the ground forces, but the crews were not ready for such tasks, the losses were very significant.

Immediately after the formation of a special strike group, DB-3T aircraft dropped bombs on Berlin and returned to base without losses. The special operation was commanded by Colonel E. N. Preobrazhensky. Over the next 7 sorties of torpedo bombers converted into bombers, the unit lost 7 crews and 18 aircraft. After which, such sabotage was no longer undertaken behind enemy lines.

At the end of 1943, the Navy MA had 12 formations:

  • Pacific Fleet – 12 ShAD, 10 BAD, 7 IAD, 2 MTAD;
  • BF – 9 ShAD, 8 MTAD, 3 IAD;
  • Black Sea Fleet - 11 ShAD, 4 IAD, 1 MTAD.

Thus, at the beginning of the Second World War (1941 - 1942), the structure of the USSR naval aviation looked like this:

  • aviation flotillas - Pinsk, Onega, Ladoga, Caucasus, Volga, Azov and Amur;
  • Fleet Air Force - Pacific, Northern, Black Sea, Baltic;
  • Air Force Flotilla STO;
  • 2 AGGUSMP;
  • 3 AGVMF;
  • parts of subordination to the central administration - Astrakhan LIS, 64 OAP, 13 AP, 3 ZAP, 2 ZAP, 1 ZAP, AB schools, VMAU Levanevsky and Stalin, KUNS.

The management of these units was located in the capital of the USSR. Aviation units of the Amur Flotilla, STOF and Pacific Fleet carried out combat missions to Japan. In 1946, the Navy Air Force consisted of 145 aircraft in schools, 330 seaplanes, 482 attack aircraft, 727 torpedo bombers and bombers, 1,159 fighters and 1,059 imported aircraft.

From 1961 to 1985, the structure of MA looked like this:

  • missile-carrying division - in each fleet, in the TFO there are two at once;
  • reconnaissance regiment - one in each fleet;
  • squadron or regiment of helicopters - 1 - 2 for each USSR fleet;
  • transport regiment - one for each fleet;
  • anti-submarine regiment - one in each fleet.

Special forces squadrons were created in the fleet to solve various tasks in the required quantity

During Soviet times, naval aviation included units:

  • special - ambulance, towing, spotting, communications aircraft, minesweepers, aerial tankers;
  • transport – transportation of ground transport and manpower;
  • search and rescue – Ka-27 helicopters;
  • anti-submarine - designed to combat submarines;
  • fighter - escorting bombers, destroying enemy air targets;
  • assault - targeted destruction of land and sea targets;
  • missile-carrying - armed with air/surface projectiles.

From 1950 to 1954, it also included aviation training squadrons in each division of mine-torpedo and fighter units. For example, there were 10 training squadrons in the Pacific Fleet. They were disbanded after the flight personnel were retrained for the Il-28 and MiG-15.

Weapons and equipment

For aviation, the Russian Navy uses the purchase of aircraft equipment abroad, which did not exist in principle during the Soviet era. These are mainly Czech L-39 combat trainer aircraft. The units include combat aircraft:

  1. Electronic intelligence:
  2. Anti-submarine aircraft:
  3. Transport and long-range aviation:
  4. Fighter aircraft:
  5. Helicopters:

Land-based and ship-based naval aviation was involved in military operations in Syria in the period 2016–2017. At the same time, TAVKR Admiral Kuznetsov lost two aircraft, the crews remained alive.

Combat composition

Before 2008, the structure of naval aviation looked like this:

  • Pacific Fleet - transport squadron No. 71, Knevichi base, composition of Tu-134, An-26, An-24 and An-12; fighter regiment No. 865, Elizovo base, MiG-31 squadron; mixed regiment No. 568, Kamenny Brook base, composed of Tu-142M3, Tu-142MR and Tu-22M3; mixed regiment No. 317, Elizovo base, consisting of An-26, Mi-8 and -38; anti-submarine regiment No. 289, Nikolaevka base, composition of Ka-29, Ka-27, Il-18 and Il-38;
  • Black Sea Fleet - assault regiment No. 43, Gvardeyskoye base, composition of Su-24MR and Su-24; mixed regiment No. 917, Kacha base, composed of Be-12, An-26 and An-2; anti-submarine helicopter regiment No. 25, Kacha base, composition of Mi-8, Mi-14 and Ka-27;
  • SF – anti-submarine squadron No. 73, Kipelovo base, Tu-142; missile-carrying guards regiment No. 924, Olenegorsk base, Tu-22M3 train; anti-submarine helicopter Red Banner Regiment No. 830, Severomorsk-1 base, composition of Ka-29 and Ka-27; mixed regiment No. 403, Severomorsk-1 base, composed of Tu-134, Il-38, An-26 and An-12; fighter regiment No. 279, Severomorsk-3 base, composition of MiG-29KUB, MiG-29K, Su-25UTG and Su-33;
  • BF – transport squadron No. 398, Khrabrovo base, consisting of An-26 and An-24; anti-submarine helicopter squadron No. 396, Donskoye base, composition of Ka-29 and Ka-27; helicopter squadron No. 125, Chkalovsk base, composition of Mi-24 and Mi-8; fighter regiment No. 689, Chkalovsk base, Su-27 squadron; assault guards regiment No. 4, Chernyakhovsk base, Su-24 train.

Since the only TAVKR in Russia is assigned to the Northern Fleet, carrier-based aviation of the Russian Navy is available only in the Northern Fleet. This ship does not fall under the category of aircraft carrier; in comparison with US strike groups, the following situation has developed:

  • one Russian carrier cruiser against 10 full-fledged American aircraft carriers;
  • of the projected 50 combat units on board Admiral Kuznetsov there are 4 MiG-29KUB, 10 MiG-29K, 2 Su-25UTG and 14 Su-33, that is, 30 units;
  • due to the lack of encirclement ships, the TAVKR will not be able to use its main advantage - the P-700 Granit and P-1000 Vulcan.

However, from 2017 to 2020 it is planned to equip naval aviation units with 100 units of new aircraft.

Naval aviation of the Russian Navy

After numerous transformations, changes in names and changes in the tasks performed, the naval combat aviation of the Russian Navy has restored its combat capability and has been developed. Currently, the commander of naval aviation of the Russian Navy is I.S. Kozhin, who assumed that position in 2010, in August. Combat vehicles have their own identification marks, and the personnel have standard uniforms for the RF Armed Forces and mixed ranks.


Since the aviation of the Russian Navy does not belong to special units, several types of uniforms are adopted for personnel:

  • casual - camouflage of the latest reform (jacket and trousers);
  • flight technical - tropical or blue, overalls, suit, jacket;
  • front door - black shoulder straps with blue edging and a gap of the same color.

Navy cockades with anchors are used on headdresses; caps have an additional emblem attached to the left.

Identification marks

Currently, the aviation of the Russian Navy wears three-color stars - the red one is surrounded by a thick blue and a thin red line - and a license plate of the type FR-00000. The inscription may look like MA Russian Navy" or "Russian Navy". The command plans to restore USSR-style stars without blue edging.

Military ranks

Since the aviation of the Russian Navy simultaneously belongs to two branches of the military, military personnel have the ranks:

  • Colonel General, Lieutenant General and Major General;
  • colonel and lieutenant colonel;
  • major;
  • captain, first lieutenant and lieutenant;
  • senior warrant officer and warrant officer;
  • foreman;
  • senior sergeant, sergeant and junior sergeant;
  • senior sailor and sailor.

Thus, at present, naval aviation is a branch of the Russian Navy, understaffed with equipment and personnel, and therefore solves a limited range of tasks and is inferior to similar units of a potential enemy.

Russia, Russia Subordination

Ministry of Defence Russian Federation

Included in

Navy of the Russian Federation


Naval aviation

Participation in

World War I 1914-1917, Soviet-Finnish War (1939-1940), World War II, Korean War

Commanders Acting commander

Major General Igor Kozhin

Aviation of the Russian Navy- branch of the forces of the Russian Navy (Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy).

During the Soviet period in Russia - Air Force of the USSR Navy (USSR Navy Air Force).

Until 2011, it consisted of missile-carrying, attack, fighter, anti-submarine, search and rescue, transport and special aviation. Conventionally divided into ship-based aviation and shore-based aviation.

Missile carriers and attack aircraft are designed to confront groups of surface ships in the ocean and coastal zones, to launch missile and bomb attacks on ports, coastal bases, airfields and other military and industrial facilities of the enemy.

Anti-submarine aircraft are designed to search, detect, track and destroy submarines.

Fighter aircraft are designed to control vast airspace and gain air superiority over naval theaters of operations.

Search and rescue aviation is designed to rescue and provide assistance to crews of ships and aircraft in distress.

