Vsevolod is a short name. The meaning of the name Vsevolod and its secret

18.07.2019 Sport

Names: origin and forms

Vsevolod- (from Old Russian) omnipotent.

Derivatives: Vsevolodushka, Vseva, Seva, Volodya, Vova, Vava, Vodya, Volya, Lodya.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Vsevolod- omnipotent (Old Slavonic).
The energy of the name does not correspond to a specific meaning. Probably our ancestors expressed their dream of a person endowed with power and goodness.
The name has always been rare.
Zodiac name: Aquarius.
Planet: Jupiter.
Name color: steel.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: willow, white lily.
Patron name: whale
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: kindness, balance.


Vsevolod Pskovsky, Holy Prince, February 24 (11). He pleased God by building churches and fatherly concerns for his subjects.


From February 24th, winter runs away with dark nights. The sleigh ride is freezing - the daytime thaws “shed oil”, and the matinees are frozen.


Already in childhood, Seva is a kind, calm, balanced child, although he often follows the lead of his less positive comrades.

In his adult life, Vsevolod rarely gets into trouble. His life is calm, Vsevolod’s energy is only enough to overcome ordinary everyday obstacles. He is not deprived of imagination, and well understands the discrepancy between desires and possibilities. Vsevolod is talented, but it is difficult to make a career, he likes to resort to someone’s help, but thanks to hard work, patience and perseverance, she is ultimately successful.

Vsevolod needs love and understanding. He marries early, is patient in the family, but the family is difficult. It is likely that the marriage with Vera, Veronica, Stella will be successful.

Surname: Vsevolodovich, Vsevolodovna.


Vsevolod Georgievich (1154-1212), from 1177 - Grand Duke Vladimirsky, the most powerful and successful ruler on this throne. He was the father of eight sons, earning him the nickname "Big Nest." At this time, boyar and princely feuds flared with particular force. With an iron hand, Vsevolod twisted the Vladimir-Suzdal boyars and brought order to other destinies. The violent princes of Ryazan were pacified, and free Novgorod was pacified. Vsevolod did not stand on ceremony with the recalcitrant. He had at his disposal a strong army, skilled on water and on land, and so large that, as the author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” figuratively put it, his warriors could splash the Volga with oars and scoop up the Don with helmets.

Successful foreign policy Vsevolod, and he proved himself to be a very experienced diplomat, his trade connections, wealth and military successes forced people to speak about him with respect in Byzantium and Western Europe. “In the name of Vsevolod,” the chronicler exclaims enthusiastically, “all countries trembled, and the whole earth was filled with rumors about him.” It was not the poor, not the weak who trembled at him, but the avaricious nobles. But “he attacked the faces of the strong,” according to the chronicler, “and without wearing the sword given to him by God,” he executed the wicked and had mercy on the good. Vsevolod sometimes executed cruelly, but he always strived to be fair and respected ancient customs. He demanded obedience from the princes, but did not take away their thrones without guilt and wanted to rule without violence. Commanding the Novgorodians, he respected their love of freedom. Courageous in battles, victorious in each, he did not like useless bloodshed. Vsevolod was born to reign and, although he could not be called the autocratic sovereign of Russia, according to N.M. Karamzin in “History of the Russian State,” “reminded her happy Days autocracy."

Thirty-five years of Vsevolod's reign is the most brilliant period in the history of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir. The prince understood perfectly well that with the help of art he could surround himself with an aura of royal grandeur and glorify his deeds. And what, if not a stone, could preserve the name of the prince for centuries!

During all the years of Vsevolod's reign, extensive construction was carried out. It began with the reconstruction and renovation of the old Assumption Cathedral, which was damaged in the fire of 1185. Thanks to skillful architects, the cathedral became more majestic and beautiful than before the fire. Under Vsevolod, several monasteries and a number of churches were erected, the city of Oster was restored, fortresses were built in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, and, of course, Vladimir. A princely palace was also built there. We must assume that it was beautiful and rich, and, as archaeologists have established, it was built partly from stone, partly from brick. Nowadays, only the palace Dmitrievsky Cathedral (1193-1197), undoubtedly the most magnificent monument of the late 12th century, has survived from the buildings and buildings that comprised it.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Recently a beautiful male name- Vsevolod. Just yesterday it was very difficult to meet him among familiar people, but now, in pursuit of rare names, advanced mothers are in a hurry to name their boys Sevami.

