March boys. Male names for those born in March, April, May: tips for parents on how to choose a name for their baby. Suitable names for boys born in March

22.09.2018 Psychology

Many families still give preference to traditions and choose a name for a newborn according to the calendar. Usually the child is baptized in honor of the saint on whose memory he was born, or the names indicated in the calendar on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of the baby are chosen. If mom and dad don't like the suggested names, you can look up the names of the saints in the days immediately following the birth of your son, or name him after the saint who is most respected in the family. It is believed that the saint in whose honor the baby was named will patronize him and protect his namesake all his life.

What to name a boy born in March. What is his character

Calling babies after battles an object was as much a curiosity as anything else. The Home Front during World War I has been a research area that has been at the forefront of my mind lately and the impact that war has on daily life, can be examined by examining data such as names. It's amazing to learn how many children were named after the battles of the First world war, key military figures and the results of the war itself.

A boy born in March, according to the church calendar, can be given the name Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Arkady, Afanasy, Vasily, Victor, Vyacheslav, Venedikt, Gerasim, Daniel, Denis, David, Evgeny, Egor, Irakli, Konstantin, Kuzma, Makar , Maxim, Mark, Mikhail, Nikandr, Pavel, Peter, Rostislav, Roman, Savva, Stepan, Trofim, Timofey, Fedor, Yuri and others.

Suitable names for boys born in March

Although some of these names disappeared completely after World War I, it is interesting to note that some families continued to include these names as middle names, thus continuing the tradition right up to the present day. About 220 of these children died as infants, representing a mortality rate of about 14%.

It's heartbreaking to think that mothers can name their child for a battle that required a father, only to lose the child soon after. These include Sommeria, Arrasine, Verdunia, Monsalin and Dardanelles. This dataset has registration regions in England and Wales, but it is notable that name popularity is more pronounced in some areas than others. South Wales features prominently, as do Yorkshire, London and the North East. It is not always clear why this is so - in some cases it is likely that the regiment involved in a particular battle had a strong connection with that area, but in others and especially with the Battle of Verdun, where the name is particularly popular, the connection is not obvious.

Name for boys according to zodiac sign

March babies are born under zodiac sign Pisces (first two decades) and Aries ( last decade). Pisces boys are distinguished by great sensitivity, impressionability, and, unfortunately, suggestibility. If in early childhood parents have almost no problems with them, then in adulthood this is fraught with the inability to make decisions, be responsible for the consequences of their actions, as well as weak will. However, those born in March can become excellent performers, warriors, and officials. Natural artistry also helps them in their careers, but Pisces, as a rule, do not strive for leadership. It is important for them to be in a familiar, comfortable environment, among friends and colleagues. As a rule, they are not prone to hasty decisions and always listen to their own intuition and the voice of reason. To strengthen the determination and strong-willed qualities of Pisces boys, it is recommended to give them firm and simple names - Igor, Oleg, Maxim, Stepan, Peter, Taras, Gregory.

If anyone has any idea about naming patterns, I'd be interested to hear them. Louvain is another example, coming after the reprisal of German atrocities there during the invasion of Belgium. The deliberate destruction of the university library by German troops sparked international protest. After the war the library was rebuilt, but unfortunately its replacement was destroyed during World War II. South Wales again appears to be a stronghold for the name. Thanks so much for providing this information David. She died when she was 11 years old, and it was always believed that this was a nod to some French ancestry. The Welsh connection may be some sense of another 'little people'. Wales accepted quite a few Belgian refugees, and although there were strong feelings about the Boer War in Wales, there was resentment towards Germany in relation to Belgium. She previously carried the King and Queen through the interned German High Seas Fleet at Scapa Stream shortly after the Armistice. Her parents were from Bristol, but my grandfather was in South Wales, working as a coal miner; apparently not the only outsider working there as a coal miner during the war. While he was there, he made many items from the shells, some with his new son's name on them. It may be interesting to expand the search to other expeditionary forces that have served overseas.

  • The city is now better known by its Flemish name Leuven.
  • It appears to have retained some currency until the early 70s.
In fact, she later shortened it to Wynna.

If the child was born on those days when March is under the influence of Aries, then the strong-willed qualities and energy of this sign will themselves compensate weak sides March boys. In this case, you can choose almost any name. Only a few astrologers do not recommend it - Alexey, Vasily, Victor, Gennady, Evgeny and Sergey.

Family lore is that she was baptized because "Irene" is the Goddess of Peace. If you search for death indices, you will find some of the middle names. Commonwealth War Graves Commission website. So we know where my grandfather was, in the Royal Engineers after returning from his wounds at the Somme in Grandfather's original unit, the 9th Battalion Leicestershire Regiment, was based at Romney before heading to France.

