Detailed horoscope for April Gemini.

24.09.2019 Health

For Gemini women, April will go very well. This is especially true for those representatives of the sign who consider themselves creative people. The stars advise you to be attentive to the ideas that arise in your head during this period. It is quite possible that in the future such an idea will result in something valuable.

Work and business sphere

The problems that Gemini has accumulated in past months will continue to be relevant in April. The partners will not comply with the terms of the agreements reached. Difficult disputes regarding the division of property are quite possible. According to the horoscope, this difficult time will pass very soon, leaving behind only unpleasant memories. At the very least, the situation will gradually begin to level out in April.

Gemini women should not start any fundamentally new projects during this period. Mercury going backwards will prevent this. However, it is in April that representatives of the sign should work on the mistakes that were made in past months. You can involve old, reliable friends in this process. Their help will be invaluable.

Gemini employees will face misunderstandings from their colleagues. It is quite possible that it is during this period that envious people become more active.

Financial situation

In material terms, April will not be the easiest month. It is during this period that disagreements with friends or partners are possible, which will be based precisely on financial issue. At the same time, it is unlikely that any fabulous profits should be expected in the second month of spring. Most likely, you will have to count on a stable small income of money. At the same time, Gemini women in April will be forced to fork out for problems related to parents or children. One plus is that it is during this period that you can wait for the bank to approve the long-awaited loan.

Love and family

The prospects for Gemini who are trying to build their relationship will be vague. The stars advise carrying out a “cleaning of the ranks” in April. In other words, to finally decide who from the environment the representatives of the sign really need, and who it’s time to say goodbye to. However, one should not draw hasty conclusions. Every decision must be carefully thought out and weighed.

If Gemini is in serious strong relationships, then the time has come to strengthen them even more. Joint trips to nature, cooking and eating barbecue, as well as horseback riding will help with this.

Representatives of the sign who are in a state of divorce, it is during this period that they can understand that a family is not only a husband and wife, but also children. And it is the common children that can become the missing piece of the broken cup that will strengthen the collapsing union.

Health status

The energy potential of Gemini women will be consistently high in April. What you may have to worry about is your own nervous system. Still, the period ahead is very emotional. Therefore, by the end of the second month of spring, representatives of the sign may suddenly feel empty. Working out at a fitness center, jogging in city parks, and getting a good 8-hour sleep will help improve your vitality.

April 2017 will give Gemini a sea of ​​unforgettable impressions. During this period, the stars advise representatives of your zodiac sign not to restrain their emotions and boldly meet fate. The beginning of the month will be very successful in all areas of life, prosperous for beginnings and learning. If you've been dreaming of learning a foreign language or learning a new craft, now is the time to sign up for a course. Creative representatives of the Gemini zodiac sign will be lucky and inspired.

The first ten days of April 2017 will be a significant period for Gemini when they will create a real masterpiece or bring a new brilliant idea to life. You should not limit yourself and restrain your potential within social boundaries. Throw away all stereotypes and do as your heart tells you. The beginning of the month will be busy for Gemini various events period, you will have to work hard to implement your plans. Motivation can be a successful result of work, which representatives of your zodiac sign will enjoy until the end of the month. April achievements and luck in business will ignite passion and it will be difficult for you to stop. Luck is on your side, so play to the fullest, but at the same time maintain a sober mind and prudence. Be vigilant, especially when they make you tempting offers. When making serious and responsible decisions, think everything over carefully and do not act rashly. Place big bets and win. The beginning of April is your star time.

In the second ten days of April 2017, it will be incredibly easy and simple for Gemini in the work field. Ordinary and boring work will seem very promising and interesting. You may have some brilliant ideas about improving customer service and creating a comfortable environment for employees. Don't be shy to take the initiative. You will definitely be heard and supported. Give freedom to your imagination and dream as much as you want, now you are on a horse. In the middle of the month, Gemini will be surrounded by everyone's attention. Diligence and innovative thinking will be noticed by management, and this will be followed by reward in the form of bonuses or promotion. Remember, to achieve something you need to try hard. Be punctual and scrupulous when carrying out instructions from your superiors. For entrepreneurs, the second ten days of April, under the influence of aspects of Saturn and Jupiter, will be a time of unexpected profits from sources that you did not even hope for. Be optimistic and don't waste your energy. Avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings in the team. Try to take short breaks and not plunge into work headlong. It is now important for you to maintain excellent emotional and physical condition at the proper level in order to be able to realize your maximum potential.

