Slavic name melania. How do you understand the name Melania? Relationships with men

03.08.2019 Jurisprudence

Short form of the name Melania. Melanya, Malan, Malana, Melana, Lana, Lanya, Melasha, Mil, Mila, Molya, Melanyushka, Malanyushka, Malanya, Malasha, Malya, Melli, Meli, Mel, Mel, Melina, Nike.
Synonyms for the name Melania. Melanya, Melanie, Malanya, Malania.
Origin of the name Melania. The name Melania is Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Melania has Greek roots and means “black”, “dark”. The name Melania is used not only in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Serbia and the Czech Republic, but also in Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and Romania.

In England, France, Germany and the USA they use an analogue of this name - Melanie, and in Belarus - Malanya and Malania. When the name Melania is pronounced, “and” is heard in the first syllable of the name, therefore there is an erroneous spelling of the name - Milania, and a derivative name - Milanya. Therefore, the names Melania and Milana, which have completely different origins, are often confused.

The name Melania was not among the frequently used names until the 30s of the twentieth century, until the author of the famous bestseller “Gone with the Wind” used this name for his heroine. After the release of the book and the film of the same name, the name Melanie began to gain popularity in English-speaking countries. In the name Melanie, the stress can be on either the first or the second syllable.

The diminutive Mellie (Meli) is also used for the names Melinda, Melissa, Pamela, Emily, Emilia, Amelia. And the short forms used among the Russian-speaking population, Mila and Lana, are also independent names.

The dates of Melania’s Orthodox name days are January 13 and June 21. The remaining dates listed are Orthodox name days Melania. Male name Melanium is quite rare.

The owner of the name Melania is quite hot-tempered, capable of moving from one emotional state to another in a very short time. short term. She has hypersensitivity and a vulnerable soul, she is feminine, charming, loves tenderness and affection. This is a very capable woman, she could be called fatal. She knows how to be seductive, bold, as well as timid, modest, dependent, knows how to obey and manage. It combines various opposites.

Emotional well-being and balance are essential for Melanie's self-confidence. Thus, she can be alternately shy and reserved, going unnoticed, and then mischievous and playful, wanting to be the center of attention. Melania is able to take risks, put everything on the line.

Melania is sensitive and emotional, she understands well that in order to have a friend, you need to be a friend. She is an excellent listener, an insightful and subtle interlocutor, showing genuine interest in the subject of conversation. She has a good sense of humor, which she resorts to not only when necessary to defuse tense situations, but also in her life in general.

As a child, Melania should be encouraged to be creative and develop her talent for languages. Parents should do everything possible to instill a sense of order and discipline in her life, these are precisely the qualities that she is slightly lacking. They also need to help their daughter learn to manage her emotional outbursts. This girl is curious. Melania loves to read, but chatting is one of her favorite pastimes!

Melania is an extrovert, so she cannot live without communication, the attention of friends and other people. From birth she knows how to attract, seduce and charm. She dreams of occupying a central place in the life of the class, faculty, or at her job. Melania hates monotony and loves adventure and novelty. After all, life is just a game for her, and she knows how to play! She is pleasant and good-natured and will add zest to any team. An outstanding housewife and an excellent mother. But we should not forget that Melania can behave like an angel, but it is difficult to call her obedient, but it is even more difficult to seduce her.

Melania can choose one of the creative professions related to artistic, oral or written self-expression. She will also be close to active professions related to movement, sports or travel. Her strong point is communication, so Melania can easily become a psychologist, diplomat and journalist.

