Range of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Intercontinental ballistic missiles

23.06.2020 Style and fashion

The comparative assessment was carried out according to the following parameters:

firepower (number of warheads (WB), total power of WB, maximum range shooting, accuracy - KVO)
constructive perfection (launch mass of the rocket, overall characteristics, relative density of the rocket - the ratio of the launch mass of the rocket to the volume of the transport and launch container (TPC))
operation (based on a ground-moving missile system (MGRS) or placement in a silo launcher (silo launcher), time of the interregulatory period, possibility of extending the warranty period)

The sum of points for all parameters gave an overall assessment of the compared MDB. It was taken into account that each ICBM taken from the statistical sample, compared with other ICBMs, was evaluated based on the technical requirements of its time.

The variety of ground-based ICBMs is so great that the sample includes only ICBMs that are currently in service and have a range of more than 5,500 km - and only China, Russia and the United States have such (Great Britain and France have abandoned ground-based ICBMs , placing them only on submarines).

Intercontinental ballistic missiles

Based on the number of points scored, the first four places were taken by:

1. Russian ICBM R-36M2 “Voevoda” (15A18M, START code - RS-20V, according to NATO classification - SS-18 Satan (Russian: “Satan”))

Adopted into service, 1988
Fuel - liquid
Number of accelerating stages - 2
Length, m - 34.3
Maximum diameter, m - 3.0
Launch weight, t - 211.4
Start - mortar (for silos)
Throwing weight, kg - 8,800
Flight range, km -11,000 - 16,000
Number of BB, power, ct -10Х550-800
KVO, m - 400 – 500


The most powerful ground-based ICBM is the 15A18M missile of the R-36M2 "Voevoda" complex (designation of the Strategic Missile Forces RS-20V, NATO designation SS-18mod4 "Satan". The R-36M2 complex has no equal in its technological level and combat capabilities.

The 15A18M is capable of carrying platforms with several dozen (from 20 to 36) individually targeted nuclear MIRVs, as well as maneuvering warheads. It is equipped with a missile defense system, which allows one to break through layered missile defense systems using weapons based on new physical principles. R-36M2 are on duty in ultra-protected silo launchers, which are resistant to shock waves at a level of about 50 MPa (500 kg/sq. cm).

The design of the R-36M2 includes the ability to launch directly during a period of massive enemy nuclear impact on a positional area and blocking a positional area with high-altitude nuclear explosions. The missile has the highest resistance among ICBMs to nuclear weapons.

The rocket is covered with a dark heat-protective coating, making it easier to pass through the cloud of a nuclear explosion. It is equipped with a system of sensors that measure neutron and gamma radiation, register dangerous levels and, while the missile passes through the cloud of a nuclear explosion, turn off the control system, which remains stabilized until the missile leaves the danger zone, after which the control system turns on and corrects the trajectory.

A strike of 8-10 15A18M missiles (in fully equipped) ensured destruction of 80% industrial potential USA and most of the population.

2. US ICBM LGM-118A “Peacekeeper” - MX

Basic tactics specifications(TTX):

Adopted into service, 1986
Fuel - solid
Number of accelerating stages - 3
Length, m - 21.61
Maximum diameter, m - 2.34
Launch weight, t - 88.443
Start - mortar (for silos)
Throwing weight, kg - 3,800
Flight range, km - 9,600
Number of BB, power, ct - 10X300
KVO, m - 90 - 120

Sum of points for all parameters - 19.5

The most powerful and advanced American ICBM - the three-stage solid-propellant MX missile - was equipped with ten with a yield of 300 kt each. It had increased resistance to the effects of nuclear weapons and had the ability to overcome the existing missile defense system, limited by an international treaty.

The MX had the greatest capabilities among ICBMs in terms of accuracy and ability to hit a heavily protected target. At the same time, the MXs themselves were based only in the improved silo launchers of the Minuteman ICBMs, which were inferior in security to the Russian silo launchers. According to American experts, the MX was 6-8 times superior in combat capabilities to the Minuteman-3.

A total of 50 MX missiles were deployed, which were on alert in a state of 30-second readiness for launch. Removed from service in 2005, the missiles and all equipment of the position area are being preserved. Options for using MX to launch high-precision non-nuclear strikes are being considered.