In the third ten days of April 2017 personal life For Gemini, everything will be smooth and smooth. There will be nothing to worry about. The family’s financial situation will stabilize and even moreover, you will be able to afford a short trip for two. If you are not an ardent fan of tourism, then it is worth spending money on entertainment and romantic surprises. In a new relationship, Gemini will feel confident and free. These qualities will help Gemini reveal all the beauty of the inner world to the chosen one, which will strongly tie him to themselves. Single Geminis will find themselves in an ambiguous situation, from which they will help to get out stranger of the opposite sex. As a result, an acquaintance will begin that will give rise to new sincere feelings. For family Geminis, the influence of Venus and Mars will be most favorable. They will become more sensitive and receptive. In the final period of April, they will discover new facets of their spouse’s character, which will pleasantly surprise them. New notes of deep feelings, as well as appreciation and gratitude will appear in the relationship. The end of April will bring spring warmth, and with it numerous opportunities for entertainment. You shouldn’t overwork yourself with work issues and load your brain with unimportant problems. Enjoy life, enjoy every moment of it.

Despite the fact that retrograde Pluto will be the ruler of Gemini, this will not affect their income at all - the horoscope for April 2019 consoles. Gemini in this regard is entering into maximum successful period! The Yellow Pig will continue the positive trends of the previous period and even promises to become even more fruitful thanks to the calm but persistent nature of the representatives of this sign.


But you cannot avoid some losses. This is especially true for important information. Keep all important documents in in electronic format, and don’t be lazy to make a backup copy of them as well.

For Geminis, who work exclusively mentally, it’s high time to clean up their desks and filing cabinets. You haven’t sorted out your papers for a long time; in April it’s time to do this. Throw away everything unnecessary, and then be sure to make sure that all important documents are in place.

In mid-spring, many representatives of this sign will meet someone important to you. He is unlikely to be able to influence your life, but he will help you look at the state of things from an unusual point of view for you.

Towards the end of the month, Gemini will experience an extraordinary elation and surge of energy, which will help them easily achieve their goals. He will have so much strength that he will have more than enough of it not only for important things, but also for pleasant little things.


Horoscope family relations for April 2019 warns Gemini that significant changes may occur in their family. You will not listen and hear your soul mate, because of this misunderstandings and conflicts will arise. And often, you don’t even need a reason for a quarrel. Try not to plan anything large-scale or global in your family for this period; it is better to postpone such events until the summer.

Many Geminis will want freedom and more personal living space. Be prepared that your partner will not want to accept this, and this will again be a reason for discord in the family. Sometimes even older relatives will get involved in your quarrels. But, despite all the disagreements, the stars predict a favorable period for conceiving a child, and this must be taken into account by couples who have long been passionate about this.

To take your mind off family troubles, take care of everyday problems. Many things in the Gemini house need repairing, and more often, purchasing and replacing with new ones. And, although the financial situation of many representatives of the sign leaves much to be desired, the purchases will be practical and will last you a long time.

Gemini Women

In April 2019, lovely Gemini ladies will become easy to communicate with. And Mercury, unlike Gemini men, will push them not to create conflict situations, but to an eternal search. Representatives of the sign are now, more than ever, sociable, they are willing and able to learn and gain new knowledge and experience, get along well with people and skillfully maintain a conversation on a variety of topics. These are women with a very broad outlook, and in April they will definitely find the necessary connections to solve the most difficult problems. various issues. In the spring, representatives of the sign approach life easily, if not frivolously, make important decisions very quickly, and change them with the same speed. Under the influence of Mercury, Geminis are very subject to the influence of others; the opinions of others always mean a lot to them, and in April this will go beyond reason. But at the same time, Gemini women will be able to maintain their practicality.

