Sahasrara color. The Sahasrara chakra is responsible for the open exchange of energy

14.04.2021 Technique

The seventh chakra is Sahasrara. The light and knowledge that comes when the Sahasrara is open and pure fill us with intuition, strength, inspiration, the desire to create and love. This is the center of enlightenment, the absence of fears, anxieties, and unnecessary worries.


Seventh chakra, crown, Sahasrara
Color purple. Located above your head. Connects and connects with the energy of the cosmos.
The chakra is blocked by strong attachment to earthly and material things. Everything can create earthly attachments - home, work, people, etc. and so on. Learn to let go of everything.This doesn't mean you'll lose it right away. This means that you will stop putting the stamp of ownership on these things and people. The seventh chakra is unlocked when you understand the intangible essence of love. Sometimes love ceases to be perceived as a dogma and as property.

Sahasrara Chakra
A positive property is higher spirituality, connection with a single source, a negative property is discord, conflict with the Source.
Color: purple.
Desires: the desire to penetrate to the essence of things.
Objective: gaining knowledge and wisdom.
Keyword: spirituality.

The chakra is located in the parietal region of the head. This chakra maintains a balance between the outer shell of a person and his inner spiritual content. Mystical understanding of reality, awareness of the deep interconnections of all things is also carried out under her leadership. This chakra is responsible for communication with the Cosmos, the Higher Consciousness.

Gives wisdom and intelligence, spirituality and broad perception. It symbolizes the highest spiritual knowledge and union with Divinity.

A lack of energy in the chakra or an admixture of black in it causes energy problems, mystical depression and phobias.

Sahasrara chakra is the crown chakra.
One of the main characteristics of the chakra is compliance, when bowing to infinity you will be filled with a feeling of humility, this is one of the reasons why many cultures have a tradition of bowing. The crown, where the seventh chakra is located, is connected to the Earth, thus, when the circulation of blood and prana is concentrated on the seventh chakra, a person gains strength and new meaning allowing him to be open, he experiences divinity, you will willingly float in the flow of the Universe. When the chakra is blocked, a person fears death, he feels sadness, doubts and denies spiritual existence. When the chakra is unblocked, a person feels his unity with his surroundings, he is calm, peaceful, he feels unity and enlightenment, a connection with the unknown.

Key word for each chakra

Sahasrara "I AM"
When the crown chakra is activated, the path to your Spiritual Self opens, the wisdom, gifts and riches stored in your Divine I Am Presence become available to you.


I am. And that's enough!
Lord, thank you for everything I have!
I am the infinity of the Universe and I have everything that is necessary for complete success.
I choose to trust myself first.
I enjoy the process of life and enjoy every moment.
I radiate success and prosperity at every step.
All my wishes are fulfilled, all my dreams come true, all my needs are met.
The Universe supports me in every possible way, unconditionally and completely.
I am a miracle of the Universe, I am a treasure of the world, I am a gift from God.
Everything I need to know at any moment is available to me. I easily receive answers to all questions from the Divine Mind
I am the owner of my thoughts.
I give up the struggle and act easily, relying on my inner Divine Wisdom. Everything I need will come at the right time and in the most favorable way for everyone.
I throw away all restrictions. Everything is possible!
There is no limit to my perfection.


The harmonious functioning of the chakras is facilitated by the chanting of mantras. Each chakra has its own mantra.

Tibetan bowls Vibrations for the Swadhisthana chakra

Sahasrara is the seventh chakra, located just above the crown. Its maximum activation occurs when other chakras work in unison, and a person has found inner peace and harmony with the world. Sound OM

MANTRA SI, ACTIVATION of the Seventh chakra, SAHASRAR chakra Mantra sahasrara chakra

The work of chakras in the process of human life.

Sahasrara chakra - connects a person with the system (planetary consciousness). This is the frequency of our consciousness “super-ego” - the cerebral cortex. If this chakra does not work well, then the person will have problems with life motivation. Some religions try to weaken (by wearing a cap on the Sahasrara chakra) or strengthen (by shaving the tonsure - hair in the Sahasrara chakra area) a person’s contact with the consciousness of the planet.

