Libra love horoscope for October 17th. Love horoscope for Libra for October

18.07.2019 Jurisprudence

The horoscope for October 2017 promises Libra many pleasant life changes, as well as new unforgettable adventures. In mid-autumn, your free-thinking will cross the lines that you yourself have outlined for it. This means only one thing - you will stop thinking and living as society demands. Having completely liberated yourself and let all your “demons” out, you will finally experience incomparable happiness. Another thing is that not all people with whom you will come into contact in October will accept your new, overly freedom-loving model of behavior. You will simply give up on these skeptics, leaving them far behind you, in your past life, shackled by all sorts of stereotypes.

Libra's love of freedom will most clearly manifest itself in everything related to the sphere of feelings of representatives of this zodiac sign. Under the power of your new worldview (more precisely, those thoughts that you have always so diligently extinguished in yourself), you will decide to completely change your everyday reality, and you will decide to start the plan for these October reforms with your personal life. If you are a family man and are already accustomed to thinking, thinking and acting the way your life partner wants, in mid-autumn you will stage a real domestic riot, the outcome of which is simply impossible to predict! If you really have accumulated a lot of reasons for dissatisfaction, if your partner refuses to make concessions, if you do not find bright emotions when you are next to him, well... Then this marriage can be considered completed. Libras, who are just looking for love, will gain increased popularity with the opposite sex in October. How can you explain your success? Yes, only because you will glow as if from within, charging everyone who happens to be nearby with this amazing magnetism. Another thing is that you don’t want to build love with just anyone, and therefore you will continue your search for the ideal soul mate.

As for career and financial affairs, Libra will bring a reasonable share of their October free-thinking into this aspect as well. If you are an employee performing new project, you decide to slightly break the rules set by your superiors. It’s a paradox, but it is by deviating from the rules and norms, by introducing creativity and innovation into your work, that you will achieve enormous success in your service! They will hold you up as an example, calling the results of your work nothing more than exemplary projects. Libras engaged in the field of individual entrepreneurship will also go against the norms accepted in the small business environment in mid-autumn. You will give up the role of a strict leader who strictly adheres to the generally accepted office dress code, and appear at your enterprise in an outfit that is more suitable for home or for a party. And a little later, you will allow your employees to behave exactly like this (freely, relaxed, at ease). This freedom will bring amazing results, and your employees, experiencing complete emotional comfort from being at work, will begin to work with increased enthusiasm.

Health in October 2017 will not cause Libra the slightest problem, which, in fact, is not surprising. As long as you live exactly the way you want, you will find the long-awaited moral balance, along with which almost ideal well-being will come to you. However, do not forget to continue to strictly control your diet, because overeating, although it is an element of freedom, has never benefited anyone.


The Libra woman has practically no equal in her ability to adapt to her partner. Only Pisces could compete. This does not mean that it is not important for her to feel the impact. On the contrary, such a woman will give up everything without blinking, as soon as she feels that she is being used. By nature, representatives of the zodiac have an extraordinary charm, and the ability to maintain composure is impressive almost immediately after meeting them. And what is going on in their souls in the fall will help you find out the horoscope for October. A Libra woman will catch luck by the tail if she works hard on herself.


Those ladies who have endured the lack of feelings on the part of the object of love will get tired of this in October. Libra will firmly decide to put an end to the relationship. The horoscope foretells a break, after which a worthy admirer will soon appear. The woman will be rewarded for the period of non-response.

  • Twins;
  • Aries;
  • Scorpion;
  • Aquarius.

She will rule out a short-lived romance with them. There will be an immediate focus on marriage.

By her nature, this woman is practically incapable of falling in love at first sight. Her mind walks ahead of her, and then her feelings. To please her, you need to be a successful man and occupy a certain position in society. As the horoscope says, she will not choose poor people without clan and tribe in October.

According to the horoscope, dependence on public opinion will manifest itself especially clearly in Libra. Young girls will be willing to marry for reasons other than love solely for practical reasons. Warm feelings will certainly come, but a lot of time will pass.

