Accurate horoscope for November.

18.07.2019 Documentation

In November, luck and luck will almost constantly accompany representatives of all zodiac signs. Difficulties and obstacles can arise only for those who are extremely pessimistic and do not believe in success at all. To realize your most cherished dreams and plans, you will need to change your attitude towards what is happening.


Krasam will have one of the most difficult months of the year. It is advisable not to make important decisions, since the risk that they will be wrong is too great. Avoid long trips, don’t take out loans, postpone major purchases, just wait out this period. After a while, everything will get better, and life will sparkle with rainbow colors.


Your desire to insist on your own in November can do a disservice and lead to conflicts with others. – flexibility, the ability not to get hung up on one solution to a problem. It is also undesirable now to think about something for too long and drag out the rubber in the hope of gaining time. The stars call for activity and decisive action.


A month of strong competition with other people awaits you, as a result of which it is not suitable for starting a new job, advertising events, or those events where you need to be better than others. In other respects, competition may be to your advantage - you will find support and help from those people from whom you did not expect anything good. Moreover, it is possible that in the future they will become your friends.


This month your luck will decrease somewhat. It is likely that you will encounter gossip, intrigue or fraud of some kind. Be careful, do not trust others recklessly. Share your plans and successes (and there will be them too) only with trusted people. Avoid at all costs a showdown in in public places, do not succumb to the provocations of manipulators.

The Dragon

A favorable month awaits the Dragons, when everything they have planned comes true, and financial success turns out to be simply fantastic. And don’t let minor delays and obstacles along the way bother you. Although you won’t be able to avoid them completely, as a result everything will work out in your favor. And even some slowness in resolving certain issues will not hurt you. Those who are related by marriage may have a new addition to their family. For those who are in search of a second half, fate will give many chances to make a promising acquaintance.


You will have a wonderful month in many ways. Even if you behave inconspicuously, your work will still be appreciated now. This is a great time to promote your products and services and talk to management about a promotion. In November, you will probably earn more than usual and be able to afford some valuable item.


Now you will certainly be lucky in love, since you literally attract gentlemen to you. You can also count on support from others in various matters and endeavors. November is a good time to acquire new knowledge, master useful skills, take advanced training courses, and study foreign languages. Information during this period is remembered very quickly.


A good month is expected when everyone will be on your side. And first of all, this is due to the support of management or older relatives in the family. Now your requests will be heard, do not put them off on the back burner. The situation on the personal front is calm and conducive to revelations. Many will have the opportunity to learn something previously unknown about their partner.


What does it take to get things moving? Just a little luck. And in November you will have it. You will probably even receive help and support where you didn’t expect it at all. It also doesn't hurt to buy a lottery ticket. If your child was born in the year of the Monkey, then during this period there are higher chances of finding a good tutor or mentor in something. The same applies to you if you are planning your studies yourself.


A rather difficult month is in store for you, when quarrels will arise even over trifles. The stars advise you to restrain negative emotions and control yourself, otherwise you can make a lot of enemies and all sorts of problems. In addition, nervous tension can unsettle you for a long time. The key to success will be calmness, prudence and sober calculation.


For Dogs, November will be a month of beginnings, when everything new will be developed and receive the necessary impetus for further development. However, due to sluggishness, and often laziness, you can miss your luck and more than one favorable moment. For those who know how to appreciate what they have and see the good even in the bad, the stars will provide many chances to get what they want. Plans and dreams are now just waiting to be realized. Believe in yourself and everything will work out.


In November you will be full of strength and energy. The opportunity and desire to act, as well as new ideas, will appear. Go for it! Fortune is on your side and will certainly help those who are actively taking on the implementation of plans. The month may be successful for those who are getting married or planning a baby. Lonely Pigs will be able to find their person where they least expect it.

The location of the planets in November 2017 suggests that during this period it is better to listen to intuition, act exclusively in accordance with your conscience, and also remain true to your life principles, views and principles. Many of us have to learn to say no if fulfilling a request conflicts with personal interests. You need to become more confident in yourself and begin to respect your own “I”. In other words, November will be a favorable month for self-realization, personal growth and strengthening self-esteem. Only correctly set priorities will lead us during this period to the desired success, which will exceed any expectations.

