Decoration and serving of the festive table. Wedding shoes and dress for the bride

30.08.2019 Animals

There are two points of view that formulate opposing answers to this question. The point of view of companies involved in organizing wedding celebrations is formed from economic laws that determine the impossibility of the existence of a company organizing a 40-day vacation. Therefore, these companies instill in their potential clients the idea that abstaining from holding wedding celebrations during the Nativity Fast is a superstition and a popular myth that has nothing in common with church canons, which only prohibit wedding ceremonies during Lent. and the wedding banquet does not have to be held on the wedding day, they can be postponed until the end of the fast, and during the fast you can limit yourself to a photo shoot, video filming, a wedding walk and holding honeymoon. You can also host a wedding reception with a menu that includes fasting and regular dishes to suit the tastes of fasting and non-fasting guests.

When does the Nativity fast begin in 2018?- from November 28, and the last wedding day of the year according to folk traditions. ()

The church's opinion on the Nativity Fast for a wedding

The point of view of the Christian religion is based on the unity of the bodily and spiritual posts. Only such unity leads to the salvation of the soul. Abstinence from food, not connected with the purification of the spirit, does not lead to the salvation of the soul, but to misrepresentation about the superiority of a fasting person over one who neglects fasting. The Nativity Fast, in addition to abstinence from certain foods, provides for repentance, reading prayer, renunciation of vices and unpalatable deeds, forgiveness of offenders, abstinence from sexual activity, cleansing from sins, humility of the flesh. Fasting, divorced from the spiritual component, turns into a regular diet. Fasting that does not cleanse the soul of passions is false, acceptable not by God, but by the demon. Thus, a religious approach to the Nativity Fast is not compatible with holding a wedding celebration. The goal of a true believer, with the help of a 40-day fast, is to meet the Nativity of Christ with a purified soul and body, to give the Son of God his pure heart and willingness to follow His commandments.

A wedding celebration is a celebration. Church canons give different meanings to weekdays, fasts and holidays. Holidays involve gratitude for God's blessings, hope, spiritual joy and fun, and a hearty meal. Fasting before the holiday is dedicated to reconciliation with God, participation in his sufferings, moderation of Lenten food, restraint of carnal passion, and strict adherence to statutory church rules. The purpose of fasting is not to relax or exhaust the physical body, but to cleanse it, strengthen it, relieve it, and be able to harmoniously correspond to spiritual movements. The true one is the feat of an ascetic, for which the church gradually prepares a person, for example, by introducing days of banning weddings and refusing fast food every Wednesday and Friday.

So yes or no? Knowing the opposing points of view on the possibility of holding a wedding celebration during the Advent period, each couple has the right to choose their own time for the wedding. This choice depends on the religious and secular beliefs of each person; freedom of conscience is his constitutional right. The church can make concessions and in cases of good reason, it is worth consulting with the priest of your church.

We are gradually beginning to prepare for the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ. People who are just starting their life in the Church, as a rule, have many questions about the rules and traditions of the Nativity Fast. We tried to collect the most typical questions and asked them to Archpriest Alexey Mityushin, rector of the temple Life-Giving Trinity in Kosino.

We need the Nativity Fast in order to prepare our souls for the celebration of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ. In the Orthodox Church, two events are celebrated in a special way: the Resurrection of Christ and the Nativity of Christ.

People waited for the Nativity of Christ for many centuries, so that with the birth of the Lord they could get rid of the power of the devil over themselves. We continue to celebrate the joy of this birth of the Savior into the world to this day. Therefore, Christians prepare themselves for this event in advance, by fasting.

Before the Nativity Fast, Christians do not fast for more than three months. (after the Assumption Fast). We relax spiritually and physically, and before Christmas it is time to gather ourselves internally. When fasting disappears from our lives, we become weak both spiritually and physically.

The Nativity Fast is needed to celebrate the great holiday of Christmas in a dignified, Christian manner. To bring gratitude to God for the fact that He did not disdain our human nature and became, like us, a perfect Man, taking upon Himself all the hardships of our earthly existence, illnesses of the flesh and spirit.

How to observe the Nativity fast?

