Sergey Bachin. Sergey Bachin: our business is to build

03.07.2019 Finance

Bachin Sergei Viktorovich has done a lot of work to get out of the troubled waters of the corrupt business. The swamp of Sergei Bachin’s schemes and scams can become a topic for a whole galaxy of investigations.

Why didn’t “Big Zavidovo” and other projects of the general director of “Agranta”, who collected billions of dollars in loans for them, turn out to be a “garden city”? Recently Federal antimonopoly service approved the acquisition by Vnesheconombank of a 40% stake in the authorized capital of Zavidovo Plaza LLC, which owns the RadissonZavidovo hotel complex in the Tver region. The debt of the owner of the resort complex, Sergei Bachin, to VEB is estimated at 3.37 billion rubles. At the same time, the cost of the hotel itself does not exceed 2.4 billion rubles.

Thus, the Bolshoye Zavidovo project, for which Sergei Bachin secured billions of dollars in loans and promised to build a “garden city,” turned out to be banal New Vasyuki. Having spent huge amounts of money on the construction of a hotel, infrastructure and residential real estate, the entrepreneur dumps assets that will only generate losses. After all, the occupancy rate of RadissonZavidovo is less than half, and an influx of tourists to the Tver region is not expected.

Announce a huge utopian project, embezzle loans and investor funds, and then (in best case scenario) giving them a loss-making asset is, apparently, just one of the many tricks of an entrepreneur. Among large Russian developers, he has, to put it mildly, an ambiguous reputation, leaving clients, banks, and the state in the dust. Even the businessman’s partners say that he will stop at nothing if he sees the prospect of getting rich quick.

Who is Sergei Bachin? King of corruption in the service of Uncle Sam?

It is possible that the entrepreneur may have picked up cynicism and unprincipled approaches to business when he lived in the United States in the 1990s. Having emigrated there after the collapse Soviet Union, he graduated from Harford University and worked for the large company Pratt & Whitney, which specializes in the production of aircraft engines.

How and why Sergei Bachin was allowed into the “holy of holies” of the American aerospace industry (where the “secret” stamp is not stamped, as they say, except on the foreheads of engineers) can perhaps be explained by the fact that by that time the entrepreneur already had an American passport and a certain history of relations with, so to speak, “friends” of our country. Meetings and acquaintances with Western colleagues began during my time as a researcher at the USSR Academy of Sciences. The far-sighted Uncle Sam trained the promising scientist in Harford and hired him to work at Pratt & Whitney, I think, for a reason. In 1998, this American company bought 25.1% of the shares of its direct competitors - Perm Motors OJSC and Aviadvigatel OJSC. The main task of the Americans, as it is not difficult to assume, was to pump out as much information as possible about the developments of Russian aircraft manufacturers, and in the future - to completely absorb and liquidate these enterprises. At this very time, Sergei Bachin, who successfully completed American universities, returns to his homeland.

He easily became friends with the oligarch Vladimir Potanin and began working in the structures of the Interros company, which owned controlling stakes in Perm Motors and Aviadvigatel. Unlike the Americans, Interros had a more down-to-earth desire: to restructure aircraft manufacturing assets and resell them at a high price as a non-core business.

Thanks to Bachin's consultations, both major shareholders appear to be satisfied with the result. Interros eventually sold Perm Motors and Aviadvigatel to the Guta group. And during the presence of Pratt&Whitney, serial production of military engines was completely destroyed at the enterprises (in particular, D30-F6 engines for the MIG-31, which were no longer produced anywhere). The irreparable damage to the Russian aircraft industry, which turned out to be, in one way or another, connected with Sergei Bachin, is truly impossible to assess.

It is interesting that at Perm Motors, perhaps, for the first time, a method was applied on a large scale, which later became, in my personal opinion, the signature method of a businessman: announce a super project, collect investments for it, use them for the benefit of their own companies and leave investors with a burdensome asset or even complete the matter with what is called a bang. Thus, it was announced that a joint Russian-American PS-90P engine with increased service life and thrust would be created on the basis of the PS-90A engine. $150 million was allocated for this, which was promptly spent in an unknown direction. The miracle engine remained only in the dreams of Perm developers.

Meanwhile, to the delight of his “colleagues” from the USA, the entrepreneur penetrated deeper and deeper into the circles Russian elite: became a top manager of the InterrosDevelopment company, and then headed the OPIN construction group, which specialized in luxury real estate.

After the oligarchs Prokhorov and Potanin divided their joint business in 2010, Bachin, under the wing of Interros, created the companies ProfEstate and Agranta. By this time, he had become Potanin’s full-fledged partner in the field of development and began to develop his own lines of business, without changing his favorite habits.

How to steal billions from VEB experience Bachin S.V.

By 2012, Sergei Bachin’s fortune, according to journalists, reached $300 million. This is exactly how much the Kommersant newspaper estimated the value of the business of the Agranta group, which built the elite villages of Bolshoye Zavidovo and Yaroslavskoe Vzmorye, owned more than 40 thousand hectares of farmland, and began producing organic products under the Organic Market brand.

