Therapeutic foot massage. Types and techniques of foot massage

11.05.2018 beauty

Of course, a comprehensive full body massage from a professional is the ideal solution, but you don’t always have the opportunity, time and desire to contact someone. Therefore, the question often arises: is it possible to massage your feet yourself? Recommendations on how to master the technique of the procedure and conduct a session at home will be useful to everyone.

Features of the procedure

Massage of the lower extremities is necessary for both people with large physical activity, and leading a sedentary lifestyle, because the former’s legs get tired, and the latter experience stagnation of blood.

Massage will help disperse the blood, increase the outflow of lymph from the tissues, and relax the muscles. It will increase skin elasticity and can also slightly reduce fat deposits.

Foot massage includes treatment of the foot, toes, lower leg, thigh, and leg joints. Patting, stroking, massaging and kneading movements of varying intensity are performed.

For a comfortable procedure, you should sit on a flat and relatively hard surface, and place a bolster, pillow or rolled-up towel under your feet.


  • It is better to take a cool shower before the massage.
  • Foot massage at home should take place in a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere. To do this, the room must be warm enough.
  • You can turn on soft music, remove too bright lighting.
  • Feet freeze faster than the rest of the body, so when massaging one leg, the other should be covered.
  • During the massage, you can use aromatic oils or a warming cream, which will help relieve fatigue and pain in tired muscles. If the products were stored in the refrigerator, it is better to first warm them in your hands so as not to cause discomfort to the person being massaged. You should not use too much oil or cream, otherwise your hands will slip and massage will be very uncomfortable.
  • Areas where blood vessels and veins pass closely should be massaged carefully so as not to cause bruising.
  • It is difficult to understand how to massage your feet without much fatigue, but a few strong shakes with your hands will help you quickly relieve tension in your hands (as if you want to get rid of excess water on wet hands).
  • After the massage, it is better to continue resting for some time.

The foot massage begins with the foot. Her top part massaged with light stroking movements, gradually descending onto the sole of the foot. The skin on the heels is quite rough, so this area can be kneaded with strong movements without fear of damaging or causing pain.

The arch of the foot is massaged with the knuckles of the fingers clenched into a fist or kneaded with the pads of the thumbs. When a person is well enough relaxed, and the massage therapist’s movements are slow, calm and soft, he will not feel tickling.

If you know how to properly massage your legs in this area, it will help reduce or completely eliminate back pain.

On the bone thumb when walking (especially in high-heeled shoes), there is a large load, i.e. this place needs to be given Special attention, relaxing it with circular stroking movements.

Each toe is individually massaged with the pads of the toes in the direction from tip to base, thoroughly warming up all joints. You can pull a little on each finger, as long as there is no crunching sound in the joints and the person is not uncomfortable. It is believed that this improves coordination of movements. The fingers can also be bent, extended, or moved in different directions. But this should be done gradually and carefully, because the older a person is, the less flexible his toes and the joints on them are. Sudden movements can cause pain and even dislocations. Massaging the toes has a positive effect on the eyes, nasopharynx, and teeth. Rubbing the area with alcohol-containing liquids will help bring down the temperature and make breathing easier when you have a cold.

The space between the fingers is massaged with careful back-and-forth movements of the fingers.

The rest of the foot is kneaded with the thumbs and pinched. Twisting the foot in different directions increases mobility in the joint, making the muscles more flexible and elastic.

To stretch the ankle joint, the leg should be slowly rotated, first in one direction, then in the other, stretch the foot with the toe down, like a ballerina, and then bend it upward with an iron.

If you do not make too sudden movements, then it is impossible to harm the human body when doing a foot massage. On the contrary, it can be made more effective if you know the location of active points associated with certain organs and systems of human organs. Soreness in these places will indicate the presence of health problems before more unpleasant and noticeable symptoms appear. And competent influence on them can improve the health of the entire body as a whole, raise tone and even significantly improve mood.

