Exercises to complete the team building training. Team building trainings

13.06.2019 Construction

", " " etc. I appeal to this concept very often, and it would be unfair not to write an article about the self-sufficiency of the individual. Imagine that someone comes into your life with his ruler and begins to measure its value or correctness, criticize your actions and - what will be your reaction? Will you rush to change your life on his orders, crushed by the authority of the mysterious auditor? Will you shove his ruler into his anus and send him on his way, or will you calmly continue to live as you lived, ignoring the impostor?

What is self-sufficiency

In a general sense, self-sufficiency is the ability to manage on your own in all areas of life: the absence of fear (you are comfortable alone), the ability to provide yourself with everything you need on your own. Since this concept is complex, self-sufficiency has several levels:

  • Economic: you can feed, dress yourself and perform all other necessary manipulations.
  • Psychological: you like being with people, but you clearly understand that you will live happily without this communication - no psychological dependence on others.
  • Social self-sufficiency implies that you have found yourself in this world and are thriving.

Healthy self-sufficiency should not be confused with fear of attachment or social phobia. A person who specifically builds his life so as not to become attached to people because he is afraid of losing them is not a self-sufficient person. As for earthly, material self-sufficiency, it is not difficult to determine and understand whether you are a self-sufficient person: a person who provides himself with housing, money, food, who organizes his own life, will be so.

Psychological self-sufficiency

The other two levels are much more complex and a person cannot always objectively assess his level of self-sufficiency. Let's figure it out - traits of psychological self-sufficiency are:

  • The ability to make decisions independently, based on one's own judgment. This does not mean that a person does not listen to the advice of others, but the final decision is always his, and advice is only...
  • Independence from the approval and opinions of others. This means that you accept your actions completely, and the approval or disapproval of others, whether close or unfamiliar people, does not affect your decisions.
  • Perseverance in matters of being yourself - if you hate doing something, you refuse; if you don’t meet the expectations of others, the problem is not with you, but with unreasonable expectations, and you understand this. If you have found your path and are determined to follow it without betraying yourself, you are psychologically self-sufficient.

The evolution of self-sufficiency

It’s clear that people are not born self-sufficient, but become so as they grow older and due to their development. We experiment, find our own, and all this affects our self-sufficiency. The stages of a person becoming socially self-sufficient are approximately the same for most people:

  • First, we join various groups, trying to find ourselves - these are mini-groups at the university, various subcultures and trends, groups. Here you can allow yourself to go where everyone else goes.
  • Then, having discovered who we are, we openly declare this to the world and look for others like ourselves. New groups of like-minded people are being created. This is the stage where we express ourselves brightly through appearance, behavior, choice of places to travel and books to read.
  • The next stage of development is the organization of people like us, for example, creating our own business with like-minded people. Now, as a leader, a person can afford to be even more different from everyone else, to do whatever he wants - even to go where everyone else does, if he wants to. At this stage, a person already knows himself well, accepts himself and loves himself for who he is, so he is not afraid of merging with the crowd, because he can be part of it, or he can be self-sufficient person among the crowd, even if you are not leading it.

Why become self-sufficient? Yes, at least in order to become happy. A person who is in a position of dependence on the people around him cannot lead his own life, therefore, he inevitably has to fulfill the desires of others, adapt, adjust, please. What kind of happiness is there? We do not claim that the main condition for happiness is complete independence, but even without freedom there can be no talk of happiness. However, let's move on to self-sufficiency, which can be complete or partial, depending on how many levels of life it covers.

Rice. How to become self-sufficient?

economic self-sufficiency

Only a person who is able to fully provide himself with a normal and fairly comfortable existence can be considered self-sufficient in economic terms.

psychological self-sufficiency

Self-sufficiency on a psychological level does not mean that communication with people should be avoided. Everything is not so radical. If you have psychological self-sufficiency, you may well get a lot of pleasure from communicating with other people, but you do not depend on this communication, that is, you can completely do without it. A psychologically self-sufficient person is never bored alone with himself.

social self-sufficiency

In order to gain social self-sufficiency, it is necessary, that is, to be fully established as an individual with a profession, a job, or his own business.

financial self-sufficiency

If you are able to earn as much money as you may need, then you are already self-sufficient.