In the first ten days of November 2017, be wise, open your chakras, open up to new energy and remember that you need to live and realize your potential in spite of, not because of. Look for any opportunities for this, become more flexible, self-sufficient and use your resources rationally. No one can influence our lives except ourselves, and the way we think during this period will reflect our lifestyle at a given point in time. Those who want to somehow change their life, themselves, their habits, their social circle and their opportunities need to start thinking like a successful and accomplished person. To achieve their goals, many will have to break the vicious circle that suffocates them and sucks out all their energy. If you are constantly upset by a difficult financial situation, problems with housing, with children, parents or with a loved one, try to break out of this vicious circle. Smile in the face of all your failures, challenge fate, believe in yourself and in a happy future, only in this way can you overcome a streak of bad luck. The position of Saturn at the beginning of the last autumn month will ensure an easy and pleasant period in the professional sphere and personal life of all representatives of the Zodiac signs. Turning luck towards yourself is not such an impossible task, it is quite possible and real, the main thing is to have the desire and not be lazy to do something to influence the situation. The stars recommend spending the first ten days of November in a measured and planned manner; your actions should be organized and consistent. Get your affairs and home in order. This primarily applies to small businesses, as well as those who spend very little time at home.

In the second ten days of November 2017, the favorable location of Jupiter indicates a productive period. All efforts should be aimed at improving the quality of life, financial and material well-being, as well as achieving harmony in interpersonal relationships. The competition in the middle of the month will be quite tough, so make every effort to realize all your plans and try to be better than the rest. Mid-November will be a completely calm and successful time in the field of career, study and self-realization. Be prepared for the fact that you are not the only one dreaming of a high position worthy wages and comfortable working conditions. Behave with restraint, control your emotional impulses, perform your duties efficiently and efficiently, and you should not take on unnecessary responsibility if you completely lack such a desire.

The main task of the third ten days of November 2017 is to do your job on time and well, and not to be an altruist and help everyone to the detriment of yourself. You may not have enough time, but don’t be upset or rush, you don’t need the amount. The final period of the month will be a favorable time in the field of finances and material well-being, which will bring a lot of joy, provide the opportunity to make the desired purchases, and instill confidence in the future. As for love and family relationships, the influence of Venus’ aspects on all zodiac signs will be very positive. Lonely hearts will have the opportunity to meet a person who will brighten up their loneliness. To those who are in serious relationship, the stars promise stability and tranquility, partners will treat each other with understanding and respect, which will make their relationship more tender and reverent. For those people who are married, the planets will give many new and vivid emotions. You don’t have to worry about your family budget, your home comfort, or the well-being of each individual member of your family. Despite the fact that the end of November will be quite eventful and fruitful, it is worth saving your energy and setting aside time for self-care. Some will give preference to sports and health, while others will prefer training and development. The main thing is to understand that the main value in life is not in money or material well-being, but in spiritual development and reliable loving people that surround us.

Month November 2017, monthly horoscope

Read zodiac horoscope for the month of November 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

The beginning of November, especially the period before October 12, is not a very favorable time, since problems are possible not only in the international arena, but also in the relationships of many people.

Life potential in the period from November 7 to November 12 will be significantly reduced, which will cause an outbreak of infectious and colds, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases caused by decreased immunity. At the same time, some people may develop a tendency to overeat and laziness, which can cause problems with both weight and health and reduce performance.

Read also: Horoscope for 2018 for all zodiac signs

Many people will feel more tired and passive, interest in public life and social connections will decrease, mistakes and troubles in business, conflicts in love relationships. In the international arena, in the first ten days of November, social and interregional conflicts may also intensify, it will be more difficult to reach an agreement, to come to mutually beneficial agreements, it is also possible man-made accidents caused by inattention, errors and breakdowns. Domestic injuries may increase, and environmental disasters will also negatively affect the economy and stock prices.

Therefore to important matters It is better to start after November 16, when, along with the improvement in the condition of the Earth's biosphere, an increase in the vitality of many people will be noted. Negative influence Venus, which will be in the sign of Scorpio after November 7th, will cease only after the new moon, which occurs on October 18th.

Therefore, along with the entry of the Sun into the sign of Sagittarius on November 22, many people will feel at a higher level of psycho-emotional comfort and spiritual uplift. Depression and stagnation, which many noted in the first half of November, will go away, and in the third decade, especially from November 19 to 26, a favorable time will come for making important decisions, for marriages, partnerships and any new beginnings that bring positive changes to the fate of many people.

November for Pisces can be one of the most favorable and interesting periods of the year. Strong energy, intuition, interest in higher spiritual values ​​and subtle understanding human nature will help them succeed in creativity, psychology, and extrasensory perception. True, in the first half of the month dangerous situations and conflicts in financial matters. The second half of November will be a very favorable period, and Pisces will be able to show generosity, tolerance, and wisdom, which will attract people to them. However, in this regard, Pisces need to be more careful, since selfish people can take advantage of their delicacy. In general, this is a good period to unite with like-minded people, meet your love, and experience happy moments. This is the time for their personality to blossom, so they will be able to achieve success in many areas of life.

