How to determine a good day to plant plants. Lucky numbers for Libra

All days are governed by different celestial bodies, which simultaneously influence astrological signs. Moreover, the hours when your planet is dominant are considered the most favorable, and the time that is under the leadership of the cosmic object of the zodiac symbol opposite to you can be called unlucky. But it’s not a fact that troubles will begin to fall on your head: in fact, on “lucky” days you will be more productive, and on “unlucky” days you will begin to be distracted from your work by something else. All zodiac signs, good days and bad days are described here.

Lucky days for Aries

Numbers that suit you

If possible, move all significant events to the 28th, 19th and 10th days of each month - this is more likely to have a good outcome.

Tuesday. At this time, you are able to move mountains, therefore, try to give your best.

Thursday. A favorable day for making plans for the future.

Friday. It knocks you out of your working mood and inclines you towards pleasant leisure time. Don’t put off solving important issues until the end of the week.

Saturday. Another “lazy” day on which Aries prefer to recuperate.

Sunday. Get creative, because you have a lot of energy.

Numbers that suit you

Pay attention to the 24th, 15th and 6th - these are harbingers of good news, all kinds of good luck and increased dedication with a successful result.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. Astrologers recognized it as happy for Taurus, so the song about the island of bad luck is clearly not about you.

Tuesday. Today you are wildly irritated by the activity around you, because you want to drop everything and go on vacation.

Friday. A favorable moment that gives peace of mind and sets you up for productive activities.

Lucky days for Gemini

Numbers that suit you

If you are going to make a serious decision, the stars advise you to think it over on the 25th, 16th or 7th day of the month.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. A significant day, since at this time you are distinguished by your intelligence and increased activity.

Thursday. The complete opposite of the previous day. He can be called unhappy because he prevents Gemini from thinking about pressing matters.

Numbers that suit you

These include the 26th, 17th and 8th - the best time to find a way out of difficult situations.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. A favorable moment for fruitful work. Don't neglect the chance and have time to do something important.

Tuesday. Not very good hours, during which you are irritable and too busy with yourself to immerse yourself in work.

Thursday. A time of maximum comfort and productive endeavors.

Saturday. You cannot work on this day because it seems sad to you.

Numbers that suit you

The 27th, 18th, 9th are the most acceptable dates for restoring vitality and receiving gifts from fate.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Saturday. You don’t feel like working at all, but since no one is forcing you, then you can rest with a clear conscience.

Sunday. Paradoxically, it makes you feel energetic and energetic. If these days were considered to be weekdays, then you would show all your skills.

Numbers that suit you

Plan something important on the 25th, 16th and 7th days of the month. Or spend it on active recreation.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. It brings you creativity and thoughtfulness—take full advantage of it!

Thursday. At this time, the diligence inherent in Virgos is significantly reduced, which makes it very difficult to complete the work.

Friday. Not the best time to collaborate with someone: your picky attention to detail begins to irritate those around you.

Numbers that suit you

These include the 24th, 15th and 6th - they are in maximum harmony with your biorhythms.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Tuesday. An incredibly aggressive day that can become a difficult test for Libra, who is peaceful by nature. Be careful!

Friday. A chance to finish your work without unnecessary stress, because during this period you are distinguished by your balance and composure.

Saturday. Another favorable day, allowing you to complete what you started with resounding success.

Numbers that suit you

The following dates suit you best: 23, 14 or 5, this is better days for Scorpio. Then you can count on a good outcome.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. It’s a bad time to plan activities, because you still want to live for your own pleasure by inertia after the weekend.

Tuesday. Although you may be angry at this time, this does not prevent you from completing a huge amount of work, so the day can be called happy.

Friday. You are tired of responsibility and want to relax as quickly as possible; you are looking forward to the coming weekend.

Numbers that suit you

Pay attention to the 22nd, 13th and 4th if you don’t know what day to postpone important events.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. Not a very successful day: everyone is finding fault with little things, criticizing your brilliant ideas, not paying attention to you, and for some reason everyone is fussing about their own business.

Thursday. An excellent moment to launch activities, attract supporters and a whole support group.

Numbers that suit you

The 30th, 21st, 12th and 3rd are the days of the month on which you are guaranteed to be lucky with the consent of the stars.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. Brings apathy, lack of energy, lack of attentiveness, irritability, drowsiness and fatigue.

