The war in Syria VK for Bashar al-Assad. Tabyldy Akerov: The fall of Bashar al-Assad will exacerbate the struggle between the US and Russia for the region

22.06.2019 Relationship

In order for fishing to be successful, the fisherman needs to be not only in the right place, but also in right time. It must coincide with the “feeding schedule” of the fish being caught. Please note that this time may vary in summer, autumn, winter and spring.

Summer fishing

Fishing in autumn

Winter fishing

Research conducted by Russian scientists has shown that in winter the fish's food intake is approximately the same at low and high pressures.
  • Time. In winter, the bite begins after the sun has fully risen and continues until midday. After this, it is recommended to take a break for 3 hours and then continue fishing until dusk.
  • Temperature water in winter is constant and ranges from 0 to +4 degrees.
  • Weather. Since winter weather have approximately the same degree of severity, then at this time of year factors such as pressure and wind come to the fore
  • Pressure. Pressure changes cause passing cyclones and anticyclones. Research conducted by Russian scientists has shown that in winter the fish's food intake is approximately the same at low and high pressures. However, sharp fluctuations in pressure have a negative effect on the “appetite” of the fish. This is due to the processes occurring in the swim bladder of waterfowl, which does not have time to quickly adapt to changes in external pressure;
  • Wind. The direction for successful biting should be southwest or south. The north wind sharply reduces the chances of successful fishing.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Fishing in spring

Spring is considered the most favorable time for fishing.

Time. Universal advice, also valid for spring, is the rule: the earlier, “in the morning” you start fishing, the greater the chances of success. After 15-00 hours, fish activity decreases sharply;

  • Temperature. In cold, spring water you can count on a good catch of perch, pike (in early March), carp, ram, roach, roach, bream (from the second half of March);
  • Weather. Spring is considered the most favorable time for fishing. The ice melts and the water is saturated with oxygen, which contributes to an increase in fish activity. The best weather for fishing in spring is cool weather with little wind and drizzling rain. When the wind increases to a storm, with heavy rains, you should not count on a good bite;
  • Pressure. Stable pressure levels without sudden fluctuations will create the most favorable conditions for successful fishing;
  • Wind. The bite is affected by both the strength and direction of the air flow. The best options The direction of the winds is south, south-west and west; the most unfavorable for fishing are north, east and north-east. The strength of the wind affects the zhor much more strongly, since in this case a large wave rises, which will reduce the chances of a good catch to zero. With a weak breeze, small ripples are created on the water surface, during which the zhor is restored.

    • It has been noticed that the size of the catch is influenced by the state of the Moon: It bites better during the new moon and during the full moon;
    • Sharp fluctuations in water and air temperatures negatively affect the bite. If the water is heated gradually, the chances of a successful result increase;
    • Sudden changes in water level in a reservoir force fish to constantly look for new quiet habitats, feeding fades into the background. Fishing experts believe that a gradual increase in water level foretells a good catch;
    • There will be no bite if a thunderstorm is expected;
    • Before fishing, take a look at the barometer. If the pressure slowly increases, then successful fishing cannot be avoided;
    • The bite will be weak, uncertain, or not at all if:
      • clear, sunny weather changes to unstable, with rain;
      • gusts of wind do not subside in the evening, intensify at night and change directions;
      • after a thunderstorm, the air temperature drops;
      • no dew or fog;
      • the morning sunrise is crimson red;
      • in the evening the sun sets into a cloud;
      • There is an increase in cloudiness, cirrus clouds, moving from the west or north, cover the entire sky.

    In winter, burbot, pike, perch, pike perch, ruffe, gudgeon, roach, chub, dace and even bream and silver bream are caught. But their activity also decreases significantly: they go out to feed in the shallows periodically, but not always. Perhaps only burbot, goby and the few salmon in our waters are quite viable even in winter. Burbot feels especially good in winter. It reproduces under the ice. It bites well both in the fall during the pre-spawning period and in the second half of winter, after spawning is over, and it preys on fish in the winter resting places.