In case of bone diseases, flat feet, various curvatures, it is necessary to consult a doctor to select a program and technique for foot massage that will not only not harm, but will also improve the person’s condition. You should also be careful during pregnancy, because foot massage can cause premature labor.

Before massaging the calf area, it should be warmed up by vigorous rubbing. The soft tissue is moved with grasping movements from the ankle to the knee. Warm-up knee joint performed by slowly flexing and extending the relaxed leg. On the inside of the knee, the vessels are located very close to the surface, so here it is better to limit yourself to gentle stroking.

To quickly relax the calf muscles, you should lightly squeeze them between your fingers and lightly shake them from side to side until you feel warmth in your leg.

If it is more convenient to massage the lower part of the legs when a person lies on his back, then to massage the posterior group of the thigh muscles you will have to roll over onto your stomach. It is better to knead the thigh in the direction of the muscle fibers from the knee to the groin area. In this area, the blood vessels are relatively deep, so you can safely make intense movements, massage areas of special accumulation of fat deposits with your fists or elbows.

For the buttocks, movements similar to those performed when kneading dough are optimal. They stimulate blood circulation.


Foot massage does not have to be done with your hands. In summer it is useful to walk on stones on a river or seashore. You can arrange your own little piece of the beach for self-massage by placing smooth round stones in a shallow wooden box. Instead, you can use large legumes - peas and beans. Massaging one leg with the other has a good effect; it is convenient to do this, for example, while lying in a bath or basking under a warm blanket. There are also rugs with pimples that can be placed in the shower or in front of the bed. There are also a variety of massagers, the principle of which is based on the rotation of wheels with protrusions with your feet.

It is more convenient to perform self-massage with your hands in a sitting position, holding the massaged leg in weight or placing it on the other.

End of the procedure

The foot massage should be completed with light stroking movements of the palm, followed by barely perceptible touches of the fingers. In addition to the relaxing effect, this will help to evenly distribute the remaining oil or cream throughout the body.

You can learn how to massage your feet at home using the numerous instructions and recommendations available on the Internet. It should be remembered that the best effect is achieved by combining regular (several times a week) massage and at least small physical activity. Gymnastics will be very useful for the feet - bending and straightening them, walking on toes, heels, the inner and outer parts of the foot, as well as attempts to lift small objects from the floor.

It’s worth saying right away that foot and leg massage is slightly different from the same back massage. With this procedure you can relieve tired feet, tone the muscles of the legs and the whole body. In addition, this procedure is very relaxing. We will tell you further about how to properly massage your feet.

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Distinctive feature Foot massage differs from other types of procedures in that it stimulates not only the muscles themselves, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. The fact is that on the feet of every person there are many important reflex points, each of which is responsible for the condition and proper functioning of a particular organ. For example, in the arch of the foot there are several points that correspond to the spine. For this reason, stimulation and impact on this area will help relieve back pain and also bring overall improvement to the condition of the whole body. By massaging your toes, you can have a beneficial effect on your eyes, teeth, ears, heart, gums and sinuses. There are points on the foot that correspond to certain internal organs and emotional states. By influencing them, general well-being improves and various pains are relieved. Foot massage is also useful for children.

You can perform an effective foot massage at home. To do this, just learn a few simple techniques.

How to give a foot massage to another person

First of all, place a cushion or a rolled-up blanket under your partner’s knee - when working on the muscles, the partner should not experience unpleasant pain from the fact that the bones of his legs or feet rest unpleasantly on the hard surface of the floor (if massage is performed at home). Remember that in order for a massage to be beneficial and enjoyable for your partner, it is important not only to master the technique of performing it, but also to create the appropriate atmosphere. The room should have a temperature that is comfortable for the body. So that while you massage one leg and foot, the second leg does not feel chills (and the legs cool first), cover it with a terry towel.

If you are doing a relaxation massage, then use oils with a pleasant aroma. Aromatherapy will also play a role in the overall relaxing effect. If you are doing a massage to relieve pain and heaviness in your legs, then you can use warming creams for massage, for example, Fastum-gel.

