Types of the Italian mafia. Mafia history

17.10.2019 Society and culture

— At its peak, the mafia numbered less than five thousand people. And yet this tiny, insignificant part of society casts such a shadow over twenty million honest American workers...

— Dad, at this stage of cultural development, films about bandits are classics of American cinema. Like Westerns.

- That's right, Rich. You know, I've never heard the Scots or Irish whine about being portrayed as thieves and bandits.

t/s "The Sopranos"

Nowadays, the word “mafia” mainly refers to groups that originated in Italy and then spread their influence to America. Thanks to unity, common goals and dubious methods, a handful of emigrants were able to take over big business and, with the help of cinema, become famous.

It can be difficult to distinguish reality from myth, but we will try.


The most famous legend about the origin of the concept of “mafia” refers to the uprising of the Sicilians against the Angevin dynasty. In 1268, Sicily and Naples became the possessions of Charles of Anjou, brother of King Louis IX of France (he led the Seventh and Eighth Crusades). The Neapolitans did not resist the new government too much, but the Sicilians were not happy with the guests, their behavior, and even more so with the transfer of the capital from Palermo to Naples.

Something like this was “Sici-
Liya Vespers." Almost.

On March 30, 1282, the sadness of the Italian people resulted in the “Sicilian Vespers” - that same uprising. According to legend, as soon as the bell rang for Vespers, people went on the attack under the slogan “ Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela"("Death to France, sigh, Italy"). All the French on the island were killed, and the word M.A.F.I.A. came into use (the first letters of the slogan). There is another legend from the same place: during the massacre, a woman lost her daughter, wandered between the bodies and desperately called: “ Ma fia!” ("My daughter!").

A beautiful myth, but modern historians agree that it has little to do with reality. According to another version, “mafia” comes from the same root word “mafiusedda” (Italian “beautiful”, “magnificent”). According to the third, from the title of Giuseppe Rizzotto’s play I mafiusi di la Vicaria. This production was popular in Palermo in the sixties of the nineteenth century. There is one inconsistency associated with it: the Italian folklorist and ethnologist Giuseppe Pitre grew up in Palermo in the forties and said that the term was already in use then. It may have meant "refuge", as Mario Puzo suggests in his novel The Sicilian.

This is interesting: By the word “mafia”, scientists, and members of criminal gangs, mean the Sicilian criminal world itself. It is also called “Cosa Nostra”, which means “Our Cause”.

Another one of the mafia names is also interesting. Until the forties of the last century, the Sicilian mafia was popularly called “friends of friends” - the power of the mafia was built on an extensive network of connections, but most importantly, all business in this network was conducted through intermediaries. We will return to this key point in the existence of the mafia.

From the origins

Most scholars (including John Dickey, author of the best-selling book Cosa Nostra: The History of the Sicilian Mafia) believe that organized crime in Italy began in the nineteenth century, during the Bourbon period. Then the mafia not only existed, but also developed in several directions - in Naples and Sicily. However, the prerequisites for this existed much earlier - in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, when he sat on the Holy See Alexander VI, aka Rodrigo Borgia.

Having started his career from the very bottom of the dignitary, Borgia quickly became a cardinal, and in 1492 he was crowned in St. Peter's Cathedral under the name of Alexander VI. The new pope was rumored to be famous for his ability to make poisons, for which he received the nickname “Satan’s apothecary.” He and his two children - Lucrezia and Cesare - were accused of many poisonings for profit. It is known that the Borgias actually inherited substantial fortunes, but there is no direct evidence of their guilt.

Alexander VI, aka Rodrigo Borgia, head of the Borgia clan. God's deputy on earth, but he looks like a merchant...

Cesare Borgia was distinguished by extreme cruelty. He was unfortunately narrow-shouldered, and so he developed an inferiority complex.

It is a myth: Among the accusations brought against Rodrigo Borgia by contemporaries and even historians, there are some very funny ones. Thus, there is an opinion that he carried a needle smeared with arsenic on his keychain. He secretly stabbed his opponents with it, and they instantly died without even having time to scream.

However, Rodrigo Borgia, Lucrezia and Cesare, as well as their brother Giofre, launched extensive criminal activities. During the reign of Alexander VI, bribery, threats and murder were actively practiced. So, the day after the disappearance of Count Gandia (a region in Italy), he was caught in the Tiber. Everything pointed to Cesare Borgia, but no one could prove anything.

The sweet family ruled the fate of Italy until 1503, when father and son were poisoned. Cesare made it out, but dad wasn't so lucky. Even the family's guardian angel, Don Michelotto, did not help. Rodrigo Borgia's nephew grew up in Valencia under the name Miguel de Corello. Since childhood, he realized that it is necessary to help not only the weak, but also the family. First of all, family.

When he was sixteen years old, robbers broke into the house and tried to take away the chest in which the boy’s mother hid precious icons. He blocked the bandits' path and was stabbed in the face with a knife, but did not budge. Frightened by the lynching of the crowd, the robbers ran away, only to return a couple of days later. It turned out that they were afraid for a reason. Miguel convinced the residents to set a trap, and from then on he began to be called Don Michelotto(“Punishing sword”), to whom they went for advice and help.

It is a myth: events in the village became overgrown with rumors. Legend has it that during the second attack, young Miguel personally captured the leader of the gang, and the next day he was found hanged from a branch.

Don Michelotto became the personal servant and bodyguard of Cesare Borgia. The figure of de Corello is surrounded by many legends - for example, about how he killed two people at once with one string. He is accused of the murder of the "Lion of Rimini" Gaspare Malatesta and Alfonso of Aragon, the second husband of Lucrezia Borgia, as well as many other contract killings. Miguel de Corello is somewhat similar to Luca Brasi from “The Godfather” - he went down in history as a silent professional killer who solved insoluble problems. If we look at the classic structure of the mafia, he is a typical capo, while Alexander VI is a don and Cesare is a henchman.

