Why do I have a dream that I am crying. Why dream of crying in a dream? Why do you dream of a crying dead person?

13.08.2019 Sport

In the dream world it is much easier to express your own emotions. Therefore, crying in a dream is a fairly common plot. IN various dream books You can find many interpretations of the question of why you dream of crying, taking into account the smallest nuances. All that remains is to remember the details of what you saw and begin to analyze the dream.

Dream Interpretation: cry in a dream

According to the famous work Gustav Miller Tears in a dream for the dreamer are a symbol of bad news and troubles between loved ones. Seeing others cry is good. After some cooling, the relationship will again become cordial.

There are bright emotions ahead - this is why you dream of crying, according to the dream book of a Bulgarian fortuneteller Wangi. It can be joy or great surprise.

According to the modern dream book crying and tears are a positive symbol. There is harmony and fun in the family.

If you dream of crying in a cemetery, significant changes are coming very soon. This is literally the onset of a completely new stage in life.

Cry at the grave - good sign. By making a decision to change, it will be possible to subjugate circumstances, and all problems will remain in the past.

Muslim and old Russian dream book surprisingly unanimous in the interpretation of crying. The sleeper will have to rejoice in reality.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse predicts that crying in a dream means receiving amazing news. Seeing tears in others is a warning that the sleeper may inadvertently offend relatives and friends.

According to Sigmund Freud's dream book Crying in a dream for a man is a symbol of ejaculation. For representatives of the fair sex, such a plot indicates an increased possibility of conception in the coming days.

Women's dream book interprets tears as misunderstanding between lovers. To resolve a quarrel, you will have to compromise. For an entrepreneur, such a dream is a warning. Due to inattention, you can lose part of your profit.

Dream Interpretation of Veles interprets crying in a dream as joy in reality. Hearing the sound of sobbing means hearing good news. Wiping away tears means finding peace.

It’s good if you dreamed of a crying dog. Enemies are powerless in their attempts to harm the sleeper.

According to an esoteric source If you dream of crying, this symbolically manifests a person’s desire to throw out accumulated emotions. However, you should be careful not to offend those who are dear to you. It is advisable to abstain from alcohol in the near future, so as not to say too much in a fit of drunken revelation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation interprets crying as a found consolation in reality. Seeing others cry is news. It’s good if you happen to cry sobbing, it’s a mental relief.

Why dream of crying in a dream yourself

Unpleasant events may happen in reality if girl I had to shed tears in the dream. The reason will be the actions of people whom the dreamer considered friends.

When married woman I dream of crying at my own wedding, this is a dream of regret. She is sad because the person next to her has changed her attitude, but everything can still be improved.

There is only joy ahead - that's why you dream about crying pregnant woman. You can enjoy life.

Cry lonely It is also a favorable sign for a woman. Will be able to deal with complex problems.

Good symbol - strongly cry in a dream. In reality, everything will be exactly the opposite, and fate will provide many reasons for joy.

For lovers bitterly crying is a wonderful dream. The relationship is unusually harmonious and enjoyable.

Soon the dreamer's efforts will be noticed if he had to cry out of resentment in a dream. Finally the recognition he deserves will come.

Who dreamed of crying in a dream

Seeing acquaintances bursting into bitter tears is a sign of an imminent wedding for someone around you. It is also worth considering the personality of the person who shed tears in the dream. In order to correctly decipher why someone else dreams of crying, it is necessary to take into account his gender, degree of relationship, and sometimes even appearance.

Concern for the blood and their health is symbolized by crying son or daughter. Often the tears running down the cheeks of your own children are just a reflection of the day's events, but it doesn't hurt to pay them a little more attention.

Crying boy warns that someone will soon need help. Providing support will be a reason to be proud of yourself.

It's good when a crying child girl. Amazing events will contribute to making a profit.

Crying baby warns of minor worries. In reality you will have to worry about your loved ones, but your worries will turn out to be groundless.

