Brownie how to see him. I saw a brownie, what should I do? Ritual for Easter Sunday

25.07.2019 Cell phones

The Slavs have always believed in the presence of supernatural forces; their communication with the otherworldly was considered something ordinary for them. Nowadays, most people are skeptical about such knowledge. To make sure of the existence of a brownie, you just need to observe a little more carefully what is happening in the house.

Modern man is constantly busy with something. Work and study, raising children, business, great amount entertainment, hobbies. Because of all this, people rarely began to observe nature and the general situation in the house. You can often hear strange sounds in the house, objects may move or disappear, but people do not see anything special in this, believing that they simply forgot where exactly they put this or that thing. While at the most unexpected moment a person may see a brownie.

Who is a brownie?

It has long been believed that an old grandfather brings peace and wealth to the house. They respected him, did not drive him away under any circumstances, but on the contrary tried to appease him in every possible way. Majority modern people Those who believe in paranormal phenomena consider such creatures to be evil and try to get rid of them.

The Slavs were sure that a brownie was an old man who was completely covered with hair, had a long beard, and was slightly larger in size than a cat. He kept order in the apartment, protected its residents from failure, protected people's sleep and was friends with pets.

Official science does not confirm the existence of such creatures at home, but observant owners always feel its presence. There are two versions explaining their origin:

  • A poltergeist is the ghost of a deceased relative who now communicates with their loved ones. Thus, he continues to keep order in his home.
  • This is a spirit that feeds on the energy of people. The brownie notes positive energy accordingly. If people swear, drink and smoke, quarrel, the ghost will try to do mischief and may even .

How to understand that there is a poltergeist in the house?

If a ghost appears in a house, he will never leave it. Transferring him to another house is problematic. It is difficult to see a brownie because it can exist unnoticed by a person if everything is fine in the house. There are three types of ghosts that can live next to a person:

  • The keeper. At first it does not manifest itself, but if a person begins to behave badly, then he begins to act in a similar way, pointing out mistakes.
  • Deceased person. He always behaves well, tries to help people and do as many useful things as possible.
  • Evil ghosts. Their task is to harm a person, to bring suffering and torment into the house.

Identifying evil creatures is much easier. The condition of the residents in the house can deteriorate sharply, they begin to constantly swear, there is not enough money, food quickly spoils. A pet, especially if it is a cat, always feels the presence of evil. Their behavior becomes strange.

How can you see a brownie?

Since they are afraid of detection, they will only appear in extreme cases. The only thing you can see is a small dark spot that will appear in the corner. Often such shadows are visible in photographs. This means that the poltergeist did not have time to hide. The day is not best time to search for the paranormal, it is better to do it in the evening or at night.

To successfully summon an entity, you must have subtle energy. If a person has never engaged in spiritual practices, he is unlikely to be able to successfully perform the ritual. It is better to organize an evening ceremony. During the day, the ghost will not want to show itself to humans.

You need to proceed as follows:

  1. In the evening, the table is prepared, decorated with a beautiful tablecloth, and food is placed.
  2. The man turns away from the table and says once, “Come for a treat, father.”
  3. If the keeper of the house wants to leave, the person will definitely hear suspicious sounds and rustles. If this happens, you need to mentally thank the brownie and call him to the table.

You need to wait a while for him to treat himself. This is the main condition. Then you need to clarify whether the ghost can talk. To do this, a person sets a conditioned signal for agreement, and for the answers “yes” and “no”.

For example, if the grandfather agrees to talk, he should lightly touch the person’s right finger; if he disagrees, he should lightly touch the person’s left finger. The same system must be followed when answering questions. It is recommended to behave with him as tactfully as possible: do not ask many questions, do not repeat them several times.

After the end of the conversation, they once again thank the keeper for the visit and conversation. They give him a little time so that the entity has time to hide. In the morning, some of the treats are given to the animals, and some are buried in the yard under the trees. People who performed such a ritual more than once noticed that there was less milk in the glass.

Activity time: day or night?

