Gbpou mkpt ro - methodology for holding parent meetings. Speech at the seminar “Parents meeting. Selecting a topic. Drawing up a meeting plan. Invitation

02.05.2019 Education


Takyryba: “Rukhani-adamgershilik bilim take udarisindegi otbas men mekteptin arekettestigi”


Topic: “Interaction between school and family in the process of spiritual and moral education”

“The child is the mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children.”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

In all centuries, people valued morality and good manners. Social and economic transformations taking place in modern society, make us think about the future of Kazakhstan and its youth.

The general education school is faced with the task of preparing a responsible citizen who is capable of independently assessing what is happening and building his activities in accordance with the interests of the people around him.

“Self-knowledge” is one of the practical answers to the emerging need to search for new approaches to the development of a child’s personality, to his moral and spiritual education.

The subject “Self-Knowledge” is aimed at teaching children and youth moral values, developing constructive communication skills, self-discovery of personal potential, and everyone’s search and discovery of themselves in the multifaceted world of human interactions.

And this work must begin from primary school age, since it is at this time that the active accumulation of moral experience occurs, moral self-determination and the formation of self-awareness begin.

At our school, we found ideal allies in the parents of our students. After all, it is the family that is for the child the world where he lives, learns to love and rejoice, sympathize and worry, learns the ability to live among people, comprehends the basics of good and evil.

A child, first of all, must recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then, a citizen of Kazakhstan and only then an inhabitant of planet Earth. Therefore, feedback is certainly necessary, that is, working with the family. The very problem of cooperation between school and parents is not new; today it requires a creative approach. The content of the Self-Discovery curriculum encourages close collaboration with the family. We carry out this joint activity through individual conversations, holidays, homework, open classes, parent meetings.

Remembering the importance family education, we try to involve parents in participating in the educational process. And a very important role in this direction is played by the textbook “Self-Knowledge”, the educational and methodological complex for it, intended for joint homework with parents.

Despite the fact that “Self-Knowledge” has only been used in Kazakh schools for only the second year, we realized that to implement this program we need not just the help of parents, but their direct participation in classes. We started with general individual consultations with questionnaires on the problem. Here we took into account the fact that parents are most interested in the development of their child, and they are able to effectively engage in the educational process if they see a way practical application acquired knowledge. We also needed close cooperation with parents in order to receive feedback. During the first conversations with parents and during the survey process, we found out that they lack practical knowledge in raising and communicating with their children. We started getting parents to attend these classes because I? In this case, it was easier for them to complete their homework. Considering that modern parents are very busy, we have introduced some forms of correspondence communication into our practice, for example, “Recommendations of the month.” To do this, we select sayings, quotes about life, about education. We post the selected quotes on special information boards for parents, so they are remembered, imprinted in the mind and later used in practice.

When planning our work with parents, we try to give them the opportunity to understand that they themselves must be what they want their children to be, that children must be taught by the example of their lives.

Using material from educational and methodological complex, we draw up scenarios for family holidays. Such joint holidays contribute to the spiritual renewal of adults and children, thereby turning into holidays of Love and Goodness, sun and light, joy for everyone. In addition, any joint activity brings parents and children closer, teaches mutual understanding, trust, and makes them real partners. As a result of such joint holidays, parents learn to understand and feel the soul of the child. Our teachers and parents really liked the themed weeks of the decade of self-knowledge held at school, various competitions and exhibitions, joint sports and entertainment events, and health days. And the result of working with parents immediately becomes obvious: they are the most active participants in all school events.

To conduct parent lectures and round table meetings with parents, we also use parables and video recordings of fragments of lessons on self-knowledge, where children reason and express their opinions on questions or problems. At such moments, parents rediscover their children, see them from an unexpected side. Very often it is difficult for them to hold back tears, and some are forced to think about this or that statement of their child.

In the opinions of children, according to parents, new, broader concepts of goodness, love, joy, respect, and friendship appeared. At the same time, 84% of parents note that their children have changed significantly for the better, especially in relationships with loved ones and others.

As a survey of children shows, they really like the lessons of self-knowledge. Here is the feedback we receive: “I am growing up with my children and learning to be more tolerant and kinder in all situations.” We are sincerely pleased with this pedagogy of cooperation between family and school. Experienced work in our school shows the need for this unity. If a person is taught goodness, the result will be goodness. You just need to teach constantly, demandingly, persistently, taking into account the individual age characteristics of children.

We are confident that our students will become highly moral individuals: polite, attentive to other people, and taught to be careful when working.


Takyryba: “12 zhildyk bilimge koshu zhagdayyndagy bastauysh sons okushylarynyn belim money aser take”

Topic: “The influence of the learning process on the level of development of junior schoolchildren in 12-year education”

The influence of the learning process on the level of development of junior schoolchildren in the context of the transition to 12-year education.

A modern school requires radical changes that allow students to adapt to a dynamically changing world, to creatively realize themselves in personal life, in the future professional activity.

