Ruler of the 6th house in 9 where to work. Sixth natal house

25.07.2019 Auto/Moto

Unhappiness and troubles at work.
If the almuten of the 6th house is in 2/3 of the 8th house, and is also damaged by aspects from Uranus, Mars or the Sun, then severe work injuries, possibly bullying by superiors. Small man complex.
3/3 - spiritual gifts, contact with a teacher and patron.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: hard and almost hard labor, oppression and dependence in the service, the need to work in extreme conditions. Work associated with misfortunes and disasters. Work-related injuries, job instability, and disruption in the workplace are likely.
Positive: work associated with risk, danger and extreme situations. Often such a person is engaged in harmful work and is able to benefit from the misfortunes of others. He has excellent survivability in extreme situations, has tremendous endurance and does not complain about anything. Often such people gravitate towards esoteric practices and turn out to be gifted magicians.
Such a person easily finds support in any work he does. If necessary, he can get any help. Often his activities are related to research or sexology. It is possible that the work will contribute to creative self-expression, fueled by the energy of sublimated sexuality. Often the work of such a person is associated with the manipulation of other people’s money and luck in conducting banking operations. If energies are used incorrectly, health can be undermined, especially if creativity is replaced with romantic entertainment and idle expenditure of energy and resources.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

Average life expectancy, periods of failure in business; other people may deceive them, or get the better of them in some way. Debts, bad company.

Let's do a little analysis of the astrological significance of the ruler of the 6th house (work, subordinates, affairs) in the 1st house of the horoscope (personality, appearance).

If the ruler of the 6th house is in the 1st house of the horoscope

Ruler of the 6th house in the 1st house is negative:

obstacles that prevent talents from revealing themselves. A loser, overloaded with routine work, perceiving himself as a difficult and boring person. He believes that his position humiliates him. Often he is actually forced out of his position.

Ruler of the 6th house in the 1st house - positive:

efficient, efficient, patient, honest and reliable, punctual and collected, always knows what he is doing. It opens slowly, firmly establishing itself at each stage reached. Visible at work. Able to withstand any stress and overload.

The work performed by such a person should bring him great satisfaction. If the ruler of the 6th house is in the 10th house of the horoscope, a person does not want to work just for money, since work for him is a way of spiritual self-realization. He wants to do all the work voluntarily and does so if this is possible due to the financial situation. I am convinced that forced work should be avoided.

If energy is used incorrectly, overload can lead to the development of diseases, but in most cases there is no time left for illness, since he strives to tirelessly use all available energy in specific work.

People who have the ruler of the 6th house in the 1st house of the horoscope

Many public figures (politicians like to be called that) have the ruler of the 6th house in the 1st house of the horoscope. Two students also had it, in whose horoscopes Virgo was at the top of the 6th house, and Mercury was in Taurus in the 1st house.

One of them owns a restaurant (she also has the Sun in Taurus), and the second works as a waitress and probably will for a long time (Sun in Aries).

American sports commentator Howard Cossel has Saturn and Virgo in his first house. Saturn is the ruler of the sixth house and forms disharmonious aspects with Venus and Uranus, and is also part of the iodine with the Sun in Aries.

Such aspects may indicate some negativity and can often be associated with poor health and nervousness. However, if these aspects are realized correctly, as was the case with Cossel, then the person will be diligent, hardworking and outlive many.

The sixth house belongs to the group of houses associated with the concept of utility, value and practicality, it symbolizes properties similar to those of the sign Virgo and the planet Mercury.

The sixth house is traditionally associated with work, health and service provision. This house is still focused on the individual, on “me.” It expresses “my” attitude towards work - will I do the work voluntarily or will it be a heavy burden for me? Will I view my work critically, with displeasure, with nitpicking, or will I live it? Will this house become the basis of my career (the final determination of the career field depends on the tenth house next after the sixth house, associated with the concept of benefit) or will it only provide an opportunity to cover the costs associated with the maintenance of the house, as it should actually be, since the sixth house is the second house (income) counting from the fifth house (creativity). If I do not satisfy my material needs, if the fifth house does not allow me to express what is associated with “me,” then health problems may arise.

There are several contradictory concepts here that need clarification. The first of them is HEALTH. Most astrologers are not medical doctors, except those who have specifically studied medicine or some related discipline, and we therefore strongly recommend that you seek medical advice when appropriate, including when it relates to a nutritional issue. Of course, in health-related cases, the astrologer can rely on basic astrological principles to help determine the main risk area. So Aries is associated with the head area. Pisces - with feet, etc.