It is not at all necessary to carry out such a complex ritual in order to be able to look at a poltergeist. You can see the creature at a certain time. For example, you can get up before sunrise and walk around the rooms. It’s better to walk quietly and not talk. A small shadow can often be seen at this time. This is the brownie. They often hide in basements, closets and attics.

In addition, shadows often spend time under stairs. If you stand on the third step and bend slightly, you can see the appearance of the keeper of the house. If grandpa is in a good mood, the shadow will begin to lighten. And vice versa, if the entity is angry, extraneous sounds, rustling, and tapping will appear in the apartment.

You need to remember that ghosts love small secluded corners. They often spend time in places where the owner rarely goes. They hide behind the closet, in the children's room, behind the sink and oven, in the pantry, in the cellar. Ghosts love children, so they can often be found on a child's bed, among toys. Since children are kind creatures, and are less likely than adults to commit bad deeds, they are the ones most often able to see a brownie.

How to make friends with a brownie?

You should not try to talk to entities every day over trifles. Ghosts do not like this, and can respond to such importunity aggressively. If a person calls a brownie over a trifle and starts laughing at him, he will get angry, and strange events will begin to happen at home, for example, dishes will break, Appliances, a fire will occur.

To avoid such unpleasant situations, it is necessary long time to appease the brownie:

  • Once a month, place a small container of milk in the far corner.
  • Once every 5-6 months you need to prepare a delicious porridge with milk, and also put it in a corner or on the windowsill.
  • You should regularly remove the wrappers from sweets and cookies, leaving the sweets in an open place.
  • Before going to bed, be sure to remove sharp utensils, such as onions and garlic, from the table. All this can frighten the spirit, but it is at night that the brownie can leave his secluded corner and walk around the house a little.

When a person tries to talk and see a brownie, he must remember that the true appearance of this entity is noticeably different from those images that can be seen in cartoons and films. The brownie may turn out to be too dark, unkempt, and sometimes even frightening. If you make friends with a ghost, constantly appeasing him, you can establish peace in the house, improve your financial situation and get answers to your questions.

To find out if there is a brownie in the house, try this. Clear the kitchen table any evening. There should be nothing on it except the tablecloth. After this, put a full glass of semi-sweet red wine on the table, preferably Cahors. Place a piece of soft meat on a saucer white bread(loaf), greased butter. You can sprinkle a thin layer of flour around it, but this is not necessary. Having prepared everything, say out loud: “Father Brownie, come and eat your dinner.”

There should be no one in the kitchen until the morning. This applies not only to people, but also to animals. In the morning, before sunrise, get up and be the first to enter the kitchen. Others can come in after you.
If there is one in the house brownie, he will definitely come and eat. You will see that there is less wine in the glass. There are small marks on the bread and butter and crumbs on the table. Sometimes the bread is bitten. There are also visible marks on the flour. When I called the brownie, they looked like the footprints of a small bird.

This method of calling a brownie is suitable for those who have a bad relationship with the owner of the house or for some reason he does not like you and does nasty things. In this case, you feed him for reconciliation.
The ritual is performed by the one who has problems with the brownie, and the words are said: “Father brownie! This is for you. Eat, help yourself, don’t be angry with me, don’t be offended.”

Usually after this the brownie does not touch the person whom he did not like before and stops doing nasty things.

Communicate with the brownie as with an ordinary person. Talk to him out loud, you can ask for help. Give him treats more often, not forgetting to tell him that the treat is for him.

You can write a note to the brownie and hide it in a secluded place. If he deems it necessary, he will take this note and answer it. If not, he will throw your message at your feet or will not react at all.

To see the brownie, develop clairvoyance. I saw all the brownies. And not because I wanted to, it just somehow happened naturally. One brownie slept with us, ate with us, and we watched TV together. If he didn’t like a movie or program, he climbed into the wires and started screwing around there. At night I sorted through cereals in the kitchen and went for a walk through the window. At first, my husband and I thought that it was strange cats climbing, we watched, but the rustling continued, and no one was visible.

