Why does the human heart dream? Why do you dream about a heartbeat?

Dream interpretation heart

The heart is the most important organ in the body. It pumps blood, and we tend to attribute spiritual characteristics to it. It’s not for nothing that the following phrases are often said: “Listen to your heart,” “Do as your heart tells you.” This means that you should act according to your conscience, without being led by mercantile considerations. When they describe a person to you, they may notice that he has a heart of stone. This means that he is incapable of feelings, empty in his soul, cruel and calculating.

You can often hear that a person died because his heart could not stand it. This is how death is explained as a result of emotional experiences. If a person fell in love sincerely, then he says that his heart was broken.

As you can see, this human organ is endowed with special symbolism. And if you dreamed of a heart, what can you expect from such a night vision?


First of all, we will consider a dream in which the organ was dreamed of, and not, for example, an ornament or decorative element. Initially, it is worth reviewing the interpretations provided by dream predictors.

Predictions of interpreters

Feeling a tingling sensation in a dream

Dream books often say that feeling in a dream that your heart is acting up is a sign of problems with this organ. In reality, you don’t realize it yet, but your subconscious mind gives you possible signals. Don’t ignore them, consult a doctor, or at least take care of your heart - don’t get nervous over trifles.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a heart that begins to tingle, do you experience discomfort in your sleep? This means that there will be troubles, hitches, and difficulties in business. You will not be able to avoid them, but you can prepare for them and endure them with minimal losses. Miller believes that it is you who will become the cause of this hitch; a mistake you made earlier will come to light, left to chance.

Seeing your heart in a dream means you will get sick. This will happen because you will lose a lot of vital energy. To avoid this, try to take a break from work and bustle.

What does he think? this dream book, the heart of the animal symbolizes the beginning of the fight against enemies. It will be quite spectacular and will attract the attention of many. If you become a winner, you will gain the support of the right people.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a person’s heart beating, for example, during an operation, means you have problems with the cardiovascular system. You urgently need to take action before it is too late.

I dreamed about decor or an interior item

What can a dead animal's heart mean in a dream? You will be sad, in a state of apathy and depression. The main thing is to make sure that this condition does not drag on too long, as it can negatively affect physical health.

This dream book also considers a dream in which there was an artificial heart or simply a decorative element in this form. It is believed that such a thing is dreamed of before deception in the love sphere occurs. Giving or presenting it to someone in a dream means you will have to deceive. You may find yourself telling someone about feelings you don't feel.

If an artificial heart is presented to you, then you will be the one who will face the fact that they will not treat you quite honestly.

In a dream, your heart rhythm is disturbed - you will have health problems.

Velesov's dream book

This source gives brief interpretations of some plots that may appear in a dream:

  • hear or see your heart beating - you will find yourself in a rather difficult situation;
  • to understand that he is not there means death, more positive interpretation- the dreamer will be able to deal with his enemies;
  • wounded - trouble threatens;
  • it hurts - to an imminent illness.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Seeing a bloody organ in a dream

Why do you dream about the heart? Large size - luck is on the side of the sleeping person.

Seeing bloody things means get ready for separation, disappointment, and worry. In the near future, your heart will, as people say, “bleed.”

According to the dream book, if a woman’s heart hurts, then she will have to worry about her close male relative, father, spouse, son or brother.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The couple considered this symbol as a prediction of upcoming worries and unrest. Events will happen that will take you out of your comfort zone and make you nervous.

This dream book draws attention to exactly whose heart you saw in your dream:

  • dog - you will be drawn into a conflict situation;
  • Leo - an event will occur during which you will have to show all your restraint and courage;
  • beef, pork - you will have to worry a little about your material well-being.

Dreams about the heart in different nationalities

Problems with an important organ during sleep

Gypsies are people who are endowed with the ability to lift the veil of the future. It is these people that everyone associates with fortune telling and predictions. You should listen to them first.

According to gypsy dream book, if in a dream you had problems with your heart, it threatened to stop, then in reality you will become very seriously ill. A slight tingling sensation in the chest area promises unpleasant news for older people, but for young people it predicts a quick fall in love.

According to the Ukrainian dream book, observing a bleeding heart means getting into a rather unpleasant situation due to carelessness and neglect of immediate responsibilities.