Melania's birthday

Famous people named Melania

  • Melania Siminko ((1921-2002) Soviet collective farmer, achieved a corn yield of more than 10 centners per hectare, for which she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor in 1966)
  • Melania the Roman, Melania of Rome ((383-439) Christian saint)
  • Saint Melania the Elder ((350-410) Christian saint, grandmother of Saint Melania the Younger)
  • Melania Trump ((born 1970) last name before marriage - Knaus; Slovenian fashion model, currently a designer of jewelry and wristwatches)
  • Melanie Lynskey ((born 1977) New Zealand actress)
  • Melanie Myron ((born 1952) American actress, also director and screenwriter, winner of the 1989 Emmy as best supporting actress)
  • Melanie Valdor ((1796-1871) French writer (poetry, drama), opened her own literary salon)
  • Melanie Houdin ((born 1991) American tennis player, multiple participant in the Grand Slam tournament, was also a winner)
  • Melanie Griffith ((born 1957) American actress. Starred in such films as “Body Double”, “Wild Thing”, “Working Girl”, “Two is Too Much”, “Project 281”, “City of Fear”, “Bonfire” vanity" and many others. Winner of the Golden Globe, Emmy. Participant in the musical "Chicago" (2003).
  • Melanie Klein ((1882-1960) English psychoanalyst, specialized in child psychoanalysis, developed a play technique for working with children)
  • Melanie Fiona Hallim ((b.1983) Canadian singer)
  • Melanie Jane Chisholm ((born 1974) pseudonyms - “Mel C”, “Melanie C”, “Sporty Spice”; British singer, former lead singer in the group “Spice Girls”)
  • Melanie Phillips ((born 1951) English journalist, collaborates not only with native but also foreign publications)
  • Melanie Leupolz ((born 1994) German football player, member of the German national team, became European champion in 2013)
  • Melanie Behringer ((born 1985) German football player, player of the German national team. Twice winner of Olympic bronze, also twice European champion, became world champion.)
  • Melanie Adele Martinez ((born 1995) American singer)
  • Melanie Robillard ((born 1982) German curler)
  • Diam`s ((born 1980) real name – Melanie Georgiad; French rap artist)

Beautiful Russian female name Melania today still continues to be popular not only in Russian Federation, but also in most countries of modern Europe. It is found in England, Italy, the Czech Republic, and in all Russian-speaking countries. According to the majority of experts who study the meaning of names, it has the strongest energy, capable of directly influencing the character and, as such, the nature of the girl named by this name...

History and origin of the name

Researchers agreed that the origin of the name Melania can be attributed to ancient Greek culture– in theory, it comes from ancient Greek words meaning “dark” or “swarthy” girl, while the interpretation directly implies skin color. At the same time, there are other versions of the interpretation that sound a little different, but still imply the same meaning.

This name variation came to the territory of our country during the formation of early Christianity, therefore its forms in our country are often perceived as purely Slavic, although in fact, even in a modified form this name has nothing to do with Slavic culture.

In general, it is found in modified forms in various countries of our planet - these are the United States of America, Great Britain, Italy, England, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and many other countries. Melanie, Melania, Melania, Milana - all these nominal variations indirectly or directly relate to the name form we are discussing.

Meaning of the name Melania

At one time, Melania was quite involved in researching the history of the name form. a large number of specialists. The situation is exactly the same with the study of such an important factor as meaning of the name Melania. But the situation with significance is much worse - many of the factors known to researchers are inaccurate or at least theoretical. But in general, according to the main version, Melania is always an active, energetic person, with obvious leadership abilities and a lot of hobbies. Although one cannot help but note the fact that most of the qualities that the significance of this name bestows may not appear immediately, but as the girl so named grows up.

Early childhood

In early childhood, the girl, whose parents decided to choose the rare female name Melania, has a rather complex character. Energy, activity, restlessness, disobedience, self-indulgence, talkativeness, persistence and stubbornness, playfulness - these are the things that will make it very difficult for Melania’s parents. But at the same time, Melania is inherently friendly and kind, she will never refuse to help her parents, she will always gladly help her mother around the house - however, it is worth taking into account the fact that Melania will never do anything with an explicit “order”, she loves to make independent decisions and hates when she is ordered or something is demanded of her. It’s the same in learning anything - if her mother wants to teach her to write, read, or do something else, then it’s better for her to wait until Melania herself asks for it. The meaning of this name bestows such a nature. And significance also presupposes the presence of such traits as independence and love of freedom - no one and nothing should limit her freedom; she can literally hate anyone who does this, even if it is one of her close ones or relatives. As for friendliness, there is plenty of it - the meaning of this name form can turn Melania into a very open and sociable child; this girl can have a lot of friends. True, there is one “but” - the meaning of this name, of course, bestows the gift of eloquence, but she will still never share her experiences with one of her friends.


