Speech to the newlyweds at the wedding from their mother. Wedding congratulations from the mother of the bride to the newlyweds

04.08.2019 Psychology

The wedding of your own daughter is a very important holiday for any woman. Usually the mother of the bride carefully prepares for the celebration, thinks over the gift and congratulations. But it can be difficult to write the perfect poem that fully matches the mood of the holiday, and is also moderately funny. What kind of wedding congratulations from the mother of the bride will touch the soul of everyone who will be present at the celebration?

Nuances of wedding congratulations. Where to get inspiration?

Wedding congratulations are quite rarely created independently. Guests of the holiday prefer to find a cute poem on the Internet and read it out at the celebration, passing it off as their own. However, the mother of the bride cannot follow this path, because her poetic work must fit perfectly into the framework of the holiday, emphasizing the touchingness and importance of this day. Where can you look for inspiration for writing a wedding greeting?

  • A woman can safely use works from the Internet, slightly reworking them to her liking.
  • You can dedicate the poem to both newlyweds or only to the son-in-law, formatting the congratulations in a humorous form.
  • It’s great if the mother of the bride uses the main theme of the holiday itself as inspiration.
  • You can use your own as inspiration personal experience married life, emphasizing how many bright moments await the couple in the future.

The more original the wedding congratulations are, the better it will be, because then they will be able to attract everyone's attention.

The first thing to do is decide on the mood of the solemn wish. Whether it should be touching or, conversely, funny is up to the mother of the bride to decide. If a woman prefers humorous lines, then it is better to dedicate them not to the bride, but to her son-in-law, describing her feelings for him with numerous jokes.

If the bride and groom choose a specific theme for their wedding, this can also be used as a complete source of inspiration.

For example, if the celebration is held in the style of Halloween, you can make the congratulations a little dark and gothic. If the wedding is in the autumn, then you can mention all the stages of the relationship in a couple according to the seasons of the year (spring is the blossoming of love, summer is a time full of romance, and so on). It will be easier to write such a poem, because the mother of the hero of the occasion will have her own source of inspiration. In addition, the structure of the work itself will be at least original.

Touching poetic congratulations from the mother of the bride

Since a wedding is almost the most significant holiday in the life of every woman, caring parents usually give preference to touching congratulations that best illustrate this joyful day. When creating such poems, it is worth including the following details:

All these details will turn standard poetic lines into truly sincere congratulations. There is no point in chasing a beautiful, pompous rhyme, because if the mother of the hero of the occasion can express her sincere thoughts, the poem will already turn out to be a bright part of the holiday. Examples good congratulations There are many, and here is just one of them:

“Dear daughter, today you

Instantly fulfilled my cherished dreams,

You created your family,

And she brought her husband to our house.

Fill your every day with tenderness,

Forget about grief, doubts and shadows.

Love each other today, always,

And let the years pass slowly.

Let children's laughter fill the house,

Love will have a place in it.

We children appreciate you very much,

Yesterday and tomorrow and now!”

If you can’t create a congratulations on your wedding day yourself, you can use sources from the Internet. It is enough just to rework at least partially these works to receive your own, extremely personal and touching congratulations.

In a poem written from the heart, there is always so much sincerity and tenderness that it is a rare guest who manages to hold back tears while reading it.

Of course wedding congratulations from mom should not be too voluminous, otherwise the guests will simply get bored. 8–10 lines - this will be enough to express your emotions and amaze everyone around you to the core.

Humorous congratulations for your daughter's wedding

A wedding congratulation from your mother does not necessarily have to be touching, because a woman can easily use her own imagination, creating a bright, humorous work. What are the main topics usually addressed in such funny lines?

Usually the bride's parents try to joke about the endless topic of the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law. For example, you can present the following poem to the heroes of the occasion:

“Well, boy, you got it,

You recognized your mother-in-law today.

We will now be a family for many years,

And your father and I will not forget about you.

You will work at the dacha and at home,

Right until the grandson is born.