Her line of behavior with a strong partner in October comes down to adapting to him. With the weak, she will immediately prove herself as a leader and will maintain her position. In order not to run away from such a woman in the future, you will need the lion's share of patience.

Horoscope for October Libra woman says that ladies of the Air element will appreciate the incredible changes in their spouse for the better. He will begin to show increased attentiveness to her affairs at work and periodically present pleasant surprises. To add fire for your part, the horoscope recommends adding variety to your sex scenes. Air representatives at least periodically must be capable of madness in the intimate side of life, otherwise the marriage risks taking a hit.

From Vasilisa

According to the horoscope, October is a somewhat restless month. For a week, Libra will be under the influence of Mercury. This will create confusion in business sphere. Problems on the personal front will also plague you on the other side. The lady risks getting confused and undermining her impeccable reputation at work.

The issue of health should also not be ignored. Judging by the horoscope, it is worth doing gymnastics or yoga in October. Physical activity in the fall should not be intense and help improve your psychological state. Choose a diet that suits you, dance in your free time, and October will become one of the best months of the year. The Tiger woman should beware of work-related injuries.

According to the advice of the horoscope, it is better to plan your vacation for November. Despite the fact that in the summer you really want to get out of the stuffy office, it’s worth continuing to work. While everyone is resting, the Libra woman will find an excellent opportunity to ensure better prosperity for herself tomorrow.

There is advice from Vasilisa for October. Do an analysis of what is happening in the company where you work. Libra will easily determine her strengths and weak sides. By suggesting to management the right strategic paths for development, you can safely count on a highly paid position. Some Libras still don't know their enormous potential, now is the time to plunge into work.

According to the horoscope, some problems are expected with older children. Libra women try to raise their children to be self-sufficient and provide a lot of independence. Be careful! Excessive freedom for children will not lead to anything good, at least until they are ready to live independently. In October, according to the horoscope, the conflict between “fathers and sons” will be obvious. The Libra woman will have to call on all her prudence and patience to resolve the situation.


In October, work begins to bear good fruit for the ladies of the Libra sign. The return will be felt most by Libra the Goat. If she correctly set all her priorities back in the summer, then a good position is expected by the fall.

Some representatives will want to take a less than honest path to their goal. The horoscope claims that such methods only delay a successful result. Libras can handle everything just fine, although a little cunning won't hurt. This is especially true for those ladies in whose lives competitors have appeared.

To win against her competitors, the Libra woman must add a lot of determination to her analytical mind and logic. Otherwise, a completely different person will have the palm. Motivate yourself to achieve results and don’t forget to reward each time the task is completed. For example, new jewelry or a stunning dress.

A Libra woman whose job has not yet been found will receive a wonderful offer in October. Not only will it be associated with a favorite activity, but it also promises a considerable salary. The horoscope advises not to lose the opportunity under any circumstances and to put doubts “on the back burner.” In October, the stars favor those who were busy looking for work.


The horoscope for 2017 says that throughout it, luck will not leave the woman. At some moments, of course, she will retreat, giving her the opportunity to fight for her happiness, but overall the year is not bad at all. The main thing that representatives of the zodiac must learn is that they should not succumb to provocations and be patient.

According to the horoscope for the middle of the month, a promotion with resulting decent earnings is expected . A financial plan drawn up in February will be a great help until the end of the year. The year is favorable for making purchases, real estate transactions and personal development.

In the love sphere, October 2017 promises a lot of experiences. Maintaining composure and a positive attitude will become very difficult. The horoscope recommends that you think about what is bothering you. Maybe in unrequited feelings from your partner you look like a masochist? Does this state of affairs bother you?


The horoscope favors Libra, who is actively engaged in self-development. You can safely get down to business and experiment in the business field. All mistakes, as the horoscope for 2018 states, will be easy for you to get away with.

October 2018 was marked by uncertainty. The horoscope warns that by staying in place you can miss many opportunities. Finally, be brave and act decisively. You have nothing to fear, because Libra has calculated all of his moves long ago.