With age, Melania may become more open and sociable, and her talkativeness will not go away either. Meaning, even in adolescence, usually has a direct, strong influence on the formation of character as such, but there is also one huge “but” - Melania is inherently too receptive, sensitive, she absorbs everything that happens like a sponge, and, therefore, can affect her nature influence anything. In other words, parents will have to pay incredible attention to her upbringing, so that nothing and no one can negatively influence her. The meaning of the name form, of course, plays an important role, especially with the energy that this name has, but education in the case of a girl named so is much more important. There is another important point - the receptivity of this girl can play a cruel joke on her, over time turning her into a closed person and closed from the whole world. In this case, she may withdraw into herself, stop communicating with people on personal topics, and will keep all grievances to herself, which will lead to increased aggression and quarrels. If this happens, then only the mother will be able to change something - all Melanias usually have the closest and most trusting relationship with her. As for studying, everything is simple - a girl named Melania has a well-developed intuition, she grasps everything on the fly, she can study any subject perfectly, but initially she needs to be interested.

Adult woman

If the nature of the girl Melania, even in adolescence, is still influenced by the meaning of this nominal variation, then with the adult Melania things are much worse. Adult Melania, this is businesswoman with a predatory grip, she overcomes any difficulties without even the slightest help from others, hates when someone tries to criticize her, does not like to make mistakes and tries to learn from her mistakes, lives according to the principle of “dry calculation”, does not use intuition and in all his decisions he adheres to common sense and logical thinking. But Melania also has one powerful minus - she takes all the little things too close to her heart, helps everyone around her, is trusting and takes all the problems of the people around her as her own, that is, helps solve them, no matter what the cost, even sacrificing herself . Melania has obvious leadership inclinations, plus, the meaning of this name simply cannot help but endow her with organizational skills, which will be useful to her in everything, both in communicating with people and in building a career. In general, Melania is very good man, a skillful leader, an excellent friend, but in personal life, which we will talk about below, there may be incredible problems - all because of her excessive craving for material well-being. Although there is one more minus - she does not like weak people, and especially traitors, she never forgives misdeeds and mistakes, she believes that such people cannot be kept around...

Relationships with men

As for the relationship between a girl named Melania and representatives of the opposite sex, everything is very, very difficult. Melania is essentially a careerist, a hard worker, a workaholic, and for the time being she simply has no time to build relationships with men. At the same time, such a woman does not need a super successful, arrogant and assertive man - on the contrary, her chosen one will most likely be a flexible young man, ready for sacrifices and concessions, so that he is ready to take on everything women's responsibilities. Although, this is just a theory - in reality everything may be completely different...

Personality of the name Melania

The character of the girl who received the name Melania can be compared to a hurricane, a tornado - she is restless, picky, efficient, active, always on the move, and at the same time so changeable that even a person who knows her well will not be able to predict her behavior in the next minutes. Her character is truly unique, you simply cannot help but admire her, but there is one “but”. The fact is that with her harsh and sometimes simply unbearable behavior, she pushes people away from her, and you need to control this, keep yourself in check, restrain yourself. She can not. Impulsive, emotional, sometimes aggressive - not everyone can tolerate such a character, that’s a fact. But if there is still someone who can tolerate her as she is, then she may even change for the better. In general, it should be noted that in the case of the name Melania, the character is very, very difficult to predict - the character of the name depends not only on the characteristics of the name itself, but also on a bunch of additional factors.

For example, many researchers have noted that not only the nature of the name form, but also additional factors, including astrological ones, always play a major role. The character can be directly influenced by the zodiac sign under which the girl was born, the year (its animal symbol), and, naturally, parental upbringing...

