Fire magician hand movement. How to master the magic of water and fire yourself

11.08.2019 Documentation

How to become a magician and gain witchcraft abilities? Let's consider recommendations for beginning sorcerers and magicians of all elements, features of the initiation ritual.

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How to become a magician in real life

Magical powers are a pipe dream. But it’s possible to join the magicians. If a person initially does not have superpowers from his ancestors, the path will be difficult. It’s easier for people who have abilities from birth: children grow up in a magical environment, where they are taught to manage the gift.

If there are no magicians among your relatives, you should not despair - the situation can be corrected. A simple person can do both.

First you need to choose a patron - a certain element. The task is simple: you can choose the patron element of the Zodiac sign.

If a person feels that that element is not suitable, he can choose any one. To become a sorcerer, it is important to undergo a rite of passage and contact higher powers asking for power.

A real magician will need the following essential attributes:

  • notebook (records ongoing rituals, new spells and rituals);
  • black cape;
  • ritual knife (ideally should be made by hand, but any with a black handle will do);
  • (selected by date of birth or the one to which the person will be drawn - magic stones have different properties, sometimes you will have to select different pebbles for rituals);
  • mirror (used in rituals where it is necessary to open the door to another world).

A magician needs a faithful companion, usually an animal. It is believed that faithful assistant- a black cat (sometimes a snake or toad), but this opinion is erroneous. Cats are able to sense the approach of danger and external negative influences. But a wizard's pet is a reflection of the wizard's nature. A pet is selected with which the person has an energetic connection.

To become a truly experienced and powerful magician, you need to work on yourself - work every day. If you are passive in your studies and stop trying new practices or forget old ones, your abilities will dissipate over time.

How to become a water magician at home

To become a water magician, you need absolute unity with the elements. You will need a set of certain witchcraft attributes and desire. Water- a powerful element.

A magician who is able to communicate with spirits is granted angelic patience, composure, and calmness. Apart from the people taking part in the ritual, no one should know about the ritual - this entails negative consequences.

Initiation ritual

The ritual is performed both independently and with outside help. You will need to come to the shore of a natural reservoir exactly at midnight. There shouldn't be a single soul around. The magician undresses and slowly plunges headlong into the water for no more than a few seconds.

The water collects some liquid into the dish. Afterwards, the magician comes out of the water onto the shore, places 13 candles in a circle, lights it, puts on a black cape and places a container of water in the center of the figure. The sorcerer stands in the center and says:

Spirits of water, come! Show up! Answer my call! Grant me peace, tranquility, wisdom and strength. Temper my weapon (at this point the ritual knife is lowered into a container of water) so that it protects and protects me from all sorts of misfortunes and defeats my enemies!

After the spell, the magician monitors the reaction of the candles. If the fire goes out, the spirits will not fulfill the request. If the candles are burning, the spirits are ready to become protectors and patrons.

You should thank them for the respect shown, dip your fingers in a container of water and draw a cross on your forehead. Afterwards, bow deeply to the spirits and leave the ritual site. In order to have a greater connection with the chosen element, there should always be liquid in the house. It is better to buy an aquarium with fish.

Earthbenders - hardness and power

To become an earthbender requires special persistence. Art is not for everyone. Even after the initiation ceremony, one should not expect that they will become merciful in the coming days.

These forces do not forgive mistakes: to truly join the earthbenders, you will have to arm yourself with perseverance and perseverance. If the magician is not sure of his desire, it is better not to undertake the ritual, so as not to anger the spirits who will subsequently take revenge.

How to perform a ritual

To carry out the ceremony, they go at night to a plowed (preferably sown, but without sprouts) field. The magician creates a protective barrier by placing seven candles in a circle. Afterwards, the ritual knife is stabbed into the ground. Stretching out your hands to the ground, say:

Mother, damp earth, I trust in you! Spirits of the earth, come to me, become witnesses of my formation! Answer my call! Grant me firmness and confidence, perseverance and masculinity. Become my protectors and helpers. Don't let you stumble and go astray from your chosen path!

Then they touch the ground with their hand and take a little in their hand. The collected earth is wrapped in a scarf - this is a magician’s amulet that he carries with him. It is better to leave some of this soil near the house, and wrap the other half securely and carry it in your bag.

After the call, spirits must come to witness the reincarnation. If the entities agree to help, the magician will feel an energy flow.

How to become a fire mage yourself

Fire is the element of warriors. Mages who choose this patron have incredible strength and are capable of inflicting powerful damage to enemies. They are usually quite hot-tempered: if they get angry, they are capable of destroying everything around them to achieve their goal.

A person with a large supply of vitality and energy is capable of becoming a strong fire magician. The rituals performed require a lot of effort and are not always available.

Rite of passage

To become a fire mage, a special ritual is performed. The place is prepared in advance - deserted and quite large. When choosing a location, the need to draw a circle with chalk is taken into account (it is impossible in a field or forest). Collect three small piles of branches and hay, place them at equal distances from each other in the form of an isosceles triangle.

A circle is drawn in the middle with chalk, the magician stands in the center, holding a large lit candle in his hands (necessarily in a cape). IN left hand a ritual knife is taken and heated over the flame. They raise the knife and say:

Spirits of fire, I conjure you, I call you to me! Come and witness my transformation. Grant me endurance, will and power. Grant me the power to destroy and create. Temper my weapon so that I can defeat all enemies with it! Be my protectors and patrons!

You need to say the text 3 times and monitor the behavior of the candle. If the flame flickers and decreases, the spirits have arrived. If the fire remains as before, the call is ignored.

When the ceremony is completed, the magician bows deeply to the spirits and thanks them for their appearance and protection. When the spirits leave (the candle flame becomes calm), you can leave the circle - before this, crossing borders is prohibited.

Is it possible to be an airbender in reality?

You can ask the air to become an intercessor and patron of a magician. The main advantage of the element is the power to see the future. If a magician reaches the pinnacle of witchcraft, the future can be changed.

Carrying out the initiation ritual

A vacant lot is needed for the ceremony. Exactly at midnight, the magician comes to the designated place, places five candles in a circle and lights them counterclockwise. Then the person stands in a circle, places a ritual knife at his feet and raises his hands to the sky. The words of the spell are pronounced loudly:

Spirits of the air! I call you! Come before me! Grant the power to see and know what is unknown to others. Grant strength and power! Become my patrons, protect and protect from enemies!

Magic contains large-scale human wisdom, which has been obtained experimentally for thousands of years. Even in ancient times, there were magicians, sorcerers and wizards who used various rites and rituals to influence the destinies of people and natural phenomena.

What it is?

Nature itself was actively involved in all magical processes and even controls some of them. There is a whole section of magic called elemental magic. According to the provisions of this magic, our entire world consists of a combination of elements - Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit.

Magic must study their interaction with each other and their influence on human destiny in order to know how to apply it for its practical purposes.

Elemental magic can not only change weather– cause rain, wind, control thunderstorms, etc., it can help humanity in solving personal problems. Today, this type of magic is used to perform energetic cleansing of fields, charge amulets and talismans for good luck, attract success in business, practice healing, and much more.

