Aries is the patron planet by date of birth. Aries and Mars: the influence of the planet Mars on the zodiac sign Aries

Usually Aries is used to living, fully realizing himself in that energy flow from which he does not open himself at all. The planet of the zodiac sign Aries is Mars. The most complete, detailed idea of ​​a certain sign can only be made by becoming familiar with this planet. The planet Mars is considered to be the ruler of the sign Aries, and the Sun is exalted here. The energy of Mars can be considered the first and most constant influence.

At certain moments in life, when activation of all forces is required, it is advisable to connect the energy of the Sun. The ancients gave simple correspondences of planetary energies to certain objects and phenomena from the world familiar to us. Any aspect, namely, the location of a particular planet in any sign, can be viewed from different angles, namely, how the planet influences the sign, and how the sign influences the planet. That is, if, for example, Mars is in the first degree of Taurus, and Venus is in the fifteenth degree, while the ascendant is in degree 28, then Mars here will influence the sign, thus supplying it with energy, as a result of which, Taurus will influence Venus.

Aries: patron planet

The planet Mars received its name in honor of the god of war in Ancient Rome, whose name is translated from Latin as “burning”, “bright”. As befits the patron of wars, Mars had a special weakness for battles, into which he rushed without further thought, being known as an aggressive and merciless creature. Mars' area of ​​responsibility is physical energy. Under its influence, such qualities as activity, determination, focus on victory, the ability to quickly move from words to action, perseverance, and aggressiveness appear in a person. The patronage of this planet makes Aries courageous, strong and ambitious.

People in whose horoscope Mars is strong have a large supply of physical endurance, but Aries often lack emotional restraint. They can be angry, constantly be in a state of internal tension, and conflict with others. It will not be difficult for Aries to find a reason for a quarrel; he is bold and aggressive, often acting as the instigator of the conflict. Under the influence of this planet, Aries is drawn to impulsive actions, he is quick-tempered and impatient.

Such people are born to lead, not to obey; they have enough energy to solve the most daring tasks. Mars endows its wards with good health, but they often become victims of all sorts of accidents, find themselves in dangerous situations, and their illnesses arise, as they say, out of the blue. If a person is born under the zodiac sign Aries, the planet Mars gives him increased sexuality. Thus, the task of every person who is born under the auspices of the “red planet” is to use the enormous energy potential given to him for creative and not destructive purposes.

What qualities does the planet Mars endow Aries with?

So, Mars influences Aries as a ruler. Here the path to the energy of Mars is made easier for Aries. This energy serves as the main weapon for Aries, even when there is no point in it. Aries, with a constant tenacity that hardly any other sign can boast of, will bang his head against possible walls. And when the walls collapse, Aries is happy, but not for long. Now he begins to look for new walls to break. Mars, the red planet, logically belongs to the ruby, and its color expresses the mood of the god of war: blood is shed in battles. The astrological symbol of Mars - a circle with an arrow extending to the right and upward from the ring - represents a shield and a spear.

The animal of Mars is the horse - perhaps because horses were harnessed to war chariots. Iron also befits Mars as the lord of warriors: the best and most expensive weapons two thousand years ago were made of iron. Iron-rich soil often has a reddish tint, and it is because of the saturation of the Martian soil with iron oxides that this planet appears red to us from Earth. The position of Mars is special. He is the first in outer space. Due to this position, he can be considered as a messenger of the inner planets - an exponent of their will. Mars is a strong planet and has a strong influence.

It concentrates, collecting, as if in focus, the released energy, and promotes any renewal of activity. This is energy, pressure, pressure, determination. The impulse of Mars is necessary to disrupt balance and calm, to generate dissatisfaction and anxiety. Strong Mars characterizes a person with a strong will, active, fearless, with clearly expressed knightly traits, who is not used to reasoning for a long time, but is used to acting, exaggerating his capabilities beyond measure. Activity, impulse, ability for feat, critical activity, including rapid activity of the mind. Mars allows you to instantly see, understand, evaluate, and immediately make the right decision.

Compatibility horoscope: Aries zodiac sign, patron planet - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Usually Aries is used to living, fully realizing himself in that energy flow from which he does not open himself at all. The planet of the zodiac sign Aries is Mars. The most complete, detailed idea of ​​a certain sign can only be made by becoming familiar with this planet. The planet Mars is considered to be the ruler of the sign Aries, and the Sun is exalted here. The energy of Mars can be considered the first and most constant influence.

At certain moments in life, when activation of all forces is required, it is advisable to connect the energy of the Sun. The ancients gave simple correspondences of planetary energies to certain objects and phenomena from the world familiar to us. Any aspect, namely, the location of a particular planet in any sign, can be viewed from different angles, namely, how the planet influences the sign, and how the sign influences the planet. That is, if, for example, Mars is in the first degree of Taurus, and Venus is in the fifteenth degree, while the ascendant is in degree 28, then Mars here will influence the sign, thus supplying it with energy, as a result of which, Taurus will influence Venus.

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Aries: patron planet

The planet Mars received its name in honor of the god of war in Ancient Rome, whose name is translated from Latin as “burning”, “bright”. As befits the patron of wars, Mars had a special weakness for battles, into which he rushed without further thought, being known as an aggressive and merciless creature. Mars' area of ​​responsibility is physical energy. Under its influence, such qualities as activity, determination, focus on victory, the ability to quickly move from words to action, perseverance, and aggressiveness appear in a person. The patronage of this planet makes Aries courageous, strong and ambitious.

Such people are born to lead, not to obey; they have enough energy to solve the most daring tasks. Mars endows its wards with good health, but they often become victims of all sorts of accidents, find themselves in dangerous situations, and their illnesses arise, as they say, out of the blue. If a person is born under the zodiac sign Aries, the planet Mars gives him increased sexuality. Thus, the task of every person who is born under the auspices of the “red planet” is to use the enormous energy potential given to him for creative and not destructive purposes.

What qualities does the planet Mars endow Aries with?

So, Mars influences Aries as a ruler. Here the path to the energy of Mars is made easier for Aries. This energy serves as the main weapon for Aries, even when there is no point in it. Aries, with a constant tenacity that hardly any other sign can boast of, will bang his head against possible walls. And when the walls collapse, Aries is happy, but not for long. Now he begins to look for new walls to break. Mars, the red planet, logically belongs to the ruby, and its color expresses the mood of the god of war: blood is shed in battles. The astrological symbol of Mars - a circle with an arrow extending to the right and upward from the ring - denotes a shield and a spear.

