I dream that I have to go to jail. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about prison?

26.06.2019 Relationship

Why do you dream about prison? You were sent to prison? This dream has many interpretations. Don't be scared right away if you have such a dream. Usually it just reflects your state of mind at the moment.

This dream has many interpretations

In most cases, a dream about imprisonment shows that you are limited in some way in real life. For example, it may be dreamed of by a person who, due to a heavy workload at work, does not have free time to do what he loves or to relax. Such a dream may occur to a woman who has just given birth to a child and, bearing full responsibility for him, does not have the opportunity to lead a normal lifestyle, meet with friends, etc. Sometimes people who are bound by certain obligations dream about imprisonment. In real life, it is difficult for a person to admit that he is unhappy - after all, everything is going well. Then the subconscious, through such dreams, makes it clear that the person is to some extent deeply unhappy.

What to do if you dreamed of prison? Think about what brings you dissatisfaction, what would you like to change in life? You should not bear the entire burden of responsibility on yourself. Otherwise, at some point you will break down, and nervousness will appear, which will affect your loved ones and colleagues. Explain to others that you also need free time for yourself. If you are responsible for caring for a seriously ill person or a small child, you can always ask to relieve you for a while and devote this time to yourself. There's nothing wrong with that! If this is not possible, try to adapt to the situation on your own. For example, having a baby, you can also have your own hobbies, visit friends, etc.

In most cases, a dream about imprisonment shows that you are limited in some way in real life.

If you dreamed that you saw a demon or some other scary creature behind bars, this means that you carefully hide your fears, complexes, rage, etc. from yourself. By not allowing your emotions to spill out, you are destroying yourself first. This can cause you to develop serious illnesses. Remember, no people are perfect, let your feelings pour out! In a great way Exercise and meditation can help get rid of negativity.

If you dreamed that you were trying to escape from prison, then soon all your restrictions and barriers will be destroyed, and you will again regain your good spirits. If after escaping you end up back in prison, it means that your actions in no way contribute to improving the situation in real life. Try changing tactics!

If you dreamed that you were sitting in prison with a friend or loved one, this means that his life situation and state of mind are similar to yours. By supporting each other in real life, you can achieve greater success.

If you dreamed that you were being beaten or humiliated in prison, then expect trouble, quarrels and scandals. A dream about your spouse being sent to prison can be very bad sign. Such a dream indicates that your loved one has withdrawn into himself, has moved away from you, and if you do not try to correct the situation, a break in the relationship is likely soon.

Execution after arrest portends serious changes in life. Don't think that death portends something bad. Soon all old world will collapse and you will go out on new stage life. Being locked in a cage with a killer means you will soon receive punishment for your own sins.

Why do you dream about prison (video)

Why do you dream about arrest?

A dream about being arrested for theft suggests that you are being haunted by rumors and gossip. A bank was robbed - expect conflicts with your superiors. If after a bank robbery you managed to escape from prison, then expect reconciliation with others and the emergence of new partnerships that are favorable for you.

If you dreamed that you killed a person and were arrested for it, then this means that you will soon end an unsatisfying relationship, but after that you will experience some period of depression. Your ex-partner may take revenge on you by imposing some restrictions or causing financial damage.

If you dreamed that you were arrested for hooliganism, then soon conflicts with others will lead to the fact that some people important to you will stop communicating with you. If you don't want this to happen, then try to be more restrained.

A dream about being arrested for theft suggests that you are being haunted by rumors and gossip.

If in a dream you walk around in shackles or handcuffs, then a situation will soon arise that will greatly limit your actions. Pay close attention to your health - there is a high probability of developing a serious illness.

If in a dream they want to put you in prison for no reason, then this means that you will soon become a victim of circumstances. Do not lose your vigilance - someone wants to slander you or cause other harm.

Why do you dream about being in prison (video)

The meaning of the dream according to various dream books

According to Women's dream book, prison symbolizes a long and painful silence, a fatal reticence in relations with a partner. If in a dream you see a prison building, this means that you will soon be entrusted with a certain secret, which will be very difficult and painful for you to keep. A prison building with brightly lit windows means that in the near future you will be especially insightful, and this will help you avoid trouble.

