How planets influence human destiny. How does the relationship of planets affect a person?

02.09.2019 Cell phones

The higher planets have completely different functions, and they are even more multifunctional than the Septener planets. Higher planets have a greater influence not on individuals, but on entire generations. Nevertheless, their role in the formation of personality is currently increasing year by year, and they have been especially strong since 2003. year, with the beginning era of Aquarius. The higher planets are assessed completely differently, appearing in a personal horoscope either as a gift, or as madness, or as something that reveals the truth, or as something that tightly closes it. Any of these planets introduces an element of unpredictability and is even more strongly associated with choice and liberation of the human spirit. Their influence on groups of people is especially great; in this case, any higher planet can be considered as a gigantic system for changing collective stagnation, ossified hierarchy and transforming the foundations of society.

CHIRON (Sraosha)- a planetoid whose orbit is beyond the orbit of Saturn, is the first of the so-called higher planets. Chiron gives a person the opportunity to combine extremes, develops diplomatic abilities, gives the ability to get used to an image, a sense of combination, and a balanced approach to any problem. People with a strong Chiron are excellent mediators, diplomats, lawyers, they can support a good relationship with two warring parties. In the worst case, Chiron creates people who sway from one extreme to another, as well as intriguers, instigators, and traitors. Often they cannot distinguish between good and evil. The highest hypostasis of Chiron is associated with Sraosha.

SRAOSHA (higher Chiron) is a deity who embodies justice and makes it possible to actively establish justice, but only in the form of retribution. He, the patron of power magic, is related to any struggle, and especially to the struggle at the energy level. Sraosha gives everyone according to their abilities, holds in their hands the keys that open any doors, is related to knowledge and gives the opportunity to understand darkness. This deity, depicted as a warrior with the head of a rooster, disperses the darkness with his cry and is the winner of the khrafstra. It is a herald, warning and calling out good news.

URAN (Hvarna)- this is the planet of freedom, which is associated with human free choice, unexpected changes, reforms, paradoxical, unpredictable ideas, inspiration, insight, originality. People with strong Uranus are experimenters, innovators, reformers, good friends, they do not like to obey rules, but they also do not put pressure on others. The phenomenon of clairvoyance is associated with Uranus. In the worst case, one observes anarchy, a disregard for everything, non-commitment, shockingness, cynicism, vagrancy, and rebellion. The highest hypostasis of Uranus is associated with Hvarna.

KHVARNA, manifested through Uranus, is a deity associated with grace, charisma, transforming a person, introducing an element of freedom and unpredictability into his destiny. It also prevents any violation of free choice. Hvarna opens the heavens to a person, changes time and makes it possible to escape the circle of time. Its symbol is crossed lightning bolts - electrical forces that suddenly and instantly transform any person. Khvarna is also directly related to royal power: any king, ruler must have a strong Uranus in his horoscope, but this “Uranian” power is real, chosen by free choice and giving freedom to everyone.

NEPTUNE (Apam-Napat) associated with the deep subconscious, with entering into higher harmony, with deep faith, with fantasies, imagination, premonitions, with creative ecstasy, with secrets. People who are strongly influenced by Neptune intuitively sense the hidden meaning of things. Among them there are prophets, seers, religious figures, as well as artists, poets, and musicians of a mystical nature.
In the worst case, Neptune gives strong suggestibility, illusions, melancholy, chaotic thinking, drunkenness, drug addiction. The highest hypostasis of Neptune is associated with the deity of underground waters - Apam-Napat.

APAM-NAPAT, like the highest Neptune, is a very formidable deity - he is the Earth’s vibrator, setting in motion all hidden sources and huge masses, showing connection with the elements and giving gigantic forces. He can remove the illusory veil from the world, or he can, on the contrary, throw it on. This is a deity associated with death and rebirth, the fear of death and overcoming it. A deity that relieves fear, destroys illusions, provides opportunities to overcome contradictions, and ultimately grants victory over oneself. This is the grace of victory over fears and illusions.

PLUTO (Ramman) is associated with collective and elemental energies, is an indicator of human interaction with large masses of people, gives concentration of will and its direction in the right direction. Pluto gives the abilities of a hypnotist, a healer, the ability to influence various phenomena and objects. People with a strong Pluto perform best in extreme situations when masses are in motion. Pluto, like Mars, is also associated with sexual energy. Nuclear power, elemental energy, contained in the substance, is also associated with Pluto. In the worst case, Pluto forms destroyers, troublemakers, instigators of mass riots, sowing disorder and chaos around themselves. The highest hypostasis of Pluto is associated with Ramman.

RAMMAN, as a manifestation of the highest Pluto, it is the ruler of power and elements descending from heaven (thunders, winds, storms, hurricanes), breaking down established systems and introducing something completely new into them, destroying all karmic knots. Ramman is a deity who has enormous wealth (fat herds and large spaces) in his power. His gigantic forces make it possible to gather large groups of people into the same unified “herds”. But the forces that Ramman concentrates in himself are those forces that were mediocrely wasted by people (sheep wandering around the pasture) who lost the gift given to them. All excess of these forces is collected by Ramman and returned to them in the form of a menacing storm. Higher Pluto is a planet that requires super concentration: collect treasures, don’t scatter them, be at the same time different places, try to unite everything in yourself, becoming the “center of the Universe”, and then grace will manifest itself, riches will be revealed higher powers, with the help of which you can become a real magician, and any of your thoughts is here
will materialize. This is charisma that can change the world only with the power of thought.

PROSERPINE (Daena)- the farthest from the Sun manifests itself at the human level as a tendency to deep analysis, study of the smallest details of any phenomenon, meticulousness, clarity, pedantry. Proserpina is associated with changes in consciousness under the influence of rethinking, a change in the inner essence, and a radical transformation. Karma and heredity are also associated with it. A person with strong Proserpina, based on many disparate facts, synthesizes a clear system, which is especially useful for investigators, restorers, and scientists. In the worst case, Proserpine gives fragmentation of consciousness, the inability to see the forest for the trees, as well as irreversible upheavals in fate. The highest hypostasis of Proserpina is associated with Daena.

