Wolf fang amulet meaning for women. Wolf fang amulet: meaning and use

10.07.2019 Trips

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, each animal personified a certain magical power. One of the most revered animals was the wolf. According to the ancient Slavs, this strong and noble animal was a conductor between the world of the living and the world of the dead, protected people from evil spirits and helped defeat enemies. It is not surprising that the wolf fang amulet was considered the strongest amulet endowed with magical properties.

Popular beliefs

The popularity of wolf fang jewelry is due to the sacred abilities that people endowed this animal with. Many legends have survived to this day that tell of the strength, devotion and courage of this animal.

The image of the wolf was sacred among many peoples of the world. One of the most ancient legends says that this beast protected such heavenly bodies as the sun and the month. The universe exists until the wolf catches the moon, and the earth is swallowed up by chaos and darkness.

Ancient people believed that wolves could move freely between the earthly and other worlds. Animals could see the souls of dead people, and at their request they protected their relatives remaining on earth.

Our ancestors had a special relationship with the wolf. Veles is one of the main gods in Slavic mythology, who commands various elements, loved to take the guise of this animal.

Wandering in the human world, he looked for talented individuals, whom he then helped. The Slavs also believed in werewolves - people who turned into wolves during the full moon. They had incredible strength, agility and were dangerous to others.

These animals were respected and revered, and they believed in their magical powers. In many countries, the wolf was a totem animal - sacrifices were made to it asking for help and protection. The wolf fang amulet was considered a talisman endowed with special strength and power. He not only protected people from harm, but also endowed them with certain character qualities and helped them organize their personal lives.

Interpretation of the amulet

A pendant in the shape of a wolf's teeth is not a simple decoration, but a powerful amulet. It protects its owner from evil forces, the evil eye, and unkind thoughts. The amulet gives a person vitality and improves health. Wearing such jewelry will protect a person from witchcraft. The wolf talisman expels dark power.

Like the animal itself, the wolf tooth amulet symbolizes strength, courage and bravery. A person with this amulet will have the same qualities and will boldly move towards his goal, easily overcoming life’s obstacles. Lightness, energy, independence will become the main features of his character.

Magic amulets enhance a person’s inner potential, giving him self-confidence, activating hidden talents, abilities and skills. A person wearing such a talisman awakens intuition, the ability to look into the future and heal other people.

In ancient times, they prayed to this beast as the god of fertility, asking for the birth of children. The wolf pendant endows its owner with special attractiveness and charm for the opposite sex. Wolves remain faithful to one partner throughout their lives. A talisman with a fang protected family happiness couples, protecting husband and wife from adversity and separation.

Wearing jewelry like this can change a person's life. The meaning of the wolf fang amulet:

  • will help you attract love and find your soulmate;
  • strengthens marriage and improves family relationships;
  • will help you move up your career ladder;
  • activates the body's defenses, as a result of which a person will feel energetic, cheerful and cheerful;
  • the owner of the amulet will achieve financial stability and prosperity;
  • will protect your home from black magic, cleanse it of evil energy and protect it from intruders.

A wolf fang amulet will make sure that problems, troubles and misfortunes will bypass you, and well-being, stability and prosperity will become your constant companions.

The influence of the talisman on men

The meaning of the wolf fang amulet for men is enormous. The amulet will help representatives of the stronger sex become bold and courageous. For men, this will never be a simple decoration.

Owners of the talisman will receive leadership skills and determination, thanks to which they will be able to build a career, providing for themselves and their family financial stability. Men who constantly wear an amulet with a wolf's fang around their neck will have a lot of ideas for creating their own business.

The wolf's tooth helps the boy turn into a man with a strong character. The amulet gives inner strength, which has a positive effect on the growing up of a young man. Unbending willpower, self-confidence, masculinity, courage - these are the qualities possessed by a man wearing a wolf tooth talisman.

A wife who gives her husband a wolf fang pendant will strengthen the bond that exists between them. A man will not want to look in the direction of any other woman. Bachelors wearing such jewelry are always the center of attention of the opposite sex.

The influence of the talisman on women

The wolf fang pendant has a positive effect on the fair sex. They become more decisive and courageous, believe in themselves and make important decisions on their own.

Women with a wolf fang amulet have a special attractiveness; they attract men’s gaze like a magnet. Such a girl will never get bored with her partner, because she will surprise him all the time. The owners of this jewelry are extraordinary individuals who are constantly developing and do not stop there.

