How to make an electronic signature yourself. How to make an electronic signature? Electronic signature key

02.06.2018 Business

An electronic signature is an important part of an electronic document. She certifies the absence of distortions in the document drawn up and certified by her, and makes it possible to establish that it belongs to the owner of the electronic signature key. Using a private key, a cryptographic transformation of the information contained in the electronic signature.

You can order an electronic digital signature at a certification center. Its further use is possible when carrying out various financial transactions. For example, when participating remotely in exchange trading and in other cases. The future of the global financial market lies in participation in trading in electronic form. Many leading companies are already taking an active part in them. A certification center is a special institution that has a license to issue an electronic digital signature. Find such an institution in your area, contact them and apply. You can submit your application at in electronic format

. The certification authority's website must indicate its mailbox.

The center manager will contact you at the phone number you provided, inform you what package of documents needs to be prepared, and the further procedure for your actions. Tell him who the electronic signature is being issued for: an individual or legal entity and the type of electronic signature. The set of documents may differ for each case. It is enough to provide the institution with scanned copies of original documents and a receipt confirming payment for this service. After verifying the authenticity of the documents, the center employee will invite you to obtain an electronic signature. To obtain an electronic signature, you can contact the government services website in the section “Obtaining an electronic digital signature certificate.” There is a single digital signature portal on the network in Russian Federation

– here you can also make a request for an electronic signature. Take the originals of the prepared documents with you when you go to the electronic signature issuance center. The certification center will complete the registration of your electronic signature. On external media (usually a flash drive) they will generate two types of keys for you - public and private, write down a special. You will receive a digitally signed and stamped certificate certified by the center in paper and electronic form.

At this point, the stage of obtaining an electronic signature is completed. Now you can use it for its intended purpose. To do this, install the software provided to you on an external memory device on your computer. Certification center specialists can help you set up this program for an additional fee. You can find instructions for installing the program on the Internet and do it yourself.

Having become the owner of an electronic digital signature, you can submit tax reports via the Internet, register an individual entrepreneur, use the services of the Rosreestr portal, conduct transactions and work remotely, participate in auctions, carry out all production and personal document flow via the Internet, and so on.

Many of us who constantly work with electronic documents have probably come across the concept of “electronic signature” more than once. However, for some, this topic remained a dense forest, while others figured it out and certainly did not regret it. If you explain in simple language, then an electronic signature is analogous to a handwritten signature. It is often used in document management systems. This could be organizational, administrative, personnel or any other area. Let's see how to make an electronic signature that will confirm all your rights to the document.

Some general information

We can say that an electronic signature can confirm the reliability of the sender of letters by mail, since it guarantees the integrity of the content. This prevents malware and other junk from being introduced onto your PC. In addition, it can be used to determine the authorship of articles posted on the Internet, and it will also be possible to find out the date of publication of the material. In principle, everyone decides for themselves whether they need an electronic signature or not. But since the Internet is constantly developing its capabilities, and the number of people drawn into the World Wide Web is increasing every year, we can safely talk about its necessity. This is the only way you can protect your own rights. Well, now let's delve into more detail this topic and see how to make an electronic signature.

What is it?

An electronic signature is a universal and powerful tool that allows you to control the authenticity of a document on the Internet. It also confirms integrity, indicates the date of publication and indicates the relevance of the material. By and large, this is an information object that was created specifically for signed documents. It consists of various details. Some of them are mandatory (core), others are optional (additional). The mandatory part includes the cryptographic part, which is responsible for data identification and source reliability. It also contains a small amount of information about the signatory, date and time of signature, graphic files and much more. Today this is the only protection against fakes on the Internet.

Briefly about the varieties

Before we figure out how to make an electronic signature, I would like to say a little about its varieties. Today there are three large groups:

  • Attached electronic signature. In this case, an electronic signature file is first created, and the signed data is placed in it. If we draw an analogy, this process can be compared to placing a document in an envelope and then sealing it. Before removing a document from an envelope, it is always worth checking the integrity of the seal.
  • Detached electronic signature. In this case, the signature file is created separately from the file being signed. The signed file itself is not subject to changes. This method has a clear advantage, which is the ability to read without a means of cryptographic information protection (CIPF).
  • Signature inside the data. This method entirely depends on the application in which the protected file is located. Outside of this application, document authentication is very difficult to verify.

Electronic digital signature: how to do it?