The animal of Mars is the horse - perhaps because horses were harnessed to war chariots. Iron also befits Mars as the lord of warriors: the best and most expensive weapons two thousand years ago were made of iron. Iron-rich soil often has a reddish tint, and it is because of the saturation of the Martian soil with iron oxides that this planet appears red to us from Earth. The position of Mars is special. He is the first in outer space. Due to this position, he can be considered as a messenger of the inner planets - an exponent of their will. Mars is a strong planet and has a strong influence.

It concentrates, collecting, as if in focus, the released energy, and promotes any renewal of activity. This is energy, pressure, pressure, determination. The impulse of Mars is necessary to disrupt balance and calm, to generate dissatisfaction and anxiety. Strong Mars characterizes a person with a strong will, active, fearless, with clearly expressed knightly traits, who is not used to reasoning for a long time, but is used to acting, exaggerating his capabilities beyond measure. Activity, impulse, ability for feat, critical activity, including rapid activity of the mind. Mars allows you to instantly see, understand, evaluate, and immediately make the right decision.

Planets in Astrology

Aries zodiac sign patron planet

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

What planet does Aries have?

The planet Mars received its name in honor of the god of war in Ancient Rome, whose name is translated from Latin as “burning”, “bright”. As befits the patron of wars, Mars had a special weakness for battles, into which he rushed without further thought, being known as an aggressive and merciless creature.

Mars in astrology

Mars' area of ​​responsibility is physical energy. Under its influence, such qualities as activity, determination, focus on victory, the ability to quickly move from words to deeds, perseverance, and aggressiveness are manifested or enhanced in a person. The patronage of this planet makes Aries courageous, strong and ambitious.

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People in whose horoscope Mars is strong have a large supply of physical endurance, but Aries often lack emotional restraint. They can be angry, constantly be in a state of internal tension, and conflict with others. It will not be difficult for Aries to find a reason for a quarrel; he is bold and aggressive, often acting as the instigator of the conflict. Under the influence of this planet, Aries is drawn to impulsive actions, he is quick-tempered and impatient.

Such people are born to lead, not to obey; they have enough energy to solve the most daring tasks. Mars endows its wards with good health, but they often become victims of all sorts of accidents, find themselves in dangerous situations, and their illnesses arise, as they say, out of the blue. If a person is born under the zodiac sign Aries, the planet Mars gives him increased sexuality.

Thus, the task of every person who is born under the auspices of the “red planet” is to use the enormous energy potential given to him for creative and not destructive purposes.

Mars in astronomy

In the solar system, Mars ranks seventh and penultimate in size; compared to Earth, it is half as large. Mars ranks fourth in terms of distance from the Sun. Rotating around its own axis, it belongs to the terrestrial planets. The length of the Martian year is 687 days, and a day on Mars is almost the same as ours - 24 hours 37.5 minutes.

Mars has two satellites - Deimos and Phobos. On this planet, as on the Moon, mountains and craters can be seen through a telescope. There are valleys, deserts, and very impressive volcanoes here. The poles of Mars are “crowned” with white caps, similar to the icy poles of the Earth.

Mars owes its common name “red planet” to the fact that its surface is covered with iron oxide. The Martian sky also has a reddish tint. Earthlings can enjoy the majestic radiance of this beautiful and formidable celestial body every 15 years - once during this period of time, Mars turns out to be closer to the Earth than the other planets (the only exception is Venus).

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Mars. Patron sign of Aries.

Given its name in honor of the ancient Greek god of war, Mars patronizes one of the most desperate and aggressive signs of the Zodiac - Aries.

In astrology, Mars symbolizes any active action. Energy, assertiveness, determination - all these qualities are directly related to his influence. Also, Mars is responsible for sensuality, and therefore everything related to sexual life is under its control.

Wards of Mars, Aries are very purposeful individuals; as a rule, they easily achieve all the goals they set for themselves. But even when obstacles arise on their way, these stubborn people will still be able to achieve their goal, no matter what sacrifices and efforts it costs them. Everywhere and always they crave to be first and foremost, and for them there are practically no authorities. Aries constantly experience an urgent need for strong emotions, and therefore among them you can often find fans of extreme sports, adventurers, players - all those whose lives are associated with constant risks to health, freedom, and sometimes even life.

The personal life of Aries should be just as bright and eventful. Quiet happiness surrounded by family and friends is not for them. Captivated by passion, representatives of this sign are ready to not only move mountains in honor of their beloved, but also completely change the entire topography of the planet. As a rule, Aries are very skillful and inventive lovers. But, unfortunately, their passion is not eternal, and soon they will need a new portion of unusual sensations, and they will quickly disappear in an unknown direction.

Among the negative qualities that Mars bestows on Aries is excessive aggressiveness. People of this sign are quick-tempered, cocky, conflict-ridden, and also terribly jealous. Above all else in this world they put own desires, and without the slightest regret they will sweep away everyone who decides to stand in their way.

People under the strong influence of Mars need to learn to control their own temperament and be more attentive to the people around them, trying not to hurt their feelings.

Patron planet of Aries

People born under the sign of Aries are accustomed to realizing themselves in life in that energy flow from which they do not reveal themselves at all. The patron planet of this zodiac sign is Mars.

The maximum understanding of a particular zodiac sign can only be achieved if you first learn about its planet. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars.

This planet was named after the ancient Roman god of war. Translated, Mars means “burning” and “bright”.

The meaning of Mars in astrology

The main area of ​​responsibility of this planet is physical energy. Under the influence of Mars, each representative of the Aries sign begins to show activity, determination, determination, perseverance, and an excellent ability to quickly move from words to actions. In addition, aggressiveness may awaken in people whose zodiac sign is Aries. The patronage of Mars instills courage and strength in Aries, and also makes them ambitious individuals.

If Mars has significant strength in a person’s horoscope, then such people have a colossal supply of physical energy and endurance. But very often Aries is not able to restrain his own emotions. They can be very evil people, constantly be tense and enter into conflict situations with others. They very quickly find a reason to quarrel with someone. Aries are quite bold and aggressive.

Very often, it is people born under the sign of Aries who are the instigators of any scandal. Under the influence of Mars, these people are very impulsive, quick-tempered and do not have the habit of waiting for something and being patient.