TO family quarrels dream of crying man. However, this is only if he is unfamiliar.

Crying husband in a dream it is interpreted in the opposite way. After a small disagreement, a pleasant reconciliation will follow.

When you dream that former cries, perhaps even a couple's reunion. To do this, however, we need to figure out which of the envious people engineered the breakup.

If she's crying young woman- a real beauty, great news ahead. A roaring person who looks shabby or overly exhausted predicts unexpected complications in life. When a guy dreams of his ex in tears, he will be able to calm down.

Someone among loved ones hides their true feelings if they dream of a woman crying girlfriend or boyfriend. The dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings to identify the hypocrite.

Crying Human, with which a romantic relationship is associated, a warning symbol. Conflicts are possible. It is worth monitoring the expression of emotions.

A woman crying warns of an internal feeling of loneliness mother in a dream. The sleeper feels like a stranger in the company of friends, and this is a reason to think about the people around him.

An incredible event in reality is predicted by a crying person father. However, what happened will help you find the right path in life.

For family dreamers crying Brother - bad sign. Relationships with your other half in the near future will be far from ideal.

If crying in a dream is acceptable sister, this is a warning symbol. Conflict can occur over a trifle if you do not control the words spoken.

Remorse symbolized by crying grandfather. An act committed in disregard of one’s own principles will bring experiences along with income.

Crying grandmother means facing injustice. We have to stand up for the offended.

If you dreamed that a dead person happened to cry in a dream, the meaning of the dream takes on a completely different meaning. The main thing is to remember the details of what you saw.

A major conflict will happen soon if you dream of someone crying Deceased. However, the dreamer can only blame himself for it, and it is possible to avoid a quarrel if you deal with negative character traits. If, after crying, the dead man calms down and leaves, this is auspicious sign. Serious problems will be avoided.

You need to be prepared if you dreamed of a dead woman crying mom or dad. Close people in tears warn that there are problems ahead, and we need to be on the safe side if possible.

Difficulties are also foreshadowed by a deceased person crying child. Chronic diseases may become more active. It is advisable to take preventative measures.

Crying in a dream is an ambiguous subject, but there is no need to be afraid of it. Warning about problems gives you time to prepare for them. Good dreams!

  • Primary elements - metal, water, wood.
  • Elements - dryness, cold, wind.
  • Emotions - sadness, melancholy, fear, anger.
  • Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, liver, bladder, gall bladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Fullness of the lungs is not liberation from pathogenic energy, it is the overcrowding of the lungs with it. Medical symptoms of fullness of the lungs will be a feeling of heaviness in the chest, back, and shoulders; fever, cough with hoarseness, sputum, expectoration of blood. From a mental point of view, the fullness of the lungs, which has not yet been physically manifested, can provoke the appearance of pathological emotions associated specifically with the inner world of a person: emotions come from there, the external source does not play a significant role in the present. The lungs are a yin organ. A person’s past is also yin in the time sequence. Autumn is the season of yin, when the development of life stops. Fullness of the lungs often occurs and is most dangerous in the fall. When your lungs are full, your whole life is perceived as a failure. None of the past events is assessed as positive or joyful, which cannot be in a healthy state. When the lungs are full, a person is overwhelmed with melancholy, which develops into depression. Depression gives rise to the fear that such a hopelessly dull life will continue forever. Tears flow, and the liver is involved in the chain of emotions in a dream: fear of one’s powerlessness is born, and with anger and tears the body is finally freed from the pathogenic energy that overwhelmed it. This is how, from the point of view of Chinese medicine, the saying is explained that grief goes away with tears. Crying in a dream/feeling that you are crying, or seeing yourself crying is a way out of the overflowing internal yin through yang - the action (crying action), liberation from the fullness of the lungs. Crying in a dream/seeing oneself crying means unloading oneself from accumulated negative emotions that block the lungs and can cause illness and the collapse of affairs and relationships, since a person is despondent and depressed about business and is not able to maintain normal relationships. Sleep itself is favorable, but it warns of stagnation of vital energy qi and blood in the lungs, which blocks the kidneys and, after an unpleasant, dreary winter, can lead to liver disease in the spring. You should check the adequacy of your emotional reactions and begin to correct them. Sometimes fullness of the lungs causes an image of flying in a dream in adults: medical interpretation sleep is the same, but liberation from pathological energy does not occur. Sleep is more unfavorable for men. Flying in children's dreams does not indicate fullness of the lungs: children are simply not yet burdened with earthly material principles and easily ascend to the sky.