Another important concept associated with the sixth house is the concept of SERVICES. We believe that this concept is not necessarily associated with selflessness and humility, which is often implied in the exchange of services, but such an understanding relates more to the twelfth house as an act of giving, sacrifice. The sixth house suggests that a service is some kind of work done for money or for free.

The sixth house also indicates your habits, routines, employment, nutrition in general and diet in particular, as well as pets.

Ruler of the sixth house in the first house.

This position of the manager often ensures systematic and consistent development of the individual. The stimulus for this development is work, a person’s desire to secure a place in life. This situation is found in the horoscopes of doctors, researchers, scientists, service workers, etc., who take their duties seriously and honestly, but this position (with bad aspects of the ruler) can mean poor health, illnesses from an unhealthy lifestyle.

The work you do should bring you satisfaction. It is not enough for you to work just for money - for you it is a way of self-realization, and what you do, you want to do voluntarily, of course, if your financial situation allows it. And in any case, you will believe that forced work should be avoided. If in your horoscope there are disharmonious aspects associated with the sixth house in this situation, then, as many astrologers believe, this leads to illness (the sixth house is health, the first house is the body of a newborn), and we will add that there will be no time left for illness if you use the appropriate energy creatively.

Many public figures (politicians like to be called that) have this situation in their horoscopes. Two students also had it, in whose horoscopes Virgo was at the top of the sixth house, and Mercury was in Taurus in the first house. One of them owns a restaurant (she also has the Sun in Taurus), and the second works as a waitress and probably will for a long time (Sun in Aries).

American sports commentator Howard Cossel has Saturn and Virgo in his first house. Saturn is the ruler of the sixth house and forms disharmonious aspects with Venus and Uranus, and is also part of the iodine with the Sun in Aries. Such aspects may indicate some negativity and can often be associated with poor health and nervousness. However, if these aspects are realized correctly, as was the case with Cossel, then the person will be diligent, hardworking and outlive many. His horoscope can be found in the second book.

Ruler of the sixth house in the second house.

A well-aspected ruler brings wealth, money through work and service. Indicates lasting, good health (if located in the 1st third of the 2nd house), a person’s ability to systematically achieve financial well-being. If damaged - losses due to illness, servants, subordinates.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

You have a need to earn money in connection with the service or work you are engaged in, especially if the ruler happens to be Jupiter or Saturn. For example, in Joe Nemeth's horoscope, Jupiter is in Cancer in the second house and rules the sixth house, and Nemeth is known to make money through his talent. His horoscope can be found in the second book.

Much of your work will be tightly tied to your sense of usefulness and value, and the more you think about it, the more necessary you will be to express it in your work. An example here is Ralph Neider, an American consumer protection agent, in whose horoscope Gemini is in the sixth, and Mercury in the second house in Pisces in conjunction with Mars and the Sun, which is also in Pisces. Nyder was often compared to David challenging Goliath and was seen as an anomaly in a state driven by profit and entertainment. From early childhood, his ideas were associated with the idealism of Pisces and the close conjunction of the ruler with Mars - this is what gave him the courage and strength to engage in battle with large corporations.

Many people with this situation in the horoscope work in areas related to dietary nutrition, earn a living by working as orderlies, or work in health authorities, etc.

Ruler of the sixth house in the third house.

Indicates the subordinate position of a person in the circle of his relatives, the illness of some brothers (sisters), numerous worries and worries because of this, as well as in connection with the state of his own health. Possibility of mental disturbances during illness or due to illness.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

In such cases, the work is often related to mass communications or something close to it. Writers Philip Rott and Scott Fitzgerald, publisher Bennett Kerf, directors Vittorio de Sica and Walt Disney have this situation in their horoscopes, and all of them are examples of people whose work is directly related to one or another type of communication.

You may have brothers or sisters helping you in your work, or perhaps you will be working with a relative. Billy Carter has Gemini on the cusp of the sixth house and Mercury in the third in Aries. He and his brother Jimmy ran a chicken farm. The fact that certain problems should have appeared in their family relations, indicates a quincunx between Mercury and Neptune, ruler of the third house. Billy had to accept the fact that his brother was becoming President of the United States and that change was inevitable, so in the end the farm was given to a foundation for the blind.

We had a client, a bus driver, whose greatest desire was to become his own taxi driver, and we know that short daily trips and transportation are associated with a third home. His sixth house was ruled by Jupiter, placed in the third, with an inexact trine to Saturn. We think this situation provides the opportunity for his dream to come true.

If the lord of the sixth house is in the third house in a child's horoscope, then if the lord is well aspected, the child usually begins to talk early, but if the lord's aspects are disharmonious, he may become disorganized and restless and will have difficulty performing daily duties. People with such a situation in the horoscope, occupying a responsible position, like to be on friendly terms with their subordinates and allow themselves harmless jokes in their relationships with them.