    Winter fishing tools are fishing rods various types: float, with a jig, with a spinner, as well as live bait and others. Best places for ice fishing - estuaries of rivers and streams, areas near reservoir dams, especially where the water level fluctuates, which causes fish movement, as well as flowing lakes. For example, on the Trotsa River from December to February, ruffs and small perch bite well. At the mouths of the Kishkil and Paginka rivers, tributaries of the Vyatka, perch, roach and dace are caught all winter. Fishing in winter is poor only in bodies of water with stagnant water, for example in floodplain lakes that are prone to death. However, fishing on the first ice here is often successful.

    Winter fishing requires a person not only to have the necessary equipment, but also to have patience and perseverance. Yes, perhaps even more than in the warm summer, knowledge of the matter, skill and, of course, passion and enthusiasm are needed. Anyone who has fallen in love with fishing and understands that it is an excellent means of relaxation and strengthening physical and spiritual strength, strives to go to the river in winter just as in summer. There may be fewer trophies, but there will be just as much pleasure and benefit, if not more. When there is first ice, they begin to fish in lakes, oxbow lakes and backwaters, where the current is weak or non-existent and ice forms earlier than in rivers. At this time, everyone rushes to the floodplains, replete with reservoirs.

    It is best to catch fish on the first ice, in stable frosty weather, in thaws with western winds, setting it in motion, and on the last ice - two to three weeks before the opening of reservoirs. A particularly good bite is observed when edges appear. At this time, the fish begin to leave their winter camps, enter shallow waters and, attracted by melted snow water, approach the shores. In our conditions, sharp and frequent changes in weather and air temperature negatively affect the bite, strong winds northern and eastern directions and heavy snowfalls

    Hole - This is a small hole in which they fish. Without it, winter fishing is impossible. At the beginning of winter, while the ice is thin, it is broken through with an ice pick. In thick ice it is done with a drill. If in November this is not difficult: five or six blows with an ice pick and you can fish, then in the middle of winter it is more difficult to do this. The success of fishing largely depends on the size of the hole. Despite this, some anglers care little about giving it the desired size and shape. Either they will make it as wide as a bucket, or so that the spoon can barely fit through. Neither one nor the other is suitable. The first is unnecessarily large, and the second is narrow, even a caught fish will not fit into it. How many times have you seen one or another newcomer cry out for help: “The fish won’t climb!” In such cases, the matter often ends in the fact that the neighbors, who have come running in a hurry while expanding the hole, cut down the forest as well. Both the prey and the bait are lost, not to mention the mood.

    The normal dimensions of the hole are 8-12 cm, and if the fish is large, 12-14 cm, no more. If possible, all fishermen gathered in one area should cut at the same time, together. It is impossible to say reliably whether the blows of an ice pick nearby will affect the bite in your hole, but it will undoubtedly affect your nerves. The bottom edge of a punched hole should be rolled in so that it is not sharp. It is also necessary to smooth out all the protrusions on the walls, otherwise the fighting fish will tear the line against them.

    Experienced fishermen find it useful to sprinkle the finished hole with snow, and in the middle of it make a hole with a stick through which a spoon or float could pass. Such a stick, as thick as a finger and 50 cm long, should always be kept at hand. How many times has this happened: there is no bite in an open hole, but as soon as you close it, the fish starts to take it. If you leave several holes located close to each other open, especially at a depth of no more than one and a half to two meters, the biting stops. Apparently, the light penetrating into the water through them changes the under-ice environment familiar to the fish, and they leave. There is one more circumstance that forces the hole to be darkened. A caught fish approaches it more calmly than an open one. This makes it easier to fish, weakens the resistance of the fish and reduces the likelihood of escape.

    You cannot scatter pieces of crushed ice around the hole in disarray: they freeze to the surface and crunch very hard under your feet, scaring the fish. Out of fear of the same, an ice pick, a drill and others heavy objects they try not to throw them on the ice, so as not to create unnecessary noise, which the fish is afraid of and often leaves. Therefore, you cannot free the drill from the ice that has clogged it by tapping. In a word, a well-designed hole, order and silence around it are important conditions for success.

    The design of existing drills requires at least two changes: the cutting head must be replaceable (replaceable), and the rotor must be sliding. Since you have to drill through ice of different thicknesses, it is advisable to increase the length of the drill by 30 cm and make four holes instead of two to secure the cutting head. To prevent water from penetrating into the tube, and to prevent the parts from rusting or freezing, the lower end must be tightly sealed, and a rubber tube must be placed at the junction with the cutting part.