Other prominent figures also came to be "named", but none so much as Buller, even after his removal from the scene. His daughter, born this year, was named Lily Louvain. Did you look at middle names or not? Have you obtained birth certificates to prove that four have a "backbone" and the other does not?

Celebrity names

Many were born in March famous people— Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Arthur Schopenhauer, Albert Einstein, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yuri Gagarin, Oleg Yankovsky, Anatoly Zhuravlev. Their names, as well as the names of other people whom the child’s parents love and respect, can, of course, also be an excellent guide for choosing a name for their son. However, you should not call the baby a very rare and intricate name. You should also avoid the names of people who have suffered too much hardship. It is believed that a child can unwittingly repeat the fate of the one whose name he has to bear.

The pathetic incident is outlined in a notice in our birth column today. The wife of Private Robert Thomas Jones, 96, Henllan street, within the last few days gave birth to a daughter, who was named France May, because dear little never knew his father, he laid down his life in France May. He was one of the brave men of Denbigh who were killed in the desperate battles of last month. Much sympathy goes to his wife, who in her hour of judgment also bears the misfortune of widowhood. The late soldier was the son of the late Samuel Jones, who was at one time a laborer and then foreman of the workmen of the Corporation of Denbigh, before the late Meyrick Evans.


It is known that March is the first month of spring. If a child was born in the spring, then in life he will show flexibility in various situations, and it will be more difficult for him to achieve success. The month of March suggests that people born this month are very impressionable and sensitive. They are also very talented and if not limited, they will express their emotions through art. Since children with a soft character and very impressionable are born in March, in order to emphasize courage, the boy must be called, as some say, “tough” and very sonorous name. The girl must be called, on the contrary, softer, but at the same time bright name. Many people think that it would be better if the name contains the letter P or N.

Thus there were no British casualties. Perhaps this was seen as a turning of the tide at the time, or was it simply a sign of solidarity with the French? By then perhaps it had become a surname? She was named Yvonne after the train that brought My Great Father and his Royal Welsh Fusiliers men to safety in St Malo at the end of the war before heading back to England.

She was named Mabel Doris Louvain Lewis, but the deed index civil status reveals her as Mabel D L Lewis, giving her only his first name. This appears to have been the style used for most entries in the civil index, although other names were sometimes given.

Names for boys born in March: Daniil, Konstantin, Arkady, Makar, Mikhail, Evgeny, Victor, Roman, Savva, Rostislav, Denis, David, Anton, Stepan, Trofim, Peter, Egor, Yuri, Mark, Gerasim, Vyacheslav, Vasily, Maxim, Venedikt, Pavel.
Names for girls born in March: Kira, Marina, Daria, Matryona, Sofia, Galina, Anastasia, Maria, Svetlana, Lydia, Nika, Alla, Ulyana, Anna, Eva, Tamara, Irina, Ekaterina, Christina.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories. It's amazing to hear different examples. Sorry for the incorrect email, the automated text "corrected" your name without me noticing. However, the Boer War predates your research. . My grandfather was christened Alma, as were some of his ancestors. Battle of Alma in the Crimean War. This caused confusion later in life as the name was then considered a girl's name.

Some of them were placed together in groups, but others were probably scattered. Only one or two of them living with locals to encourage Doris's parents to choose Louvain for one of both daughters' names, but records for refugees there are almost non-existent. Louvain, in Belgium, is known, of course, for terrible atrocities and destruction on early stage at the hands of the Germans.

If you don't like the names listed and the baby is due in March, read the characteristics of the name you really like. And then think carefully about whether you should name your child by your favorite name. If you are a believer, you can choose a name for the child according to Christmastide - on what day the child was born, and name it in honor of that Saint.

He was named by his mother while his father, known as Harry Jones, was still in France. The letters Harry wrote to his wife are in Denbighshire Archives in Ruthin. Maybe it's worth looking at how many boys were called "Victor" at the end of the war? His father, John Thomas Jackson, volunteered for the Durham Light Infantry and was serving in the Labor Corps in France when his son was born. From his employment records, we discovered that he initially recorded his 9th date of birth during his disability benefits claims, but for several years recorded it as November 11th.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to remember the child’s middle name. The name and patronymic must be consonant, for example, Regina Dmitrievna or Venedikt Denisovich sound very rude, they have no euphony.

Attention to future parents! If you want to name your child an unusual name so that it always stands out, remember that the child will have the name all the time, and many people may laugh at it in the future. Before you name your child Cosmos, Russia, Militsiya, Zhuzha, Kasper the Beloved and others, think about whether the child himself will be happy when he grows up.