Military transport aviation of the Navy carries out parachute landing of marines, passenger transportation of Navy personnel and military cargo.

Special aviation performs special tasks in the interests of the Navy, other branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the military.

Naval aviation is the main striking force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations. Its main combat missions in armed warfare at sea are the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air, launching positions of anti-aircraft guided missiles and other enemy air defense systems, conducting tactical reconnaissance, etc. Naval aviation carrier-based helicopters are used to target the ship's missile weapons when destroying submarines and repelling attacks by low-flying aircraft and enemy anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they can be used to provide fire support for Marine landings and destroy enemy missile and artillery boats.

Naval aviation is represented by four types of aircraft: Su-33 and MiG-29K fighters, Su-25UTG trainer aircraft and MiG-29KUB combat trainer aircraft. As of 2014, the Russian Navy has one heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov, on board of which, during cruises, Su-33, MiG-29K, MiG-29KUB, Su-25UTG aircraft and helicopters are based Ka-27 and Ka-29.

  • 1. History
    • 1.1 Becoming
    • 1.2 World War I
    • 1.3 Soviet era before World War II
    • 1.4 Soviet-Finnish War
    • 1.5 World War II
    • 1.6 Soviet years after World War 2
    • 1.7 Post-Soviet period
  • 2 Structure of Russian Naval Aviation until 2008
  • 3 MA bases after reform in 2008 (and their future fate)
  • 4 Combat composition of Russian Naval Aviation until 2008
  • 5 Weapons and military equipment
  • 6 Identification marks of the Naval Aviation of the Russian Armed Forces
  • 7 Uniform of military personnel of the Naval Aviation
    • 7.1 For headdresses of Russian naval aviation personnel
  • 8 Military ranks of Naval Aviation personnel
  • 9 Commanders of Naval Aviation of the Russian Empire/USSR/RF
  • 10 See also
  • 11 Notes
  • 12 Links
  • 13 Literature



By the Highest order of Emperor Nicholas II, on February 6, 1910, the Air Fleet Department was created in St. Petersburg, which marked the beginning of the aviation era in Russia. Another six months after this event, on September 16, 1910, the head of the aeronautical team of the Black Sea Fleet, Lieutenant S.F. Dorozhinsky performed a flight from the Sevastopol Kulikovo Pole airfield on the Antoinette-4 aircraft he purchased in France for the Maritime Department. This flight and this aircraft were the first in the history of Russian Naval Aviation.

On May 4, 1912, the Chief of the Naval General Staff, Vice Admiral A. Lieven, submitted written report No. 127 on the plan to create aviation detachments in the fleets. This document, approved with some reservations by the Minister of the Navy, Vice Admiral I.K. Grigorovich, acquired the character of an order for the Ministry of the Navy. A logical continuation of the report was the letter from the Moscow State Medical School No. 1706/272 dated 06/02/1912 to the head of the General School on the formation of the infrastructure of aviation units in 1913.

Some historians believe that the date of birth of Russian Naval Aviation should be considered August 6, 1912, and the place of birth should be Grebnoy port on Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg. Here on this day a solemn prayer service was served for the launching of the first hydroplane, which marked the beginning of the functioning of the Experimental Aviation Station - the first officially formed aviation military unit in the Baltic Fleet.

As of January 1, 1913, there was one seaplane and two wheeled airplanes in the Baltic, and five seaplanes on the Black Sea. In the spring of 1914, by decision of the Minister of the Navy, an aviation department consisting of three people was introduced into the staff of the Naval General Staff.

World War I

The outbreak of the First World War found Russian Naval Aviation at the stage of organizational formation. In total, by August 1, 1914, the Naval Ministry had about three dozen aircraft various types and about 20 certified pilots. About 10 more officers underwent flight training directly in the fleets. By the beginning of the war, there were only 10 seaplanes in the Baltic, based in Libau, and eight on the Black Sea, in Sevastopol, and in Kilen Bay. It was planned to deploy aviation units in the Pacific Ocean only by the summer of 1915, but this was not implemented due to the outbreak of the war.

August 18, 1914 By order of the Fleet and the Maritime Department No. 269, the “Regulations on the Aviation Service in the Communications Service” were introduced, which determined the legal status of the aviation units of the fleets.

At the beginning of March 1915, the Naval Aviation already had 77 aircraft, including 47 in the Baltic and 30 seaplanes in the Black Sea. They were served by 78 officers and 859 lower ranks.

Official history from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation states that on July 17 (July 4, old style), 1916, an air battle between four aircraft from the Orlitsa seaplane and four German aircraft took place in the Baltic. 80 years after this event, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 253 of July 15, 1996, July 17, 1916 was determined by the birthday of Russian Naval Aviation.

On November 30, 1916, Emperor Nicholas II issued an order on the formation of the Air Divisions of the Baltic and Black Seas. At the same time, by Order of the Chief of the Naval Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Admiral A.I. Rusin No. 428, instead of the outdated regulation “On the Aviation Service in the Communications Service” (established in 1914), a new regulation “On the Naval Aviation Service and Aeronautics" of the Imperial Russian Fleet. According to it, the structure of units and formations of Naval Aviation was determined: 4-8 aircraft made up a detachment, 2-4 detachments formed an air division, 2-4 divisions formed a brigade, and 2 or more brigades formed an air division of the sea. This “Regulation” actually gave the domestic Naval Aviation the status of a branch of the fleet. It was prepared taking into account the experience of using aircraft-carrying ships of the Black Sea and Baltic fleets in the campaigns of 1915-1916. On the same day, the “Regulations on the Naval Aviation Division” were approved, which clearly spelled out the relationships between ship and aviation commanders and superiors.

In addition to the Air Divisions of the Baltic and Black Seas, during 1916-1917. To assist the active army, other hydroaviation units and units were formed:

In the spring of 1916, the Peipsi hydroaviation detachment was formed on Lake Peipsi, which was later transferred to Oranienbaum, and on the eve of the October Revolution of 1917 merged with the Petrograd School of Naval Aviation;

In 1916, to assist the troops of the Baku detachment of the Caucasian Front, on the lake. Van in Turkey, the Van Military Flotilla is formed, which included two M-5 seaplanes. Mechanical engineer midshipman M.M. was appointed head of the Van hydroaviation detachment from June to August 1917. Ivanov. due to the collapse of the Caucasian Front and the offensive of Turkish troops, in February-March 1918 the Van flotilla and its air detachment were liquidated;

In February 1917, to support the Arctic Ocean flotilla, the Special Purpose Air Brigade began to be formed (as an Air Division).

As of January 1, 1917, Russian Naval Aviation was an impressive force and had 264 airplanes. different types. Of these, 152 aircraft and 4 small controlled balloons were in the Black Sea Fleet, 88 aircraft were in the Baltic. Another 29 aircraft were available at the Petrograd and Baku officer aviation schools. From September 1916 to May 1917 alone, the naval department received 61 seaplanes designed by Grigorovich M-11 and M-12; of these, 26 flew in the Black Sea, about 20 arrived in the Baltic. 115 and 96 officers, 1039 and 1339 conductors, non-commissioned officers and privates served in the Black Sea and Baltic aviation units, respectively. The title of “naval pilot” was officially given to 56 Black Sea and 46 Baltic seamen. In mid-January 1917, the formation of the Black Sea Air Division under the command of Captain 1st Rank M.I. ended. Fedorovich. A similar air force in the Baltic, under the command of Captain 1st Rank B.P. Dudorov, completed its formation in May of the same year. In June 1917, the Department of Naval Aviation and Aeronautics (UMAiV) was created in Petrograd, which was supposed to manage all aviation of the Russian fleet. Captain 2nd rank A.A. was appointed the first head of the UMAiV. Tuchkov.

By the October Revolution, Russian Naval Aviation included the Baltic Sea Air Division (two air brigades and a naval aviation detachment) and the Black Sea Air Division (two air brigades and a naval aviation division). In total, they included 269 aircraft of various types. However, their combat effectiveness was extremely low, and in April 1918. both divisions ceased to exist.

On November 28, 1917, at the direction of V.I. Lenin, an order was issued to establish the post of commissioner in the department of naval aviation and aeronautics. A.P. Onufriev (previously worked at the Dux aircraft plant in Moscow), who became one of the active organizers of Soviet Naval Aviation, was assigned to it.

As of the end of November 1917, the Russian Naval Aviation included 240 M-9, M-5, M-11, and M-20 aircraft. Of these, the Baltic Air Division had 88 aircraft, the Black Sea Division - 152.