Is it possible to control the elements?

Many novice magicians ask the question: “How to master the magic of the elements?” In fact, every person living on our planet is a form of combination of the four main elements - earth, air, water, fire. All intangible objects and natural phenomena also, to one degree or another, consist of elements. In order to learn how to control an element, you need to understand it well, you need to concentrate on it, highlight its main properties and draw parallels with yourself.

First, you need to coordinate these properties in yourself and learn to control them, and then move on to magical rituals associated with the elements. First, you need to undergo meditative practice to learn how to clearly visualize the necessary phenomena. To do this, clasp your hands stretched out in front of you, open your palms a little and imagine that you are holding a ball between us. The color of the ball will depend on the choice of element:

  • Element Air – blue color.
  • Element Earth – brown color.
  • The element of Fire is orange.
  • Element Water – blue color.

Gradually bring your palms together and let in everything that is contained in this ball. The moment your palms touch each other, exhale deeply. At the same time, imagine the situation that you planned to influence.

Control of different elements must be constantly developed. Start with this little practice and continue your fascinating journey into the world of magic. By practicing diligently, you will definitely be able to master the magic of all the elements.


We all live on Earth, this is our home, our foundation, this is our firmament under our feet. It is not surprising that the Earth element is the main one among all other elements. Without the earth, nothing can exist; it is our Mother, creator and main creator. In the magical sphere, the element Earth is responsible for everything material and financial. So, earth magic will help you if you need to solve problems with your career, run a successful business that generates a stable income, or increase the fertility of your garden or garden.

To carry out rituals, direct contact with the ground is most often necessary, you need to bury an object, take a walk in an open area, etc. Earth magic is quite powerful, but to harness its powers, you must first establish a connection. To do this, find an open area, ideally if it is a field or a small forest, but you can work in a park or in the yard of your dacha. Take off your shoes and stand with your bare feet on the ground.

Deprive your head of all thoughts, relax as much as possible. Feel the earth and concentrate on the information it will send you. Now go back inside and stand with your bare feet on the bare floor. Imagine that all the information received passes through your legs and goes down an invisible cable, deep into the ground.


Fire is a bright, living element. Fire magic is the most active of all, because its entire essence is based on change. The dominant area in the magic of this element is love affairs. Fire can ignite passion, bring back old feelings, develop sexuality, and make a person more attractive. Mages and people with extrasensory abilities use fire magic to carry out rituals to develop energy, improve the sexual sphere of the object’s life, destroy the shackles of conventions and habits that bind him, to cure diseases and general cleansing of the body.

Mastering the magic of this element is not easy; you need to make a lot of effort to understand the very nature of fire. To do this, you need a source of fire, preferably a fire, but in a pinch, a candle will do. Look carefully at the flame, feel it, absorb it into yourself, imagine that the fire is penetrating your body. While observing the fire, try to guess the behavior of the flame, think about where its tongues will be directed at a certain point in time.

Carefully try to influence the fire. Carry out such practices until you feel a connection with fire.


Water is constantly flowing, constantly changing, it has the ability to cleanse and absorb all problems. Water magic is necessary when you need to strengthen a marriage, improve relationships within the family, learn to enjoy life, learn to fully relax and unwind, and recover from illnesses. Often water magic uses rituals involving throwing objects into water or pouring them over. The main sphere of influence of this element is ridding the body of diseases and healing the soul from problems that come from our subconscious.

How to learn water magic? To do this, of course, you need to plunge into the natural environment. Use a natural body of water - sea, lake, river, etc. Plunge into water to cover your entire body except your face. Concentrate on good memories, because water is an excellent conductor of emotions and is able to remember how you felt. Feel how you become inseparable from the water, how it absorbs you. It washes away all the negativity from your body and fills you with energy, strength and life.

The magic of water will be available to you if you repeat this exercise several times and can establish contact with the water element.


Air magic is pure and transparent, it governs the sphere of human spirituality and is capable of influencing his mind and mental abilities. The element of Air is a powerful single flow that can lead to solving a problem, dispel melancholy and visualize your future. Most often, air magic is used by magicians when they need to reveal a lie, perform spells or rituals for travel, strengthen the intellect, cleanse the body and rid it of ailments, etc.

If you want to master air magic, then start getting acquainted with the elements with a small exercise. Find an area where the wind will blow well, wait for windy weather. Take off as much clothing as possible and stand in the wind. Feel how he caresses your face and body, how he walks through your soul, blowing out all the bad things from it. It rids your body of ailments, weaknesses, and diseases.

The clean warm wind is pleasant and kind, it helps you. Remember these sensations and return to the house. Indoors, remember the touch of the wind and imagine that it is blowing your entire body. Feel the wind inside you, feel how it develops your hair and takes away all the negativity from your soul and body.

Earth magic rituals

Once you feel that you have established a connection with the earth, you can try to perform your first rituals.

  • Getting rid of the disease. Take a piece of potato and apply it to the affected area of ​​the body. Think about your illness, imagine it, vigorously rub the painful part of your body and very quickly run into the yard to bury the potato in the ground. Just as a vegetable rots in the ground, your illness will go away. Do this ritual only after you have asked a doctor for help, because a magical ritual can only be a complement to conservative treatment.
  • Getting rid of difficulties. Take a handful of earth in your palm, talk to it, tell about your problems and how you want to get rid of them. Throw a handful behind your back and leave this place.
  • Protect children. If your child needs to go somewhere without you, perform a protective ritual. When he leaves the house, throw a small handful of earth in his wake. Do it without anyone seeing.

Fire magic rituals

Using fire magic, you can solve many of your problems.

For example:

  1. Cleanse yourself from the evil eye. Light a purple candle and touch the flame with your palms so that it burns you. Say the words seven times: “Help me, spirit of flame, take away this hateful evil eye from me, cleanse me from human corruption. May my body and soul be cleansed, and may the evil spell leave me forever.” Collect the remains of a burnt out candle and bury it in the ground in some vacant lot.
  2. Love spell. Take 2 candles (preferably red), use a pin to scratch your name and the name of your loved one on them. After this, say the following words: “These candles are burning, they will unite you and me, let the more they flare up, the more our hearts are filled with love. The candles will be together, and you will be with me forever.”

Air magic rituals

Air magic is best at clearing away negativity, but it can also bring back a loved one. To do this, use a spell on the wind, which acts over long distances. You need to wait for windy weather and think about your loved one. Go outside and say: “The wind is strong, the wind is violent, you quickly fly to it, bring me my happiness, I can’t live without it.”

If you need to cleanse your home of negativity, then air magic will do the job perfectly. After general cleaning, create a draft in the apartment and say: “Wind, wind, breeze, help, quickly take away all the sorrows and losses.”

Using the magic of the elements, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from all troubles and misfortunes.

Water magic rituals

Water magic is actively used by magicians in amorous affairs. They are especially popular if you need to return your husband to the family without any negative consequences.