Aries are born to occupy leadership positions, and not to obey someone. They have more than enough energy, which allows them to solve the most complex problems. Thanks to Mars, Aries have fairly good health, but very often they become hostages to accidents. If a person is born under the sign of Aries, then in this case, Mars gives him increased sexuality.

The meaning of Mars in astronomy

Mars ranks 7th among other planets in the solar system. Unlike Earth, Mars is half its size. If we take into account the distance from the Sun, then the “red planet” is located on the fourth stage. It belongs to all the terrestrial planets, as it is capable of rotating around its own axis. On Mars, 1 year is 687 days, and 1 day is 27 hours 37 minutes and 5 seconds.

Mars has 2 satellites - Phobos and Deimos. If you look at this planet through a telescope, then on it, just like on the Moon, you can easily observe craters and mountains. Among other things, Mars has beautiful deserts and valleys, and the size of the volcanoes is simply amazing.

It is popularly called the “red planet”. Mars received this name due to the fact that its entire surface is covered with iron oxide. Any person can enjoy the radiance of this beautiful planet every 15 years, since only once every 15 years, Mars is closer to the Earth than other planets. Only Venus is the only exception.

Patron Planets of the Zodiac Signs

Each of the Zodiac Signs has its own patron planet. In many ways, it is on the basis of changes in its position that astrological forecasts are made.

Just like the elements of the Zodiac Signs, cosmic objects are their permanent symbols. This once again reminds us that everything in the world is interconnected and connected by invisible thin threads, through which we feed on the energy of our patrons.

Why is it important to know your cosmic patron?

By the behavior of planets and other comic objects, you can learn about how energy waves will propagate across the cosmic fabric and how they will affect our lives.

The mood of the Moon, Sun or any of the planets of the Solar System directly affects our luck. Monitor their condition, paying attention to your energy “mentor”.

Let's start with Mercury - the planet closest to the Sun. It is very hot and cold at the same time, so it symbolizes a kind of harmless duality. This planet is the patron saint of all people who were born under Virgo sign.

Mercury is fast, agile and has a special temperament. Virgo learns from him, but the main task of this planet in astrology is guidance on the right path. Roughly speaking, Mercury changes what any Virgo's brain produces. He tries to correct the situation before problems arise. This is where the great caution of people born under this constellation originates.

This planet is closest to the Sun, so Virgos learn life lessons the easiest. We are talking, of course, about wisdom, which is the strength of such people.

When it comes to duality, we immediately remember Twins. Yes, yes, Mercury – and their planet too. They have not one, but two faces, so it is twice as easy for them to go through life as for representatives of other Zodiac Signs. They can be angry and calm at the same time, love and hate, so they always have a choice.

The second planet. It is also called the Earth's twin. The fact is that Venus has almost identical dimensions. This is one of the most unusual planets in the Solar System, as it moves in the opposite direction, and one day on it lasts more than an Earth year.

Venus is a symbol of beauty and good mood, so people... Scales, who are patronized by this planet, know a lot about grace, style and adore art. This is why there are so many musicians, actors, writers and critics among Libras.

This is a female planet, but this fact does not mean that only women are lucky. On the contrary, Libra men are successful businessmen and have great success with women.

Venus also patronizes Taurus who always look at the world with an appraising gaze. Sometimes they think in simplified categories, which saves them in many situations. A banal assessment of everything from the point of view of “like or dislike” saves them time, effort and energy. These people are also not lacking in taste, so you are unlikely to find a pretentious or tasteless Taurus of any gender.

On the other side of the Earth, space begins with Mars. This red little planet patronizes two Zodiac Signs - Aries And Scorpios. The first are as warlike as Mars himself. Aries cannot even bear the thought of being defeated or wrong. No one is covering Mars because it is close to Earth. This is why Aries are so impenetrable and often overly self-confident.

As for Scorpios, they inherited from Mars his desire to live. Their patron wants to be the best and does not tolerate restrictions. Scorpios are the same: in order not to get into trouble, it is better not to cross the road for them. Mars is also essentially a loner, so you are unlikely to find a person who, having this planet as a mentor, will ask for help in a difficult situation. Both Aries and Scorpios are proud and vain people.

This is the most big planet V Solar System. It has a positive effect on the perception of the surrounding world and on emotions. This is why in its normal state Jupiter does Streltsov And Pisces calm and reasonable. They rarely pay attention to signs. Their strength is themselves.

Having Jupiter as their energy mentors, Pisces and Sagittarius can boast of incredible intuition. The sixth sense helps both Signs get away with it in any situation. Despite this, these people’s logic and learning ability are also fine. The only difference is that Pisces are more influenced by emotions, while Sagittarius is more likely to rely on reason.

Saturn is beautiful, wise and great. He is patient, strong-willed and does not shy away from difficulties. The same can be said about Capricorn With Aquarius, which depend on Saturn.

The energy of these people may not be strong, but it is surprisingly persistent and impenetrable. A very interesting fact is that, in fact, Capricorns and Aquarius are two extremes of the same essence. They want to be respected and successful, but the former choose the path of wisdom and orthodoxy, and the latter choose the path of dynamics and new skills. This is why Capricorns and Aquarius are often good friends who always find ways to learn something important from each other.

moon and sun

Moon patronizes Raku. This is the same case when you can determine how successful a particular day will be based on the state of the Moon. The Moon is closest to the Earth, so its energy is most understandable to us. Astrologers around the world agree that Cancers, like the Moon, are open book, but only for your loved ones. The night luminary shows us only one side of itself - just like Cancers.

The sun is an incredible force. It either shines or hides behind the sky, that’s why Lions the same. They are sometimes kind, sometimes they are not. They can be selfish and give everything they have to others. When magnetic storms rage on Earth, they are inspired, since the Sun is also active during these periods.

Remember that in this world what you think matters most. If you want to depend less on the stars and the energy of the planets, then use affirmations for every day that will help you set your thoughts correctly. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Sun in Aries

Aries - Aries. March 21 – April 20. First Zodiac sign symbolizing active manifestation in the world. The symbol of the sign is the head of a ram. It is a symbol of offensive power, the desire for manifestation, for life, initiative and courage. Fire sign, cardinal, dry, mobile, choleric.

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Aries symbols

Secret yang, spring and rebirth, renewal in all manifestations, spirit in the seed.