    When drilling ice of different strengths, the head has to be changed - for example, a small spoon (diameter 9-10 cm) to a large one (13-14 cm) or vice versa. For convenience, it is necessary to make the receiving part of the lower elbow of the brace tetrahedral, also with two pairs of holes for fastening.

    The corresponding device, naturally, must be made on the cutting head. For strength, it is reinforced with two bolts. This method of connection is retained even if the lower end of the rod is threaded and the head is screwed onto it.

    On lakes and reservoirs the ice lasts longer in the spring than on rivers, so fishing here lasts longer. Winter fishing has not only its own characteristics, but also a number of advantages compared to summer fishing. One of them is that the fisherman is closer to the subject of his hunt: only a layer of ice separates them. In addition, in winter you can get to places that you cannot get to in summer. But winter fishing also involves the need to take a number of precautions to avoid falling through the ice. Swimming in cold water is fraught with all sorts of consequences and is dangerous not only for health, but sometimes for life.

    The fisherman should be especially careful on the young, still thin, first ice and on the thick, already loose last ice, at the end of winter - beginning of spring. Autumn ice is stronger than spring ice, but you should not go out on it before the thickness reaches 5-6 cm. You must have skis, but you cannot tie them to your feet. The fastenings must be such that, if necessary, the skis can be easily reset. It is recommended to follow the trail. It is imperative to inspect and probe with an ice pick the places near grass, bushes, hummocks, snags, etc. sticking out of the water. Here the ice is often very weak. During the first ice and at the end of winter they do not go fishing alone.

    If you fall through the ice

    If you still fall through the ice. The main thing is not to panic and try to throw off heavy things - a drill, a box. Then you need to rest against the edges of the ice with your hands or a stick, turn flat and crawl onto the ice. You need to get out in the direction from which you came. Once you get out of the water, you should never stop until you reach warm place to keep warm! You should also change clothes as soon as possible.

    You cannot hesitate to help someone who has failed. But you need to approach it very carefully. It’s better to crawl up and give a pole or throw a rope. Neither on the first nor on last ice You cannot gather in groups. Fishing should be done intelligently, without unnecessary risk.

    To get out on your own, a winter angler must always wear a self-rescue kit in the form of a rope and hand grips that will allow you to cling to the ice with frozen hands.

    The behavior of fish depends on various factors, the main ones being habitat and weather. You should not rely only on the calendar when preparing to fish.

    By comparing data from long-term behavioral observations different types fish with temperature environment cloudiness, wind strength and direction, you can safely go fishing and be sure that the catch will be the best.


    • What to fish with in January? The jig is considered the most effective tackle to use this month. Pieces are put on small fish on the hook. The heavier it is, the more stable the hook and the greater the chance that the fish will swallow the whole bait, making it much easier to hook. A large spoon and a bait will come in handy. At this time, the ruff is caught using a fishing rod or winter lure.
    • How do fish bite in January? The ice at this time makes the fish sleepy, and it does not want to be hooked. But the predator can still peck.
    • What fish should I catch in January? This is a very favorable fishing time for fish like burbot. Right now it is spawning in clean rivers, you can get a good catch. If the temperature is stable, roach and bream and pike perch will go.
    • When is the best time for fishing in January? During the thaw after severe frosts, you can take a good catch. In the cold, biting activity is low. Starting from the first days, the burbot are biting. IN daytime Perch and pike are caught. But the most suitable time is considered to be early morning and late night during quiet and not sunny days.
    • Where is the best fishing spot in January? There will be a good bite at depth. They are actively biting near the dam and schools gather here. Pike perch can be caught at a depth of 4 to 7 meters.