Actions in a dream

Listening to your heart beat in a dream means you should take certain steps to achieve your goal. Without effort, you will not achieve anything; things will remain in the same place.

Snuggle up to the heart of another person - in reality, you are not indifferent to him, you sincerely worry about him and rejoice at his successes.

Your heart is being cut out, torn out - you are about to have a serious disagreement with your significant other. Pull yourself together, otherwise you will break up forever.

Also, such a vision may indicate that you will be separated from your loved one for a long time and will experience mental suffering.

Listen to the beat in a dream

How is your health?

Pain in the heart in night vision can be a signal that you are starting to have troubles in the material sphere. Review your finances before it's too late. The stronger the pain, the more careful a sleeping person should be in real life.

According to the dream book, cardiac arrest means that you have come to the point where you should finally finish your old affairs and begin a new stage in life. You can also finally take on what you have long wanted, but could not decide.

To feel that your organ is acting up - think about your friends. Among them lies a hypocrite who periodically puts a spoke in your wheels. The sooner you figure it out, the easier and more joyful your life will become.

Other interpretations

Seeing a drawing with a heart means your plans will not come true. Alas, dreams will remain dreams, but only if you continue to sit with your hands folded. To achieve your goal, you need to work and move forward.

Seeing something in the shape of a red heart means a period of romance is coming, you will have a great time with your loved one.

According to the dream book, a heart in your hands promises reprisal against your enemies. You have the necessary strength, you will get rid of ill-wishers forever.

If you hold the heart of a loved one in your hands, then the dream book believes that he really loves you with all his soul.

Organ transplant - you are unrequitedly in love with a person who is absolutely indifferent to your feelings.

A knife in the heart - alas, you will encounter the most disgusting human vices. It’s sad that it won’t be a stranger, but one of our close friends.

08/28/2002 I dreamed about a lot of interesting and, apparently, quite significant things, but only fragments were preserved in my memory, literally a few episodes. I receive a letter with my birth certificate. There are a lot of pasted-in old yellowed photographs of relatives (unfortunately, I forgot who exactly), but mine is missing. The explanation is that she supposedly fell apart from old age (meaning my childhood photograph)... I am in a hotel-type room with someone (my companion or companion), and I propose to run, being sure that our last hour has come, and if we run , then there will be no more chance, because they will soon come for us. The balcony is open, jump low. We get dressed (I’m in blue sweatpants, a green dress and a gray sweater), get ready to go out, and at that moment the warning voice of an invisible guard sounds - the last chance is lost, and the irreparable will happen. Quite creepy... Kaganovich is in charge of this whole business (the dungeons of the NKVD, or what?) I see his laboratory, on one of the shelves there is a vessel with a freshly cut out human heart of bright red color and enormous size, apparently - the pride of the collection. They are supposedly going to conduct some experiments with him. This sight terrifies me, because something tells me that the heart is mine... Needles again. A mass, a sea of ​​needles stuck into a sleeping pillow. I select them and carefully put them in my shirt pocket on the left side. We are in a certain room where very influential people have invited us to meet. Apparently, they are somehow interested in us. My husband and I enter the room, see a table set and several men at the head. One of them, who is supposedly the godfather of the local mafia, rises to meet me and we hug, as expected. In my upper left pocket I have a bunch of needles taken from the pillow. I can barely reach his face when he leans in to kiss me. He is very tall, thin, with delicate noble features, penetrating eyes and royal bearing, with gray hair, dressed in exquisite gray suit. In general, a rather interesting man of about 60. I am completely fascinated. I tell him: “oh, how tall you are,” he, not hearing, asks again, I repeat embarrassedly, and he smiles condescendingly. Then there are people at the table, among whom are two decrepit old women from the locals, to my right - obviously very respected elders of the family, like Mediterranean matrons. There were some children and something else with them. The table is huge, of uncertain shape - either the letter G or P, like a wedding table. In general, a patriarchal idyll, scenes from family life, or better said, from the life of the clan, and I seem to be part of this family. The godfather is sitting opposite to the left, quite far from me, and is deep in conversation with his neighbors. I still didn’t understand what I was doing there, but I was very flattered to meet this person... 09/02/2002 I dreamed of another lunch. At first we were sitting with a group of some young people in the fresh air, then we felt some kind of danger (perhaps a thunderstorm or something like that) and I suggested moving into the house. Having opened the room, I found a carpet in the form of a dark square on the floor, which quite satisfied me, since we were supposed to dine on it, right on the floor. There was another lunch during the same period. There was some kind of fuss, people running, a drowned man was fished out of the pool. Then there was a funeral and funeral dinner, I was invited to a table laden with snacks, and I sat down next to some people.

