White medical robe in a dream. Interpretation of the dream: why do you dream about a hospital and doctors in white coats?

20.08.2019 Education

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems.

Imagine that white robe is put on you or you change the situation so that you find yourself in a white robe (see Robe).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Interpretation of dreams from

It is not surprising when doctors or people who spend a lot of time in medical institutions dream of white coats. But it happens that a snow-white robe was dreamed of by a person who is far from medicine. Obviously, such a dream predicts something for the sleeper. Just look in the dream book to find out why you dream of a white robe.

What if you dream of a white robe?

A dream in which the sleeper sees people in white medical coats around him indicates that he is experiencing difficulty communicating with other people. If the dreamer dreams of a snow-white robe, it means that a period is coming in his life when he needs to show all his abilities and strengths. If he passes the test, he will receive respect and recognition from others, as well as an improvement in his financial situation. Seeing a white robe in the closet among other things - good sign, such a dream indicates that a person’s professionalism will allow him to solve many problems.

White color is considered to be a symbol of purity. A white robe seen in a dream may mean the beginning of a new stage in the dreamer’s life. Stains or dirty stains visible on the surface of the robe predict only one thing - it will be difficult to call the upcoming period of life cloudless.

A white coat can warn a sleeping person that he has some latent disease. The dreamer sees that he is dressed in a snow-white robe - you can rely on your own intuition when solving important matters. A dream in which a doctor in a white coat is present indicates that a person will finally receive the outside help that he so needs. Doctors in white coats can also be dreamed of by those who are facing serious tests in the form of exams or checks. When a person in real life has a fear of people in white coats, then a dream with a robe indicates a state of strong nervous tension in him.

What does it portend?

If the dreamer dreamed of his friend in a white coat, it means that he can count on this person’s help in real life or trust him with his secrets. Sometimes such a dream warns of a friend’s illness. Trying on a robe in a dream means there will be happiness and mutual understanding in family life. If an unhealthy person dreams of trying on a robe, he will have to go to the hospital. Washing a robe in a dream predicts some kind of grief. Buying a robe in a dream means you should expect some joy. There is an opposite interpretation of this dream, which states that buying a robe predicts separation.

In general, the color white in dreams very often, contrary to people’s expectations, means changes in life for the worse. The more white coats you see in a dream, the more serious the problems will be. However, children and unmarried girls Snow-white clothes promise joyful events.

Not every dream can be prophetic. Dreams that predict certain events are almost always displayed on emotional sphere human and saturated with a wide color scheme. Often round objects are present in omens dreams. All other dreams are simply products of the activity of the human subconscious.

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming white robe? It's no surprise when white robes dream doctors or people, spending a lot of time in medical institutions. But it happens that snow-white robe dreamed about it person, far from medicine. Obviously such dream predicts something for the sleeping person. What does it portend? If the dreamer dreamed about it his friend V white robe, which means he can count on the help of this person V real life or trust him with your secrets. Sometimes like this dream warns about a friend's illness. Try on in dream robe- in family life...Read more

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    Be patient. See in dream the whole group of people V medical white robes, which means that in reality you will experience some difficulties in communicating with people.See in dream himself at a doctor's appointment in snow-white robe- to illness. If dreamed Human I wasn’t a doctor, then someone I know will get sick of people, not you yourself. Help is at hand. If dreaming that you are dressed in terry white robe, then feel free to trust your intuition. Read more

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    Maybe dream about dream, in which Human myself V white robe. In this case, intuition will not fail. Doctor or doctor in dream V white robe- This ambulance from this person V reality. Often students and people who are awaiting inspections, dream dreams about doctors V white robes.In dream Maybe dream about Friend V white robe. This means that in reality we can count on the friendship and help of this person. You can trust him with your most secret things. It often happens that such dream talks about a friend's illness. Read more

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    See in dream anyone you know V white medical robe- a sign that you might need help from this person. Dream also - suggests that you can trust him with what you don’t trust others. I dreamed about it Robe, But necessary interpretation sleep dreaming Robe in dream in dream saw this symbol. Read more