In our family, we always celebrated Victor's 11th birthday and only found out that it was the 9th after his death and we found the birth certificate. My father was one of twins born in Tafarnaubagh and Tredegar. Thought it was unusual, but now it's not. My uncle Arthur was away during the Battle of the Somme. Soon after the world was found safe and well, and the war began. Continuing with the Welsh theme, the background rate of birth registration for "Hedd" and compounds such as Heddwyn, Heddwen, Heddfron and Heddwich is less than one year before the war.

As soon as parents learn about the imminent birth of a baby, one of the first questions becomes the problem of choosing a name for the child. After all, a name can influence a child’s future life, fate, and character. Before choosing a name for the future baby, parents need to determine the most important aspect for them - traditions, fashion or church calendar.

Cressy, one of the three ships of the Living Phantom Squadron, which was sunk 3 months before September 22. One of my middle names is Cressy, and I have a niece with the middle name Chrissy. Although British troops were not directly involved in the Battle of Verdun, a strong British Red Cross contingent did participate. Perhaps this may have some connection. This is a very interesting and thought provoking article.

Five months after her husband's death, Emma Gray gave birth to a girl, and she named her daughter Tiny Somma in memory of Herbert. The timeline also records the birth of Raida Margaret Fanny Collins. A child named "Ryda" after the Air Raid over Newington.


Previously, children were given a name according to the month - the church calendar or Christmastide. The child was named after a saint whose memory falls on his birthday according to the calendar. It was believed that the saint in whose honor the baby was named would become a guardian angel for the newborn and would be his protector and savior throughout his life. That is why birthdays are sometimes called name days, although the tradition is to name the baby by Christmastide not often observed.

Ryda Margaret Fanny Collins baptized at St Mary the Virgin Church, Newington, near Sittingbourne. Louvain's middle name is for Luerwen, where her uncle fought the war. My great grandfather served in the Great War and had a daughter, Malta Marea. There is speculation in the family that it was so named because he was serving in Malta around that time.

Your article is very fascinating and has motivated me to do more research on this interesting name. There were no female births in the line from my nano down, this rare name was not accepted in our family. My 6 month old son's middle name is Arras, in memory of his grandfather Reginald John Arras Pinn. When his father was fighting in Arras when he was born.

If a child was born on a day when according to the calendar there is no commemoration of saints of his gender, then according to church customs you can choose the name of the saint who is commemorated eight days after the birth of the baby or at baptism, that is, on the 40th day after how the baby was born. According to church traditions, the baby is baptized on this day. Sometimes it happens that the saint in whose honor the parents chose a name for the child Christmastide, is commemorated according to the calendar several times a year, or saints with the same name are commemorated on different days, then the days of these saints close to the child’s birthday are considered his name day, and the remaining days during the year are small name days.

We assume this is because my grandfather fought in this battle shortly before James was born. There are five or so other children recorded with Festubert as a first name around this time. A premature baby is one who is born too early, before 37 weeks. Babies born prematurely may have more health problems and may need to stay in the hospital longer than babies born later.

They may also have long-term health problems that can affect their entire lives. About 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely each year in the United States. The earlier in pregnancy a baby is born, the more likely it is to have health problems. Some premature babies have to spend time in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit. This is the part of the hospital that cares for sick newborns. But thanks to advances in medical care, even babies born prematurely are more likely to survive today than ever before.

There are very few Slavic names in Christmastide; as a rule, calendar names have Hebrew, Latin and Greek roots. Nowadays, the birth of a child is registered initially in the registry office, where the baby’s name is also recorded. But it happens that given to the child the name is missing from the Christmastide. Then, at baptism, the priest translates the name into the Church Slavonic form.

What health problems can premature babies have after birth?

Health problems that may affect premature babies include: This is a breathing problem most common in babies born before 34 weeks of pregnancy. This is bleeding in the brain. This usually occurs near the ventricles in the center of the brain. The ventricles are spaces in the brain filled with fluid. Patent ductus arteriosus. This is a heart problem that occurs due to the connection between two major blood vessels near the heart. If the ducts do not close properly after birth, the baby may have breathing problems or heart failure. Heart failure is when the heart cannot pump enough blood. Necrotizing enterocolitis. This is a problem with the baby's intestines. This can cause feeding problems, a swollen belly, and diarrhea. This happens 2-3 weeks after premature birth. Retinopathy of prematurity. This is an abnormal growth of blood vessels in the eyes. This is when a baby's eyes and skin appear yellow. A baby has jaundice when his liver is not fully developed or does not work well. Anemia. This is when a child does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to the rest of the body. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia This is a lung condition that can develop in premature babies and also in babies who are treated with a breathing machine. Premature babies often cannot fight off germs because their immune system is not fully developed. Infections that can affect a premature baby include pneumonia, a mild infection, sepsis, a blood infection, and meningitis, an infection in the fluid around the brain and spinal cord.

How can you best care for your premature baby?