DAENA(higher Proserpina) translated from the Avestan language means “faith”. This is the soul of a person, giving him the opportunity to understand faith, law, any smallest particle of the surrounding world and restore integrity from any part of it, opening up a connection between a person and his ancestors and all previous generations. Proserpina is connected with the genetic code of any person, and Daena is the guardian of the World Tree, the Tree of Ancestors, which were called Fravash. Through Proserpina you can incarnate into the soul of any phenomenon, see the world with different eyes. The grace of Daena is a feeling of kinship with the soul of any person, any phenomenon, the possibility of entering any system.

Along with the considered planets, Avestan astrology takes into account four more planets: Vulcan, Anubis, Isis and Osiris. True, they are used extremely rarely, since they are associated with such capabilities of people that are currently simply inaccessible to the vast majority of us.

VOLCANO- this is the highest law, the conductor of which man feels himself to be. It gives cosmic consciousness, the ability to compare the laws of the Earth with the laws of the Cosmos. The manifestation of Vulcan can be compared with the law-making functions of the higher Jupiter. Now Vulcan has little effect on people - it has not yet been discovered, although scientists guess about the presence of this planet by the deviation of the orbit of Mercury. However, ancient astrologers knew it. The volcano is almost always near the Sun. In the horoscopes of the great spiritual Teachers, Vulcan was in special positions.

ANUBIS- this is the highest form of communication and contacts associated with the exchange of information at any level, both conscious and unconscious. “Anubis Man” can communicate with the most different things and objects (trees, stones, metals), understands the language of plants and animals. At the same time, Anubis is a symbol of a werewolf, represented by a man with the head of a wolf or jackal, and he is also a guide to the kingdom of the dead. A strong Anubis creates a field of strange events around a person - transformations, changes in forms, and can make an unreal world real. It is probably with him that all the ancient Russian fairy tales are connected (frog princesses, talking trees, animals, birds, all kinds of transformations and journeys to afterworld). Anubis worked very hard before the split of Phaethon, now it can manifest itself through Chiron and Mercury.

ISIS is the Divine Mother of the World, who accepts and understands the whole world. It merges the functions of all female planets: the Moon, Venus, Saturn and Proserpina. In the Avesta, Isis is called Arta (Asha) - “the kingdom of Light, transforming the soul”, this is the highest maternal principle in man, marked by the highest grace and a sense of heavenly protection. Strong, kind Isis in the horoscope gives a person the opportunity to reveal all the secrets and hidden reserves of his own essence, to feel like one with everyone living on Earth, due to which deep memory and limitless opportunities for self-knowledge open up. Negative manifestations of Isis are associated with complete chaos, confusion, illusory perception of the world, fears, mental disorders and illnesses.

OSIRIS combines the functions of all the yang planets (Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Vulcan) and manifests in a person all the qualities of the Creator, he is also a symbol of cosmic scales and universal justice. Osiris is associated with the energy of Kundalini - a revitalizing force, with the awakening of which a person receives higher energy abilities. This is the level of a magician capable of materializing thought forms. In the Avesta, Osiris is called Rashnu and represents the deity of supreme justice, the restoration of law, the highest creative principle, as well as the restoration of integrity, death and rebirth. Osiris, strong in the horoscope, can give a person the highest magical abilities, while the evil planet will incline him to the path of Darkness (black magician), the good one will direct him to serve the Light and make him a white magician, cleansing the Earth of all evil.

Ancient astrologers also knew about the once existing planet PHAETON(or Traetaona), which collapsed in the distant past, which is reflected in the famous Greek myth about Phaeton, the son of the Sun. According to the Avestan myth, Ized Traetaona was the first to fight the Serpent Azhi-Dahaka, enclosing our world, but was defeated by him . However, then Traetaona received the help of Ahura Mazda, ascended to heaven again and won victory. That is, in the future, the planet Phaeton will be restored as a result of the unification of its fragments - asteroids. In the past, Phaethon served as an intermediary, a link between Saturn and Jupiter, establishing a connection between the inner world of a person, his value system and social structure. When he died, this connection was broken, and therefore now we have a lack of harmony between the personal and the public, a constant conflict between them. Chiron is now performing partial compensation for the functions of Phaethon, but the original harmony will return only with the restoration of Phaethon itself.

Thus, we are dealing with 18 planets: 7 Septener planets, 5 higher planets, 4 additional planets, Earth and Phaethon. But we note that in this section of the analysis of the planets we examined only their psychological impact on humans. However, there is also an eventful influence (attraction to a person of various situations associated with planets), as well as the influence of planets on other objects: family, society, state, nature, the Earth as a whole, etc.


In the tradition of Avestan astrology, 16 cosmic rhythms are most often taken into account, manifesting themselves through 16 planets (4 of them are fictitious planets, that is, they do not correspond to real cosmic bodies, they represent special points of the lunar orbit, but their influence is quite real and extremely important). In myths, the planets are identified with the Izeds, that is, with higher entities, and are even called by their names. But this only means that for us, people living on Earth, it is through these planets, or rather, through the cycles of these planets, that the influence of the Izeds is projected. As for the planets as physical bodies, they, like the Earth, are considered living organisms that have their own destiny and go through their own path of development and evolution.

In the same time all planets, and especially Septener's planets(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn), that is, those whose cycle is less than the life expectancy of a person (Saturn has 29.5 years), are considered initially defiled by the invasion of the world of Angra Manyu, therefore through their cycles, seduction and defilement can come to a person. This is due to the fact that on the time scale of human life the action of these planets is fluctuating, inconsistent, and changing. They are in an intermediate state and, therefore, the forces of Evil can be embodied through them (from the point of view of the influence of planets on humans). In the same sense, the Septener planets are even contrasted with the pure and undefiled zodiac constellations, since throughout human life the constellations practically do not move.

In its turn, higher planets(Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Proserpina) are considered much less defiled for humans and are considered as conductors between the first seven planets and the Zodiac. The higher planets have completely different functions than the Septener planets. They are more multifunctional and have a greater impact not on individuals, but on entire generations. Their desecration manifests itself at the level of world history, the fate of generations, civilizations, where they come to the fore. Nevertheless, their role in the formation of personality is currently increasing year by year, and they have been especially strong since 2003, with the beginning of the era of Aquarius.