Career ladder

Every serious organization has a hierarchical ladder. The manager reports to the director, who - to CEO... The mafia in this sense is not too different from an ordinary company. The descending hierarchy looks like this.

The director of “Gomorrah” managed to create more than believable
similar images of criminals.

    Godfather, the don is the boss of the family. He is aware of everything that is happening, regularly receives information about all members of the organization and their affairs. He himself participates in almost nothing, except for important meetings and negotiations. Elected by vote of the caporegime, or the “office” is inherited. He never gives orders directly, and few people know him by sight.

    Underboss- the don’s deputy, whom he chooses independently. Usually directs the actions of all capos. Often - son or close relative godfather. In the event of the death or arrest of the leader, he takes over all matters himself.

    Consigliere- Advisor to the boss, faithfully and devotedly serving the family. He gives valuable advice, his opinion is sought before major decisions are made. The consigliere helps resolve disputes and often relays orders to the godfather. Can represent him at official meetings. Usually he has a completely legal income, being a lawyer, broker, etc.

    Caporegime- A capo, or captain of a team of soldiers, runs one or more types of business in a particular area. Every month he sends his godfather a share of the profits, and is responsible for the actions of his charges and for their performance of various operations.

    Soldier- a junior member of the group, recently introduced into it on the recommendation of one or more captains. Many sit in this position for years, but previously they died quite quickly due to constant wars between families. To put it bluntly, soldiers are expendable.

    Associate- a person who has proven his loyalty and usefulness to the family, but is not yet ready to join it or does not have the right to do so (not an Italian, for example). This could be a bribed official or police officer, or an intermediary during the sale of weapons or drugs.

Once upon a time in Sicily

Sicily is one of the most picturesque places on the planet.

And how could this a beautiful city, Naples, to hide so many violent criminals?

As the years passed, they began to forget about Alexander VI, caring more about pressing problems. In the nineteenth century, such a problem was the power of the Bourbons in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, as well as the French occupation of Naples by Marshal Murat and then Napoleon. Placing Spanish monarchs and French military leaders over the Italians was a bad idea. Many robbers appeared among the locals (especially in small villages), who robbed the rich and shared the loot with their fellow villagers. Bandits were respected and often helped solve problems, be it an empty wallet or a quarrel with a powerful enemy. Over time, influential gangs formed “families”, which, however, did not support the monarchy, but sympathized with anarchy and separatism. They invested in everything that was profitable: they bought politicians and new connections, organized raids on warehouses and barracks, traded in weapons and citrus fruits.

Mario Puzo is the man who created The Godfather and brought the world some poignant and gripping stories about the mafia.

This book was a death sentence for its author. But it opened the world’s eyes to the activities of the mafia in Naples.

Here we will leave our Sicilian “friends” for a while and switch to the Neapolitans, who were also not sitting still. Local groups quickly adapted to the monarchy, became friends with the government and supplied the Bourbons with executioners and spies, receiving many privileges in return. Camorra- the Naples mafia - became the most powerful and dangerous force in Europe, which, fortunately, had no place either in the USA or in other parts of the world. Looking ahead, the majority of Italians these days are opposed to the Camorra and even voted for the deployment of armed forces to Naples to stop the excesses of the gangsters.

This is interesting: In 2006, the novel “Gomorrah” was published, written by Neapolitan journalist and writer Roberto Saviano. The book describes in detail the crimes of the mafia, their methods, means and goals. The groups were so impressed by the writer’s skill that they immediately handed down a death sentence to the author, because of which he was forced to spend all his time under guard. A year later, a film of the same name was shot, and in 2009, an unpleasant surprise awaited members of the Camorra: three leaders of the organization were arrested.

But let's return to the Sicilians. As soon as the export of citrus fruits to the United States began, America opened its gates to many criminals. The small ones sought a promising life or followed the bosses, the large ones were going to establish contacts and increase their capital. The Great Depression and the war years became the most profitable in the history of the mafia: they made money on everything that was valuable - booze, drugs, weapons... More and more Sicilian mafiosi came to America, trying to avoid problems in their native lands - during the Second World War Italy has stepped up its fight against the criminal world.

Mafia in Fascist Italy

Coming to power Mussolini took on the mafia. Not so much in order to abolish crime, but to eradicate any power other than their own.

According to one version, it was like this. Two years after the introduction of fascism in Italy, Mussolini went to Sicily. Responsible for security Cesare Mori, prefect of Palermo, and since the dictator did not warn about the trip in advance, Mori did not have time to take care of the police. He turned to Don Francesco Cuccia with a request to sit in the car next to Mussolini and accompany him everywhere. Don Cuccia was the leader of the mafia in Piana de Gray, and his patronage made a person untouchable. The godfather patted Mussolini on the shoulder in a friendly manner and declared that he did not need protection, since he was the master here, Don Cuccia, and not a single hair would fall from the head of the Duce (Italian “leader”) while they were around. The dictator considered this an insult and soon ordered Cesare Mori to lead the fight against the mafia. One of the first to be arrested was Don Cuccia, who came to Mussolini to receive a reward for escorting him, but ended up in prison instead.

Lucky Luciano - the boss of all bosses in Cosa Nostra - winks at you from the photo. It's an honor, gentlemen!

According to another version, Mussolini wanted to rise in the eyes of the people, and declaring war on the mafia meant much more than making trains arrive on time.

One way or another, a series of arrests followed. Cesare Mori publicly stated that his people torture gangsters by passing electricity through their bodies. According to some reports, Mori made eleven thousand arrests, for which he received the nickname “Iron Prefect.” He came across, however, small fry - it was dangerous to attempt to assassinate the bosses. In addition, many fled to America. Quite suddenly, at the peak of his fame, Mori was sent to a remote province. De jure fascist regime rejoiced, “friends of friends” de facto won.

