Military weapons are a powerful amulet and a strong sword.

24.09.2019 beauty

Unfortunately, wars on Earth continue to this day. In ancient times, before releasing a warrior onto the battlefield, one of the magical amulets was always attached to him.

Such an amulet strengthened the soldier’s strength and made him more invincible. A warrior amulet can still be made today to make it easier for a soldier in battle.

What amulets are most often used for warriors?

Amulets for warriors are most often presented in the form of angels, it could also be a bird, or it could be a hand-embroidered shirt. The angel and the bird in this case represent a connection in heavenly powers, which serve as protection for the warrior, they help the fighter to be less vulnerable in battles.

Egg dolls are also made for fighters. These talismans have a slightly different meaning. They serve soldiers as protection from illnesses and injuries, and work to ensure that soldiers’ injuries heal much faster. It doesn’t seem difficult to make such a little doll with your own hands.

Amulets for ATO soldiers

Slavic Amulets: What is it, why and how to do it correctly

Students create amulets for soldiers

Another famous amulet of warriors is the Semarglov Kolovrat; such an amulet is designed to protect a soldier from the evil eye of others, from treacherous acts on the part of those around him and from death. It is worn as a pendant around the neck.

The Valkyrie ornament is also a strong Slavic amulet. His task is to activate the power of the clan, which will become a powerful defense for the warrior. The amulet on which this ornament is located can be bought or made with your own hands; it has a very strong effect.

It is worth remembering that the Valkyrie ornament cannot be worn together with Orthodox cross, since these two amulets weaken each other, resulting in the warrior becoming even more defenseless.

Amulets for warriors made of stones

Among the stones there are also those that help soldiers and warriors. This could be, for example, red carnelian or orange color. This stone is believed to have the following magical properties:

  • it protects the warrior from various dangers;
  • protects against premature death;
  • serves as protection against natural Disasters;
  • serves as an amulet against the attacks of enemies, against the betrayal of friends and associates.

From such a stone you can make an amulet for a warrior or sew carnelian on a warrior’s clothing.

Amulet for a soldier in the form of a prayer

A very simple do-it-yourself amulet for a soldier can be made on a small piece of paper. On a small piece of paper, write any prayer that especially resonates with you in your heart.

This piece of paper is then folded into four and sewn into the warrior’s clothing. This is a very simple method, thanks to which the soldier is set up for victory, he becomes more invulnerable to enemies. Such Slavic amulets for warriors had very great power.

Ammunition amulet

You can make a talisman for a soldier using his own ammunition. It could be a cartridge case or a bullet that is worn around the neck like a pendant. Soldiers very often believe that they are afraid of a bullet, which is why it is considered possible to wear such an amulet.

Amulet spells for a fighter

The amulet for a fighter will have even greater power if the appropriate spell is applied to it. The spell can be applied to the amulet even when the fighter himself is not present nearby. In order to perform this magical ritual, it is best to choose night from the time of day. The environment in which this will take place should be particularly calm and filled with positive energy.

A salvation conspiracy works well for these purposes. It can only be used if the soldier is baptized. Such a conspiracy will save the warrior from negative energy and death. This requires a special prayer. It must be read while the candle is burning. One of the drops of this candle should fall onto the cross on the back side.

Christian conspiracies against death, against enemies, against illnesses are very good for fighters; there is also a prayer for a conscript, a conspiracy against a bullet.

Amulet for a warrior Ratiboyets, Rasich, Sword in England

This amulet is presented in the form of a medallion and is worn around the neck. This is a swastika symbol. This is a symbol of a warrior, an invisible guardian, a symbol that multiplies valiant qualities, honor, courage and courage. The amulet comes into force only when you need to help protect your land from enemy attacks.

It is interesting that when this symbol was on the side of the one who threatens civilians, then it begins to work precisely for justice, that is, against robbers and invaders.

There is also such a swastika symbol as Rasich. His main task is to protect the warrior from dark magical forces.

A talisman such as a sword in England is a symbol that protects a warrior from rash actions, it gives him wisdom and prudence. Such a talisman is very good for newly minted warriors to have with them, who, due to their youth, sometimes commit rash acts.

Amulet in the form of a bear claw

This amulet should be worn around the warrior’s neck as a pendant. It represents a fang with the head of a wolf. This amulet is designed to give all boys and men courage, fearlessness, and strength.

This talisman can also be worn by hunters. Thanks to such a talisman, the warrior began to have a reaction like a wild animal; he could instantly recognize danger, which gave him the opportunity to stay alive.

The work of military men, or, as they used to say in the old days, military men, involves a serious risk to life. To protect themselves from enemy bullets and other dangers, military personnel can use protective Russian amulets. The mascots described in this article are suitable not only for the military, but also for firefighters, police officers and representatives of other dangerous professions.

