How long does a small turtle live? Chinese three-keeled turtles.

08.07.2019 Animals

Aquarium turtles are prominent representatives of one of the four existing orders of reptiles. They cannot be confused with any other animals because of their extraordinary appearance. All types of aquarium turtles, as well as other representatives, wear strong protection - a horny or leather shell. To keep a turtle at home, you need to choose only those that live in freshwater bodies.

All hungry and rotten flesh, the bitch doesn't lose and has problems. Damaged fruits and vegetables, surimi, food for aquarium fish not enough. Like jellyfish, you are all humans who need a variety of calcium-rich and phosphorous conditions. We feed food, fruits, vegetables, animal protein.

Some suitable foods are: peach, strawberry, ribbon, banana, plum, parsley, cucumber, lettuce, bell, broccoli and rice. The main condition proper nutrition land turtles is the realization that the land turtle is primarily a herbivore with a metabolism and digestive system adapted to processing poor, rich, fiber-rich ballast foods low in sugars and proteins.

The future owner will have to not only purchase an aquarium, but also think about arranging the islands with a suspended structure. Moreover, this must be done in such a way that it is convenient for “new residents” to climb on them. There are several types of aquarium turtles that you can keep at home. In the photo you can see the most common ones.

The nutritional composition of land turtles in captivity can be divided into two main points. Spring to fall feeding and winter feeding, assuming we don't kill turtles. From spring to winter, 95% of the food consists of wild grasses. The basis of the cream is a medical leaflet, flower, clover, all types of alfalfa, different kinds thistles and various weeds. For example, from spring you can feed many flowers of plants and trees. Very nice acacia flowers. In summer, you can offer a dish such as strawberries or green peppers.

In autumn, for example, a piece of apple, a grape ball, a grape leaf, a kohlrabi leaf, cabbage leaves. The same thing with the introduction of protein. Adults can be offered once a week, such as an earthworm or a couple of pellets for terrestrial turtles. But squirrels should not be served at all. Higher protein intake affects the turtle's body enormously and can be the cause of many diseases.

Red-eared aquarium turtle: features and conditions of detention

Most often among our compatriots in aquariums for turtles you can find swamp, snake-necked, and also red-eared turtle. These types of species are common among lovers of these animals. Aquariums for red-eared turtles are especially popular in pet stores. This aquarium turtle Popular due to its easy care and bright colors. These animals grow quite quickly. It takes only five years for the shell of a small turtle to reach 30 centimeters in diameter.

During the winter months we are dealing with food composition, especially for young people, that we do not imitate or build for a shorter period due to their size and age. As a supplement, you can sometimes give some carrots, kohlrabi leaves, a cabbage leaf or a piece of pumpkin. For those who don't know much about meadow plants, here are some photos of plant names or brief descriptions.

The basis of the food should be dandelion. Dandelion is the best tortoise we can offer in our environment. Other excellent grasses include lanceolate, big squirrel, clover, or creeping clover. Other plants that can be fed regularly are, for example, hake, nettle, but also locus and milk, which are very similar to turtles. These are weeds that you will find almost everywhere. Also, the scrotum of both leaf and flower turtles has universal access.

How long do they live? red eared turtles in aquarium? At home, they live quite a long time - at least 30 years. However, for this they need proper care. Males have a long tail, wide at the very base, but females cannot boast such an impressive tail. It is enough to look at the photo to determine another characteristic feature inherent in males - long claws on the front paws.

Many strawberry pickers also find strawberries or blackberries to be excellent as well. In addition, blackberry leaves are green until autumn, so it may be advisable to feed at a time when we cannot find many in the meadow. Additionally, leaves, but especially tree flowers, can be successfully fed. Especially flower acacias and linden turtles are very tasty.

If we decide to offer turtle salad, then we will choose romaine lettuce, which is probably the most suitable of the salads. But even in this case, food should only be complementary. When raising a small number of turtles, it is very good to germinate clover seeds or plant dandelion root in a box in the fall to grow suitable green food and winter.