For a person, these planets are dangerous because they can act as a source of enormous seduction, since a person is not able to fully understand their influence, because the cycles of the higher planets (with the exception of Chiron - 51 years and Uranus - 84 years) significantly exceed the duration of human life. In a personal horoscope, the higher planets appear either as a gift or as madness - as something that reveals the truth, or as something that tightly closes it. Any of these planets introduces an element of unpredictability; it is even more strongly connected with the choice and liberation of the human spirit. Their influence on groups of people is especially great, in this case any higher planet can be considered as a giant system for changing collective stagnation, ossified hierarchy and transforming the “swamp”. To better understand the role of the higher planets in our lives, let us consider their influence on the world and on humans in more detail.

The first of the higher planets - Uranus(in the Avestan tradition Hvarna) is the planet of freedom, which is associated with human free choice, unexpected changes, reforms, paradoxical and unpredictable ideas, inspiration, insight, originality. People with strong Uranus are experimenters, innovators, inventors and reformers. They are good friends who know how to value and cherish friendship. They do not like to obey rules, but they also do not put pressure on others. Negative qualities“Uranists” - anarchism, disregard for everything, non-commitment, shocking, cynicism, vagrancy, rebellion. In its highest manifestation, the phenomenon of clairvoyance is associated with Uranus. The highest hypostasis of Uranus is associated with Hvarna.

Khvarna, manifested through Uranus, is a deity associated with grace, charisma, transforming a person, introducing an element of freedom and unpredictability into his destiny. It also prevents any violation of free choice. Hvarna opens the heavens to a person, changes time and makes it possible to escape the circle of times. Its symbol is crossed lightning bolts - electrical forces that suddenly and instantly transform any person. Khvarna is directly related to royal power: any king, ruler must have a strong Uranus in his horoscope. “Uranian” power is the power of the sword-bearers, real, true, chosen by free choice and giving freedom to everyone.

The prerogative of Uranus in human life is the study and exploration of outer space (development of aircraft technology, aircraft construction, satellite launching, spaceships, the discovery of new stars, galaxies, planetary systems, etc.), the invention of radio and television, telephone installation, as well as everything related to the field of electricity, electromagnetism and electrodynamics. The influence of Uranus in history is manifested through revolutions and riots, coups, reforms, the struggle for freedom and justice.

Frederick William Herschel.

In our time, for the first time after the priests of Babylon, Uranus was discovered March 13, 1781 English astronomer William Herschel, who “broke the bolts of Heaven,” as it is written on his gravestone, and thereby “increased” the solar planetary system by half. The influence of the rhythms of this planet on the fate of the scientist himself is curious. Herschel was born on November 15, 1738 (Hannover, Germany). Uranus in his horoscope is in its nocturnal abode - in Capricorn, and the Sun is in the 23rd degree of Scorpio, the degree of exaltation of Uranus, in the place of its highest manifestation. Herschel's discovery of Uranus occurred when he was 42 years old, exactly at the opposite phase of the cycle of this planet, completely changing his whole life: his career as a musician ended, and the amateur astronomer became a professional astronomer who made many discoveries in the field of stellar astronomy. Herschel lived exactly 84 years - exactly the cycle of Uranus. He died on August 25, 1822, when Uranus returned to the 4th degree of Capricorn, as at his birth.

The first historical event of the “Uranic” type that followed the discovery of the planet can be called the French (1789-1792) revolution, which led to revolutionary unrest in neighboring European countries: the Austrian Netherlands, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Western Germany. “Uranian” events in Russia - reforms of Alexander I (1802): reorganization of the state apparatus, formation of ministries, liberation of peasants with land from serfdom. A little later - the Decembrist uprising (1825), and almost a century later - the revolutionary coup of 1917, which completely changed the entire course of the history of “Aquarius” Russia, the main ruler of which is Uranus.

Immediately after the discovery of Uranus, man’s first “Uranian” desire came true - the opportunity to fly into the sky. The first flight of a hot air balloon filled with hot smoke occurred on June 5, 1783. It was launched (to a height of 1800 m) by the brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier (France, Annon). A little later (11/21/1873, France) - a flight of people to hot-air balloon, which covered 12 km at an altitude of more than a thousand meters in 25 minutes. On December 1 of the same year, the French made a two-hour flight in a balloon filled with hydrogen.
Subsequent scientific discoveries of a “uranian” nature - ultraviolet rays (1801, Germany, German physicist Johann Ritger), the first chemical source electric current- voltaic column (1800, physicist Volta), electric arc (1813, Great Britain, chemist Humphry Davy), wave theory of light (English naturalist Thomas Young) and much more. Started in 1844 new era in the development of information technology - the American inventor Morse sent the world's first telegram along the Washington-Baltimore telegraph line. By the beginning of the 20th century, the scientific world had already explored various areas of aerodynamics and mastered the design of various aircraft.

And then - the invention of radio and television, robots and computers, the development of laser technologies, the construction of airplanes, rockets, space stations and ships, human flight into space, the launch of artificial satellites.

However, everything is good in moderation. Therefore, let us answer the question: what could be the threat to the world from the unreasonable use and fanatical passion for advanced technologies of this kind? Widespread computerization - mass immersion in the field of virtual reality and computer drug addiction, the development of new types of technology - improvement of murder weapons, further "exploration" of space - complete cluttering of the surrounding space. What about extraordinary genetic experiments, active searches for the code of “immortality” and bold desires to “subjugate” time? In whose hands is everything on Earth? Do uranium inventors think about this?

Since the discovery of Uranus by modern humanity, only 3.5 cycles of this planet have passed, which symbolically can mean 3.5 years. That is our “uranic” age is, in fact, the knowledge of a three-year-old child. Inventions of this kind in the hands of modern rulers are the same as a machine gun in the hands of an unreasonable child who one day, despite all the prohibitions, wants to play with it. So, perhaps, before invading the field of “uranistics”, placing such a powerful tool in the hands of “modern” humanity, we should first pay attention to the “cyclical age” of the planet, which reflects, among other things, the general level of spiritual development of earthlings? !

Scientists noticed that Uranus does not move exactly as it is supposed to move under the influence of the gravity of the Sun and the planets known at that time. Then they suspected the existence of another planet located beyond Uranus, using mathematical calculations to calculate its position in the sky. This problem was solved independently by two scientists at once - the English astronomer J. Adams and the French astronomer W. Le Verrier. Having received Le Verrier's data, Berlin Observatory assistant I. Galle actually discovered the planet. This happened September 23, 1846, when Neptune was in the sign of Aquarius, in the same degree with Saturn, on the day the Sun passed through the destructive degree of Libra.