We will love you with all our hearts,

With orders and advice to bring you to your senses.

But seriously, keep the love,

Appreciate each other, always take care of each other.

May the years strengthen your beautiful union,

And don’t let your feelings go in vain!”

No matter how funny the congratulation may seem, it should in no case offend the heroes of the occasion. Even if the bride and groom are smiling, they may harbor resentment over a swear word. That is why rhymes need to be formed in such a way that the congratulation sounds funny, but does not concern the possible shortcomings of the spouses.

Experienced authors advise always ending a poem on a lyrical note. It should not be exclusively funny, because a wedding is a very touching holiday, which means the poem should end with words of tenderness and love.

Usually, a humorous wedding greeting from the mother of the bride directly relates to her attitude towards the groom.

Even if in her verse a woman emphasizes the specifics of love between mother-in-law and son-in-law, the groom must understand that all this is nothing more than humor. If a woman manages to avoid unnecessary negativity, the poetic work will certainly amuse everyone around her and defuse the situation at the wedding.

Congratulations in prose: features of writing and presentation

Traditionally, congratulations to the mother of the bride are presented in poetry, but this does not mean that prose works should not be given attention. Often, congratulations in prose look even more creative than standard rhymes.

The laws for creating such a congratulation are the same as for poetry: you should not sin with large volume and you should not pay attention to minor details. The ideal length of such a congratulation is 3–4 lines, which tell about the significance of this celebration.

In prose it is much easier to express your attitude towards the celebration, because the mother of the bride is not limited by the need to come up with rhymes.

Usually, a prosaic congratulation helps to create a vivid image in the imagination due to the numerous metaphors and epithets used. The more beautiful and brighter such lines are, the more they will affect every person at the holiday.

A prosaic wedding day greeting can also be humorous, funny or even philosophical. The main thing is that the mother of the bride writes it herself, based on her overwhelming feelings. This greeting can be written on a homemade card or engraved on a cute trinket for the home. In this case, the touching words spoken by the mother will always be in front of the daughter.

An example of an ideal prose congratulation

“Dear ones (you can insert the names of the newlyweds here), this wonderful day will be remembered not only by you, but also by all the guests, without exception. It seems that just recently my beloved daughter was born, and today she is already trying on Wedding Dress and starts his own family.

I sincerely hope that those tender feelings that exist between you will survive many trials, and after 20-30 years you will feel the same love towards each other. Take care beautiful flower love, because he fades so quickly from the drought of feelings and cold impulses of jealousy. I bless you for a long and exciting family journey!”

Marrying a daughter is a real test for any woman, because on this bright day the heart is also filled with sadness for the past years of happy motherhood. With the help of a thoughtful and sincere congratulation, the mother of the bride will be able to express all her feelings associated with this day, impressing the guests and heroes of the occasion with the thoughtfulness of her own reasoning.

Brides congratulating their mother,
I see a trembling lady
What am I ready for my daughter?
To rush into exploits again.

You raised a miracle - a daughter,
She looks exactly like you:
The character is soft golden,
That you will be forever young.

Happy daughter’s wedding to you, dear,
You are now a second mother to your son-in-law.
I wish you grandchildren, good luck
And happiness in the heart forever.

Congratulations on your daughter's wedding
I hasten, joyful mother,
I wish you double warmth
From the heart of a young son-in-law.

I wish my grandchildren faster
To make your life more fun,
More love, a lot of health,
And be God's favorite.

May joy never let you go,
And let your heart know every day
That my daughter is immensely happy.
This is probably the main thing.

The happy bride is blooming,
But still congratulations on the occasion
(And that's right, appropriate)
I will be her mother.

Let your daughter give you grandchildren
I wish you a wonderful day,
Let these fiery words
Our heavenly intercessor will give way.

I wish happiness to the whole family,
So that fate works out for everyone,
And so that in this celebration
Mercy appeared to all mothers.