Regarding Moscow-heart, I can say that the role of various poetic metaphors, phraseological units, proverbs and sayings in dreams is much more significant than one might expect. Quite unexpectedly, some verbal association from childhood may emerge in a dream, and a whole plot will revolve around this, which is very difficult for an outsider to interpret. Especially if this association is purely individual. But it’s easier with Moscow, since we were all taught this at school :)


As a result of reading the dream, several analogies arose - firstly, this -

“I receive a letter with my birth certificate. There are a lot of pasted-in old yellowed photographs of relatives (unfortunately, I forgot who exactly), but mine is missing. The explanation is that it supposedly fell apart from old age (meaning my childhood photograph)..."

In one of my dreams (I think it’s called “about letters” or something like that) I also dreamed that I received an unusual letter and there should have been photographs there, but there were none. It seems to me that in such a plot (receiving a letter - there is a photograph pasted into it / there is no photograph that should be there and all sorts of plays on such a plot) lies the same mechanism (that is, we can talk about the archetypal nature of the plot). In general, receiving a letter (I think I’ve already written about this somewhere here) indicates, it seems to me, the impossibility of directly transferring information from one part of the personality to another. That is, I think in a dream letters symbolize the transfer of some (hidden or something) information that cannot be transmitted through direct verbal contact, but only indirectly (this idea was prompted by confirmed observations that about some deeply hidden things for a person things, it is impossible to shine with your voice in the language you speak in everyday life; here only foreign language or handwriting or both or some other alternative is suitable). Maybe this is information from the subconscious. Maybe someone has thoughts/criticism on this topic - then share.

Naina also traces the theme of hotel rooms - in Geisha and in this dream too. That is, you buy some apartments (life context) for a while and do something in it.

I perceive the dungeons (NKVD) in your dream as a single system with the mafia (although here I may be mistaken). In your dream, you put the needles in your left pocket and the head of the mafia sits to your left. The left side is no accident. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for rational thinking. I don’t know if you understand what I’m getting at, I hope so, because it’s difficult for me to build such systems, knowing the subject only at the level of intuition, poorly supported by knowledge.

In general, I don’t know why, but it seems to me that as a result of some kind of breakdown (maybe something didn’t work out or isn’t working out) you trusted your rational structures to dissect something that they are completely unable to explain and understand. That is, at this time you are more trusting of all sorts of reasonable arguments and logical explanations in an area to which such actions are not applicable. Also, the fact that the head of the mafia is sitting opposite to your left tells me that in fact he is in opposition to your conscious part of the personality and, in order to achieve his goals, he accepts you into his mafia.


Lena, thank you for the very informative message. I even looked at the mentioned author, he has a whole website with all his books. All this also inspired me to read something about alchemy, the heart also appears there. But there is no time yet.

Letters and photographs - yes, this is all very important, but among the examples that I have read, I have not yet found anything similar to my case, so for now we can only say that attention is fixed on my relatives, the family situation in childhood (many of I saw these relatives that appeared on the birth certificate only when I was a child). But I cannot understand what information this carries for me at the current moment. The heart in the jar also alarmed me, but after some time we can probably say that this was not a negative sign, since my subsequent dreams speak of changes, but rather positive ones: getting a new home, washing clothes, having sex, buying apples ... Last night I dreamed of my mother making some very tasty baked goods in the kitchen. In short, it looks like I will live :) even after such a terrible heart surgery :)

Left-right. Yes, the left hemisphere is responsible for rational thinking, but it controls right hand. Therefore, if there is any relationship here, it is most likely the opposite. In dreams, the left side is associated with childhood, regression, the past, the feminine, etc., the right side is “paternal,” the future, progress, moving forward... Therefore, the fact that Godfather sits on left hand(in fact, there was a tricky table, and he rather sat opposite, but on the left, and on the right there were old women), perhaps it is difficult to interpret positively, however, in my opinion, this is hardly connected with some kind of “rationalization”, but rather the opposite, given the symbolism of left-right in dreams. It is also not very clear what the old women on the right are doing.