We suggest using an effective love spell, the magic of water will do its job. Prepare a drink (the main thing is that it does not contain alcohol) and pour it into a cup. Looking at the cup, you should see your reflection in the liquid. Say: “My beloved (name), I miss you so much. Let my longing come into your head, reign in your eyes, settle on your black eyebrows, kiss your scarlet lips, get straight into your red blood, sting in your heart, so that you yearn the same way until you return to me.”

The strongest fire magic- This is a whole philosophical system. Its echoes are observed in all magical directions, in all esoteric sources.

Our distant ancestors used fiery energy in numerous rituals and ceremonies. After all, to those to whom all the mysteries of the flame were revealed, all the secrets of the Universe were available.

Fire permeates our entire reality - it is alive. Many scientists have already agreed with this.

Powerful magicians and sorcerers who know how to obtain fire magic can influence human will, on fate, on the path of life. The energy of fire is very attractive - it acts like a magnet.

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But it should be remembered that this natural element has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it creates and protects, but on the other, it can destroy everything in its path.

Therefore, it is better for novice magicians not to rush in the matter of studying fiery power. It is better to be patient and not give up on the way to your goal.

Properties of the element of fire

Probably each of us has heard about the ritual flame. Ancient shamans lit huge fires, which helped to establish a connection with divine forces.

In ancient times, people understood natural laws much better and adhered to them. The element of fire has always been revered by all peoples of the world - it is the brightest, most active and most living force.

Fire power controls many aspects in a person's life. She guides the strongest emotions and passions.

People who are protected by the flame have great will, character and powerful temperament. They often come up with ideas that help solve many problems.

The element has the following properties:

  • power;
  • luxury and wealth;
  • prestige;
  • championship;
  • hierarchy and subordination.

The flame has its favorites - these are people who are constantly on the move.

But there is also a dark side of fiery energy:

  • excessive stubbornness;
  • hot temper;
  • hotness;
  • scandalousness;
  • selfishness;
  • vanity.

How to learn fire magic

Many people are interested in the question of how to master fire magic. To learn how to lead the magical element, first of all, you must make friends with it, find mutual language and understand its purpose.

To do this, you will need to perform a very simple ritual every day (without breaks).

Place a burning candle on the table and gaze intently at the flames for twenty to thirty minutes. And don’t just look: imagine how warm fire fills your heart, how it penetrates all the cells of your body. Your body merges with the fire element - it remains inside you forever.

The main thing is for you to understand: a flame is a living organism. It has character, temperament, emotions.

This practice gives very quick results, but a lot depends on your mood. Drive away all bad thoughts, smile, get ready to embrace the flame.

To understand whether you have managed to master the element, carry out a test. Again, light the candle and ask her a simple question to which you already know the answer.

Carefully consider the shadows and images that appear - this is your decision.

If it matches the correct answer, then everything worked out. If not, continue with the practice exercise. Over time you will achieve your goal.

After completing the ritual, say words of gratitude.

There are times when the fire element does not coincide with the internal energy of a person. Usually all attempts to establish contact with her end in an unbearable desire to set something or even someone on fire. In order not to harm anyone, you should not continue: fire is not your element.

Article on the topic:

The following practice is useful for those who want to learn how to learn fire magic at home - it does not require additional magical items and attributes.

In this ritual, it is allowed to use candles purchased in the temple - others will not bring the desired result. And one more thing - never spit on a fire trying to put it out - this is wrong.

Raise both palms above the lit candle. Imagine how an energy flow is directed from the light into your hands - it gathers in your hands, forming an orange ball.

Don't be afraid to visualize during a meditation exercise. Gradually press your palms together.

Try to feel the surface of the ball at a tactile level - it is round, smooth and very hot. Its energy spreads throughout your body and it makes you happy.

Tools for controlling the fire element

For professional training you will need a number of tools:

  • Tarot cards (Spirit fire element, Wooden staff or Ace);
  • natural mineral (ruby, citrine or rose quartz);
  • incense (sandalwood oil works well);
  • wardrobe in orange or red tones;
  • seasonings and spices (necessarily spicy).

Fire magic rituals

There are many rituals and ceremonies associated with fire. Here are some examples:

  • Love binding

You need to prepare a couple church candles and a regular pin. Using a pin needle, draw the names on the wax: yours and your chosen one.

Light candles with the words:

“These candles are burning, they will unite you and me, let the more they flare up, the more our hearts are filled with love. The candles will be together, and you will be with me"

Buy a purple candle. Place it on the table and light it. When the flame burns, place your palms opposite the fire.

Feel the warmth and say out loud seven times:

“Help me, spirit of flame, take this hateful evil eye away from me, cleanse me from human corruption. May my body and soul be cleansed, and may the evil spell leave me forever.”

Do not throw away all the remaining wax - they need to be buried deep in a deserted place.

Lessons on practical fire magic (video)

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Many people wish to have magical abilities. Some want to use them for the benefit of others, and others for harm. Therefore, the question: how to become a magician in real life at home worries many.

Mages, who are they?

Most people ask themselves this question. The abundance of prejudices and speculation generated by the media and articles on the Internet does not give us a clear and correct answer.

A magician is a person who has inner strength, which he can use as necessary to achieve any goals. This power is like creativity, it can be developed and improved, and at the same time can be lost and lost if it is not used.

How to become a magician in real life at home (spell)

If you believe that you have this inner power within you, then it needs to be developed and improved, and spells will help with this, with the help of which you can develop your magical abilities. The most difficult moment for beginners setting foot on the path of magic, it is overcoming internal fears of the unknown.

Every aspiring magician must determine one of four elements(earth, water, fire, air), which will help him. To do this, you must have special attributes to perform magic spells. The main attributes are: a bowl of clean spring water, paraffin candles, a handful of earth and ashes.

To carry out the ritual, choose a quiet, calm place; it is important that in this place you feel calm and confident. Light a candle, place the rest of the attributes around it (water in the bowl, earth and ashes). Concentrate, close your eyes and in a low voice (you can whisper) say the following spell:

“Spirits of Fire, Earth, Water, Air! Hear me! Come to the call of the suffering! I am in your will, show me my element!”

After these words you will feel peace and tranquility. Open your eyes and carefully watch the candle flame:

  • if the flame leans towards the bowl of water, then your assistant is the Spirit of Water;
  • if towards the ash, then the Spirit of Fire;
  • towards the earth - Spirit of the Earth;
  • if the flame looks up, then your assistant is the Spirit of Air.

Once you know your element, you need to start developing your abilities. It should be remembered that choosing your element is only a small step before becoming a real magician. Beginners sometimes forget about this and stop improving.

How to become a Water Mage during a full moon

Water is very strong element. You have to learn to feel it. You need to visit the shore of a river or lake as often as possible and mentally enter into dialogue with the Spirits of Water; when you feel that you and the Spirit of Water have become one, you are ready to become a real Water Mage.