The transition to a 12-year education is, in essence, a reform of the entire national education system, offering “the formation and development of a highly educated creative personality, capable of living in a dynamically developing environment, ready for self-development, self-expression and maximum self-realization both in their own interests and in the interests of society (“Concept of 12-year secondary general education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”).

Development of thinking.

By the time a 6-7 year old child enters school, visual-effective thinking should already be formed, which is visual-figurative thinking, which forms the basis for successful learning in primary school. In addition, children of this age should have elements of logical thinking. So with this age stage the child develops different types thinking that contributes to successful mastery of the curriculum.

What is formed visual-effective thinking? Child with high level development of visual-effective thinking, copes well with any type of productive activity that requires the ability to work according to a visual model, the ability to correlate the sizes and shapes of objects (designer blocks, mechanical parts) to solve a given problem.

Visual-figurative thinking is characterized by the ability to solve a problem primarily in terms of representation and only then - on a specific subject basis.

Logical thinking presupposes that the child has the ability to perform basic logical operations: generalization, analysis, comparison, classification.

Visually - the effective is formed in preschool age in the process of mastering gaming activities, which must be organized in a certain way and take place under the control and with the special participation of an adult. Only the full development of a preschooler ensures the formation of the necessary level of visual and effective thinking.

Children come to school with different levels general psychological development, therefore, for various reasons, they may not only lack the rudiments of logical or visual thinking, but also have insufficiently developed visual-effective thinking, the formation of which should normally be completed by the time they enter school.

What to do if the child still has not developed visual thinking? The most effective way its development is object-tool activity, which is most fully embodied in the activity of design. Therefore, it is desirable that in each group, each class there is a set of a wide variety of construction sets (plastic, metal, wooden, etc.)

The following types of tasks contribute to the development of visual and figurative thinking: the above-described work with constructors, but not according to a visual model, but according to verbal instructions, as well as according to the child’s own plan, when he must first come up with a design object, and then independently implement it.

The development of this same type of thinking is achieved by including children in a variety of role-playing and director's games, in which the child himself comes up with a plot and independently embodies it.

You can offer a whole range of developmental tasks that are always very well received by children and contribute to the development of thinking in general.

These include: all kinds of puzzles, different kinds tasks with sticks or matches (lay out a figure from a certain number of matches, move one of them in order to get another image: connect several points of one line without lifting your hand).

Exercises with matches will also help develop spatial thinking. For this purpose, in addition to those listed, you can also use the simplest tasks with paper and scissors, conventionally called “One Cut.”

Along with this, you can use puzzle games that allow you to comprehensively develop the thinking function by complicating the task conditions.

In any case, all aspects of the child’s personal developments should not be left without attention, and parents should be given full consultation on the issues that arose as a result of the examination.

Primary school age is very vulnerable, because it is at this age that basic habits and rules of behavior are formed. It’s not for nothing that people say, “When you sow a habit, you reap a character.”

Sample plan parent meeting

"My baby is getting older."

    Mini lecture.

One of the main prerequisites for the healthy mental development of a child is that he grows up in an emotionally warm and stable environment.

For a long time, there were debates among specialists - scientists and teachers - who is more responsible for the moral world of children - family or school? Finally, the majority came to the right conclusion - without removing responsibility from the school, more demands must be made on the family, because It is here that the foundation of a person’s moral values, orientations and beliefs is laid.

The importance of family education is undeniable. No one has more influence on children than father and mother.

To effectively raise a child in a family, it is necessary to comply with the mechanisms of family pedagogy.

According to teachers of mechanisms in family pedagogy

First of all, reinforcement is used, encouraging the child for correct actions and typically punishing and reproaching him for incorrect ones, you gradually introduce a system of norms, rules, and concepts into the child’s consciousness. They must be realized and perceived by the child, and become his need.

The second mechanism is identification (identification) of oneself with loved ones, which the child respects, adores, and strives to be like them. It is important that this mechanism is often based on love for parents, and in the name of this love the child strives to be good in everything.

The third mechanism is understanding.

Its meaning boils down to the fact that, knowing well and feeling the inner world of a child, the range of his motives and motives, immediately responding to his needs and problems, you can actively influence his actions.

    Parent ring.

Target: studying the point of view of parents in solving problematic situations related to raising children in the family.

    Discuss together various educational situations and ways to resolve conflict situations in students’ families.

    To develop among parents an interest in jointly discussing problems that arise in the upbringing of students.

Ring progress.

    Explanation of the theme of the ring and its objectives. Reaching all parents in the room and working with them.

    Divide parents into 3 groups of 6 people (table, chairs, sheets of paper, markers). Parents discuss the proposed situation and choose a speaker who presents the group's response.

Situation one.“What to do if...” Recently, the child has changed a lot, communicates little with loved ones, is silent, sits for a long time thinking about something. Not all parents' questions are answered evasively or avoided altogether. Parents tend to think that the child is suffering, but hides the reasons. What to do in such a situation?

Consider the psychologist's answer.