Gemini Man

The intense rhythm of life of Gemini men in April 2019 can lead representatives of the sign, already hot-tempered and emotional, to attacks of irritability and even aggressiveness. This will definitely cause an outbreak of conflicts at work and in the family. Make every effort, calm down your ego, so that at least in words, if you cannot in practice, respect your opponent. In April, you will have to become tolerant of other people's opinions. This is especially true for lunar Geminis. Do not bring troubles and negativity into your home environment; leave all troubles outside your home. Representatives of the sign, now more than ever, lack mental strength for family members, but at the same time they know and understand that your difficulties are temporary. But they are unlikely to be able to tolerate continuous negativity for long. If your loved ones are dear to you, try to behave more correctly.

It is better to rest actively, if you have enough time for this. For many representatives of the sign, a change in activity is a vacation in itself. Do physical exercise, walk along the spring streets, recharge with positive energy among friends.

Gemini Children

In April 2019, little Gemini will be more emotionally distant from the family than usual. They will devote all their free time to sitting near the computer or TV. They are tired of communicating, and don’t be surprised, because although they are small, they are people. Let them spend time the way they want, this will soon pass, and your little Gemini will soon join the normal rhythm of life, returning “to the post” of the soul of the company of anyone children's group, where he will appear. Try to go through this period with dignity and do not show negative emotions.


It’s hard to call April 2019 very positive for the life of Gemini, alas and ah, but they are unlikely to be Fortune’s real favorites! But to compensate for this, the year of the Earth Pig will give them energy and strength for the future so that they can move forward, and will also endow them with excellent immunity. Gemini's chances of catching a cold or getting another exacerbation of a chronic illness will tend to zero.

But still, what the horoscope stars advise representatives of the sign to spend time and effort on in terms of health is the condition of the joints and ligaments. In order for Gemini to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system this year, they should take preventive measures by regularly doing physical therapy, gymnastics, yoga or dancing. Active activities aimed at developing flexibility and stretching will not only protect representatives of the zodiac house from possible diseases, but will also help them to be in good shape all year long, maintaining a good mood.

Horoscope for April 2019, Gemini will make a new acquaintance, and this person will help you look at many things in a new way.
For Gemini women and men, the stars predict the onset of a favorable period for conception.
Important information may be lost. Be sure to make copies of electronic documents.
Horoscope for May 2019, Gemini.

For people born in zodiac sign Gemini, April 2017 may turn out to be a month fundamentally different from all previous and subsequent time periods of the cycle, which, according to Eastern tradition, is patronized by the Fire Rooster. Probably, the second month of spring will become almost the busiest and brightest month of the whole year for Gemini, and you need to be prepared for this. Already from the first days of the first ten days of the month, you will feel a surge of strength, but at first you will not understand why you need it, because it seems that nothing has changed fundamentally. In reality, many fundamental processes will simply be hidden from you (for your own good) for the time being. You will quickly understand what needs to be done and how, so it is unlikely that any difficulties will await you here. You will have to work, there is no doubt about it, but it will be a joyful job, no doubt about it. The exception would be a situation when you have been doing something for a long time that does not suit you. But it's already yours own mistake, to which the stars have (and will not have) the slightest connection. Be careful in the third decade, when you have to make important decisions. Act promptly, but do not forget to think, do not allow yourself to be lazy and neglect your own responsibilities, otherwise Venus and Jupiter, whose position is not particularly favorable for you, will quickly reduce all your prospects to a minimum.

If we dwell on the work area in more detail, it should be noted that in April 2017, Gemini should not be afraid of anything. Difficulties are likely, no one can argue with that. But these will be completely surmountable difficulties that will not require any outstanding effort. At the same time, these will be natural difficulties, so to speak. You yourself will lead yourself to certain positions from which you will have to start in the second month of spring. It is important that you will be absolutely right, which means that there is no particular need to prove anything to anyone. Actually, if you work for yourself, you won’t have to do anything like that; on the contrary, your allies will ask you for advice. Do not refuse, do everything that depends on you, this will strengthen partnerships and develop joint business. If we are talking about a Gemini who works in an office, then he will probably have to argue with his immediate superiors a couple of times. There is no need to fear this if the truth is on your side. But do not allow yourself to be provoked and watch your old enemies three times more closely; now the influence of the dark energy of Venus is great enough for your miscalculations to benefit someone.

