Why do you dream about a skating rink: let’s understand the meaning. Why do you dream about an ice skating rink, everyone skates

28.08.2019 Computers

Modern combined dream book

If you dreamed that you were driving an asphalt roller- soon you will be required to show firmness and prudence in solving problems that arise.

Business man who had such a dream- can be confident in his victory over competitors.

Flood ice rink - predicts that you will make a promise to some person that you will forget to keep, and thereby make an enemy for yourself. A woman has such a dream- warns that she may be deceived.

Seeing an ice skating rink in a dream- talks about an upcoming common business with an unpleasant person who is famous for his inconstancy and sycophancy.

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream you see a skating rink rolling out asphalt- this means that drastic changes in life and a decrease in vitality await you.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Any person who wakes up and remembers that in a dream he skated on a skating rink, or watched someone do it, or simply saw this place, will want to know the interpretation of his dream. Depending on the situation in the dream, the dream book gives detailed description what the skating rink means in dreams.

What if you dream about a skating rink?

At different periods in the formation of the world, people took very seriously prophetic dreams, they believed that dreams are access to afterlife. Dreams were given special importance in the world of the living. And this cannot be called fiction; there is some truth in it. The world hides many mysteries on which our dreams shed their light of truth. An ice skating rink is an unusual dream; it suggests that a person will appear in the dreamer’s life whose main qualities will be flattery, frivolity, airiness, and serenity.

A solar skating rink is a place illuminated by the rays of the sun, light and heat. This is a very good sign, which indicates that the dreamer’s life is getting better; in the near future, luck will smile on the owner of the dream.

If the dreamer dreams that he fell at an ice skating rink, you need to pay attention to this. The dreamer's position is not stable and he urgently needs to think about how to strengthen this position and behave more confidently in life.

If you dream of a skating rink, this may indicate that the owner of the dream is in an unstable position. Most likely, he is tormented by doubts and cannot make a decision. Often such a dream can be observed by those who are faced with a choice on which a lot depends.

An asphalt paver flashed in your dream - this is a good sign! Such a car is a symbol of a stable position, which means that the dreamer is firmly on his feet. The owner of the dream is ready for difficulties, and sweeps away all obstacles on the way like an asphalt paver.

If a person had a dream that he was the driver of a skating rink, and at the same time he confidently handled this type of transport, then distinguishing feature the owner of the dream - determination, the ability to find a way out of any difficult situation, resilience, this person can safely be called a winner in life! If you have a dream in which the owner of the dream became a direct observer of how a skating rink is being filled with water, then most likely the dreamer will not be able to keep his promise and may let down the person who has hopes. The owner of such a dream should reconsider his promises. Perhaps the dreamer’s opinion will change radically. And it should be noted that lying is not good.

What does it portend?

In a dream, you may see obstacles that prevent you from skating, you don’t have the right shoe size, or the space on the skating rink is already taken, or the skating rink is closed. This dream means that the owner of this dream needs to be careful, his reliable and stable position in life may be shaken, this person is surrounded by people who harbor envy and lie behind his back.

If the appearance of an unknown person is seen in a dream, this dream promises a new meeting, a new relationship: both romantic and friendly. But you need to be especially careful in choosing this partner, because meeting on ice is a sign of fragility, fragility and instability. This relationship is very fragile and fickle, like ice itself! This hobby can melt like ice when the sun's rays appear, or crack before your eyes. You should be more careful and vigilant in choosing your environment. An ice skating rink in a dream is a sign that you cannot take everyone’s word for it, you need to be a vigilant person.

If you dreamed about an asphalt paver, this is sure sign that everything will be fine. The main thing is to clearly set a goal, go towards it, believe in success and everything will definitely work out. Victory is ahead, it just takes time. He who waits will always wait. This must be remembered and not forgotten.

Despite whether the dream predicts good or bad, you still shouldn’t be nervous or upset. A person dreams not for the purpose of walking around scared, but in order to be alert in case of danger. Therefore, you need to use it.

An ice rink seen in a dream makes a person mentally return to childhood, when everything looked fun and serene. But why do you dream of an ice skating rink in adult life? Could a plot that is joyful for many turn into a prophecy of misfortune for the dreamer?

What if you dream about an ice skating rink?

Modern dream book believes that an ice skating rink in a dream prophesies the sleeping person a meeting with an unpleasant person who has a reputation as an unreliable person, a flighty person and a sycophant.

A skating rink illuminated by spotlights, cheerful music playing, people having fun are dreamed of when the dreamer dreams of relaxation. Probably, the sleeping person devotes himself entirely to work and has already missed the holidays and fun.