Situation two. At the end of the school term, you received your child’s diary and see that the result of the learning is very, very successful. You are happy, praise your child for achievements achieved, but after a couple of days you are invited to school for a serious conversation, and there you find out that your son or daughter corrected the grades in the diary and signed for the class teacher. The results of the study are bad and your child deceived you?

Consider the psychologist's answer.

Situation three. The child has grown up, increasingly tries to sneak out of the house and lingers further and further somewhere. He still does everything, but you feel that he lives his own life, which is more interesting to him. You are suffering, but don't know what to do...

Consider the psychologist's answer.

Situation four.“What to do if...” You don’t recognize your child. He became rudely aggressive, and sometimes even cruel. Strangers talk about this, you observe the manifestation of such qualities yourself, sometimes it even breaks through to you.

(Backup option)

Consider the psychologist's answer.

During the period when parents are engaged in the task: psychologist reads recommendations.

    Creating a favorable family atmosphere.

    Remember: how the parents wake up the child determines his psychological mood for the whole day.

    If parents have the opportunity to go to school with their child, do not miss it. A common road is joint communication of unobtrusive advice.

    Learn to greet children after school. Don’t be the first to ask the question: “What grades did you get today?”

It’s better to ask a neutral question: “What was interesting at school?”, “What did you do today?”, “How were things at school?”

    Rejoice in your child's success. Don't get annoyed at the moment of his temporary failures.

    Listen patiently and with interest to your child's stories about events in his life.

The child must feel that he is loved.

How often do you tell your children...

    I'm busy right now)...

    Look what you've done!

    This is not how it should be done...


    When will you learn?

    How many times have I told you!

    No! I can't!

    You'll drive me crazy!

    What would you do without me?!

    You're always getting into everything!

    Go away from me!

    Stand in the corner!

All these “words” are firmly hooked in the child’s subconscious, and then don’t be surprised if the child moves away from you, becomes secretive, lazy, and unsure of himself.

These words caress the soul of a child...

    You're the most loved one!

    You can do a lot!

  • What would we do without you?!

    Come to me!

    Sit down with us!

    I will help you...

    I rejoice at your success!

    No matter what happens, your home is your fortress.

    Tell me what's wrong with you

“My child is becoming an adult...”

How much human happiness has been shattered

to pieces only because

that someone didn’t say “Sorry” to someone?

I.D. Wilde.

Meeting objectives:

    Introduce parents to the reasons that stimulate children's bad behavior.

    To form among parents a culture of acceptance of difficulties associated with problems in raising their child.

    Develop the skills of finding a way out in difficult situations of communicating with such children. Form of implementation: discussion club.

Questions for discussion.

Preparatory work to the meeting:

    Testing students.

    Questionnaire for parents.

    Preparation of a parable for analysis by parents and recommendations for raising a difficult child.

Progress of the meeting.

Opening speech by the class teacher.

The reason for holding our meeting was observations of students in our class and other classes, not only in lessons, but also during breaks, in informal communication with each other and you, the parents. Many parents and grandparents, speaking about their own child or grandchild, most often use the following phrase: “I can’t get along with him. He started smoking, hangs out with big guys. It’s difficult with him.” The problem of childhood difficulties has become younger and it is necessary to talk about it already in elementary school in order to determine whether he has really become difficult or has matured. Or maybe he looks at the events and people who are next to him with real eyes? Or maybe he tells us, adults, the truth about ourselves, about our relationships? Observations and research materials of many psychologists working with difficult children indicate that a difficult child is often a child with a high level of intelligence and a heightened sense of justice. If they get out of control, it is very difficult to deal with them.

But first, let's try to determine who he is - a difficult child?

Parents identify the signs of a difficult child, and the class teacher writes these signs on the board. For example, a difficult child knows no limits in anything; disrupts daily routine; spoils household property; mocks young and old; bullies and fights with other children; interferes with conducting lessons, etc.

And so, we have defined a portrait of the child’s difficulties.

Let's all think together about the reasons for the appearance of difficult children. To make it easier for you to determine these reasons, I would like to provide materials for testing your children on this problem.

2. Test analysis.


The reason for children's uncontrollability.

    Fight for parents' attention.

    The struggle for self-affirmation.

    Thirst for revenge on the surrounding world, on adults.

    Lack of faith in your success.

    Analysis of the parable.

Lived in the same community different people. They were united by the desire for self-improvement. The community was led by a wise mentor. One day he needed to leave for a long period of time. In his place, he left his deputy, a sweet and pretty woman, to lead the community. When leaving, he gathered the entire community and, in front of everyone, handed the woman a notebook in which he asked to record all the actions of the community members, regardless of their significance. While he was away, the main disturber of the community's peace was the only boy who lived in it. The deputy had the fewest violations.

After returning from the trip, the community leader called a meeting. At the meeting, he announced that he wanted to distribute rewards for behavior to members of the community during his absence. He was the first to call the boy over and handed him such a wad of money that everyone was dumbfounded. He also gave bonuses to others, but they were much smaller than the one the boy received.