As of mid-December 1917, the combat core of Naval Aviation included 2,114 airplanes and 161 pilots, including:

the Baltic Sea air division had: 74 flying boats (40 M-95, 13 M-15, 21 M-16), 24 Nieuport-21 wheeled fighters and 87 pilots; The Black Sea air division had: 104 flying boats (24 M-5, 60 M-9, 4M-11, 16M-15), as well as 9 Nieuport-17 fighters. There were only 74 pilots for this number of aircraft.

Another 75 aircraft were available in Naval Aviation schools. The main center for training flight personnel was the Baku Naval Aviation School, where 180 cadets were studying at that time. The Oranienbaum School of Naval Aviation and the Krasnoselsk School of Air Combat and Aerobatics trained another 50 and 25 cadets, respectively.

One of the first steps of the new Bolshevik government in the field of military development was the order for the army and navy No. 4 of December 20, 1917, which determined that naval and land aviation should be united under a single ground command. The People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs (Narkomvoenmor) ordered the newly formed All-Russian Board of UVOF-LOT, chaired by K.V. Akashev, to be placed at the head of the air fleet department (UVOFLOT). its composition, along with other members, included the Commissioner of Naval Aviation Management (UMA) A.P. Onufriev. His entry into the board meant the actual merger of the leadership of UMA and UVOFLOT. However, the Supreme Naval Collegium, created by decree of the Council of People's Commissars on November 24, 1917 to manage the central institutions of the Maritime Department, based on the report of the Naval General Staff, recognized the above decision as premature. In connection with this, on January 11 (24), 1918, the board decided: “The issue of merging the departments by adoption of execution should be temporarily postponed and a project for regulating the relations of the departments should be developed.” The merger of the two types of aviation was categorically opposed by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Baltic Fleet, firmly pointing out that “hydroaviation is a typical naval type of weapon. It is equipped with appropriately adapted aircraft and is staffed by specially trained pilots who know the specifics of naval warfare.”

Former Rear Admiral A. Ruzek, the acting chief of staff of the fleet, said that the unification of aviation would be a mistaken measure, in an obvious “gap with the interests of the naval defense of the republic.” These opinions were energetically supported by the Chief of the Naval General Staff (former captain 1st rank) E. Behrens. On his initiative, by order of the Army and Navy No. 3 of May 25, 1918, the naval aviation department again came under the control of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs.

By the spring of 1918, Russian Naval Aviation had undergone serious organizational changes. In March-April, the Air Division of the Baltic Fleet, under the threat of being captured by German troops, was forced, along with the fleet, to evacuate from Revel and Helsingfors to Petrograd and deep into Russia, to the Volga. At the end of April, from its remnants, the Special Purpose Air Brigade was formed, consisting of three divisions (eight air squadrons). By May, the entire Black Sea coast was in the hands of Austro-German troops and the army of the Ukrainian Central Rada. In light of this, the Black Sea Air Division, having lost its entire aviation fleet and bases, ceased to exist. On March 6, 1918, foreseeing the inevitability of losses of equipment and aviation personnel, the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs issued order No. 183, in which it outlined the instructions to the command of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets: “1. All aviation units and schools are preserved, and the personnel of these units undertake to make every effort to preserve the military property at their disposal. 2. As demobilization progresses, the central aviation committees of the seas should pull together aviation units that have lost combat value, subject to the preservation of those parts that are necessary to maintain air communications, in the Baltic Sea - on the northern shore between Abo, Helsingfors and Petrograd, and in the Black Sea - between Odessa, Sevastopol and Poti."

As of October 1, 1918, Naval Aviation included: Belomorsky, Volzhsky, Caspian and Onega seaplanes, with 18 M-9 seaplanes and 9 Newport and Lebed land fighters. In addition, there were 14 more aircraft in the Baltic. The aviation of the Black Sea Fleet ceased to exist by the summer. Total for 1918-1920 19 naval aviation detachments were formed as part of Naval Aviation. Some of them later became part of other air squadrons, and as of January 1, 1920, there were 10 seaplane squadrons and 4 fighter squadrons - a total of about 75 aircraft of various types and technical conditions.

In the spring of 1920, an event occurred that left its mark on the further development of Naval Aviation. By order of the RVS of the Republic No. 447/78 of March 25, 1920, “in order to increase the combat effectiveness of the Red Air Fleet of the Republic,” Naval Aviation was still subordinated to the main directorate of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Air Fleet. The aviation department of the RKVMF was to be disbanded, with all affairs and personnel transferred to the newly created main directorate of the RKVF. At the same time, the position of assistant to the head of the republic's Air Fleet for hydroaviation was established (from April 24, M.F. Pogodin was appointed to this position, from September 28 of the same year - A.P. Onufriev). The positions of assistant chief of the air fleet of the active army for hydroaviation (since July 1920, it was occupied by S.E. Stolyarsky) and assistant chiefs of fleets of coastal military districts and fronts for hydroaviation were also introduced. The commanders of air divisions were now subordinate to naval command only in operational terms. At the time of the transfer, Naval Aviation consisted of 96 aircraft of various types, of which in the Baltic - 36 seaplanes and 13 fighters, in the Black Sea - 33 seaplanes and 14 fighters. Thus, over the next 18 years, Naval Aviation was directly subordinate to the Red Army Air Force.

In 1921, Naval Aviation consisted of 2 operational formations subordinate to the Main Air Force and, operationally, to the chiefs naval forces seas:

Baltic Sea Air Fleet - Special purpose air division (hydroaviation division), consisting of the 1st and 2nd separate naval reconnaissance detachments, as well as the 1st separate fighter aviation detachment;

The Air Fleet of the Black and Azov Seas is a hydroaviation division, consisting of the 3rd and 4th separate naval reconnaissance aviation detachments, as well as the 2nd separate fighter aviation detachment. Composition of the Naval Aviation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet in 1921

Department of MA at the State Administration of the RKKVF (since 1920) - Moscow.

Samara Higher Medical School, Krasnoselskaya MSVP;

Baltic Sea Air Fleet;

Air fleet of the Black and Azov seas (Aral, Odessa and Dnieper sea squadrons).

During the period of the 20-30s, when Naval Aviation was organizationally part of the Red Army Air Force, the country's top leadership and the leadership of the People's Commissariat of Defense assigned aviation tasks to support ground forces, cover troops and rear facilities from air strikes, as well as to combat enemy aerial reconnaissance. In accordance with this, the development and construction of aircraft and their weapons was carried out, and training programs for pilots in aviation educational institutions were drawn up. The operational-tactical training of leading military personnel and all combat training of military aviation were aimed at this. In this case, naval aviation was assigned a secondary role, so the fleet of naval aviation in these years was replenished only with seaplanes, intended mainly for conducting aerial reconnaissance at sea. Flight personnel for it were trained at the Yeisk school of naval pilots and flight instructors.

Also, the newly created Polar Aviation in those years was recruited from the personnel of Naval Aviation, which played a huge role in the development of the Northern Sea Route. The first Hero of the Soviet Union in 1934 was the naval pilot Anatoly Vasilyevich Lyapidevsky, who showed courage and heroism in rescuing the crew of the Chelyuskin steamship trapped in ice. At the same time, naval pilots I. Doronin, S. Levanevsky and V. Molokov were awarded this title.

On December 30, 1937, the People's Commissariat of the Navy was formed, which organizationally included the revived Navy Air Force. S.F. is appointed Chief of Naval Aviation. Zhavoronkov, who became an Air Marshal in 1944.

The School of Naval Pilots and Flying Officers in Yeysk and the School of Naval Pilots of the Polar Aviation Directorate of the Main Northern Sea Route in Nikolaev were transformed into Naval Aviation Schools, and the Military School of Aviation Technicians in Perm into the Naval Aviation Technical School. A command and aviation department was established at the Naval Academy, and year-long advanced training courses for fleet aviation leadership were opened.

The Navy's bomber aviation began to study the use of sea mines and torpedoes, corresponding orders were made to industry, and soon mine and torpedo aviation was organized in the Navy Air Force.

However, the uncertainty of the organizational structure of the Navy Air Force in the pre-war period was reflected in the nature of the views on its operational and tactical use. For a long time it was believed that air combat at sea would be carried out primarily by operational formations (air corps) of the Red Army Air Force. In accordance with this, the interaction of fleets and air corps was worked out in operational training, and naval aviation was assigned auxiliary tasks of providing the fleet with aerial reconnaissance and air defense for the basing of the fleet and ships at sea. The quick war showed the deep fallacy of this concept - naval aviation turned out to be the main and most effective striking force of the Soviet Navy.

By the beginning of the war with Germany, Naval Aviation was a significant force. it consisted of 3,838 aircraft of various types, of which 2,824 were combat aircraft, including 51 new fighters (MiG-3 and Yak-1) and 38 new short-range bombers and reconnaissance aircraft (Che-2 and Pe-2).