Then he began to come and sleep with us. It was clear that someone was climbing over our legs and lying down - a depression was visible on the blanket. Our cat got up to look and went back to sleep peacefully.

I saw two brownies. One - when we lived in Russia (black), and the second - in Kharkov (chestnut color). Both are small furry creatures with huge eyes that match the color of their fur. The nose is like that of a small dog, and the height is about 20 cm. Outwardly they resemble a soft toy.

And when I lived in my native Makeevka, our brownie cat was Nafanya. He appeared at night and left the house at dawn. Then I had to leave, and my uncle and his wife moved into the house. And our Nafanya disliked them. Whatever he did to them! He turned over pots of food, pulled meat out of the refrigerator, took it outside and called other cats for lunch. No matter how hard my relatives tried, they could not get rid of Nafanka. This cat is over 20 years old, but he feels great and doesn’t seem to be going to die.

I don’t know why you need to see a brownie, but if such a need arises, then try to do this. Sit in the house all alone and say as loudly as possible (but don’t shout): “I am addressing the brownie, the master-father. Appear, show yourself, open yourself to my gaze. I’m calling you and I want to see you in order to...” (explain why).

If it's just for fun, you won't see anyone. In general, you should disturb and disturb the owner of the house if you really have a serious problem, you need help, or there is danger hanging over the house. Otherwise, the brownie may get angry and punish. It can lead to madness. So it's better not to joke about it.

Have you ever had things go missing from your home and then suddenly found them in the most inappropriate place? Doesn't anyone wake you up at night? Mugs, spoons and the patter of little feet can be heard when everyone is sleeping? If you answered yes to at least one question, then know that there is a brownie living in your house! Whether he is bad or evil remains to be seen...

Who is a brownie

Since ancient times, people believed in the brownie and knew about its existence. The traditional image of a brownie is a small, bearded, kind grandfather who lives behind the stove. The brownie is the keeper hearth and home, protects owners from diseases, misfortunes and misfortunes. You need to be friends with the brownie - on his birthday - February 10th, prepare porridge with butter and honey, put it on the table. Talk to your brownie, ask for advice, he will definitely answer you in a dream or with a sign that you will certainly see and understand everything! If you suddenly lost something that seemed to be lying in a visible place, say out loud 3 times: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!” In a few minutes you will see a lost item, this is the brownie playing with you.

Brownie is seen by small children under three years old; he loves them very much for his clean energy. If you see that your baby has frozen and is smiling at one point, it means that a brownie is playing with him. Mothers told stories of how toys got into the baby’s crib in an unknown way and the mobile phone began to rock.

How to see a brownie

Seeing a brownie happens very rarely, mainly before a bad fateful event, from the consequences of which the brownie will want to warn you by his appearance. He can warn in different ways:

  • Before the fire in the house, the brownie woke up one girl I knew in the middle of the night, looked intently into her eyes and pointed his finger at a bucket of water, after which he disappeared in a haze. After 2 days, the house burned to the ground.
  • To another woman, before the death of her husband, the brownie opened the window, which was boarded up for the winter, and let bat, which is known to be a harbinger of death. Amazing, isn't it?
  • It can also save you from death - during a fire, he woke up the owner of the house with a cool breeze on her neck, after which the woman woke up and saw that the house was on fire.

There are various rituals for calling a brownie, but we strongly recommend that you never do this! If queen of spades, for example, or Bloody Mary are not proven phenomena, then the brownie, although not proven by scientists, almost all people believe in its existence. It is impossible to disturb the keeper of the house for the sake of pampering; misfortunes, troubles, and financial losses may begin in the family.

Brownie's grievances

Also, the brownie may take offense at you and begin to behave badly:

  • If you don’t take it with you when you move to another house, it will haunt the other residents. Before leaving for a new home, you must say: “Brownie, follow me, you’re ahead, I’ll follow you!”;
  • When there is dirt, quarrels, and fights in the house, the brownie begins to “rustle” - turning off the lights, rattling dishes, throwing objects around the house. There is also a belief that in such houses light bulbs often burn out, equipment breaks, and dishes break. In such cases, it is necessary to carry out a “general” cleaning of the house, walk with candles in all corners, apologize to the brownie and treat him to sweets.
  • If you offend the brownie in any way, he may appear at night and strangle you. In this case, you need to appease the brownie - put candy and cookies and a saucer of milk on the kitchen table since yesterday.
  • Brownies and pets form strong friendships - if someone kicks a cat or hits a dog, they will take revenge.

