Ancient fortune telling of princes online. Ancient Christmas fortune telling in Rus'

25.06.2019 Home and life

One of the testaments of our ancestors says: Live according to your conscience, in harmony with Nature and with yourself. Everything seems to be simple and clear. In reality, this does not always happen. Something is in the way, there is no knowledge, there is no basic understanding of the situation, there is no support and God knows what else.

The ancient online solitaire game, which we are pleased to present to you, has absorbed all the wisdom of our ancestors, all their experience, all their knowledge. This is not just a free Russian solitaire game, which, when played, will give you predictions for the near future. This is a system of knowledge, by touching which you can receive good advice and hints, warnings and messages that can help you understand the intricacies of your own life.

Unable to determine exact time when Russian solitaire was born. Moreover, some call it Russian solitaire, some call it old solitaire, and some even call it old Russian solitaire. The point is not that, the main thing is that you can resort to him at any time, in the most difficult and incomprehensible situation, and he will always help and advise you, like a thread sticking out from a ball, by pulling which you can come out into the light.

Solitaire is played automatically, with five cards each and consists of four rows. Your task is to find matches of signs. In order for the signs on the cards to match, they can be rotated by clicking on each of the cards. As soon as the values ​​match (from one to several), you should find the interpretation of the matched symbol in the table of values ​​​​given below.

Guess for free and have fun playing ancient Russian solitaire.

Ancient Russian fortune telling

Rus' has always been a country that believed in magical coincidences and non-random occurrences.

Many people want to know their future fate.

Basically, all fortune telling was divided into three groups:

Fortune telling for the future husband/wife

Fortune telling in order to find out your future fate, the fate of your newfound family

Fortune telling for children

Fortune telling for the future husband/wife

This type was especially popular and widely known among young girls, since each of them wanted to quickly meet their destiny and get married.

The girl could take one shoe off her left foot, go out into the yard and throw the shoe so that it would fly over the fence and fall behind it, not in the yard. In which direction the shoe points its nose - from there the girl should wait for her betrothed. If the shoe fell with its nose towards the door of her home, it meant that the girl would not get married for another year.

Sometimes the girls came out of the yard and said, “Bark, bark little dog!” Where the little dog barks, that’s where my betrothed lives!” After uttering these words, the girl listened carefully. Wherever the dog gives its voice after this, that’s where the future groom lives. If the dog barks loudly, then the husband will be young, if it barks dully, then the husband will be old.

At Christmas some girls took two wax candles- one was cut into small pieces and placed in a spoon, the other was lit. The spoon was held over a burning candle until the candle, cut into pieces, melted completely. Then they took the melted wax and poured it into a glass with cool water. Then they peered at the resulting figures and based on them their future.

One of the simplest methods of fortune telling was fortune telling using cereals. The girl poured any type of cereal into a jar and put hers on it left hand, saying a question, the answer to which will be “yes” or “no”. After this, the girl put her hand into the jar, took a certain amount of cereal and counted its quantity. If there were an even number of grains, this meant that the answer was “yes”; an odd number meant “no”.

Some girls sat near the window late in the evening and said, “The betrothed, drive past my window!”, and then looked out the window. If after that a cheerful company passed under the window, family life she will be successful and happy if someone sad or frowning passes by - on the contrary, and if after these words the window is empty, the girl should not expect a wedding this year.

Fortune telling to find out your future destiny

Straws from haystacks were very popular. The fortune tellers took turns approaching the stack and pulling out straws from it. If it turned out to be thick and long, the fortuneteller could count on a good year; if the straw was brittle, thin and short, the year would not go very well.

Fortune telling using nettles also remained one of the most important ways to find out whether evil spirits could get into the house. The man picked nettles and tore them into many small pieces, which he scattered around the house in a continuous line in the evening. If the line was broken in the morning, it meant that evil spirits were able to get into the house and harm its inhabitants.

Sometimes newlyweds resorted to fortune telling. After the wedding, the young wife was given a broom to symbolically sweep away the dust. As she did this, the bride walked around in a circle and bowed to her new family. At this time, they threw money at her and she had to sweep it away. The more money she swept, the happier and more prosperous the family will be in the future.

The day after the wedding, the newlyweds went to the source for water, taking with them relatives, matchmakers and bridesmaids. While collecting water, the young wife threw apples, coins, and poured wine. Afterwards, the wife bowed to her father-in-law, mother-in-law, and matchmakers and washed them with the collected water. Afterwards she gave the relatives a towel and received a reward. Depending on the amount of money received for this, it was found out what prosperity awaited the family in the future.

Sometimes the bride took an apple to her wedding. Returning home, she and her husband divided it and ate it. It was believed that the last one to finish the apple would be the owner and head of the house.

Fortune telling for children

Often in Rus', young married couples rely on their future children.

The girls went out to the woodpile and pulled out one log from its middle. How many knots there were on the log - how many children the young girl will have.

Some girls took apple seeds with them to the wedding and locked them in a chest after the wedding. The next morning, the girl took out an arbitrary number of seeds from the chest. How many seeds a young wife gets - how many boys there will be in her family.

Upon entering the groom's house, the newlyweds were sprinkled with rice, cotton grains and other small things, and the mother-in-law came out, dancing slightly. After the tray with grains of cotton and rice became empty, it was thrown onto the roof of the house. If he fell bottom down, the young family would soon have a girl, if he turned out to be bottom up, it was a boy.

In this article:

Before we tell you about ancient Slavic, Russian, Ukrainian and other fortune-telling, we would like to remind you that there are a number of rules and situations that do not allow fortune-telling or which must be observed when traveling to the future.

So, fortune telling on cards, water, wax, etc. should only be done with pure thoughts, treating the fortune-telling itself with respect, without neglecting its rules, without being ironic about the methods or interpretation.

Before starting the ritual, take a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and say:

“My thoughts and deeds are aimed at the benefit of all living things. I am not guilty of anything (guilty), and no one is guilty before me. Let me see what I want and find out what will help me... (I should voice what will help in solving the problem).”

Afterwards, you need to read any prayer that you like. The success of fortune telling directly depends on your mood and invested energy.

It is best to tell fortunes in the evening or at night, after sunset. Fortune telling is done in silence and, if possible, alone, since the presence of strangers or pets can scare away spirits or dispel magic, as a result you will not receive an answer to the question posed or it will be incorrect.

You should also not guess several times in a row for the same desire or question, because in the end you will hear not what actually exists, but what you want, and this is not the same thing!