Working with chakras. Maya Fiennes - Kundalini yoga. 7 chakra

The seventh chakra - Sahasrara - the crown chakra, thousand-petalled lotus, the highest chakra of creative world creation. The secretory gland associated with this chakra is the pineal gland. Listening to the gong, you can merge with infinity, you will be filled with a feeling of humility. The circulation of blood and prana allows one to experience divinity, you will voluntarily float in the rhythm of the universe.

All these practices can be used independently to increase the vibrations of the second energy center, or you can add sessions to them

5 Chakra – Vishuddha

6th Chakra – Ajna

7 Chakra – Sahasrara – you are here

Sahsrara Chakra.

The seventh Crown chakra is Sahasrara.

Chakra location: crown.

Colors: purple, white, gold, silver.

Symbol: lotus with 1000 petals.

Keywords: spirituality, insight.

Basic principles: pure essence.

Internal aspect: spirituality, infinity.

Energy: thought.

Element: absent.


Body: soul, karmic, causal body.

Organs of the body associated with the chakra: brain.

Aroma oils: jasmine, incense.

: diamond, clear quartz, selenite, smithsonite, pyrite.

The crown chakra is located in the area the top of the skull, its petals are directed upward, and the stem descends down the central energy thread. It is also called the peak chakra. Translated from Sanskrit “Sahasrara” means "lotus flower with a thousand petals."

Functions of the crown chakra.

This chakra is very difficult to describe. and not only because of its structure and versatility of manifestations. When describing the manifestations of the Sahasrara chakra, one cannot do without such concepts as God, purpose, spiritual life and at least some idea of ​​what is behind these concepts.

In the very general view, we can say that Sahasrara chakra is a flow of pure cosmic energy, which manifests itself in a person as the desire to comprehend God in any accessible form, to merge with God and live under His guidance.

Sahasrara is a huge repository of knowledge. Its formation and development occurs throughout life. Associated with it is a person’s ability to become enlightened. Also through the Sahasrara there is an energetic connection between the lower chakras and the divine levels.

Energies unite in Sahasrara, coming from all lower chakras. Thanks to it, our body gets the opportunity to communicate with the cosmic system. Sahasrara is a comprehensive electromagnetic center that feeds the other chakras with Universal energy. The functions of the chakra include the formation of connections with more subtle levels. Through it, a person comprehends Divine ideas, gains access to the Universal archives of knowledge, and absorbs the love of God.

Sahasrara is a special point where everyone feels comfort. We are not required to think or remake our lives. The main thing for the development of Sahasrara is the recognition of a person as a pure essence. How to understand this? Each of us must realize that life is the manifestation of the spiritual in the physical body. Our physical body was born for a reason. The soul chose him in advance for its current incarnation. And throughout her life she acquaints the body in which she lives with its light and dark sides. So essentially nothing depends on the physical body. It is just a temporary home for the soul.

Meaning of Sahasrara Chakra.

Sahasrara practically does not work for an ordinary person. Because The resources of his brain are awakened by 6-8%, in extreme cases by 10%.But for someone who has combined muladhara and sahasrara and raised Kundalini to the upper point of the body and the energy zone, the brain resources awaken 100%, and the person reaches the highest stage of spiritual evolution available to him at this level of planetary development. He has enough energy to completely eliminate the illusion and experience the unity of the world with his entire being.Awakening Sahasrarabrings into the aura the quality of enlightenment, purity, a sense of unity, aligns its edges, fills it with higher spiritual forces.

In the Sahasrara there is that which a person is able to understand with the brain. Then the received facts turn into intuition, and then into an understanding of the Universe. By the way, that knowledge that is born in Sahasrara, much higher than those that appear due to the third eye chakra. The fact is that the sixth chakra, as it were, distances a person from the object he is considering, and Sahasrara helps to merge with it. Thanks to Sahasrara, we can perceive the Universe as a unity of all types of energies.

