Water dragon feng shui. Dragon is a powerful feng shui talisman

01.08.2019 State

In this article you will learn:

The dragon is a symbol of longevity. In the East it is heavenly power, bringing good, but in the West - an evil and destructive force.

Ancient legend of the Qing Long dragon

The dragon symbolizes supernatural power. According to legend, they could turn into people and various objects. So, one summer day, Qing Long flew to the river and turned into a tree growing under water. At the same time, Chinese woman Xi Liying was fishing in the river and accidentally stepped on a tree. Subsequently, the Chinese woman realized that she was pregnant. The time came, and Xi gave birth to 10 boys.

One of Si Liying's sons saw a wondrous creature several times in the village. Since the animal symbolizes wisdom and knowledge and is considered divine, Lü Gang decided to act. He proclaimed himself the new emperor. The people of China, knowing about Lü Gang's connection with the animal, loved and respected their ruler.

During his reign, the emperor fell ill, and only the dragon’s liver could heal him. After the order to kill the mythical creature guarding the imperial palace, a storm arose and the animal flew away. Having lost divine protection, the palace fell under the pressure of enemies, and Lü Gang died of illness.

All the images in this legend have their own meaning. An appearing dragon in Feng Shui is a harbinger of happiness and prosperity. It is believed that the appearance of the beast signifies the birth of great saints and emperors. Killing or death of a divine being - bad sign, promising disaster or death of people. The mention in the legend of a pregnant woman indicates that the beast personifies the masculine principle that gives life.

Dimensions and material for making the figurine

The dragon talisman is made from the following materials:

  • polymer clay;
  • tree;
  • paper;
  • plasticine;
  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • gypsum;
  • metal;
  • stone.

The sizes of the figurine vary, but the amulet cannot be large, as it will begin to control the person. Animal figurines are often made with a tail tied in a knot. It is believed that the dragon's power lies in its tail.

Rings with a dragon are very popular; they are most often made in the form of an animal’s head.

Rings and rings with a dragon symbolize nobility, loyalty, and perseverance. A talisman in the form of jewelry protects against evil people.

There are rules that must be followed when wearing such jewelry.

Men should wear rings on their left hand, and women on their right.

Rings are divided into 2 types:

  1. Western dragon. It has a thick body covered with scales, a long neck and wings. It is considered an evil monster that brings death and destruction.
  2. Eastern dragon. It has a serpentine body and is performed without wings. Considered the patron saint of all living things. Sometimes it is called the helper dragon.

The dragon-shaped ring symbolizes the 4 elements and 4 cardinal directions.

To use jewelry correctly, you need to differentiate between them. The Dian Long (imperial dragon) is considered the most powerful. Helps to gain power. A water beast ring brings prosperity and wealth. Di Long helps to realize oneself with the help of cosmic energy.

Types of dragons according to feng shui

The Chinese dragon is a sign of the Chinese nation. It symbolizes a good beginning. His element is water. According to Chinese legends, Long lives in water and can fly. The creature is depicted with the head of a camel, deer antlers, carp scales, chicken claws and tiger paws. Sometimes he is depicted with a bump on his head, thanks to which he can fly without wings. Mythical animals are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Ao-Kuan.
  2. Ao-jun.
  3. Ao-Mun.
  4. Ao-Qin.

The following breeds are distinguished:

  1. Tianlong is a celestial beast that protects the gods. He carries them in chariots.
  2. Futsanglong. Protects hidden treasures underground.
  3. Dilong is an earthen beast, in charge of the seas and rivers.
  4. Yinglong. Affects rain, wind and thunder.

Animals also differ in color:

  • lapis lazuli Qilong shows compassion for living beings;
  • scarlet Zhlun – ruler of reservoirs;
  • yellow Huanglong fulfills the wishes of those in need;
  • white Bailong represents virtue;
  • Black Xuanlong lives in magical waters.

Also in mythology, great importance is attached to the dragon turtle. This is a magical animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle. The dragon turtle in feng shui is a symbol of harmony. The talisman protects the house from adversity and has specific abilities. The power of the talisman is increased by objects symbolizing wisdom:

  • books;
  • manuscripts;
  • pencils;
  • pens;
  • computer.

