What to do during outbursts of anger. Grenada is an island of conflict of interests between the USSR and the USA

13.06.2019 Relationship

Every year the Context festival. Diana Vishneva is holding a Context Lab choreography competition, and on tour in London and Tel Aviv as part of the @mart.foundation project, five productions from the winners of different years - the best young Russian choreographers - will be presented! ⠀ Olga Vasilyeva @olavasia won the competition in 2016, creating the production The Room. This stellar work features two more Context Lab winners - Konstantin Keikhel (2013) and Pavel Glukhov (2016) - as well as dancer Alexander Chelidze. “The idea of ​​unification and support is important to me in this work. A person needs a Person - such a hashtag,” says Olga Vasilyeva. ⠀ In 2018, Olga Vasilyeva’s dance performance “We” (Voronezh Chamber Theater) became a nominee for the national theater award “Golden Mask”: the best performance of modern dance, the work of a choreographer. ⠀ Tickets for events in Tel Aviv and London: link in profile. ⠀ Photo: Elena Lekhova ~~~ Each year, Diana Vishneva’s Context festival holds a competition for young choreographers Context Lab, and the tour program in London and Tel Aviv will present five works by the winners from different years - Russia’s best young choreographers! ⠀ Olga Vasilyeva @olavasia won the 2016 competition with a production “The Room”. This brilliant work engages two Context Lab winners - Konstantin Keikhel (2013) and Pavel Glukhov (2016) - and a dancer Alexander Chelidze. “What's important in this work for me is the idea of ​​unity and support. A Person needs a Person - that's the hashtag,” says Olga Vasilyeva. ⠀ In 2018, Olga Vasilyeva's dance performance “We” (Voronezh Chamber Theater) received two nominations for the Russian national theater award Golden Mask: for best contemporary dance performance, and best choreography ⠀ Tickets: link in bio.

18.02.2019 17:35:48

Less than a month left before the Context festival tour. Diana Vishneva as part of the M.ART @mart.foundation project! We have collected for you a short overview of the program in one video. Check it out! ⠀ Tickets: link in profile. ~~~ Less than a month left before the tour of Diana Vishneva's Context festival in the framework of M.ART project @mart.foundation ! We have created a short review of the program in one video for you. Check it out! ⠀ Tickets: link in bio.

14.02.2019 15:51:00

Yesterday was the birthday of the curator of the Context Lab competition for young choreographers, Anastasia Yatsenko - the festival team joins in the congratulations! For six years now, every summer Anastasia, together with an expert jury, has been discovering new names of young Russian choreographers and helping them work on productions that are created specifically for Context. Diana Vishneva. ⠀ During the creation of the work, choreographers have the opportunity to hear the opinion of a great professional, who was an assistant to Alexei Ratmansky, Nacho Duato, William Forsyth, Mauro Bigonzetti, Wayne McGregor, Mats Ek, Jiri Kylian, Caroline Carlson and other famous directors, and also performed the title roles in classical ballets as the leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater @bolshoi_theatre. ⠀ Nastya, happy birthday! ⠀ P.S.: information on accepting applications for the competition of young choreographers Context Lab 2019 will appear later.

13.02.2019 14:07:53

We continue to talk about the Context festival tour program. Diana Vishneva as part of the M.ART @mart.foundation project. On March 8 in Tel Aviv and March 12 in London, for the first time outside Russia, excerpts from the ballet “Nureyev” (“Letter to Rudi. Diva”, “Letter to Rudi. Apprentice”) will be shown in a reading by avant-garde director Kirill Serebrennikov. The production tells the story of the great dancer Rudolf Nureyev, who did not return to the USSR from a foreign tour in 1961. The premiere took place on the main stage of the Bolshoi Theater in December 2017 and became the most discussed theatrical event of the year in its homeland. ⠀ Special offer for M.ART subscribers: ⠀ Tel Aviv: promo code for a 40₪ discount - 40404040 when purchasing tickets, link in profile. ⠀ London: promo code for 15% discount - Context15 when purchasing tickets, link in profile. ⠀ Photo: Damir Yusupov ~~~ We continue telling you about the tour program of Diana Vishneva's Context festival in the framework of M.ART @mart.foundation. On March 8 in Tel Aviv, and on March 12 in London, scenes from the ballet "Nureyev" ("Letter to Rudy. Diva" and "Letter to Rudy. Student") will be shown for the first time outside Russia, in the interpretation of an avant-garde theater director Kirill Serebrennikov ⠀ A story of. the prodigious dancer, who fled USSR for the West, has been adapted by director Kirill Serebrennikov, a daring force of Russian avant-garde theater ⠀ Special offer for M.ART subscribers: ⠀ Tel Aviv: 40₪ off the standard ticket price if you use the code 40404040, link in bio. ⠀ London: 15% off the standard ticket price if you use the code Context15, link in bio. ⠀ Photo: Damir Yusupov.

12.02.2019 15:35:01

On March 12 in London at the Sadler's Wells Theater @sadlers_wells Diana Vishneva @dianavishneva, together with her close friend and permanent partner Marcelo Gomez @marcelua, will perform the production of “Vertigo” by choreographer Mauro Bigonzetti. ⠀ Marcelo spoke about the special connection between the dancers in an interview for La Personne @lapersonnemag: ⠀ “After many years, having danced with many ballerinas, I think that it is very important, on the one hand, to be delicate, and on the other, to control your duet, and this control should be mutual. This understanding was best achieved precisely. with Diana. Because she and I guide each other, and we hear each other. And therefore, complete mutual penetration is born." ⠀ Buy tickets: link in profile ⠀ Photo: Daniil Golovkin ~~~ On March 12, at Sadler"s Wells. Theater @sadlers_wells in London, in duet with her close friend and regular partner Marcelo Gomes @marcelua, Diana Vishneva @Diana vishneva will perform ballet "Vertigo" by choreographer Mauro Bigonzetti. ⠀ Marcelo talks about a special relationship between the dancers in his interview with La Personne @lapersonnemag: ⠀ "Many years later, having danced with many ballerinas, I think it is very important to be delicate on the one hand, but also to control your Because duet, and this control should be mutual. I was the most successful in achieving this kind of understanding with Diana. We guide each other, and we hear each other. ⠀ Tickets: link in bio. ⠀ Photo: Daniil Golovkin

08.02.2019 16:13:35

One of the most anticipated parts of the program in Tel Aviv is the solo performance of Diana Vishneva. Diana will perform the eight-minute solo “Killed” by German choreographer Marco Gecke in Israel for the first time, on the stage of the Suzanne Dellal Center @suzanne_dellal_centre! The Russian premiere of the production took place in 2014 at the second Context festival. Diana Vishneva. ⠀ “She brought the expressive gestures of this peculiar choreography to an optimistic ending: high art will help to resist the inevitable cruelty of time and fate. This is exactly how one can interpret the rounded, almost classical positions of the hands with which Diana ends her solo dance after all the throwing, breaking, hysterics and screams of feverish port de bras,” - Tatyana Kuznetsova, Kommersant. ⠀ March 8, Suzanne Dellal Center Buy tickets: link in profile. ⠀ Photo: Irina Tuminene ~~~ One of the most anticipated parts of the program in Tel Aviv is Diana Vishneva"s solo performance. This will be Diana"s first Israeli performance of an eight-minute solo "Killed" by German choreographer Marco Goecke, on the stage of Suzanne Dellal Center @suzanne_dellal_centre ! The Russian premiere of the production took place in 2014 at the second Context festival. ⠀ "She leads the expressive gesticulation of this peculiar choreography to an optimistic finale: high art will help to resist the inevitable cruelty of time and fate. This is how one can interpret the rounded, almost classical positions of the hands, with which Diana finishes her solo dance after all the throws, breaks, hysteria and screams of hectic port de bras" - Tatiana Kuznetsova, "Kommersant" newspaper. ⠀ March 8, Suzanne Dellal Center Tickets: link in bio. ⠀ Photo: Irina Touminene

07.02.2019 16:20:17

Immediately after Tel Aviv, the Context festival. Diana Vishneva will move to London to the Sadler's Wells Theater @sadlers_wells! Together with her constant partner and friend Marcelo Gomez @marcelua, who has earned the title of one of the three best dancers in the world, Diana Vishneva @dianavishnevapublic will present the production of “Vertigo” in the choreography of Mauro Bigonzetti. ⠀ A special number of the program will be the British premiere of the play Asunder (“To Pieces”), staged by the famous Spanish choreographer Goyo Montero @monterogoyo with the best dancers of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater @permopera to the music of Wagner, Chopin and contemporary composer Owen Belton ⠀ About other participants of the evening. can be read on the website: link in profile ~~~ Right after Tel Aviv, Diana Vishneva's Context festival will move to London, Sadler's Wells Theater @sadlers_wells ⠀ Together with her regular partner and friend Marcelo Gomes @marcelua, one of the top male dancers in the world, Russian prima Diana Vishneva @dianavishnevapublic will present a piece Vertigo by Mauro Bigonzetti. ⠀ The UK premiere of Asunder - a special production commissioned by the CONTEXT festival in 2017, staged by renowned Spanish choreographer Goyo Montero @monterogoyo with the best dancers of Perm Opera and Ballet Theater @permopera to the music of Wagner, Chopin and contemporary composer Owen Belton. ⠀ Information about other participants of the evening can be found on the website: link in bio.