In the winter campaign of the 39-40s, naval aviation operated primarily in the maritime sector. In cooperation with ships, she blocked the enemy from the sea, attacking his transports at communications and ports, and laying mines on the fairways. After breaking through the main line of defense on February 18, 1940, the aviation of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet was quickly subordinated to the commander of the Air Force of the Northwestern Front. From that moment on, naval aviation operated in the land sector, fighting railway and road transport. Thus, in carrying out this task in the war with Finland, experience was gained joint action front-line and naval aviation.

During the entire war, naval aviation carried out 264 sorties and dropped 96 tons of bombs to attack enemy ships at sea. According to the reporting data of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet Air Force, they managed to sink 14 transports (according to other sources - only 2) and damage more than 20 more. In order to bomb Finnish ports, 638 sorties were made and 368 tons of bombs were dropped on their facilities. In total, KBF aviation carried out 16,633 sorties.

The Second World War

It should be noted that, unlike the Red Army Air Force, Naval Aviation suffered virtually no losses on the first day of the war. This was largely due to the timely introduction into the Navy higher degrees combat readiness, and on the other hand, sufficient distance between the main airfields and the airfields of enemy bomber aircraft.

In the first, most difficult months of the war, naval aviation was involved in bombing strikes against the advancing enemy in the interests of the ground forces. The crews were not prepared to perform such tasks in the pre-war period. Given the weak fighter cover, the naval aviators suffered heavy losses in people and equipment.

At the end of June 1941, three air squadrons of the Civil Air Fleet (Baltic, Black Sea, Northern) were formed from civil aviation units, which were operationally subordinate to the command of the air forces of the corresponding fleets. Their task was to provide transport services in the interests of the fleets. In addition, from the first days of the war, some aviation units of the NKVD Border Troops were transferred to Naval Aviation. At the same time, the first attack aviation units appeared in the Navy Air Force: a squadron of the 57th BAP in the Baltic and the 46th OSHAE in the Black Sea Fleet.

On the initiative of the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy, Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov, a “special strike group” of 15 DB-3T aircraft was created on the basis of the 1st mine-torpedo air regiment of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. The torpedo bombers were converted to carry free-falling ammunition. On the night of August 8, 1941, the group, which was personally led by the commander of the 1st MTAP, Colonel E. N. Preobrazhensky, bombed the German capital, Berlin, and returned in full force to the departure airfield. Subsequently, during August, the regiment's aircraft carried out 7 more missions, losing 18 aircraft and 7 crews. It should also be noted that the long-range aviation of the Red Army Air Force, which joined the bombing of Berlin, on its first flight (August 10), of the 10 aircraft that went to Berlin, only six reached the target and bombed, and only two returned home. After this flight, the commander of the 81st Long-Range Bomber Aviation Division, Hero of the Soviet Union, M.V. Vodopyanov. (who was also shot down) was removed from his post, and A. E. Golovanov was appointed in his place.

Without causing any significant military-economic damage to Nazi Germany, these sorties had a significant psychological and propaganda character in the USSR and the world.

Heavy losses forced the leadership of the Navy Air Force to disband by mid-autumn a number of formations and units that were left without equipment, and transfer the regiments from a five-squadron to a three-squadron composition. The remaining personnel were sent to the rear for reorganization and replenishment with aircraft. The freed squadrons were also used to form new flying units. In addition, during the first two months of the war, all border and part of the rear airfields of the Baltic Fleet and Black Sea Fleet air forces were lost. Only in the North, the losses of the Northern Fleet Air Force were quite moderate, and the airfield network did not undergo changes.

In these hardest air battles The winged guard of Naval Aviation was born. The first guards titles were awarded to the 1st MTAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, the 72nd SAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force, the 5th and 13th IAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, which from January 19, 1942 became known as the 1st Guards. MTAP, 2nd Guards. SAP, 3rd Guards. and 4th Guards. IAP accordingly. April 1942, the 5th Guards were added to their number. MTAP (formerly 2nd MTAP) and 6th Guards. IAP (formerly 8th IAP) Black Sea Fleet Air Force.

Based on the results of the combat operations of the USSR naval aviation in 41-42, one can note the extremely low effectiveness of strike aviation in its profile and very high losses of personnel and equipment. This is due to the inappropriate use of aircraft in the first months of the war, poor training of crews, constant personnel changes (often unfounded) and the complete incompetence of the command of both the aircraft and the Navy in terms of the use of aviation.

In the Far East, although there were no military operations, the situation on the border remained very alarming. At this time, the Pacific Fleet Air Force, the STOF Air Force and the Amur Military Fleet Aviation were solving problems of protecting the Far Eastern borders of the USSR from possible aggression from Japan, and aviation personnel were also being trained for the air forces of the Western fleets. In addition, rotation (interchange) of command personnel from the front to the Far East was practiced, which had a positive effect on the combat effectiveness of the combatants and the combat readiness of the eastern air units of the Navy.

In 1942-1943, based on the urgent requirements of the war, new formations were formed as part of Naval Aviation - assault and bomber (dive-kicking) brigades, armed with Il-2 and Pe-2 aircraft (9th ShAB of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, 10th BAB Air Force Pacific Fleet, 11th ShAB Air Force Black Sea Fleet, 12th ShAD Air Force Pacific Fleet).

On January 21, 1943, the Naval Air Force Directorate was reorganized into the Main Directorate of the Navy Air Force, which, to a certain extent, increased its status in the structure of the NK Navy.

By the summer of 1943, based on the experience of combat, all aviation brigades of the air force of the fleets were reorganized into aviation divisions (mine-torpedo, fighter, assault, bomber). By the end of the year, Naval Aviation already had 12 aviation formations: 1st MTAD, 4th IAD, 11th ShAD Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet; 3rd IAD, 8th MTAD, 9th ShAD of the Baltic Fleet Air Force; 5th MTAD, 6th IAD of the Northern Fleet Air Force, 2nd MTAD, 7th IAD, 10th BAD, 12th ShAD of the Pacific Fleet Air Force.

In 1943, reconnaissance aviation units were reorganized in the Navy Air Force. Until now, it has been based on flying boats MBR-2, Che-2, GST. These aircraft no longer met the requirements of the war. At the same time, in addition to domestic aircraft, Naval Aviation began to receive foreign-made fighters and bombers P-40 “Tomahawk” and “Kittyhawk”, P-39 “Airacobra”, A-20 “Boston” in ever-increasing quantities. This made it possible, in addition to the previously existing boat reconnaissance regiments and individual squadrons, to form new reconnaissance regiments armed with wheeled aircraft. including, in the Baltic Fleet Air Force the 26th ORAP was reorganized into the new 15th ORAP, in the Black Fleet Air Force - the 27th ORAP into the 30th ORAP, in the Pacific Fleet Air Force - the 50th MTAP into the 50th ORAP. The only exception was the Northern Fleet Air Force, where the 28th ORAE and the 118th IRBM were reorganized into one 118th RAP of mixed composition. The crews of the 2nd Ferry Aviation Regiment of the Navy ( commander of the unit Karnaukhov P.S.) along the Alsib highway (this regiment was not part of the ferry division and worked exclusively in the interests of naval aviation). The regiment was based in Kazakhstan in the village of Tainchi.

From 1943 until the end of the war, the structure of the air force fleets underwent virtually no changes. It included divisions of mine-torpedo, dive, attack and fighter aviation, mixed aviation divisions, separate regiments of fighter and reconnaissance aviation, separate squadrons of combat and auxiliary aviation, as well as separate aviation detachments and units of special aviation.

The American A-20 attack aircraft was used in the Soviet Navy Air Force as a torpedo bomber and fire support aircraft (suppression of ship air defense) American amphibious flying boat "Catalina", also produced under license in the USSR under the name "GST"

In 1944-1945 The combat strength of the Navy Air Force was replenished with four more aviation units. The 13th Airborne Division was formed in the Black Sea, the 14th Garden Division in the North, and the 15th and 16th Garden Divisions in the Pacific Fleet.

The main types of aircraft in service with the Navy Air Force during the war were:

Torpedo bombers DB-3T, Il-4T, Handley Page HP-52 Hampden, A-20 Boston;

Bombers DB-3B, Il-4, SB, Ar-2, Pe-2, Tu-2, A-20 Boston;

Fighters I-15bis, I-153, I-16, Yak-1, Yak-7, Yak-9, LaGG-3, La-5, La-7, Pe-3bis, R-39 "Airacobra", R- 47 Thunderbolt, P-63 Kingcobra, Hurricane, Spitfire, P-40E Tomahawk, P-40K Kittyhawk;

Scouts GST, PBN-1 "Nomad", PBY-6 "Catalina", MBR-2, KOR-1, KOR-2, Che-2, MTB-2, R-5, R-10, Pe-2R; Yak-9R, Tu-2R, Spitfire PR, A-20 Boston, Vought OS2U Kingfisher;

Transport aircraft R-5, U-2, TB-1, TB-3, Li-2, S-47, Lancaster;

Special purpose MBR-2VU, S-2;

Attack aircraft UT-16, I-5, Be-2, R-10, I-153, I-16, Il-2, Il-10;

Training U-2, UT-1, UT-2, DIT, UTI-4, UIl-2, La-5UTI, UPe-2, USB.