Outwit Higher power You can’t, but it’s very easy to be a fool yourself. Therefore, when starting fortune telling, focus as much as possible on the process and the question to which you want to receive an answer.

The most important thing is not to be upset in case of a bad prediction, since it is not a final verdict. This is just a warning and a possible outcome of the situation, the case. All in our hands. And each of us is able to change our future for the better, especially if we not only want to, but also make every effort to do so!

Selection of candles for fortune telling

Previously, candles for fortune telling were made independently, but now it is easier for us to buy a ready-made candle. This should only be done in church; only church candles are 100% protected from otherworldly forces that will neither harm you, play tricks on you, nor deceive you. But the main thing is not this, and not even the color and shape of the candle, but how sincerely you believe in fortune telling and how pure your thoughts, intentions, and deeds are.

You need to choose the color of the candle depending on the purpose of fortune telling. White - for fortune telling about the betrothed and marriage. Questions about travel will be resolved by yellow and orange flowers. Red candles will help you make a decision. Green and blue will tell you whether your wish or something planned will come true. Black candles are rarely used in fortune telling. But the color is not as important as where the candles were purchased. Church candles endowed with positive energy with amazing power.

Candles are used in various rituals, and these are mainly ancient fortune-telling, which means they are very powerful and effective. You can find a list of such fortune-telling on our website, but in the meantime we will tell you about several more ancient fortune-telling.

Coin fortune telling

The older the coins used in the ritual, the more accurate your answers will be. But if you don’t have such coins, try to find the newest coins possible, they still don’t know how to lie.

If you often tell fortunes on coins, do not forget to clean them regularly by placing them in running water and then wiping them with a soft cloth.

Coins can be soaked in salt to cleanse them.

Under no circumstances guess church holidays and on the full moon. You still can’t tell fortunes in moments of poor health or weakness, because you exude negative energy, and coins absorb it, which has a bad effect on the result of fortune telling and the coins themselves.

Fortune telling by stones

Lithomancy is fortune telling precious stones. Gems are a good informant, easily telling about the future. At the same time, the pebbles themselves have great power, which also affects the purity and effectiveness of fortune telling.

Before starting the ritual, wash the stones in running water, thus washing away the accumulated information and energy from them. Also, take off your watch in advance, turn off your mobile phone and other electromagnetic and mechanical devices that knock stones off the right path.

An amulet made of solidite, tanzanite, rock crystal, amethyst, topaz, calcite, and obsidine helps to make the prediction even more accurate. All of the above mentioned stones influence a person’s enlightenment, endowing him with clairvoyant abilities.

Fortune telling is carried out on an empty stomach and, even more so, on a sober mind. No food and especially no alcohol!

Fortune telling by thread

You can also guess on a thread. These are very simple fortune tellings that do not require practice or agility, only the execution of clear instructions. For example, together with your friends you need to cut threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster will get married first. An unburnt thread or an extinguished thread means there is no defect.

Prophetic dream

A prophetic dream is also one of the methods of fortune telling. He can be called on Christmastide. So, on the night from Thursday to Friday, before going to bed, say the following words:

"Thursday with Wednesday,
Monday with Tuesday
Saturday with Sunday.
One Friday, just like I’m young,
I recline on the mountains of Zion,
And in my heads I have three angels:
One sees
The second one will say, The third one will point out fate. Amen"

Before going to bed, you need to mix a thimble of salt with a thimble of water and drink, saying:

“Betrothed-mummer, come and give me a drink.”

Don't forget to place a glass of water near your bed!

Card reading

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it well, focusing on the question that matters.

Fortune telling with cards is one of the most popular methods

In random order, divide the deck into three parts, removing three cards from each - one from the top, bottom, and from the middle. In total, there should be nine cards on the table, which are laid out like this: three bottom cards, three from the middle, three top cards.

Now analyze the pictures that open.

  • If all four aces fall out or a combination of two aces and two people (jacks, queens, kings) - the wish will come true
  • One ace with one people card - strained family relationships
  • Three aces with one person - to strong enemies
  • Four ladies - problems in personal life or quarrels with your significant other
  • Four kings fall for success
  • Four Jacks is hard work, a waste of time
  • One at a time: ace, king, maiden, jack and change - ordinary life without sorrows and joys
  • Small cards - failures, failure to fulfill a wish or wish

Flower fortune telling

Another ancient fortune telling is flower fortune telling. The first method is fortune telling on lilac flowers about whether the wish will come true or not. You need to make a wish, find a flower with five petals on a lilac branch. If found, the wish will come true. If there is no such flower on the selected branch, the wish will not come true. Remember that lilacs usually have flowers with four petals and before you start fortune-telling, decide whether it is worth it to end up disappointed and upset.

Another method of flower fortune telling is performed on rose hips. You need to pick a rosehip flower, make a wish and throw the flower up, and then see how it fell to the ground. If the flower falls with the receptacle up, the wish will come true, if the flower falls with the stalk down, the wish will not come true.

If you are not satisfied with either the first or second option, try the third. In the summer, step into a field of blooming sunflowers after making a wish. Take ten seeds from a sunflower. If among the seeds there is at least one empty one, then you will have to work hard to fulfill your wish. If there are more empty seeds, then the wish will not come true.

The word "pasians" means "patience" in French. Solitaire fortune telling is, as a rule, a single ritual in which there are certain rules for the layout, as well as a certain goal. Upon achieving this goal, a prediction of the future is made or an answer to the question posed is given. In such situations, chance and fate play a decisive role, because this is not a classical card game, where everything depends on the level of skills and intelligence!

A selection of 30 online solitaire games

In this section you will find a lot of interesting and free online solitaire fortune-telling games that can give you a prediction about love, the future, relationships, or simply give advice regarding the current situation!


Despite the French pronunciation of this word, the origin of the game itself and the fortune telling based on it still remains unclear. Some believe that its homeland is Scandinavia and was originally performed on runes.

Historian Parlet David believed that solitaire was originally played by two participants, each of whom laid out his own deck. Although all that is known for certain is that this was the favorite, and perhaps the only occupation of the prisoners of the Bastille during the time of Louis XIII.

This is interesting: According to one legend, it was Mary Stuart who played solitaire the night before her execution. There are rumors that she was promised a pardon if the situation worked out. However, what kind of deal this was and who exactly promised her freedom is unknown. Most likely, this story is nothing more than a legend!