If you decide to become self-sufficient, then get acquainted with the steps you will have to take. So.

Step #1. The first thing you need to do is find for yourself suitable job. Moreover, prestige or earnings cannot be used as a criterion. The main thing you need to focus on is your own skills and passions. If your work is done easily and at the same time brings pleasure, then you are guaranteed decent earnings, no doubt about it. And this is the path to financial independence.

Step #2. Approach with full responsibility the social circle in which you are forced to be. Ruthlessly cut off those social connections that drain you of energy or make you feel dependent. There is no need to give up all your friends; on the contrary, you can and should communicate, but without fanatical devotion and without desire, everyone will like you.

Step #3. To achieve economic self-sufficiency, you need to live alone for some time. If you have never had to be alone before and you are afraid of the very fact that you will have to do all the household chores on your own, then it is all the more worthwhile to conduct such an experiment. You can believe that loneliness reveals things that a person himself had never suspected before. And how much free time appears! And the regime can be organized only the way you like. There are so many benefits, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Step #4. A self-sufficient person not only makes all important decisions independently, but also bears full responsibility for them. There’s no escape here; you can’t hide behind someone else’s back. But the rewards go only to you, and you don’t need to share them with anyone.

Step #5. If you decide to take responsibility for your own life, learn to set goals, because you live on this earth for a reason. Now it’s up to you to decide which shores to swim to and what to look for. So, dream, plan and dare, you are.

Step #6. Do you have a little worm of doubt stirring in your soul? You should not feed him, otherwise he will instantly grow into a healthy worm and want to command everything himself. remained in that previous life in which you were dependent on circumstances and the will of other people, that is, a weakling.

Step #7. Do not allow yourself to listen to what others think about your self-sufficiency, just to scratch their tongues. Whether they scold you or praise you, it is now, by and large, completely unimportant, you have gained complete independence, you can afford a holiday - your own Independence Day.

Have you enjoyed the holiday of soul and body? Have you learned to subordinate life and circumstances to your will? Have you achieved self-sufficiency? If you answered yes to all these questions, you need to move on, because stopping development is always a regression. It's time to move on to the next step, where you have to take care of others.

14.04.2014 9444 +14

All people at some point in their lives think about their independence. They dream of freedom and independence, which will lead to self-sufficiency.

Few people know what it is self-sufficiency. This quality is inherent in full-fledged and independent people who can provide for themselves and do not solve their problems at the expense of other people.

The meaning of the word self-sufficiency

When thinking about the concept of self-sufficiency, one can imagine self-confident, strong and attractive personality. However, it is worth distinguishing between moments when she does not need support or avoids it at all costs. After all, accepting help does not mean being weak.

The semantic concept of self-sufficiency is quite simple. Self-sufficiency is when people are enough of themselves so much that their interaction with society takes place in Everyday life without serious outside influence.

Autarky is a Wikipedia term for self-sufficiency, which is translated from Greek language means “development of the country’s economy with a focus on itself.” This means that no matter the situation, she will not rely on anyone. This term applies to people, society or a system.

Distinctive features of a self-sufficient personality

A self-sufficient person knows exactly what he wants and how he will achieve it. She does not need help or advice on how to act in a given situation. She acts independently and evaluates her actions. Although she listens to other people's advice, since they are valuable, she reserves the last choice for herself.

One more characteristic feature is self-esteem. A person respects himself, knows his own worth, and demands the same attitude from others. Self-sufficient people are not snobs and cynics, and do not suffer from high self-esteem.

A self-sufficient person feels comfortable in alone. She enjoys it. She is never bored or lonely. She will always find something interesting to do. Even if he doesn’t find it, he will enjoy the peace and quiet. It is often said that such people live quietly alone all their lives. Although they have many acquaintances and friends with whom he is constantly in touch.