His deputy received the least. At this point the meeting ended and everyone, perplexed, dispersed.

Only the boy did not want to put up with this state of affairs. He was eager to find out why he received undeserved money.

He came to his mentor with this question. "The money is yours.

You earned them. Without conflicts, my friend, nothing is possible. internal development. The conflicts that you were the cause of most often cannot be organized on purpose. Unlike others, you behaved naturally, without looking back at the notebook that I gave to my deputy. And it costs a lot."

The boy turned and left, understanding little. Already after him, but as if for himself, the teacher said: “This story is not an indulgence for a bully. It is for those who see the need for condemnation and punishment behind any action. It is for all of us, standing together. First of all, it is important not for those who are being educated, but for those who are educating."

    Summary of the meeting.

Psychologist G. Dosmukhanova

Parent meeting plan

"Pedagogy family relations»

to help class teachers and industrial training masters

Developed by deputy dir. according to UVR

Alexandrova D.S.


Parent meeting: “Pedagogy of family relations”

Goals and objectives:

  1. To identify parents' ideas about psychological characteristics adolescence.

  1. Describe styles of family relationships.

  1. Determine ways, means and techniques for forming family relationships with older children.

Teacher (introductory conversation).

Every day, in a family with children, dozens of different pedagogical situations arise. Parents must correctly evaluate the child’s action, take a certain position towards him, apply measures of influence, that is, act as educators.

The relationships between adults and children in each family are of a specific nature. Conventionally, several types of family relationships can be distinguished.

Diktat - This is a type of family relationship where some of its members suppress the independence, initiative, and self-esteem of others. Of course, parents can and should make demands on the child, based on the goals of education, the norms of our morality, and specific situations. But the maximum demands of elders must be combined with maximum trust and respect for juniors. Otherwise, demandingness turns into brutal pressure and coercion.

Parents who prefer orders to all types of influence inevitably encounter resistance from the child, who responds to pressure, coercion, threats and other cruel measures with his own countermeasures, deception, outbursts of rudeness, and sometimes outright hatred. But even if resistance is broken, along with broken perseverance, many valuable personality qualities are broken and trampled: independence, self-esteem, initiative, faith in oneself, in one’s capabilities. Reckless authoritarianism of parents, ignoring the interests and opinions of the child, depriving him of the right to vote in resolving issues related to him, as a rule, does not lead to anything good. It's hard to predict fate young man who found himself a victim of such an educational system. He may grow up to be an opportunist, a coward, a cynic, a boor, or a despot.

It is impossible not to say that a child can be not only an object, but also a subject of dictatorship.

Possible reasons for the dictatorship of a child:

- the child has been sick for a long time, and the parents are ready to do everything to “compensate” for what the illness has deprived him of;

- “late child” among very middle-aged parents who have lost hope that they will have a child. In this case, children often do not know refusal and their any demands are fulfilled unconditionally.

A little “despot”, accustomed to not meeting resistance to his dictates in the family, outside of it, as a rule, does not have any privileges and must adapt and cunning. This leads to a kind of split personality. The child combines cruelty towards some and ingratiation towards others, rudeness and cowardice, arrogance and humiliation. How easily such a person becomes a hypocrite and a traitor - he feels sorry only for himself and loves only himself.

In fact, the dictates of parents and guardianship are phenomena of the same order. The differences are in form, not in substance. Yes, of course, dictatorship presupposes violence, orders, cruel authoritarianism, and guardianship presupposes care, protection from difficulties, and affectionate participation. However, the result is largely the same: children lack independence and initiative, they are removed from solving issues that concern them personally and general family problems. The impulse that arises in early childhood, almost the instinct “I myself” gives way to indifference “Let mom, let dad do it, decide, help.”

“Dictate from below” - the despotism of the child, which was just mentioned - is often the flip side of excessive guardianship, which affirms the child in the position of a little god. However, guardianship does not always give rise to despotic behavior. This may not happen if the parents do not lose their self-esteem and know how to earn the child’s respect for themselves. Guardianship as an educational tactic is an outright enemy, because the person under care, first of all, is protected from work effort and responsibility. It is generally easier to destroy a person through excessive care than to make him happy.

Situations for discussion:

1. The director of the grocery store informed the school that student Valery Chernov had been detained for stealing one hundred grams of sweets. If the class teacher had been told that Vanya, Oleg, Vadim, Volodya had been detained, he would have exclaimed indignantly: “This is impossible!” But Valery Chernov... The class teacher did not dare to say quite firmly about him: “Chernov cannot steal.” The school director called Chernov's parents. Valery himself answered the phone. He said that he did not leave the house. They called the store again. “And we already let him go,- They said there, “Why keep it, your last name, school are known, and only 100 grams of sweets...”

Tomorrow, the “Chernov case” at school was taken up by the court of honor and conscience, created at the school. A few days later, the guys established that the candy was stolen by 8th grade student Arkady Grechkin. Valery Chernov once gave him his notebook on mathematics and Grechkin showed this notebook in the store, called Chernov’s last name instead of his last name and signed the theft report with his last name.