Key: There should be no tug-of-war (argument). It is necessary to show unanimity and agree on everything.

Image of the elemental energy of Aries

A supernova explosion, the birth of something out of nothing. Explosive fire, raging fire, conquest of space and territory. The original source of energy, atomic power.

Aries talisman stone

Red amethyst. Scarlet garnets, red jasper and corals. Light rubies.

Give it to Aries stones with a play of color - fluorescence; synthetic stones and any things of bright scarlet, fiery red color, weapons and steel objects, things that represent speed and novelty, for example, smartphones.

Compatibility of Aries with other zodiac signs

The compatibility of men and women of the sun sign Aries with other zodiac signs can only be considered for additional detail of the relationship. Compatibility of zodiac signs does not play an important role either in love, or in friendship, or in work. Much more important in assessing relationships for any zodiac sign has compatibility by date of birth.

A typical representative of the Aries sign

Passionate and ardent person, fiery leader, honest and straightforward, open to everything and everyone, self-affirming, pioneer of action and new solutions, demonstrative and stagey character, lover of seizing the initiative, pioneer; a person who gives fiery energy, an inspirer; breaks through what others cannot, victim higher powers, new decisions or circumstances.

Advantage in character- speed of action, the ability to command and control, a tendency to subordinate everything that surrounds, the desire for primacy of power and victory. Enthusiasm, enterprise, and the ability to ignite and ignite are inherent. Interest in renewal, thirst for championship.

Characteristic- cordiality, charity. Aries tends to lead (elevation at the expense of another). This is "ego", "posture". The sun also gives elevation, but at the expense of kindness and charity.

Negative features of severe solar damage: independence becomes excessive. Love of freedom goes against common sense, in contradiction with others (a person does “to others for evil”). Extreme frankness, they share details that are not expected from them. Irritability, bossiness.

Egocentrism, unbridled passions, rudeness and dictatorship, a tendency to forceful methods of solving problems, hot temper, ambition, unhealthy ambition, a tendency to sensationalism and exaggeration, wastefulness, rashness and haste, a tendency to go to extremes.

Weak side (vulnerability)– Aries is always in a state of ego defense. The world for Aries is an aggressive environment, and he reacts to it with aggression. This is the fear of not being noticed, of dissolving in society. Hence the mindset of having to constantly prove one’s strength.

According to Eastern philosophy Aries - this is a sacrifice. Its impulse is like the last flash before the end. Having won, he loses interest. He is only interested in the victim, in order to protect and show his strength.

The Sun is a sexy planet for women(those born from sunrise to sunset). Once in Aries, he does not acquire an increased sexual need, but only temperament.

Planets in the zodiac sign Aries

Ascendant in Aries (rising sign)

Others see in you a strong individuality, a person who is confident, sometimes arrogant, even cocky and assertive. You always speak loudly, quickly, abruptly, take the initiative in a conversation and lead the company. Perhaps as a child you were a bully, restless, and walked around with bruises. Your energy needs some outlet. Characterized by excessive frankness and straightforwardness, say what you think, even when you are not asked. You view the world as an annex to yourself. With other people they are trusting and simple-minded. You quickly forget the insult, but under no circumstances should you be deceived: you will consider this a betrayal. I can’t stand pain, I’m terrified of dentists.

Patron planet Pluto

In the physical world to Pluto corresponds to the creative force of the vacuum, creating particles from nothing, virtual particles, the smallest quantum of space, Pluto is the planet that gives energy to man.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Tuesday.
  • Numbers 0 and adding up to 10. For example, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 100, 118
  • Substances– plutonium, plastic, durable steel, iron.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects with bright scarlet, with fiery red, with steel or iron, plastic. Nanotechnology.

Pluto- this is the primary and invisible light, the hidden creator, the creative power of the Absolute, a powerful source of spiritual and transcendental power, the energy of Shambhala (responsible for Buddhism), lord, leader, commander, leader, idol and star.


  • Electronics industry, weapons industry, space communications, astronautics. New technologies and achievements, energy, special heating when used modern technology, super-powerful computers, microchips, digital cameras, everything related to image and video perception, worldwide global network(Internet).
  • Television, chi energy, laser, source of new opportunities, guide to the second wind (new forces). Military and sports sciences, space forces, politics, television industry.
  • Show business, responsible for crowds and large demonstrations, mass and carnival performances, pop culture, industry and metallurgy, underground mining, deep exploration, space exploration.
  • Oriental martial arts, boxing, various races, integral yoga.
  • International mafia and clans, groups, special forces, KGB, charismatic people, surgeons, hypnotists, plutocrats. Banking clans, internet money and instant deposits of large sums of money, the biggest winnings are wealth.

Manifestation of Pluto in the horoscope

Supreme planet – Pluto, takes a person beyond the limits of consciousness. It gives super consciousness and super powers.

Pluto function– The highest collective will.

Pluto quality– the principle of unity of will, the collective sweeps away the individual.

Finding Pluto in the sign of the Zodiac makes secret affairs and hidden processes obvious. He grants psychic magical abilities. Levitation, healing, telekinesis and teleportation.

Pluto in the houses of the horoscope gives a person strength and a desire for renewal. A person may experience early hidden abilities. There is always the possibility of starting over in the sphere carved by Pluto.

First – Ι house

Vita. Life. Horoscope. Sunrise.

The first house is identical to the sign of Aries and the planet Pluto.

First house in the horoscope predetermines success and life achievements, temperament and character, behavior and motivated impulses, penetrating power, external and physical data, consciousness and self-awareness, identifying hidden capabilities.

First house defines such personal qualities a person's natural charm, desire and conquest of popularity, independence, new beginnings, ability for self-development and innate talents. It is responsible for a person’s physical and mental state, behavior pattern, willpower and energy potential, and life prospects.

Unfavorable 1st house: aggressive behavior pattern, inflated self-esteem, inability to correctly distribute one’s energy potential, dictatorship. Unaccommodation, insusceptibility to environment, inability to see, hear, understand others due to the intemperance of one’s character. Problems with the head, rude expression of good feelings, inferiority complex, rudeness, rudeness, pressure on others (unbridled hypnosis), powerful protective programs, difficult childhood, difficulty in self-expression, inferiority complex, pronounced character flaws, body problems.

The material used the concept of SPbAA.