At any age, single or unmarried self-sufficient people will feel comfortable. They don’t want to be like everyone else, they don’t want to live by standards.

Distinguishes a self-sufficient personality and attitude towards criticism. When self-sufficient people express dissatisfaction with something, they react adequately. They will listen, think about what is said, and take note. However, they will not enter into conflict disputes.

Self-sufficient people never don't envy. They are satisfied with what they themselves were able to achieve. People are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and are conscious of mistakes and imperfections. They take them for granted, so they won’t redo anything.

Only in case of violation psychological comfort they will take action to change things. People are not lazy, but simply do not consider it necessary to do something, since they do not need it.

Self-sufficiency refers to positive character traits. It helps you feel and find your place in life, love and respect your loved ones, and be responsible in any situation. Self-sufficient people are full-fledged personality.

The physical side of self-sufficiency

Those who decide to become self-sufficient must first learn to be independent in everyday matters. And this means that you need to live without anyone's help. Necessary earn a living. Modern people we need food, shelter, household goods. In addition to minimal things, individuals have more serious needs that require financial investments.

For this you will need material self-sufficiency. She is the one who has important when some people depend on others.

Internal self-sufficiency

Despite the fact that the material side has great importance in people's lives, it is difficult for them to live without constant communication. If a person cannot live even a day alone, then there can be no talk of any self-sufficiency.

If there hobby, it won’t be boring – this is how self-sufficient people approach life. They can easily be alone with themselves and at the same time not avoid communicating with other people.

The Pros of Self-Sufficiency

Self-sufficiency brings many benefits to each of us. This is the beginning of the development of harmonious and happy life. In addition, self-sufficient people tend to:

Often in society do not accept self-sufficient individuals. After all, they are difficult to manage, since they are not susceptible to the influence of standard social levers of pressure. Therefore, dependent individuals feel discomfort.

How does a self-sufficient person develop?

When deciding to become self-sufficient, you need to be aware of several integral components of this process. This personality:

  • Strives for excellence;
  • Gains new knowledge;
  • Sharpens old skills;
  • Improves your life.

People who have reached certain heights and become self-sufficient decide to rest to enjoy what they have achieved. At this point, health problems may arise and they will become bored. No striving for perfection - the pitiful develops, dependent state.

The path to self-sufficiency is not easy. However, you need to follow specific steps. For this purpose, it is determined goals and guidelines for the near future. The main thing is not to set global and impossible goals, otherwise you may be disappointed. This will help you follow the entire process step by step, while solving simple but very useful problems.

You need to be prepared for the fact that it will be difficult to get rid of old habits and attachments. Change is hard, and feeling the need for change is even harder. It will be difficult for people who decide to become self-sufficient, but the results will exceed all expectations.

The other side of the coin

Confident people indifferent what others think about them. They are already self-sufficient. However, everyone measures this characteristic differently. For example, a teacher who has the best class in school, respect from colleagues and a high salary - professionally self-sufficient. Anyone who breeds and sells flowers also has this quality.

In addition, there is also personal self-sufficiency. This could be a handsome young man who is financially independent and has achieved everything on his own. He has many fans, he constantly changes girls. Another option is a simple guy who is in love, happy and confident in his choice. Or a good family man who makes great money and loves his wife and children. Each of them has personal self-sufficiency.

Do you need to become a self-sufficient person?

  1. A self-sufficient person is completely independent both externally and internally.
  2. Such people can live alone, but they like to be alone with themselves.
  3. They enjoy life, regardless of the influence of external factors.
  4. They know how to maintain control over their mental well-being.
  5. They live in harmony with the internal and external world.

These characteristic features are characteristic only of truly self-sufficient people. However, you should not learn this from those who are trying to show themselves as experts. We must remember that each person is unique and inimitable, so you should not imitate someone. Everyone has their own way of understanding themselves. Love and money will not help until people understand how much they need to be happy.

Be a self-sufficient person

Sh kola is a place where a child spends a significant period of his life and most daylight hours. When children first come to school, they expect something new and unusual from it. On the one hand, it frightens, on the other, it attracts and attracts. The task of the teaching staff is to make life exciting, positively directed and interesting.