Arkady categorically denied his guilt. Expel him from school for a month before exams, keep him in school, forgive him? The teachers' council decided to submit Grechkin's fate to the court of honor and conscience of the school.


  1. What would you do in this case?

  2. What character traits were revealed in this story?

  1. How do you feel about public trials of the “court of honor and conscience”?
(Comment: the “court” treated both Chernov and Grechkin equally).

Discussion. Conclusions.

- Did you get a two? This is all because of your friend, yesterday you spent the whole evening with him on a model and didn’t learn your lessons.

  • Dad, I got a bad mark on the test. We wrote it that week. Remember, I went to school after the flu. And we just started making the model yesterday...

  • Anyway, you won't touch this model again. Get busy! And so that Vadik doesn’t set foot in the house!

  • Why don't you like him? He studies well, doesn’t swear, doesn’t fight... - the boy glances towards his mother and quietly adds:

  • He never came drunk, he never drinks vodka with anyone.

  • This was not enough yet... - the father begins and suddenly the meaning of what was said dawns on him.
- What do you mean? What are you allowing yourself to do?


  1. Does a son (daughter) have the right to discuss the actions of his parents? (It is necessary to comment: why in this situation the son allowed himself such a dialogue with his father).

  2. Are parents doing the right thing by forbidding communication with friends who, from their point of view, are guilty of their children’s shortcomings?
Discussion. Conclusions.

In families where parents always consider themselves to be right, mutual resentment gradually grows; constant conflicts force both parties to notice and exaggerate each other’s weaknesses. There is gloating over failures and troubles that befall another.

- Didn't you accept? Serves you right. Ballerina! It’s with your posture and figure. Better learn to sew- with undisguised pleasure, the mother reprimands her daughter, who returned after an unsuccessful debut in the ballet studio.

You can rest assured that when a mother has trouble at work, she will not find sympathy from her daughter; the bill will be paid in the same coin.

Conversation between the class teacher and his mother:

- Senya lives her life, I live mine (she is divorced from her husband).

- When did Semyon come home yesterday?

- I think at seven.

- Well, you see, he left school at two. Where was Semyon, what did he do for five hours?

-I don’t know what he did. If necessary, he will tell you himself. He studies well, teachers don’t complain. Does he ask about my affairs, about my life? I think no. Why does he need this? I have my own, and he has his own life.”


  1. In what family relationships can such a dialogue with parents arise?

  2. What consequences can result from indifference to the interests of children?
Discussion. Conclusions.

This is another type of family relationship - peaceful coexistence with a position of non-interference. In such a family everything looks quite well. Parents work, children study, each has their own field of activity, their own problems, their own difficulties and successes, and, it would seem, this type of relationship should only be welcomed. It happens that parents even feel proud, maintaining such neutrality, calling such relationships cooperation.

But is it possible to talk about the cooperation of a father and mother, for example, aged 33-36 years and their twelve-year-old daughter? I think there is no contradiction here.

But, without delving into the affairs of children at that level when, except for material support, everything else is “their personal business,” there is no doubt that parents will not find sympathy from their children in difficult life situations.

If parents want their son or daughter to become closer, dearer, then the first rule is not to protect them from their joys and sorrows.

- You know, my husband is undergoing serious surgery, but his heart is not good. What will you advice me? Should I tell Lesha (son) about my father’s upcoming operation or not? Husband: says no need. Tell him he’s gone on a business trip, he doesn’t need to worry, he’s still young. What should I do?

Pedagogical workshop for parents

1. Parents are offered two situations (possible in groups).

Situation 1 (situation of failure).

...March 8. Father and daughter, having tied up their aprons, are preparing dinner together, consulting about every pinch of pepper, every spoon of mayonnaise - the lack of experience is showing. Finally everything is ready, everyone sat down at the table. Alas, the meat is over-salted, the compote is too sweet. Disappointing failure!

  • Guilty!- Father repents - my fault, and only mine! Natasha said that we needed to remove the frying pan, but I insisted: let the meat brown. So it's browned. And the second salad was salted again by me.

  • Dad, give it up,” the daughter responds, “Don’t curse yourself.” Mommy, it’s my sin, I made the compote too sweet. You know what a sweet tooth I am - no matter how much sugar I pour in, it’s not enough. And dad asked me about salt from the kitchen, but I talked to Vitya on the phone and didn’t answer him. And I had to watch the meat, no, it’s my fault...
Situation 2 (success situation).

  • Give us your diary, let's see your quarterly grades. So, “five”, “five”, “five”. And in physics "five"? I didn't expect this! And in chemistry? Well done! Thank you mother! Mom studied straight A's, so she helped you. Not only did I get you back on your feet after a serious illness, but I also worked with you every day after work. You both showed yourself to be great.

  • Why, Nikolai, are you listing my merits as if at a civil memorial service? Who explained physics to Sasha? I didn’t really understand physics before, but the current one is completely out of my league. And you are a driver, a mechanic, and an electrician, you don’t care about anything. Why did you, for example, sit with him in the evenings over textbooks for nothing? That's what had an impact...
Parents are invited to speak after discussing the following questions in groups:

  • How and in what ways are these situations similar?