During the war, the command of the Navy Air Force repeatedly took measures to build up the fleet's aviation groupings, based on the emerging operational situation in the theater of operations. Thus, in July 1942, the Northern Fleet Air Force was reinforced by the Special Marine Aviation Group (OMAG), consisting of three aviation fighter regiments (95th, 13th and 121st IAP) with heavy fighters of the Pe-3 and Pe-3bis type . This formation ensured the fulfillment of a task of national importance - the escort of Arctic convoys of the allies to the northern ports of the USSR. In 1943, the 29th BAP was transferred from the North to the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, and the 35th ShAP was transferred to the Baltic. June 1944 The Baltic Fleet Air Force received the 11th ShAD from the Black Sea. With the end of hostilities in Europe, a number of air forces of the Western fleets were transferred to the Far East to participate in the war with Japan (including the 27th IAP, 36th MTAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force, 43rd IAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force).

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1941-1942.

Naval Air Force Directorate - Moscow.

Units of central subordination: KUNS (two to four UAE), VMAU named after. Stalin (nine UAE), VMAU named after. Levanevsky (four UAE), 1st AB of primary training schools, 1st ZAP, 2nd ZAP, 3rd ZAP, 13th AP, 64th Special Operations Division, LIS Navy Air Force (in Astrakhan);

Baltic Fleet Air Force (604 aircraft);

Black Sea Fleet Air Force (651 aircraft);

Northern Fleet Air Force (116 aircraft);

Pacific Fleet Air Force (889 aircraft);

Air Force of the North Pacific Flotilla (178 aircraft);

Aviation of the Amur Military Flotilla (107 aircraft);

Aviation of the Azov Military Flotilla;

Aviation of the Volga Military Flotilla;

Aviation of the Caucasian military flotilla (15 aircraft);

Aviation of the Ladoga Military Flotilla;

Aviation of the Onega military flotilla;

Aviation of the Pinsk military flotilla (20 aircraft);

2nd AGGUSMP (since August 1942 - 3rd AGVMF: 17 aircraft).

Composition of the Navy Air Force in 1943-1945.

Main Directorate of the Navy Air Force - Moscow.

Units of central subordination: VOK (two to four UAE), VMAU named after. Stalin (six to nine UAE), VMAU named after. Levanevsky (four to six UAE),

3rd VMAU (1st marching ShAP, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th USHAP), 4th VMAU (1st, 2nd UMTAP), Aviation Division of Initial Training Schools, 1 1st ZAP, 2nd ZAP, 3rd ZAP, OAS aircraft ferrying (1st APPS, 2nd APPS) since 1944, 19th MTAD (formerly OAGPS) - since 1945, 65th OAP Special Forces, LIS Navy Air Force (Baku); Baltic Fleet Air Force, Black Sea Fleet Air Force, Pacific Fleet Air Force, Northern Fleet Air Force, STOF Air Force, BelVF Air Force, AmVF Aviation, Volga Military Fleet Aviation, DnVF Aviation, DunVF Aviation, KaVF Aviation, LadVF Aviation, OnVF Aviation.

To the Great Patriotic War Navy aviation turned out to be the most effective of the naval forces - the destruction of 407 enemy ships by aviation was officially confirmed, which is 66% of losses, with a total number of losses of 614 units (however, there is information that official data on the effectiveness of mine-torpedo aviation, for a number of reasons , greatly overestimated).

In August 1945, the USSR began Fighting against Japan, in which the Pacific Fleet Air Force, STOF Air Force and AmVF Aviation took part. By the beginning of hostilities, the staff strength of the Far Eastern naval aviation group in terms of personnel and equipment, even without taking into account the units that arrived “for reinforcement” from the western regions of the country, exceeded the total number of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, the Black Sea Fleet Air Force and the Northern Fleet Air Force combined. The fighting in the Far Eastern theater of operations was fleeting but fierce and lasted from August 9 to August 26, 1945, with losses compared to the statistics of combat losses in Western fronts, were several times smaller. A number of units of the Pacific Fleet Air Force received guards ranks and honorary titles.

With the end of World War II, a general reduction in the Armed Forces of the USSR began. Naval Aviation, after the end of hostilities, attack aviation was completely eliminated, but three more aviation divisions were formed: the 17th Airborne Division and the 18th Airborne Division of the Pacific Fleet Air Force, as well as the 19th MTAD of the Navy Civil Code.

The combat experience gained during the war formed the basis for developing plans and directions for the further development of naval aviation, improving the principles and methods of its use in war at sea.

In the second half of 1945, new Tu-2T torpedo bomber aircraft began to enter service with the mine and torpedo aviation units of the Navy Air Force. The 5th Guards were the first to receive them. MTAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force and the 64th DBAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force (the latter managed to fight on them). over the next two years, the regiments of the 8th and 19th MTAD of the Baltic Fleet Air Force and the 567th Guards were re-equipped with these aircraft. MTAP Air Force Pacific Fleet.

On February 16, 1946, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the NK of the Navy was abolished. The Navy, subordinate to the Minister of the Armed Forces, became known as the Navy. In accordance with this order of the Civil Code of the Navy No. 0100 dated March 26, 1946, the Navy Air Force was renamed Naval Aviation, and the Main Directorate of the Navy Air Force was transformed into the “control bodies of the commander of Naval aviation.” their composition included: command, secretariat, headquarters, air defense department, IAS department, naval air supply department, airfield department and several departments (inspector, VMAUZ, personnel, financial and general). The same order made the transition to peacetime states. In the same year, the MBR-2 flying boats were to be written off and, as a consequence of this, the flight units armed with aircraft of this type were disbanded. So only in the Pacific Fleet Air Force by 1947 the 117th OMDRAP, 31st, 47th, 57th, 63rd OMBRAE and 5th BRAZ were disbanded

As of July 1, 1946, there were 5,252 aircraft in Naval Aviation, including: imported all types - 1,059, domestic fighters - 1,159, bombers and torpedo bombers - 727, attack aircraft - 482, domestic boat aircraft - 330. Another 1,455 aircraft was located in educational institutions and units of the Naval Aviation.

On December 15, 1947, in accordance with the NGSH Navy circular No. 0036 dated 10/07/1947, Naval Aviation switched to the standard organization of the Soviet Army Air Force. A number of Naval Air Force units were renamed, receiving the numbers of the assault and fighter regiments of the SA Air Force that had been disbanded by this time. Thus, the 29th and 40th APPB of the Black Fleet Air Force became the 565th and 569th DBAP, the 17th Guards, 55th APPB and 64th DBAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force - respectively, the 567th Guards, 568- m and 570th MTAP, and the 95th AP of the Northern Fleet Air Force - 574th MTAP. Two divisions of dive bombers (13th ADPB of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force and 10th ADPB of the Pacific Fleet Air Force) were also reorganized into the 88th DBAD (MTAD) and 89th MTAD. Naval attack aviation was completely eliminated, its units were reorganized or liquidated. The Baltic and Pacific fleets were divided into two parts, becoming the 4th and 8th navies in the Baltic and the 5th and 7th navies in the Pacific. Each of these operational-strategic formations had its own aviation.

In the first post-war five-year period, the process of reduction of Naval Aviation proceeded steadily: out of 19 air divisions, 16 remained, and the aviation of all military flotillas, naval defensive areas and bases was eliminated. By the beginning of the 1950s, despite its impressive numerical strength, Naval Aviation had a morally and physically outdated aircraft fleet.

Since 1951, the Navy's fighter aviation began retraining for MiG-15 jet aircraft, and since 1953 - for the MiG-17. At the beginning of the same year, a number of MA Navy regiments changed their numbers again, this time to four-digit ones.

