What command is needed to summon a dragon?

25.11.2018 Computers

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Have you seen a dragon? Have you fought him? If yes, then you know how hard it is to get to it, and how hard it is to deal with it! After the death of the dragon, a portal leading to the ordinary world and an egg appear. In fact, the dragon egg is just a decoration, and without using command blocks you cannot get a dragon from it. But it's still possible! No modifications!

So, let's transgress. First, let's define the necessary conditions:

  1. When playing single player you must have the “Allow cheats” function enabled and play in “Creative” mode;
  2. When playing on a server, you must be the server administrator;
  3. To use this method on the server, in the server.properties file you need to change the value of the enable-command-block parameter from false to true.

/give [Character nickname] command_block [Number of blocks]

Their meaning is that they carry out a certain command when the red stone gives a signal. You probably know that there is a command that can spawn any mob for you, including the Ender Dragon. This is exactly what you will use. Here you need to describe certain conditions under which the Ender Dragon will appear, and here you can get creative.

If you want to raise a dragon, then you need to start by “hatching” the egg. Where does the egg grow well? Stay warm! For example, this design would work.

There are 3 blocks of lava below, Ifrit floats in them, the 4th block from the bottom is a hellish stone. It needs to be set on fire. The fire should be surrounded by any 4 blocks. Place half-blocks of cobblestones on them. Place a boiler in them and fill it with water. Attention! The commands below require exactly this construction! And don't forget Ifrit. So, the design is ready. But for everything to work, these conditions must be used in whatever way.

Therefore, we build such a structure from command blocks.

In blocks 1 and 2 you need to enter commands depending on which direction your structure is facing. The commands are entered into the “Console command” field.

If, as in the case of the example, the structure faces north (determined by compass or using F3)

Then in block 1 enter:

/setblock ~ ~ ~-1 minecraft:redstone_block

And enter block 2:

/setblock ~ ~ ~1 minecraft:stone

Place a lever between the blocks and turn it on. A block of redstone should appear, which will reappear when destroyed. If that's the case. Let's continue.

In block 3 enter:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~6 ~ dragon_egg 0 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ lava 0 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~4 ~ fire -1 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~5 ~ minecraft:cauldron 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~1 ~5 ~ minecraft:stone_slab 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~-1 ~5 ~ minecraft:stone_slab 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~5 ~1 minecraft:stone_slab 3 /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~5 ~-1 minecraft:stone_slab 3 weather clear 99999

In short, this team checks for the presence of an egg above Blaze, whether he is floating in lava, whether the fire is burning on the hellstone, and in general, whether the design matches the one described above. If everything is so, then the comparator sends the signal further.

In block 4 write:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ summon PrimedTnt ~ ~6 ~

In block 5 enter:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~5 ~ minecraft:cauldron 0

In block 6 you enter:

/execute @e ~ ~ ~ summon EnderDragon ~ ~4 ~

The 6th block is the most important, it is the one that creates a dragon from an egg.

That's all, you can check!

Minecraft is home to many amazing creatures, but the dragon is of particular interest to players. This is a rather dangerous mob that can cause damage to the character, but it is quite possible to make it your ally. Below you can find out how to create a dragon in Minecraft.

How to create a dragon in Minecraft without mods

First of all, you should know that the dragon is a creature that lives in the Land. He cannot be tamed, he is so evil. However, even in this situation you can find a way out.

First, the player must build a portal to the End (Ender) and fight the dragon. After that, he will receive a dragon egg as a prize. You will need to hatch it, and you will have your own dragon. First, you will need to place the egg in a warm place and right-click on it. Wait a little while for the dragon to appear. Immediately after your pet is born, feed him fish. After this you can play with him. The dragon will protect you from evil mobs and play with you.

It is impossible to create a dragon egg yourself in Minecraft. More information about the dragon egg can be found in our article -.

How to create a dragon in Minecraft using a mod

You can create a dragon in Minecraft using the Animal Bikes mod. You can download it here - minecraft-book.ru. After installing it in the root folder of the game, you can launch Minecraft and start creating a dragon. Moreover, this mod allows you to create many other types of animals - dinosaurs, bats, deer, hafts, cows.

To create an edge dragon with this mod, you will need:

  • 8 End Sand blocks,
  • 1 saddle (crafted from 3 pieces of rawhide, 1 web, 1 iron ingot).

If you want to fly your new pet, you will need to press the Spacebar. It is important to know that animals created with the Animal Bikes mod are capable of reproducing and can be painted in different shades. If you want your dragon to breathe fire, then during the flight, take a lighter in your hand and press the right mouse button.