Tuesday. A good time: you do everything right the first time, without much difficulty, and you are incredibly happy about it.

Thursday. Your relaxation and distraction by extraneous events nullify all attempts to work, even if things are incredibly urgent.

Saturday. Gives a lot of strength for new achievements - don’t miss the chance to create something wonderful or deal with accumulated problems at home.

Numbers that suit you

The 20th, 11th, 2nd days of the month are super lucky. They cause an incredible surge of vigor, which brings long-awaited results in the most different areas activities.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Wednesday. This is the moment of peak business mood. But keep in mind: you will have to give your best, although these days are considered lucky for Aquarius.

Saturday. 24 hours of complete concentration on work issues. You don’t even have the desire to be distracted by your favorite and interesting things - they begin to seem like trifles against the backdrop of the work process.

Sunday. According to astrologers, it is an unlucky day because it does not particularly inspire you to work hard. But by coincidence, this is a day off on which you can have fun and relax, so everything turned out just fine.

Numbers that suit you

The 28th, 19th, 10th, 1st are the best days for fish and the best time to recuperate, which is especially productive in any life situations.

Unlucky and lucky periods of the week

Monday. Days conducive to conducting business without excessive effort.

Wednesday. Petty nagging and fuss drive you crazy.

Thursday. Another happy moment to resolve accumulated labor issues.

Friday. It also allows Pisces to feel in their element - in this regard, you are very lucky.

According to folk superstitions, for any business there are favorable and unfavorable days. Perhaps these prohibitions will seem to us only prejudices, but our ancestors lived by checking them. Who knows, maybe they really work?

Favorable days

Leave on the road on Tuesday or Saturday.

Whoever washes his silver and eggs on Thursday before sunrise will be healthy and clean.

There is no easier day against Saturday (and harder than Monday).

Whoever was born on a full moon will be tenacious and durable.

On Friday, looking at the birds flying past, you should say: “No matter how many feathers are born on them, so much money is not transferred to the wallet.”

Donate money to the church this Christmas. But before you give them away, say: “To whom the church is not a mother, I am not a father.”

On Trinity Sunday they always put on something new - for good luck.

Unfavorable days

On what day of the week is the Annunciation (April 7), do not start anything on that day throughout the year.

Don't start anything on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Don't give out money on Monday - expenses all week.

On Monday they don’t lend money so that it doesn’t melt like wax throughout the week.

Don't borrow money on Tuesday, otherwise you'll be in debt for the rest of your life.

From Monday - for the whole week (that is, good or bad).

Monday and Friday are hard days; Tuesday and Saturday are easy.

Whatever God gives, do not spin on Wednesday (or Friday).

Working on Friday is a sin.

On Fridays, men do not plow, women do not spin.

On Friday, chickens are not allowed to lay eggs: the chickens do not live.

Anyone who starts a business on Friday will back off.

You can’t laugh and have fun on the eve of a big holiday - there are tears on the holiday.

On Easter days, girls do not take salt in their hands so that their palms do not sweat.

Forbidden days

There are days on which you are not supposed to get married. There are no weddings in church these days. This:

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;

Cheese week, i.e. one week before Lent;

Great Lent (seven weeks before Easter);

Easter week;

Eve of the Ascension of the Lord (39th day after Easter);

Eve of the Holy Trinity (49th day after Easter);

Day of the Holy Trinity;

April B, i.e. Eve of the Annunciation;

Not happy Days

January has seven such days: 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 20, 28.
February - three days: 11, 18, 21.
March - five days: 1, 3, 13, 21, 27.
April - four days: 1, 14, 18, 28.
May - three days: 5, 7, 8.
June - two days: 11, 12.
July - three days: 7, 17, 26.
August - three days: 6, 21, 28.
September - one day, 18.
October - two days: 6, 16.
November - three days: 5, 8, 17.
December - four days: 6, 12, 19, 25.

It was believed that people born on these days were not healthy. These days are also unlucky for any important and serious undertakings. For those getting married, they also do not promise success in family life, and also in business. Lovers these days are in danger of being betrayed by the fair sex. For hunters, they represent a complete failure. Those who fall ill recover poorly, and travelers are in danger. Traders and entrepreneurs will suffer losses if they make large transactions these days. These days do not bring success to artists and painters. Dreams these days can be unpleasant and also unrealizable.

