The mayor is the head of the municipality. M. Kireev will become the acting head of Krasnogorsk

Mikhail Kireev will temporarily serve as head of the Krasnogorsk urban district until the decision of the district Council of Deputies; before that, he served as first deputy head of the administration for housing and communal services. This was reported by the press service of the city district administration.

“The head of the Krasnogorsk urban district, Radiy Khabirov, is leaving his post due to the appointment of the acting head of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Temporarily, until the decision of the district Council of Deputies, the first deputy head of the administration for housing and communal services, M. Kireev, will act as the head of the district.”, - the message says.

As noted in the message, in the conference hall of the city district administration, R. Khabirov thanked his colleagues and heads of enterprises for their joint work. “We have managed to do a lot in these less than two years to turn Krasnogorsk into the best city in the Moscow region. I am grateful to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov for the opportunity to work in a unique breakthrough team. And of course, I want to thank the Krasnogorsk residents for being with you all During this time, we developed our district, invested our strength and energy. The main task that I now see for myself is to justify the trust of the president and apply all our strength, experience and knowledge to make the lives of the residents of Bashkiria better.", - he said. His words are quoted in the message.

On October 11, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the appointment of Radiy Khabirov as acting head of the region.

/ Friday, October 12, 2018 /

Topics: Housing and communal services Vorobiev

. . . . . He will hold this post until the decision of the district Council of Deputies. . . . . .

The head of the Krasnogorsk urban district, Radiy Khabirov, is leaving his post due to the appointment of the acting head of the Republic of Bashkortostan. He previously thanked his former boss, Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov, for the opportunity to work in a strong, breakthrough and daring team. Khabirov headed the Krasnogorsk city district on March 28, 2017.

The former head of Krasnogorsk near Moscow, Radiy Khabirov, thanked the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov for his joint work, and also noted that he would try to justify the trust of Russian President Vladimir Putin as head of Bashkiria.

On October 11, Rustem Khamitov, who had headed Bashkiria since 2010, announced his resignation, sending a corresponding appeal to the President of the Russian Federation. By his decree, Vladimir Putin appointed Khabirov as the acting head of Bashkiria.

. . . . .

He also thanked the residents of Krasnogorsk for the fact that together with him these two years they developed the city district, invested strength and energy to make it a leading city in the Moscow region.

Khabirov was born in 1964, graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Bashkir State University. From 2003 to 2008 he was the head of the presidential administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan, since 2009 - deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration for domestic policy. From March 28, 2017 to October 11, 2018 - head of the Krasnogorsk urban district of the Moscow region.

The mayor of the Krasnogorsk urban district in the Moscow region, Radiy Khabirov, will take up new duties as acting head of Bashkiria on October 12. This was reported by “ Interfax".

Tomorrow ", - Radiy Khabirov answered the question of the agency’s journalists.

According to him, the main task in the new place will be to justify the trust of Russian President Vladimir Putin and improve the life of the population of Bashkiria.

. . . . .

On the afternoon of October 11, it became known that the former head of Bashkiria, Rustem Khamitov, had resigned. He announced his decision at a local government meeting. A little earlier on Thursday, Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory Natalya Zhdanova and head of the Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov announced their resignations.

The Bashkir Central Election Commission noted that elections for the new head of the region will most likely be held in September 2019.

On the evening of October 11, the president signed a decree appointing Radiy Khabirov to the position of acting head of Bashkiria.

. . . . . Before that, he worked for five years as head of the presidential administration of Bashkiria, and later became director of the department for interaction with the Federal Assembly and political parties Department of the President of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy in the Administration of the Head of State. In September 2016, Khabirov at will left the Kremlin administration.

Khodyrev Alexander Nikolaevich

A.N. Khodyrev: “My politics are real deeds”

In 1973 he graduated from Mordovian secondary school.

In 1974 he graduated from Voronezh Technical School No. 4 and began working at the Etalon experimental plant (Voronezh).

From 1975 to 1977 — served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

From 1977 to 1980 - police officer, secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Balashikha Internal Affairs Directorate.

In 1984 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Law Institute. R.A. Rudenko with a degree in Law.