In 1943, he showed up in Mussolini's office Vito Genovese(fourteen years later he would lead the Genovese family, one of the five most influential clans in New York). He assured that he fully supported the fascist regime, and, to prove his loyalty, he organized the murder of the Italian journalist Carlo Tresca, who “slandered” Mussolini in an anti-fascist publication. Since then, the Duce has not given the mafia any offense, and Vito Genovese has flourished. Did he really support fascism? It’s unlikely, I just did and said what was profitable.

That same year, Genovese was joined in Sicily by Charles Luciano, better known as Lucky Luciano(English: “Lucky Luciano”). In 1936, the “boss of all bosses,” who was Luciano, was sentenced to thirty years in prison, but the US government, knowing about his connections in the underworld, offered a deal: to supply weapons to the “partisans” so that they would help overthrow fascism. By partisans we meant, of course, gangsters. Luciano agreed and provided all possible assistance, thereby earning a pardon on the condition that he would not return to the States.

We have already told you about what was in the process - about the rise and fall of Al Capone, about the war between Italian groups and the Irish in Chicago and New York. All this was discussed in the material “Gangsters of the Prohibition Era,” which you will find in the April 2008 issue or. Now is the time to talk about post-war period, about the “Five Families” and about the laws of the mafia.

Omerta and rite of passage

Giovanni Brusca doesn’t exactly inspire fear, but I don’t want to argue with him at all. For no reason.

In fact, the mafia has only one law - Omerta, an unwritten code of honor. His main principle— mutual responsibility and silence. Betrayal is punishable by death, not only of a member of the organization, but also of all his relatives.

During the initiation ceremony, omerta plays an important role - the new member of Cosa Nostra swears to remain silent and not to leave the organization. It looks like this: at the official reception, the newcomer is taken to an office in which several high-ranking family members are sitting. On the table are a pistol, a dagger and an image of a saint. Despite the fact that everyone present knows everything about the “entrant”, they ask to identify themselves and tell a short version of the biography, in which Special attention devoted to a life of crime. After this, the most influential of them gets up, places an icon in the hands of the new member, pierces his finger with blood, which flows down onto the face, and then sets the latter on fire. While the painting is burning in the hands of the “chosen one,” he is told: “ If you betray Cosa Nostra, your skin will burn just like this saint».

This version of the dedication took place in 1976 Giovanni Brusca, one of the most brutal mafiosos of his time. At the trial, he found it difficult to name the exact number of people he killed, saying - approximately from one hundred to two hundred people.

But Brusca is only a small fry compared to the real dons and the “Five Families” - the five largest and most influential Italian-American clans in New York. They not only manage the affairs of the Big Apple, but also manage the activities of the mafia throughout the United States. Here are their names: Bonanno, Gambino, Genovese, Colombo and Lucchese.

The entire quintet forms the Commission, a structure created to control the activities of the clans and make important decisions. If we are talking about the interests of several families at once, no one has the right to make a decision without asking the opinions of others. The punishment is death. Or at least war.

Bonanno family

The first godfather of the organization was Joseph Bonanno (Banana Joe). He was the youngest in Cosa Nostra - only twenty-six years old - and the most savvy. He invited families to take up gambling, racketeering and usury at a new, higher level. They agreed, and the Bonannos became the most important clan. But when it came to drugs, Joseph refused - he didn’t want to get his hands dirty.

Just think, this man served as the prototype for the famous Don Corleone!

Nobody, however, decided to attack him, and for good reason - Bonanno was known as one of the smartest and most cunning bosses (it was he who became the prototype for Don Vito Corleone). At a certain point, he reconsidered his views on life and decided to retire without informing anyone about it. The war within the family did not take long, and throughout the sixties and seventies one boss replaced another every few years, if not more often.

Even with the arrival of the permanent don, Rastelli, nothing changed - there were three renegades in the family. With the consent of the other bosses, they were removed, but the troubles did not end there: someone named Donnie Brasco. He was brought in by the aging Benjamin "Lefty" Ruggerio and made him his right hand, entrusting serious matters. He had no idea that he had warmed up to a snake - police officer Joe Pistone. Rastelli and Rogero received long terms, and Massino became the new godfather. He managed to increase the family's income, but, having been caught red-handed, he became the first boss-informant in history.

Many family members were imprisoned, even the next leader, Vincent Basciano (Handsome). However, his duties were transferred to a reliable person, capo and acting don - Salvatore Montagna.

Gambino family

The first boss of the clan was one of the Camorra members, but the family gained its greatest fame and power in the fifties and seventies with the advent of Carlo Gambino. He is still considered the best mafia boss since Lucky Luciano. Carlo was not afraid of anyone except the feds, and almost openly planned contract killings. He set up racketeering, usury and gambling, and also engaged in fraud in the labor market and stock exchanges.

Even during his arrest, “Dapper Don” John Gotti manages to pose. Well
for the circus?!

Gambino's greatest achievement is his “part-time job” as an eminence grise. By hook or by crook, he achieved influence over the remaining four families. No one allowed themselves to challenge Don Carlo’s decisions - many owed him, if not money, then a favor. And he took advantage of this until he died in 1971 from a simple heart attack. A rare occurrence in the criminal world.

The next famous boss was John Gotti. Your nickname "Dapper Don" he got it deservedly: a fan of expensive suits and silk ties, Gotti adored the press, often appeared in newspapers and magazines and did not mind the fact that his house was regularly shown on TV.

This irritated many people, especially the FBI. The Bureau tried to convict John three times, but all three times he got away with it. Confident of his impunity, Gotti lost his vigilance, and at this time the feds wiretapped the apartment where the gangsters were gathering. In the recording, “Teflon Don” was already indignant at his stupid assistants and shared his plans for the future with his interlocutor. This was enough to give him a life sentence. These days, the Gambino clan still remains one of the strongest, but its authority is falling every year.