01.02.2019 16:20:21

Dear viewers, on March 8, the first international tour of the Context festival will take place in Tel Aviv as part of the M.ART @mart.foundation project. Diana Vishneva on the stage of the famous Suzanne Dellal Center @suzanne_dellal_centre, one of the most important dance venues. We invite you to spend the March holidays with us! ⠀ Diana Vishneva @dianavishnevapublic, founder and art director of the festival, is participating in the evening’s program. The ballerina will perform the solo “Killed” by German choreographer Marco Goecke to the music of singer Barbara. ⠀ detailed information about the program and tickets: link in profile. ~~~ M.ART @mart.foundation presents the first Tel Aviv showcase of the CONTEXT festival, established by Diana Vishneva @dianavishnevapublic, featuring the best of Russian contemporary choreography. ⠀ Having taken Moscow and Saint Petersburg by storm, CONTEXT starts its international tour in Tel Aviv followed by London in spring 2019. The audience will have a unique and extremely rare opportunity to see Diana Vishneva perform on a Tel Aviv stage. Russian prima will present a solo from the ballet Tué by choreographer Marco Goecke accompanied by the recording of the French singer Barbara. ⠀ More information and tickets: link in bio.

30.01.2019 10:09:20

Diana Vishneva and Ulyana Lopatkina will meet on the same stage for the first time in a long time. ⠀ February 25 on the Main Stage of the BDT named after G.A. Tovstonogov @bdtspb there will be a premiere of a new project by Diana Vishneva Context Pro Studio @contextpro.studio with the support of the Diana Vishneva Foundation - a cross-interview in the format of a theatrical action “Characters: Diana Vishneva and Ulyana Lopatkina”. ⠀ Author of the project, artistic director of Context Pro Studio, choreographer – Alexey Kononov @alexeykononov.spb. ⠀ Tickets can be purchased via the link in the profile. ⠀ And also on the website radario.ru and kassir.ru. ⠀ Photo: @markolich @sasha_gouliaev

26.01.2019 15:37:05

Let’s sum it up and talk about our immediate plans! ⠀ For six years, the festival has presented the works of 40 of the world's best directors, demonstrating the diversity of modern choreography. In 2018, the festival went on tour to Europe for the first time at the Holland Dance Festival (Netherlands) and presented its program in Yekaterinburg and Perm. ⠀ International tour Context. Diana Vishneva will continue next year. In March 2019, the festival will present its program at one of the most respected dance stages in the world, Sadler’s Wells Theater in London and Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv. ⠀ See you in 2019! ⠀ Photo: @amurashkin ~~~ Let us sum up the results and tell you about our future plans! ⠀ In the past six years, the festival has presented the works of 40 world's best choreographers, which demonstrated the diversity of modern choreography. In 2018, the festival went on its first European tour to the Holland Dance Festival @hollanddancefestival (Netherlands) , and presented its program in Yekaterinburg and Perm. ⠀ Next year, Diana Vishneva's Context festival will continue its international tour. In March 2019, the festival will present its program at one of the world's most prestigious dance stages - Sadler's Wells Theater @sadlers_wells in London - and Suzanne Dellal Center @suzanne_dellal_centre in Tel Aviv. ⠀ See you soon!

29.12.2018 12:29:13

Musical Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko @stanmus is 100 years old! Context festival team. Diana Vishneva congratulates the team on the big holiday! For three years now, on the stage of MAMT we have been holding special events from the festival program - the opening evening of Context. Thank you to the theater for its hospitality: every time our team is in a hurry to once again find itself in the world of the backstage of one of the best theaters in Moscow! ⠀ Congratulations! ⠀ Today at 22:00 watch the live broadcast of the gala concert in honor of the theater’s anniversary on the Russia - Culture channel. ⠀ Photo: @markolich

23.12.2018 16:45:01

Don't forget about the films from the Context festival film program. Diana Vishneva, most of which is still available for viewing. “Paris Opera”, “Play Seriously”, “Pina: Dance of Passion”, “Ballet 422”, “Dancer”, “Rare Birds”, “Bobby Jean”, “Ingmar Bergman: Through the Eyes of a Choreographer” - watch in the Nonfiction online cinema .film

The fifth festival of contemporary choreography will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg from November 12 to 19. We decided to ask the organizers how they plan to celebrate their first anniversary, and at the same time plunged into memories with them

This story began as a superhero saga - incredible and fast-paced. Wonder woman of modern ballet Diana Vishneva felt uncomfortable in the role of prima of the Mariinsky Theater with her classical repertoire, and she embarked on a creative search. I met the legendary choreographer Pina Bausch, went to her festival in Wuppertal, and then got the idea to do something similar. Not alone, but in the company of a powerful “league of justice”: producer Alexei Bokov, choreographer and director of the Dutch Dance Festival Samuel Wursten, founder of the Documentary Film Center Sofia Kapkova and teacher-tutor, Honored Artist of Russia Anastasia Yatsenko. At first “CONTEXT. Diana Vishneva" took place only for three days and only in Moscow and was received with caution, like everything new in the world of dance - especially when the festival of modern choreography is organized by a ballerina of the classical school. But that’s why they are superheroes, to exceed expectations: pretty soon the creative laboratory turned into a large international show of talent. “CONTEXT” includes top dance troupes, world-famous choreographers, and new stars who are shining right before our eyes.


Founder and artistic director of the festival

“Context” is the word we used most often when talking about the festival. As a result, it turned out to be an ideal name, because we wanted to create not a static structure, but a developing living organism.

When meeting with young Russian choreographers, I heard the same complaints from them: “Nobody needs us, we will never be able to break through.” They can be understood: repertory academic theaters today are not so focused on nurturing talent; they need a ready-made director. But where can a young choreographer gain experience and how to internally prepare for the big stage? Thus was born one of the main missions of the festival - to give young directors a chance to express themselves. And this mission is feasible: for example, Vladimir Varnava now stages at the Mariinsky Theater, Liliya Burdinskaya has her own company in St. Petersburg, Konstantin Keichel works with Jacobson ballet dancers. But once upon a time, few knew about them.

Top foreign directors told me that due to their busy schedule they would never find time for us. But I had my own arguments: when I told them that I not only wanted to perform their choreography, but also planned to create a new language with them, they immediately cleared their schedule. So, this year we will show the work of incredibly popular choreographers: Wayne McGregor, Justin Pack, Goyo Montero, Marco Gecke and Alexei Ratmansky. We will also be joined by the phenomenal Italian ballerina Alessandra Ferri, who retired from her career seven years ago and has now returned to the stage.

We are currently negotiating with the largest dance companies: New York City Ballet, American Ballet Theater and Pina Bausch Theatre. We plan to bring them in the next years. Previously, we worked only with chamber groups, but now that the festival has reached the big stages of the Mariinsky Theater and the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater, we can afford a completely different scale. Sounds good, you'll agree.


Producer of the festival in 2013-2014

The festival needs to be opened in Russia - that’s what Diana and I understood already in the very first days of work. To create a powerful cultural locomotive, to which many different cars will cling in the future.

In our country, modern language is being eradicated with a hot iron. Have you seen how Serebrennikov’s “Nureyev” was banned and what scandal unfolded around the Teacher’s “Matilda”? The situation with the CONTEXT festival was also difficult at first. At that time, viewers perceived Diana exclusively as a classical ballerina. We were breaking through a lot of misunderstanding. But what’s happening today, when you can’t get a ticket to CONTEXT, shows: we were right. The future lies in new forms. We are making a festival of living culture. When working with young choreographers, we always encourage the creation of something non-standard, we encourage them to go beyond the boundaries. And we go out ourselves all the time. I remember how, in one of the many-hour discussions with Diana, I could no longer find the words to convey my thought, and suddenly jumped out into the middle of the room and made some kind of movement. For a long time she could not believe that I was capable of this, and after this incident she spoke to me differently. (Laughs.)