From 1984 to 1986 — intern at the Balashikha City Prosecutor's Office, assistant to the Balashikha City Prosecutor.

In 1986, he was elected as a deputy, secretary of the executive committee of the Reutov City Council of People's Deputies. Until 1996 - first deputy chairman of the executive committee, first deputy head of the administration of the city of Reutov, Moscow region.

In 1996, in the elections of the Head of the city (the first in the history of Reutov), ​​he won a landslide victory in 1999. 2004 and 2009. re-elected with an overwhelming majority of votes.

On March 19, 1999, by the decision of the dissertation council of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation A.N. Khodyrev was awarded academic degree candidate of legal sciences. The topic of the dissertation is “Legal responsibility in the activities of local governments.”

December 15, 2006 By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation A.N. Khodyrev was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Sociological Sciences. Subject doctoral dissertation: “Management of social development of an urban district in the context of municipal reform.”

March 30, 2012 Party " United Russia» proposed to the President of the Russian Federation three candidates for the position of governor of the Moscow region, among which the candidacy of Alexander Khodyrev was proposed

On June 2, 2014, the Governor of the Moscow Region appointed Alexander Khodyrev as his adviser and special representative in Korolev.

On September 14, 2014, in the election of the head of the Korolev city district, Alexander Khodyrev received 71.56% of the votes.

A.N. Khodyrev is a member of the board of the Union of Scientists and Engineers named after. V.N. Chelomey and a member of the Presidium of the Council of Municipal Entities of the Moscow Region.

Order of Russian Orthodox Church: Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree, Venerable Andrei Rublev II degree, St. Sergius Radonezh III degree; Order of Peter the Great, 1st class, Order of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky, 1st class, Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class, Order of Honour, Order of Friendship, Order of Ivan Kalita, Medal of the Order of Ivan Kalita, Certificate of Honor from the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation based on the results of work in 2012, the badge “For contribution to the development of the Moscow region”, the badge of distinction “For services to the Moscow region”, as well as numerous awards from the Governor of the Moscow region, the Moscow Regional Duma.

Honored Lawyer of the Moscow Region, Honorary Builder of the Moscow Region, Honorary Citizen of the City of Reutov. Winner of the Peter the Great National Prize and the All-Russian competition “Best Municipal Employee”.

Marital status: Married. Has a son and daughter.

Son Sergei is a graduate of MGIMO. Deputy Vice President of JSC AK Transneft.

Daughter Yulia is a 3rd year student at MGIMO.

The normal functioning of all systems of a settlement, the competent and timely implementation of assigned tasks in the field of economic, social and other areas of development is impossible without the control of the city mayor. But how can voters evaluate the quality of this person's work? In accordance with his duties and powers, about which we'll talk in this article.

City mayor: meaning of the concept

The head of the city is a person who holds the highest position in the locality and is vested with powers in accordance with the Federal Law enshrined in the Constitution of October 6, 2003. Another name for this post is mayor, or head municipality.

The head of the city administration has the right to solve problems and resolve conflicts at the local level.

It is noteworthy that in different countries This position has its own name. So, for example, in Poland the mayor is usually called the mayor, in Bulgaria - the mayor, and in Scotland - the lord provost, etc.

Requirements for the mayor

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, not every citizen can obtain the position of mayor of the city. To qualify for this responsible post, a resident of our country must have Russian citizenship, that is, be registered on the territory of the state. There is one more condition - a person under 21 years of age cannot become the mayor of a locality.

One of the unspoken rules is the candidate’s good reputation, which increases his chances of being trusted by residents, in whose favor decisions and various legislative acts will be made. The future head of the city should also not be held criminally liable. This also applies to an impeccable reputation.

Powers of the city mayor

The mayor performs a variety of managerial functions. For example, the head of the city promotes the adoption of various legal acts and regulations. He is also a representative of the locality under his control in meetings with regional authorities, legislative assemblies and other business meetings. The mayor has the authority to approve and sign various documents adopted by the Board of Education. The head of administration, within the scope of his powers, can also draw up regulations, which include orders and resolutions.

The position held obliges the mayor to be accountable to the Council of People's Deputies. It is to the court of this legislative body that the mayor presents projects various programs on the development of the municipality, and also proposes to make changes to the amount of local taxes.

