Media: Russia tested a giant nuclear torpedo. Has Russia confirmed its status Project status 6 military of the Russian Federation

26.06.2020 Jurisprudence

The Pentagon has officially recognized that Russia is developing a fundamentally new type of deterrent weapon, which significantly exceeds the capabilities of traditional intercontinental nuclear missiles both in power and in the stealthiness of preparing a strike. We are talking about a nuclear torpedo with a range of 10,000 km and a charge power of up to 100 megatons.

Defense News magazine reported this, citing a preliminary draft of the new Nuclear Posture Review, a document defining the role of nuclear weapons in US national security strategy. He is currently preparing for the President Donald Trump. The review contains a diagram that illustrates the development of the Status-6 intercontinental unmanned nuclear torpedo, called Kanyon in the United States.

American intelligence became convinced of the reality of the existence of this development back in November 2016, when tests of Status-6 were carried out with the participation of the special purpose submarine B-90 Sarov.

It is quite understandable that the American media responded strongly to this news. The overwhelming majority of them took the prospect of the appearance of fundamentally new nuclear weapons in Russia more than seriously. And this is quite understandable and explainable.

True, “optimistic” statements were also made. Thus, senior researcher at the American James Martin Center for the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Nikolay Sokov on the pages of The National Interest expressed doubts about the effectiveness of Status-6, calling it “a relic of the Soviet era.”

“This concept is very old, going back to the days when intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles were few in number, unreliable and vulnerable,” Sokov said. “These days it’s hard to see much value in a 100-megaton slow vehicle».

It would be impossible to disagree with this if we consider Status-6 a torpedo. Yes, indeed, if you launch it at hour “H”, then it will arrive on the shores of America when everything is already finished. However, functionally this weapon is a mine.

“Status-6” is sent on an autonomous voyage in advance. And it, possessing a certain artificial intelligence, approaches the mainland at the distance necessary for effective operation. After which it goes into standby mode, which can last as long as desired. At hour "H" "Status-6" will work almost instantly - with a delay for the passage of the radio signal from Europe to America.

This weapon became known in November 2015, when, during a meeting in Sochi on the development of the defense industry, which was chaired by the President Vladimir Putin, two federal TV channels as if by mistake they showed a slide labeled “Top Secret”. It contained the concept of the Status-6 ocean multi-purpose strike system. They highlighted both the developer, the Rubin Central Design Bureau, and the purpose of the system being developed. The purpose is as follows: “to defeat important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

It must be said that Nikolai Sokov, who declared the “antiquity” of the “Status-6” concept, is absolutely right. In the early 60s, the T-15 torpedo was developed in the Soviet Union, which had the same purpose. It was not difficult to place a 100-megaton warhead in a body that was 24 meters long. It was much more difficult to achieve a long range, since at that time there were no compact nuclear reactors for a power plant. And engines using other energy sources could provide a torpedo with a mass of 40 tons with a travel of no more than 50 kilometers.

Half a century later, the problem with the compact reactor was solved, and therefore Russian designers remembered the “ancient” concept. At the same time, a significant technological breakthrough occurred not only in nuclear energy, but also in electronic components, control systems, and materials. “Status-6” is a completely different development; it has only the concept and the power of a nuclear charge in common with the T-15.

Enough is known about Status-6 to assess its real capabilities to deter an attempt to use weapons against Russia mass destruction. Its probable characteristics were the result of a transcript of a Ministry of Defense slide that appeared on television. Experts, both domestic and foreign, conducted an analysis of these weapons, taking into account the scientific, technical and technological potential of the Russian military-industrial complex.

Most experts agreed that the reactor could have a power of 8 MW. It has a liquid metal coolant, which makes it possible to significantly reduce noise, that is, increase the stealth of the torpedo. A combination so powerful power system with a water-jet propulsion allows you to reach speeds in the range from 100 km/h to 185 km/h.

