Who is suitable for the moon in Taurus? Lunar Taurus - characteristics

02.08.2019 Auto/Moto

People with the Moon in Taurus are usually calm, serious, self-possessed and patient. They are quite predictable, since they are distinguished by the stability of their views, they are conservative, and therefore are not inclined to change their views and opinions. They always have a realistic outlook on life, materialistic interests stand above idealistic ones. Stability, security, a strong material base - this is the foundation on which they build their lives. They are usually very attached to the family, love nature, animals, and a sedentary lifestyle. They are excellent farmers, gardeners, flower growers, gardeners and livestock breeders. For fruitful work, they need a harmonious microclimate at work, a calm, quiet working environment. A person with the Moon in Taurus tries to benefit himself from any business or enterprise and stubbornly defends his interests, which always come to the forefront of life.

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The Moon in the sign of Taurus is sensual, therefore it strives for all earthly joys, pleasures, pleasures. People with the Moon in the sign of Taurus know a lot about love affairs and, as a rule, they make attentive, sensitive lovers and kind husbands and wives. They have excellent taste, they have a keen sense of color, shape, texture of material, they have plasticity and a sense of rhythm. They themselves are beautiful, and love to surround themselves with expensive and beautiful things. They are reliable as comrades, they can be trusted, they are honest and decent. Although they are power-hungry, they are not aggressive, capricious and not without worldly cunning, but they are diplomatic.

If damaged– excessive sensitivity and impressionability, excessive sensuality, increased interest in opposite sex, sentimentality, touchiness, capriciousness.

The configuration between the Moon in Taurus and Venus in men's horoscopes often indicates quick, unburdensome love affairs or fleeting affairs, and in women's horoscopes - an abundance of charm and charm.

Characteristics of the Moon in Taurus

keyword- emotional stability

Positive qualities of the Moon in Taurus: conservatism, the desire to maintain what has been achieved, realism, practical inclinations, perseverance, constancy in feelings and sympathies, the desire for harmony, a sense of beauty, art and music, connection with nature.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Taurus: stubbornness, excessive sensitivity, convenience, antipathy to change, dependence on mood, tendency to depression.

Features in male horoscope: in contact with Venus (aspect to the Moon) indicates frequent love affairs.

Features in women's horoscope: special charm.

Health disorders: throat diseases, severe tissue formations in the neck, inflammation of the tonsils, eye diseases.

Moon in Taurus in natal chart:

You are attached to everything material, so your emotions are also directed towards material comforts and possessions. When the Moon is in Taurus, a person wants to have the best and is rarely satisfied with little. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, this enhances its quality of stability and softens its changeable side.

In any situation, you always feel committed to your ideals. You are blindly loyal, sentimental, warm-hearted, kind and shy. You may lack originality, but then try not to be too harsh. You are slow, but your senses are sharp. You have a very good memory. Before you commit someone action, you think about it very well, making a logical conclusion, guided by ethical rules and ideals. You accept everything new and unfamiliar very slowly and carefully. It's hard to change your mind. And when you have already made a decision, you do not want to hear any objections.

You are a decisive person, with good developed intuition and the ability to reason soberly. You want to achieve success everywhere and in everything. You love to collect and collect not only when it comes to land, works of art and other material values, but also when it comes to friends. You have a highly developed sense of touch and taste and, perhaps, a pleasant voice - both when you talk and when sing, you love music, art, dancing and everything that brings pleasure. You also constantly feel the need to satisfy your physical desires.

You welcome only those ideas that suit your stable temperament. You have a tendency towards excessive conservatism, narrow worldview and traditionalism. Beware of excessive feelings of pride, laziness, jealousy and stubbornness. When you set a goal for yourself, you move towards it slowly but surely.

You rarely deviate from family traditions, from what you once learned, or from the ideals your mother chose for you. You are closely connected with your mother, although this connection may not always bring happiness. You are loyal and loving person with strong and permanent connections in friendship, love and marriage.

In a man's horoscope, she attracts women who awaken his ambitions.

