Ritual for a new red wallet. Simoron ritual for money: charging your wallet

02.07.2019 Society and culture

Your well-being can be improved by casting spells and performing rituals with a red purse. For example: yes strong conspiracy to a new wallet that will fill your new storage with money. Provided that you honor the correct execution of rituals and believe in the power of money magic.

Plot for a new wallet

If you urgently need a large amount of money, then you can read an urgent conspiracy for your wallet. In such situations, it’s not possible to wait for a new month, and you shouldn’t expect the boss to give two salaries at once either.

Magician tips:
  1. When purchasing a new wallet, try to choose red or gold;
  2. All spells are recommended to be cast during the new month;
  3. You cannot talk about the ritual performed;
  4. If the old wallet is a different color, then it doesn’t matter;
  5. Believe in your enrichment!

At such moments, our ancestors used water. The liquid must be alive, and for this you should go to a spring or other body of water with clean water. You need to look into the water so that you and your wallet are reflected. The wallet should be open, its edges should be slightly dipped and we pronounce the spell:

“Water, water. You are like sisters to me. You will always give me something to drink, wash, give advice and put to bed. Tell me and give me an answer: where can I get money for urgent needs? Bless me and bring me money and prosperity. I said it, you heard it. Given by the spirits, not taken away by anyone.”

Conspiracy for an old wallet

The ritual is carried out for 7 days in a row, and must begin on Sunday. On the first and last day, you should go to church and give three beggars an alms amount of seven coins. Each person who asks must receive what he asks for. In the church itself, it is advisable to place candles in front of any icon.

Say the words twice a day, at exactly 12 noon and night. Before starting, light a candle (one candle is used for one day), white paper with green stripes (you draw it yourself). The old wallet should be empty and lying on paper. The candle is rotated counterclockwise and the plot is read:

“I twist and turn, I want to give life back to my little thing. As new as it was, let it remain so. It will become a home for great friends. For me, for himself, he will earn respect, but if he catches the money, he will not let him go. Key, tongue, lock."

Plot for a new wallet upon purchase

Buying a new wallet should bring only joy, pleasure and, subsequently, money. Money conspiracy read to themselves when purchasing a new money vault:

“Be my friend, comrade, a treasure trove for all my contributions, so that money will stick to money and be added to. Don’t be empty, add, multiply, bring joy to yourself and me. Key, tongue, lock."

Ancient spell

Our Slavic ancestors recommended casting spells for a new wallet. The best day to buy is Thursday; if the new moon does not coincide with this day of the week, it’s okay. If it's not in your wallet, it's not in your house. This means that, first of all, you will have to start talking about the house for coins and bills. Therefore, you should approach your choice responsibly. Any money loves order, if they don’t like something (disrespect for them or an uncomfortable position), then you won’t wake them up.

  1. All currency fits in its entire length;
  2. Choose a product made from natural materials;
  3. Small and large items are placed in different sections.

Bring it into the house and place it on the window so that the sun illuminates it well. At midnight, place spring water in a transparent container nearby and say the following spell:

“I read words for good luck, prosperity and profit, and sprinkle them with water. Help me, water, lure big guests in your purse.”

We leave it on the window all night, after placing a container of water on the wallet.

Red wallet conspiracy

When using a magic spell to attract large sums, you will need to perform a ritual on the waxing moon. You will need:

  1. Money Tree;
  2. Larger pots for additives;
  3. Earth (chernozem)

When transplanting into a large pot, the wallet and the copper coins that have been in it for three days should spend the night next to the pot. In the morning at dawn we perform a ritual. We pour a small amount of earth to the bottom, throw in 7 coins, and pronounce the spell:

“As there is earth in a jar, so there are coins in a wallet. The longer the roots, the greater the wealth. Just as the earth remains in place, so gold and silver are found in the house.”

It is advisable not to spend money on this day. As a rule, before the ceremony, people purchase everything they need.

If at least one banknote leaves the house, the ritual will have to be performed again.

Spell over a wallet for wealth

Great at home. Next, you will have to carry the sheet in your wallet. A ritual is performed on the full moon, all three days. It should start at midnight. The bay leaf should be placed on the windowsill next to the wallet, in the place where the moonlight hits. Next we read the spell:

“I wipe the leaves, but I invite gold, I don’t keep the laurel on the window, but I tell fortunes of wealth. Large sums end up in wallets and my accounts are replenished. The silver coins ring and sparkle. I will thank fate, and I will show you the laurel to the moon. You will turn into coins and pieces of paper, but you will not leave my house. You will be next to me. Said, done, sealed with the full moon.”

After use, bay leaves are not thrown away, but are used for cooking.

A powerful ritual with a money wallet

Green has always symbolized money supply. People who want to attract wealth always try to have as much green as possible in their home. But then how to make a spell on a red wallet? Green is the same money color as red, so candles have a beneficial effect on the course of events.

You need to buy 5 identical green candles. You will also need a white candle, lavender and mint oil. You need to drip on four sides of each oil. Only then do they light candles and place them in these drops. It turns out to be a kind of circle. The fifth candle is in the middle. The white one is in the left hand, and the wallet is in the right hand. Then they say the plot 7 times:

“Magic powers, green powers, come, bring me prosperity, wealth. Poverty, poverty, take the servant of God (servant of God) (name must be indicated) as far as possible from me to the fields, meadows and rivers. Beyond the seas, valleys, mountains. I work, I try, but I get nothing. Help, my work will be highly appreciated."

Wallet Spells for Easter Holidays

Quite often, during the holidays, people read a conspiracy to attract money into their wallet. This ritual is successful in that it can be used on any day. lunar calendar. Even on a waning moon. One downside is that Easter only happens once a year. When going to church, prepare three wallets with an incantatory text.

  • Place one piece of paper under all the products that you will consecrate;
  • We keep the second one in our pocket;
  • Leave the third at home on the holiday table.

After the priest sanctifies everything, give as many donations as you can to the poor with a piece of paper with the words:

“I give it to you, I add it to myself.”