Let me raise a glass
For our very sweet mothers,
Raises brides, some for men,
Tender housewives, ballerinas.

I want the bride to praise her mother -
Charming lady
That he gives his daughter away in marriage,
Let happiness enter your heart.

I wish you wonderful days in your destiny,
Rich in light, clear sun.
Be open, be healthy,
Children are surrounded by love.

Congratulations to the bride's mother
On her daughter's wedding,
I wish you happiness in life,
So that everything is fine in her.

I wish you peace of mind,
To have a son-in-law is a pure ideal,
So that regrets don’t find you,
I was only looking for a holiday in life.

I wish you and your daughter,
Father, all relatives, groom,
So that there is nothing more beautiful in the world
The couple I'm looking at.

I would like to congratulate the mother of the bride,
Your daughter is getting married.
You both are truly lovely
Like a spring day and like night.

I wish you dear grandchildren,
Health for 100 years ahead,
And see those loved ones more often
Who calls you mommy?

May your life be rich
For happiness, joy and leisure.
You once gave birth to a miracle,
Thank you, my gentle friend.

I wish you, mother of the bride,
Taste earthly grace
For what you are, sticking to the plan
We managed to raise our daughter.

Let life spoil you from now on,
And the days will be filled with goodness.
Live like a bear in raspberries
Without regretting anything.

Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding,
Let her give you grandchildren.
I wish you well,
And may the angel protect you!

With the wedding of the daughter-bride
I congratulate her mother.
Joint efforts with father
We gave birth to a daughter - grace.

I wish you well in your destiny,
Let your heart fill with joy.
You are already like heaven,
That your daughter lives among us.

I wish you tender feelings of prosperity
And there are many mischievous grandchildren,
To live solemnly and sweetly
You wanted to be among them.

I would like to congratulate the newlyweds and the bride’s parents. These are the people who put all their strength into education. The bride's parents did not sleep at night, worked hard so that their children received a decent upbringing and were able to start their own families. Today you have lived until that very moment, until the wedding of your children. On which I sincerely congratulate you. Be proud of your children, because today they are so beautiful, sweet and happy. Hooray!

Today not only young people are happy, but also our parents. Bow to you mother and father and a generous “Thank you.” You didn’t build a palace, but you gave us the best: years and love, affection and warmth, which were transferred to a new family. And today we want to say to you sincerely: “Thank you.” Living with you was like living in paradise, but we need to build our own Eden, in our own land. And yet, we still hope for you, for help, so that the hearth new love didn't go out quickly.

Mom and dad of the bride
I'm very interested in you.
You are sociable and attentive
And always friendly.
I raise a toast to you,
It will be short, but not simple.
Let the children come to you
They listen to your words.
You won't wish anything bad
You adore your children.
The groom managed to become your son,
Managed to gain trust!

Parents, daughter
They gave him away as a bride!
Anxiety, doubts
No more place.
Now support
Congratulate her!
Let her be married
Easy, good.
And don't forget
Give advice
Always take care
And support!

For a beautiful bride, it’s not a sin for you to ask for a dowry,
On this holiday, we wish you to live in friendship with your daughter’s husband,
You are the parents of a daughter-in-law, great honor to you,
For such a princess, pay the groom the bill.
May your daughter and new son soon bring you grandchildren,
So that grandma smiles and grandpa is happy,
I wish children's laughter could be heard in the house,
In the meantime, let's celebrate the wedding - Hey, garcon! Pour some wine.

Thanks to this wonderful couple,
Who raised her daughter wonderfully.
Today I was in a hurry to the wedding,
Mom's bride is an exact copy.
Thank you, dear ones, for your efforts.
They brought you wonderful fruits.
I am glad to congratulate you today,
Let me hug you soon!

Dear guests! Marriage is the most important event in life. I'm happy that I found exactly what I was looking for. The bringing together of two families is a huge gain in life, since family and friendly ties in general are invaluable capital. Now my wife and I will be looked after by not one family, but two. In turn, we will also take care of them. It is to this unification, mutual support and love that I want to raise a glass. For you, our dear parents!