Principles and rules of online fortune telling

Modern online solitaire- fortune telling is a type of predicting the future that uses cards with symbols. Symbolic fortune telling is very ancient: Tarot cards and even more so ordinary Playing cards arose much later. However, some types of solitaire still use a standard deck of 36 sheets.

Advice: If you wish, you can make cards yourself and carry out fortune telling in reality. In some cases, such as on New Year, Christmastide, Christmas - the predictions will be very accurate!

An important point in carrying out such fortune-telling is a correctly formulated question. Although most often solitaire is played on a specific situation in order to determine possible directions for its development.

Most popular types

Exact amount existing species Solitaire games are unknown. Roughly speaking, there are several hundred of them. These fortune tellings captivate, entertain and of course predict the future. The accuracy of their forecasts is comparable to that of any other type of fortune telling! The following layouts are best known in Russia:

  • Indian;
  • Russian;
  • Swedenborg;
  • Love;
  • For the Near Future;
  • On playing cards;

The layout of the cards in them is not complicated, and is almost entirely done by the computer. Online fortune telling is carried out both on special cards and on regular decks with 36 or 52 sheets. If you are a beginner and would like to learn the meanings of the cards, then first of all remember that:

  • Worms - symbolize feelings and emotions;
  • Clubs - professional sphere and relationships with people;
  • Diamonds - money, finance, luck and failure;
  • Spades - physical effort, power, violence;


How you feel about fortune telling is entirely your business. It is best to accept any online fortune telling, as free and harmless entertainment. Don't take them too seriously; this is just one of several ways to look into the future, but nothing more.

And finally, don’t be too upset about what the cards predict for you! Always remember that your life is in your hands. While a person is alive, he can change his destiny. The main thing here is to believe in yourself!

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Our website contains a lot of fortune telling on Cards, Runes and Tarot, which help to lift the veil over your future. Free online fortune telling - solitaire "For the Near Future" - is one of the most accurate and simple ways to find out what awaits you in the future. ...

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Whether you want it or not, fate stops you, as if slowing down the very course of life. Unexpected obstacles appear out of nowhere and even normal, routine processes take longer. All this, of course, is not without reason.

The “Anchor” symbol in fortune telling...

It is not in human nature to give up and meekly submit to fate. We have all at least once come into conflict with time, tried to push its boundaries and see what lies behind the fog of the future. Since ancient times, our ancestors, throwing dice, peering at the stars, drawing on the ground magic symbols, tried to answer the eternal question: what awaits us tomorrow? This book contains ancient, time-tested fortune telling. With their help, you can not only learn about the future, but also receive important advice, and therefore protect yourself and your loved ones from troubles and misfortunes hidden behind the veil of the future.

Unusual fortune telling of the peoples of the world


This fortune telling has been known in Europe since late XIX centuries, when a figure obtained from randomly applied dots became the answer to a question of interest to a person. It was believed that this fortune telling came to Europe from Arabia, therefore in some sources it was also called Arabic. The thing is that in the East, from ancient times, they used to guess by points that were placed at random in the sand with a sharp stick. Hence another name for this fortune telling – dotted. The Arabs themselves called their fortune telling geomancy, which meant fortune telling on the earth.

Modern man can use geomancy, placing dots randomly on paper with a pen or pencil. To do this, draw four horizontal lines so that you have four columns. Then, in each of these columns, place as many dots in random order as you want. At this time, you need to think about the issue that interests you.

Find in the table below the number of the question you are interested in and the resulting figure of zeros and draw imaginary lines from them. At the intersection of the lines you will find a letter, which, in combination with a figure of zeros, will be the answer to your question.

Geomantic questions

1. Will my wish come true?

2. Will my business be of any use?

3. Will I profit from such and such?

4. Will the news be comforting?

5. Will we ever meet so and so?

6. Will I find what is lost or stolen?

7. Is so-and-so’s friendship sincere?

8. Will I move out safely?

9. Does so-and-so love me?

10. Will the intended marriage be happy?

11. What kind of spouse will I have?

12. Will I have a son or daughter?

13. Will the patient recover?

14. What should I be afraid of?

15. Will the coming year be happy for me?

16. What does this dream mean?

Geomantic table

Answers on questions

Antique Chinese fortune telling

Dominoes first appeared in China and India around the 12th century BC. e. However, in those distant times, multi-colored plates, the color of which indicated their rank, were not used for entertainment. Apparently, they were used during various rituals, as well as for fortune telling. It should be said that there were no dummy in Chinese dominoes: this is a later invention (by the way, the dummy in dominoes is the equivalent of the “Fool” card in the Tarot). Each bone had its own name, for example, “galloping gazelle.” There is an opinion that when dominoes fall apart, a person thereby reproduces the structure of the cosmos and establishes the rules of orientation in the Universe. It is quite possible that dominoes, similar to dice, arose as an alternative to dice, which were used exclusively for the game, which means it was impossible to guess with their help - it was considered dangerous. Then Dominoes came to Italy and then to France. The French brought dominoes to England. Gradually, the bones became two-colored, and pacifiers began to appear in the set. According to one version, the very name of the domino seeds was invented by the monks and it came from “Dominus vobiscum” - “May the Lord be with us” (so Catholic priests addressed their congregation before Mass). According to another version, domino got its name thanks to the Dominican monks who wore white cloaks with black hoods.

In India and Korea, dominoes are still a very popular way of predicting the future, and some Indian and Chinese games combine both fortune telling and play. There is even a belief that some tiles bring good luck in any case, even if the player loses the game during which they fell to him. In China, dominoes, like dice, have red and black points. A set of Chinese dominoes consists of 32 tiles: 11 identical pairs and 10 unpaired ones, but, as mentioned above, it does not have empty tiles.

When planning to tell fortunes using dominoes, wait until evening and try to create a calm environment around you: no one should disturb you, you should not be distracted by anything. Dominoes - new and always black - should be laid out on a smooth, flat surface so that they can be easily moved. But, when starting to tell fortunes, remember, if you get a blank - blank, then you can’t tell fortunes on that day. In addition, you cannot tell fortunes with dominoes more than once a week, and it is forbidden to ask the same question twice during one fortune-telling, otherwise the spirits will definitely deceive you.

So, what kind of domino fortune telling are there?

Answer to your question

Place it on the table front side down all the bones and mix them well. Ask yourself a question that interests you, and then choose three at random - this will be your prediction. There are several ways to select dominoes. You can take out three bones at once, you can take out one at a time, mixing the remaining ones after each time, or take one bone first, look at its value, put it back, and then take another (in this case, if you have two, and even more so three pulled out the same bone several times, this promises you speedy execution predictions).