The first years after opening Neptune, the planets - the rulers of the Waters, promised Europe by no means joyful events. More than a million people died from the catastrophic famine that lasted in Ireland from 1845 to 1848, caused by a failed grain harvest due to constant heavy rains. In 1850, a cholera epidemic broke out in London, killing 20,000 human lives, the reason is poisoning drinking water cholera vibrio. Medicine did not yet know how to combat cholera. But already in the 60s of the 19th century, medicine made significant progress. Thus, in Germany, Professor I. Schonlein founded the “natural-historical” school of medicine, where new scientific methods for diagnosing diseases - laboratory analysis, autopsy and microscopy - were first used. It should also be noted that the first public operation under anesthesia was carried out precisely in 1846 (right in the year of the discovery of Neptune).

TO end of the 19th century century in the field of medicine, diagnostics using X-rays was already used (1895, V. Roentgen), the causative agent of tuberculosis was discovered - Koch's bacillus (1882, R. Koch), a method of active immunization against diphtheria was developed (1890, E. Bering), an anti-plague vaccine was created vaccine (1894, A. Yersen). And finally, the antiphase of Neptune, calculated from the year of the discovery of the planet, was marked in medicine by the creation of penicillin (1928, A. Fleming).

Many discoveries have been made in the field of chemistry, among which one of the most significant can be called Periodic law DI. Mendeleev (1869). However, there were many other things that brought massive disasters to humanity, for example, the invention of dynamite by the Swedish chemist A. Nobel (1867), the discovery of the natural radioactivity of uranium salts by the French physicist A. Becquerel (1896), the discovery of the radioactivity of thorium and radioactive elements - polonium and radium - by the spouses M. Skłodowska-Curie and P. Curie in 1898. The question for scientists remains the same!

An example of “Neptunian” manifestations in the field of religion and ideology is the founding of such organizations as the Theosophical Society of H.P. Blavatsky and G.S. Olkotga, which was a worldwide brotherhood designed to spread the theosophical worldview (USA, 1875), the Ramakrishna Mission society of the Hindu monk Vivekananda (1897, India), school transcendental meditation Maharishi (1958, India), etc. Among modern occult organizations, followers of far from bright religions and teachings who create mass riots (for example, the Aum Senrikyo sect, founded in 1987) and commit mass murders (for example, the sect Peoples Temple in Guyana, when 900 of its members committed suicide in one day under mysterious circumstances).

The desire to come into contact with the secret and unknown led many to a passion for spiritualism, numerous studies of the problems of death, the phenomena of telepathy, to penetration into the areas of the subconscious, and the study of the world of dreams. An example of this can be the research of the famous spiritualist, founder of the Paris Society of Spiritualistic Research Alana Kardec, author of the “Book of Spirits,” written by him during spiritualistic séances. Psychologists studied the mysteries of the human psyche Sigmund Freud And Carl Gustav Jung, from whose pen a whole host of works on this topic came out, psychiatrist Alfred Adler, founder of individual psychology, psychologist-physiologist Alfred Wiene, author of texts to determine children's intelligence, and even a popular astronomer Camille Flammarion, who wrote the book “The Unknown.”

Neptune's area of ​​activity is religion and sacraments, the formation of secret occult, political and ideological organizations (in the worst case, sects), intelligence and espionage activities, hospitals and prisons, medicine, chemistry, psychology, penetration into the subconscious, sleep and dreams, the collective unconscious , music, poetry, meditation, exploration of water spaces, seas and oceans. The mysterious and enigmatic Neptune, befitting its characteristics, hid from the watchful eye of astronomers for a very long time and was discovered in an unusual way: first by calculation, and then by observation.

Currently modern world is filled with all kinds of hypnotists and psychics who code for all vices, charge with all types of energies, open all chakras, etc., in other words, people who, without any right to do so, strive to influence the subconscious of other people. But it is still unknown how such an impact will turn out. Only 156 years have passed since the discovery of Neptune; the planet’s cycle is approximately 165 years, that is modern knowledge about the role of this planet correspond to the age of a one-year-old child. Let's see what will please us with Neptune's first complete rotation since its discovery in the sky, which will occur in 2010-2011.

Field Pluto- the underground world (caves, mines, subways), nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants, mass disasters (volcanoes, earthquakes), wars, blackmail, terrorism, collective energies, hypnosis, tantric energy.

Pluto was discovered by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh in February 1930. Its cycle is approximately 248 years, so modern humanity is least aware of the functions of this planet. And yet, the discovery of a “nuclear” planet immediately announced itself.

Soon, or rather in 1937, a man dies, who in many ways prepared the way for the manifestation of Pluto’s true face. This is a famous English physicist Ernest Rutherford, one of the creators of the doctrine of radioactivity and the structure of the atom, discoverer of alpha and beta rays, the man who carried out the first artificial nuclear reaction (1919). Over the next two years (1937-1938), Pluto makes a loop on the border of the signs Cancer and Leo and enters the sign of its maximum manifestation, the so-called place of exaltation of the planet - the sign of Leo. An example of the colossal destructive power of Pluto through collective energies and mass death of people is the Second World War(1939-1945).

At the end of this war, one of the most terrible events in the history of mankind occurs - the atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (08/06/1945) and Nagasaki (08/09/1945). The first of these was carried out when Pluto walked through the 10th (destructive) degree of Leo.
But the United States did not become a monopoly in the field of nuclear weapons1. Already in 1947, Soviet scientists led by I.V. Kurchatov revealed these atomic secrets. And in August 1949, according to TASS reports, the first experimental explosion was carried out in the USSR atomic bomb(again - under the sign of Leo).

The next “Plutonian” toy of humanity was the hydrogen bomb. The first explosion of this kind was carried out by the Americans in the central part of Pacific Ocean November 1, 1952 (this time under the sign of Scorpio, the abode of Pluto). In response to the Americans, on August 20, 1953, an official message was published about the test of the Soviet hydrogen bomb (again, under the sign of Leo).