    • What to fish for in February? Large fish They take it on a lure. A fishing rod with a float is used to attach small pieces of fresh fish. The meat and worm can also be used for trout.
    • How do fish bite in February? There will be little biting until the middle of the month. Fish sleep occurs around February 20th. But if we compare with the previous month, the chances are much greater. The peak of February fishing is the end of the month.
    • What fish to catch in February? Smelt and ruffe are caught better than other fish. Burbot continues to be caught spawning. Roaches and large perches are often found. Silver bream, pike perch and pike are good for biting.
    • When is the best time to fish in February? During the thaw, predatory fish are looking for food, so it’s worth taking advantage of this moment. At the beginning of the month, pike are caught using vertical lures. From the middle of the month almost all types of fish begin to be caught.
    • Where is the best fishing spot in February? Non-freezing water bodies are the most suitable places for fishing. All types of fish that spend the winter in low-lying areas gather in the shallows and closer to the shore. There is a possibility that the fish will also settle at the mouths of rivers.


    • What to fish for in March? During this period, you need to prepare a spinning rod for a fishing trip. But you can continue to use winter gear at the beginning of the month. The quality and strength of gear should be higher than for winter fishing. Fish are faster at this time in muddy and clogged waters. A spinner is not needed at this time; a bloodworm, maggot or worm would be more suitable. The bark beetle larva will definitely yield a good catch.
    • How do fish bite in March? With the arrival of spring, at the very beginning, the activity of the fish increases noticeably and it wants to eat throughout the day, so it bites all day long. It becomes even more mobile closer to the middle of the month.
    • What fish should I catch in March? At this time, the pike begins to spawn. In this regard, it can be caught without problems, just like perch, which is in its time of hunger. The roach leaves sleep at the end of the month and forms schools, already catching. A rudd is caught with a fishing rod.
    • When is the best time for fishing in March? From morning until midday is a great time to relax with a fishing rod in the first month of spring. If the weather worsens, burbot will continue to be caught. Particularly suitable sunny days. Fishing will be good even without feeding from the middle of the month.
    • Where is the best fishing in March? It is easiest to catch perch 10-15 meters from the shore. The most suitable places in the first month of spring are large lakes and places on reservoirs. At this time, roach and perch look for cracks near the banks and wait there for the riverbed to be cleared of ice. If you find the boundary that is created by the light and dark water of the reservoir, then the bite here will be excellent.


    • What to fish for in April? The April bite in still muddy water will be successful if aromatic baits, such as a larva or a worm, are chosen as complementary food. Then the fish finds the bait faster. In April, any light rod will do.
    • How do fish bite in April? Most fish that live in fresh water begin their spawning period. She reduces her activity to a minimum. The fish no longer need to rush around in search of food. She takes what she gets. Knowing her habits at this time, you need to try to lure her out and not scare her away.
    • What fish to catch in April? The period begins when the ruffe and silver bream are biting. In those reservoirs that are marked by the presence of carp and chub, you can also go out to catch them. Burbot that has spawned and is gaining weight continues to be caught. Crucian carp and ruffe quickly begin to bite in the second part of the month.
      When is the best time for fishing in April? The first half of the month is considered the best period for fishing. There is no more ice, the inhabitants of reservoirs become much faster, and the current is not strong. Fishing is ideal in clear water at this time. But the duration of this period is limited to only a few days.
    • Where is the best fishing spot in April? In small lakes and rivers, April fishing is the most productive. It must be remembered that this is the spawning period. Fishing using a float rod is allowed.

    How to catch more fish?

    I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

    1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
    2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
    3. Lures using pheromones.
    You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.


    • What to fish for in May? As May bait they use a metal spoon, a wobbler, a small dead fish, caddisfly and other insects. This month is quite exciting to fish both by boat and from the shore. You can use spinning and float live bait tackle, donka. Pike can be taken for spinning and summer fishing. Fishing for ide with the help of a cockchafer, which is floated through the water, will be exciting. Complementary feeding in May should be done with grain due to the fact that at this time the fish have enough food.
    • How do fish bite in May? At this time, warm weather and stabilization of the bite are typical. Some fish stop spawning, others begin. Their feeding becomes active, they rush to the shine and smell.
    • What fish to catch in May? The pike begins to actively feed during the flowering period of dandelions. Takes large perch and pike perch. Towards the middle of the month, bream and roach become active in biting. The last days of the month are considered best time for catching carp. Tench and catfish replace burbot and provide a good catch. Asp can be caught by fly fishing.
    • When is the best time for fishing in May? May fishing is considered one of the most exciting. Warm water and active growth of greenery have a positive effect on the quality of the bite. You can spend time fishing from dawn until the sun sets.
    • Where is the best fishing in May? On large rivers and large lakes you can effectively fish from a boat. If you want tench, you need to stand in a shallow body of water and fish from the shore. Small bays and places near the shore in the grass become a haven for pike, which produce fry there.