The next stage of reforms began on April 21, 1951, when the USSR Minister of Defense, by order No. 0188, set the deadline for the re-equipment of mine-torpedo aviation units with Tu-14t and Il-28t jet torpedo bombers. The first regiment to retrain on the Il-28 was the 1531st Guards in August 1951. MTAP Air Force of the 8th Navy, and in October the 1676th MTAP Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet began retraining. at the end of 1951 he began retraining the 567th Guards. MTAP Air Force of the 5th Navy. April and May 1952 the 9th Guards retrained on the Tu-14t. MTAP and the newly formed 1941st MTAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force. In total, by the second half of 1952, eight mine and torpedo regiments were re-equipped with Il-28t and Tu-14t. Unlike Long-Range Aviation, which in those years was massively re-equipped and operated the Tu-4 bomber, the sailors did not purposefully rearm with this aircraft. Aircraft of this type were used to a limited extent and for a very short time in the 124th MTAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, 240th Guards. TAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force and a separate control detachment of the 143rd MTAD of the Pacific Fleet Air Force.

The reconnaissance aviation unit of the Navy began to receive reconnaissance aircraft based on the Il-28 in March 1952 (1733rd ORAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force, AE of the 15th ODRAP of the 8th Navy Air Force and AE of the 50th Guards ODRAP of the 5th Navy Air Force). Also, a number of units and formations of fighter aviation of the SA Air Force were transferred to the Navy: the 60th, 108th and 237th Guards were received in the Baltic. IAD, in the North - 107th and 122nd IAD, on the Black Sea - 181st IAD, in the Pacific Ocean - 147th and 249th IAD. In addition, a number of units and formations of the SA Air Force bomber aviation were also transferred to Naval Aviation: in the Baltic, the 4th Guards was transferred to the Fleet Air Force. BAD and 57th TBAD, on the Black Sea - 819th Guards. BAP, in the Pacific Ocean - 169 Guards. TBAP and 194th dietary supplement. Helicopters began to enter service, and separate squadrons of basic (Mi-4) and naval helicopters (Ka-15) were formed: 255th, 507th and 509th UAEV in the Baltic, 1222nd and 272nd UAE in Black Sea, 504th UAE in the North.

In 1953, the 5th and 7th Navy were merged into a single Pacific Fleet, and in 1956, the 4th and 8th Navy were merged into a single Baltic Fleet. The air forces of these fleets were transformed accordingly. On January 1, 1954, the USSR Navy Air Force had 10 mine-torpedo, 20 fighter and 10 reconnaissance air regiments, as well as 29 separate squadrons and detachments.

In the mid-50s, the gradual re-equipment of MTAP with aircraft of the Tu-16 type began. This aircraft became epoch-making not only for Naval Aviation, but also for the entire military aviation of the USSR.

At the same time, naval aviation began research work on searching and tracking submarines. The newly created radio hydroacoustic system "Baku" (1953) is installed on helicopters, Be-6 aircraft and then on Tu-16PL (PLO). The latter showed low efficiency in performing the anti-submarine mission, and two experimental squadrons at the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet were soon repurposed.

Tu-16 performs wing refueling (Pacific Fleet Air Force). Shooting approximately in the late 70s or early 80s, Tu-16K-10-26 of the Northern Fleet Air Force with a full missile suspension - two KSR-5 and K-10S. Filmed approximately in 1990-91.

In the spring of 1958, individual squadrons of base and ship-based Mi-4m and Ka-15 helicopters in all fleets were reorganized into helicopter regiments. Thus, the 853rd and 872nd OAPV appear in the Black Sea, the 830th OAPV in the North, the 413th and 437th OAPV in the Baltic, and the 710th and 720th OAPV in the Pacific Fleet. They were staffed by the flight and technical personnel of the fighter units disbanded this year. At the same time, the planned transfer of some naval fighter aviation regiments to air defense took place, often without changing their locations (for the air defense command, pilots, and even those in vests, remained a “headache” for a long time).

By the end of the 50s, missile-carrying aircraft and cruise missiles began to arrive in the air regiment's mine and torpedo regiments. With the adoption of the Tu-16K-10 aircraft, Order No. 0028 of the USSR Ministry of Defense of March 20, 1961 was issued, followed by Order of the Navy Civil Code No. 048 of April 13, 1961, on the basis of which the naval missile-carrying MRA aviation was born, and all mine- torpedo regiments and divisions were now called “missile-carrying”. However, a year earlier, a significant reduction in military units of the Navy took place on the initiative of N.S. Khrushchev, in particular, fighter aircraft were completely eliminated in the Navy, and mine-torpedo aircraft were significantly reduced.

The Tu-16K-10 and its further modifications were in service only with the Navy aviation. The 170th Guards were the first to rearm with the new missile system. MTAP DD Air Force BF, 924th Guards. and the 987th MTAP AD of the Northern Fleet Air Force. They were followed by the 240th Guards. MTAP DD Air Force BF, 5th Guards. and 124th MTAP DD Air Force Black Sea Fleet, 169th Guards. and the 570th MTAP DD Air Force Pacific Fleet, which received these weapons in 1960-1961.

After 1961 and through the mid-80s, the structural composition of naval aviation remained virtually unchanged (with some exceptions). in an approximate version, each fleet had one naval missile-carrying aviation division (two in the Pacific Fleet), one reconnaissance regiment, 1-2 helicopter regiments (squadrons), an anti-submarine and transport regiment. There were also separate various squadrons for special purposes.

In 1962, the supersonic reconnaissance aircraft Tu-22R entered the reconnaissance aviation of the Navy, first in the 15th ODRAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, and then in the 30th ODRAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force. In 1963, at the Severomorsk-1 airfield (SF), the 392nd ODRAP was formed, armed with the latest strategic aircraft at that time - Tu-95RTs reconnaissance aircraft. In 1965, this regiment was relocated to its permanent location at the Kipelovo airfield (Vologda region). In the same year, the 867th Guards was rearmed with the Tu-95RTs. ODRAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force at the Khorol airfield.

Instead of the Be-6 flying boats, the Naval Aviation received the Be-12 amphibious aircraft as a replacement. The following units were re-equipped with it: in 1965 - 318th OPLAP DD (Donuzlav), in 1967 - 122nd OPLAP DD (Elizovo), in 1968 - 403rd OPLAP DD (Severomorsk-2) , in 1969 - 289th OPLAP DD (Nikolaevka), in 1970 - 17th OPLAP DD (Kosa). Since 1965, the Ka-25PL shipborne helicopter has been mass-produced for Naval Aviation. The helicopter began to receive combat units in the same year - to the 872nd ORP aviation of the Black Sea Fleet and the 710th ORP aviation of the Pacific Fleet. Aviation of the Northern Fleet and Baltic Fleet Ka-25PL helicopters arrived: in the 830th ORP and 745th ORP - in 1967 and 1969, respectively.

In 1967, at the Kipelovo airfield (SF), the 24th OPLAP DD was formed, armed with Il-38 anti-submarine aircraft. Following it, in 1969, the 77th OPLAP DD was formed at the Nikolaevka airfield (TOF), and in 1975, these aircraft were received by the 145th OPAAE DD Aviation of the Baltic Fleet, based at the Skulte airfield (Riga).

In 1969, a long-range aviation complex, the Tu-142 aircraft, was put into service. Although the anti-submarine equipment and weapons of the Tu-142 were almost similar to the Il-38, its tactical radius was up to 4000 km, versus 2300 km for the latter. Aircraft of this type entered service with the newly formed 76th OPLAP DD Air Force of the Northern Fleet Air Force in Kipelovo. In 1976, the 310th OPLAP DD was formed at the Khorol airfield, which a year later left for its permanent location at the airfield - Kamenny Ruchey.

In the early 70s, the Navy helicopter units were re-equipped with new helicopters of the Ka-27 type. Helicopters, in addition to operating from base airfields, regularly served on single- and group-based ships, and carried out voyages to remote areas of the world's oceans (745th Air Force Air Force Base of the Baltic Fleet, 78th and 872nd Air Force Air Forces of the Black Sea Fleet, 38th and 830th th OKPLVP, 279th OKSHAP SF Air Force, 207th, 710th OKPLVP, 175th OKPLVE, 311th OKSHAP Pacific Fleet Air Force).