The Nativity fast is not so strict and complex; it is called the fish fast. The worldly tradition of fasting is easier than the monastic one. During this fast, lay people can eat fish on all days except Wednesday and Friday.

And according to church regulations, monks eat fish only on Saturdays and Sundays; on Tuesdays and Thursdays - only if holidays fall on these days. For example, the Day of Remembrance of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt (December 25), Celebration of the Icon Mother of God“The Sign” (December 10) or patronal holiday. After the first of January, monks no longer eat fish.

How to keep the Nativity fast for the laity?

It must be said that in the Russian tradition Orthodox Church laymen should imitate monks in their abstinence. Whoever has the strength can fast according to church regulations. Those who do not have such an opportunity, let them not despair, do not be discouraged, but during this Lent should better practice humility, love for others, reading spiritual literature, and reading the Gospel.

What should you not do during the Nativity fast?

First of all, during the Nativity Fast you cannot commit everyday sins. If during Lent we do not eat fasting, but continue to remain crafty, angry, irritable, quarrel with our neighbors, judge others, chat in vain - this will be a violation of fasting. Fasting is an opportunity to abstain not only from food, but also from such moral daily sins that we are accustomed to not noticing in everyday life.

Is it possible to have a wedding (get married) during the Nativity Fast?

Orthodox Christians, of course, are not allowed to get married during the Nativity Fast. The wedding does not take place at this time. For those who decide to get married at the registry office, the Nativity Fast is also not the most suitable moment. It is important to remember that there is a time for everything: a time for joy and a time for abstinence. If a person considers himself Orthodox Christian, then he must listen to the voice of the Church.

Is it possible to have sex during the Nativity Fast?

This is a very subtle, personal question. The Apostle Paul responds in his first letter to the Corinthians: « Wife Not has power over her body, but her husband; likewise, the husband has no power over his own body, but the wife does” (1 Cor. 4:7). If a husband and wife fast in bodily abstinence, it is by mutual consent.

If Orthodox Christians have a spiritual father, then this issue needs to be resolved with him. This kind of question is much more personal than, for example, abstaining from meat. Perhaps a Christian wife has an unbelieving husband; he does not understand such abstinence at all; this can lead to a quarrel in the family. Therefore, it is better to solve this problem with your confessor.

What can you eat during the Nativity fast?

During the Nativity Fast you can eat fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and bread. You should not eat meat, poultry, dairy products or eggs.

Is it possible to eat fish during the Nativity Fast?

In worldly tradition, in condescension to our infirmities, fish can be eaten on all days except Wednesday and Friday. For the laity, this is more likely not a rule, but a relaxation. Modern man spends several hours a day on the road, gets tired at work, is at home with constant household worries, which is why we, as residents of megacities, are given such lenient indulgences.

Wine is allowed to be drunk during the Nativity Fast on Sundays and major holidays that fall during Lent. Say, Introduction to the Temple Holy Mother of God(December 4), Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19), Memorial Day of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt (December 25), patronal holidays.

As King David said in the Psalter: “...Wine gladdens a man’s heart, and bread strengthens him” (Ps. 103:15). Wine is allowed to be drunk on holidays and on days of fasting, but in moderation.

Is it possible to baptize during the Nativity Fast?

Baptism can take place on any day of the Nativity Fast. There are no obstacles to baptizing a child or adult during the Nativity Fast. Another thing is that you need to prepare for the sacrament: call the church, arrange a time for baptism, talk with the priest. Now there is a rule of compulsory catechesis for adults and adolescents about to be baptized, and for godfathers or mothers when baptizing young children.

Be sure to ask about the preparation for baptism in the church where you are going to be baptized yourself or to baptize a child. You can find out on the parish website, by phone or behind a candle box.

Is it possible to receive communion during the Nativity Fast?

It is possible and, moreover, it is advisable to receive communion during the Nativity Fast more often than usual. Since fasting is a time that contributes to preparation for communion. We are in abstinence and prayer. Therefore, by observing the rules of fasting, we can approach communion with the fear of God.

How to prepare for communion during the Nativity Fast?