The mayor has the right, at his discretion, to dismiss or hire his deputies and heads of the city administration. The range of powers of the mayor also includes drawing up orders on the creation, elimination and reorganization of municipal institutions.

The responsibilities of the head of the city are very diverse, and since all departments of the locality are under his control, he has the right to inspect their work.

Mayoral elections

Elections of the head of the city are carried out in accordance with the charter of this municipal entity, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. There are two most common types of this procedure.

The first type is secret voting based on equal suffrage. All residents of the city can participate in it, with the exception of those who have not reached the required age. The second type is voting among members of the local administration and other education managers. It should be noted that the latter is typical mainly for rural areas, where there is no need to draw a line between the functions of the head of administration and the representative body.

Difference between the functions of a city manager and the head of a city

The functions performed by the mayor of the city were described above. Now let’s learn more about the work of a city manager. In Russia, this position has not yet become widespread. In many cities there are still no clearly established criteria by which a person is elected for this position.

A city manager is a professional manager who performs the tasks assigned by the city administration. Its goal is to work as quickly and efficiently as possible, to do everything for the benefit of the economy and economy of the municipality, improving the quality of life of the population through the demolition of dilapidated housing, developing projects for the construction of hospitals and kindergartens, repairing roads, etc.

One of the chairmen of the regional Public Chamber sees difficulties in introducing the position of city manager into the administrative apparatus due to the lack of necessary reforms. Thus, it is planned to reorganize powers between the authorities different levels: local, regional and federal. There was also no horizontal reform that would have made it possible to distinguish between the functions of the head of the city, the city council and the city manager. Only after all these changes will it be possible to introduce this position into the education apparatus.

Termination of powers of the mayor

Sooner or later, the term during which a person held the position of mayor ends. His powers terminate when a new city leader is elected to this post. However, early termination is possible in the following cases.

Firstly, the mayor can resign of his own free will before the expiration of the term for which he was elected. Secondly, the decision to dismiss the current head of the city is made by the court if the official is declared incompetent, partially incompetent for health reasons, missing or dead.

Thirdly, the position of mayor is incompatible with changing the citizenship of the Russian Federation to any other, as well as with moving to another country for permanent residence.

The position held does not exempt the head of the municipality from military or alternative civil service, therefore his powers are terminated if he receives, for example, a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.

The term "mayor"

The word "mayor" is borrowed from in English and means "chief". However, in the Russian Empire the post of head of the city was called differently. The first person in the settlement was called the mayor and was elected for three years. This position was established in the second half of the 18th century by Catherine II.

The word "mayor" comes from French word maire, translated means "sergeant major." Today he is the head of the executive power of a locality or city. In some countries, the mayor heads small self-government regions, particularly in Lithuania.

Since the 1990s, the definition of “mayor” has been used in Russia as an alternative to “head of the city administration,” and the position of mayor has acquired official status in Moscow. But not all regions have mayors; for example, in St. Petersburg the city is headed by a governor.

Sobyanin is an official with 30 years of experience

From 2010 to the present, the head of the city of Moscow is Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin. On September 12, 2013, he was elected for another five-year term. He occupies a leadership position in the United Russia party, serving on its Supreme Council.

Sobyanin has repeatedly noted that the work of the head of the city is the most interesting for him and gives him the opportunity to feel needed. “This is a specific job, you have a huge responsibility, you come up with something yourself, and it goes a long way until your plan is implemented. And when you see the final result of your work, it’s an incomparable pleasure,” this is how Sergei Semenovich characterizes your activities.

In the 2008 presidential elections, S. S. Sobyanin headed the campaign headquarters of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

Sobyanin was awarded in the “Politician of the Year” category.

In 2010, the mayor's income amounted to about 4.8 million rubles. In 2011, he declared about 5 million rubles, and showed approximately the same amount in 2012. The 2017 annual income of the head of the city of Moscow amounted to 6.5 million rubles.


Having assumed the post of mayor, Sobyanin implemented large-scale personnel changes in the government of our capital, reorganized prefectures, and optimized the work of city government departments. His team helped him with this.