Magic spell:

“Heavenly Father, Mother Queen, Holy Spirit! I ask you for help and strength, I want to cleanse my mind of filth. I’m not asking you for money, but for wealth so that the children don’t need anything. To raise and educate, to be able to give to everyone. The hand will not become weak, the heart will not harden. For good, for happiness, without any deceit. Amen (3 times).”

When purchasing a new wallet, it is important to pay attention to the fact that it should be quite expensive, quite attractive and have several compartments. After all a cheap product cannot attract wealth, and if it is empty inside, then a long absence of money for the owner of such a wallet is practically guaranteed.

It is very important that the bills are never wasted until the very end. There will be no benefit from the thing purchased with the last money.

Money should not be handled carelessly or disrespectfully. When buying a new wallet, you must read the plot and in the future try to follow all the rules that you need to know when handling finances. The energy of money has its own laws.

The banknotes in the wallet must be laid out according to their value and always with the reverse side inward so that they do not “go away”. There shouldn't be any foreign objects there. Recipes, tickets, receipts, photographs, notes - none of this has a place in your wallet. It is considered a bad omen if money sometimes falls to the ground, so you need to try to be especially careful about this.

Let's talk about a new wallet

If we talk about the shape of the wallet, then it should be oblong and at least 15 cm long. You need to change your wallet at least once a year, best on the eve New Year's holidays. The most suitable days for this are Wednesday or Thursday, or rather, their first half. It is important that the moon these days is in its waxing phase, but has not reached its quarter.

After payment, holding the wallet in your left hand, you need to mentally cast a spell for a new wallet:

“Be a worthy home for my money and increase it. The Lord will bless, and the Guardian Angel will help. Amen"

You cannot tell anyone about the acquisition, and after reading the plot, you need to go home without talking to anyone.

What you should not keep in your wallet

From the new wallet you need to remove money that has gone out of circulation. It's better to put everything you have in it money samples, including foreign ones. Then read the plot:

“Coin reaches for coin, and wealth rushes to me with happiness. Money in the new wallet is constantly ringing and rustling. They wear beautiful clothes, buy shiny rings and have enough for everything. My words are the key, the lock, the tongue. Amen"

After this, you need to keep it with you until late in the evening. You can use it only the next day.

If you buy a wallet as a gift, you must put a coin in it. They say that after this the owner will always have money. The best options for gifts are money vaults in beige, brown, green or red.

Money talismans

Financial talismans can increase the number of banknotes in your wallet. You can make them yourself. Even in ancient times it was known that there are plants that attract prosperity and good luck. For example, peony root, clover or mint leaves, oak bark or leaves.

One American dollar is considered a strong talisman that attracts financial benefits. Many explain this by saying that on the back of the bill there is an all-seeing eye on an Egyptian pyramid, and this is a symbol of success. You need to fold the bill into a triangle and store it separately in your wallet.

How to charge your wallet for wealth

In magic great importance attached to the energies of decrease and stay: changes in phases of the moon or seasons, period of the calendar year, beginning or end of the day. These energies are very strong; using them correctly, you can help yourself in many ways.

After purchasing a new wallet, you can carry out the next conspiracy at night. Place silver coins in a new product and leave it to be illuminated by the moon. In this case, you need to cast a spell on the wallet:

“I’m conjuring a new wallet for prosperity. Multiply, money, like the stars in the sky! Come as the moon rises in the sky! And whoever steals my wallet will take all my troubles with it! Amen."

The irredeemable coin must be transferred from the old wallet to the new one. If it is missing, you can put any other coin, but you must mark it with red paint and never spend it. She will become a talisman symbol for her owner.

There is one more good way charging the wallet. To do this you will need a gold ring and church candle. Late at night, you need to light a candle without turning on the light. In this ritual it is very important that clothes are loose. There is no need to fasten buttons or zippers. Hair should be loose. A certain period of time is needed in order to tune in to witchcraft. After putting the ring in your wallet, you need to cross it three times. Then, when illuminated by moonlight, you need to repeat the spell three times:

“A month, a month, silver legs, golden horns! Give me gold and silver for good deeds, profit and prosperity! Let my wallet be filled with money! Amen"

After this, you need to wait until the candle burns out, and then put an irredeemable silver coin and all the money in your wallet.

What to do with an old wallet?

Of course, some people simply throw it away so that there are no old things in the house. But it’s better to leave it anyway, putting a small denomination bill in it. After a month you need to replace it with a larger bill. There is no need for a conspiracy, you just need to do it in a good mood, and soon you will notice that financial affairs will improve.

There is also a very effective conspiracy that is guaranteed to attract money. You need to brew some green tea in a cup, put a spoonful of honey in it, and place it on green paper. With a simple pencil, purchased specifically for this ritual, you need to stir the tea. At the same time, you need to think about the amount that is needed right now.

After this, taking the paper out from under the cup, write on it with a pencil: “Tea, there will be money”. Then you need to drink tea with pleasure and put the paper in your wallet. The money will appear very soon. The main thing is not to remove the paper from your wallet, because it will attract funds throughout the year.

Since ancient times, people have carried out various rituals and conspiracies, the purpose of which was to enrich themselves. Material wealth affects every area of ​​human activity. The wallet in which bills and coins are stored can also affect your wealth. Choosing the right wallet is the first step to financial wealth.

Reasons for lack of money: what folk wisdom says

There are several reasons why you may be constantly short of money. This is mainly due to the low interest in the income-expenditure ratio. As a rule, people with such an attitude towards money do not take much account of their spending and do not make careful planning. As a result, at the end of the month there is no money left at all, which makes it impossible to save.

Folk wisdom says that the poor person is not the one who has little income, but the one for whom any income is insufficient. This can be interpreted as a lack of planning and saving. This saying especially applies to people who waste their wealth.

“A penny saves the ruble” or “The family got together penny to penny.” This folk wisdom advises that money should be kept in one place.