Since the week was finally formed, in the form in which it now exists, man, thanks to his powers of observation, has made many conclusions, which over time have become signs. Now there are signs that tell people what to do on each day of the week and what not to do. Now we’ll talk about signs for each day of the week.


It’s not for nothing that in the famous song about the island of bad luck, which Mironov sang, it was sung that apparently their mother gave birth to all of them on Monday. Monday has always been considered a very difficult day. Hence the signs.

The very first sign is don't start anything on Monday. And, indeed, it has been noticed that if you start implementing your most important plans on Monday, nothing will work out. Everything will go wrong.

If you like a quiet life, you can forget about it for at least a week if you break the following rule. Guests arrived on Monday - expect guests every day all week. This fact has also been verified by many generations of our ancestors. There was such a case in my life, my father’s birthday fell on Monday, the next day he had a day off. Indeed, why not mention it? Mom was against it, but dad insisted. And the result? Until Sunday, uninvited guests came every day to meet everyone, feed them, see them off... And how much did all this cost...

It is believed that On Monday you should never lend money to anyone. This sign is especially relevant if you have just received a salary. The fact is that if you don’t follow this sign, then it doesn’t matter at all what you planned to spend your money on this month. They will end up in a completely different way than planned. If you borrow money on Monday, something in the house will definitely break down, and in such a way that you will have to urgently buy spare parts or a new unit. And you didn't plan this at all.

Another sign - if you sneezed on this day, then this is a gift. It is unknown how to explain such a sign, but our ancestors know better. But, if you are planning to visit the dentist on Monday, then you have chosen the absolutely right time. It was noticed that everyone who went to the doctors with dental problems on Mondays, then everything will go well, you will not feel pain, and everything will heal as if it were.


Unlike Monday, Tuesday is considered a very favorable day in all respects. It is especially useful to hit the road on Tuesday. Knowledgeable people they say that any trip on this day of the week will be safe and successful. Although, knowledgeable witches They say that on Tuesday evening you should under no circumstances borrow money. Tuesday is capable of pumping out everything you have in your pockets.


In many beliefs there is such a sign that you cannot start any new business on Wednesday, but this is not so. It is believed that Wednesday is the most optimal day to start solving all your issues. Why is that? Well, first of all, because the weekend is already far behind us. The head is clear and can think rationally. Moreover, both for you and for the person with whom you have to resolve these issues.

You shouldn't move on Wednesday new apartment. This sign has been tested by many generations. And indeed, it has been noticed that if you moved to new house or a new apartment on this day, you won’t be able to live there for a long time. The reasons can be very different - it could be a divorce, it could be a fire, or perhaps the worst thing - death.


Whoever washes his silver and eggs on Thursday before sunrise will be healthy and clean. This sign is most likely based on both biblical principles and purely everyday ones. The famous saying that whoever gets up early, God gives to him, is not without meaning. The point is that than formerly man When he wakes up in the morning, the more he manages to do in a day. Silver is a symbol of purity, and an egg is a symbol of life. Well, the fact that a person must wash his face naturally means that he will be clean after washing.

Thursday is an easy day and portends good luck. Thursday is indeed a very easy day for any endeavors. Let's start with the fact that Thursday is supervised by a planet like Mercury. And since ancient times it has been known that Mercury was the patron of revelers, gamblers, and individuals who loved to lead a frivolous lifestyle. Therefore, if you like to play the lottery, then you will definitely be lucky on this day, although this is not a fact. Mercury is so windy and unpredictable that for the sake of its momentary fun, it can deprive a person of everything in one moment. But this will never happen if you just live and solve your problems. He only punishes those who show their greed.


Friday is a special day. And there will be a lot on this day.

Friday, like Monday, is a hard day; no important things can be done. Friday is indeed a very difficult day. Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday, so the day is considered, to put it mildly, unlucky. Although, on the other hand, Friday is “supervised” by a planet such as Venus, and she is the patroness of love.

On Friday you cannot sing, have fun or do homework until noon. Again, it all has to do with faith. From the very morning, Jesus Christ was subjected to torture, interrogation, and later there was crucifixion on Golgotha. If you sing and laugh in the morning on this day, you can be sure that then you will have to cry for a whole week. Well, if you don’t cry, you’ll end up with a lot of problems.