Events in predictive methods: aura (human), etheric body, initiator of action, higher education child, son-in-law's children, maternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, cousin's career, querent's mind, place of residence of employer or government official, place of residence of paternal cousin, thoughts of querent, inheritance of employee or employee, or aunt ( paternal uncles, employer's or government official's father, great-great-grandchildren, life expectancy, nickname, nephew(s), long-distance travel of the child, paternal cousin's employer, child's religion, employer's mother-in-law, death of an employee or employee , death of a paternal aunt (uncle), neighbors of a pupil or daughter-in-law, mother-in-law of a government official, physical condition of the querent, physical body, surgery (operation) of an employee, employee, or aunt (paternal uncle).

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Aries

You are driven forward with intense energy and primal strength. Your determination helps you achieve any intention without wasting time. You are full of enthusiasm, a desire to excel in everything you do, and you have a wide range of social opportunities for success. You are independent and do not depend on public opinion and support, at least to the same extent as other people. Love originality and are not afraid to be alone. Do you prefer to be either a leader or a loner? It is much better for you to try and fail than not try at all. Having been inspired by an idea, you feel such impatience and excitement that you often boldly strive to implement it immediately, but at the same time, in an ill-considered, untested way. You never admit defeat.

Your shortcomings: You have contempt for the weakness and passivity of other people, as well as their desire to imitate and follow others. You may not feel very comfortable in a team, and it is difficult to interact and collaborate with others. Characterized by excessive impatience, haste and impulsiveness. You lack patience and attentiveness.

Allegory for Aries

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed a seed in each of them human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

“To you, Aries, I give my seed first, so that you may have the honor of planting it. Every seed you plant will multiply in your hand. You won't have time to see the seed grow because whatever you plant will create more to be planted. You will be the first to saturate the soil of people's minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nurture the Idea or explore it. Your life is an action, and the only action I attribute to you is to begin to make people aware of My Creation. For yours Good work I give you a sense of Self-Dignity.”

And Aries quietly retreated back to his place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries, will be more clearly expressed in typical Aries, i.e. if most of the personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) are in individual horoscope will be in the zodiac sign Aries. For people of the zodiac sign Aries, it is very important in which zodiac sign Mars is located, because... Mars is the ruler of Aries.

The new astrological year begins with Aries. The sun enters zodiac sign Aries 21 March. Date (dates) of the beginning and end of the sign Aries 21.03 - 20.04. The Aries sign has a fiery nature. Fire is a manifestation of masculine, yang energy. The zodiac sign Aries is a cardinal sign. In his element cardinal signs zodiac signs come first, and the element here is most pronounced, in in this case The zodiac sign Aries has the most strong fire- blazing, hot. The energy of the Sun comes in impulses - the Sun pulsates. The Sun in the zodiac sign Aries is in exaltation, i.e. has the greatest strength and energy in comparison with other zodiac signs. And this pulsating solar energy gives the Aries zodiac sign impulsiveness in everything. The element of fire manifests itself in Aries as ardor, uncontrollability, energy, love of life, and enthusiasm. People born under the zodiac sign Aries are highly active and optimistic. Aries finds it difficult to sit still and always feels a thirst for activity because the energy of life overwhelms him.

Zodiac sign Aries This is the first of the 12 zodiac signs and that already says a lot. Main characteristics zodiac sign Aries - to be the first and best in everything! Aries, like the babies of the zodiac, require increased attention to themselves, they love to be in the center, they believe that those around them should fulfill all their desires, and if this is not the case, then Aries becomes angry, indignant, and capricious. Favorite word Aries - "I". Aries always has a desire to stand out and show off.

Sign Aries What distinguishes them from other signs of the zodiac is their vigorous, vigorous activity. Aries have a strong temperament, are very energetic, but they lack the patience and endurance to complete the work they have started. Aries cannot stand routine. Possessing a large supply of vital energy, Aries devotes himself entirely to work, with all the enthusiasm of his ardent nature, “burning out” at work. acts decisively and actively as long as he is captivated by the matter; as soon as he loses interest in the matter or realizes that there are no new prospects for development in his work, Aries can abruptly change the direction of his activity.

Typical Aries He does not listen to objections; he infects those around him with his conviction. The ideas that Aries has are not always fully realized by him; Aries does not get hung up on details, but those around him, succumbing to Aries’ charm, follow him and are ready to bring his ideas to life. People born under the Aries zodiac sign have great charm, often even charisma, which inspires those around them. People of the Aries zodiac sign are bright, it is impossible not to notice them.

If the life of a person of the zodiac sign Aries becomes calm and measured, or if he finds himself in situations in which Aries is bored, which do not touch or irritate him, Aries will try to revive him, bring fire and enthusiasm. Aries boldly takes on ideas that no one has tried to implement before.

One of negative characteristics Aries zodiac sign is the inability to maintain interest in a certain idea for a long time. Aries can't long time make efforts in one direction. This happens because the task of the Aries zodiac sign is to be a generator of ideas and a pioneer in business, and other zodiac signs should be involved in translating these ideas into reality.

Aries cannot stand criticism of himself, any remark can make him angry or seriously offend him, although Aries considers it his duty to point out the shortcomings of the people around him. Aries has what is on his mind and on his tongue, but this directness of Aries hurts others and Aries does not even attach any importance or does not notice that he has offended a person. The childish spontaneity and sincerity of Aries are to blame for this.

With low spiritual development, people of the Aries zodiac sign are tactless, aggressive, pugnacious and uncontrollable.

One of the most negative characteristics of almost all Aries is selfishness. It seems to Aries that he was born for greatness, that the world was created only for him. People of the Aries zodiac sign are intolerant of the weaknesses of others, irritable, quick-tempered and harsh.

All Aries have high self-esteem, sometimes even inflated. Aries often overestimate their strength, due to increased vital energy and ambition, which can let them down - the internal drive to complete a task is not always enough.

Aries do not tolerate dependence on anyone; they very rarely ask for help. It is important for people of the Aries zodiac sign to do everything the way they want. Sometimes Aries can hit the table with their fist to get their way or raise their voice. With a character like Aries, it is very easy to make many enemies and envious people.

Sometimes the actions of Aries are dictated by his integrity, and even doing things to his own detriment, a person of the Aries zodiac sign will not deviate from his views and beliefs, will not betray himself.

People of the Aries zodiac sign love to take the initiative, they are good leaders and organizers, they need to manage the situation and keep others under control. Often Aries even impose their will on others.