If Sahasrara is harmonious and balanced, all other chakras also tend to open. Why is this happening? The fact is that the open crown chakra helps a person’s consciousness enter a specific state in which he can identify chakra blockages. This process occurs both on an intuitive and rational level. Having understood which chakra is blocked and why, a person can work on it and harmonize it.

A balanced Sahasrara emits a huge flow of energy into the Universe. Where does it come from? This is cosmic energy that a person absorbs. Passing through his subtle bodies, she is saturated with his thoughts and feelings, and then again goes into space. By transferring this energy, The crown chakra helps us realize our desires and achieve our goals.

If the Sahasrara is malfunctioning, it can be revealed through meditation. During this process she acquires Divine knowledge. They are then processed, transferred to lower frequencies and sent to other chakras. They, in turn, transform the information received into thoughts, words and actions.

The work of the opened Sahsrara Chakra.

The crown chakra is the only one in which there are no blocks. It can be weakly opened or completely, underdeveloped or well developed. An open chakra gives a person the opportunity to erase the boundary between the outside world and the inner self. Yes, he understands that formally it exists, but he no longer notices it. In this case, needs, thoughts, and fears disappear. A person allows energy to pass through him freely. He becomes that very pure essence. He, like a sponge, absorbs everything that happens in the Universe. By working on opening the chakra, a person comes to a feeling of harmony.

The owner of the revealed Sahasrara understands that the questions he has should not lead to conflict. He calmly formulates them, knowing that he will receive answers from the Universe. They will come to him through the soul, which is a part of the universe. A person loses the need to do something. He just wants to be, to allow Divine energy to flow through him. He is no longer confused by his own thoughts and feelings. He completely accepts himself as a person: without self-criticism, with due love. An open chakra helps him accept not only himself, but also the Universe, teaches us to see special signs in everything that happens and understand them. Fear, frustration, anger - all these emotions turn into additional tools that help a person engage in self-development. He knows how to analyze them, manage them, and understands the reasons for the appearance of emotions.

A person with a developed crown chakra does not look for excuses, attributing everything to the world around him. No one ever hears such statements from him: “this person annoys me” or “he caused me severe pain.” After all, he understands perfectly well that everything in this world is one. If someone did wrong to him, then the reason is in himself. He remembers that every person is a reflection of what is happening in him. Therefore, he analyzes the reasons for people’s actions and words through the prism of his inner world. Thanks to this, his spiritual development does not stop. Life turns into a very exciting game for him. He comes to the realization that everything that happens to him depends only on his choice. It is he who chooses what his life, physical body, soul will be like. An open chakra leads to the realization that that matter does not live on its own. This is a projection of Divine energy. For such a person, it is not the body that is important, but the soul. As a result, harmony comes in a person's life. Every day he lives brings him pleasure.

Closed crown chakra.

If Sahasrara is not developed enough, then the person begins to sharply deny that there is a Higher Mind that controls our destiny, completely denies everything paranormal, and is predisposed to depression, numerous phobias, schizophrenia, and various mental disorders.

Incorrect operation of the energy center It can also manifest itself as a constant feeling of self-pity, the presence of endless negative thoughts. Such people often see the world in dark colors, refuse to communicate with other people, interact with society, and live in their own fictional, unreal world. On the physical plane, such a disorder is expressed in frequent headaches, high blood pressure, severe sensitivity and tearfulness. It is not uncommon for people with a completely blocked crown chakra to develop Parkinson's disease.
Sahasrara is never completely blocked. Its functions depend on the degree of openness. If the Sahasrara is slightly open, a person has the feeling that he is living on his own. He thinks that his life is in no way connected with the Universe. This leads to the emergence of obsessive fears. Other chakras begin to become blocked, preventing energy from flowing into the body.

The owner of a weakly revealed Sahasrara does not understand his purpose. He becomes at odds with his inner self. There are many more questions in his life than answers received. An imbalance in other chakras leads to imbalance, depression, and dissatisfaction with life.