Seven Veils

Place the dominoes face down (the side with the dots) on the table and use your left hand to pull out one domino after another. Taking one, look at its value, then put it back and, after shuffling the dominoes, take another. In this fortune telling, you can draw no more than seven seeds.

The meanings of the seeds

Six – six- the best die in the set, its loss foreshadows success in all endeavors and absolute, boundless happiness.

Six – five– a close friend or benefactor. The bone advises you to be patient and at the same time persistent. She says that the good deed you have done will not go unnoticed and will definitely bring you recognition and respect from others.

Six – four- a quarrel, even the threat of a lawsuit that will end unhappily for you.

Six - three– you have a journey ahead that will change your life. The rest days will be happy and you will receive a gift at the end.

Six - two- soon you will meet with luck, and your life will change for the better. Maybe you will receive a gift. But remember that this bone promises good luck only to honest, noble people, so do not try to achieve your goal by weaving intrigues and building all sorts of intrigues.

Six - one- your problems will be solved, and the root cause of all your troubles will disappear, as if it never existed. This bone indicates a good friend and even a possible wedding.

Six is ​​empty- Beware of false friends and betrayal. Gossip will probably get you into serious trouble.

Five - five- portends favorable changes and success. You will probably move and be happy in a new place, or, thanks to some idea that has recently arisen in your mind, you will improve your financial situation.

Five - four– profit and luck in dealing with money, most likely unexpected. But, no matter how great the temptation, do not grab the first offer that comes your way, even if it doesn’t promise considerable benefits at first glance, remember - now is not the time for any transactions with money.

Five - three- a calm, well-organized life. You will receive good news either helpful advice from a visitor or from a boss.

Five - two- very soon a friend who is devoted to you in body and soul will have a significant impact on your life; his endurance and tolerance will serve as an example to you. In addition, this bone foreshadows the possible birth of a child.

Five - one– a beautiful novel or an interesting meeting with a new friend. But, alas, this bone of shared happiness does not promise lovers.

Five - empty– you will have to console your friend and lend him a helping hand. But be careful and think carefully before you say anything!

Four - four– happiness, entertainment, bliss and celebration – that’s what this domino promises. You will probably attend a fun party in some rich house.

Four - three– you were probably afraid of some problems or disappointments, but instead of them happiness and success await you.

Four - two- changes in life, but not very happy ones: obstacles, losses, probably even robbery. A person you know well is capable of betrayal, so beware! Perhaps in the near future you will encounter a scammer or an adventurer.

Four - one– in the near future you may have problems with money: do not forget to pay overdue debts, otherwise you will have serious troubles.

Four - empty- not very favorable news: you will probably be disappointed in love or you will have to postpone something for which you really counted on a favorable outcome. Try to resolve the quarrel and renew relationships with old friends.

Three - three– you will be overcome by negative emotions, such as, for example, jealousy; may feel unwell. You cannot exclude the possibility that you will have a rival. But don't be discouraged, you will most likely be lucky in matters related to money.

Three - two- some pleasant changes are likely, but for now you should be careful not to give in to temptation, especially in everything related to money.

Three - one– the answer to your question is “no”. Unexpected important news. Beware of strangers who may cause your misfortunes.

Three - empty– not a very good sign: you will experience unexpected difficulties both at home and at work. Jealousy.

Two - two– you will get what you have long dreamed of. This bone promises you success at work and happiness in your personal life, and predicts some kind of meeting. However, enemies will probably try to harm you.

Two is one– financial problems and likely loss of money or property. But you have good relationships with society and with old friends.

Two - empty- a good sign for those who are going on a trip to meet new friends. However, not everything can go smoothly; someone may harm you.

One one- harmony and love, to which one will be completely involved stranger. You have an important decision to make - don't hesitate.

One - empty- you will receive interesting news from a stranger or an outsider, quite possibly it will lead to possible profits, but you should not trust them too much until you check everything.

Empty - empty- This is the unluckiest bone in the set. Worst omens: negative impact on all areas of your life and activities. Exercise extreme caution in everything. According to other versions, it indicates that you should not make fortunes on this day.

Past present Future

Place the dominoes face down on the table and mix well. Then, with your left hand, pull out one seed at a time and place them, again face down, in a line in front of you. Each line should have three dominoes. Then turn over the dominoes and decipher the meaning of the dominoes. The dominoes to your left tell stories of the past; those in the middle are about the present, and those on the right are about the future.


All sixes, as a rule, promise good luck.


All A's relate to the area of ​​work and career.


All fours are associated with money issues.


All threes are associated with love relationships.


All twos refer to close friends and family.


All units refer to various trips and travels.

Empty bones

They relate directly to the fortuneteller.

So, let's assume that the first bone to fall is two - three, the second - one - five, and the third - four - empty. In this case, we can say that in the past (the first domino bone) the fortuneteller had a strong, loving family and many true friends. Now (second bone) he is forced to travel a lot: his travels are related to work. In the future (third bone) he will take his finances seriously.

Fortune telling dice

Fortune telling with dice is perhaps one of the most ancient ways of predicting the future, the first mention of which is found in Old Testament. Dice were known all over the world, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. They presumably came to Europe from Asia.

Most likely, such fortune telling is based on the ancient method of divination using astragalus (the so-called sheep vertebrae used by our ancestors to predict the future; they can be considered the predecessors of modern dice). Astragalus had four clearly visible surfaces, each of which had its own specific meaning; They were easy to throw. Such bones were popular in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome until the 10th century. n. e.

In an effort to find out the future, bones were thrown into the water, onto special tablets, etc.

Then the astragals were replaced by dice, but they were still little similar to modern ones: they were of various shapes and sizes, they sometimes had up to thirty sides. Such bones were typically made from wood, animal bones, or expensive ivory. Sometimes they were carved from stones that themselves had magical power and should also have influenced the prediction.

The invention of dice is attributed to the Indians, the Egyptians, and the Greeks. (In Ancient Greece, such dice became most widespread and were used not only for fortune telling, but also for gambling.) Then dice migrated to Ancient Rome, where they were also very popular. Although gambling was prohibited in Rome, during the Saturnalia - annual festivals in honor of the father of the Olympian gods, Saturn - citizens willingly played dice. For fortune telling in Ancient Greece, bones were used along with pebbles, tablets and beans and were dedicated to the messenger of the gods Hermes (in the Roman tradition, Mercury).