For single representatives of the fair sex, a wolf fang amulet will help them meet their soulmate. The man with whom such a woman creates an alliance will be in no way inferior to his chosen one. This is a worthy partner: faithful, loving, caring and attentive. Lovers will remain faithful to each other, a trusting and sincere relationship will be established between them.

A necklace with a fang is ideal for women who love their profession and dream of achieving success in their career. Thanks to the determination of a business woman, she can easily achieve her goal.

Our ancestors believed that a woman whose neck was decorated with such an amulet would be happy in motherhood. A talisman with a wolf tooth helps to cure many female diseases and significantly increases the chances of getting pregnant.

The influence of the mascot on children

The wolf fang amulet can be worn not only by adults, but also by children. To protect their baby from dark forces, evil spirits, the evil eye and witchcraft, parents can put this decoration on him.

The amulet will give strength and energy to a newborn child. The baby will grow up healthy and full of strength, developing well. A talisman with a wolf fang, given to a child aged 6-10 years, will allow him to develop a strong character.

The child will study well, be interested in science and love books. This child will not know what boredom is. From an early age, those who wear this jewelry will easily achieve their goals.

A teenager with a wolf amulet will never succumb to bad influence. The talisman will reliably protect him from exposure bad people, will strengthen his immune system, will help him make only the right choice.

Children with such an amulet are creatively gifted individuals who are very sensitive to the world. In life, they will be able not only to realize themselves and show their abilities, but also to achieve material independence and financial well-being.

Amulet and magic

The amulet changes people. There is no need to perform any special rituals. All you have to do is wear it all the time. In order for the wolf's fang to really protect and help its owner, it cannot be removed or given into the wrong hands. The decoration should only know its owner.

A wolf's tooth helps a person change for the better. His life becomes more interesting, richer, more joyful. Many fortune tellers and soothsayers advise their clients who complain of bad luck and evil fate to start wearing wolf fang jewelry. The amulet will activate and show the best qualities of a person and bring good luck.

After putting on the amulet, be patient and wait a few days. Its magical effects will not appear immediately. The talisman will need time to tune in to your energy.

Magicians advise people who have a risky profession to wear jewelry with a wolf fang. It will reliably protect them from harm and improve their health. A magical amulet will help a person cope with his inner fears and phobias.

Ancient spells will enhance the magical effect of the amulet. They should be read on the waxing moon in complete solitude.

How to choose a talisman

Finding a real wolf tooth in a store is difficult. Sellers offer jewelry made of metal or plastic and stylized to resemble a natural fang. If you want to use the amulet as a simple decoration, you can safely purchase an artificial tooth.

For the amulet to act as magic amulet, try to find an original product. Special rules will help you distinguish a fake.

  • If the amulet is made of natural material, it is not afraid of flames. The plastic will begin to melt even from a light fire. The decoration will emit a very unpleasant odor.
  • The original product differs from the artificial one in that at the end of the clove you can see veins that form a fine mesh.
  • A real wolf fang does not exceed 3.5–8 cm in size.
  • The fake wolf fang has a snow-white color and an ideal shape.

Often, unscrupulous sellers disguise the teeth of other animals as wolf amulets.

To have no doubt about your purchase, contact people who are involved in hunting. Then you will know for sure that you have acquired a real wolf fang.

How to make your own talisman

If you are lucky enough to find a natural tooth, you can make an amulet yourself at home. Since various bacteria can live on the fang, it is necessary to clean it thoroughly. Do this carefully so as not to damage the fragile material. You can choose a frame for it and use special tools to enclose a talisman in it.

Find a chain or cord that fits your size. Attach a bow to the wolf tooth, with which you can hang the pendant. Many people make their own beads from wolf teeth. For this purpose, 7 or 9 fangs are used.

After the decoration is ready, it must be cleansed of negative energy. This is done when the Moon is gaining strength in the sky. The ritual must be performed with lit candles. Their color plays an important role:

  • green - will charge the fang to improve your financial situation;
  • red - will give you love and family well-being;
  • white - improves health;
  • purple - will help activate creative energy.

Before performing the ritual, make sure that no one will disturb you. Try to clear your mind of bad thoughts and focus on what you are doing and what changes you want to achieve with the help of a magical amulet.