At the same time, Sergei Bachin drew funds for the development of his own business, including from the budget of a large facility for the 2014 Winter Olympics - the Rosa Khutor ski resort, the construction of which was directed by Vladimir Potanin. The construction was generously financed by Vnesheconombank, as they say, just have time to master it! But the entrepreneur managed to build in such a way that multi-billion dollar loans were not enough. VEB even suspended financing, but the bankers eventually agreed to increase costs, fearing that the Olympic facilities would not be completed on time.

As far as we know, for a loan of 55.7 billion rubles, Sergei Bachin transferred to VEB 100% of the shares of the ProfEstate company, whose assets were valued at half the amount - 21.7 billion rubles. As a result, as media reported, the bank had to restructure the Olympic loans with a 25-year extension. But experts believe that even after a quarter of a century, VEB is unlikely to receive even a penny from Rosa Khutor. After all ski resort continues to be managed by the same manager, who regularly announces the rapid payback of the project and the rapid development of ski tourism. And this, judging by similar projects, is the surest sign: there will be neither one nor the other.

Surprisingly, along with the construction of Rosa Khutor, Sergei Bachin managed to involve VEB in another utopian project - the Bolshoye Zavidovo village. Low-rise elite neighborhoods began to be built on the shores of the Moscow Sea in the Tver region. The “city of the future with an incredibly high quality of life” was planned to be finally completed by 2028. But in reality it turned out that even tourists did not want to go there. As a result, the businessman has already transferred 40% of the shares of the half-empty RadissonZavidovo hotel into the ownership of VEB - to repay a loan of 3.37 billion rubles.

It doesn’t matter that RadissonZavidovo costs one and a half times less, and VEB will have to try very hard to find a buyer for it (the hotel’s net loss, according to data leaked to SMT, can be up to 1 billion rubles a year). They have already squeezed the maximum out of Bolshoy Zavidov: loans, investor money, and budget funds for the development of roads and other infrastructure have been used. Now the project, judging by the results, according to some experts, is doomed to slow decay, which will sometimes be revived only by the transfer of another low-liquid asset to creditors. For example, it was reported that VEB is looking for an appraiser for 117 hectares in Zavidovo, intended for individual residential development. The owner of these assets was Geoton LLC, controlled by Sergei Bachin.

But the entrepreneur’s fortune, according to experts, this year has already approached $550 million. It is not difficult to conclude that a considerable part of these funds may be “Olympic” and “Zavidovo” loans from VEB.

Union of schemers and officials under the wing of Sergei Viktorovich Bachin

Recently, another land scandal occurred in the Moscow region. It turned out that Roza Vetrov - Operator LLC, controlled by Sergei Bachin, carried out a peremptory seizure of the territory of the Istra forestry with an area of ​​4.8 thousand m2. Over time, it was planned to remove the land from the state forest fund and develop it or sell it. However, the Moscow Region Forestry Committee caught on in time and filed a lawsuit to reclaim the site back under state control.

A similar attempt to get for next to nothing state land occurred in the Yaroslavl region. LLC Agrofirma Rossiya, controlled by him, entered into an agreement with the administration of the Uglich region for the purchase of land plots with a total area of ​​16.7 thousand m2. After this, it turned out that the plots belonged to the lands of the state forest fund, and, at the request of the regional prosecutor, the court ordered their return to federal ownership.

In the same Yaroslavl region, Bachin managed to involve Governor Sergei Yastrebov, who headed the region in 2012-2016, in his projects. Over these years, the scandalous developer, under the patronage of an official, spent, as the media reported, at least 5 billion rubles on the construction of the Yaroslavl Seaside resort village. Yastrebov inspiredly promised voters that the Yaroslavl seaside “will soon become better than Riga, festivals there will be held better than Jurmala.” However, in reality, the village, in fact, turned out to be another utopian project that was created for traditional purposes - to absorb loans and budget funds.

It is curious that Yastrebov lobbied for the interests of this project openly, without hesitation. Immediately after his appointment as governor, he signed a cooperation agreement between the regional government and the Agranta group. Thanks to Yastrebov’s support, the Yaroslavl Seaside project received 2.1 billion rubles from the federal target program “Development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russian Federation" In addition, more than 285 million rubles were allocated from the budget of the Yaroslavl region for the creation of infrastructure for the “Yaroslavl seaside” - the construction of roads, gas supply networks, and wastewater treatment plants. Need I say that all contracts for these works were awarded to Sergei Bachin’s companies?

Sergey Bachin

The more funds were allocated for the Yaroslavl Seaside, the more the well-being of Yastrebov and his family grew. For example, in 2014, the governor discovered an undeclared estate with a three-story house 20 kilometers from Yaroslavl. And his daughter Elena Yastrebova became the happy owner of a three-story townhouse in New Riga worth 37 million rubles. It is no coincidence that the luxury real estate is located in the luxury village of Pavlovo-2, the construction of which was carried out by Sergei Bachin. The office of his group “Agranta” is located in the same village.