Any dream in which tears, crying, crying relatives and strangers appear is a dream for a reason. Such stories are presented to the dreamer so that he can free himself from the ballast of negative emotions, which stretches like an alarming trail from the past and simply interferes with a normal life.

The interpretation of such dreams is ambiguous, since circumstances and the smallest details, which must be remembered so that the interpretation is as accurate as possible.

Why dream of crying in a dream according to Miller’s dream book

Anything associated with crying: sobs, tears, crying people - is a very bad omen. A dream in one way or another associated with tears is considered a warning and should be treated very carefully. Perhaps unpleasant events will occur in the dreamer’s life: conflicts, betrayals, disagreements and all other not-so-good things that are the fruits of human relationships.

A person can prevent all this if in some cases he compromises or learns to make reasonable decisions. If in a dream you happen to cry a lot, even to the point of hysteria, then soon you should expect a major quarrel that will break out out of nowhere. A girl or young woman who sees herself crying bitterly in a dream risks being left alone due to her own suspiciousness and suspiciousness.

A sobbing businessman is an unusual picture, but if he has such a dream, then he will be deceived by his own partners, and it is possible that competitors will become more active and will try in every way to destroy the business. But when a stranger, or better yet, a complete stranger, cries, then everything is not so bad for the sleeping person. If this is a relative or friend, then you will soon have to console him or help him in some way. You dream about a stranger, which means you need to wait for news, but what it will be depends on the appearance of the person dreaming.

What does it mean to cry, crying in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

According to the Bulgarian seer, crying in a dream is good. This portends joy or other favorable events. It is the number of tears that determines the power of grace that will descend on the sleeping person. If a single, stingy tear flows from the dreamer’s eye, then nothing terrible will happen in his life. At least in the near future. Two tears rolling down your cheeks is already something. Such a vision means that soon a person will receive good news that will inspire him and make him happy.

When tears flow from the eyes like a stream, it foreshadows imminent joy or some significant event. This could be the birth of a child, a transfer to a higher position, or a trip to distant countries. If a person dreams that he is sobbing bitterly and not one force in the world can stop this inconsolable crying, then soon he will have to attend a wedding. Not necessarily on your own. Maybe one of your relatives or friends will want to arrange this bright celebration.

Crying in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

Tears symbolize the process of fertilization. If a woman dreams that she is crying bitterly in a dream, then this indicates that she simply longs for sex, and not safe sex. Because her goal is not just to have fun, but also, if possible, to become a mother. The desire to get pregnant is the real reason why a woman wants to have an intimate relationship.

The girl or woman you saw in your dream crying man, does not suffer from a lack of male attention, therefore, she has no problems in sexual relationships. If a man dreams of a sobbing woman, it means that he wants to have an affair with her with pleasant and predictable consequences. He might want to marry her and become the father of her children.

A representative of the strong half of humanity, who saw himself crying in a dream, in reality had many connections. But he is not attracted by past victories on the love front, so he constantly strives to meet and closely communicate with new women. Such illegibility is unlikely to bring him any good, which means that special attention needs to be paid to the dream.

Why dream of crying according to Loff’s dream book

Tears in a dream are not that uncommon. In most cases, crying is a completely normal reaction of the human body to some irritant that appears in his dream. Crying in a dream is radically different from actually shedding tears.