An initiation ritual will help you become a Water Mage in real life at home right now. To carry it out, you need to come to a natural body of water at midnight, when the full moon is shining in the sky. You need to strip naked and go into the water. After standing for a few minutes, slowly lower yourself under the water. Stay underwater as long as you can and go ashore.

Then fill the pre-prepared container with water. Place the vessel on the shore, place 13 candles around it and light them. Stand in the center, pick up a bowl of water and read the spell:

"Spirits of Water appear,

Answer my call!

Give me strength and power!

Turn into a Water Mage!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

After reading, pay attention to the candles; if they continue to burn brightly, then the spirits have heard your request and will help you. If they go out, then you will not become a Water Mage.

How to become an Airbender right now

An Airbender must have a strong spirit. To develop fortitude, you need to learn to control your inner strengths. To do this you need to make friends with the forces of the wind. This can be achieved by praising and pleasing the Spirit of Air daily, performing a simple ritual. In the fresh air or with an open window, say the words:

“Spirit of Air, Great art thou! Grant Me, Your servant, strength!”

To become an Air Mage in real life, you need to perform one more ritual. In the dark, you need to go out into the wasteland. It is advisable that the place be deserted and no one walks there. The forest is good. Place 5 candles in a circle. Stand in a circle and read the plot:

“Spirits of the Air come to me,

Give me special powers,

Turn me into an Airbender!

If after reading it blows strong wind, then the Spirits of Air came to your call. Contact them again with your request. Now you can talk about what you want in your own words. After that, bow deeply, put out the candles, take all the props and go home.

When you come home, open all the windows to let the Spirits of Air into your home. From now on, they will help you in everything and protect you from everything bad.

How to become a firebender in real life

To do this, you need to use both living fire (the flame of a candle, a fire), and its second form - ashes. Try to look at them as often as possible and think at this moment about the formidable strength and power of fire, which brings joy and pain.

Fire is considered the element of warriors. Mages who choose him as a patron have great power and can cause serious harm to their enemies. Often these people are hot-tempered, they do everything to achieve their goal.

People with a large supply of energy and vitality are capable of becoming a Fire Mage. To gain special strength and power, you will need to perform a ritual.

Choose a secluded place in the open air: it can be a planting or a forest. If you have a summer house, you can perform the ritual there. The main thing is that there are no people nearby and no one interferes with your actions. Place three piles of brushwood on the ground so that they lie in the shape of a triangle and set them on fire.

Stand in the center of the triangle, take a lit candle in your hand and read the plot:

"Spirits of Fire, hear me,

Answer my call,

Show yourself to me.

Give me your strength,

So that I become stronger than all people.

Help me achieve what I want

And turn into a Fire Mage.

My word is strong

As I said, so it will be!”

You need to read the spell three times. Then pay attention to the behavior of the candle. If it goes out, then the Spirits of Fire ignored your request. If it flares up with renewed vigor, then you have been heard and in the near future your request will be approved.

Then bow three times in different directions and leave the circle.

How to become an earthbender

You should remember that only a calm and balanced person is destined to become an earthbender. If you are not one, then you should establish and streamline your life, and only after that begin to enter into dialogue with the Spirits of the Earth.

In order to become an Earth Mage in real life, you will need to perform a special ritual. To do this, you need to come to a plowed field. It is desirable that it is sown, but the sprouts have not yet sprouted. Place 7 candles in a circle, light them and stand in a circle. Pick up the earth and read the spell;

“Spirits of the earth, I call you to me!

I await your approval!

Give me strength and reveal my abilities.

Make me an earthbender!

Then wrap the earth in a scarf and always carry it with you. This will be your amulet from everything bad.

if you have Magic force, then under no circumstances stop developing it in yourself.

This is an amazing system of individual self-improvement. Who among us has not dreamed of lighting candles with the power of thought, or with the wave of a hand? Any magical rituals, is practically impossible without the element of fire. Nature itself actively controls this process, because our entire world consists of elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire. The method of comprehending fire is at the same time not complicated and deep in its content. Having comprehended it, you can control natural phenomena, and even help people by cleaning energy fields.

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How to learn fire magic at home

Magic itself contains the scale of human wisdom, which has been formed over thousands of years. Everyone has probably heard about various rituals at different times, carried out by shamans and magicians, when the fire was lit. In the old days, people were closely connected with nature, felt it and understood all natural laws. At the same time, they whispered mysterious incantations and spells. The element of fire is bright, alive, of all the elements, it is the most active. You need to make every effort to understand it yourself and persistently do the practices. Once you start learning, you should know a few facts about fire:

  1. The strength of the fire depends on its source, for home teachings, use church candles.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to spit in the fire; it is considered a great sin.
  3. To control the element, you need to learn to understand and accept it completely.
  4. At the very beginning, before you start practicing, you need to learn to meditate and visualize phenomena. Do this exercise, straighten your arms and clasp them in your palms. Unclench them slightly, imagining that you are holding an orange ball.
  5. Gradually bring your palms together, letting this ball into you. At the moment your palms touch each other, take a deep breath.

How to learn hand fire magic

Nowadays there are many science fiction films using special effects to show the special abilities of humanity. But in real life it is also possible to develop special abilities. In fact, it is possible to control the element of fire directly; this will be called pyrokinesis.

After much practice, with its help you can quickly form a fire, or extinguish it, direct it with the tongues of a fire, or a candle. Perhaps even raise your temperature in frosty weather, and much more that you are capable of, but don’t guess just yet. To unlock your potential, you need to conduct regular training and not give up on your desire. The first technique for a beginner is aimed at the formation of primary energy in the human body, the transition to further highest actions with energy.

This is the initial stage for accumulating light within oneself.

  1. Light a candle and look at it carefully, do not be afraid of the presence of fire.
  2. Read the following text while looking into the fire: “By believing in the fire, its power, cure the disease. The fire is bright, burning, go away, you annoying devil. As soon as I walk around my house with a twinkle, I will live in prosperity and peace. Amen. I burn black candles with fire, drive away enemies and fools. The very flame of the tongue smokes black, so let my enemy whine from illness. Amen"
  3. You need to say it with sincere excitement, joy, repeat several times.
  4. After some time of training, concentration will become available to you, and the mood will be enough for five seconds.
  5. You shouldn’t be afraid of conspiracies; if you wish, you can come up with them yourself. A text set, not necessarily rhyming, that promotes certain actions.
  6. Allow at least ten minutes for the ritual; rushing is not appropriate here.