The perfect place to store your dragon

According to Feng Shui, the talisman should be placed to the left of the door in the house. The location of the dragon figurine is in the eastern direction. With this placement, the amulet will bring into the house financial well-being, contribute career growth and protect from evil forces. The figurine must be placed on a stand, but the talisman cannot stand taller than human height. In this case, he will dominate and control the person.

In the kitchen

There are many different interpretations symbol. Great importance attached to the placement of the amulet. It is believed that the kitchen will be a favorable place. Flowing water symbolizes abundance. A talisman looking at a kitchen faucet will increase your height cash flow. Water used for drinking and cooking receives human energy.

In the office

The amulet can be placed on the desktop or in the office in the southeastern sector so that it brings financial luck. For career advancement, the figurine is placed in the north direction. To protect influential people, the talisman must be placed in the northwestern sector of the office. The number of amulets should not exceed 5, so that the energy emitted by the figurine does not get out of control.

Charge and activate the talisman

In order to charge and activate the talisman, you need to open its eyes. On the day of the dragon Chinese calendar you need to light red, green and yellow candles and draw eyes on the figurine with black ink. During the ritual, the figurine should face east. After such a ritual, the amulet awakens and begins to act.

In different ethnic groups, the dragon has different and opposite meanings, but always has great strength and power.

Briefly about crystal amulets

The properties of crystal are peculiar, since it is believed that it arose from the combination of 4 elements:

  • fire;
  • water;
  • land;
  • metal

Crystal dragon amulets emit positive energy and dispel negativity. The Crystal Oriental Dragon is placed in the eastern sector and will have a positive impact on the life of the owner.

Feng Shui expert opinion

Feng Shui experts say that the ancient science aims to improve human nature and achieve self-control by interacting with energy flows. It is believed that the dragon exhales chi energy, which has a beneficial effect on people's lives, promotes their spiritual development and provides the basis for all life in the world.

In China, the dragon has great spiritual power. It is a symbol of life, light and fertility. It is considered the most powerful of the talismans and feng shui symbols.

Other religions portray the dragon as an evil force and is associated with war and destruction. In Christianity, this is a mythical monster, a symbol of death and the devil.

One of the most powerful Feng Shui talismans. And this is no coincidence. After all, it is he who best protects his “owner”, protects the house and business. It is also worthwhile that this powerful creature gives people courage and courage, being a symbol of good luck and success. It is not for nothing that the Dragon occupies a key place in the logos of many eastern companies.

The image of the dragon has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. It has features "taken" from other animals. He took the head from a camel, the horns from a deer, the eyes from a rabbit, the ears from a cow, the neck from a snake, the belly from a frog, the claws from a hawk, the scales from a carp, and the tail and paws from a tiger. Such a strange creature, on whose back there is a crest of eighty-one scales. The mouth is decorated with a mustache, and the chin is crowned with a beard, on which is a bright pearl. Breath, escaping from the mouth in the form of a cloud, at his will turns either into water or into fire. According to legend, the Dragon has no hearing. Since he is a sacred animal, he dies of his own free will. The dragon in the Celestial Empire is kind, gracious, and merciful to people.

In the dictionary “Sho Wen” about the Dragon you can read: “Lun is the head of all scaly and armored creatures, can become invisible, or can fully manifest itself; can become tiny and huge, can decrease in length and can increase. When the spring equinox comes, rises to the sky; at the autumn equinox disappears into the abyss." The most important quality dragons - power over the elements - rain, winds, floods, he directs clouds and rain, inhales air and exhales clouds. When the dragons enter into battle with each other, a terrible rain falls on the earth. When a dragon, being in the sky, wants to drink, it attracts water to itself - and the sea rises huge waves and tornadoes form.

According to legend, these mythical animals awaken every twelve years, when the Year of the Dragon begins in the Chinese calendar. The Celestial Empire still experiences a baby boom during this time, as it is believed that a child born this year has the strength and power of a flying beast.

It is not surprising that the image of a dragon in Feng Shui is one of the most popular and beloved.