Fasting, if observed, is in itself a preparation for communion. It is necessary to read the sequence to Holy Communion, read the penitential canon to the Savior, the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos and the canon to the Guardian Angel.

What prayers are read during the Nativity Fast?

Since not all of us have time to read daily morning and evening rules, it would be best to start with them during the Nativity Fast and try to read them regularly. This will be the best prayer work for us, which it is advisable to leave in our ordinary life after the Nativity Fast.

In addition, in Christian tradition During Lent, you should read the Gospel more often: either in a row, or the one that is read that day in church (you can see this in church calendar, where the reading for each day is indicated). And those who follow both the daily rules and regularly read the Gospel should read the Psalter.

You can read anything at home Orthodox prayers for the laity (without priestly exclamations). There is a well-known expression “The cell has no charter.” Another thing is that an akathist is a solemn, joyful, thanksgiving prayer, which may not be very appropriate, for example, on Good Friday - the day of Christ’s crucifixion. But during the Nativity Fast, you can read an akathist, especially since in December the days of remembrance of such famous saints as the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, Spyridon of Trimythous or St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia are celebrated.

Is it possible to drink wine during the Nativity Fast?

Wine is allowed to be drunk during the Nativity Fast on Sundays and major holidays that fall during Lent. Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 4), Day of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called (December 13), Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19), Day of Remembrance of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt (December 25).

It is worth mentioning separately about the night from December 31 to January 1. In 2017, January 1 is Sunday. If you are going to take communion on this day, you must observe complete abstinence from food and drinks from midnight (this restriction does not apply to very young children or taking medications). In all other cases, the celebration of the New Year should also be modest, since the Orthodox continue the Nativity Fast.

What can you remember during the Nativity Fast?

You need to remember the dead at any time of the year through prayer: submitting notes to the proskomedia (part of the liturgy), memorial services, and home prayer for deceased relatives and friends.

If we are talking about a funeral meal, then it should be fast. The measure of abstinence and the possibility of relaxing fast requirements should be discussed with your confessor or priest, whose opinion you trust.

Is it possible to conceive a child during the Nativity Fast?

There is a tradition of giving up marital intimacy during Lent, so it is not worth conceiving a child during the Nativity Fast. On the other hand, the Apostle Paul says: “Do not depart from one another, except by consent, for a time, to practice fasting and prayer, and then be together again” (1 Cor. 7:5), so the question of the possibility of marital relations during the Nativity Fast needs to be discussed with your spouse. If the conception of a child does occur, do not pay attention to the superstitious ideas associated with this - the date of conception does not affect the child in any way.

Is it possible to eat marshmallows during the Nativity Fast?

During the Nativity Fast, according to the monastic charter, milk and eggs are prohibited. If these products are included in marshmallows (which can be read on the product packaging), then you cannot eat them. Let us remind you that the measure of abstinence and the possibility of relaxing fasting requirements must be previously discussed with your confessor or priest, whose opinion you trust.

Is it possible to get married during the Nativity Fast?

It is not entirely clear what is meant by the word “matchmaking.” If we are talking about a marriage proposal or meeting the parents of the chosen one or chosen one, then this is not prohibited. If we are talking about a wedding, then in the Orthodox Church during multi-day fasts this sacrament is not performed.

By fasting, you can “sign in the registry office” and postpone the wedding until later, but it is better to ask for a blessing from your confessor for this, and consult with him on how best to proceed.

Is it possible to sew during the Nativity Fast? Is it possible to embroider with beads during the Nativity Fast?

It's certainly possible. Sewing is a calm and soothing activity that suits the Lenten mood. It is better to embroider and sew than to waste time watching TV or spending time on the Internet after work. By the way, according to church tradition, the Most Holy Theotokos herself was engaged in sewing - she sewed a curtain for Solomon’s temple. On icons of the Annunciation, the Mother of God is often depicted with sewing supplies.

The main thing is that embroidery does not replace prayer in the temple. Otherwise, there are no prohibitions on doing embroidery at any time.

Any activity must be approached with inner spiritual reasoning.

Where can you celebrate unction during the Nativity Fast?