A dream in which a person watches workers preparing an ice skating rink indicates that the dreamer himself is a slippery person who makes promises left and right, but does not keep them. The interpreter warns that such behavior of the dreamer will lead to the fact that he will have a lot of enemies who will definitely want to take revenge on him. For an unmarried girl, such a dream predicts deception on the part of the male sex, so she should be more careful and not trust strangers too much.

Empty promises and unfulfilled hopes are promised by a vision in which the sleeping person comes to the skating rink, but for some reason cannot skate with everyone. If the sleeper sees how he stands on the ice, but keeps falling, then no one will take his words seriously.

A dream in which the sleeper fills the skating rink on his own characterizes him as a purposeful person who will definitely achieve his plans. For a sick person, this vision prophesies a speedy recovery, and if a businessman has a dream, it means he will easily get ahead of his competitors.

According to Catherine's dream book Great dream, in which the sleeper floods an ice skating rink, suggests that the dreamer’s colleagues are experienced and responsible people, but in business the firmness that only the sleeper possesses will definitely be needed.

Communication with an unreliable person promises a dream in which a person sees himself in the middle of an ice rink, and the ice is so slippery that he cannot even move. This communication will be unpleasant for the sleeper, but thanks to this person he will be able to get closer to the authorities, who simply adore sycophants.

The universal dream book believes that if you dreamed of an ice skating rink, it means that the sleeper is at a crossroads and cannot make a decision.

What does it portend?

If you dream of an elegant and cozy skating rink, on which the sleeper deftly skates, it means the dreamer is a confident person who, despite difficulties, will be able to achieve great heights.

The family dream book compares the ice skating rink to the recklessness of the dreamer. The interpreter advises the sleeper to be more responsible and attentive, otherwise life will present unpleasant surprises.

A dream in which the sleeper is in a state of euphoria from ice skating indicates health problems, so you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

The summer dream book believes that if you dreamed of an ice skating rink, it means that the person sleeping in reality is trying to evade the responsibility assigned to him, which, however, does not do him any honor.

The autumn dream book interprets a dream in which the sleeper comes to the skating rink with skates, but does not know how to skate, as a person’s desire to take on work that is beyond his strength.

Troubles at work are predicted by a dream in which the ice skating rink looks unkempt and scratched.

Despite the fact that an ice skating rink in a dream does not promise rosy events, the sleeper should not be discouraged, because very often dream books are wrong and in reality everything happens quite the opposite. In addition, a person must remember that he is the architect of his own happiness and must build his own destiny.

Why do you dream about a skating rink?

Miller's Dream Book

The skating rink is brightly lit, with many people skating to the music - your soul demands a holiday. Why do you dream about a skating rink - if you can’t stand skating on a skating rink - the dream suggests that you need to be careful, your friends may betray you. Skating rink - come to the skating rink, but do not have the opportunity to skate - do not give great importance promises coming from the opposite sex.

Why do you dream about a skating rink?

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you were driving an asphalt roller, you will soon be required to show firmness and prudence in solving problems that have arisen.

A business person who sees such a dream can be confident of his victory over his competitors.

Flooding an ice rink predicts that you will make a promise to someone that you will forget to keep, and thereby make an enemy. Such a dream warns a woman that she may be deceived.

Seeing an ice skating rink in a dream speaks of an upcoming common cause with an unpleasant person who is famous for his inconstancy and sycophancy.

Why do you dream about a skating rink?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Roller (road) - It’s as if you are sitting behind the wheel of a roller skating rink and rolling hot asphalt - your business partners will not cope with the task assigned to them - they are experienced, but too soft people; in business you will need to show firmness - your firmness.

You dreamed of a Rink, what is it for (ice) - You dream of an ice skating rink - you will have to deal with an unreliable person; His methods are alien to you; it will be obvious to you that his inconstancy is a consequence of selfishness; his sycophancy will irritate you, but will make your boss more accommodating; you will be convinced that there are still more officials welcoming sycophants. It’s like you’re filling a skating rink - you’re an obliging person; if you made a promise, then you will try to fulfill it, but this time you will forget about your promise; the person deceived by you will harbor a grudge.

Why do you dream about a skating rink?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of a Skating Rink - To a senseless bustle.

Why do you dream about a skating rink?

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Seeing an asphalt roller in a dream - A road roller at work symbolizes significant changes in life, the emergence of reasons for anxiety and depressed mood.

Why do you dream about a skating rink?

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream you see a skating rink rolling out asphalt, it means that drastic changes in life and a decrease in vitality await you.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates a low social activity sleeping. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.

23 lunar day

Sleep most often immerses the sleeper in a tense atmosphere with scary or unpleasant pictures. Such dreams do not always have a negative meaning: they often hide events with a good semantic connotation.