When analyzing the strength of the torpedo hull, it was found that its working depth can reach 1000 meters. And this further increases its stealth, since NATO submarines operate at a depth of 200-300 meters. It is extremely difficult to detect even at maximum speed. However, the speed of Status-6 may vary depending on the situation. Since, as stated above, the autonomous execution of a combat mission is entrusted to a computer system that makes the torpedo an underwater robot, “smart electronics” makes optimal decisions regarding how to overcome anti-submarine defense zones. And in particular the global SOSUS system, which controls the US coast. Status-6 is much more difficult to detect than the world's quietest submarine, Varshavyanka. According to calculations, at a speed of a promising torpedo of 50 km/h, it is impossible to “see” it at a distance of less than 3 kilometers.

It is quite clear that in order to perform spatial and high-speed maneuvers when overcoming anti-submarine defense zones, Status-6 must have “sense organs”, that is, an effective sonar.

However, even if Status-6 is detected and torpedoed, its interception is practically impossible. The fastest US torpedo, the Mark 54, has a speed of 74 km/h, that is, according to minimal estimates, 26 km/h less. The deepest European torpedo with the formidable name MU90 Hard Kill, launched in pursuit of maximum speed at 90 km/h it can travel no more than 10 km.

It is quite clear that deterrent weapons, if used, must cause maximum harm to the enemy who has decided to transfer the conflict to the nuclear phase. Based on these considerations, the Status-6 warhead should have a cobalt section, which should lead to maximum radioactive contamination of vast areas. It is estimated that when using a warhead of such power as that of a promising Russian torpedo, and with such features, at a wind speed of 25 km/h, a rectangle measuring 1700 × 300 km will be subject to long-term contamination.

In conclusion, it must be said that an unmanned underwater robot is a multi-purpose weapon. It can also be used to solve other problems. For example, with a non-nuclear warhead it is capable of destroying the largest enemy ships, which primarily include aircraft carriers. Or conduct reconnaissance operations and return to the base submarine with the information collected. With his participation, it is also possible to disrupt enemy naval communications.

another one thundered interesting news about “no arms race” until 2020 and about the supposedly secret “Status 6” system, I would like to leave the news in history and understand that after all, this is something from the forgotten old (the developments of Sakharov’s T-15),

info from the wiki, everything is more or less interesting:

PS: yes, so far, no one has even been able to repeat “SHKVAL” (serially!), what else can we say about this miracle, we’re waiting....

up: I'm not me, my butt is not mine...just a random epicfail:

Dmitry Peskov admitted that secret materials about the creation in Russia of the military ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6” were unauthorizedly captured on the cameras of federal channels. The Kremlin promised to take action

Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed to reporters during a conference call on Tuesday evening that Channel One and NTV showed footage on November 9 showing the secret concept and timing of the development of the ocean-going multi-purpose concept "Status-6".

“Indeed, some secret data was caught on camera, so it was subsequently deleted. We hope that this will not happen again in the future,” the presidential press secretary said.

Peskov clarified that he is not yet aware of anyone being punished for this incident, but promised that the Kremlin will take preventive measures to ensure that such leaks do not recur.

We are talking about television reports from NTV and Channel One on November 9 from a meeting on the development of the military-industrial complex with the participation of President Vladimir Putin. The TV clips (now deleted) included footage of the concept and implementation time frame for the development of the Status-6 system, which was noticed by Russian bloggers.

As can be seen from the screenshot that appeared on the blogs, the developer of the system is OJSC Central Design Bureau MT Rubin. The purpose of the system is “to destroy important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination that are unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

TsKB Rubin designs Russian submarines equipped with both ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. As stated on the Central Design Bureau website, a series of nuclear submarine cruisers are currently being built according to the project developed by the bureau. strategic purpose fourth generation of Project 955, “which will become the basis of the naval component of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces of the 21st century.”

We are talking about a project of unmanned underwater vehicles (guided torpedoes) with a nuclear warhead that can literally wash away the coast of the United States, explained an RBC interlocutor close to the military-industrial complex. According to him, the concept of such a weapon was put forward by academician Andrei Sakharov back in the 1960s. It is a small externally controlled submarine converted into a torpedo, capable of carrying a 100 Mt warhead. In military-industrial circles it is known as the “Sakharov torpedo.”

“This is not an existing, but only a promising project. If you look carefully at the slides, they indicate the time frame for the project’s implementation - until 2025,” added the RBC interlocutor.