Unction during the Nativity Fast is a rarer phenomenon than unction during Great Lent.

However, in many Orthodox churches There is a tradition of unction during multi-day fasts.

You can find out how to receive unction in the church you have chosen on the parish website, by phone or at the candle box. They will tell you when you can receive unction and how best to prepare for the sacrament.

Residents of residential areas of Moscow are better off choosing a church in the city center, where there may be significantly fewer people than on the outskirts.

Unction is a sacrament in which we ask God for forgiveness of our forgotten sins. These do not include sins that a person deliberately concealed during confession.

Is it possible to eat crackers during the Nativity Fast?

Of course, you can eat crackers during the Nativity Fast - this is one of the leanest types of food, unless they are filled with milk.

Let us remind you that the measure of abstinence and the possibility of relaxing fasting requirements must be previously discussed with your confessor or priest, whose opinion you trust.

And, most importantly, you need to remember that the essence of the Nativity Fast is not only food restrictions, although they are also important. Starting from the gastronomic fast, a Christian improves in spiritual activity - he learns to be responsible for his life through conscious self-restraint. Fasting in food is not an end in itself, but only a means to growth in Christ, another step towards the Lord and the fulfillment of His commandments.

Priest Alexey Mityushin
Elisaveta Ivanchina
Thomas Magazine

Viewed (369) times

The Nativity Fast lasts exactly forty days. Every year it begins on the twenty-eighth of November and lasts until January 7. Throughout this period, believers are required to observe certain restrictions and rules.

It so happens that many Orthodox Christian holidays and fasts have their own customs and prohibitions. Each one is a carrier of certain knowledge that has been accumulated over centuries by our distant ancestors. In order not to sin during the Nativity Fast, you should give up a lot, including special events.

Is it possible to get married on Advent?

A wedding on Lent is not a desirable event for a number of reasons. Church representatives argue that it is not worth getting married and having a wedding ceremony during this period. In order to figure out whether it is possible to get married during the Nativity Fast, you need to study church canons. According to them, fasting is necessary for the following purposes:

  • to pacify your spirit in terms of food. At the same time, not only will a person’s will be strengthened, but his physical body will also be cleansed;
  • for the ability to control your desires. This primarily concerns intimacy. During the fast, a ban was imposed on her. During this period, it is necessary to think about the bright and sublime, forgetting about all the bliss of earthly life.

In accordance with this, it becomes clear why you cannot have a wedding on Nativity Lent. The young will obviously sin by fulfilling their marital duty during this period, succumbing to gluttony and celebrations.

An unbridled desire to play during fasting is an inability to control one’s actions and desires, which is also a sin for which one will have to answer in due time.

Fasting is a period of purification of thoughts, soul and body. Therefore, a true believer will not take all traditions lightly and will postpone the wedding celebration until the end of the Nativity Fast.

Number of entries: 102

Please tell me, can I marry the son of my younger brother’s godmother?


Hello Irina! Yes you can. The Church limits marriages to only two degrees of spiritual relationship, that is, marriages are prohibited only between recipients, recipients and their parents.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Good afternoon. Father, I have the following question for you. My boyfriend and I love each other very much and want to live our whole lives together. My parents are against him and forbid me to meet with him. We want to get married to him without registering the marriage in the registry office, since spiritual unity is more important to us. I am 18, and my beloved is 21. Tell me, is it possible to get married like this? We understand the seriousness of this step. Thank you in advance.


Unfortunately or fortunately, it is not customary in the Church to get married without registration. If your relationship stands the test of time, then your parents will be able to get used to your choice and change their attitude towards your chosen one. The Lord enlighten and strengthen you.

Deacon Ilya Kokin

Hello, father! Help with advice! My girlfriend and I have been together for 5 years, we decided to seal our bonds in marriage and chose a date that falls on the Nativity Fast. Is it possible to celebrate a wedding?