It is also believed that money is attracted to the wallet. The wallet is the home for cash. Popular wisdom says that money will be found where it takes root. And the old product is no longer suitable for increasing income. The presence of bald spots and holes gives money a way out, which over time reduces wealth.

If your income level has decreased and you are constantly short of money, it is recommended to pay attention to your wallet. If it is already more than one year old, then you should think about purchasing a new wallet for storing money.

How often should you change wallets?

To keep money in the house all the time, it is recommended to change your wallet at least once a year. In addition, the wallet needs to be changed if the old one has scuffs or holes. It is advisable to buy a wallet for some holidays. For example, on New Year. The product will be charged with a good mood. But you should not buy wallets for birthdays - this will force the future owner to make unintentional expenses.

How to buy a wallet correctly

In order for a wallet to bring wealth, you need to carefully prepare for its purchase. It is recommended to carefully prepare for this moment. Otherwise, an unexpectedly purchased product will be distracting cash flow Push.

Choice of design, color

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to some of its characteristics. There are only five of them:

  1. Color. A certain color has an impact on a person's life. For example, money is attracted by the color of the earth. These include black, brown, green, yellow, orange. Money is also attracted to metal colors, such as white, gold or silver.
  1. Size. A wallet is a home for money, and a small house cannot accommodate numerous residents. The dimensions of the wallet should be from 18 cm. It is advisable that the product be slightly larger than this size. There is no need to worry about such bulkiness; as a rule, in addition to money, other things are stored in the wallet (credit cards, discount cards, etc.).
  1. Material. The material must be natural. It is best to choose leather or suede products. If you don’t have the funds to buy an expensive leather product, you can pay attention to high-quality artificial leather.
  1. Quality. The main criterion when choosing is always the quality of the product. There should be no protruding threads. The seams must be strong and neat. The clasps work well. The coloring must be durable and of high quality. Also, the wallet should not smell bad of synthetics or any other odor.
  1. Design. It is advisable to choose a product with many compartments. It is worth focusing on the fact that bills of the same denomination were in one compartment. Additional compartments for talismans and small items would also be useful.

It is also necessary to take into account that the wallet should be liked by its owner. That is why when choosing a product you need to pick it up. This will make it clear whether the product is suitable for the owner or not.

Advice! When choosing, do not avoid bright red color. Red color has a good effect on magical objects and symbols. It can be additionally charged to attract money.

Best time to buy

You need to carefully prepare for purchasing a wallet. This also applies to the timing of purchase. The wallet must be purchased at the following times:

  • the month must be with a waxing moon;
  • It is better to make a purchase between morning and lunch;
  • The most successful day of the week for purchasing is Wednesday, Thursday.

Folk signs for buying a new wallet

There are several signs for buying a new wallet. It is advisable to follow them:

  • give money to the seller right hand;
  • Don’t take change, especially if it’s small change.

It is also preferable to pay in cash when purchasing a new wallet. So you give material money for it, and in return it will attract additional funds.

What to do with an old wallet

After purchasing a new wallet, you need to decide what to do with the old one. Under no circumstances should you throw away an already worn item. Money was kept in it for a long time, and it absorbed their energy.

To attract money, you need to put a bill in your wallet and put it in a closet or other place. After a higher denomination bill appears in the house, you will need to take out the old bill and put it in. This must be done until there is a banknote of the highest denomination in the old wallet. After a while, the magic of the wallet will work and your financial situation will noticeably improve. It is not necessary to carry out conspiracies or rituals during this action. The main thing is to put the bill in a good mood. It is also advisable that this happen on a waxing moon.

In addition, you can save money in an old wallet, using it as a piggy bank. But in this case, it is worth understanding that the old wallet should not contain coins or small denomination bills.

How to activate a new wealth wallet

Just buying a new product will not eliminate the lack of money. It also wouldn’t hurt to perform a ritual to attract money for a new wallet.

Ancient rituals

On the first day after purchase, no one should know about the new acquisition. It is better to keep your purchase away from prying eyes.

Also, you cannot put money in your wallet on the first day. On a waxing moon at night, you need to put three silver-colored coins in your purse; five-ruble coins will do. This must be done in complete darkness by the light of the moon. When the wallet first falls into the hands of the owner, it is recommended to say the following words: "Money, I give you new house. So grow and multiply in it!”

. It is not necessary to say the words out loud, just say them mentally. The main thing is to be convinced of the power of this conspiracy; if you are unsure in your head or thoughts, the ritual will not work.

How to fill in money correctly

  1. The first money in your wallet must be placed according to certain rules. They are quite easy to remember: Apply a drop of peppermint oil to the inner lining.
  2. This has a positive effect on the activation of cash flow attraction. The first bill must be paper.
  3. It is advisable that it be brought as a gift from a successful wealthy person. An acquaintance with good financial income will also do. Also, on another bill you need to write a money sign in pencil and put it equal to infinity.
  4. This bill must be hidden in your wallet. Then you can stack the remaining bills and coins.

The main thing is that there is an even number of bills in each compartment. So each monetary denomination will have its own pair.

  1. What talismans are best to put in your wallet? Clover with four petals. This powerful talisman
  2. for good luck. And if you put it in your wallet, it will attract good luck in the monetary sense. It can act in a variety of ways. After the wallet takes root, a part-time job, bonus or promotion at work may suddenly appear in the wallet. Plants that grow quickly produce rich harvests.
  3. You can put horseradish, St. John's wort or heather in a small canvas bag. Then put it in your wallet. These plants help increase income. Green stone. Natural stones or jewelry containing them attract money. Especially if the jewel has green color
  4. or shade. Malachite is great for attracting wealth. The first coin or bill earned.
  5. The first money earned through your own labor has powerful energy. And if suddenly you still have a bill or even a coin from your first salary in your life, then it must be placed in your wallet. If there is none, then it is recommended to put in a dollar. It depicts a powerful talisman - the all-seeing eye. Such an item in your wallet will help your money double. The mirror should be simple, framed. The item must be free of chips and cracks.
  6. Runes of wealth fehu and otal. It is not necessary to purchase runes. You can apply them yourself to a piece of paper or a pebble and put them in your wallet.
  7. Gold item. An earring, ring or chain is suitable for this. Gold brings a stable income in material terms.
  8. 3 Chinese coins connected by a red thread. This is a powerful talisman for attracting money. It should be placed in the compartment where the largest bills are stored. You can also attach it to a keychain. But in case of accidental loss of the talisman, the financial situation will be shaken.

