Hidden knowledge, burned books. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov a brief summary of the elementary sciences, in stories for common people

31.08.2019 Style and fashion

At the time of communication, the human language often lacks appropriate concepts and means for their designation. You shouldn't try to decipher them. Everything has its time.

The Koran warns that “obscure” verses, set out in an allegorical form, containing hidden knowledge, should not be interpreted, for “their interpretation is known only to God” (Sura 3, verse 57). A person is instructed only to believe in them. In both the Bible and the Koran, the topic of faith occupies an extremely important place. Faith, according to the Gospel, is “counted as righteousness” (Rom. 4:3,9). In the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Hebrews it is said: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:3). “We believed in it!” - is repeated many times in the Koran.

People do not know how the information in the “Heavenly Tablet” is recorded. However, Surah 83 (verses 9, 20) talks about where the deeds of sinners and righteous people are recorded: they are in kitabun markumun (literally “book written in numbers”). Translators of the Koran translate these words differently: “a book written”; “a book covered with writing”; “this is the book of records [of sinners/righteous people].” Some tafsirs (theological interpretations) explain that this is a written book, others - a sealed one. This should be understood as “an encrypted book”, “a book written in code”, since markum means “written in numbers”, and the word “raqm” (number) is included in such phrases as “al-arqam assirriyya” (literally “secret numbers” "), that is, a cipher. And when the word “markum” is interpreted through “makhtum” - “sealed”, then this must be understood in the sense that it is inaccessible, carefully stored, like that book about which in the Revelation of John the Theologian it is said: “And I saw in the right hand of Seated on the throne, the Book written within (Rev. 5:1). Therefore, it is possible to translate the verses that talk about where secret knowledge is stored: “That is a book in which writing is made of numbers.” Maybe this is some kind of heavenly “computer” in which information about the past and future is encoded. Of course, the principle of encoding the information contained in the Heavenly Book differs from those used in our time when using the “human code”, when the transmitter and carrier of information is an electrical signal.

The nature of the signals coming to people from the cosmic “semantic space” is still unknown to us; today a person cannot study and decipher these signals. However, even today we can state individual facts of receiving information from the transcendental semantic field, that very “Heavenly Tablet”.

Most people, of course, cannot receive such information. It’s as if there is some kind of “barrier” in the human brain that prevents such perception. There are known cases when this “barrier” can disappear - as a result of any extraordinary physical effects on the brain (examples St. Seraphim Sarovsky, clairvoyant Vanga), either as a result of strong mental shocks (the example of Saint Xenia of Petersburg), or in the case when a person enters a meditative, or so-called “altered mental state”, known to oracles, priests, shamans, poets, holy fools and prophets. It happens that channels of communication with the Cosmos open to people in their dreams. Prophetic dreams appeared to both Mohammed (Quran, Sura 17, verse 60; Sura 48, verse 27) and Ibrahim (Abraham) (Sura 37, verse 105).

How does the “transcoding” of information from heavenly code into human language occur? Let us note that the meaning of esoteric information may not be completely clear to the prophets themselves, through whom the “messages” are transmitted. The Koran, for example, repeatedly says that Mohammed is the transmitter of revelations sent to him. Both Moses and Jesus Christ are called mediators in the Bible. “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5). Undoubtedly, over time, new and new aspects of the stored in scriptures information hidden until a certain period of time, and therefore these books are eternal, they never become outdated. This is their sacredness and this is their cardinal difference from secular works.

Today, Muslim scientists confidently correlate amazing scientific achievements with certain texts of the Koran, deciphering them as predictions of these discoveries many centuries before their occurrence. In verse 33 of Sura 55, for example, they see a prediction about human flight into space. It can be assumed that the phrase “that between the sky and Zemiphrite from the genies volunteered to bring the throne. But this mission was entrusted to a person “possessing Knowledge from the Book.” He delivered the throne in the blink of an eye. After some changes were made to the throne of Bilquis, she was asked if the throne belonged to her. Realizing that the throne could not move such a long distance in the usual way in short moments, she nevertheless did not reject the possibility that some higher power could perform the miracle of moving her throne, so she gave a wise, devoid of categorical answer: “As if it were he.”