Hello, Yuri! You cannot celebrate a wedding during Lent. It is better to choose another date or limit yourself to painting in the registry office without celebrations. And move the festivities to Wedding Day, which can be celebrated after Christmastide - from January 20.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father. Tell me how to behave and what to do? We lived with my wife for 26 years, 7 years since we got married in church. My wife left the family six months ago. I tried to make peace, but nothing worked. “I don’t love you,” etc. I go to church and pray at home. I'm constantly thinking about what to do. One feels bad, I miss my family, but I can’t do anything. What if I meet another woman? I ask for your prayers and advice.


Hello, Vladimir! Pray and trust in God. If all attempts to reconcile continue to be in vain, then perhaps the Lord will send you a person with whom you can start a family. Therefore, if you seriously decide on a second marriage, secure a church blessing. God help you!

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Bless me, father. My husband and I have a common ancestor (our great-grandfathers were cousins). We are not married, we have no children. Is our marriage a sin?


Such distant kinship is not an obstacle to marriage. However, it is important to remember that the worst sin is life without God. Try to visit church more often, pray fervently at home, read the Gospel and spiritual literature daily, and strive with all your might to live according to God’s commandments. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Hello! On July 26, 2013, my boyfriend and I are getting married, it will be Friday. Can we get married on this day? And will the priest allow us to the wedding, since we lived in fornication?


On this day a wedding is possible. You will need to agree on this with the priest in a week or two. Because if it is not a cathedral church with daily services, it will need to invite a choir. In ordinary parishes, choir services are usually held only on Sundays and holidays. You will need to prepare for confession in advance, clear your conscience by repentance, and, if the priest blesses, partake of the Holy Mysteries.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Good afternoon Please tell me, is it possible to get married (not get married) on July 12, 2013? I know that there is a fast until July 11th.


Hello, Denis! The Church does not regulate in any way the issues of marriage in the registry office. Therefore, you can get married whenever it is convenient for you.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello! Is it possible to correct the mistake of the third unauthorized wedding simply through repentance to the priest in church? Save me, God!


Hello, Oleg! You need not just to repent to the priest, but to turn to the bishop. Perhaps he will even impose penance.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Please tell me, is it possible to marry a man if 10 years ago I had an intimate relationship with his best friend, and besides, the mother of this same best friend is my young man godmother? He is at a loss because of this, he doesn’t know what to do, he asks me to help him with this, but I don’t know how. What would you recommend?


I advise you, Nadezhda, to repent and confess your fornication, with the sincere intention of never sinning again. There are no obstacles to marriage.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello, my husband and I are married, but I was married before, my first husband died, I didn’t know that in order to get married I had to turn to the priest for permission to get married in my second marriage, we weren’t married in my first marriage.


Hello Olga. If you have not made any conscious mistake, then you have nothing to worry about in this case. God help.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello, father. Please answer my question - is it possible to have a wedding in a church without registering a marriage in government agencies, and on what days of the week is a wedding possible? Is it possible to get married on Sunday?


Without registration at the registry office, a marriage cannot be celebrated. It is extremely rare that there are exceptions at the discretion of the priest depending on the circumstances. IN Sundays weddings take place with the exception of fasting, Christmastide and Holy Week. The wedding day must be agreed upon in advance with the priest at the church. God help me.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello! My husband and I lived in marriage for several years and divorced (were married). He married again, and he and his wife had a child. Now I found out that he and his wife are getting divorced and have already filed an application. Almost 8 years have passed since our divorce. During this time, I realized all my mistakes (I initiated the divorce due to many negative factors in my husband’s behavior, such as intemperance in drinking, assault as a result) and realized that if not for my youth and inexperience, I would have been able to overcome everything, and If she had behaved differently, everything would be fine with us. The question is this. Can I after the divorce is final ex-husband start a relationship with him (we haven’t seen or met all this time). He always told me that he is a monogamist. Perhaps he still loves me. Naturally, during the divorce process, I will not announce myself to let them sort things out. Help, please, tell me what to do. At that time, I reacted extremely consumeristically to our wedding - hoping that if we got married, he would stop drinking and everything would be just fine with us. And only now, when I join church, do I realize this. And my husband was very good (when he didn’t drink), but my pride (and him) ruined me, because then I thought only about myself.