For many Aquarians, November is not a very favorable period for health, and its negative energies can have a bad effect on their psycho-emotional state. They may become less balanced and more pessimistic, especially in the first half of the month. At the same time, a frivolous attitude towards one’s affairs and responsibilities can lead to criticism and obstruction from superiors, colleagues, as well as conflicts with partners. The second half of the month will be more calm and harmonious, when the level of their vital energy begins to increase, although more seriousness and responsibility will be required from Aquarius. Thanks to their contacts, they can lead some new projects, take a higher position, reach high level communication. Current events may push Aquarius to organize their lives completely differently.

This month is very interesting and harmonious for Capricorns, since communication, meetings with friends, and any collective activity will bring them a lot of positive emotions. Capricorns will be ready to make many people happy, to take part in or lead public events, projects aimed at restoring justice, unification, and reform. However, in the first half of the month they need to be more attentive to their professional affairs and value their reputation, since annoying mistakes are possible, as well as delusions and manifestations of self-will. The second half of the month will turn out to be very harmonious, since Capricorns can experience very significant transformations in their lives, when they can gain more freedom and power to implement their plans and even change their character.

In the first half of the month, Sagittarius will feel a lack of vitality and a decrease in interest in what is happening. Many of them will prefer solitude to collect their thoughts and implement their creative projects, which may turn out to be talented. This is not a good time to travel, especially abroad, where there may be conflicts with the laws. The second half of the month will be more positive for Sagittarius, when they will be able to openly express their thoughts and will be ready to conquer the whole world. High intelligence and ingenuity will help you achieve success in scientific and educational activities. At the same time, they will clearly demonstrate their willingness to take risks, to express themselves, rejecting all conventions and stereotypes, which will make them very noticeable, popular, and sometimes scandalous personalities.

November for Scorpios is a dynamic and favorable period. Many interesting meetings await them, so they will be determined to make big changes in life, and these states will attract successful situations and useful people. Scorpios will have a strong and almost magical influence on those around them, so they will be able to effectively use this for their own purposes. True, in the first half of the month they should not indulge their weaknesses and bad habits, so as not to waste their strength and positive chances. The second half of the month will turn out to be a happier period for Scorpios, since they will have luck not only in the implementation of their plans, but also in love. They can be overwhelmed by a big and strong feeling. In addition, unexpected and very profitable offers can significantly change the material side of their lives.

In the first half of November, Libra may feel a lack of strength and will not be able to fully realize themselves. At this time, they will have to pay more attention to the material side of their lives. They may be offered higher-paying and interesting jobs that give them broad powers. However, to do this, they will have to destroy old connections, agreements, and also sort things out with partners who will be very determined. The second half of November will be more positive and successful, since Libra will be actively involved in new things and projects, they will be interested in quick results. At the same time, the creative activity of Libra can bring them not only benefits, but also the opportunity to become famous. They will have sponsors, influential patrons who will lead them into a wide operational space.

For many Virgos, November is a favorable and active period associated with communication, meetings, expanding interests and learning. In the first half of the month, they will be lucky in this regard, and Virgo’s openness can lead them into new creative alliances and promising projects. They will make a good impression on others, so they will be able to achieve success and prosperity thanks to their connections. However, at this time they may face financial difficulties, large expenses and losses. The second half of November is a completely positive period, when Virgos will be more successful not only financially, but also in their acquaintances. They can get to the right places, find the right moments to resolve their issues, and also successfully use their connections to help their partner advance.

In the first half of the month, Leos will not feel very confident, since positive and constructive communication may not work out, everyone may remain with their own opinion and it will be difficult to agree. At the same time, family, affairs and problems of loved ones will require a lot of time and attention. And for Lviv, creating protected and reliable rear areas will be a priority. The second half of the month is a more organic and productive period, since Leos will be open to external contacts, and they will provide them with great assistance in promoting their goals and realizing their ambitions. At this time, happy events and great acquisitions may occur in their family. They can significantly improve the quality of their life, make it quite comfortable and prestigious, and achieve a higher social position.