The slides depict two nuclear submarines as proposed carriers: the Belgorod special-purpose nuclear submarine under construction and the Khabarovsk special-purpose submarine of Project 09851, which is under construction.

The press services of NTV and Channel One were unable to provide RBC with an immediate comment.

Cameramen from Channel One and NTV “accidentally” broadcast documents about a new Russian development capable of destroying the United States from the ocean abyss. This is the most striking shot from the television report of the NTV channel about the event chaired by Russian President V.V. Putin on November 9, 2015, at a meeting on the development of the defense industry.

So what do we know so far? Ocean multipurpose system “Status-6”. Developer – OJSC “TsKB MT “Rubin”. Purpose – “Destruction of important enemy economic targets in the coastal area. Causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the territory of the country by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

The proposed carriers are shown at the top left of a special-purpose nuclear submarine under construction “Belgorod” project 09852. On the right is a special-purpose nuclear submarine under construction “Khabarovsk” project 09851.

Retaliation weapon concept

The main damaging factor of the new torpedo is not the creation of a tsunami, but massive nuclear contamination of the coast, making it impossible to conduct economic activities and live there. Academician Sakharov also proposed using a cobalt bomb warhead as a weapon of retaliation against US ports and the coastal zone. This is an option atomic weapons with an unusually high yield radioactive material. (So, to ensure radioactive contamination of the entire surface of the Earth, only 510 tons of cobalt-60 are required).

Previously, it was believed that the cobalt bomb was only a theoretical weapon and no country actually possessed it. However measurements from the Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after. Ramzaeva near the site of testing nuclear charges in 1971 as part of the Taiga project, near Perm with the officially declared legend of explosions to create the Pechora-Kolva canal, radiation contamination with cobalt-60 isotopes was revealed. It can only be obtained artificially.

According to The Daily Mirror

The fact that the “Status-6” demonstration was carried out during a meeting of the Russian Ministry of Defense dedicated to the US missile defense system, this weapon is considered as an asymmetric response to the US missile defense system - it is helpless against strategic nuclear torpedoes. Making a comparison, American sources note that the diving depth and speed of the Status-6 significantly exceed the capabilities of the US Mark 54 anti-submarine torpedoes. In addition, the Russian military design bureau is developing a whole line of .

In addition, it is very likely that the ideas of Academician Sakharov are involved in the project. He proposed using an armored version of the torpedo to reduce the likelihood of being hit by anti-submarine weapons and to ensure a breakthrough of anti-torpedo networks without damaging the nuclear carrier.

The Washington Free Beacon (WFB) received

Even before the publication of the TV report about “Status-6,” sources in the Pentagon provided information that “a high-speed, long-range nuclear torpedo with nuclear weapons of tens of megatons” was being created. The goal is to cause “catastrophic damage” to US ports and coastal areas. According to Pentagon experts, such a torpedo cannot be intercepted. And the use of such weapons violates the idea of ​​humanity and customs of war.

The Washington Times polled

leading American military analysts. How do they evaluate the design of a nuclear torpedo capable of destroying a wide coastal strip? Jack Caravelli, who previously worked for the CIA in the intelligence department against Russia, assessed the weapon as “extremely aggressive.” He believes that it can cause irreparable damage to the coastal cities of the United States and its allies.

Mark Schneider, former Pentagon analyst

on nuclear strategy, noted that he noticed RIA Novosti publications where an engineer for the development of underwater systems was interviewed, which he classified specifically as this weapon. General Robert Kehler former manager strategic nuclear forces and US missile defense, assessed the development of a nuclear torpedo as extremely alarming for US security.

The Washington Times notes

Also, the head of the US Navy, Ray Maybus, in his speech in April 2015, mentioned “revolutionary undersea systems” that are capable of attacking the most protected waters of the United States.

Business Insider and The Washington Time s

also stated that previously authoritative analysts from the Jane’s 360 portal noted a change in the naval doctrine of the Russian Federation with the advent of certain uninhabited underwater vehicles for strategic purposes. Special purpose submarines have already been accepted for combat duty. Thus, on August 1, in Severodvinsk, a ceremony was held to remove the special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 Podmoskovye from the slipway of workshop No. 15.