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    To go to robe- to an uninvited guest. if you dreamed what are you buying robe- you casually invite someone to visit, without even hoping that Human will come, but he will certainly appear, and not alone. In dream they gave you robe- your wife, bride or lover (husband, groom or lover) will invite you to your house person, whom you would not want to see in your house, and he will certainly come to visit. See in dream the doctors V white robe... Cloth Dreaming belt, belt - portends an appointment to a place. Read more

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    White robe(medical) why dreaming- you have difficulty communicating with people. You need to stop being afraid, show your abilities and strengths, and withstand all the tests. White robe(medical) why dreaming - white robe in this dream means new stage in your life. If it’s snow-white, everything will be great, if it’s robe stains and spots - your next life period will not be cloudless. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation See yourself in robe dreamed, for what dreaming in dream See yourself in robe?Put on robe- warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone's dressed V white robe- this person can trust. You V white robe- trust your intuition and take the decisive step. Read more

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    I dreamed about it Robe, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Robe in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Me dreamed there's only one on me Human threw it on robe. white It was in a small laboratory. This Human- the one that causes suffering. for a long time. Read more

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    Such dream Human experiences humiliation and pain. When the same dream about treason is reproduced constantly, without significant changes in the plot, this suggests that Human punishes himself with a feeling of guilt for what happened. Publish your dream dreams and our Interpreters dreams dreaming Man V white robeev in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation Dress medical robe dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Dress medically robe?Put on robe- warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone's dressed V white robe- this person can trust. You V white robe- trust your intuition and take the decisive step. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation White robe home dreamed, for what dreaming in dream White robe homemade?Wear robe- warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone's dressed V white robe- this person can trust. You V white robe- trust your intuition and take the decisive step. Read more

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    White color in dream in dream others of people dressed V white white robe is put on you or you change the situation so that you find yourself V white robe(cm. Robe).Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    If you dreamed about it man, it means you are in for some kind of pleasure. If you see in dream unknown man, this foreshadows the commission of some kind of adventure. See in dream pretending to be a man means getting into some spicy situation with far-reaching consequences. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Man V white robeev in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation Bright robe dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Bright robe?Put on robe- warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone's dressed V white robe- this person can trust. You V white robe- trust your intuition and take the decisive step. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Robe percy dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Robe Percy? Put on robe- warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone's dressed V white robe- this person can trust. You V white robe- trust your intuition and take the decisive step. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Also yours dream may mean emotional difficulties or suspicion about a non-existent illness, you should expect help from of people from afar. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming Man V white robeev in dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Buy terry robe V dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Buy terry robe in?Put on robe- warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone's dressed V white robe- this person can trust. You V white robe- trust your intuition and take the decisive step. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    White color in dream means purity of thoughts and righteous deeds. This is a very favorable omen. It's very good to see in dream others of people dressed V white, as this means that their feelings for you are sincere. See interpretation: color. Imagine that white robe is put on you or you change the situation so that you find yourself V white robe(cm. Robe).Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream about roses = dream about feelings and fans.. there is a loved one and perhaps someone else will flare up with secret and obvious passion.. and an old acquaintance with whom there is no relationship and cannot be - can symbolize a completely different person person.. but who... you will soon find out. Publish your dream free in the Interpretation section dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can explain to you why dreaming White robe home in dream. Order free online interpretations dreams!

Most often, people working in medical institutions see a white coat in their dreams. But why does an ordinary person dream about this piece of clothing? The dream book considers this color a symbol of purity. If in a dream you were dressed in such clothes, then a completely new stage in life will begin.

Be patient

Seeing a whole group of people in medical white coats in a dream means that in reality you will experience some difficulties in communicating with people. This dream is a sign that your temper and disrespect for other people’s opinions are the causes of regular conflicts. Aesop's Dream Book recommends being more patient and self-possessed.

If a man or girl wore a long white robe in their night dreams, then a difficult period begins in their life, filled with struggle and trials. If you manage to overcome all adversity, then fate will reward you truly worthy. The dream should be understood as a call to show all your fortitude and wisdom.

Be on your guard

If you dream that a snow-white terry robe is hanging in the closet among other things, then this is a very good sign. Thanks to high professionalism, it will be possible to resolve unexpected difficulties with the minimum possible losses.