On Friday you cannot do women's work - sewing, knitting, etc. It is believed that if you do not adhere to this rule, then you will face a harmless, but very unpleasant disease, which is popularly called nailworms. It is usually very difficult to recover from this disease. It doesn't go away on its own. We need to stop breaking the Friday rules and pray away from it. At the same time, the nails themselves crumble, break, and very painful hangnails appear. Some will say that this is a superstition, but this sign has been tested on itself. Let's face it - it's very unpleasant.

Besides, under no circumstances should you cut your nails on Friday, and a married woman should not wash her hair on this day. Everything related to the human body in this case- these are nails and hair, but very much attention is paid to this in magic, and just in everyday life. After all, this can cause great harm to a person. But Friday is a special day. On this day they may even work on you higher power. Well, what if married woman washes her hair on Friday, it is believed that she can wash her entire family out of the house.

There are twelve most important Fridays in the year; by fasting on these days, you can avoid many troubles and troubles in life. But we won't talk about that now.


Saturday, like Tuesday, is an easy day. Saturday is, in fact, considered a holy day. On Saturday you cannot do any work, you just need to rest. But that's what the Bible says. And life has shown that all matters that were started on Saturday are solved very easily. But, here’s the problem, they will only be solved on Saturdays. First day off. A person, although tired after a whole working week, but inspired by the fact that there are two days ahead that promise peace, does not need to think about work. These thoughts add strength and desire to live. Therefore, all matters are resolved easily and simply. In addition, Saturday corresponds to the planet Saturn, and it helps those who purposefully go towards their goal. So, if you have chosen a goal for yourself, drawn up an action plan and decided to start acting on Saturday, then Saturn will help you.


Dedicate Sunday to God; no matters will be resolved. And it’s true, according to Orthodox belief, Sunday is a day of rest. The Lord created the earth for six days, and on the seventh day he only admired what he managed to create. We also worked all week, and now it’s time to relax, please ourselves, and restore our strength. It is for this reason that you cannot start, undertake or make any plans on this day - nothing will work out. And according to purely everyday belief, if a person does not rest, then very quickly he will simply spend all his vitality. Every person should rest. Although, there are times when even experienced witches deviate from this rule. But this happens only when a person’s life depends on their actions.

Are all these signs true or false? You decide. But our ancestors really believed in this. Live in harmony with nature, and you will be surprised how simple everything in this life is.

It would be more accurate to call such days harmonious with the zodiac sign and non-harmonious. After all, every day is ruled by a planet, and planets rule by signs. A day ruled by a planet that also rules your sign is considered lucky for you, and a day ruled by a planet that rules the opposite sign is conventionally considered unlucky, because the energy of this planet is not in harmony with your sign.

Should not be given of great importance dividing days into happy and unlucky. The only thing you can notice in reality is greater productivity on “happy” days. While on “unhappy” days a person tends to be more often distracted by things that are more pleasant for him than work.


Lucky days for Aries are Tuesday, Sunday and Thursday. These days, especially Tuesday, Aries is ready to move mountains. Sunday is especially favorable for creative work, and Thursday is especially favorable for planning.

Unlucky days for Aries are Friday and Saturday. On Friday he tends to have a good time, and on Saturday he tends to recuperate.


For Taurus, Monday and Friday are considered lucky days; on these days he is calmer, because no one is rushing him and he can work calmly.

Astrologers call Tuesday an unlucky day for Taurus; on this day, most people develop irrepressible activity, and Taurus is irritated by this and wants to give up everything and rest, relax.


Gemini's lucky day is Wednesday, on this day they are active and more intelligent.

Thursday is considered an unlucky day for Gemini; it is difficult for them to think about immediate matters on this day.


Cancer's lucky days are Monday and Thursday; on these days they are comfortable, and therefore their work is often productive.

Tuesday and Saturday are considered unlucky days for Cancer. On Tuesday, Cancers are often irritable or too busy personal life. And on Saturday they feel depressed, this day seems sad to them.


Sunday is considered Leo's lucky day, but, unfortunately, it is not a working day, otherwise Leo would show what he is capable of. This is a wonderful day for those in the arts and entertainment industry.

Saturday is considered an unlucky day for Leo; as a rule, this day is also not a working day, and Leo can rest with a clear conscience.