You definitely need to know
What does the son-in-law like or dislike?
Don’t look sideways at your son-in-law right away
You with your angry eye.
Try to please your son-in-law -
Let the son-in-law be pleased.
And so that he becomes a support in the house -
Don’t be afraid to entrust him with:
Nail, get, buy,
Get everything expensive
So that your daughter then
Become rich and happy.

Your children are celebrating their wedding,
They are happy, they have everything ahead.
Don't forget to congratulate them tenderly,
I wish that all troubles are left behind.
Share the joy with them
And take you on a journey with love.
Let the two of you walk around the planet
And they soar high above the earth.
Let only goodness catch up with them,
Evil will leave this life completely.
Let luck smile sometimes,
Even at the moment when she is not asked.

I want to propose a toast to my wife's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a swan princess: smart, kind, beautiful - a pleasure to watch. No wonder I hunted for her for so long and persistently. I drink, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law, this glass for you: health, happiness to you, prosperity!

We will say thank you to mom and dad,
And congratulations on your wedding day,
This is happiness - after all, I fell in love with my daughter,
In love with the groom, forever.
And we congratulate you on your wedding day,
You raised the bride for the groom,
We wish you not to worry about your daughter,
She will go to her pier,
Where comfort, luck, joy, happiness awaits,
Where the children joyfully shout “MOMMY”,
And every day is so different
Where she is loved and worshiped!

At this festive hour we want to wish
Father-in-law and mother-in-law are kind and patient.
May you have every day, every month and year
Only the mood will be joyful.
May illnesses never bother you,
And the sun is shining outside.
Let your daughter always remember you,
And let their children be born!
We wish you harmony, happiness, warmth,
The relationship is cloudless and clear.
It's good for love to live in your heart,
Making everyday life brighter and more beautiful!

Today is such a wonderful day,
After all, your daughter has found a husband,
Let her family be like a fortress,
And her life will be full of happiness.
Don't be sad for a minute,
After all, today you found a son,
And soon your grandchildren will chirp,
Give them the warmth of your soul.

I offer a drink to the bride's parents,
And I pour more wine into my glass.
I wish them not to get sick and not to experience bad weather.
And experience as much happiness as possible.
I wish them not to grow old and wait for their grandchildren.
And enjoy your daughter’s new status.
You have managed to fulfill your duty in full in life.
You spared nothing for your daughter.
We lived together for many years, continue to live like this.
Just love your wonderful daughter more.
Let everything work out for your daughter, yours,
You won’t find a bride dearer and more beautiful to us!

Congratulations on your bride,
You are the parents we need,
My daughter has grown up beautiful
Mom and Dad have a reward.
Congratulations on your wedding day,
Let the groom settle in,
May you be very happy
And his daughter is next to him.

You got your children married today,
We are glad to congratulate you all now.
We will remember this moment forever,
Congratulations on such a sweet hour.
Take care of them, loving them tenderly,
Guide them on the true path.
If trouble suddenly strikes,
Try to return their happiness.
Always support them in the family,
Wish you love, long life.
And never trust your enemies -
Help the children before the funeral service.

Now for the son-in-law - “father-in-law” and “mother-in-law” ...
But this must be understood
Warmer, more natural and simpler:
He is your son, you are father and mother!
Let the daughter spend the day, the night
With him, he rushes even to the ends of the Earth.
No, you didn't lose your daughter,
But you have acquired a son!
Don't come between them
Don't give in to evil words
And you will be his family,
He will become your closest friend!!!

All questions have already been answered,
And the children finished with doubt:
We congratulate you, matchmakers,
Congratulations to our merry cousins!
We are ready to receive you
Those lines are not empty:
After all, you are already father and mother
And for our beloved daughter!
Your son has already become ours -
He is a sight for sore eyes! ...
So let's have a drink at the turn
Uniting into one family!!!
The road is open for young people
In a union of loving hearts!
There will be no rusty trough.
And - a lot of children and a palace!
Let on one of all roads
Strength, intelligence and God will help!!!