An-26 tail number 10K Naval Aviation The only one in the Navy Tu-154M RA-85616. Initially based in Knevichi, then in Ostrov, now in Yeisk Project 903 Lun ekranoplan missile ship during testing in the Caspian Sea Su-24 at the Ostrov airfield

Also during these years, USSR Naval Aviation mastered a large number of foreign airfields - Egypt and Syria in the Mediterranean, Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen in the Indian Ocean, Cuba, Guinea and Angola in the Atlantic, Vietnam in the Pacific Ocean. Aviation units and support units from the air force of the fleets were based at the airfields of Cairo, Aswan, Mersa Matrouh, Asmara, Hargeisa, Aden, El Anad, Dahlak, Havana, Conakry, Luanda, Cam Ranh, Da Nang. Areas of responsibility were also divided between the fleets: the crews of the 318th OPLAP and the 30th ODRAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, the 967th ODRAP and the 912th OTAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force worked in the Mediterranean Sea. The crews of the 392nd ODRAP of the Northern Fleet Air Force flew into the Atlantic for combat service, and the crews of the 145th OPLAP of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, the 77th OPLAP, the 710th OKPLVP and the 304th Guards flew into the Indian Ocean. ODRAP Air Force Pacific Fleet. In Vietnam, until 1982, a mixed detachment of Tu-95RTs and Tu-142 aircraft, from the 304th Guards, was based at the Danang airfield. ODRAP and 310th OPLAP Pacific Fleet Air Force. Since 1982, by agreement with the government of Vietnam, the 169th Guards Mixed Aviation Regiment (formerly the 169th Guards MRAP) was permanently deployed at the Cam Ranh airfield, in which, in addition to a squadron of Tu-142 and Tu-95RTs aircraft , there was a squadron of Tu-16K-10 missile carriers and Tu-16SPS electronic warfare aircraft. Since 1984, a squadron of MiG-23MLD fighters, formed from personnel and aircraft of the 1st VA Air Force, was added to them. It was the only full-fledged foreign air base in the USSR with the entire support structure. The base operated for ten years, i.e. before the collapse of the USSR, and was reorganized into the 128th Aviation Commandant's Office. Since 2000, the commandant's office has been liquidated.

In 1974, the supersonic Tu-22M2 missile-carrying aircraft with variable wing geometry, capable of carrying Kh-22M cruise missiles, entered service with the MRA. The first regiments to retrain for the new type of aircraft were the 943rd MRAP of the Black Sea Fleet Air Force and the 240th Guards. MRAP Air Force BF. The Pacific received a new aircraft much later: in 1980. - 568th MRAP, in 1982 - 570th MRAP, and only in 1991 - 183rd MRAP. It is interesting that this aircraft was adopted by sailors even somewhat earlier than in Long-Range Aviation. Subsequently, the Tu-22M2 was gradually replaced by its more advanced modification, the Tu-22M3.

In the mid-1970s. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers (TAKR) Project 1143 were introduced into the combat strength of the USSR Navy, capable, unlike the Project 1123 Moscow and Leningrad anti-ship missiles, to carry not only helicopters, but also vertical take-off and landing aircraft of the Yak-38 type. At the same time, attack aircraft were revived as part of Naval Aviation. The Kyiv aircraft carrier was built for the Northern Fleet. The Pacific Fleet received two other ships: the Minsk and Novorossiysk aircraft carriers. To base them, in addition to shipborne helicopter regiments, separate naval assault aviation regiments were formed as part of the aviation of the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet. In December 1973, at the Saki airfield, the formation of the 279th separate naval assault aviation regiment, armed with Yak-38 aircraft, for the Northern Fleet Air Force began. To train flight personnel for new aircraft, in September 1976, the 299th separate ship-based instructor and research attack aviation regiment was formed in Saki. 1978 The 311th separate naval assault aviation regiment for the Pacific Fleet Air Force is formed in Saki, and departs for its permanent location at the Pristan airfield.

Since 1975, coastal aviation assault units have appeared in Naval Aviation. 846th Guards The Baltic Fleet Air Force OPLAP was reorganized into the 846th Guards Separate Marine Attack Aviation Regiment. December 1982 at the air. The pier was formed by the 173rd separate naval assault aviation regiment. Both regiments received Su-17M aircraft.

On November 3, 1979, the world's first small amphibious ekranoplan ship (MDE) of Project 904, code "Eaglet", was accepted into the Navy. After lengthy debates about what an ekranoplan is - an airplane or a ship, ekranoplans were nevertheless classified as aviation, and for their operation at the Kaspiysk airfield, the 11th separate air group of the Navy (central subordinate) was formed, then the 236th division of ekranoplan ships.

In 1980, the Navy Aviation (AVMF) was renamed the Navy Air Force (VVS VMF). By this time, Naval Aviation included: five naval missile-carrying divisions (13 missile-carrying regiments on aircraft such as Tu-16, Tu-22M2 and Tu-22M3); two reconnaissance regiments on the Tu-95RTs, two regiments on the Tu-22R, a regiment and two separate squadrons on the Tu-16R. In 1983, the first and only 35th anti-submarine aviation division of the Northern Fleet Air Force in the USSR was formed (two regiments on Tu-142 aircraft). Two regiments and one squadron flew Il-38 aircraft, and another three regiments and two squadrons were armed with Be-12 amphibians. Six regiments and three squadrons were armed with helicopters. Special aviation included a separate electronic warfare regiment and four transport regiments. The assault aviation was represented by two naval assault and two naval assault regiments. In addition, a separate transport regiment was directly subordinate to the commander of the Navy Air Force, and the 33rd TsBP and PLS had instructor and research units: a missile-carrying regiment, a ship assault regiment, a helicopter regiment and an anti-submarine squadron. 1989, within the framework of the Treaty on the Reduction of Conventional Arms in Europe, a number of units and formations of bomber, attack and fighter aircraft were transferred to Naval Aviation from the country's Air Force - the Black Sea Fleet Air Force was transferred to the 119th IAD (86th Guards IAP, 161- 1st IAP, 841st Guards MAPIB) and 43rd OMSHAP, BF Air Force - 132nd BAD (4th Guards BAP, 321st BAP, 668th BAP) and 66th APIB, Northern Fleet Air Force - 88th APIB. In 1991, the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Project 1143.5 “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov” entered service. It was decided to deploy the aviation component for the first domestic full-fledged aircraft carrier on the basis of the 279th separate naval attack air regiment, which was planned to be re-equipped with carrier-based versions of the Su-27 and MiG-29.

In 1990, Naval Aviation included 52 regiments, 10 separate squadrons and air groups with 1,701 aircraft and 363 helicopters, of which 372 were missile carriers, 966 fighters, attack aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. There was a large network of base, operational and dispersal airfields.

Airfields Av. Navy for the period 70-80s.(permanently based):

Central subordination: Ostafyevo, Nikolaev (Kulbakino), Saki (Novofedorovka), Kaspiysk, Kirovskoye

Black Sea Fleet: Donuzlav, Vesyoloye (Karankut), Oktyabrskoye, Gvardeiskoye (Simferopol), Kacha, Meria, Tiraspol, Limanskoye, Markulesti

Pacific Fleet: Western Knevichi (Vladivostok), Nikolaevka Primorskaya, Pristan (Romanovka), Khorol, Novonezhino, Kamenny Ruchey (Mongohto), Elizovo (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky), Korsakov, Cam Ranh

Northern Fleet: Lakhta (Katunino), Olenya (Olenegorsk), Veretye ​​(Ostrov), Kipelovo (Fedotovo), Luostari (Pechenega), Severomorsk-1, Severomorsk-2, Severomorsk-3

Baltic Fleet: Bykhov, Donskoye, Khrabrovo, Chernyakhovsk, Chkalovsk

After the collapse of the USSR, Naval Aviation had to leave airfields that overnight became foreign - in Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, and Georgia. And since 1993, large-scale reductions in military units and decommissioning of equipment began. “Airplanes with a single propulsion system” were withdrawn from service - these are the Su-17, MiG-27, MiG-23, and, accordingly, the flight units armed with them were disbanded. Then they “put against the fence” the Tu-16 and Tu-95RTs aircraft, which formed the basis of naval missile-carrying and reconnaissance aircraft. After another Tu-22M2 disaster, a ban was given on the operation of the entire fleet, with subsequent disposal. Operation of the Yak-38 VTOL aircraft has been discontinued.

Maintenance of Yak-38, Ukrainian Black Sea Fleet Ka-27 on the flight deck

With all this, the financing and material support of MA units and units was steadily and sharply declining and soon Money there was simply not enough for the monthly allowance (already quite meager in conditions of galloping inflation), which began to be issued to personnel with chronic delays.

By the beginning of 1995, Naval Aviation remained with 2 air divisions of two regiments, 23 separate regiments, 8 separate squadrons, a group of ekranoplanes and 2 training centers. All reconnaissance squadrons have been eliminated. Mi-14 helicopters were withdrawn from the Navy, the newest Mi-14PS were transferred to the aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. After much testing and fine-tuning, the TAVKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" entered its first combat service, having on board an air group of 13 Su-33, 2 Su-25UTG and 11 helicopters.

By mid-1996, the strength of the Navy Aviation was 695 aircraft, of which 66 missile carriers, 116 anti-submarine aircraft, 118 fighters and attack aircraft and 365 helicopters and special aircraft. In 1997, 13 completely serviceable Ka-29TB helicopters were transferred to the Aviation of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which the Navy Air Force suddenly became unnecessary (the sailors remembered these helicopters with “quiet sadness” at the end of 2008, when they had to use them to fight pirates in the Gulf of Aden Ka-27PS rescue helicopters, with a homemade machine gun installed in the cargo compartment door opening).