It is not necessary to invest all talismans at once to attract money. You can choose several that act differently. For example, one attracts wealth, another increases it, and the third keeps the financial situation stable.

Do modern products help attract money?

In stores you can buy a lot of modern talismans aimed at attracting wealth. Don't think that they don't work. The main thing in our case is the confidence that they will help.Not only must the talisman itself have the ability to attract money, it must also be charged by the owner.

Also, if there is any doubt about ready-made talismans that can be bought in a store, it is recommended to make it yourself. When assembling a talisman, the main thing is to think about financial wealth and be in a good mood. This is to charge the talisman with positive energy.

A popular talisman for attracting money, which you can make yourself, is a shirt made from a banknote. It's pretty easy to make and looks great in your wallet.

Signs related to the wallet

There are many signs associated with a wallet. They say that:

  1. It is forbidden for strangers to pick up the wallet, as the wallet can be charged with negative energy from them.
  2. You should not put tattered and ugly banknotes in your wallet.
  3. You can't buy very cheap wallets; they tend to carry negative energy and drain away wealth.
  4. You cannot put photographs of relatives in your wallet, this will interrupt the cash flow.
  5. If coins are accidentally spilled from your wallet, you should only pick them up with your right hand.
  6. It is not recommended to spend all the money; at least a few coins should remain. This is due to the fact that these coins are charged to attract other money. And if your wallet is empty, then there will be nothing to attract wealth.
  7. Banknotes should be folded from highest to lowest denomination. Banknotes with the same number of zeros should also be stored together.

The wallet must always be with its owner. It should not be kept in sight all the time. Also, cards with money should be kept in your wallet, but credit cards, on which there is a debt, you need to keep in a separate section.


If you know what needs to be done with a new wallet in order to have money, you can change your well-being for the better. The main thing is to approach both storing money and attracting it wisely.

In the morning, put one coin and one banknote of different denominations in your wallet, the more the better. Foreign money is also suitable, the main thing is not to put in dead money, i.e. those that have already gone out of use (for example, Soviet ones). Say the following spell over the wallet:

“As coins gather to money, so happiness and prosperity gather to me, money to coins flows into a new wallet. And in the new wallet there is always rustling and ringing, for new clothes, for a shiny ring, and there is enough for everything.

My word is strong. To those words of mine, heaven and earth are the key and lock. Amen".

Carry the enchanted wallet with you all day, until the evening, after which you can take the money out of it. It is best to perform this ritual in the first lunar quarter.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Spell for money on a wallet

    In order for money to arrive in your wallet, this conspiracy is read. You need to read the spell for money on a wallet twelve times over an open wallet. Place one single coin in your wallet, preferably silver.

    I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, and I will walk, crossing myself, I will follow my mother on the damp earth, I will be covered with the sky, I will be girded with the dawn, I will be wrapped in stars, I will be clothed in a white robe, I will be baptized in Christ. I will create the Life-giving Cross and pray to God. Holy Soul, Nameless Light. Unsearchable and hidden Light, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all darkness of ignorance, giving us to drink the streams of Your knowledge; raise us up, cast down by sin, free us, enslaved by passions, heal us from every ulcer that lurks in us, through the communion of Divine and incorruptible Food, the Body and Blood of Christ, we pray to You, hear us and have mercy. God! You have a lot of things, give me, Your servant, a small fraction of your riches. Daily bread, prosperity in the house, shelter on the road, haste in business, increase in money. Before this happens, grant me, Lord, repentance for my sins and justification at the Last Judgment.

    Mark the spoken coin from your wallet with red paint so as not to inadvertently give it away. As long as the coin is in the wallet, the money spell on the wallet is valid. If you accidentally give away a coin, then you need to give away your wallet (give it to someone). But it's best to sell the wallet. If it is old and worth nothing, sell it for the smallest coin, only silver (for example, 1 kopeck). Buy a new wallet, put the coin you received from the sale into it and cast the spell again.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Ritual with a new wallet -

    For the ritual you need the following items: a round mirror, three coins yellow color(preferably antique), a small thin strip of wood - a symbol of wealth. Before you put these items in a special compartment of your wallet forever, you need to hold them for 3 hours in a crystal glass with holy water, whispering the following prayer on them: “Just as the foliage on a tree multiplies year after year, so the coin in the reflection of the mirror always multiplies. Let my wealth increase as I earnestly pray to you! Amen, amen, amen."

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Conspiracy-amulet for a wallet

    Read the following plot above the wallet:

    The cross is on me, the cross is on the wall.

    Who will take my money?

    He will die from the second cross. Amen.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00


    How there are many stars in the sky, how much water there is in the sea,

    and so that my wallet has a lot of money and always has enough.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    There is probably no person who would not want to live, at least, in abundance. And the queues at the post office for lottery tickets show that there are many who want to not only live comfortably, but frankly, get rich.

    As practice shows, it is not always enough to work hard to have money. In this case, you can turn to magic.

    I will describe for you here several important signs from money magic.

    Anyone who looks at the New Moon with completely empty pockets can prepare for serious financial difficulties. And vice versa - you can call money into your life yourself. To do this, the next day after the full moon, you need to go out into the street (or onto the balcony) and, putting the largest bill you have in your right palm, show it to the Moon. At the same time, in your own words, ask to attract money into your life, and finally repeat three times:

    “As the Moon grows and arrives, so my (my name) money grows and arrives. Truly!”