He is a symbol of prosperity and ongoing success. It is the dragon, with its breath, that gives birth to the life-giving energy qi, which gives life to all living things. In any room, be it a home or an office, the Dragon attracts good luck with its “cosmic” breath. Energetically, the Dragon is connected with all directions of the world, but it is possible to fully demonstrate its powerful forces he can in the east.

If you want to place it in another sector, you just need to take into account some subtleties. So, for the southwestern and northeastern directions, crystal, porcelain or ceramic figurines are suitable, and in the east and southeast, a wooden carved dragon would be appropriate. In other sectors, dragon paintings are worth considering.

I would especially like to say about A dragon holding a pearl in its paws , it personifies complete harmony, greatness and wisdom, considered one of the strongest symbols in Feng Shui.

A few more rules for the location of the image of this noble creature, which will help him fully demonstrate his patronage:

1. Finding the Dragon in the eastern part of your home or office will bring good luck and increased prosperity. The dragon increases many times such qualities as nobility, sincerity and generosity, which in turn enhances good karma person

2. The Feng Shui dragon will also help in achieving career aspirations; to do this, you need to place a dragon figurine in the office next to water (for example, a fountain or an aquarium). By placing a figurine behind your back, you can protect yourself from office squabbles and intrigues

3. In order to make it easier for the Dragon to attract good luck and wealth, place his figurine by the window so that he looks at the water (sea, river or lake). In the city, for obvious reasons, this is not always possible, therefore, the role of a river can easily be filled by a road.

4. To improve health, you need to place a figurine of a healthy and strong dragon in the eastern or central sector your home (room). It will feed you with yang energy, which will have a positive effect on both your physical and emotional state.

5. The dragon is also a symbol of vigilance and security; its image protects the home from evil demons and drives away evil spirits, and can also control good ones. To use these capabilities, it is only necessary that he sees everyone entering the house.

6. Remember that there should be no more than five images of the Dragon in the house, as they serve as a powerful attraction of yang energy, and this is not useful for everyone

7. Place the images of the Dragon in such a way that his eyes are no higher than the level of the owner’s eyes, otherwise he will dominate the house, and only the Dragon knows what this will lead to.

- This is a favorite image not only in China, but throughout the world. Mentions of the power of dragons can recently be found in a wide variety of literature, not only dedicated to astrology. Esotericism is replete with a variety of images and colors, denoting the special qualities of dragons; modern fiction and cinema have also deeply absorbed this symbol, from the latest masterpieces of cinematography - the film “Avatar”. Dragon images are found in mythologies different cultures. In Slavic culture, dragons are represented by flying fire-breathing snakes; they are mysterious, either kind or furious creatures of fairy tales and epics.

In the coming year of the Dragon, we decided to invite you to get to know this creature and its power better. But from a practical point of view. Find out how you can make the most of this image in your life.

The dragon is one of the main symbols Feng Shui systems, a symbol of strength, courage, endurance, wisdom and abundance. It is believed that the Dragon controls the four elements (earth, air, water and fire) and is the guardian of the energy of life and light, change and transformation, a bridge between heaven and earth.

Dragons have long been symbols of the highest power in the Celestial Empire, there were even special ranks of Dragons, and ordinary people for many centuries it was forbidden not only to have in one’s home, but also to wear clothes with their image. For wearing clothes with the image of a Dragon, the Chinese faced the death penalty! At the same time, ancient Chinese legend states that after death, every person is transported to higher realms of existence on the back of a dragon. Thus, during life, a person revered the Dragon as a Sacred manifestation of the world, and after the end of his life he came into direct contact with the Dragon. In Feng Shui it symbolizes Spiritual growth and helps people move along the Path of spiritual development. For this figurine or image of a Dragon placed in the Wisdom zone, in the Northeast. Preference should be given to figurines. In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that figures represent the energy prototype of a symbol (this applies not only to Dragons, but also to other symbols - flutes, pumpkins, coins, toads, tigers, etc.) and “work” much more intensely than images.

For women, to find fulfilling and harmonious relationships, success in searching love relationship, Feng Shui also recommends using the power of the Dragon. To do this, you need to place it in the Relationships zone - in the South-West.