So, let's start the massage. Take the arch of your foot in one palm, and use the other palm to actively rub your foot. In further warming up the foot, you can alternate movements of the palm and phalanges of the fingers. After warming up, massage each toe individually from the nail to the base of the toe. Make massaging movements with your fingertips.

Grasp the tendon on one side with your thumb and on the other side with four fingers and begin massaging up and down. Next, make circular movements around the bones. Next, fixing the foot with one hand, with the other hand, massage in circular movements along the plantar part of the foot with your thumb. Where the skin is rougher, the pressure should be stronger, and where it is softer, the applied force should be commensurately less. During such acupressure, special attention should be paid to the heel area - the skin there is often thicker, so the effort should be maximum.

After this we move on to the Achilles part of the foot. Grasp the tendon on one side with your thumb and on the other side with four fingers and begin massaging up and down. Next, make circular movements around the bones. In the next step, grab the foot with one hand and the leg at the base of the ankle with the other, and twist the foot first in one direction, then in the other. It is also useful to stretch the foot in the “iron” position or, on the contrary, stretch it out like a ballerina.

Next, switch to massaging the upper leg. After massaging the foot, proceed to massage the lower leg. As usual, first warm up rubbing movements, then massaging circular movements, describing each muscle separately. Use the outer part of your bent fingers for massage.

Next, switch to massaging the upper leg. At the same time, MirSovetov draws your attention to the fact that on the inside of the knee the blood vessels are quite close to the skin, so this area cannot be stimulated to avoid the formation of bruises. While massaging your upper legs, don't neglect your buttocks. Even simple “kneading” movements will pleasantly relax your partner’s muscles. By the way, it is advisable to carry out such movements over the entire surface of the leg, vigorously, but after covering the leg with a terry towel. Firstly, this action will remove excess oil from the skin, and, secondly, improve blood supply to the skin.

After the massage, your partner will need some rest for some time. After which he can get up and thank you for the wonderful massage!

How to give yourself a foot massage

To perform a foot massage yourself, you do not need any special equipment. Fill a wooden box with small smooth stones or beans. The bottom of the box must be completely closed. Feel free to stand on the stones and step on your feet until the discomfort and pain subside. A proper foot massage will not require more than 10 minutes.

How else can you massage your feet? Stroking and kneading movements. Pay special attention to the outer edge of the foot. Knead it forcefully with your knuckles. Don't forget to stretch your toes well. There are zones on the foot and toes that, by stimulating them, help normalize the functioning of internal organs. Gradually rise up onto your shin. Strokes should be strong, but soft. The effect will be more pronounced if you use a warming ointment or nourishing cream.

It is convenient to massage your toes and feet using simple massagers. There are a wide range of wooden rollers with pimpled surfaces or racks with wheels that resemble old-fashioned ledger accounts.

Homemade oil for foot massage

For the base you need to take any oil - soybean, olive, castor, jojoba oil in the amount of 2 teaspoons. To it we add 3 drops of lavender essential oil (will have a calming and relaxing effect), 1 drop each of chamomile and geranium oil (relieves tension and fatigue), mix all this and our massage oil is ready. It’s not at all difficult to do, but the beneficial effects of the massage will increase significantly.

Training video

What could be better than a massage to help you relax after a long and difficult day at work? Massaging your feet yourself is the best solution for people who live alone. Correct implementation of procedures not only relieves fatigue and swelling, but also prevents serious diseases. Learning massage techniques is not at all difficult - you just have to try it!

Massage technique

When performing a massage, you need to remember about special points, the stimulation of which can affect the health of certain body systems. For example, if you want to engage the reflex cells associated with the spine, pay special attention to the arch of the foot. Massaging this area will help relieve back pain. The following techniques are used in the technique:

  • stroking - light movements with the palm; touching with knuckles, which are gathered into a fist, is also acceptable;
  • rubbing - intensive massage of the inner side of the foot and toes with intense circular movements;
  • tong-like kneading – soft pinching movements in the area of ​​the outer and inner parts of the foot and each toe;
  • vibration - active pressure, tapping, light shaking of the foot, patting.