The submarine was converted from the K-64 missile carrier of Project 667BDRM. Now it is a boat designed to work with nuclear deep-sea stations (AGS) and uninhabited underwater vehicles in the interests of top-secret Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research (GUGI) Russian Ministry of Defense . This boat has yet to undergo mooring and then factory sea trials. After this, the BS-64 Podmoskovye will replace the Orenburg boat in the fleet. (In 1996-2002, also converted from a Project 667BDR missile carrier).

During trips to sea for sea trials and state trials, the BS-64 will presumably interact with the AGS of the Sperm Whale, Halibut and Losharik projects. It will serve as a mother boat, which secretly delivers an underwater special object for autonomous operation. "Orenburg" and AGS are part of the 29th separate brigade of submarines of the Northern Fleet, which performs tasks in the interests of the GUGI.

For reference:

Until 1986, the “kids” were not included in the Navy. They were part of a General Staff unit associated with the GRU. Note that at the beginning of September this year The American publication The Washington Free Beacon reported , that Russia is allegedly creating an “underwater drone” codenamed “Canyon”. He is believed to be able to carry nuclear weapon with a capacity of tens of megatons and threaten US ports and coastal cities.

Then naval analyst Norman Polmar suggested that the Canyon system was based on the Soviet T-15 linear nuclear torpedo with a yield of 100 megatons (the idea of ​​Academician Sakharov). It was designed in the 1950s to attack coastal targets in the United States.

Academician Igor Nikolaevich Ostretsov

talked about the T-15 concept like this: “ A young nuclear physicist from Arzamas-16, Andrei Sakharov, suggested that the curator of atomic projects, Lavrentiy Beria, “wash America off the face of the earth.”

What did the scientist suggest? Send a powerful tsunami onto the United States. To do this, blow up a super torpedo with a hot filling off the coast of America.

He painted picture after picture: a giant wave more than 300 m high comes from the Atlantic and hits New York, Philadelphia, Washington. The tsunami washes away the White House and the Pentagon.

Another wave hits the West Coast in the Charleston area. Two more waves hit San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Just one wave is enough to wash away Houston, New Orleans and Pensacola to the Gulf Coast.

Submarines and aircraft carriers have been washed ashore. Ports and naval bases have been destroyed... Sakharov considered such a project to be completely justified from a moral point of view.”

One should not, of course, accuse Academician Sakharov of being particularly bloodthirsty. Although he was definitely not a humanist, proposing such a plan. You cannot take a person’s actions out of historical context. Then there was a time of greatest instability and danger in the world - the USA and the USSR were one step away from nuclear war.

For security reasons, as well as taking into account other factors, the “Sakharov torpedo” (T-15) was developed without the participation of the Navy.

The Navy learned about it only through the project of the first nuclear submarine. At one time, it was precisely for such a large torpedo that the first Soviet nuclear submarine of Project 627 was specially created. It was supposed to have not eight torpedo tubes, but one - with a caliber of 1.55 meters and a length of up to 23.5 meters.

It was assumed that the T-15 would be able to approach the American naval base and with a super-powerful charge of several tens of megatons, destroy all living things. But then this idea was abandoned in favor of a submarine with eight torpedoes, which could solve a whole range of tasks. As a result, Project 627A nuclear submarines were created.

There is information that Soviet admirals, having familiarized themselves with the project in 1954, stated that the submarine could be destroyed on the approach to the American base. Especially that the entrances to American bases are blocked many kilometers away by the winding shores of bays, islands, shoals, as well as booms and steel nets.

How said military expert and historian Alexander Shirokorad , in 1961, the T-15 idea was again revived at the suggestion of academician Andrei Sakharov.

- The fact is that in fact the tactics of using such a super-torpedo could be completely different. The nuclear submarine was supposed to secretly fire a torpedo at a distance from the coast much greater than 40 km. Having used up all the energy of the batteries, the T-15 would lie on the ground, that is, it would become an intelligent bottom mine. The torpedo fuse could remain in the waiting mode for a long time for a signal from an aircraft or ship, through which the charge could be detonated. The point is that damage to naval bases, ports and other coastal facilities, including cities, would be caused by a powerful shock wave - a tsunami, caused by a nuclear explosion...