Caring for a red-eared slider

The first thing you need is an aquarium for your red-eared slider. For small young individuals, you can choose aquariums at a pet store, and you can also purchase a terrarium. However, only small turtles will fit in such a “reservoir”. For adult individuals, the “habitat” will have to be custom-made.

Especially during the winter months, it is important that turtles have constant access to crushed eggshells, which are an excellent source of calcium for them. It is also helpful to “sniff” green food about 3 times a week to maximize your intake of much-needed calcium. For small individuals, 2-4 soaked granules per week are sufficient. Some people may feel a little bad, but in my opinion, no commercially prepared food fed to turtles in large quantities has long been beneficial to their health or appearance.

When ordering an aquarium, you need to take into account that it must be quite spacious - at least 200 liters. Only a spacious “abode” will enable the turtle to feel comfortable. However, do not forget to cover the aquariums with a lid. Otherwise she might run away.

Animals spend most of their time in water. But when arranging a reservoir, you need to make sure that there is a small island in the aquarium for turtles. Animals will have to climb it effortlessly. The surface of the water should warm up well. To do this, a lamp is placed directly above the island, which will warm the air to 28-30 degrees.

This is only for diversification and enrichment of fresh green food. With this lamp we invite unimaginable young people for about half an hour in a free space, for example, while bathing. The young people then recover well, they are more active, and the winter season is better for survival. Aquatic turtles rarely have a terrarium large enough to swim in. The garden pond is ideal place for relaxation in a turtle. Give them water and sunbathing in the garden. However, they need a slow shore and large quantities sunlight, preferably on islands in the middle of the pond.

A large aquarium for an aquatic turtle should be equipped with a special filter to purify the water. The water in a large aquarium should be changed as it gets dirty, but in a small aquarium - no more than once a month. The red-eared turtle should be fed plant and animal foods, but the diet should be varied so that the animal does not get sick. Young individuals feed daily, but after three years old It is enough to feed them three times a week.

Natural bathing ponds are all the rage. The aquatic turtle is also used for this purpose by a small garden pond. Generally, turtle farming can be enjoyed outdoors from early summer to late summer. Not only do they enjoy movement in their natural environment, but the direct ultraviolet rays of the sun are the best bark for hard bones and shell.

After the bath, the turtles will be gourmets in the sun. The pond can be large and deep, but there should not be a shallow spot. Turtles should have easy, gradual access to the shore and enough space on land to allow all turtles to sunbathe well.

Keeping turtles, especially red-eared turtles, requires special attention. Thus, animals tolerate cold very poorly. IN winter period In order to warm the turtles, a special ultraviolet lamp is used. The turtle needs to be warmed up in winter 3 times a week. In the summer, everything is much simpler; it is enough to provide natural light, for which the aquariums are placed in fresh air, but do not allow direct sunlight.

They prefer to sun themselves on a large rock or tributary, forming an island in the middle of the tank where they feel safe and quickly slide into the water if necessary. Even if shade is rarely sought, they should also have shelter in the form of a shallow or bank protected by a dense bunch of water or marsh plants or a small roof. If there are more turtles in the pond, the islands should have plenty of room for everyone. . If the turtles are still small, they may fall victim to prey. Therefore, secure the tank at the top and top.

Keep young turtles outdoors only in warm weather. It is advisable to build a pond around the pond - not only against the canopy, but also against the undergrowth, which makes them difficult due to the strength of the front legs. Recessed sheet metal, wood or concrete slabs must be three times the size of the turtle. However, it is true aquatic turtles have a much lower tendency to leave their favorite waters to explore, unlike traveling land-based turtles. If there is no water in the garden, it is usually left without a fence.