Ruler of the sixth house in the fourth house.

This situation may indicate a subordinate position in one’s own home: a person will be turned into a “machine for making money.” A lot of worries in the house, illness of one of the family members or health problems in your own home. The ability to work from home due to illness (your own or other family members).

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

Some people with such a situation in the horoscope love to work around the house, and literally will not sit down until all the windows are sparkling, until all the cows in the yard have been milked and all the holes have been plugged. If the ruler aspects are disharmonious and create tension, then you will not be called a house handyman, you will do everything to avoid housework, and will be willing to pay for someone else to do such work. In our practice, there were many students whose horoscopes had the ruler of the sixth house in the fourth house, and they actually literally despised housework and were ready to pay for someone else to do “that annoying everyday cleaning” for them.

You may find yourself doing work that can be done from home. This could be, for example, literary work, as was the case with Anne Lindbergh and Ernest Hemmingway (his horoscope can be found in this book), performing accounting work in a small company or selling real estate. We have found that this placement often indicates the presence of pets or some kind of work with animals, especially if the ruler's position in the horoscope is good.

One of our students had Aries in her sixth house and Grand Fire Trine Mars in her fourth house, and she was working with dolphins at an amusement park that featured various sea animals. There is also the possibility that one of your parents will force you to engage in a certain type of activity, as was the case with Judy Garland (her horoscope can be found in the first book) - her mother tried to ensure that Judy absorbed the atmosphere of the theater from an early age. Judy had Jupiter in Libra ruling her sixth house, conjunct Saturn and the North Node in her fourth house.

Ruler of the sixth house in the fifth house.

Very often in this case, a person’s work is connected with children and youth, so this situation is found in the horoscopes of orphanage teachers, teachers, and pediatricians. This position of the ruler may indicate the sickness of children (a person will have to work a lot for his children), or indicates the person’s own illnesses due to the pursuit of pleasure or lack of a sense of proportion in pleasures and sports.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

If this is the case in your horoscope, then you love to work and always know that you will find some work that will bring you satisfaction. This is especially true when the ruler is aspected favorably. Otherwise, and if the ruler is Jupiter or Venus, you will always be looking for excuses not to work, and will spend your life constantly changing one job to another. Circumstances may also lead to you putting a lot of work into some hobbies or paying a lot of attention to voluntary work, which will bring you great satisfaction.

Many of those whose work is of a creative nature have the ruler of the sixth house in the fifth house. One of our clients knew how to work with gold and make jewelry. She learned the craft when she was a young girl and could have done it all her life in the workshop. However, it turned out that she got married, gave birth to a child and could not return to her previous job, but she constantly invented and made jewelry for herself and her friends. In her horoscope, Pisces is on the cusp of the sixth house, and Neptune in Leo is in the fifth house.

Zaza Gabor (her horoscope can be found in the second book) had Aquarius in the sixth house, and the ruler Uranus was in Aquarius in the fifth house. She used love and her romantic adventures as part of her work in a very creative and original way - while appearing on television, she talked about her marriages and love affairs. Since in her case Saturn rules the fifth house, being in the tenth, she was able to use love as a means and material in her work, she changed her social position many times, which is confirmed twice in her horoscope.

Ruler of the sixth house in the sixth house.

This situation in the horoscope increases a person’s concentration on his own problems - work, concerns about his health. Bad aspects form hypochondria in him, a constant desire to take care of his health, turning this desire into mania, but, at the same time, this position of the ruler may indicate some real serious illness of a person. With good aspects, good health, success at work, in medicine, and healing are possible.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

With such a situation, you will literally burn at work, and in this regard, no one in the entire Zodiac can compare with you, although we believe that a person’s productivity is driven by the squares and oppositions of the ruler. You need some kind of challenge, impulse, or Saturn should be the ruler, then you will always complete the work you start. If the ruler forms trines and sextiles, then your activity will be temporary in nature - including just seasonal work.

If there are many aspects in your horoscope that cause tension, or their energy is used incorrectly, then your performance will be reduced, you will be fickle and unreliable, you may become secluded and live alone and you will begin to be overcome by illnesses. Marlon Brando has Taurus at the top of the sixth house in his horoscope, and Venus (ruler) is also in the sixth. It has only two aspects: opposition with the Ascendant and quincunx with Saturn. Brando is known as a loner and is not known for his constancy. Eroll Flynn has a Cancer Moon ruling his sixth house. She forms a square with Saturn and a quincunx with the Ascendant - she has no more aspects. The life he led brought him to the brink, and he died relatively early, which can be seen as the result of an enormous waste of energy. Horoscopes relating to the last two cases can be found in the second book.