In accordance with the project, the torpedo weighed 40 tons, had a length of 23.55 meters and a caliber of 1550 mm.

Ongoing the objections of the Navy leadership had an effect in 1955, when the technical design of 627 was adjusted. The submarine's ammunition load was 20 torpedoes, eight of which were 533-mm T-5 torpedoes carrying tactical nuclear weapons. After this, work on the T-15 torpedo was stopped...

Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin I am convinced of the following. In principle, there cannot be a scenario of an unplanned leak of information about developments classified as “Top Secret” in the media. “There is no doubt that this is a deliberate hoax. The goal is to make a known adversary think about his actions.”

Corresponding member of RARAN, captain 1st rank reserve Konstantin Sivkov commenting on this “leak” in the media, he suggests that, apparently, we are talking about the fact that special-purpose submarines will carry out combat missions in the future. “If the ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6” is really being developed, then this, in my opinion, can only indicate one thing - our leadership is aware of the likelihood of a military clash with the West and is taking measures to counter the American threat of a military-technical nature - the concept of “Rapid Global blow" etc.

Moreover, apparently, the threat is quite serious, since we are talking about such a variant of guaranteed deterrence. At one time, I put forward the idea (I voiced it at the international military-technical forum "Army-2015") that Russia needs to develop asymmetrical mega weapon, which will eliminate any threat of a large-scale war against Russia, even in conditions of the enemy’s absolute superiority in traditional defeat systems. Apparently, this development is in the same paradigm.

From a geophysical point of view, the United States is a very vulnerable country.

A guaranteed source of catastrophic geophysical processes there may be, first of all, an impact on the Yellowstone supervolcano. This initiates a powerful eruption. The detonation of powerful ammunition in the area of ​​the San Andreas, San Gabriel or San Jocinto faults is also being considered. Exposure to a sufficiently powerful nuclear weapon could trigger catastrophic events that could completely destroy US infrastructure on the Pacific coast with a large-scale tsunami. Initiating giant tsunamis is also the idea of ​​Academician Sakharov.

When several munitions are detonated at design points along the Atlantic and Pacific transform faults, according to scientists, a wave will be formed that will reach a height of 400-500 meters or more off the US coast...

It is quite possible to initiate such large-scale geophysical processes. Today it is possible to “fit” high-power ammunition into the weight and size characteristics of, for example, the same ICBM. The main headache and the main question that torments NATO analysts is: “what if the Russians already have an underwater drone - a means of delivering nuclear ammunition?”

After the TV report was released, The WBF newspaper and Russian Forces deciphered the data on the RF Ministry of Defense slide as follows.

The torpedo is intended primarily for radioactive contamination of coastal US cities (comments note that armament with a warhead capable of tens of megatons is quite likely).

Approximate diving depth is 3200 feet (1000m). Torpedo speed is 56 knots (103 km/h). Range – 6200 miles (10000 km). The main torpedo carriers are nuclear submarines of projects 09852 and 09851.

The torpedo is equipped with a nuclear reactor. (For the T-15, Academician Sakharov assumed the use of a direct-flow water-steam nuclear reactor). The system is controlled from special command ships.

Auxiliary vessels are being created to service the torpedo. The torpedo can also be transported by the Sarov submarine and a “special vessel”.

According to Pavel Podvig from the RussianForces portal , the first to notice the “leak”, a special vessel is used in the event of a torpedo accident.

Is the project promising? Whether there are torpedoes in stock and exactly how many are currently on combat duty is unknown. On November 11, 2015, a project of a nuclear torpedo “Status-6” with a range of 10,000 km, a travel depth of 1000 meters and a caliber of 1.6 meters, close to the T-15 and classified as a continuation of the T-15 by many experts, was “accidentally” demonstrated.

According to naval technology expert Norman Polmar published by The Washington Times Even before the “leak”, we should expect the Russian Federation to revive the T-15 project in a new capacity.

In the stories of a number of Russian television channels about a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on defense topics (held on November 9), footage of the secret “Status-6” system was actually shown. This was stated by presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov , Interfax reports. “Indeed, some secret data got into the camera lens there. They were subsequently removed. We hope that this will not happen again,” Peskov said. When asked whether any organizational conclusions were followed in connection with such a leak of information, Peskov said: “I am not yet aware of any measures. But in the future we will certainly take preventive measures to ensure that this does not happen again.”