Place the amulet in a crystal bowl with clean water. Then read a magic spell over him:

“I call the beast to me, I take away my amulet! Let his spirit fill this amulet and me with it with its power! Timber wolf, brave and fierce predator, be my friend and comrade, become my patron and protect me from evil, the envy of ill-wishers and unclean spirits. Let it be as I said!”

After this, you can safely put on the amulet. He was with you all the time. You can hang a talisman above your sleeping place. In this case, the wolf's fang will protect your sleep, having a beneficial effect on the entire body, driving away evil spirits and bad dreams.

How to wear a talisman

The wolf fang amulet should be worn opposite the solar plexus. The pendant is best hung on a silver chain or a cord made of natural threads. It is not prohibited to wear the jewelry as a bracelet with a pendant.

The fang must be in contact with exposed skin. It is fueled by human energy. If you don't want people to see your talisman, carry it wrapped in a canvas bag in an inside pocket close to your body.

Make sure that no water gets on the amulet. It is better to take it off in the pool, sauna and while taking a shower. Open sunlight has a negative effect on the magical power of the talisman. Negative influence These factors lead to the appearance of small cracks on the wolf tooth.

It is considered a bad omen to drop jewelry on the floor. If this happens to you, perform a cleansing ritual with candles and water, and then feel free to put on the amulet. If you decide not to wear the amulet for some time, store it in a separate place from other jewelry.

Treat your amulet with caution, since only a whole amulet retains its magical properties. If the decoration breaks, it is worth squirming away from it.


When putting on jewelry, remember the meaning of the wolf's fang amulet. Since ancient times, people have endowed it magical power, asking the beast for protection and help, hoping for his intercession from dark forces, evil and the evil eye.

We were inspired by the strength, dexterity and courage of the animal. The wolf fang amulet will improve your life and help you show the best qualities of your character. The main thing is to believe in its power, and then changes for the better will not keep you waiting.

In ancient times, the wolf different nations had a certain meaning, for example, the Slavs believed that the animal has a connection with other world and people with magical abilities could use it to communicate with spirits and various entities. The Scandinavians endowed the wolf with enormous destructive power. Shamans of different nations used animal parts in their rituals, for example, skin, claws, tails, etc.

Wolf fang is a talisman that has different meanings. It has enormous energy, which affects people in different ways. If in ancient times people had to independently obtain a talisman for themselves, today it can be purchased in special shops or ordered online. Another option is to make it yourself, carving it out of stone.

The meaning of the Wolf Fang amulet

For men, such a talisman helps increase masculine strength, become a faithful spouse and friend. If a woman gives such a talisman with a gold or silver frame to the man she likes, he will certainly fall in love and want to be close. A wolf's fang is also called a family fang, which strengthens attachment to children. It gives people strength and helps them move up the career ladder. Having the Wolf Fang amulet you can protect yourself from the greedy, greedy and evil people. It helps you feel freedom and independence.

Other meanings of the Wolf Fang amulet:

  1. Promotes the development of intuition and one's own abilities. With its help you can get rid of fears and become more self-confident.
  2. Thanks to its enormous energy, it allows you to protect yourself from various kinds of negativity. Since ancient times, a talisman was placed in the baby’s cradle to protect him from the evil eye and damage.
  3. If you regularly carry the amulet with you, you can protect yourself from various diseases and problems.
  4. With its help, you can improve your own financial situation and attract wealth.

It will be an excellent talisman for people who want to achieve a specific goal. A wolf's fang will not only give you strength, but will also help you get rid of troubles and problems.

How to speak to the Wolf Fang talisman?

To activate and enhance the power of the amulet, you need to read a special plot. You need to hold it in your hands for a while and then say the following words:

“From the kingdom of timelessness I summon the spirit of the wolf, I call out the great beast. I make a call across the passage of time. Forest wolf, dashing beast, I want to be yours friend, walk under your guarantee. Put part of your spirit into this fang, cover my soul with it. Give strength and power to my body and spirit. Let the amulet be connected to you, nourished by your spirit, filled with your strength. Let this fang protect me, preserve my body, and strengthen my spirit, ward off enemies, and save me on the road. My deeds are covered with your spirit, covered with your power, surrounded by my words. I call out the beast, I receive my amulet. So be it!"