The entire massage procedure consists of preparation, main part and conclusion. The purpose of preparation is to influence the circulatory system. The techniques used in preparation are stroking, rubbing and kneading the muscles. The main part includes segmental massage techniques; finally, stretching and vibrating movements can be used.

Massage of the plantar surface will have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole: it is in this part that the most points are located.

Relaxing massage

All you need for a relaxing foot massage at home is a soft chair, a few towels, antibacterial soap, warm water, massage oil. Buy a small golf ball in advance (you can use a ball of similar size). Take off your shoes, dip a towel in water and wring it out well. Sit in a chair and choose a comfortable position. Dry your feet with a damp, soapy towel, then wipe them with a dry one. Next, do the following exercises:

  1. Take a golf ball, place it on the floor and place your foot on top. Move the ball back and forth for a minute, then try rolling it in a circle. Apply gentle pressure in painful areas. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  2. Take massage oil or lotion. Rub your feet thoroughly. Using sharp up and down movements, begin to knead the sole, then each finger individually.
  3. Make several smooth movements from your toes to your heel. Perform pinching and vibrating movements on the top of the foot.
  4. Wrap your feet in a clean towel. Relax and rest for a few minutes until the lotion is absorbed. Wear soft slippers or flip-flops.


Arthritis is inflammation of a joint that can result in complete loss of mobility. Massage prevents muscle atrophy, relieves pain, improves blood circulation and fights salt deposits. To massage your feet if you have arthritis, take a comfortable position (at a table, lying on the floor or bed). If you have such an opportunity, you can perform a massage in a bathhouse. To treat and prevent arthritis, perform the following exercises:

  1. In a sitting position, place your outstretched leg in front of you, then bend it at the knee. Relax the foot muscles, lubricate with warm massage oil.
  2. Place your shin on the knee of the other leg. Grab your foot with your hands (with your big toes on the sole and your toes on the top of your foot). Use your fingers to rub and knead the sole, lightly pressing on the surface. Work your fingers from the nail to the base.
  3. Do a self-massage of your feet and soles from your toes to your shins, using stroking movements. Rub the same area, gently pinching the skin.
  4. Place your palm on the back of your foot, pointing three fingers along the sole. While applying pressure, grab it by the pads of your fingers. Perform kneading movements up and down without releasing pressure.

Remember: if you have arthritis, you should not rub or knead the sore areas of the foot. Don't use harsh techniques. The affected joint should be massaged with light, stroking movements.


Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, accompanied by their deformation and limited mobility. Arthrosis is characterized by chronic pain and an unpleasant crunch in the joint, as well as various degenerative changes in the body. When performing a massage, pay special attention to the affected joint, but do not put pressure on it. to yourself with arthrosis is an effective component of complex treatment of the disease. The procedure has a positive effect on nerves and muscles; after several courses, blood circulation improves and mobility increases. To perform the procedure correctly, follow these guidelines:

  1. Take a comfortable position. Start stroking movements on healthy areas of the foot. Stretch your bones and muscles. Stroke each finger individually, using pinching and vibrating movements.
  2. Rub the interphalangeal joints in a circular motion, bending and straightening your toes.
  3. Rub the side and top of your foot with two fingers. Knead the sole with a slow massage of the foot to yourself from the big toe and continue the movements, pressing hard with your knuckles on the foot.
  4. Wrap one or two fingers around your foot. Perform several continuous circular movements while rubbing your heel and ankle. Pay attention to the Achilles tendon and the joint capsule on the back surface.