Immediately before you start working with an electronic signature, you will need to perform a number of actions that are mandatory for everyone. First, certificate files are created as well as private key files. The certificate is needed to verify the authenticity of the document by any person who uses this information. The private key is needed directly to generate a signature. But we can say with confidence that the level of trust in this case will be limited to one computer on which the signature was created. In order for any company on the network or individual to verify the authenticity of data, it is necessary to resort to the services of the company. The latter is needed to ensure the regulatory and legal basis of the issued certificates. Such an organization is the Certification Center. In any case, you will have to deal with him.

Signing the relevant agreement

Naturally, we will have to contact the Certification Center. As noted above, an electronic signature is analogous to a person’s handwritten signature. For this simple reason, the document is sent from the Certification Center to the notary. There, a person’s legal capacity is checked and approved, and then a handwritten signature on papers for various purposes is verified. It is important to understand here that the organization you contact must have a certificate. He will guarantee that your electronic signature will be valid outside the Certification Center.

Electronic signature private key and certificate

We have already figured out that the company must have a certificate. To do this, a private key is generated for each employee. The certificate, as well as the key, is stored in files, usually on removable media. To ensure reliable protection, it is equipped with a secret code that only the owner knows. It cannot be shown to anyone. In principle, this can be compared to a PIN code from a plastic card.

The certificate contains within itself all the information that is needed to verify the electronic signature. Naturally, in this case, all certificate data is in the public domain and can be read by anyone. The certificate is located in the Certification Center. This is the same as the securities that the notary keeps in his possession. Of course, it makes sense to say that the company you contacted has all the necessary data to recover a lost signature, lost key, etc. In general, the algorithm is similar to the banking system.

Installing a crypto provider

But now it’s time to answer the question of where to make an electronic signature. Since the procedure is very complex and voluminous, it is performed with special programs. As you may have guessed, they are called crypto providers. Modern OS already contain installed programs, so you practically don't need to do anything. But here you need to understand that you should use only certified crypto providers. In this case, it means installing them on all machines where documents and electronic signatures will be created or verified. After you install a crypto provider and sign an agreement with the Certification Authority, you can receive an electronic signature. A striking example of popular crypto providers is Signal-COM, but there are other companies providing such services.

Some interesting details

We all know that in order to send a postal document from point A to point B, a parcel is used - packaging that performs two key functions: maintaining the integrity of the contents and indicating the address where it needs to be delivered. When you start working with an electronic signature, its analogue will be used to send them. For example, the KARMA system allows you to first encrypt data and then send it to the recipient. This will be a qualified electronic signature, the verification of which will take place quickly and without problems. You can send such “parcels” by e-mail and not be afraid that the data will be replaced and falsified. Moreover, if by chance the package arrives at the wrong address, it will be impossible to open and read it.


So we talked to you about how to make an electronic signature. There is nothing complicated here, you just need to contact the Certification Center. An electronic signature certificate and private key will be created there. This will ensure mutual trust between the sender and the recipient, which is what needs to be achieved. Choosing a crypto provider is your own business. The main thing is to make sure that the organization has the appropriate certificates and signatures. After this, you can start collaborating with her. As noted above, such protection shows extremely high efficiency; loss or substitution of information is almost impossible.

In any case, if you frequently exchange valuable data, it makes sense to use this kind of protection. Moreover, electronic signature verification is carried out automatically, by a special program with a given algorithm, therefore human factor is completely excluded. Now you are familiar with all the important aspects of this issue and can take the first steps towards creating your own signature.

An electronic signature (how to make it will be described in the article) is a specific attribute. It can only be applied to a certain category of documents. This, in turn, is evidence of their legality and legal force. Next, we’ll take a closer look at what an electronic signature is, how to make one yourself, and under what conditions to use it.

general information

This attribute is a powerful means of monitoring the reliability of information of a certain type. An electronic signature ensures data integrity. At the same time, it confirms their relevance and authorship. It is an information object that is created to verify data. An electronic signature was developed to certify the authenticity and integrity of the information. How can I make a document that is not in paper form protected using this attribute?


There are only 3 types of electronic signatures. This is fixed in Federal Law 63. Each attribute has its own distinctive properties and characteristic features. An electronic digital signature (we’ll look at how to do this or that in more detail below) can be of three types:

  1. Strengthened qualified.
  2. Simple.
  3. Reinforced unskilled.

Simple type

This attribute has the abbreviation EP. It differs in that it can confirm the fact that a document has been certified by a specific person. However, in in this case there is no guarantee that no changes will be made to it, despite the presence of an electronic signature. How to make a document more secure? To do this, you should use improved options.