You need to read the plot several times until you feel the energy. During this, it is recommended to constantly imagine the image of a wolf, which shares energy and strength. Thanks to the conspiracy, a person secures the patronage of a talisman and receives its protection.

The wolf fang amulet has been known to man for hundreds of years. Almost all peoples of the world in one way or another used parts of animal bodies - fangs, claws, skins, and sometimes skulls. Mystical properties and character traits were often attributed to the wolf and the bear, which is why their fangs are considered a very powerful amulet.

In the article:

Wolf fang amulet - why is it so popular

The wolf has long been considered a symbol of freedom, strength, agility and independence from anything. In ancient times, the fangs and claws of wolves protected houses from evil spirits and evil spirits. It was believed that the spirit of the animal would not allow evil into the home and would become reliable.

Like the life of people, the life of wolves in a pack is largely ritualized. The pack lives in accordance with certain rules that all wolves follow without exception. Wolves have special, or, as they say, “sacred” places. Sometimes hunters find such places; usually they are located far from villages and towns.

Wolf society is based on a strict hierarchy. There are elites among both males and females. Each individual plays a specific role in its society. They fight among themselves only when absolutely necessary. Disagreements in the pack do not always lead to battle. Most often, in order to prove that they are right, wolves use growls, the force of their gaze, and take a threatening pose.

Therefore, it is believed that the wolf’s fang is a talisman teaches the person who has it to develop their strength, confidence and remain calm in any situation. If you engage in ritual practice, you can achieve knowledge of how to use it in all areas of life. The wolf will help you understand how to achieve ideal self-discipline, because this animal knows a lot about it. You will be able to completely control your life and hear your inner voice. You can learn a lot from a wolf, and one way to do this is to wear a wolf fang charm.

In addition to the fact that a wolf's fang is important as an amulet, it is also a good decoration option. It looks stylish and attracts the attention of others. If you want to acquire a powerful amulet and love extraordinary jewelry, feel free to choose a wolf or bear fang.

Since the wolf has always been considered an animal capable of warding off evil spirits, a wolf fang is an amulet that can protect against damage and the evil eye. It symbolizes courage and confidence. Such an amulet will help you achieve your goals through any obstacles, helps you gain freedom and independence, strength and dexterity - qualities inherent in a wolf. The peoples who lived by conquering foreign lands considered the wolf to be their ancestor.

As a sacred animal, the wolf has been revered in our country for quite a long time. Other peoples also revered the wolf and identified it with many gods. According to some folk beliefs, wolves eat devils so that they reproduce less. Therefore, this animal has power over evil spirits, which allows the amulet to have protective properties.

In Chuvash fairy tales and legends, the wolf acts as a leader. According to an ancient Tatar legend, a nomadic group of people got lost in the forest and were surrounded by enemies. But he appeared before them White Wolf, who led people to safety along paths known only to him. In Turkish legends, the wolf could show the right path to those who were lost. Therefore, it is believed that the amulet is a wolf fang will help you hear yourself and strengthen your intuition. You will be able to find the right path in all aspects of your life.

In addition to its protective function and the ability to bestow confidence and strength, the wolf's fang amulet has an erotic meaning. The wolf was identified with the gods of fertility, and our ancestors also wore such a talisman to gain sexuality and attractiveness to the opposite sex. However, this meaning is only meaningful for men. The wolf is a forest robber who, in fairy tales and legends, often kidnapped girls and forcibly took them as wives.

At the same time, a wolf's fang is a good one. He can help a girl and create a strong family. At the same time, she will have a good choice of potential husbands, because usually wolves fight for their beloved, and the best of them wins.

Wolves have always been distinguished by their loyalty. If you give your loved one such a talisman, you can be sure that he will take care of your children and will not leave or cheat.

A wolf's fang is a good option for an amulet for a child. In the old days, such amulets were hung over the cradle so that no one could jinx a newborn, and they were attached to the clothes of children, especially boys. This is one of the strongest, which has unique protective properties.

Wolf fangs were an invariable attribute of magicians, wise men and shamans from almost any land. The wolf is associated with the other world. It is difficult to find a pantheon in which the wolf is not mentioned in any form - as a companion of Christian saints and pagan gods, as a guardian of the underworld or one who seeks to cause harm to the world, such as eating the moon or the sun. Fangs were often used not only to create amulets that helped shamans see the essence and cross the border of worlds, but also in various rituals.