Meaning and origin of the name

Vsevolod is primordial Slavic name, meaning "possessing all" or "possessing the world."

Characteristics of the name

Vsevolod is a very polite and tactful person. It's always a pleasure to talk to him. He fascinates with his confident slowness. We can say that this person is 100% phlegmatic. But obvious leadership qualities Seva doesn’t. He is not self-confident, ambitious or cocky. This is not a gallant hero and hero. Vsevolod is a diplomat and strategist.

Perhaps from the first minutes you will not feel sympathy for him, but with prolonged communication you will become more and more attracted to him. And it seems that the ancient Slavs, when inventing this name, predicted such a wise ruler for their people. After all, the meaning of the name Vsevolod is the ruler of the world.

Seva is diligent, diligent and purposeful. He is a calm father of the family, a faithful and reliable husband, but not an ardent lover. Passionate emotions are not his cup of tea. He, of course, enjoys life, but in its leisurely form.

Seva also has disadvantages. His slowness and leisureliness play a cruel joke on Vsevolod. In those situations when another person quickly makes an important decision and turns circumstances in his direction, Seva hesitates. And as a result, he will lose to a more active opponent.

The most successful zodiac sign for Vsevolod will be Leo. He will compensate for the boy's passivity and give him confidence and activity.


The meaning of the name gives Seva an excellent analytical mind, so he easily achieves high performance in his work as an analyst, laboratory assistant, scientist, and financier.

Such men marry after much deliberation, but having chosen their companion, they spend a long and long time with her. happy life. After all, Seva’s non-conflict and patient husband is able to resolve any problems.

The mystery of the name, meaning passivity and slowness, also has a downside. If a boy has not been inspired by some idea since childhood, then in the future he may live a meaningless life. Such a person does not strive to define a goal for himself and move in its direction. He stands still and, surprisingly, everything suits him. Therefore, parents should instill interest in little Seva from an early age.


The man, whose name is Vsevolod, chooses an active lifestyle, but he does not have enough strength, desire and time for full activity. Therefore, he often simply monitors his diet, health, and occasionally exercises.

Static work, which means a sedentary lifestyle, involves diseases such as radiculitis, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, varicose veins, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. And with an unbalanced diet, you also gain weight.

Name day

Significant dates for Seva are February 11, April 24, December 10. The Church honors Prince Vsevolod these days in the baptism of Gabriel of Novgorod.

Name compatibility

Vsevolod forms a strong alliance with Eva, Sophia, Veronica and Anastasia. You should not marry Christina, Ksenia, Raisa and Marina.


According to reviews from owners of this name

  • The best talisman colors are blue, gray and green.
  • Stone - carnelian and garnet
  • Planet - Moon


The name Vsevolod has the abbreviated form Seva, Sevushka, Sevochka and Volodushka.

Vsevolod, male name. Old Slavic - “owning everything.”

With a very stubborn character. Careerists do not disdain anything to achieve their goals, they are cunning. Talented and selfish. Among them there are physicists, doctors, mathematicians, administrators, and they are always good workers. Unlucky in marriage, they often marry several times.

“Summer” ones are calm and patient, but very grumpy and disgusted. Family life is difficult - their wives do not get along with their mother-in-law. However, thanks to patience and love for children, the family still does not collapse. They are overly sensitive and do not always understand jokes. They are very calculating and love to be consulted in everything.

"Winter" - conflicting. They don’t trust anyone, they pretend to agree with their interlocutor, they do everything their own way. They are talented and love to subjugate people. Undoubtedly, this helps them in their work. Making a career is difficult. They are good speakers, but they are not suitable as teachers, because they do not like to repeat what has been said. They are inquisitive, their area of ​​interest is very extensive. They do not like to resort to anyone's help.