The apotheosis of the mutually beneficial friendship between the governor and the developer was the construction of a “bridge to nowhere” worth 56 million rubles in the Uglich region, where Bachin’s agricultural company AgriVolga is located. The All-Russian Popular Front attracted the attention of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation with a statement that in the village of Potopchino, where the bridge leads, no more than ten people live, and there was simply no point in building such a capital structure: it was possible to get by with a simpler bridge and save budget funds many times over. After a series of similar scandals, Governor Yastrebov was dismissed.

Currently, Sergei Bachin continues to “develop relations” with the new leadership of the Yaroslavl region - Governor Dmitry Mironov and Chairman of the Government Dmitry Stepanenko. After all, the AgriVolga holding has far-reaching plans: for some time now Sergei Bachin has decided to become a manufacturer of organic food products. Vegetables, meat and milk produced using organic technologies are twice as expensive as usual and are available only to visitors to elite stores. Accordingly, AgriVolga can attract significantly more loans and investments “for development” than an ordinary agricultural enterprise.

However, there is an interesting nuance: in Russia there is no single standard that allows a product to be unambiguously classified as organic. Therefore, manufacturers use this term solely as a marketing ploy to increase the price of products. Moreover, it is impossible to check at all what technologies Sergei Bachin uses to produce his meat and dairy products. And isn’t it, for example, genetically modified?

However, today Sergei Bachin is actively inviting the new Yaroslavl governor to take the AgriVolga company under his wing, which requires new loans, additional land, and budget funds for infrastructure construction.

It seems that Dmitry Mironov needs to at least be wary so as not to repeat the fate of his predecessor. It also seems that the Russian intelligence services, which should be aware of joint cooperation with American “friends,” are saving it for some special, truly amazing process.

Unless, of course, the entrepreneur has time to leave for the United States again by then, where, according to media reports, he has a mansion in Miami and a variety of commercial real estate. Alas, this is how today, more and more often, graduates of “American universities” are meeting their comfortable old age there with funds withdrawn from their historical homeland.

In the city of Kovrov, located in the Vladimir region, a person was destined to be born who is currently implementing large-scale projects in Russia and making an invaluable contribution to the development of tourism, agriculture and other sectors of the country. Sergei Bachin was born on November 18, 1963 in an ordinary family. From early childhood he showed interest in science, chemistry, and physics. After graduating from secondary school in his hometown, he goes to the capital to receive higher education. His choice was conscious and fell on the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. The degree of his talent can be judged by the fact that in 1987 student Bachin graduated with honors.

He was immediately offered a position at the Academy of Sciences and invited to work at the Vernadsky Institute. But the beginning of the nineties made adjustments to his life. The “Iron Curtain” of the Soviet Union was lowered, and at the same time its borders and possibilities expanded significantly. Bachin leaves Russia and goes to the USA to get a second education. He attended Hardford University, where he majored in Corporate Finance and at the same time worked as a manager in American companies. While in America, Sergei Viktorovich gained invaluable experience and knowledge that was useful to him in his future activities in his homeland.

Sergey Bachin is a man of action

Bachin, seeing the devastation in the country observed in the nineties, was worried about what was happening. That is why he did not stay abroad, where everything was fine and all paths were open, but returned to his homeland, so that what was in his power could be changed for the better. The choice was simple and conscious. Bachin didn’t even have doubts about whether he should return. Without hesitation, he returned to Russia and began to implement his ideas, plans, plans. Immediately upon returning from abroad, he worked for Vladimir Potanin in the Interros holding group, where he implements large projects for private clients and government agencies. Five years later, in 2003, he is already president of the Open Investments company. After another seven years, the entrepreneur becomes the general director of ProfEstate, which deals with government contracts; in particular, it was she who was given preference for the preparation of Olympic facilities for the games in Sochi.

Education is the foundation of success

He was interested not only in real estate and construction. Sergei Bachin understood that education is a good start to the future and the foundation for success. And it should start from the very early years, from preschool childhood, so that our citizens do not go abroad to search better life, but stayed in their homeland and realized themselves here. According to Bachin, in Soviet times there was best system education, but it lacked the world practices of other countries. With the idea of ​​an ideal education and the fact that children should have the best, in 2009, together with his partners, he opened the Pavlovsk gymnasium in New Riga.

This is a large-scale multidisciplinary complex with a kindergarten, gymnasium, gyms - everything that is needed for modern high-quality education. To do this, he begins the development and preparation of a large-scale project designed to provide quality education for children. Before opening the Pavlovsk gymnasium, more than one year passed to carefully study and think through the project. The issue was studied thoroughly, the best educational ideas were implemented. Now the gymnasium graduates students prepared to receive further education at the best universities in our country. At the moment, Sergei Bachin is a member of the board of trustees of the institution and actively takes part in the life of the gymnasium.

Tourism development: time to work and time to rest

A successful person does not stand still, he conquers more and more heights, as Sergey Bachin clearly demonstrates. Along with education, he develops tourism in Russia. After implementing several development projects, it takes new heights, starting in 2007 with the Yaroslavl Seaside. Love for nature, extraordinary thinking, and a careful approach ensured the success of the project, although there were many critics at the implementation stage. The result of the work is an extensive complex with beaches, spa and sports centers, a pier, a hotel, and entertainment venues. Everything is provided here for an active and varied holiday.