Be friends with the brownie, he hears your thoughts and deeds. The brownie will deservedly appreciate your love for him, which will manifest itself in successful endeavors and the health of the family as a whole!

Do you believe in brownies? Find out from the article what these creatures are, what they look like and what they bring to people.

Modern man, what is he like? Terribly pragmatic. More often he identifies it with physical comfort and the environment - good repairs, expensive equipment, comfortable furniture.

For religion, belief in the magical and magical in his life, if there is a place, it is very little. And then he is sincerely surprised that something strange begins to happen in the house: things disappear, equipment breaks, dishes break, rustles and sighs are heard. This is how the brownie shows himself. And he is clearly not happy that he was not treated with due respect.

Does a brownie exist?

You need to immediately understand that a brownie is not a person, not an animal, or even any creature with a physical shell. He is an esoteric, astral creation.

The existence of the brownie has not been proven by scientists. It is not classified as one of the existing species living beings and is not allocated to a new one. All photos in which the keeper of the house is supposedly captured in one of his likenesses are considered hoaxes, since their authenticity has not been confirmed.

Moreover, a person with a rational mindset will be able to find a scientific, completely logical explanation for all the brownie’s tricks, thereby convincing himself and others that this creature does not exist.

One version: a brownie is a good spirit that protects a house or apartment.

But our ancestors believed that in every house there lives a guardian spirit, a mystical creature who, when good attitude to him, protects the home itself and everyone who lives in it. The Slavs called the brownie the kutny god (from the Ukrainian “kut” - corner).
They respected the brownie, tried to appease him, and left him toys and food. He could even have his own corner and sleeping place. And no one was surprised by the tips and warnings that the brownie gave to people, and sometimes by his pranks. He was the patron of the home, protected it from fires and criminal attacks, and gave health and a prosperous life to the family living in it. The brownie looked after livestock and domestic animals. And he became reckless only when his household treated him badly.

IMPORTANT: The brownie was considered a member of the family, and sometimes its head. It was not for nothing that he was called “master”, “uncle”, “grandfather”, “brother”.

Where does a brownie appear in a house or apartment? What is the nature of this creature? There are very different opinions on this matter.

  1. According to one version, the brownie is a ghost, the spirit of one of the deceased family members. Either the one who died first, or the one who sinned a lot, did not repent and was unable to depart to another world, remaining forever the guardian of the home.
  2. According to another version, a brownie is a bundle of energy left by the inhabitants of the house. If she is good, positive, then the brownie will be kind, if she is evil, negative, he will play dirty tricks and scare people.
  3. Some of our ancestors believed that brownies were the descendants of Adam and Eve, who were forced to live next to people, but hide from them because of their terrible appearance.
  4. The Slavs also thought that God himself sent the brownies into their homes.

According to the Church, a brownie is an evil spirit, a demon.

IMPORTANT: The Church has its own opinion on this matter. Orthodox Christianity does not deny the existence of brownies, but considers them demons, “from the evil one.”

Believers who have icons at home, go to church, try to lead a godly lifestyle, repent of their sins, raise their children correctly, have a Guardian Angel present in their homes. And they no longer need any other “defender”.
If the inhabitants of the house sin, use foul language, tell fortunes, cast spells, perform mystical rituals, if there are no icons in it, there may well be a demon - a brownie, who will incline everyone in the house to the side of evil. And such a house needs cleansing.
The fact that some people consider it a good thing to cohabit with a brownie, keep his figures and images, Orthodox priests explained by the fact that even more than a thousand years after the baptism of Rus' they cannot get rid of pagan traditions and idols. After all, in fact, the brownie is the god of the pagan pantheon of the ancient Slavs.