People's Mafia

As soon as the term “mafia” became popular, it began to be used in relation to all national groups. The Georgian mafia, the Jewish mafia - each has its own characteristics. And, of course, Russian. For many, it is identified with lawlessness, although the word itself, even in the criminal world, means abuse of power, nothing more.

The most ancient and organized mafia clans live in the East - their rules are much more serious than those of their colleagues.

    The Chinese groups are called triads. Initially, these were secret societies with similar beliefs and rituals, belief in mystical meaning the number “three” (that’s where the name comes from). They are believed to have originated on the island of Taiwan after Ming Dynasty supporters fled from the mainland. During and after the peasant war with the Qin dynasty and the colonialists (Taiping Rebellion), the influence of the triads grew significantly: they supported the “father of the nation” Sun Yat-sen, a Chinese revolutionary who sought to end imperial power and create a full-fledged republic. In those years, secret societies were not exactly encouraged, but practically no obstacles were put in their way. The most famous group of that time was the Green Gang, which provided the government with its militants for the so-called “Shanghai Massacre”: the massacre of communists in Shanghai.

    The Japanese mafia is known as yakuza. She is so influential that she was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most significant criminal phenomenon in the world. Yakuza members, unlike members of triads, do not even try to hide, standing out from the crowd with expensive suits, luxury cars and emblems of the clan to which they belong. Gang headquarters are usually located in the city center on the top floors of skyscrapers, decorated with neon signs and lots of lights. The government is firmly opposed to the yakuza, but the police prefer to stay away and not get into trouble again. Why argue with people in charge of drug trafficking, prostitution, racketeering, human trafficking and weapons?

    This is interesting: The word “yakuza” itself translates to “worthless.” It comes from Japanese card game oyte-kabu, which is in many ways similar to Italian baccarat. The point of it is to score as many points as possible. The card values ​​are added, and the last digit of the resulting number is the final result. The worst combination is eight, nine and three (they add up to twenty, meaning the player has zero points). In Japanese, the names of these cards sound like “ya”, “ku”, “sa”. This is where the word “yakuza” originated. However, it does not mean a loser, but the most patient and talented player - only such a one will be able to win with a fatal combination in his hands.

From the gateway to the screens

Thanks to masterfully shot films, gangsters seem like nice guys to us - they know how to joke, they love beautiful women, value honesty and integrity. Sometimes you want to shed a few tears - the main characters are so touching.


Real power cannot be given. It can only be taken.

Once upon time in America

(Once Upon a Time in America)

I haven't held a gun in my hands for many, many years. My eyes are not the same anymore, even with glasses. My hands are shaking... And I wouldn’t want to miss.

Once upon a time in America, four boys from the Italian ghetto met. They had a lot in common - ambition, self-confidence, the desire to become kings of the world. But they were bound by friendship, and friendship by an oath of allegiance, a promise to stand for each other until the very end. Sergio Leone managed to show a lot in four hours of the film - from how difficult it is not to drown in a sea of ​​blood and money and remain human, to true friendship. The hallmark of the film was the music of Ennio Morricone.

This is interesting: when The Godfather was just in the plans, Sergio Leone was offered to direct it. He refused in favor of Once Upon a Time in America, despite lengthy persuasion. Then he regretted his answer for a very long time, which he did not hesitate to talk about in an interview.

The Usual Suspects / Suspicious Persons

(The Usual Suspects)

The greatest trick of the devil is that he convinced the world of his unreality.

“Usually, if there is a crime, there is a motive. Usually, if an identification parade is held, there is at least one suspect. But this was no ordinary crime,” these are the words heard in the trailer for “The Usual Suspects.” Indeed, when the world's most notorious and dangerous criminal assembles a team of five strangers to raid a ship containing gems with a total cost of ninety-one million dollars, this is far from an ordinary situation. When twenty-seven people are killed, when all five are in the police, but there is no evidence against them, this is also not often seen. But what prevents them from speaking? Just a name - Kaiser Susi. At these sounds, fear creeps through everyone.


The desert around Vegas is very dark at night. Therefore, most urban problems were solved there. There is a hole at every step, and in each of them lies a problem.

Good guys

- What are you doing?

- Construction.

“Your hands are not like the hands of a builder.”

- I'm from the trade union.

Face with a scar

In my life I have never knocked over anyone who didn’t ask for it. It's clear? All I have in this life is my grip and my word. But I am responsible for these two things.

Many are eager to find the “American Dream”. In the eighties, these “many” were Cuban refugees. Thousands of emigrants rushed in pursuit of happiness and wealth, but only one of them achieved what he dreamed of - a million-dollar fortune, fame and the love of beautiful women. Tony Montana sailed to Miami with empty pockets, but with self-confidence, composure and anger at the whole world. The world has never known a bigger scumbag than Tony Montana.

This is interesting: The film was initially rated "for adults". It’s not surprising - the word “fuck” is heard two hundred and eight times in the film, and forty-two corpses appear on the screen. And if they were just lying around, then no, there is the widespread use of saws, and the most brutal shootouts with all the details...

The Untouchables

Never stop fighting till the fight is done.

Gangs of New York

(Gangs of New York)

That evening the reformers held a dance. It was in the spirit of Five Streets: gallows in the morning, dancing in the evening.


The main thing is to leave here a little smarter than you were.

Malik is nineteen. He is not literate and has no friends or family. He received six years in prison for assaulting a police officer and is counting only on himself. There the Corsican mafia takes on him, demanding that the informer be killed on pain of a shameful and cruel death. Later, the ghost of the murdered man will settle in Malik’s head and help him cope with the difficult life behind barbed wire. He is illiterate, but not stupid. Soon he finds friends among the Arabs, gains the trust of both groups and begins his game. Become a godfather to survive. At nineteen years old, it’s not so easy to cope with this - the Cannes Film Festival gave the film the Grand Prix for its unique realism, atmosphere of hopelessness and fear, deep meaning and brilliantly depicted criminal life.