A well placed steward often indicates a typical pet lover. Here we can mention three of our clients in whose horoscopes there was such a situation. One of them is the owner of a shop selling pets, the second works as a veterinarian, and the third breeds purebred German shepherds. Such people can strictly adhere to the established diet, and if the ruler is Jupiter or Venus, then you love original dishes, and if Pisces or Neptune are strengthened, then you need to deal with the use of medications, since you may be allergic to them.

Ruler of the sixth house in the seventh house.

T This position of the manager may indicate a subordinate position in the family of a marriage partner, or open opponents at work and constant conflicts with superiors, “the struggle for justice.” May portend a serious illness of a marriage partner or business partner; the person himself gets sick rarely and, as a rule, not dangerously.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

This situation can manifest itself in two ways. You may enjoy work that attracts public attention, as was the case with adventurer Yevel Kniewell, or work becomes meaningful to you when you do it with someone else, as in the case of Rosalynn Carter or singer Joan Sutherland. Their horoscopes can be found in the second book. The second case happens more often. Some wives of American vice presidents had this situation in their horoscopes. Two more examples of people who married more than once are Hermann Hesse (his horoscope can be found in the second book) and Charlie Chaplin (Mars in Taurus in the seventh house rules Aries, which is on the cusp of the sixth).

You may be involved in legal work, drafting contracts and agreements, or specializing as a divorce lawyer. Since the seventh house indicates your attitude towards marriage, you may be inclined to think that marriage is a difficult thing and will avoid it unless you learn to use the ruler position correctly.

We have found that many of our clients and students, in whose horoscopes the ruler of the sixth house is in the seventh house, love, prefer and strive to be on an equal footing with their partners, distributing and performing household chores, worries and expenses.

Ruler of the sixth house in the eighth house.

This situation indicates unhappiness and troubles at work. If there are bad aspects to Uranus, Mars, or the Sun, the ruler warns about possible serious work injuries. This position can mean a dangerous illness in a person or portends a serious illness in people close to him. Only the ruler located in the 3rd third of the 8th house brings a person reward for service.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

If the ruler in this situation has favorable aspects in your horoscope, then you will easily find support in almost any work you do and will be able to get almost any help you need. If Pluto or Scorpio are involved, you will be included in some kind of research or your work will be somehow related to sex, but this may also indicate differences in your sexual expression. Heddie Lammer was a sex symbol and had a strong sexuality, which she demonstrated in the film Ecstasy that brought her fame. She had Jupiter, the ruler of the sixth house, in Aquarius in the eighth house, quincunx with Uranus in the first house and square Mercury in the fifth house. We see that here the sixth house, the house of work, is associated with the eighth house, the house of sex, and the fifth house, the house of love, romance, satisfaction and entertainment, including those of a social nature.

Wealthy heiress Barbara Hutton did not need to work at all; her father and his money gave her the opportunity to lead an idle life. In her horoscope, Leo is on the cusp of the sixth house, and the Sun is in the eighth house in trine with Neptune. She could never find her real place in life, including in any work. Unfortunately, the unfulfilled energy of the eighth house can take its toll, for example, at the expense of health. That's exactly what happened with Hutton. Her horoscope can be found in the second book. Your job may involve manipulating other people's money, as was the case with Bernard Baruch. The same situation was in the horoscopes of several of our students who worked in a bank or were involved in stock exchange operations.

Ruler of the sixth house in the ninth house.

It often promises a change of place of work, and also gives a person a job that involves movement and long trips, with business in other countries. Forms a person who defends his own point of view everywhere. May mean illness abroad or while traveling.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

This situation appears in the horoscopes of many of our students and travel clients, and this is not surprising. One young woman who married a naval officer never lived in one place for more than two years. She is a cartographer by profession and is involved in compiling maps of the world - there is such a situation in her horoscope! Another woman switched accommodations with someone somewhere in another part of the world during her vacation. In her horoscope, Capricorn is on the cusp of the sixth house, and Saturn is in Aries in the ninth. Let’s add that in this way, in addition to relaxation, she also earns excellent money.

Physicist Albert Einstein, distinguished by exceptional insight, intelligence and intuition (his horoscope can be found in this book) was a professor at two universities, and this, apparently, can be associated with the fact that in his horoscope the ruler of the sixth house is in the ninth house. Indeed, his Jupiter, ruler of the sixth house, is in Aquarius in the ninth house and forms a T-square with Pluto and Uranus.