Unfortunately, in a school environment, “study group” most often refers to some kind of formal education, the main purpose of which is to attend educational activities and get good grades. In this case, the question arises: why does the child go to school? Is the student attending “for show,” for the sake of a grade, or consciously, to obtain the necessary education?

A student's interest in the learning process largely depends on the attitude of the entire class towards him. The spread of positive and negative trends depends on the degree of development of communication links within school team. Responsibility for your future comes from awareness of the prospects that school opens for your child. The child must understand why he is studying and what he can expect from this educational institution.

It is possible to create the necessary attitudes, increase and consolidate educational motivation, help the student find his place in the team and, finally, contribute to the creation of the team itself, willing to learn and study in a specific educational institution, with the help of team building training.

Team building trainings can be divided into several main types:

Information trainings,

Behavioral trainings,

Self-awareness and personal identification training.

Information trainings for team building. This type of team building training is aimed at introducing students and informing them about the rules of behavior in the group in which they are located. The main goal of such trainings is to designate the framework for interaction between group representatives. The main purpose for which they have gathered is clarified for them, the rules of their interaction are declared, and tasks are offered to understand these rules.

The main questions the coach answers: where? When? For what? By what rules?

Level pyramid of team building trainings

An example of such training could be the creation of a temporary editorial board for a one-time publication of the Graduate Journal. The coach gathers guys who want to try their hand at publishing magazines. Clarifies to them the purpose of creating the magazine, sets the time frame within which it needs to be created. Before answering further questions, he invites the children to collectively solve a situational problem aimed at understanding the norms for creating a magazine. While working on a task, the coach observes the discussion of the guys and makes a decision about who will occupy what role on the editorial board. At the end of the discussion, he answers questions, informs the guys about his decision and what functions they will perform. Behavioral team building trainings.

In the previous example with the editorial board, the coach only informs the guys about who will perform what function and what his role will be in creating the magazine. In behavioral training, the trainer explains to the children what to do while performing their functions, and helps them play out the most important points that need to be paid attention to in the process of creating a magazine. For example, he might suggest role-playing game and create a mini-magazine right here and now, as part of the educational training.

Or ask them to imagine the most difficult situations that they may encounter, and who (what) then can help or hinder them. The coach’s work will be aimed at creating a model of effective interaction within the group of these children, at those behavioral patterns that they can and will use in interaction with each other and with the external environment (teachers, parents, other students, etc.). Team building trainings , directed on self-awareness And self-identity

each individual member of the group and the entire group as a whole, represent a superstructure over the two previous types. They are effectively used in solving such problems as updating students’ educational motivation, creating the value of an educational institution in their eyes, understanding their place and role in the team, developing students’ leadership position, etc.

The main questions a coach works with are why? For what? What is valuable in this situation? Who am I? What is this group for me? The work of the coach here occurs at the level of value orientations and self-identity of students (see figure).

In such training there is no task of “acting out” behavioral models of adequate behavior in any situation. They are not primary. It is important to update the ideological level of each student and form the value of collective existence for the common goal of self-development and self-actualization.

To successfully conduct such trainings, it is very important to take a solution-oriented approach. A problem-oriented approach helps to notice what needs to be adjusted and corrected; a solution-oriented approach helps to build a constructive path of interaction, outline prospects and formulate goals. :

Especially for the new intake of lyceum classes (GOU “Lyceum No. 1535” in Moscow), we created a team-building training of the third type.

Goals and tasks related to further studies at school, his own and each of his classmates;

What roles exist in group interaction, advantages and disadvantages of roles;

Strategy for successful learning at school.

Based on the training materials, students should be able to :

Keep track of what role position they are in in the group;

Develop a strategy for successful learning at school (including through communicative interaction in the study group);

Reflect on the communicative and personal processes that occur in the group.

Schoolchildren must have skills communicative interaction in a group related to the educational process. Moreover, the guys must be aware of the possibility and reality of changing and transforming the situation in their own team in the class; everyone must be responsible for what happens to him and his classmates.