General director and curator of the film program

For a long time I refused the position of festival director, because, in fact, I have nothing to do with dance - I am not a dancer, not a choreographer or a ballet critic. But Diana managed to persuade me. I am a workaholic, and I have this trait: they asked me to clean one table, and I quietly clean up the whole restaurant. This happened with “CONTEXT”. If in the first year I supervised only the film program, then from the second I have been general director festival. First, I bought a huge book on the history of dance in order to somehow understand the topic, and today I am already traveling around the world, watching the leading troupes.

I'm a professional viewer. If Diana and Samuel are focused on making an interesting program, then I represent the interests of our audience. We sell intellectual pastime, and our task is to educate without burdening. We can’t just invite the viewer, sit them down and say: “It’s going to be hard, but be patient.” Together we ensured that 10 thousand spectators came to the festival last year. I will never forget how, being pregnant and already with a rather large belly, I ran after the artistic director of the Israeli troupe “Bat Sheva” Ohad Naharin after the premiere of his work “Last Work” at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. Even during the performance, I realized that he definitely needed to be taken to Russia. And so I rushed around the theater and asked to call Ohad. Everyone looked sideways at my stomach and asked: “Do you have a personal question?” And I answered: “Personal! Very urgent!” Next year “Bat Sheva” will come to Russia with its new work.

The key to success is collaboration. The more people unite for the success of one cause, the better the result. For example, thanks to the support of Sberbank, we were able to invite the famous Spanish choreographer Goyo Montero to the anniversary festival, who choreographed a piece especially for us. Now we hope this will be a good tradition. I highly recommend going to the festival’s film program. This year we focused on behind the scenes. My choice is “Paris Opera”, recognized as the best documentary film of the Moscow International Film Festival, the extremely personal story of the Japanese prima ballerina of the Norwegian Opera Maiko Nishino “Maiko: The Dancing Child”, and, of course, “Marcelo Gomez: Anatomy of a Dancer” about Diana’s permanent partner, who exactly five years ago I came to Russia for the first time, just to perform with her at the CONTEXT festival.


Curator of the competition for young choreographers

Since childhood, I have adored modern choreography, although I worked all my life at the Bolshoi Theater, dancing classical roles. “CONTEXT” fulfilled my dream: now I am responsible for searching for young names in the world of modern dance. You really need to look for them. For example, this year a girl sent an application to the competition, Diana and I watched the video and immediately said with one voice: “Yes, we’ll take it!” It turned out that we had a real nugget in front of us. And we had never even heard of it before.

In the first year, only guys from Moscow and St. Petersburg participated in the competition, and in 2017 dancers from Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, and Minsk will come to us. There were 120 applications in total, of which we selected five. The hardest thing is to say no. We try to answer everyone so that they study and come next year. Many people perceive rejection as a call to action. One participant from St. Petersburg wrote to us: “Your competition saved me. I already thought I wasn’t destined to dance, but now I know that I can do more.” The main thing that the festival gives is not victory, but the environment in which the participants find themselves. They often live in regions and are cooked in own world. And here we, one might say, are bringing them to the “mainland” and opening up their horizons. They all leave the competition as friends - they look after each other, rally together. In November we will show a performance by young choreographers Pavel Glukhov and Konstantin Keikhel, our “promoted artists” over the years. It is extremely rare in the ballet world for two directors to voluntarily decide to work together.



A pioneer's journey is what working on each festival is like. We are constantly inventing new styles, methods and languages ​​of dance, while refraining from radical judgments and assessments. Usually dance festivals focus on one aspect - we are trying to present the whole spectrum of modern choreography.

My task as a curator is to improve my own taste year after year, because I bring to the festival only what I love. I cannot predict in advance whether the audience will approve of my choice, so the greatest pleasure is sitting in the auditorium and anticipating the audience’s reaction to every movement on stage.

The festival program includes CONTEXT. DIANA VISHNEVA - performances of leading groups from Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada and the USA, final of the competition of young choreographers, creative meetings, workshops, master classes and film screenings.

For the first time, the opening of the festival will take place at the Musical Theater. K.S. Stanislavsky and Vl. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. Unchanged venues for the festival The Gogol Center and the Stanislavsky Electrotheater will remain.

Festival art director Diana Vishneva

“This year CONTEXT. DIANA VISHNEVA is expanding her geography. It will take place not only in Moscow, but also in my hometown, on the historical stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

I have long planned to bring the festival to St. Petersburg, so I’m very glad that we succeeded, largely thanks to the support Valeria Gergiev.

One of the main events of the festival will be the arrival of Mats Ek and Ana Laguna. The outstanding choreographer recently announced his retirement, Therefore, we are especially honored that he agreed to show his latest production, which will be presented by his wife and muse,

Moscow audiences will be able to see three productions of the Maurice Béjart Ballet troupe at once. The company will show the ballet of its founder Maurice Béjart - “Im Chambre Séparée” and, for the first time in Russia, will present the productions “The Color of Blues” and “As if Fallen from the Moon” by the maestro’s successor, Gilles Roman.

The Lucerne Dance Theater will present one of the latest productions by Georg Reischl - “UP/Beat”, as well as “Solo” from the production “chaMOODim”, created specifically for the CONTEXT festival. Diana Vishneva.

Ana Laguna will perform in a duet with Ivan Auceli directed by Mats Ek “Axe” (AXE).

In honor of the 110th anniversary of Dmitry Shostakovich, American choreographer Alonzo King, artistic director of the Alonzo King LINES Ballet, will present a ballet at the festival inspired by the works of the Russian composer. His troupe will perform “Writing Ground Quintet” and “Concerto for Two Violins.”

The Introdans troupe, which has already taken part in CONTEXT twice, will come to the northern capital for the first time. Diana Vishneva. The Dutch will show two productions: “Cantata” and “In Memoriam”. The young team of the National Ballet School of Canada will present the work “Come in”, originally created by Azur Barton for Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Diana Vishneva herself is preparing a special performance for the audience in Moscow and St. Petersburg. She will perform together with the outstanding French ballerina Aurélie Dupont. The duo will present choreographer Ohad Naharin's production "B/olero".

One of the key events festival CONTEXT. DIANA VISHNEVA will become the final of the competition for young choreographers, which will take place on November 16 and 17 on the stage of the Stanislavsky Electrotheater.

Six participants will present their works: Sofya Gaidukova, Pavel Glukhov, Maria Siukaeva, Olga Vasilyeva, Rimma Pipoyan, Alexey Busko.

“The main goal of the competition is to support the development of modern dance in Russia. Our task is to give every beginning choreographer the opportunity to realize their ideas, believe in themselves, receive constructive criticism and advice from masters,” says the curator of the competition, teacher of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia Anastasia Yatsenko.

The winner of the competition for young choreographers will receive a grant for an internship in one of the leading foreign troupes from the watch brand Jaquet Droz. In addition to the main prize, for the first time within CONTEXT. Diana Vishneva One of the competition participants will be awarded the Audience Award - it will be provided by the Festival partner “Intellectual Club 418”.

Maria Siukaeva (Moscow) - participant in the final of the competition for young choreographers

As part of the international festival CONTEXT. DIANA VISHNEVA a series of creative meetings ContextSpeaks will be launched in the format of open conversations with outstanding choreographers and dancers about art, career and life.

On November 15, the Gogol Center will host ContextSpeaks: “Conversation with the choreographer. Mats Ek and Samuel Würsten." As part of the evening, the Russian premiere of Mats Ek's film-ballet “Place” will take place, which was filmed in broadcast mode. The ballet was created specifically for Mikhail Baryshnikov and Ana Laguna.

This year the educational program is designed for both industry professionals and the general public.

For the first time, a series of workshops will be held at the festival.

Vita Khlopova, researcher of modern choreography and founder of the No fixed points project, will conduct classes on dance criticism.

Theater photographer Mark Olic will share the features of filming ballet performances. Professional makeup artist and beauty blogger Elena Krygina will reveal the secrets of stage makeup. Master classes from leading foreign contemporary dance directors will be held for dancers and choreographers.

The film program will include films about the best modern choreographers and great dancers. Participants in films such masters have become as: Alonso King, Sasha Waltz, Benjamin Millepied, Ohad Naharin, Mats Ek, Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhaila Baryshnikova and Ana Laguna.

“The focus of this year’s film program is choreographers. Often their names remain in the shadows for the public, but they are the ones who update the context of classical productions and expand the horizons of modern choreography.

It is their work that the public applauds, sometimes without even knowing the name of the creators of the new masterpiece. The Context film program at the CDC will allow you to get to know them much better: what was it born from? creative method these choreographers, what stands behind them, how they work.