A person's life ceases to be enjoyable. He treats her negatively. It is difficult for him to establish communication with people and contact the animal world. He can't solve problems. Even small difficulties unsettle him. Man does not understand the meaning of life on earth. As a result, he begins to be haunted by the fear of death. After all, he is sure that after the death of the physical body there is no continuation of life. All this leads to self-doubt and loss of trust in the Universe.

Holder of the unopened crown chakra trying with all his might to get rid of responsibility for everything that happens around him. He tries to shift this responsibility onto the Universe, turning into a fatalist who believes in fate and fate. He doesn’t want to hear that everything depends only on his own choice. Afraid of not having time to finish important (in his opinion) things, he develops vigorous activity, depleting his physical and spiritual strength. He is constantly tormented by the feeling that he is a toy in the hands of some forces, that nothing in this life depends on his actions. As a result, the potential inherent in nature is not realized, and spiritual development is reduced to zero.

The connection of Sahsrara with subtle bodies.

The karmic subtle body is directly related to Sahasrara. It contains information about the previous incarnations of the soul and what awaits it in this life. If you connect to the karmic body and try to “read” it, you can learn about your purpose, build models of soul development, and feel your inner peace. The karmic body is a kind of diary in which the past is indicated and the future of the soul is predicted. Once you understand it, you can answer many questions. So, establishing a connection with the karmic body leads to awareness of incarnation. A person begins to understand why his soul came to earth right now, how he should live in order to improve and develop his soul. He learns to see the soul as a whole, to merge with it. The collective memory of humanity also manifests itself in the karmic body. Rare people with supernatural abilities gain access to it. Only they know what awaits humanity and the Universe in the future.

Sahasrara- this is the place where two opposing energies unite: material (Shakti) and divine (Shiva). In other words, this is the place where consciousness sleeps and where the awakened Kundalini strives. Before connecting, both energies undergo a process of cleansing and transformation. At the moment of connection of two opposites, an energy explosion occurs, which gives enlightenment.

Opening the upper chakra is like waking up from sleep: comes the realization that the material Universe is an illusion. From this moment on, the laws of cause and effect, called karma, no longer rule over a person. He receives liberation during his lifetime, those around him begin to feel this and treat such a person as a sage.

By connecting with the divine channel, a person realizes his uniqueness and special purpose. On the other hand, all attachments to the Self disappear, and the egoism inherent in ordinary people dissolves in the cosmic flow, bringing a feeling of bliss. At such a moment, relief comes because you no longer need to play any roles and associate yourself with someone. Depersonalization and boundless happiness are what only the activated Sahasrara chakra gives.

ABOUT Yoga and meditation help to open the divine channel. Physical exercises activate many subtle channels in the human body, directing energy to the central channel - sushumna, along which the chakras are located. With the help of meditation, thoughts come to a state of peace, helping not only to relax, but also to discover supernatural abilities: intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, the gift of healing and much more.

In addition to asanas and meditation, which prepare the body for powerful energy flows, the OM mantra helps to get closer to the Universe. It is considered the oldest, most comprehensive and most powerful practice of pronunciation of sounds. The sages say that it was from her that the creation of our material Universe began. When opening the chakra, fine tuning of the mind is important, so it is recommended to sing mantras, meditate and do asanas in solitude.


If you have opened this article, then the desire for a conscious and harmonious life is not empty words for you, but rather a credo. Hearing that the spiritual merges with the physical, and the personal becomes a full-fledged part of the universe, you understand that we are talking about the seventh energy center.

Today we will talk about the topic "". You will learn a little more about development, self-improvement, superconsciousness and harmony.

What is the Sahasrara chakra responsible for?

People who strive to know their true purpose and achieve full awareness understand the need to develop the crown point. This area allows you to significantly expand the limits of consciousness. Together with its opening, our complete merging with the Universe occurs.

See also Anahata is the connecting chakra between the three physical and emotional centers and the three mental and spiritual. This chakra helps to reveal all the most beautiful feelings in a person’s soul.

1. General information about the seventh chakra

Among the ancient peoples known to us, there was a widespread belief that after death the soul leaves the body in the area of ​​the crown point. It is believed that through it the energy of the universe penetrates the body of each of us and in the same way our soul transmits energy information to the outside world.