In general, everything turns out very confusing and ambiguous, I’m lost here, it’s unlikely that we can figure it out without the appropriate preparation. This dream is probably doomed to remain unsolved.

I recently had a dream with expressive left-wing symbolism; when I have time, I’ll publish it.


Naina, I want to invite you to go here http://psyberia.ru/mindterritory/osnoznanie

- there is something very interesting here detailed interpretation sleep, which was useful to me personally. Maybe it will be informative for you too. There is only one interpretation of a dream, so I don’t think it will compete with our respected Oracle :))


A little alchemical theory :)

...From a psychological point of view. the alchemical method is an infinite amplification. Amplificatio is always used when considering some obscure experience that is only vaguely outlined and must be magnified and developed by inclusion in a psychological context in order to be fully understood. That's why in analytical psychology we turn to amplification when interpreting dreams, for the dream contains too faint a hint to be understood until then. until it is enriched by the means of association and analogy and thus expanded to the necessary understanding. This amplificatio constitutes the second part of the opus, and was understood by the alchemist as theoria.

Know that you cannot master this science until you have purified your mind before God, so that you have removed all that is wrong from the heart... due to ignorance, people are unable to do the work until they are taught a universal philosophy that will reveal to them unknown and hidden from others...Because the stone is not an ordinary thing, but is the very heart of our philosophy...The wheel of nature is turned from the outside inward; because God dwells in himself and has such an image that cannot be depicted, his essence is only similar to nature, the same as if God depicted himself in the form of this world, since God is perfect and all-encompassing in every place. Note, The outer wheel is the Zodiac with the stars, and after it come the seven planets.... Although this figure is not clear enough, yet it is conceivable, and we might illustrate it on a great circle for those who do not understand. Note, therefore, that the desired image is sought in your heart, which is God...Take the most simple and round body, but do not take a triangle or a quadrangle, but a circle, for a circle is closer to simplicity than a triangle. It should be noted here that a simple body has no angles, for it is the first and the last among the planets, like the sun among the stars... And take care that the doors are carefully and tightly closed, so that the one inside cannot escape, and by the will of God, you will achieve your goal. Nature works gradually, and I would do the same if I were you: let your imagination be guided only by nature. And observe according to nature, by which substances regenerate themselves in the cauldrons of the earth. And imagine this truthfully, without fantastic assumptions. *Vas bene clausurn (a well-sealed vessel) is a precaution often mentioned by alchemists - the equivalent of a magic circle. In both cases, this idea is designed to protect what is inside from mixing and interacting with what is outside, and also to prevent leakage... Mercury is the soul of the world and the Pole is its heart. The idea of ​​the anima mundi coincides with the idea of ​​the collective unconscious, whose center is the Self. The Pole is the point around which everything revolves, therefore it is another symbol of the Self...At the Pole is the heart of Mercury, the true fire (in which his Lord finds rest): traversing this great sea, which can lead him to the two Indias, determines his course according to the position of the Polar Star, which our Magnet will show us...Go to the waters of the Nile and here you will find a stone that has a spirit. Take it, split it and extract its core: for its soul is in the core... The sun, with its many millions of revolutions, twists gold into the earth. Little by little the sun imprints its image on the earth, and this image is gold. The sun is the image of God, the heart is the image of the sun in man, just as gold is the image of the sun in the earth (also called Deus terrenus * God of the earth (lat.)). and God is known in gold. This golden image of God is anima aurea**Soul of gold (lat.), when it is inhaled into ordinary mercury, it turns it into gold.