Only documentary films allow you to see this process without distortion,”

From October 15 to November 6, the sixth international festival of contemporary choreography Context will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Diana Vishneva. The festival program includes a dance criticism laboratory and a theater photography workshop, master classes for dancers and public talks, online screenings of documentaries about dance, but the most interesting thing for the inexperienced viewer is, of course, the performances, the choice of which, as always, is varied and non-trivial.

National Ballet of Canada:
Canadians are the nicest people on the planet

At an evening of one-act ballets (October 15 and 16 in Moscow, October 19 in St. Petersburg), the National Ballet of Canada, coming to Russia for the first time, will show the works of three choreographers - Crystal Pite, Justin Peck and Guillaume Côté.

Crystal Pite is one of the most important modern choreographers, a winner of various awards and prizes, the creator of her own dance troupe, Kidd Pivot, which is based in Vancouver. A student of William Forsyth who has never trained professionally in classical ballet, Pite is renowned for her breathtaking technique and quirky sense of humor. The famous Canadian's works are staged all over the world, and many companies - from NDT to the Royal Opera House in London - are happy to have her productions in their repertoire. This spring, the Opera de Paris presented an evening of one-act works, including Pite's Canon of the Seasons.

An example of Crystal Pite's choreographic style

Crystal Pite dances solo choreographed by her teacher William Forsythe

"Canon of the Seasons" by Crystal Pite at the Opera de Paris

It’s rather pointless to retell Pite’s works; you have to see them with your own eyes. There will not be a gentle prince in a camisole or a girl who looks like a spring rose, but there will be a lot of strength, struggle and philosophical reflection. The festival will show the 2009 play Emergence, which was awarded the Dora theater award in the categories “Best Production”, “Best New Choreography”, “ Best Performance" and "Best Musical Design". Surprisingly, Pite drew inspiration for this work from Steven Johnson's popular science book Emergence: the Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software, which tells the story of what an ant colony, the human brain, and the human brain have in common. software websites of global retailers.

Trailer for the play Emergence

Justin Peck is a dancer and the youngest resident choreographer in the history of the New York City Ballet (and no, prima ballerina Tiler Peck is not related to him). Like many Americans, for example, David Hallberg, he began his dance career with tap dancing lessons, and at the age of 13 he saw “Giselle” and realized that he really wanted to try on those wonderful white tights.

Peck studied at the School of American Ballet at the New York City Ballet and upon graduation was logically accepted into the troupe, and soon earned the position of full-time choreographer. America adores Justin Peck, praising the lightness and virtuosity of his creations. In 2018, he won the prestigious Tony Award for Best Choreography in a Musical, and it was recently announced that he has joined Steven Spielberg's team to choreograph the new film version of West Side Story, the iconic American musical. Paying tribute to the founders and main creators of the New York City Ballet, George Balanchine and Jerome Robbins, in his works Peck often uses the techniques of the honored masters: here he has Tchaikovsky, and graceful neoclassical style, and running around the stage in multi-colored T-shirts, and even sneakers . Nothing too serious, but how beautiful.

One of Justin Peck's famous works, performed by him in the New York subway

Along with Christopher Wheeldon and Alexei Ratmansky, Justin Peck is called one of the three main choreographers of the 21st century working in the genre of classical ballet. Justin Peck created Paz de la Jolla in 2013 especially for an evening dedicated to George Balanchine. “There are no new steps, there are new combinations,” said Balanchine, and in this twenty-minute creation Peck clearly follows in his footsteps.

Preview of Paz de la Jolla in New York

Paz de la Jolla trailer in Canada

Trailer documentary film Ballet 422, which will be shown as part of the Context educational program in the online cinema Nonfiction.film

Guillaume Cote- Premier of the National Ballet of Canada since 2004, choreographing since 2013. In contrast, Peck has been wearing white tights since he was three years old, and he always enjoyed studying classical ballet, especially considering that in his dance class of 16 boys everyone was incredibly friendly and kind (it seems that it’s not for nothing that they say that Canadians are the most nice people on the planet).

Short film about Guillaume Cote

During his career as a dancer, Cote danced, it seems, all the classic roles of princes and romantically inclined heroes and participated, along with Marcelo Gomez, Leonid Sarafanov, Ivan Vasiliev and other dancers, in the “Kings of Dance” project, so beloved by the general public. He even wrote music for one of the numbers.

"Kings of Dance", music by Guillaume Côté, choreography by Marcelo Gomez

The work “Being and Nothingness” grew out of a solo number that Côté staged for the personal project of the theater’s prima ballerina Greta Hodgkinson. At that time, the choreographer was interested in existentialism, and Sartre’s idea of ​​​​a certain ephemeral reflection of our own personality, which we try to live up to throughout our lives, seemed very interesting to Cote. Karen Kane gave the go-ahead, and the ballerina's pas de deux with an electric light bulb instead of a partner grew into a large work.

How the ballet “Being and Nothingness” was created

"Batsheva": dance in the Gaga language
(Lady Gaga has nothing to do with this)

On November 5 and 6, the Israeli dance company Batsheva will present a new production of Ohad Naharin's "Venezuela."

Trailer "Venezuela"

Any person with any interest in modern choreography, hearing the name Naharin, goes into a state of exaltation and rushes to buy tickets. Last year, “Batsheva” - and even then not the main troupe, but the so-called youth team - came to the Dance Open, and there was a line outside the theater who wanted to buy their ticket from you, if not with money, then with a plea and a stingy balletomanic tear. If we talk about the world's main theaters where Naharin's productions are staged, it is easier to say where they are not. (Not at the Mariinsky Theater, which is a pity.) Decadence in Paris, for example, always attracts full houses.


Naharin- an innovator and experimenter, the creator of the dance language gaga, which can be briefly described as “free your brain, and your body will be free too.” Gaga class is a kind of controlled improvisation on the theme of visual images set by the teacher. The dancers rehearse without a mirror, which, according to the choreographer, prevents them from feeling their body, and their movements combine sensuality and explosive energy, amazing flexibility and power.

Little is always known about young choreographers, but this is great - there is always a chance to later boast that they were the first to see a rising star. The evening's program will also feature Olga Labovkina, last year's laboratory winner, and the wonderful Pavel Glukhov, who won an internship with Wayne McGregor. Must be interesting.

Bouts of rage- this is a manifestation of an extreme form of human anger, literally bursting from the inside. Attacks of rage are marked by a destructive flow of energy, and negative emotions are characterized by a shutdown of the ability to analyze one’s actions. Unreasonable and sudden attacks cause bewilderment among others, as well as anxiety among the individual himself. To cope with your emotions, you should find out their cause, and also master effective techniques to relieve aggression.

Causes of rage attacks

There are no people who never get angry and always maintain a balanced state. Anything can get you out of a rut: an unfair boss, traffic jams, bad weather, children's pranks, etc. However, rage and rage are one thing, and uncontrollable sudden attacks of rage and anger are quite another thing.

Anger and rage usually pass without serious destructive consequences for a person, but if during sudden attacks of rage a person is able to cause pain and suffering to loved ones or those around him, then this already indicates a lack of control over his emotions. In principle, a violent manifestation of anger is considered a normal reaction of the human psyche to an external stimulus. It is much more difficult to deal with uncontrolled manifestations.

An attack of rage refers to both an emotional and physiological state. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, redness or pallor of the skin. This happens because the body receives a huge amount of energy that needs to be put somewhere.

There is an opinion that holding back negative emotions is harmful. This is not so and scientists have proven it. The release of negative emotions in the form of anger and anger towards the immediate environment is akin to a drug that gives great pleasure to the aggressor. Frequent breakdowns of a person with loved ones make him want to do this all the time. Over time, the person himself no longer notices that he is unconsciously provoking situations in which he falls into an attack. Ordinary people, noticing such a feature, begin to avoid such a person, and he, in turn, finds a society of the same unbalanced people who love outbursts of anger.

Attack of rage and anger

Negative emotions manifest themselves in the form of a destructive reaction to an obstacle (external or internal). At the same time, an obstacle often infuriates a person, and the rage itself is accompanied by an incredible desire to destroy this obstacle. An obstacle can be both inanimate and animate. The occurrence of rage is associated with the appearance of anger, which angers the individual. Attempts to cope with it remain unsuccessful and anger develops into rage.

Rage occurs when a situation develops that is not satisfactory and gives the feeling that it is possible to cope with it. It grows to a certain point - turning point, after which there is either a decline in the intensity of feelings until calm, or a sharp jump upward, which manifests itself in the form of attacks. A common, common expression is choked with anger. This is the starting point for the onset of rage.