Flat feet

Proper foot massage to yourself with flat feet helps strengthen muscles and reduce pain. By performing daily procedures, you can gradually reduce fatigue while walking. For greater effect, you should combine procedures with therapeutic exercises. Self-massage exercises:

  1. Take a small finger right hand, grab the next finger with your left and vice versa. Repeat the procedure for all fingers. Grab your heel with one hand and raise and lower your toes with the other. The number of repetitions is six times.
  2. From the inside of the foot from the toes to the ankle, rub the sole with light massage movements. Perform stroking of the foot from all sides.
  3. Take a pre-prepared massage ball (or golf ball). Place it on the floor and place your foot on top. Move your leg back and forth, try doing a few circular movements. Change your leg.
  4. Using your hands, take your right foot by the ankle and move it along the foot with smooth massaging movements, then knead the foot in a circular motion. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

Flatfoot is a foot disease characterized by the presence of a flat foot resting on the entire sole of the foot, as well as the absence of a groove. The main task in case of disease is to restore the spring function of the feet.

Now you know how to properly massage your feet to treat and prevent certain joint diseases. By devoting just a few minutes daily to a massage, you can relieve tension, lift your mood and get rid of discomfort in your joints.

Doing self-massage of feet - video

Leg and foot massage is an incomparable pleasure that not only relieves tired feet, tones the muscles of the legs and the whole body, but is also a unique relaxing procedure. Indeed, foot massage is a very, very pleasant action, which leads to the regeneration, if not of the whole organism, then at least of the strength as a whole.
In this article, MirSovetov will tell you why massage of the lower extremities is so useful and how to do it to a loved one at home, how to massage your legs and feet yourself, as well as what the salon industry is ready to offer us in this area.

About the benefits of leg and foot massage

Leg and foot massage is a little different from, say, . The difference is that when massaging the feet and legs, not only the muscles themselves are stimulated, but the entire body has a beneficial effect. And the reason for this is a huge number of reflex points that are responsible for the state of the body as a whole. For example, in the arch of the foot there is a huge concentration of points, which in modern reflexology are correlated with the spine. Therefore, stimulation of this area of ​​the foot will help relieve pain and bring general relief to the body. Stimulation of the toes has a beneficial effect on the eyes, ears, teeth and gums, and sinuses. Do you remember how in childhood, when you had a cold, your grandmother rubbed your feet, and especially each toe, with vodka, after which the next morning it retreated, your nose began to breathe more freely, and your eyes stopped watering?
You can write a whole Talmud about the points located on the sole of the foot - there are points here that correspond to the internal organs, general well-being and even the mood of a person. Active influence on these points leads to an improvement in overall well-being and relief from various pains.

How to massage the legs and feet of a loved one?

First of all, place a cushion or a rolled-up blanket under your partner’s knee - when working on the muscles, the partner should not experience unpleasant pain from the fact that the bones of his legs or feet rest unpleasantly on the hard surface of the floor (if massage is performed at home). Remember that in order for a massage to be beneficial and enjoyable for your partner, it is important not only to master the technique of performing it, but also to create the appropriate atmosphere. The room should have a temperature that is comfortable for the body. So that while you massage one leg and foot, the second leg does not feel chills (and the legs cool first), cover it with a terry towel.
If you are doing a relaxation massage, then use oils with a pleasant aroma. Aromatherapy will also play a role in the overall relaxing effect. If you are doing a massage to relieve pain and heaviness in your legs, then you can use warming creams for massage, for example, Fastum-gel.
So, let's start the massage. Take the arch of your foot in one palm, and use the other palm to actively rub your foot. In further warming up the foot, you can alternate movements of the palm and phalanges of the fingers. After warming up, massage each toe individually from the base of the toe. Make massaging movements with your fingertips.
Next, fixing the foot with one hand, with the other hand, massage in circular movements along the plantar part of the foot with your thumb. Where the skin is rougher, the pressure should be stronger, and where it is softer, the applied force should be commensurately less. During such acupressure, special attention should be paid to the heel area - the skin there is often thicker, so the effort should be maximum.
After this we move on to the Achilles part of the foot. Grasp the tendon on one side with your thumb and on the other side with four fingers and begin massaging up and down. Next, make circular movements around the bones. In the next step, grab the foot with one hand and the leg at the base of the ankle with the other, and twist the foot first in one direction, then in the other. It is also useful to stretch the foot in the “iron” position or, on the contrary, stretch it out like a ballerina.
After massaging the foot, proceed to massage the lower leg. As usual, first warm up rubbing movements, then massaging circular movements, describing each muscle separately. Use the outer part of your bent fingers for massage.
Next, switch to massaging the upper leg. At the same time, MirSovetov draws your attention to the fact that in the inner side of the knee the blood vessels are quite close to the skin, so this area cannot be stimulated in order to avoid the formation. While massaging your upper legs, don't neglect your buttocks. Even simple “kneading” movements will pleasantly relax your partner’s muscles. By the way, it is advisable to carry out such movements over the entire surface of the leg, vigorously, but after covering the leg with a terry towel. Firstly, this action will remove excess oil from the skin, and, secondly, it will improve blood supply to the skin.
After the massage, your partner will need some rest for some time. After which he can get up and thank you for the wonderful massage!