Sahasrara is located on the head, in the crown area. In the literature you can find other names for this area, for example: crown chakra, tenth gate, bell center, crown chakra, etc.

Sahasrara develops throughout a person's life. However, its full disclosure is very difficult to achieve. At this level of consciousness, the perception of the world and one’s place in it changes dramatically. Life itself begins to be perceived differently. As this chakra develops, we merge with infinite cosmic energy, and new knowledge is revealed to our consciousness.

The crown point represents a thousand-petalled lotus flower. Information about the colors of Sahasrara is ambiguous. Some claim that it has all the existing shades, others attribute gold, purple, white and silver to this energy center.

The opening of the chakra symbolizes the full opening of the lotus. Thus, like a flower, the human soul blossoms. Such spiritual awakening is accompanied by the emission of strong energy, which is capable of transforming even the most terrible evil into pure good.

To find out what the Sahasrara chakra is responsible for, we will look at the main aspirations and abilities that this seventh energy level opens up for us.

The crown point encourages a person to strive for:

1. Fulfilling your true purpose.

To do this you need:

  • Learn to distinguish evil from good in order to get rid of the worst
  • Maximize your talents
  • It is also very important to develop the skill of creation.

2. Serving God through spiritual guidance and the fight against evil.

To realize all aspirations, Sahasrara reveals the following abilities in a person:

  • impact on the world and environment through the power of love
  • physical invulnerability
  • healing ability
  • foundation of new teachings
  • increase in physical capabilities and strength

We can talk a lot about the positive influence of this energy center. Unfortunately, only a few manage to achieve its full disclosure.

2. What is the seventh energy center – the Sahasrara chakra – responsible for?

Opening the crown point allows us to get rid of all conventional boundaries that are essentially only in our heads. A person, as if awakening from a long sleep, begins to realize his divine essence and feel a connection with higher levels spiritual consciousness.

Sahasrara is the center that unites the energies of all the lower chakras. It is responsible for the ability to accept, realize and connect to universal love and knowledge.

With the opening of the Sahasrara, a person acquires peace of mind and peace of mind, begins to live “here and now”, without empty worries and torment for any reason. We begin to recognize ourselves as an integral personality and an integral component of the world around us. Here understanding turns into full knowledge.

Unlike the work of the third eye chakra, when we perceive the world from the outside, here we are in unity with it. At this level, we come to the realization that the people around us are a full part of the universe, and therefore of ourselves. Thanks to this, faith and calm awaken in us. Irritation disappears and anger goes away.

Together with the opening of Sahasrara, the other six chakras also begin to develop rapidly. During the full operation of this energy center, we begin not only to receive energy, but also to emit it, thereby providing direct impact on the universe and the surrounding world.

With the opening of the crown point, the subconscious boundary between the inner “I” and the outer world is erased. A person is transformed into a harmonious pure essence.

It is believed that there are no blocks in the crown chakra. It can be revealed to different extents. So, for example, with a slight development of Sahrara, a person begins to be haunted by a feeling of loneliness and meaninglessness of existence, which often leads to prolonged depression and a depressed state. The joy of life disappears. Difficulties arise when communicating with the outside world. Lack of understanding of life leads to obsessive fears and worries about death. Such a person cannot realize himself. He is wasting his strength.

Sahasrara affects the physiological state of the body. So its insufficient development can cause constant headaches, increased blood pressure, malfunction of the immune system, the threat of AIDS or the development of psychological diseases increases.

I would like to conclude the article about what the Sahasrara chakra is responsible for with a brief summary. This is the energy center of harmony and perfection. Its development gives a feeling of freedom, tranquility and balance with the outside world. People who have achieved full disclosure of the Sahasrara feel like a full part of the universe. They clearly understand their purpose in this world. Such people are given answers to many questions.

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Even 2000 years ago, ancient Indian teachings asserted that the true “I” is not limited to the physical body. Each person has a complex energy system, which consists of certain etheric channels - chakras. They are the ones who connect the body with the highest energy of the Universe, and determine the physiological and mental state of each of us. One of the most important of them is the Sahasrara chakra. What this point, located near the top of a person’s head, is responsible for, and how to open it, can be read below.