3. Russian ICBM PC-24 "Yars" - Russian solid-fuel mobile-based intercontinental ballistic missile with a multiple warhead

Main tactical and technical characteristics (TTX):

Adopted into service, 2009
Fuel - solid
Number of accelerating stages - 3
Length, m - 22.0
Maximum diameter, m - 1.58
Launch weight, t - 47.1
Start - mortar
Throwing weight, kg - 1,200
Flight range, km - 11,000
Number of BB, power, ct - 4X300
KVO, m – 150

Sum of points for all parameters - 17.7

Structurally, the RS-24 is similar to the Topol-M and has three stages. Differs from RS-12M2 "Topol-M":
new platform for breeding blocks with warheads
re-equipment of some part of the missile control system
increased payload

The missile enters service in a factory transport and launch container (TPC), in which it spends its entire service. The body of the missile product is coated with special compounds to reduce the effects of a nuclear explosion. Probably, an additional composition was applied using stealth technology.

The guidance and control system (GCS) is an autonomous inertial control system with an on-board digital computer (OND), probably using astrocorrection. The proposed developer of the control system is the Moscow Research and Production Center for Instrument Engineering and Automation.

The use of the active trajectory section has been reduced. To improve the speed characteristics at the end of the third stage, it is possible to use a turn with the direction of zero increment of distance until the last stage's fuel reserve is fully exhausted.

The instrumentation compartment is completely sealed. The rocket is capable of overcoming the cloud of a nuclear explosion at launch and performing a program maneuver. For testing, the rocket will most likely be equipped with a telemetry system - the T-737 Triad receiver and indicator.

To counter missile defense systems, the missile is equipped with a countermeasures system. From November 2005 to December 2010, tests of anti-missile defense systems were carried out using Topol and K65M-R missiles.

4. Russian ICBM UR-100N UTTH (GRAU index - 15A35, START code - RS-18B, according to NATO classification - SS-19 Stiletto (English “Stiletto”))

Main tactical and technical characteristics (TTX):

Adopted into service, 1979
Fuel - liquid
Number of accelerating stages - 2
Length, m - 24.3
Maximum diameter, m - 2.5
Launch weight, t - 105.6
Start - gas-dynamic
Throwing weight, kg - 4,350
Flight range, km - 10,000
Number of BB, power, ct - 6Х550
KVO, m - 380

Sum of points for all parameters - 16.6

The 15A35 ICBM is a two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile, made according to the “tandem” design with a sequential separation of stages. The rocket is distinguished by a very dense layout and virtually no “dry” compartments. According to official data, as of July 2009, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces had 70 deployed 15A35 ICBMs.

The last division was previously in the process of liquidation, but by decision of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev in November 2008, the liquidation process was terminated. The division will continue to be on duty with the 15A35 ICBM until it is re-equipped with “new missile systems” (apparently either Topol-M or RS-24).

Apparently, in the near future, the number of 15A35 missiles on combat duty will be further reduced until it stabilizes at a level of about 20-30 units, taking into account purchased missiles. The UR-100N UTTH missile system is extremely reliable - 165 test and combat training launches were carried out, of which only three were unsuccessful.

The American magazine of the Air Force Missile Association called the UR-100N UTTH missile “one of the most outstanding technical developments of the Cold War.” The first complex, still with UR-100N missiles, was put on combat duty in 1975 with warranty period operation 10 years. During its creation, all the best design solutions worked out on previous generations of "hundreds" were implemented.

The high reliability indicators of the missile and the complex as a whole, then achieved during the operation of the improved complex with the UR-100N UTTH ICBM, allowed the military-political leadership of the country to set before the RF Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the command of the Strategic Missile Forces and the lead developer represented by NPO Mashinostroeniya the task of gradually extending the service life of the complex with 10 to 15, then to 20, 25 and finally to 30 and beyond.

Today, developed countries have developed a line of remotely controlled projectiles - anti-aircraft, ship-based, land-based and even launched from a submarine. They are designed to perform various tasks. Many countries use intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) as their primary means of nuclear deterrence.

Similar weapons are available in Russia, the United States of America, Great Britain, France and China. It is unknown whether Israel has ultra-long-range ballistic projectiles. However, according to experts, the state has all the capabilities to create this type of missile.

Information about which ballistic missiles are in service with countries around the world, their descriptions and tactical and technical characteristics are contained in the article.


ICBMs are guided surface-to-surface intercontinental ballistic missiles. Nuclear warheads are provided for such weapons, with the help of which strategically important enemy targets located on other continents are destroyed. The minimum range is at least 5500 thousand meters.