    Now only mine bites!

    I caught this pike using a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and no more looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!!! The best bite activator of 2018! Made in Italy...


    • What to fish for in July? Now you need to use spinning. Crucian carp needs to be caught with a regular fishing rod, carp needs to be prepared with worms. It’s good to have maggots and bloodworms when fishing; dung worms and small fish are also useful. When preparing for fishing, you also need to steam the wheat. Carp can be caught using boilies that are round and have a special smell.
    • How do fish bite in July? The bite is not very good this month due to the heat. The fish looks for cool places and goes to the bottom. The most successful fishing occurs in the evening and at dawn. Sometimes, and quite often, a good meal comes at night. If the day is cool, the sky is overcast or the weather is rainy, it’s time to go fishing.
    • What fish to catch in July? A big bream bite is now guaranteed. Roach hooks well.
      When is the best time for fishing in July? It will be most effective to go fishing in cool weather and cloudy days. When it rains, residents of reservoirs go to the surface. Early morning is suitable for fishing, starting from 4 o'clock until 10 am.
    • Where is the best fishing in July? In hot weather, you need to fish for predators in deep waters. If it rains, then crucian carp are in shallow open places with a muddy bottom. Perch can be caught both in bushy areas and in the middle of the reservoir. In the current, carp are caught using a worm.


    • What to fish for in August? August fishing is done with girders, screens, bottom fishing rods and spinning rods. A variety of baits are suitable - spoons, poppers, worms, flies, small fish, bread crumbs and boiled peas.
    • How do fish bite in August? It begins to get colder and the bite intensifies, and there are fewer insects. This is typical for the second half last month summer. Therefore, the bite at the beginning of the month and the bite at the end are very different.
    • What fish to catch in August? Asp, pike perch, and ide will produce a successful catch. You can safely go with a fishing rod for bream, carp, and silver bream. Catfish are caught using a bottom fishing rod. The crucian carp stops biting.
    • When is the best time for fishing in August? Fishing from mid-August, even closer to its end, is considered more effective. During the daytime the fishing is also consistently good. It is better to try to catch catfish and burbot at night.
    • Where is the best fishing spot in August? Rivers are the most suitable place at this time. Stagnant waters in lakes and ponds begin to bloom. And here the fish at this time are limited in light and oxygen. Perch fishing is good in shallow waters.


    • What to fish for in September? Bloodworms, worms and fry are the main baits during this period of time. You will have to take a gudgeon to catch chub. The main gear is a spinning rod; in addition to this, you can also fish well with a float rod. IN small river A jig will help you catch a good catch.
    • How do fish bite in September? This month it starts to get colder and the fish go deeper. But on a warm day you can continue fishing as in summer, the fish bite well.
    • What fish should I catch in September? Perch and bream can be found under the leaves, gathering in small schools. The easiest fishing now is for roach. Starting from the second half of September, bream, ide and carp are no longer caught, and fishermen also stop seeing catfish. Chub and dace are caught well. During this period, the asp is lured using live bait. The pike uses live bait and is caught quite successfully.
    • When is the best time for fishing in September? On warm days, during the Indian summer, when it is cold, the catch will be good. Burbot can be caught using small frogs on rainy and cloudy days, and the best time is towards the end of the month.
    • Where is the best fishing in September? When it gets cold in September, fish move closer to the middle of the reservoir, so you need to get in the boat. Pike are caught in shallow ponds and lakes.