Sociable. If they are offended, they hold the grudge for a long time. They love their wives to obey them in everything. In old age, severe sclerosis can develop. They are always constrained and often act contrary to their beliefs.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod has original Slavic roots, and its interpretation is possible thanks to phonosemantic analysis.

This name was made up of two separate words “all” and “volod”, and from the ancient Slavic language where it came from, the word means “to own”.

Moreover, it was formed from the verb “voloda”, that is, “ruler”. We find confirmation in the language of modern Ukrainians, where “power” sounds like “Vlada”, and “ruler” sounds like “Volodar”.

If we talk about what the name Vsevolod means, it is “having power over everything, owning everything.”

Let us note that it cannot be found in the Saints; the Orthodox name Gabriel has an identical meaning, which is translated from Hebrew as “my strength is in God.”

Would you name your child this name?

This name contains greatness and enormous strength; it is associated with the heroic times of Kievan Rus, the great princely family.

No less interesting is the history of the name Vsevolod, which takes us back to pre-Christian times in impassable and mysterious forests of Eastern Europe.

According to legend, its origins are connected with the tribes of giants who inhabited this region. They were distinguished by enormous strength, courage and bravery. At the head of the tribe was the bravest giant, Vsevolod.

The unusual origin of the name Vsevolod and unbridled energy make its owners strong and persistent people, whom no obstacle can stop.

It is in its power that a special secret lies; with it you can reach absolute heights, but if it is not controlled, it will destroy everything in its path.

Name forms

Simple: Seva Full: VsevolodAntique: VsevolodAffectionate: Sevushka

As the history of many destinies testifies, in order for the crew with which Vsevolod moves through life to reach the heights of success, he cannot do without an intelligent and persistent navigator.

Taking into account the nature of the name Vsevolod, it is very difficult to imagine that its owners are devoid of ambition, simply go with the flow and are content with what fate sends them.

In life, Vsevolod is always lucky, and for this he does not make any extra effort. The secret of his success lies in his natural charisma and ability to find the right approach to a variety of people.

And, although high intelligence, wit, strong will, and talent form the basis of Vsevolod’s characteristics, they seem to be of secondary importance for him.

He lacks the motivation to strengthen his character and achieve more. At the same time, his natural abilities allow him to achieve success in whatever he decides to do.

At the same time, the owner of the name is painfully proud, demanding that his opinion be considered the only correct one. He is very interested in the impression he makes in society.

The truly extraordinary character of Vsevolod requires a particularly detailed interpretation.

To compose Full description, we must say about his phenomenal performance, perseverance and scrupulousness. He will cope with any task that is put in front of him.

A man who bears the name Vsevolod will always attract attention and, regardless of origin, inspire the impression of his exclusivity and nobility.

The owner of the name rarely gets into trouble, he knows how to predict the development of events, is always prudent and does not like to take risks. Moreover, his caution is dictated by prudence, and not cowardice.

To give full description Vsevolod, it is important to remember his stubbornness: it is unrealistic to convince or out-argue this person. He is also overly narcissistic and painfully tolerates even a hint of disrespect.

But this does not mean that he will be offended and withdraw into himself. He will harbor a grudge and will certainly take revenge on the offender.

The positive features of the name will be most fully manifested and the negative features of the name will be smoothed out if Vsevolod’s patronymic is Romanovich.

Purposeful and independent, Vsevolod is endowed with natural charm. Thanks to this, he easily gets along with people, and also understands them well.

Such qualities certainly help him in life. To better understand what the name Vsevolod means, it is worth diving into the history of the name.

Origins of the word

A person’s character is formed under the influence of a number of factors, among which upbringing and heredity are considered the main ones. But besides this, a person’s fate depends on the thoughts and emotions that a person experiences in life. Each word has its own energy: some of them are gentle and kind, others are tough and aggressive.