Sergei Semenovich repeatedly emphasized that when selecting personnel, he relied on the integrity, efficiency and ability of people to work. "It doesn’t matter what education he has. If a person wants and can do more than what is written in his job description, this is “my” person,” the politician confesses. Sobyanin himself is an official with 30 years of experience, and cannot imagine any other job for himself.

The deputy heads of the city are a team, people on the ground, his assistants who form the Mayor’s Office. The head of this body and the Moscow Government today is Anastasia Rakova. The extensive cabinet also includes ministers of various structural divisions, each responsible for their own area - housing and communal services, information policy, social development, construction, sports and tourism, competition policy and other divisions.

The mayor's office also includes prefects from all Moscow districts.


The head of the city administration is responsible for the complete management of the city economy, administrative policy, and resolving issues of a socio-economic nature.

He takes measures to prevent the occurrence of extreme situations, considers issues regarding the holding of various rallies and meetings - the mayor decides whether to allow or prohibit a demonstration. Important tasks, specific to the city are also the responsibility of the mayor, for example, in Venice the mayor takes measures to exterminate city pigeons.

The term of office of a mayor in Moscow today is 5 years, but this is not a hard and fast rule. The period of office can vary, in particular, in Dublin, Ireland, the term of office of the mayor is determined to be one year.

Job responsibilities

What is the mayor obliged to do as the owner of the city? The head of the municipality is the official representative of Moscow.

  1. Personally or by executive authorities, he resolves issues of socio-economic development and manages the city economy.
  2. Forms the composition of the Moscow Government, as well as dismisses it. In addition, the mayor determines the structure of executive authorities.
  3. Acting in accordance with the Charter, he personally acts on behalf of the city of Moscow or entrusts this to executive authorities, or other officials, citizens, and companies.
  4. Signs or rejects laws adopted by the Moscow City Duma.
  5. Concludes contracts and signs agreements.
  6. Reports annually to the Moscow City Duma on the results of the activities of the City Government.
  7. By orders of the head of the city, a representative from Moscow in the Federation Council, a prosecutor, authorized representatives mayor in government bodies, including the City Duma.
  8. In cases of extreme situations and a threat to the life and health of people, the mayor has the right to take urgent measures to prevent emergency circumstances and eliminate the consequences, and then he is obliged to notify the competent authorities that resolve these issues.

How to become mayor

There is no institute or faculty that trains people to become mayors. It doesn’t matter what gender, education or work experience you are, any Russian citizen who has reached the age of 30 can become the head of the city.

The mayor has privileges. A solid salary, pension, immunity from the moment of election, without the consent of the prosecutor, the mayor cannot be searched, not prosecuted, and certainly not arrested.

Third Mayor

Sergei Sobyanin became the third mayor of the main city of Russia, before him Yuri Luzhkov held this position from 1992 to 2010 and Gavriil Popov for one year - from 1991 to 1992.


Sobyanin was born on June 21, 1958 in the Tyumen region in the village of Nyaksimvol. In 1980, he received a diploma from the Kostroma Institute of Technology, but this is only his first education; in 1989, he graduated from the Moscow Law Academy (MSAL) and has a degree in legal sciences.

His father was the chairman of the village council and, according to media reports, was very fond of hunting. Sergei Semenovich’s mother worked as an accountant all her life. Sobyanin is married, his wife Irina Sobyanina (Rubinchik) gave him two daughters, Olga and Anna.

Quiet and modest

Sobyanin’s classmates recall that as a student, Sergei behaved modestly, quietly and did not at all resemble a politician, did not show any interest in participating in social activities, was not an activist. Therefore, no one could predict that Sergei Sobyanin would lead the capital of the Russian state.

Career start

The head of the city’s first place of work was a pipe-rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, where he worked his way up from a mechanic to a foreman. He knows and understands the essence of production processes.

Free time

The head of the city loves reading, he is especially attracted to historical books about Moscow, and is also interested in classics and historical detective stories. Among all writers, he prefers Hemingway.

Sergey Semenovich is a patriot, loves to vacation in Russia, preferably in undeveloped, little-explored places, and really values ​​fishing and hunting.

His birthday is a holy holiday for him, and every year on June 21 he takes a day off, celebrating the holiday with friends somewhere in a quiet taiga place.