The Moon in exaltation promotes the emotional stability of Taurus, his desire to create a family that stabilizes life, decorate his own home, determines his attachment to good and tasty food, and makes him gentle and caring towards children and pets. The Moon imparts to Taurus homeliness, femininity, an emotional attitude to events that affect the strength and stability of the family, and the prosperity of the family. The Moon correlates with a sense of security, which is why Taurus has a strong need to have a good household that guarantees satiety and security. The Moon worries about food supplies, fears circumstances that could destabilize an established life, worries about possible changes, and makes sure that everything that has decreased is restored.

The Wet Moon makes Taurus a fertile and prolific sign in the Zodiac and promotes reproductive and lactation functions in women.

The principle of Mystery allows the Moon to preserve its intimate deep inside Taurus, it is not accessible to prying eyes. Outwardly, he is calm and decently self-possessed, but he is careful, prudent, anxious, and intuitive. He feels the creeping danger, falsehood, impending changes. Stereotype and strong instinct control his passions.

Moon in the decanate of Taurus

Sincerity, goodwill, firmness of character, love of material values ​​and physical pleasures.

A realistic outlook on life and everyday practicality. Prudence, prudence, selfishness.

Entrepreneurship, ability to concentrate on one thing, serious attitude to life, excluding frivolity.

Historical persons with Moon in Taurus

Henry III, Louis XI, Louis XVIII, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Nicolas Poussin, Joseph Chamberlain, Wernher von Braun.

Transit of the Moon through the sign of Taurus

These days the soul softens, tenderness appears, the feeling of love intensifies, aesthetic taste becomes refined, gastronomic needs increase, and appetite increases. People become calmer, more thorough, down-to-earth and cautious, but at the same time slower, seemingly sleepy and even somewhat lazy. Sensitivity and receptivity to the beauty of the world around us increases, and the desire for the small joys of life increases. The moon in Taurus gives people a desire to enjoy comfort, tidy up the house, take care of flowers, work in the garden, draw, listen to music. Their sense of earthly affairs becomes more acute and commercialism becomes more pronounced, so people are not inclined to spend money at this time. Children usually become calmer and more diligent, but require attention and affection. You should eat only fresh foods and follow a diet; fasting is not recommended.

With intense aspects, people become more stubborn, obstinate, capricious, touchy or apathetic. It can be difficult to persuade them to do anything, as people’s suspicion and mistrust worsen. Often during this period, appetite increases, and a person cannot resist the desire to eat something tasty.

Good time:

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • to continue and complete previously started cases, especially those related to property, holdings, and agriculture;
  • for matters that require a long time to implement;
  • for commercial activities;
  • for stock exchange transactions, investments, financial transactions, execution and signing of a will, monetary documents, transfer and receipt of money;
  • for detailed negotiations, conclusion of contracts;
  • for everything related to art, fashion, jewelry, cultural events and entertainment;
  • for artistic or social activities, handicrafts, works in all types of arts;
  • to meet and communicate with the right people;
  • to strengthen emotional connections, love, dating, especially with women and artists;
  • for cultural events, engagements, weddings, receiving guests, organizing banquets and parties with refreshments;
  • for apartment matters - buying real estate, exchanging, moving, preferably on the 2nd, 8th, 21st and 25th Lunar day), repairs, cleaning, starting a new building;
  • for the purchase of agricultural equipment, building materials, furniture, durable items, clothing (bought during the Moon in Taurus, it will last for a long time), as well as fashionable items, cosmetics;
  • for purchasing exquisite items or jewelry;
  • for agriculture and livestock breeding;
  • for planting trees, shrubs, root crops, everything that grows slowly and must be wintered and stored until spring or the next harvest;
  • for harvesting root crops.

Bad time:

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for cases involving risk and the need to make quick decisions;
  • for work involving fire and metal, dangerous tools;
  • for surgical intervention in the neck, throat, larynx, pharynx, trachea, thyroid gland, removal of tonsils and moles;
  • for the treatment of the above organs, injections, transfusions or bleeding.


  • for money, since it can be spent on pleasure or stolen;
  • stomach problems due to overeating.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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It should be noted a practical mindset, frugality, attachment to property, observation, strong intellect. Lunar Taurus will be successful in agriculture, matters related to food, flowers. Material well-being is expected in the second half of life.