Did you dream that a medical white coat was covered with dirt stains and stains? The coming future will hardly be called cloudless. Modern dream book believes that you will have a hard time. Support from outside will definitely not be superfluous.

Seeing yourself in a dream at a doctor’s appointment in a snow-white coat means illness. If the person you dreamed of was not a doctor, then one of the people you know will get sick, and not you yourself.

Help is near

If you dream that you are wearing a terry white robe, then feel free to trust your intuition. She will not let you down and will help you conclude a particularly profitable deal. Universal dream book believes that it is the inner instinct that is able to find the right way out even when it seems that there is none.

Seeing a doctor in a white medical coat in a dream means receiving long-awaited help. You can rest assured that you will receive the support you were hoping for.

Doctors in white coats can also appear in dreams of those dreamers who will undergo serious testing in the coming months. The Wanderer's Dream Book recommends maintaining complete composure when communicating with the inspector. The auditor, not in a dream, but in reality, should feel that you have no doubts or anxiety and that you are firmly confident in your actions.

Happiness in love

Such a dream can occur if boundless joy, happiness, and mutual understanding await you in your family life. Women's dream book I am convinced that after a series of quarrels and severe conflicts there will be complete harmony in relationships with family members. Treasure what you have and don’t forget that prosperity lies in personal life depends directly on the effort put in.


Why see a robe in a dream?

If a robe appeared to you in a dream, do not hesitate, but immediately open the dream book. A robe seen in a dream can have a lot of different meanings. It all depends on the details of your night dreams.


A red housecoat can be seen when there is a lack of bright emotions and passion in a relationship with a partner. The dream book advises you to diversify your intimate life. So you will not only enjoy pleasant moments, but also eliminate the appearance of a third wheel in your relationship.

  • Blue - for travel.
  • Green is for joy.
  • Beige - for calm.
  • Yellow is for fun.
  • Multi-colored - to success.

Why do you dream of a white robe? Usually a white robe portends a measured, calm family life. You don’t have to worry, quarrels and misunderstandings will pass by and will not affect your relationship. It would be nice to go on a romantic trip with your partner. The dream book promises that it will benefit your union.


The meaning of the dream also depends on what material the item in your night vision was made of. For example, a terry robe indicates that you lack comfort and warmth. And calico characterizes you as a sociable, pleasant person.

Good luck in love is what dreams of a silk robe mean. If you are already married, then you have an interesting family adventure ahead of you. For those who are just dating their soulmate, the dream book foreshadows an original confession or proposal. And lonely dreamers will have a pleasant acquaintance.


If you dreamed of a housecoat, then this is a sign that you should pay more attention to household chores. Learn to cook something new, do some spring cleaning, rearrange the furniture.

Also, a dressing gown characterizes you as a quiet, calm person.

  • Everyday - no changes are expected.
  • Worker - to profit.
  • Childish - to carefree.

According to the dream book, a white medical coat is dreamed of when the dreamer has a chance to improve his professional skills. If you can seize the moment, the future awaits you career and significant material profit.

The dreamer's actions

According to the dream book, putting on a robe in a dream means taking on new obligations. But if the robe was terry, then expect a gift or surprise.

Taking it off in a dream means finishing a task that took a lot of your energy. And walking in it means enjoying your position in society.

  • Buying it is a profitable investment.
  • Erasing is trying to forget past mistakes.
  • Sew up - to restore previous relationships.

If you dreamed that you were given a robe as a gift, then in reality you will receive an interesting present. And cutting something with scissors means quarreling with a loved one. Throwing it in the trash is a rash act. And it takes a long time to choose a robe in a store - you don’t dare take the first step.

Now that it has become known why you dream of a robe, it will not be difficult for you to predict your future. You will also be able to better understand your hidden desires and identify strong and weak sides your character. Do not forget to take into account all the details and you will see a clear picture of your life in front of you.



Freud's Dream Book

If in a dream you put on a robe- this means you need to try to bring something unusual and new into your sex life. This warning especially applies to women who are homemakers.

Having such a dream- they need to show maximum imagination, otherwise the partner will want to look for some “zest” on the side. And then - who knows how tasty these raisins will turn out to be.