Wolf fang (amulet) - meaning in magic

There are special conspiracies that can enhance the effect of the wolf fang amulet and direct its influence to a specific target.

In Russian times, when a child’s teeth began to grow, mothers read a spell that was designed to protect him from all adversity and illness, to make the child persistent and purposeful in the future. If there is a wolf fang, you can wait until the child starts teething, let him chew the fang and, while he does this, read the plot:

Wolf, wolf, give my child teeth,
To gnaw and break misfortunes and adversities,
Don't care about evil eyes and illnesses.

The wolf fang amulet is ideal for channeling it for good luck in a fist fight. With him it will be easier to win fights, win sports competitions, and learn martial arts. This is a good amulet not only for athletes, but also for every person, because you never know when you will have to protect your health and life. The text of the plot, which is read on the fang:

The gray wolf has a brave spirit.
Anyone will be torn apart, even if the enemy is terrible.
Once he finds a victim, his legs are not tired.
His paws lead him into battle; he always wins with his brothers.
The wolf pack is strong, victory will be easy for us.
We accept the wolf's face, we defeat the adversaries.
We go into battle bravely, our cause is important.
We return victorious and enrich ourselves with gold.

In the distant past, many people, including robbers, used such conspiracies.

In order to gain all the qualities inherent in a wolf, you need to call on his spirit and ask him about it. To do this, the following words were read on the wolf fang:

Great beast, wolf spirit! I call you from ancient times, from the timeless kingdom. I want to receive your friendship, wild beast, to walk under your guarantee. Give your fang your spirit, let it protect my spirit and body, give me power and strength. The fang grew with you, it was yours, it absorbed your power and gave it to me. A wolf's fang protects me from evil, protects me on a long journey. From now on, all my deeds will smell like your spirit, be filled with your strength, and be bound by my words. I let the spirit of the beast go home, I take the amulet for myself. Let it be so!

While reading the plot, you must clearly imagine the image of the person you are addressing. In the imagination, he should be standing nearby. Be sure to believe that the wolf hears you. Read the plot until you feel its response.

What power does the bear fang amulet carry?

In its properties, such an amulet is very similar to a wolf fang. It carries a similar effect on a person - it increases his strength and confidence, helps him achieve his goals. As you know, killing a bear is not easy; not every hunter is ready for this. The bear fang amulet will make its owner as hardy as the beast itself.

In addition, a bear fang can protect well-being and prosperity in the house if you hang it somewhere in your home. And if you place the amulet in the kitchen, you will always be well-fed and your family will not have to go hungry. In the old days, bear fangs were hung over the hearth, but now you can hang an amulet near the kitchen stove.

In life, you really need courage and confidence; the wolf fang amulet helps in achieving this. The wolf fang talisman protects from the evil eye, misfortunes and increases fertility.

A little about the wolf

The wolf is surrounded by many superstitions. Since ancient times, people attributed mystical abilities to him. This is how the mythical “werewolf” appeared - a person who can turn into an animal. Wolves are often present in the myths and tales of completely different peoples almost all over the world. A talisman in the form of a wolf fang carries the properties of this animal: its courage, devotion and nobility, transferring them to the one who wears the talisman. For the same purposes, ancient people used other parts of the body of animals, such as skulls and skins.

A fang is a much more convenient amulet: you can take it with you everywhere without fear of appearing suspicious to passers-by, and at the same time so exotic that you can proudly wear it as jewelry. Even a photo can convey how interesting and elegant a necklace with a wolf tooth looks.

Wolf - a symbol of masculinity

The life of a wolf is full of dangers, so he had to become cunning and strong, smart and brave. Wolves are pack animals, devoted to their family and their mate, the she-wolf. This beast is a symbol not only of courageous fortitude and dexterity, but also of fidelity and high morality. Fang adopted these positive characteristics of the wolf.

The value of a wolf's fang is great for men who want to become stronger and more successful. However, this amulet can be used not only by males; it is also suitable for women. Ladies can use a similar remedy as:

  1. A talisman for protection from evil spirits, the evil eye and damage, from diseases and misfortunes.
  2. An amulet that bewitches men and preserves the family. A talisman in the form of a wolf fang is suitable for a girl who can’t find a strong and confident man. For an amulet made from a wolf's fang, such a task would not be impossible. In order to bewitch the right man, a girl should give a wolf tooth to her beloved. True, men will not be able to pull off such a trick: the bewitching effect does not work on women even if they accept the gift and wear it.
  3. A talisman that helps increase fertility and give birth to many healthy children.