The Sopranos

Tony is not like other fathers. Tony is a mob boss.

The brainchild of HBO has no analogues; the series “The Sopranos” is the best that could be made about the Italian-American mafia. Over the eight years of broadcast (1999-2007), viewers went through a lot side by side with the main characters - from racketeering, extortion, blackmail, murder and betrayal to family problems and regular meetings with a psychotherapist. This is exactly where it all began: the boss of one of the “families” of New Jersey, Tony Soprano, brought himself to such a state that the help of a shrink became an urgent need. However, according to the laws of the mafia, sessions are strictly prohibited, because a gangster can burst into tears into the doctor’s vest and inadvertently blurt out too much. One such meeting could very well kill you, no matter who you are - the six or the godfather.

The series received public recognition and many awards. In addition, “The Sopranos” soon turned into an excellent brand: the shelves of children's stores were decorated with cars with the main characters, and in 2006 even a game of the same name was released. Mediocre and gray, it did not catch on on the Sony PlayStation 2, but sold out a good amount of copies.

This is interesting: There are a lot of allusions to The Godfather in The Sopranos. Tony's wife's name is the same as Vito Corleone's wife - Carmella. Paulie's car has a horn that plays the famous lyrical theme, and if someone is about to die or is the victim of an assassination attempt, orange juice flashes in the frame (Coppola played oranges as the angel of death). Finally, in the final episode of the sixth season, the entire Soprano family is dining at a restaurant while the camera zooms in on young man, quickly going to the toilet. Like in The Godfather, where young Michael Corleone walked into the booth for a hidden pistol to take revenge on his father’s offenders...

Gangsters of our monitors

Kingpin is the first serious action film about organized crime.

Considering the number of film masterpieces about the mafia, it is not surprising that guys in bowler hats and double-breasted jackets have made their way into the gaming industry. The first successful incarnation of the underworld - Kingpin: Life of Crime(1999). A dark, bloody action film about the transformation of an ordinary recidivist parasite into a godfather - a relatively truthful and life story for the thirties. A big, cruel city, an ambitious guy, some economic and social background (buying weapons, hiring a team, planning crimes, the attitude of subordinates and competitors towards the main character) - why not a trendsetter of the genre?

Around the same time, the famous Grand Theft Auto(1997), then still - with a view from above, without clear goals, but with a huge world and possibilities. Steal, kill, beat people, earn points for villainy - a find, not a game. But only by the third part the flower of evil began to bloom: along with a clear plot, charming characters appeared, most of them working with the mafia in one way or another. Cosa Nostra from Vice City is much tougher and more authoritative than modern African Americans from San Andreas, running the sale of stolen goods, robberies, thefts and drug trafficking. Well, no one can compare with the Russians and Italians of Liberty City - it’s as if they are about to step off the screen to explain how to steal diamonds correctly.

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven(2002) appeared much later than the first parts of GTA and at first was perceived exclusively as a clone, but this quickly passed. Virtual New York was seriously addictive, and the story of Tommy Angelo, a simple taxi driver forced to collaborate with the mafia, turned out to be no worse than classic dramas about gangsters. A certain freedom, a wonderful plot, unexpected twists, deep characters, a stunning atmosphere and criminal romance - Mafia has become the standard for the quality of games about the criminal world. That is why so much hope was placed on the second part.

This already happened a few years ago. First with The Godfather And The Scarface, and then with The Godfather II. But if everything is clear with the first two - the developers cruelly abused the masterpieces of cinema - then the third was received with hostility in vain. It turned out to be an interesting action movie with a good economic system. It didn’t shine with its plot, but it was seriously addictive.

There is still a lull on the horizon for mafia games. Maybe there are too many of them. Maybe the creators are afraid of embarrassing themselves by failing to beat the latest additions to GTA IV and Mafia II. It seems that we won’t wait for a black horse - we can only rely on old, proven comrades from 2K and Rockstar.

However, in our time there is a place for honor and nobility. In 2007, one of the most famous modern godfathers, Salvatore Lo Piccolo, was detained. At the same time, the Sicilian police reached one of his safe houses, where, among other important documents, the Ten Commandments were hidden. It’s hard to say whether this is a real set of laws or just Salvatore’s thoughts about a real man and a mafioso. The list is in front of you:

    No one can introduce themselves to our friend. There must be a mediator.

    Never look at our friends' wives.

    Never hang out with the police.

    Don't go to pubs and clubs.

    You are always at Cosa Nostra's disposal - even if your wife is about to give birth.

    Meetings cannot be missed.

    Wives should be treated with respect.

    If you are asked for information, tell the truth.

    You cannot embezzle money that belongs to others or other families.

    People who should not join Cosa Nostra: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone who is unfaithful in a marriage, anyone whose behavior is not acceptable or moral.

The origin of the word “mafia” (in early texts - “maffia”) has not yet been precisely established, and therefore there are many assumptions of varying degrees of reliability.

The first use of the word "mafia" in relation to criminal groups was probably in 1863 in the comedy Mafiosi from Vicaria Prison, staged in Palermo by Gaetano Mosca and Giuseppe Rizzotto. I mafiusi di la Vicaria). Although the words "mafia" and "mafiosi" were never mentioned in the text, they were added to the title to add local flavor; the comedy is about a gang formed in a Palermo prison, the traditions of which are similar to those of the mafia (boss, initiation ritual, obedience and humility, “protection protection”). In its modern meaning, the term came into circulation after the prefect of Palermo, Filippo Antonio Gualterio (Italian: Filippo Antonio Gualterio) used this word in an official document for 1865. The Marquis Gualterio, sent from Turin as a representative of the Italian government, wrote in his report that “the so-called mafia, that is, criminal associations, has become bolder."