Feng Shui teachings notes that the Dragon endows a person with positive cosmic energy qi, active yang. It is believed that, like no other symbol, the Dragon brings success in business. In the interior, when working with the energies of space, the Dragon with its positive yang energy is used to strengthen the sectors of prosperity and wealth, wisdom or relationships with children. It is unfavorable to place a dragon in the Southern sector, in the zone of glory; if it is located in this part of the room, it will create an imbalance of active qi. Also, you should respect the power of the Dragon and not place it in toilets and rooms with obviously unclean energy. The dragon enhances and activates energy, rather than clearing space. The Dragon's place is where there is a zone of weak energy, for example, front door. placed in the interior room to the left of the front door.

When decorating an interior, according to Feng Shui, the Eastern direction is considered the most favorable for placing the Dragon (the Dragon is also called the Guardian of the East, personifying the arrival of the new, the arrival of spring). The color you should give preference to is green. The best color scheme for Dragons - shades of green, blue and yellow-gold. The Dragon should be placed no higher than the level of human growth, but rather initiate the power of the talisman, giving it life in your interior - in morning time on Dragon Day according to the Chinese calendar.

We wish you all wisdom and success!

The dragon is the most important symbol in Feng Shui and Chinese folklore. According to legend, there are nine dragons in total - heavenly creatures that fulfill people's aspirations.

All nine are depicted on the wall of the Forbidden City in Beijing. In addition to the Earth dragon, there are Wind, Sea, Water, Sky, Fire, Gold, Mountain and Divine dragons.

The art of feng shui is aimed at creating and attracting sheng qi - the precious “cosmic dragon breath”. The dragon is traditionally associated with the east; for this reason, images of a dragon in the eastern part of the house or work space will bring good luck. The dragon's energy can be awakened in the garden - for this, plants are planted in the winding flower beds to the east of the house.

The meaning of the talisman

The dragon represents power, wisdom and kindness. It is believed that the image of a dragon protects the house and drives out evil spirits from it. It brings good luck and health. The dragon brings material well-being to the home, success in work and business, career growth, activity in any business, and protects against unscrupulous partners and competitors. It should be remembered that the dragon personifies the male energy of Yang and protects the stronger sex. The Guardian of the East represents the awakening of the forces of nature, growth and new beginnings. Thanks to its yang energy, the dragon will help single women find their soul mate. Under the influence of his energy, they begin to feel happier, which helps attract a gentleman into their life.

Dragon View

Green Dragon one of the four celestial animals of Feng Shui (the other three are the crimson phoenix in the south, the white tiger in the west and the black turtle in the north). The green dragon made of jade or other stone is considered the most influential talisman; it is also favorable Blue colour, although most often you can find bronze and golden figurines.

Dragon holding a magical pearl of wisdom called Qing Long, it represents greatness, wisdom and immortality. The pearl symbolizes the fulfillment of desires. In China, a dragon with a pearl was considered a symbol of the emperor, his divine patron. A dragon with a pearl in its mouth is preferable. There is an opinion that a dragon without her is angry.

Five Fingered Dragon the most powerful symbol of good luck. A figurine of a five-fingered “imperial dragon” placed against the eastern wall of the living room will attract wealth and success. Remember that the dragon should always be close to your water feature, but it should not be too large. The “Nine Dragon Screen” should not be too wide, as you will not be able to bear the energy of the nine big dragons. It is better to use smaller images, but made of real gold. Some feng shui masters believe that the Imperial Dragon is too powerful for the home and should be placed in the office.

Mascot area

The classic mascot of the Family zone is the East. Since the East is the “home” of the Heavenly Dragon, always activate the eastern sector with the image of this creature. I also recommend placing the dragon in the Wealth sector - Southeast. It is better to place the dragon in the hallway or living room. If you place the dragon in another place, place it so that it faces east. It’s good if you can place the figurine to the left diagonally from the front door. Feng Shui masters categorically do not recommend placing an image of a dragon in the southern sector of the house, as well as in the pantry, garage, bedroom, bathroom and toilet (luck and wealth will leave the house), but the location near a clean kitchen sink is quite favorable. It’s good if you place the figurine in your office or on your desktop. It will bring financial success and protection from ill-wishers.