It turns out that a wolf decoration, especially in gold, will be not only a beautiful decoration, but also a very useful talisman.

It will be useful both in love and on the battlefield. The importance of masculinity and perseverance that a wolf’s fang conveys to its owner is difficult to overestimate. The amulet will make you feel more confident at work and in clashes with ill-wishers if you wear it.

At the same time, the pendant will sharpen reaction and concentration. Magic properties Wolf fangs are suitable for many people, but such a talisman is especially necessary for those who constantly risk themselves. For an insecure and weak person, such a talisman will be a gift of fate, and “Where there is courage, there is victory.”

Rules for using the amulet

For the talisman to work, you need to act according to the rules. You can wear it around your neck - this is one of the most popular ways. This decoration will look great on both the necks of men and the bodies of women. An alternative option for those who aren't too keen on necklaces is to wear a wolf's fang amulet as a bracelet.

It is advisable to wear the amulet under clothes: in this case, the magical properties of the pendant with a wolf’s fang are enhanced. You can also wear it over a suit, even hide it in your pocket; the wolf fang amulet will still work, although weaker. It is important that the amulet is made of natural material.

Wolf fang is, of course, more expensive, but unlike a fake, it has energy. If you wear such a talisman all the time, self-confidence will gradually become a constant companion in life. You can make a pendant or pendant with your own hands, especially for a person who has experience in creating various types of jewelry. If you don’t have experience, it’s okay: in order for the wolf’s fang amulet to work, you don’t have to make it yourself. The production can be left in the hands of craftsmen or you can buy a ready-made amulet in a store.

Amulet "Wolf Fang"

Buy a wolf fang. Authenticity check. AltaiStrong

Wolf fang, bear fang, lynx fang

Wolf fang is a powerful amulet for attracting good luck.

It is difficult to distinguish real fangs from fake ones, so it is recommended to involve a person who understands this to help. Even in trusted stores, where there are regular customers, certificates and reviews, they can sell a dog or even an ordinary plastic trinket under the name “wolf fang”.

Natural products require a delicate approach: the tooth should not be overheated and its contact with water should be avoided.

Fang plot

The value of the wolf fang amulet is so high that this item can be used not only to strengthen your confidence, but also to protect your home. Wolf fang is used in rituals of varying degrees of complexity and power. A conspiracy, for example, from the PFM project will help strengthen the abilities of the fang. The following conspiracy is known:

“From the kingdom of timelessness I summon the spirit of the wolf, I call out the great beast. I make a call across the passage of time. Forest wolf, dashing beast, I want to be your friend, walk under your guarantee. Put part of your spirit into this fang, cover my soul with it. Give strength and power to my body and spirit. Let the amulet be connected to you, nourished by your spirit, filled with your strength. Let this fang protect me, preserve my body and strengthen my spirit, ward off enemies, and save me on the road. My deeds are covered with your spirit, covered with your power, surrounded by my words. I call out the beast, I receive my amulet. So be it!".

When reading spells, hold the tooth tightly in your hand and at the same time imagine a wolf. Why do you need to do this? Rituals do not tolerate fuss and love rules; if they are violated, they refuse to work as they should and, instead of protecting, cause harm.

The meaning that the tooth ultimately acquires varies depending on the spell. The prayer above means general protection and strengthening of the spirit, but there are rituals where the main goal is protection from the evil eye or from certain pain. Even without strengthening and calming spells, wolf teeth remain one of the most powerful talismans.

Hello everybody! My review today is devoted to a topic that is both aesthetic and spiritual at the same time. It's about about the Wolf Fang amulet, which looks stylish and bold, but at the same time is able to protect its owner from dark forces, strengthen self-confidence and leadership qualities. For those interested, let's get to know this amulet further!

I ordered one for myself because I had been looking for something to go with a denim jacket and maxi skirt for a long time. But I got a lot more!

My review of the Wolf Fang Amulet

Positive reviews from other buyers of the amulet indicate that their lives have changed dramatically after purchasing a wolf tooth. To be honest, I began to notice that everything was somehow moving to a qualitatively new level - my husband and I became closer, the child stopped getting sick, people at work began to notice my efforts. Well, with some kits the suspension looks great!