IMPORTANT: In occultism there is the concept of “egregor”. It means a condensation of energy, a continuation of a person’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences. If a brownie is an egregor, it exists as long as they believe in it. Being pagan gods, they were relevant. And now, when they not only deify, but even doubt their existence, they can really disappear.

Brownie in the house: what does it mean, is it good or bad?

So, the brownie lives in the house. Is this for worse or for good? After all, some advise to cajole him, feed and entertain him, while others advise him to drive him out, survive, and perform a cleansing ritual. For example, holy water, as described in

If a person is deeply religious, he will never want to cohabit with an unclean woman, much less please her. But most of us rarely distinguish between religious dogmas, beliefs, and signs. For such people, a brownie is good. It is believed that he:

  • protects an apartment or house from fire, robberies, and other troubles
  • helps a family living in an apartment
  • keeps the house clean
  • creates comfort
  • indicates malfunction of household appliances
  • plays with small children and pets
  • warns of troubles, gives signs
  • attracts material well-being

The brownie keeps order in the house and gets very angry if it is not respected.

If a brownie causes mischief, breaks or scatters things, makes noise, scares the household, this does not mean that he is bad. The main food of this creature is not milk with bread or cookies, as many people think, but the energy coming from family members. If they are sloppy, quarrel among themselves, and angry towards others, the house elf becomes the same. In order for him to turn from a dirty trickster into a guardian again, you need to change your behavior and try to make friends with him.

VIDEO: Brownies: good or evil, who are they?

What does a brownie look like: a photo of a real live brownie?

If you ask a child what a brownie looks like, he will immediately describe the kind, shaggy, soot-smeared Kuzya from the famous children's cartoon. If you ask an adult, he will describe his grandfather with long beard and a mustache, wearing a shirt or straw bast shoes. He lives behind the stove and groans because he is old.

Is a brownie really similar to a human, only smaller in stature? As a spirit, it does not have a specific physical embodiment and can be represented in different images:

  • ball of wool
  • a cat-like creature covered with fur, with clawed paws, long ears, sparse, sharp teeth and yellow eyes
  • one of the deceased family members
  • gray or smoky colored cat

Some describe the brownie as a cute, dense, round creature. Others look like something thin and shabby. Appearance The existence of this creature largely depends on the lifestyle people lead. If they are sloppy and do not keep order in the house, the brownie has to do everything for them. This makes him lose weight, become emaciated and look really scary.

Nowadays there are photo and video cameras in every mobile phone; you can photograph anything. Therefore, the Internet began to be full of photos with supposed brownies. It is difficult to determine from them whether they are genuine or not. The photographs show shadows, some blurry silhouettes, they are difficult to make out. However, some of these photos give you goosebumps, so it’s best not to look at them for the faint-hearted and impressionable.

Photo of the brownie. Brownie in the photo.

It is very difficult to say whether the brownie is captured in this photo.

How to find out if there is a brownie in the house: signs of presence

Brownies do not always make themselves known with any signs. If the home and family are happy, they simply do their job. But more often their presence is still noticeable:

  1. At night, you can hear footsteps similar to those of a pet, as well as groans and sighs. There is no need to be afraid, the good spirit is just to tinker around the house.
  2. Animals see brownies. If a cat or dog freezes in one position for a long time and looks intently at an empty space, they are looking at a brownie. Cats also love to play with him.
  3. It is believed that children under 7 years old see brownies. Guardian spirits do not offend babies, they amuse them, rock the cradle, and console them when they cry.
  4. The brownie can manage the kitchen - tearing out the cabinet, rearranging kitchen utensils.
  5. If the house was searched for something, and then it was found in the most visible place, the brownie helped.
  6. If you hear rustling, groaning, or howling near some electrical appliance, it turns on and off by itself, this is the brownie telling you that it needs to be checked for serviceability.
  7. A brownie can howl and cry, foreshadowing misfortune: serious illness or the death of a family member.