Interaction of Melania's character with the seasons

Spring is a girl born under the auspices of the spring season; she is a representative of the female half of humanity with the character of a true leader. Purposeful, determined, ambitious, never gives up and easily overcomes all obstacles. In addition, she is also sociable and makes contact easily. Such a person should have many friends and like-minded people.

Summer - a summer girl by origin of soul and nature is active, kind, reasonable, calm, and practical. She has incredible creative potential, and also has an excellent imagination, which she loves to put into practice. She is a little self-critical, but never criticizes people. Restrained, not emotional, but receptive and sensitive, touchy, and also vindictive.

Autumn - a girl named Melania, born in one of the three autumn months, is usually endowed with such traits as sociability, goodwill, activity, politeness, honesty and justice. But with those she doesn't like, she can be too straightforward. Moreover, this girl always belongs to the category of critics - she simply loves to criticize everyone around her.

Winter is a tactful, diplomatic, eloquent, restrained and calm, balanced girl, with a broad outlook, but very vulnerable and touchy; you can offend her even with a simple remark. But she has excellent compatibility with most types of men, she can get along with anyone, and knows how to adapt to her environment. Capable of becoming a truly ideal wife and mother.

The fate of the name Melania in relationships, love, marriage

The fate of a name is a rather complex and unpredictable factor, and the name Melania is no exception. Although researchers still managed to formulate a theory regarding what should be the fate of a woman who received the name Melania at birth, in relationships with members of the opposite sex, in marriage, and in love as such...

So, this theory says that the fate of this little name suggests that the bearer will be very popular among the male half of humanity. But at the same time, this same theory also says that Melania herself will reject relationships as such until adulthood - the reason is her irresistible desire to achieve something, to become an independent and independent person, to achieve success in work and to make sure that the future the chosen one did not think that she was capable of anything. This is her fate, according to researchers.

At the same time, it is impossible not to note that fate presupposes that she will ultimately become an ideal wife, not a homebody and housewife, but a supporter, a woman behind whose back the family will not need anything. Melania’s fate will take her for a long time through the “alleys of loneliness,” but in the end it will lead to what every woman in the world craves - a happy and truly marriage.

Astrological symbolism

  • Talisman stone – Chrysolite.
  • Patron planet – Sun and Mars.
  • The patronizing element is Fire.
  • The animal symbol of the bearer of the name Melania is the Eagle.
  • Plant symbol – Ginger.
  • The best zodiac is Leo.
  • Lucky day - Sunday.
  • Ideal season – Summer.

Famous people

Melania Siminko (Hero of Socialist Labor)

Melania the Roman, Melania of Rome (Christian saint)

Saint Melania the Elder (Christian saint)

Melania Fiona Hallim (Canadian singer)

Melania Jane Chisholm (British singer)

Melania Phillips (English journalist)

Melania Leupolz (German football player)

Additional information

Its owners celebrate exactly under the Old New Year- January 13, in the midst of Shchedrovka and New Year's festivities, which in some regions of Russia and Ukraine are called Malanka.


To correctly determine the meaning of the name Melania, you need to understand onomastics (a science specializing in the study of proper names). There are two versions of the meaning of this name, the first of which says that Melania is “dark, dark” from ancient Greek, and the second states: this is what girls were called in Italy, or rather, in Ancient Rome, and in translation the name means “generous.”

The first version is more common, but the second one should not be completely discarded, since the patroness of all Melania is none other than Melania the Roman, known for her boundless love for people and generosity.

The origin of the name Melania can be explained by any clergyman if young parents who have decided to name their daughter that way seek advice. In the calendar you can glean enough information about the name chosen for the child.

And the fact that Malasha must be dark-skinned - there is no such rule. According to the survey, associations with the name Melania showed an absolute minority of perceptions of it as suitable for a dark-skinned and dark-haired girl.

Character as a consequence of the name?

Looking through beautiful women's names, you can involuntarily get hooked on one of the best. Melania - sounds solemn and bright, very reminiscent of the word “sweetheart”, and fits comfortably with most patronymics and surnames.