The next successful project is “Zavidovo” in the Tver region. This is a large-scale, fully equipped tourist complex for recreation, sports, and large events. But perhaps the most ambitious project can be called the Sochi resort Rosa Khutor. Bachin made a great contribution to the preparation and construction of facilities for Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi. But even here there were many skeptics who argued that after the completion of the Games the resort would be forgotten. Time has demonstrated something else - the Rosa Khutor resort has not lost its popularity years after the sporting events.

Bachin, seeing the interest of Russians in active family vacation, continues to develop the tourism destination in the country. It operates in alliance with the state, thanks to which everyone benefits: the country - new facilities and tax deductions, entrepreneurs - a profitable and in-demand business, people - jobs and the opportunity to have a good rest. About tourist, sports and other events taking place on the basis of the entrepreneur’s structures, as well as others interesting events related to Bachin’s activities can be found on his Twitter and Facebook. He is open for communication and posts on social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. He also publishes photographs for his subscribers on Instagram and maintains a personal blog on LiveJournal.

Agribusiness Bachina: organic products for everyone

Land is another aspect that interested Sergei in 2007. While constructing construction projects, the entrepreneur saw how much land was wasted. Meanwhile, the quality of products in stores leaves much to be desired; they are often stuffed with chemicals, antibiotics, and hormones. Bachin came up with the idea of ​​using huge empty plots of land for Agriculture, raising livestock and producing organic products without an ounce of chemicals, exclusively beneficial for children and adults. He organizes the AgriVolga agricultural holding and begins to develop fields, produce real milk, butter, meat, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and other products important for human health. Ideal conditions have been created for cows here. According to Bachin, only a happy cow can produce tasty and healthy milk.

He was able to establish not only production, but also sales of products. Organic markets “Ugleche Pole” are open. Bachin recalls how, as a child, while on summer holidays with his grandparents, he grazed the cows himself and even milked them himself. Now he has a huge agricultural complex, in the management of which he takes an active part, knows all the processes and activities from the inside. Good products are not only organic, so the businessman creates a second brand, “From Uglich,” whose products are not completely organic, but at the same time healthy and tasty.

He is the founder of the National Organic Union in Russia, which is actively introducing its positions to the masses and helping private businesses in the production of organic products. This topic is little studied and underdeveloped in the country, and Sergei is doing everything possible to correct the situation. This area captivated and inspired him so much that the entrepreneur even published his book “Organics. Myths and Reality”, which can be read by every visitor to his official website.

Although he doesn’t like writing at all, as he himself admits, for the benefit of those around him he overcame this barrier and collected in his book important questions and aspects of organic food. The publication immediately became popular and interested many people, because there were no similar books in Russia that comprehensively explained the topic specifically in the conditions for our country. As Bachin himself notes, he really likes to engage in organic farming, and the further strategy is aimed at effective development this industry.

Don't miss random events

Everything in life happens for a reason, even if it seems the other way around. In the eighties, neither Sergei Bachin himself, nor his teachers, nor his family and friends could imagine that he would not follow the path of science, but would master such different fields. One activity flowed from another.

Starting as a developer, he began developing a tourist destination. While developing land for the construction of facilities, he noticed empty lands, which he wisely put into use for the benefit of society. And it is possible that this is not all that this person can do for the country. One thing is obvious: no matter what a businessman undertakes, he brings everything to fruition, first carefully studies the issue and then takes up the implementation of his ideas. What causes his success? After all, not a single project was a failure, unnecessary, or uninteresting. It can be assumed that in addition to personal qualities and good education, careful study of future projects and love for one’s work played a big role. It is unknown what else random non-randomness will happen in Bachin's life, which will open up new untapped horizons for him.

Bachin Sergey Viktorovich

“If you want to be happy, be happy” (Kozma Prutkov)

Many people wonder how to become successful and famous, have a lot of money and leave their mark on Earth. Maybe this is impossible? Some people have been able to achieve this. Despite all everyday difficulties, without having any initial capital. The most important thing is that from early childhood they persistently pursued their goal, tried to study and work not only for their own benefit, but trying to change the world around them for the better. Maybe this is the formula for their success? These are people who are not ashamed to live by eternal values ​​- love for the Motherland, Earth, parents, their family, raising smart children and leaving a worthy memory.

An example is the biography of businessman Sergei Bachin. There are a lot of publications about this brilliant man. There are some very good ones and some not so good ones. As with any person, there are always two opinions. But one thing is certain, he always found himself in in the right place at the right time with great the right people. Possessing the remarkable mind of a scientist and the gift of persuasion, Bachin always achieves everything he wants. Whatever he undertook, he tried to do it conscientiously, “for centuries.”

Full biography of Sergei Bachin

Sergei Viktorovich Bachin was born on November 18, 1963. Place of birth: the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region. Since childhood, he was distinguished by perseverance and hard work, which helped him enter the most prestigious university in the country - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, from which he graduated in the summer of 1987 with honors.