Each side must completely balance the other as its mirror image, and this reflection will fall on the "central point", which obviously has the property of reflection - this is a vitrum, a crystal or the surface of water. This ability of reflection turns out to be another hint at the fundamental idea of ​​lapis - aurum philosophicum, elixir, aqua nostra, etc... Since the “right” means the world of consciousness and its principles, the “reflected” picture of the world will have to change in the left, producing , thus the corresponding inverted world. Similarly, we could say: due to reflection, the right turns out to be the reverse side of the left. Therefore, the left must have the same powers as the right; in other words, the unconscious and its - for the most part incomprehensible - the order becomes a symmetrical opponent of conscious thinking, although it remains unclear which of them is the original and which is a reflection. To go a step further, we can consider the center as the point of intersection of two worlds that are similar, but inverted by reflection... The idea of ​​​​creating symmetry should therefore indicate some culminating point in the perception of the unconscious and its participation in the overall picture of the world . The unconscious here represents a “cosmic” character... (Psychology and alchemy)


Today I accidentally came across this page of yours (I searched for the word “identification”).

It seems you can help me. Take a look at this text. This is an excerpt from one of the books that I am currently reading.

The whole book is available at http://klein.zen.ru/lotus/osho/osho-01.htm, this is a book based on the vocabulary of the Indian myslator

Psychology of dreams

"Explain what you call dreams."

We have seven bodies: physical, etheric, astral, mental, spiritual, cosmic and nirvanic. Each body has its own type of dreams. The physical body is known in Western psychology as consciousness, the etheric body as the subconscious, and the astral body as the collective unconscious.

The physical body creates its own dreams. If you have an upset stomach, you are having a certain type of dream. If you have a fever, the physical body generates its sleep. One thing is certain: the dream is born of discomfort.

Physical ailments and discomfort give rise to a special world of dreams, so physical sleep can be stimulated from the outside. Are you sleeping now. If you wrap a wet sheet around your leg, you may dream that you are crossing a river. If you place a pillow on your chest, you may dream that someone is sitting on you or that a stone has fallen on you. These are dreams that come through the physical body.

The etheric body (second body) also has its dreams. These ethereal dreams have confounded Western psychologists. Sigmund Freud mistook etheric dreams as manifestations of repressed desires. Indeed, there are dreams caused by repressed desires, but such dreams relate to the first - physical - body. If you have been suppressing your physical desires, such as fasting, then it is very likely that you will dream about breakfast. And if you have suppressed sexual desires, then it is very possible that you will have sexual fantasies. But these dreams belong to the first body. Psychological research does not affect the etheric body, therefore etheric dreams are attributed to the first - physical - body. Hence the great confusion.

The etheric body can travel during a dream. It may leave your body. When you remember this, it appears to you to be a dream, but it is not a dream in the sense in which we understand the dreams of the physical body. The etheric body can leave you when you sleep. Your physical body is here, but your etheric body comes out and travels through space. For him there is no limitation in space or distance. Those who do not understand this, who do not recognize the existence of the etheric body, explain it as the sphere of the subconscious. They divide the human mind into conscious and subconscious. Then physiological dreams are called, and etheric dreams - . They are not subconscious. They are just as conscious as physiological dreams, but on a different level. If you become aware of your etheric body, then your dreams from this area will become lucid.

Just like physiological dreams, etheric dreams can be stimulated from the outside. One method of inducing etheric visions and dreams is a mantra. A certain mantra or a certain nada (a word sounded periodically in the etheric center) can give rise to etheric dreams. There are many ways. Sound is one of them.

Sufis used smells to create ethereal visions. The founder of Islam, Muhammad himself, was very fond of incense. A certain aroma gives rise to a certain dream.

Color can also be used. Leadbeater, one of the modern Western Buddhists, once had an ethereal vision of blueness - just a blue color, but of a certain shade. He began looking for this special blue color in all markets around the world. After several years of searching, he finally found velvet of this shade somewhere in Italy. With the help of this velvet, etheric dreams were also induced in other people.

When you are deeply immersed in meditation and see colors, smell aromas, hear sounds and music hitherto unknown, then these are also dreams, dreams of the etheric body. This also includes the so-called spiritual visions - these are ethereal dreams. The teachers who appeared to their students are nothing more than ethereal journeys, ethereal dreams. But since we examined the mind only at one level of existence - the physiological one, such dreams were either explained in the language of physiology, or denied and discarded, or belonged to the realm of the subconscious. When we say that this or that is part of the subconscious, we are simply admitting that we know nothing about it. It's just a technical trick. There is nothing subconscious, but what is conscious on a deeper level is unconscious on the previous one. Therefore, for the physical body the etheric is the subconscious; for the etheric, the astral is also the subconscious; For the astral, the subconscious turns out to be the mental. - this is what we know; - something we don’t know yet, the unknown.