I can also safely say that the wolf tooth was used by our ancestors, in particular the Slavs, in such cases:

  1. To preserve relationships with their other half, girls gave it to their lovers so that they would not look elsewhere (wolves, like swans, choose a couple of times in their lives).
  2. They hung them over the crib of newborns to rid the babies of evil eyes. Sometimes they even let children chew on them so that the children’s teeth would grow even and strong. Although small child Such things probably shouldn’t be given.
  3. Protected from influence magical rituals, arranged by ill-wishers.

Of course, I immediately became obsessed with the idea of ​​buying such an amulet! Moreover, I ordered several pieces - for my family and a friend with her boyfriend, they were just going through a difficult period in their relationship.

How does Wolf Fang work?

I'm even pleased with the style of the pendant. It is ideal for brutal, business and athletic men, insecure teenagers, newlyweds, elderly people with low energy, girls and can even be worn by a child!

To make the Wolf Fang more protective against the machinations of enemies, it can be spoken. To do this, you need to relax, left alone with the amulet, and turn to the Spirit of the Wolf. You can ask for help, purity of thoughts and faith in yourself.

The Wolf Fang Amulet will be an effective amulet and those who are associated with extrasensory perception need to protect special abilities and increased sensitivity. Emotional women and men simply need it!

What does this amulet look like?

The decoration is based on a real fang wild beast. The tooth has a special shape, it is not a perfect semicircle, it should not contain voids or cavities.

It is protected from external damage that may occur due to careless handling by special treatment. However, you can apply runes, symbols, and signs for additional protection!

Suspension Features:

  1. The main thing is the fang. Previously, only a select few, including shamans, could boast of such a talisman. Today everyone can buy this jewelry.
  2. Be sure to include a pendant in the shape of a wolf with an open mouth. It is made of silver or titanium. May contain small parts- stones.
  3. A bow for threading a leather cord or braided rope looks great on a silver chain.

You can wear a talisman not only around your neck. In any case, it will bring good luck and make the owner stronger.

What does Wolf Fang help with?

I initially noticed that it looks great with denim and leather items. But not only does this decoration set the style, it also solves most other problems:

  • Endows the owner with the best qualities of the beast itself - speed of acceptance right decisions, subtle intuition, a sense of inner independence.
  • Helps maintain physical health and ward off evil spirits.
  • Reveals wild sexuality, helps to find the right partner - and in personal life, and in the business sphere.
  • Allows you to get out of difficult situations unharmed, including obviously dangerous ones (work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, stuntmen, sports).
  • Strengthens abilities, protects against uncertainty, damage, and the evil eye.
  • Helps you successfully start your own business or new stage life.

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I read reviews of those starting to practice magicians, successful businessmen, even young women who lacked stability in their personal lives - everyone began to feel lucky after purchasing such a pendant.

Who needs Wolf Fang?

The amulet is universal in terms of wearing. It is perfect for everyone, regardless of gender, age, occupation, even faith! If you don’t want to clearly demonstrate the patronage of a devoted and wise animal, Fang can be worn on a keychain, on a belt, or in your pocket. I’ve even met girls who don’t limit themselves to one talisman - they order several and make a set of jewelry out of them.

Advantages of the amulet

Bikers, movie stars, stylish people and simply those who need the protective power of Nature itself are remembered for this accessory.

For myself, I can highlight several features of the Wolf Fang:

  1. This natural materials, not jewelry.
  2. Looks Beautiful, defiantly, boldly!
  3. Really influences fate- everything is changing for the better!
  4. Helps unlock your potential- abilities, leadership traits, and also get rid of complexes and uncertainty.

It’s also good that such a gift can be given to your other half as a sign of fidelity and mutual love.

How to properly care

Despite the durability of the product, careful care will not hurt. The rules for operating and cleaning metal decoration are extremely simple:

  • It is better to fasten it on a cord to avoid hitting the floor - this can damage the Fang.
  • There is no need to overheat it, so on a sunny day it is better to hide it from the scorching rays under a T-shirt or shirt.
  • The creators of the jewelry do not recommend immersing it in water. The wolf tooth itself will withstand anything, but do not forget about attaching a silver or titanium design to it.
  • To clean the frame, just use an ordinary toothpaste or chalk.

Naturally, they also remember the strength of the fastener. If the lace is tied tightly, the amulet will serve the owner for a long time!