The total amount of time the training takes is 5–5.5 academic hours. After the training, it is advisable to accompany the class on relevant topics raised during the training.


"Collection of Expectations"

Goals: collection of information.

Time: 10 minutes.

In a circle, each participant expresses their expectations from the training.


Goals: introducing students to each other and the trainer to students; collecting information on the characteristics students give to themselves.

Time: 10 minutes.

Each of the participants in a circle repeats the name of the previous participants and at the end their own, adding an adjective to it. For example: “Vanya is lethargic, Sasha is smart, and Masha is sweet.”

The last participant repeats the names of all the previous ones and names his own.

Goals:“Those who change….”

Time: strengthen group dynamics; Swap students for the next task.

5 minutes.

The trainer asks one volunteer to come to the center of the circle. One chair is removed. The lead volunteer, for example, says: “Those who love pineapples change.” Everyone needs to change places.

Goals: The one left without a chair drives.

Time:“Me plus you, vice versa”

more detailed acquaintance of lyceum students with each other; diagnostics of the position of leader and follower in subgroups.

30 minutes.

Goals: emotional response;

Time: strengthen group dynamics; Swap students for the next task.

primary analysis of role positions (“leader / follower”).

Conducted in free mode.

1 hour. Break -

10 minutes.



Time: strengthening the group dynamics after the break; development of team interaction strategies; the class's search for a strategy for independent interaction in a team;

bodily-indirect sensation of each other.

15 minutes.

Goals: You need to take pens. Unite in pairs.

Time: 10 minutes.

Holding the handles with only your index fingers, you need to sit down and stand up at the same time without dropping the handles. Then the same exercise is performed by three people. At the next stage, the same exercise is performed by the whole class.

Individual task

Time: focusing on your own goals related to studying at the lyceum.

Each of the training participants is asked to write an essay in complete silence on the topic “What will be the result of my education at the lyceum?”

Small group work

20 minutes. Training participants form small groups of five people and share their thoughts on the topic of the previous assignment. In addition, they need to identify 5 common learning goals that are most meaningful to everyone in the small group.

Time: General sharing

Goals: focus

on common goals;

compile a general list of goals (results) of training at the lyceum for a given study group; emotional response.

15 minutes. One person from the group names and justifies the goals he has identified. Each subsequent speaker does not repeat the goals already mentioned; his speech occurs in addition mode.

Sharing result: a general list of goals (results) of training at the lyceum of a given educational group as a whole.

Goals: Time for this part of the training: 1 hour 10 minutes. Break

Time:“Me plus you, vice versa”

- 20 minutes.

"Wade with your eyes closed"“From now on, members number three have their eyes closed and cannot speak. The whole class needs to get from point A to point B. Now you are at point A. There are bumps between the lines.

You can only step on them. If someone “falls off” a bump, the whole class returns to point A and starts moving again. If other rules are broken, the class also goes back and starts the task over.

Goals: The task is considered completed when the entire class is at point B.”

Time: 10 minutes.


emotional response;
clarifying relationships; clarifying optimal group interaction strategies; focusing on the topic “team”: moving to the topic “my role in teamwork.”

Goals: Discussion of impressions. How it was? What worked/failed and how? What helped/prevented you from achieving your goal? What is it like to be a team? What are you ready to take from further experience into the next exercise, into your studies, into your future life?

Time: focusing on your own goals related to studying at the lyceum.


Theme "Ideal Headman"

description of the qualities of an ideal headman;

updating the topic of support and mutual support, the role of the headman in the team; updating the entire acquired set of knowledge; practicing group work skills; completion of independent group work; diagnostics of role distributions in the group; identifying a potential leader.

Without explaining what a “brainstorming” is, the trainer gives a brief plan for how to conduct it.

1. Introduces the basic rules:

Don't criticize;

Put forward fantastic ideas without thinking about the consequences; Continue and develop the ideas expressed; Offer as many options as possible - the more ideas, the better;

Think out loud. 2. Offers distribute roles:

secretary, time manager, presenter and idea generators.