To dream of seeing someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting, say, at a fun party- in real life you will find yourself in some kind of ridiculous position, having opened up with a person who does not deserve and does not understand such an attitude.

Old, torn robe- a sign that you are trying to manipulate others, and when you fail to do this, you begin to get angry at the whole world. Be careful: if you continue to feel the need to feel that people are subject to your will, then in the end it may turn out that you will be left completely alone.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

House robe in a dream- symbolizes relaxation.

If you dream that you are putting on a robe- this means that it’s time for you to distract yourself from extraneous problems and devote time to yourself and your family.

Dirty or torn dressing gown- portends a quarrel in your home.

Meet a man dressed in a dressing gown- suggests that your attempts to attract someone to a certain cause will be unsuccessful.

Smock- usually foreshadows certain business troubles.

To dream of someone you know wearing a white medical coat- a sign that you might need this person’s help. Sleep also- suggests that you can trust him with what you don’t trust others.

Modern combined dream book

If you washed your robe and it became very small or faded a lot- this portends a surprise for you.

Buying a terry bathrobe, which later turns into a medical one- means for a man that a new acquaintance will complicate his life; woman has this dream- portends difficulties in your personal life or health problems.

If you come to a dinner party in evening dress, and all the guests are dressed in dressing gowns- this means that you are about to receive a promotion, an award, or attract the attention of an inaccessible person.

If you exchanged your robe for a chic fur coat or a coat of a random passerby- it means that luck awaits you ahead of you, which you never dreamed of.

If you are given a robe, although you have never expressed a desire to wear it in your life- this means that people who know you very well will want to interfere with your affairs, will try to harm you, ruin your mood.

Eastern women's dream book

Expensive oriental robe- dreams of great luck. Perhaps you will win a large sum or receive an inheritance.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Robe- on this day, try to leave the house as little as possible; criminal troubles are possible.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Trying on a robe- To family happiness; sell robe- to envy; buy a robe- to separation.

Wearing a camouflage robe in a dream- hide your income.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Trying on a robe- to the hospital bed.

The camouflage robe you saw in a dream- to participate in hostilities.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Trying on a robe- to a long life, to erase to chagrin, buy a robe- to joy.

Seeing a camouflage robe or camouflage items- to the complete readiness of one of your acquaintances to serve you, but you will not believe him.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream- portends illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc.

Black work coat on someone- foreshadows a funeral stranger, in which you will have to take direct part. Blue satin robe- to long standing in queues and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience- means that in reality you will find yourself in a stupid position by believing false rumors.

silk robe- for a love date, terry- you will be asked to borrow a large sum of money, torn old robe- to emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Robe- long-term internal illness

General dream book

Walk in a robe- to an uninvited guest.

If you dreamed that you were buying a robe- you casually invite someone to visit, without even hoping that the person will come, but he will certainly appear, and not alone.

In a dream you were given a robe- your wife, fiancée or beloved (husband, groom or lover) will invite to your house a person whom you would not want to see in your house, and he will certainly come to visit.

You sold your robe- an uninvited guest will come to you, whom you do not want to see, but you will be able to quickly get rid of him.

If you dreamed that you gave or threw away a robe- you yourself invite a guest to the house of your wife, bride or lover (husband, groom or lover) and because of his visit you will have big troubles.

Darn the robe- to the visit of an uninvited guest, whom you will be terribly happy about.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe- means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

A dream in which you are wearing a robe- suggests that you should change your intimate life. The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side. Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation absolutely does not correspond to such attire- this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position by revealing all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn- this suggests that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone. This approach can lead to loneliness.

Chinese dream book

Putting on a new robe- there will be a new wife or concubine, girlfriend.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Wear a robe- means getting involved in troublesome affairs, which, however, will later bring significant benefits.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Robe- painful sensations; luxurious- imaginary elevation.

Dream book of a gypsy

If a woman dreams that she is in a negligee- this means that she has a secret and is afraid that it will be revealed.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Robe- illnesses, painful sensations.

Collection of dream books

Trying on a robe- to a long illness; terry- lack of attention and tenderness.


White robe

Dream Interpretation White robe dreamed of why you dream about White robe? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Dream Interpretation - Robe


White robe

Dream Interpretation White robe dreamed of why you dream about a White robe? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White Robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White coat (medical)

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems.

