Sergey Bachin: our business is to build. Bachin Sergey Viktorovich

03.07.2019 Cell phones
Bachin Sergey Viktorovich

“If you want to be happy, be happy” (Kozma Prutkov)

Many people wonder how to become successful and famous, have a lot of money and leave their mark on Earth. Maybe this is impossible? Some people have been able to achieve this. Despite all everyday difficulties, without having any initial capital. The most important thing is that from early childhood they persistently pursued their goal, tried to study and work not only for their own benefit, but trying to change the world around them for the better. Maybe this is the formula for their success? These are people who are not ashamed to live by eternal values ​​- love for the Motherland, Earth, parents, their family, raising smart children and leaving a worthy memory.

An example is the biography of businessman Sergei Bachin. There are a lot of publications about this brilliant man. There are some very good ones and some not so good ones. As with any person, there are always two opinions. But one thing is certain, he always found himself in in the right place at the right time with great the right people. Possessing the remarkable mind of a scientist and the gift of persuasion, Bachin always achieves everything he wants. Whatever he undertook, he tried to do it conscientiously, “for centuries.”

Full biography of Sergei Bachin

Sergei Viktorovich Bachin was born on November 18, 1963. Place of birth: the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region. Since childhood, he was distinguished by perseverance and hard work, which helped him enter the most prestigious university in the country - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, from which he graduated in the summer of 1987 with honors.

Since 1988, he began working as a junior researcher at the Vernadsky Geochemical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After the collapse of the entire structure Soviet Union, a young scientist went to study in the United States of America. Graduated from the University of Connecticut, Hardford, Faculty of Business Management. Bachin rose to the occasion here too, having received the highest qualification of Master of Business Administration. The title is confirmed by international certificates of conformity CPA and CMA.

The young specialist was noticed and offered a very prestigious position in the American company Pratt&Whitney. It is the largest manufacturer of aircraft engines for civil and military aircraft. It was a success - not all Americans managed to get into such a company, and even more so for a native of Russia. But for some reason, Bachin was selected as one of the top managers.

Homecoming. Development activities

In 1998, Bachin decided to leave the United States to build a new Russia. Having unique experience in a prestigious company abroad, he easily gets a job as a manager in Vladimir Potanin’s subsidiary development company Interros. He was entrusted with the implementation of major construction projects in the private and public sector.

In 2003 it becomes general director in the development company "Open Investments" and becomes its president. Soon the company takes a leading position in the Moscow region. The company has a lot of square meters of commercial housing of the Premium, Standard, and Comfort classes.

From 2010 to 2014 - General Director of ProfEstate Group of Companies. These are important government procurement projects, in particular, Olympic facilities in Sochi. Many objects were built, one of which was “Rosa Khutor” - the favorite brainchild of Sergei Bachin. This mountain resort is the best in Russia. Annually great amount tourists visit this place. Bachin has done and is doing a lot for its development. As of October 2018, he is the manager of Rosa Khutor.

In terms of developing domestic tourism and attracting travelers from other countries, Sergei Viktorovich is building the Zavidovo resort in the Tver region and the Yaroslavl seaside on the Rybinsk reservoir. Extraordinary nature combined with a modern resort with developed infrastructure - this was Bachin’s dream and goal, which he managed to bring to life.

Life Project – Organic Movement

Sergei Viktorovich remembers his grandparents, to whom he went during the summer holidays and grazed a herd of cows all summer. This is a very difficult task, because the entire herd had to be kept safe and sound. The cow was the nurse in the village, and the loss was an irreparable grief and shame for the shepherd. Perhaps shepherding taught you responsibility, love for your native land, the taste of real milk and village bread.

No foreign steaks can replace the taste of childhood and happiness, the warmth of grandmother's hands and the silent approval of grandfather. Sergei did not come to the village to relax, but to help his closest people. Even then he tried to work well for his piece of simple bread and a mug of fresh milk. Maybe this is what personality development consists of. Live not for yourself, but for your loved ones and loved ones, see the beauty of this world, love people and help them.

The taste of native milk and bread became the starting point that helped launch the project for the production of organic products. Proper nutrition environmentally friendly products are the health of the nation. Perhaps only in Russia there are lands where chemicals have never been used. This makes it possible to grow clean products and obtain pure, tasty milk.

Raising the future generation

He pays great attention to working with the younger generation. He is a trustee of the Pavlovskaya Gymnasium. This is a non-profit institution that operates using innovative technology. This is a very responsible job that determines the future of our country. Study abroad with younger age is fraught with the loss of those values ​​that are eternal. Children who grow up and are brought up in another country become unaccustomed to their homeland and their parents. Russia becomes a foreign country, parents become strangers, because at the most difficult moment of personal development, close people were not around. Yes they get it a good education which will help you become significant people. But for this, children need to grow up very early, lose their childhood, the love of mom and dad, who are always there. Isn't the price too high?