Family ladies are completely at peace most of the year. The spouses will live peacefully, fully maintaining a balance between the concepts of “work” and “family.” However, in October, quarrels over raising children are possible. According to accurate horoscope, the spouse will take the opposition and will sometimes come into conflict with Libra. In order not to aggravate the situation, it would be wisest to agree, otherwise Libra risks meeting New Year alone.


The career horoscope draws the attention of Libra women to the opportunities that present themselves. In the struggle to achieve the company's goals, they will prove themselves to be highly competent employees. To make the process more efficient, you will be offered a partner to help you. Don't regard this as a catch. Together you can achieve much more.

Your beloved husband or chosen one may need help in mid-October. He can find a good and caring friend in a Libra woman. Don’t reproach him for his mistakes, but give him the opportunity to speak out completely. After that, just look for ways out of the situation together.

October 2017 offers great romantic opportunities. Among your new acquaintances, you may come across a worthy man with whom you will build a long-term relationship. The horoscope for 2019 does not recommend thinking exclusively in a practical plane. Focus on the positive qualities of a person and bring a dose of romanticism into meetings. If the Libra woman takes an exclusively passive role, the union will not last long. In addition, it will be useful to practice initiative in yourself.

Always reasonable and reserved, Libra will begin to experience a storm of emotions related to events in their personal life in October 2019. Will this period be favorable or will it force representatives air sign The zodiac gets nervous, only the stars know. All their predictions are reflected in the exact love horoscope for Libra for October.

Love horoscope for Libra for October 2019

Venus, the patron of Libra and October at the same time, will not let you get bored. This month will be eventful and will give Libra opportunities to fill their lives with harmony and happiness. But not all feelings for Libra will be so rosy in October. On the path to happiness, they will have to face difficulties that strengthen their character.

Some representatives of the Libra sign will experience a strong shock at the very beginning of October. They will be disappointed in their loved one, which may well upset the wedding and lead to a serious quarrel. During this period, Libra does not need to make hasty conclusions and lead the relationship to a break. After just a few weeks, it may turn out that Libra was mistaken in his arguments and in vain blamed his soulmate.

Single Libras will have trouble flirting in October. Therefore, there is no need to strive to charm members of the opposite sex. But this month Libra will be able to fully enjoy the attention of fans towards themselves. Love horoscope guarantees their complete well-being in this area.

The only snag that Libra may face in October is the difficulty of making a choice. Incorrectly set priorities will bring disappointment to representatives of this zodiac sign and take away a large number of vitality. In order not to play with fate, Libra needs to determine their values ​​in advance and choose priority areas among them.

Love horoscope for Libra women for October 2019

For Libra girls in October, everything will go mostly well. In their love horoscope, great attention is paid to the sphere of marriage. Therefore, young single girls can safely start looking for a chosen one. New acquaintances will successfully flow into beautiful novels. To maintain the strength of feelings, Libra girls will have to use all their natural charms.

Those who have already experienced happiness life together with your significant other, in October they will have the chance to relive their honeymoon. From their spouses, Libra women will feel tenderness and sensuality. Harmony and understanding will reign in their families until the wives themselves begin to look for reasons for quarrels. Therefore, representatives of the Libra sign in October should think about controlling their own feelings and start working on the ability to trust their companions.

October will not go as smoothly for Libra women as they would like. In the love sphere this year they will face a serious test. When Venus transfers its influence, Libra will have the opportunity to meet a man whose charm is difficult to resist. In this regard, Libra will be subject to constant remorse, even if they cannot enjoy carnal pleasures.

Love horoscope for Libra men for October 2019

In the love sphere of Libra men in October there are much fewer emotions and events than in girls. This year, representatives of the stronger half managed to survive several serious shocks, so fate decided to give them a rest.

An interesting adventure is possible in mid-October. During this period, Libra men will be most susceptible to female influence. For a few days, passion will overwhelm you, but you will have to restore your previous state by the end of October.

Fateful meetings can take place on October 12, 14, 18, 23 and 27. A long-awaited event in the form of a successful acquaintance with a beautiful woman will not bring Libra the expected happiness. Nevertheless, such contacts may well change the further course of life and direct it in the right direction.