Vertical take-off is provided for ICBMs. After the start and overcoming dense atmospheric layers the ballistic missile turns smoothly and falls on a given course. Such a projectile can hit a target located at a distance of at least 6 thousand km.

“Ballistic” missiles got their name because the ability to control them is available only at the initial stage of flight. This distance is 400 thousand meters. Having passed this small area, ICBMs fly like standard artillery shells. It moves towards the target at a speed of 16 thousand km/h.

Start of ICBM design

In the USSR, work on the creation of the first ballistic missiles began in the 1930s. Soviet scientists planned to develop a rocket using liquid fuel for space exploration. However, in those years it was technically impossible to complete this task. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that leading missile specialists were subjected to repression.

Similar work was carried out in Germany. Before Hitler came to power, German scientists were developing liquid fuel rockets. Since 1929, research has acquired a purely military character. In 1933, German scientists assembled the first ICBM, which in the technical documentation is listed as “Agregat-1” or A-1. The Nazis created several secret army missile sites to improve and test ICBMs.

By 1938, the Germans managed to complete the construction of the A-3 liquid-fuel rocket and launch it. Later, its design was used to improve the rocket, which is listed as A-4. She entered flight tests in 1942. The first launch was unsuccessful. During the second test, the A-4 exploded. The missile passed flight tests only on the third attempt, after which it was renamed V-2 and adopted by the Wehrmacht.

About FAU-2

This ICBM was characterized by a single-stage design, namely, it contained a single missile. A jet engine was provided for the system, which used ethyl alcohol and liquid oxygen. The rocket body was a frame sheathed on the outside, inside of which there were tanks with fuel and oxidizer.

The ICBMs were equipped with a special pipeline through which fuel was supplied to the combustion chamber using a turbopump unit. Ignition was carried out with special starting fuel. The combustion chamber had special tubes through which alcohol was passed to cool the engine.

The V-2 used an autonomous software gyroscopic guidance system, consisting of a gyrohorizon, a gyroverticant, amplification-converter units and steering machines connected to rocket rudders. The control system consisted of four graphite gas rudders and four air rudders. They were responsible for stabilizing the rocket body during its re-entry into the atmosphere. The ICBM contained an inseparable warhead. Weight explosive was 910 kg.

About the combat use of the A-4

Soon, German industry began mass production of V-2 missiles. Due to an imperfect gyroscopic control system, the ICBM could not respond to parallel demolition. In addition, the integrator, a device that determines at what point the engine turns off, worked with errors. As a result, the German ICBM had low hit accuracy. Therefore, German designers chose London as a large area target for combat testing of missiles.

4,320 ballistic units were fired into the city. Only 1050 pieces reached the target. The rest exploded in flight or fell outside the city. Nevertheless, it became clear that ICBMs are a new and very powerful weapon. According to experts, if German missiles had sufficient technical reliability, London would have been completely destroyed.

About R-36M

SS-18 "Satan" (aka "Voevoda") is one of the most powerful intercontinental ballistic missiles in Russia. Its range is 16 thousand km. Work on this ICBM began in 1986. The first launch almost ended in tragedy. Then the rocket, leaving the shaft, fell into the barrel.

Several years after design modifications, the missile was put into service. Further tests were carried out with various combat equipment. The missile uses multiple and monoblock warheads. In order to protect ICBMs from enemy missile defense systems, the designers provided for the possibility of releasing decoys.

This ballistic model is considered multi-stage. For its operation, high-boiling fuel components are used. The missile is multi-purpose. The device has an automatic control complex. Unlike other ballistic missiles, the Voyevoda can be launched from a silo using a mortar launch. A total of 43 Satan launches were made. Of these, only 36 were successful.

Nevertheless, according to experts, Voevoda is one of the most reliable ICBMs in the world. Experts suggest that this ICBM will be in Russian service until 2022, after which its place will be taken by the more modern Sarmat missile.

About tactical and technical characteristics

  • The Voevoda ballistic missile belongs to the class of heavy ICBMs.
  • Weight - 183 tons.
  • The power of the total salvo fired by the missile division corresponds to 13 thousand. atomic bombs.
  • The hit accuracy indicator is 1300 m.
  • The speed of the ballistic missile is 7.9 km/sec.
  • With a warhead weighing 4 tons, the ICBM is capable of covering a distance of 16 thousand meters. If the mass is 6 tons, then the flight altitude of the ballistic missile will be limited and will be 10200 m.