This condition is marked by compression of the nerves and shortness of breath. Negative emotions are always accompanied by a desire for physical activity: fight, jump, run, crush, break, clench your hands into fists.

Attacks are marked by specific facial expressions:

- drooping, knitted eyebrows;

- widened eyes, focusing attention on the object of aggression;

- formation of horizontal folds on the bridge of the nose;

- expansion of the wings of the nose due to air flows and tension;

- open mouth at height when inhaling, bare teeth.

Attacks of rage have many similarities with hysteria. They are united, for example, by the fact that these extreme forms of expression of emotions, introducing the human psyche into a dangerous state, do not have organic changes.

Prolonged hysteria and fits of rage cause serious harm to health. This could be loss of consciousness, stroke, shock, heart attack, paralysis of the arms, temporary deafness, blindness.

Attacks of rage in men and women

A hormonal storm in a man’s body can provoke the manifestation of negative emotions. Excess testosterone makes a man more aggressive. This behavior is attributed to a hereditary factor, which modern men inherited from the Middle Ages, when it was necessary to defend one’s territory. An unreasonable outbreak of aggression in men is considered a mental problem.

Treatment and prevention of rage attacks include social and medical components. The first is associated with the competent behavior of others who witnessed the onset of this state. The second is related to contacting specialists in medical institutions.

The cause of uncontrolled violent behavior in the female half of humanity, as well as in the male half, is various physiological deviations and somatic diseases. For example, brain injuries and tumors, metabolic disorders can very well become the starting point for attacks. Post-traumatic stress disorder, if left untreated, can easily provoke the same result. However, knowing about the physiological predisposition of the female body to, it is possible to prevent the manifestations of this condition in women and, if possible, even take preventive measures.

Child's rage attacks

The physiological basis of emotions that tonic an individual’s activity is mainly the process of excitation, and the basis of such negative emotions as inhibition are processes of inhibition. IN childhood in a child, excitement has an advantage over inhibition, thereby determining the child’s emotional increased excitability.

Baby in preschool age The mood of those around him is completely conveyed; the child is able to cry, but after a few minutes laugh. For children, rapid changes in emotions are a normal reaction. It is important for parents to remember this and not to panic in vain. Gradually, over the years, a balance of nervous processes develops, and feelings become stable and moderate. Parents should take into account that the child always tries to copy adults. And if he notices that with the help of hysteria and attacks it is possible to achieve his goals, then he will constantly use it.

How to deal with rage attacks in children? Do not create situations that are traumatic for the child’s psyche, do not have offensive, hurtful conversations in front of the baby. If there is a threat of negative emotions, smooth out difficult moments and distract the child with other topics.

If a child has frequent hysteria, which arose due to the influence of the school group, it is necessary to go to school without hesitation and find out what the reason is.

If attacks of hysteria pose a threat to the child’s health, then the issue of termination of stay in the educational institution or this class should be decided.

Treatment of rage attacks

First, it is necessary to assess the true cause of this person’s condition.

Secondly, you should learn to track a certain period of time between the onset of anger and a calm state. To calm down as quickly as possible, you should close your eyes for a while and try to abstract yourself from the outside world. All attacks are marked by rapid and shallow breathing. Therefore, in order to combat this condition, you need to master control of your breathing. By taking a deep and slow breath you can calm down. In the future, when a person feels the approach of negative emotions, it is necessary to go to the mirror and observe which facial muscles are tense. In a state of calm, you should master the skills to control your facial muscles - relax and also tense. When the next outburst of anger and anger occurs, you should relax your facial muscles.

Thirdly, it is necessary to avoid the company of people who provoke negative emotions.

Fourthly, if attacks are caused by upbringing, then you should avoid irritating situations, be sure to avoid alcohol, think about pleasant things, spend more time in nature, always say good things, act fairly, take infusions of soothing herbs (infusions of hawthorn, valerian, chamomile, peppermint).

It is recommended to eliminate attacks of rage for no reason by switching attention to something distracting and pleasant, for example, a person is mentally transported to those places where he can be replenished with positive energy, and the conversation with the interlocutor is transferred to neutral topics.

Effective in relieving negative emotions physical exercise(jogging, abdominal pumping). If there is an urgent need to throw out rage, you need to do this while alone. You should break something, break something, work with a hammer, beat a pillow. Great importance You need to pay attention to proper nutrition, excluding spicy foods and alcohol, as they provoke aggression. If the attacks continue and become uncontrollable, you should consult a specialist.

Often, relatives of a patient are interested in which doctor to contact if they are overcome by attacks of rage, causing suffering to everyone? Often, a suffering person considers himself a normal person and denies the offered help from his family. In this case, you should try not to bring your loved one to a state of rage and anger. Knowing that he has such a characteristic as sudden temper, rage, anger, give in to him, restraining yourself.

Hello. I have mental problems. And for a long time now. Quarrel, screaming, breakdown, anger, hatred, things fly around the apartment, crying, howling, and so on once or twice a month. This has been the case for 12 years with both my first husband and my second... Unfortunately, it continues. She tried to commit suicide several times. Etc. and nothing makes me happy, hopelessness and no faith in anything. Even when I’m writing this letter at the moment, I can’t believe that something will work out, that something will help me. There is no happiness in anything. I'm pregnant now. At 5 months. I feel bad. I cry every day. I can’t even put myself in order for the sake of my child. I read trainings, articles, etc. on the Internet. but somehow none of this has any effect on me.

Hi people! I often have attacks of almost uncontrollable aggression, my vision becomes cloudy, I have little awareness of what I’m doing, if I lose my temper I brutally beat the person who provoked me, what is this?

Hello. Lately my aggression has become more frequent! Previously, when something fell, broke, or something went wrong, I destroyed everything that was nearby! I was calm for a while. For 2 years, I behaved calmly, but lately I have been having unrealistic breakdowns! I live with a guy and a cat. I have been depressed for a month now and have constant hysterics. I can cry all night. As soon as the cat climbs somewhere where I don’t allow it, I immediately get angry... I can’t stop, I just feel like I’m going to kill. Tell me, maybe I’m already sick in the head? Or should I see a psychologist?

  • Hello, Anya. Due to regular tears, mental health suffers significantly, since crying is accompanied by aggression, bad mood, irritability and even drowsiness. In this case, examination and treatment, both medicinal and psychological, are required. We recommend solving the problem of tearfulness and breakdowns with a psychotherapist and endocrinologist. Tearfulness can be caused by an overactive thyroid gland. The cause of frequent tears may be hyperfunction of the organ, so it is worth being examined by an endocrinologist.

Hello, I was very angry with my mother when we quarreled, anger and hatred appeared, I pretended to be calm, controlled myself, then I went to meditate, but I couldn’t get rid of these emotions, although I meditated for 20 minutes, I still wanted to express everything, the anger only grew in me, then she made another claim to me and I lost it, just pure rage, I couldn’t stop, I said EVERYTHING I thought, I wanted to yell, smash and beat, then I cried and calmed down a little, and she She started again and I just couldn’t stand it anymore and hit her. And after that she started crying, and I calmed down and listened to her about what a monster I was, and felt calm, despite everything she said about me. In short, this is terrible, I don’t know why I couldn’t relax during meditation, and in general it’s better that it doesn’t come to this, although it instantly calms me down, but there are other effective ways that don’t cause harm to anyone. Next time I'll try.

Good afternoon. My name is Alena, and I am an aggressive person. Aggression occurs when something doesn’t go the way I want it to. For example: when the phone doesn’t do what I need (oh, and it gets to him), I have a desire to break it, sometimes, in order to throw out energy, I break something less valuable, most often pencils. Lets go immediately, especially if you do not return to the source of aggression. I used to lose my temper with my child until I sat down and thought through the most common situations that cause aggression. I said several times that the child was not intentionally making me angry, and tried to put myself in his shoes; there were no problems with worked-out situations, but oh, those inanimate objects. What else can be done during such attacks of rage, I can’t restrain myself. And most importantly, what model of aggression management should we teach a child?

Hello! I have a problem, I feel constant inner anger, and as soon as I find a reason (for example, the child does not listen, etc.) I immediately splash it out. I can't control it anymore. I’m very worried about my son, because he feels me, and most importantly, I scold him, I scream a lot. I don’t want this myself. It all started after breaking up with my husband; there was wild hatred towards him. I used to be a kind, forgiving and understanding person, but now I myself am hurt by this anger. Tell me who to contact, I don’t want the child to see me like this (I start at half a turn).

