Ascension egg. Ascension of the Lord: signs and superstitions

The Ascension of the Lord in 2015 is celebrated on May 21. This holiday commemorates the ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. However, in the popular understanding, the meaning of the Ascension holiday was perceived as a day of rise, growth and ascent. Since it was in these days that nature finally rose after cold winter and time turned to summer.

Many folk signs and superstitions are associated with the Ascension of the Lord. Most of them are about the weather, the harvest. But there are those whose observance helped to gain prosperity and good luck for the whole year.

Folk omens for Ascension

It was believed that on this day everything that you ask God for will surely come true. This sign is connected with the fact that on the day when Jesus went to heaven, he was available to people, that is, everyone could turn to him with a request. So on this holiday it is still customary to pray hard and attend church.

  • If it rains on Ascension, the year will be lean.
  • If it doesn't rain on Ascension, it will be dry for six weeks. If it rains on this day, it will go all 6 weeks.
  • On Ascension, spring gives way to summer. "Spring has come before Ascension - here it ends." It is believed that after this holiday good weather is already established and you can no longer be afraid of the variability and inconstancy of spring.

  • It was forbidden to work in Ascension housework - there will be no luck all year.
  • It is believed that on this day the cuckoos stop calling.
  • Egg laid in Ascension housewives took and left in the attic. This egg was considered strong amulet. The Ascension Egg was said to have great magic power and is able to take away any trouble from home.
  • Dew collected on the day of the Ascension of the Lord, was considered curative. They collected it early in the morning and kept it in the house. Water was used as a remedy for all ailments.
  • Night before Ascension called nightingale. If on this night you hear the singing of this bird, then the whole year a person will be accompanied by happiness and love.

Rituals and Divination for the Ascension

There was a special divination on Ascension. You need to take a ribbon and tie it on a birch branch. If a birch branch does not dry up before the Trinity, then this is a good sign - a person is destined to be happy. If the branch withered or the leaves turned yellow and fell off, then life will be difficult.

The same ritual can be performed at will. Make a wish and tie a ribbon on the most beautiful birch branch. If it is the same green on Trinity, then the wish will come true. It dries up - the desire is not destined to come true.

Happy Ascension Day! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.05.2015 09:25

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In 2018, we will be able to celebrate the great feast of the Ascension of the Lord on May 17th. To avoid trouble and spend this day with benefit, every Orthodox believer should learn in advance about the traditions, customs and signs associated with this amazing event.

The Ascension of the Lord is one of the most important church holidays. It is celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter. Until that day, Jesus Christ stayed on earth and instructed the disciples about the continuation of his preaching and the initiation of other people into Christianity. Then the Son of God went to the Heavenly Abode, but left a message that one day he would definitely return.

Since ancient times, the holiday has important. That is why to this day many traditions, customs and signs are associated with it, which every believer should know about ..

Traditions and customs of the holiday

On this day, it is customary to commemorate the dead and visit the cemetery. It is believed that during this period the gates of hell and paradise are open, which means that the dead can hear your requests, and sinners can meet with the righteous.

In the Ascension of the Lord, one should not do household chores and agricultural work. According to Orthodox Church, this time is most favorable for visiting church and offering prayers to the Lord God. On this day, you can ask the Saints for anything, and your prayer appeals will surely be heard.

To avoid money problems, on May 17 it is not recommended to borrow and lend money. It is believed that together with your funds you run the risk of giving away your own happiness, and with strangers you take the problems of those from whom you borrow.

On this day, harmony and tranquility should reign in every home, but quarrels and conflicts should be avoided. Whoever swears or scolds others on this day will attract troubles to himself all year.

Despite the fact that many religious holidays involve strict fasting, this does not apply to Ascension. From time immemorial, on this day, housewives baked pancakes, pies, and also cooked meat dishes. As a rule, after that, guests were invited into the house to please them with festive treats. After finishing the meal, the guests went outside and arranged noisy festivities with songs and dances.

The most important dish on the table was considered to be ladders made from rye or wheat flour and consisting of seven crossbars. Their shape symbolized the seven heavenly levels of the Apocalypse.