We observed a less favorable influence of this situation in our client, in whose horoscope Virgo was on top of the sixth house, and the ruler Mercury in Gemini in the ninth house was in conjunction with the Sun, and both planets were still part of a T-square with Neptune in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces He experiences torment when he has to go to work using any type of transport, and after that he gets sick with something - throat, cough, flu. Because of this affliction, he feels best when he is at home and doing his daily work, thereby avoiding the negative influences associated with the contradiction between the ninth house and Gemini. Unfortunately, his job requires constant travel!

Ruler of the sixth house in the tenth house.

Contributes to the systematic, consistent achievement of goals, endows a person with the ability to serve, and brings honors and rewards. If affected - occupational diseases, diseases from overexertion during overtime work or when working at night; illness due to dishonor; grief or unhappiness due to mother.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

The classic interpretation of this situation, if the planetary energy is used correctly, is that you are doing work that satisfies the needs of your ego and at the same time promotes your career. You maintain a well-thought-out routine and your work is well organized. You feel proud that you are able to achieve something. If Saturn or Mars are included in the situation, then you will have an exceptional sense of time, and in addition, you will be able to withstand great physical exercise, as was the case with Muhammad Ali with his Capricorn in the sixth house and Saturn in Taurus in the tenth. His horoscope can be found in the first book. Or as it was for the famous baseball player Sandy Cuffax with Leo in the sixth house and the Sun in Capricorn in the tenth. His horoscope can be found in this book.

If the ruler aspects are disharmonious, then you will experience pressure from one of your parents, who, for example, requires you to work harder. It is also possible that you will feel constrained by some obligations imposed on you, as was the case with the Dutch Queen Beatrice (her horoscope can be found in the second book), whose Mercury was in Capricorn in the tenth house and ruled the sixth.

This situation is often associated with having the ability to play a leadership role. In any case, you will strive for success, you will try to improve your work and achieve the best possible. This situation is also due to the fact that you are sensitive to gossip and you care about what others say or think about you. Sometimes all this can have the exact opposite effect and you will put a lot of work and energy into some unnecessary work instead of doing your own thing.

Ruler of the sixth house in the eleventh house.

The situation indicates many friends at work, a good relationship with colleagues, the patronage of a boss who will be a friend. Plans and the future can be greatly influenced by the environment at work. If the ruler is damaged - illness of loved ones, employees; the danger of unexpected illness of the person himself if the ruler is in the 3rd third of the 9th house.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

With the ruler of the house of work located in the house of friends, it is natural to expect that you will make friends at work or in the process of doing work you will meet people with whom you will become friends later. But it may also happen that you will work for friends or they will help you find work. Former American Vice President Walter Mondale (his horoscope can be found in this book) is famous for being in the Senate thanks to his old friend Hubert Humphrey. In his horoscope, Leo is on the cusp of the sixth house, and the Sun is in Capricorn in the eleventh house. In this connection it is interesting to remember that in political or mundane astrology the eleventh house is considered the house of the American Congress.

If the aspects of the ruler are disharmonious and create tension, then it may happen that you will have very few or no friends and you will be a loner. Our experience has convinced us that many people choose in this case "man's best friend" - one, two or more dogs - instead of friendship with people. On the other hand, you may actively participate in group activities, and if Mercury, Jupiter or Venus play an active role in the situation, you may become a typical small group leader. You will also be dedicated to keeping your immediate environment clean and tidy. If the sixth or eleventh house is associated with the fifth, then you may find yourself the leader of some kind of youth group, working somewhere like a gymnastics club or water rescue service.

Ruler of the sixth house in the twelfth house.

Indicates a limitation of a person’s initiative, indicates a forced permanent place of work (the person will be chained to work) or work associated with secrets. In case of defeat - secret ill-wishers, colleagues, evil enemies; the possibility of an accident or surgical intervention, complications, hospitalization; mental disorders, persecution mania, neuroses.

Interpretation by Marion March and Joan McEvers

In connection with this situation, we discovered very interesting things regarding many of our friends, clients and students whose horoscopes we studied.

Such people turn out to be very responsible, but when they load themselves with more work than necessary (which, however, is typical for them), they would rather get sick than say that they are not able to bear the additional burden. In most cases, such people tolerate many not too much serious illnesses on their feet, and as soon as the illness passes, they take up the old ways. It happens, although rarely, that such diseases develop into serious or chronic ones. American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (his horoscope can be found in the first book) is a prime example of a person of this type. He has Aquarius on the cusp of the sixth house in his horoscope, and Uranus is located in Virgo in the twelfth with a single aspect trine to Neptune.