Wednesday is considered Virgo's lucky day; on this day she is extremely attentive, incredibly inventive and active.

Unlucky days for Virgo are Thursday and Friday; her attention to detail and diligence decreases or begins to irritate others.


Friday and Saturday are considered lucky days for Libra; on these days, Libra is more collected and balanced, everything they do is accomplished without unnecessary stress.

Tuesday and Sunday are considered unlucky days for Libra. Especially Tuesday, this aggressive day is a difficult test for peace-loving Libra. And on Sunday they prefer to meet with friends and loved ones rather than think about business.


Tuesday is considered Scorpio's lucky day, and although Scorpio is often angry on this day, he manages to get a lot of work done.

Not the most good days For Scorpio, Monday and Friday are considered, although he himself most often does not think so, if only to him. there is no hard and boring work ahead. He likes to spend these days for his own pleasure.


The happiest day of Sagittarius is Thursday. This is a great day to branch out and attract allies and supporters.

But Wednesday is an unlucky day for Sagittarius, when everyone is fussing and not paying attention to him and his brilliant ideas or criticizing him, finding fault with all sorts of little things.


For Capricorn, Saturday and Tuesday are considered lucky days; on these days he is energetic and does everything easily and correctly.

Monday and Thursday are considered unlucky days for Capricorn; Capricorn feels a lack of energy, he is relaxed, inattentive, and distracted by foreign objects.


Astrologers call Wednesday and Saturday lucky days for Aquarius. These days, representatives of this zodiac sign business-like attitude and no desire to be distracted by trifles.

Sunday is considered an unlucky day for Aquarius, although Aquarius himself may have nothing against this day, he just tends to relax and have fun on Sunday, rather than work hard.


Lucky days for Pisces are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Pisces are lucky with the number of days when they feel in their element and can do things without coercion or excessive effort.

An unlucky day for Pisces is Wednesday, when there is too much fuss and petty criticism. Pisces do not like this.

Do you want to know on what day is it better for Cancers to lose weight, for Capricorns to make love and for Leos to demand a promotion? Then this article is for you!


Happy day for Cancer

Monday is traditionally associated with the Moon, the astrological patron of the family. That is why issues related to home, everyday life, family responsibilities should be resolved on this day. The Moon is the most mobile celestial object, which implies change, the energy of renewal. Avoid monotony in family life. The moon also regulates the unconscious - this day is good for thoroughly analyzing the basis of your actions and dreams.

Monday is dedicated to women in general and mothers in particular, and represents our emotional base. This is the best time to remember that we should show our parents our respect and affection more often.

In work, the Earth satellite helps to show imagination, reveal new facets of the imagination, and visualize what you want. It’s worth doing motivation on Monday: both your own and other employees.

This is the most prosperous day for Cancers, which the Moon especially indulges. You can safely assign the most difficult, fateful matters and decisions to him. Since the strong associative organ of Cancer is the stomach, on Monday It’s good to go on a diet and cook.

The main danger of Monday- get bogged down in endless excuses that delay progress. After all, the Moon is, first of all, associated with laziness.


Happy day for Aries and Scorpio

The influence of Mars on this day is favorable to everything related to labor activity. All your energy on Tuesday should be directed to work., otherwise, this energy accumulates and results in aggression. However, in operation, your internal battery supply seems to be unlimited. However, excess energy can lead to violent behavior or expression of emotions. Use your head and think several times before you say or “flare up” something.

Mars indulges two signs at once - Aries and Scorpio, who feel especially at ease on Tuesdays in the position of the main characters.

And this planet also offers everyone eliminate residual things and emotions from life. With all our determination, we throw away everything that is boring, outdated, and far from our goals.

An important body part for Aries is head(especially eyes, brain, teeth), while Scorpio is associated with genitals. All this suggests that on Tuesdays everyone should pay attention to the health of these areas.

The main danger of Tuesday- violence, excessive use of force. Be careful and avoid a stormy showdown.


Happy day for Gemini and Virgo

"Communication" and "truth"- keywords of both Mercury and Wednesday. Your ability to assess a situation (relationships, project, plans) sensibly and correctly increases several times. This is a good day to express our ideas as correctly and accurately as possible, exchange information, coordinate projects and solve problems. Don't be deceived: on Wednesdays everything secret becomes clear! At the same time, empty chatter on this day of communication and communication does not lead to any good.