  • You know, I have the same feeling, but only for my 7-year-old daughter. I try to restrain myself, but then I suddenly find some reason and I no longer look like myself. My daughter is afraid of me and doesn’t know what to expect from me. It’s as if the soul is made of stone inside. This happened after an abortion, which I had when my daughter was 3 years old. I understand that it is not her fault. And he doesn’t even know that I did it. But I can’t help it. Abortion is a sore subject for me.

    • Well, of course, Tatyana, you killed your daughter’s sister or brother. Do you understand how crazy this sounds and what action you committed? Repent, ask for forgiveness from your daughter and the little one you did not allow to be born, do good deeds for those in need. It is very difficult, but it is possible to atone for your guilt. 4 years have passed and you haven’t let go. Ask God to forgive you and guide you on the path of repentance. I know what I'm writing.

      • There is no god. And in such cases, faith will not help. Abortion is not murder. The fetus is not a person or a person. These are deeply psychological problems. You should consult a psychologist about this

Hello! In a very short period of time, breakdowns occurred in which I raised my hand to loved one. I don’t understand what was happening and I don’t even remember how I hit him, but there was no reason for these outbreaks. I don’t know what to do, please advise.

    • I did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. I have similar symptoms. although it doesn’t come to the point of assault (yet), but the pictures in my head are scary... how else can I check it? Should I take some hormones? I’m still afraid to go to the doctor with this problem, although I understand that this is the solution. self-flagellation takes place. I do a lot of things that I understand what harms me (smoking, eating everything, drinking... although I once ran 10-15 km...). It’s like I’m attacking myself for my aggressiveness…. although, in fact, I smell myself normally... bullshit, eat, drink... isn’t that bad? Besides, I don’t need it, I have enough... but there are no goals in life... yes, yes, there are...

I have been living with a man for almost 20 years. They were once close, but now they are just like relatives. It so happened that there is no money to travel, we have to live together, at least in different rooms. Of these years, the first 2 years were normal, then he began to detect outbursts of unmotivated rage. Then they discovered lung cancer, and many years later a brain tumor. In subsequent years, all income goes towards treatment. And loans for treatment. There is no money for everything else. If things had turned out differently, my character would probably have been more cheerful. If it weren’t for the illness, I probably would have just left, but now I’m pulling the burden or bearing the cross, depending on the degree of positivity in my outlook on the situation. Sometimes it is not possible to extinguish depression associated with constant stress, and it, in turn, can cause another outburst of anger from a friend, after which, with a high probability, money will again be needed for chemistry and radiation. All I need is a lot of money to pay off loans and treatment. And have a good rest.

Good afternoon. I absolutely cannot control my anger. I can quarrel with a person over a trifle. I can react very angrily to the comments of people close to me, I start screaming and crying, I want to hit and break everything around me, and sometimes I do just that. I wish death to the one who offended me and I myself want to die in those moments. I'm angry why I was even born. But after five minutes everything passes, all that remains is weakness and sadness in the soul. It also always seems that I am right and other people have incorrect, limited thinking and that everyone envy me. I don't listen to people's opinions public opinion spit. I watch movies and always cry at any sad scene. Of the films, I am only interested in science fiction, horror and thrillers. Sometimes I imagine that my loved ones suddenly died, and I also start crying, although my loved ones, thank God, are alive and well. I am very interested in maniacs, I constantly read about them on the Internet.
What happened with me?

  • Good afternoon, Polina. In order to understand yourself, you should contact a professional psychologist in person who will conduct psychodiagnostics.

    If you believe in God, go to church for confession and communion. All will pass! You will become completely different. Calm, balanced and loving people. May God give you health of soul and body)))

    • Well, you take communion, so what? What will this communion give you? Will an alcoholic go to communion and cleanse his sins? Will the murderer take communion and cleanse his sins? Alien! If you read the Bible, you should know that Christ's disciples and other people prayed to God, but did not take communion. Read the Bible, and don't speak heresy to other people, don't those who know God, The Lord sees you very well from heaven. You need to pray to God, not to the one on the cross, and not to the Virgin Mary, and not to Saint Peter. TO GOD. He died for you and your sins, and bore the cross for others. Glory to Him, Forever and ever, My heavenly father.

Good day,
I am fully aware of my problem and cannot understand how to solve it. I have very aggressive attacks, most of the time I get irritated by the people around me. The last time my colleague infuriated me, she took my book and began to write some notes in it, knowing that I would not approve of it, this made me very angry because she encroached on my thing, which I treat with care, and in addition, she herself yells . For this I was ready to tear her apart like a rag. There are many such cases at work, when someone leaves something on my desk or dirt, it blows my mind. I understand that this is not normal and I need to work on myself, but at such moments I am just a beast. I tried to do yoga, read a lot of literature about the fact that at the energetic level it is an imbalance of energy, etc... and much more and nothing helps. In general, I was already really sad because of this. I don’t know how to deal with this, I’ve had this since childhood.

Hello, I have real, really scary outbursts of anger..
I don't just say hurtful words or yell, which is what some people worry about here. It’s just that at one absolutely any moment I start to feel dizzy so much, as if I’m losing consciousness, my whole body is filled with heat, I start shaking, everything is white before my eyes, I can’t see anything, there’s only a ringing in my ears, and at such moments if there is a person nearby, I I’ll definitely beat him up, and not just get angry, and he won’t be able to resist, I’m far from athletic myself, but in these seconds it’s as if incredible strength appears (according to others, I don’t remember anything after the attacks), and if there’s no one around, I’ll harm myself .
What to do?.. help

  • Good day, Valeria! Talk to the priest and try to do everything he advises. You don’t need to take any pills - but the result will be accurate. I read a lot about this.

    • the person is sick and needs treatment. This is exactly the same disease as a fracture. Do you also send someone with a fracture to a priest?
      Faith is always needed unconditionally. but a person must come to this himself and not on a forum. What is needed here is treatment, not teaching how to live.

    • Yana, you got me with your messages to the church and God. There must be faith, but it will not cure, now thank God (here!) there are no problems in medicine and go to the doctor, you need to know your diagnosis, and not hang around behind a prayer book and hide from the truth, delaying it.

Unreasonable outbursts of rage occur. For example: I was reading a book, a familiar person just walked past me, didn’t even say anything, just walked by and drank water (silently), and I was ready to tear and throw, and only thanks to my secrecy and desire to hide absolutely any information about me, even the most insignificant, I was able to restrain myself; although if I am alone in the whole room during such cases, I can hit myself on the head, but I still try to restrain myself. Also, after particularly strong attacks, my heart begins to ache (once, due to very severe pain, I could not take a deep breath, I was scared to death).
What happened with me? I hope it’s nothing serious, I haven’t even finished school.

Hello. My friend has angry outbursts. At one point he attacked me too. I’ve known for a long time that he has it, and outbursts happen, but not on me, since I’m his best friend, well, that’s what I thought until that moment. I dealt with him and calmed him down. He constantly switches off, sometimes he starts to twitch, his whole body twitches, after which he switches off. But that’s not all, after that he comes to his senses again and again he’s all furious. At that moment he attacked me too, I couldn’t beat him (my friend after all), after he passed out I left because I couldn’t have restrained myself. Please advise what I should do next, what if he gets sick again? Of course, I am a reserved person, but I will not allow myself to be beaten. Advise how to convey to the person so that he himself takes measures to heal. Friendship since childhood is crumbling...

  • Hello Mr.Di.
    “Advise how to convey to the person that he himself takes measures to heal” - Film a friend in moments of blackout and rage on the phone. When your friend is adequate, show the video and delete the video after that.

    This is the place in Dur House. Such a person must be isolated from society because he is dangerous. Take a video, and at the next outburst of anger, call ambulance. Otherwise, psychosis will take over his body. Muslims are often helped by turning to the Mufti; they are treated in an ancient, absolutely painless way, by singing lines from holy book If a person begins to grimace, tremble, scream, speak in a strange voice or in a different language, then the Mufti will be able to heal him. There are 2 options, either to the Madhouse to treat the body, or to the Mufti to treat the soul.

    • How you messed up with your religion, it is of no use, a psychologist and self-control are your companions at the time of treatment... and leave fairy tales about demons for children at night... 21st century and you still believe in Hollywood stupidity!

      • Dear Alexander! I am a Protestant pastor and have dealt with demon-possessed people several times. No one could help them, neither doctors nor psychologists, but Christ helped. This is true! Anger and aggression can have different reasons, both psychological and physiological, as well as spiritual. When psychologists are powerless, you need to go to a priest.

        • It’s difficult to find a good psychologist in the CIS countries, that’s the real problem. you, my friend, are not a priest of the Moscow Patriarchate, are you? A Protestant is a Westerner, so you understand people well. If only he had a Western psychologist, everything would be ok.