What Knowledge did the man who delivered the throne have? Theologians and philosophers have been looking for the answer to this question for many centuries. The great Sufi mystic of the Middle Ages, Ibn Arabi (1165–1240), explained that the throne of Bilqis was achieved through “bringing him down into non-existence and returning him to existence.” The man who performed this miracle (according to legend and according to tafsirs, his name was Asaf ben Barakhiya) possessed the highest, secret Knowledge (according to Tabari, he knew the greatest name of God), possibly reaching him from pre-civilizations. Such miracles, writes Ibn Arabi, are capable of being performed by people, “ knower of secrets order (tasrif) of the world." Perhaps the miracle revealed to Suleiman, Bilqis and their entourage really took place. But it is also permissible to assume that the words of the Koran related to this are nothing more than a mythology containing a “hint” that, in principle, such operations are available to beings who have reached a high level of development.

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Hidden knowledge

Hidden knowledge

And finally, some part of the knowledge was obviously deliberately hidden by its keepers. Perhaps it was knowledge, the possession of which made a person dangerous to others. Special attention care was taken to ensure that this knowledge did not become the property of military leaders and rulers.

“Kabbalah” reports about a certain book of higher knowledge, which, in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of the unworthy, was hidden in a deep cave.

The existence of a carrier caste secret knowledge Newton also believed in his time. “There are other great mysteries,” he wrote, “besides the transformation of metals, which the great initiates do not boast about... If what Hermes writes is true, they cannot be comprehended without the world being in great danger.”

Plutarch reports that none other than Alexander the Great, being a student of Aristotle, became familiar with knowledge that philosophers did not widely publicize and called “oral,” “hidden.” When Alexander learned that Aristotle had written a book about this, he reproached him for divulging the secret teaching: “You did wrong to publish a teaching intended only for oral teaching,” he wrote.

Many scientists Ancient Greece They went to Egypt for knowledge and spent a long time there at the Egyptian temples. But the priests did not reveal everything to them. “Distinguished in their knowledge of celestial phenomena,” wrote Strabo, “the priests kept it secret...”; "... most The barbarians hid information.” For the Greeks, all non-Greeks were barbarians, including the Egyptians and Indians. Strabo’s words about the concealment of astronomical and some other knowledge are confirmed by the ancient Indian text “Surya-Sidhanta”. Graphic representation of the different phases solar eclipse accompanied by the remark: “This secret of the gods should not be divulged to everyone.” Sumerian astronomical texts contain similar reservations.

The dissemination of knowledge, including practical knowledge, was sometimes hampered by considerations of a different order - the desire to maintain a monopoly position in a particular area professional activity. This should also be kept in mind.

In an effort to protect access to some important and dangerous knowledge, initiates strictly kept their secret. “Whoever comprehends the magical secrets of the word, let him keep it from everyone and hide it in his teaching,” we read in the Rig Veda. And one of the magical Egyptian papyri begins and ends with the call: “Shut your mouth! Guard your lips!”

During the time of Ramses III, two court librarians were accused of not guarding a certain magical papyrus vigilantly enough. Access to this source of knowledge was allowed only to the most trusted people from the priesthood.

We have already talked about Thoth (Hermes), who, on the eve of the catastrophe, wrote texts containing knowledge in order to save them, and after the catastrophe translated the inscriptions from the secret sacred language. The books of Hermes (and perhaps partly their forgeries) left a noticeable mark on various religious and philosophical teachings. Clement of Alexandria (2nd – 3rd centuries AD) wrote about 42 holy books Hermes. The teachings of Hermes, devoted to various issues of philosophy and magic, were secret. This is how the concept of “hermetic”, i.e. “secret”, “closed” knowledge arose. Now, when we talk, for example, about a hermetically sealed vessel, it is difficult for us to guess the original (main) meaning of this word.

Later world religions, in addition to their open part, also had a body of certain secret knowledge. This knowledge was guarded most carefully. Some philosophers and theologians believe that Christ (or the person mentioned in the Qumran lists as the “Teacher”) communicated to the apostles a certain secret teaching, which he allowed to be revealed only to a select few. The Apocalypse of the Prophet Ezra says that only 24 books from “given to him from above” were allowed to be made available to everyone. And he had to hide 70 others in order to give them only to a select few.

Judaism also has a tradition of only verbally expounding the hidden teachings of the “Kabbalah.” Doing this in writing is prohibited for fear that secret knowledge does not fall into random hands. For the same reasons, the Druid priests did not make any notes and kept all the teachings that disappeared with them exclusively in oral tradition.

About one of these societies hidden knowledge– the society of the Pythagoreans – wrote Porphyry, a student of Plato. According to him, “when the last members of this society passed away, their secret knowledge, always kept secret, disappeared with them, except for two or three vague provisions, which, not being understood, became the property of outsiders.”