Due to the specifics of the profession, amulets for the military are designed to protect their owners specifically from physical threats. The most powerful talisman is considered to be one made by hand. loving person- he will protect you from death, and from captivity, and from danger along the way. But this does not mean at all that you cannot make a talisman yourself, following the instructions outlined in this article.

Incense as a talisman

When going on a long campaign, military men often took with them an image of their patron saint. A handful of native soil taken from near the house was placed inside. The amulet was consecrated in church; it was supposed to be worn under a shirt so that the protective object was in direct contact with the body.

However, it is not necessary to place an icon of a saint in the amulet. Instead, you can put a photo of your beloved girl into the protective item. Our ancestors firmly believed in the power true love. It was believed that such protection could protect against death no worse than good chain mail.

This is interesting! The tradition of taking “a piece of the homeland” with you on a military campaign extended not only to the land. Magic properties were attributed to water taken from a well, stream or spring located near the house. It was believed that such water had special healing powers. You could wash your face with it if you needed to restore strength after an illness or relieve longing for your native land.

Defense Sciences

Unfortunately, many ancient Slavic amulets are forgotten today. However, some information has survived to this day. For example, it is known how our ancestors made nauzs - knots that acted as an amulet. To make a nauz, which can serve as a talisman for a military man, you will need a small rope, about the length of an elbow (about 30 centimeters).

Tie seven simple knots on this rope. In this case, you need to pronounce the following spell - one line for each node:

  1. I'll get up at dawn
  2. I'll go out into the open field
  3. I bow to Mother Earth.
  4. You, Earth, protect me
  5. From the dashing adversary, from poison and damask steel
  6. And from ninety-nine troubles.
  7. May seven castles protect me.

The finished nauz can be put in a pocket, sewn into clothes or hidden in some other way. It must accompany its owner throughout the entire military campaign or other dangerous undertaking. Upon returning home, the rope is supposed to be burned, since the talisman has already fulfilled its purpose. Nauz amulets are ideal for people born.

Bullet or shrapnel

The talisman can be a bullet or a fragment removed from a wound. Although it must be admitted that not every person will agree to keep such a “souvenir”. However, if you intend to turn such an item into your talisman, then wrap it in a clean rag and carry it with you. There is no need to carry out any special rituals to consecrate the amulet. It is believed that a talisman in the form of a bullet or a metal fragment protects its owner from a similar injury.

Runic talisman

For protection against physical danger, the one shown in the picture on the left is optimal. The Vikings, who were considered great warriors in their time, depicted this symbol on their armor and shields. Since today no one would think of dressing up in medieval armor, the Algiz rune can be carved on a wooden tablet.

There are certain rules regarding the manufacture of amulet. Firstly, only natural wood can be used as a material for applying the symbol, ash is best. Secondly, the Algiz rune should be cut with a new knife that has not been used before or, at least, has not been used for cooking.

The amulet should be stored wrapped in clean white or red cloth. They take it with them if they have to go on a dangerous mission. According to an ancient legend, the warrior greeted the rune in any form and asked her for help and protection.

Complete collection and description: amulet prayer for soldiers in war for the spiritual life of a believer.

Of course, a modern soldier is not a Slavic warrior who goes into battle in chain mail and with a sword at the ready. But the essence of war remains the same at all times: people go to defend their homeland, risking their lives. Women who believe in the power of prayers and the ability of objects to influence a person’s destiny and now use these ancient techniques to make amulets for soldiers with their own hands. If any means are good in war, then why not turn to the ancient magical art?

How to make your own amulet for your beloved soldier: strong protective prayers and conspiracies

Therefore, many of them are helped morally by faith in the support of forces beyond our understanding that will help them avoid injury and death. One way or another, history knows many cases when faith led people to victory, and amulets provided invaluable assistance in maintaining morale.

From time immemorial, women tried their best to support their men going to the front. After all, it was they who the soldiers went to protect, with a sincere belief that they were doing the right and worthy thing. In this situation, many rituals, traditions of making amulets, etc. arose.

Soldier's amulets

People who go to war are most often given amulets in the form of birds or angels. They can be made in different techniques - figurine, doll, embroidery or amulet, as well as from various natural materials. Such amulets symbolize the protection of divine forces, the victory of life over death and peace over war.

Egg dolls are also often used. Their distinctive feature– the ability to remember and perform prayers. Such amulets can protect against injuries and promote their rapid healing.

In the culture of the ancient Slavs, to protect soldiers, an ornament such as the Valkyrie was actively used - a talisman that called upon the entire strength of its family to protect its wearer. The Slavs believed that representatives of the clan came to protect their descendants from death and serious injury. This pattern is embroidered on clothing or burned onto a wooden object. Just don’t wear the Valkyrie with a cross - these signs conflict with each other.

If we talk about the properties of stones, then red or orange carnelian is suitable for soldiers, known for its ability to protect and heal wounds. It is often used in situations involving increased risk to life and health. Stones can be used as an amulet, sewn into clothing, or simply carried with you.