    • What to fish for in October? Feeders are most suitable for fishing at this time. If the reservoir is deep near the shore, a fishing rod with a float will also work. Complementary foods should be low-smelling. Maggots go well with bone meal or bloodworms. The predator can now be caught using various baits. Fishermen take burbot for frogs and fish meat.
    • How do fish bite in October? Pisces become less active and more cautious. This is the time of unstable biting. Pike perch has a good bite, catfish are also well caught using a bottom fishing rod. The burbot bite is resuming.
    • What fish to catch in October? Silver bream and crucian carp are successfully hooked at the beginning of the month. From the second half of this period the time comes to catch the predator. The pike is showing activity. Asp and perch are also caught well.
    • When is the best time to fish in October? The pecking at this time begins much later than in warmer periods, starting at 9 am, and continues until the sun sets.
    • Where is the best fishing spot in October? It is preferable for fishing at this time to be small lakes, quiet rivers, forest lakes, and you need to move away from the shore, closer to the middle. The effectiveness of fishing away from the shore or near pools and dams is ensured.



    • What to fish for in December? Fishing continues with large spoons and girders. Winter fishing rod With a float you need to provide some additional food and the fish will go. It could be a smaller jig or a bloodworm. Now you need to take bran cake with you. Live bait and worm take burbot well. The spoon will help you catch pike and zander.
    • How do fish bite in December? December fishing is not very effective, as many species of fish fall into a state of torpor. Although there is little food at this time, the peaceful fish will not bite much, but the predator still continues to bite.
    • What fish to catch in December? Pike, perch, white bream and silver bream are excellently caught with bait in December. Ruff, rudd and roach are now easy to catch in shallow water. As for the burbot, it takes any bait this month. At this time, roach is caught using a float rod.
    • When is the best time to fish in December? The first ice provides the opportunity for good fishing. The fish is almost always in the same place closer to the bottom. A good fishing result will be in the daytime when there is no wind.
    • Where is the best fishing in December? It is better to fish now in running or shallow water on ice. It is more comfortable for pike perch to be deep in the pool.

    Good fishing will happen when not only the calendar data is taken into account, but also the nature of the fish, its habits at different times of the year and the characteristics of the reservoir.

    And then, having familiarized yourself with the weather forecast and taking the necessary gear, you can count on a decent catch at any time of the year.

    How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

    When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

    We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

    A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

    It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

    You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

    So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

    It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

    Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

    Find out more about the bait!

    The eternal question of all anglers: will there be any fishing on Saturday? But really, is it possible to somehow contrive and predict the behavior of a fish? Of course, you can start an aquarium and, based on the behavior of the fish in the morning, guess how actively the fish will bite. Some fishermen do this, but we are interested in the issue of prediction a day, two or more before fishing in order to plan our time.

    It would seem that there are fish in the water - there will be fishing, if there are no fish - there will be none, but everything is not so simple at all!

    Those who often fish in shallow water and especially from ice have more than once had the opportunity with their own eyes, looking into the hole, to make sure that on some days there are fish, walking around the gear and there are a lot of them, but they don’t want to be caught and even the baited hook thrust under her nose is carefully avoided!

    Why does this happen? Of course, we understand that something is affecting the fish. Some say it is pressure, others say the salinity of the water, and others say it is the temperature. They are all right! All this affects the behavior of fish, but there is a factor, there is a law that always affects the behavior of fish most strongly! Other factors only slightly distort the picture, but the main essence obeys this law!

    So where did this information come from? A group of local fishermen - fanatics - set to work to identify patterns in fishing and began to record every fishing trip, the behavior of the fish, and the results. And this is how these recordings were made for 10 years.
    The result was processed by a person with an analytical mind, and then before his eyes, on a lined sheet of paper with marks about fishing trips, a picture was revealed in which a pattern was clearly visible! It didn’t take much time to understand what this pattern was! Of course it was a lunar cycle! The same cycle by which all living things on our Earth live!

    Further processing showed that there was good fishing on the days of the new moon, and bad fishing on the full moon! Through further processing, it was possible to find out that if we take the moon phase calendar over ten years, a strip of active fishing zone is formed, into which all the new moons fit in for many, many years! All that remains is to look at the intermediate days with weak fishing and that’s it, the schedule was ready! And it is true in all bodies of water, from oceans to puddles with tadpoles!