    If money has scattered from your wallet, you should only collect it with your right hand, otherwise a lot will be lost. At the same time, in order not to lose everything, they give away part: you need to leave one coin in place with the words: “I leave one, I get the rest!” If someone picks up this money in front of you, then your day promises to be successful.

    To protect yourself from damage to money, never take it from hand to hand. This cannot be done also because money is a good conductor of energies. And if a person with a bad attraction for money hands you a bill, then you can lose your money energy by intercepting the bad one from him.

    You can also adopt someone else's monetary success. To do this, it is enough to come to visit a rich person and break off a sprout of color from his flowerpot. Having brought this sprout home, first plant it in water with the words: “You brought wealth (the name of your rich friend), and bring me wealth.” And then transplant it into the ground when the roots of the sprout appear, with the words: “Develop and grow, bring me (your name) good luck!”

    To attract money, it is also recommended to put several coins in each pocket of your clothes. At the same time, you need to say: “Water to the shores, and money to money!” These coins are taken out of the pocket only to wash the clothes in question. But it is useful to sometimes touch them with your fingers (moving towards yourself, not away from you) so that the sound of monetary metal can be heard. At the same time they also say “Money to money!”

    And in conclusion - one more piece of advice from the many secrets of money magic that I know. When you receive any amount (salary, inheritance, winnings - it doesn’t matter), never say exactly how much you received. You can say this, but in this case, name a slightly smaller amount than in reality.

    Good luck and prosperity to you! Let magic help!

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Spell for money on a wallet

    To prevent the money in your wallet from being transferred, you need to read this spell for money to your wallet.

    Take the largest bill you have, draw an infinity sign on a blank spot (the number 8 lying on its side), then put it in the farthest pocket of your wallet, close the wallet and move your hand over it three times, saying:

    “I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the field at dawn, cross myself on the face of Christ, read a prayer Mother of God and I will worship the Holy Spirit to the ground. In the light of the day, I ask You, Holy God, do not leave me in poverty, but bring prosperity into my home, so that my children do not need, so that they can eat enough. Lord, give me a small grain of what You have. As a child reaches out to its mother, as a dove always flies home, as loving hearts reach out to each other, may money also, Lord, reach out to my wallet. Forgive my sinful soul, Lord, and grant me deliverance from sins and forgiveness at the Last Judgment.”

    Put your wallet aside for 3 hours, and when is it time will pass read the plot again.

    From now on, bills of the same denomination that are in the back pocket of your wallet will often arrive in your wallet.

    Every time several bills appear, one of them will need to be transferred to the first bill and not spend this money until the spell expires. If you don’t do this, the conspiracy will turn against you and one little thing will come into your wallet.

    The plot is valid for 3 months, then it will need to be repeated again.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Conspiracy for a fat wallet.

    Spectacular coins love accuracy and counting.

    A caring owner won't lose a penny.

    To always know how much is in your wallet, you need to count the money every morning and at the same time say:

    “Money adds up to money, the quantity increases, the amount multiplies, the income grows. Bless, Lord! Amen!".

    In just a month, your wallet will become thicker.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Conspiracy for big money income.

    (read above the wallet)

    “I’m coming young, from Nova Gorod, dragging my money from Bela Lake.

    Three pages meet me, three pleasers:

    Minodora, Metrodora, Nymphodora. Take a page, a coin at a time, and pray to Christ God for me, that He may send me all good things, gold and silver. O holy martyrs Minodoro, Mitrodoro, Nimfordoro! We come to you now with fervent prayer. Pray therefore to the Lord, that in sorrows and misfortunes He may cover us, His servants, with His indescribable grace, and

    He will preserve and grant His glory, like the never-setting sun, to be seen. Help us in our humble prayers and may Christ God have mercy on us sinners and grant us His mercy. To Him we send glory with His Beginning Father and His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    So we make your wallet a MONEY MAGNET:

    firstly, if you are going to buy a new wallet, you definitely shouldn’t waste money on it and buy a cheap one. A cheap wallet in itself already brings poverty and does not attract large bills. Even if your wallet doesn’t cost exorbitant amounts of money, it will still be decent.

    Suitable materials for a wallet are suede, leather, or, in extreme cases, cloth, and not polyethylene. Polyethylene does not carry any energy.

    the wallet should have a color corresponding to the elements of wealth: earth and metal, i.e. colors such as:


    yellow and its entire range

    As soon as you bought a wallet, be sure to put a non-changeable coin of a ruble or two in it to save monetary energy in the wallet.

    the coin you put in should not be spent, in which case it will serve money magnet and a conductor of monetary energy.

    Hex on the wallet

    Hello, dark night! I am your adopted daughter! My wallet is my garden, no one will take my fruits.

    Who took my luck, who took my wealth, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, passed it back through candles! On Monday I took a shovel.

    On Tuesday the land was plowed. I bought grain on Wednesday. I planted the grain on Thursday. I collected grain on Friday! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as there is so much grain in the field, no matter how much it is counted, counted and eaten at once, there would be so much money in my wallet! Key, lock, tongue! Amen, amen, amen!