To make a soldier's amulet, the following text is often used:

“Save me, Lord, from all harm,

I will return home alive, and I will bring victory with me.”

This text is written on a blank sheet of paper with a red pen. When writing, the soldier must repeat these words to himself, trying to tune in to a successful and safe battle for himself. This method helps many to gain faith in their own strengths and the support of divine forces.

Another powerful amulet is the empty bullet or cartridge case, which soldiers often wear around their necks like a talisman. This custom appeared for a reason. Since ancient times, soldiers have believed that the bullet is afraid of the bullet, and this talisman can protect them from dangerous injury.

Spells for soldiers and talismans

When making a talisman for a soldier with your own hands, prayers and incantations are often said over them, which should change the energy of the object and give it magical and protective properties. To enchant an object, it is better to choose night time. The house should be quiet and calm, and the speaker’s mood should be peaceful and confident.

Conspiracy to save a soldier

Such a conspiracy is used for baptized soldiers in combination with pectoral cross. It is designed to protect against death and serious injury. The words must be read with a lit candle, and then a drop of wax on the back of the cross.

“May the servant of God (name) preserve the sacred cross and protect him on all sides from any misfortune.

The servant of God (name) will put on the cross, and will be protected from enemy bullets, and from wounds, and from mutilation.

Christ himself will rise to the defense of the glorious warrior (name), and with him the holy trinity and all the angels and archangels that are in heaven.

They will save him from the fire, pull him out of the water, and return him home safe and sound.

For in holy baptism and for the glory of God the servant of God (name) goes to war, and not for the sake of glory or wealth.

Give, O Lord, strength and agility to the body, and faith and courage to the soul, so that the servant of God (name) can walk without fear and crush his enemies.

Bless this amulet, give the go-ahead for battle, in the name of peace and justice, and for the lives of loved ones.”

Protective soldier's plot

“Far beyond the seas, beyond foreign shores, there lives a girl

Read this powerful protective plot for a soldier to save your loved one in war.

beautiful. When she looks in the mirror, she couldn’t be happier, but whoever looks at her immediately loses her head. But the beauty has magical powers. She keeps all the bullets in one hand, hides the cannonballs in the other, and all the armor falls at her feet. Help us, beautiful maiden, avert trouble! Take away all the enemy's weapons, all the terrible bullets, all the strong armor. Bury it in the ground, drown it in the sea, and burn it in fire. Let mother earth hide them, and let the wave and the sharp tongues of flame destroy them. And all our soldiers will return from the war unharmed, and our (name) will come home, return with victory, and even stay for good. Heavenly power will protect him from all harm. Let these words fly over the seas, over the shores, right to where the warriors fight. Let them shield their relatives and friends, sons and husbands, and my (name) with them. Neither a bullet, nor fire, nor water can reach him. And the road will lead you home and return you safe and sound. Let it be so!".

Conspiracy against death in war

The text of the conspiracy is pronounced before going to bed and before leaving the house.

I leave home at dawn,

I say goodbye to my native land,

With every native wall.

You are a strong wall,

You are a strong wall,

Protect me from enemies, from bullets,

From blows from all sides,

From evil black crows.

Let the spear hit by

And I will fight back

I'll walk quietly through the forests and swamps,

No one will hear the step.

And how will I go into battle -

My courage will defeat everyone.

Protect from the evil enemy,

Yes from an evil friend

Yes, from a strict commander,

Yes, from a deep wound.

Take away all my fear

Take away all my pain.

I will be safe and sound, we will not be defeated by anyone,

I’ll return home as a hero, I’ll bow to you.

May my blood not be shed,

And my path will return home.

Let them wait for me at home,

May all prayers be given to them.

I, servant of God (name), will be a glorious warrior

Protective Christian prayer for a soldier

My merciful Lord, protector and intercessor!

Protect from intrigues and evil speeches,

From sharp arrows and enemy swords,

From betrayal of friends, deception,

From all sorts of tricks and dope.

From menacing words and dangerous deeds,

So that no one dares to offend me.

To avoid going to jail,

Yes, and you won’t perish in freedom,

So that friends are faithful.

Protect from sea waves,

What draws you to the bottom,

From the red fire

Protect from all illness and injury,

From attacks and accidental wounds,

From the witch's potion and the evil eye,

From all love spells and slander at once.

Don't let me die in vain

Let the dawn rise above me every day,

Let the sweet dream not be disturbed by trouble,

May no one ever offend me.

Let everything that has been acquired be preserved,

Good that is done will be returned with goodness,

Let the promises be kept

But the clouds do not gather over the house,

There are no showers.

May the sun warm my home every day,

Let it be cozy and calm in it,

Just as a bird does not fly in, so a thief cannot penetrate,

He will pass by, but will not look at me.

Let the angel cover me with his wing.