Imprisonment can also be dreamed of as a warning of danger. You could lose money or a friend if you don't find the time and opportunity to talk about things that are important to you with a loved one. Protecting yourself from going to prison means future participation in a very profitable event. Seeing other prisoners in your dream may mean that you will fight to give privileges to some people you trust. If a girl dreams that her loved one is in prison, then in the near future she will doubt his sincerity and integrity. A dream in which a prisoner is released from prison is very favorable. It can symbolize that trouble will bypass the dreamer, and the outcome of the planned event will be successful. Get into prison after being imprisoned a nice place- to the fulfillment of desires.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, a dream in which a person ends up in prison acts as a warning against Higher Powers that something is not going as it should be. The dreamer is given a warning to make some changes in his life. Otherwise, he will fall into a trap or in a hopeless situation. The dreamer must understand on his own what and how to change, after analyzing his life situation. You need to be especially careful after such a dream.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, a dream in which a person ends up in prison acts as a warning from the Higher Powers that something is not going as it should be

According to Eastern dream book, if you were put in prison in a dream, expect serious obstacles on the way, which will be very difficult for you to overcome. If in a dream someone says that I was put in prison for no reason, then this means that in real life you are causing harm by your actions without realizing it. Look around - are you not ruining someone else's family, are you harming people's health? If you fail to stop your evil deeds, dire consequences for yourself will soon arise.

According to Esoteric dream book If in a dream you are imprisoned for theft, then this means that the business you have started will not bring success and profit. It’s better to give it up right away and do something more important matters. If in a dream you are beaten in prison, then, among other things, you will suffer losses. Beating someone yourself in a dream is a sign of unbridled passion that does not allow you to correctly perceive reality.

Attention, TODAY only!

People often get worried and try to urgently figure out why they dream that they were sent to prison. Whatever you say, the “state house” is not an image that inspires optimism. And if the dream is repeated several times, then it becomes even more frightening. Great amount People have long recognized that dreams are not only a reflection of daytime experiences, they can also be harbingers of future events and clues about current ones. So few people will dare to ignore the opportunity to find out why they dream that they were sent to prison. After all, a correct interpretation may prevent certain troubles if some actions are taken in time.

Dream Interpretation: put in

Did you go to jail in a dream? Why such a vision? Experienced interpreters very meticulously consider all the circumstances of any dream that the person who saw it can remember. The meaning (why you dream that you were put in prison) can change to the exact opposite depending on the day of the week, the circumstances of the arrest, the weather during this event, and even on the clothes that the prisoner is wearing. So, even if it seems to you that the dream foreshadows only troubles, do not rush to panic: it is quite possible that you misunderstood what it is hinting at.

How is prison treated in general?

Regardless of the form in which the “state house” is present in your visions, it can have one of two cardinal meanings.

  1. Restrictions. In what form they will actually appear depends on the circumstances. Losses predicted by sleep can also be included in this group of interpretations. In reality, you can expect a salary cut, a visa refusal, etc.
  2. A difficult and unpleasant secret. Moreover, you can keep it - and it weighs on you in reality. But the secret may also concern you - in this case, it will come out soon and complicate your life.

If you dream of going to prison, then both meanings can be combined.

Who was imprisoned?

The most important point in explaining why one dreams of being put in prison is the person who has been arrested. And if you remember the dream poorly, you need to clarify this nuance first.

It may be very important to understand why you dream that you were sent to prison young man, for the girl who is in love with him. This dream quite frankly symbolizes that their relationship will not bring anything good. Either he pays attention to another, or the desired development of events will bring nothing but disappointment to the young lady.

A dream about going to prison for a woman most often indicates that she received a blow from her partner and is afraid of a new relationship. If a young girl had such a vision, it may signify the loss of innocence, which she fears. If a man goes to prison in a dream, for him the dream may mean the fear of being unsuccessful in an intimate area or business relationship.

A dream about the imprisonment of acquaintances has a different interpretation. If your enemy or competitor is the prisoner, you will get rid of him. If they are a good friend or relative, troubles await them, which the dreamer himself can help overcome.