Modern dice are also made from expensive materials, but most often they are made of plastic (naturally, it would be better to purchase dice made from natural materials for fortune telling). These dice have the following markings on opposite faces: one and six, two and five, three and four.

Classic way fortune telling with dice

To tell fortunes using this method, you will need three dice. When starting fortune telling, you should remember that it should be done alone and in complete silence. It is also believed that dice are best placed on days when the weather is sunny but cold.

So, draw a circle with chalk on the table with a diameter of about thirty centimeters and throw the dice into it - either by hand, or using a special glass. If some bones are outside the circle, then they are excluded from fortune telling: their predictions are empty. A prediction is also considered inaccurate when the sum of the numbers remaining in the circle of dice is less than three. However, if the bones fall to the floor, then this is considered evidence of impending troubles: a dark streak will come in your life. If all the dice have rolled out of the circle, they should be thrown again. The dice rolling out of the circle for the second time indicate that fortune telling on this day will be empty, and advise you to postpone it until a more favorable moment - today the spirits have nothing to tell you.

If during fortune telling a certain number appears to you more than once, know that you will soon receive some important news. Dice stacked on top of each other is a rare combination, but it should also be taken into account: with such a combination, you should remain extremely careful in all matters, otherwise misfortune may occur.

Values ​​of the numbers drawn

3 – a good omen: your cherished wish will unexpectedly come true.

4 – disappointment, you will encounter troubles in the future.

5 – your wish will come true, you will receive good news from a stranger.

6 – material losses, which, however, will contribute to your spiritual self-improvement.

7 – stupid gossip will cause trouble.

8 – the upcoming action was not well thought out and can lead to troubles, it is possible that you will be treated unfairly; be careful - someone is trying to manipulate you.

9 – success, especially in love affairs; if there was a quarrel, expect a quick reconciliation.

10 – harmony in the family and, possibly, the birth of a child; successful business deal.

11 – someone is sick; imminent separation from a loved one.

12 – an important letter will arrive that requires an immediate response; do not rely only on yourself, consult with knowledgeable person, otherwise you will fail.

13 - sadness will settle in your heart for a long time, perhaps you will not be able to free yourself from it until the end of your life.

14 - soon meeting a person who will become your devoted friend is a sign that friends are always ready to help you.

15 – there will be a temptation to make an illegal transaction, to take part in fraud.

16 – a pleasant and useful journey.

17 – a guest from abroad, possibly a foreigner who will make you a profitable commercial offer.

18 is a very good sign: promotion, benefit and joy.

Fortune telling with two dice

Draw a circle with chalk about thirty centimeters in diameter on the table and throw two dice into it. In this case, the bone that is outside the circle is excluded from fortune telling.

After the dice are rolled, add up the numbers and check the list of predictions below:

3 – be careful.

4 – show wisdom and understanding.

5 – luck.

6 – definitely.

7 – believe in success and it will come.

8 – be patient.

9 – without a doubt.

10 – doubtful.

11 – all this is nonsense.

12 is an accident.

Fortune telling using one dice

Take one die, clearly state the question you are interested in and roll the die four times in a row. Each time, write down the numbers you get, but you should remember that even numbers are not taken into account in this fortune telling. To get the final prediction, you will need to add up all the odd numbers rolled at the end. For example, you got “one” and “five”, which means you need to look for the answer given at number six.

Interpretation of fortune telling results

1 – clarity of thought, poorly formulated question, perhaps some obstacles. In any case, the spirits cannot give a definite answer and advise you to roll the dice again. If you receive the same number the second time, then it is better to postpone fortune telling until a more favorable moment: today you are unlikely to receive a true prediction.

2 – sad thoughts torment you, but the reason for sadness is insignificant. Don’t take everything so personally, don’t think about problems all the time. The spirits give you advice to analyze everything that is happening, honestly admit to yourself the mistakes you have made and try to draw the appropriate conclusions. Don't get depressed, be practical, take action.

3 – moderate your ardor, since the time for active action has not yet come. Submit your desires and try to wait. Do not put pressure on others, show delicacy and understanding, this way you will more likely achieve your goal.

4 is a favorable moment for change and active action. The time has come to take control of the situation and try to achieve what you want. Show courage and determination.

5 is a good omen, promising success, prosperity and well-being. All constructive ideas will lead to success, your plans will be realized. All that remains is to congratulate you!

6 is a magnificent omen. Happiness, luck, success in everything. This is perhaps the most successful combination.

7 – you will have a chance, but know that if you don’t have time to take advantage of it, you may not be so lucky the second time. Remember, luck is fickle.

8 – now a new, successful stage has begun in your life; among other things, an improvement in your financial situation awaits you. This combination indicates success at work, promotion, all kinds of improvements in life, satisfaction of desires, and achievement of goals.

9 – an indication that now is an extremely unfavorable time for you. Alas, you are not in control of the situation. Possibly an unfortunate coincidence. The spirits advise you to hide and wait, and only when the situation begins to develop in your favor, begin to act.

10 – this combination indicates union, unification, exchange of ideas. You will get acquainted with interesting person, the influence of which on your life will be extremely favorable.

11 is a sign of coercion, violence, imprisonment, performing hard, uninteresting and low-paid work. If you are confident in yourself, go for it; If you have the slightest doubt, stop and wait a while.

12 – spirits promise you good changes. Whatever you plan now, everything will end successfully - so go for it!

13 – favorable changes. However, you can be advised not to take everything to heart, not to worry about trifles, and finally get rid of indecision. Act without deviating from your chosen path, and in the end you will find success.

14 – a combination indicating activity, passion. There is no time to wait, take action.

15 is an unfavorable combination, symbolizing a break in relationships, separation, lies. The spirits advise you to think carefully about everything and only then begin to act. You need to honestly admit your weaknesses and analyze whether your plans are realistic.

16 – changes await you ahead, and soon everything will appear in a new light.

A modern way of fortune telling with dice

This method of fortune telling was created by the American psychic Warren Freyberg. This fortune telling is no less truthful than the classic one, but it allows you to look into the future only nine days in advance.

Draw a circle with a diameter of about thirty centimeters on the table with chalk, but this time divide it into twelve equal parts, which should be numbered, starting from the upper right sector. In this case, each sector will correspond to a certain stage or area in your life.

First sector– events of the distant future.

Second sector– financial situation, financial affairs.

Third sector- journey.

Fourth sector– family life, your relationships with relatives, household management.

Fifth sector- Job.

Sixth sector- health.