About R-29RMU2 "Sineva"

This third-generation Russian ballistic missile is known as the SS-N-23 Skiff according to NATO classification. The location of this ICBM was a submarine.

"Sineva" is a three-stage rocket with liquid jet engines. High accuracy was noted when hitting a target. The missile is equipped with ten warheads. Management is carried out using Russian system GLONASS. The maximum range of the missile does not exceed 11550 m. It has been in service since 2007. Presumably, Sineva will be replaced in 2030.

"Topol M"

It is considered the first Russian ballistic missile, developed by employees of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering after the collapse of the Soviet Union. 1994 was the year when the first tests were carried out. Since 2000 it has been in Russian service. Designed for a flight range of up to 11 thousand km. Introduces an improved version of the Russian Topol ballistic missile. ICBMs are silo-based. Can also be contained on special mobile launchers. It weighs 47.2 tons. The rocket is made by workers. According to experts, powerful radiation, high-energy lasers, electromagnetic pulses and even a nuclear explosion are not able to influence the functioning of this rocket.

Thanks to the presence of additional engines in the design, Topol-M is capable of successfully maneuvering. The ICBM is equipped with three-stage rocket engines powered by solid fuel. Index maximum speed"Topol-M" is 73200 m/sec.

About the Russian fourth generation rocket

Since 1975, the Strategic Missile Forces have been armed with the UR-100N intercontinental ballistic missile. In the NATO classification, this model is listed as SS-19 Stiletto. The range of this ICBM is 10 thousand km. Equipped with six warheads. Targeting is carried out using a special inertial system. UR-100N is a two-stage silo-based aircraft.

The power unit runs on liquid rocket fuel. Presumably, this ICBM will be used by the Russian Strategic Missile Forces until 2030.

About RSM-56

This model of the Russian ballistic missile is also called “Bulava”. In NATO countries, the ICBM is known under the code designation SS-NX-32. It is a new intercontinental missile, for which it is planned to be based on a Borei-class submarine. The maximum range is 10 thousand km. One rocket is equipped with ten detachable nuclear warheads.

Weighs 1150 kg. The ICBM is a three-stage one. Operates on liquid (1st and 2nd stage) and solid (3rd) fuel. He has served in the Russian Navy since 2013.

About Chinese samples

Since 1983, China has been armed with the DF-5A (Dong Feng) intercontinental ballistic missile. In the NATO classification, this ICBM is listed as CSS-4. The flight range is 13 thousand km. Created to “work” exclusively on the US continent.

The missile is equipped with six warheads weighing 600 kg. Targeting is carried out using a special inertial system and on-board computers. The ICBM is equipped with two-stage engines that run on liquid fuel.

In 2006, Chinese nuclear engineers created a new model of the three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile DF-31A. Its range does not exceed 11,200 km. According to NATO classification it is listed as CSS-9 Mod-2. It can be based both on submarines and on special launchers. The rocket has a launch weight of 42 tons. It uses solid fuel engines.

About American-made ICBMs

Since 1990 naval forces The USA uses the UGM-133A Trident II. This model is an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of covering distances of 11,300 km. It uses three solid rocket motors. Submarines became the base. The first testing took place in 1987. Over the entire period, the rocket was launched 156 times. Four starts ended unsuccessfully. One ballistic unit can carry eight warheads. The rocket is expected to last until 2042.

In the United States, the LGM-30G Minuteman III ICBM has been in service since 1970, with an estimated range ranging from 6 to 10 thousand km. This is the oldest intercontinental ballistic missile. It first started in 1961. Later, American designers created a modification of the rocket, which was launched in 1964. In 1968, the third modification LGM-30G was launched. Basing and launching is carried out from the mine. The mass of the ICBM is 34,473 kg. The rocket has three solid propellant engines. The ballistic unit moves towards the target at a speed of 24,140 km/h.

About the French M51

This model of intercontinental ballistic missile is operated by the French navy since 2010. ICBMs can also be deployed and launched from a submarine. The M51 was created to replace the outdated M45 model. Range new rocket varies from 8 to 10 thousand km. The mass of the M51 is 50 tons.

Equipped with a solid propellant rocket motor. One intercontinental ballistic unit is equipped with six warheads.

They celebrate their professional holiday on December 17 rocket troops strategic purpose. They never entered into fighting, which cannot but rejoice. Just their appearance makes you think: “Is it worth it?”