Hello, Julia! Of course, you can remarry him after his divorce. Only this should be a thoughtful decision. Has he remained who he was, or will a completely different person appear before you? If, when there is already a child, a second divorce occurs, it is not done without a reason. Maybe you dream of meeting that former guy in love, but reality will cruelly crush your dream? Weigh everything carefully, and may God help you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Dear priests. Help my sinful soul, who is just beginning to become a church member, resolve the problem. The fact is that my husband and I are second cousins, our fathers are cousins, and our grandmothers are sisters. We have a little daughter growing up. We have good family. Previously, it didn’t really bother me that much. And now, when I begin to know God, when I begin to come to faith with very small steps, and I feel that something is changing inside me, I feel uneasy, remembering how I lived before, what a riotous life I led, and tears roll out of my eyes with the thought: how could I anger the Lord God like that, and how merciful He is, and even gave me the most dear person in the world, my daughter. I recently went to confession, lamenting my sins with with an open heart, with tears, the priest, having learned that my husband and I were second cousins, did not confess to me, he said that we needed to get a divorce. Please tell me how to correct this sin of youth, maybe we can still get married? It’s very hard on my soul, I’m afraid for my child, I’m afraid for my husband, what will happen to us now?


Dear Olga! Do not be sad, there are six tribes in the family tree between you and your husband. Such marriages are celebrated in the Orthodox Church. Contact another priest, and if you need permission for a wedding from the ruling bishop, contact the diocesan administration. But don't worry: there is no tragedy or sin in your marriage. Take care of your love.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Bless, father! My beloved man and I have known each other and loved each other for three years. I am 43 years old, he is 51. Each of us has more than one marriage behind us, registered in the registry office. Now we are both divorced, we live together, and would like to get married, but without registering with the registry office. I read that this is not possible, but our intentions are serious. We do not plan to have common children in our marriage. Each of us already has two sons. Tell me, is it possible to get married without registration, and wouldn’t it be a sin? Thank you!


According to established practice, people do not get married without registering a marriage at the registry office. If you have serious intentions, then act like serious people.

Deacon Ilia Kokin


Hello Irina! You can register your marriage on any day convenient for you. The Church does not regulate issues civil registration marriage. But all the entertainment events associated with the wedding are best held after the end of Lent, timed to coincide with the Wedding.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Bless, father! I am not married (and never have been), I have known one person for about 6 years, I knew that he did not love me, so I never succumbed to his persuasion to have sexual intercourse with him, but literally a week ago, I met him . The irreparable happened. I confessed the sin of fornication to the priest. Question: will I ever be able to get married, but not with this person?

There are just over two weeks left before the start of the Nativity Fast. We are gradually beginning to prepare for this important period of the church year. People who are just starting their life in the Church, as a rule, have many questions about the rules and traditions of fasting. We tried to collect the most typical questions and asked them to Archpriest Alexey Mityushin, rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Kosino.

We need the Nativity Fast in order to prepare our souls for the celebration of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ. In the Orthodox Church, two events are celebrated in a special way: the Resurrection of Christ and the Nativity of Christ.

People waited for the Nativity of Christ for many centuries, so that with the birth of the Lord they could get rid of the power of the devil over themselves. We continue to celebrate the joy of this birth of the Savior into the world to this day. Therefore, Christians prepare themselves for this event in advance, by fasting.

Before the Nativity Fast, Christians do not fast for more than three months. (after the Assumption Fast). We relax spiritually and physically, and before Christmas it is time to gather ourselves internally. When fasting disappears from our lives, we become weak both spiritually and physically.

The Nativity Fast is needed to celebrate the great holiday of Christmas in a dignified, Christian manner. To bring gratitude to God for the fact that He did not disdain our human nature and became, like us, a perfect Man, taking upon Himself all the hardships of our earthly existence, illnesses of the flesh and spirit.

How to observe the Nativity fast?

The Nativity fast is not so strict and complex; it is called the fish fast. The worldly tradition of fasting is easier than the monastic one. During this fast, lay people can eat fish on all days except Wednesday and Friday.