In 1998, the Navy MA included one missile-carrying division of two regiments, 12 separate regiments and 7 separate squadrons. In Kamchatka, the 6th Air Defense Division and the 317th OSAP of the Pacific Fleet Air Force were transformed into the Aviation and Air Defense Group of the Joint Command of Troops and Forces in the northeast of the Russian Federation (Aviation and Air Defense OKVS).

By the end of the 20th century, due to chronic fuel shortages, flights both for combat training plans and for combat service were practically not carried out. During rare flights, they tried to maintain the training of the most experienced crews, and young pilots who served in the garrison for several years could never take to the air during their entire service. As a matter of fact, all the negative phenomena that affected the Air Force were even more acute in Naval Aviation due to its subordination to the fleet.

In the 21st century, all missile-carrying aircraft were transferred from Naval Aviation to the Air Force, and this ended the glorious half-century history of the MRA. Aviation garrisons have been transformed into air bases, that is, all military units of the garrison are combined into one. Before this structure had time to take root, several airfields, sometimes hundreds of kilometers apart, began to be “optimized” for one air base. That is, endless optimizations continue, personnel changes, mergers and renamings. And although financing and fuel supplies have stabilized, there is still an urgent issue with the deterioration of most of the aircraft fleet and the shortage of spare parts and components for airplanes and helicopters. Single and small batches of modifications of aircraft such as Su-27 and MiG-29, Ka-27 helicopters are being supplied, and a sluggish modernization of the fleet of anti-submarine aircraft is being carried out. A big problem remains untimely and low-quality repairs of Navy aircraft at aircraft repair plants.

Structure of Russian Naval Aviation until 2008

Su-33 on the deck of the TAVKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" Long-range anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142MZ Pacific Air Forces

Northern Fleet

  • 279th separate naval fighter aviation regiment named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Safonov
  • 403rd separate mixed aviation regiment
  • 830th separate shipborne anti-submarine helicopter Kirkenes Red Banner Regiment
    • 1st naval helicopter squadron
    • 2nd naval helicopter squadron
    • 3rd transport and combat helicopter squadron
  • 924th Separate Guards Marine Missile-Carrying Aviation Regiment
  • 73rd separate long-range anti-submarine aviation squadron

Black Sea Fleet

  • 25th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter regiment
  • 43rd Separate Naval Assault Aviation Regiment

Pacific Fleet

  • 289th separate mixed anti-submarine aviation regiment
  • 317th separate mixed aviation regiment
  • 568th separate mixed aviation regiment
    • 1st Missile Squadron
    • 2nd Missile Squadron
    • 3rd Anti-Submarine Squadron
    • Search and rescue squad
  • 865th Separate Fighter Aviation Regiment
  • 71st Separate Transport Aviation Squadron

Baltic Fleet

  • 4th Separate Guards Naval Assault Aviation Regiment
  • 689th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment
  • 125th separate helicopter squadron
  • 396th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter squadron
  • 398th Separate Transport Aviation Squadron
  • 49th separate anti-submarine squadron
  • 444th center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel, (Veretye, Ostrov-5)
  • 46th Separate Transport Aviation Regiment of the Navy, (Ostafyevo)

MA bases after reform in 2008 (and their future fate)

Basic anti-submarine aircraft Il-38 Missile carrier Pacific Fleet Tu-22M3

Northern Fleet

  • 7051st AvB MA SF - air. Olenegorsk (in June 2011, reassigned to Long-Range Aviation as an air group of the 6950th AvB)
  • PlAE 7051st AvB MA SF - air. - Kipelovo (since 2011 - air group 7050th AvB MA SF)
  • 7050th AvB MA SF - air. Severomorsk-1 (the airfield has been undergoing reconstruction since 11/2011)
  • aer. Severomorsk-3 - 279th KIAP

Black Sea Fleet

  • 7058th AvB MA Black Sea Fleet (aviation Sevastopol Red Banner, Order of Kutuzov base) - air. Gvardeiskoye
  • 7057th AvB MA Black Sea Fleet - air. Kacha (disbanded in 2014).

Baltic Fleet

  • 7052nd AvB MA BF aer. Chernyakhovsk (since 2010 - air group 7054th Guards AvB MA BF)
  • 7053rd AvB MA BF - air. Chkalovsk (since 2010 - air group 7054th Guards AvB MA BF)
  • 7054th Guards AvB MA BF aer. Khrabrovo (since 2011, the airfield has not been used for landing aircraft)
  • Air group 7054th Guards. AvB MA BF on air. Donskoye (since 2010)

Pacific Fleet

  • 7059th AvB MA Pacific Fleet - air. Knevichi (disbanded in 2011, reassigned to the 7062nd AvB)
  • 7060th AvB MA Pacific Fleet - air. Elizovo
  • 7061st Guards AvB MA Pacific Fleet - aer. Kamenny Ruchey (disbanded, reduced to one AE and reassigned to the 7062nd AvB in 2012)
  • 7062nd AvB MA Pacific Fleet - air. Nikolaevka

Units of central subordination

  • 7055th Guards AvB CPU - aer. Ostafyevo (disbanded, reduced to an aviation group and reassigned to the 7050th air base of the Northern Fleet)
  • 7056th AvB CPU on air. Ostrov (disbanded December 1, 2009)
  • 859th Combat Weapons and Anti-Submarine Forces Center - Air. Yeysk (pulp and paper industry was formed in 2010).

Combat composition of Russian Naval Aviation until 2008

Name of formations Main weapons and equipment Dislocation
Northern Fleet
279th separate naval fighter aviation regiment named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union Boris Safonov Su-33, Su-25UTG, MiG-29K, MiG-29KUB Severomorsk-3
403rd separate mixed aviation regiment An-12, An-26, Il-38, Tu-134 Severomorsk-1
830th separate shipborne anti-submarine helicopter Kirkenes Red Banner Regiment (disbanded, became part of the 7050th air base of the Northern Fleet, in the form of two mixed-type squadrons: PL, PS, 29, MI-8T, MTV-5) Ka-27, Ka-29 Severomorsk-1
924th Separate Guards Naval Missile-Carrying Aviation Regiment (regiment reassigned to DA Air Force) Tu-22M3 Olenegorsk
73rd separate anti-submarine aviation squadron Tu-142 Kipelovo
Black Sea Fleet
25th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter regiment

917th separate mixed aviation regiment

Ka-27, Mi-14, Mi-8, An-2, An-12, An-26, Be-12 7057 Kacha Air Base
43rd Separate Naval Assault Aviation Regiment Su-24, Su-24MR 7059 Gvardeiskoe Air Base
Pacific Fleet
289th separate mixed anti-submarine aviation regiment Il-38, Il-18, Ka-27, Ka-29 Nikolaevka
317th separate mixed aviation regiment Il-38, Mi-8, An-26 Elizovo
568th separate mixed aviation regiment (TU-22M3 transferred to the Air Force) Tu-22M3, Tu-142MR, Tu-142M3 Stone Brook
865th Separate Fighter Aviation Regiment MiG-31 Elizovo
71st Separate Transport Aviation Squadron An-12, An-24, An-26, Tu-134 Knevichi
Baltic Fleet
4th Separate Guards Naval Assault Aviation Regiment Su-24 Chernyakhovsk
689th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment Su-27 Chkalovsk
125th separate helicopter squadron Mi-8, Mi-24 Chkalovsk
396th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter squadron Ka-27, Ka-29 Donskoe
398th Separate Transport Aviation Squadron An-24, An-26 Khrabrovo

Weapons and military equipment

The defense industry of the USSR fully satisfied all the needs of the USSR Navy Air Force. There were no purchases of aircraft equipment abroad.

However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, significant difficulties arose with maintaining the aviation fleet in good condition, and even more so with the production of new aircraft and helicopters for the Russian Navy, so after 1991 the aviation fleet was updated exclusively with small-scale production (one-time single deliveries mainly until 1994 ) Ka-29, Ka-31, Ka-32 helicopters and Su-33, Su-24, Tu-22M3 and Tu-142 aircraft. In 2012, all Tu-22M3 missile carriers were withdrawn from the MA, and naval missile-carrying aviation (MCA) was eliminated as a class.

As of 2015, the average age of the entire Navy aircraft fleet is 32 years (for some types it exceeds 40 years - An-24, An-12, Il-38, Be-12). Approximately half of the Navy's aircraft and helicopters are in unusable condition (in storage).

Aircraft model Photo Manufacturer country Purpose Modifications Quantity