How to massage your legs and feet yourself?

The simplest answer is to walk barefoot on pebbles or mown grass in the summer. Such steps not only have a massaging effect on your feet, you also receive the energy of the earth in its purest form - this will have a positive effect not only on your health, but also on your mood.
If all that’s left of summer are memories and a tan, and white flakes of snow are flying outside the window, then you can get by with other methods of self-massage.
Take a small wooden box about 40x40cm in size, fill it with small smooth pebbles (ground with water), peas or beans so that the bottom is completely covered. After this, stand in the box barefoot and step from foot to foot until you feel that the pain from walking on stones has dulled. This massage lasts approximately 10 minutes.
Another wonderful way of self-massage, its meaning is to massage one leg with the other leg. This massage is extremely useful for those who suffer from flat feet; it also helps with bruises, sprains, and gives stability to the foot. It is especially useful to carry out this self-massage in a hot bath, when the pores are open and the muscles are as warm as possible.
For foot massage, you can also purchase special massagers, the purpose of which is to roll the foot along a surface with pimply wheels.
MirSovetov also recommends placing a special foot massage mat on your feet: a shower will relieve tension from you, while a light foot massage will have a tonic effect on the entire body.

Understanding how foot and leg massage, in addition to its therapeutic effect, has a relaxing effect, salon owners, as well as individual massage therapists, are sure to include this massage in the list of their services. The range of prices here is quite large - from 700 to 3500 rubles. The price depends on where and who will do the massage. Yes, yes, exactly “who” - quite a lot of young people have recently appeared who are ready to offer wealthy ladies a foot massage. In addition to foot massage, these young people have a relaxing massage and even escort services in the package of services provided. In the movie Pulp Fiction, hubby is known to do what one of these female foot massagers did. Therefore, for those men who cannot entrust the feet of their partners to professionals, MirSovetov recommends that they massage their halves themselves.

Treat yourself to a leg and foot massage, it will bring you health and a boost of good mood!


Heavy legs- a feeling familiar to everyone. A long walk, a dynamic work day, shoes with heels or, conversely, with completely flat soles and many other factors lead to the fact that our feet do not feel the best by the end of the day. Proper foot massage will allow you to relax and get rid of the feeling of tension.

How does foot massage affect our well-being?

A properly performed foot massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire musculoskeletal system. Massage helps reduce swelling of the legs and relax the muscles. As a preventative measure, foot massage is used to prevent the development of varicose veins or flat feet.

This procedure will be useful not only for people who spend all day on their feet, but also for those whose physical activity during the day is limited. After all, as you know, low mobility contributes to stagnation of blood in the vessels, which in turn causes discomfort.

Everything in our body is interconnected, and therefore the condition of our spine is high degree depends on the condition of the legs. With foot massage it is possible to reduce or even get rid of back pain.

How to properly massage your feet

By influencing a specific muscle group, you can achieve various therapeutic effects. That is why foot massage includes: massage of the muscles of the hip, knee, ankle joints, massage of the feet and toes. To carry out such a procedure, you can go to a massage room. Below you will find the techniques doing a foot massage yourself, having mastered which, you can save your money and time.