If a person observes any scene that evokes a feeling of compassion or pity in him, then the tears that appear are a way to express his emotions, not only in reality, but also in a dream. If you manage to remember the plot of your vision, then this is very good, and crying can tell you how to behave in reality in a specific situation.

Tears are an emotional release that can be obtained while in the arms of Morpheus. Therefore, there is no need to rack your brains about your dream. Crying is simply a way to cleanse the psyche, which can be used both in dreams and in reality. To determine the degree of purification that sobbing in a dream can bring, you need to remember the event that caused this crying.

If this is some kind of tragedy that resulted in the death of several people, then no matter how blasphemous it sounds, it is very good reason for the appearance of tears. This means that the psyche will be cleansed of negativity as well as possible. If the reason for crying is grievances inflicted by loved ones, then such a dream can relieve emotional stress. Tears “just because” are meaningless both in everyday life and in the realm of sleep. When a person who has cried feels significant relief, this is a sign that the cleansing of the psyche has occurred.

Why dream of crying according to the Modern Dream Book

All dream books interpret this dream differently, but only Modern dream book is positive and foretells the crying dreamer joyful events and, albeit fleeting, but still, happiness. It is the future happiness that, in most cases, is the reason for the sleeper’s tears. Perhaps some grandiose event in life awaits him, for example, a wedding or the birth of a baby, or maybe simply the long-awaited peace and tranquility will come to his family. Isn't this happiness?!

It happens that one dreams of “collective sobbing,” that is, a person sees a group of people sitting and crying together. Such a dream foreshadows some kind of holiday or party. Perhaps this will be a massive folk festival in which it makes sense to take part.

Naturally, this barrel of sweet dreams cannot be complete without a spoonful of nightmares. If the dreamer cries for a deceased person and knows exactly what kind of person he is, then trouble awaits the dreamer in reality. And the stronger the crying for the dead, the bigger the problems will be. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid this, so you need to face adversity head on. Seeing relatives crying in a dream is a sign that troubles, sorrows and other negativity will fall on their heads.

Why dream of crying according to the Psychological Dream Book

If a person cries in a dream, it means that in reality someone has greatly offended him. Such a vision seems to have been sent to help the sleeping person: it helps to smooth out the unpleasant impressions of the offense and reduce anger towards the one who caused it. It is possible that after a dream full of tears, the dreamer will be ready to forgive someone whom he hated with all his heart just yesterday. To keep calm in reality, everyone needs such dreams.

Piteous crying is the most common dream related to tears. It fully reflects the events that actually occur. Worries about another person, as well as thoughts about him, the desire to see him, or simply a long separation - these are all reasons that influence the picture of a dream. This once again proves that emotions do not have the ability to change, even if a person is sleeping.

All unresolved problems literally hold a person in a tight grip, not allowing him to relax day or night, preventing him from moving forward and significantly spoiling his life. Tears in a dream are just a way to get rid of these problems, although not for long.

Why dream of crying bitterly, crying a lot?

When a person sobs bitterly in a dream, then such a vision can be called good. This means that the dark streak in his life is over, and he is no longer in danger of troubles and misfortunes, and all fleeting anxieties and minor problems will seem mere trifles compared to what he has experienced recently. All obstacles will fall, health will improve, and troubles will pass by. There is a very favorable period ahead, which will once again prove that after a storm there is always calm.

If you dreamed that a relative or just an acquaintance was crying a lot, then this means only one thing: people need the help and support of the dreamer. It is possible that you will have to temporarily become that very “vest” in which everyone loves to cry. There is nothing scary or shameful about this, who knows, maybe it will really help a person. In any case, you cannot pass by and it is not recommended to refuse help, since anyone, including the dreamer, can find themselves in a similar situation.

Why do you dream of a crying child?