  • Is it necessary to establish everyone's share of responsibility and determine whose actions led to failure or success?
- Analyze and possibly provide examples of possible conflicts when people are unable to fairly assess the extent of their participation in success or failure in work situations (not at home). Suggest reasons.

Summary of the meeting.

Teacher. Discussing today the problems of relationships between parents and children, we have only partially touched upon the complexities and subtleties of the influence of the sphere of family relationships on the formation of a child’s personality. Which relationship style should you choose?

Maybe parents should take a half-way position: prohibit in moderation, condone in moderation? But how to determine the measure? What and when to ban? What to indulge? What is considered a personal matter and what is considered a common matter?

“If you asked me which parenting is worse - authoritarian or permissive, I would answer: both are bad, but inconsistent parenting is even worse.”

(A. Petrovsky, academician, Doctor of Psychology.)

Memo to parents.

Tasks of parental education according to T. Gordon's model. According to this model, parents must learn three basic skills:

  • active listening, that is, the ability to hear what the child wants to tell his parents;

  • bring your own words to the child’s consciousness, in other words, this is the ability to express one’s own feelings;

  • use the principle of “both are right” when resolving controversial issues, that is, the ability to speak with a child in such a way that both participants are satisfied with the results of the conversation.

Recently, the interest of teachers and heads of educational institutions in the problems of education has greatly increased. Current educational functions require revision and improvement. In order for the parent meeting to fulfill its function, it is important to organize and conduct it correctly.

Effective implementation A parent meeting involves determining the topic, preparing materials, suitable premises, notifying parents in advance and drawing up a plan for the meeting. Each of the points has its own nuances, so now we will look at them in more detail. Defining the topic. It makes sense to consult with your parents about this. You need to find out what issues or issues they want to address. A few weeks before the meeting, give parents the questionnaires and then have them analyzed. This method will show you exactly what you should pay attention to during the meeting. You can also seek the help of a school psychologist: ask him to create a list of topics, depending on the age category of the group or class.

Here you can download:

Preparation of materials. Depending on the established topic, prepare various pictures, videos, and documents. Many teachers can create interesting presentation and show it on the projector. Such meetings should not turn into simple reading of children and collecting money. You can invite psychologists, other educators, and medical workers. During the meeting, interact with the audience, ask parents questions, ask them to express their opinions, etc.

Invitation. Decide on exact time holding a meeting (evening), the premises and think about whether all parents will be able to accommodate there. By the appointed time, make sure that the room is in order. Place notices in the children's diaries in advance about the date of the meeting. Tell students to sign their names next to the notice. If someone cannot attend, let them notify you in advance. If it is important for you to have specific parents present, call them.

Carrying out. The duration of the meeting should not exceed 1-1.5 hours. Make a clear plan for holding a parent meeting. If you are planning a first meeting, first introduce yourself to the parents, tell them a little about yourself and your future plans for the class (or group). A sample plan for holding a parent meeting looks like this:
  • Pedagogical education. Speaking on the topic and discussing it should not take too much time, since in the evening, after a busy day of work, many parents are unlikely to adequately perceive the material presented. Offer them information about the latest educational literature, interesting books, films, etc.
  • Organizational matters. Discuss all important topics, for example, conducting excursions, creating holidays, class evenings, purchasing textbooks, eating in the school canteen, having a uniform and replacement shoes, etc.
  • Questions from parents. At the end of the meeting, those interested can ask the teacher private questions, for example, about the progress of their children, look at grades, report health problems, etc. They must approach the teacher individually and communicate with him.

Personal conversations. Some parents may have difficult children. For this reason, many of them avoid meetings because they know there will be criticism. The teacher must provide parents with a sense of security and make it clear that they will not be judged, but will try to help. If necessary, contact specific parents and invite them to a personal meeting, not necessarily at the school.

Think about whether everything was done at the parent meeting. Make some changes to your plan if necessary. It is important to immediately accustom parents to the meeting scheme and establish contact with them. It will be much easier for you to interact with them in the future.

Svetlana Shamshina
Parent meeting plan

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution No. 120.

Development parent meeting plan on adaptation in the second junior group.

Theme: “Hello kindergarten

senior teacher of MBDOU No. 120

Shamshina S. V.

Target: get to know each other better parents, learn the strengths and weak sides children, their character traits.

Form: conversation.

Preliminary preparation for meeting:

.Conduct a survey.

Prepare memos for parents.

Making invitations together with children Parent meeting.

Learn poetry with children.



Adaptation, what is it?

Game with parents"Chamomile of Wishes"

Survey results.

Reading poems.

Memo for parents.

Solution parent meeting.