Aries I am not inclined to think about failures, because... he has unlimited faith in himself, in his victory, in his success. Obstacles do not frighten Aries; inspired by some idea, Aries acts directly, fearlessly, sometimes recklessly, wastes their energy without regret and has no doubts about the correctness of their actions. Aries loves competition, the spirit of struggle incites him even more, and victory over a worthy opponent brings complete satisfaction. Although, having won, realizing that he is the best, Aries can behave quite generously.

Another characteristic of the Aries zodiac sign is frequent mood swings, the reason for this is its impulsiveness and wave-like energy surges.

People born under the zodiac sign Aries are very stubborn, they do not listen to advice, and it is impossible to convince Aries. There is a lot of idealism in Aries's views on life; Aries believes that with the help of his strong will, optimism and confidence in victory, he can do anything.

Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign - which Aries is depressed.

The Aries zodiac sign can become lethargic, passive and depressed if there are few exciting, “fiery situations” in his life. Long-standing ideas that fired up Aries and deprived him of peace will seem boring and gray to him. This can happen if a person of the Aries zodiac sign is limited by boundaries, deprived of the opportunity for creativity, and not allowed to pour out all his energy in the right direction. In this case, a person of the Aries zodiac sign loses his optimism and this may even negatively affect his health. Because Aries' main task is to inspire others to achieve achievements, instilling optimism and inspiration in them.
Aries plunges headlong into a state of depression and at such moments it seems to him that it will never end. But it is precisely in this state that a person of the zodiac sign Aries needs care, protection and understanding, although Aries will never ask to be pitied, but will not forgive if close people do not do this.

But fortunately for Aries, this state passes quickly, new ideas appear and Aries shines with a new light. A person of the zodiac sign Aries will not grieve for too long about his unrealized ideas; his principle is out of sight, out of mind. And Aries will promote his new idea with the same passion and faith in success, because The main characteristic of the Aries zodiac sign is its sincerity and non-obsession with the old.

Planet ruler of the zodiac sign Aries - Mars

Influence of Mars as the ruler of the zodiac sign Aries manifests itself in the character of Aries as belligerence, self-confidence, and the ability to defend one’s rights. The planet Mars, ruling Aries, helps him fight for his place under the Sun.

The ruler of the zodiac sign Aries, Mars, the planet of war, brings into the character of Aries the instinct of capture, rudeness and the desire to take all the best for itself, sometimes even by force. Mars instills a spirit of competition in Aries. It is important for Aries to be the best and the first always and in everything!

Ruler Mars gives Aries strong internal tension. But Aries cannot remain in a state of overexcitation for long, nervous system cannot stand it, and this results in uncontrollable outbursts of anger. In other words, Aries needs a release and it is better if Aries wastes this intensity by doing sports or physical labor.

For typical representative of the zodiac sign Aries characterized by a reluctance to obey and observe discipline. Aries does not tolerate any kind of restrictions well. Aries often do not have much wisdom, because... act under the influence of impulse. The energy of the zodiac sign Aries is changeable and activity manifests itself in spurts. When he gets excited about a new idea, he acts on a whim, doesn’t listen to anyone, and often “gets himself into trouble” because of his own willfulness and stubbornness.

Positive characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries- courage, courage, bravery, bravery. Thanks to the confidence and combativeness of Aries, they can defend not only their rights, but also the rights of the people who are dear to them.

The will of people born under the zodiac sign Aries, is very strong, but it is difficult to control it consciously. It is difficult for Aries to restrain his emotions, his anger, his aggression, which is why loved ones suffer, and sometimes strangers fall under the “hot hand” of Aries.

Ruler of Aries Mars in the zodiac signs

For Aries, it is very important which zodiac sign Mars is in, because... Mars is the ruler of Aries. If Mars is weak in an individual horoscope, for example, it is in the zodiac signs Virgo, Libra, Taurus, Cancer, then Aries will not be so active. Although, if Mars is in the earth element, in the zodiac signs Virgo, Taurus and especially Capricorn, then Aries’ energy will not be so scattered, Aries will be able to direct his energy to solving practical problems and it will be easier for Aries to complete the task. The element of earth will help the fire of Aries not to burn in vain, but to realize its ideas in the material world.

In the zodiac sign Cancer, Mars is cowardly, the activity of Aries will be reduced. Mars in the zodiac sign of Pisces will give Aries changeable activity, periods of apathy and depression will be more frequent and such an Aries will not want to do anything without inspiration. Mars in the zodiac sign Scorpio will give Aries an iron will; such an Aries will be even more inclined to take risks and get into dangerous situations.

If Aries has Mars in the zodiac signs Gemini and Aquarius, Aries' activity will increase. But Mars in the zodiac sign Gemini will make Aries scattered, and it will be even more difficult for such an Aries to complete the things he has started. The most difficult position of Mars for Aries is the zodiac sign Libra, because in this case the Sun and Mars will be in the aspect of opposition - two planets of will oppose each other. One part of the personality - the Sun in Aries - requires activity, the other part - Mars in Libra - is passive and needs a partner and support. In people of the zodiac sign with Mars in Libra, the energy of Aries is weakly expressed.

The most natural position of Mars for Aries is fire element– zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Mars in Leo will make Aries energy more stable, Leo is a constant fire. The energy of Mars in the zodiac sign Sagittarius is weaker than in Aries, but is also scattered and directed at distant goals.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries in career. Which Aries is the leader, which Aries is the subordinate.

Aries are good inspirers, but they don't make the best leaders. If a man zodiac sign Aries of a low spiritual level is in power, he becomes a despot and tyrant who demands from his subordinates to perform impossible tasks, raises his voice without a twinge of conscience and demands unquestioning submission. With low development, people born under the zodiac sign Aries behave tactfully only with people they need and are “useful” to them, and with those who depend on them, Aries are rude and try to show their superiority over them, to humiliate them. If the “low” Aries has set a goal for himself, then moving up the career ladder, he literally “goes over his head.”

With high spiritual development, people of the zodiac sign Aries, can be excellent organizers, leaders and lead and lead large teams.

As a subordinate, a person of the zodiac sign will be able to work only if there is space for the growth and development of his personality. Aries cannot stand monotonous work and constant control; he needs a field of activity where he can take the initiative and express himself creatively. The boss of Aries must understand that Aries must be given the opportunity to make independent decisions, and unnecessary pressure on Aries is unacceptable. If Aries’s boss does not allow him to “take a step without permission,” then Aries will not tolerate it for long, will rebel and find a new place of work.