If a crying child appeared in your night dreams, then you definitely need to remember: was it there or was it just a child’s cry. When the dreamer clearly sees a sobbing baby, he will have to experience all the bitterness of disappointment and experience a feeling of dissatisfaction with his own actions. If you simply dreamed of a child crying, then good news or long-awaited meetings will not take long to arrive.

An infant's cry heard in a dream is a harbinger of good news. Perhaps a letter or parcel will soon arrive from afar, which will be a real surprise for the dreamer. There is also a chance to receive the necessary information that the sleeper has been waiting for a very long time. When living in the house Small child, then a dream with a crying baby is considered empty, and you can ignore it.

Dream Interpretation - someone cries in a dream

  • boy - the child will soon get sick;
  • girl - you will have to be very surprised by something;
  • baby - good news;
  • mom - feel lonely among people;
  • dad - get help from an influential person;
  • guy - future troubles;
  • ex-boyfriend - soon everything will fall into place;
  • girl - anxiety or minor troubles;
  • husband - after a major quarrel there will be reconciliation, and everything will end well;
  • wife - events that cannot be predicted;
  • daughter - the child has some problems;
  • son - child needs moral support;
  • man - family scandal;
  • girlfriend - everyday little things that are not worthy of attention;
  • Friend - happy event or good news;
  • grandmother - unfair reproaches and groundless accusations;
  • grandfather - unsuccessful date;
  • person - to upset a relative;
  • beloved – the need for emotional release;
  • beloved - you will have to reconsider your views on life;
  • friend - something will come true soon;
  • colleague - a sharp career take-off;
  • kuma - all worries are in vain;
  • stranger - someone wants to take advantage of someone else's kindness;
  • Not beautiful girl- bad news;
  • beautiful girl - good news;
  • ex-girlfriend - love cannot be returned;
  • woman - new acquaintances;
  • bride - a series of love failures;
  • groom - betrayal of a loved one;
  • rival - all her efforts will be in vain;
  • sister - empty disputes and stupid quarrels;
  • brother - someone is plotting.

Why do you dream of a crying dead person?

If you dream that a really deceased relative literally bursts into tears, this means that he is very worried about the dreamer. The sleeper risks becoming the initiator of a conflict that will completely ruin the relationship with a loved one. The emergence of a new ill-wisher also cannot be ruled out.

That is, in essence, a crying dead man warns a living person. He clearly makes it clear that the dreamer is to blame for all his troubles. To save yourself from troubles, it is enough to look inside yourself and, if possible, adjust your behavior, and you also need to learn to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted.

In the case when a dead person cries and then dissolves into thin air or leaves, such a dream is interpreted completely differently. This portends a rich, well-fed and prosperous life. True, this state does not last forever and the situation can change dramatically overnight. This can create a feeling of uncertainty about the future.

Why dream of crying in your sleep?

If you had to shed tears in a dream, and for absolutely no reason, this means that the dreamer is in dire need of consolation and support. He will receive all this, but not from someone who can really provide it. Help will come from outside, and very soon.

When tears flow like hail and a person sees that his tears are the size of a pea, this promises him a big profit. The larger the tears, the greater the income. In general, to correctly interpret such a dream, you need to have an idea of ​​the dreamer’s personality. For example, if a businessman cries, then he will face troubles associated with the “punishing” authorities; For a lover who has parted with his soulmate, crying in a dream foreshadows a quick meeting and a showdown, as a result of which two loving hearts will unite again.

Anyone who cried very hard in a dream, literally sobbing, can be calm: fate is preparing some kind of gift for him. Perhaps an old dream will come true or a cherished desire will come true. Or simply for some time luck will constantly accompany him, and lay straws if a fall cannot be avoided. It’s good to cry very bitterly. Such a dream foreshadows future successes, but for more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to remember: exactly what reason prompted the sleeping person to become such a crybaby. If the reason lies in human actions, then troubles cannot be avoided.