3. Offers

information management plan

in brainstorming:

Orientation in the task (clarification of joint goals, conditions, available resources);

Gathering information (tossing out ideas until they run out);

Evaluation of the result (structuring the received opinions and proposals);

Goals: Summing up the results of the discussion (opinions about the result, assessment of one’s own satisfaction and meaningful productivity).

Time: 10 minutes.

The trainer carries out the last point as part of the discussion.

The coach does not directly participate in the discussion.

Goals: actualization of choice; legitimacy of the choice of the headman.

Time: 10 minutes.

The coach invites everyone to write down three names of students on a piece of paper, each of whom could become a prefect. The coach himself counts the votes (with the children on the board).

Summary of the day. "Candle"

Goals: remember the main topics and important points of the past training, think about the significance of the material received; talk about future prospects; discuss how to apply the material received during the training in real conditions.

Time: 10 minutes.

The discussion is held freely.

compile a general list of goals (results) of training at the lyceum for a given study group; 1 hour 30 minutes.

Total time: 3 hours 30 minutes (no breaks).


According to disappointing statistics in recent years, children's motivation for educational activities is falling sharply every year. And in study groups There is an opinion that education is not such an important element of our life. Changing this situation is only possible on a massive scale. Individual work with students to increase their level of motivation is important, but more effective, as our experience shows, is working with a collective idea of ​​learning and its relevance in modern life. And this is becoming one of the most important topics

our team building training.

Everyone must answer the question for themselves: why is he studying? What does he want to get from school and education? What can the school give him and what can he give the school? What does it mean to be a disciple? The value of teamwork lies in the fact that these issues are clarified individually for each person and at the same time for the entire team as a whole. The article was prepared with the support of the Endoctor project. If you decide to consult about your health, you don’t have to immediately rush to make an appointment with a doctor. On the website www.Endoctor.Ru you can, without spending a lot of effort and time, use the service “Free consultation with an endocrinologist online.” On the forum you will also find a huge archive

useful information

about maintaining health and symptoms of various diseases. The dream of any senior manager is to lead a team that is a friendly and cohesive team, ready to work hard to achieve its goals. But how to achieve such a result? This will require certain experience and knowledge, which team building can give to the leader. The word "team building" means "team building". The application of this direction is an urgent need for any pragmatic business owner. By taking advantage of team building, you can unite the team so much that the work of employees will increase the competitiveness of the company and allow you to make big profits. Moreover, such growth will not occur due to external attraction of resources. Internal reserves will be effectively used.

A little history

Team building exercises, which were aimed at uniting the team, first began to be carried out in the 40s of the 20th century. They were actively used in the USA. Events very similar to those held today took place in America in the 50s. As for Russia, it is believed that team building came to us only at the end of the last century. However, they appeared in our country a long time ago. Just remember the game “Zarnitsa”. How sad it was to part with friends who, by your side, overcame a variety of difficulties. Lenin’s subbotnik contributed to the same team unity. But this is the same team building, only more extended in time. Options for school team building included collecting waste paper and scrap metal. Such events united people around solving one problem. At the same time, they allowed us to see each other in a completely new way.

In the 90s of the last century, companies even began to open in Russia, whose specialization was holding corporate events. Gradually, team building ceased to be considered a social phenomenon. It has become a tool for shaping corporate culture.

IN last years large corporations are constantly increasing their allocation financial resources to conduct active events with the team. This allows them to create a solid foundation for the formation of a favorable microclimate in the organization, which leads to the productive work of a team of like-minded people.

Team building goals

Playing games and exercises for team building allows you to:

  1. Form operational teams. Selected groups of employees will begin to work on solving the assigned tasks, subject to limited time.
  2. Bring together top managers. Team building exercises will allow employees to exchange the necessary information as quickly and efficiently as possible, increase creativity and join forces.
  3. Unite the team within the department.
  4. Bring together middle managers. In this case, performing team-building exercises will allow them to manage their subordinates as efficiently as possible, increase the performance of each employee, speed up the time of internal corporate information flows, correlate their goals with the general objectives of the company, and also improve the psychological microclimate.