We thank you for your actions,
From your daughter and now your son, accept the huge
And thank you from the bottom of my heart...
After all, this is their immeasurable work,
What a troublemaker got married... - I'll give you
Angela... Who will always be by your side. - But I don’t understand his language... You raised a wonderful girl, looked after this beauty for many years, and on this solemn day you can rightfully be proud of your miracle.

You are in new roles
We joined today.
You are mother-in-law and father-in-law!
And you can do it!
Let the children be happy
Wonderful character.
Let it get along
It's not difficult for you at all.
We wish you
Health and grandchildren,
So that in the house there is always
You weren't bored!

Congratulations from moms always sound tender and touching. As the caretaker of the family hearth, mother knows what words will warm the hearts of a young couple. With such words, a mother can meet young people everywhere at home or with bread and salt.

Our dear birds, you have become a young husband and wife. Now a peaceful and happy road of family life lies before you. I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you take! The birth of your first child, his first word, his first step - you have to experience all this. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I only want to wish you happy days so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
To be honest, I lived a long and happy life with my wife. I want to wish you the same happy life. But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your wedding, which took place only a few hours ago. This is a very short period of time, but I see that during this period you were proudly able to support very high level happiness in your young family. Keep it up!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

I want to congratulate you on your marriage.
Keep the warmth you have acquired.
And do your best,
So as not to waste everything you found.
Live peacefully, amicably, fairly,
So that trouble can’t sneak up on you,
May life be fun and beautiful.
Never part, children.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

I want to wish you happiness
And congratulations on your responsible step.
So that you don’t see bad weather in your life,
So that you are close to each other.
My heartfelt congratulations
I can’t put it into words.
I will hug you, my hearts,
I will wrap my arms around you.
Yes, and what to express in words.
You are so beautiful today.
You are warmed by the rays of love.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
I would like to briefly congratulate you,
Wish you many years without separation.
And direct you to the true path,
And fasten your hands between you.
Let happiness be endless,
I wish you without any doubts,
So that your love and cordiality
Preserved until the last days.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
You are our golden children!
Please accept congratulations from us,
We don't need gratitude.
Just always live in peace.
Combining in a worldly union,
You took the oath of allegiance.
And don't be a burden to each other,
As you promised today.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
In a solemn and bright hour,
When fanfare and poetry sound,
Let us congratulate you
Happy birth of a young family!
What can I wish you at this hour?
Of course, joy and happiness,
May luck not leave you
Let all bad weather pass by!
So that you never know
About grief and sadness,
So that they don’t forget about love,
Let there be holidays!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
I want to throw flowers at your feet,
So that the road is paved with them.
So that your secret dreams come true,
You ask God for blessings.
I'll shower the family with congratulations,
Which is a little over an hour old.
I'll sprinkle you with holy water,
I will bless you, so that with a reserve.
I hasten to congratulate you with all my heart,
After all, the marriage took place.
All congratulations in the world are good,
I give them to you with all my efforts.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
My dear children, you have tried a piece of the loaf. I want your hearts to retain the warmth that this loaf has preserved for you. Let your house always be full of guests and let everyone get at least a small piece of food. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Our dears (the mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today. Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and increase it many, many times.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Oh, my lovelies. What happiness. They arrived beautiful, elegant, happy. Let me kiss you on both cheeks. Eat some bread and salt and refresh yourself. Oh, joy, well, now I'm happier than ever. Now my lovebirds will always be together. We suggest saying this congratulation if you appreciate Old Russian expressions.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Congratulations, congratulations. Yes, how beautiful, and how elegant. You can immediately see the bride and groom. Don’t be shy, break some bread and put it in your mouth. Let not only your ears enjoy it. After all, you won’t be satisfied with congratulations alone. Help yourself and treat others.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Try it, take a bite
You are a piece of baked bread.
Yes, listen to mommy
With memorized speeches.
As it is prophesied in a fairy tale,
Advice and love to you.
Yes, I would like to wish you
Merry festivities.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Dear children, I want to wish you that there will always be peace in your family. Peace of mind, peace and harmony between you. So that your family is friendly and that you solve all problems together. People say: “If the whole family is together, the soul is in the same place.”