    Before I provide this graph to you, I must make a reservation - the graph is affected by both cyclones and anticyclones passing nearby. So, many fishermen, and I along with them, have repeatedly encountered a situation when fish should be caught according to the schedule, but it is silent. In the water it’s black! After some time, the fish, as if having received a command, suddenly began to “go wild”, almost jumping out of the water behind the hook! It often started to rain or snow at this time. And it happened that nothing started, but then they found out that there was precipitation in the neighboring city. It also happened the other way around - it wasn’t a fishing day, but for some reason she suddenly started catching, like she was scared! All these are deviations, deviations that only confirm the Rules!

    Lucky are those whose dachas are next to the river. If you want, go swimming, or if you want, go fishing. The sight of a twitching float gives true fishing connoisseurs a surge of adrenaline, like an athlete at the Olympics.

    But the main thing in fishing is the result. Semyon Khaet, ichthyologist of the Saratov Regional Society of Hunters and Fishermen, CCM in fishing sports, told us about the secrets of modern fishing.

    Let's consider the publicly available and popular fishing with a float rod.

    Check the weather in the morning!

    Comfortable weather for a fisherman may not be very comfortable for fish. Therefore, when going to a river or pond, check the weather forecast. If it changes dramatically, you may be left without a catch at all. In this case, the biting stops for several days. A sharp increase and a sharp decrease in temperature generally does not bode well for a good catch. It is best to go fishing when the temperature rises to normal levels gradually. The most suitable water temperature for carp fishing is 28 degrees, for pike - 16, for roach and bream - 15–18 degrees.

    The wind blew against the current - there will be a bite!

    Strong wind is not conducive to a good bite, especially when the wind direction is constantly changing. If you decide to go to a pond to fish, it is better to use heavier floats in order to hold the bait at the fishing point and cast accurately. The most suitable conditions are a gentle breeze that gently sways the float and small ripples in the water. For effective fishing, the wind that blows across the river is good.

    The sun is shining straight into your eyes - wrap up your fishing rods!

    It’s not for nothing that fishermen, lacking sleep, jump up at the crack of dawn to go fishing in the morning. And all because in bright sunny weather the fish are reluctant to bite. Therefore, it is best to go to the river early in the morning, before the sun has yet risen. During the day, the fish hides in the depths and is unlikely to leave its cool shelter for your bait. Mostly it goes into the shade, under trees hanging over the water, under a high bank, into the grass. And towards evening the heat subsides, the sun is not so bright - and you can take up the fishing rods again. By the way, such weather will be comfortable for the fisherman himself.

    Inexperienced fishermen sincerely believe that fish bite better in the rain. This is not entirely true; more precisely, not all rain is good for fishing. For example, warm and uniform rain really contributes to a good bite. But in a strong cold rainstorm you won’t even catch fish, and you’ll get wet to the skin. In such weather the fish hides at the bottom. And if a thunderstorm begins, she completely loses all appetite, and you put yourself in danger by being near the water - lightning may strike you! Therefore, in such weather it is better to fold your fishing rods and wait for the rain to end. And it's worth the wait. After all, after a thunderstorm the bite is at its best.

    Has your blood pressure jumped? Just right for the bite!

    The best time for fishing is when the barometer shows something between “clear” and “rain”. Fish sense weather changes more accurately than any device. And, to the chagrin of the fishermen, it does not prefer the weather that is comfortable for humans. In clear, warm weather, the fish hides. Gradually increasing the pressure increases your chances of successful fishing. But a sharp increase, on the contrary, will most likely reduce the bite. Fishing should be completely postponed when the pressure drops sharply.

    Bites best in translucent water

    For successful fishing, water bodies with clean water are best. clear water. If you have chosen a river with muddy or even “blooming” water for fishing, then you do not need to expect a rich catch. In muddy water, into the lower layers of which the sun's rays practically do not penetrate, the fish are inactive. If fish appear on the surface, they will appear rarely and bite reluctantly. This applies to very turbid water. But in slightly cloudy water, the fish behaves much more actively and eats the bait with appetite. It is likely that in such water your catch will be even several times greater than in clean water.

    Why doesn't it bite?