What does it mean when you dream of tears, strong sobs reaching the point of hysteria, a dream of crying with an explosion can be found out from the interpretations of famous esotericists and from online dream books. Having remembered all the details of your dream, try to determine what such a dream symbolizes.

Miller's Dream Book - sob, cry loudly

Miller interprets tears in a dream as a warning factor. It is quite possible that conflicts are brewing in the life of the sleeper, but there is still time to prevent them. Roar and cry a lot - there will be a quarrel. If a young girl sees herself sobbing in a dream, then problems will arise on the personal front. If a businessman or a businessman cries a lot, troubles and conflicts with competitors or employees may begin in his career.

But a good omen is a dream that someone else is crying, someone nearby. If this person is familiar to you, then you will make peace with him or console him, if not, still expect good news, unexpected reconciliation and resolution of the conflict.

Freud's dream book - sob in a dream, cry

A woman or girl who cries bitterly in a dream, in reality really wants to become a mother and give birth to a child; now she is in the most favorable period for this.

A man’s dream about tears is a manifestation of his roaming nature, the desire to conquer as many women as possible, he is only interested in intimate relationships and one-night stands. The tear in such a dream symbolizes his passion for women.

Crying in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book

Crying loudly in a dream is a very good sign. According to this interpretation, the nature of the tears determines the degree of future joy. A couple of tears in a dream - good news awaits the sleeper. If tears flow in a stream, everything in life will be just wonderful, everything will work out, there will be a reason for fun. A dream of crying, which reaches the point of hysteria, marks a wedding soon (yours or one of your friends).

Tsvetkov's dream book - a dream about tears and sobs

If a girl sees herself crying in a dream, everything will work out in reality.

Crying at an explosion in a dream means that all your plans will come true, you will receive a reward for your work, there will be a lot of joy and fun in life.

It is a negative sign to see someone else crying in a dream, this means that in life you will greatly offend a loved one with a word or deed.

Loff's dream book - why do you dream about crying a lot in a dream?

Tears themselves, and even crying out loud, have no meaning. If you dreamed that you were crying, pay attention to why and how this is happening, the reason that caused the tears will have a direct meaning. It is a reflection of your experiences in real life.

Why dream of sobbing bitterly in a dream?

There is a contradictory interpretation of the dream, that is, tears are a symbol of imminent joy. Thus, crying a lot in a dream means that in the future you will hear good news that can change your life.

If the sleeper has conflicts in real life and faces great difficulties, then sobbing and tears symbolize subconscious fatigue, allowing you to throw it out in a dream in order to get relief in real life.

If a lonely man dreamed that a beautiful girl or woman was crying next to him, then this is a dream that means future new acquaintances that can change life for the better.

If a businessman or a person working in the trade sector sees in a dream that people around him are crying, then big losses are inevitable, and his career may crack.

If you dreamed that your mother was crying, it means it’s time to change your lifestyle. It is quite possible that everything is fine with you, but from the point of view higher powers you live completely aimlessly and incorrectly.

A sobbing bride in a dream means protracted problems on the personal front and in love affairs.

Why dream of crying a lot in a dream for a dead person?

Crying at the grave of a person who has already died or a deceased person is a good sign. In such a dream, you get rid of the hardships of real life, negative thoughts and emotions. You let go of the deceased, thereby leaving only kind and good memories in your life.

But if a dead man cries bitterly in a dream, you should be wary. Such a dream promises troubles and conflicts and is of a warning nature. The sleeper may behave aggressively or rudely towards other people; this needs to be changed urgently.

If the person who died cried in his sleep and left, then he gave you the go-ahead for a calm and successful life.

Why do you dream of a quarrel with a guy? Why do you dream of breaking up with a loved one or friend in a dream, what does it mean to break up with a guy in a dream - detailed interpretation sleep

Tears in real life rarely bring joy to anyone, although in most cases they carry a certain cleansing effect, ridding the cryer of negative energy. Often, after shedding tears, you feel incredible lightness, but girls, of course, are more inclined to this, because tears don’t make guys look good.