And according to church regulations, monks eat fish only on Saturdays and Sundays; on Tuesdays and Thursdays - only if holidays fall on these days. For example, the Day of Remembrance of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt (December 25), the Celebration of the Icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign” (December 10) or the patronal feast. After the first of January, monks no longer eat fish.

How to keep the Nativity fast for the laity?

It must be said that in the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church, laity should imitate monks in their abstinence. Whoever has the strength can fast according to church regulations. Those who do not have such an opportunity, let them not despair, do not be discouraged, but during this Lent should better practice humility, love for others, reading spiritual literature, and reading the Gospel.

What should you not do during the Nativity fast?

First of all, during the Nativity Fast you cannot commit everyday sins. If during Lent we do not eat fasting, but continue to remain crafty, angry, irritable, quarrel with our neighbors, judge others, chat in vain - this will be a violation of fasting. Fasting is an opportunity to abstain not only from food, but also from such moral daily sins that we are accustomed to not noticing in everyday life.

Is it possible to have a wedding (get married) during the Nativity Fast?

Orthodox Christians, of course, are not allowed to get married during the Nativity Fast. The wedding does not take place at this time. For those who decide to get married at the registry office, the Nativity Fast is also not the most suitable moment. It is important to remember that there is a time for everything: a time for joy and a time for abstinence. If a person considers himself an Orthodox Christian, then he must listen to the voice of the Church.

Is marital communication appropriate during Advent?

This is a very subtle, personal question. The Apostle Paul responds in his first letter to the Corinthians: « Wife Not has power over her body, but her husband; likewise, the husband has no power over his own body, but the wife does” (1 Cor. 4:7). If a husband and wife fast in bodily abstinence, it is by mutual consent.

If Orthodox Christians have a spiritual father, then this issue needs to be resolved with him. This kind of question is much more personal than, for example, abstaining from meat. Perhaps a Christian wife has an unbelieving husband; he does not understand such abstinence at all; this can lead to a quarrel in the family. Therefore, it is better to solve this problem with your confessor.

What can you eat during the Nativity fast?

During the Nativity Fast you can eat fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and bread. You should not eat meat, poultry, dairy products or eggs.

Is it possible to eat fish during the Nativity Fast?

In worldly tradition, in condescension to our infirmities, fish can be eaten on all days except Wednesday and Friday. For the laity, this is more likely not a rule, but a relaxation. A modern person spends several hours a day on the road, gets tired at work, and is at home with constant household worries, which is why we, as residents of megacities, are given such lenient indulgences.

Is it possible to drink wine during the Nativity Fast?

Wine is allowed to be drunk during the Nativity Fast on Sundays and major holidays that fall during Lent. For example, the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos (December 4), the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19), the Memorial Day of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt (December 25), patronal feasts.

As King David said in the Psalter: “...Wine gladdens a man’s heart, and bread strengthens him” (Ps. 103:15). Wine is allowed to be drunk on holidays and on days of fasting, but in moderation.

Is it possible to baptize during the Nativity Fast?

Yes, sure. Baptism can take place on any day of the Nativity Fast.

Is it possible to receive communion during the Nativity Fast?

It is possible and, moreover, it is advisable to receive communion during the Nativity Fast more often than usual. Since fasting is a time that contributes to preparation for communion. We are in abstinence and prayer. Therefore, by observing the rules of fasting, we can approach communion with the fear of God.

How to prepare for communion during the Nativity Fast?

Fasting, if observed, is in itself a preparation for communion. It is necessary to read the sequence to Holy Communion, read the penitential canon to the Savior, the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos and the canon to the Guardian Angel.

What prayers are read during the Nativity Fast?

Since not all of us have time to read the daily morning and evening rules outside of Lent, it would be best to start with them during the Nativity Fast and try to read them regularly. This will be the best prayer work for us, which it is advisable to leave in our ordinary life after the Nativity Fast.

In addition, in the Christian tradition, during Lent one should read the Gospel more often: either in a row, or the one that is read that day in church (this can be seen in the church calendar, where the reading for each day is indicated). And those who follow both the daily rules and regularly read the Gospel should read the Psalter.

  • MITYUSHIN Alexey, priest
  • IVANCHINA Elizaveta