Many people with this horoscope situation like to work alone, as private individuals, or to operate behind the scenes, such as writers, composers or artists. But in the same way, this situation indicates a person whose capabilities are not immediately apparent, but can be successfully used by him when performing work. Pope John Paul II, the first person of the Roman Catholic Church, has Scorpio at the cusp of the sixth house and Pluto in the twelfth house in his horoscope. His horoscope has many challenging aspects (his horoscope can be found in this book) and only one trine and one sextile formed by Pluto.

You may also be interested in research and work in fields such as oceanography, marine biology, or may end up being a doctor or nurse. Another activity that suits such people is giving advice.

Almuten at home. Obsession with work and your health. If there are also bad aspects, then trembling over one’s own health (weighing each carrot and washing hands after the first course, after the second and after the third).
Bad aspects to the almuten of the 6th house from Uranus, Mars or the Sun are a passion for visiting doctors. This is a testing ground for new drugs. With bad aspects to Neptune, these are mental illnesses, called psychosomatic illnesses (self-inflicted illness). In 3/3 of the VI house - conscientious service, the true position of the almuten of the VI house. And such a person, naturally, is loved at work and noticed by his superiors. Everything is fine.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: constant difficulties, limitations, failures and obstacles. The danger of debt bondage, problems associated with debts and loans. Such a person is used to working for everyone, but he is not appreciated, no one notices. they still manage to push him around.
Positive: passionate about his work, loves his chosen profession and most spends his life at work. He manages to extract maximum opportunities from it, works like an ant, constantly serves someone, arranges something and gains a lot. He takes diligent care of his health, is able to endure and humble himself.
Such a person literally “burns” at work, and in this he has no equal (the intensity of productivity is determined by the disharmonious aspects of the chart). He needs a challenge, an impulse and a desired goal, then he will always complete the things he starts. With an abundance of harmonious aspects, activity is temporary, including seasonal. If energy is used incorrectly, performance decreases, such a person becomes fickle and unreliable. He tends to be secluded and tends to live alone. Illnesses begin to overcome him. Such people usually love pets, they should strictly adhere to the established diet and use medications with great caution, as allergic reactions may develop.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

This man's uncle is lucky; a person with such a disposition will have the opportunity to serve other people or will serve in temples. There will also be a chance to visit foreign lands. Possible abilities in the field of medicine and success in export-import operations.


Serving others. Everyday affairs. Taking care of health and nutrition. Diets and disease prevention, treatment. Relationships with co-workers at work. Taking care of pets. Carrying out your daily duties, household chores and work routine.

The emphasis of this house indicates that the person will be busy caring for others. And also service to his work, he is a slave to his work.


Ruler 1 in the 6th house - Workaholic, taking care of his health. Soreness.

Ruler 2 in the 6th house - A good performer, without ambition. Income from direct work activities. A lover of healthy eating.

Ruler 3 in the 6th house - Work related to movement, communication, information. (driver, postman, writer, etc.) Weakness nervous system.

Ruler 4 in the 6th house - Working from home (often found among writers) or participating in the family business. Caring for loved ones.

Ruler of the 5th in the 6th house - Hobby becomes work.

Ruler 6 in the 6th house - They find meaning in work and love to benefit others. Lots of household chores.

Ruler 7 in the 6th house - Working together with your spouse. Public work.

Ruler 8 in the 6th house - Injuries at work. Dangerous work that involves risks or is harmful to health. Operations.

Ruler 9 in the 6th house - Work related to teaching, politics, law, jurisprudence and business trips. Trips to resorts and sanatoriums.

Ruler 10 in the 6th house - Possibility of promotion, promotion at work. Leadership positions. Fame.

Ruler 11 in the 6th house - Friendly relations with co-workers.

Ruler 12 in the 6th house - Work in closed institutions or involving secrecy. Volunteers. If affected, the disease leads to isolation.


SUN in the 6th house

Hard work and diligence. Poor health, especially in childhood. There are no big demands or ambitions, he just knows how to do his job. The desire to be useful. His skill has increased over the years. They say about such people: “Golden hands.” Ability to delve into details. Good for scientists, doctors, biologists and other research professions. (Profession by Sign). In case of defeat - pain, burden with everyday problems and professional unsettlement. Conflicts at work.


1) Charlie Chaplin (Sun in Aries in the 6th house, exercise 10th day) is a workaholic. Enormous efficiency. Fame.

2) Georges Simenon (Sun in Aquarius in the 6th house of the 12th day in conjunction with Jupiter of the 4th day) - Prolific writer - 425 books.

3) Herbert Wales (Sun in Virgo in the 6th house, ex. 6th day) - worked in a pharmacy, as a teacher at school, professional journalist, writer (+ Mercury in the 6th house).