IMPORTANT: It happens that a person gets engrossed in a book or enthusiastically wanders the Internet, while eating something tasty. He took a bite and put it on a plate. He is sure that there is still a piece left, he once again reaches for the plate, but there is nothing there. This brownie decided to treat himself!

Where does a brownie live and hide in a house or apartment according to Slavic beliefs?

According to Slavic beliefs, the brownie lives in warm and cozy places - behind the stove or on the stove.

In apartments where there are no such stoves, he lives in a secluded corner filled with furniture, in a pantry or large closet.

The brownie's favorite place is in the warmth, behind the stove.

If a person has strong intuition, he can feel the house-elf's habitat. You can calculate it using a pendulum, a vine, or through other rituals. But it’s better not to do this: the owner, the priest, likes to remain incognito, he will make himself known if necessary.

Where do brownies come from in new houses?

Ideas about where brownies in homes come from vary greatly.

  1. According to one of them, the deceased owner of the house or the one who built it becomes a housewife.
  2. According to another, God himself sends brownies to decent people, strong families, and good owners as a reward.
  3. Experts in paranormal phenomena believe that home appears in a lived-in house, that is, one where the energy of its inhabitants has already accumulated.
  4. If the house is new, you want a good spirit to guard it, the brownie is called upon through special rituals. A family that is moving from an old place and wants to remove the owner from there may try to take him with them. But this is extremely difficult to do, since the house elf is a sedentary creature, and once it has chosen a home, it is unlikely to leave it.
  5. If not the whole family moves, but only one of its members, the chance of taking the brownie with you is even less.

Is a brownie needed in the house and why?

Amulet - brownie.

In the cartoon about the brownie Kuzya, the crow and Baba Yaga couldn't get enough of him. “Happiness has arrived!” they said. Our ancestors also considered this creature happiness. The brownie kept records of the household, symbolized fertility, and gave health to people and animals. They tried to make friends with him and left him gifts.
Now not everyone will be happy with such cohabitation.

  1. Firstly, people who see a brownie experience fear and, they say, may become numb or turn gray.
  2. Secondly, the way of life of families is changing a lot. It becomes difficult for a brownie to live as he pleases. The spirit can be frightened, angered by a vacuum cleaner, TV, or loud music. And he can hardly find a secluded place in a small apartment. And an evil brownie is a disaster. He makes noise, scares people, hides things, spills cereals, and makes milk sour. Here it remains to either make peace with him, accept his rule, or try to drive him out by performing rituals of cleansing the home.
  3. It is already clear that Orthodox Christian, who leads a righteous lifestyle, will certainly not tolerate it in his home evil spirits. For him, a brownie is evil. After all, the Guardian Angel and the house-elf will not get along under the same roof, the latter is clearly not needed here, it is necessary to get rid of him as soon as possible.

VIDEO: Brownie. How to check if there is a brownie at home?

Today brownies are considered mystical creatures. The younger generation does not believe in their existence, recognizing that it is a myth and a relic of the past. But do brownies really exist?

Our ancestors assured that such creatures exist. They protect the house from conflict situations , smooth out quarrels in the family, protect from misfortunes and evil spirits.

The brownie actually exists in every apartment or house. He is the keeper of the home. In reality, it protects against theft, tells home owners about evil and unscrupulous friends, helps with children and brings good luck.

note! Not everyone is happy to see this mystical creature.

Brownies know how to become invisible so as not to disturb or disturb their owners, because their main task is to create a peaceful atmosphere in the house.

But you can understand that the keeper is still present by the following signs.

Table: signs of the presence and evidence of the existence of brownies in a residential area

Sign Description
Noise The rattling of dishes, stamping of feet and knocking occurs at night. The brownie is obliged to monitor the cleanliness of the apartment and when he sees a mess, using noise he reminds the hostess of the need to clean
Pet behavior Cats, dogs and other pets see these mystical creatures. If an animal plays with someone invisible, wags its tail, caresses, it means a good brownie has settled in the house.

If an animal shows aggression, barks, hisses, or hides in fear in a corner or under the bed, this is a sign that an evil spirit has settled in the apartment, wanting to evict the owners and harm them.