The energy potential of words is hidden in their letters and sounds, which is how a word becomes a melody that evokes emotions in us. The origin of names is usually associated with words that are important and energetically filled for the culture where they appeared, and since words are associated with certain emotions, the name becomes a conductor of emotions and desires that are in tune with its meaning.

In addition, each culture that gave birth to the word left its own information code in it, so the meaning of the name Vsevolod must be sought not only in the meaning of the words from which it came. The cultural context in which it was used is no less, and sometimes even more important, since the energy is laid precisely at the moment of creation and depends on the state of mind of people during this period.

The male name Vsevolod, not very popular in Russia, has Slavic roots. It is formed from two words of the Old Russian language and translated means “owning everything.” Because it is rooted in history Ancient Rus', it is this culture that leaves its mark on the owners of the name.

People with this name are very freedom-loving people, they value the personal space of others and do unusual things. They act easily in situations that are unusual for others, and occupy leadership positions in troubled times.

Personality Features

The full name Seva is rarely heard; the most common way to address him is by his shortened name. Forms of the name Vsevolod, except for “Seva”: Volodya, Vova, Volya and others. Diminutive forms, as a rule, somewhat change the nature of the influence of a name on a person - they give flexibility and stability to their owner.

In addition, the letter “C” becomes the bearer of the leading influence, which is closely related to common sense, the desire for a strong position and the desire to reveal one’s purpose. But “B” does not lose its fundamental influence. To summarize, we can determine the following bright features Vsevolod:

  • Communication skills.
  • Creative skills.
  • Unity with nature.
  • High practical intelligence.
  • Energy.
  • Insight.
  • Sophistication.

The meaning of the name Vsevolod also imposes on its owner responsibility to other people. Owning everything means being responsible for the boundaries of your possessions, so Seva is already a rather responsible boy as a child. The child is distinguished by a stubborn character and a desire to receive what is due to him in full. At the same time, he treats adults and peers with respect.

Thanks to his high practical intelligence, he easily gets along with people and wins over him in adolescence, although he does not set himself the goal of being good to everyone. Despite the fact that he is ready to do a lot to achieve his goals, he never stoops to ignoble behavior.

Growing up, Seva is identified with a circle of “her” people, and this is a selected company, which includes smart and interesting interlocutors. In addition, his rejection of gossip and speculation allows him to form his own opinion about each person, for which he is loved and appreciated as a fair and worthy person.

Prudence allows you to rarely find yourself in unpleasant situations, and courage helps you easily overcome those that you do have to face. Firmness and perseverance serve to achieve goals, and lack of ambition works to adequately perceive one’s life. So Vsevolod is not very upset by not taking the main prize - rather, he is happy for the winner.

Vsevolod’s ability to win over those around him and easily establish contact with them allows him to choose a profession related to helping people. In addition, he will be excellent at proving himself in science. It is important for a man to have a goal, because without a guideline you can face a lack of meaning. When there is a goal, Vsevolod is capable of great things, although he will avoid risk. The fear of risky actions is unfounded, because Vsevolod’s qualities will allow him to achieve great heights if he sometimes plays big.

Love and marriage

Vsevolod's reliability and confidence are very attractive to women. Thanks to his calmness, determination and goodwill, he easily wins their hearts. But he does not consider victories on the love front to be something worthy of time and effort - reciprocity, fidelity, trust and understanding are much more important to him.

Vsevolod strives for harmonious and warm relationships, so he can often make sacrifices for the sake of his beloved. In no case should you play with his feelings, because having revealed this game, he is able to refuse further contacts with the girl, even if he is very much in love with her.

The character of a man contributes to a very conscious decision about marriage. He is the dream of many women, because he takes relationships and creating a family very seriously, and takes responsibility for the fate of the family. The girl ends up with him as if behind a stone wall, and he loves children very much, without indulging their whims.

What future awaits the couple largely depends on the girl. If she does not develop and bring a fresh spirit into their relationship, Vsevolod may become bored with them. Therefore, his companion must be an original person, loving development and capable of sharing her husband’s interests. In addition, the man wants to remain the leader in the family, so the girl should not encroach on this place.