Let the will of the Lord be done,

Leads me through life -

Doesn't let you turn the wrong way.

Conspiracy on conscripts

Such a spell must be written by the young man’s mother before sending him to serve. The purpose of the conspiracy is for maternal love to accompany him away from home, protect him from troubles and rash actions, help him behave wisely and make the right choice in difficult situations. In the text, the mother turns to the patron saint of soldiers, John the Warrior, and puts her whole soul into a plot that her son must constantly carry with him.

“John the Warrior, great saint, I turn to you with prayer! Listen to your mother’s request, do not refuse your loving heart. Protect my son (name), wherever he goes and whatever he does. Bless us for our feats of arms, and keep us healthy and strong. So that his life develops and does not end early - protect him from troubles and misfortunes. In the name of the good and merciful Lord, our patron. Let my word turn around the world, be fulfilled and come back.”

If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

If at least one woman is reading me now who is a mother and her son has ever served, she will understand me. Nobody knows what I’m doing with them in this army of theirs, but I am a deeply religious person, not only in God, but also in all sorts of talismans. When I came to take the oath, I put it around my son’s neck. Now my son at least calls me more often. Thanks for your article, otherwise I would have sat in the dark.

I remember my mother made such a talisman for my brother when he went to serve. thank God my brother returned without injuries, wounds or injuries. I can’t say that the amulet helped, but my brother says that he feels better mentally when he puts it on. It immediately becomes warmer and easier. I think there is also psychological aspect, which is also extremely important during military operations.

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Charms for a soldier

You cannot compare a modern soldier and an ancient Slavic warrior in terms of equipment and capabilities, but human essence does not change, people are afraid of pain, suffering and death.

A warrior has to believe in miracles, luck and supernatural powers; survival depends on it. There are amazing examples in history of how amulets helped to do the impossible. Man is an aggressive creature by nature; throughout the history of his existence he has fought and been at war. Men went into battle, defending women, children and their territory from attackers. Wives and mothers tried to protect the warriors with all available methods

: they prayed, performed rituals and made amulets. Time passes, but humanity continues to fight without learning its lessons.

How to protect a warrior

Most often, amulets for a soldier are made in the shape of an angel or a bird; it can be a do-it-yourself doll, embroidery, or an amulet made of wood or leather. The angel personifies higher powers that protect the fighter, protect him from injury and misfortune. Egg pods also

suitable amulets for a soldier, their functions: protection from diseases, injuries, acceleration of the healing process. They are easy to make with your own hands, carry positive energy and “remember” prayers. Semarglov Kolovrat –

military amulet , protecting against the evil eye, death and betrayal, is worn on a leather cord. The most powerful

Slavic amulet

“Valkyrie” is an ornament that activates the power of the ancestors to protect the warrior, ward off death and protect from injury. You can buy a talisman with a sign or make it yourself - embroidery, wood burning, embossing. Important! Wearing a Valkyrie and a cross at the same time is unacceptable; it weakens both amulets and can lead to disaster. Carnelian red or orange is a magical stone that has protective and medicinal properties. The stone is assigned

following properties

: protection from dangers, accidents, premature death, natural disasters. Red carnelian protects against enemy attacks and betrayal. The stone is worn around the neck or sewn into clothing.

It’s very easy to make a personal soldier’s amulet with your own hands. You will need a blank sheet of paper and a red pen. The following text is applied to the sheet:


An empty bullet or cartridge case worn around the neck is not a fashion or a toy, but a powerful amulet. Warriors have always believed that the bullet is afraid of the bullet, hence the custom of wearing protective talisman on the chest.

Spells for soldiers and talismans

The most effective are amulets made with your own hands, strengthened with prayers and spells. The conspiracy can be pronounced in the absence of a soldier, for magical ritual It is better to choose the dark time of day; the atmosphere should be calm and friendly.

Salvation conspiracy

Applies if the soldier is baptized and wears a cross. Protects from enemies, negativity and death. The prayer is read over the candle, after which a drop of wax is attached to the back of the cross.

“Be known, servant of God (name), by the life-giving cross at your right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the entire host of enemies flee from my cross. The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorching and blinding enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's powers and terrible ones, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism. The angels of God pray for me to the Savior Christ, to save me from my enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.»

Can be read by anyone in prayer for a warrior on the front line.

“In a high chamber, a kingdom not far away, namely in the one where we live now, a beautiful maiden stands, admires herself, boasts of her outfit. Standing in the smoke, in the fumes, in full view of everyone. In the left hand there are cast iron bullets, in right hand- the cannonballs are cast iron, at her feet there is military armor. O red maiden, strong, mighty! Take away all the enemy's military armor and damask weapons, steel spears, stray bullets, guns and Turkish pikes. Take them, break them and throw them into the black sea, where the stormy waves boil and roar. Let enemy and stray bullets and Busurman spears shoot day and night into the damp earth and into vast space. And in the war I would be safe and sound, like an indestructible rock, and my clothes would be stronger than non-piercing armor, stronger than non-hardened steel. Let my words be strong and reliable, like the power of heaven. No one knows the key to my life. Neither enemies, nor adversaries, and they will never see him, and you, bullets, will never reach me.”