Mars favors all types of management, promotes trade, search for means of transportation or transportation. Great day to buy airline tickets! This good time to learn something new - the knowledge you gain will clearly be useful to you!

Feel like full masters of life in the middle of the week Gemini and Virgo. Regarding health: the first, Gemini, is the sign "armed" and "shouldered""; the second, Virgo, has a place of power intestines. Attention on Wednesday to all these organs.

Of the minuses: Mercury is associated with indecision and criticism. Try to be tactful and don't give up.


Happy day for Sagittarius and Pisces

According to Roman mythology, humanity lived in paradise under the influence of Jupiter. Astrologers have picked up the legend and suggest dedicating this day to your loved ones, rebuilding your routine into a personal Eden and getting rid of all sorrows. The energy of this day is very optimistic and ambitious - both in the spiritual field and in the material. This good time to take care of finances and make an effort to make more money. Jupiter will pick up your zealous impulse.

The giant planet controls life Sagittarius and Pisces who need to work on their ambitions. Important! It is better for representatives of these signs not to be alone on this day, which can be too detrimental to them.

In relation to everyone else, Jupiter promotes the desire to improve in the professional field and make every effort to do so. We have to expand our skills and show them to others. This is a good day to seek help from more influential people - your requests will be heard.

Sagittarius is associated with the arterial circulation, hips and sciatic nerve, while Pisces is responsible for legs, heart and feeling tired. Special attention to all these areas.

Main danger: Jupiter can provoke dictatorial relationships, abuse of power and situations getting out of control. Excessive ambitions should not work to our detriment, creating abundance around us without disturbing the peace of others.


Happy day for Taurus and Libra

Day of Love! No quarrels or insults. Only romance and sex! Needless to say, the patron planet of Friday, Venus, promotes the search for the other half and the conception of a child. In addition, Friday is the best day for shopping! Things purchased on this day enhance natural magnetism and will definitely attract attention to your person. Plan important beauty rituals for Friday: from hair removal to anti-cellulite massage. Venus favors beauty and self-care. The love aura of this day is very generous - give and accept gifts.

Venus regulates the lives of Taurus and Libra - the superstars of today, who find it good to be creative on Fridays. The life centers of Taurus are concentrated in neck, ears, throat; and for Libra - in the kidneys and skin. Check your health with the indicated accents!

The negative side of the influence of Venus- lust, lust, debauchery, once again do not get yourself into trouble and be more modest in public. Save all the flames of passion for your loved one and your favorite bedroom.


Happy day for Capricorn and Aquarius

It's time to discuss global life plans over the weekend: prepare a program - Saturn carefully “writes down” everything to help you achieve your goals, no matter how distant they may seem at first. But before you add a new position to your to-do list, take a good look at your own personality and your life. And only then - outline a program.

Saturn is the direct ruler Capricorn and favors Aquarius. Both of them often work on weekends and while the other signs are resting, they, as they say, “take everything from life.”

And also Saturday - day of reckoning or payment of debts. Moreover, it's not just about money. We must analyze what was done during the week to find out where and why we made a mistake and what needs to be done to correct it. If you realize that you have committed some injustice, do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness for it. Or demand an apology if you were offended.

Capricorn is associated with hair, joints and bones. Aquarius - with ankles and cardiovascular system y. These are the areas that especially need monitoring on Saturday.

From the negative: Saturn can become very pessimistic and harsh.


Happy day for Leo

Day of the Sun, the center of our Universe. Ideally, greet the sunrise every Sunday and meditate, especially if you have grandiose plans for that day. And then - analyze the past week and draw conclusions for yourself.

It would be strange if the main luminary did not favor, first of all, Leos. Sunday is the time for their sole reign. However, representatives of other signs are also invited to feel like royalty on this day. And, most importantly, show generosity. Because sometimes, in order to move forward, it is important to forgive debts to others.

On this day we traditionally avoid hard work as much as possible. Sunday is focused on rest, developing our virtues and connecting with our inner world. And since Leo is associated with heart, it’s worth spending time on the “fiery motor”.

What is the danger: The Sun can make us believe that we are better than others because of our social status, qualities or beliefs. Pride can close many doors, try to strangle it in yourself in favor of good values. In addition, be more sensitive to Sunday dreams - they can serve as a certain call from our subconscious.