On August 5, 1963 (again, under the sign of Leo), having finally “played enough” of nuclear wars, Soviet Union The USA and Great Britain signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in Moscow. In total, since 1946, more than 400 nuclear tests have been carried out on the globe.

A lesson to humanity for the thoughtless use of nuclear energy was the Chernobyl disaster - the explosion of a nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (04/26/1986). The fate of events was indicated by what happened the day before moon eclipse on Pluto, which at that time was in its monastery, Scorpio, and stood exactly in opposition to the Sun, as well as the planet of “great misfortune” Saturn, which, together with the Moon, included the “axis of catastrophes”. A warning of future disasters was a sign of God - Halley's comet. And after that terrible event, many remembered the words of the Apocalypse; “...And a great star fell from the sky, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of this star is “wormwood.”." As a result of the Chernobyl reactor accident, the total radiation of isotopes was 30-40 times greater than during the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima! As we see, nuclear “toys” turned out to be the most dangerous in the hands of modern humanity.

Another of the recently discovered celestial objects that influence our lives is the planetoid Chiron- was discovered by astronomers in 1977. It is located between Saturn and Uranus: its perihelion (the point of its orbit closest to the Sun) lies inside the orbit of Saturn, and its aphelion (the point of greatest removal) is almost at the very orbit of Uranus. Chiron (in the Avestan tradition of Sraosha) forms a person’s diplomatic abilities, makes it possible to combine extremes, get used to the image, teaches a sense of combination, a balanced approach to any problem. People with a strong Chiron are excellent mediators, diplomats, lawyers, they can maintain good relations with two warring parties. At its worst, Chiron creates people who swing from one extreme to another, schemers, instigators and traitors, often such people are unable to distinguish between good and evil. The highest hypostasis of Chiron is associated with Sraosha.

The place of manifestation of Chiron in human life is choice, negotiations, searches for compromises, making peace, partnerships, both business and family, marriage, litigation.

The main events that accompanied the discovery of Chiron were: in 1977 - the extension of the Strategic Arms Limitation Agreement between the USSR and the USA (SALT-1), in 1979 - the signing of the SALT-2 treaty. The truly “Chironian” period with the search for compromises and the choice of further development paths was the 90s for our country, when the collapse of the USSR was replaced by a parade of sovereignties of republic-states. As soon as the republics transformed into independent states, a parade of elections began in each of them: parties and their leaders, presidents, prime ministers, governors, etc. This was followed by the creation of new unions of states (CIS, Belarus and Russia, the countries of the Baltic region), and the desire to join the union of Western countries (NATO). Some of the republics resolved this issue for themselves purely “in a Chironian way”, choosing the position of “sitting on two chairs.”

In relation to each individual person, this choice manifested itself, first of all, at the level of choosing the directions of spiritual development - ideology, religion, teaching. How many disputes are there?
on these issues, how many political disagreements and even wars are happening now precisely on religious grounds, how many fruitless searches for compromise solutions. Is there really a compromise between Good and Evil?!

As we see, the discovery of the higher planets, along with many phenomena and new opportunities, promised humanity a whole series of temptations. In order to better understand the role of the higher planets in our lives, and also to answer the question of what our active desire to instantly master their “powers” ​​can lead to, we will resort to the same comparison associated with humanity’s experience of the functions of these planets. Since ancient times, people have known all the planets visible to the naked eye when observed from the surface of the Earth: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And only at the end of the 18th century Uranus was discovered, in the middle of the 19th century - Neptune, in the 20th century - Pluto and the planetoid Chiron, and as for Proserpina and Vulcan, these planets are still considered unknown.

Now let’s define “experience” or “ relative age" of modern humanity according to the functions of all known planets for at least the last two thousand years. Let us take the cycles of planetary revolution around the Sun as a unit of calculation and consider them relative to one earthly year, which is approximately 365 days. As a result, we get the following.

Mercury(the ability to think, talk, communicate with others like you, establish contacts, make something with your own hands, move, etc.). The cycle of revolution around the Sun is 88 days. In one Earth year, this planet manages to make 4 full orbits. Consequently, over two thousand years, the “age according to Mercury” for earthlings is approximately 8000 years.

Venus(the ability to love, feel, enjoy life, work on the land and accumulate earthly wealth, trade, ennoble the material world). The cycle of revolution around the Sun is approximately 225 days. According to similar calculations, the “age according to Venus” over the two-thousand-year earthly period is approximately 3000 years.

Mars(ability to fight, protect, defend, fight). The cycle of revolution around the Sun is approximately 689 days, respectively, the “age according to Mars” for the two-thousand-year earthly period is just over a thousand years.

Jupiter(the ability to build collective relationships, lead, take responsibility for others, communicate at the state level, determine ideological views). The cycle of revolution around the Sun is approximately 12 years, respectively, the “age according to Jupiter” over the two-thousand-year earthly period is approximately 167 years.

Saturn(the ability to set goals and achieve them, build your own value system and set priorities, master professions, the ability to limit yourself, sacrifice yourself). The cycle of revolution around the Sun is approximately 29.5 years, respectively, the “age according to Saturn” over the two-thousand-year earthly period is approximately 68 years.

This is what the “experience” of earthlings looks like regarding the functions of Septener’s planets: everyone has long learned to communicate, is able to dress and feed themselves, knows how to trade and fight, has some experience in matters of collective relationships and contacts at the state level, but there is not enough worldly wisdom for the correct construction goals and individual disclosure of each. Here is the answer to the question why most people strive to realize themselves in the field of “buying and selling” - there is too much “experience” accumulated by humanity (Mercury-Venus), and if not everything is so simple, then at least everything is clear, passed over thousands of years. The “experience” of military action, violence, robbery (Mars) is also sufficient, and some peoples have even received it in abundance. It is much more difficult to become a professional, to achieve certain results in life through creative, individual manifestation, by revealing the charisma given by the Lord God, having overcome on the way to your goals, hard lessons of fate (“experience” for Saturn is so small in comparison with other planets).

Even more impressive is this example regarding the human lifespan, which averages 72 Earth years: 299 Mercury cycles, 117 Venus cycles, 38 Mars cycles, 6 Jupiter cycles and 2.5 Saturn cycles. As a result, the lives of many people follow the same simplified scenario: in vanity, satisfaction of earthly whims, senseless enmity, a little later - in pursuit of fame, prestige, position in society, and at the end of life it turns out that all this is not so important - not the main thing, and we had to live completely differently. Wisdom is acquired in old age - Saturn moves too slowly in its orbit.