Foot massage is a combination of stroking, patting, massaging and kneading movements.
Let's take a closer look at the effect on each muscle group:

Weight legs in the area shins And hips begins with stroking movements from bottom to top (from the lower leg to the thigh), turning into circular rubbing. When approaching the femoral part, the force of impact should be increased. The movements should be quite intense. Exceptions are the shin and popliteal fossa, as these areas are especially sensitive to touch. Deep massage of the outer thigh is an excellent method of prevention and getting rid of cellulite.

The problem of spasms and pain in the legs is especially relevant for people who are actively involved in sports or lead a sedentary lifestyle. This also affects women who prefer high-heeled shoes. Calf massage helps relieve tension and relax the calf muscles.

Foot massagegreat way relax after a long, stressful day at work. This massage promotes relaxation and relief from stress. By massaging your feet, you influence the entire body as a whole. This is explained by the fact that on the feet there is great amount reflex points, the impact of which helps to increase tone. Another positive property of foot massage is that it has a beneficial effect on the intimate sphere of life.

Another type of massage is. Correctly performing this procedure will allow you to get rid of eye pain and ease your breathing; doctors recommend this type of massage in combination with rubbing the feet for colds. As already mentioned, there are a huge number of reflex points associated with internal organs, certain influences on which can improve the well-being of the whole organism. For this reason, a separate direction of foot massage has been formed - massage of the feet and fingers.

How to massage your feet yourself

Below is detailed instructions performing a foot massage yourself.

1. Firstly, under the knees you need plant some kind roller For example, this could be a small pillow or a rolled up towel. This way, the person you are giving the massage to will not feel pain from contact with a hard surface. The room in which the massage is performed must be ventilated. Create a favorable atmosphere Relaxing music will help you. The leg massage is performed one at a time, so do not forget to cover the leg that you are not currently impacting. This is necessary so that the leg, warmed up by massage movements, does not become overcooled.

2. To perform the massage, use oil with an unobtrusive pleasant odor. To do this, you can add a couple of drops to the base oil. essential oils. If the massage is performed to relieve tension and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, you can use various warming creams or gels.

3. Foot massage is worth it start from the feet. Take the arch of your foot in your palm and begin massaging your foot with your other hand. The movements must be active, you need to warm up the foot, use both the surface of the palms and the phalanges of the fingers for massage.
4. After that, go to toe massage. Move from the fingernail to its base, perform massaging movements.
5. Fix your foot in a stationary position with your hand, use your second hand to make circular movements along the sole surface. Movements should be made with pressure, especially in those places where the skin is rougher. The heel area should be given special attention; the skin on it is thicker than on the rest of the foot, so maximum effort should be made when performing massage movements.
6. Next after the foot comes Achilles zone. Grasp the tendon with your thumb, and with the remaining fingers begin to perform massage movements on the reverse side. Work the area of ​​the bones in a circular motion.
7. To knead ankle joint, clasp your foot with one hand and your leg at the ankle with the other. Make rotational movements in one direction and the other. Then pull your foot down, then up.
8. The next stage is calf massage. This area should be massaged with both hands, performing circular warming movements with bent fingers. Work each calf muscle individually.
9. After you have stretched your legs and feet, you can begin upper leg massage. Avoid the inside of the knee as this area has blood vessels very close to the surface of the skin. Impacts on this part of the legs can lead to bruising.
10. Don't forget about gluteal muscle massage. Remember the movements you make when kneading dough and feel free to use them. They will allow you to relax the muscles in this area as much as possible.
11. After you have done a full foot massage, cover their blanket or terry towel, this will avoid hypothermia, retain heat and improve blood circulation.

12. At the end of the massage, do not rush to get up and do business, lie down for 15 minutes, feel relaxed and enjoy this feeling.

As you can see, Doing a foot massage yourself is quite easy. This way you can pamper yourself and your loved ones while saving money and time.