There are also astral dreams. In astral dreams you enter into your previous births. This is the third dimension of your dreams. Sometimes etheric or astral dreams can be part of normal sleep. Then your dream becomes a confusion and you do not understand anything about it. Since all your seven bodies exist simultaneously, something from one sphere can penetrate into another. Therefore, sometimes even ordinary dreams contain fragments of the etheric or astral.

In the first - physical - body you cannot travel either in time or in space. You are limited by your physical condition and a certain time, say ten o'clock in the evening. Your physical body can dream in this specific time and space, but not outside of it. IN ethereal body you can travel in space, but not in time. You can go anywhere, but it will still be ten o'clock in the evening. In the astral sphere - in the third body - you can travel not only in space, but also in time. Astral body capable of crossing the barrier of time, but only in the direction of the past, not into the future. The astral mind is capable of penetrating the entire endless chain of the past, from amoeba to man.

In Jungian psychology12 the astral mind was called the collective unconscious. This is your individual birth story. Sometimes it creeps into your normal dreams, mainly in pathological conditions, and not when you are healthy. In a person with a mental disorder, the first three bodies lose their usual differences from each other. A mentally ill person may dream about his previous births, but no one believes him. He doesn’t believe it himself and thinks it’s just a dream.

This is no longer the physical level of dreams, but the astral one. Astral dreams have great importance and meaning. However, the third body can only see the past, not the future.

The fourth body is mental. It can travel both to the past and to the future. In critical situations, sometimes even an ordinary person can look into the future. If one of your loved ones dies, then a message about this can be conveyed to you even in an ordinary dream. Since you do not know any other levels of dreams, since you do not know any other possibilities, the message can penetrate into your ordinary sleep.

But such a dream will not be clear because it had to overcome many barriers before it became part of your dream. Each barrier excludes something, changes something. Each body has its own symbolism, and each time it passes from body to body, the dream is translated into the symbols of that body. And then everything gets confusing.

If you dream in the fourth body directly and not through other bodies, then you have the opportunity to penetrate into the future. But only to your own future. It's still individual; You are not able to penetrate into the future of another person.

For the fourth body, both the past and the future are as real as the present. Past, future and present become one. Everything turns into now: now penetrating backward, now penetrating forward. There is no longer any past or future,

If you see a heart in the night, it means that you should expect changes in love affairs, expect romantic meetings and other pleasures.

Since this is the most important organ that is responsible for blood circulation in our human body, we already know that we are talking about very close ones. After all, everything connected with, in dreams, tells us about people with whom we have a connection or spiritual relationship. Therefore any good dream book the heart connects with family (with spouses), existing or future.

So, why do you dream about the heart? By the way, if in your dreams you see this miraculous organ taken from someone, know that this animal is your patron, a totem. Do something with your own hands with the image of a protective animal (embroidery, drawing, toy are very suitable). This will become your amulet and talisman.

Dimensions of the “flame motor” in a dream

  • If in a dream you happened to hold in your hands an ordinary heart of standard human size, the vision predicts that someone’s love will soon be in your power. If at the same time the heart is alive and beating, it means that the person has a strong and reliable feeling for you.
  • Did you dream of a heart that was greatly enlarged in size? Somewhere near you there is a secret admirer experiencing genuine fiery passion. Such emotions can be compared to a real avalanche or full-flowing river. Don't push away the person who opens his heart to you, this is probably your destiny.
  • When you see your heart unnaturally compressed and small, it means that in reality you are afraid to love with full power. This happens when our feelings in the past were not entirely mutual. And now you are afraid to become very attached to anyone. But you need to overcome this fear in yourself and make efforts to open your heart to “fresh” love.
  • The absence of a heart in a dream indicates that you clearly lack love in your life. Don’t expect someone to take the first steps, start with yourself - take care of your family and friends, spend all your free time with them, pamper them with pleasant gifts and interesting events.