4) Maya Kristalinskaya (Sun in Pisces in the 6th house ex. 12th day in conjunction with Mercury ext. 10th and 1st day) - Singer, translator, journalist. Tumor of the lymph glands in the neck. Hospitals. She became speechless a year before her death.

5) G. Starovoitova (Sun in Taurus in the 6th house of the 9th day) - deputy, human rights activist.

6) Woman (Sun in Taurus in the 6th house ex. -9- at 120 grams to Mars in the 2nd house by ex. 5th day) - Increased pain in childhood. Works several jobs and is not afraid of hard physical labor.

MOON in the 6th house

He does everything according to his mood - there is a desire and everything will go well, no - everything falls out of hand. And periodic health problems - depression, nervousness, problems with the digestive system and vision. It is important to eat right; you come up with your own diet, listening to the needs of the body. They love animals, understand them without words, they are like family members. Especially cats and small breeds of dogs. Work in the service sector, with children. Maternal health problems. They can look after/monitor sick family members.


1) Woman (Moon in Scorpio in the 6th house, ex. 2, conjunct with Venus, ex. 6.12 d.) - work as a salesperson, cleaner. Disease - kidney stones, diabetes- there were hospitalizations. Mother of many children. Great love for animals, especially cats. Looking after sick relatives - mother, son.

2) Woman (Moon in Sagittarius in the 6th house, 2nd conjunct with Uranus, 9th day) - an unusual incurable illness of the mother - an infectious lesion of the nervous system, cannot walk. What prompted her to get a medical education.

3) Woman (Moon in Scorpio in the 6th extremity 3.4 days in conjunction with Uranus in the 11th extremity at 120 degrees to Jupiter in the 8th extremity and Lilith in the 3rd house) - the mother lost her legs as a result of an accident, she is disabled.

4) Woman (Moon in Aries in the 6th house ex. 10 in conjunction with Lilith) - work in the service sector, service personnel. Have no children. Became famous (Worked on the Titanic).

MERCURY in the 6th house

Strong position of the planet. Good job, good relationships with colleagues. Business spirit, entrepreneurship. Good for medicine, science, entrepreneurship, also typical for writers, linguists, teachers, critics, etc. In case of defeat - lack of understanding of your task, gossip at work, loss of important information, bragging instead of real action. Lung diseases, nervous system disorders, and hand diseases.


1) John Tolkien (Mercury in Capricorn in the 6th house exercise 12 and 3 days) - Professor, taught Anglo-Saxon language and literature. Writer. Studying ancient languages ​​(+120 grams to Saturn in 3 days).

2) Herbert Wells (Mercury in Virgo in the 6th house exercises 2,3 and 6 days) - journalist, writer. Biologist, scientific degrees (+ Jupiter in the 10th day of exercise 9).

VENUS in the 6th house

They feel good at work, create a harmonious environment and good communication. They have good taste and understand fashion and art. The work may be related to cosmetics, makeup, tailoring, design, etc. Romantic relationship At work. If defeated, they may not take care of themselves and avoid performing their duties. Susceptible to kidney diseases. Pets decorate the house. Love for flowers.


1) Leonid Filatov (Venus in Scorpio in the 6th house 6th, 12th day in conjunction with Jupiter 7.8th day) - kidney disease, underwent a kidney transplant.

2) Woman (Venus in Taurus in the 6th house ex. 6th and 10th) - worked as a nanny in a kindergarten.

3) Woman (Venus in Scorpio in the 6th house ex. 6, -12-) - kidney stones came out on their own (without surgery). Love for pets. He is engaged in floriculture. She also sews clothes for herself and her loved ones. He carefully monitors his health, does gymnastics and sticks to his diet.

MARS in the 6th house

Increased performance. You have to work hard to prove yourself. Over time, he is a master of his craft, irreplaceable. Ability to work with tools, conquer the elements (according to your Zodiac sign). In case of defeat: “They burn out at work,” conflicts and unfair treatment of their work. Head diseases, acute inflammatory diseases, injuries at work. Animals are kept for specific purposes, such as hunting dogs.


1) Greta Garbo (Mars in Sagittarius in the 6th house ex. 12th day) - as it turned out later, she conducted secret activities, worked for special forces. service during the war.

2) Woman (Mars in Aquarius in the 6th house, exercise 8, conjunct with Mercury, exercise 1 and 10 days) - radiation, throat surgery. Singer.

3) Woman (Mars in Gemini in the 6th house, exercise 4 days, 60 degrees to Mercury in the 8th exercise, 7, 9 days) - family business, sale of computer equipment.