You can also create a Chinese dragon in Minecraft that will shoot fireworks. To craft it you will need the following components:

  • 8 missiles;
  • 1 saddle.

To make the dragon shoot fireworks, you need to pick up gunpowder and right-click. Happy crafting!

Health – 200

The mood is hostile

Drop – experience, dragon egg, a portal to the ordinary world is activated

When you find the ender portal, activate it and go to the world of the End, you will find yourself on an obsidian platform. And here, be careful - as soon as you pass through the world, the boss of the dimension will spawn - the ender dragon. And he will immediately try to attack you.

This mob is the largest in the history of Minecraft, and its speed is 10 times faster than yours. He will immediately try to throw you off the platform. The Ender Dragon in Minecraft is very dangerous, not only does his attack power amount to 10 units, but he also constantly tries to throw you beyond the flying islands of the End, in addition, he can throw you very high, and from such a height no one can survive can not.

Important! The dragon will also be helped by his minions, the wanderers of the Land, whose attacks you also need to be wary of!

In addition, the special capabilities of the ender dragon in minecraft include the function of restoring health from crystals, which are located on the tops of obsidian towers.

Since there is no exit from the world of endermen to the ordinary one, the ender dragon is also a kind of key between worlds, since after death, a portal is formed that leads to the ordinary world.

Also, at the top of this portal there is a dragon egg, and if you have the corresponding mod installed - DragonMount, then you will also have the opportunity to raise a little dragon, which will grow up and become a strong protector and your personal heavenly steed.

Before you start fighting this mob, you need to prepare as many arrows and a bow as possible, or even better, a pair of bows, one of which is enchanted to infinity. Moreover, you need to do it right away important matter– destruction of crystals, which are located, as already mentioned, on the tops of the towers. It is not recommended to climb there and destroy them with a sword or pickaxe, since the crystals immediately explode, and if you do not die from the force of the blow, then if the shock wave throws you off the tower, you will definitely die.

Therefore, take the bow in your hands and destroy the crystals from a distance.

You won't be able to defend yourself by building blocks around yourself. The Ender Dragon in Minecraft has the ability to destroy these blocks; only edge stones and obsidian are not destroyed. The Ender Dragon is damaged by water, but the dragon destroys the source by flying past. By the way, you can damage him if you throw snowballs at him.

Important! The Ender dragon in Minecraft is not at all afraid of lava, and the fire enchantment will not make any impression on him.

The ender dragon spawns when you first appear in the region, however, if you are killed there, then when you reappear, the likelihood that the dragon will still be waiting for you is very small.

In some versions of Minecraft, you can summon the ender dragon of the world if you enter command line the following words - /summon EnderDragon and press ENTER.

This is the boss, the ender dragon in minecraft, which you will definitely meet on your way if you dare to travel around the edge.

Today we will talk about online game minecraft, or to be more precise, let's learn how to grow a dragon egg.

To begin with, of course, we need a dragon egg, and in order to get it, we need to go through a number of difficult stages. We will be able to get the egg only if we defeat the dragon itself, which is not so easy to do if we are not well prepared before attacking the dragon. From the very beginning of version 1.0.0 in the amazing online game Minecraft, a fascinating game was created called “END” (“End”), which is translated from in English means "The End". And you can only get into this world through the corpse of a dragon by killing it.

Preparing to fight the dragon

Let's get ready to fight the biggest and most gigantic boss in the game. Having killed about 30 Enders (terrifying, tall monsters that only appear at night). To understand whether we have killed enough Endermen, we don’t need to do anything other than kill these monsters, and only when the eye of Ender appears do we stop killing them. Having received this eye, we launch it by clicking the right mouse button, and where the eye will fly, we will have to follow it. This eye will help us find a huge monster. Do not forget that before going to fight the dragon, we need to take with us a considerable amount of provisions (food), more arrows, be sure to purchase and equip ourselves with the best armor, and also take a diamond sword. Of course, by enchanting your armor and weapons, your chances of winning will almost increase to 100%. First of all, in a fight with a dragon, we need to destroy all its sources of life, from which it feeds its strength and energy. They will be on poles at different heights. Having defeated this monster, we will receive a dragon egg. In place of his corpse, a portal will appear to return home.

Dragon Egg Growing Stage

And so, we have the egg and we are at home. The most important factor for raising an egg is a warm place.