Team building objectives

Performing team building exercises allows you to:

  • to form among employees a common understanding of the goals and objectives of the enterprise;
  • establish an optimal balance of personal goals and general company goals;
  • stimulate awareness of interdependence in achieving the goals of the organization with the satisfaction of the personal needs of each employee;
  • improve the psychological climate in the team;
  • identify and resolve existing interpersonal conflicts;
  • improve personal relationships;
  • remove barriers that impede the passage of information flows, minimizing data distortion;
  • provide motivation for the training and development of each team member depending on the tasks and goals that the organization faces.

Team building principles

When performing team-building activities, certain rules must be followed, which are as follows:

  1. Setting goals. What is special about team building? Must be present in the team common goal. Of course, an individual employee may have his own task. However, they should not contradict each other. When setting clear goals, the team will certainly focus on finding the most effective ways their implementation, focusing on the result. This, among other things, will have a beneficial effect on the team microclimate.
  2. Collective execution of tasks. This principle is the basis of team building. The fact is that the company needs the work of all its divisions, carried out in close cooperation with each other. When people work together, it puts them in a certain mood of understanding each other, recognizing each other's individual characteristics, and building trust. Collective implementation of tasks will certainly improve the energy potential of employees, which will lead to their more effective actions in the interests of the organization.
  3. Taking responsibility. This is an important condition for team building. And it applies to every employee. Only by taking responsibility and understanding that only common efforts will help achieve success will you get the desired result.
  4. Determining the form of stimulation. This principle requires taking into account the specifics of the team’s field of activity. For example, if this is a production area, then the best form of incentive is to provide material or financial compensation combined with public recognition and moral satisfaction. If the activity is carried out in an intellectual direction, then the material position will play a secondary role. The incentive for self-affirmation, career and prestige comes to the fore here. What if the company conducts combined activities? In this case, it is necessary that the incentive combines the two previous options.
  5. Advanced training. The main goal of any team building is the professional growth of employees. It doesn’t matter what the team’s field of activity is. Here it is important to act in such a way that overall and personal indicators increase. It is important for a leader to ensure that his team can feel the degree of their own growth, comparing it with an assessment of progress. It is most convenient if in this case a variety of team building trainings, programs and exercises are used.
  6. Level of creativity. Sometimes this principle plays the role of an auxiliary element. This applies to cases where team members are engaged in technological activities and are motivated by certain benefits. Creativity will not play a special role in this. But if the team is engaged primarily in intellectual work and its main motivation is career and prestige factors, then the situation here will be different. Creativity will come to the fore, because overall success will directly depend on bold decisions and new ideas.
  7. Productive functioning. This principle is based on the rule that states that the longer a team exists, the higher the level of its professionalism, effectiveness, efficiency, success and harmony of elements.

The feasibility of using team building

When does it become necessary to conduct team building activities? They are needed:

  1. During a period of rapid development of the company. When expanding staff in a short time, tense relations between former and new team members are likely. In order to have a positive impact on various groups employees, it is necessary to start working with official and unofficial leaders. Team building will lead to people getting to know each other better and friendly relationships will be formed between them.
  2. During a period of decline or stagnation of the company. This stage is characterized by a lack of initiative from employees who do not see prospects for their activities. Many of them have probably already started looking for a new place of employment. In this case, it is important for managers to work on raising corporate morale so that employees realize that the future of the company is in their hands.
  3. If there are local problems. Team building activities will help unite employees. And this, in turn, will help the company cope with the most pressing problems.

Where is team building held?

For events that promote team bonding, it is not necessary to choose a specific time period. Team building can be carried out all year round outdoors or indoors. The second option is preferable in cases where the purpose of the event is to identify the company’s values, internal roles of employees, as well as the communication connections existing between them. Team building exercises in nature are carried out with the goal of creating a free and relaxed atmosphere. The main point of an offsite event lies in the unusual conditions in which the team finds itself after leaving the walls of its offices. Team building exercises in a group will help identify mutual sympathies, internal conflicts, and identify hidden leaders.