Missing things These mystical creatures love to play dirty tricks not to the detriment of their owners. They are attracted to shiny objects, jewelry and toys.

They move them from place to place, hide them, causing trouble for the owners of the premises. This is how they attract attention.

If sweets or decorations disappear in the house, it is worth feeding the brownie to appease him

Clues in a dream The guardians of the house tell the owners how to solve problems in their dreams. They protect sleep from nightmares
Feeling safe People will agree that when they come home, their fears and worries dissipate. This is another proof of the existence of a guardian.

It creates a beneficial atmosphere in the home and gives peace of mind

Warning signs They manifest themselves in different ways: doors slamming, doorbells ringing, dishes breaking or objects falling.

This is how the brownie warns of impending danger. It is worth checking whether the gas or water is closed, the serviceability of the sockets, etc.

Games with children Children under seven years old see brownies. The good ones play with them, but the scary and evil ones scare them. Therefore, you should not neglect the child’s words when he talks about playing with the “weirdo”

What does a real and living brownie look like in reality?

Not everyone can see what a brownie looks like. Real spirits rarely appear to people in real form. They often appear in the form of animals.

A real living brownie easily takes on any form to get to know a person.

People who are lucky enough to see these energy entities note that in reality they look like:

  1. Shapeless balls covered with thick hair with small arms and legs.
  2. Small old men, covered with profuse hair.

Important! You can call a brownie, but you shouldn’t do it. They appear before people's eyes before dangers and misfortunes, warning them.

If you forcibly call the guardian of the house and disturb him, he will become angry with the owners and begin to cause harm rather than protect the home.

What do brownies eat?

Spirits love to feast on:

  • Cookies.
  • Honey.
  • Refined sugar.
  • Jam.
  • Sour cream.
  • Milk.
  • Sweets.
  • Fresh baked goods.

How to appease and make friends with a brownie in an apartment?

If you are sure that a brownie lives in your house, you should make friends with it.

note! Spirits love cleanliness and order, so always keep the house clean, do not neglect dirty dishes and garbage.

Don't speak badly about the house keeper, it will make him angry. Always thank for your help and tips.

They have a big sweet tooth, so you can appease the brownie in your apartment with food and sweets.

Table: ways to appease a brownie

Way Description
Talk Pay attention to the keeper of the house, talk to him more often, thank him for his help
Highlighting your own toys Spirits love to play with toys and small objects, so they often “borrow” them for play from the owners of the house.

Give him a separate box, put toys and jewelry in it. Tell him that from now on the box belongs to the brownie and ask him to play only with his things.

The creature will be delighted with the gift and will stop “stealing” from the house

Congratulations Always wish your brownie a happy birthday on January 28th. Give sweets as a gift: cookies, candies, honey
Separate dishes The brownie is a full member of the family, so he must have his own saucer and cup

After presenting the spirit with a meal, you will hear him walking around the kitchen and rustling. There is one trick that helps you see traces of a brownie being in the house.

Place some sweets on a plate and place it on the table. Dust the dishes on the counter with flour and leave overnight. At night, a hungry brownie will come and eat, and traces of his legs will remain on the table with flour.

Remember that by neglecting the guardian of the house, the brownie becomes dangerous to people.

It can cause harm, choke you at night, throw things around, scare children, tangle wires and break dishes.

It is difficult to cope with an aggressive brownie, so it is better to prevent such a situation and periodically reward the spirit with goodies.

How to properly take a brownie to a new apartment?

If people are moving to a new home, then it is worth taking it to new apartment brownie. If this is not done, he will be offended and begin to show disrespect for the new owners.

When moving, it is worth informing the custodian of the house about this and asking him to move with you.

For this, the conspiracy is read:

  1. “Brownie, follow me, you go ahead, I’ll follow you.”
  2. “Bow to you, father, follow us to the new mansions, there you will have refreshments and a warm place.”

Important! Voice conspiracies sincerely, with a smile on your face. Only then will the keeper want to go with you to your new home.

Useful video