Since 1988, he began working as a junior researcher at the Vernadsky Geochemical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. After the collapse of the entire structure of the Soviet Union, the young scientist went to study in the United States of America. Graduated from the University of Connecticut, Hardford, Faculty of Business Management. Bachin rose to the occasion here too, having received the highest qualification of Master of Business Administration. The title is confirmed by international certificates of conformity CPA and CMA.

The young specialist was noticed and offered a very prestigious position in the American company Pratt&Whitney. It is the largest manufacturer of aircraft engines for civil and military aircraft. It was a success - not all Americans managed to get into such a company, and even more so for a native of Russia. But for some reason, Bachin was selected as one of the top managers.

Homecoming. Development activities

In 1998, Bachin decided to leave the United States to build a new Russia. Having unique experience in a prestigious company abroad, he easily gets a job as a manager in Vladimir Potanin’s subsidiary development company Interros. He was entrusted with the implementation of major construction projects in the private and public sector.

In 2003, he became the general director of the development company Open Investments and became its president. Soon the company takes a leading position in the Moscow region. The company has a lot of square meters of commercial housing of the Premium, Standard, and Comfort classes.

From 2010 to 2014 - CEO GC "ProfEstate" These are important government procurement projects, in particular, Olympic facilities in Sochi. Many objects were built, one of which was “Rosa Khutor” - the favorite brainchild of Sergei Bachin. This mountain resort is the best in Russia. Annually great amount tourists visit this place. Bachin has done and is doing a lot for its development. As of October 2018, he is the manager of Rosa Khutor.

In terms of developing domestic tourism and attracting travelers from other countries, Sergei Viktorovich is building the Zavidovo resort in the Tver region and the Yaroslavl seaside on the Rybinsk reservoir. Extraordinary nature combined with a modern resort with developed infrastructure - this was Bachin’s dream and goal, which he managed to bring to life.

Life Project – Organic Movement

Sergei Viktorovich remembers his grandparents, to whom he went during the summer holidays and grazed a herd of cows all summer. This is a very difficult task, because the entire herd had to be kept safe and sound. The cow was the nurse in the village, and the loss was an irreparable grief and shame for the shepherd. Perhaps shepherding taught you responsibility, love for your native land, the taste of real milk and village bread.

No foreign steaks can replace the taste of childhood and happiness, the warmth of grandmother's hands and the silent approval of grandfather. Sergei did not come to the village to relax, but to help his closest people. Even then he tried to work well for his piece of simple bread and a mug of fresh milk. Maybe this is what personality development consists of. Live not for yourself, but for your loved ones and loved ones, see the beauty of this world, love people and help them.

The taste of native milk and bread became the starting point that helped launch the project for the production of organic products. Proper nutrition environmentally friendly products are the health of the nation. Perhaps only in Russia there are lands where chemicals have never been used. This makes it possible to grow clean products and obtain pure, tasty milk.

Raising the future generation

He pays great attention to working with the younger generation. He is a trustee of the Pavlovskaya Gymnasium. This is a non-profit institution that operates using innovative technology. This is a very responsible job that determines the future of our country. Study abroad with younger age is fraught with the loss of those values ​​that are eternal. Children who grow up and are brought up in another country become unaccustomed to their homeland and their parents. Russia becomes a foreign country, parents become strangers, because at the most difficult moment of personal development, close people were not around. Yes they get it a good education which will help you become significant people. But for this, children need to grow up very early, lose their childhood, the love of mom and dad, who are always there. Isn't the price too high?

Perhaps, having four children, Sergei Viktorovich himself realized the value of parental education and the development of children as individuals. What could it be better example parents, their warmth and care.

Awards and merits

Sergei Bachin’s contribution to the development of society was duly appreciated. As of October 2018, the businessman received the following awards and titles:

  1. In 2012, he was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of the state for his enormous contribution to the Olympic Sports Games.
  2. In 2013 he was awarded an award from Metropolitan Juvenaly. He was awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church for his assistance in the construction of the Radonezh Church, located in the village of Velednikovo.
  3. In the same year he was awarded the title and badge of “Honorary Builder”.

A particularly significant event for Sergei was the holding of the Olympics in Sochi. Thanks to his assistance, some facilities were built in the Olympic village of Rosa Khutor. For his contribution to the Fatherland, the businessman was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, as well as a commemorative medal.

Personal life

Sergei Bachin is an exemplary family man and carefully protects his own family from the media. He tries not to talk about the details of his personal life. As of October 2018, it is known that he is married and is a happy father of four children. More information about family life not provided.

Literary and scientific activities

Since at the beginning of his career Sergei was a junior researcher, the thirst for knowledge and comprehension of truth remained in him throughout his life. His scientific work in the field of animal husbandry was created over several decades. Carefully designed appearance book edition. The text was edited several times and supplemented with new and unusual information. As a result, in 2016 the book “Organics. Myths and reality".

In your own scientific work The author discusses the current topic of ecology and the production of organic products. The book edition consists of 128 pages and is divided into seven chapters. The content includes not only the history associated with the birth of the organic movement in the world, but also the debunking of long-standing myths regarding agriculture.