Heart pain

What do you think, why do you dream about a heart that? Firstly, the reason may be psychosomatic - there is a possibility that the body is sending you a signal about the need to take care of your heart. That is, remember about our active lifestyle, proper and healthy nutrition, and good deeds.

But, most likely, a real love adventure with incredible dates, longing in your chest, insomnia at night, dreams and passionate hugs awaits you. Are you ready to fall in love? If not, it's time to start putting yourself and your thoughts in order.

Are we talking about another person?

Did you happen to hold a donor heart before surgery? The happiness of another person is completely entrusted to you. You can create an excellent, strong family if you accept the hand and heart of the person who dreams of you.

To know in a dream that another person’s heart hurts means to be drawn into the story of someone else’s love in the circle of your family. Perhaps someone will reveal their romantic secret to you. You must understand that advice in matters of the heart is sometimes a thankless task, so beware of giving recommendations and impulses to action.

To know and understand in a dream that your spouse’s heart hurts means giving vent to your jealousy in reality. You need to beware of this, keep your emotions in hand. Reasonably realize whether there is a real reason for such feelings, and even if there is, the conversation should be calm. Author: Maria Serova

Why does a woman dream about her heart:

Dream book name:
Interpretation of sleep: seeing someone else's heart

Indian dream book

Seeing a heart in a dream means:

The human heart is the same as the sun in the sky or gold on earth: it is as noble and pure as they are, for it contains honor, courage, and nobility. It is the first to begin to live, and it is the first to die: this is the beginning and the end of human existence. For a person who dreams that his heart hurts, the dream foreshadows an imminent and dangerous illness, in proportion to the pain that he feels in the dream. If someone dreams that he has no heart at all, he should expect the triumph of his mortal enemies. If you dream that the heart has increased in volume, that it is healthy and cheerful, then the person will be happy in all his undertakings, will triumph over his enemies and will live a long time. Typically, the heart means a man or husband. If a woman dreams that her heart hurts or is wounded, then she should be wary of her husband’s illness. If a girl sees the same dream, then it predicts the illness of her father or a loved one.

Miller's Dream Book

A dream with a heart in the dream book is interpreted as:

Your heart hurts and you feel suffocated - troubles in business, some kind of yours own mistake will cause a big loss unless you correct it in time;
seeing your heart is a disease, loss of energy;
seeing the heart of an animal means a fight with opponents in which you will become a winner, attracting the attention of many.

Ukrainian dream book

Sleeping with a heart means:

If you dream that you hear your own heartbeat, you will find yourself in a difficult situation. A bloodied, wounded heart - neglect, an unpleasant adventure.

Miller's Dream Book

Heart dream meaning:

To dream that your heart hurts and you feel suffocated foretells troubles in business. Some mistake of your own will cause a great loss unless you correct it in time.
Seeing your heart predicts illness and loss of energy.
Seeing the heart of an animal portends a fight with your opponents, in which you will become a winner, attracting the attention of many.

Esoteric dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a heart:

During surgery, live - you may have problems with the cardiovascular system. Dead, animal - attacks of melancholy await you, which must be overcome, otherwise they will affect your health. A fake, artificial, heart-shaped object is a deception in love, for mercantile reasons: you, if you give, give, do; you, if you are given, given, you find.

Small dream book

What the heart can dream about:

If you dreamed that your heart hurts, then in real life you should be more careful in order to avoid mistakes that could cost you dearly. A dream in which you see your own heart predicts illness and loss of vitality. Seeing the heart of a large animal in a dream promises victory over your enemies. If in a dream you eat the heart of a poultry, then in reality you will not look for easy ways, as a result of which you will be able to achieve a lot.

Dream book alphabetically

Heart in a dream means:

A dream in which you experience strong excitement and feel your heart beating, ready to jump out of your chest, is a harbinger of strong experiences in reality.

If in a dream you do not hear your heartbeat and cannot feel your pulse, you will easily overcome obstacles on the way to your intended goal. If in a dream you thought you were having a heart attack, in reality you will experience great joy.

Seeing heart surgery portends the successful completion of a difficult task.