But name researchers warn that the influence of a name on character is inevitable. There is a certain celestial matrix (let’s call it that), on which all the options for matching the name and character are “written down”. They can vary both negatively and positively, but the main features are always present, and the bearers of a particular name can be united by them.

What about Melania? What features are endowed with the charming owners of an equally charming name? Having found out the meaning of the name Melania, they begin to expect something brighter from it than its deep essence, which has been proven more than once by anthroponyms. And as a rule, they look for the light of the name in the character of its owner. And the character in this case can be very difficult.

But the name, the name... It always touched everyone so much that even famous toy manufacturers chose it as a brand name for the most beautiful dolls.

Melania. Portrait of a soul

It is only Melania, due to her natural talent, who can see through people - but few people succeed in unraveling her herself. Since childhood, she has been reasonable and impartial; she is ready to help not only with words, but also with specific actions. But there is something ineradicably egoistic about this imp named Milasha: she makes friends, supports and helps only until a threat to her personal interests appears.

The meaning of the name Melania, by the way, warns about this - dark, apparently, does not only mean hair color.

Tenacious and very efficient, she achieves everything on her own, without any patronage, and feels justifiably proud about this. True, he may suspect his work colleagues of dishonesty in achieving career goals and often sees them as opponents. But for the time being he is silent about it.

Since childhood, he loves to teach everyone, cannot stand the same type in life, and is always on the move.

For strangers closed, even outwardly looks cold and distant. You can only understand that Melania is a very kind person if you get to know her closely. But Milina’s kindness lasts exactly until she is thrown out of balance: when she is furious, Melania is scary, so the main thing in communicating with them is tact, restraint and maximum good nature.

The girl's name Melania has many affectionate and diminutive forms: Slavic Malasha, Milya, Melya, Molya, Malanya, Lanya.

Some parents instill Western values ​​in their daughters from a young age and, naturally, start with the name. Such girls are called in the Hollywood manner - Melanie, or Mili, Mila, or Lana.

Profession for Melania

Brave and uncompromising, Melania also loves to shine, captivating the audience, which is why she chooses public professions. It is rare to find Melania among accountants or statistics department workers. A girl with this name is suitable for the professions of actress, journalist, lawyer, translator, writer.

Talismans, symbols, signs

The great thing about this name is that it is directly related to the famous Giving Evening. This forced the parents to assume that fate would be as generous to their daughter as this holiday, during which no one refuses gifts to anyone.

Zodiac sign of the name - Capricorn, ruling planet- Saturn, and the meaning of the name Melania directly indicates the lucky color - conservative black. Well, then everything is in subdued colors: the totem animal is a puma, the tree is a dark fir.

The morion stone is most suitable as a talisman for Melania.

Patron Saint

In the old days, parents of newborns did not pay much attention to beautiful names: in the first place was the protection of the saints, which the baby automatically received along with the name at baptism.

This tradition has not disappeared even now: heavenly patrons are happy to patronize and help people who bear their names.

If a girl (girl, woman) is called Melania, the meaning of the name according to church calendar deciphered as belonging to Melania the Roman Reverend - a woman who put her whole life on the altar of serving people. Having lost their own children, she and her husband began to help the disadvantaged: the sick, the poor, strangers.

One day, accidentally finding themselves in a city besieged by an enemy, the holy couple saved all its inhabitants by paying the invaders a considerable ransom from their own savings.

This is how ordinary townspeople remember Saint Melania - kind, ready to sacrifice for people, who worked miracles through prayer.

What does the name Melania mean?
“The darkest, or blackest, perhaps gloomy, and sometimes cruel” - this is exactly the translation that can have such a name, even caressing the human ear.

Origin of the name Melania:
The history of this beautiful name associated specifically with Ancient Greece.

Character conveyed by the name Melania:

Women with this sonorous name often refer specifically to choleric people. So these individuals are extremely restless, but they can also be quite balanced, possessing an enviable will and a truly unusually well-developed sixth sense. Also, sometimes it may seem that she seems to see right through any person and even reads all his innermost thoughts. However, at some particularly critical moments in this complex life, Melanie may not rely on intuition at all, but only on common sense or clear logic.