Exercises to learn fire magic

In terms of manifestation, this is the most difficult element and you need to prepare for a long time before you achieve any effect. And most importantly in learning, never doubt your strengths and abilities. We ourselves carry huge reserves of energy, including fiery energy. You can notice in the thermal changes in our body, only sometimes due to a complex lifestyle, various blockages, the influence of external factors, people do not develop their abilities, the energy of fire fades. Try this exercise to develop heat control:

  1. Take a comfortable sitting position, straighten your shoulders and relax.
  2. Bring your thoughts into balance.
  3. Pull forward right hand, focus your attention on it.
  4. Spread your fingers, focusing all your attention on the center of your palm.
  5. With the power of thought, send the warmth of your entire body into your palm, feel the formation of a ball, the temperature inside the hand itself changes.
  6. Then, with quick movements, form a fist and close the energy in it.
  7. Relax your fist again, focus on the center of your palm, looking at it.
  8. Form all this energy accumulated in your hand, feel the hot sensation in each finger.
  9. Squeeze your hand again, closing it.
  10. Open it, I concentrate all the fiery energy in the middle of the palm.
  11. Now send the energy beyond your fingers, into the world. It may seem to you that your hand is increasing in size and in its heaviness.
  12. Then hold the sensation of energy in your closed hand again.
  13. Fulfill this action you can do it endlessly by changing hands. Until you can control the heat of the fire and your own energy.
  14. Do daily candle meditation. This is quite easy; take a relaxed position, slightly closing your eyes, and watch the candle flame. Track what thoughts and sensations you have, conduct a dialogue with the magic of fire.
  15. Another exercise while sitting in quiet place, imagine the attraction of blood to different parts bodies, ears, legs, fingers, etc. Think about it, a powerful flow of blood, if you do everything correctly, there will be a feeling of stinging, heating of these places. Having mastered this method, you will be able to direct energy along with the blood flow, forcing it to move with the power of thought.

After training, you will be able to speak against illnesses, attract good luck and wealth. When you feel a kinship with Fire, begin to accept and feel it, new opportunities will open up for you, perhaps new talents and abilities! Being a real magician is the next stage after receiving fire energy. Anyone who truly has a huge supply of vital energy is capable of this, because rituals require quite a lot of effort.

People often turn to magic for the first time in order to be guaranteed to receive something tasty with one wave of a magic wand. Are you sure you have chosen the shortest and easiest path?

Who are magicians?

Inexplicably, magicians attract attention in any crowd, even without pronounced external differences. They emanate inner strength, which those around them feel on a subconscious level. For a magician, this feature is akin to creativity: abilities require constant development and application.

The primary tools are energy, non-verbal thoughts and words. Knowing the value of words, magicians avoid friendly and at the same time meaningless chatter. They are honest with themselves, adhere to the principle of “said and done,” thereby minimizing the distance between intention and implementation of what was planned.

Being completely self-sufficient, the magician does not particularly need company. Solitude eliminates the need to waste energy defending your worldview from generally accepted dogmas, and the time saved can be devoted to self-development.

Some practices require silence and concentration, especially at the beginning. While performing them, it is necessary to listen to sensations and recognize external factors invisible to the naked eye: this is the only way to learn to distinguish between types of energy. A special mood is no less important: neutral, while focusing on what attracts and inspires.

Exploring the capabilities of your body is not only a necessity, but also a constant source of new discoveries. Magicians know, like no one else, what the human body is capable of and what its true purpose is in nature and the Universe.

How can they become at home right now?

They say that a clearly formulated problem statement already contains half the solution. IN in this case the condition requires a small, yet significant adjustment. The point is that people don't become magicians. There is nothing supernatural in the abilities they are endowed with, they are initially inherent in everyone at birth, they simply receive further development only among a few.

Almost all children master elements of magical skills and use them quite successfully: remember the counting spells that often “worked” in childhood.

For most people, as they grow older, the ability to manage personal energy, alas, atrophies due to lack of demand. There is good news: this process is reversible at any age. Today there are many known ways to launch these mechanisms, however, experts do not recommend taking someone else’s example as a model and following it step by step.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many options on the Internet? Because no matter how many practitioners, so many individual paths, they do not instantly become magicians - this is daily work. There is perhaps one similarity between them: they all originate from within. External information can also be useful, but it would be a mistake to rely solely on the experience of others.

The best assistants for a novice magician are observation, self-development, and trust in your intuition.

Self-knowledge is one of the primary tasks. The magician will not be such until he realizes his true intentions, will not learn to distinguish a goal from a momentary desire, will not determine his priorities. One of the important priorities is the element that is closest to the beginner. Sometimes it is not difficult to recognize it intuitively, and if doubt arises, the following ritual will help.

The time it takes place does not matter, the main thing is that no one disturbs you at these moments.

You will need the following attributes:

  • A little key water.
  • Handful earthlings.
  • Pinch ashes.
  • Wax candle.

Each item corresponds to one of the four natural elements. Place them around the candle, light it and carefully observe how the flame behaves. Mentally call on the spirits of the elements, ask them for help. Soon you will notice that the candle flame gravitates towards one of the symbolic objects. If it is directed strictly upward, then your element is Air. When completing the ritual, thank the spirits.

The choice of element is important, but not the decisive factor. It does not impose restrictions on practice; one can and should learn to interact with other elements. This is just a hint in which direction you will quickly achieve the first visible results, and where to look for the most effective and guaranteed recharge.


To become a Water magician, you must first make good friends with this element on the physical level. Start by consuming it in sufficient quantities and try not to miss a single opportunity to plunge into it.

Water is completely unfairly not recognized as an independent drink, ignoring the fact that it serves as the basis for everything else. Over time, you will notice that well, spring or well-purified living (unboiled) water actually tastes very pleasant. You can drink it in unlimited quantities without fear of the side effects of dubious additives.

Swimming and water procedures will help you feel the energy of the elements with your whole body. Spend as much time as possible near natural reservoirs, try to energetically feel the Spirit of Water, because you have to become one.

There is a ritual that can be performed on the shore. To carry it out you will need:

  • Water container, preferably aesthetically attractive.
  • Thirteen candles.

On the night of the full moon at midnight, go into the water naked. Walk slowly away from the shore until you plunge into the abyss. Try to hold out as long as possible, then return and begin the next part of the ritual. Take some water into a bowl, place it on the ground and light thirteen candles around it.

Enter the burning circle, raise the cup and call upon the Spirit of Water, in your own words or with a spell, for example:

"Spirits of Water appear,

Answer my call!

Give me strength and power!

Turn into a Water Mage!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

Candles that go out during the ritual indicate that you made a mistake in choosing the element. Even burning means approval and further assistance.


For those who have chosen fire as the predominant element, there is a special initiation ritual. It should be noted that desire alone is not enough to turn into a Fire Mage. The element is suitable only for those who are able to surpass its power and take control. To do this you need to be a born fighter and have a sufficient supply of energy.

For those who feel weak and insecure, it is better not to play with fire: contrary to expectations, its properties are not intended to impart, but to test for strength. In case of defeat, you can simply burn, V best case scenario, only morally. Cases of physical fire also occurred; fortunately, they were few in number.

This information is by no means a verdict; practicing magical practices is very conducive to the development of the necessary qualities. The Spirit of Fire itself will decide when the one calling on it is ready.

To carry out the initiation ritual you will need some unusual paraphernalia. A certain mood is recognized as a full participant. One who invokes the Spirit of Fire must be filled with respect and admiration for its greatness and understanding of its dual nature of flame and ash, capable of causing delight and suffering. Prepare brushwood and a candle.