Seventh sector- love and friendship relationships.

Eighth sector– failures, losses.

Ninth sector- spiritual development.

Tenth sector– business, professional relationships.

Eleventh sector- Friends.

Twelfth sector– enemies.

Try to throw the dice so that all three dice land on the circle segments. In this fortune-telling, the die that is outside the circle is picked up and thrown again. It is necessary to re-roll the dice even if two or even three of them fall into the same sector of the circle. However, if the dice that fall into the same sector of the circle show the same numbers, then there is no need to re-roll them - this means drastic changes in this area.

In this fortune telling, the number drawn indicates the number of changes that will occur in a specific area of ​​your life. For example, if the tenth sector contains a die that turns with a face marked “five” or “six,” you can expect a quick promotion. If the bone turns to the side marked “one” or “two”, be prepared to face serious problems in the near future. Markings “three” and “four” indicate minor changes that are not even worth paying attention to.

Fortune telling with needles

This is a very ancient fortune-telling that has come down to us since ancient times. To perform it, you need to take thirteen needles or pins, bend three of them, and leave ten straight. Mark your needle, which in this fortune-telling will play the same role as the form in card fortune-telling. If you wish, you can assign the needles the names of people you are interested in.

Then take the needles in your hand and pour them into the middle of a previously prepared clean sheet of white paper.

Mentally divide a sheet of paper into five parts: top, bottom, right, left and middle - and see which part of the sheet the needles hit.

Caught in top part The leaves of the needle indicate the ways through which you can change the current circumstances that fall into the lower part - those circumstances that you will have to submit to. The left side of the sheet in this fortune telling means the past, the right side means the future. Needles that fall into the middle are interpreted as a harbinger of stability, harmony, and the absence of any changes.

Once the needles are dropped onto the piece of paper, find your needle and begin your interpretation. If your the significator needle lies in the middle of the sheet, crossing with several other needles is a harbinger of a year full of worries and troubles. However, despite the fact that you will have to be as active as possible in the future, the coming year promises to be interesting. Besides, there won’t be any drastic changes in your life, so there’s no point in worrying. Although here it is necessary to pay attention to the position of other significator needles, indicating the persons of interest to you.

The position of your needle is also important: if it the ear is directed to the upper right corner of the sheet, changes will still happen, everything will turn out the way you want it, but this will happen only in a year.

If the eye of the significator needle will be directed to the lower right corner of the sheet, then the changes that will happen in the future will sadden you, but you will not be able to change anything.

If the needle the ear is directed towards the upper or lower left corner of the sheet, this means that the expected changes have either already happened or will happen very soon, however, to achieve what you want, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

If your needle does not intersect or even touch other needles, that is sure sign future loneliness. You will have to rely only on yourself, since you will not be able to count on others in the future, and all connections will turn out to be short and fragile. However, your situation will still remain stable.

If the significator needle is at the top of the sheet, you are in complete control of the situation and will become the creator of your own destiny thanks to your ability to influence the events that occur. This is an indication that everything will happen exactly the way you want it.

Here it is also important to consider the direction of the eye of the needle. If it looks in the upper right corner, then your influence will not weaken, but, most likely, will even increase. If in the lower right corner- alas, gradually your ability to influence events will come to naught.

If the eye of the significator needle points to the upper or lower left corner, the spirits thereby warn you of impending difficulties and advise you to be careful. Most likely, in order to achieve what you want, you will either have to make considerable efforts, or even commit some unseemly act. Decide in in this case to you.

If your needle falls to the bottom of the sheet, then this can be regarded as advice to rely on the will of God: you yourself are unlikely to be able to change the situation, so do not take decisive steps, but, nevertheless, try to extract the maximum benefit from the current situation or find consolation for yourself in something.

Now we should talk about the meaning straight and curved needles and their position on the sheet.

The most favorable position of the needles is when all of them - both straight and curved - are turned with their ears towards the significator needle. This means that no one around you will harm you.

If nearby needles touch yours with their ears, Pleasant surprises await you, you can completely rely on the help of your friends and be sure that success awaits you in your business.

Any needle, especially a curved one, whose point is directed towards or even crosses your needle, promises you troubles, failures, losses. The farther such a needle is from yours, the better.

The needles themselves are crooked- this is a sign of a change in views and intentions.

If all three crooked needles point away from yours, their position (past or future) no longer matters: your enemies will never achieve their goal.

Crooked needles on the left side of the sheet, pointing to the past, symbolize troubles that are left behind. However, if in this situation the point of your needle points to the left side of the sheet, this means that you cling too much to the past, cannot forget old grievances, and you yourself incite your enemies, who could have left you alone a long time ago. This situation is, first of all, an advice from the spirits to think about your own behavior, since in the current circumstances you have no one to blame but yourself.

If the crooked needle is in the right or upper part of the sheet, then this means a big trouble that awaits you in the future. In this case, the more advantageous position is when your needle is turned towards the curved needle with its eye or point. It's really bad if your needle is turned sideways towards the curve.

Straight needles with their ears directed towards the significator needle, indicate support, outside help, good luck.

If you want to get a more accurate forecast, you can draw a circle in the center of the sheet with twelve sectors diverging from it, assigning each of them the name of the month. In this case, you will be able to more accurately determine exactly when the predicted events will occur.

There is a modern version of this fortune telling: a simpler one.

Take a bowl of water and some needles of any size, but not too big. If you are interested in marriage or developing your relationship with your loved one, take one smaller needle (it will symbolize a woman) and one larger needle (it will symbolize a man).

Lubricate both needles thoroughly with some kind of fat (lard, butter, rich hand or face cream) and carefully lower them onto the surface of the water: first one, then the other.

If you want to learn about relationships with several partners or you have a rival (rival), take as many needles as the number of people you are interested in. In this case, it is best to take needles different sizes, so that it would be easier to navigate the prediction later. These needles are also lowered into the water along with your significator needle.

Needles remaining on the surface indicate people who will remain close to you and will continue to interest you. If one of these needles touches yours, a long-term strong union with this person is possible, maybe even marriage.

If two needles stick together along their entire length, this is an indication of fruitful cooperation and true friendship. If the needles diverge at their ends, and even more so if they float away from each other in different directions, then in this case we should talk about weakening ties. Drowned needles indicate people with whom you will break off all relations in the future.

If your significator needle has sunk, this means that in the future you will have other concerns, and what worries you now will seem empty and insignificant. This also indicates that you will change your environment and there will be completely different people next to you. It will begin in your life new period, and not all old connections will be preserved.