They are always very efficient, which even their many ill-wishers are ready to admit. She can achieve everything in this life herself, without resorting to any patronage or acquaintances. But with all this, it would be better for such women not to make them angry, since they simply have an overdeveloped sense of self-esteem. And believe me, their reaction to an unpleasant stimulus will be simply instantaneous and incredibly violent. They will also be friends only until a friend accidentally affects her personal interests.

Many Melanias may well turn out to be simply excellent doctors, or linguists, sometimes excellent psychologists, or businesswomen, and, a little less often, wonderful teachers. They will also be quite able to work as educators, probably because they always love to teach almost everyone, and sometimes even impose only their opinion.

But the appearance of many Melanias is always quite sexy, probably in order to attract maximum amount men. However, Melania themselves may relate to to various men even with some aggression and hostility. Melania will choose her husband only herself, guided, as in practically everything else, by sober calculation. However, already in marriage, they are always very faithful, and of course devoted wives, and also always simply magnificent housewives and madly loving and extremely caring mothers. Also, family for Melania is always the most sacred thing. Leadership in her family will always belong only to the woman, and if suddenly the husband always agrees with absolutely everything, then this can truly be the happiest family. It should also be noted that she is always an economical housewife, moreover, she knows how to cook beautifully and deliciously, and will never be averse to shifting some of the women’s household responsibilities onto the strong shoulders of her husband. She will not be too happy to have guests in her house, especially if these are purely female companies or get-togethers, which she does not really like.

But despite her fantastic developed intuition, she does not always see, and sometimes simply does not notice, something bad in many people. And more than once, human meanness can bring her real suffering. Yes, and her memory is always excellent, but there is such a peculiarity - Melania can remember only the best for a long time, and very quickly forgets about all the bad, she really is not vindictive at all.

IN different countries around the world, girls are given the name Melania, only in the USA, Britain, France and Germany it sounds like Melanie, and in Belarus - Malanya and Malania. This name appeared a long time ago, but over the centuries it was forgotten, then returned again, and at the moment it is popular again. Let's reveal the secret meaning of the name Melania for a girl.

Little Melania is a real hurricane. She is characterized by inner strength, impulsiveness and demandingness. She is prone to showing intolerance towards people, and at the same time it is very difficult to perceive the world around her. But, despite such qualities, she is able to charm and attract people with some of her invisible charm.

Thanks to such properties as activity, self-confidence and eloquence, the girl studies successfully.

From early childhood she showed acting talent., and thanks to him, the child can achieve anyone’s favor. The adults are touched, and the girl becomes more and more a spoiled, capricious owner.

Melania's adults are independent and self-confident; they are able to find a way out and make decisions in difficult situations. They have many friends, love to be in society, communicate and make acquaintances. She is active and efficient, she is always on the move.

Melania is very sociable and usually has many friends.

Melania is so changeable that even someone who knows her very well cannot predict her behavior at the next moment. Despite her explosive nature, demandingness, intolerance, aggressiveness, authoritarianism and rancor, her mysterious charm still attracts people to her.

She loves to seek the truth and prove that she is right, but she is very difficult to please. She has a close friend, but even with her she manages to quarrel over little things.


Melania is in excellent health, which is harmed only by negative emotions and accumulated grievances. All ailments have a “psychological overtone.”

The only weak point in her body is the intestines; attention should be paid to it and, perhaps, a diet will be required.

Marriage and family

Family is very important to her and is of great importance, so she takes her choice of partner seriously. She needs a protector and provider, a real family man and a one-woman man, but at the same time, he must be romantic and gentle. With such a partner, she will be able to realize herself in marriage. After all, she enjoys taking care of everyday life and family comfort.

Not only is personal happiness important to her, but the well-being of her husband and children is also important, so a constant feeling of celebration reigns in the atmosphere of her home. She is a wonderful hostess: Has culinary skills and loves to experiment in the kitchen. She is always glad to have guests whom she surprises with a rich table and delights, and in return she loves to receive praise and enthusiastic responses.