On television footage of a number of Russian channels one could see a printout of a slide dedicated to the “Ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6””, developed by the Central Design Bureau for MT “Rubin”. According to information shown on the slide, the system is a massive torpedo (labeled a “self-propelled underwater vehicle”). The cruising range is up to 10 thousand kilometers and the cruising depth is about 1000 meters. A certain “combat module” has been proposed as equipment.

The purpose of the system, according to the slide, is formulated as “the destruction of important objects of the enemy’s economy in the coastal area and causing guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination, unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.” .

Special nuclear submarines of projects 90852 Belgorod and 09851 Khabarovsk are indicated as carriers of the system.

Special nuclear submarine "Belgorod" project 949A\09852 in the factory workshop

2015-11-11T23:23:03+05:00 Sergey Sinenko Analysis - forecast Defense of the Fatherlandanalysis, army, atomic bomb, Russia, USAOcean multi-purpose system "Status-6" (new weapon of retaliation) TV operators from Channel One and NTV “accidentally” broadcast documents about a new Russian development capable of destroying the United States from the ocean depths. This is the most striking shot from the television report of the NTV channel about the event chaired by Russian President V.V. Putin on November 9, 2015, at a meeting on the development of the defense industry. So,...Sergei Sinenko Sergei Sinenko [email protected] Author In the Middle of Russia

The media “accidentally” filmed a new Russian development capable of eliminating America from the depths.

Without exaggeration, a stunning document was captured by two federal media channels at a meeting on the development of the defense industry in Sochi, which was chaired by Vladimir Putin on November 9, 2015. Let us recall that then the president said that Russia would develop strike systems capable of overcoming any systems missile defense.

“NTV” and “Channel One” showed stories (now deleted), where allegedly by accident, through the back of, presumably, the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, Colonel General Andrei Kartapolov, the concept and timing of the implementation of the development, which, in theory, bears the stamp, was filmed “Top Secret”, namely, the ocean multi-purpose system “Status-6”.

As can be seen from the screenshot, its developer is OJSC Central Design Bureau MT Rubin. This is one of the leading Soviet and Russian enterprises in the field of designing submarines, both diesel-electric and nuclear, for example, the Borei SSBN.

The purpose of the system is “to destroy important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country’s territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination that are unsuitable for carrying out military, economic and other activities in these zones for a long time.”

Two nuclear submarines are depicted as the intended carriers: the special-purpose nuclear submarine Belgorod, which is under construction, is an unfinished Antey-class cruiser, relaid on December 20, 2012 under special project 09852, and also a special-purpose submarine laid down on July 27, 2014 at Sevmash. "Khabarovsk" project 09851.

First, we should talk about special-purpose submarines. We have already written that on August 1, in Severodvinsk, a ceremony was held to remove the special-purpose nuclear submarine BS-64 Podmoskovye from the slipway of workshop No. 15. The submarine was converted from the K-64 missile carrier of Project 667BDRM into a boat designed to work with nuclear deep-sea stations (AGS) and uninhabited underwater vehicles in the interests of the top-secret Main Directorate of Deep-Sea Research (GUGI) of the Russian Ministry of Defense. This boat still has to undergo mooring and then factory sea trials, after which the BS-64 Podmoskovye will replace the Orenburg boat in the fleet, which was also converted from a Project 667BDR missile carrier in 1996-2002.

During trips to sea on the running gear and government tests of the BS-64 will presumably interact with the AGS of the Sperm Whale, Halibut and Losharik projects. Or more precisely, to be the carrier (mother boat) of one or another “baby,” as the AGS is also called. The carrier secretly delivers a mini-submarine (AGS), which has a low speed, to the desired area, after which it disconnects it for autonomous operation.