How to position the Dragon

The dragon must be placed near a body of water or even in the water itself. If the image of a dragon is placed in the hallway, then it should be placed to the left of the entrance, when looking at the door from the house. The dragon figurine is placed at eye level or slightly lower. It cannot be set higher: the dragon’s energy will begin to dominate the house and suppress the energy of its owner. It is advisable for the dragon figurine to stand on a pedestal, stand or just a small platform. If there are other animal symbols in the room, make sure the dragon stands tallest.

How to activate the Dragon

The activation of the talisman is carried out on Dragon Day (in the year of the dragon the ritual can be performed on any day) according to the Chinese calendar from 7 to 9 am (dragon time). You should take a new thin brush and black ink or ink. Turn the dragon so that it faces east. Dip the tip of the brush into ink and draw black pupils in the form of dots on the dragon’s eyes. If the dragon is already depicted with “open”, drawn eyes, you can symbolically consecrate them with an incense stick. The dragon is also activated by the presence of water in any form: a fountain or its image, an aquarium, a decorative vase with water.

Number of Dragons

You can have as many dragons in your house as you like - if, of course, you are sure that your karma will withstand them all! Not everyone can handle the powerful yang energy of nine dragons. Therefore, although dragons bring a lot of luck and excellent health, it is better not to be greedy. One - not too big and not too small - is usually enough. If you were born in the year of the Dragon or already hold a very high position, you can place five dragon figurines in your home.

Prohibitions associated with the Dragon symbol

  1. Never place images of a dragon in the bedroom - it is too yang a symbol for a place of relaxation.
  2. Dragons made of wood, ceramics and crystal are good for the east, but dragons made of gold, cloisonné and other metals should not be placed there, since Metal destroys Wood. To activate and balance “water bodies”, use golden dragons in the west and northwest.
  3. A work desk decorated with dragon carvings can bring good luck, but not every person has enough yang energy to work at such a desk. However, dragon images can benefit anyone. Remember that the dragon should not be too big and ferocious.
  4. Images of nine dragons in the house will make you extremely ambitious, and it is important not to go to extremes. If dragon energy becomes excessive, you can quickly lose all your strength and power. Treat dragon images with great respect.
  5. Placing dragons near water features makes those features more powerful. This is one of the secrets of Taoist Feng Shui, and it brings truly magical results.

The dragon is aimed at change, and if everything is good in life, then its energy must be restrained by other symbols (for example, wise turtle or a phoenix), otherwise the talisman may bring changes for the worse. Remember that a dragon shouldn't be too big for the same reason that it shouldn't be taller than a human.

The possibilities of a dragon as a talisman are enormous. First of all, he is a watchman: he reliably protects the house and his owners from unkind people and scammers. Secondly, it promotes success in any new endeavors and undertakings, helps career growth, and protects against unscrupulous partners and competitors. And thirdly, it ensures financial well-being and prosperity. Living inside the house, the dragon brings money into it.

According to Feng Shui, the dragon represents yang - strong masculine energy, so the dragon in Feng Shui also symbolizes creativity and activity.

Where to place the dragon figure

The dragon is the ultimate symbol of good luck. And of course, such an important talisman requires correct location in the house.

  1. Being connected with all directions of the world, the dragon, however, most fully manifests its powerful forces in the east. Finding a dragon in the eastern part of the house will bring good luck, promote prosperity and improve health. The dragon in the east will feed yang energy, which will have a positive effect on both physical and emotional well-being. In other sectors, dragon paintings are worth considering.
  2. This talisman is recommended to be placed in the living room or on the left side of the front door. It is good if the dragon stands on a stand or elevated surface.
  3. An important addition - dragon figures cannot be placed higher than human height. Otherwise, he will not patronize the person, but manipulate him.

How to properly activate the dragon talisman

The miraculous dragon can be made of any material: porcelain, jade, bronze, copper and so on. And it can also be any color. A dragon with a pearl in its paws has special power. It personifies wisdom, harmony and is considered one of the most powerful Feng Shui talismans. The main thing is for the dragon to “open its eyes.”

There is a special activation ritual for this. According to the Chinese calendar, on the day of the dragon, in the time period between 7 and 9 a.m., using a brush and black paint, you need to put dots on the eyes of the dragon. During the ritual, the dragon must look east.