If you decide to connect your life with a Taurus, remember that he is a monogamous person. He can “ripe” for marriage for a very long time, but he is always committed to a serious, long-term relationship; flirting is unacceptable for him. He needs order and stability in everything. He is very reliable and never changes his decisions. Lunar Taurus's feelings are deep, but he never expresses them violently. Frivolity shocks him, and he doesn’t like excessive displays of emotions. He cannot tolerate ridicule directed at himself, especially in front of people. It is very important for him to show love, care, and attention from his life partner.

If you are a lunar Aries, then, of course, you will attract Taurus with your passion, however, beware of hurting him with your pressure. Don't put pressure on him, don't rush him, and most importantly, never laugh at him. After all, if he decided to connect his life with you, it means he loves you very much, appreciate it, treat him more carefully.

If you are a lunar Taurus, you will feel a kindred spirit in your chosen one. Life promises to be calm, but at the same time - faded, sluggish. In such a union there is no diversity and brightness of life moments.

If you are a lunar Gemini, you will always find common topics for conversation and you will have an interesting time spending time. But in life together misunderstanding will arise: you take on several things at once, and Taurus does one thing for a long time and thoroughly, so your behavior will seem frivolous to him, and life with you will seem unstable.

If you are a lunar Cancer, then, of course, the love of peace and comfort in the house will bring you closer, but until your mood swings force Taurus to withdraw into himself, and then you will only continually establish contact with your partner, assuring him, that nothing bad is happening.

If you are a lunar Leo, then with Taurus you are guaranteed deep feelings and a strong union. The passion and strength of Leo complement the stability and calmness of Taurus, both sides reveal their best side.

If you are a lunar Virgo, then in order to live together with a lunar Taurus you will have to work hard on yourself: learn warmth, understanding, and attentiveness. For Taurus, your living, genuine feelings are important, not criticism.

If you are a lunar Libra, then you cannot imagine a more harmonious union. Life will be based on respect, deepest love, tenderness. After all, each of you is endowed with qualities that are so necessary for the other.

If you are a lunar Scorpio, then a huge force of attraction will definitely arise. But you shouldn’t torment Taurus with your jealousy.

If you are a lunar Sagittarius, then it is possible that you can ruin the life of Taurus with your craving for adventure and freedom, because... a calm, measured existence is not for you. But you yourself will suffer because you cannot share his way of life.

If you are a lunar Capricorn, then the most surprising thing is how did you end up together? Neither one nor the other will take the initiative once again. But you will have a good time together, because you both strive for stability, security and peace. Just try not to let your emotions wilt completely.

If you are a lunar Aquarius, then your detachment may cause a similar reaction in a lunar Taurus. But even if you tell Taurus about your sympathies, the union will still be cold.

If you are a lunar Pisces, you will attract Taurus with your romance and sensitivity, but will repel Taurus with your impracticality. Your frivolous attitude towards monetary matters. Therefore, you will have to change to make the Taurus moon feel calm and safe.

Astrologers focus on the positions of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. The first 2 planets determine the set of human qualities given at birth. In palmistry, such a characteristic can be obtained by examining the left hand. The Ascendant determines a set of properties acquired by a person consciously throughout his life (right hand).

The influence of the luminaries

To understand the basic character traits of a person and suggest his reaction to life events, astrologers consider not only the listed elements, but also other planets. But first of all, the emphasis is on the Sun. For men, it is taken as the basis of their personality. The moon shows the degree of adaptability of the male sex to the social environment and further dynamics of development.

For representatives of the fair sex, both luminaries can “change places.” For example, the Moon is responsible not only for the emotional mood, but also for its social advancement.

Meaning of the Moon

Emotions, mood, memory, subconscious, intuition depend on it. Associated with the need for sensations and the ability to bear children. At the intellectual level, it is responsible for spiritual development, instinctive reactions, and imagination.

As for health, the health of the female and male genital organs, lymphatic system, gastrointestinal tract, and mental state depends on the Moon. At the physical level, in men it is responsible for the left side, in women - for the right.

Moon in Taurus for women of different signs

It signifies the individual’s desire for peace and stability. A person has such qualities as perseverance and constancy. They recover their state of mind much faster than others.

This planet also helps to pacify your emotions and refrain from unnecessary risks. There is also a negative side. This is the inability to quickly adapt to the environment, difficulty in mastering new things.