Reinforced Qualified Type

This attribute guarantees that the document is protected from any amendments or adjustments. This is enshrined in provisions 63 of the Electronic Signature Law. This attribute provides the ability to identify the person who certified a particular document. In this case, the use of special recognition cryptographic algorithms is implied.

Qualified type

The main difference between this attribute is that it is guaranteed by special cryptographic security measures. They are certified by the FSB.

Issue features

Where can I make an electronic signature? It is issued only by an accredited certification center. He, in turn, must fulfill all the rules and criteria for the registration procedure. They are regulated by the Ministry of Communications. According to established rules, new accreditation must be carried out every five years. At the same time, certification centers are obliged to strictly comply with all requirements related to their activities.

Electronic signature certificate

An unqualified element may not be supported by a special document. It indicates that the electronic signature key belongs to a specific person. A qualified element necessarily requires the presence of the above document. It contains the main information about the organization, the certification center. The verification key for the legal attribute and the validity period of the signature are also additionally specified.

Introduction of new rules

Since 2014, the digital signature has the highest legal force. Accordingly, it is similar to a real hand signature. It provides documents with full legal significance.

Types of attribute embedding in a document

The following options are available:

  1. Affiliated.
  2. Disconnected.
  3. Inside the data.

Attached view

To create this attribute, a new file is generated. All data that will be signed is placed in it. This process is similar to placing documentation in an envelope and sealing it. Before removing it, you must check that the seal is intact. In the case of an electronic signature, make sure that the format is correct.

The attached attribute has a lot of advantages. For example, the ease of further manipulation with information is noted. This is due to the fact that it is contained in the same file as the electronic signature. How to make such a document open? It should be noted that it is not possible to read and use the information in the file without using CIPF tools. This shows a certain analogy with an ordinary envelope. You cannot remove the contents without first unsticking them. It, in turn, can be forwarded, copied, etc.

Detached View

An additional file is required to create this attribute. The point is that it is separate from the person being signed. Moreover, the latter is not subject to any changes. The advantages of such a signature include the fact that the file can be read without using CIPF. However, you will need several elements to check.

These include the file and the electronic signature itself. This attribute also has its drawbacks. The fact is that signed information must be stored in the form of several files. Data and signatures are implied. In this case, the use of the latter becomes significantly more complicated. The fact is that any actions with signed information will have to carry out procedures for copying and transferring several files.

Location within data

An attribute can be associated with the application that uses it. For example, the signature may be inside documents opened using Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word. In this case, there is a dependency on the application in which the attribute was created. The fact is that without knowing its structure it is quite difficult to verify the authenticity of the data.

Electronic signature: how to do it?

The cost of producing an attribute depends on its subsequent use. For example, to participate in electronic trading, its cost is from 6,400 rubles. If the signature is used in the Interdepartmental Interaction System, then the payment can range from 3,650 rubles. Where to make an electronic signature? You must contact a certification center.

The signature can be useful when trading on a foreign exchange exchange or when writing important electronic documentation. This requisite is especially necessary for a novice trader. The fact is that the future development of foreign exchange trading depends on the electronic market. This is an excellent opportunity to make large transactions over long distances, since the signature guarantees its integrity. The following will provide step-by-step instructions.

Step 1

You need to find a certification center in your region of residence. It is a specialized institution with an appropriate license. It allows you to issue an electronic signature.

Step 2

To obtain this attribute, you must submit the appropriate application. It takes time to process and accept it. After this, a center employee contacts the person who submitted the application. He provides him with information about the procedure that will need to be performed in order to obtain an electronic signature. All this is aimed at confirming the authenticity of the data provided by the applicant. In order to minimize the number of verification procedures, it is necessary to provide a scanned color copy of the documents.

Step 3

Next you need to get two digital keys. One of them is open and the other is closed. The certification center also provides the applicant with a corresponding certificate. It is also available in two types. The certificate is presented in paper and electronic form. The latter will be certified by a specific certification authority.

Step 4

In order to start using an electronic signature, you need to install additional software on your computer. Certification center specialists can advise the applicant on this issue. The user can also install it himself or invite programmers. After downloading the necessary components, you can start using the signature.

Procedure for remote receipt

In order to receive an electronic signature at a distance, you must fill out and leave an application on the appropriate website. As a rule, the operator gets in touch at the specified phone number within 24 hours. In this way, the applicant will be able to coordinate and clarify all the details that interest him. They will also tell him about the procedure for obtaining an electronic signature.