But what can we say about the higher planets if during our lifetime we do not have time to gain almost any full-fledged experience with them?! The orbital cycle of Chiron is approximately 51 years, Uranus - 84 years, Neptune - 165 years, Pluto - 248 years. The experience of an individual person in the functions of these planets is negligible even during his entire earthly life. The experience of modern humanity is even less, because these planets were discovered quite recently: Uranus - in 1781, Neptune - in 1846, Pluto - in 1930, Chiron - in 1977. Of all the higher planets, only Uranus has already completed 3 full cycles, the rest have not even completed one revolution. Of course, what modern humanity did not know about these planets does not mean at all that the planets did not influence people’s lives. They did, but it manifested itself to a greater extent at the level of the unconscious. Now, after the discovery of planets, their functions are manifested through people quite consciously.

And finally, let's talk about two unknown planets that have not yet been discovered by official science. These, in particular, include the closest and farthest planets from the Sun - Vulcan and Proserpina - the first and last within the Solar System. In this connection, the words come to mind: “I am alpha and omega.” Let us analyze what we are losing, or rather, what we do not have, by not knowing about these planets, considering them unknown.

Volcano is a planet located between the Sun and the orbit of Mercury. Since Vulcan does not move more than 10 degrees from the Sun, it is very difficult to observe. Modern scientists guess about the presence of this planet by the deviation of Mercury’s orbit. However, ancient astrologers knew this planet.

The function of Vulcan is the highest law, of which man feels himself to be a guide. Those with a strong Vulcan in the horoscope are granted cosmic consciousness, the ability to compare the laws of the Earth with the laws of the Cosmos. The manifestation of Vulcan can be compared with the law-making functions of the highest Jupiter. Great spiritual Teachers had Vulcan in a special position in their horoscopes. At present, Vulcan has little effect on people - it has not yet been discovered.

Proserpina(in the Avestan tradition of Daena) manifests itself at the human level as a tendency to deep analysis, study of the smallest details of any phenomenon, meticulousness, clarity, planning and pedantry. Proserpina is associated with changes in consciousness under the influence of rethinking, transmutation, alchemy, radical transformation, change in inner essence.

A person with strong Proserpina, based on many disparate factors, is able to synthesize a clear system, which is especially useful for investigators, restorers, and scientists. Concepts such as karma and heredity are related to it. In the worst case, Proserpina gives fragmentation of consciousness, the inability to “see the forest for the trees,” as well as irreversible upheavals in fate. The highest hypostasis of Proserpina is associated with Daena.

Daena means "faith". This is the soul of a person, giving him the opportunity to know true faith, law, any smallest particle of the surrounding world and restore integrity from any part of it, opening up a connection between a person and his ancestors and all previous generations. Proserpina is associated with the human genetic code. Daena is the guardian of the World Tree, the Tree of the Ancestors, who were called Fravash. Through Proserpina you can incarnate into the soul of any phenomenon, see the world with different eyes. The grace of Daena is a feeling of kinship with the soul of any person, any phenomenon, the possibility of entering into any system.

The non-discovery of Proserpina deprives us of the opportunity to see the world as more multifaceted and multifaceted, representing a huge, voluminous mosaic, all the disparate particles of which are strictly ordered and in their correct combination form a single, holistic picture of the Universe.

The non-discovery of Proserpina limits the possibilities of transforming the human spirit, turning on internal alchemical processes that give such changes at the cellular level of the body that defeat any disease and restore the original integrity of the body.

Since Proserpina is connected with the Fravash, the Family Tree, the karmic code of a person, its non-discovery explains the completely indifferent attitude of many people towards their ancestors, the lack of connection between generations, the lack of understanding of what sins they have to pay for, the ignorance of what their way of life threatens future descendants.

And finally, the non-discovery of Proserpina-Daena, as a planet associated with the highest duty and highest responsibility, deprives many people of the most important internal law - Conscience, directly related to the Cosmic Law. And this is already the planet Vulcan! This is where the relationship between the first and last planets of the solar system lies.

Man is a divine particle of the Universe. The rhythms of his body are in tune with the rhythms of the Universe. And that means him too internal law, which is Conscience, must be proportionate to the laws of the Cosmos. Ignorance and non-discovery of such planets as Vulcan and Proserpina do not allow people to measure their lives with the life of the Universe, does not give an understanding that the highest Cosmic Law, as the highest divine principle, is located within a person, - which means it does not allow a person to fully realize himself as a divine essence, understand his divine nature, and feel the unshakable connection of his own spirit with the universal principle. In this connection, the following words can be attributed to these two hitherto undiscovered planets of the Solar System, the closest and the farthest - Vulcan and Proserpine:

“I am Alpha and Omega,” which means: I am the external law and the internal law, I am the highest Cosmic Law of the Universe and the highest measure of Man - Conscience!

Horoscopes that can be found in popular publications have nothing to do with serious astrology. In order to draw conclusions about the character and fate of a person, to give recommendations regarding certain specific events, an astrologer needs to know the exact date birth, down to the minute. In addition, information about the place of birth is required. Without this data, it is impossible to carry out correct astrological calculations.

How planets influence a person

The mechanism of this influence is still unknown. Astrology is an empirical science, that is, based on observations. Once upon a time, people noticed that a certain arrangement of planets has a certain influence on a person’s character and his life. These observations began to be systematized, and astrology arose.

In order to draw conclusions, the astrologer needs a horoscope drawn up for a person’s date of birth - the so-called, also known as radix and birth chart. The horoscope circle is divided into 12 sectors in accordance with the signs of the Zodiac. In addition, it contains 12 houses, or fields. Their boundaries, as a rule, do not coincide with the boundaries of the zodiac signs.

Zodiac signs are divided: there are signs of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. After drawing up a horoscope, the astrologer calculates how many planets are in the signs of certain elements. Already at this stage, the first conclusions can be drawn. For example, if Fire signs predominate, a person has an assertive character and determination. The qualities of the Earth predominate - he is stable, emotionally stable, pragmatic, etc.