Often married women I'm worried about the question: why do you dream that your husband was sent to prison? Most often the reason is psychological. For some reason, the wife stopped being satisfied with her husband or lost confidence in him. This is a dream signal hinting that you need to understand family relationships so that the marriage does not break up or to break it off on time and without serious losses.

If a real criminal has a dream about an arrest, we can confidently say that it is prophetic, and the attacker will not have long to walk free.

The most common interpretations

Different dream books have different opinions about why you dream about being put in prison. However, for the most part, they consider such a vision threatening and unfavorable. It can talk about such options.

  1. The sleeper consciously forbids himself something that seems necessary and important. In this case, the dream suggests that the person who sees it has locked himself in a cage, and this gives rise to a serious conflict in life that can cause nervous exhaustion or breakdown. You should reconsider your positions on this issue and find a compromise.
  2. The dreamer has made a serious mistake and is subconsciously awaiting punishment for it. He should think about correcting the consequences of his action in order to stop his torment.
  3. The sleeper in real life is oppressed by excessive control or pressure. They can be felt by both superiors and too loving relatives. Total restrictions cause subconscious protest, resulting in prison dreams.
  4. if this is exactly what you dreamed about, a serious and protracted illness may await you. Alternatively, significant financial deprivation or loss loved one.

In the latter case, there is a note: a dream that occurred on the night between Wednesday and Thursday is helpful. He says that if you don’t give up and fight, you will be able to overcome all life’s obstacles. The vision in which you dream that they want to put you in prison should be perceived similarly: it warns you against the presence of an ill-wisher and hints that resistance to circumstances will bring success.

Favorable interpretations

Some dream books, on the contrary, consider the dream of being placed in prison to be very encouraging. According to Tsvetkov, he promises cloudless happiness in the family; for a Muslim woman, predicts a successful and quick marriage; English interpreters claim that imprisonment in a dream is a signal for complete freedom of action and new beginnings that will certainly end successfully and bear rich fruits. And Zhou-Gong’s dream book foretells to the one who saw such an unimaginable dream career rise and general respect.

But almost all interpreters agree on two points. Firstly, if you were in prison in a dream, but are not worried about it, and the cell is sunny and cozy, the vision tells you about a lack of privacy and a desire to take a break from everyone. Secondly, if you managed to escape from prison (or, even better, destroy it), then all the troubles will turn into empty troubles, and your life will remain happy.

How to prevent trouble

If you were unable to understand why you dreamed that you were going to prison in your particular case, and you are worried about the consequences, when you wake up, go to the window and open it (even if winter is not for long). Looking outside, say: " Bad dream, get out! Good dream, stay." After these words, all the promised troubles will dissolve.

A dream in which a person sees that he is in prison is rarely pleasant or neutral. Most often it evokes negative emotions, fear, and indignation in the dreamer. But to understand why you dreamed of going to prison, you should turn to dream books. Interpreters give an answer to the question of what to expect in reality after seeing such an unpleasant dream. Visions can address both a person’s inner world and indicate external circumstances that prevent the dreamer from achieving his goals.

General value

Most often, prison symbolizes mental discomfort. A person who sees such a sign in a dream is at a crossroads and is not sure of his actions. Deprivation of freedom also means that in reality the dreamer cannot do as he sees fit, something oppresses him. Moreover, both circumstances of the external world that do not depend on his will, as well as internal lack of freedom, constraint, and unwillingness to think and take responsibility for his actions can interfere.

Moreover, if a ray of sun shines into the camera, then the dreamer hopes to resolve the situation in the near future. The image of the jailer shows who from the environment does not allow you to fully experience freedom.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Special cases

For the interpretation of a dream, everything matters: what the dreamer did in his night dreams, what the general mood was, what the prison premises looked like. A large number of options are possible:

  • For a teenager to see himself as a prisoner means that his parents are severely restricting him and forbidding him from many things. Disagreement with this resulted in a similar dream. An honest dialogue with parents will help solve the problem.
  • If an adult sees himself as a prisoner, for the sake of his family this person denies himself a lot, does not develop, is forced to work a lot, and do uninteresting things. The lack of hobbies and self-development negatively affects his inner world. Such a dream also speaks of lack of freedom in personal life, an unhappy marriage in which the other half suppresses the will of the sleeping person.
  • Seeing yourself in prison for a lonely person portends health problems.
  • If in a dream you were put in prison, then in reality you should expect troubles; the dreamer will not be able to fix anything. Now luck is not on his side, it is important to be patient, not to fall into despair and wait for a favorable moment for active action.
  • I dream of a prison in which I will have to sit for several years - being captive of external circumstances that do not give the dreamer freedom of action.
  • To be imprisoned for murder - in reality the dreamer has a powerful ill-wisher. They were imprisoned for theft - they are actively condemning them behind the dreamer’s back.
  • To lose your freedom by taking on the blame of another person - in real life, this person will always come to the rescue.

Seeing prisoners in a dream means sad news awaits you in reality. For a woman to see her lover as a prisoner is a bad sign; this man is insincere with her and uses love for his own mercantile purposes.

Seeing a spouse in prison is a bad sign for a woman; the husband is unfaithful, and in the near future his betrayal will be revealed.

If the prisoners are the dreamer’s acquaintances or relatives, then these are the people he uses to achieve his goals. Someone is trying to break down the door to the cell and break into it - in reality the dreamer will encounter people who want to make money at his expense.


If in a dream you manage to escape and regain your freedom, this means good sign, in reality the dreamer will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation, resolve problems, and get rid of his own insecurities and complexes. The vision tells us that everything is in the hands of a person; if he wishes, he will be able to direct his life in the right direction.

If the escape was unsuccessful, and the dreamer was returned to the cell, then he will not have enough strength to carry out his plans. In real life, he will have to ask for help.

For a sick person, his own escape means a speedy recovery.

Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

Bondage only threatens

To see such a dream for a man is to experience fear of marriage in reality. Such a person gets scared even at the thought that someone can restrict his freedom, and therefore does not want to tie the knot.

Avoiding jail time is a good sign. All plans and plans will be successfully implemented.

The guards escort the dreamer to the cell, but at the last moment its door unexpectedly closes - in reality a large monetary win or a successful deal awaits.

If you dream of liberation, then this means getting rid of the fetters in reality. The dreamer will be able to free himself from external pressure and find a new job where he can express himself to a greater extent. Or a relationship in which there have been no feelings left for a long time, except for duty, will finally end in separation. An event that a person has been waiting for a long time will finally happen.

Interpretations from various dream books

The vision of imprisonment has found very wide coverage among interpreters. The table presents options for the meanings of such a dream.

Dream Interpretation Meaning
Miller's Dream Book The dream means restrictions and difficulties, predicts that financial problems and disappointment in the chosen one are expected in reality. Liberation symbolizes solving problems on your own
Freud's Dream Book The dreamer completely submits to the will of his partner and is deprived of his individuality. His own desires do not find embodiment in life
Vanga's Dream Book Seeing a prison building means in reality having information that has fallen heavily on the dreamer’s shoulders
Dream Book of the Wanderer Experiencing mental anguish, remorse, worrying about mistakes made. Prostration
Loff's Dream Book The dream symbolizes the desire of the sleeper to be alone with himself, a feeling of security; in prison one sleeps as at home. Such a person feels the need to isolate himself from the outside world. And the jailer shows the person you should turn to for help
Dream Interpretation of Medea Seeing your own conclusion means fearing for your health. Another person in shackles - the desire to stop any communication with him
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Help a person free himself from prison - get rid of loneliness
Dream Interpretation Meneghetti The dream symbolizes powerlessness, loss of independence. To want to arrest someone in your night dreams means to feel a craving for the manifestation of power, despotism
Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation Going to prison - choosing the wrong life goal
Modern dream book A prison in a dream predicts minor restrictions in reality. It is necessary to reduce financial expenses

dream book prison put in jail

There is hardly a person who wants to visit such a harmful place as a prison. Why is she dreaming? In life we ​​can be prisoners of our own thoughts and this, in turn, is also a prison. Restriction of freedom of thoughts, actions, we do not notice how we follow a certain routine. And perhaps the colony is not a harmful place, but allows you to put your feelings and soul in order.