Perhaps, having four children, Sergei Viktorovich himself realized the value of parental education and the development of children as individuals. What could it be better example parents, their warmth and care.

Awards and merits

Sergei Bachin’s contribution to the development of society was duly appreciated. As of October 2018, the businessman received the following awards and titles:

  1. In 2012, he was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the state for his enormous contribution to the Olympic Sports Games.
  2. In 2013 he was awarded an award from Metropolitan Juvenaly. He was awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church for his assistance in the construction of the Radonezh Church, located in the village of Velednikovo.
  3. In the same year he was awarded the title and badge of “Honorary Builder”.

A particularly significant event for Sergei was the holding of the Olympics in Sochi. Thanks to his assistance, some facilities were built in the Olympic village of Rosa Khutor. For his contribution to the Fatherland, the businessman was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, as well as a commemorative medal.

Personal life

Sergei Bachin is an exemplary family man and carefully protects his own family from the media. He tries not to talk about the details of his personal life. As of October 2018, it is known that he is married and is a happy father of four children. More information about family life not provided.

Literary and scientific activities

Since at the beginning of his career Sergei was a junior researcher, the thirst for knowledge and comprehension of truth remained in him throughout his life. His scientific work in the field of animal husbandry was created over several decades. Carefully designed appearance book edition. The text was edited several times and supplemented with new and unusual information. As a result, in 2016 the book “Organics. Myths and reality".

In your own scientific work The author discusses the current topic of ecology and the production of organic products. The book edition consists of 128 pages and is divided into seven chapters. The content includes not only the history associated with the birth of the organic movement in the world, but also the debunking of long-standing myths regarding agriculture.


Sergey Bachin is an active Russian public figure whose contribution to the development of sports in Russia is invaluable. Numerous awards and titles confirm his importance in the social sphere. His thorough approach to doing business in the agricultural sector should not be overlooked, as this is a real breakthrough in the organic movement in Russia. Sergei can easily be classified as one of the galaxy of new businessmen who try to take care of people and their health. He invests his own resources in the development of a truly necessary product, namely organic food that would serve as a source of good health. He is also involved in the educational sphere, as he opened his own gymnasium with high level training.

Social media

Sergei Bachin is quite active on social networks. If you go to one of his pages, you can get acquainted with his activities and personality.

Sergei Viktorovich Bachin was born in Kovrov, a small town in the Vladimir region. An intelligent and purposeful boy grew up in an ordinary Soviet family, spending the summer with his grandmother in a village in Ukraine, where he helped with herding cows. These summer holidays became one of the factors on which the later interest in agricultural production was based.

After graduating from school, Sergei entered the physics department of Moscow State University, one of the most prestigious and difficult to achieve in those years, from which he graduated with honors in 1987. The logic inherent in physics and the ability to consider all processes from different angles more than once in subsequent years helped Sergei in solving complex and extraordinary problems.

After receiving his diploma, Sergei Viktorovich began working as a junior researcher at the Vernadsky Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The job prospects looked very attractive: the opportunity to do my favorite science, new developments, dissertations, and, over time, new titles. However, life decreed otherwise - 1991 changed many destinies, and Sergei Viktorovich was no exception.

In 1992, he decides to go to study in the USA, get a high-quality economic education, because without knowledge of economics he can understand the ongoing processes and find his place in new reality it was impossible.

America and second education

In the USA, Sergey Bachin entered the Faculty of Corporate Finance at Hardford University. This educational institution, located in the state of Connecticut at that time, made it possible to obtain a high-quality economic education in the shortest possible time. The Master of Business Administration diploma opened the path to a successful career for Sergei Viktorovich.

The largest US manufacturer of rocket engines, Pratt & Whitney, became interested in the promising graduate. The graduate’s first education played a significant role in this. A position in a large corporation was an excellent start to a successful career in America. However, despite the excellent prospects, Sergei Bachin chose to return to his homeland after 4 years of work in the USA. The reviving Russian economy desperately needed specialists who knew first-hand the rules of the game of big business.

Career in Russia


Almost immediately after his return, in 1998, Sergei Viktorovich began working in the structures of Interros, a holding company controlled by Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov. His responsibilities included leading large construction projects, both private and public. Sergei Viktorovich worked in the holding as a manager until 2003, but then it became clear that the time had come to move forward.