Also, the signs of the Zodiac form three crosses: cardinal, fixed and mutable. Cardinal Cross also called the cross of will. If there are many planets in it, a person has a strong will, determination, and determination. The fixed cross gives such qualities as punctuality, stability, strength of character, conservatism. The mutable cross makes a person mobile, flexible, able to adapt to any conditions.

The houses of the horoscope also have their significance. For example, the first house indicates appearance person, the second - for financial status, the third - for relatives, etc. Great importance It also has the location of the planets in the horoscope above or below the horizon, in the left hemisphere or in the right. Position is also important. Finally, the location of the planets and the aspects they form are assessed. By assessing all the characteristics together, an astrologer can make a very accurate conclusion about a person and his life. In addition, astrology allows you to predict the development of events for a certain period of time; a transit horoscope is used for this.

Can you trust astrology?

Disputes about the truth of astrology are still ongoing. But practice shows that an experienced astrologer can give very accurate recommendations and forecasts. It should also be taken into account that an astrologer never predicts anything - he only talks about the likelihood of certain events.

This point is very important to understand. For example, an astrologer says that over the next week there is a high probability of car accidents for such and such a person. Following the advice of the astrologer, this person minimizes travel and lives safely during the specified period. This is the essence of astrology - it allows you to find out in advance about the increased likelihood of certain events and take the necessary measures.

In the history of astrology there have been very bright names, starting from Nostradamus and ending with Count Sergei Vronsky, a Soviet astrologer who made a lot of accurate predictions. Astrology helps a person live in rhythm with universal processes, avoid dangers and take advantage of favorable opportunities.

The influence of planets on human destiny

Every particle in the universe is alive and influences the events and destinies of people. According to the ancient sages, the planets gave external and internal characteristics to a person, revealed and filled his personality. The time and place of a person's birth is a projection of how the planets are located at the moment of his birth.

The planets are the energy centers of our solar system, just as chakras are the energy centers of the human body. They distribute prana - life force - through the channels. According to this theory, each planet, like a chakra, tends to be responsible for the energy flow of a certain property that gives rise to certain spiritual qualities and events in a person’s life. The connection between fateful events in a person’s life and his personal qualities exists precisely in order to change these very qualities.

Influence of the planet Mars. The influence of this planet is manifested in such traits as belligerence and a tendency to argue. Such people are characterized by irritability and anger, and sexual aggression. The energy of the winner, war, dominates. People are physically developed and strong. In appearance, it manifests itself as sharp facial features, a “heavy” look, and pronounced eyebrows. For this person, the lesson in life is the development of willpower.

The influence of the star Sun. The sun is responsible for a person’s energy, goodwill, positive attitude towards life, the ability to rejoice and love of life. In appearance it manifests itself as large facial features, large eyes, and a high forehead. The lesson for a person is the ability not to become discouraged and depressed.

Influence of the Moon. Although the moon is a satellite and not a planet, its influence on the fate and character of a person is obvious. The power of the Moon is responsible for sensitivity and symbolizes the feminine principle. This is mysticism, mystery, the ability to bear children. In appearance it appears as an oval face, large round eyes. A lesson for a person in life is to understand the depth of the feminine and mysterious.

Influence of the planet Venus. Venus is the planet of relationships between men and women, love, art, and creativity. Manifestation in appearance is grooming, cleanliness, blonde hair, light eyes, sophistication. Ability to build family life, a feeling of sublime love, the ability not to descend into vulgar relationships - these are the lessons of Venus.

Influence of the planet Saturn. Saturn is a wise and harsh planet, it is a karmic teacher. This planet influences life expectancy, the main fateful events in life. The time when a person, through suffering, becomes stronger spiritually or, accordingly, spiritually broken.

Any deformities are a manifestation of the influence of Saturn on a person. The lessons of Saturn are survival, overcoming difficulties.

Influence of the planet Jupiter. Planet of luck and prosperity, wealth and abundance. A person has optimism, ease, reaching the point of recklessness and tomfoolery. Such a person is driven by excitement and risk. In appearance it manifests itself as a tendency to be overweight. The lessons that manifest themselves in a person’s life are poverty, excessive passion, fanaticism, and some kind of addiction.

Influence of the planet Mercury. The planet Mercury is responsible for communication, connections in society, the ability to sell or impose anything. Appears in appearance as tall, thin Long hands, dark eyes, thinness. Lessons that need to be overcome under the influence of Mercury are communication, the absence of empty speech, the ability to establish contact with people, sociability