November for Cancers is a very positive time that can be used to improve the health of the body, as well as to realize their talents. During the period from November 5 to November 15, Cancers need to be more sensitive and tactful with their loved ones so as not to provoke quarrels, and they should also monitor their expenses. In general, this is a favorable period for spiritual practices, since Cancers can experience unusual states, get vivid impressions from new meetings, communication and travel, which contribute to the enrichment of their inner world. The second half of the month is even more interesting in this regard, since Cancers will have the opportunity to show off in front of society, show their individuality, and attract attention. They can meet their love, achieve popularity, power, success, so they need to be in society more, participate in all kinds of events.

November 2017, despite the fact that the Sun in Scorpio is always emotional, brings a lot of clarity and sound reasoning. This is due to the passage Mercury in the sign of Sagittarius. He will enter this sign directly November 6, 2017. Before this, that is, on November 1–3, the transit Moon in Aries will have time to make a mess, connecting with Uranus and fighting with Mars in Libra. It is undesirable to force events these days (they themselves will fall out of the blue). Conflict time.

November 4, 2017 full moon with Moon in Taurus: a great time for anything that multiplies, such as cutting your hair for a full head of hair, opening a bank account, buying a home and moving, planting a plant... (Taurus is fertility in all its forms). From May 2018 to 2026, Uranus enters the sign of Taurus - great discoveries await us in the field of biotechnology, and in general, this will be a time of peaceful agriculture).

November 8, 2017 Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio and on November 13, 2017 connects with transit Jupiter at 8 degrees Scorpio. This is a Plutonian degree of passion, troubles, however, for the initial Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers, this day can provide a good chance for success, since small happiness (Venus) and large happiness (Jupiter) have united and create a powerful conglomerate of energies. Venus, passing through Scorpio, awakens desires, a sense of uncertainty and a state of stress, and the presence of Jupiter can push for the expansion of feelings.

The stronger the feelings, the more intense the period, “all or nothing”! Venus in Scorpio gives rise to contrasts, sexual desires based on “military actions” with the opposite sex. Feelings will be born in spite of.

November 2017 is the time of “military harmony” and “khaki military love.” The more resistance they give you, the better your soul will be. “And eternal battle, we only dream of peace”! This period is an excellent ground for betrayal, besides, Mars is passing through the sign of Libra, which is traditionally responsible for harmonious relationships; in this sign, Mars does not have much power, but its presence indicates problems in partnership and marriage.

November 10, 2017 black moon (Lilith) moves to 9 months sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is a system of power, ambition, responsibility. The breath of the demoness Lilith defiles these aspects of society. Capricorn is associated with achieving a goal, position in society, career, power. When Lilith passes through Capricorn, the most stable systems can collapse before our eyes, corrode and fall apart like houses of cards.

Since the fall of 2017, the passage of Jupiter through Scorpio and Lilith through Capricorn can knock both individuals and entire systems off their pedestals. The influence of the Black Moon exorbitantly enhances individualism and egocentrism. Managing people, suppressing others and imposing one’s will turns into an end in itself. The Black Moon in Capricorn can distort the understanding of a sense of responsibility and duty. Under the influence of the Black Moon, ideas become vague and often lead to a loss of the ability to differentiate concepts, clearly formulate thoughts, and concentrate. The boundaries of one’s own personality become blurred, a person does not distinguish his thoughts from those of others and is easily suggestible. Actually, transit Pluto in Capricorn has been doing this for many years. Regardless of the type of action, the Black Moon can make thinking too limited and conservative.

On November 11, 2017, the Sun passes the black-magically destructive 19th degree of Scorpio; the passage of the Moon through Leo on this day can mean outbreaks of pride and aggression, pathological stubbornness and falling into the sphere of influence of black teachers.

From November 17 to 21, Jupiter is in the 9th degree of death, this is also the degree of loss of parents at an early age (keep in mind: those born on these days may become orphans).

November 18 at 11:43 GMT, there will be a new moon in Scorpio- for people with a labile psyche, the November days of Hecate (usually 3 days including the new moon) can become a test, illusions of the astral plane and suicide attempts. Scorpio is directly related to issues of death and transformation; with the accumulation of planets and the new moon in Scorpio, facts of death will be recorded.

November 20 - 21 The Moon passes through Sagittarius, connecting with Mercury and Saturn, a time for decision-making.

On November 23, 2017, the Sun moves into the sign of Sagittarius, freeing himself from the desire for revenge. In Sagittarius, the Sun demands justice and prosperity for all.

At the end of the year, many employers begin personnel changes. Someone leaves on New Year's Eve in the hope of starting a new page in their career, someone is fired based on the results of the year, and someone, on the contrary, goes for a promotion and begins to “rakes in money with a shovel.” Agree, it would be a sin not to take advantage of such a situation career growth. While the Sun is in Sagittarius, it suggests: to achieve success in November, make friends with influential people, express yourself with an active social position and do not forget to respect authorities.