RG represents the country's most formidable intercontinental ballistic missiles.

"Voevoda" - "Satan"


Diameter: 3 meters;

Length: 34.3 meters;

Flight range: 11 - 16 thousand kilometers;

Hit accuracy: plus/minus 500 meters;

Full combat readiness time: 62 seconds;

Launch weight: 211 tons;

Service life: approximately 23 years.

The two-stage fourth-generation intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) R-36M2 "Voevoda", called "Satan" according to NATO classification, was first tested in 1986 at Baikonur. The launch ended unsuccessfully - upon exit, the first stage propulsion system did not start, and the rocket fell into the barrel, completely destroying the launch silo. However, already in 1988 the complex was put into service.

"Voevoda" was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most powerful and heaviest in the world. Given the flight range for this ICBM, there are no unattainable targets on Earth. According to experts, “Satan” is not afraid of any missile defense due to the powerful distracting targets it carries. In addition, the rocket is capable of launching even in conditions arising after a nuclear explosion.

Currently, only Voyevodas with a warhead equal to 7.5 megatons of TNT are on combat duty. Many of the early modifications of these ICBMs were converted into Dnepr launch vehicles, with the help of which satellites for various purposes were launched into low-Earth orbit.

"Topol - M" - "Sickle"


Diameter - 1.86 meters;

Length - 22.7 meters;

Flight range: 11 thousand kilometers;

Hit accuracy: plus/minus 200 meters;

Launch weight: 47.1 tons.

"Topol-M", codenamed "Sickle" by NATO, exists in two versions - mobile and silo-based. The latter is more famous; we can regularly see it at parades on the occasion of Victory Day. This is the first ballistic missile created after the collapse of the USSR. In the mine version, it entered combat duty in 1997, in the mobile version - in 2000.

In both versions, the ICBM has broad combat capabilities, the highest shooting accuracy and the ability to carry out long-term combat duty at various levels of combat readiness. At the same time, the missile is highly resistant to damaging factors during flight and has the ability to overcome deep missile defense. The capabilities of the mobile Topol are unique in many ways. It is at least one and a half times superior to the previous generation system in terms of efficiency in hitting targets and maneuverability. In addition, the developers managed to achieve high maneuverability of the complex and secrecy of actions, which significantly increases the survivability of the crews.

"Well done" with "Scalpel" on the railway


Diameter: 2.4 meters;

Length: 23 meters;

Flight range: 10.1 thousand kilometers;

Hit accuracy: 200 to 500 meters;

Launch weight: 104.8 tons.

In 1987, the first train with strategic missiles entered service with the USSR. It was railway complex“Well done” with the RT-23 UTTH ballistic missile, which received the nickname “Scalpel” in NATO. Until 1994, 12 such trains were on combat duty. Subsequently, all the trains were scrapped, except for two, which were transferred to museums.

The combat railway missile system (BZHRK) was developed by academicians brothers Vladimir and Alexey Utkin for 18 years. The compositions were tested in different climatic conditions, and successful launches were made everywhere. The trains, which outwardly resembled ordinary refrigerator cars, carried 70 military personnel during combat duty. The locomotives were driven by officers and warrant officers instead of drivers.

Strategic trains were withdrawn from service under the START-2 treaty. However, this year representatives of the Ministry of Defense announced the start of design work on the creation of a new generation of railway missile systems.

The exact characteristics are not disclosed. Approximate data is known:

Diameter: less than 2 meters;

Length: about 23 meters;

Flight range: 11 thousand kilometers.

The modern Russian ballistic missile with a multiple warhead is a modernization of the Topol-M complexes. The ICBM was put into service in 2009, and its tests began in May 2007, all were successful. It is planned that in the future the Yars will replace the missiles that are approaching their decommissioning date and, together with the Topol, will form the striking force of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Ballistic missiles have been and remain a reliable shield of Russia's national security. A shield, ready, if necessary, to turn into a sword.

R-36M "Satan"

Developer: Yuzhnoye Design Bureau
Length: 33.65 m
Diameter: 3 m
Starting weight: 208,300 kg
Flight range: 16000 km
Soviet strategic missile system of the third generation, with a heavy two-stage liquid-propelled, ampulized intercontinental ballistic missile 15A14 for placement in a silo launcher 15P714 of increased security type OS.