Imagine that you are wearing a white robe or that you are changing the situation so that you find yourself in a white robe (see Robe).

Dream Interpretation - White coats (doctors, scientific and technical workers)

It means isolation and reluctance to communicate. The image most often carries a negative connotation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in love. professional activity. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into Nice dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.


White medical coat

Dream Interpretation White medical coat dreamed of why you dream about a white medical coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White Medical Coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White coat (medical)

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems.

Imagine that you are wearing a white robe or that you are changing the situation so that you find yourself in a white robe (see Robe).

Dream Interpretation - White coats (doctors, scientific and technical workers)

It means isolation and reluctance to communicate. The image most often carries a negative connotation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Medical personnel

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.


White medical coat

Dream Interpretation White medical coat dreamed of why you dream about a white medical coat? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White medical coat in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White coat (medical)

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems.

Imagine that you are wearing a white robe or that you are changing the situation so that you find yourself in a white robe (see Robe).

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Medical personnel

In the age of science and technology, we feel less and less dependent on divine powers and rely more and more on the professionalism of specialists. In this regard, a mental disorder may take the form of a “medical dream.”

Medical dreams can manifest themselves in three typical scenarios: you are in the role of a patient, you are in the role of a doctor, and you are receiving help from a doctor under ridiculous, absurd circumstances.

The patient role reflects your desire to use outside help to heal some illness. In a dream, this is expressed by a feeling of helplessness or inability to influence current events. The picture of physical distress is likely to symbolize an area of ​​emotional discomfort. The relationship between the two may vary.

If you act as an attending physician or nurse, you may not know your patient, but you see yourself as endowed with the knowledge and skills necessary to help the patient cope with his illness. If you know the patient, so much the better. The dream may indicate the care or support that you provide to him in real life. The patient's visible symptoms of illness may be related to an aspect of their life or interpersonal relationships that you need to pay more attention to.

The plot of receiving help from doctors or nurses under absurd circumstances usually falls into the category of dreams that are difficult to accurately interpret. Perhaps others do not understand your needs, or you are not able to clearly formulate them. It is likely that your connections with people are rather unstable and your needs are essentially not being met.

A romantic relationship with a representative of the medical staff is another possible scenario the development of events in a dream, which often takes place. Dreams of this kind indicate your desire to achieve more attention from the person you like in real life. Or you are one of those people who are predisposed to falling in love with doctors/nurses and experience WISH FULFILLMENT in your sleep.

A doctor appearing in your dream symbolizes a person who is trying to save the life of someone close to you. Perhaps the doctor is a reflection of yourself, indicating a desire to help someone who needs that help.

Is the doctor ignoring you or unable to understand your questions?

Does the doctor convince you that everything will be okay?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.


Medical gown

Dream Interpretation Medical robe dreamed of why you dream about a medical gown? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a medical robe in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White coat (medical)

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems.

Imagine that you are wearing a white robe or that you are changing the situation so that you find yourself in a white robe (see Robe).

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Medical personnel

In the age of science and technology, we feel less and less dependent on divine powers and rely more and more on the professionalism of specialists. In this regard, a mental disorder may take the form of a “medical dream.”

Medical dreams can manifest themselves in three typical scenarios: you are in the role of a patient, you are in the role of a doctor, and you are receiving help from a doctor under ridiculous, absurd circumstances.

The patient role reflects your desire to use outside help to heal some illness. In a dream, this is expressed by a feeling of helplessness or inability to influence current events. The picture of physical distress is likely to symbolize an area of ​​emotional discomfort. The relationship between the two may vary.

If you act as an attending physician or nurse, you may not know your patient, but you see yourself as endowed with the knowledge and skills necessary to help the patient cope with his illness. If you know the patient, so much the better. The dream may indicate the care or support that you provide to him in real life. The patient's visible symptoms of illness may be related to an aspect of their life or interpersonal relationships that you need to pay more attention to.

The plot of receiving help from doctors or nurses under absurd circumstances usually falls into the category of dreams that are difficult to accurately interpret. Perhaps others do not understand your needs, or you are not able to clearly formulate them. It is likely that your connections with people are rather unstable and your needs are essentially not being met.