Even as a child, his father instilled in him a love of skiing. According to the mayor, he does not know what he started doing first - skiing or walking. He still has the homemade pine skis his dad gave him.

The mayor prefers classical music, but does not refuse to listen to contemporary performers. Together with the Murzilki International group, he once sang a song about the mayoral elections, which was broadcast on the Avtoradio radio station. The song was a propaganda song - so that people would come to the elections of the mayor.

The mayor of the city is no different from other politicians. And he, and the entire ruling elite of Russia, will receive salaries in 2018 “with a 10% discount.” This measure has been taken since 2015 as an anti-crisis measure. The order comes from the President himself; Vladimir Vladimirovich also receives a 10% salary cut.

Accordingly, within the framework of this Resolution, employees of the entire Moscow City Duma, as well as the Accounting Chamber, the Election Commission, the Commissioner for Human Rights and the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs should have their monetary remuneration reduced.

In many countries around the world, state and municipal government systems provide for positions such as mayor and governor. What are their specifics?

Who is the mayor?

Job title mayor in most cases corresponds to the position of the head of the executive branch of government at the municipal level - most often a city (in the Russian Federation - ordinary or federal significance, urban district). The mayor’s tasks usually include control over the implementation of the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the territory of the locality, the administration of which he heads.

In Russia, mayors are the heads of administrations of many largest cities - for example, Moscow, Novosibirsk. The appointment of persons to the position in question is, as a rule, carried out on an elective basis by residents of the relevant locality.

The head of the executive branch of a municipality is usually not accountable to higher levels of government in the Russian Federation - federal and regional structures, since, according to the Constitution, local government bodies are not subordinate to state ones. But the head of the regional executive branch has the right to dismiss the mayor of a city located in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Who is the governor?

Under governor may be understood:

  • in Russia - the head of a subject of the federation (which may also be a city of federal significance);
  • in Western countries - the highest official of a state or other administrative-territorial unit.

In the period from 1995 to 2005, Russian governors were elected by the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. From 2005 to 2012, regional leaders were appointed by legislative bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the President of Russia. Since June 1, 2012, citizens again have the right to elect their governors.

If we talk about the history of the institution of governorship in the Russian Federation, it can be noted that it appeared back in the days Russian Empire. Before the revolution of 1917, the position in question was held by a person who was the head of a province or region. It performed functions such as:

  • ensuring the inviolability of the legitimate rights of the authorities;
  • ensuring compliance with legal provisions;
  • implementation of political governance in the relevant territory.

IN modern Russia, as we noted above, the person holding the post of governor heads the executive branch of government at the level of a subject of the Russian Federation. Thus, this position is part of the system of government. The person occupying it is accountable to Moscow, can be appointed (if there are provisions in the legislation establishing this procedure) as governor or relieved of his functions in accordance with the order of the political center.

It should be noted that in the national republics the position in question has not become widespread. In the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the head of the executive branch of government is the Head or President. In addition, in some Russian regions, the person holding the corresponding position is called not the governor, but the head of the regional administration.

Persons leading executive power in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, they can hold their positions for no more than two terms, the duration of each of which is 5 years.

In the United States, the position of governor corresponds to the position of the person who heads the executive branch of government in the state. As a rule, this person has a very wide range of powers - comparable to those possessed by the President of the United States on a federal scale.

American governors are elected by the population of the states for 4 years. As a rule, the same person can become the head of the executive branch of government an unlimited number of times. But in some states the same governor can be elected only 2 times.

Many of the American governors become US Presidents. For example, there was a corresponding political career Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush.


The main difference between the mayor and the governor is that the first position, as a rule, is established at the local government level, the second at the regional level. The mayor usually heads the city, the governor - the subject of the federation. But there are exceptions to these rules.

For example, the head of the executive power of Moscow, a city of federal significance, that is, part of the public administration system, is called the mayor. In turn, the person heading the executive branch of St. Petersburg - another Russian city of federal significance - is called the governor.

According to the Constitution, Russian mayors are not accountable to government bodies - but can be removed from their positions with their direct participation. Governors, in turn, are accountable federal structures. In addition, the political center has the right to relieve them from their duties.

Having determined what the difference is between the mayor and the governor, we will record the conclusions in the table.