The “love front” in April 2017 for Gemini will be a series of quite bright, extraordinary events, the consequences of which may well become decisive for you, right now. In other words, one should not assume that decisions made at this stage will “resound” much later. On the contrary, everything you do “here and now” will affect your life right here and now, even if this was not planned. Family Gemini It is recommended to act according to the circumstances, and it is not at all necessary to spend as much time as possible with your family. If your loved ones get along just fine without you, then there is no need to disturb them with your importunity. But, of course, don’t go too far and don’t distance yourself from the people you care about. It’s better to distance yourself from problems; an outside perspective will help you make the right decision. Now your emotions will not be wrong, trust them. But the mind in personal matters can let us down due to the influence of Jupiter. Don't be too rational and boring, otherwise you will lose the attention of those who are important to you.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2017 for the zodiac sign Gemini, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Gemini sign: Personal horoscopes for the Gemini sign:

In April 2017, Gemini will need tape or adhesive tape!

Gemini horoscope for April 2017.

In April 2017, Gemini will need tape or adhesive tape! And all because in April 2017 you will need to weigh your words before giving them to this world. Moreover, weigh not only words, but also intonations! Let's be honest ( after all, this is between us), when did Gemini know how to think before speaking? Moreover, think about intonation... So the best thing Gemini can do in April 2017 is to seal their mouth with tape, and peel it off only after you have weighed every word. It is not for nothing that the wise Confucius taught that: “People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words.” Therefore, Gemini, speak only after you know for sure that you will keep up with your words and your actions. You will be surprised, but this is more true for Gemini men, for whom their natural sense of humor often makes it difficult to refrain from sarcasm. Therefore, Gemini men try to avoid such dialogues: “Tell me, dear, I have beautiful hair? - Very beautiful, long, silky! But you know, it’s still better to shave your legs...” And, Gemini women, you need to forget about sarcasm even when communicating with friends. Like in a situation where in a shared toilet with several stalls, a strained sound is heard from one stall: “Damn, we need to start eating normally...” Pause. From another booth: “What are you doing there, eating or something???” Just so you understand the situation, in April 2017, every word you say will resemble a stone thrown at the input, and circles will start from your every word. The fact is that the astral climate can throw up a lot of trouble and problems for those Geminis who are careless in their words. The ability to listen is already a big plus, and the ability to pretend that you are listening, while thinking about your own things and inserting the right word at the right moment, this is virtuosity. Therefore, hone your virtuosity in April 2017 - this year it will come in handy more than once.

In addition, the horoscope for April 2017 for Gemini advises you to keep your eyes wide and your desires “more down-to-earth” next month. Otherwise, you risk going from disappointment to disappointment. There is a Greek proverb: “When God wants to destroy an ant, he gives him wings to fly." Therefore, Gemini, be more modest and realistic in your plans and desires in April 2017. It’s better to admire the cranes in the sky in the fall, and in April 2017, it’s better to admire your unexpected pessimism-realism, supported by your favorite words: “I told you it would happen like this!” And then in April 2017 you will definitely not be held for a sucker or a loshit, which can be bred by promises of cheesecake banks and rivers from Baileys. This is especially true for those Geminis who live in big cities and have forgotten that not everything in this world is measured by show-offs, good shoes, expensive cars, and telephones. Because those who live in the village know that when you sit in the village toilet for a long time, even mosquitoes begin to notice that even though you poop, you are still a munchkin. Therefore, try to avoid the illusion of big city lights in April 2017.

Horoscope for April 2017 Gemini favorable days are 1, 6, 12, 18, 20, 22 and 29.

unfavorable days– just because a person has a good heart does not mean that he cannot punch you in the face. The situation is approximately the same with favorable and unfavorable days. Favorable days They can also “punch you in the face.” And unfavorable days can teach you something, or be useful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan “black streaks” for yourself, and then there will definitely be fewer of them!