"Open Investments"

The next stage of his career brought Bachin the experience of independently managing a large company. After leaving Interros in 2003, he headed the reputable development company Open Investments. The knowledge gained while studying in the USA, the experience accumulated in Russia and business sense helped Sergei Viktorovich make the company a market leader. An innovative approach to managing financial flows and organizing business processes allowed Open Investments not only to take its rightful place, but also to maintain it for years after Bachin left in 2009. Today, this developer’s portfolio includes hundreds of thousands of square meters of housing and commercial real estate of various classes, from “standard” to “premium”.

"Olympic construction"

After parting with Open Investments, Sergei Viktorovich received an offer to take the position of general director at ProfEstate Group of Companies, which also works in the development sector, but mainly with government orders. As the head of the company, he managed the most important construction project for Russia - the construction of Olympic facilities. It was under his leadership that RIOU, the Rosa Khutor mountain resort and a multifunctional hotel and recreational complex in the central part of Sochi were built.

The Rosa Khutor resort complex has become one of the most impressive projects of Sergei Bachin. In the winter season of 2017-2018 alone, 920 thousand tourists vacationed here. It is interesting that foreign guests note the superiority of Rosa Khutor over similar complexes abroad, not only in the beauty of the surrounding landscapes, but also in the quality of ski slopes, level of service, infrastructure development, and comfort.

It is important that the resort complex welcomes guests not only winter period. In the summer, tourists can enjoy mountain trails, climbing and walking routes in the most picturesque places. The complex is persistently improving and the main merit in this is its director, Sergei Viktorovich Bachin, who never stops there. Rosa Khutor was awarded a national award as the best sports resort of 2018. For his work on its construction, Sergei Viktorovich was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

At the construction of the Rosa Khutor resort complex with Russian President V.V. Putin.

Business areas


Sergey Viktorovich began producing high-quality organic products in 2007. The reason was the low quality of foreign products that occupied the shelves of Moscow supermarkets. Plastic cottage cheese, milk that does not spoil for years, meat products consisting of flavor enhancers, dyes and preservatives became a challenge for him that he could not help but accept.

Sergei Viktorovich acquired empty lands and, having invested more than one and a half billion rubles in them, founded the agricultural company AgriVolga. The work began with three farms producing meat and milk. It took only three years to bring it to the Russian food market new brand"Ugleche Pole"

At the agricultural exhibition at VDNKh with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Today, AgriVolga is part of the Agranta group of companies. The holding includes farms for breeding poultry and pedigree dairy cattle, a sheep breeding complex, fields for grazing and growing feed. The complex itself processes its own products, so italso includes meat processing facilities, which were recently acquiredDanilovsky Butter and Cheese Factory and Experimental Cheese Factory in Uglich.

Excursion to one of the AgriVolga farms

In addition to its own meat and dairy production, the holding provides support to small farms, supplying them with breeding material, high-quality feed and purchasing environmentally friendly products from them. The company has its own chain of stores “Ugleche Pole. Organic Market”, which sells products of the brands “Ugleche Pole”, “from Uglich”, “Uglitsky sausages”.


Sergei Viktorovich’s work in the field of development of domestic Russian tourism preceded his activities in the construction and development of Rosa Khutor. Simultaneously with the creation of the AgriVolga company in 2007, Bachin began the Yaroslavl Seaside project. In the first years of the project’s existence, there were many critics who questioned both its chances of success and the need for such complexes for Russia. However, the entrepreneur’s persistence, his experience and business sense made it possible to create a wonderful modern tourist complex.

Today, the Koprino park hotel welcomes tourists near the Rybinsk Reservoir. It offers a yacht club with a comfortable pier, equipped beaches, a SPA center, fitness rooms, and outdoor sports areas. Every year about 150 thousand people come here on vacation.

The successful development of “Yaroslavl Seaside” allowed Bachin to implement another tourism project - “Zavidovo”, this time in the Tver region. The cluster includes SPA salons, hotels, parks, sports complexes and a modern comfortable golf club.

Another important project is the Tygydym village. Sergei Viktorovich came across her in in social networks absolutely by accident - the habit of being attentive to all new products on the Russian tourism market affected. The Mazaletsky-Degtyarev family asked for help. Having moved with three children to the Poshekhonsky district, they founded an ethnic village for tourists. All proceeds from the sale of real estate were invested in the development of the project. Ancient houses were assembled log and brick by brick, and the atmosphere of peasant Rus' was recreated.

However, it suddenly became clear. That the land for the ethnic settlement was allocated illegally. And all the spouses could do was ask people for help and advice. Sergei Viktorovich helped the family move to his land near the Yaroslavl Seaside complex, and now hotel guests get a lot of impressions from visiting the extraordinary village.