The text is read twice, the night before leaving for war, and when leaving the house.

I will get up early, at dawn, I will wash my face with cold water,

I wipe myself with damp earth,

I'll fall behind a stone wall.

You, my stone wall,

And I wish I could come out alive because of you, wall,

So as not to be hit by a spear,

Not stabbed with an arrow, not cut with a knife,

Not beaten with a mace, not touched with a flail,

Not powdered with gunpowder,

Not scorched by fire, not killed by a bullet,

Not noticed by the enemy

Not betrayed by a traitor,

Not beaten by the commander.

Take it for me, wall

And mother earth is cheese, my pain.

I'm going into a bloody army against adversary enemies.

Yes, I would be safe, unharmed and invincible.

You, heavy wounds, pass me by,

You, light wounds, do not destroy me,

You squeaked, you don’t make ten of me,

And if I were alive and unharmed.

I am talking to myself, the servant of God (name),

A military man going to war,

This is my strong amulet.

How strong the Lord is in His faith,

So I would be strong and safe in the war.

C'mon, that's the end of my word,

And I will protect the indestructible crown.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Christian conspiracy from enemies

It is believed that the text of the prayer has special power; it cannot be interrupted or repeated again.

Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit.

Lord, save me from all evil,

From intrigues, inventions, secret plans,

Nets, traps, poisons, swords,

Conspiracies, excuses, cunning,

From an enemy visit,

From imprisonment

From bribery and sword, from words spoken in haste,

From an enemy meeting, from a false promise,

From the flooding water, from the drowning wave,

Save me from the beast, from the fire, Lord, save me,

From the violent wind, from the ice

Save me, Lord, save me!

Save me from the evil sorcerer, Lord, save me,

From a terrible illness, from an early death in vain,

From the inverted cross

Save me, Lord, save me.

Mind you, my thought, mind you, my flesh,

Chur, my living red blood,

Chop, my wild, reckless thought.

My guardian angel, pray for my soul.

Everything I said

What, having forgotten, did not say,

Word, come to the word

And save me (name) from all evil.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer for the conscript

A way to protect a fragile man from difficult situations, envy, complaints and misfortunes. The text is written on paper by the mother's hand; prayer should always accompany the soldier. After the conscript leaves, you need to turn to John the Warrior for help, ask for health and protection.

“I will stand, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, into a clear field behind the bright sun. And in an open field, following the sun, our Lord rises with Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ our Savior. They carry the holy cross and the Gospel. And they bless the servant of God (name) from bullets, bayonets, knives, guns, and from evil servants on the long road. My mother's word is seal. Do not break, do not tear, like hot iron, strong. My work is holy and sculpted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen"

  • List item
December 17, 2017 30th lunar day – New Moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

Folk embroidery is a good example of using ornaments in everyday life. Previously, embroidery was almost the only way to decorate light outerwear, festive shirts, scarves, white canvas sundresses, hats, tablecloths, towels, curtains, wedding valances and hand-made amulets.

According to some assumptions of our ancestors, we can conclude that embroidery decorated mainly those parts of clothing through which unclean forces could penetrate the human body. This is where the main meaning of ornament and embroidery comes from - to protect, to protect. A similar protective pattern was used to embroider the hem, cuffs, collar and neckline. The fabric was considered impenetrable to evil spirits, since various protective ornaments were used in the manufacturing process. This is exactly how the amulets of the ancient Slavs were made.

For embroidering amulets, preference was given to red threads - this color was given an absolutely special meaning. However, shades were also used, for example: poppy, brick, currant, scarlet, cherry and lingonberry.

Ancient embroidery was done using counted stitches, where the threads of the fabric are counted for each stitch. The design was not transferred to the fabric, but only its size and location were outlined. The most popular and widespread stitches were “casting”, “painting” and “counted satin stitch”.

What is the essence of the amulet

The name fully corresponds to the essence and calling of any amulet - to protect and protect a person from any adversity. In other words, the amulet should protect the owner from illness, failure, damage or the evil eye. Among other things, do-it-yourself amulets for the home can protect a person from any influences on emotional sphere, on the soul or psyche. They will perfectly protect a person from love spells, severe depression, the imposition of someone else’s will and suggestions from the outside.

Therefore, magical objects became amulets, which over the course of several centuries proved that they could protect and protect people from unfriendly forces. The amulets are very diverse - they can be bracelets, patterns stylized as symbols of the patrons of the family or ancient deities, beads, decorations on trim, shutters, windows, above the gate, roof or porch of the house.