What will the tasks be? The team building training program and exercises will be selected by specialists based on the current situation. This will bring employees together by solving their interpersonal problems.

What could serve as a platform for such an event? It would be great if team building exercises were performed in a camp, boarding house or holiday home. You can stay overnight here. The training program is divided into two days. Team building exercises for students can be carried out in a forest area, in a clearing, on the shore of a reservoir, etc.

If a company has decided to invest in long trips abroad or at sea, then in this case the training will be as dynamic as possible. Such events will become one of the most exciting events in the life of the company. It is worth noting that team building is usually carried out in work time. This will allow you to gather all employees, including even those who “don’t want” or “can’t” go to the list.

Team building exercises in the office are carried out in cases where there is an unhealthy conflict atmosphere in the company. For this reason, employees' productivity sharply decreases. Strained relationships lead to decreased productivity and employee turnover. Indoor team building will solve this problem. A variety of games, competitions and exercises increase employee cohesion and smooth out conflicts.

Team building rules

All team building exercises in the training are based on rules that provide the following:

  1. The division of participants into can occur either in advance or directly on the spot. Moreover, this can be a random or purposeful choice. In the latter case, the training will have the goal of establishing communications between specific employees.
  2. Choice of captain, name and motto.
  3. Direct execution of exercises on building crossings, overcoming obstacles, orienteering in unfamiliar areas, etc.

Types of Team Building Programs

Team building activities can come in a variety of forms. Everything will depend on the financial capabilities of the organization, the age composition of employees, as well as on the characteristics of the services provided by the company.

The organizers of the event will select those competitions that will be of interest to its participants. However, it does not matter which event program is chosen. The main thing here is the process of competition.

Team building programs are:

  1. Strategic. Their main goal is to form the most effective team possible.
  2. Intelligent. This program acts as an alternative to sports.
  3. Creative. Such events contribute to the development of innovative thinking, as well as a creative approach to achieving goals.
  4. Sports.
  5. Youth. Most often, such team building training is conducted for students. Exercises of this type have certain specifics, taking into account the age category of the competing groups.

Examples of team building programs

The team building exercise “Labyrinth” is considered quite effective. To carry it out, the team is lined up in single file, one behind the other, blindfolding each employee, except the first one. Everyone must follow the "leader" to navigate the maze. It is prohibited to negotiate during this time.

In the training called “Rope Courses,” participants overcome not only physical obstacles, but also emotional ones. Moreover, each test is an independent task. When conducting such training for teenagers, the presence of an adult is mandatory. Before the event begins, you need to weave a web of ropes. The number of its cells must be equal to the number of participants. The main goal of the group is to overcome the web. In this case, none of the participants should touch the rope. Otherwise, the test must be started over again. This training also includes other tasks.

Children's team building

Team building exercises allow the child to learn how to interact in a team. Children begin to get closer to each other and build communication with each other. Teachers often conduct such events primary classes. Team building exercises for children allow students to become friends faster.

Team building is also important for teenagers. After all, any defeat in competitions gives rise to self-doubt in them and becomes the cause of various fears. Team building exercises for teenagers do not have this drawback. They allow children to learn effective methods communication with peers, as well as to develop their skills of interaction between team members.

After working through a specially selected team-building exercise during training, the teenager’s self-esteem increases. He becomes more confident in his abilities. After finishing the game, the teacher should discuss with each child what he did to achieve the goal. At the same time, children must understand the essence of the tasks themselves.

Let's look at an example of a game that is well suited for a team building training program. The age of its participants can range from 7 to 18 years. All children are divided into 8 groups of 5-10 people. You need to take care of the props in advance. These are signs on which the names of the stations, route sheets for each team and tokens are written. This game can be played in the gym or in the school hallway. Within 50-60 minutes, teams move around the stations, adhering to the points indicated in route sheets. At each point, animators are waiting for children, inviting them to complete pre-designed tasks for which they can receive tokens. Whose team collects more of them is considered the winner.