    Too colorful float

    Pisces are excellent at distinguishing colors. Therefore, when choosing equipment for fishing, you need to take this into account. The float should not resemble a multi-colored toy. Motley and brightly colored floats scare away fish. The float is especially noticeable at shallow depths. Lines and floats of gray-green and light brown colors will be least visible in river water. They should resemble seaweed. This will make the fish swim to the hook more boldly. Pay attention to the color of the rod itself. It's also noticeable. Wild colors that stand out against the background of nature look unnatural, which means they will scare away the fish. Well, don’t forget about your clothes. A light or bright suit will attract unnecessary attention. Better wear protective clothing. This will increase your chances of catching fish.

    Lots of noise - nothing in the bucket

    If you approach the water rattling buckets, it’s better not to even unwind your fishing rods. You are unlikely to be able to catch at least a couple of crucian carp. Fish have excellent hearing; they are able to discern where the source of sound vibrations is located. By declassifying yourself, you will scare the fish away from the shore for several hours. Therefore, you need to approach the river, stepping carefully, not making noise, not talking loudly, not rattling dishes. If you are fishing on a boat, try to make less noise and do not hit the water with your oars.

    To get hooked, you first need to feed!

    Usually in summer the river banks are occupied by fishermen. And everyone wants to catch fish in their own territory. Some sit and cannot catch anything, while others actively take out one after another. The secret is in the bait. There is a great variety of it in fishing stores - from budget to expensive. So which one should you choose? If your fellow fishermen’s bait is not the most sophisticated, then you can use locally produced universal bait, they are adapted to our fishing conditions.

    If you catch crucian carp, take a spindle-shaped float!

    Why does the same fisherman get a bite on one fishing rod, but not on the other? After all, the bait is the same. This does not mean that the fishing rod is “lucky”, just that the float on the other fishing rod is not the same. Floats come in all shapes, sizes, types and for different purposes. If you choose the wrong one, it won’t bite. For catching small and medium-sized fish in bodies of water with weak currents, lightweight spindle-shaped floats have proven themselves well. It is important that the float is loaded correctly. At the slightest touch of the bait, everything is reflected on the float, then it will not be difficult to hook the fish in time.

    Blame the hook

    “Ambitious” fishermen choose a hook based on the size of the desired fish, but leave the usual size of the bait. Naturally, in the end, behind the skinny worm, the hook is clearly visible. The result is that the fish don’t bite. The hook size should be appropriate to the size of the fish you are trying to catch and the bait you are going to use. If you are catching bleak, small roach, silver bream, rudd, then hook No. 18–20 according to the international classification is suitable, and from the bait there is maggot, which the small fish will not pull off the hook with impunity. But if you are going to catch carp, then the hook must be at least No. 10 and not unbend while playing the fish; for bait - a worm, corn, pearl barley.

    Ministry of Health warns

    The smell of cigarettes repels fish. Therefore, if you smoke, do it away from the shore. Hands must be washed with soap, preferably household soap, to get rid of the acrid smell of tobacco. Fish are much more sensitive to odors than humans. Unnatural odors should be avoided. So, do not use perfumes or lotions, the smell of which can get on the bait and thereby reduce the bite.

    Secrets of bait

    Bloodworm is the best bait. The best because it is natural. The fish feed on bloodworms in their natural environment, the food is familiar. Unfortunately, in fishing stores and bazaars in the summer they only sell feed bloodworms. To preserve the bait longer, it can be stored in the refrigerator.

    The worm is an almost universal bait. You can catch almost any fish with it both in summer and winter. It is not recommended to hook only the caught worm. It should lie in a jar with moss for several days. Then it will clean itself and acquire a color more attractive to fish.

    Don't leave worms in the sun. If water gets into the jar, move the bait to another place, otherwise the worms will quickly wither. It is better not to use iron cans to store the worm, as it will quickly die.

    Change bait often. Fish will not eat bait that has been torn apart by small fish.

    If the fish does not bite, then the type of bait needs to be changed. From maggot, for example, switch to a worm or vice versa.

    If the bait has a twist, it will attract even well-fed fish. Fish will not be able to resist a piece of toasted bread with a drop of honey. Bream will rush to such bait faster than anyone else. If the crumb white bread mash with potatoes and add vegetable oil, then this bait is suitable for crucian carp and ide.

    With prolonged use, the hook becomes dull - the fish can easily slip off the “sting”. If you notice this only on the spot and there is no sanding paper at hand, a box of matches can help. Use side box coated with a special compound.