Melania loves to receive guests and delight them with a luxurious reception.

He treats his children with reverence and tenderness, loves them, but is sometimes too strict. She understands the importance of spiritual education and development, and not just material support.

Melania does not express dissatisfaction with her husband, trying to build an even relationship, but the relationship with her mother-in-law is strained: Melasha does not let her near her household and does not listen to advice.

Career and hobbies

Melania could make a great musician.

She only needs a prestigious and interesting job that will provide a decent income. The following specialties suit her personality:

  • correspondent;
  • journalist;
  • writer;
  • psychologist;
  • musician;
  • translator;
  • secretary;
  • manager-consultant.

It will be exciting for her to work on a TV channel or in a publishing house. She gets along with her superiors and loves when her achievements are appreciated. Sees his colleagues as competitors who hinder him from achieving his goal. She always gets her way and quickly moves up the career ladder. She even has the makings of a leader: the ability to solve issues and maintain distance.

Melania has one feature - the ability of clairvoyance, but she does not want to use it and does not consider it necessary to develop it, believing that this activity will not bring her a high income. But in vain, she could have turned out to be a famous fortuneteller or clairvoyant.

Famous names bearers

  • Melanie Waldor (1796-1871) - poet and playwright who opened a literary salon in France.
  • Melanie Klein (1882-1960) – psychoanalyst, specialization – child psychoanalysis. Developed psychoanalytic play therapy.
  • Melanie Phillips (1951) – English journalist.
  • Melanie Myron (1952) is an American actress, screenwriter, producer and director who has directed more than 30 films and TV series. Emmy Award winner for Best Actress in a Supporting Role.

Melanie Myron (famous American actress, screenwriter, director and producer).

  • Melanie Griffith (1957) is an actress who has appeared in more than 50 films and received a Golden Globe Award for Working Girl. Nominated for Oscar and Emmy awards.
  • Melania Trump (1970) is a fashion model from Slovenia, currently the First Lady of the United States.

Melania Trump (model, wife of US President Donald Trump).

  • Melanie Chisholm (1974) - singer, composer and songwriter, member of the Spice Girls.
  • Melanie Brown (1975) is a British singer, another former member of the Spice Girls, actress, songwriter and television presenter.

Melanie Brown (former member of the Spice Girls).

  • Melanie Lynskey (1977) is a stage, film and television actress from New Zealand.
  • Melanie Georgiad Diam`s (1980) is a French rap artist.
  • Melanie Robillard (1982) – German curler, coach of the Spanish national team.
  • Melanie Fiona Hallim (1983) is a singer from Canada.
  • Melanie Behringer (1985) – midfielder of the German football team. Winner of Olympic bronze, world and European champion.
  • Melanie Houdin (1991) is an American tennis player who competed in the Grand Slam tournament and won the mixed doubles title.

Melanie Houdin (American tennis player)

  • Melanie Leupolz (1994) – football player, member of the German national team, European champion 2013.
  • Melanie Adele Martinez (1995) is an American singer.

Melania's birthday

Research has proven that the origin of the name Melania relates to the culture Ancient Greece and comes from ancient Greek words that literally mean “dark” or “dark” girl, implying skin color. There are other versions of the interpretation of what the name Melania means, which sound different, but leave the same meaning.

This name came to our territory during early Christianity, and many mistakenly think that it is Slavic.

The name Melania remains unchanged in Orthodoxy. Melania is church name, and sounds unchanged in the Orthodox way, but it can still be written down at the sacrament of baptism, like Melania or Malania. The meaning of the name Melania in the church remains the same.

According to the church, they fall on January 13 (December 31) - Venerable Melania the Roman, and June 21 (June 8) - Venerable Melania.

A beautiful and original name, just be prepared that your daughter will be a real little tornado and will try to twist ropes out of you, but that’s what we are parents for, to give in to the whims of our children. Do you like this name? Please write in the comments.