TO last decade The sun will be in Capricorn, which will change the formula for success, which will now consist of business qualities, professionalism and determination. And don’t forget about “bureaucracy” - compliance with corporate rules, charter and work procedures will be especially important for your boss. What have the stars prepared for you specifically?


Regardless of what position you hold - the head of a department, an ordinary specialist or an individual entrepreneur, if an adventure “picks up”, do not follow the lead of temptation - do not put “everything on the line”. November is a period when Aries needs to act as carefully and prudently as possible. First of all, this concerns money issues: do not borrow, do not risk your salary, do not count on a bonus until you have received it. In each case, an unpleasant outcome awaits you with an unexpected ending.


In November, Taurus will actively need someone's support at work or even patronage. Taurus – fire sign, therefore, with the onset of cold weather, they are at a loss and are in dire need of sensible advice from outside, help and just a frank conversation.

Of course, they will seek such support primarily from close colleagues or even superiors. Such a “union” risks developing into something more, be it friendly relations, love or, for example, promotion.


For Gemini, despite the violent nature of the representatives of the sign, everything will be smooth and smooth at work and in business in November. Stable and sustainable movement, ordinary professionalism and fresh ideas will bring much more dividends than you could expect. But don’t forget about overdue deadlines, old assignments and “debts” to your superiors - they can ruin November with complaints from management.


The end of autumn is a time of inspiration, so November will be especially good for those who work in creative professions. And these are not only members of folk ensembles, workers of cultural centers, artists or writers, but also designers, manufacturers of branded clothing and even furniture makers in a sense. For representatives of business and other professional areas, November will be stable. But stability is also the key to success.

a lion

If your company does not change its office, the store where you work remains in the same place, and the landlords have no complaints, then November for Leos will pass without incident, so to speak, in working mode. Because the most important topic for them today is issues related to real estate, perhaps even an apartment, house, dacha or other residential real estate.


For many representatives of the sign, November will be the best month for career growth, promotion or change of job. We are talking about those who, by the will of their profession, have to communicate with people, provide services, and work with texts. Financial success in the form of a bonus or salary increase is guaranteed in November for those virgins who are engaged in freight or passenger transportation, sales or service cars, sales of communication equipment and communication between people.


The stars do not promise a guaranteed increase in labor income in November for Libra, but this does not mean that representatives of the sign will have to give up large expenses. Of course, within reason. Therefore, it’s time for Libras to think about buying New Year’s gifts for family and colleagues. If we talk about work, the key to November success will be active work activity- if you show it at a time when all other colleagues are consumed by the autumn blues, it will not go unnoticed by your superiors.


November is one of the best months in 2017 for Scorpio entrepreneurs. The stars predict a complete absence of problems and a lot of good news. Life will give clues every now and then, but not everyone will be able to interpret and use them correctly. Both working and personal life in November they will depend on the representative of the sign himself - fortunately, Scorpios definitely do not lack activity, concentration and desire. So November 2017 is definitely your month.


It’s better not to talk about your plans for the next month or two. New projects, business trips, promotion, bonus - do not tell your colleagues about this, even if you consider them your best friends or you are relatives. They may be on your side, but their “long tongue” can play a cruel joke on you. In less than a week, your plans will be ruined, and your idea or new position will be mastered by someone else. Be careful with information, it flows away faster than water.


Capricorn is especially favorable for those who were able to build their own small business, occupy an influential position in government agencies or in a large enterprise. In November, as they say, they “will be raking in the loot with a shovel.” It is clear that only you know at what cost all this was given to you, but try not to cause envy in other people - the evil eye will not contribute to your career.


November for Aquarius is a month of turmoil. The company you work for is likely to undergo a restructuring - perhaps a change of owner, a merger with other market players, or even the closure of a branch. But in the end it will lead to positive events in your life. Of course, changes at the end of the year, especially at work - bad sign, but you can’t escape fate. The main thing is to let it all go in a peaceful direction and not to forget that everything that is done is all for the better.


Most fish, especially those in middle management positions, are in a difficult situation at work. So to speak, they are waiting for a miracle. And, of course, it will happen - what about before the New Year, and without miracles?! So don't despair, everything will be fine. But don’t rely only on the stars - try to maintain control over the situation, no matter how difficult it turns out to be. This will be an excellent springboard for a jump, but next year.