A romantic relationship with a representative of the medical staff is another possible scenario for the development of events in a dream, which often takes place. Dreams of this kind indicate your desire to achieve more attention from the person you like in real life. Or you are one of those people who are predisposed to falling in love with doctors/nurses and experience WISH FULFILLMENT in your sleep.

A doctor appearing in your dream symbolizes a person who is trying to save the life of someone close to you. Perhaps the doctor is a reflection of yourself, indicating a desire to help someone who needs that help.

Is the doctor ignoring you or unable to understand your questions?

Does the doctor convince you that everything will be okay?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.


Medical gown on yourself

Dream Interpretation Medical gown on yourself dreamed of why you dream about wearing a medical gown? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Medical gown on yourself in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If you dreamed that you were putting on a beautiful silk robe, the dream promises a man that he will be very lucky in love, and a woman - success in her professional activities. You are given or given a robe - the interpretation intensifies. The robe is old or torn: to a quarrel in the house. Oriental robe - you will be lucky and get an unexpected win. Putting on a robe is a warning: you need to get rid of tension, take the circumstances easier - and you will succeed. Someone is wearing a white coat - you can trust this person. You are in a white coat - trust your intuition and take the decisive step. A stained or soiled robe is an obstacle. Wash your robe: illness will prevent you. Throwing away your robe means getting rid of unnecessary connections. If it's a nice robe, be careful: you may quarrel with important people.

Imagine that the robe that you dreamed of as Cinderella’s outfit turns into a beautiful dress or a chic raincoat.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Seeing doctors in white coats in a dream foreshadows illness or fear of an upcoming serious test, test, exams, etc. A black work coat on someone foreshadows the funeral of a stranger, in which you will have to take a direct part. A blue satin robe means long standing in lines and humiliating requests.

Seeing yourself in a dressing gown among an elegantly dressed audience means that in reality you will find yourself in a foolish position by believing false rumors. A silk robe - for a love date, a terry robe - they will ask you to borrow a large sum of money, a torn old robe - for emotional distress and nervousness.

Dream Interpretation - Medical personnel

In the age of science and technology, we feel less and less dependent on divine powers and rely more and more on the professionalism of specialists. In this regard, a mental disorder may take the form of a “medical dream.”

Medical dreams can manifest themselves in three typical scenarios: you are in the role of a patient, you are in the role of a doctor, and you are receiving help from a doctor under ridiculous, absurd circumstances.

The patient role reflects your desire to use outside help to heal some illness. In a dream, this is expressed by a feeling of helplessness or inability to influence current events. The picture of physical distress is likely to symbolize an area of ​​emotional discomfort. The relationship between the two may vary.

If you act as an attending physician or nurse, you may not know your patient, but you see yourself as endowed with the knowledge and skills necessary to help the patient cope with his illness. If you know the patient, so much the better. The dream may indicate the care or support that you provide to him in real life. The patient's visible symptoms of illness may be related to an aspect of their life or interpersonal relationships that you need to pay more attention to.

The plot of receiving help from doctors or nurses under absurd circumstances usually falls into the category of dreams that are difficult to accurately interpret. Perhaps others do not understand your needs, or you are not able to clearly formulate them. It is likely that your connections with people are rather unstable and your needs are essentially not being met.

A romantic relationship with a representative of the medical staff is another possible scenario for the development of events in a dream, which often takes place. Dreams of this kind indicate your desire to achieve more attention from the person you like in real life. Or you are one of those people who are predisposed to falling in love with doctors/nurses and experience WISH FULFILLMENT in your sleep.

A doctor appearing in your dream symbolizes a person who is trying to save the life of someone close to you. Perhaps the doctor is a reflection of yourself, indicating a desire to help someone who needs that help.

Is the doctor ignoring you or unable to understand your questions?

Does the doctor convince you that everything will be okay?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means family happiness; selling a robe - to envy; buying a robe means separation.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

If in a dream you put on a robe, then in reality you need to try to bring something new and unusual into your life. You need to show maximum imagination, otherwise your partner will start looking for something new on the side.