Hello. For a long time I have been noticing fits of rage. When the situation gets out of control, it starts to overwhelm me. I get lost and start arguing with someone who either provoked some situation or makes it so that everything collapses and when I reach a certain boiling point, it’s as if I turn off and I start beating. How I can and where I can, I absolutely cannot control it. This provokes the provocateur and we start a full-scale fight. And I don't want this. At first I try to get around everything peacefully, but they don’t want to listen to me and I can’t leave either. I don't have the opportunity to see a doctor for some reasons. Can you recommend literature or anything that might help? I no longer have the strength for these outbursts. I am constantly tired and feel like a squeezed lemon. Thank you in advance.

    • and if everything is the same, but I don’t start hitting. but I think I really want it. and this often happens: I’m at home, no one is there. I start to replay what was or could be (as if I was provoking myself. I know people’s looks and imagine how they provoke me and I hit them)…

      • Hello, Sanya. There are non-drug ways to relieve aggression - throwing paper snowballs into a basket placed on the floor; hit a punching bag or at least a pillow, carry a notepad with you and, at the slightest irritation, start tearing its paper into small pieces. This will help you quickly calm down, and others will not notice your irritation or anger.
        With drinking alcoholic drinks Be careful - under the influence of alcohol, aggressive behavior may appear that is uncharacteristic for a person in a sober state.

Good afternoon. Help me understand what's wrong with me. Lately there have been outbursts of rage. I control my emotions at work, but I can’t at home. I start yelling at the child over every nonsense, and I might hit him. After such outbursts I can neither talk nor look at anyone. I am really tired.

Thanks a lot! I will definitely take your advice, he sometimes yells so much that it is impossible to conduct a dialogue... He has no sex life, due to the fact that he believes that he has a small child. male organ. Can a lack of sexual activity cause this behavior in a man?

Hello. Various little things irritate me, everything makes me start screaming and swearing. Somewhere deep down I understand that I need to stop, I can’t until I scream enough... then I walk without any emotions at all. I am very afraid for my little child, she gets it too. I feel very bad about this, but I can’t do anything on my own, I promise myself that I will restrain myself, but everything is the same again. Tell me which doctor to see...

Hello! My friend complains all the time that he is in constant tension, any smallest negative situation makes him anxious and causes aggression, he swears at everyone, considers them guilty, and then turns on me and finds fault with words and remembers old grievances, wants me more painfully prick with a word so that I will be offended by him. And she left. And then he begins to repent and apologize for his words.. And this repeats with some frequency.. What should I do?

      • Irina, when a young man “wants to prick me more painfully with a word so that I will be offended by him. And she left. And then he begins to repent and apologize for his words” - Don’t be offended, take his words as an opportunity to speak out, don’t take the words personally. After all, if you are offended, it means that the guy’s goal is achieved, and your self-esteem begins to fall, since your pride is hurt. Know how to stop a guy during unpleasant conversations, say: “stop, stop, you’re wrong, I don’t think so.”
        The main thing is to understand for yourself that your boyfriend has the right to think as he pleases. This is his subjective opinion. Your task is to be able to withstand this confrontation with dignity and learn to be a mature and self-sufficient person. After all, the fact that you are offended and react painfully is already your personal problem.

Good afternoon, I really need advice on how to overcome outbursts of rage and anger that arise from jealousy. The jealousy is unreasonable, I cheat a lot, there is a fear that they will betray me. I don't know what to do, my jealousy is ruining my relationships and my nervous system.

  • Hello Christina.
    First you need to understand the reasons for jealousy. There is no such thing as unreasonable jealousy. “there is a fear that they will betray you.” - This is the reason. Fear is often present with low self-esteem, suspiciousness, and lack of self-confidence.
    Also, the cause of jealousy is a feeling of lack of love, attention, sympathy, respect from a valued person, as well as a loved one.
    This feeling has the same nature as envy. Jealousy can develop in any person, since there is always someone smarter, stronger, more beautiful. Therefore, there is no point in being jealous, because you can forever lose your loved one and your peace of mind.
    It is important to discover this true reason; understanding what is happening will help determine how to get rid of jealousy and control yourself in moments of rage.
    On our part, we recommend that you realize that love must be supported with warm, gentle words, and not with furious and zealous speech, which only extinguishes the fire of love. Your man does not owe you anything and he will be with you exactly as long as he feels good with you. If outbursts of rage and anger continue, he will disappear from your life and your fears will come true.

Hello, my stepmother is 44 and has rage attacks.
Everything is fine, but here, for no reason at all, he can lose his temper, start being rude, and swear. After all this, at first she apologized, saying she didn’t know what came over her. But lately he hasn’t even apologized. I told her to go to a psychiatrist, to which she categorically refuses. Please advise whom to contact.

  • Hello Olga. You can seek help from a neurologist who will prescribe an examination. It is also advisable to consult an endocrinologist.

Hello! After my child and I returned from the hospital (we were away for 10 days), I noticed problems in my husband’s behavior. He may start yelling out of nowhere, swearing, and being rude. After about 15 minutes he cools down and apologizes. He says he doesn’t understand what came over him. Today he beat me for trying to wake him up for work...
What specialist can I contact?

Hello, at my work my immediate boss is behaving very strangely. He has outbursts of aggression, the last time he did this, he started yelling, his face turned red, his eyes bulged, and he started kicking my table. He left the office for a while, and then came in, as if nothing had happened, his face was calm, he began to apologize, began to say that he was ashamed of his behavior, that he himself did not understand what had happened and what is now happened. Please write what is happening to him and what should I do, because I am always in the same office with him and I am very scared when this happens to him, there are times when it seems to me that he can use his hands. I'm really looking forward to your answer. Thank you in advance.

  • Hello, Dina. To understand what is happening with the boss, it is necessary to conduct psychodiagnostics to identify the person’s psychotype.
    A person’s psychotype is usually hidden behind a social mask and is usually clearly manifested in stressful, critical and unusual situations.
    We recommend that if your boss is aggressive, you try not to contact him.

Good afternoon My colleague, in my opinion, chose me as a victim. Frequent unjustified attacks of aggression, at such moments he carries complete nonsense, and gets pleasure from it. What should my behavior be in such a situation? 8 years ago she spent 4 months on sick leave with a psychiatrist.

  • Hello, Galina. Inform your superiors about the current situation, ask for advice and, if possible, given the incompatibility of characters, protect you from the need to communicate with such a colleague.
    You need to have support on your side, so an adequate leader, imbued with the situation, will help resolve it safely for you.

Attacks of aggression, mainly not only because of relatives. I am a person who loves loneliness, but at this stage of life this is impossible... aggression has been manifested for as long as I can remember, namely, it is accompanied, for example, by rash actions, fast and deep breathing, then numbness primarily of the face, arms and legs, and in At the end there is a strong heartbeat and a feeling that I might lose consciousness...
Before this, I had hallucinations twice in my life, one with sound, the second with the loss of a body tool, let’s say... I don’t know if it’s worth seeing a doctor because, as always, they won’t find anything... my personal thoughts

  • Hello, Ruslan. Attacks of aggression and tachycardia can be the cause of hormonal imbalances in the body.
    “I don’t know if I should see a doctor because, as always, they won’t find anything” - You have already listed enough symptoms in your message to see a doctor. We recommend that you consult a cardiologist.

Twice in my life I noticed attacks of anger, malice and aggression... First, a year before the stroke, it started with my dad. The attacks were completely uncontrollable, he was going crazy. Moreover, at these moments he behaved in a way that was completely unusual for him. Then, a year before the cancer diagnosis, my husband began to experience these attacks. It got to the point that when, 2 months before his death, while lying in the hospital and already weakened, he managed to hit me so hard that I flew off and crashed against the wall... Where did the strength come from... Of course, I couldn’t be offended and leave, but remembering my dad, I realized, which is coming soon... So you don’t need to see a neuropsychiatrist, but just go to the doctors for a full examination. The body is screaming about something...

Hello, I've been noticing some inappropriate behavior lately. At the slightest quarrel, I lash out at my family and boyfriend, and at the same time, it’s not just screaming, but on my part it’s real aggression and hysteria at the same time, I yell so much that it even blocks my ears. Please help me, advise me which doctor I should see, what to drink. I’m just getting scared myself, so that in this state I don’t mess things up, so to speak.

Hello. I have a condition and I can’t cope with it, I constantly yell at the child, get angry, scream. I have severe rage and aggression. Help me where to turn. I really want to become calm.