What if you dream you cry?

But what tears portend in a dream and what they are a sign of, still needs to be clarified. The interpretations of a dream in which a person cries are as varied as the interpretation of any other dream. For example, if in a dream a person cries with someone for company, then soon you should expect some kind of celebration and receiving gifts. If a person’s crying in a dream is very loud and violent, then a joyful event lies ahead. But crying alone while sitting on the bed is a bad sign that foreshadows events opposite to joy. If crying is accompanied by a grin, then this sure sign the presence of some kind of rivalry in real life. This could be business competition, or it could be the presence of a rival or rival in amorous affairs. Also, the presence of a grin while crying may foreshadow legal proceedings.

Crying in a dream can serve as a sign that consolation awaits in a person’s life. What it will be like and what exactly will comfort the sleeping person in reality can be judged based on the latest events in the real life of the person who had such a dream. If someone is comforting someone who is crying in a dream, and the comforter is a familiar person, then in life one should expect betrayal from him in difficult times, or it could be a warning dream, which says that the comforter is not sincere.

If in a dream, a person cries, but when asked: why are you crying, he cannot answer. This will mean that in real life he is in a state of oppression and depression, because he has lost the meaning of life or is simply lost and confused in what is happening.

In general, crying for the most part is a good sign, foreshadowing the absolutely opposite meaning, that is, joy. The louder and more emotional the cry, the more joyful and happy the upcoming event will be. In what area a person can expect changes for the better, a conclusion should be drawn based on the reasons for crying in a dream. If a girl cries about the betrayal of her husband or lover, then in reality nothing will interfere with family personal happiness, and if the reason for the tears is parting with her beloved, then being separated you should expect a happy reunion. And if you see tears in a dream due to failures in your professional life, then you should expect success or a quick promotion.

Tears in a dream can also symbolize a period of carefree life and harmony in all its spheres. If before this there was some kind of stagnation in life, then crying excitedly in a dream will mark the beginning of an active and active period of life and the sleeper can forget about times of stagnation.

If you hear other people crying bitterly, this may be a sign of an imminent happy wedding.

In any case, crying in a dream is a kind of emotional release. This may mean that in real life a person keeps a lot to himself and this brings him suffering that no one except him sees or feels. If the crying was so strong in a dream that a person woke up from his own crying, this is a very strong and emotional sign that you should pay attention to. This is a sign that something is very disturbing to a person and does not give him peace.

What does it portend?

After a person wakes up, it is worth carefully analyzing the feelings with which he woke up. If after sleep a person feels fear and anxiety, then he cannot cope with his experiences in reality and perhaps it is worth turning to a specialist for help. But if, after crying, he felt relief and joy, the experiences overwhelming him will soon pass, giving way to the calm flow of life.

If in a dream a person saw a crying child, then such a dream speaks of impending disappointment. Very bad sleep, which carries great negativity, there will be a dream with a crying dead person. If a dead person cries and leaves in a dream, this will simply symbolize some streak of minor failures, but if the crying dead person never left the person in the dream, then we should expect something irreparable.

If the sleeping person hears how other people cry pitifully, then this may mean the joy of your loved ones and friends, and even if the sleeping person is not personally affected by the joyful event, he will soon be able to sincerely rejoice for his friends and relatives.

A dream has a negative meaning if there was grief and tears in the dream for a person who is far from the sleeping person - this is a harbinger of misfortune and sadness. If someone is crying next to a person in a dream, and he consoles him, then soon you should expect good news.

If you dream of tears through laughter, then the preceding event will be of a dual nature. It can both upset and please at the same time; losses are possible with the acquisition. In any case, you should expect ambiguous events.

Crying with loud sobs and hiccups will indicate that the person who had such a dream will have to make efforts to achieve what they want.

It is easy to answer the question: why do you dream that you are crying, if you know the meaning of the interpretation of such a dream.