"Orenburg" and AGS are part of the mysterious 29th separate brigade of submarines of the Northern Fleet, which performs tasks in the interests of the State Administration for Civil Aviation. For reference: until 1986, the “kids” were not included in the Navy, but were part of a General Staff unit associated with the GRU. We also note that the former commander of the 29th Brigade Submarine Northern Fleet, Rear Admiral Vladimir Dronov, and more than ten officers bear the rank of Heroes Russian Federation

Now regarding the “Status-6” system. In early September of this year, the American publication The Washington Free Beacon reported that Russia was allegedly creating an “underwater drone” codenamed “Canyon”, capable of carrying nuclear weapons with a yield of tens of megatons and threatening US ports and coastal cities.

Then naval analyst Norman Polmar suggested that the Canyon system was based on the Soviet T-15 linear nuclear torpedo with a capacity of 100 megatons (the idea of ​​Academician Sakharov), which was designed in the 50s precisely for striking coastal targets in the territory USA.

In his memoirs, Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov said the following about this: “One of the first with whom I discussed this project was Rear Admiral Fomin... He was shocked by the “cannibalistic nature” of the project and noticed in a conversation with me that military sailors were accustomed to fighting armed enemy in open battle and that the very thought of such mass murder is disgusting to him.”

Interestingly, for regulatory reasons, as well as taking into account other factors, the T-15 torpedo was developed without the participation of the Navy. The Navy learned about it only through the project of the first nuclear submarine.

Let us note that at one time it was precisely for such a large torpedo that the first Soviet nuclear submarine of Project 627 was specially created, which was supposed to have not eight torpedo tubes, but one - with a caliber of 1.55 meters and a length of up to 23.5 meters. It was assumed that the T-15 would be able to approach the American naval base and with a super-powerful charge of several tens of megatons, destroy all living things. But then this idea was abandoned in favor of a submarine with eight torpedoes, which could solve a whole range of tasks. And as a result, Project 627A nuclear submarines were created.

Military historians claim that Soviet admirals, having familiarized themselves with the project in 1954, confidently declared that the submarine would certainly be destroyed on the approach to the American base. Moreover, the entrances to all American bases are covered many kilometers away by the winding shores of bays, islands, shoals, as well as booms and steel nets. They say that the T-15 torpedo cannot overcome such obstacles on the way to the object.

However, as military expert and historian Alexander Shirokorad said, in 1961 the idea of ​​the T-15 was again revived at the suggestion of academician Andrei Sakharov.

The fact is that in fact the tactics of using such a super-torpedo could be completely different. The nuclear submarine was supposed to secretly fire a torpedo at a distance from the coast much greater than 40 km.

Having used up all the energy of the batteries, the T-15 would lie on the ground, that is, it would become an intelligent bottom mine. The torpedo fuse could remain in the waiting mode for a long time for a signal from an aircraft or ship, through which the charge could be detonated. The point is that damage to naval bases, ports and other coastal facilities, including cities, would be caused by a powerful shock wave - a tsunami, caused by a nuclear explosion... That is, based on from the leaked

in the media document, Russia decided to revive the idea of ​​academician Sakharov?

Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin is convinced that such a scenario of an unplanned leak of information about developments classified as “Top Secret” in the media cannot exist in principle. There is no doubt that this is a deliberate hoax. The goal is to make a known enemy think about his actions. But, to be honest, I highly doubt that the development under discussion will be implemented in hardware. That is, this leak is most likely clean water disinformation. If only because no additional development is required to create “zones of extensive radioactive contamination.” The existing ones can do this anyway

intercontinental missiles , the expert concludes. Thus, the purpose of displaying a document in front of a camera lens is

with top secret

system - to frighten and puzzle Western “partners”.

However, if we assume that the development of such a system is really being carried out by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for MT? What does this mean?

Corresponding member of RARAN, reserve captain 1st rank Konstantin Sivkov, commenting on this “leak” in the media, suggests that, apparently, we are talking about the fact that special-purpose submarines will solve combat missions in the future. If the ocean multi-purpose system "Status-6" is really being developed, then this, in my opinion, can only indicate one thing - our leadership is aware of the likelihood of a military clash with the West and is taking measures to counter the American threat of a military-technical nature - the concept of a "Prompt Global Strike" " etc. Moreover, apparently, the threat is quite serious, since we are talking about such a variant of guaranteed deterrence. military-technical forum “Army-2015”) that Russia needs to develop asymmetrical mega-weapons that will eliminate any threat of a large-scale war against Russia, even in conditions of the enemy’s absolute superiority in traditional weapons systems. Apparently, this development is in the same paradigm.