The Moon in Taurus also shapes a man’s preferences in choosing partners. The type of woman he is attracted to is a bright, cheerful, active person. As for the fair sex, they get along more easily with their own kind. Although in this case one should take into account in which sign the Sun and Mars are located.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you know, no two Geminis are exactly alike. For example, one representative of the air element is active and sociable. And the other is inert and closed, although they were born under the same sign. What's the matter?

It all depends on the location of the Moon (Sun) at the time of a person’s birth. It determines the individual properties of a person.

Moreover, the same feature can play both a positive and a negative role.

For example, consider the character trait of grit. It easily transforms into an inability to give in. This is especially obvious if a woman has the Moon in Taurus. Vasilisa Volodina emphasizes that such a lady often lacks humility before male authority. Subsequently, this leads to disharmony in her personal life.

But in another situation, strength of character will help a girl deliver an ultimatum to her partner much faster than others would dare to do so. The result is the ability to change the scenario of your life in a timely manner.

Lilith in astrology

Sometimes the Moon in Taurus is called Black. Why does the phrase have a mysterious and even negative connotation? Professionals note that the Black Moon affects the destinies of men and women differently. For representatives of the stronger sex, this may mean the appearance of a fatal person who can drive him crazy.

This is a complex relationship in which love and hate overlap. A man’s mental balance in such a romance can be painful and tense. Sometimes mortal danger from a partner is also possible. Especially if she is a Taurus woman with the Moon in Aries.

Lilith is a kind of temptress, a witch, She is capable of changing the fate of a lover. Professionals note that such an affair is a serious test for a man.

Black Moon in Taurus for a woman

Astrologers note that it occurs in the natal chart of powerful and femme fatales, whose character is compared to Lilith from the ancient legend. It is believed that the presence of the Black Moon predicts a difficult fate for the owner. She faces a struggle for power, serious conflicts with men, emotional defeats and victories.

At the same time, such a lady is extremely sexy and attracts passionate, but not always happy, relationships with her partner into her life. When compiling a natal chart, astrologers highlight periods when the action of the “Black Moon” can have a detrimental effect on a girl’s life.

Positive properties of the Black Moon

Despite the fact that the Black Moon can portend disasters, collapse and serious illnesses, it also has a positive meaning. If she forms a certain configuration with the Sun, ascendant and zenith, then this means special magnetism and hypnotic attractiveness of the hostess.

What is the conclusion? The Black Moon in Taurus for a woman is a signal that she should use her special energy. After all, this can become her main weapon for achieving success in work and love.

What does White Moon mean?

This is natural luck, luck! Such a person has the right from birth to be rich. And this is given to a few. White Moon means good karma, directly related to material success and energy reserves.

Along with this, it bestows excellent health on its owner and signals that any activity will be successful. By the way, the White Moon in Taurus for a Scorpio woman promises miraculous salvation from the most dangerous situation.

The White Moon should be considered in interaction with other planets in order to understand at what time you should stop taking risks.

There is an opinion that the White Moon symbolizes the noble deeds of our ancestors. In order for this connection not to be interrupted, you should continue to improve your karma. If luck is favorable and events contribute to obtaining material benefits, then one must sacrifice for good causes.

The more effort, attention and money spent on helping those in need, the more new sources of income will open up for the lucky person. True, such actions should be performed sincerely and not expect special gifts from the Universe.

This is the basic rule for those who have a White Moon in the sign of Taurus. Women who lead such a lifestyle have successful relationships and give birth to talented children. Men with this sign will never go broke; money invested in certain resources will always turn into profit.

Partners for Lunar Taurus

Astrologers believe that in fact there are no incompatible signs. There are simply combinations in which it will be difficult for a couple to find mutual language, and building relationships will not be easy for them. With whom should lunar Taurus avoid a heartfelt connection?

These are partners whose Moon sign is in Cancer. At first glance, both individuals are balanced homebodies. However, if Taurus does not control his stubbornness, and Cancer does not stop his bad mood, then both partners will experience discomfort and a desire to spend time in different ways.

The Black Moon in Taurus for a woman only complicates compatibility with a partner. Despite the fact that the girl in this union will be the leader, she will experience a lot of unpleasant emotions. A man with the Moon sign in Cancer will most likely have an unstable mood and a desire to arouse pity for himself.

This behavior will cause great irritation in your partner. She can express obstinacy and aggression. This will only deepen the conflict and may even lead to assault.