The applicant will be sent an application form and an invoice. You must fill out all the information and make payment. You will also need to prepare a package necessary documents. In order to speed up the procedure for obtaining a certificate, you need to provide pre-prepared scans to the certification center.

It is also where the issuance takes place. You will need to come in person to obtain an electronic signature. You must have the original documents with you, as well as a copy of the payment order, which is certified by the bank. If the scans were sent in advance, the signature can be collected immediately. Otherwise, it will be ready within three days.

Application area

This attribute guarantees the reliability of the documentation. It is analogous to a handwritten signature or seal on paper. This attribute is widely used in electronic document management systems. In particular, it is often used when certifying individual modules or programs. In this case, the user, downloading applications from the network, can verify the correctness and correctness of their operation. This attribute also confirms the reliability of the download source. This signature allows you to confirm the integrity and establish the authorship of any electronic documentation.

For example, a user may receive a letter with distorted or fake information from scammers. When using an electronic signature, this possibility is excluded. During business correspondence, the attribute can act as a kind of sealed “envelope”. In this case, it is also possible to verify the accuracy of the information received before opening it. Electronic versions of documents are approved using a signature. For example, these could be contracts concluded within one company or between several. The text of all documentation will be reliably protected from any unauthorized changes.

Continuing to reveal secret knowledge about digital signatures in simple terms, let’s look at what we need to conveniently and effectively work with them, as well as the main difference between the S/MIME + X.509 and PGP camps.

Before considering the features of these two large camps, it is worth considering what information the recipient needs to verify the signature (and our encrypted hash can already be called a signature), and in what form it can be transmitted to him.

Each piece of information can be transmitted along with a public key, or together with our signature, or both, for greater convenience. Of course, it is possible not to separate information into that transmitted with a public key and transmitted with a signature. But then, every time we send signed information, we send the same thing. It’s as if for every paper letter we send (even a short two-line one), we would include an addendum like “Hello! It’s me, V. Pupkin, whom you met on Red Square in Moscow, where we met, then went to a restaurant, then<...>" Agree, it's a little inconvenient.

But let's return to our information needed to verify the signature.
Let's start with something simple: information that will allow us to find out who made this signature. As we have already agreed, asymmetric encryption allows us to uniquely link our public key and the resulting signature. The trouble is that the public key itself is a collection of bytes. Moreover, it is, of course, connected with the private one, which we (that is, the sender) own, but this connection is not obvious to the recipient. He has a set of bytes from V. Pupkin, from I. Petrov, from S. Sidorov... And from a dozen other people. And how can he identify them? Keep a separate registry for who owns which set of bytes? What is this, it turns out already second registry (in addition to where it should be written down, using which hash function which hash was made)! And again, inconvenient!

This means that you need to associate each public key with information about who this key belongs to, and send it all in one package. Then the registry problem is solved by itself - the package (or, more correctly, the container) with the public key can be simply looked at and immediately understand its ownership.

But this information still needs to be associated with the signature received by the recipient. How to do it? It is necessary to build another container, this time for transferring the signature, and in it duplicate the information about who created this signature.
Continuing our analogy with a beautiful lock, we write on the key “This key opens V. Pupkin’s lock.” And on the castle we also write “V. Pupkin’s Castle.” Having such information, the recipient of our box will not insert each of the keys he has at random into our lock, but will take our key and immediately open it.

Now, using the transmitted information during verification, you can find the public key container, take the key from there, decrypt the hash and...

What exactly is “and”? After all, we have not yet solved the problem of how to convey to the recipient information about what hash function was used for the hash, but this information is used to verify the signature necessary ! The solution can be quite simple: put this information in a container along with our public key. After all, it is the combination “hashing – encryption of the hashing result” that is considered the procedure for creating a digital signature, and its result is a signature. This means that it seems quite logical to combine the hash encryption algorithm and the hash function with which it is generated. And this information also needs to be delivered in a bundle.

Now, let's briefly return to the signer information. What type of information should it be? FULL NAME? No, there are many V. Pupkins. Full name + year of birth? So there are also plenty of V. Pupkins born on the same day! Moreover, it could be Vasily, Victor, or even Vasilisa or Victoria Pupkin. This means there should be more information. There should be so much that the coincidence of all the parameters by which we identify a person is as incredible as possible.