The Americans called the Soviet strategic missile system “Satan”. When first tested in 1973, the missile was the most powerful ballistic system ever developed. Not a single missile defense system was capable of resisting the SS-18, whose destruction radius was as much as 16 thousand meters. After the creation of the R-36M, Soviet Union could not worry about the “arms race”. However, in the 1980s, the “Satan” was modified, and in 1988 it entered service with the Soviet army. a new version SS-18 - R-36M2 “Voevoda”, against which modern American missile defense systems cannot do anything.

RT-2PM2. "Topol M"

Length: 22.7 m
Diameter: 1.86 m
Starting weight: 47.1 t
Flight range: 11000 km

The RT-2PM2 rocket is designed as a three-stage rocket with a powerful mixed solid fuel power plant and a fiberglass body. Testing of the rocket began in 1994. The first launch was carried out from a silo launcher at the Plesetsk cosmodrome on December 20, 1994. In 1997, after four successful launches, mass production of these missiles began. The act on the adoption of the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile into service by the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation was approved by the State Commission on April 28, 2000. As of the end of 2012, there were 60 silo-based and 18 mobile-based Topol-M missiles on combat duty. All silo-based missiles are on combat duty in the Taman Missile Division (Svetly, Saratov Region).

PC-24 "Yars"

Developer: MIT
Length: 23 m
Diameter: 2 m
Flight range: 11000 km
The first rocket launch took place in 2007. Unlike Topol-M, it has multiple warheads. In addition to combat units, Yars also carries a set of breakthrough weapons missile defense, which makes it difficult for the enemy to detect and intercept it. This innovation makes the RS-24 the most successful combat missile in the context of the deployment of the global American missile defense system.

SRK UR-100N UTTH with 15A35 missile

Developer: Central Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering
Length: 24.3 m
Diameter: 2.5 m
Starting weight: 105.6 t
Flight range: 10000 km
The third generation intercontinental ballistic liquid missile 15A30 (UR-100N) with a multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) was developed at the Central Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of V.N. Chelomey. Flight design tests of the 15A30 ICBM were carried out at the Baikonur training ground (chairman of the state commission - Lieutenant General E.B. Volkov). The first launch of the 15A30 ICBM took place on April 9, 1973. According to official data, as of July 2009, the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation had 70 deployed 15A35 ICBMs: 1. 60th Missile Division (Tatishchevo), 41 UR-100N UTTH 2. 28th Guards Missile Division (Kozelsk), 29 UR-100N UTTH.

15Zh60 "Well done"

Developer: Yuzhnoye Design Bureau
Length: 22.6 m
Diameter: 2.4 m
Starting weight: 104.5 t
Flight range: 10000 km
RT-23 UTTH "Molodets" - strategic missile systems with solid fuel three-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles 15Zh61 and 15Zh60, mobile railway and stationary silo-based, respectively. It was a further development of the RT-23 complex. They were put into service in 1987. Aerodynamic rudders are located on the outer surface of the fairing, allowing the rocket to be controlled in roll during the operation of the first and second stages. After passing through the dense layers of the atmosphere, the fairing is discarded.

R-30 "Bulava"

Developer: MIT
Length: 11.5 m
Diameter: 2 m
Starting weight: 36.8 tons.
Flight range: 9300 km
Russian solid-fuel ballistic missile of the D-30 complex for deployment on Project 955 submarines. The first launch of the Bulava took place in 2005. Domestic authors often criticize the Bulava missile system under development for a fairly large share of unsuccessful tests. According to critics, the Bulava appeared due to Russia’s banal desire to save money: the country’s desire to reduce development costs by unifying the Bulava with land missiles made its production cheaper , than usual.


Developer: MKB "Raduga"
Length: 7.45 m
Diameter: 742 mm
Wingspan: 3 m
Starting weight: 2200-2400
Flight range: 5000-5500 km
New generation strategic cruise missile. Its body is a low-wing aircraft, but has a flattened cross-section and side surfaces. The missile's warhead, weighing 400 kg, can hit two targets at once at a distance of 100 km from each other. The first target will be hit by ammunition descending by parachute, and the second directly when hit by a missile. At a flight range of 5,000 km, the circular probable deviation (CPD) is only 5-6 meters, and at a range of 10,000 km it does not exceed 10 m.

On January 20, 1960, the world's first intercontinental ballistic missile, the R-7, was put into service in the USSR. On the basis of this rocket, a whole family of medium-class launch vehicles was created, which made a great contribution to space exploration. It was the R-7 that launched the Vostok spacecraft into orbit with the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin. We decided to talk about five legendary Soviet ballistic missiles.