Professional advice: if these are people under 25 years of age, then it is much easier for them to adapt to each other and pacify the dark sides of their characters. But older partners may find it easier to separate.

But don't despair! If a Black Moon is found in Taurus in a woman, compatibility will be successful with Scorpio, whose Moon is in Virgo.

Sign compatibility

Astrologers have compiled a characteristic that will help lunar Taurus build relationships with representatives of the stronger sex.

  • A man with the Moon in Aries. An extremely passionate romance is possible with him. However, the partner tends to take too long to make decisions, unlike the lightning-fast partner. Advice: don't overdo it when trying to hedge your bets.
  • A man with the Moon in Taurus. Capable of smooth relationships, many common points of contact with the chosen one. But sometimes he wants violent emotions. Advice to both: diversify your life.

  • A man with the Moon in Gemini. Despite significant differences in the views of partners, a woman will receive an incentive from her lover to develop and grow further. Advice: give more emotions to your partner.
  • Man with Moon in Leo: The couple is predicted to have a strong sexual attraction. However, this does not exclude sharp disagreements regarding authorities and worldviews. Advice: learn to understand your partner and give in to him.
  • A man with the Moon in Virgo. Not bad love relationship, where partners are able to be friends. This relationship can last a long time. Advice: a common cause will only strengthen the union.
  • A man with the Moon in Libra. Harmonious communication, agreement, tender love. In adulthood, there is a touching concern for each other. Advice: save your feelings.
  • A man with the Moon in Scorpio. The couple has enough magical attraction. There is a lot of sensuality, but both partners are desperate owners. Advice: do not provoke each other to jealousy.
  • A man with the Moon in Sagittarius. A difficult union is expected, where the partner will try to put pressure on the chosen one and complain about the lack of stability. He will be perplexed: “Everything is great. What's the matter? Advice: learn to listen to each other, look for common ground.
  • Man with Not a bad connection. Lovers are on the “same wavelength” and are looking for a safe, calm existence. Advice: expand your circle of acquaintances, do not limit yourself to your partner.
  • A man with the Moon in Aquarius. It will seem to your partner that your lover is always trying to “slip away.” Alas, such is his nature. In general, relationships will be varied. Sometimes both will go to extremes. Advice: accept each other as they are, be wise and patient.
  • A man with the Moon in Pisces. Romantic union, soft relationship. Quarrels are possible only over material issues. Advice: do not involve third parties in your disagreements, try to find a compromise through your own efforts.

In real life, there are few pedantic individuals who are ready to consider all the planets that are in their partner’s star chart. However, if curiosity takes over, use your knowledge and be happy!

These people are very pleasant to be around, since they do not tend to demand immediate answers and attach feigned importance to themselves. A Taurus Moon is a person whose horoscope Moon is in Taurus.

Lunar Taurus - who is he

This is a person who is characterized as reliable in all respects. Although, this sometimes has its drawbacks. After all, by going too far with calm and taking on a detached position, Taurus can harm himself if at the moment it becomes necessary to be active in any changes.

The influence of the Moon on Taurus promotes the development of excellent intuition, gives a huge potential for common sense and a willingness to withstand numerous tests in the name of achieving an ideal. In addition, the Taurus lunar type is shy, kind and quite sentimental.

They have an excellent memory, but a poorly developed ability to create original ideas. Such people think soberly, but it is difficult for them to change their opinion about something.

Lunar Taurus have an innate excellent taste and talent for gardening and various types art. Most of them have pleasant voices and love to sing, but their other senses of touch are also well developed. They love to collect, but not only works of art, but also friends.

In addition, they have a heightened sensitivity to comfort and to their material condition, and also react strongly to harmony and disharmony in relations with the outside world.

Taurus Moon Type in Relationships

Lunar Taurus, like ordinary Taurus, are very sexual. As in all other aspects of life, they strive to have the best in relationships. And if the Taurus lunar type decides that he has met exactly the person he needs, he turns into one of the most persistent admirers in the entire zodiac.

Perhaps the reason for Taurus's persistent desire to ensure constancy in his life and in his relationships is some kind of self-doubt that hides in the depths of his soul and which he needs to overcome.

Moon Taurus sincerely desires deep and meaningful relationships, but at the same time he needs to live in his own rhythm and time. He is not interested in frivolous relationships, and he generally considers divorce unacceptable and even this word itself is excluded from his vocabulary.