If all the needles have sunk, take them out, lubricate them again and repeat the fortune telling.

Fortune telling by letters and numbers

Write all the consonant letters of the Russian alphabet on a piece of paper and number them. After this, write the names of the days of the week, next to which put the following numbers: Sunday - 0, Monday - 1, Tuesday - 2, Wednesday - 3, Thursday - 4, Friday - 5, Saturday - 6.

Then, on another sheet of paper, write the question you are interested in and cross out all the vowels in the resulting phrase. Under the consonant letters, put numbers that correspond to the numbers of the alphabet. Multiply these numbers with each other, and divide the resulting result by seven. Relate this result to a specific day of the week and use the table below to read the answer to your question: D means “yes”, N means “no”, X means the decision is ambiguous, so it’s better to do something else for now, waiting for a more favorable time. You can guess in this way no more than once a day.

Here is another version of such fortune-telling. Number the letters in the Russian alphabet as follows: a – 1, b – 2, c – 3, d – 4, d – 5, f – 6, g – 7, h – 8, i – 9, j – 10, l – 20, m – 30, n – 40, o – 50, p – 60, p – 70, s – 80, t – 90, y – 100, f – 200, x – 300, c – 400, h – 500, w – 600, ь – 700, e – 800, yu – 900, i – 1000. As you can see, in this case letters such as ё, й, ь, ы, ъ are not taken into account. Then, using the above numbers, write the first and last name of the person you are interested in and add them together. The resulting result will become your prediction.

If you do not find the resulting number in the list below, then break it down into thousands, hundreds, tens and units and make a prediction in accordance with them. For example, we get the number 1526. Therefore, it needs to be decomposed into: 1000, 500, 20 and 6.

Meaning of numbers

1 – happiness, ambition, greed.

2 – destruction, trouble, accident.

3 – religion, fate, thought, charm.

4 – wisdom, power, laziness.

5 – happiness, courage, honor.

6 – luck, freedom, work, labor.

7 – poverty, imperfection, enemies, assassination attempt.

8 – justice, greatness, composure.

9 – love of life, peace, will, chastity, wisdom.

10 – law, perfection, reason, harmony in everything, quick happiness.

11 – crime, quarrel, discord.

12 – disbelief.

13 is a good sign.

14 – sacrifice, purification.

15 – faith, contemplation.

16 – happiness, love, family.

17 – bad deed, misfortune.

18 – firmness, steadfastness.

19 – weakness, uncertainty, indecision.

20 – severity, sadness.

21 – sympathy, friendliness.

22 – mystery, wisdom.

23 – heavenly punishment.

24 – striving for ideals.

25 – knowledge, position in society.

26 – work for the benefit of humanity.

27 – courage, bravery, strength of character.

28 – happiness in love.

29 – vanity, pettiness.

30 – fame, desire to marry a loved one.

31 – desire for good fame, virtue.

32 – virginity, innocence, wedding.

33 – nobility of the family, purity of thoughts, noble deeds.

34 – suffering, mental illness.

35 – harmony, calm, health.

36 – talent, interest in issues of the universe, striving for ideals.

37 – humility, happy family life.

38 – failure, imperfection of body and spirit, inferiority.

39 – lack of material resources or physical strength, weakness of spirit.

40 – strength of character, spiritual comfort.

41 – depression, irritability.

42 – activity, wanderlust.

43 – religiosity, clergy.

44 – energy, greatness, beauty.

45 – bondage, fatigue, lack of strength and desires.

46 – fertility.

47 – longevity, happiness.

48 – legality, court verdict.

49 – emptiness, insignificance.

50 – forgiveness, freedom. 60 – widowhood.

70 – science, knowledge, courage.

73 – love of nature, natural behavior.

75 – receptivity, compassion.

77 – forgiveness, repentance, mercy.

80 – salvation, enlightenment.

87 – faith, commitment to religion.

90 – blindness, repentance, ecstasy.

100 – politics, the ability to benefit from everything.

120 – piety, patriotism.

150 – glory, praise, honor.

200 – indecision.

300 – salvation, conviction, philosophy.

318 – good news.

350 – hope, justice.

360 – serving people.

365 is a painful journey.

400 – astrology, logic, contemplation.

409 – theology.

500 – philanthropy.

600 – luck, success, happiness.

666 – murder, hostility, rebellion.

700 – strength, power, protection.

800 – state, disaster.

900 – war, battle, bloody strife.

1000 – kindness, willpower, strength of character.

1095 – silence.

1260 – flour.

1390 – pursuit, pursuit.

Fortune telling with a crystal ball

You will need a stone ball at least 15 cm in diameter; it can be made from rock crystal or other stones that are especially sensitive to receiving information about a person: quartz, calcite, sodalite, obsidian. When telling fortunes with a crystal ball, you will have to try. Do not think that your future will be immediately shown to you in bright and clear pictures. Spirits are capricious creatures; they love only those who want to think. So, fully concentrating on the question that interests you, peer into the middle of the ball and wait until you receive an answer. You may have to spend a lot of time on such fortune-telling. If you are a beginner and do not yet know how to focus on the magical process, manage energies, then you may not succeed, but do not be discouraged - constant practice is the best guarantee of a good result.

When starting fortune telling, remember the basic rules (however, they must be followed whenever you decide to ask the spirits about your future, remember, for example, fortune telling by dominoes?). Fortune telling should be done in a quiet, dark room; place candles on both sides of the ball. Having clearly formulated the question, peer into the ball, completely clearing your consciousness of extraneous thoughts, and when mental images begin to come to you, immediately write them down. It is most convenient to carry out this fortune-telling together - first your partner asks his question, then you concentrate and answer out loud when the solution “comes” to your mind, and he writes down your answer. Further, everything is the other way around.

Three stones of fate

The next fortune telling came to us from Britain - it was once used by the ancient Druids, powerful Celtic priests. You will need three stones of approximately the same size, without a setting. The first stone, symbolizing midnight and the unknown, is black (it can be obsidian, jet, shungite). The second, symbolizing twilight and the feminine, is silver, iridescent or blue color(hematite, Moonstone, pearls, mother of pearl, turquoise, sodalite, aquamarine, etc.). The third stone is a symbol of dawn and masculinity - yellow or golden in color (for example, pyrite, amber, citrine). Fortune telling requires a fairly large, flat surface - preferably a table covered with a white tablecloth. Formulate the question that worries you most. Just remember that there must be a clear answer to this question: “yes” or “no”. This fortune telling does not involve long “conversations”. Throw the stones without looking, then pay attention to their location. The black stone denotes the future of the fortuneteller. If there is a yellow stone closer to it, then the answer is positive, if it is silver, the answer is negative. When the stones are located at approximately the same distance, throw them again - and so on until the first clear answer. Don’t be cunning, don’t try to outsmart yourself and thereby get the desired answer. You will not deceive the spirits and the future, and if you begin to lie to yourself, then you yourself will ruin your life by not taking any action in time. Therefore, the first clear answer is your prediction. You can only ask the same question once a day.