In a deserted place, divide the brushwood into three parts, lay them out so that each of them represents the top of an imaginary triangle, and set fire. With a lit candle, move to the center of the figure and say three times:

"Spirits of Fire, hear me,

Answer my call,

Show yourself to me.

Give me your strength,

So that I become stronger than all people.

Help me achieve what I want

And turn into a Fire Mage.

My word is strong

As I said, so it will be!”

An extinguished candle means a negative answer: the wayward Spirit of Fire does not yet find you worthy. After some time, you can try again. If the candle burns brighter, you are on the right path, feel free to follow them. Bow to each of the vertices of the triangle and exit it.


To become an Air magician, you must have character traits that, at first glance, contradict this element: strength, inflexibility, the makings of power. As you become more familiar with the element of Air, you will notice that this is exactly what a hurricane looks like, decisive and uncontrollable.

Preparing for the initiation ritual involves trying to find a common language with light air currents and powerful winds; such interaction will help develop your own inner strength.

The ritual is performed in a secluded place in an open space, perhaps surrounded by rocks or trees. Standing in a circle of five candles, say:

“Spirits of the Air come to me,

Give me special powers,

Turn me into an Airbender!

A strong and sudden gust of wind will be the answer to your call.. Repeat the spell again. Bow to the cardinal points, extinguish the candles and return home. Open the windows and doors: let the Spirits of Air fill your abode, now they are your guardians and faithful helpers.


The magic of Blood was hidden for a long time by a veil of secrecy from the uninitiated, and therefore has survived to this day almost in its original form. It became widely known relatively recently, largely thanks to popular game. In real life, she is not at all as harmless as on the screen.

The main danger lies in strong mental stress, which not everyone can withstand. There will be interaction with powerful, but not always friendly entities and personal rebirth.

You should also know what practical classes are. Usually they start with contemplation. The purpose of the exercise is to learn to look at blood for as long as you like without experiencing any emotions.. Really not experiencing, and not maintaining external indifference - there is no place for self-deception here. To begin with, you can use graphic images.

The next step will require real blood. You have to feel its energy. A few drops are enough to set it up. There are no universal instructions for what exactly you should feel - it all depends on your individual perception. Someone can “see” this or that color, while others are closer to tactile sensations or temperature changes.

You need to learn to taste blood. Some have done this before due to gastronomic preferences, but in this case a meaningful approach based on previous practices is required. Concentration must be at the limit of human capabilities; due to excessive stress, pressure sometimes drops and other unpleasant sensations arise, such as dizziness and nausea.

Omra-Ha-Daumi-Om Da-ja-Ra-Aum.

Don’t let the trance state scare you or stop you; this is a normal and even desirable phenomenon during such practices: in trance, blood and its energy are felt most clearly.

It is more hygienic to use a few drops own blood than purchased from dubious sellers. In the future, diversity will be required, so the question of finding suppliers quality product still have to decide.

When there are no barriers left between you and the life-giving substance, you will gradually begin to gain power over all beings endowed with it. Let me remind you, This process is not quick, requiring constant training and observation. No one has yet managed to become instantly omnipotent.


Solid soil is the closest and most familiar to humans, which is why Earth magic is recognized as one of the safest. Development in this direction creates balance and calm, helps to organize your life and complete tasks for which you previously lacked patience. The makings of these qualities must be possessed in order to come into contact with the Spirits of the Earth.

The ceremony is carried out in a secluded place in the open air. Take with you:

  • Seven candles.
  • Handkerchief.

The ideal place for the ritual is fertile soil plowed and sown with seeds, for example, a field or garden bed where sprouts have not yet sprung up. Place seven candles in a circle, enter the center, take a little soil in your palms and turn to the Spirits of the Earth:

“Spirits of the earth, I call you to me!

I await your approval!

Give me strength and reveal my abilities.

Make me an earthbender!

As a rule, the leisurely Spirits of the Earth are in no hurry to give you a sign. Don't be upset if you still don't get a response. Collect the strawberry that you have in your hands into a scarf, tie it in a knot and keep it with you - now it is your amulet.

People often turn to magic for the first time in order to be guaranteed to receive something tasty with one wave of a magic wand. Are you sure you have chosen the shortest and easiest path?

Inexplicably, magicians attract attention in any crowd, even without pronounced external differences. They emanate inner strength, which those around them feel on a subconscious level. For a magician, this feature is akin to creativity: abilities require constant development and application.

The primary tools are energy, non-verbal thoughts and words. Knowing the value of words, magicians avoid friendly and at the same time meaningless chatter. They are honest with themselves, adhere to the principle of “said and done,” thereby minimizing the distance between intention and implementation of what was planned.

Being completely self-sufficient, the magician does not particularly need company. Solitude eliminates the need to waste energy defending your worldview from generally accepted dogmas, and the time saved can be devoted to self-development.

Some practices require silence and concentration, especially at the beginning. While performing them, it is necessary to listen to sensations and recognize external factors invisible to the naked eye: this is the only way to learn to distinguish between types of energy. A special mood is no less important: neutral, while focusing on what attracts and inspires.

Exploring the capabilities of your body is not only a necessity, but also a constant source of new discoveries. Magicians know, like no one else, what the human body is capable of and what its true purpose is in nature and the Universe.

They say that a clearly formulated problem statement already contains half the solution. In this case, the condition requires a small, yet significant adjustment. The point is that people don't become magicians. There is nothing supernatural in the abilities they are endowed with, they are initially inherent in everyone at birth, they simply receive further development only among a few.

Almost all children master elements of magical skills and use them quite successfully: remember the counting spells that often “worked” in childhood.

For most people, as they grow older, the ability to manage personal energy, alas, atrophies due to lack of demand. There is good news: this process is reversible at any age. Today there are many known ways to launch these mechanisms, however, experts do not recommend taking someone else’s example as a model and following it step by step.

Have you ever wondered why there are so many options on the Internet? Because no matter how many practitioners, so many individual paths, they do not instantly become magicians - this is daily work. There is perhaps one similarity between them: they all originate from within. External information can also be useful, but it would be a mistake to rely solely on the experience of others.

The best assistants for a beginning magician are observation, self-development, and trusting your intuition.

Self-knowledge is one of the primary tasks. The magician will not be such until he realizes his true intentions, will not learn to distinguish a goal from a momentary desire, will not determine his priorities. One of the important priorities is the element that is closest to the beginner. Sometimes it is not difficult to recognize it intuitively, and if doubt arises, the following ritual will help.

The time it takes place does not matter, the main thing is that no one disturbs you at these moments.

You will need the following attributes:

Each item corresponds to one of the four natural elements. Place them around the candle, light it and carefully observe how the flame behaves. Mentally call on the spirits of the elements, ask them for help. Soon you will notice that the candle flame gravitates towards one of the symbolic objects. If it is directed strictly upward, then your element is Air. When completing the ritual, thank the spirits.

The choice of element is important, but not the decisive factor. It does not impose restrictions on practice; one can and should learn to interact with other elements. This is just a hint in which direction you will quickly achieve the first visible results, and where to look for the most effective and guaranteed recharge.