Progress of the meeting:


Good evening, dears parents. The topic of our meeting today "Children's Adaptation". How should a child be prepared for the adaptation period? Everyone knows that the beginning school year- a difficult period for young children, as this is the time of adaptation to new conditions for them. From the familiar world of the family, children find themselves in completely new conditions of the children's environment. Therefore, it is quite understandable why children cry from the first days of visiting and have a hard time being separated from their mother.

Adaptation, what is it?: – the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. The time when a child adapts to kindergarten is a crisis. By the way children get used to preschool institution, the adaptation period is divided into 3 groups:

Light medium to heavy. Easy adaptation - almost half of the children make up the most prosperous group - they attend kindergarten without much loss.

Temporary sleep disturbance (normalizes within 7-10 days) ;

Temporary loss of appetite (norm after 10 days) ;

Inappropriate emotional reactions (whims, isolation, aggression, depression, etc., changes in speech, orientation and play activity return to normal in 20-30 days;

The nature of relationships with adults and physical activity practically do not change;

Functional disorders are practically not expressed, they normalize in 2-4 weeks, no diseases occur. The main symptoms disappear within a month (2-3 weeks is standard) .

2. Average adaptation: all violations are more pronounced and for a long time:

Sleep and appetite are restored within 20-40 days,

Indicative activities (20 days,

Speech activity (30-40 days,

Emotional state (30 days,

Motor activity, which undergoes significant changes, returns to normal within 30-35 days.

Interaction with adults and peers is not impaired.

Functional changes are clearly expressed, diseases are recorded.

3. Difficult adaptation

(from 2 to 6 months) accompanied by gross violation of all manifestations and reactions of the child.

This type of adaptation characterized:

Decreased appetite (sometimes vomiting when feeding,

Severe sleep disturbance

The child often avoids contact with peers, tries to retire, displays aggression, and is depressed for a long time (the child cries, is passive, and sometimes there are wave-like changes in mood). - Usually visible changes occur in speech and motor activity, a temporary delay in mental development is possible.

With severe adaptation, as a rule, children get sick within the first 10 days and continue to get sick again throughout the entire period of getting used to a group of peers.

4. Very difficult adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises: should the child remain in kindergarten maybe he "not sadovskiy" child. Each child is individual. Everyone has their own period of adaptation in the garden. The duration of addiction depends on different factors:

The character of the child, the personality of the teacher, the state of health of the baby,

The atmosphere in the family, relationships between parents, even the degree of training parents sending your child to kindergarten also plays an important role.

Full adaptation occurs within 2-3 months, and during this period it is necessary to pay as much attention to the child as possible. Before picking him up from kindergarten, if the child has lunch in the garden, then it’s worth paying attention at home Special attention dinner and cook only your baby’s favorite dishes, take an interest in the child’s affairs, what he did in kindergarten, whether he made friends with other children, admire his drawings that he brings home.

Your sensitive attitude and kind participation will soon bear fruit, and

The child will be happy to go to kindergarten.

Game with parents"Chamomile of Wishes"

Dear parents, we would like to invite you to write wishes for your children.

Survey results:

A week before meetings we conducted a survey. The questionnaire contained five questions on this topic. Now I propose to familiarize yourself with the results of the survey.

1. Your prevailing mood baby:

(13 people - cheerful, 5 - balanced, 2 - unstable.

2. The nature of falling asleep:

13 people - REM sleep, 6 - slow sleep, 1 - very slow sleep.

3. Nature and duration sleep:

(18 people - calm, 2 - restless

4. Child's appetite:

(10 people - good, 5 - unstable, 5 - bad)

5. The child’s attitude towards dropping off pot:

(18 people - negative, 2 - abstained).

Reading poems.

And here's what our people will tell us about kindergarten children:

1st child:

Our kindergarten is good,

You won't find a better garden.

2nd child:

Children live in kindergarten

They play and sing here,

This is where you find friends

They go for walks with them.

Memo for parents on adaptation.

So that everything said on this you remember the meeting. For this, each of you will receive "Adaptation Memo".

1. Prepare your child for kindergarten on positive notes. Tell your baby more good things about the kindergarten, how great it will be for him there, what he can do there that he can’t do at home, praise the baby more often and say that he has already grown up and become big and is ready to go to kindergarten.

2. Don't drag out your farewell. When you go out and leave your child in the garden, do it quickly and easily. Don't show your feelings because children feel emotions very clearly. parents. If you all cannot hide your excitement, then assign someone else to take the child to kindergarten, grandma or dad, for example.

3. During the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, take the child home as early as possible.

4. At home there should be an atmosphere of love, trust and peace.

5. Don't load nervous system baby's adaptation time. Try to reduce watching cartoons, do not visit noisy places such as the circus, zoo, where the child can easily get excited.

6. Do not dress your child too warmly for kindergarten.

7. Don't change your daycare routine during the weekend.

8. Ignore the whims of the child, do not succumb to his antics and manipulation.

9. If something worries you about the psyche or health of your child, then do not put off visiting a doctor.

Solution parent meeting:

Take note of the information about adaptation in kindergarten. Maintain a daily routine in kindergarten and at home. Instill in children self-care skills.