And if it comes to breaking up the relationship, then Taurus prefers to be abandoned. Representatives of this sign also understand that in order to romantic relationship have grown into love, they need time. And it is love that occupies one of the highest positions in the priorities of the lunar type of Taurus.

The Moon in Taurus for a woman gives her a calm disposition and sanity. She likes peace, comfort, she values ​​the feeling of peace, spiritual harmony and balance. Such a woman is very patient with loved ones and strangers, knows how to be assertive, systematically achieves her goals, and is stable in her opinions.

One of the factors that determines it happy life, is material well-being. She loves to earn money herself, prefers to enjoy all the benefits of life, dress beautifully and eat delicious food. Financial security is also one of the main criteria for choosing a future spouse. The level of financial independence of the chosen one is regarded by her as a sign of stability, sanity and reliability.

The Moon in Taurus in a woman’s natal chart speaks of her practicality, clarity of thinking and self-sufficiency. She is very calm, it is difficult to unbalance her, sometimes it seems that she is completely devoid of emotions.

Such a woman does not like changes in her personal life or professional sphere; she is distrustful of all innovations. It is difficult for her to change her place of residence, she rarely travels and is strongly attached to her own home.

A woman with the Moon in Taurus is very stubborn, rarely listens to the opinions of outsiders, and blindly believes in her ideals. She does not know how to make quick decisions, she needs to think everything over, weigh every little detail, delve into the smallest details, which may affect the result.

Such a woman is very responsible, patient and optimistic. She rarely loses her composure and always achieves her goals. In addition, a woman with the Moon in Taurus is distinguished by natural beauty, charm and a magnificent figure. She has innate excellent manners and refined taste.

Vasilisa Volodina says that a woman with the Moon in Taurus is endowed with a strong character and does not intend
to yield even to male authority. Sometimes, this can cause difficulties in your personal life.

Fatal, powerful, passionate and sexy is a woman with the Black Moon in Taurus. She has natural magnetism and attractiveness, so it is difficult, especially for Taurus, to pass by such a girl. This is a bright, spectacular and obstinate person who rarely follows the lead of the opposite sex, but is guided only by her own desires and aspirations.

The White Moon in Taurus for a woman promises her wealth and good health. Any of her undertakings will be successful, she will overcome all obstacles and obstacles with ease. She has excellent manners, refined, elegant and sophisticated.

A woman with the Moon in Taurus can be very trusting, friendly and sincere. Comfort, both physical and mental, is important to her, so she will go to great lengths to achieve peace of mind. Such a woman, without hesitation, says goodbye to people who lead an incorrect lifestyle, often lie and play around, and compromise themselves and others with their behavior.

The Gemini woman with the Moon in Taurus is a very smart person. She is characterized by the lightness, cheerfulness and flexibility of Gemini, which is joined by the stability, balance and steadfastness of Taurus. Such a woman is faithful to her ideals and foundations, values ​​and respects her friends, and is ready to come to their aid at the first call. This is a very romantic nature that values ​​stable and strong relationships.

She can become an excellent leader thanks to her perseverance, determination and patience. Such a woman has an excellent memory, well-developed thinking, subtle intuition and the ability to be creative. She is successful in life, feels people well, and does not give in to deception or provocation.

The Cancer woman with the Moon in Taurus is endowed with great charm. She is talented, versatile, sensitive, adapts well to new conditions, determined and purposeful. Such a woman has good manners, is tactful, and knows how to find a common language with people. She loves to work and achieves career heights only thanks to her knowledge and skills. She is characterized by organization, she knows how to restrain herself in situations where it is necessary, she has a keen sense of people and their desires.

The Leo woman with the Moon in Taurus is a true leader. She is practical, has courage, is decisive, her reasoning is always adequate, and her intuition works flawlessly. However, sometimes she can be stubborn, it is difficult for her to make compromises, and she often lacks a sense of tact.

Such a woman will never lie, therefore she does not tolerate people who lie and leave things unsaid. She is very proud, does not know how to ask for forgiveness, and often follows principles, which causes irreparable harm to her love relationships.