Chakras: general information

For a person to function, his body needs energy. Part of it, about 20%, is generated from the food he eats. Everything else is the energy of the Universe. Like an invisible web, the body is shrouded in energy threads, the centers of which are concentrated at seven points- chakras:




Compliance with human organs

Effect when functioning correctly


Base of the spinal column

Rectum, prostate (uterus), urinary and musculoskeletal systems

Safety, physical endurance, mental stability and increased immunity


Pubic area


Liver, intestines, genitals

Increased creative energy, harmony, communication skills and self-sufficiency


Solar plexus

Stomach, spleen, gallbladder

Confidence, intuition, concentration


Rib cage

Heart, lungs, bronchi

Inner harmony and joy, inspiration, happiness in life


Base of throat

Thyroid, throat, teeth, hearing aid, nose

Innovative ideas, new discoveries, creativity


Between the eyebrows

Nervous system

Working with the subconscious, awakening the sixth sense - the third eye


Crown of the head



The top of the energy center, connection with the Contributed

The energy lines of Sahasrara, like a fountain, descend down and connect with the lines of Muladhara - the human body finds itself in a kind of cocoon. The vortices of other chakras work perpendicular to them.

As a result of the malfunction of just one chakra, the overall functionality energy system the body is disrupted, and the person is attacked by all sorts of troubles and diseases.

Chakras: problems when closing

When the chakras are closed, the energy center does not fully function.

Consequences arising from blocking:

  • Muladhara. Problems of a sexual nature arise, frequent attacks of anger and aggression, lack of self-preservation instinct;
  • Svadhisthana. Reduced emotionality, passivity, state of depression;
  • Manipura. Lack of confidence in the future, no desire for career growth;
  • Anahata. Loneliness, depressed state;
  • Vishuddha. Closedness, problems with communication with others, problems with freely expressing one’s thoughts;
  • Ajna. Blocking of intuitive abilities, problems with mental activity.

Regarding Sahasrara, the seventh chakra, it cannot be blocked completely. The opening of this point, located on the top of the head, can occur to a greater or lesser extent. It is never completely closed.

Working with chakras

To improve the emotional and spiritual state of a person, you need to “work” with the chakras:

  • Cleaning. The main goal is to remove from the subconscious programs leading to negative and destructive consequences;
  • Harmonization. The circulation of energy, from Muladhara to Sahasrara, should take place without obstacles. Blocking even one chakra leads to disharmony and imbalance of the energy system. Harmonization occurs at least once a month;
  • Recovery. If chakras are damaged or weak, they need restoration and subsequent activation.

How to work with chakras:

  • Meditation (each chakra has its own sacred sound. For example, for Sahasrara it is: “om”);
  • Positive thoughts;
  • Live food (fruits, vegetables);
  • Visualization (imagine the vibration of the chakras);
  • Mantras (listening or pronunciation).

In particularly “neglected” situations, a person should turn to a hypnotist or psychic.

Where is the Sahasrara chakra?

By uniting the energy points located below it, Sahasrara is a center for human improvement. By connecting to Universal knowledge, the crown chakra is able to accept cosmic ideas and implement them in real life. Those. all cosmic information is transformed into understanding and turns into knowledge (all kinds of ideas, technical discoveries, etc.).

Sahasrara is located at the top of the skull, the crown, and represents lotus petals. Each petal is a separate energy channel, which has its own vortices and is responsible for the functions of a separate organ:

  • Dhang - spleen;
  • Nang - stomach;
  • Thang - large intestine;
  • Tang - light, etc.

In simple words: Sahasrara is the starting point for the expression of the energy of the remaining chakras, and along with Muladhara (Earth energy), the most important energy center.

Sahasrara chakra: physical sensations when opening

First, let's talk about the prerequisites for the discovery of Sahasrara:

  1. All chakras located below it are properly open;
  2. A person believes in God (in his love, protection, etc.);
  3. The desire for spiritual development through prayer and meditation.