Fortune-telling stones will receive additional magical energy if you go into the forest and tell fortunes at the foot of a tree that catches your fancy. (We have already talked about some trees and their magical properties, so your knowledge will now help you know your own future.)

Fortune telling with a stone pendulum

For this simple fortune telling you will need a crystal of rock crystal, quartz, calcite, amethyst or obsidian. It can be either a crystal pointed on one or both sides, or a pendant with an elongated, oval, tapering shape - the pendulum should seem to point downwards. Instead of a separate stone, you can use silver or Golden ring with a stone. Tie it to a red thread approximately 20–30 cm long. Fortune telling is best done while sitting at a table. Take the end of the thread with your dominant hand (if you are right-handed - right, left-handed - left) with your thumb and forefinger, forming a “ring” with them, point the other three fingers down and support the hand holding the pendulum with your other hand so as not to accidentally push it, because in this case there is no need to talk about the veracity of fortune telling. You must sit absolutely still. Focus on your question and watch the movement of the pendulum over the table. Movement back and forth relative to you indicates a positive response; movements from side to side, as if drawing an invisible line across your body, is a negative answer. Circling clockwise is an uncertain situation, but it is more likely a “yes” than a “no”. Circling counterclockwise - the pendulum does not know what to answer you, but is inclined towards “no”, or simply does not want to work.

Rainbow of Wishes

For this fortune telling you will need a lot of pebbles - one of each of the colors listed below. These can be crystals (processed or not), pendants, keychains, etc. So, you should have:

One colorless gem (for example, zircon, rock crystal);

One sky blue (aquamarine, topaz, sodalite);

One bright blue (turquoise, amazonite, azurite);

One purple (amethyst, charoite);

One green (malachite, serpentine, chrysoprase, jade);

One pink (rhodonite, rose quartz);

One dark red (garnet, hyacinth, bull's eye);

One yellow (calcite, selenite, amber);

One black (obsidian, jet, hematite).

Completely alone, enter a room in which there is twilight, lay a white tablecloth on the table, light a white candle and begin fortune-telling. Scatter stones around the candle in a random order. Now close your eyes and try to completely calm down and free yourself from extraneous thoughts and experiences. After a few minutes, open your eyes and see which of the pebbles will be the first to sparkle the brightest in the light of the candle (that catches your eye). The color of this stone will serve as a prediction for you.

Colorless transparent The stone promises happiness and success in all endeavors. Pink the gem means that you will soon meet someone you have long dreamed of and experience a passionate romance. Dark red the stone promises a quick wedding with your chosen one or chosen one. Yellow the stone warns that your lover may cheat on you. Bright blue the stone speaks of unexpected opportunities that will open up before you, of changes in business and career. Blue the gem promises good luck in the most important undertaking for you. Black the stone warns that you need to be careful, otherwise unpleasant surprises or misfortunes await you in the near future. Violet means that any spark of discontent or rash act can easily cause a major quarrel with loved ones or colleagues. well and green The stone is the best prediction, promising you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires.

Shamanic divination on six stones

For this fortune telling, you will need a stone of natural origin, no larger than the phalanx of your finger.

Divide a sheet of paper with three intersecting lines into six equal sectors, which are numbered clockwise from one to six, starting from the upper right sector. Then throw a stone onto the leaf from a small height, determining the area on which it fell - this will become your prediction.


1 is a very favorable sign. Spirits will come to the rescue, enemies will be put to shame. The trip will be successful, and the marriage will be happy and rich. Victory in any competition. The illness will be cured quickly. The stolen items will soon be found. The spirits will show their favor. The desired will come true.

2 – neither shaky nor shaky. An unfavorable meeting with an enemy or participation in a dispute. This is not a good time to put a new idea into practice. You can't count on a quick recovery. The loss will not be found.

3 – all your wishes will certainly come true. Victory over enemies. Prosperity, growth of material wealth. A quick reconciliation. The illness will be minor. Stolen or lost items will be found.

4 – loss of things and money. Many worries. Serious illness. A big concern about theft is that the missing items will not be found. You are unlikely to be able to bring your plans to life; too many difficulties will stand in your way. Dangerous time to move.

5 is a bad sign in any respect. The threat of a fatal disease. A marriage may end in divorce. Travel is highly discouraged. There will be no loss.

6 – abundance in everything. The marriage will be happy. In case of illness, speedy recovery. Victory in the dispute. Good time to move.

Shamanic divination on beads

For this fortune telling, you can use beads made of any stone, but always with a clasp or pendant. When starting fortune telling, close your eyes and, holding the thread in your hands, move the beads with your fingers until you feel that it is worth stopping at one of them.

As you move toward the clasp, count out the beads by six at a time. In the last segment there will be from one to six beads left. Your prediction will depend on this figure.


One bead left. Auspicious sign. Spirits are ready to help resolve family problems that may arise in the future. Good health. A good sign for travel.

There are two beads left. There are many difficulties. You risk embarrassment. Defeat in disputes. Incorrect diagnosis given to the patient.

Three beads left. Favorable sign. Your plans will come true. Material wealth will increase. But those who are going on a journey are in danger of being robbed.

There are four beads left. Many difficulties are expected, but there will be peace in the house. It is unlikely that you will have a choice.

Five beads left. Lucky sign. The disease will turn out to be trivial. A favorable sign for travel. The friend may be unreliable.

There are six beads left or none left. The worst sign. Possibility of divorce or separation. Losing money. Failure in business. New enemies will appear. Bad sign for travel.

Fortune telling with beads

This is a very ancient method of fortune telling, which was commonly used in China and India. Usually, priests resorted to it, trying to lift the veil of secrecy that shrouds the future. But under no circumstances should you take payment for such fortune-telling, otherwise you can anger the spirits and become the cause of numerous misfortunes. Today you too can learn ancient secrets and try to predict your destiny using ancient techniques.

End of introductory fragment.