Video - caring for turtles

This species is not often found in aquatic turtle aquariums. Much more often, compatriots choose “overseas friends” than the inhabitant of the reservoirs of our country. The photos clearly demonstrate that marsh turtle is aquatic, which means it needs an aquarium with water. The nutrition of such an animal deserves great attention. The aquatic species is a pronounced predator, so it cannot feed on greens alone; such food will weaken it and make it sick.

However, if there is a reservoir nearby, the pond must be secured so that it does not escape into the wild. They are able to survive long term because the most beautiful breeding turtles are fairly hardy North American species, but as a non-native species there is nothing to do in our country.

Fish and turtles don't go together!

You can also decide the aesthetics, build it from stones or vice versa from an almost invisible green mesh. We feed the turtles in the pond and also in the terrarium. aquatic plants usually keep turtles pretty much untouched so we don't have to worry about creating a pond. For the same reason, it is recommended to pour turtles into the pond only after the ripple, if they find refuge here, turns into a frog and shoots to the ground.

You should not let your pet wander around the house or apartment on its own. After such walks, the animal very often gets sick due to drafts in the house. And in the dark, you can easily step on a turtle. You cannot keep several turtles of different sizes in one terrarium.

Walking through a pet store, you can’t help but stop near the aquarium and watch the little turtles scurrying around. Their extraordinary coloring and tender appearance evoke an unbearable desire to purchase the animal as a pet. The question immediately arises: “Which one should I buy?” Small pet aquatic turtles are unpretentious animals, but to ensure a comfortable stay for them, you will need to study in detail the rules of caring for the aquatic beauty.

At this time, the turtles are still too cold. The belief that the turtle is an undemanding pet is firmly entrenched among people. Why this is not so was asked by veterinarian and herpetologist Zdenek Knotek from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Veterinary Pharmaceutical University in Brno.

“Unfortunately, this is an old myth that needs to be debunked,” the doctor said. "The fact that the turtle is good gift for a child that it is a random creature is absolutely false,” he added. According to him, any other animal reproduces more easily than a young turtle.

Diversity of aquatic small turtles: photos

What turtles can be classified into this category? Turtles are considered small if their body does not exceed 12-13 cm in length.

There are several types of small turtles:

  • closing;

  • flat;

  • spotted;

  • Chinese three-keel.

Locking turtles

The turtle family includes the following species: mud red-cheeked, mud yellowmouth, common musk, keeled musky.

When a turtle is born it is smaller than a ping pong ball, and after a few years it is ten times larger. Another “catastrophe” is feeding, says Knotek. “People feed the animal the same food they feed themselves, and they don’t understand what the turtle naturally takes in as food.”

Currently, turtles can provide adequate conditions for breeding, but not all do. Sometimes customers do not receive enough preparation to purchase an animal in a store. And before the start of the breed, people do not read the literature, which is extensive on the market.

These breeding errors account for up to 75% of the reason why an animal ends up in the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian recalls. So how do you know a reptile is sick? “In general, the metabolism is slower in reptiles, and therefore changes in the body appear later,” the veterinarian explained.

The natural habitat of shuttered turtles is North and South America, and are also found in the United States.

All turtles have a rounded carapace - a rib-like outgrowth of the neck plate. If the turtles notice danger, they close the hole in the shell. This makes them feel protected. Mud turtles have developed webbed feet.

Therefore, he understands when someone does not know in time that something is wrong. “I understand that the breeder does not take this day, but after a few days he should know that the animal is sick.” Interest in food and daily activities such as sunbathing, climbing out of hiding always disappears. But if someone tells us that a turtle has not eaten for a month and is in one place, it is very amazing,” said Zdenek Knotek.

When deciding to buy a turtle, we must first become familiar with the characteristics of each species in order to match the future fader with our living conditions, breeding skills and the time we are able and willing to sacrifice. Aquatic and amphibian species require more care than land. The main thing here is the need to exchange water in aquariums and pools, use water for this, etc. they do not require walking, but they also require contact with the sun.

Turtles prefer animal food, but also enjoy plant food supplements.