In October, married representatives of the Libra sign will burn in the fire of love, which will not be overshadowed by any trouble. This is a worthy reward for all the previous events of the year that the couple has already managed to survive.

Love horoscope for Libra for other months of 2019

In the field of love and relationships, radical changes are coming in October. Alas, not all of them will be desirable. The horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 recommends standing up for your positions and fighting for what you already have. It is important not to give up in difficult moments; problems will strengthen you and give you strength for new achievements. In October, only those who are already “on horseback” can expect peace agreements.

Many will despair because everything around them is collapsing, like House of cards. After a while, you will understand that the cataclysms of October led to.

The horoscope for October does not promise easy paths, but if you keep your spirits up, then luck will smile on you too. The month is not conducive to fantasies and illusions, it’s time to act!

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Aries

Love horoscope for October Aries woman predicts many obstacles on the path to a happy personal life. Your chosen one turned out to be completely different from what you imagined him to be. Where did that gentleness and participation go? Even if you constantly compromise first, it is still unlikely to change the situation. Aries needs to prioritize and decide whether to continue in a grueling relationship.

Love horoscope for October Aries man promises so much work that it will be difficult for him to find even a couple of hours for a date with his chosen one. Due to such busyness, you may have an office romance. Aries may resume long-standing love relationship, which were interrupted on his initiative.

Aries family in October

The horoscope advises you to be especially attentive to your household. If one of them is sick, then you need to take care of them even more and help financially. Temporary rest from the hassle and everyday problems can be organized together with your spouse. Aries will take a vacation and go on a trip. It doesn’t have to be the sea and the beach, but an interesting country that you have long dreamed of visiting. In October, Aries will try to return the old romance and passion with the help of courtship, gifts and confessions. The main thing is to be sincere with your loved one.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Taurus

Love horoscope for October Taurus woman advises to show care and tenderness towards the chosen one. Don't try to change the man you love to suit you. In October, Taurus will have a pleasant journey with his chosen one. Quarrels may arise out of nowhere, but a wise decision should change everything.

Love horoscope for October Taurus man does not recommend demonstrating alienation and indifference towards the chosen one. Even if you had a fight, still be gentle and not too categorical. In October, it is better for Taurus to change anger to mercy, and not give free rein to jealousy at all.

Taurus family in October

The horoscope predicts a lot of troubles associated with close relatives. You will have to solve financial and everyday problems for them, but you will have enough strength for everything. Try to raise your children not with carrots and sticks, but with wiser methods. Don’t pamper them with money, but give them attention, then you will become a true friend to them. In October, Taurus and his spouse will find a common hobby that will unite and improve family relationships. It is necessary to rethink values, and to put in the foreground what was previously the most important thing - love, sincerity and trust.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Gemini

Love horoscope for October Gemini women does not advise losing your head because of feelings. Even if you sincerely love a man, you first need to get to know him well, and then make plans for the future. If work is most important to your partner, then it is better to postpone legal marriage. Gemini will often have to go out into society with their lover, so take care not only of yours, but also of his wardrobe.

Love horoscope for October Gemini men promises wonderful romantic evenings alone with your chosen one. You will finally understand that you have found the one you have been looking for in the human stream for a long time. In order not to ruin a beautiful connection in October, Gemini should remember romance and surprises.

Gemini family in October

The horoscope promises a difficult month when they will constantly quarrel and find fault with their spouse. Just don’t let your relatives in on your family problems, otherwise thunder will break out in broad daylight. In October, Gemini will want to retire for a while and take a break from troubles. if you have Vacation home, then go live close to nature. Don't be too selfish and stingy with your feelings. Financial difficulties will contribute to the relationship with a loved one.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Cancer

Love horoscope for October Cancer woman does not recommend rushing things in your personal life. Let everything go as usual, and not as you planned. Think less about how everything will collapse, and create more in love. In October, Cancer can go on a trip with a loved one. This will be an unforgettable time when feelings for each other will flare up with new passion. Love horoscope for October Cancer man predicts the month when he will fall under the influence of relatives. They don’t like your chosen one, which is the reason for constant disputes and conflicts. If in October Cancer follows the lead of others’ opinions, he will remain alone for a long time.