Next we will need to dig a hole, the size of the hole should be 3x3 (1 meter = 1 block, removed by pressing the left mouse button). Having dug a hole, fill it with water, and in the middle of the hole we place 1 block of earth, after which we place the dragon egg on it. It will take time to get a dragon from our egg. To make the egg grow faster, you can place lava in a circle near it. You will notice how the egg gradually grows, and when it reaches a certain size, a baby dragon will hatch from it. When our little dragon is born, don’t forget to feed him raw fish.

Video on how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft

Today there is a very small number computer games comes out in a completely finished form. Many of them are then released with addons, mods, additional downloadable content, and so on. Minecraft was no exception, capturing the minds of millions of users around the world. Interesting additions are constantly being released to it, which expand the world, the capabilities of players, and add new items and unique creatures. And because of this, the question of how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft has become very popular on the Internet. It all started with the fact that a new location was added to the game, which is called “Ender”, although many simply call it “the end”.

Final level

This location is called the end for the simple reason that the final boss of the game lives there. Yes, you heard right, even in Minecraft, which is famous for its freedom of action and the absence of any specific goals set for the gamer, there is a final, most important boss. But this is not what attracts the most about the new location, but some other facts.

Firstly, there is simply no direct way out from there: if you end up in Ender, you will have to go to the end, otherwise you will be stuck there forever, and this is not a very pleasant option, especially if you have been leveling up your character for a long time and did not intend to abandon your account. Secondly, it contains the notorious egg, which confuses everyone so much. Do you want to know how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft? To do this, you will first have to defeat the dragon itself, and this is not at all that easy.

Reach the dragon

When you teleport to Ender, you are thrown onto a platform from which you will have to create your own path to the main island. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase as many resources as possible that will allow you to create some kind of bridge from the platform to the island, and this is how you can get to the dragon.

And for the battle you will need the most better equipment, which you can find, the largest supply of arrows, as well as food, with which you can restore lost health. After all, if you die, then you won’t have to learn about how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft.


The island you reach from the platform does not have a lot of space or an abundance of any objects or characters. As a matter of fact, there is only the dragon itself and six special pillars. First of all, remember - under no circumstances attack the dragon right away. The fact is that these pillars located around him restore life to the dragon when he flies over them. Therefore, you need to start fighting the boss by destroying these pillars. At the same time, be careful, because when destroyed, each pillar explodes, causing damage to everything around, so it is advisable to deliver the last blows from a long distance. In addition, you can use this feature to your advantage - guess the moment when the dragon will fly over the pillar, and then deliver the final blow. The pillar will explode, causing decent damage to the boss. When all the structures are destroyed, take on the dragon itself - here everyone is free to choose their own battle tactics, but do not forget to restore health when it begins to approach a critical point. And when the dragon falls, you will simultaneously find a way out of the island, since a return portal will open at the place where the boss died, and you will receive an egg. What to do with him? How to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft? This question occupied the minds of players all over the world for a long time, until one annoying feature became clear.

Egg without use

In the original game, the dragon egg simply cannot be used in any way. It is there, but it does not carry any functional load. You can take it with you to make jewelry out of it. You can even make copies in his image and likeness - after all, this is the main advantage of the Minecraft game. How to create a dragon egg? You just need to choose the right materials in the right color and use a little imagination. But it is worth remembering that there will still only be one original egg. Moreover, you shouldn’t get rid of it too quickly, because we were only talking about the original Minecraft game. How to hatch a dragon egg using Dragon Mod is a completely different conversation.

Egg hatching process

As everyone knows very well, Minecraft is a game that can be upgraded to unprecedented heights with the help of add-ons and mods. And one of these modifications is the Dragon Mod - it turns an egg from a useless item into a full-fledged interactive way to get your own dragon. After installing the mod, you need to go in search of light and warm place, since these are the conditions that the birth of a little dragon requires. Now you will learn one of the most exciting secrets of the Minecraft game - how to activate the dragon egg. Dig a hole with edges three by three squares and fill it with water. Place a cube of earth on the central cell of the pit, and the egg itself on it. To speed up the process, you can place lava around the egg, then the dragon will be born earlier than usual. You can track the progress of egg growth, as this can be seen even visually. But the result is always the same - after a while you have a unique and unusual pet.

In fact, it's very interesting feature Minecraft games: how to take a dragon egg can be understood intuitively, but what to do with it next is a much more serious question. The most important thing is to feed your new pet as much as possible. Most of all he loves fish, and in return he will give you excellent protection and become an original means of transportation.