Sergei Viktorovich Bachin is the head of the board of trustees of the Pavlovsk gymnasium. This large educational complex, located in the Pavlo-Slobodsky rural settlement of the Moscow region, was created on his initiative almost from scratch. He himself supervised the construction of buildings, thinking through everything - from the location of laboratories and sports grounds to the ventilation system of the premises. Today, after 10 years of work, the Pavlovsk gymnasium has confirmed Sergei Viktorovich’s confidence that in Russia it is possible to create decent conditions for preparing the future of the country, no worse than in the best European and American schools.

Sergei Viktorovich Bachin is a patriot in the best sense of the word. All his activities are aimed at the development and prosperity of Russia, it is with the Motherland that he connects his future and the future of his children, here he invests his time and energy. For his activities he received several state awards.

State awards

  • A state Certificate of Gratitude for assistance in auditing activities carried out at the Olympic sports facilities in Sochi was received in 2012.
  • In 2013, he was awarded the Order of Russian Orthodox Church Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow for assistance in the construction of the Radonezh Temple, Velednikovo settlement, Moscow region.
  • The “Honorary Builder” badge was received in 2013.
  • The Order of Alexander Nevsky was received in 2014 for personal services to the Fatherland in the public sector.
  • Commemorative medal "XXII Olympic Games" winter Games“Awarded in 2014 for participation in state development of the central districts of Sochi.

Sergey Bachin was born on November 18, 1963 in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region. In 1987 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. Subsequently, he received a Master of Business Administration degree from the American University of Hartford with a specialty in Corporate Finance and certificates of CMA - certified management accountant and CPA - certified public accountant.

Sergey Bachin began his career in 1988, becoming a research fellow at the Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1994 to 1998 he worked in the USA as a financial manager at Pratt & Whitney. United Technologies Company". For a couple of years he was the regional financial director of Mars in Russia. Until 2003, he worked at Interros Development. For the next 6 years, Sergei Viktorovich was the general director of the development company Open Investments.

In 2007, Bachin organized the agricultural holding AgriVolga. Since 2009, he has been a member of the supervisory board of the Russian International Olympic University and the general director of the company for the development of the Rosa Khutor ski resort, as well as the chairman of the board of trustees of the ANO Pavlovskaya Gymnasium, a multidisciplinary educational complex. Considered one of the most successful developers in Russia.

From 2010 to 2014, he was the president of the ProfEstate group of companies, which was engaged in the construction of Olympic facilities: RIOU, the Rosa Khutor resort and a multifunctional hotel and recreational complex in the central part of Sochi. Since February 2012, he has become Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Agranta Group of Companies, which implements projects in the field of processing and sale of organic agricultural products, integrated development of territories, development, and production.

In 2011, the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in Russian Federation", one of the participants of which was Sergey Bachin, being an investor in the Zavidovo and Yaroslavl Seaside projects. The essence of the program is that the business segment builds a tourist facility, accommodation, residence, and the state rationally, with a certain proportion, allocates resources for infrastructure. These are roads, communications and other components.

In March 2013, the Great Consecration of the Sergius Church in Velednikovo took place, the initiative and support for the construction of which belonged to the leadership of the nearby Pavlovsk gymnasium, headed by the chairman of the board of directors of Agranta LLC, Sergei Vladimirovich Bachin. On that day he was awarded the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, II degree.

In addition, Sergei Viktorovich was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from the Government of the Russian Federation for his active participation in the implementation of the program of test events at the Rosa Khutor Olympic venues in Sochi, the Badge “Honorary Builder”, the Order of Alexander Nevsky and the Commemorative Medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games”. games 2014 in Sochi".

Science, management, business - this is the vector in which the career of Sergei Viktorovich Bachin developed, who today is Russia’s leading developer in the public and commercial construction sector, heads the Rosa Khutor mountain resort in Sochi, and is also developing a fundamentally new agricultural project - the production of organic products - within the framework of his own business, the AgriVolga holding.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Bachin was born on November 18, 1963 in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region. He received his secondary education in an ordinary Soviet school. Every summer, the parents sent their son to the village to visit his grandparents, where the boy not only frolicked in nature, but also helped with the housework, delving into the culture of rural life. This experience will then serve as a great help when organizing your own business in the agronomic field.

Bachin’s brilliant abilities are evidenced by the fact that at the age of 23 the young man graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. And at 24 he was invited to work at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after.