Coziness and comfort are of great importance to Vsevolod. His wife should be able to create a warm environment in which he can feel safe. Moreover, for an interesting and rich life family requires that a woman be able to motivate her man. Then their marriage will be very happy.

Day Angel

Celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint who became the patron saint of the child at baptism. At baptism, a Christian is identified according to the Orthodox calendar as his patron saint. You can also be baptized as an adult; then a person can consciously choose a patron among the saints, having learned his life and wanting to follow the path of the saint. Thus, at baptism a person acquires a guideline for finding the path to spiritual perfection.

IN Orthodox calendar There are several saints with the name Vsevolod: Potemkinsky (memory 8.02 and 19.09), Smirnov (memory 8.02 and 13.11), as well as Novgorod (memory 5.05 and 10.12). Often a person does not know which specific saint became his patron. In this case, you should choose a date immediately after your birthday and see which saint is commemorated on this day. This will be the saint who is the patron saint of man.

Sounds and words, meanings and associations have an invisible effect on us. On a purely unconscious level, we perceive the emotional connotation of words and are forced to respond to them accordingly. This leads to the fact that we do not always understand what causes this or that action. Knowing what energy the word conveys, we can direct it in a direction where it will bear rich fruits and improve our lives.

Likewise, knowledge about the meanings of names allows you to easily advance in understanding yourself and build your life more harmoniously, and sometimes even change your name altogether. You just need to remember that changing your name is not enough to change your life, because character is formed by our environment, genes and upbringing, and fate depends on character and the surrounding reality. Therefore, believing in yourself and finding harmony with the world affects our lives much more than words, since we interpret them differently in different states. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

The male name Vsevolod has Slavic origin and means “omnipotent”, “owning everything”. In our country it is not found very often, although due to its rich internal energy it is worthy of becoming more widespread.

Characteristics of the name Vsevolod

Vsevolod’s character is distinguished by calm confidence, perseverance, patience and kindness. As a child, he is a friendly, calm and gentle child who studies well and constantly strives to gain the attention and love of people close to him. In adulthood, Vsevolod’s life turns into a calm, very smooth flow, which provides the owner of this name with the stability he needs. Vsevolod does not like risk, career struggles, work problems - it is important for him that everything goes as usual, and that success corresponds to the hard work put into the business. Some people may consider Vsevolod a bore who does not strive to take from life everything that it offers. But Vsevolod is happy in his balanced life and sees no point in changing anything in it.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Virgo or Aquarius. Virgo (August 24-September 23) is similar to Vsevolod in its calmness and regularity; under its influence, the owner of this name will be a practical person with an analytical mind and great efficiency. Aquarius (January 21-February 19) is a less businesslike sign; it will give Vsevolod special insight and a somewhat rebellious disposition, which will allow him to feel a taste for life.

Pros and cons of the name Vsevolod

What are the pros and cons of the name Vsevolod? On the one hand, it is beautiful, sonorous, bright and rare name, which will certainly make its owner stand out from the crowd. Its positive aspects are added by its good combination with most Russian surnames and patronymics, the good character of the owners of this name, as well as the fact that several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms can be selected for it, such as Seva, Sevochka, Sevushka, Volodushka. Thus, there are no obvious disadvantages in this name.


It should be said that even the Vsevolods’ health is, as a rule, excellent. These are hardy, physically strong and spiritually strong men who love to play sports.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Vsevolod joins quite early and generally proves himself to be a good family man, a caring husband, and an affectionate father. Despite the fact that Vsevolod shows great patience in marriage and is generally non-conflict, his relationship with his wife often does not work out. For a happy marriage, he needs a calm, gentle, quiet woman who shares his hobbies.

Professional area

As for professional relationships, patient and hardworking Vsevolods can find themselves in any job, although the profession of a programmer, computer specialist, administrator, or doctor suits them best.

Name day