4) Man (Mars in Gemini in the 6th house, exercise 3rd day) - work in the social sphere, information (communications engineer).

JUPITER in the 6th house

There are ambitions and a desire to achieve more in this life. A lot of travel for work - business trips, tours. Love for large and purebred animals (bears, horses, large breed dogs, tigers, etc.) Disease associated with excesses - the liver suffers, as well as tumors, boils, warts, etc. There is someone in everyday life who acts as an assistant . Able to lead and inspire. When defeated, he tries to do several things at once and scatters his energy. Discrepancies in plans and activities. Systematic lateness to work and self-indulgence in food.


1) Yuri Nikulin (Jupiter in Libra in the 6th house ex. 7.8.d.) - was injured at work, from a fall from a horse. Working with my wife in the circus. He kept purebred dogs.

2) Man (Jupiter in Aries in the 6th house exercise 3 days at 180 degrees to Saturn in the 12 exercise 4) - Driver. Tuberculosis, Lymph node cancer. Hospitals, sanatoriums. Stomach ulcer - (Jupiter at 90 degrees to the Moon in the 9th exercise of the 10th day - loss of work, frequent job changes.) Great amount injuries, accidents - (90 grams to Venus in the 3rd house ex. 8 and 1 d.) Kept purebred dogs. (Russian greyhounds are medalists).

3) Man (Jupiter in Taurus in the 6th house of exercise 8 days at 180 degrees to Mars in 12 exercise 5 days) - no children. Leg injuries at work - an unfortunate fall from a horse. Pancreas cancer. (+ Moon in the 8th house). He bred thoroughbred horses and dogs on his farm.

SATURN in the 6th house

Full time job. A sense of duty and responsibility for your work. Ability to work hard. Work in the field of exact sciences and natural sciences. Diseases associated with the spine, bones, teeth, as well as colds and chronic diseases. If defeated, they may take on an unbearable burden, overwork and depression due to loss of work, as well as fear of responsibility at work.


1) Georgy Grechko (Saturn in Capricorn in the 6th exercise of the 6th day at 180 degrees to Pluto in the 12th exercise of the 4th day) - “participated in the work of the polar geological exploration party on the Kola Peninsula.” Flight engineer spaceship. (90 grams to Uranus in the 10th house)

2) Man (Saturn in Capricorn in exercise 6, day 7) - work as a draftsman. Working with my wife.

3) Man (Saturn in Capricorn in exercise 6 -6-day conjunct Jupiter, exercise 6) - work as a geologist. Lots of activity-related travel.

URANUS in the 6th house

A strange, rare profession. Use of new technologies and ideas. Flexible work schedule; if affected, frequent job changes. It is difficult to obey management. The diseases are rare, poorly diagnosed, and are associated with higher nervous activity. Modern approaches and methods are used in treatment. Unusual pets. (Especially feathered ones.)


1) S. Obraztsov (Uranus in the 6th house, exercise 10 days, 120 g to Mercury in the 3rd house, exercise 5 and -12 days) - Unusual animals in the house - two crocodiles in the country, birds. Famous puppet theater.

2) Woman (Uranus in the 6th house, exercise 10 days) - Many strange animals in the house - predator birds, hares and foxes, there was even a porcupine. Astrologer. During the treatment, experimental methods were used; she was a “guinea pig”.

NEPTUNE in the 6th house

Spiritual Approach to work. He inspires her with meaning and dedication. Good for a doctor, psychotherapist, psychic, musician. If damaged - danger from drugs, poisons, greater sensitivity to pollution environment. Poisoning, mental disorders, unclear symptoms and diseases. Pets are aquatic.


1) V. Dvorzhetsky (Neptune in the 6th house ex. -11- d.) - worked as a senior paramedic of the regiment, head of a pharmacy.

2) Woman (Neptune in the 6th house, ex. 10th day) - work as a gynecologist.

3) Man (Neptune in the 6th house, ex. 11th) - sells dietary supplements via the Internet.

4) Woman (Neptune in the 6th house, 4th day at 60 degrees to the Sun and Venus in the 3rd house) - writing activity. Esoteric literature, articles.

PLUTO in the 6th house

IN best case scenario genius and talent in their field. The ability to work alone and do something important to many. The ability to use the body’s hidden energy to heal yourself. Work related to natural resources, finances, service in human rights bodies, etc.


1) Woman (Pluto in exercise 6, day 6) - the manifested fatal disease changed the entire attitude to life, and the person was cured himself. (+ Sun in 8th house)

2) Man (Pluto in exercise 6, day 9) - oriental studies, collector of non-ferrous metals. Director.