To become a Water magician, you must first make good friends with this element on the physical level. Start by consuming it in sufficient quantities and try not to miss a single opportunity to plunge into it.

Water is completely unfairly not recognized as an independent drink, ignoring the fact that it serves as the basis for everything else. Over time, you will notice that well, spring or well-purified living (unboiled) water actually tastes very pleasant. You can drink it in unlimited quantities without fear of the side effects of dubious additives.

Swimming and water procedures will help you feel the energy of the elements with your whole body.. Spend as much time as possible near natural reservoirs, try to energetically feel the Spirit of Water, because you have to become one.

There is a ritual that can be performed on the shore. To carry it out you will need:

On the night of the full moon at midnight, go into the water naked. Walk slowly away from the shore until you plunge into the abyss. Try to hold out as long as possible, then return and begin the next part of the ritual. Take some water into a bowl, place it on the ground and light thirteen candles around it.

Enter the burning circle, raise the cup and call upon the Spirit of Water, in your own words or with a spell, for example:

"Spirits of Water appear,

Answer my call!

Give me strength and power!

Turn into a Water Mage!

My word is strong, but my deed is moldable!”

Candles that go out during the ritual indicate that you made a mistake in choosing the element. Even burning means approval and further assistance.

For those who have chosen fire as the predominant element, there is a special initiation ritual. It should be noted that desire alone is not enough to turn into a Fire Mage. The element is suitable only for those who are able to surpass its power and take control. To do this you need to be a born fighter and have a sufficient supply of energy.

For those who feel weak and insecure, it is better not to play with fire: contrary to expectations, its properties are not intended to impart, but to test for strength. In case of defeat, you can simply burn, at best, only morally. Cases of physical fire also occurred; fortunately, they were few in number.

This information is by no means a verdict; practicing magical practices is very conducive to the development of the necessary qualities. The Spirit of Fire itself will decide when the one calling on it is ready.

To carry out the initiation ritual you will need some unusual paraphernalia. A certain mood is recognized as a full participant. One who invokes the Spirit of Fire must be filled with respect and admiration for its greatness and understanding of its dual nature of flame and ash, capable of causing delight and suffering. Prepare brushwood and a candle.

In a deserted place, divide the brushwood into three parts, lay them out so that each of them represents the top of an imaginary triangle, and set fire. With a lit candle, move to the center of the figure and say three times:

"Spirits of Fire, hear me,

Answer my call,

Give me your strength,

So that I become stronger than all people.

Help me achieve what I want

And turn into a Fire Mage.

My word is strong

As I said, so it will be!”

An extinguished candle means a negative answer: the wayward Spirit of Fire does not yet find you worthy. After some time, you can try again. If the candle burns brighter, you are on the right path, feel free to follow them. Bow to each of the vertices of the triangle and exit it.

To become an Air magician, you must have character traits that, at first glance, contradict this element: strength, inflexibility, the makings of power. As you become more familiar with the element of Air, you will notice that this is exactly what a hurricane looks like, decisive and uncontrollable.

Preparing for the initiation ritual involves trying to find a common language with light air currents and powerful winds; such interaction will help develop your own inner strength.

The ritual is performed in a secluded place in an open space, perhaps surrounded by rocks or trees. Standing in a circle of five candles, say:

“Spirits of the Air come to me,

Give me special powers,

Turn me into an Airbender!

A strong and sudden gust of wind will be the answer to your call.. Repeat the spell again. Bow to the cardinal points, extinguish the candles and return home. Open the windows and doors: let the Spirits of Air fill your abode, now they are your guardians and faithful helpers.

The magic of Blood was hidden for a long time by a veil of secrecy from the uninitiated, and therefore has survived to this day almost in its original form. It became widely known relatively recently, largely thanks to the popular game. In real life, she is not at all as harmless as on the screen.

The main danger lies in strong mental stress, which not everyone can withstand. There will be interaction with powerful, but not always friendly entities and personal rebirth.

You should also know what practical classes are. Usually they start with contemplation. The purpose of the exercise is to learn to look at blood for as long as you like without experiencing any emotions.. Really not experiencing, and not maintaining external indifference - there is no place for self-deception here. To begin with, you can use graphic images.

The next step will require real blood. You have to feel its energy. A few drops are enough to set it up. There are no universal instructions for what exactly you should feel - it all depends on your individual perception. Someone can “see” this or that color, while others are closer to tactile sensations or temperature changes.

You need to learn to taste blood. Some have done this before due to gastronomic preferences, but in this case a meaningful approach based on previous practices is required. Concentration must be at the limit of human capabilities; due to excessive stress, pressure sometimes drops and other unpleasant sensations arise, such as dizziness and nausea.

Don’t let the trance state scare you or stop you; this is a normal and even desirable phenomenon during such practices: in trance, blood and its energy are felt most clearly.

It is more hygienic to use a few drops of your own blood than purchased from dubious sellers. In the future, diversity will be required, so the issue of finding suppliers of a quality product will still have to be resolved.

When there are no barriers left between you and the life-giving substance, you will gradually begin to gain power over all beings endowed with it. Let me remind you, This process is not quick, requiring constant training and observation. No one has yet managed to become instantly omnipotent.

Solid soil is the closest and most familiar to humans, which is why Earth magic is recognized as one of the safest. Development in this direction creates balance and calm, helps to organize your life and complete tasks for which you previously lacked patience. The makings of these qualities must be possessed in order to come into contact with the Spirits of the Earth.

The ceremony is carried out in a secluded place in the open air. Take with you:

The ideal place for the ritual is fertile soil plowed and sown with seeds, for example, a field or garden bed where sprouts have not yet sprung up. Place seven candles in a circle, enter the center, take a little soil in your palms and turn to the Spirits of the Earth:

“Spirits of the earth, I call you to me!

I await your approval!

Give me strength and reveal my abilities.

Make me an earthbender!

As a rule, the leisurely Spirits of the Earth are in no hurry to give you a sign. Don't be upset if you still don't get a response. Collect the strawberry that you have in your hands into a scarf, tie it in a knot and keep it with you - now it is your amulet.

It says here how to become this or that... But what's the point? To be stronger than people? And what is the further development? What kind of person will you become? Let’s say you’ve already gotten used to it and learned a lot, but so what? Will you whisper with fire? Disturb the wind at will? Heat the blood +1%... Magic, ancient magic gone, real magic extinct. But knowledge must be sought, and those who have power really do not participate in the clownery of “Psychics”... There are a lot of lies on the Internet, no one will teach you power... And no one says what the price for such powers is. Magic... what is now called magic tricks or simply tuning the brain. No more... I know what power is, and you have to pay for power... And not just pay with a finger, patience or hair. And most importantly, what is this all for? To become a businesswoman in society? Or an alpha male? Anyone who wants to know does not live like a person, because he is no longer like society, he is different. After all, society is limited by false principles and illusion. Society lies not only to everyone, but also to itself. Why am I writing this? Probably because I need answers, that’s why you created the site. Whether you are Charlatans or fanatics... answer whoever wants to know. What have you become? Or how much did your lies to yourself raise you? What have you achieved? Money? Respect?... Or knowledge?