In any case, you and I associate it with melancholy, imprisonment and hopeless despondency. But don’t rush to conclusions, your intuition may fail you. Although prison is a symbol of spiritual limitation, dream books interpret the phenomenon in their own way. Therefore, it is advisable to turn to leading predictors and various sources. Fateful changes or a fall into darkness may await you. It all depends on what situation awaited Morpheus in his arms.

Be a bystander

prison building

Staying in such scary place cannot be called desirable. But observing from the outside is hardly pleasant. Which people appeared in the world of night dreams? A strict taskmaster or a haven for thieves? Such characteristic details are extremely important when interpreting a dream.

Colony without people

Suppose that we did not personally visit this depressing place, but it appeared in the form of a certain image. What does this portend?

  • Prison building. An unpleasant dream promises joy and good in real life. Soon there will be dramatic changes that will prove fateful.
  • Dark chamber. A symbol of melancholy and despondency. A dark streak will befall you, but do not become depressed and try to avoid attacks of apathy.
  • Did you dream of a collapsed building? A rather rare dream, foreshadowing freedom from prejudice and great human happiness. You will begin to live calmly and in harmony with yourself.
  • Dirty cell, unsuitable conditions. A sign that you will soon experience life's failures.

Take heart and remember that they will not last forever.

Seeing people in the camera

people in prison

It also happens that you have to see not only an empty prison, but also the presence of certain persons. Why do you dream about an unknown person or a beloved man? Remember all these details and analyze.

  • Prisoner man. Did you dream of meeting a criminal? Soon you will need to protect a weak person and show concern for him.
  • They put my husband in prison. The other half is probably hiding something. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your spouse.
  • Overseer. Did you dream of a strict jailer? Take a closer look at your circle of acquaintances; you are surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers. They are jealous of your success and will try to interfere.
  • Crowd. If pandemonium approaches the gate, be prepared for the betrayal of relatives. Close person may commit meanness if you are not careful enough.

Prison itself means restriction: spiritual, in expressing one’s thoughts, opinions and freedom of action.

Participate in the dream

you're in prison

Very often we have to be not only an eyewitness to the events that come to us in our dreams, but also take direct part. When interpreting, an extremely important factor is not only the action, but also the emotions experienced at the same time.

Be a prisoner yourself

The picture in which you yourself were put behind bars is very depressing. Remember the feelings you experience and the circumstances that await you there.

  • Suffer in a cell. This dream portends an unprecedented career and increase in material well-being. Management will see you as a competent and necessary specialist.
  • Lonely death. Such an incredibly sad event promises double success in the business sphere. Expect a more promising position.

Being imprisoned for a certain period of time is an unfavorable sign, warning that there will be little benefit from doing various things. Survive this stage of life and conquer new heights.

Who did you have to act as?

was there a supervisor

It is also not uncommon to have a dream in which a person is not only an observer or a prisoner, but also performs various actions. Do you dream about making an escape plan or deceiving the guards? Remember and analyze every detail.

The role of the supervisor. Do you dream about looking after prisoners? Or did you imprison the criminal yourself? This is a call to live at a moderate pace and go with the flow. The long-awaited peace will soon come.

Come up with an escape plan. If you happen to escape, then you will be able to avoid interference in the outside world. A great future awaits you, and difficulties will only strengthen your character.

Avoid imprisonment. The dream book encourages you to grab every opportunity and not miss chances. In this case, a new promising and profitable business is expected.

Tsvetkova's dream book believes that the number of years served indicates the end of everyday troubles.

What do Vanga and Miller say?

Leading predictors will help explain why you dream about prison. Their interpretations are the most authoritative among other dream books, so it is advisable to touch on these personalities.

Vanga's Dream Book

The woman adheres to the position that prison is a symbol of fatal understatement and oppressive silence. In the case where you dreamed about the room itself, you will be entrusted with a secret, the keeping of which will become difficult. You will be overwhelmed with anxiety and torment.

Why do you dream about your own conclusion? It speaks of the dreamer’s lack of information that will be extremely useful and important. A person who has the necessary knowledge, will save you from possible troubles.

Miller's opinion

Release prisoners

The psychologist believes that a dream in which you yourself became a prisoner will bring multiple failures in personal affairs. Get ready for the tests of fate and do not give up on your intentions. Seeing a husband or potential spouse is a sign of disappointment. The young man will make you doubt your own fidelity.