The two-stage R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile, affectionately called the “seven,” had a detachable warhead weighing 3 tons. The rocket was developed in 1956–1957 at OKB-1 near Moscow under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. It became the first intercontinental ballistic missile in the world. The R-7 was put into service on January 20, 1960. It had a flight range of 8 thousand km. Later, a modification of the R-7A was adopted with a range increased to 11 thousand km. The R-7 used liquid two-component fuel: liquid oxygen as an oxidizer, and T-1 kerosene as a fuel. Testing of the rocket began in 1957. The first three launches were unsuccessful. The fourth attempt was successful. The R-7 carried a thermonuclear warhead. The throwing weight was 5400–3700 kg.



In 1962, the USSR adopted the R-16 missile. Its modification was the first Soviet missile, capable of launching from a silo launcher. For comparison, the American SM-65 Atlas was also stored in the mine, but could not launch from the mine: before launching, they rose to the surface. The R-16 is also the first Soviet two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile using high-boiling propellant components with an autonomous control system. The missile entered service in 1962. The need to develop this missile was determined by the low tactical, technical and operational characteristics of the first Soviet ICBM R-7. Initially, the R-16 was supposed to be launched only from ground launchers. The R-16 was equipped with a detachable monoblock warhead of two types, differing in the power of the thermonuclear charge (about 3 Mt and 6 Mt). The maximum flight range depended on the mass and, accordingly, the power of the warhead, ranging from 11 thousand to 13 thousand km. The first rocket launch ended in an accident. On October 24, 1960, at the Baikonur test site, during the planned first test launch of the R-16 rocket at the stage of pre-launch work, approximately 15 minutes before launch, an unauthorized start of the second stage engines occurred due to the passage of a premature command to start the engines from the current distributor, which was caused by a gross violation of the missile preparation procedure. The rocket exploded on the launch pad. 74 people were killed, including the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Marshal M. Nedelin. Later, the R-16 became the base missile for creating a group of intercontinental missiles of the Strategic Missile Forces.

RT-2 became the first Soviet serial solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile. It was put into service in 1968. This missile had a range of 9400–9800 km. Throwing weight - 600 kg. RT-2 was distinguished by its short preparation time for launch - 3–5 minutes. For the P-16 it took 30 minutes. The first flight tests were carried out from the Kapustin Yar test site. There were 7 successful launches. During the second stage of testing, which took place from October 3, 1966 to November 4, 1968 at the Plesetsk test site, 16 out of 25 launches were successful. The rocket was in operation until 1994.

RT-2 rocket in the Motovilikha museum, Perm


The R-36 was a heavy-duty missile capable of carrying a thermonuclear charge and penetrating a powerful missile defense system. The R-36 had three warheads of 2.3 Mt each. The missile entered service in 1967. In 1979 it was withdrawn from service. The rocket was launched from a silo launcher. During the testing process, 85 launches were carried out, of which 14 failures occurred, 7 of which occurred in the first 10 launches. In total, 146 launches of all modifications of the rocket were carried out. R-36M - further development of the complex. This rocket is also known as "Satan". It was the world's most powerful combat missile system. It was significantly superior to its predecessor, the R-36: in shooting accuracy - 3 times, in combat readiness - 4 times, in launcher security - 15–30 times. The missile range was up to 16 thousand km. Throwing weight - 7300 kg.



"Temp-2S" is the first mobile missile system of the USSR. The mobile launcher was based on a six-axle MAZ-547A wheeled chassis. The complex was intended to strike at well-protected air defense/missile defense systems and important military and industrial infrastructure located deep in enemy territory. Flight tests of the Temp-2S complex began with the first launch of a rocket on March 14, 1972 at the Plesetsk test site. The flight development stage in 1972 did not go very smoothly: 3 out of 5 launches were unsuccessful. A total of 30 launches were carried out during flight testing, 7 of which were emergency launches. At the final stage of joint flight testing at the end of 1974, a salvo launch of two missiles was carried out, and the last test launch was carried out on December 29, 1974. The Temp-2S mobile ground-based missile system was put into service in December 1975. The missile range was 10.5 thousand km. The missile could carry a 0.65–1.5 Mt thermonuclear warhead. Further development missile complex"Temp-2S" became the "Topol" complex.