How to download broken games to iPad mini. How to install games on iPad: step-by-step instructions

01.06.2018 Internet

Many of my employees (at my direction) have recently acquired brand new iPhones. All of them, of course, are happy with the purchase, but some of them still don’t understand what kind of device they got into their hands. Therefore, they use the iPhone the old fashioned way - they only call and write SMS. I just don’t get around to installing at least some bullshit casual game (or I don’t have the brains). Such unfortunate users bring bad karma upon themselves! After all, with the purchase of an iPhone you get access to a store with +800k applications, so why not use them? It is for such comrades that I decided to write this article, in which I will tell you how to install applications on iPhone and iPad.

There are several methods and ways to install programs on iPhone. But we will consider only the main ones.

The first thing we won’t be able to move on without is Apple ID. This is an account with which you can do a bunch of different things - from installing applications to tracking a lost iPhone and other Apple devices. So if you still don’t have an Apple ID, register urgently. Complete Guide can be found .

Installing applications from the App Store

You can install applications on your iPhone/iPad without a computer, but with the obligatory presence of the Internet. The most common way is to install games and programs from the store. App Store. To do this, there is a standard application on your iOS device, which is called the “App Store”. Below is step-by-step instruction:

STEP 1 Turn on the iPhone (iPad/iPod) and launch the standard App Store application.

STEP 2 At the bottom of the screen there is a menu for quickly searching for applications (Featured - Top Charts - Near Me). If you know exactly what you came for, it’s better to use Search. As you enter the name of the app or its developer, you will be presented with matching results.

STEP 3 Having selected an application, pay attention to the terms of its distribution (for money or free)

STEP 4 By clicking on the application icon, you will be taken to a page with a description and other information. To install the application, click on the blue price tag or rectangle with the word and confirm the installation by clicking.

.ipa files

Applications for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch are not without “material appearance” and can be distributed as files with the extension .ipa. Files with this extension are stored in the App Store. .ipa files can only be installed on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, but cannot be run in the iOS simulator on a computer.

In reality, an .ipa file is a ZIP-compressed folder containing an executable file and resource files. In this case, the folder is structured in a special way for automatic recognition in iTunes and the App Store. To access the “insides” of an ipa file, you can rename its extension to zip and then unpack it.

I had a case when I needed to add some maps to the iGO application. To do this, I renamed the ipa file to zip and extracted it. Then I copied the map files to the appropriate folder inside the unpacked archive and packed everything back into zip. Renamed zip to ipa and recorded on iPhone. Everything worked like clockwork. iGO pulled up the cards and did not notice the substitution.

What if I have Jailbrake?

If your iPhone has been jailbroken (the procedure for opening access to file system), you can still install applications from, according to the instructions described above. In addition, jailbreaking gives you the ability to install hacked applications that can be downloaded from numerous torrent sites.

I won’t write about how to download from torrent sites. I’ll just say one thing: when downloading applications from torrent sites, you should only be interested in one single file with the .ipa extension. Read the instructions below for what to do with it next.

STEP 1 Launch the program on the computer iTunes. We connect your iOS device using a cable.

STEP 2 If Media library(left column) no item Programs, activate it in the settings (in the top menu iTunes > Preferences). After that, click on the item Programs in the Mediatheque.

STEP 3 Go to Finder and in the Downloads folder, find the downloaded .ipa file with your application. Launch it by double clicking.

STEP 4 You will be automatically transferred back to iTunes where the new application icon will appear. Now drag this icon with right side screen to the left and release the button above the name of your device. Wait until copying is complete.

This is all! I'm sure many thought it would be much more difficult. Sorry, not this time! Any Apple gadget is initially designed with the idea of ​​convenience and ease of use. Therefore, there can be nothing military here. Today you learned how to install applications on your iPhone or iPad, which means the day was not in vain. We have a lot more interesting articles and lessons planned. Don't miss new issues - sign up for e-mail delivery using the form below (no spam guaranteed).

Americans are well-known defenders of copyrights and licenses. And they approach this matter from the most serious side. Your iPad is no exception. The iOS operating system itself has built-in protection that controls the user - in the pure version of products on this system, installation of applications or games is possible only from the AppStore. In addition, it is added to purchased applications digital signature, which contains information about who bought it and when.

However, nothing is impossible - crazy hands have already come up with several ways to bypass this protection. Let's introduce your iPad to them better.

Wi-Fi 3G Edge

  1. To take your first step towards the kingdom of free games, open “Cydia” on your iPad.
  2. Tap “Manage”, select the “Sources” tab and select “Edit”.
  3. In the window that opens, enter the address leading to the new repository ( and click “Add”. At this stage, it is quite possible that Cydia will not be happy with what you have chosen - you need to ignore the warning and click “Add Anyway”.

Now is the time to install AppSync

  1. Select the added repository
  2. In the upper right corner we find the “Install” button, a standard window will open with information about the size of the application, in which you will need to confirm your choice by clicking on the “Confirm” button.
  3. Now you need to return to “Cydia” by clicking the appropriate button and reboot.
  4. After the iPad reboots, connect to iTunes and select any free application that was downloaded using your account.
  5. After all this, you can download and install files downloaded from the Internet with the .ipa extension, after which they will need to be added to iTunes and synchronized with your iPad.