Cancer family in October

The horoscope promises a relationship on the side that the whole family can find out about. But you are unable to cope with the feelings that overtook you. It is advisable to take care of household chores and raising children in October. If a child has been asking for a dog for a long time, then in October Cancer will have to fulfill his dream. Go outdoors with your family more often, even if the weather is cool. Gatherings around the fire, songs with a guitar and the smell of autumn will inspire you with new emotions and give you a lot of impressions. Distant relatives may come to visit Cancer in October - with surprises and news.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Leo

Love horoscope for October Leo woman recommends cooling your ardor a little. Sometimes in love you want peace and stability. If Leo begins to force his opinion on his partner too actively, he is unlikely to put up with it. In October, frequent quarrels, showdowns and jealousy are possible. If there is a chance to remain friends with your loved one, then Leo should do so.

Love horoscope for October Leo man advises focusing on your own appearance. If you want to please and conquer your chosen one, then update your wardrobe, go to the hairdresser and take off excess weight. Leo himself will notice how he has transformed and attracts the eyes of women.

Leo family in October

The horoscope reminds that his home is a fortress, and close people are his support. Don’t spend all your time with friends and at work, then you can devote it to your spouse and children. They have long been waiting for your participation in household chores and everyday issues. In October, Leo should not “growl” at his loved one and harass him with interrogations, such as “where were you and why didn’t you call?” You need to make tyrannical efforts to maintain peace and harmony in the family. But stubborn Leo will do everything possible for this - take time off, buy gifts and arrange romantic dinner by candlelight.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Virgo

Love horoscope for October Virgo woman promises not just a bright romance, but also an official proposal. A sea of ​​fans, going out, confessions and gorgeous gifts - all this will happen in the autumn month. The main thing is to figure out for yourself what you expect and what you strive for in your personal life. In October, Virgo will have to seriously work on herself and the mistakes she has made. You should not present your chosen one with something of which he is absolutely not guilty.

Love horoscope for October Virgo man advises you to keep your temperament within the bounds of decency. Jealousy towards your partner is unfounded, and your nagging can lead to a break in the relationship. In October, it is better for Virgo to spend time on work and her favorite hobby than to debrief the “flights” of a love affair.

Virgo family in October

The horoscope promises a month when many plans are realized instantly and without unnecessary delays. Especially if you are planning a trip with the whole family, or decide to make cosmetic repairs. In all her endeavors, Virgo will be supported by her husband and children, and relatives will give wise advice on home improvement. In October, a desired pregnancy is possible. All pressing issues - domestic and financial - Virgo should be discussed at family council. In this case, your relationship will be even stronger and more sincere. Don't forget about cultural events - theater, cinema and concerts.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Libra

Love horoscope for October Libra women predicts a lot of signs of attention from the opposite sex. There is a high probability that you will begin a beautiful romance in October that will make you forget all previous attachments. In October, a certain wealthy gentleman will shower Libra with gifts, surprises and offers.

Love horoscope for October Libra men advises to be more sociable and make contact with an open smile. Moreover, before this you were in a gloomy state and were depressed that your personal life would not improve. In October, everything, on the contrary, depends only on Libra. Any Lady will answer you “yes” if you look after her beautifully.

Libra family in October

The horoscope predicts an unexpected arrival of relatives who will constantly meddle in their lives and try to arrange everything according to their plan. The main thing is, don’t freak out and don’t conflict with them, otherwise all the negativity will affect your relationship with your spouse. October is not suitable for a long trip with the whole family. Therefore, Libra should limit themselves to forays into nature, to a cafe or to visit friends. At the end of the month, problems with the health of young children are possible. Find a good doctor or have your child examined at a clinic recommended by close friends.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Scorpio

Love horoscope for October Scorpio woman predicts a difficult choice between two gentlemen. Pass this test with dignity and try to behave tactfully. A friend will tell you her love secret in October. The chosen one will be constantly jealous of Scorpio for the fans crowding around the house with bouquets of roses. Well, what can you do if you are so attractive?