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

We wish you happiness and goodness, After all, the years have no power over the happy, So let it always be like this from now on: The more years, the more happiness. Our dear children! We raise a glass to your family union, to your happiness, to your friends who shared your joy with you on this solemn day. Bitterly!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

We wish for the young: If there is more land, If there is a rich garden, If there is a good hut, If there is a good cow, If there is a beautiful daughter, If there is a strong son, If there is small grief, If happiness is eternal!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Today we wish you happiness, May the Lord protect you from storms and bad weather, from human language, from pain and depression, from difficult years, from a vicious circle. And may the Lord give you a lot of passion, enthusiasm, ardor and love! And a lot of happiness!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Congratulating you on this bright day, We wish you a long and happy life, Passionate and beautiful love for you, So that the shadows do not cover unhappiness. We wish you only success in your worries, So that the house rings with songs, joyful laughter, So that a child’s smile warms your heart, So that nothing gets sick of you And so that adversity does not touch you, It seems like minutes for many years!

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Let love enter your home, not just in words and sounds; let it live among you, like salt, like your daily bread. Let neither storms nor bad weather cool your feelings, and let health, peace and happiness reign upon entering the family. Let children be a mutual sign of Love for you. Let your marriage be of the highest class! Even though it's called marriage.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Congratulations and wedding toasts from mothers to young people
Our dear children, allow us on a happy day, at a happy hour, to say a parental parting word. Live so that there is joy in your home, so that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most Magic world. Let your family be a model family happiness and well-being.

(Thanks to our dear readers, MINE has been corrected)

What can you wish for on this day? I don’t want to say banal words. Therefore, we wish only one thing - let your life contain only what you yourself want to see in it. Remember that you build your own happiness. so build it so that others will look at you and envy you! Advice and love to you!

Well, you have become husband and wife. Your family is still very young, only one day old. But how you live this day will largely determine your entire future life. Therefore, we wish you to live today as brightly and cheerfully as possible, and in your future life may this joy and fun only increase. Advice and love to you. And may you never be bitter in your life!

Dear, beloved children! It’s difficult to come up with and say something new when so many good and warm words have already been said. Therefore, in order not to repeat ourselves, we can only say one thing - everything will happen in your life. There are not only bright moments. There will be problems and quarrels. Without them you will be bored. But let all this remain a passed test for you, after which your life will acquire only bright and light colors!

Leaving today new life, make a wish for yourself. Remember that your wedding day is a magical day, so your wish must come true! Well, we have already made a wish for you and we will try to fulfill it now. We wish your young family unearthly happiness and wealth. If this happens, everything else will happen. Well, for wealth to come, we are now ready to take the first step for this. Advice and love to you! Bitterly!

All parents are always happy for their children on their wedding day. We are happy for you today too. You have already entered a new life, which is full of a variety of moments. Try to make sure that there are only bright moments in your life. Well, if a dark streak comes, just step over it as soon as possible and happiness will enter your home again!

Our dear and beloved children! Today in your life there has come a moment that happens only once in a lifetime. Remember this day forever and if someday it becomes difficult for you, remember how good and joyful you were today. And then sadness and sadness will immediately leave you.

Daughter and son! Yes, yes, that’s right - from now on you both became our children. We want to wish you only the brightest and warmest on this day! and remember that a family can only be considered such. When warmth and comfort flourish in it. Good luck, our dears! And may this path be easy and pleasant for you!