What is the most favorable dream about prison? According to Miller, a good outcome awaits those who freed the prisoners. There will be an opportunity to participate in many money matters, and fortune will favor you.

Did you dream of a colony whose windows were illuminated by bright light? It is a sign of insight. This character trait will help you avoid many troubles.

Despite the fact that the colony is not a favorable symbol, do not take the interpretation to heart. Trust your own feelings and intuition.

Other interpretations

Having considered possible variations in the interpretation of a dream, it is advisable to turn to other predictors. Each dream book interprets the current phenomenon in its own way, which proves the versatility and diversity of the dream world.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus


The prison itself is a symbol of imprisonment, loneliness and extreme isolation. If you had a dream where the dreamer himself was a prisoner of a colony, work on your inner essence. Perhaps you have been enslaved by your own complexes and self-doubt. But watching through the window means the appearance of someone who will rule over you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Serving time indicates the wrong path in life. Think about the correctness of the chosen road, and whether there is a need to change it. But the arrest foreshadows family happiness and peace. A sign that family life will soon become a priority. Getting into prison will lead to great nobility.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Let us approach this issue from the point of view of psychoanalysis. According to him, a colony means a desire to limit one's own feelings and career. The dreamer suffers from self-doubt and is afraid to express his own opinion. This place also characterizes him as a powerful person who loves to manage groups of driven and dependent people.

I dreamed that they wanted to put me in jail, which means you need to think about the details that in reality did not go according to plan. In real life, you subconsciously feel constant control and have no way to understand yourself. Most likely, the dreamer forbids himself to do anything that he really wants, and therefore, in a dream, he sees himself in prison; in fact, he put himself in it. If a person in a dream is sent to prison, this is a kind of warning. In reality, the sleeper cannot accomplish some necessary and important task, and therefore feels dissatisfied and unhappy.

If in a dream it is not the sleeping person himself who ends up in prison, but some other person, then this can be considered the personification of the fact that in reality he will be forced to ask for help for those people whom he considers close and whom he trusts. Therefore, after such a dream, a person should prepare for the fact that he will soon have to defend people dear to his heart. If a person dreamed that he was sent to prison, however, the cell is very sunny and light, then in reality he will be able to avoid trouble due to his ingenuity and sharp mind.

If you dreamed that you were in prison, then maybe subconsciously you feel guilty for some act committed out of stupidity or imprudence. This act provoked certain consequences, and now you are worried that you will have to bear responsibility. Such a dream is a warning that in any case you will have to answer for what you have done, and therefore it is better to admit it yourself rather than wait for a shameful revelation.

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I dreamed that they wanted to put me in prison. What consequences could such a dream have?

In a dream, those who constantly suffer from various restrictions usually end up in prison. This may include lack of fulfillment in the work environment due to nagging from superiors, inappropriate regulations and rules that infringe on the capabilities and desires of the sleeper. A similar dream is also dreamed by those who suffer from excessive control and guardianship from a significant other or family members. Be that as it may, in most cases, prison represents precisely control, which does not allow a person to do as he wants, to breathe freely. The sleeper should think about ways to get rid of such control.

I dreamed that I was put in prison- this may mean an unpleasant secret into which the dreamer will soon be privy. In such a situation, a person needs to be more attentive to surrounding conversations, try not to listen to things that are better not to know. In fact, any dream that features a prison or a cell with bars represents internal lack of freedom and the desire to get rid of it. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to reconsider your views on life and change something in them.

What does it mean if you were put behind bars in a dream? Interpretation of dreams in which prison is present.

    If you dreamed that you were in prison, then expect some kind of serious illness, very painful for your health. Such a dream promises criminals that their adventures will soon end in a very bad way, that is, they will be caught and sent to prison. For lovers, such a dream portends a happy and long life. family life. Escaping from prison in a dream means that in reality you will be able to free yourself from all the problems that interfere and burden you. Get ready for brilliant opportunities to open up before you. A prison or dungeon symbolizes reticence, silence, often restrictions in living space, as well as isolation from society. They may not give you permission to leave the country, or fate will force you to stay at home all the time.