So, one way of hiding knowledge is that some of the highest information was not trusted in writing. Another way was “encryption of knowledge.” Various symbols, conventional phrases, designations and omissions blocked the path to the true meaning of what was written. This is how, for example, we see numerous manuscripts on alchemy. Currently, there are over 100,000 of them. This means that almost 100,000 people sought to put on paper or parchment some information that they believed should not disappear with them.

In 1585, Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II received a precious gift - a manuscript allegedly written by the hand of Roger Bacon himself (1214 - 1292), a scientist who inexplicably anticipated many discoveries of subsequent centuries. Including telephones, self-propelled carts, aircraft etc. We know this about Bacon from his published works. The manuscript, presented to the emperor, was neither then nor later included in any of the collections of the scientist’s works. The fact is that all 204 of its pages are written in code.

Alchemist John Dee, who presented the manuscript to the emperor, struggled for many years to decipher it, but in vain. Attempts to read the text continued in subsequent centuries. A letter from the rector of the University of Prague (August 1666) to one of the most famous specialists in secret writing and ciphers at that time has been preserved. The rector advised him to try to find the key to the encoded text.

For some time, the manuscript went out of sight and was discovered again only in 1912. Since then and to this day, attempts to decipher it have not stopped. At one time, a special group consisting of mathematicians, historians, astronomers and military codebreakers was working on the manuscript. They failed, just like everyone else. The only thing they were able to establish was that the text was not written in Latin, and not in English. The language of the manuscript has no analogue in any known language.

Was it an artificial language? But it is known that the first such language was created only in the 17th century. There are other assumptions. This manuscript, which has not yet been read, is valued today at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

One example of the hidden transfer of information is the encryption of astronomical knowledge in the proportions of religious buildings and temples.

According to the ancient Indian tradition, the cosmic cycle of the Universe consists of four eras: Crete South - 1,728,000 years; Treta Yuga - 1,296,000 years; Dvapara Yuga - 864,000 years and Kali Yuga, or "black age", - 432,000 years.

While studying the Angkor Wat temple complex in Kampuchea, researchers decided to measure its parts using the units of length used by the temple builders (“hat” = 0.43545 m). By measuring the distances from the gate to the wall of the temple, from the first step of the entrance to the first step of the temple, from the entrance to the center of the temple, etc., they came up with figures surprisingly close to those you can see above: 1,734.416; 1,296.07; 867.03; 439.78. Is this a coincidence or did the builders really strive to incorporate the meaning of these numbers into the proportions of the temple? Other correspondences convince us that this is not a coincidence. For example, the distance between the gallery and the altar is 29.53 huts. This number expresses the duration of the lunar month with an accuracy of 0.01. The sum of the axes of the temple “north-south”, “east-west” is equal to 365.37 huts. With an accuracy of 0.13, this is the time of revolution of the Earth around the Sun. In total, as the scientific journal Science reports, researchers noted over 300 such correspondences, that is, astronomical data encrypted in the proportions of the temple.

Perhaps Angkor Wat is not the only structure that carries such encoded astronomical information. There is an opinion, although it is not shared by most scientists, that astronomical values ​​are also contained in the Egyptian pyramids. Thus, measuring the perimeter, sides and other details of the Cheops pyramid, according to this point of view, gives the values ​​of the sidereal year, the time of revolution of the Earth around the Sun with an accuracy of 0.0001, etc.

According to the French astronomer T. Moreau, the original height of the pyramid (148.208 m) is a value comparable to the distance from the Earth to the Sun. (Due to the movement of the Earth, this distance ranges from 147 to 152 million kilometers. The average value is 149.5 million kilometers.)

If all these calculations are not a coincidence, if these values ​​were really included in the pyramid by its creators, then this is an amazing fact. Modern knowledge It took a long time to get to these numbers. Even Copernicus and Tycho Brahe considered the distance from the Earth to the Sun to be only 9 million kilometers. Kepler claimed that it was 58 million kilometers. And only at the end of the last century this distance was finally determined more accurately.

The fact is that it is very difficult to calculate this value. To do this, it is necessary for two observers, located at opposite ends of the Earth, to simultaneously measure the angle of the Sun. The measurements must be very accurate, since a deviation of just 1° entails an error of 2 million kilometers.

Other methods of encryption and hiding knowledge from the field of astronomy are also known. In Ancient Sumer they knew that the arch of stars makes a full revolution in 25,920 years (the so-called procession - the slow movement of the Earth’s rotation axis along a circular cone). Often this number appears in a veiled form.

I have already mentioned that one of the cuneiform tablets of Sumer contains the number 195,955,200,000,000. What could it mean? It took a complex train of thought to discover the truth. It turned out to be simple.