Feelings when opening the Sahasrara chakra:

  • Movement of the crown (hair stands on end, warmth is felt in the crown area);
  • slight dizziness;
  • Vibrations and pulsations are felt in the center of the crown (the effect resembles pulsation in the temples);
  • A headache that eventually turns into a pleasant sensation.

Like pumps, the chakras absorb energy, process it, and distribute it to the organs near which they are located. Sahasrara, the outermost chakra, located outside the physical body and absorbs the energy of the Universe. All information that comes to us from Space is processed, after which an enlightened person is able to answer any question, his “superconsciousness” opens.

Video about activating and balancing the 7th chakra

This video will feature music that can activate and balance the Sahasrara chakra in your body:

The Sahasrara chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is located at the top of the head. Translated from Sanskrit, its name is “thousand-leaf lotus flower.” This is the center of human perfection, the highest peak of spiritual development.

Its purple color symbolizes the ability to receive knowledge and learn. It provides limitless possibilities for feelings of connection with the information field of the entire earth, the noosphere and other people. The developed violet chakra allows you to fully use your intellectual, spiritual and emotional abilities, exalts a person to a symbolically new spiritual level, opens him to new knowledge and opportunities.

The purest of all, the Sahasrara chakra, where the center of human reunification with the Universe and energy flows is located, helps to perceive life as a collection of spiritual experiences. It can never be completely closed, since by its very existence it symbolizes the life of a person and his ability to exist in our world. However, if you want to use its limitless possibilities to the fullest, to achieve harmony between yourself and the universe, you need careful and consistent tuning of the head chakra.

The complete opening of the Sahasrara gives an amazing feeling of the unity of the external and internal worlds and is responsible for the balance of all senses of perception. A person feels inner comfort, stops reacting to negative life factors, perceiving them exclusively as life experience.

Methods of revealing and tuning Sahasrara: meditation and visualization

In order to open this chakra completely, you need to perform special exercises daily. There are simple and effective breathing and meditation techniques; special mantras. Thus, the mantra “om” will greatly simplify the process of opening your crown chakra.

One of the simplest, yet most effective exercises comes from old technology meditations. You need to sit comfortably in the lotus position, turning your face to the north. If your physical training It’s not enough for this, just sit down with your legs crossed in an oriental manner. Close your eyes, connect your fingers. Clearly imagine how the moon shines with cold light on the left, and the sun warms you on the right.

Mentally fill the entire surrounding space with the energy of the universe and begin to draw it in through the left nostril. Raise the energy until the seventh chakra is filled with it. Then gradually lower down to the tailbone through the lower half of the body. Wrap the energy streams around the spine and lift up. Repeat this with right side, connecting energy at the level of the back of the head. Fill the left hemisphere with cold lunar energy, and the right hemisphere with warm, sunny, warming energy. yellow color . Then tie it in a knot. Repeat this exercise at least twenty times daily.

In just a few months, the 7th Sahasrara chakra will work in full force, and superpowers that are closed to most people will become available to you. Do not forget that in order to open the seventh chakra, it is necessary to establish the work of the previous six chakras, each of which is responsible for its own functions.

Regularly calibrate your chakras - they should all be open and tuned. The smooth functioning of your energy points can be achieved through meditation, mantras and a pious lifestyle. Even the ancient Vedic scripture said that the most important things on the path of spiritual development are purity of thoughts and finding internal balance. To this day, your inner world is responsible for progress along the spiritual path.

Beneficial effects of the seventh chakra on human life

You will be able to control any energy processes occurring around you: cleanse them, direct them towards yourself or to the side, easily get rid of and protect yourself from energy pollution in the aura. Those who have been able to advance far enough along the spiritual path will be able to fulfill their deepest desires and achieve any goals, including the achievement of Zen, travel and levitation. You can easily distinguish thoughts imposed on you from true ones, and open your brain to the limitless information of the universe.

Your life will begin to be not a chain of problems, but an exciting spiritual adventure that will give you life experience and help you move further along the path of self-improvement.