  • Special calming tea helps me a lot. Look for one like this. I drink it every day. Without drinking for 2 days I’m just going wild. Sometimes children even do this, but it’s much easier to control yourself. The article lists some herbs.

Hello, I got together with a man 7 years ago. At that time I had 3 daughters, whom, it seemed to me, he fell in love. We signed. Then 2 more babies were born. His relatives never accepted me or my daughters. His mother died 3 years ago. He's been very irritable lately. He raises his voice at his daughters over every little thing. Sometimes it seems to me that he is ready to kill them, such is the anger on his face. There have been outbursts of anger before, but they were very rare and there was always a logical explanation. Divorce won't help. We live in the village. I have nowhere to go, I'm an orphan. Help, I'm afraid for the children.

Hello. I lived with a woman for over a year. After this time, we finally separated. I'm throughout life together, and even now I still have feelings of love for her. From the very beginning, her relationship with me was harsh with irritation about all sorts of little things (dressed wrong, spilled crumbs on the floor, said the wrong thing, etc.), and with my loved ones it began with irritability about their existence (my mother sat down with us in the car, said hello, said something about the things in the back seat, which I then listened to - “if I don’t like it, let him stomp on foot, etc.). Then, a month later, an attempt to jointly rearrange the furniture in the apartment ended with obscene language addressed to me, that I was stupid and almost a stupid animal. I wanted to break up, but I persuaded her not to leave her with the motivation that she couldn’t live without me. Then an unexpected pregnancy. What started here, God forbid. Any of my actions caused a lot of anger in her, because I said something wrong or said it as a joke. She forced me to go to my parents, whom I hated because they lived in their own world (my parents are 75 years old and already very ill). After a week, she asked to come back. I fulfilled this request because I loved it. It didn't end there. At 13 weeks, fetal pathology was discovered and an abortion had to be performed. medical indication"cito". She accused my parents of being to blame and not wanting this child to be born. And then our whole life was accompanied by such unexpected statements that I don’t feel sorry for her, I offend her, I do everything wrong, etc. Ultimately, she kicked me out to my Father’s house. Even after that, I continued my relationship and life with her to the fullest, only we no longer went to bed together and didn’t get up together. Throughout the entire relationship, I listened to her negativity about how it was no longer acceptable to live like this, because... Her 15-year-old son arrived and it became cramped for us to live in a 1-room apartment, although I didn’t feel it. The last straw was a call from my sister and parents, before whose eyes all this happened. A sea of ​​anger and rage was unleashed, accompanied by obscene language directed at them. Please tell me what it could be? The illness of my beloved, whom I still love. After all, I did everything to live like a human being.
Sincerely, Vladimir.

  • Hello, Vladimir. There is no need to blame yourself for what happened; there were no real and sincere feelings on your woman’s part. She was completely dissatisfied with the relationship that she had with you, so she could not control herself, and she did not try, the lack of a culture of upbringing is obvious from what you described.

    • There may be no need to blame yourself, but every person must take responsibility for what is happening in his life. If there is such a woman in his life, then he is the kind of man who wants to be seen as more sensitive and caring, given her complaints about his callousness. Judging by a large number complaints about a woman, the man is infantile, avoids responsibility, “I have nothing to do with it all”... Becomes in the position of a follower. Until he takes responsibility, changes, takes the position of a giver... love for the family, order, care, responsibility... You won’t see a good family like your ears.

  • Your entire comment is permeated with the thought that I’m all so good, but the woman is hysterical. Life does not connect random people, and the fact that after such a series of absolutely bright and unambiguous events in your personal life you still do not see the log in your eye speaks of your certain callousness, simplicity and unwillingness to take responsibility for what is happening. If a person behaves correctly and promptly solves the problems coming from life, then he lives in a close ideal world. It's possible. The longer you go away from solving your problems, the stronger, more often, more persistently and more painfully for you life will stubbornly offer them to you. Until you decide. Therefore, if you are unhappy with your personal relationships, relationships with your parents, or the presence of other problems in your life, the first thing you can do for yourself is think... What is this person teaching me? And this one? What should I understand??.. Second: think about how I can help this person?.. Don’t try to convince anyone with words. Speak mentally to his soul. Talk to your soul. Talk to yourself alone. Ask serious questions. For yourself. Be self-critical. And you will hear the answers. Take responsibility for your life and for your loved ones. Be an example of a man. And your life will begin to change for the better. Good luck)

We live in Kyiv. Father is 65 years old. Very irritable and short-tempered with relatives. He is rude to his own mother, who is already 85, which has never happened before. Constant squabbles with my wife after 23 years of marriage recently led to divorce. Perhaps this happens due to unfulfilled professional expectations and some internal fears. How can this behavior be diagnosed? Can this be cured with the help of a psychotherapist?

  • Hello Andrei. Your father’s irritability and temper may be both a character trait and a symptom of a disease, or your personal assumptions may also be the cause of this behavior.
    Irritability can also be caused by both internal and external problems.
    Internal – depression, neurasthenia, anxiety disorder, sleep disorders, alcoholism, chronic fatigue, lack of self-realization, imbalance of brain functions, etc.
    External are factors from the external environment, for example, sudden rain or a negative action of a person.
    Psychological, physiological and genetic factors that provoke this negative behavior are also noted, so it is impossible to establish a diagnosis remotely. Seek help from a psychotherapist.

I have a sister, she is 11 years younger than me, she is kind, cheerful, and not greedy. Sometimes I start yelling at her for no reason. She is only 10 years old and I don’t want her to grow up like me. Tell me something else, because during the actual attack of rage you cannot think about breathing or facial expressions, you cannot think about anything except that you are angry. And could these fits of rage be related to the fact that I have epilepsy? In general, I get very nervous and have panic attacks. What does this have to do with? Because I have epilepsy? Or because the hormones have not yet calmed down at 21? Or is it psychology and all because I have no friends and I don’t go anywhere except home and work, and at home I just lock myself in my room and go into the world of books or films? Looks like I have serious problems.

  • Sasha, lack of self-control, self-control and a sense of impunity allows you to shout at your sister. You won’t allow yourself to shout at people in a store or on the street for no reason, will you?
    Attacks of rage may be due to the fact that you are nervous, tense, have many problems, complexes, and unfulfilled desires.
    We recommend that you improve your relationships with the outside world: meet girls and guys, don’t shy away from social contacts, use social networks first.
    It is also necessary to internally mentally tune yourself to remain calm in any situation and not bring your state to fits of rage. Everything depends on you.

    Sasha, ask questions to your soul when you are alone, read books that will help you find answers to your questions. Good specialists often charge too much for their services and are not always sincerely interested in helping you. Unfortunately. You shouldn't rely on anyone. But you can completely help yourself. Awareness of the problem is already 80% of its solution. Read, develop, there is now a lot of available information on self-development, do yoga, it very harmonizes the soul and body, just find a video on YouTube that you like and do it at random, then you will get involved and figure it out. Shower yourself in the morning cold water after a warm shower, it will strengthen your body and will. And everything will work out) the one who walks will master the road :)

Suppose I am able to do no harm to others during an attack, but I am worried that these attacks cause harm to myself. Is holding back a solution to a problem or is it still a way to hide it? And is there a way to find out whether rage has a hormonal cause or not?

  • Olsha, you understand everything correctly, restraining yourself during attacks of rage is not a solution to the problem, but it would still be better to do so and extinguish the self-developing feeling of rage by developing self-control.
    Rage is produced in the adrenal glands, the hormone norepinephrine is responsible for it. The production of norepinephrine occurs when a person finds himself in a stressful situation, visually this is manifested in the rosy cheeks. If attacks cause inconvenience, then you should direct your rage to useful things: washing, cleaning, doing fitness and other sports, or neutralize them with meditation and yoga.

Such a person will not go to a psychotherapist himself. Nobody gets into an attack. He brings himself. Looking for any excuse. These attacks lead to the question: “Will I or our children remain crippled?” Question: How can I force him to undergo treatment? He doesn't listen to anyone!

  • Galina, it is necessary to solve the problem, taking into account his consent. If a man does not want to change and accept help, then you should assess the situation from the point of view of the safety of your family, since your fears are justified.
    It often happens that the only way out of this situation is divorce. Tell him this when he is calm. Perhaps this will affect him and, out of fear of losing his family, he will think about it and accept the help of a specialist. You can invite him to visit a family psychologist together.

    • He didn't think about anything. The feeling that the irritant is me. She left, very far. I'm fine. The children have grown up. My husband and I divorced. But a lot of things in his life don’t work out and, as before, he blames everyone around him for his problems. And the fits of rage spread to the children. Which is what worries me. And I can’t take him to any psychologists. He doesn't listen to anyone.