Today, the skills of our ancestors in everyday defense have been almost completely lost. The disappearance of constant reliable protection turns us into quite easy and defenseless prey for the unwanted influences of dark forces, and we are not even able to notice it. But this could have been avoided if we had, for example, made a talisman for the doll with our own hands. Then you wouldn’t have to seek help from doctors so often, complaining of headaches, general malaise, irritability, weakness or insomnia.

They always carried the “Wisher” doll-amulet with them. Having sewn a new ribbon or button to it, they asked for a wish to be granted, while making a wish in a whisper, in her ear.

The “Ten-Handed” amulet doll helped to keep up with housework, raise children, etc.

How do amulets work?

First of all, the impact of amulets is directly related to the color of a person’s aura. Thus, by putting on a talisman of the correct color, we gain the opportunity to painlessly and quickly remove energy breakdowns in the aura, which may well be dangerous to life or health.

It remains to understand which amulets can really be useful. Naturally, the most powerful are your personal amulets, passed down by inheritance: rings, rings, beads, earrings or any other thing that brings happiness. Typically, such items are more often passed down through the female line and much less often through the male line - in the form of a belt buckle or knife. If your family did not have such a practice, and therefore similar amulets for the home are not observed, then you will have to make them yourself.

In this case, let's consider the most effective and simplest remedy - protective embroidery. It is best to embroider figures that have a traditional protective meaning: the silhouette of a rooster, a dog, a fairy-tale bird with a woman’s face, a horse and flowers. These symbols have been around since the times of friendly and protective people. pagan gods. This option is especially suitable for protective appliqués and embroideries on children's clothing, since it is more convenient for the child than heavy bracelets, rings or beads.

In general, there is such a rule: a really strong amulet cannot be bought. It must be found among those things that were passed down in your family by inheritance.

However, this happens quite rarely. But any tradition needs a founder, doesn’t it? So why don’t you create a talisman yourself, so that it can then be passed on to your descendants, be they children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren?

Materials for embroidering amulet


For constant protection from damage and the evil eye, choosing cotton threads is more suitable.


Linen brings peace and works best if you use ancient patterns and symbolism, such as trees, the sun, birds and stars.


Those who have already been touched by evil will be well protected by wool, as it can close gaps in energy. It is best to perform embroidery with wool in the area of ​​the solar plexus, neck, lower abdomen, heart, in other words, where the main chakras of people are located.

Usually the silhouettes of those animals that you like are embroidered with wool, and somewhat less often - fruits and trees. It is not recommended to embroider stars and birds with woolen threads. But the sun is quite suitable, because it can protect you from darkness and cold on your life’s path.


Silk, in turn, is a great help in various difficult situations related to work and career, as it maintains clarity of thinking.

Mistakes in making amulets

You should not embroider several protective patterns of different purposes and materials on one thing. It is preferable to choose a separate item from your wardrobe for each embroidery, otherwise such a talisman will bring energetic confusion instead of the desired result.

Remember, you should not use threads of different materials in the same pattern.

It is important to take into account that protective embroidery must be smooth, without knots. Knots can break the necessary energetic connection between the embroidery and its owner, making it difficult for the smooth and correct flow of energy.

Choosing the location of protective embroidery

  • protecting the baby from troubles - the silhouette of a rooster or horse, embroidered with black or red thread; for older children, for example, schoolchildren - a violet-blue color scheme that protects against mental fatigue;
  • protection of the sphere of relationships (love) - cross-shaped and circular shapes of patterns embroidered with orange-red threads;
  • successful business management in any field of activity - golden-green or blue embroidery.

Types of ornaments

The emergence of ornament dates back to a time when the advent of writing was still far away. This is mainly confirmed by the fact that ancient man, who dug dugouts for himself, dressed in the skins of killed animals and warmed himself by the fire, necessarily decorated most household items with various ornaments. On the tools and clay vessels of people of that time, you can see the simplest patterns: wavy and straight lines, dots and diamonds.

Everyone knows that in ancient times man was a hunter. Of course, he knew that the main strength of the animals lay in their tusks - real weapons in the fight for life. The tusk itself or its cut was depicted in the form of a diamond. This sign contained power and strength. It is for this reason that ancient people painted it on surrounding objects and their own bodies.

Diamonds running over each other were a sign of good luck, fertility and successful hunting. The man asked the Earth, Sun and Sky for good luck and cast the necessary spells so that his fields would be productive. To do this, he had to repeat patterns.


  • horizontal lines symbolized the earth;
  • the points between the lines are grains thrown into the ground;
  • wavy lines - water;
  • oblique lines are a symbol of rain crossing the road to the sun.

In ancient times, masters often painted signs symbolizing the sun - solar signs. Over the millennium the sun received great amount variations of the image, among which there are various types crosses, whether with or without a circle. Some similar crosses, outlined in a circle, resemble images of a wheel, and this is not just so: people saw that the sun moved across the sky like a fiery wheel. The celestial body, or rather its eternal movement, was designated by a swastika, a hooked cross, denoting not only the sun, but also a wish for well-being. Most often it can be found on northern embroidery on shirts, towels and in swearing weaving.