A Scorpio woman with the Moon in Taurus does not waste time on trifles. Her ideas, ideas and projects are grandiose and wide-ranging. She knows how to reason sensibly, approaches any problem from a practical point of view, is purposeful and decisive, but quite superstitious. In a relationship with a loved one, such a woman can be petty and vindictive. She is very jealous, envious and does not know how to lose with dignity.

A woman with the Moon in Taurus clearly knows what kind of man she needs. He must be a financially secure, reliable and faithful man who will become her support and support. He should appreciate her ability to organize her life, praise her culinary masterpieces, be able to listen to her problems and participate in solving them. Such a woman is looking for a husband who shares her desire for stability, order and constancy. He must tell her about his love, show tenderness and affection.

For a woman with the Moon in Taurus, the comfort and well-being of the family always comes first. She needs modern furniture, a beautiful interior, stylish things, the latest technology and expensive accessories. By nature, she is faithful and strongly attached to her chosen one, but if he cannot satisfy her financial needs, she will say goodbye to him and go in search of a more successful and wealthy man.

The choice of a partner by a woman with the Moon in Taurus is influenced by the Moon’s compatibility with other zodiac signs. Building a relationship with Lunar Aries is quite difficult. A man will not like a woman’s prudence and a certain slowness in making decisions. A woman will find it difficult to withstand her partner’s excessive emotionality. If these two do not stock up on patience and learn to be more calm about the difference in temperaments, it is unlikely that they will be able to maintain the relationship.

Two Lunar Taurus are comfortable with each other, they experience mutual attraction and attraction. Common interests and the same views on life help them create a strong couple, but a too balanced and calm life can become boring. They need to meet new people, travel, visit interesting events to recharge yourself with new emotions and impressions.

It is better to remain in friendly, creative or business relationships with Moon Geminis. They are interested in being together, they constantly share their ideas, knowledge and experience. Find family happiness It’s unlikely to work out due to the man’s frivolity and frivolity.

A man with the Moon in Cancer strives to create a strong family just like a woman with the Moon in Taurus. Both strive for stability, confidence in the future and constancy. They are comfortable being around, they are not burdened by everyday life, and are pleased by the absence of grandiose changes in life. In order not to suffer from melancholy and boredom in such a relationship, the couple needs a periodic emotional shake-up in the good sense of the word.

WITH Lunar Leo, Lunar Taurus will be united by passion, which, however, will not last forever. These two have different temperaments, worldviews and priorities, so their connection will quickly come to a logical conclusion.

It is better to build friendly or professional relationships with Moon Virgo. It is easy for them to find a common language, they understand each other and have many points of contact. A love affair will only lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, which can develop into open hostility, due to the criticality of the Moon Virgo and the lack of emotions on the part of the Moon Taurus. They lack gentleness and tolerance.

It is very difficult for Lunar Taurus to find a common language with Lunar Libra. Each of them tries to cover up the merits of their partner and push themselves to the forefront. If they try to be more attentive to their significant other, show more participation, forget about their own selfishness and provide the necessary support, a completely harmonious relationship can develop.

With a Scorpio Moon, a woman with the Moon in Taurus will have a passionate and sensual connection. They can torment each other, plague each other with jealousy and suspicion. There can be no talk of peace, tranquility, harmony and a quiet family haven. However, having gone through all the trials, each of them will be able to become better and more tolerant towards their partner.

It will not be possible to build a harmonious relationship with Lunar Sagittarius. They will constantly argue, sort things out and conflict. Short periods of calm and harmony will alternate with more protracted quarrels and misunderstandings.

With Lunar Capricorn, Lunar Taurus has common interests and views on life, but enduring jealousy and stubbornness will spoil the emerging harmony.

Lunar Aquarius and Lunar Taurus are too different from each other. They do not understand their partner’s worldview and do not see a common future together. The saying that opposites attract is in this case does not work.

Harmonious relationships can be built with Moon Pisces. A man and a woman will subtly feel their partner, predict his desires and dreams. However, they may be hindered by mutual passivity. Everyone will expect active actions and expressions of feelings from their significant other. They need to prioritize as a couple and then everything will work out.

A woman with the Moon in Taurus will be absolutely compatible only with a man who will give her confidence in the future. This concerns a consistently good financial situation and fidelity. She must trust him completely and know that she can rely on him. A man must love and protect her, give her the constancy that she so craves.