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Wallet spell

    Buy a new wallet, preferably one of natural leather color, black or red. It is better not to have wallets of unnatural colors like crimson, silver, and so on. In the new wallet, put one yellow coin, one white coin and one paper money of any denomination. Say this:

    Just as my purse is full, so am I strong. As money accumulates after money, so happiness and prosperity follow me, money flows into a new home. Yes, so that my purse would always ring and rustle, and have enough for everything, and for new boots, and for downy mittens, and that I would not be denied anything. My word is strong. My cause is correct. Hold it in your hands, never let it go. Amen, amen, amen.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    Conspiracy for a new wallet

    If you bought a new wallet, then you must teach it to store and accumulate money. Nothing is better suited for this than a special conspiracy. Spend with a new purse, wallet, purse. The plot is made for the new month. In the evening, sit at the table facing the window, let your hair down, take off your shoes, light a candle, use it to cross your wallet three times with God’s words: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Now put a gold coin or a gold ring in your wallet and, looking at the moon, say spell words to nurture your wallet

    Month, month, silver horns, give my wallet gold and silver, so that it grows, fills, and is filled with money. Amen

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
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    A cheap wallet will attract poverty to you. An expensive wallet with many compartments for change and bills will attract money. The wallet should not be made of artificial material, because... any synthetics block energy flows and in this case cash flow. Leather or suede wallets are best, fabric ones are somewhat worse. The wallet simply must be attractive and solid. How to determine the quality of a leather wallet and make sure that you are purchasing leather and not artificial leather? The most reliable way is to try to warm the wallet in your hands. If the thing is really made of leather, then it will receive the warmth of the hand, and if not, it will remain cold, similar to oilcloth to the touch. In addition, even dyed leather items retain a characteristic “leather” pattern under a layer of paint. Good leather should be soft and easy to clench in your fist.

    Under no circumstances should you leave your wallet empty - otherwise they will not appear there very soon, and the thing bought with your last money will bring continuous losses. Never handle banknotes carelessly. The habit of stuffing money into your wallet when shopping, without caring that it may get wrinkled, can cost you dearly. Sensitive money energy does not like to be treated with disrespect. The bills in your wallet need to be kept in order - let all the bills of one denomination lie together, followed by bills of a different denomination.

    To have money, you need to put it in your wallet front side outward, and the reverse inward, otherwise they will run away. Rubles and dollars are not put together, but only in different pockets. Money must be put in your wallet carefully, because... If you dropped money or coins spilled out of your wallet, keep in mind that this is not good.

    You cannot put photographs of your children or loved ones in transparent inserts of wallets. There may be an inverse relationship between money and photographs - money will have an impact on those depicted in the photo, and the latter have a chance to become too calculating and materialistic. If you really want to always have images of your loved ones with you, then only a wallet is suitable for this. There should be no trash in the wallet. Clear your wallet of unnecessary items travel tickets, receipts, notes.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    2. TALISMANS for the wallet

    It's great if you put a money talisman in your wallet. For example, three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon (they can be purchased in feng shui shops). You need to carry a small red piece of paper in your wallet; there will be money in your wallet. A mint or clover leaf will also attract money to your wallet. Instead of a leaf, you can put a bag of mint tea in your wallet, especially if there is a mint on the bag. In general, keep in mind: mint, clover, green and black tea, grapes are plants that attract money. There is another popular belief: to attract money, you need to put either a sprig of heather or a small horseradish root in a secluded pocket or compartment of your wallet. To attract money, it is recommended to carry a double nut in your wallet. By the way, the American dollar can also serve money talisman. The fact is that on the back of the one dollar bill there is a very powerful symbol that attracts the energy of money and success. This symbol is the all-seeing eye on the Egyptian pyramid. Some symbols of magical runes, namely two of them, attract and hold money very well. You need to cut out two squares or two circles from small pieces of leather and draw runes on them: on one - the Feu rune, and on the other - the Otal rune. If the first of these runes attracts and increases wealth, then the second protects it. Drawings are applied to the skin either with gold paint or with a regular marker. Once the images are dry, place them in a clear insert so they are visible. If you purchased a wallet as a gift, then you should definitely give it with a coin, so that the new owner’s wallet will burst at the seams with banknotes.

    • integument
    • January 01, 0001
    • 00:00

    1. If you purchased a new wallet, then there is no need to throw away the old one.

    The old wallet should be placed in the east of the house. The largest bill is placed in the wallet, which you can put in and not take. If you currently have dozens in abundance, then put in 10 rubles. In a month, when the money increases, you can put in 50 rubles - replace 10 with 50. And so on.

    You don’t need to say anything, you just need to put the bill in a very good mood. You will either have more money, or unnecessary expenses and unexpected expenses will go away. And most likely, both.

    2. You need to place “silver” coins in the new wallet and place it on the windowsill at a time when a young narrow crescent of the moon is visible in the sky. In this case, you need to say three times:

    “I conjure this wallet for myself (name) for prosperity and money growth so that money grows and multiplies in him, just as the moon grows in the sky and the stars multiply from evening to night. And if someone takes my wallet into his hands, that person will fall into desolate lack of money and thirty-three misfortunes, which I will never see again. Amen".

    After three days, leave any paper bill in your wallet and now you can use it.

    3. Before you put money into your new wallet, say:

    "Whenever I remember God,

    Every time I take out a ruble,

    Let the Lord be remembered and the ruble multiply.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

    4. If you have a large sum of money in your wallet, sufficient for a “comfortable” life, bring it to your lips and read the spell three times:

    “Like the stars in the sky cannot be counted, like the water in the ocean - the sea is enough, like the grains of sand there were countless, MANY, MANY!”

    5. A conspiracy for a full wallet in the new year.

    Before noon on Christmas Day, cover the table with a white cloth and place the following icons with a cross:

    "The Holy Trinity",


    "Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

    "Cathedral of the Archangel Michael."

    Place one church candle in front of each icon. Place a wallet on the table between the icons, and next to it - banknotes in denominations of 10 rubles, 50 rubles, 100 rubles and coins of 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks, 1 ruble, as well as matches. Now you can begin to perform the ritual.

    Light the candles and say:

    “Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, on Your Birthday, bless me and my purse of gold and goodness, full of silver, shelter and protect me from trouble and poverty.”

    Then read the “Our Father” three times and the Prayer to the Holy Spirit the same number of times. After this, say three times:

    “Open the doors of mercy for us, Blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, may we not perish, but may we be saved from troubles by You. For You are the salvation of the Christian race.” Take the wallet in your hands. Open it. Read the spell (3 times for each compartment of the wallet): “The Lord was born, the Lord was baptized, the star of Bethlehem burned over the cave, the wise men came to the baby Christ, they brought gifts with a bow. They brought incense and ointment, coins and gold. A coin from Christ around the world she came into my wallet and brought profit with her. As the month was born, as the Lord was baptized, a gold coin and a silver coin are always in my wallet. , for Christmas the prayer is said, the coin is placed. Amen to my full wallet. As the star of Bethlehem burns, so does the coin in my wallet.