Horoscope for April 2017 Geminiwork, career and business.

As experienced photographers say, everyone asks “When will the photos be taken?” and “Why did it take so long?”, but no one then asks “Where did my numerous pimples go?” Therefore, Gemini, do not think that if you do the work for a very long time and with high quality, then later someone will say with gratitude “Oh, thank you for removing my acne.” If you need photos, results, volumes or clients - please. Don't suddenly become!!! perfectionists, leave this boring activity to Cancers and Virgos. Do your job quickly and well.

Moreover, the career horoscope for April 2017 for Gemini indicates excellent prospects career growth! You will be able to realize some of your most cherished ambitions. But, if you need to take important and strategic decisions– analyze the situation in depth. Think about what will happen during complete immersion. Remember this phrase “in full immersion” - in April 2017 it will help you keep a cool head and correctly assess risks. Because if you allow yourself to get carried away by success, you may end up losing touch with reality... and as usual at that point, trouble is sure to come!

Therefore, use the favorable month of April as you would an ordinary iron! Smooth out your success, but don't leave it unattended, especially turned on!
Horoscope April 2017 Gemini Finance. In April 2017, think twice before making serious investments and taking on big commitments. Especially if you are not absolutely sure that you are able to fulfill them. Beware of more attractive offers than ever before. Please note Special attention for complicated transactions, especially those related to inheritance, liquidation or bankruptcy. In April 2017, try not to be like that girl Dasha, to whom the guy wrote “Hello”, and she already mentally married him and gave birth to three children...

Love horoscope for April 2017 Gemini. Horoscope for April 2017 Gemini Love.

In April 2017, simplify the dialogue with your spouse or relationship partner. Under such conditions, it will be much easier for you to deal with other problems that have destabilized your relationship recently and stop painful misunderstandings. Reduce communication to an everyday level, and then the simplicity of communication will make your relationship simple and understandable. But this applies more to Gemini women. Because Gemini men can sometimes simply blurt out what they really think. For example, a Gemini guy lies with his head on a girl’s lap, looks at her for a long time and says: “You have such Blue eyes... - like holes in the head, and the sky is visible through them” romantic bl@... So Gemini men better not forget about simple and proven recipes. For example, a new dress has the same effect on a woman as four shots of vodka on a man. The woman’s head immediately shows lightness, dizziness and a terrible desire for sex. Therefore, think better about what spring gift you can give to your soulmate. Well, in April 2017, Gemini women should not look for the guilty, but look for ways to solve family problems. Like in a situation where the husband drank for six days in a row, until the wife figured out to simply mark Friday off the calendar.

For lonely Geminis, April 2017 may present a passing hobby, which later, unexpectedly, can turn into a long-term relationship, and you, of course, will not complain about it later. This is not a refrigerator that you climbed into to eat half a cutlet, but actually ate some cheese, a tomato, and, well, three cutlets. So in April 2017, feel free to look into the refrigerator, even if you know that “it’s not very good, but you really want it.” BUT, be careful!!! Don't let yourself overly idealize the new object of your passion. As we warned above, this can lead to great disappointment. Treat new April acquaintances as “cutlets in the refrigerator.” This is not Pule cheese, but simple cutlets! Yes, they are homemade and made with love, and you can eat them at 2 am, but there is no need to idealize them! The horoscope for April warns Gemini men about making new acquaintances!!! From excessive originality. Try to avoid such situations when a guy invited a girl to visit him and watch cartoons. She agreed, smiling playfully. And then she was hysterical when he actually turned on Ice Age.

At the end, the horoscope for April 2017, Gemini, once again reminds you about tape, and restraint in words. Let us tell you a “secret” way to never look like an idiot, no matter what crap you say! At the end of the sentence you should say “if you know what I mean.” And that's it!!! Everyone will think that it was they who did not get into your mental movements, and not you who said bullshit. So, just in case, end your sentences with the words cat - polystyrene foam, borscht - selfish, tits rule. Moreover, Geminis have always been able to pass off their natural “devastatedness” as charm and charm.

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