Sergey Bachin is an active Russian public figure whose contribution to the development of sports in Russia is invaluable. Numerous awards and titles confirm his importance in the social sphere. His thorough approach to doing business in the agricultural sector should not be overlooked, as this is a real breakthrough in the organic movement in Russia. Sergei can easily be classified as one of the galaxy of new businessmen who try to take care of people and their health. He invests his own resources in the development of a truly necessary product, namely organic food that would serve as a source of good health. He is also involved in the educational sphere, as he opened his own gymnasium with high level training.

Social media

Sergei Bachin is quite active on social networks. If you go to one of his pages, you can get acquainted with his activities and personality.

Science, management, business - this is the vector in which the career of Sergei Viktorovich Bachin developed, who today is Russia’s leading developer in the public and commercial construction sector, heads the Rosa Khutor mountain resort in Sochi, and is also developing a fundamentally new agricultural project - the production of organic products - within the framework of his own business, the AgriVolga holding.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Bachin was born on November 18, 1963 in the city of Kovrov, Vladimir region. He received his secondary education in an ordinary Soviet school. Every summer, the parents sent their son to the village to visit his grandparents, where the boy not only frolicked in nature, but also helped with the housework, delving into the culture of rural life. This experience will then serve as a great help when organizing your own business in the agronomic field.

Bachin’s brilliant abilities are evidenced by the fact that at the age of 23 the young man graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. And at 24 he was invited to work at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after.

For several years, the young man plunged headlong into scientific work, with bright prospects ahead: a dissertation, practical developments, academic titles. But everything changed literally overnight, when in 1991 the residents of the Union woke up as citizens of another country. New realities have created new opportunities. So, in 1992, Sergei Bachin made a difficult decision for himself - to go to study in the USA and get an economics education.


Bachin spent 6 years in America. He studied at Hardford University for the first 4 years, majoring in Corporate Finance, and after graduating from the university, received a Master of Business Administration degree. Then the graduate received a lucrative offer: work as a financial manager at the Pratt & Whitney corporation, specializing in the production of aircraft engines for the military and civilian sectors, became a good internship for the young manager.

However, the knowledge acquired in the USA turned out to be much more valuable in the financier’s homeland, Russia, where he returned in 1998. Bachin began his managerial career in the structures of the Interros holding, owned by. First I analyzed stock market at ONEXIM Bank, then worked for 5 years at Interros Development, implementing construction projects for both private and government orders.

Sergey Viktorovich gained experience in full-fledged independent management in the period 2003-2009, when he headed the development company Open Investments (OPIN). Bachin brought the company to a leading position among capital developers, applying a radically new approach to construction and managing financial flows.

It was precisely such a leader that was needed to carry out the construction of the century - the construction of Olympic facilities: RIOU, the Rosa Khutor mountain resort and a multifunctional hotel and recreational complex in the central part of Sochi. Bachin led the construction from 2010 to 2014, being the president of the ProfEstate group of companies.

In parallel with the work on Olympic facilities, the developer is investing in other global and promising projects - the elite tourist complexes “Zavidovo” (Tver region) and “Yaroslavskoye Vzmorye” (Yaroslavl region).

In the career biography of Sergei Bachin, a chain of relationships can be surprisingly traced: the results of one industry lead to new opportunities for other areas. Thus, practice in the construction business led Sergei Viktorovich to management in the tourism industry, and while already working here, he initiated another important business for himself - the creation of organic products for tourists and those who care about their own health and the well-being of loved ones.

“Organic means produced without chemicals, hormones, antibiotic injections, even without feeding cows with compound feed,” explains the innovator.

The entrepreneur not only studied this issue comprehensively, but even wrote the book “Organics. Myths and Reality”, where in a simple and accessible form he explains both the priorities for the development of this industry in Russia and the benefits of such products for the body.

Back in 2007, Bachin became interested in this area and founded the AgriVolga agricultural holding on specially acquired lands. At first there were 3 meat and dairy farms, today they were supplemented by 17 sheep farms, over 10 dairy farms, 2 large meat and milk processing production complexes, 2 cheese factories - Danilovsky and Uglichsky.

Soon the holding entered into the production and industrial conglomerate Agranta, which implements projects in the field of processing and sales of organic agricultural products.

Today Sergei Bachin, who has headed Agranta since 2012, is the owner of the organic brands “Iz Uglich”, “Uglich sausages” and “Ugleche Pole”, under which dairy products, meat, sausages, and cheeses are produced.

Sergei Bachin’s contribution to social development, more precisely to education, requires special mention. In the early 2000s, the developer founded the Pavlovskaya Gymnasium, a non-profit educational institution where an innovative approach is at the core of the educational process. The founder himself believes that today it is necessary to train tomorrow’s leaders of the country in such an institution.

Personal life

Sergei Viktorovich Bachin does not advertise personal life and photos on social networks. It is known that the businessman is the head of a large family: he and his wife are raising four children.