Love horoscope for October Scorpio man advises you to demonstrate to your companion your strongest character traits. For example, determination, confidence and selflessness. Just don’t act like an owner towards your partner. Scorpio needs to respect the opinion and choice of the one he loves.

Scorpio family in October

The horoscope recommends being careful with affairs on the side. Of course, it will be difficult for you to resist those compliments and winks addressed to you, but try to remember that you are an exemplary family man. A sudden infatuation is temporary and unnecessary. In October, Scorpio will often argue with his spouse about various issues- from household to financial. If you cannot visit your parents often, then do not forget to at least call them. By the end of October there is a crisis in the family Scorpio will go decline, and relations with the marriage partner are normalized.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Sagittarius

Love horoscope for October Sagittarius woman advises you to become more diplomatic and a little cunning in order to win the favor of the man you like. Sometimes, you need to change not your life, but your attitude towards it in order to become happier. In October, Sagittarius will decide to return a past relationship, the breakdown of which was not her fault. Think a hundred times before stepping into the same river twice.

Love horoscope for October Sagittarius man recommends being less suspicious and pestering your partner with questions. Trust and openness are what you need to have a successful personal life. Many Sagittarius will want an open relationship, so they will start having affairs on the side.

Sagittarius family in October

The horoscope predicts a slight shake-up in their seemingly long-established and well-established life with their spouse. But sometimes such cataclysms are simply necessary to once again verify the sincerity of feelings. In October, Sagittarius will give warmth and care to all relatives. Many will even be amazed by such changes in your behavior, so do not disappoint your household. Children should not make promises that you cannot keep in October. At the end of the month, Sagittarius will have to resolve inheritance issues, and urgently.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Capricorn

Love horoscope for October Capricorn woman promises a lot of excitement and experiences in an amorous life. If you find an approach to your partner, then nothing will separate you. In October, Capricorn may be formally proposed to by a much younger man. IN in this case Remember the saying - all ages are submissive to love.

Love horoscope for October Capricorn man promises a romantic month, when there will be many fans and self-confidence will not let you down. It is better for Capricorn to exclude excessive pickiness and attacks of jealousy. Such an attitude in October can only ruin a love relationship.

Capricorn family in October

The horoscope predicts a lot of hassle and everyday problems that will have to be solved in an emergency. If you want to hear words of support, then turn to close relatives, not friends. Financial difficulties may arise in the family, but they will not be connected in any way with your laziness or lack of initiative. A harmonious environment in the family will rest entirely on the shoulders of Capricorn. You will not only take economic issues seriously, but also thoroughly engage in raising children. At the end of October, take care of the health of your elderly parents.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Aquarius

Love horoscope for October Aquarius woman recommends registering your relationship with your chosen ones and planning your wedding date. Especially if he has already formally proposed to you more than once. Some Aquarius, on the contrary, will painfully experience a break in the relationship. The reason for this may be mutual rejection of certain character traits in each other.

Love horoscope for October Aquarius man advises to arrange holidays for your beloved more often. This could be a regular party, a romantic dinner, or going to the theater. If Aquarius becomes for the chosen one not only a lover, but also a reliable friend, then this is the right path to marriage. A trip at the end of October will change a lot in the fate of Aquarius.

Aquarius family in October

The horoscope advises you to improve relationships with relatives who have been interfering too intrusively into your life lately. Although, if you talk, explain and resolve the situation, the family will become strong and harmonious again. Those Aquarians who got married a couple of months ago will be especially happy. You may have disagreements with your teenage children on many issues related to your studies and future profession. At the end of October, Aquarius will have to undergo a relationship test of strength. The outcome of this is up to you.