Old ornaments can tell us many secrets. Unraveling the meanings of symbols, we understand that this language of symbols conveys to us the attitude of our ancestors to nature. The masters drew the necessary spells in the form of an ornament, asking nature for protection, protection and mercy, bowing before its power. After this, the people with special care selected and preserved those signs that contributed to abundance, goodness, luck and a good harvest.

Traditional symbolism used in embroidery and amulets


  • Square(less often a rhombus), divided by a cross into equal four parts (plowed field) or having dots inside (sown field) - signs of fertility and earth.
  • Wavy line- a sign of the element of water, where underground waters, “heavenly abysses” and rivers are depicted as horizontal stripes, and rain as vertical stripes.
  • Steal, aka lattice - a symbol of the element of fire. Krada is a funeral or sacrificial pyre.
  • Gromovnik, depicted as a six-pointed cross in a hexagon or circle, is a sign of thunder (Perun) - a military amulet or amulet against lightning.
  • Colocres(a cross outlined in a circle) is a symbol of the sun, a sign of closure, and scares away evil.
  • Another sign of fire - cockscomb with seven protrusions.
  • Cres(komoy or straight equilateral cross) is the sign of the god of fire Aguni.
  • Cornucopia- corresponds to the name, i.e. symbolizes wealth.
  • Month- sign of the moon. Lunar pendants were often made.
  • Yarga. Otherwise - swastika, bracelet, Kolovrat. There are different options for the outline of Yarga - the sign of the Sun, the Sun gods Khors and Dazhdbog. According to the direction of rotation, a light sign is distinguished - the sun of Yavi and a dark sign - the sun of Navi. Reveal - beneficial, creative Power; Navi is a destructive Force. According to Slavic myths, after sunset the Sun illuminated the Underground (Nav), hence the name. There are two interpretations for determining the direction of rotation of a sign; The traditional one is this: the ends of the beams are bent against the direction of rotation.
  • Tree(usually spruce) - a symbol of interconnection and long life.
  • Spiral- wisdom; if the color combination is blue-violet - secret knowledge. The strongest aversion sign for shadow entities is if the color is white, black or red.
  • Triangle- Human; especially if accompanied by dots or circles on the top side. Symbolizes communication between people.


Makosh- this is an image of a woman with her palms raised, but if her palms are down, this is Lada. They are often shown flanked by deer. These amazing goddesses are identified with the northern constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. Previously in Rus', the constellations were called Losin.

Image of the goddess Makosh

Goddess Makosh in embroidery

Living things

  • Crow- a sign of death and wisdom, Veles.
  • Serpent- a sign of wisdom, earth, Veles. Connected with the Lower World.
  • Bull- sign of Veles.
  • Bear- also a sign of Veles.
  • Tree- a sign of the Universe (World Tree), as well as a sign of fertility and life.
  • Rooster- sign of Oguni, fire.
  • Horse- sign of the Solar Gods and sign of the sun.
  • Pig- a sign of abundance and fertility.
  • Wolf- sign of Yarila.
  • Swan- a sign of winter, death, Mary.
  • Moose or deer (important) - a sign of women in labor and Goddesses of fertility.
  • Goat- a sign of fertility and fertility.
  • Eagle- sign of thunder, Perun.
  • Cuckoo- a sign of life, Alive.
  • Falcon- sign of Aguni, fire. There is a theory that the “trident” (the coat of arms of modern Ukraine and the Rurikids) is a stylized image of a flying falcon.

Color solutions for making amulets

The colors of the amulet are directly related to the protection of one specific human chakra, out of the seven existing ones.

For the one located at the very bottom, in the coccyx area, which is responsible for the musculoskeletal system, rectum and genitourinary system - red color.

Orange- ideal for the second chakra, located just below the navel and responsible for the kidneys and sexual energy.

The third (solar plexus area) is suitable yellow, as for the area where vital energy is centralized, which also controls all organs in the abdominal cavity.

The heart chakra, the fourth in a row, needs green color because it is responsible for the activities of the heart, arms, spine, lungs and emotions.

It is important to pamper the fifth - throat chakra, which is responsible for the organs of hearing, breathing, skin and throat. blue, because it is also responsible for human creativity.

For the “third eye” (sixth) zone, which deals with intellectual abilities - blue.

The seventh chakra (crown), which is the link with God and By Higher Powers - violet.

What do these colors mean?

Red - fire, heavenly fire, blood (symbol of vitality).

Black is earth.

White is associated with a sense of sacredness, light, purity (White King, White Light), while also being the color of mourning and death.

Golden - sun.

Green - life, vegetation.

The color purple is practically never found in Russian embroidery.