The Italian deputy Leopoldo Francetti, who traveled through Sicily and wrote one of the first authoritative reports on the mafia in 1876, described the latter as an “industry of violence” and defined it as follows: “The term ‘mafia’ implies a class of violent criminals, ready and waiting for a name which would describe them, and, due to their special character and importance in the life of Sicilian society, they are entitled to a different name from the vulgar "criminals" in other countries." Franchetti saw how deeply the mafia was entrenched in Sicilian society and realized that it would be impossible to put an end to it without fundamental changes in social structure and institutions throughout the island.

FBI investigations in the 1980s significantly reduced its influence. Currently, the mafia in the United States is a powerful network of criminal organizations in the country, using their position to control for the most part Chicago and New York criminal business. She also maintains connections with the Sicilian mafia.


The mafia as such does not represent a single organization. It consists of “families” (synonyms are “clan” and “cosca”) that “divide” a certain region among themselves (for example, Sicily, Naples, Calabria, Apulia, Chicago, New York). Members of the "family" can only be pure-blooded Italians, and in Sicilian "families" - pure-blooded Sicilians. Other members of the group can only be white Catholics. Family members observe omerta.

Typical "family" structure

Typical hierarchy of a mafia “family”.

  • Boss, Don or Godfather (English) boss) - the head of the "family". Receives information about any “deed” performed by each member of the “family”. The boss is elected by vote capo; in the event of a tie in the number of votes, must also vote boss's henchman. Until the 1950s, all family members participated in voting, but this practice was subsequently abandoned because it attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies.
  • Helper(English) underboss) - “deputy” of the boss, the second person in the “family”, who is appointed by the boss himself. The henchman is responsible for the actions of all capos. If the boss is arrested or dies, the underling usually becomes the acting boss.
  • Consigliere(English) consigliere) - advisor to the “family”, a person whom the boss can trust and whose advice he listens to. He serves as a mediator in resolving disputes, acts as an intermediary between the boss and bribed political, trade union or judicial officials, or acts as a representative of the “family” in meetings with other “families”. Consiglieres typically do not have their own “team,” but they have significant influence within the “family.” However, they usually also have a legitimate business, such as practicing law or working as a stockbroker.
  • Caporegime(English) caporegime), capo, or captain- the head of a “team” or “combat group” (consisting of “soldiers”) who is responsible for one or more types of criminal activity in a certain area of ​​​​the city and monthly gives the boss a part of the income received from this activity (“sends a share”) . There are usually 6-9 such “teams” in a “family”, and each of them has up to 10 “soldiers”. The capo is subordinate to either a henchman or the boss himself. The introduction to the capo is made by an assistant, but the boss personally appoints the capo.
  • Soldier(English) soldier) - the youngest member of the “family”, who was “introduced” into the family, firstly, because he proved his usefulness to it, and secondly, on the recommendation of one or more capos. Once selected, a soldier usually ends up on the “team” whose capo recommended him.
  • Partner in crime(English) associate) - not yet a member of the “family”, but already a person endowed with a certain status. He usually acts as a middleman in drug deals, acts as a bribed union representative or businessman, etc. Non-Italians are usually not accepted into the “family” and almost always remain in the status of accomplices (although there are exceptions - for example, Joe Watts, a close associate of John Gotti). When a "vacancy" arises, one or more capos may recommend that a useful accomplice be promoted to soldier. If there are several such proposals, but there is only one “vacant” position, the boss chooses the candidate.

The current structure of the Italian-American mafia and the ways of its activities are largely determined by Salvatore Maranzano - “boss of bosses” (who, however, was killed by Lucky Luciano six months after his election). The latest trend in family organization is the emergence of two new “positions” - Street Boss(English) street boss) And family messenger(English) family messenger), - introduced by the former boss of the Genovese family, Vincent Gigante.

"Ten Commandments"

  1. No one can come up and introduce themselves to one of “our” friends. Someone else should introduce them.
  2. Never look at your friends' wives.
  3. Don't be seen around police officers.
  4. Don't go to clubs and bars.
  5. Your duty is to always be at the disposal of Cosa Nostra, even if your wife is about to give birth.
  6. Always show up for your appointments on time.
  7. Wives must be treated with respect.
  8. If you are asked to give any information, answer truthfully.
  9. You cannot embezzle money that belongs to other Cosa Nostra members or their relatives.
  10. The following persons cannot be members of Cosa Nostra: one whose close relative serves in the police, one whose relative is cheating on his spouse, one who behaves badly and does not observe moral principles.

Mafia in the world

Italian criminal groups

  • Cosa Nostra (Sicily)
  • Camorra (Campania)
  • 'Ndrangheta (Calabria)
  • Sacra Corona Unita (Apulia)
  • Stidda
  • Banda della Magliana
  • Mala del Brenta

Italian-American "families"

  • "Five Families" of New York:
  • East Harlem Purple Gang ("Sixth Family")
  • "Chicago Organization" Chicago Outfit)
  • "Detroit Fellowship" Detroit Partnership)
  • Philadelphia "family"
  • DeCavalcante Family (New Jersey)
  • "Family" from Buffalo
  • "Family" from Pittsburgh
  • "Family" Buffalino
  • "Family" Trafficante
  • "Family" from Los Angeles
  • "Family" from St. Louis
  • Cleveland "family"
  • "Family" from New Orleans

Other ethnic criminal groups

Italian-Russian "family"

  • Capelli's "Family" (new family);

Influence on popular culture

The Mafia and its reputation are deeply ingrained in American popular culture, being depicted in movies, television, books, and magazine articles.

Some view the Mafia as a set of attributes deeply rooted in popular culture, as a "way of being" - "the Mafia is the consciousness of self-worth, the great idea of ​​individual strength as the sole judge in every conflict, every clash of interests or ideas."