For several years, the young man plunged headlong into scientific work, with bright prospects ahead: a dissertation, practical developments, academic titles. But everything changed literally overnight, when in 1991 the residents of the Union woke up as citizens of another country. New realities have created new opportunities. So, in 1992, Sergei Bachin made a difficult decision for himself - to go to study in the USA and get an economics education.


Bachin spent 6 years in America. He studied at Hardford University for the first 4 years, majoring in Corporate Finance, and after graduating from the university, received a Master of Business Administration degree. Then the graduate received a lucrative offer: work as a financial manager at the Pratt & Whitney corporation, specializing in the production of aircraft engines for the military and civilian sectors, became a good internship for the young manager.

However, the knowledge acquired in the USA turned out to be much more valuable in the financier’s homeland, Russia, where he returned in 1998. Bachin began his managerial career in the structures of the Interros holding, owned by. First I analyzed stock market at ONEXIM Bank, then worked for 5 years at Interros Development, implementing construction projects for both private and government orders.

Sergey Viktorovich gained experience in full-fledged independent management in the period 2003-2009, when he headed the development company Open Investments (OPIN). Bachin brought the company to a leading position among capital developers, applying a radically new approach to construction and managing financial flows.

It was precisely such a leader that was needed to carry out the construction of the century - the construction of Olympic facilities: RIOU, the Rosa Khutor mountain resort and a multifunctional hotel and recreational complex in the central part of Sochi. Bachin led the construction from 2010 to 2014, being the president of the ProfEstate group of companies.

In parallel with the work on Olympic facilities, the developer is investing in other global and promising projects - the elite tourist complexes “Zavidovo” (Tver region) and “Yaroslavskoye Vzmorye” (Yaroslavl region).

In the career biography of Sergei Bachin, a chain of relationships can be surprisingly traced: the results of one industry lead to new opportunities for other areas. Thus, practice in the construction business led Sergei Viktorovich to management in the tourism industry, and while already working here, he initiated another important business for himself - the creation of organic products for tourists and those who care about their own health and the well-being of loved ones.

“Organic means produced without chemicals, hormones, antibiotic injections, even without feeding cows with compound feed,” explains the innovator.

The entrepreneur not only studied this issue comprehensively, but even wrote the book “Organics. Myths and Reality”, where in a simple and accessible form he explains both the priorities for the development of this industry in Russia and the benefits of such products for the body.

Back in 2007, Bachin became interested in this area and founded the AgriVolga agricultural holding on specially acquired lands. At first there were 3 meat and dairy farms, today they were supplemented by 17 sheep farms, over 10 dairy farms, 2 large meat and milk processing production complexes, 2 cheese factories - Danilovsky and Uglichsky.

Soon the holding entered into the production and industrial conglomerate Agranta, which implements projects in the field of processing and sales of organic agricultural products.

Today Sergei Bachin, who has headed Agranta since 2012, is the owner of the organic brands “Iz Uglich”, “Uglich sausages” and “Ugleche Pole”, under which dairy products, meat, sausages, and cheeses are produced.

Sergei Bachin’s contribution to social development, more precisely to education, requires special mention. In the early 2000s, the developer founded the Pavlovskaya Gymnasium, a non-profit educational institution where an innovative approach is at the core of the educational process. The founder himself believes that today it is necessary to train tomorrow’s leaders of the country in such an institution.

Personal life

Sergei Viktorovich Bachin does not advertise personal life and photos on social networks. It is known that the businessman is the head of a large family: he and his wife are raising four children.

Sergey Bachin now

Tourism is now one of the main directions of Bachin’s multidisciplinary activities. In 2017, Rosa Khutor was recognized as the Best ski resort Russia at the World Ski Awards ceremony in Austria. And in 2018 (during the winter season) the resort received over 900 thousand tourists. But the head of the complex plans to increase these figures significantly thanks to the construction of a two-kilometer cableway, the cost of which is estimated at 1 billion rubles.

In the summer of 2018, the AgriVolga holding agreed to create a cheese cluster in the Yaroslavl region. The investment volume is about 5.8 billion rubles; it is planned to supply up to 8 thousand tons of cheeses to the market annually.


  • 2012 - State Certificate of Appreciation for assistance in audit activities carried out at the Olympic sports facilities in Sochi.
  • 2013 - Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow for assistance in the construction of the Radonezh Church (Velednikovo settlement, Moscow region).
  • 2013 - Badge of honor “Honorary Builder”.
  • 2014 - Order of Alexander Nevsky for special achievements in socio-cultural events and personal services to the Fatherland in the sector of state construction.
  • 2014 - Commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Winter Games” for participation in the state development of the central regions of Sochi.