If you saw in a dream someone dressed in a robe in some inappropriate setting - in real life you will find yourself in an absurd position. Don’t be frank with strangers, then nothing like this will happen.

If you dreamed of an old, torn robe, in reality you are trying to manipulate others, and if you fail, you begin to get terribly angry. How can you avoid being left alone?

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A dream in which you are wearing a robe suggests that you should change your intimate life.

The relationship has become familiar and ordinary, so there is a chance that your partner will begin to look for entertainment on the side.

Try to prevent such a turn of events.

If you dream that someone is wearing a robe, but the situation is absolutely inappropriate for such attire, this means that you will find yourself in a stupid position, having laid out all your problems to a stranger.

If the robe is old and torn, this indicates that you want to control other people, but they do not always give in to you, and therefore you feel angry at everything and everyone.

This approach can lead to loneliness.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Robe - A dream in which you happily wrap yourself in a terry robe means that you are already tired of loneliness and are now in search of love.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

Trying on a robe means a long life, washing it means chagrin, buying a robe means joy.

Dream Interpretation - Robe

A white coat means constant illness or a specific illness.

Wearing a dressing gown means taking on a lot of trouble in some matter.

You will understand in advance that it is worth it: subsequently you will receive significant benefits and money.

Dream Interpretation - Medical examination

Dreams about a medical examination come to us at times when we feel that our life is not as orderly as we would like. A detailed study of the state of the body during an examination reflects concern in those areas of life about the state of which we were not previously worried. In some cases, despite our premonition of trouble, the real state of affairs does not cause concern.

Who performed the medical examination and what was the nature of the problem found? Or were you lucky enough to receive favorable feedback about your health?


Why do you dream of a White coat (medical)?

You can find out for free in the dream book, Why do you dream of a White coat (medical), having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not a White coat (medical), but something else, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do you dream of a White coat (medical)

If you see a robe among other things, your professional skills will help you deal with problems.

Imagine that you are wearing a white robe or that you are changing the situation so that you find yourself in a white robe (see Robe).

We treat people in white coats differently. Some are afraid of doctors, others, on the contrary, strive to monitor their health and are not afraid of physical pain. But it happens that we wonder why we dream of a hospital and doctors in white coats?

If a person is very far from medicine, and he suddenly dreams of a medical white coat, then this dream is very important. It needs to be decrypted. A dream book or this article will help us for this.

  • Why do you dream of a white robe?

The dreamer can see in his dream people in white coats. In this case, in reality it is very difficult for him to communicate with people. If the robe is completely snow-white, then at this moment, at this time, a person needs to show his character, show everything he is capable of. If the test is successfully passed, then fame and success will certainly await him. In addition, your financial situation will also improve. If the white coat is placed in the closet, and there are other things nearby, then in reality, thanks to your professionalism, you will be able to solve any problem.

In general, white color means purity. If a person sees a white robe in a dream, then there will be a new stage in his life. If there are stains or dirt on this white coat, then in the future there will be a lot of problems that still need to be overcome.

According to other dream books, a white robe in a dream means some kind of illness in a person. Moreover, this illness can manifest itself if the dreamer does not take specific measures to save his health in the near future.

You may have a dream in which a person himself is wearing a white coat. In this case, intuition will not fail. A doctor or doctor in a dream in a white coat is an ambulance from this person in reality.

Often students and people who are waiting for checks have dreams about doctors in white coats. This indicates strong tension and psychological discomfort.

  • What can a dream about a hospital and doctors in white coats portend?

In a dream, you may see a friend in a white coat. This means that in reality we can count on the friendship and help of this person. You can trust him with your most secret things. It often happens that such a dream speaks of a friend’s illness.

In a dream, we can try on a medical gown. If the person is not healthy, then he is in the hospital.

If in a dream we wash a robe, then in reality there will be a lot of grief. If we buy a snow-white robe, then in the near future there will be great joy. But according to other dream books, a purchased robe speaks of separation.

To summarize, we can say why there is a dream about a hospital and doctors in white coats. These are always changes in life. White color indicates that these changes will not be for the better. The more such white coats in the dream, the more serious the problems will be. But in the case when children, as well as unmarried girls, had a dream, the dream foreshadows a joyful event.