4th grade is the final grade in primary school. Already on next year the children will begin to study new subjects. Instead of one teacher with children there will be several teachers. Grade 4 is crucial and should be given special attention. Teachers need to work closely with parents.

One of the important points in the school process is the timely holding of parent-teacher meetings. In this way, you can resolve controversial issues that have arisen in the classroom, as well as prepare moms and dads for the future education of children in high school.

Nuances of preparing for a meeting

In order to explain everything clearly and quickly to parents, the teacher must responsibly and competently prepare for the meeting. Secondary schools usually hold meetings at the end of each term. Issues of education and behavior of schoolchildren are touched upon. Upcoming events are also planned and the results of the past quarter are summed up. The meeting touches upon the characteristics of children's academic performance that are common to all parents.

Individual issues are resolved with parents after the meeting. At the end of the event, the teacher writes. A sample document can be obtained from the office of the educational institution or use the one given in the article. Thanks to the document, parents who were absent for a number of reasons can find out basic information.

Types and implementation in 4th grade

Parent meeting plan

The teacher notifies parents in advance about upcoming training camps - specifies the date, time and location. All necessary information can be recorded in school diaries. In order for the parent meeting in the 4th grade to be useful, the teacher must treat the event responsibly. It doesn't hurt to get creative either. It is necessary to interest and provide all the necessary information to parents in an accessible manner.

The bulk of your time should be devoted to the topic of the event. It's good if a plan is made in advance. Upon completion, minutes of the parent meeting will be drawn up. A sample of how to fill it out is presented above.

Rules for holding a meeting in 4th grade

Many issues may be raised by parent meetings (grade 4). The topics of the event should be relevant and interesting for all those present. The meeting should be organized at a time that is appropriate and convenient for everyone. It is best to make an appointment for the evening, when the parents are no longer busy at their main place of work. It is advisable that mothers and fathers know about the topic of the upcoming meeting. It is worth notifying adults about the planned meeting a week in advance.

Subordination and respect for each other must be observed. Both teachers and parents should forget about home problems and fully concentrate on the topic of the event. Parent meetings in 4th grade should be held no more than one and a half hours.

Don't forget about the rules of etiquette. Interlocutors must address each other with respect. To make it easy for the teacher to remember the names of the parents, you can put a list of those gathered on the table.

The teacher must know how to correctly draw up minutes of parent meetings (grade 4). The necessary information can be obtained from the head teacher.

Start of the meeting

Before starting, the teacher should check the number of parents present. Then the plan of the event is briefly announced. The meeting should begin with positive points to encourage parents to talk. It is worth informing in advance that not all information that will be presented should be conveyed to students.

There is no point in focusing on poor performance. This issue should only be discussed in general outline. Under no circumstances should you name the names of children who lag behind their peers. Individual issues are resolved with parents after the event. Moms and dads should go home in high spirits, realizing that they can easily help their child improve their knowledge. Secondary schools strive to convey problems to moms and dads in a gentle manner.

What should not be discussed at a meeting?

The 4th grade parent meeting should cover everything important questions that concern students. You cannot discuss in the presence of other parents those who were unable to come to the training camp. You cannot compare guys based on academic performance and behavior, or name specific names. It is not recommended to give negative feedback to the entire class.

It is also undesirable to use a parallel class as an example. The teacher should speak with restraint, without giving vent to emotions. Even if in school team There is a problem, together with the parents it will be possible to solve it.

Theme of raising children

The parent meeting in 4th grade can begin with the rules of behavior for students at school and outside of it. It is worth remembering that knowledge of etiquette is as important as performance in core subjects. It is easy to determine which parent pays due attention to raising the child. Trained children get along well with their classmates and listen carefully to the teacher in class.

At the meeting, it is necessary to touch upon the topic of communication in the family. It is worth explaining to parents that a lot depends on them. A child, like a sponge, absorbs the principles of adult behavior.


Independence is the key to success. It is worth reminding parents that children in 4th grade are quite capable of solving many issues without the help of adults. And this concerns first of all homework. Moms and dads should control the process of teaching children, but not do it for them most work.

It is worth understanding that future studies in high school require more attention, perseverance and independence. If you have any problems with a certain subject, you should study additionally. You can use the help of a tutor.

Lack of parental control is also a big problem. Many kids get bad grades only because moms and dads don't check their homework. And children, in turn, become lazy and lose interest in learning. Coming up with an interesting motivation system is the task of moms and dads.

How to end a meeting?

At the end of the event, the teacher answers parents' questions. Points that concern the whole class are discussed. Nuances that concern specific children are discussed after the meeting with parents separately. This refers to the children’s academic performance and their behavior.

The teacher should inform you when the next event of this kind will be held. The meeting ends with a summary. The teacher should thank those gathered for their presence.

How should parents behave with their children after the meeting?

Even if there are problems with studying, you should not scold your child. You need to talk to the student. It is important to understand how the problem can be solved. Together with their children, mothers and fathers will always find a way out of any situation. Trust is the main element of interaction between parents and children.