    Place the bills in your wallet before Epiphany. Don't spend them before this holiday, you can do it later.

    Put the coins in the shrine. If you don’t have one, tie coins in the corner of a new handkerchief and hide them under the mattress at the head of the bed.

    6. To attract money to your family.

    On Tuesday, during the first quarter of the Moon (see the phase of the Moon in the detachable calendar), do the following at noon. In a pre-purchased new wallet (purse), carefully with

Why do they talk about the wallet?

A wallet is a thing designed to store money. Today you can find many models of wallets on sale, among which you can always choose the appropriate option. A wallet is not only a mini-storage facility for financial savings, but also a thing that can be charged with special energy that helps increase wealth and prosperity.

In order for money to be transferred, you need to take care of choosing a wallet:

It should not be a cheap thing, charged with the energy of poverty. Such a wallet will certainly not contain large bills. But you shouldn’t go to extremes either, buying the most expensive wallet among those offered in the store, since large expenses that do not correspond to your income level will certainly not contribute to financial prosperity. The ideal wallet is high-quality and stylish thing, which is convenient to use.

A good wallet consists of several compartments, making it convenient to store small and large bills, coins, and bank cards.
The wallet must be made of genuine leather or suede in brown (black) color. Dark colors protect your wallet from unkind eyes.

Immediately after the purchase, you need to put fiat money in your wallet, for example, 1 kopeck or ruble.

Many wallets have transparent inserts in which people are used to storing business cards, photos and talismans. However, this should not be done so as not to interfere with the flow of money to your energy wallet.

“Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What was in you before will triple, what was not there before will appear. Let it be so. Amen.”

Other magicians believe that an old wallet needs to be periodically replenished with bills of different denominations, starting with the smallest ones.

To increase their income, people use various methods: some look for a higher-paying job, others open their own business, others start gambling - there are many options. However, in addition to the chosen option, you can further strengthen your efforts; to do this, you need to turn to magic for help and read a conspiracy for money and a new wallet.

As you know, everything has its place. The place of money is the wallet. Moreover, a wallet is also called a money house, and in order for more and more money to arrive, it is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for this.
Wallets differ in size, shape, and where money is stored. They also have the amazing ability to attract the amount of money the owner needs and promote the magic of wealth, which is based on monetary energy. The carrier of such energy can be certain elements, colors, plants and planets.

Probably every person feels a sense of comfort when in his wallet there is an amount that can be spent on an expensive and unexpected purchase, pleasure or entertainment.
Properly selected and purchased, it is a guarantee that such an amount will always be available.

Therefore, the first step to the desired wealth is the right wallet.

As the plot was told, the candles must be allowed to burn out quietly, and then get rid of their remains. You should always carry your wallet with you and make sure it is in perfect order.
A wallet charged with material energy cannot be given to other hands and its contents must not be shown. Also, you should not tell about the magical ritual performed, even to your closest people. Otherwise, the monetary energy will turn away and in the future it will be very difficult to return it back.

Magic spell for a wallet

The ritual is performed on the new month. In the evening you need to sit down at the table facing the window, let your hair down, take off your shoes, light a candle, cross your new wallet 3 times with the words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After this, put a gold coin in your wallet or Golden ring and, looking at the month, say the spell words:

“Moon-moon silver horns, give my new wallet silver-gold so that it grows, fills and is filled with money. Yes, that's the way it will be. Amen".

A powerful magic spell for a new wallet

The plot for charging a new wallet must be read before you start using it.
In the morning, you should put one coin and one banknote of different denominations in your wallet, but the more, the better.
Foreign banknotes can also be used, the main condition is that you cannot put dead money, that is, those that have already gone out of use (for example, Soviet ones).

“As coins collect from coins, so wealth with happiness strives and gathers towards me, money flows to coins into my new wallet. And in my wallet there is always a ringing and rustling sound, enough for a shiny ring, for new clothes, and enough for everything. My word is strong. To them are earth and sky, lock and key. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you need to carry your wallet with you all day, and in the evening you can take out the money. Best time for the ritual - this is the first lunar quarter.

How to speak a new wallet

There are several ways to use a wallet spell; they vary in both complexity and effectiveness.

In the new wallet, put one white coin, one yellow and one paper bill of any denomination, and then say the following words:

“As my purse (that is, my wallet) is full, so I am very strong. Like coin to coin, like money to money quickly collected, so prosperity and happiness follow me, money flows into a new house in a stream. Let my purse always rustle and ring, I will never know the age of poverty. My word is strong, and my deed is faithful. I will always hold it in my hands and never let go. Amen".

The following ritual will help you set up a new wallet for cash flow. You should put any coin in it, then leave the house and go to any spring or to the river bank. On the spot, wet your hand and lightly spray the wallet 3 times, so that a few drops fall on the coin, while doing this you need to say a magic spell:

“The water in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. The water flows, always silver and sparkling. So money will flow into my wallet forever, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the benefit of everyone.”

The charmed coin should be spent within 3 days.

You should put silver coins in your newly purchased purse and place it on the windowsill when the young narrow crescent of the month begins to be visible in the sky. In this case, you need to say 3 times:

“I charm this wallet for myself (my name) for monetary growth, for prosperity, so that the money in it multiplies and grows, just as the month grows in the sky and the stars multiply from evening to late night. And if someone wants to take my wallet into their hands, then a severe, deaf lack of money and 33 misfortunes will fall on this person, which I will not see forever and ever. Amen".

After 3 days, you need to leave a banknote of any denomination in your wallet and only after that start using it. Before placing money in your wallet, you must say:

“Every time I remember the Lord God, every time I take out a ruble, let the Lord be remembered and the ruble multiply. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If you have a large amount of money in your wallet, you need to bring it to your lips for prosperity and whisper the spell 3 times:

“As there are countless stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea-ocean, as there are countless grains of sand in the desert!”