  • This is a pause in breathing for 20 seconds or more.
  • Premature babies sometimes have apnea.
  • This may occur along with a slow heart rate.
  • Respiratory distress syndrome.
Talk to your child's health care providers about any of your child's health conditions.

Helpful advice

Nowadays it’s very easy to choose a name for Christmas. And you can even view the church calendar on the Internet on various Orthodox sites and other resources.

March on the calendar Orthodox Church usually takes place under the sign of Lent. However, in March Every day there are holidays in honor of saints whose names may be suitable for your child.


In the question of what to name a child in a particular month, there is an echo of the ancient tradition of naming newborns in honor of those saints whose memory fell on their birthday or on the day of their christening. In this way, a heavenly patron was chosen for the child - a saint, who with his prayer protected the child from all evil.

The most famous and great saint of March is the prophet John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan and died under tragic circumstances. He was executed by the ruler of Galilee, Herod, at the request of his mistress Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. The Prophet John, whom Herod took into custody and, nevertheless, loved him very much as an interlocutor, denounced this illegal relationship, and for this they cut off his head. His name day is celebrated on March 9.

Another important one religious holiday March, dedicated to the saints - the memory of the forty Sebastian martyrs. They were soldiers of the Roman Empire who were executed by drowning in the icy Lake Sebaste in Asia Minor for professing faith in Christ. Most of them bore names that are not common today. Nevertheless, in the list of their names you can find quite familiar and beloved ones in Russia - John, Nikolai, Valery, Kirill.

Among the Russian saints of March, we can note the blessed Prince of Moscow Daniel (March 17), as well as Prince Theodore of Smolensk and his children, David and Constantine (March 18) and the Hieromartyr Patriarch Ermogen (March 2). also in March There are such male names as Leo, Gregory, Alexander, Pavel, Vladimir, Vasily, Yaroslav, Dionysius, Simeon.

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More and more parents, when choosing a name for their child, turn to Orthodox calendar. This revives the ancient Orthodox tradition of naming a child in honor of a saint.


In Soviet times, names were given based on the system. As a result, one of the most popular names among girls was the name Lena - in honor of Lenin. There were sometimes up to six or even eight Lenas in the class. As a result, the girls were called not by their first name, but by their last name. The name faded into the background. Or they chose completely communist names, for example, Dazdraperma (long live the first of May) or Barrikada. It’s unlikely that little Barricade felt comfortable when answering the question of her name. By calling the girl this way, the parents emphasized, as ideology then demanded, the child’s involvement in the system

In pre-revolutionary times, a name was given to a child, focusing exclusively on the calendar. The choice of name was left to the priest, and he named the baby on the day of baptism. This was considered an honor for the child and parents. The name was read out according to the calendar, and a great sacrament was observed: with the child’s name they were given God’s intercessor.
Today, when choosing a name according to Orthodox traditions, there is more freedom - for each day in the calendar there are several saints, and parents themselves decide which of the proposed names they will give their child.

But you still need to choose the child’s name according to the calendar correctly. The name is given to the saint whose day falls on the baby's birthday. But perhaps on this day there are only male names, and a girl was born. Then you should pay attention to the names that are recorded on the eighth day. It is on the eighth day that the rite of naming is performed. If the names of the eighth day are also not suitable, then you can choose a name on the day of the sacrament of baptism - this is the fortieth day after birth.

They give the girl a name according to the calendar so that the saint in whose honor the child is named will protect her throughout her life, be a guardian angel, a heavenly intercessor. It is believed that the saint prays for the owner of the name before the Lord.
Based on this, some believing parents give their child the name of a saint without looking at the calendar. They turn to the tradition of giving a child a name in honor of a saint revered by the family. This revives continuity and strengthens the connection with ancestors.
By naming a girl after a saint, parents can be sure that their daughter will be the only one to bear such a name - for example, Orthodox name Natalia is very rare in girls. Meanwhile, Natasha is a good and euphonious Russian name.


The saint's day of remembrance should be closest on the calendar to your baby's birthday. But if you don’t really like these names, you can choose a name based on the day of baptism, that is, baptize the baby on the day of remembrance of the saint whose name suits best. Names that are suitable for children during Christmas time.

Helpful advice

How to name a child Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task. After all, a person’s name influences his destiny. The choice of a child’s name is influenced by family traditions, fashion trends, national, religious roots, and even Political Views parents. Often, when baptizing a child, the priest does not find the name you have chosen in the Christmastide and offers to baptize the child with a different name.

Before you choose a name for a girl with the middle name Dmitrievna, you need to get acquainted with the combination of different names with this middle name. The patronymic Dmitrievna itself suggests that the girl will grow up independent, she will have an active, complex character, sometimes with an abundance of masculine traits. Dmitrievnas strive to lead and are often jealous. But they are purposeful and know how to achieve their goals.