Blue - water, sky.

When creating amulets, certain rules must be taken into account:

  1. No one has the right to force or beg someone to make a talisman for themselves, since such things can only be made from a pure heart and of good will.
  2. You cannot make amulets for yourself. (You can only make Makosh for yourself!)
  3. The most reliable and powerful amulets are those made by blood relatives: brother, father, children or mother.
  4. By tradition, marital ties are not counted as blood ties, but if it is a harmonious marriage, then mutually created amulets will have greater power.

    It is worth noting that there is no need to invent anything here, since the most a strong talisman for spouses are wedding rings. It is desirable, of course, that they be silver, as in the old days, and not gold, as is now customary. In addition, wedding rings should not have stones or patterns, but simply smooth. Rings, unlike other magical items, lose most forces from various inserts, even if these are the most gems. Wedding rings must be worn without taking it off even before going to bed, that is, constantly.

    The protective forces are weakened even if only one of the spouses removed the ring, since they are strongly interconnected with each other. This also applies to other paired magical items.

  5. It is necessary to take seriously and carefully the selection of materials for making amulets, since there are often cases that a material suitable for you (for example, wood or stone) is absolutely not suitable for the person for whom you are creating this amulet.
  6. While you are working on creating a talisman, you should constantly think about the person for whom your talisman is being made; it is important to feel his character, energy, needs, mood and keep his image before your mind’s eye.

If you strictly follow all these rules, then it is most likely that the amulet made by your own hands will really be able to protect its owner from a considerable number of misfortunes and troubles.

Protective embroidery is still one of the most powerful protectors.

The most convenient, safe and affordable materials for creating amulets are considered to be ordinary threads: linen, wool and cotton, because embroidery has been the simplest amulets for a long time. It was traditionally made on any clothing, fabric and towel. The most important condition in protective embroidery is pattern and color. The color scheme must correspond to the part of the spectrum chosen for protection.

All that remains is to put together the type of thread, color and pattern, and then perform protective embroidery for a person close to you. Before doing this, decide why this or that amulet is needed, who it will protect and bring joy.

Tips for making embroidered amulet can be found on the forum in the topic


The life of a military man is constantly in danger, even if he is not currently participating in hostilities. Next to officers and ordinary soldiers there is always a weapon that can fire or explode at any moment.

Of course, since ancient times our warriors have strived different ways protect your life, often resorting to magic for this. What amulets for the military have become the most popular?

Even now, army recruits can see a medallion in the form of an empty cartridge or cartridge case on their necks. It turns out that this is not a tribute to fashion at all, but an old army custom. Since ancient times it has been believed that a bullet is afraid of a bullet; one can repel another with its presence.

The most powerful amulet for a person is a bullet that is removed from the wound, but the victim himself remains alive. Even during the Great Patriotic War the soldiers independently pulled out shrapnel and bullets from their wounds, after which they carried them in their pockets. They say that all owners of such amulets were able to avoid repeated injuries.

The most vulnerable places on the human body are the head and stomach (it’s not for nothing that in the old days life was called the stomach). In paganism, images—symbols of the gods—were attached to a warrior’s helmet, and the same pictures were used to decorate a belt buckle. By Orthodox traditions It was customary to sew a belt from a church with a protective psalm into a soldier’s army belt. The same belt can also be sewn along the diameter of the cap.

It is not for nothing that the Russian Army is in no hurry to abandon star symbols. From a magical point of view, a star is a pentagram that can protect a person from the interference of evil forces. And the facts show that very often during the war a bullet hit the sprocket, thereby protecting the soldier’s life.

A photograph or portrait of a beloved girl can be a saving talisman for a military man. Even in the Middle Ages, knights, going to tournaments, invariably took with them an image of their beloved. The power of love often helps you psychologically prepare yourself for the fact that you must return home.

During the Great Patriotic War, this sign also worked. The soldiers took photographs of their loved ones to the front and usually kept them in their left pocket, near their hearts. It is not uncommon for shrapnel and bullets to get stuck in this photograph. If the soldier did not have a wife or fiancee, then a photograph of his mother or sister served a protective function.

The Most Holy Theotokos, who is the mother of all Orthodox Christians, especially patronizes those who go to protect the weak. A small icon with the image of the Virgin Mary can also become a talisman for a young soldier.

In addition to photographs, warriors from ancient times took with them a lock of a loved one’s hair from home. It was also believed that a shirt with hand-embroidered embroidery could save you from death in war. loving woman. Nowadays, this tradition has changed - a mother or wife simply buys a piece of equipment and gives it to her favorite defender.

Leaving their native lands, men took a blessing from their parents, then from the oldest family member, and finally from a priest from the local church. This custom is still observed in some villages today.

The men also took a handful of their native soil with them to the front, which also served a protective function. If the soldier died anyway, then this earth was poured onto his grave in order to leave a piece of his homeland with him.