What to do with an old wallet

You bought yourself a new wallet - a new home for your finances.

What to do with an old wallet that has served you faithfully for a long time?
You can throw it away so that a warehouse of used items does not accumulate in the house.
However, do not rush to throw it away, but rather leave it. Put a banknote in it and don't spend it.
If after some time a bill of higher denomination appears, put it down and remove the old one.
You don’t need to read the conspiracy for your wallet, you just need to be in a joyful mood and that’s all. You will notice how your money affairs will improve soon.

Tea spell to attract money

To perform this ritual, we will need the following components:

Ordinary green tea;
. glass mug;
. honey;
. a simple pencil;
. green sheet of paper.

Conspiracies to attract money for a wallet can be combined with each other. But this does not mean that your wallet should be overflowing with various talismans, charmed coins or bills.

Everything is good in moderation. Let's look at an effective ritual for purse conspiracy and attracting money with the help of tea.
Brew a pinch of green tea directly in a mug. Place a spoonful of honey and place the mug on a piece of green paper.
Now take a simple pencil, purchased specifically for this ritual, and stir your tea with it.
At this time, think about the amount of money you need to attract into your life.
After this, take the sheet out from under the mug and write the words on it with a pencil:

“Tea, there will be money!”

Drink the tea with pleasure, and put a piece of paper in your wallet. Soon the money will appear.
Don’t take out the sheet of paper - it will attract finance throughout the year!

Little secrets for your wallet

There are some tricks that will ensure that you always have money in your wallet.
Here are some of them:

Put in a magnet and your money will definitely come back!
. Put in a packet of yeast and it will grow!
. Sprinkle a little cinnamon and they'll come to the smell!

Open it and say kindly:

“Money, go home!”

And the money will definitely come back!

Wallet protection from theft

To prevent your wallet or purse from being stolen, write a security spell on a piece of paper and put it in a secret pocket.

“There are eyes in the forehead, and in the corner of the image, whoever offends me (name) by stealing will not see the white light!”

In magical rituals, great importance is given to the energy of stay and waning: the change of phases of the moon, the change of seasons, the beginning and end of the calendar year. These are very strong energies that can help in many ways if you use them correctly and read the right conspiracies.

With the onset of the full moon, three nights in a row (14, 15 and 16 lunar days) put your wallet open in the moonlight, and put it away after three hours. We need to fill the inside of the wallet with the rays of the night light. Money must be withdrawn first.
And with the onset new moon(look at the calendar) put your wallet in the moonlight with all your money, also open. This ritual does not have a spell part, but if desired, you can read any suitable spell or money mantra.

Rituals of similarity magic are very effective, when we compare something with something and use the attraction of like with like. Only doubt can lead to failure in the use of semblance magic. Therefore, when you read money conspiracies, do not hesitate!

Waxing moon spell on wallet

Perform a magical ritual at night. To do this, put silver coins (rubles, nickels) in a new wallet and leave it in the moonlight. At the same time, say a conspiracy (you can use your own words):

“I’m conjuring a new wallet for prosperity.
Multiply, money, like the stars in the sky!
Come as the moon rises in the sky!
Who's going to steal my wallet?
He will take all my troubles away with him!

If you have an irredeemable coin, then transfer it to a new wallet from the old one.
If there is no such coin, put a coin marked with red paint and never spend it. This is a talisman symbol.

Full Moon Wallet Spell

On the day of the full moon, put three white, gold and copper coins in your wallet, which will symbolize the planets.
If you don't have a gold coin, then you can apply gold paint to a regular coin. Now look at the starry sky and say with confidence:

“Money floats across the sky,
They will send me wealth!

Keep coins in your wallet and don't waste them. They will attract wealth and prosperity to you. From time to time, look at three coins and repeat the spell.

Charging a new wallet

To perform this magical ritual, we will need the following components:

New wallet;
. church candle;
. gold ring.

This money ritual should be done late in the evening or closer to midnight.
At night, turn off the lights and light a candle. Wear loose clothing with buttons or clasps undone.
Let your hair down and get ready for magic. When you perform magical rituals and read conspiracies, these rules must be followed.
Place a gold ring (or a pendant) in your wallet and make the sign of the cross three times.
Place the wallet so that the moon's rays fall on it and say the spell three times:

“A month, a month, silver legs, golden horns!
Give me gold and silver for good deeds, profit and prosperity!
Let my wallet be filled with money!

Let the wallet lie in the moonlight for a while, and the candle will burn out on its own. After this, you can place a fiat coin and all your money.
It is advisable to change wallets every year, reading the spells on them each time.
Attracting money to your wallet on the moon
To perform this money ritual, we will need the following components:

Wallet with money;
. cinnamon or patchouli oil;
. green candle.

On the night of the full moon, go outside with the money, look at the moon and say the spell three times:

“Mother Moon!
Help me become richer!
Increase my income!

Returning home, coat the candle with oil, as well as all the bills that were taken out into the moonlight.
Light a candle and mentally imagine a picture of your financial well-being. Don't rush to leave!
Be filled with confidence that everything will be exactly as you imagine. Let the candle burn out.
Thank the moon in your own words for the help and put the money in your wallet. We no longer read the plot.

Conspiracy for a new wallet

The best time to buy a new wallet will be the beginning of the calendar year. On the first days of New Year, buy a good-quality, beautiful wallet or purse without change (better at the market and with an overpayment).
When purchasing a new wallet, mentally recite the following spell for the new wallet:

“Be a cozy home for my money!
Save and increase my wealth!

A wallet is a storage place for your funds, a small bank. For money to love you, you need to follow some simple rules, and also read magic spell wallet for money. But, first of all, your money should have a beautiful, cozy house made of natural material (leather, fur). After purchasing a new wallet, you need to speak and charge it to attract finance and wealth, and then use it.