Aries is good at “working with his elbows” and, if desired, can easily displace his boss.

Most the best option for a person born under zodiac sign Aries, is to have your own business and like-minded people who will help Aries and bring his ideas to life.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries - the financial sphere of Aries.

A typical representative of the Aries zodiac sign is impractical. He does not know how to manage finances and the money in his hands quickly disappears. Under the influence of an impulse, Aries can buy an expensive thing they like, even if it is not very useful. It is difficult for Aries to deny himself pleasures and satisfaction of his own desires.

Zodiac sign people Aries They are also not inclined to hoard, but if Aries needs a certain amount of money for some thing, then he will find it in every possible way, borrow it, in some unimaginable way receive this amount and buy the desired thing.

What the Aries zodiac sign needs to learn

Aries need to learn to control their emotions, take into account the opinions of others and understand that besides them, there are other people in this world with their own desires and needs. Also, people born under the zodiac sign of Aries need to learn to sometimes make concessions, ask for forgiveness, admit that they are wrong, treat criticism addressed to them more calmly and analyze their actions. You need to try to restrain your anger, your impatience. In order not to make ill-wishers and enemies, or to alienate loved ones, Aries needs to learn to treat others with great attention, take into account their interests and try not to hurt their feelings.

Love characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries - what Aries is in love, what Aries is in the family, what Aries is in marriage

What kind of Aries is in a business partnership?

Characteristics of the health of the zodiac sign Aries

Characteristic social life zodiac sign Aries

Characteristics of the intellectual abilities of the zodiac sign Aries, what kind of mentality does Aries have?

Aries - Aries. March 21 - April 20. First symbolizing active manifestation in the world. The symbol of the sign is the head of a ram. It is a symbol of offensive power, the desire for manifestation, for life, initiative and courage. Fire sign, cardinal, dry, mobile, choleric.

A typical representative of the Aries sign

Passionate and ardent person, fiery leader, honest and straightforward, open to everything and everyone, self-affirming, pioneer of action and new solutions, demonstrative and stagey character, lover of seizing the initiative, pioneer; a person who gives fiery energy, an inspirer; breaks through what others cannot, a victim of higher powers, new decisions or circumstances.

Advantage in character- speed of action, the ability to command and control, a tendency to subordinate everything that surrounds, the desire for primacy of power and victory. Enthusiasm, enterprise, and the ability to ignite and ignite are inherent. Interest in renewal, thirst for championship.

Characteristic- cordiality, charity. Aries tends to lead (elevation at the expense of another). This is "ego", "posture". The sun also gives elevation, but at the expense of kindness and charity.

Negative features of severe solar damage: independence becomes excessive. Love of freedom goes against common sense, in contradiction with others (a person does “to others for evil”). Extreme frankness, they share details that are not expected from them. Irritability, bossiness.

Egocentrism, unbridled passions, rudeness and dictatorship, a tendency to forceful methods of solving problems, hot temper, ambition, unhealthy ambition, a tendency to sensationalism and exaggeration, wastefulness, rashness and haste, a tendency to go to extremes.

Weak side(vulnerability)- Aries is always in a state of ego defense. The world for Aries is an aggressive environment, and he reacts to it with aggression. This is the fear of not being noticed, of dissolving in society. Hence the mindset of having to constantly prove one’s strength.

According to Eastern philosophy Aries- this is a sacrifice. Its impulse is like the last flash before the end. Having won, he loses interest. He is only interested in the victim, in order to protect and show his strength.

The Sun is a sexy planet for women(those born from sunrise to sunset). Once in Aries, he does not acquire an increased sexual need, but only temperament.

Planets in the zodiac sign Aries

In your The planets listed below may be:

Ascendant in Aries (rising sign)

Others see in you a strong individuality, a person who is confident, sometimes arrogant, even cocky and assertive. You always speak loudly, quickly, abruptly, take the initiative in a conversation and lead the company. Perhaps as a child you were a bully, restless, and walked around with bruises. Your energy needs some outlet. Characterized by excessive frankness and straightforwardness, say what you think, even when you are not asked. You view the world as an annex to yourself. With other people they are trusting and simple-minded. You quickly forget the insult, but under no circumstances should you be deceived: you will consider this a betrayal. I can’t stand pain, I’m terrified of dentists.

Patron planet Pluto

In the physical world to Pluto corresponds - the creative force of the vacuum, creating particles from nothing, virtual particles, the smallest quantum of space, Pluto - the planet that gives energy to man.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Tuesday.
  • Numbers 0 and adding up to 10. For example, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 100, 118
  • Substances- plutonium, plastic, durable steel, iron.
  • Interactions and combinations of objects with bright scarlet, with fiery red, with steel or iron, plastic. Nanotechnology.

Pluto- this is the primary and invisible light, the hidden creator, the creative power of the Absolute, a powerful source of spiritual and transcendental power, the energy of Shambhala (responsible for Buddhism), lord, leader, commander, leader, idol and star.


  • Electronics industry, weapons industry, space communications, astronautics. New technologies and achievements, energy, special heating when using modern technology, super-powerful computers, microchips, digital cameras, everything related to image and video perception, the worldwide global network (Internet).
  • Television, chi energy, laser, source of new opportunities, guide to the second wind (new forces). Military and sports sciences, space forces, politics, television industry.
  • Show business, responsible for crowds and large demonstrations, mass and carnival performances, pop culture, industry and metallurgy, underground mining, deep exploration, space exploration.
  • Oriental martial arts, boxing, various races, integral yoga.
  • International mafia and clans, groups, special forces, KGB, charismatic people, surgeons, hypnotists, plutocrats. Banking clans, internet money and instant deposits of large sums of money, the biggest winnings are wealth.

Manifestation of Pluto in the horoscope

Supreme planet - Pluto, takes a person beyond the limits of consciousness. It gives super consciousness and super powers.

Pluto function- The highest collective will.

Pluto quality- the principle of unity of will, the collective sweeps away the individual.

Finding Pluto in the sign of the Zodiac makes secret affairs and hidden processes obvious. He bestows psychic magical abilities. Levitation, healing, telekinesis and teleportation.

Pluto in the houses of the horoscope gives a person strength and a desire for renewal. A person may manifest early hidden abilities. There is always the possibility of starting over in the sphere carved by Pluto.