Sergey Bachin now

Tourism is now one of the main directions of Bachin’s multidisciplinary activities. In 2017, Rosa Khutor was recognized as the Best Ski Resort in Russia at the World Ski Awards ceremony in Austria. And in 2018 (during the winter season) the resort received over 900 thousand tourists. But the head of the complex plans to increase these figures significantly thanks to the construction of a two-kilometer cableway, the cost of which is estimated at 1 billion rubles.

In the summer of 2018, the AgriVolga holding agreed to create a cheese cluster in the Yaroslavl region. The investment volume is about 5.8 billion rubles; it is planned to supply up to 8 thousand tons of cheese to the market annually.


  • 2012 - State Certificate of Appreciation for assistance in audit activities carried out at the Olympic sports facilities in Sochi.
  • 2013 - Russian Order Orthodox Church Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow for assistance in the construction of the Radonezh Church (Velednikovo settlement, Moscow region).
  • 2013 - Badge of honor “Honorary Builder”.
  • 2014 - Order of Alexander Nevsky for special achievements in socio-cultural events and personal services to the Fatherland in the sector of state construction.
  • 2014 - Commemorative medal “XXII Olympic Games” winter Games» for participation in the state development of the central regions of Sochi.

Why did the leader of the Duma United Russia lead Dagestan?

Vice Speaker of the State Duma Vladimir Vasiliev became the new head of Dagestan. Experts characterize him as a “governor general” suitable for solving such problems of the republic as corruption, interethnic and clan conflicts.

On Tuesday afternoon, October 3, the President of Russia accepted the resignation of the head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov and appointed the acting head of the republic Vladimir Vasiliev, the leader of the “ United Russia", Deputy Speaker of the State Duma. Vladimir Putin informed him of his decision personally at a meeting in the Kremlin. The president called Vasiliev a “federal-level politician” and a “political heavyweight.” In response, the 68-year-old from the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that the offer from the head of state was an honor for him, and promised to do everything so that Putin would not regret his choice.

“I will honestly fulfill my duty, relying on the very proud, very freedom-loving, talented multinational people of Dagestan, whom I know first-hand,” promised the new head of the republic.

​From investigator to deputy speaker

Vladimir Vasiliev was born on August 11, 1949 in Klin, near Moscow. His father is Kazakh, his mother is Russian. In 1972 he graduated from the Moscow Special Secondary Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, then the All-Union Legal Correspondence Institute and, finally, the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Vasiliev held various posts in the Moscow District Internal Affairs Directorate and the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, as well as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR and Russia, rising to the rank of First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and the rank of Colonel General.

In 2002, during terrorist attack At Dubrovka, Vasiliev was deputy head of the headquarters for the release of hostages. Since 2003, over the course of four convocations, he was elected as a State Duma deputy from the Tver region. In the State Duma he worked as chairman of the security committee for many years. Since 2012, he became vice-speaker of the lower house and headed the United Russia faction in parliament after Andrei Vorobyov left for the post of head of the Moscow region. The appointment was approved by the president, RBC sources said at the time.​

Unforeseen turn

Thus, the intrigue around the candidacy of the new head of Dagestan was resolved only on the sixth day after Abdulatipov’s announcement of resignation.

On Wednesday, September 27, he was urgently summoned to the Kremlin, where he wrote a statement “on at will", two sources told RBC. RBC sources close to Abdulatipov said that the resignation was unexpected for him - he expected to work until the end of his term. The next day, Abdulatipov himself announced his resignation at a session of the People's Assembly of Dagestan. He complained that in Moscow there are people who “shave hares on the go.” “They impose not very popular decisions on the president [of the country]. But the president’s decision is not made without the will of the Almighty,” said the head of Dagestan.

An RBC source close to the leadership of the region spoke about several reasons for the resignation: Abdulatipov’s low rating, numerous conflicts, a corrupt atmosphere, a scandal with the kidnapping of the Minister of Housing and Communal Services, age. “On the eve of the presidential elections, all these factors turned out to be unacceptable for Moscow, and the Kremlin made a decision,” suggested an RBC source.

The main candidate for the post of the new head of Dagestan was initially deputy director of the Russian Guard Sergei Melikov, ex-plenipotentiary envoy to the North Caucasian Federal District, two sources close to the leadership of Dagestan told RBC, and confirmed two interlocutors close to the Kremlin. They called the arguments in favor of Melikov that he is a security official, knows the region well, is equidistant from the clans, and is half Lezgin (this is one of the indigenous peoples of the republic). According to sources, candidates for deputy head of the Kremlin administration were also considered, former president of the Republic Magomedsalam Magomedov and the head of the Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Shamsutdin Dagirov.

Melikov refused the offer to lead the republic, three sources close to the Kremlin and the administration of the republic later told RBC. Sources did not name Vladimir Vasiliev among the possible candidates for the post of head of Dagestan.

Vasiliev’s appointment came as a surprise to the United Russia faction in the State Duma, two sources in the lower house told RBC. The issue of his successor as head of the faction will be discussed with Putin and the chairman of the party and government of the country, Dmitry Medvedev.