Of course, it is possible to create such a package of information. It’s just that it’s already a little difficult to work with him. After all, our containers of public keys need to be sorted, stored, and used, in the end. And if for each use you have to specify fifty parameters, then already on the second container it will become clear that something needs to be changed. A solution to this problem, of course, was found.

To understand what it was, let's turn to a paper document that we all have: a passport. In it you can find your full name, date of birth, gender, and much other information. But, most importantly, you can find the series and number in it. And it is the series and number that are the unique information that is convenient to take into account and sort. In addition, they are significantly shorter than all the remaining information taken together, and at the same time still make it possible to identify a person.

Applying the same approach to public key containers, we get that each container must have a certain number, a sequence of characters, unique to it. This sequence of characters is usually called identifier , and the containers themselves – certificates , or just keys.
This is where the fundamental differences in the ideologies of OpenPGP and S/MIME + X.509 begin. To briefly understand them, let's return to our passport analogy.

You can use your passport when purchasing tickets, when preparing documents, to issue a pass to any territory, and even on the territory of other countries! That is, you use it to identify your identity in a wide variety of ways, often in absolutely no way. related friend with a friend, in places, with a variety of people. And everywhere your passport is accepted. The guarantee that you are you is a third party in your relationships with others: the state. It is the one that issued you your passport, specially designed, signed and certified, and that is why your passport is such a universal document.

On the other hand, among friends, or within a company, you just need to introduce yourself like this: “V. Pupkin from your group at the institute" or "V. Pupkin from the sales department." And the people you come into contact with in this circle no longer need a third party, they already remember Pupkin from the group with whom they studied for five years, or Pupkin from the sales department, with whom they recently went to lunch, and the information you provided is quite enough for them.

These two camps can also be divided.

The X.509 certificate is similar to our passport. Here, certificates are issued to you by a strict third party, the guarantor of your identity: the Certification Authority (CA). The person receiving your signatures can always contact the CA and ask for the information he is interested in regarding this particular certificate.

PGP (and the OpenPGP standard that appeared later) was created on the basis of the so-called networks of trust. This idea implies that signatures are exchanged by people who do not need a third party for their relationship, but only need protection from bad people.

Of course, over time, such a division has become quite arbitrary, since at the moment both S/MIME+X.509 and PGP can use the methods of the rival camp. But still, the standards developed in parallel for quite a long time and developed to the extent that mutual compatibility between them became impossible.

The S/MIME + X.509 standard has become a more popular standard, due to its focus on the participation of a more competent third party, however, PGP also has a number of trump cards in its bosom, with the help of which it not only does not die, but also continues to develop successfully .
You can read a more detailed discussion of each of the formats, as well as recommendations on when, where and which one to use in the following articles.

Translation of document flow into electronic format– the main trend of modern business. An electronic signature is needed to confirm the relevance and validity of the documentation. A modern businessman needs to know how to make an electronic signature in order to endorse a document. Creating an electronic signature will not take much time and will not require significant expenses. What is an electronic signature and how to get it, read the materials in this article.

From this article you will learn:

  • how an electronic digital signature is used in document management;
  • how to obtain an electronic digital signature;
  • how to make an electronic signature.

Using an electronic digital signature in document flow

Encrypted information appended to data sent via digital channels communication is called electronic digital signature(EDS). EDS allows you to identify the user who created the electronic document, signed it and is responsible for it. The main purpose of an electronic signature from the point of view of modern legislation is to ensure an effective and secure dialogue between an individual and a government agency.

According to the law, there are three types of digital signatures, the use of which is permissible in the practice of modern office work:

  1. qualified digital signature;
  2. enhanced digital signature;
  3. simple digital signature.

The first type of signature is used to indicate the owner of the document. A simple electronic signature does not allow any changes to be made to the endorsed document. The second and third types of signatures allow you to do this, but you should keep in mind that information about all changes is stored in the document itself. The date of changes and information about the user who made them are saved.

Any individual, having Russian citizenship has the right to receive an electronic digital signature. The only condition for receiving it is to register on the government services website or have your own account in the center that certifies signatures. IN tax office At your place of residence, information is available about centers where you can obtain such registration.

Having an electronic signature gives any citizen access to municipal and state electronic services. First of all, these are services that provide the opportunity to participate in competitions for the supply of goods. It is in this area that the need for approval and identification of applications most often arises.

In addition to the function of document approval, an electronic digital signature has a number of other, no less important functions. EDS can be used as a means of user identification when entering a government services website. Traditionally, the SNILS number is used to enter this portal; having a signature allows you to enter there using it.