  • Dorigo J. Mafia. - Singapore: “Kurare-N”, 1998. - 112 p.
  • Ivanov R. Mafia in the USA. - M., 1996.
  • Polken K., Sceponik H. He who is not silent must die. Facts against the mafia. Per. with him. - M.: “Thought”, 1982. - 383 p.



  • Russian mafia abroad. - page deleted
  • Video “Activities of the 'Ndrangheta organization in Germany” (German).

Wikimedia Foundation.

2010. Everyone understands the word mafia in their own way. Some people remember many films and books about the mafia, others saw the mafia only in computer games

. And only a few of us went into detail about the history of the mafia and mafia structures.


Mafia (Italian maf(f)ja, Latin maffia) - (according to one version) this is a secret criminal community that appeared in Sicily at the end of the 19th century. In a broad sense, the mafia is an international, secret criminal organization engaged in illegal activities and operating through methods of blackmail, violence, murder, etc.

The mafia is characterized by:
Rigid hierarchy;
- use of force to maintain internal discipline and to fight competition;
- own system of values ​​and norms;
- connection with political and administrative corruption;

- the use of legal political and administrative institutions to cover and ensure illegal activities.

Initially, the mafia arose to organize self-defense of the population on the island of Sicily (Italy). The mafia opposed the rulers who had suppressed this country for many years and subjugated the peasants and shepherds with an iron hand. And the police served as an instrument of oppression at that time. The exhausted inhabitants of Sicily already then learned to keep their mouths shut and never show their emotions, and not to forget that society is the worst enemy. People have never sought justice from the government, and therefore have always turned to the people's intercessor - the mafia.

In the 20th century, the mafia established its control over the criminal business (smuggling, drug trafficking, prostitution, etc.), and began to interact with the political structures of society in Italy, and then in other countries. Distinctive feature The mafia is its connection with the remnants of tribal customs, which give the mafia special stability and internal cohesion. For example, omerta, the purpose of which was intimidation and psychological control over ordinary members of the mafia. Currently, the term "Mafia" is also used as a synonym for organized crime.

According to historian Paolo Passino, “The Mafia is an organized criminal community that exercises the functions of sovereignty in a certain territory.”

Many researchers saw the mafia as a series of characteristics introduced into popular culture, as a “way of existence.” The Sicilian ethnographer, Giuseppe Pitre, at the end of the 19th century, said the following about the mafia: “The Mafia is a consciousness of its own worth, an exaggerated concept of individual strength as the sole arbiter of every conflict, every clash of interests or ideas.”

The Sicilians did not see these people as criminals; on the contrary, the mafiosi were role models and the only defenders, provided that the state did not provide protection to its citizens. Often the mafia was the only alternative government. The funeral epitaph of the legendary Villalbo boss, Cologero Vizzini, stated already in the 1950s that "his mafia was not criminal, supported respect for the law, protection of rights, greatness of character." In this case, the word "mafia" meant something like pride, honor, or even social responsibility. Likewise, in 1925, former Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Emanuele Orlando declared in the Senate that he was proud to be a true "Mafioso" because the word "Mafioso" meant noble, generous.

The next version of the mafia story

The history of the mafia begins in Sicily, where in the 9th-10th centuries the mafia began as a voluntary militia to protect Sicilian fishermen and farmers from raids by Arab pirates. After the threat disappeared, the mafiosi began to live by blackmail and extortion. With weak state power, bandit clans penetrated into all spheres of life of the people of Italy. In the future, the mafia will control drug smuggling, the entertainment industry, and prostitution. Mafia bosses will have close ties to the police, judicial officials and powerful political circles throughout the country. The mafia spread abroad.

The word "Mafia" is an abbreviation of the slogan of the Sicilian uprising against the French feudal lords - "Morte Alla Francia, Italia Anela" (Death to France, sigh, Italy).

The mafia owes its unusual vitality to the law of silence “omerta”. No one dared to testify against the bandits, because this threatened immediate death not only for the person who spoke out, but also for his entire family. The law of blood feud "vendetta" became the key to the prosperity of the clan.

For reference

Now there are about two thousand thieves in law in the CIS, 300 of whom are in prison. There are almost no ideological lawyers left who honor all the traditions of the thieves’ order.

Mafia bosses gladly agree to film adaptation of their own lives. Many directors and actors were former members of criminal gangs.

Branches in the structure of the mafia appeared immediately after the start of Italian emigration. In North America, as in many other parts of the world, the term mafia is often associated with any organized crime, not just traditional Sicilian crime.

Sicilian Cosa Nostra

The Sicilian Cosa Nostra is a loose confederation of about a hundred mafia families, each of which claims sovereignty over a territory, usually a town or village or the outskirts of a larger city, although without ever fully conquering and legitimizing its monopoly with violence.

American Cosa Nostra

The oldest, largest and most organized Italian criminal group in the United States is Cosa Nostra (our business). It arose after the adoption of Prohibition in the late 20s of the twentieth century.

Cosa Nostra has about thirty families. About five thousand people. Families in New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Rhode Island and Chicago are considered the most powerful and influential.

Capo di Capi, don, boss, sometimes “godfather” - head of the “family”. Receives information about every case carried out by any member of the “family”. The boss is elected by capo vote; In the event of a tie, the deputy boss must also vote. Until the 1950s, all family members participated in voting, but then this practice was stopped because it attracted too much attention.

Henchman or deputy boss - appointed by the boss himself and is the second person in the family. The henchman is responsible for all capos in the family. In the event of the arrest or death of the boss, the henchman himself usually becomes the acting boss.

Between the "assistant" and the "leader" there is an "adviser" (Consigliere). Consigliere - family advisor. He is invited as a mediator to resolve controversial issues or as a family representative in meetings with other families. They usually engage in more or less legal activities (gambling or extortion). Often consigliere are lawyers or stockbrokers whom the boss can trust and even have a close friendship with. They usually do not have their own team, but they have significant influence within the family. Consiglieres often act as diplomats.