Horoscope of love and relationships for October 2017 Pisces

Love horoscope for October Pisces women promises a romantic meeting that will not last long, but will leave a bright and deep mark on the soul. Many Pisces, on the contrary, will want to return the past and will call ex-lover. In October, you should take into account the opinion and desire of the man you love. Otherwise, he will consider you to be completely selfish, will be offended, and then retreat.

Love horoscope for October Pisces men does not advise making sacrifices for the sake of someone who is not at all worthy of it. Value yourself, and don’t create difficulties in your personal life. artificially. If in October Pisces wants to radically change for the sake of the woman they love, then this act deserves special appreciation.

Pisces family in October

The horoscope promises a calm and smooth relationship with your spouse, interspersed with romance and passion. If you don’t forget to “turn on” your intuition at a certain moment, you will avoid many troubles in love. In October family Pisces You can organize a trip with the whole family. By the way, by your car or by train. It’s better not to get into an argument with your relatives, especially if they have already decided everything for you a long time ago. Conflicts will occur mainly on property grounds. But at the end of October they will still be resolved in favor of the wise and patient Pisces.

The zodiac sign of Libra in October 2017 will take a fairly confident and promising position, to a greater extent due to the favorable position of the Sun and Venus. At the same time, solar energy will clearly prevail here, and this is natural, because in the usual position the ruler of the firmament is quite aggressive towards Libra. However, all this is just a background; it makes sense for you personally to focus on practical aspects. At work, difficult situations are likely to arise, which, however, will become a real incentive for you, which will allow you to achieve what you want and move on. This applies to both Libras who work for themselves and those who do not have their own business. Likewise, it will not make a significant difference whether you are single or “burdened” with a warm, affectionate and intimate relationship. Thanks to Venus (which will now help almost all signs, with rare exceptions), your diplomatic skills, your charisma and your ability to persuade will receive special “bonuses”, so it makes sense to concentrate on relevant opportunities. Just be careful, don’t flirt and don’t become narcissistic. This will strengthen the position of aggressive Mars, which, under the right circumstances, can quickly and confidently destroy all your plans.

The work front in October 2017 for Libra will be characterized by increased dynamics. Yes, now you will have to work hard, but the result, believe me, will exceed all your expectations. The main thing is to properly motivate yourself. If you have your own business, you should think about expanding; now is the time to implement daring projects. If necessary, ask for help from friends or even competitors. Remember that now diplomacy will work wonders, and in any case it is worth focusing on the communication aspect. At the same time, the second month of autumn will probably be the ideal stage for frank experimentation. Now you shouldn’t be afraid to make a mistake, because even under the most unfavorable set of circumstances, provided the motives are noble, the damage from the mistake will be minimal. For those who do not have their own business, we'll talk about initiatives that were probably shelved at one time. As has already been said, do not hesitate to ask for help, if, of course, you want to achieve what you want. But don’t be cunning, don’t make promises that you can’t keep. Any lie will strengthen the position of Mars and then circumstances will begin to develop not at all in your favor.

In the sphere of personal relationships, Libra will receive everything they need in October 2017. That is, already at the dawn of the first decade, something will turn out extremely well, so much so that you may well decide that you can do everything! In essence, this is so, just do not forget to look back in time and evaluate the path you have traveled. Your experience now can help not only, or rather, not so much you, so look at the world more broadly than you are used to. Be independent in your judgments; the stars recommend not taking any specific orientation, but acting according to the circumstances, so to speak, going with the flow. If you have an irresistible desire to gain the attention of a certain person, then you should act in the most active way, and now originality in any of its manifestations will play into your hands. If you don’t have such a need, then you should pay attention to your home. You can prevent several conflicts now if you are vigilant. There is nothing particularly heroic here, but you will be pleased, and besides, you will save yourself from unnecessary trouble. In general, this is an extremely positive, and, in general, frankly calm period. Only Mars can break the idyll. Don’t get angry and don’t let others get angry, act quickly and clearly, avoiding equivocation, otherwise everything will not turn out as positively as described above.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2017 for the zodiac sign Libra, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. A more accurate horoscope can be found by drawing up one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Libra: Personal horoscopes for the sign Libra: