Analysis of the game smart guys and smart girls. Game "Clever and smart girls" in elementary school

04.07.2019 Food and drink

Intellectual game in kindergarten for older preschoolers 5-7 years old “Clever and smart girls”

Author: Boldareva Svetlana Aleksandrovna, practical psychologist, teacher-methodologist, Preschool educational institution of a combined type No. 9 “Voskhod”, Shakhtersk.
Methodological development will be useful for teachers of preschool institutions. The game contains a variety of tasks for older children preschool age, which develop mental processes, intelligence, and independence. The main purpose of the game is to diagnose the level of children’s preparation for school.

Subject. Intellectual game for older preschoolers “Clever and Clever Girls”

- maintain interest in cognitive activities;
- develop memory, thinking, attention, communication skills;
- to cultivate in children the ability to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge, perseverance, determination, ingenuity, mutual assistance

1.Task cards
2. Musical accompaniment (“Dance Teacher”, “Fanfare” (beginning, award ceremony, Disc with musical fragments from children’s cartoons)
3. Presentation
4.Hero - Mary Poppins

Progress of the game:

Music is playing.
Early, early the sun rose,
Good morning wished everyone.
And I congratulate you children,
I wish you all a wonderful mood.
Today is an unusual day for us,
The game called - its time has come.

Music sounds, children come in.

It's time for us to get to know each other better
Heroes of the day - intellectuals,
Introduce yourself, dear friends,
We all need to get to know each other.
Presentation of the game participants

- So, we met the team of participants, and now we present to you another team - a team of a fair and objective jury that will have to make difficult, very important decisions.
Jury presentation

Music is playing. Mary Poppins flies in on an umbrella.
Mary Poppins
I will open the doors to a fairy tale,
Does everyone recognize Poppins Mary?
For both adults and children
I'm always full of ideas!
So that you can develop,
To cope with any difficulty,
I hasten to your aid,
I will invite you to the land of knowledge!
Preschoolers, pull yourself up
Everyone look at me.
Let's repeat it with me
Oaths of kind words:
We swear to be friends
CHILDREN: We swear!
And don't shed bitter tears.
CHILDREN: We swear!
Meet difficulties with a smile.
CHILDREN: We swear!
Overcome everything with courage.
CHILDREN: We swear!
Leading: So, our intellectual game is open, and we will start it with a little warm-up (Slide No. 2)

Mary Poppins
Slide 3

I will ask questions to each participant. For each correct answer, the participant receives one point.

1.Which tree is afraid of the wind? (aspen)
2.What bird is called the forest doctor? (woodpecker)
3. Who swims faster: a chicken or a duck? (duckling)
4. What day of the week is it now?
5. What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
6. How many seasons do you know? (4)
7. In what month do children go to school? (September)
8. What drink can you get from an animal? (milk)
9. Which lasts longer: a year or 12 months? (same)
10. What flower pricks your fingers? (rose)
11. What planet do we live on? (Earth)
12. What grain is pilaf made from? (rice)
13. The animal that Aibolit pulled out of the swamp? (hippopotamus)
14. What can you see in the sky in the warm season after rain? (rainbow)
15. What vegetables are needed to prepare borscht?
16. What can you see with your eyes closed? (dream)
17. At what time of year does a blizzard occur?
18. How many people pulled the turnip? (3, other animals)
19. Homemade Santa Claus. (Fridge)
20. What can you cook, but cannot eat? ( homework)

- The warm-up is over. The jury sums up the first results. We invite participants to take their seats.

Leading: Smart, cheerful and resourceful guys gathered in our hall. And the jury and our competitions will help us choose the smartest. Slide 4 (The presenter lists the competition tasks)

Mary Poppins chooses the "Fun Math" square

Leading: Guys, here is the first task - unusual fruit examples.
Assignment: You need to solve each example correctly and in the empty cells write a number corresponding to the number of fruits in the example. Slide 5

Mary Poppins collects the cards and gives them to the jury.
Leading: Dear Mary Poppins! Please help us choose the next competition on our multi-colored square.
Mary Poppins chooses the "Think - Guess" square
Slide 6

Leading: And again the task with cards. Guys, look at the picture. On the left are various objects, and on the right is a graphic representation of their parts.
Task: find a pair of an object and its graphic image and connect them with a straight line.

Leading: Our guest chooses the next square…..
Mary Poppins chooses the Mysterious World of Nature square

Leading: And... we'll have to work with the cards a little more. So, the task: determine what grows where by connecting with a straight line Slide 8

Leading: Mary Poppins! We again ask you to name the next competition.
Mary Poppins chooses the ABC of Safety square Slide 9

Leading: Guys, we ask you to come to the screen.
Children approach the screen.

You will have to answer questions that will be asked by a doctor, a traffic police inspector, and an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For the correct answer you get one point. Who will be the first to answer the question?
Children take turns answering the questions asked.
Traffic police inspector
1. The place reserved for pedestrians to walk is called...a) sidewalk; b) highway; c) street. Slide 10

2. How to cross the road correctly if there is no traffic light nearby. Slide 11

3. Which car - Volvo, Audi or Mercedes - would you agree to ride with a stranger? Slide 12

1. What to do if smoke appears in the apartment: a) wrap your face with a wet cloth and quickly leave the apartment; b) open windows and doors to allow the smoke to escape. Slide 13

2. What does a firefighter put on his face when entering a burning room, and why does he do it? Slide 14

1. A box (cabinet) in which medications available in the house are collected. (First aid kit.) Slide 15

2. With the help of which organ does a person breathe: a) the brain; b) heart; c) lungs. Slide 16

3. Training the body with cold. (Hardening.) Slide 17

The jury sums up the results of the competition, and our guest Mary Poppins names the next competition.

Mary Poppins chooses the "Fairy Paths" square
Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Then we invite you to take a walk along the fairy-tale paths.
(On the screen air balloons under the numbers. The child chooses a ball with a number.)

Slides for fairy tales Slides 18 - 27:
1. “Golden Key” – cap, alphabet, theater

2. “Sister ALENUSHKA” - hoof, kid, girl

3. “The Frog Princess” - arrow, swamp, Ivan Tsarevich

4. “Three Bears” - plate, chair, bear

5. “Masha and the Bear” - box, pies, girl

6. “The Snow Queen” - palace, sleigh, boy

7. “Thumbelina” - mole, water lily, swallow

8. “12 MONTHS” - bonfire, basket with snowdrops, stepmother and sister

9. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” - trough, net, old man.

10. “At the command of the pike” - stove, buckets, pike.

Mary Poppins: And now allow me to announce a creative competition “Show your top class!”
Children dance to the music "The Dance Master" with Mary Poppins

Leading: It will not be easy for the jury to sum up the results of this competition. You guys are all so great!
- We invite you to sit down at the tables again, and Mary Poppins name the next multi-colored square competition.

Mary Poppins chooses the “Literacy” square.
Leading: To complete this task you need to do a sound analysis of the words: cat, rooster, fox and write the first letter of the word. Slide 28

Well done, we did it

The presenter collects the cards and gives them to the jury.
Leading: Dear Mary Poppins! Please select the next competition!
Mary Poppins chooses "Find the odd one out"
Leading: Here, guys, we have the last card left. Listen to the task: you need to cross out the extra one in each group of objects.
Slide 29

The presenter collects the cards and gives them to the jury.
Mary Poppins: I am pleased to call my favorite competition “Guess the melody” and ask you all to come to me. Let's stand in one line and now a melody from your favorite songs or cartoons will sound for each of you, and you will have to name it.
So, the melody sounds for player number 6 (who is first, etc.)
Leading: Dear friends! So our meeting has come to an end. You all worked very hard, passed difficult tests with dignity, showed your knowledge and ingenuity. A word from our jury.
(The jury announces the results of the intellectual game and awards)

Elena Gavrilova

My children are getting closer and closer to their graduation and the day when the kids will go to 1st grade is getting closer. For our future schoolchildren, the complex hosted intellectual game« Smart guys and smart girls» .

A game included a variety of tasks for children of senior preschool age that diagnose and develop cognitive processes: logical thinking, intelligence, imagination, attention, speech.

Purpose of the game: diagnosing the level of preparation of children for school, identifying the level intellectual development of children of senior preschool age, their cognitive interests and positive motivation for learning.

The guys traveled to the stations where they were expected fairy-tale heroes– Mary Poppins, Mneme the Sorceress, Pinocchio, Malvina, Astrologer. At each station it was necessary to correctly complete the proposed tasks and receive maximum amount points. There were five guys on the way stations: "Perception", "Memory", "Thinking and Imagination", "Attention", "Speech". At each station, the children happily got involved in the work and demonstrated their knowledge and skills in practice. We met the guys fairy tale characters with a lot of exciting tasks and games: "Unravel the Line", "Encryption", “Find the sound its home”, "Patches", "Magic bag" and much more. At the end of the game, the children received gifts and certificates, and the younger children prepared a small concert for them.

The guys in our group took the game very seriously. We've been around for a very long time were preparing: completed tasks for attention, memory, thinking, read a lot of educational books, solved crosswords, puzzles, labyrinths, riddles. And so the game has begun! Our team of six people was called Cone - we used cutting witticisms to rub our opponent's nose in the morning. And they succeeded! The children passed all the tests at the fairytale stations with dignity and demonstrated their readiness for school. I am proud of my students and their successes. At such moments, every teacher understands that his hard work is still wonderful!

Publications on the topic:

Intellectual game “Clever and Clever” for children of the preparatory group “Native Land, Love and Know” Goal: Educational: 1. To update students’ knowledge about their small homeland - the city of Alekseevka and Belgorod region. 2. Attract.

Intellectual game “Clever and smart girls” for the development of mental processes and communication skills"Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 1 “Sun” Intellectual game.

Teacher of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution No. 6 “Vasilyok”, Surgut, Tyumen region Bonevich Tatyana Nikolaevna.

For the fourth year now, our kindergarten has been holding the intellectual game “Smart Men and Women: First Steps,” in which preparatory children take part.

The final round of the intellectual game “Smart Men and Women: First Steps” has come and gone! All participants prepared very well for the final and were.

Intellectual mini-Olympiad “Clever and Smart Girls” with presentation Scenario for holding an intellectual mini-Olympiad for preschoolers “Clever Men and Clever Girls.” Compiled by: Mironova Olga Nikolaevna. Host: Today.

Intellectual mathematics quiz “Clever and smart girls” for children of senior preschool age Intellectual mathematics quiz “Clever and Clever” for children of senior preschool age. Lyudmila Rudenko Goal: Deliver to children.

Target: ability to apply knowledge in practice, develop intelligence, memory, erudition, logical thinking in students, promote interest in studying the humanities Equipment: game tracks, cards with questions, cards with names, orders of “Wise Guys”. Participants: students in grades 8-11

Step by step description.

Preparatory stage.

    Preparation of tasks for each round. Preparing the props necessary for the game, making “Umnikov” orders. Formation of a list of participants Selecting members of the Areopagus.

Progress of the game

Organizing time.

Greetings from the presenter. Announcement of the name and rules of the game. Presentation of the judges - members of the Areopagus.

Rules of the game:

The event was developed according to the analogue of the television game “Smart Guys and Clever Girls”.

    During the qualifying round, it is necessary to select the participants of the game - agonists. Therefore, everyone who comes to the game answers the teacher’s questions, and if they answer correctly, they earn the “Clever” order. The three students who received the most orders move on to the second round and become agonists, and the remaining participants become theorists (fans). Conditions for the second round: on the green track you can make 2 mistakes, on the yellow track – 1 time, on the red track – you cannot answer incorrectly. If the participant could not answer the question, then the right to answer is transferred to the theorists (fans), the one who first raises his hand answers, if he answered correctly, he receives an order.

    The winner is the player who it will pass faster your lane with the fewest penalties

    Students who scored greatest number orders determine the right to choose a playing path. Conducted between three agonists. They are given sheets with terms in which errors were made. Agonists must find errors within a minute and correct them correctly.

Selection of agonists:

    Dimocracy - democracy
    Hippodrome - hippodrome
    Stratek - strategist
    Amphora - amphora
    Arator - speaker
    protectionism - protectionism
    tolerance - tolerance
    Kalonia - colony Questions for 1st agon:

    3. During Patriotic War 1812, it happened that Russian soldiers in the heat of battle or at night they mistakenly took prisoners, and sometimes killed their own officers. Why was this error happening?

(Most Russian officers knew the fashion of that time perfectly French and often communicated on it).

    9. In the 19th century, Moscow physician Christian Loder founded an institution of “artificial mineral waters", where visitors led a leisurely, passive lifestyle. What were the visitors to this establishment called?


    His real name translates as “forged of iron,” and his title is “Great Khan.” This conqueror said: “Fear is ahead of my army, and sabers only finish the job.” Say the name of this person.

(Genghis Khan)

    In ancient manuscripts the name “Russian Sea” is often used, since our ancestors had the largest number of ships there, but then lost it for a long time, regaining access to it only in the 18th century. What name does this body of water have now?

(Black Sea)

Questions for agon 2 - right:

1. The President of the Russian Federation is ex officio the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.


2.The Russian Federation is secular state. (Yes)

3.What term are we talking about?

The right to vote, i.e. the right of citizens to participate in elections to bodies of state power and self-government.


4.The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines Russia as:

A) federal state

B) unitary state

B) a secular state

D) clerical state

D) welfare state

(a, c, d)

5. A republic can be:

A) symmetrical

B) asymmetrical

B) presidential

D) aristocratic

D) parliamentary

(c, d)

6. The Greeks have an agora, the Novgorodians have a veche, and the Cossacks have?


7. W. Churchill called it “the worst form of government,” not counting, of course, all the others. What was he talking about?

(About democracy)

Questions for 3rd agon - numeral:

    What is the distance between Constantinople and Constantinople?

(These are the names of one city)

    The poet Simonov wrote in a poem that the battle took place

"on blue and wet

Peipus crackling ice

In six thousand seven hundred and fiftieth

from creation"

What battle was he writing about? Why was the ice “wet”? When did this battle take place? Why does the poet indicate a different date?

(We are talking about the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi. The ice was a little melted, since it was spring. April 5, 1242. The date is indicated according to the old calendar 6750-1242 = 5508 5508 + 2014 = 7522 from the Creation of the world).

Questions for 4th agon - overseas:

1.Which one is the best long river In Great Britain? (Thames)

2.Where does the English Parliament sit? (Westminster Abbey)

4.Which French king said “I am the state?” (Louis 14)

5.What does the English proverb “Time from money” mean (time is money)

6.What do they mean English word: price list (pre-list or list of prices)


Cheeseburger (cheese sandwich)

    What does “boutique” mean in French?

“muffler” (hide your nose)

“Pince-nez” (pinch your nose)

    What does the English proverb “Time out of money” mean? (time is money)

For a snack.

Residents of Moscow - Muscovites, Muscovites

What would you call the inhabitants of St. Petersburg, Tula, Arkhangelsk, Kursk, Perm?

(Petersburger, Petersburger; Tula, Tula; Arkhangelsk, Arkhangelsk; Kuryanin, Kuryanka; Permyak, Permyachka)

It is generally accepted that a happy holiday New Year came to us from Byzantium along with the Christian religion. However, in folk traditions New Year celebrations clearly have pagan roots, which means that they originated long before the Baptism of Rus'. Unfortunately, we do not have any information about how the Slavs celebrated the pre-Christian New Year.

When our ancestors adopted the European Julian calendar, the new year began to begin for them on March 1st. But it was only an official holiday, not particularly revered by the people. If in Mediterranean countries the beginning of March coincided with the beginning of agricultural work, then in Rus', and especially in the north of Rus', there was still snow on the fields at that time. Therefore, festive rituals dedicated to the day were much more popular among the people. winter solstice when “the old dies and a new sun is born.”

In 1492 (and according to other sources - in 1348) Orthodox Church, according to the decision of the Council of Nicaea, postponed the onset of the new year from March 1 to September 1. Since then, in Rus', the New Year began to be celebrated in the fall. This holiday also failed to become popular. For the peasants, the beginning of September coincided with the height of the harvest, when rest was out of the question. However, many official ceremonies were dedicated to the New Year. On the eve of the New Year, bells were rung throughout Moscow, and the next day a large crowd of people gathered on Red Square, which was congratulated by the sovereign himself.

But this tradition did not last long. Wanting to keep pace with Western countries, Peter the Great forbade Russians from celebrating the New Year in September. By special decrees of December 15 and 19, 1699, the holiday was moved to January 1, and chronology was now carried out not from the creation of the world, but from the Nativity of Christ. And if earlier ordinary people Since it was not customary to congratulate each other on the New Year, from now on it became everyone’s responsibility.

The first New Year was celebrated very noisily: on the night of December 31 to January 1, 1700, people were entertained with festive fireworks and a parade on Red Square. And after 4 years, all New Year’s celebrations were moved to St. Petersburg. Under Peter I, mass celebrations and masquerades at the Peter and Paul Fortress became especially popular. Both commoners and nobles, led by the Emperor himself, had fun at these masquerades.

As one might expect, the “winter” New Year did not immediately take root in Russia. For a long time, our ancestors tried to secretly celebrate the September New Year, but Peter fought such attempts rather harshly. He strictly ensured that by January 1, all houses were decorated with spruce, juniper or pine branches, which at that time were supposed to be decorated with nuts, fruits and even eggs. Gradually, Russians began to get used to the new holiday, and new traditions and beliefs developed among the people. For example, abundant festive table began to be considered the key to the family’s wealth for the entire coming year. IN early XIX century, champagne appeared in Russia. Soon this drink became an integral part of every New Year's table, as it remains to this day. During the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, decorations made from pine branches were gradually replaced by whole Christmas trees. The tradition of decorating spruce trees for the New Year and Christmas took root somewhere around mid-19th century. Around the same time on New Year's table the famous goose in the apples appeared.

The Soviet era became a kind of test for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Of course, now we celebrate the New Year not exactly the way our ancestors celebrated it, but still the mood is cheerful winter holiday, whose traditions have developed over centuries, lives in us to this day.

Target competition-game "Smart Men and Women": creating conditions for the development of inventive thinking, productivity, digital literacy, effective communication And creativity younger schoolchildren.

Objectives of the competition-game

  • activate children's cognitive activity;
  • contribute to the development of the ability to competently express one’s thoughts in Russian;
  • create conditions for the development of self-organization, the ability to organize one’s activities, and verbalization of knowledge;
  • promote the development of personal responsibility and communication skills when working in a team.

The competition-game “Smart Men and Women” is aimed at developing the following skills of the twenty-first century:

  • Communication skills– the ability to create conditions for effective oral, written, multimedia communication in various forms and contexts, manage it and understand it.
  • Creativity and curiosity– the ability to self-develop, apply new ideas and communicate them to other people.
  • Ability to work with information and media– ability to find, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information in different forms and different ways
  • Interpersonal interaction and cooperation– ability to work in a team and be a leader; take on different roles and responsibilities; work productively in a team; the ability to empathize; respect different opinions.
  • Ability to pose and solve problems– ability to identify, analyze and solve problems.
  • Social responsibility– the ability to act in the interests of the community.

Planned results:


  • realize yourself as part of a team (interested and active participation in a collective endeavor);
  • explain to yourself: “what I want to know” (goals, motives) and “what I learned” (results);


  • on one's own make up a plan for completing tasks, solving problems of a creative and search nature;
  • work according to a collectively drawn up plan, a common agreement.


  • assimilate initial ideas about the characteristics of various professions;
  • explain the world animals (insects, spiders, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, animals), mushrooms, plants .
  • determine your attitude to the world: prove the need for people to respect living organisms.
  • consciously follow the algorithm for performing actions in expressions with and without brackets;
  • use when calculating at the skill level, knowledge of tabular cases of multiplication of single-digit numbers and corresponding cases of division ;
  • realize themselves as native speakers;
  • highlight groups of homogeneous objects among heterogeneous ones and give names to these groups ;
  • differ statements from other proposals, drive examples of statements, determine true and false statements .

Stages competition-game

The competition-game “Smart Men and Women” is held in five stages.

  • The first stage “Warm-up” ( area of ​​general knowledge).
  • The second stage of “Literature” (philology).
  • The third stage "Dress the captain" ( career guidance).
  • The fourth stage "Sharpshooter" ( mathematics).
  • The fifth stage of “Journey around the Planet” ( the world).

Approximate duration competition-game : 45-50 minutes

Interdisciplinary connections: « The world", "Philology (Russian language)", "Mathematics and ICT".

Materials and resources required for carrying out competition-game.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, interactive whiteboard, software, Internet access, Wi-Fi, personal Macbooks And for each group of participants, a lottery drum, boxes in which items needed by people of various professions are placed.

Didactic and handout materials: cards with tasks for the lottery drum.

Participants of the competition-game: Pupils of grades 1–2 take part in the competition-game. Participants from each educational institution represent a team of five people (captain and four team members).

Jury of the competition-game: The jury is formed from teachers (educators) of participants in the competition game.

Jury tasks:

  • evaluate the activities of teams according to specially developed criteria;
  • notify participants about decisions taken;
  • take part in the awarding procedure for winners and participants.

Based on the results of five stages, the jury determines the winners and awards the teams.

Commentary for the teacher. Presentation, accompanying the course of the competition-game, consists of 17 slides.

  • 1 slide. Title
  • 2 slide. Game map. You can use hyperlinks to navigate to the selected slide.
  • 3 slide. Warm up. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • 4 slide. Read more The hyperlink opens the game in Leaningapps. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • 5 slide. Accurate shooter. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • 6 slide. Captains competition. Returns are carried out in the direction of the arrow.
  • Slide 7 Traveling around the planet. Using the hyperlink you can go to the desired slide. 1 – Forest. 2 – Desert. 3 – Ocean. 4 – Meadow. Follow the arrow to move to the final slide.
  • 8 -11 slides. The trigger system has been configured. If you click on a picture with an image of an extra animal, the picture disappears. If the answer is incorrect, the picture will sway.
  • 8 slide. Forest. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • Slide 9 Desert. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • 10 slide. Ocean. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • 11 slide. Meadow. Return to the seventh slide by following the arrow.
  • 12. slide. Splash screen (title slide).
  • Slide 13 Congratulations to the winners.
  • Slides 14-16. Sources (not shown)

Progress of the event

I. Organizational moment.

Slide 1

Presenter 1: We are starting the competition-game “Smart Men and Women.”

Presenter 2:

Presenter 1: Our competition will be judged by your mentors.

The jury takes its seats and receives the protocols.Annex 1

Presenter 2: Participating in our game...

The presenter lists the names educational institutions taking part in the game.

Presenter 2:

Answer, are you glad to be here? (Yes)
Do you have a lot of knowledge? (Yes)
Did you take your wits with you? (Yes)
Are you ready for a fair fight? (Yes)
Will a faithful friend support you along the way? (Yes)
Will you go together? (Yes)

Slide 2

Presenter 2: Girls and boys. Our competition “Smart Men and Women” consists of five stages. The first stage “Warm-up” will help you show your general knowledge, outlook, and erudition. The second stage of “Literacy” will invite young philologists. The third stage “Dress the Captain” is dedicated to different professions. Perhaps it will serve as a guide for some of you when choosing a future profession. The fourth stage, “Sharp Shooter,” takes you into the realm of mathematics. In the fifth stage, you will go on a “Journey around the Planet”.

Presenter 1:

May you have the whole game today
Success follows!
Go ahead, friends! The game is calling!
We are rooting for everyone!

II. First stage

Slide 3

Presenter 2: So, we begin the first stage “Warm-up”. Appendix 2

The lottery drum contains task cards. Representatives of each team take turns taking out a card with a task. The team deliberates and gives an answer to the question posed.

Evaluation criteria for the first stage

III. Second phase.

Slide 4

Presenter 1: Girls and boys! Before you is the task of the second stage of “Literacy”. This is a grammar puzzle. It is made up of vocabulary words. Above and below playing field letters are located. You need to choose a letter and a word that contains this letter. The team that completes the task faster wins.

(Each Macbook team

Second stage assessment criteria

IV. Third stage.

Slide 5

Presenter 2: Our third stage is “Dress the Captain”. Appendix 3

People from five different professions visited us. We put their overalls and tools in different boxes. Looks like we got something mixed up. We invite you to carefully consider the contents of your boxes and the boxes of your opponents. Find a uniform for your captain and explain what profession he represents. Be careful!

(In special boxes, tools, uniforms of a doctor, a cook, an athlete, a sailor, a builder are laid out in a chaotic order. There are items that do not belong to any of the professions listed above).

Third stage assessment criteria

V. Fourth stage. Part one.

Slide 6

The fourth stage consists of two parts.

Presenter 1: The fourth stage is “Sharp Shooter”. (Children are given worksheets. Appendix 4)

Presenter 1: We invite you to consider the first round target. Fire eight shots, fill in the blanks and fill in the missing numbers. The multiplication table will help you with this. Three minutes are given to complete the task.

(After completion of the work, forms with the completed task are given to the jury.)

Evaluation criteria for the fourth stage (1)

VI. Fourth stage. Part two.

Slide 7

Presenter 2: We suggest you check your accuracy using a second target. Shoot four arrows (choose four numbers) and score exactly 100 points in total. The one who can find more options will win.

Evaluation criteria for the fourth stage (2)

VII. Fifth stage.

Slide 8


We'll take a map of the world
Let's begin the journey
Across the seas, across the oceans,
Countries and continents.
(Author of the poem Elena Knysh)

Leading: Girls and boys. We begin our journey around the planet. Be careful because some animals get lost. Your task is to determine which of the animals ended up in someone else's habitat. Guess the riddle and you will find out where we ended up.

The house is open on all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof.
Come to the green house -
You will see miracles in it!

Children(first team) answer in unison: Forest.

Slide 9

Leading. Determine which animal should not live in the forest. If you give the correct answer, then the extra animal is sent to its habitat. If the answer is incorrect, the picture will wobble.

The slide shows a forest in which they live peacock, squirrel, magpie, hare, kangaroo, elk.

Slide 10

Leading: We continue our journey.

There are large piles of sand in it
They are called dunes,
And camels walk along them,
Stretching out like a caravan.

Children(second team) answer in unison: Desert.

The slide shows a camel against a desert background, wolf, snake, jerboa, raccoon, lizard.

Slide 11


The kingdom of fish, whales, squids,
Sea stars, jellyfish, corals.

Children(third team) answer in chorus: Ocean.

Against the background of the ocean are depicted: pike, whale, shark, cancer, Starfish, corals.

Slide 12


We walk along the carpet with you,
Nobody wove it.
He spread himself out
Lies by the blue river
And yellow, and blue, and red!

Children(fourth team) answer in chorus: Meadow.

Against the background of the meadow are depicted: a mouse, deer, bumblebee, butterfly, quail, capercaillie.

Stage 5 assessment criteria

VIII. The result of the competition-game “Clever and smart girls”.

Presenter 2: The competition is over. The jury speaks to announce the number of points and names of the winning teams.

Presentation of cups and certificates.

Intellectual game for students primary classes

"Smart guys and girls."

Compiled by primary school teacher L.L. Latypova.

Targetcompetition-game "Smart Men and Women":

    Creating conditions for the development of inventive thinking, productive activity, digital literacy, effective communication and creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

    Expand children's creative imagination, imagination, and thinking.

    Develop curiosity, independence, the ability to work in a team and be able to enjoy the successes of comrades.

    Instill interest in learning the Russian language.

Objectives of the competition-game:

    activate children's cognitive activity;

    contribute to the development of the ability to competently express one’s thoughts in Russian;

    create conditions for the development of self-organization, the ability to organize one’s activities, and verbalization of knowledge;

    promote the development of personal responsibility and communication skills when working in a team.

Equipment : class decorated balloons, posters. The classroom has 2 tables for opposing teams, a table for the presenter, on which cards with questions, props for musical breaks, cards with tasks, chips, and a presentation are laid out.

Approximate duration competition-game : 35-40 minutes

Interdisciplinary connections:“The world around us”, “Russian language”, “Mathematics”, “Reading”.

The song “What They Teach at School” plays.

Progress of the event.

Presenter . Good afternoon, dear guys and guests! We are glad to welcome you to the intellectual game “Smart Guys”! The name of this game is not accidental. It is for smart, savvy and quick-witted children.

There are fans in our hall. The team's victory also depends on them.

We remind you of the rules of behavior: DO NOT: shout, make noise, interfere, or give hints.

YOU CAN: root for the team, answer when asked, follow the results of the competition.

There is also a jury present in the hall, which will monitor the correctness of the teams’ answers and sum up the results.

I present to you the teams of participants: this is the “Pochemuchki” team and the “Znayki” team.

Each team makes a welcome presentation.

Presenter. It’s great that we are all here today!
We see the goal, and that means our road is only upward!
We have the knowledge to conquer peaks!
We are smart and clever. It's time to play!

The motto of the Pochemuchki team:

“We are inquisitive minds, We are with “you” questions.”

“Why” is a favorite question, Helps us grow.”

The motto of the Znayki team: “We love to study, we love to read, we want to know all the sciences in the world!”

Warm-up(on the board there are questions Who? What?, each team takes turns at speed and writes down words, words must be selected from cards) Which team is the first to complete the task wins the right to be the first to answer the questions of the competition.

The facilitator takes turns asking the teams a question. For each correct answer the jury awards 1 point.

1 task.

✓ Which hero of A. Tolstoy sold the alphabet and bought a ticket to the puppet theater? (Pinocchio)

✓ Who did the 11 prince brothers from the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen turn into? (Into the swans)

✓ Which hero of R. Kipling grew up in a pack of wolves? (Mowgli)

✓ Who did the ugly duckling from G.-H.’s fairy tale turn into? Andersen? (Into the swan)

2 task . Finish the word - name the most famous literary heroes.

Questions for the 1st team. "Why Chicks"

Baba-... (Yaga).

Fly Tsokotukha).

Turtle... (Tortilla).

Bee... (May).

Owl... (Bumba).

Brer Rabbit).

Sivka-... (Burka).

Questions for the 2nd team “Knowledge”

Chicken - ... (Ryaba).

Crocodile Gena).

Brownie... (Kuzya).

Postman Pechkin).

Little Red Riding Hood).

Koschei the Deathless).

Old man... (Hottabych).

3 task . Find the rhyme and name the work and author.

✓ Instead of a hat while walking, he put on... (a frying pan). (S. Ya. Marshak. “The Absent-Minded Man.”)

✓ And the watchdog came to Aibolit:

“A chicken pecked me... (on the nose.) (K.I. Chukovsky. “Aibolit.”)

✓ Here is the sage in front of Dadon

Got up and took it out of the bag

Golden... (cockerel).

(A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.”)

✓ You have wax on your neck,

Under your nose... (blot).

(K.I. Chukovsky. “Moidodyr.”)

✓ A fly went to the market

And I bought... (samovar).

(K.I. Chukovsky. “Tsokotukha Fly.”)

✓ The cat is not used to riding,

Overturned... (truck). (A. Barto)

Musical break “Guess the cartoon by the song”

Game "Birds Have Arrived". (for fans)

I will only name birds, but if I suddenly make a mistake and you hear something different, then you need to clap your hands and tell me where I made a mistake. Begin.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits

Flies and swifts...
-What is wrong? (flies)
-Who are the flies? (Insects)
-You're right. Well, let's continue:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta.
-Let's start again:

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, martens.
If the children did not pay attention to the martens, the teacher announces the score: “One zero in my favor. Martens are not birds at all.”
-Game continues:
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoos...
(Children stomp and explain)
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
Even owls are scops owls,
Swans, starlings...
-We are all great!


✓ Will it melt? snow woman what if she wears a fur coat? (No)

✓ In front of which person is the headdress always removed? (In front of the hairdresser.)

✓ Which city is the angriest? (Grozny)

✓ What is the name of a baby chicken? (Chick)

✓ How can you carry water in a sieve? (To freeze)

✓ House for money? (Wallet)

✓ Why do ducks swim? (From the shore)

✓ What do planes fly on? (Across the sky)

    She tastes everything: pine, elm, and oak. (Saw)

    What stones cannot be found in the sea? (Dry)


Each team receives a card with a word, for example: “teacher” and “doctor”. The captain of the 1st team gives his word to the representative of the 2nd team. The player of the 2nd team must, without words, using pantomime, gestures, movements, explain to his team what word was guessed. This is given 3 attempts. Then the teams change places (driver, sportsman, tailor, cleaner)

Game “Guess the fairy tale by emoticons”

IV TOUR – PUZZLES Guess the hero of the book (“Kid and Carlson”, “Cipollino”)

Competition “Say the Word” (for fans)

Guys, do you know polite words? So I'll check it now...

The boy is polite and developed, he says when we meet... (Hello).

We were very tired during the day, let’s tell everyone... ( Good night).

The old tree stump turns green when it hears... (Good afternoon).

When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (Excuse me, please).

You met a friend at lunch and told him... (Hello).

If we meet in the evening, we’ll tell him... ( Good evening).

If a girl is sick, she coughs hoarsely

And she sneezes again five times, we tell her... (Be healthy).

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... (Thank you).

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye).

V TOUR - COLLECT A PROVERB Teams are invited to collect proverbs from cut-out pictures.

Game for fans

Fairy tales ask: “And now you, friends, get to know us!”

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose -

I didn’t swallow anything and was left with my nose...

But the road is long, and the basket is not easy,

I wish I could sit on a tree stump and eat a pie...

There is no river or pond. Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water in the hoof hole!..

The red maiden is sad, she doesn't like spring,

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears!..

The mouse found a home for itself, the mouse was kind:

That house eventually became full of tenants.

What did the fairy make Cinderella's carriage from?
“And the crane keeps pecking and pecking until it has eaten everything” - what fairy tale are these words from?

What is the name of the boy who was raised by wolves in the jungle?
From what fairy tale are these words “Don’t be sad, go with God, you will have a new trough”?
Where is the death of my friend Koshchei the Immortal?


Our game has come to an end.

We did our best.

It's time to sum up

And reward the teams!

The teams are awarded.