First - Ι house

Vita. Life. Horoscope. Sunrise.

Planets in the First House

The first house is identical to the sign of Aries and the planet Pluto.

First house in the horoscope predetermines success and life achievements, temperament and character, behavior and motivated impulses, penetrating power, external and physical data, consciousness and self-awareness, identifying hidden capabilities.

First house determines such personal qualities of a person as natural charm, desire and gaining popularity, independence, new beginnings, ability for self-development and innate talents. It is responsible for a person’s physical and mental state, behavior pattern, willpower and energy potential, and life prospects.

Unfavorable 1st house: aggressive behavior pattern, inflated self-esteem, inability to correctly distribute one’s energy potential, dictatorship. Unaccommodation, insensitivity to the environment, inability to see, hear, understand others due to the intemperance of one’s character. Problems with the head, rude expression of good feelings, inferiority complex, rudeness, rudeness, pressure on others (unbridled hypnosis), powerful protective programs, difficult childhood, difficulty in self-expression, inferiority complex, pronounced character flaws, body problems.

The material used the concept

Events in predictive methods: aura (human), etheric body, initiator of action, child's higher education, son-in-law's children, maternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, cousin's career, querent's mind, place of residence of employer or government official, place of residence of cousin father, thoughts of the querent, inheritance of an employee or employee, or paternal aunt (uncle), father of the employer or government official, great-great-grandchildren, life expectancy, nickname, nephew(s), long-distance travel of the child, employer of the paternal cousin, religion of the child, mother-in-law of the employer, death of the employee or employee, death of the paternal aunt (uncle), neighbors of the pupil or daughter-in-law, mother-in-law of a government official, physical condition of the querent, physical body, surgery (operation) of the employee, employee, or aunts (paternal uncles).

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Aries

You are driven forward with intense energy and primal strength. Your determination helps you achieve any intention without wasting time. You are full of enthusiasm, a desire to excel in everything you do, and you have a wide range of social opportunities for success. You are independent and do not depend on public opinion and support, at least to the same extent as other people. Love originality and are not afraid to be alone. Do you prefer to be either a leader or a loner? It is much better for you to try and fail than not try at all. Having been inspired by an idea, you feel such impatience and excitement that you often boldly strive to implement it immediately, but at the same time, in an ill-considered, untested way. You never admit defeat.

Your shortcomings: You have contempt for the weakness and passivity of other people, as well as their desire to imitate and follow others. You may not feel very comfortable in a team, and it is difficult to interact and collaborate with others. Characterized by excessive impatience, haste and impulsiveness. You lack patience and attentiveness.

Allegory for Aries

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and placed in each of them the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"To you, Aries, I give my seed first, so that you may have the honor of planting it. Every seed you plant will multiply many times in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow, for all you plant , will create more to be planted. You will be the first to saturate the soil of people's minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea or to explore it. Your life is an action, and the only action I attribute to you is. is to begin to make people aware of My Creation. For your good work, I give you a sense of Self-Dignity."

And Aries quietly retreated back to his place.

Martin Shulman from the book “Karmic Astrology”.

Key words in the horoscope for Aries - Pluto - First house:

"I", mine, about me, Ego, physical training, self-improvement, changing appearance, behavior style, physical appearance. Demonstration, thirst for championship, records, victory. The main owner of the horoscope and the patron of fate. Royal combination - cardinal and fiery interaction.

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Tags: Sun in Aries, Astrology Aries, 2015, zodiac sign, Aries stone, patron and talisman, keywords, Pluto in the horoscope, first house, allegory for Aries, function and quality

Each Zodiac Sign is protected by a specific planet. The planet of the Zodiac Sign sets the basic character of a person, bestows abilities and talents.

In order to attract the patronage of your planet, you need, firstly, to know its characteristics, and secondly, to follow its principles. Find out which planet is your patron according to your horoscope.


This planet is the patron Aries and Scorpios. Mars symbolizes willpower, activity, courage, masculinity. Representatives of the Signs of Aries and Scorpio often lack restraint and inner peace - this is also the result of the influence of Mars. In order to use the beneficial influence of the patron planet, you need to train yourself fortitude, confidence and determination.


Venus patronizes Taurus and Libra. This planet symbolizes love, family, harmony, beauty. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign need to develop their spirituality, strive for beauty and aesthetics, love art and pay more attention personal life, then in other areas of life they will also do well.


Mercury is considered the patron Virgo and Gemini. The planet bestows excellent intellectual data, communication skills, a flexible mind, talents in trading, and good public speaking skills. The strength of representatives of these Zodiac Signs lies in the ability to communicate, speak, find mutual language. They can achieve a lot through communication.


Moon is the ruler Cancer and Pisces. She bestows, first of all, a rich inner world, creative talents and the ability to empathize. Cancers and Pisces should not forget about their strong side - the ability to help, create and develop.


The sun is the patron Lviv. The Sun bestows representatives of this Zodiac Sign with the energy of creation, creative talents, brightness, and beauty. Leos should always be the center of attention and center around themselves useful people to attract the favor of the Sun.


Pluto is the patron Scorpios and Aries. This planet bestows insight and keen intuition. To achieve success in life, Scorpios should listen to their inner voice more often and be able to read the signs of fate.


Jupiter patronizes Sagittarius. She bestows business qualities and luck. And for luck to always be on the side of the people of this constellation, they need to follow their life principles, without retreating from your plans, ideas and goals.


Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius. The planet is not very favorable for development in life. It symbolizes limitation, philosophy, internal laws. At the same time, it forces a person to become an individual and a person. Dissimilarity from others is the main requirement of Saturn.


Uranus patronizes Aquarius. Grants unconventional thinking, creativity, clairvoyance. Uranus forces you to be a pioneer and innovator. To attract the luck of this planet, it is enough to simply bring things to an end and begin to implement your ideas.


Neptune patronizes Pisces and symbolizes harmony, creativity, nature, sensitivity and love of life. In order to find harmony and enlist the support of Neptune, Pisces should live in unity with the whole world, realize themselves as part of it, rejoice more often, be in nature and be in a positive mood. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.05.2015 09:16

Astrologers claim that many representatives of one or another zodiac sign have their own ideal image...

The energetic connection between people and animals was noticed in ancient times. Each Zodiac Sign is protected by...