Rotation at will

The autumn series of resignations of regional heads began on September 25. RBC sources close to the authorities then reported that up to ten people could leave. Before Abdulatipov, the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev, the head of the Krasnoyarsk region Viktor Tolokonsky, the governor of the Samara region Nikolai Merkushkin and the head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Igor Koshin left their posts. All of them, like Abdulatipov, left “of their own free will.”

"Governor General"

Traditionally, in Dagestan, the main positions are occupied by representatives of the main indigenous peoples - Avars (Abdulatipov) and Dargins (Magomedov). Thus, for the first time in modern history In Dagestan, the republic was not headed by a representative of one of the region’s ethnic groups. According to two RBC sources close to Abdulatipov, the presidential decision came as a surprise to everyone in the republic. It means “that local elites are not trusted,” one of the sources emphasized.

Vasiliev’s colleagues in the Duma were quick to characterize Vasiliev’s appointment as a successful step by the president. “Dagestan is a very complex region, but it’s difficult to imagine a better appointment,” noted Deputy Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Evgeny Revenko, who described Vasiliev as “an intellectual in uniform.” The decision to appoint Vasiliev “is aimed at solving the problems of the socio-economic development of Dagestan”, as well as ensuring stability and security in the region, noted Secretary of the United Russia General Council Sergei Neverov.

“This is a kind of governor-general, like in the old days, but at the same time not a military one, so that there is no feeling that a military administration is being created in the republic,” noted the director of the Center for Economic and political reforms Nikolai Mironov. Vasilyev is “a general security officer from Moscow with police experience, who is capable of, among other things, coordinating counteraction to the terrorist underground and leading quite strictly,” explains the appointment of the head of the Minchenko Consulting Foundation, Evgeniy Minchenko.

With regard to Dagestan, the Kremlin intends to pursue a policy of equidistance between the elites, a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs suggested in a conversation with RBC. He called Vasilyev “a person from the president’s circle,” who will be useful to the republic during a period of “tense relations between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Guard,” as well as inter-ethnic and inter-clan contradictions. “This is not a young technocrat, but an experienced person who will be respected in the Caucasus and who is able to smooth out all these rough edges,” said RBC’s interlocutor.

Carnegie Moscow Center expert Andrei Kolesnikov doubts that Vasiliev will be able to restore order in the republic. On the one hand, he says, the new head of the republic is not involved in conflicts within Dagestan, but at the same time, he is not noted for any serious achievements in the managerial field and “hardly seriously understands how the republic works.” “This is a very difficult position. Some of the local elite will imitate the fact that they accepted him, some will fight with him, some will try to make him useful to them in a variety of ways,” predicts Kolesnikov.

The editor-in-chief of the republican newspaper “Novoe Delo” Gadzhimurad Sagitov considers the appointment to be interim. He agrees with Kolesnikov that it will be difficult for Vasiliev to respond to challenges in the republic, which include, for example, interethnic conflicts. “To hold back, restore order, conduct shock therapy, prepare the platform [for another head of the republic] - yes. So that the one who came here would not be pulled into a web of unresolved conflicts,” this is how Sagitov sees the meaning of the appointment. As for the nationality of the new head, according to the expert, the national elites are trying to preserve the tradition of “national quotas,” but the Dagestanis themselves are tired of this and would rather see a “fair and competent” head.

Region of subsidies and clans

Dagestan is one of the most subsidized subjects of the Federation: in 2017 the republic should receive from federal center more than 52 billion rubles, this is more than any other region. At the same time, the growth of GRP in last years is slowing down: in 2013–2014 the dynamics were 6.3%, in 2015 - 4.7%, in 2016 - 3.5%. At the same time, the share of the population with monetary incomes below the subsistence level is growing in the region (from 10.1 to 10.9% in 2013–2016).

The republic is also one of the most troubled regions. In recent years, the number of registered crimes in Dagestan has increased from 11.6 thousand in 2011 to 15.8 thousand in 2016. Along with these statistics, the number of terrorist crimes also increased: from 63 in 2010 to 966 in 2016. Since 2011, the region has been ranked first in Russia for this indicator.

Experts often cite the national-clan principle, which prevails not only in Dagestan, but throughout the entire North Caucasus, as the main reason for the slowdown in the development of the region. In the spring of 2016, the Committee of Civil Initiatives of Alexei Kudrin presented a report on the development of democratic institutions in the republics of the North Caucasus. Experts have stated that relations of kinship and community in this region play a greater role than relations of loyalty. Thus, the system is even more closed than in the rest of Russia, the authors of the report argued.

Political scientist Khanzhan Kurbanov, summing up the work of Ramazan Abdulatipov, noted that although the clan system was reformatted under him, its financial and economic cushion was not seriously damaged. “There were no serious tectonic shifts, except for the arrest of the mayor of Makhachkala, Said Amirov,” Kurbanov said.

The region's problems are aggravated by the complex national composition of the population. Dagestan is the most multinational republic of Russia: more than 30 languages ​​are spoken here, including 14 written ones.

Vladimir Dergachev, Maria Istomina, Ekaterina Kostina, Egor Gubernatorov, Ekaterina Kuraeva