A caporegime or capo, sometimes a captain, is the head of a team of enforcer soldiers who reports to an underboss or the boss himself and is responsible for certain areas of territory or types of criminal activity. There are usually 6-9 such teams in a family, each of which consists of up to 10 soldiers. Thus, the capo heads his small family, but is completely subject to all restrictions and laws set by the boss of the large family, and pays him a share of his income. The introduction to the capo is made by the boss's assistant, but usually the boss appoints the capo personally.

The soldier is a member of a family of exclusively Italian origin. At the beginning of his journey, the soldier is an accomplice and must prove his necessity for the family. When a position becomes available, one or more capos may recommend that a proven accomplice be promoted to soldier. In the case where there are several such offers, but only one person can be accepted into the family, the last word remains with the boss. Once selected, the soldier usually ends up in the team whose capo recommended him.

An accomplice is not yet a family member, but he is no longer an “errand boy.” He usually acts as an intermediary in drug deals, acts as a bribed union representative or businessman, etc. Non-Italians are almost never accepted into the family and remain such accomplices (although there were exceptions - for example, Joe Watts, a close associate of John Gotti).

The current structure of the Mafia and the way they operate are largely determined by Salvatore Maranzano, the “boss of bosses” of the Mafia in the USA (who, however, was killed by Lucky Luciano six months after his election). The latest trend in family organizing is the emergence of two new positions - street boss and family messenger - created by former Genovese family boss Vincent Gigante.


First level
Boss - don
Second level
Consigliere - advisor
Underboss - Don's assistant (assistant)
Third level
Caporegime - captain of a squad of soldiers

A separate group within the mafia structure
Soldiers and associates - the boss's personal soldiers.


Koska is the highest managerial level in the mafia management organization, which is
a union of several mafia families. The word "koska" is translated as "celery, artichoke or lettuce." With the help of a braid, mafiosos expand their sphere of influence. According to the requirements of the criminal environment, a mafioso must have his own property - “land”; uniting families of one locality into a braid gives the mafiosi the opportunity to play their personal possessions as a trump card, primarily in relation to the private property of non-mafia members, that is, the vast majority of society.
The braid is organized into more high level and as a patriarchal family, therefore within it the independence of the individual mafioso is minimal. In the outside world, the koska exercises supreme power. Mafiosi of other koskos must ask permission if interests force them to act in the territory of a koska of which they are not members. Relations between different Koskos are, as a rule, friendly, businesslike, and sometimes of the nature of mutual assistance. However, when war breaks out between them,
especially if controversial issues arise when determining the boundaries of the respective territories, the Koskis lead it until the complete destruction of rivals. Thus began the mafia wars.

If you ask the first person you meet which country is the birthplace of the mafia, even the least knowledgeable person will give the correct answer without much thought: Italy. This country can actually be called a “flower garden” of the mafia, which has become one of the favorite topics in history and cinema textbooks.

This is not to say that the mafiosi did anything positive or outstanding, but many still admire the unsurpassed talent of the most famous criminals, most of whom, of course, have Italian roots.

Al Capone, of course, this name is well known not only in the sunniest country located on the Apennine Peninsula, but throughout the world. The notorious gangster's name is probably the most recognizable. And it’s not surprising: several films were made about Capone, the most popular of which was the 1987 film “The Untouchables” with Robert De Niro in the title role.

The story of the notorious Mafia figure, who was born in Brooklyn in 1889 after his family migrated to the United States, begins in 1919, when he entered the service of Johnny Torii. In 1925, he headed the Torii family and since then his “criminal” career has grown rapidly. Soon Capone was no longer afraid of anyone or anything: his people were engaged in gambling, selling drugs and prostitution. He earned a reputation as an honest, intelligent, but endlessly cruel man.

One need only remember the famous St. Valentine's Day massacre, when a group led by a gangster killed many mafia leaders.

When the police were lucky enough to apprehend the great criminal, they simply could not charge him with anything other than tax evasion. However, in the end, Al Capone still ended up behind bars: he was in the famous Alcatraz prison, from where he emerged seven years later with a fatal illness and soon died.

  • We recommend reading about:

Bernardo Provenzano

Bernardo Provenzano, a native of a small village located on, was simply destined to become one of the members of the group of the same name. Already in his youth he fell into the Corleone clan, and after a couple of years he had already killed several people and carried out a lot of illegal transactions. For 10 years, the name Provenzano hung in police stations on the “Wanted” stand, but the local carabinieri did not even try to find this dangerous criminal. Meanwhile, he continued to move up the career ladder and gain authority. It was rumored that Provenzano for some time controlled all the illegal business in Palermo, from drug sales to prostitution. He was known for his intransigence and stubbornness, for which he received the nickname Bulldozer.

Many years later, the police managed to detain the criminal: they saw a thin old man in ordinary jeans and a T-shirt. Provenzano will spend the rest of his days in prison.

  • We recommend a tour in Sicily:

Albert Anastasia

Like many of his colleagues, Albert Anastasia was born in sunny Italy (the city of Tropea), but soon after birth he migrated with his parents to America. The first time he went to prison was in his youth, when he killed a longshoreman in Brooklyn. He was sentenced to several years, but after some time the main witness in the Anastasia case died under mysterious circumstances, and the criminal himself was released.

Albert Anastasia gained fame as one of America's most ruthless killers.

He was a member of the Masseria gang, but over time he went over to the side of his boss’s competitors, and a couple of years later he was even present at the murder of his former boss. After this, Anastasia became the head of the gang of highly professional killers “Murder Inc.”, the Gambino clan. Police say the group has been involved in at least 400 deaths. The killer himself was killed on the order of one of the American mafiosi.