The fact is that from a geophysical point of view, the United States is a very vulnerable country. A guaranteed source of catastrophic geophysical processes there could be, first of all, an attack on the Yellowstone supervolcano to initiate a powerful eruption, as well as the detonation of powerful ammunition in the area of ​​the San Andreas, San Gabriel or San Jocinto faults.

Exposure to a sufficiently powerful nuclear weapon could trigger catastrophic events that could completely destroy US infrastructure on the Pacific coastline due to a large tsunami. Initiating giant tsunamis is the idea of ​​academician Sakharov. When several munitions are detonated at design points along the Atlantic and Pacific transform faults, according to scientists, a wave will be formed that will reach a height of 400-500 meters or more off the US coast...

It is quite possible to initiate such large-scale geophysical processes. Since today it is possible to “fit” high-power ammunition in weight and size characteristics, for example, of the same ICBM.

Ocean-based multi-purpose system "Status-6" (new weapon of retaliation) Sources in the Pentagon have confirmed that Russia has tested a new type of weapon - a giant torpedo with a thermonuclear warhead of terrifying power, known as "Status-6", writes Popular Mechanics. "This is very bad news," the US military said. According to US intelligence, the tests took place on November 27. The torpedo was fired from the special purpose submarine B-90 Sarov, details are unknown. The author of a material published in The Washington Free Beacon on this topic calls the Russian underwater vehicle revolutionary: a nuclear-powered torpedo is capable of moving at a speed of 90 knots at a depth of up to a kilometer. The range of the "Status" is 10 thousand kilometers, the size of the warhead is 6.5 meters. According to the Americans, a thermonuclear charge with a power of up to 100 megatons can be placed there. Detonated off the coast of the United States, it would cause a giant tsunami that would wipe out coastal states along with naval bases, airfields and military factories. According to experts, Status-6 is Russia's new asymmetric response to the US deployment of a global missile defense system. The creation of a giant torpedo first became known a year ago, when at a government meeting on military issues a tablet with a description of the new weapon was captured by television cameras. The Kremlin called the “exposure” of secret information an “accident.” However, a number of political scientists consider it a deliberate “leak” and disinformation: according to the deadlines indicated in the tablet, the “Tsar Torpedo” was planned to be created in 2019. Special-purpose submarines will be used as a carrier of the “Status” - in addition to the Sarov, these are the Belgorod project 09852 Antey and the Khabarovsk project 09851, which are currently being modernized. Officially, the submarines are called carriers of deep-sea vehicles and have a docking unit in the bottom, which makes them the burden cannot be detected either from land or from satellite. The description of the system says that it is intended, among other things, to cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the enemy by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination on the coast, unsuitable for human life for a long time. A cobalt bomb, a thermonuclear weapon described by one of the creators of American atomic weapons, Leo Szilard, fits this description. The outer shell of such ammunition consists of cobalt-59, and its explosion guarantees the destruction of all living things.

Tests of a cobalt bomb have never been carried out due to the unsuitability of the affected areas for development and the risk of destroying the entire biosphere of the Earth - according to calculations, this would require only 510 tons of cobalt. However, such a bomb and a giant torpedo as a means of delivery can be used as a deterrent weapon - together with the Perimeter system, which is on alert, guaranteeing a retaliatory strike with the full power of Russia's nuclear forces even if destroyed command posts and Strategic Missile Forces personnel.

Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Peskov commented on the footage about the secret system “Status-6” on TV. “Indeed, some secret data was captured by the camera, so they were subsequently deleted,” Peskov said regarding news from a number of Russian television channels about a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on defense issues. Putin's press secretary said he was not aware of any organizational measures in connection with the incident. “But in the future we will certainly take preventive measures to prevent this from happening again,” he promised. Channel One and NTV showed footage on November 9 showing materials about the ocean-going multi-purpose concept “Status-6”. Bloggers later drew attention to them. From the materials captured by television cameras, it is clear that new system designed to hit important enemy economic targets in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country's territory by creating zones of extensive radioactive contamination.