Dear daughter and son! Well, the day has come when you leave for a new, independent life. From now on, you need to be together everywhere and in everything. Never quarrel anywhere, because quarrels lead to nothing. If it becomes difficult, smile at each other and the severity will pass. All the best and brightest to you!

A wedding only happens once in every person’s life. And now this time has come for you. Remember today forever, because it will never happen again for you. Today everyone will shout “Bitter!” to you, but in your life we ​​wish not to experience this feeling. May you always have only sweetness in everything!

Our dear daughter and son. Today we see endless happiness and smiles on your faces. So may these smiles never leave your faces, and may your happiness truly become endless. All the best and brightest to you in your new, still unknown, but already so interesting life. Advice and love to you!

Well, young people, I’m probably as worried as you are. I had the opportunity to congratulate the young people for the second time. Everything that I didn’t have time to tell my children, you will have to listen to. Firstly, I want to congratulate you on your wedding, you have been working towards this for a long time and finally gave us all such pleasure - to walk at your wedding. As the father of not only your father, but the entire family, I have every right to give you a parting word for the rest of your life. Here is my advice: “Live happily! »

Dear (names of spouses)! On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of goodness! If it happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream, may you be left with a clean and deep lake of hope. Let hope, faith, love and wisdom be your companions. Let them help you not turn your life into a swamp of routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! Happy family sailing and may your ship never go astray!

Dear children, (Names of spouses)! We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family. Living in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for the joy of people! Let the children in your family laugh, let there be peace and prosperity in your home!

We raised wonderful children and on this significant day we are proud of you. Our relatives. We sincerely wish you. So that your family life is never overshadowed by any problems and that you are always together. Happy wedding to you, our dears!

Dear and beloved children, we congratulate you on the most important day in your family’s life. After all, today you have formed a new unit of society called “Family”. Know that a family is a lot like a ship. And the strength of the ship depends on what kind of relationship there will be between the spouses, how much they understand each other. And strength is very important. Because there is a huge sea ahead of you - life. And this sea will not always be calm and smooth. Sometimes you will have to get caught up in storms. Sometimes there will be icebergs on your way. And for your ship to remain safe and sound, it must be strong. After all, if its mast falls off, the deck is damaged, a gap appears in the hull, your ship will slowly but surely sink. Today we wish the newlyweds and their ship quiet sea and fair wind!

Dear (names of spouses)! Today is a special, special day for you! Today you will become husband and wife. Today you will take a serious, important step into a new life. We would like to wish you goodness and warmth, many joyful days. Build your house so that you can live happily in it, plant your garden - the best one, raise your children so that they will be your pride. Remember: a strong family is the key to your success in life. Take care and appreciate each other, be each other’s hope and support.

Our dear daughter! The day has come that all girls have dreamed of since childhood. White dress, wedding rings and a loving groom. May your married life be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will be even more confident that you have made the right choice!

Our dear children! So you have become husband and wife! Now a long and happy road to family life will open before you. You are now standing at the very first sign, and how many more there will be in your life! The birth of your first child, his first word, his first step - you have to experience all this! But now you are the happiest couple on this planet. I want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth! Be happy!

Our dear and beloved children! I would like to wish you long love, beautiful smart children, prosperity and respect for each other! Do not be afraid of troubles, they are not scary for you if you are united. Support each other in any endeavor. We wish you to become a model for other young families. Stand strong for each other!

Dear son! We are sincerely glad that you have found your soulmate. We promise you that we will love and respect your wife and believe that you treat marriage responsibly and will never offend your beloved. We wish you to build a large and cozy house in which little mischievous legs will run. We hope that there will be a place for us in it. Bitterly!

People say that marrying off your daughter is like surviving a fire. But people don’t say anything about what the groom’s parents have to go through. The question is, so to speak, delicate. But I hope we will cope with the “revelry of the elements” together with our new relatives. Happiness to the young and health to us, their parents!