Buying beef or pork hearts means pleasant surprises, poultry hearts mean you will quarrel with your husband, cooking them is a sign of love betrayal, eating them means illness.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

If a girl dreams of a heart, it means:

Own. It hurts - sad news. If the heart is pressing, the dream foreshadows troubles in business. Beats vigorously - to unexpected joy. See your heart from the outside - bad sign. The dream warns of a serious illness that can be fatal. If you saw your heart from the outside, it is important to remember the circumstances under which it happened. If you saw that your chest was being cut open and your heart was being taken out, you were in mortal danger.

In this case, imagine that the person whose chest was cut is not you, but someone else who looks like you. You are simply present at the autopsy.

If you saw your heart as if on an x-ray, you need to pay attention to your health. Try to undergo a complete examination of the body as soon as possible.

If you dreamed of your own heart, imagine that the doctor gives an injection - and your heart stops hurting and starts beating joyfully.

Another person's heart. Seeing how they perform an autopsy on a dead person and at the same time take out the heart is a sign of some kind of life changes. Perhaps to a new marriage.

If you have such a dream, imagine that the heart is returned to its place, the sternum is sutured, and the deceased is dressed up in a smart suit.

If you saw a heart operation being performed, your love will be subjected to a difficult test, but everything will end well.

After such a dream, imagine that the operation was successful and the patient soon recovered.

Animal heart. Raw, bloody - to illness. In any dish, boiled, stewed, fried - to recovery.

If you dreamed of a raw animal heart, imagine that you are frying it and eating it.

Dream book of the 20th century

Why does a woman dream about her heart?

A clear and understandable symbol of anxiety and unrest.

If in your dream you paid attention to your heart: this suggests that you have a reason to worry. Perhaps some events will make you worry.

At the same time, accompanying dream images can show how justified your worries are.

The meaning of a dream in which you see the heart of an animal depends on what kind of animal it is.

Cow or pig heart: foretells experiences related to your well-being, the heart of a dog.

Dream book for girls

Heart in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Girls

Seeing a heart in a dream is a disease.

Depends on what kind! If the heart is so pretty, so pretty, all covered in lace and pierced with a pretty little arrow, it means Valentine’s Day has come and you’ve received a bunch of cards.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Heart in a dream from Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed that you lost your heart, then you will soon meet your love. To make the feeling mutual, find chicken heart, drip your blood on it and stitch it with red thread, then bury it.

If you dreamed that you tore out someone’s heart, then get ready for the fact that someone wants to kill your loved one. To keep him safe, add a drop of your blood to his morning coffee.

Astrological dream book

Heart in a dream from Astrological dream book

Heart disease means big trouble.

If you dream about your heart beating quickly, it means that you are in anticipation of some exciting event that is of great importance to you. Such a plot promises imminent attack expected moment, but foreshadows subsequent disappointment and regret.

The anticipation of a holiday is always better than the holiday itself. So expect the best, but don't set your hopes too high.

Dreaming about another person's heartbeat

If you dreamed about another person’s heartbeat, it means that a certain person is interested in you and has sympathy for you. Soon this person will dare to confess his feelings, and this will be a big surprise for you.

Don't rush to give an answer. Listen to your feelings first.

What does your heartbeat mean according to the dream book

Hearing your heartbeat in a dream can be a sign of unrequited feelings or a consequence of a recent disagreement with your lover. In any case, this situation causes you mental discomfort and despair.

Calm down and calmly analyze what exactly is causing you concern. Sometimes a frank conversation can help resolve many controversial issues.

Heart beats fast in a dream

According to the dream book, if your heart is beating so hard that it seems like it’s about to jump out of your chest, it means that one of your loved ones may be in trouble. He will need your help and participation. It is possible that the problems will be related to health.

Try to do everything in your power to help the person you care about.

If in a dream you had to listen to the heartbeat

Listening to a heartbeat in a dream means that significant changes in your lifestyle are expected in the near future. They will be associated with changes in marital status. Even if you are single now and do not plan to tie the knot, the situation will change very quickly, and very soon you will become a happy family man.

You shouldn't think too far ahead of your future. It can change rapidly at any moment. Be prepared for this and don't resist.