Abel, I don’t know if you’re right or wrong. But I know that I want to control the power of water very much. I just want to help people. What's bad about it? Why am I writing this, so that everyone understands that with the power of the elements you will not become smarter, stronger, kinder. You need to build your own life. And don't look for magic and power. It's all lies, lies and nothing more! Instead of staring at your tablet, just go for a walk, eat, read. Don't suffer from nonsense. None of this is true.

Ninja, you're talking some kind of crap! ! Go and take a walk yourself! !! Clear your head. You want to control the water yourself, but you write that you don’t want to! !! You're weird! . And everyone on the site you are: IDIOTS, FOOLS, IGNORANTS AND CRAZIES.

Magic is around you and by saying that it is not there, you make yourself blind, deaf and unable to touch anything. And even if you believe in science, then you are a fool who does not know what science is. You can influence the world in different ways. And I know what magic is! If you don’t have answers, but only requests, doubts, moral teachings, or simply a lack of understanding of what I’m talking about... Then I won’t listen to you, you’re still young, and you haven’t been so interested in life yet and you don’t care about its secrets . You are weak, but not me... Your life contradicts itself. You want something, but for this you need money, what I looked for, found and am looking for cannot be bought with trinkets. You don’t know the history of the world itself, you make mistakes and destroy it, and most importantly... you are mortals. And despite all your statements... which seem true only to you, to me they are an empty phrase. I see no point in listening to mortals who know almost nothing. I asked questions that no one here has answers to. I don’t dream of magic and don’t even want it, I find it... Don’t answer my question if for you I’m just a madman, I’m mad and I won’t listen to you... so just walk by. And also, by going to this site and typing in comments about how crazy everyone is... you emphasize that you are more crazy than others. All people are mad, but the maddest is the one who claims to be normal... after all, all crazy people claim to be normal.

Hey, you fucking cutie, you have nothing to do, walk around the sites and take care of yourself, but if you think about it, if you went to a similar site, then you were interested in it

I succeeded, I became a master of water. This is very cool

To become a fire mage, do I have to say that I “become” stronger than all people? I just stood there, what if I’m a girl?

I did it yesterday, forget it

complete ass I don't believe it

I became a fire mage. Now I can fry whatever I want. This site is ok. I have noticed peculiarities since childhood. At the age of 5 - 6 years old, I fell down a slide at the height of a 2-story building, headfirst into the bottom and did not feel anything. Then, at the age of 7, I noticed that I could distort space with my eyes. At the age of 9, my hands were red and burning. At the age of 12, I could heat objects up to 70 degrees with my own hands. I was surprised by all this until I was 17 years old. And then I began to control the fire, create it out of nothing and just like that. How to shut up the boilers. You can become a fire mage using this site.

It's me again. I am immortal.

Abel you are down. You are also a mortal, like everyone else, including me. I said that I’m immortal and that’s true and that I’m a fire magician, that’s also true, only I decided not to live forever but to die like everyone else. After all, living endlessly is not very boring. I asked God eternal life, and then I gave him my request. I don't need eternal life.

And I just came in to yell at the article and the comments in particular. Thank you.

I began to manage all the elements of the class

It's fucking working, I got air magic, I can't believe my eyes, it's working, thank you very much

A person is valued by his intelligence, not by his stupidity. My question was smart, your answers were stupid. Many people laugh at this, but you are only mortal people who are devouring your own home. I assure you, you don’t know your history of this era, you don’t even know a small part of “Flora and Fauna” and you think that since there are fingers and stone buildings, then you’re great. Well, well... Man is not given immortality because he is a man, immortality is the one who does not know the concept of boredom... He who is immortal is no longer a man, all of you are the material of the “Society”, the meat that is used. You call me an idiot, but you don’t read what I write, and you don’t see your own writings. I didn’t ask you a question, but the answer was pure human nonsense from fools. Go ahead and watch your TV show “Psychics.” I do not listen to mortals (people), because the brains of mortals have become a source of rotten stench, perversion, greed and thirst for absorption until the stomach bursts... power and desire to devour the planet. Man is a monster who sells the life of this world for a denarius. What can eaters covered with sores teach me? Good luck to you monsters... exactly until the payment for your power comes to you. From rags to riches, from princes to the grave.

Abel, you are a genius! Will you give me your e-mail (I’m serious)?

Does the water have to be spring water?

WIZARD, this makes no sense. Everything depends only on you... even if you have to die, you are alone and no one will help you.

Abel, you have a philosophical view of this, but what you are thinking about, small fry, is cooler than this question is the most legendary one, because of which even

we were going crazy…….this is a question about the meaning of existence. a question that I have been thinking about for many years now. I live blindly and think what the answer to it is and thinking about such a question I stop wanting to live………………..…… …………………………………….

Is it even possible to become a magician of all four elements?

And must the water be spring water?... Perhaps I know the answer to this question, why do I need a question about the meaning if it is yours and nothing more. He is not mine, but yours. It's up to you to find out the answer. I still have to find out what I need... For me personally, this question has been solved. Sometimes people are not able to understand simple things; to understand the world, you need to see it and live in it, and not hide behind stone walls in your safe world, in which plague and greed devour you. The question: “What is the meaning of life” is not clear only to people (but not to everyone). And your thirst for life disappears only because the world you see is all in the stench of gasoline, stop thinking, just start looking and understanding.

And by the way, for Anonymous: Magic doesn't stop at certain aspects, if you have atoms around you, then you can create anything, from energy all the way to diamond. But if a person’s main biological mechanisms are damaged, he will not become a nugget. And remember, if you have achieved only cards and Extrasensory perception, then you have achieved nothing. Alas, the truth is... that true magic is almost impossible to learn. There are a lot of charlatans around... Do you want to find knowledge? Don’t look for people, look for death, pain, freedom, peace and yourself... Those who possess the highest science do not see the point in human power.

I want to say that there is a lot in the world that we don’t know yet. but you know, Abel would like to tell you, after what I saw, I wouldn’t be surprised at werewolves, vampires, etc. because I have a secret that I won’t tell you... I’m a shard. (Superman) a beginner for now and in 2-3 months everyone will be talking about me. I have a super with which I can catch and hold someone or something. Well, I also have a gift that I won’t tell you about. In principle, Abel, you are right, but not everywhere, but in principle you wrote the rules. philosophically

This is not philosophy, I know about power, I saw how this power tore people to pieces, how it created great, terrible and beautiful things. Nothing can compare to this power, ever. I may be crazy, but I know what I saw. I did not come to philosophize, but to find out the answer to my question, which did not exist and does not arise. And I think that all of you, smart guys, have nothing to do here. You yourself are interested in such things... and not for fun. Deceive your mind as you always do, inventing toys and rules by which it is “Sin” not to live, but you cannot deceive the universe.

People, is it possible to become an airbender? I just don't want to check if it doesn't work.