Cyder II

  1. This method is a little more complicated, so the realm of free games is a little further. The first step is to install “Cyder”.
  2. Then you need to go to the “Souces” tab, where in the window you need to call up the context menu by right-clicking. Select “Add”.
  3. Now you need to give the system the address of the new repository (
  4. After adding it you need to update it. Press the F9 button on your keyboard or “Refresh all” in the program’s context menu.
  5. Add the repository by clicking the “Put sources to Cydia” button.
  6. Now you need to go to the “Packages” tab and select a repository from the list that opens.
  7. Find AppSync for your version operating system iOS.
  8. Click on the F2 button.
  9. After the selected packages appear in the downloads, select the one you need and press F9 on the keyboard or Download selected in the program’s context menu.
  10. It's time to transfer what you downloaded from your computer to your iPad. To do this, open the File Manager tab; in the left window you will see the files that are currently on your computer. Drag the required packages to the right window.
  11. Restart your iPad. In some cases, you will need to install/uninstall any program to update the database. Then AppSync will appear in the installed packages.
  12. We connect to iTunes, select any free application that was downloaded using your account.
  13. After all this, you can download and install any files with the .ipa extension, including many games, after which you will need to add them to your iTunes and synchronize them with your iPad.

You can watch video instructions on how to use this program:

That's basically it. But keep in mind that any work must be paid for, so if you really liked some games, then maybe it would be better to say thank you to the authors and pay for them?

And installing a stolen game is something unworthy of kings. Email If you don't have an account in the App Store yet, now is the time to get one. The account is also called an Apple ID. To create an Apple ID you will need And credit card

. About, . Help from the site:

The App Store is a store where you can purchase additional programs and games for iPad (in addition to the standard ones installed on iPad by default). The store icon looks like this in iOS 6 and below:

Or in iOS 7: Attention: even if you only want to install from the App Store free games

, you will still need an account. You can . After creation account

Be sure to log in to the App Store. The App Store will automatically direct you to the store in the country where your account belongs.

There are thousands of games on the App Store. You can search for them yourself using the built-in search in this largest app store.

Either using special selections from the App Store or Top Charts.

The disadvantage of these methods is that you have to navigate the choice solely:

a) on people's opinions. And it’s good if the game has reviews. What should those who have an account in, for example, Belarus do? There aren't enough reviews there.

b) to screenshots. Which can “deceive”.

c) in case of searching, you need to know at least approximately the name of the game you are looking for.

Choose worth playing You can use reviews or selections on our website. For example, I highly recommend for beginners:

Or... etc. For beginners, let me explain that the 100 megabyte limit is not accidental - this is the size of the application that can be downloaded while on mobile networks (3G, LTE). This is an Apple limitation.

Step 3: download the desired game

Let's say you've chosen a game. And we opened its description in the App Store. Last step the simplest: buying a game. We find a button with a price or with the words Free. Click on it.

A buy button will appear (in case of a paid game). Click on it.

The game starts downloading. After some time (depending on the speed of your Internet channel and the size of the game), the installation will begin. After this you can safely play.

iPad 2", then you probably recently bought your first device from Apple. This article will help you figure out some of the problem areas that may arise when downloading applications. I will also tell you about unofficial ways to install games on your iPad. After that, you will find out How to install games on iPad 2.

Preparation. There will always be a “custom” version along with the official methods of installing (purchasing) applications. What does it mean? The fact is that not all people are used to paying, maybe not even out of greed, but, most likely, out of principle. The Apple company has created a special online store where almost all applications for iPad 2 are located. Games are also included in this list. Some of them are distributed free of charge, others for a fee. The cost depends on the application developer himself. This store is called the "App Store". So, this method of installing applications is the only official method. All others are classified as "undesirable" (according to Apple). To avoid paying for apps, people hack them by inserting a fake license and preventing verification. But to install such programs on your device, you need to use additional software and perform an operation called “Jailbreak”. Jailbreak is a modification of the system part software, which allows you to install pirated versions programs. I will not tell you how to perform this operation in this article. So, the following question will be discussed in more detail: “How to install games on iPad 2?”

Purchase through the "App Store". As mentioned above, this method is the official method. The App Store is intended for all Apple devices. To use this service, you need to do the following:

  1. Install the iTunes program on your computer. You can download it from the official website.
  2. Create an Apple ID account. Here you will need to enter your data, including bank card details. The latter is needed to pay for applications. But it is possible to create an account without a card.
  3. In the program, go to the “iTunes Store” tab, where you can select, download, and pay for applications. As soon as you make a choice, the device itself will be transferred automatically. All actions can be done from pre-installed application"App Store". In this case, it is recommended to use a fast Internet connection.

Installing hacked applications. You already know that there are hacked applications that are not linked to an Apple Id. In addition to the fact that you will need to do a Jailbreak, you will also need to install "App Sync". The applications themselves can be downloaded from various sources. There are plenty of such portals on the web. Further actions can be performed as in the official method.

Conclusion. The question 2 is very often asked by people who recently bought their first Apple device. Well, there is nothing shameful or unusual about this. On my own behalf, I can add that it is recommended to use only official methods for downloading applications. Even if you have to pay for them. In this case, you are guaranteed full support from the developers. I hope you understood from this article, iPad 2.