In Rus', there was believe that on the Ascension, Jesus Christ takes on a human form and descends to earth. In this regard, the housewives prepared special pancakes, called "Christ's shoes", which relied on the Son of God "on the path."

On the Ascension of the Lord, it is customary to visit relatives. If your loved ones live far away, be sure to call them. If this tradition is neglected, then soon discord will happen in the family.

In ancient times, on Ascension, young boys and girls gathered on the streets and saw off the spring. It was believed that from that day on, spring finally passes the reins of power to summer, and in connection with this, the agricultural season opens.

On this day, it is forbidden to refuse to help relatives and those in need. If you see a homeless person on the street, be sure to help him with money or food. Despite the fact that it is forbidden to lend on this day, someone close to you may turn to you with this request. In this case, money should be given free of charge.

Signs on the Ascension of the Lord

Our ancestors on this day tried not to commit sins and engage in charitable deeds. It was believed that a person who committed a sinful deed runs the risk of colliding with Jesus Christ, who will surely punish him.

According to one of the signs, a girl who wants to get married soon must cook several different dishes with her own hands on this day and treat men. If at least one of the prepared dishes is not liked by young people, then this year the girl should not wait for the wedding.

On Ascension, guys in love collected bouquets of dandelions and brought them to the door of their beloved. If a girl smells flowers, then soon she will fall in love with her secret admirer.

If it started to rain on Ascension, the girl should go outside and wait until her hair gets wet. In this case, her hair will always be thick.

If a girl dreamed of getting married, on Ascension she wove birch branches into her braids. If the branches do not wither before the onset of the Trinity, then this year the girl will become married.

In order to have money in the house, they took coins on Ascension and buried them next to a young tree. It was believed that the faster it grows, the more wealth there will be.

If on this day a crow croaks under the window - expect misfortunes. A dove sitting on a window promises joy and new love.

In order for the cherished desire to come true, it is necessary to bake bread on Ascension, and put a piece of paper in the dough on which the desire will be written. After that, freshly baked bread must be taken to the temple.

In order to provide yourself with health for the whole year, on this day you need to draw water and wash yourself with it. It is believed that on Ascension, water is endowed with healing properties and can even heal any wounds and scratches.

Spouses who for a long time cannot have a child, on the Ascension of the Lord must defend the morning service to the end. After that, you need to go home, and do not talk to anyone on the way. According to the sign, soon a woman will be able to become pregnant.

Mothers who wanted to marry their daughters baked bread on this day, went out into the street and scattered crumbs in different directions. It was believed that after that, suitors from all sides would come to the girl.

According to the sign, a child born on Ascension will always be healthy and happy.

Ascension of the Lord - important, but not the only religious holiday in May. This month we have to celebrate many wonderful Orthodox events, which you can learn about from the monthly church calendar. We wish you happiness and success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The Feast of the Ascension is considered by believers to be one of the main celebrations - on this day, the unity of Jesus Christ, whose bodily and worldly torments were completed, with the Lord God took place. Orthodox and Catholics always celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on the 40th day after the feast. In 2017, the Ascension of the Lord falls on May 25.

History of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

The Orthodox holiday in question has a double meaning. First, the passage of Christ to heaven signifies the triumph over death. By ascending into heaven, Jesus gave all people hope for salvation and mercy in the future, when the Second Coming will take place and God's judgment will take place. For believers, Ascension is a symbol of returning home, where they are always expected.

Secondly, the Ascension says that the earthly life of the Savior is completed, but he did not leave people forever. As the New Testament says, even after his resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples and told them about life in heaven, that the Holy Spirit would come to them and they would preach religion all over the world. After giving instructions, Christ blessed the disciples and ascended to Heaven.

Rites for the Ascension

By tradition, believers go to church 40 days after Easter and greet each other with the phrases “Christ is Risen!”, “In truth, He is Risen!” paradise. Also during this period, sinners do not suffer in hell, and the righteous can walk on Earth. People believe that in these 40 days Christ descends to Earth, where he walks along the roads in the form of a beggar wanderer. Therefore, in Russia it was customary to give alms and donations to the temple.He who did not help the poor showed the sinfulness of his nature and could fall into disfavor.