The length of an adult yellow-throated turtle does not exceed 13 cm, and the reddish turtle grows up to 11 cm in length.

Flat turtles

Turtles do not grow more than 8-9 cm in length. Turtles have an elongated muzzle and have an average head size. There are small shields on the neck. The oval carapace is extended forward and has a convexity. Each limb has 4-5 fingers.

Earth turtles are easier to tame. They are temperate animals and can be cared for without fear and undergo all skin care routines. You just need to be more careful with predators. Despite the tendency to buy small sweet turtles, adult breeders are recommended for beginners. They better tolerate changes in living conditions and stress associated with the transition from a store or home to a terrarium. Large turtles are also more resistant to disease, and if they do get sick, their treatment has a good prognosis.

It is safer to buy a turtle from a specialized pet store or from an experienced breeder. Purchasing from markets and of unknown origin carries the risk of acquiring a diseased animal that is ruled out due to inadequate transport or contamination by bacteria such as salmonella, which is common in steppe tortoises.

Types of flat-bodied turtles:

  • Homopus boulengeri;

  • Homopus signatus;

  • Homopus areolatus;

  • Homopus femoralis;

  • Homopus solus.

The carapace can be olive or brown. Females are usually larger than males. One female lays up to 4 eggs.

Spotted turtles

This species of animal tends to lead a dual lifestyle. They feel equally good both in water and on land. Therefore, in addition to an aquarium with water, she will need a small terrarium. Adult spotted turtles reach 12 cm in length.

Chinese three-keeled turtles

Unpretentious in care, not demanding on food. Therefore, this type is recommended for beginners. The average size of the body is 13 cm. For maintenance you will need an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters.

Interesting to know!

In some countries, keeping Chinese three-keeled turtles is considered illegal and pet owners may be prosecuted.

Conditions for keeping small turtles depending on the species

Mud turtles They spend almost their entire life in water, and only occasionally crawl onto land. To keep them, they need an aquarium with a volume of 50-70 liters. You can add soil to the bottom and plant living plants. But this requirement is not mandatory. The turtle will feel comfortable if it can hide in case of danger. Therefore, it is recommended to place a small flower pot or driftwood at the bottom of the aquarium.


If you place a clay pot that has not undergone the firing process, the water will become cloudy and begin to sour.

The water temperature should be +22-25 °C. Several males and individuals of different ages cannot be kept in one aquarium at the same time, since reclusive turtles are very territorial animals.

Flat turtles They are difficult to maintain, but if you follow all the rules, turtles of this species live in captivity for a very long time.

The species is characterized by a tendency to infectious diseases, so it is recommended to keep flat-bodied pets separately from other turtles. This will not only prolong their life in captivity, but also allow them to reproduce. Pets prefer plant foods.

Flathead turtles Warmth is needed. You need to add a layer of small stones to the bottom of the aquarium. The water temperature should not fall below +15 °C and exceed +18 °C.

For your information!

To get offspring from flat turtles, you will need to give them a period of hibernation. Without it, males will not become sexually active. In winter, you will need to lower the temperature to +10 °C and leave your turtle alone for 2 months.

Spotted turtles They feed mainly on animal food: aquatic insects, worms, tadpoles and crustaceans. Therefore, before you buy it as a pet, think about whether you can create optimal conditions for it.

Chinese three-keeled aquatic turtles What to feed small pets for very voracious animals? They can be given standard food, occasionally adding vitamins to the diet. Not demanding on temperature changes. The lower threshold of which can be +12 °C, and the upper threshold – up to +30 °C. But there is no point in experimenting. There must be a golden mean in everything.

How to determine the sex of a small aquatic turtle , you can get acquainted with the types and maintenance of small turtles by watching the video.

Small pet aquatic turtles are excellent pets to keep at home. But one aquarium is not enough for them; they also need light, food, warmth and oxygen, and some species need a certain water temperature.