Since ancient times, people have studied the heavenly bodies and were able to predict the future from them. Not a single important event in a person’s life took place without consulting an astrologer or astrologer, as they were called then. Unfortunately, in our time, although the study of stars has become a science, many people live in ignorance of which planets dominate over them.
The influence of planets on character, health, and, ultimately, a person’s fate should not be underestimated. The most important celestial bodies that seriously affect us are, of course, the Moon and the Sun. The influence of other planets is much weaker. It is the Sun and Moon that determine the masculine and feminine in people. The sun is the source of energy that we need for life. The location of this planet forces us to choose the direction in which we will go, we will build connections, and achieve something. The sun supplies us with one temperament or another, determines our behavior in the family and in public life. As for the Moon, it symbolizes the subconscious. The Moon, its location and power of influence shape our ability to manage what the Sun has given us. Also in the sphere of influence of the Moon are our emotional side, sensitivity, and intuitive qualities.
The influence of planets on a person’s destiny is very diverse. For example, Mercury rules those of our virtues that we received from birth. The position of this planet at the time of birth of a person determines how one perceives the world, as well as the degree of development of the main senses - smell, hearing, vision, taste and touch.
Venus rules desires and feelings. The location of Venus is directly related to a person’s attitude towards family ties, love sphere, sex sphere. Also, the level of influence of the planet determines the setting of priorities - when, for example, sex is more important than love.
Go ahead. Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. The influence of the planets extends to a person’s connection with the world around him. The behavior of these planets natal chart directly affects relationships with other people, the level of social adaptation, and the ability to adapt to circumstances. Jupiter is the planet of luck and generosity. Those who are under the influence of Jupiter are arrogant, are not averse to arguing, and generally behave in a bright, defiant, extravagant manner. At the same time, they are inclined to adhere to principles, follow the rules and do not tolerate the opinions of others.
Saturn rules the area of ​​responsibility, power, and discipline. It is this planet that determines our working qualities, developing that same responsibility, patience, and reliability. The ability to steadfastly endure the hardships of fate and not give up is also Saturn. In ancient times, Saturn was considered the faintest planet, since it did not have the delicate shine of Venus, the reddish tint of Mars and the brightness of Jupiter. Later it turned out that Saturn is a multi-colored planet, which means, on the contrary, the most interesting.
Our desires and passion for action depend on the strength of Mars. Mars is a masculine planet; it rules sexual passions and potency. However, this planet also affects women, forming determination and the ability to stand their ground. All conflicts, the degree of courage are also Mars.
Uranus, Pluto and Neptune are responsible for personal preferences, showing what a person is specifically inclined and inclined towards. Uranus gives us creative qualities, gives us activity, the strength that forces us to make changes and move on. Neptune's territory is intuition and what we call supernatural abilities. Understanding reality, accepting it, a sound assessment of circumstances - this is also Neptune. The strong influence of the planet develops the talent to calculate your steps ahead of time, the ability to thoroughly and accurately analyze any, even the most difficult situation, and most importantly, to see the big picture. Pluto determines a person's interest in change. Revolutionary transformations, breaking traditions and stereotypes are also the “merit” of Pluto.
The most amazing planet, Uranus, is responsible for all the surprises in our lives in general. Scientists, reformers, true geniuses - they are all “clients” of Uranus.
A person in whose chart Uranus is strong is distinguished by a powerful craving for freedom; he simply needs to stand out from the general background. These people may look like eccentrics and cause polarizing opinions, but in the end it is they who find new paths, discover new laws of the universe and accelerate progress.
So, the influence of planets on humans is a very interesting science, if, of course, you believe in it.

A person’s destiny is influenced not only by his name or zodiac sign. As you know, each sign has its own planet, which provides protection to people born under a certain constellation. Like the Zodiac sign, the patron planet has a direct impact on the character and behavior of a person.

Influence of planets on zodiac signs, general facts

The action of the planets corresponds to the principle of duality of the external and internal worlds of man. In most cases, planets are symbols of energy sources. Moreover, the energy emanating from the planets can be in three types - harmonious, disharmonious or mixed. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac and their influence can be divided into four levels, each of which has its own sphere of action and manifestation. Let's take a closer look at each level.

Influence of planets of the first level

The planets of the first level include the Sun and the Moon. The luminaries, as the patrons of the zodiacal constellations, are the basis of all circumstances of external life, while being the same basis for the human psyche. The influence of planets in the signs of the Zodiac at this level is clearly distributed in both the external and internal spheres of life. For example, the Sun, as the patron planet of the first level, is responsible for will and intentions in the inner side of life. Externally, this luminary is responsible for the dictates of external circumstances. Moreover, the dictate includes human will imperatively.

The moon, in turn, is responsible for the conditions of society and the subconscious of the public, if we consider the external manifestations of its influence. The part of the inner life that is influenced by the luminary concerns the desire and reaction of the subconscious, which is reflexive in nature.

Planets in the signs of the Zodiac. Second level

This level of patron planets includes Mercury, Venus and Mars. As at the previous level, each planet from this set is responsible for specific manifestations of human character and behavior. Generally speaking, we can safely say that this level is responsible for the circumstances that every person can influence without resorting to psychoanalysis or any magical personal resources.

Mars symbolizes the position of the activity of the external world in relation to each specific individual. And through the use of the subconscious, this planet can awaken instincts of an aggressive nature and activate all mechanisms that release physical and mental energy.

Venus is in close connection with signs of correct perception of the external world, namely love and aesthetics. If we consider the external manifestations of the influence of this planet, then they are responsible for behavior over which a person has, to a certain extent, control. For example, the influence of this planet manifests itself in situations where rudeness occurs, and the result depends on what answer you give.

Mercury, belonging to the second level of patron planets, has long been considered a symbol of rational thinking and reason. Mercury serves as a modeling tool and a connecting element between desires and intentions, as well as active actions and perceptions. The close connection of this patron planet with the other planets on the first three levels is justified by its amazing ability to model anything, even love or hatred.

The third level of patron planets and their influence on humans

Planets of the third level mainly influence programs of karmic origin. At this level, the planets in the signs of the Zodiac symbolize those circumstances over which a person can have only a slight influence that will be felt.

Jupiter expands a person’s consciousness and provides him with opportunities for further growth and development, symbolizing the influence of large groups of society. In terms of the inner world, this planet influences the boundaries of the psyche, expanding them and allowing the creation of new subconscious programs.

Saturn acts diametrically opposite. Under the influence of this planet, opportunities are narrowed, and obstacles and obstacles appear on the way that cannot be overcome without making great efforts over a long time.

Chiron, as a planet of the third level, acts as a balance and provides opportunities for a person to realize that the internal and external aspects of each person’s life are identical. Thanks to the influence of Chiron, it is possible to draw a connection between events and circumstances of the internal and external worlds, and also helps to begin to use karmic laws in practice.

Fourth level of planets

In fact, the planets of the fourth level represent the highest embodiment of the patrons of the constellations, which are on the second level. Pluto is the embodiment of Mars in highest degree, Neptune represents the superior Venus, and Uranus is in correspondence with Mercury. A person’s power over the fourth level is very small, therefore most of the events occurring under the influence of these planets are perceived as something inevitable, like fate, which can only be accepted in different ways. At the level of the inner world, the fourth level of planets is responsible for the qualities and abilities of an innate nature or very deep programs in the subconscious.

Interaction of planets and signs

The planets influence a person not only on their own. Each patron goes through the Zodiac over a certain period of time. During this time, planets in the signs of the Zodiac awaken certain qualities and lines of behavior in a person. It is worth noting that Mars in Scorpio will have a different effect than any other planet in the same sign.

Each planet in a particular sign can awaken certain talents and abilities in a person. For example, Venus in Pisces, which is responsible for emotions and sensitivity, can help awaken a penchant for music, in particular classical music. It is worth noting that this combination of planet and sign is the best for women.

At the same time, Mars in Scorpio can awaken interest and craving for danger, combining it with high level intuition and prudence.