Eastern love horoscope. Rat man and Rat woman - their compatibility and relationships

29.08.2019 Computers

Male rats, as a rule, are distinguished by enormous needs in the love sphere - both spiritual and sensual. As a result, most representatives of the sign begin to lead a personal life at a young age, somewhat earlier than their classmates. Most often, their life is stormy, filled with strong experiences and emotions, including in the love sphere.

Very energetic by nature, they selflessly participate in love affairs and are in constant search of potential partners. Male rats are often known as womanizers, authoritative in personal matters. And they themselves are not averse to boasting that they know women inside and out and can always make them the right “offer.” Whether this is really so is a controversial question, however, for the most part, representatives of the sign do not complain about the lack of success. Ladies are captivated by their interest, skill
empathize and care. They don't even realize that they are becoming objects of the game.

These men like the very state of falling in love. They are emotional and tend to follow passion. When starting a love relationship, such people are looking for a “hurricane”, feelings and unforgettable impressions. Their instability leads to the fact that they can fall in love almost every day, however, they cool down as quickly as they light up.

Not alien to selfishness and greed by nature, they are capable of becoming romantic lovers who spare nothing for their beloved. In order to earn her admiration, they can buy expensive rings instead of a bouquet on duty or, without hesitation, take out a loan and take a friend to a foreign resort.

But with all the advantages of men, Rats can hardly be called ideal, with whom it would be easy to live life together, since they require 100% dedication and devotion from the partner. They are deeply hurt by the lack of reciprocal deep feelings. Disappointed in their object of adoration, they, without hesitation, go to seek consolation. And the chances that they will limit themselves to innocent flirting are not so high.

The power, tenacity and openness of Rats also manifests itself in marriage: they lead open game, are quite capable of overcoming temptation, knowing that a caring and loving wife awaits them at home.

It happens that the spouses of such men misunderstand them, and problems arise in family life. Mutual discussion of them can protect against extremes in the form of divorce. Usually, Rats are not happy about finding freedom for long; they do not become happier because of it.

If a girlfriend or wife constantly criticizes or is jealous of a representative of this sign, they will not get along together for a long time.

What kind of women do male rats like?

The potential darling of the Rat must be distinguished by intelligence and intelligence, wit and unpredictability. Men of this sign like the mysterious and unknown, so you shouldn’t “open” yourself to them right away. Let them spend more time trying to solve your riddles.

In most cases, representatives of the rat tribe choose women who are charming and sexy. Being aesthetes, no matter how they deny it, they give preference to tastefully dressed and well-groomed women.

In addition, Rats value commitment in ladies. The inability to keep the promises he makes can play a bad joke on a woman. And the ideal chosen one of such a man should be flexible. By nature, he is not averse to leading - and in Everyday life, and in bed, and he really doesn’t like meeting any resistance.

Rats are unlikely to allow their spouse (or anyone else) to limit him, because they are very independent. It is useless to try to lock them at home, and persistent requests, and even more so threats, can provoke the opposite effect. Their spouses need to have remarkable patience in order to maintain an independent character and not try to keep abreast of all the affairs of the faithful. This way they can live in peace and will not lead the male Rats to break up.

Charming, irresistible, seductive - all this can be said about the Rat woman. She has an innate charm that makes her endear herself to people without much effort. The rat is accustomed to fighting for a place in the sun. This also applies to the attention of the opposite sex. She is not ashamed of frank conversations, is not afraid of her rivals and is always confident in her victory. Rat - femme fatale, which easily conquers men's hearts. Sometimes she breaks up couples just for fun. Her resourceful mind is capable of the most sophisticated intrigues. Once you meet such a girl, you will never be able to forget her.

Since the sign of the Rat is considered strong and masculine, it endows women with the typical traits of men - iron will, determination and perseverance. Such ladies are self-sufficient and independent, but still they cannot stand loneliness. The Rat is always surrounded by gentlemen, admirers and just friends who enjoy its interesting company. She loves to give men false hopes, catch them in her nets, and then throw them away. Her seduction tactics are varied. Today she pretends to be a small defenseless mouse, and tomorrow she will become a dangerous predator.

What kind of men does a Rat woman like?

A woman of this sign is a fashionista and a socialite. She looks for her victims in crowded places, at colorful events and loud parties. Her demands on men are very high. The Rat is not interested in dull “correct” guys; it hunts those who are as frisky and confident as itself. It is not easy to tame a harmful Rat; only a smart and patient guy can do it. She loves games on nerves and all kinds of feminine things.

Despite her strong inner core and strong-willed character, a woman of this sign sometimes wants to be weak and needs a reliable man’s shoulder. The Rat is looking for a man stronger than her. Before you begin to storm this fortress, you should adequately assess your capabilities, and even better, start working on yourself today. The Rat is smart and will always appreciate a man. Many representatives of this sign do not believe in love at all, but only until they fall in love themselves.

Lover's behavior

You can’t buy such a girl with sweets and a banal compliment. Although it is not at all necessary to immediately throw the world at her feet or climb into the sky for a star. It's enough to be erudite interesting conversationalist, make friends with humor and love an active lifestyle. The Rat is not a house girl. Go out with her more often, visit theaters, museums, go on hiking trips. As for gifts, the Rat does not want expensive purchases as much as original ones. Approach the gift creatively, present it in such a way that your loved one will remember it for a long time.

How to propose to a Rat woman?

An original approach is also needed here. Wedding ring shouldn't be simple. Let it be decorated with pebbles or patterns, and the shape will be unusual. When offering your hand and heart, do not use unnecessary pressure, do not rush. The Rat values ​​its freedom. You must describe the marriage in a light that is favorable to her. Don't let her think that marrying you will be an automatic end to normal life. Rat is one of those girls who are capable of last minute escape from the crown. So don't scare her away!

Typical mistakes of men

Many guys take Rats' behavior to heart. Their sociability and relaxedness often arouse the jealousy of their gentlemen. Remember, the Rat is not intentionally trying to offend you. She needs communication with the opposite sex and even light flirting. If you want the girl to not see anyone but you, you are in the wrong place. Come to terms with her many fans and admirers, because if she loves you, she will not exchange you for the first person she meets.

The most important!

The Rat cannot stand routine and tediousness. Another weak point is her rejection of criticism. She herself is not averse to making comments to people, demonstrating a subtle tone, but she cannot be criticized! The Rat already knows its shortcomings very well and fights against them. You won't reveal anything new to her. Instead of reproaching, praise your chosen one, give her quality unusual compliment. Notice not only external attractiveness, but also personal advantages. In return, your beloved will give you gratitude and understanding.

Characteristics of a Rat woman in marriage

Family for the Rat is one of its clear life goals. Firstly, she cannot be lonely, and secondly, marriage can provide prosperity and status in society. Mature unmarried representatives of this sign can be dangerous. They can take away other people's husbands, break up relationships and families. Seeing the goal, the Rat does not disdain means. Nevertheless, in family life this woman becomes a good wife.

The Rat wife manages to do everything - build a career, shine in society, love her husband and raise children. Her apartment is clean and comfortable, despite the fact that she does not spend much time at home. Throughout the entire married life, the Rat gives the husband reasons for jealousy. You shouldn’t arrange scenes with Shakespearean passions for her; it’s better to turn it into a spicy game and thereby diversify the relationship.

The Rat Woman is the owner

Women born this year are usually excellent housewives with culinary talent. The Rat doesn't do anything special to please family members. Dishes turn out delicious from just her touch. She does not skimp on her family and spares no money on food and gifts. The Rat is convinced that her home should have all the best, because at heart she is a true aristocrat.

Rats have a well-developed maternal instinct. They dote on children. A child in such a family grows up happy and prosperous, but sometimes he complains about the lack of attention from his mother. The Rat devotes a lot of time to work and social life, so she should sometimes reconsider her values ​​and talk more with children. Such a mother is able to find mutual language with a teenager, and even more so with an adult child. She does not put pressure on him, gives him freedom of choice and does not limit his independence. Therefore, serious conflicts with her children rarely occur.

The Rat man is a purposeful, witty and energetic person. But the advantages of a representative of this sign cannot be listed. These qualities also hide shortcomings, but they are difficult to notice.

The male rat easily adapts to any conditions. No matter how severe the pain, he will never show it and will continue to walk confidently on the ground. The rat passed on all its qualities to man. And he, in turn, just needs to learn how to use it.

The Rat man instinctively senses impending troubles and is able to find a way out of a difficult situation. He gets away with it and doesn't worry about what happened.

Male Rat Personality Characteristics

A man born in the year of the rat never finds himself in a hopeless situation. If he feels that the situation is heating up, he leaves dangerous place. Those around him will never notice his excitement and fear. He always shows his dignity and demonstrates superiority over others. But they do not tolerate criticism. If someone tries to express their dissatisfaction or insult a rat man, he automatically falls into the category of enemies.

A rat man can become a good and loyal friend, but those around him must learn not to notice his shortcomings. He attracts women with his handsome appearance and cheerful disposition. But this is just a mask. Nature has endowed him with a changeable and complex character. Therefore, you should not fall under the hot hand.

Year of the Rat Characteristics of a man

A rat man always has a large circle of friends. He loves being surrounded good people. But he did not deserve authority among them. They listen to him respectfully, but always do things their own way. He’s also not going to dance to someone else’s drum. If he has made a decision, he will still do everything as he sees fit. The Rat man has the following characteristics: he is decisive and persistent, stubborn and superstitious, knows how to put in his two cents correctly and does not tolerate being ignored. He also loves to dream, he has a lot of ideas in his head and he waits for an opportunity to realize them profitably.

Male Rat Characteristics

The Rat man is able to do several things at once. He quickly completes assigned tasks and willingly takes on new ones. But it doesn't last long. He quickly burns out and starts looking for a new job.

A man in the year of the rat is capable of a lot, but his capabilities are not always appreciated. He chooses his job carefully and focuses on the material side. A rat man can easily take the boss's chair, but his subordinates do not like him. He knows how to talk empty-handed. He never keeps his promises.

The rat man is very greedy. He puts every penny in his pocket and does not like to spend his acquired wealth. But, if he liked something, he can buy it and not ask the cost of the product. He has another weakness, he is a player. In a casino, a rat man can lose all his fortune and be left without a penny.

How to win a rat man

A rat man cannot live without love. He starts relationships at an early age. His personal life is very rich and stormy. He spends boundless energy on love.

Year of the rat. Characteristic. The man is savvy in love affairs. He loves to brag about his victories on this front. He understands perfectly what kind of men the fair sex loves and how to win the affection of absolutely any lady.

A rat man is passionate in love and does not hide his feelings and emotions. Quiet, calm relationships are not interesting to this man. He wants to take everything from life and tries to choose a partner with the same worldview.

The rat man is an amorous person. He quickly breaks off old relationships and abruptly starts new ones. He doesn't know what loyalty is. Girls do not understand such a partner and are offended. In the evening he can confess his love and call him down the aisle, and in the morning he can hug another woman.

Year of the rat. A man does not remember quarrels and hysterics, he remembers only good things about his partner. But he builds the next relationship completely differently. In adulthood, the rat man makes almost no mistakes on the love front.

Rat male zodiac sign

The Rat man experiences losses and rejected advances very much. He can show aggression and take revenge if he is not understood and abandoned. Mental wounds do not give peace for a long time. Astrologers say that such a representative of the fair sex will worry and accumulate resentment, and then take it out on others. But it will take him a long time to digest what happened.

How to win the favor of a rat man

It's hard for a male rat to like you. A woman should not only be beautiful. She must be interesting and, most importantly, smart. It shouldn't be boring with her. She must understand art and music and be able to carry on a conversation on any topic. A woman vying for a rat man should not reveal all her cards to him. He is also in no hurry to open up. Everything comes gradually. It’s not worth getting into his soul. If he wants, then over time he will tell all the secrets.

The Rat man loves everything beautiful and fascinating. If the lady is wearing a blue stocking, then he will simply pass by and not pay attention to the rich inner world.

Beauties should know that the rat man loves when they listen to him and do as he advises. You need to constantly surprise your partner and create a pleasant atmosphere around him. He also absolutely loves it when people worry about him and constantly show care.

Horoscope Rat Man Career

The rat man does not like to sit in one place. He understands how people work and knows what to expect from them. rat guy suitable profession psychologist or writer. But these people also find themselves in the field of science and culture.

The Rat man easily finds a common language in any group. He will never get into trouble and express his opinion. As soon as he feels that a storm is approaching, he will leave his place and start looking for another warm place.

Horoscope. The male rat is well versed in the economic sphere. He can open any business and become a successful businessman. From a young age, he strives for independence and always earns decent money. He chooses his profession carefully and always focuses on the material component.

The rat man does not know how to stop in time. Therefore, he may find himself in an unpleasant situation. Before making a career, this man should learn not to take too much. Greed will ruin a business.

Rat according to the horoscope. Characteristic. A man born this year should not devote his life to politics. His categoricalness and courage will not always have a positive effect on his career.

The male rat was born to become a leader and lead the crowd. He can make a career quickly and in a matter of months find himself in the boss’s chair.

Rat man in love and family

The Rat man cannot be called a gentle lover and a born romantic. He hides his feelings to the last. But this does not prevent him from being the most desirable man and the ideal contender for the hand and heart of any lady.

Family is not just a word for a rat man. He looks for a wife for a long time and as soon as he finds him, he immediately forgets about his past relationship. He will do a lot for his children and his beloved wife. Father rat is mad. He spends fabulous sums on children. Children never need anything.

The rat man takes care of the lady in a special way. But don’t expect bouquets and soft toys from him. For him, these are nonsense and not practical gifts. If he gives something, he will do it in a special way and in front of others.

The wife of a rat man should accept him as he is. Ignore the unstable mood and praise constantly. The rat husband will earn money and pay attention to his family. You don’t need to ask him to babysit, he is always ready to do it.

A man born this year is an excellent lover. He demands full commitment from his soulmate and is always ready to experiment. Rat zodiac sign, a man always brings something mystical to a relationship. He will love living in a place where there are no neighbors, beautiful nature around and only his family nearby.

Eastern Horoscope - love, health, money and business...

These men are distinguished by a great need for sensual and spiritual love. This need often results in an early onset personal life. While his peers are still playing war games, he can begin his first romance. His love life is rich and very stormy with all sorts of adventures; he has a lot of energy and enough passion for this. Rich experience of communicating with the opposite sex makes him a true connoisseur of women's souls. At the same time, he succeeds in the role of the hero-lover so well that it is difficult for the weaker sex to see through him, and while they dream of great and pure love, for the Rat man this is nothing more than a game.

Aries Rat Man

They are active and charming, and can live up to the expectations of their environment. They are characterized by self-confidence and sociability. They always try to show off their erudition, which is developed through interest and openness to everything new. They know how to show their best side and always use this skill. But even here there are some distortions. For example, their innate desire to be in time everywhere often leads to the collapse of their plans, or while they are thinking about what to take on, eventually both possibilities will lose their relevance.

They are inquisitive and unceremonious in this, so sometimes they themselves harm their nervous system. It would be good for them to memorize the expression “the less you know, the better you sleep.” They can find a common language with everyone, quickly make friends and useful acquaintances. Their love sphere also flows like a fountain and is filled with random connections, in which the main thing is not to get confused. For this reason, it is difficult for these men to determine who they really need.

This man harmoniously combines assertiveness, spontaneity and dexterity. This is not exactly the kind of man who rushes headlong towards his goal, knocking down everything in his way; such a man knows how to stop in time and resolve the problem peacefully. When implementing his plans, he can take into account the interests of others only if he sees an urgent need for this. In other cases, he always does as he sees fit.

Rat Taurus Man

This is a combination of realism and charm, a talent for diplomacy and perseverance in the desire to achieve the goal. They are mobile, active and at the same time very careful in communication. These qualities make them excellent business partners. They have an amazing sense of taste, which is why many of them realize themselves in professions related to music, clothing, literature and other creative arts. His innate talent for smoothing out rough edges in communication allows him to achieve success in almost any field.

But submission is given to them with great difficulty; in life, they are generally accustomed to relying only on their own strength. These men show excellent results in the field of stock trading and banking services.

A rat can manifest itself from several sides. In the first case, if, for example, his talent was never used, then he will live, as they say, with the flow, as it happens. Then he will be interested in little except the pleasures of the sofa and tasty food. The exact opposite is when this man finds his fulfillment in business. Then he will be a person happy with life, and in the family he will become caring and loving. It follows from this that they simply need activities they enjoy, so the area of ​​self-realization needs to be given enough attention.

IN love relationships these are real romantics. They are homely and created for organizing a family. First of all, they will want to organize coziness and comfort in order to be energized after a long working day. If a woman satisfies his needs for stability, then he will become a wonderful life partner.

Gemini Rat Man

They always keep their nose to the wind, they are dexterous and intellectually developed. In general, it is difficult to find a more lively and developed interlocutor. In their communication, intuition plays an important role - their interlocutor does not yet have time to say everything, but he has already understood everything and managed to draw his own conclusions. They have amazing sensitivity and quick reactions, all this together allows them to quickly make a career in their chosen field. But there is one “but” here too. Their plans and interests change too quickly. They are quickly captivated by something new, but then they cool down just as quickly, so it is problematic for them to complete the task.

But all thanks to the desire for variety and attempts by all means to avoid monotony and routine. However, this does not mean that in order to achieve success they need to break themselves, not at all. You can divide your priorities and interests, and then start executing them in order of importance. Their love is also non-standard, and here they also tend to constantly change interests, preferring open relationships. Why delve into the essence if you can live here and now?

They are constantly busy with something that interests them at that moment. He manages to do everything, everywhere, and rejoices at the opportunity to make new acquaintances. These men are true connoisseurs of women, they love them, but it’s difficult for them to choose just one. For this reason, they very, very rarely start a family. But it is also wrong to classify them as restless and insatiable. The indecision is rather due to the constant search for a reliable and responsible woman, but the problem is that he is looking for her in the wrong places. But even if this ideal comes his way, it is not a fact that family life will be successful and cloudless.

Rat Cancer Man

The Rat man is very balanced in everything related to external manifestations. He is not a supporter of large and noisy companies, preferring leisure time within his own home, where he can do useful things. He is not attracted to new acquaintances, because they prefer friends and life partners not one-time ones, but those designed for a long and serious future. They are also not fans of changes in communication, which makes them very nervous. These are avid adherents of reliability and stability, and this is the only way they feel confident and calm.

Cancer-Rat is often focused only on himself and by nature he is distrustful. For this reason, it is difficult for strangers to understand these individuals, and these men open up only to those who have earned their trust over many years. The Rat makes Cancer calculating, and multiplied by the former’s intuition, this helps them accurately identify profitable projects and conclude profitable deals, as well as make new useful acquaintances.

Sometimes the pursuit of profit gets carried away by these men and they may not react entirely adequately to situations. For example, most often, they may feel that they are underestimated or deprived of what they actually deserve. It’s good if Cancer-Rat knows how to look at himself from the outside in time and give an impartial assessment of what is happening. Then it will become quite adequate and understandable.

In love, they do not want to be invisible and try to appear in full glory. He can be active and patient, gentle and caring, but for this he needs a woman who will fully appreciate his dedication. He is very sensitive to criticism and always tries to avoid it, because at these moments he feels defenseless. Cancer-Rat gets lost in a feeling of anxiety and becomes untypical of himself, so his chosen one needs to be gentler with him and not nag him, but rather support him and inspire confidence.

Rat Leo Man

These are very difficult people, and they are difficult even for themselves. And the thing is that there are many contradictions in it that are difficult to get along with. But it’s also possible to find a common language with yourself, if you take into account the characteristics of the Rat and Leo, and then learn to use everything correctly. Let's start with something simple and painfully primitive - Leo, as the king of beasts, strives to be at the top and from there give orders and instructions, this is his main need. The Rat is not very generous, and sometimes may not even pay his own bill. Her goals are always clear and simple, she is mobile, sometimes petty, which is the main contradiction of the signs.

This is how this person lives, depending on what prevails: just yesterday he was behind the distribution of free food to the needy, and tomorrow he will go and buy himself expensive luxury things. In principle, there is nothing terrible here, the main thing is not to allow extremes and then you can achieve at least some kind of balance. Some astrologers believe that they make excellent business partners. They really have business acumen and good intuition, the talent to make a positive impression and inspire trust.

They are active and love to be in good standing in society, the Rat-Leo is proud and self-confident. Considering that they practically cannot stand being subordinate to someone, they strive to occupy leadership positions. If their career is easy for them, they really make good bosses who are distinguished by delicacy and democracy. They can delve into other people's problems and show gentleness and understanding.

Finally, it is worth saying that, unlike women, it is much more difficult for men of this combination to achieve balance in their inner world. But all he has to do is take an impartial look at himself from the outside, correctly assess his strengths and weak sides, then life will be much simpler.

Virgo Rat Man

These men can be called sophisticated intellectuals. His mind is exploratory and he likes to analyze everything that happens around him. They always follow their own plan and never deviate from it. They calculate their plans so accurately that they can predict possible obstacles in advance and immediately think through ways to solve them. This is a walking encyclopedia and life analyst, however, on condition good education and desire for self-improvement. They can attract like-minded people to their affairs and, through common work, achieve what they want.

They are noble in their actions and are always honest with themselves and with their surroundings. -The Rat will never try to remake itself and adapt to someone. They are who they are, and if something doesn’t suit you, then that’s your problem. These are open people and they always act as masters of their words. If they made a promise, they will always keep it. They themselves are simple-minded and do not keep a stone in their bosom. In other people, intelligence and intelligence are highly valued. These are loyal and devoted friends.

In love, problems often arise regarding emotional sphere. The fact is that these men are dominated by a passion for ideal order in everything, a love of constant criticism and focusing on trivial details. In matters of everyday life, this can cause constant conflicts. They are often constrained in their feelings and instead of a couple kind words It’s easier for them to move mountains for a loved one.

Rat Libra Man

They give the Rat gloss and elegance. They can demonstrate an amazing talent for communicating with almost all people and in all situations. They strive for harmony in everything, ignoring internal restlessness and speed of action. They manage to maintain an optimal balance both in relationships and in work. They have a healthy amount of ambition that pushes Libra-Rats to achieve better life. They always manage to do everything everywhere and do their jobs very well.

Their distinctive strength is business acumen, practicality coupled with the ability to bring started projects to their logical conclusion. But for all its merits, this is not the simplest combination of signs in one person. They are, of course, lively and lively, but they constantly have to fight their laziness. One half of a person demands prosperity and peace, without trying to make any special efforts. And the rest regularly creates reasons for worry and tension where there is absolutely no need for it. Having done a huge pile of things in such a hustle and bustle, they can become exhausted and temporarily withdraw from the general flow of life. And the longer he remains in such psychological suspended animation, the more laziness and apathy will consume him.

In advanced situations, this can lead to the fact that if he wants to do something, he does not have enough strength to start it. Moreover, paradoxically, this will irritate him himself. In the absence of elaboration of this weakness, the life of Libra-Rats will be either dense or empty. As a rule, with age this character trait becomes less pronounced, but again, it all depends on the specific case and person.

Rat Scorpio Man

This is the most business Rat from all other combinations. And, what is very interesting, it is typical for her to do more than talk. She has a strong, resilient and very complex character. he just needs a reliable rear in which he will be confident, and often this rear is the family. This does not mean that it will be easy for him to create it, but he strives for this in order to feel security.

He is a born fighter who fiercely defends justice and is ready to fight to the last, and he almost always wins. Considering that they have not just a fighting spirit, but also an passion for competition, they make excellent athletes. It is in sports that they can maximize their potential in a peaceful way. Their amazing endurance, activity and willpower will have a positive impact on the result.

At first glance, everything is very simple, but what is the difficulty? And the difficulty lies in the environment of this person. But for himself it is not the easiest. They are constantly in search of extreme sports and are intractable, which can cause difficulties in their personal lives. They cannot sit quietly and calmly at home and watch TV series; they need adventures, new emotions and experiences.

In them great amount energy, which is very important to direct in a peaceful direction, so that it itself does not lead to destruction. If a person ignores his potential, he will begin to burn it from the inside. Their personal lives are never smooth and calm; periods alternate from “fabulously good” to “hellishly bad” - there is no middle ground. However, it is worth saying that if he has a family, he will do everything so that his loved ones do not need anything.

Rat Man Sagittarius

Calculating, sociable, charming, fast, charming - yes, yes, this is all about him, about the Rat man. This is the embodiment of a sharp mind and a wonderful sense of humor. He instantly finds contact with everyone, constantly appears in in the right place at the right time and always gets what is rightfully his. His charm is truly amazing, he is bright and special, kind and not at all aggressive. Of course, like any living person, he can flare up, but strictly to the point and always without anger. He is always open and everyone knows what and who he is thinking about. He cares for justice and is always ready to discuss and resolve controversial issues.

They are very energetic and short term they manage to change everything. They always work not so much for themselves, but for the benefit of all humanity. He strives for a prosperous old age, so he always has reserves in his bins. Beauty-Sagittarius has a talent for resolving the most complex conflicts, and, if possible, tries to avoid such situations altogether, seeing their possible occurrence from afar.

They like to be in the spotlight, but for a limited amount of time, because they also need to have time to work. They have a lot of acquaintances, but they do not strive to become attached to anyone, preferring relationships that do not oblige them to anything. They are also very sexy, due to their fiery potential. From time to time they can afford themselves a little extra, but at the same time, due to momentary weakness, they do not want to change their life partner. They are open and trusting, and cannot tolerate intrigue and self-interest.

Financial well-being occupies a special place in their lives, and in order to achieve this, they can simultaneously work in several jobs and not get tired at all.

Capricorn Rat Man

It is not typical for this man to fuss unless there is a good reason for it. He always strives for stability in everything. He will never get down to business without first thinking and calculating anything. Krasa is neat to the point of pedantry, but disorder can lead him to great stress.

Everything in his life is clear everywhere, both at work and at home. Predictability is acceptable to him, which gives him confidence in the future. If it occurs to him to do something, he will meticulously collect all the information for a long time, then make a clear analysis, then weigh all the pros and cons, and only then make a decision about the rationality of the undertaking. Something similar happens before he decides to let a person get closer to him or not.

He very rarely makes friends, but if he does have them, they are for life. His connections are generally long-lasting and strong. Such caution, systematicity and a penchant for analysis often lead them along the right path through life and minimize the number of errors and problems along this path.

They are very persistent and never deviate from the chosen path, charming and moderately sociable. Thanks to their innate intuition, they anticipate upcoming changes and prepare a soft feather bed in advance just in case. These men are agile, and his primary source of inspiration is work, work and more work. For the sake of growth on the career ladder, he can sacrifice a lot, including family hearth. It cannot be said that this decision is easy for him, but it is still better not to confront him with the choice of family or work, since his decision is obvious.

Aquarius Rat Man

This is the most special Rat who values ​​​​human relationships very much, and for the sake of strong friendship they can even sacrifice their plans. Equality and freedom are the credo of these people. They have a very cheerful, lively and philosophical mindset; they are interested in many things. Krasa is endowed with a wonderful, kind sense of humor; they are great dreamers and lovers of conducting various kinds of research. They, of course, have periods when their strength fades away, dissatisfaction with life and the environment arises, but this is only when they did not achieve the desired result after long work. They are rarely able to look at a situation from a third party perspective in order to understand what was the reason for the failure, so they simply immerse themselves in themselves.

But at the same time they quickly return and become the same again. They are always full of ideas and can offer a lot of the most different ways their implementation. But they themselves cannot work on projects for a long time and monotonously.

They almost always live in the future, but at the same time do not lose touch with the present. Although they strive for constant change, they always track their interest in this. If one day they decide to leave everything behind and go in search of adventure somewhere else, then it will be impossible to stop them. At the same time, they are ready to remain faithful and friendship to those who reciprocate their feelings and do not limit their freedom.

In love they are impulsive, “once and to death” - this is not about them, and the stamp in the passport will never serve as a barrier for them. They are amorous and even here they look for variety, it is almost impossible to tie him to you, he will never belong to one woman, alas.

Pisces Rat Man

This person is actively involved in both his own and public affairs, and the main thing here is to maintain a balance between one’s own and someone else’s, between the spiritual and the material. And the sooner they find this harmony and realize their talents, the sooner their lives will be filled with happiness. They are as sensitive as anyone, especially to things related to others' opinions of themselves, and are prone to getting upset and worried about this topic. We are ready to sacrifice ourselves for the good of our family and loved ones.

Rat-Pisces are sufficiently curious, responsive and value warmth in relationships. They are creative people who bring humanism and justice to the world. It is worth noting that they can devote their entire lives to one thing, the main thing is that it has a high goal. They are so concerned about others that they simply need to learn to think about themselves.

These are very romantic and selfless men in love. They do not accept scandals, clashes and rudeness in relationships. By nature, they have a peaceful disposition, so in their home they strive to create an atmosphere of calm, comfort and safety. Moreover, the condition in the house directly affects internal state these men. They can work long and hard for the benefit of their households. It is important for Pisces-Rat to organize a strong family, which will give them a sense of security and a reliable rear.

There is nothing that a Rat woman fears more than loneliness. She cannot be emotionally self-sufficient without love and support from her loved ones. She is one of those women who simply cannot do without men. It would be useless to talk to her about “male chauvinism” or try to convince her of the need to join the women’s “liberation movement.” Her interest in all things feminist is negligible.

She would prefer to live in the shadow of a man who loves her madly. As you might guess, only a legal marriage can satisfy her; quick sex and flirting will always leave her with a feeling of dissatisfaction and insecurity. Her love is meaningless if it does not lead to marriage. Unfortunately, if she has a hard time just being friends with a man, it's even harder for her to find the man she wants and settle down with him, perhaps because she sets too high a standard for him, perhaps because she scares off men with her brazen determination to catch and marry him. on yourself one of them. Her obsession with marriage can sometimes be too much of a problem.

Despite all the efforts and cunning, not all Rats women succeed in marriage; a significant number of them are hopeless spinsters. Lacking a “normal” life, these frustrated women can lock themselves in their ivory towers and lavish their love on pets - cats, dogs, birds, and even snakes, or on orphans with whom she gets along excellently as a mother, sister or just a friend. After marriage, the Rat woman clings to her husband like a life stick, refusing to think about divorce, although he may have treated her badly or deceived her. The secret motto of the Rat woman is “it is better to be in hell with a man than in heaven without him.” With her rational demeanor, she convinces herself that separation will have detrimental consequences for her children. Regardless of the atmosphere that surrounds her married life, her husband can be almost sure of her fidelity. It is only when a Rat woman has a relationship with a man of her sign that she tends to shed her usual caution and begins to flirt; this fact is mentioned but not fully explained in Chinese astrology.

But this woman does not have an easy life as a wife. If her man is someone whom she holds in very high esteem, only in this case can she turn out to be a wonderful wife. She’s just not very willing to give up her whims, thereby bringing chaos into the couple’s life. It is in marriage that the childishness of her natural character comes to an end, which can be extremely difficult for her. She also has a definite opinion on everything and refuses to budge an inch. The husband's protests will most likely not be heard, because... It’s almost impossible to talk to her!

Despite all her shortcomings, she is undoubtedly a wonderful mother. Her children can easily find understanding, sympathy and a friend in her. She respects their personality and never tries to impose her views on life or standards. She also does her best to awaken their talents and intelligence. Motherhood seems to be able to give her a better sense of satisfaction and security.

When it comes to lovemaking, the Rat woman can disappear into her lover. Sex is something that she considers completely natural and has no prejudice towards it. She is sensual, capable of giving herself body and soul in every experience, especially when she feels completely protected and trusts her man. She loves variety, but rarely takes the initiative in this direction, since her fantasies are somewhat limited in this direction. Her appetite comes with eating and with an understanding partner she can open up very much and will try very hard.

Despite her claims to the contrary, the Rat woman always secretly desires a dominant and authoritative man. She does not feel safe when she is under the auspices of a soft-spoken person - then her hidden masochistic streak cannot realize itself. It seems as if she unconsciously believes that through suffering she has a better chance of keeping him for herself. Ultimately, the Rat woman has a great need for affection. Loving and being loved is something that is as vital to her as air. Without a nurturing man and someone who values ​​her reciprocity, she would definitely be walking around in a dope, like a drug addict. After all, only through love can she realize herself and be happy.

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