By the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, the housewives baked special pancakes, they were also called “baptisms”. This dish had its own, special meaning: Christ, traveling the Earth, wore out shoes for forty days of wandering, so they prepared new “bast shoes” for him.

Another traditional holiday dish was “ladder”. That's what the loaves were called. They were baked from strips of rye, yeast and unleavened dough, which were stacked on top of each other like a ladder. "Ladders" - a symbol of the path for a Christian, should have been given to an innocent child. By the way, in the villages, "ladders" were taken out to the fields - people believed that this should certainly help the crop rise "to heaven."

Signs and rituals of the feast of the Ascension of the Lord

As a rule, the Feast of the Ascension fell in the second half of spring, when everything blooms around and the future harvest begins to form. And at this time, nightingales sing in full, glorifying Christ. If suddenly someone catches or kills a nightingale, then he will fall into disfavor with the Almighty, and failures will haunt him all year.

On the morning of the Ascension day, they were engaged in the collection of medicinal herbs, which had to be collected with dew and before sunrise. Dew was considered heavenly, which is why the herbs acquired special properties.

And in Ascension, you can’t litter, spit and throw yourself on the street so as not to accidentally fall into the wandering Savior.

Short SMS congratulations on Ascension

On the Ascension Day, you should definitely congratulate your loved ones and relatives. This can be done in person, send a postcard or an SMS message.

Here are just a few examples of short congratulations.

On the day of the Ascension of our Lord

Festive souls and temples are decorated!

May health be given to all,

May people find joy in good deeds!

On the day of the Ascension of the Lord

Accept, beloved, a message!

I wish you today

Deliverance from all ills

And God's blessing!

Ascension to you! feast of the saint

Finally came to visit us

Today the Lord ascended on such a day,

Our true supreme Father.

And on this holiday I want to wish

Don't forget God!

Of course, do not forget about the main thing -

What life the Lord has given us!

One of the greatest and bright holidays celebrated this year on May 17 .. The holiday is considered one of the largest, it carries a certain power in itself. Christians have special signs, customs and various traditions that have been observed for many years.

The Ascension of the Lord is most often celebrated on Thursday, the juice day after Easter. Family holiday, unusual. On a string day, the soul of Jesus ascended to heaven. He opened the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven for people.

Signs on the Ascension of the Lord: the history of the holiday

Jesus Christ gave many people great hope that their sins would be forgiven. Therefore, the feast of the Ascension of the Lord is very important for Christianity. Preparations for the feast begin on Wednesday. On this day, believers go to church for confession and communion.

On the Sunday of Jesus Christ, you can eat different foods like meat, as well as various salads, fish. They don't fast. On Thursday early in the morning the divine service begins. people dress up white clothes and visit temples and churches. On this day, it is customary to commemorate the deceased parents. It is desirable that thoughts be only bright and warm. People always baked special cookies that had the name "God's envelope" or "granddaughters". If you look closely at the shape of the cookie, it looked like steps. Baking was taken to cemeteries and distributed to people they met. The hotels were carried to the church.

Signs on the Ascension of the Lord: traditions and signs

On this day, it is customary to pray for the health of loved ones and relatives. You can’t spit on Ascension and litter on the street. Jesus can see and be very offended. It is considered a great sin to work at home, in the garden and on the street. You can not sew, embroider, cut. Thoughts should be only bright. At Ascension, people look at the weather outside.

If it is good warm, there is no wind and rain, then it will be warm and St. Nicholas. If it is cold and damp, then such weather will be in the first summer month. On Ascension, it is customary to ask for a good harvest. If heavy rain and downpour, then it foreshadowed diseases on plants and a lean year. On this day, it is nice to have a rest from various affairs. It was believed that if you do something at home, then whole year a person will be haunted by failure.

Ascension of the Lord - big religious holiday, which is celebrated 40 days after Easter. It always falls on a Thursday. In 2018 Ascension is celebrated on May 17th. For Orthodox Christians, this holiday is one of the most significant. Many signs, traditions and customs are associated with the Ascension of the Lord.