Another function of the digital signature is to obtain information about extracts from state registers. True, only legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can use this function; individuals, using an electronic signature, will be able to obtain information about tax payments and existing outstanding fines. Naturally, all this information can be obtained right at home. The law does not prohibit this.

Big advantage use of digital signature is an opportunity to reduce the burden on government agencies and reduce the number of queues. Through the use of virtual representative offices, the speed of customer service increases significantly.

Statistical data recent years indicate that more than 40 thousand applications for the creation of an electronic signature are submitted annually in each Russian region.

The range of services that are most in demand among the population and are most often obtained using digital signatures has already been determined:

  • registration of a foreign passport;
  • request for information from the state cadastre;
  • repayment of traffic police fines;
  • paying taxes;
  • car registration;
  • Submitting documents to the tax authorities:
  • account tracking Pension Fund.

How to get an electronic digital signature

The most important question that an entrepreneur asks when he hears the words “electronic digital signature” is how to get a qualified electronic signature and how much it will cost. The answer to the last question is very simple - creating an electronic signature is free. The only thing you will have to spend money on is purchasing a USB drive, simply put, a “flash drive,” for recording your digital signature. At the office of any certification center you will be provided with the service of creating an electronic signature.

You fill out all the documentation required by law and receive a “flash drive” with a signature. With its help, you will be able to carry out all operations on the government services portal that require legal confirmation. The most common area of ​​application of digital signatures is government tenders for the supply of certain goods and services by an enterprise to a specific customer.

It should be borne in mind that recently applications for participation in a tender endorsed using an electronic digital signature have an advantage over others.

Read also:

  • Electronic signature: paperwork protected by cryptography

How to make an electronic signature

What documents are required to create a qualified electronic digital signature? There are few of them:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • current email address.

Without providing these documents, creating an electronic signature is impossible.

Using specially installed terminal devices, the user will be able to carry out any operations on the government services portal using his electronic signature.

Your home or work computer must have Internet access, a standard browser and special software installed. Many institutions are now equipped with special access points with browsers and appropriate software, from which you can also access the government services portal.

Along with the USB drive on which the electronic signature is recorded, the individual receives instructions on how to use it.

If you cannot figure out how to make an electronic signature on your own, you will have to contact a specialized certification center at your place of residence. The center's specialists will help you register your digital signature. You can find out the addresses of these centers at your Pension Fund branch.

What to do if you lose your electronic signature

What to do if you lose your USB drive? digital signature or do you suspect that third parties have stolen your information and will be able to use it to harm your business?

The first thing you need to do is immediately contact the certification center or technical support service. The center's staff will be able to instantly suspend your certificate and limit hackers' access to your data. Next, you will need to visit the certification center again and carry out the procedure for renewing the validity of the signature. Naturally, you need to have with you documents proving your right to own a digital signature certificate.

Without providing documents, technical support workers will not be able to block the signature or resume it in the future, and your data will be available to attackers. Sometimes situations arise that the signature does not work or does not work correctly; it is also possible that the USB drive does not meet the requirements that the user places on it. In such cases, you need to contact the technical support service of the certification center by phone or in person with a complaint.


Despite possible technical difficulties, using an electronic digital signature will give you great advantages and will save a lot of time that you previously spent on recording, registering and backlog of queues at OVIR, tax office, Pension Fund and other government agencies.

Another important point worth paying attention to is any electronic digital signature has a limited validity period. This needs to be monitored especially carefully. If you do not update your digital signature on time, you may find yourself in a situation where you will not be able to carry out the necessary operations on the portal that provides government services.

Before approving a document or application, you need to check the relevance of the certificate and the signature itself. It is also worth checking information about the procedure for creating an electronic signature at your certification center. The fact is that, unfortunately, the very procedure for creating digital signatures, generating certificates and keys, is under development and may change over time.

Another important point related to the creation of a qualified electronic signature. You can order and receive an electronic signature only in the region in which you are officially registered. Employees of the certification center have every right to refuse to create an electronic signature if you live in another city and do not have a residence permit in the place where you requested to create an electronic digital signature.

The advantages of using an electronic signature are enormous:

  • additional features document protection and encryption;
  • the ability to use the same signature when interacting with various government agencies, ministries, and regulatory authorities;
  • significant savings on processing and sending documents;
  • expanded opportunities for establishing contacts and exchanging documents with foreign partners.