It is always difficult for parents to part with their children. But today we are not saying goodbye, but welcoming a wonderful daughter into our family! I would like to wish you a lot, but first of all, that you know how to listen to each other and then it will be easy for you to build your family. Help each other in everything, strengthen your happiness day by day. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let’s drink to the newlyweds, to the new family, and may faith, hope, and love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Dear (name) and (name)! With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life! Make your family nest cozy and warm. Let storks visit this nest more often, let your family grow by leaps and bounds! Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years.

Our dear children, allow us on a happy day, at a happy hour, to say a parental parting word. Live so that there is joy in your home, so that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most magical world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity.

Life is a vanity, consisting of many little things, piled up with unnecessary words, empty disputes, stupid quarrels. Life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, alternating white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and prudence, your ability to find compromises and persevere with life’s difficulties. Let everyday little things and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness!

Our dear children! Family is a fragile musical instrument. Disharmony in the family is not a rare thing, so in order to achieve harmony, you have to turn around in every possible way, otherwise you will not achieve harmony. We wish you that in music based on the harmony of loving hearts, notes of disappointment and falsehood will never sound. Let the wild, crazy cacophony of scandals and strife never break into this music. Let your hearts always beat in unison!

Our dear children! On this solemn day, allow us to congratulate you with all our hearts. Love and appreciate each other, respect and support. Today you have become a family, you have become the closest people to each other. Never forget this. Give birth to children, and we, in turn, will always be happy to help you and babysit your little ones! And remember that family is work, hard daily work!

Our beloved children, dear newlyweds! On this joyful day we wish you happiness, smiles and joy for a long time. family life! Let it be like a wonderful holiday, and let the honeymoon never end! Let the sonorous voices of children sound in your home! And the house will be filled with joy, laughter, smiles! Respect and take care of each other! Remember that living life is not a field to cross! Prosperity and happiness to your family!

Today you have become husband and wife, our dear children! And we, as parents, bless you for a happy family life. Today you took a very serious step - you started a family. But the family will be complete only after the birth of children! So give birth to blue-eyed or black-eyed girls and boys and never forget that you are responsible for each other! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage and the formation of a new family. Advice and love to you! The most beautiful thing in life is great human friendship and love. May your love be as long as your life! When creating a family, you are responsible not only to each other, but also to society, and your duty to it is to live in love and happiness, raise healthy and cheerful children and be a faithful support to your fathers and mothers. Good luck, dear newlyweds, for many years to come! Let's proclaim a noisy toast in honor of the newlyweds!

The husband is the ship, and the wife is the helm. We wish your family ship not to drown in the sea of ​​everyday problems, to sail out of any whirlpool and reach a quiet harbor, where your crew will be replenished with a new addition. Happiness to you, young people!

Our dear children! May your union be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! And may your married life together be happy!

Married life is a book that consists of two parts: the first part, poetic - the honeymoon, the second part, prosaic - the whole future life. Of course, in the first part there are very few pages, in the second part, on the contrary, there are a lot. We wish you that the second most You divided the books into several chapters and made each of them honey!

Son and daughter! Today you decided to take a very serious step - you sealed your love with the sacred bonds of marriage! We are happy with your happiness! We wish you to always experience great tenderness for each other and be one! May all your endeavors lead only to victory, and may happiness and prosperity never leave your home! We and all your loved ones and friends will always be there to share both grief and joy with you! Bitterly!

Our beloved children! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife and help her husband in everything! May the hearth of your love never go out! Unity and happiness to you!

Our dear children! Life is very long, but it goes by very quickly. Beware of an idle life, set goals for yourself and achieve them. Dreams come true, and thoughts are material. Remember this and successfully apply it in your life. Dust or glory will remain after us, during our lifetime it is our right to choose.

Our dear children! We congratulate you with all our hearts - now you are a real family! Your dreams about each other have come true, now new ones will appear - common ones. So let them also come true, as if by magic! To wrap things up, I would like to note that since you are now also adults, it is no longer interesting to be with you. We look forward to receiving gifts from you - little princes and princesses! In the meantime, please accept our gift...