Within forty days after his resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to the apostles more than once, taught them the basics of the creation of the Church and gave instructions on the initiation of other people into the faith. The earthly ministry of God the Son ended with the Ascension. He was able to conquer death, and gave people the faith that they, too, would be able to resurrect after their death.

Ascension of the Lord: signs and superstitions

In Rus', many traditions were associated with the holiday. Our ancestors believed that on this day spring comes to an end and summer comes. Ascension symbolized the full disclosure of nature. There was a change from warm spring days to hot summer days. By evening, it was customary to kindle a large fire, symbolizing the flowering of nature and the onset of the span. From that day on, winter crops and rye produce an ear.

People believed that for forty days after Easter, Christ walks the earth and watches over mere mortals. He encourages the pure in soul and thoughts to be righteous, and punishes sinners.

The Ascension of the Lord is one of the Twelfth Feasts. On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, an all-night vigil is served.

In Ascension, they baked a pie with cabbage, potatoes and green onions. The top of the muffin was decorated with crossbars, making it look like a ladder. In general, the staircase is considered a symbol of this holiday. According to it, Christ allegedly ascended to heaven. Therefore, various pastries were made in the form of ladders. It was customary to invite guests, or go to visit yourself. Relatives and friends were given festive pastries.

They baked rye bread-ladders. They were carried to the field or to the garden, where they were crumbled. They did this in order to have a good harvest. Even such pastries were taken to the graves of deceased relatives. It was considered a good sign if the bread is eaten by birds.

Girls and unmarried women baked pancakes and served them to single men to attract attention. And in order to always be healthy and beautiful, they wove wreaths of dandelions and put them on their heads.

Guys in love, in order to attract the love of the girl they liked, on this day they collected a bouquet of field herbs and brought it to the house of their beloved. They put it on the threshold and left. There was a belief that if a girl smells flowers, she will definitely fall in love with the donor.

Fortune telling on birch twigs. The girls wove them into braids. It was believed that if the branches did not wither before the Trinity, then you would get married this year.

If you cut yourself on Ascension, then you need to say “Lord forgive me” three times. Then the blood will stop, and the wound will heal quickly.

Dew was collected in the morning. believed that she had medicinal properties. Dew was given to drink to the sick, used to treat wounds.

If it rained on Ascension, people went outside with their heads uncovered. It was believed that after such a procedure, the hair would grow well. It was believed that if it rained that day, then it should be expected on Trinity. But if it was dry, then over the next six weeks there will be no precipitation.

On Ascension, a ceremony was performed to attract money. To do this, they took bills or coins and buried them in the ground. They believed that thanks to this ritual, the financial situation would improve significantly.

We looked at the behavior of birds:

  • if a crow croaks under the window, then expect bad news;
  • the dove coos - for a love date;
  • magpie screams - to replenishment in the family.

The mothers of marriageable girls performed a ceremony to attract suitors. They baked bread and crumbled it in different directions so that suitors would come from everywhere, and the daughter could choose the most worthy.

If a married couple could not have children for a long time, then it was necessary to go to church in the morning, defend the service there, and then return home without talking to anyone along the way. At home, I had to try again to conceive a child.

On this day, you can make a cherished wish. To make it come true, write what you want on a piece of paper, put it in your hand-baked bread, which you then take to the church and leave there.

A person born on the Ascension of the Lord will live a long and happy life. He will always be lucky in everything.

Ascension: Do's and Don'ts

On this holiday, it is customary to remember the deceased relatives, to visit their graves. It was believed that for 40 days (starting with Easter and ending with Ascension) the doors of heaven and hell are open. Therefore, the sinners can meet the righteous.

On the Ascension of the Lord, you can not do any housework, and it is also better to give up gardening. It is also not supposed to greet people with the words “Christ is Risen”, since 40 days have already passed since Easter.

It is better not to lend money on this holiday date, as there is a high probability that the money will not be returned to you. If a person is very insistent, then ask him to come another day.

Do not sort things out and start conflicts. It is believed that whoever quarrels at the Ascension will remember the offense that year.

Video: Ascension of the Lord