The Sumerians, from whom we inherited the division of time into seconds, minutes, hours, sometimes expressed the length of the day in seconds - 86,400 seconds. The number mentioned above is divisible, it turns out, by this figure without a remainder. The resulting 2268 million days, if converted into years, contain exactly 240 such cycles of 25,920 years. We do not know why Sumerian astronomers needed to express this pattern in such a complex way, in seconds. We don’t know why exactly this number of cycles was taken - 240. The only thing we can learn from this calculation is that in Ancient Sumer this astronomical value was known - the period of movement of the Earth’s rotation axis along a circular cone.

In other cases, this value, also veiled, is not hidden to such a degree.

Thus, in the temple libraries of Nippur and Sippar, all tables on division and multiplication are based on the number 12,960. Only those who knew the rotation time of the stellar vault could guess that this number is nothing more than 25,920: 2.

Along with the decimal number system, there was also a sexagesimal number system in Sumer. And now, dividing space into 360 degrees and time into 60 seconds, we continue the tradition that came to us from the banks of the Euphrates. The original sexagesimal number system was “soss” = 60. If the total period of revolution of the stellar sphere, 25,920 years, is divided by “soss”, we get the number 432. Let’s remember it. And let's see where else this number occurs.

The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata and the Vedas speak of a cosmic age lasting 360 sacred years, 12,000 years each. Therefore, there are 432,000 years in total in the space age. This is the Kali Yuga, already known to us, or the “black age”. Other epochs of the cosmic cycle also include, it turns out, this value. Crete Yuga has a duration of 1,728,000 years (432,000 × 4). Treta Yuga – 1,296,000 years (432,000 ? 3), etc.

Plato's "Great Year", 36,000 years, contains the same value: 36 = 432:12.

The number 432 literally permeates the various quantities that the ancients mentioned - quantities that express not only time, but also space. Values ​​that go back to different civilizations - to India, Greece, Egypt, Sumer, to the Nordic and Icelandic epics. This is like a key, a sign of a single source. 108 columns in Buddhist temples, 108 beads in Buddhist rosaries go back to the same number (108 × 4 = 432).

Ramen, unit of length Ancient Egypt, was 1/108,000,000 of the circumference of the Earth (108 x 4 = 432). Greek stade, another unit of length Ancient world, was equal to 1/216,000 of the circumference of our planet. And here we see the same number (216 ? 2 = 432). "216" is 432:2.

We find the same number in the texts of the Babylonian priest Berosus (the period of the reign of the kings before the flood lasting 432,000 years). In the Icelandic epic, the story of the cosmic battle of gods and anti-gods speaks of 540 doors. Each one produces 800 warriors. By asking how many warriors there were in total, we get 432,000.

The earliest and latest dates mentioning this number are 20 to 25 centuries apart. Consequently, all this time and throughout this entire space (from India to Iceland) there was some kind of continuity - and the guardians of this continuity, hidden, unknown to anyone.

F. Engels showed interest in the encrypted knowledge of the ancients, in particular the Bible. Treating the biblical text as a historical source and analyzing it, F. Engels saw logic and meaning in many of the information contained in it.

These observations of F. Engels are continued in the latest works of researchers. They discovered, in particular, a number of patterns skillfully hidden in the text. The key to their understanding turned out to be sacred number 7.

The name of Moses is mentioned 847 times in all 66 books of the Bible. This number can be represented as 121? 7. The name of another prophet, David, is mentioned 1134 times (162 × 7). Jeremiah's name in 7 books Old Testament mentioned 147 times (21 × 7), etc. by Key, mystical number 7 also permeates entire chunks of text.

Other, more complex connections have also been found.

Bible books were different people. They wrote on different languages for 1000, and according to other sources – 1600 years. There is a gap of 400 years between the writing of the Old and New Testaments. What continuity could exist between those who wrote these texts? How did John the Theologian, exiled to last years During the reign of Domitian on the island of Patmos, when composing his “Revelation” there, could he have known that he had to mention the name of Moses there once in order to complete the number in all books of the Bible, a multiple of 7?

Reading ancient texts, we do not always understand their hidden meaning: the god Mars has two satellites (companions) - Phobos and Deimos (Iliad, book 15). For almost 3 thousand years, hearing these lines, they were understood in a purely mythological sense. And only when, after the creation of a telescope, two satellites were discovered near the planet Mars, the thought arose: were these not what the blind poet had in mind?

For example, alchemists encrypted into allegorical form what they wanted to convey to those who knew the secret language. And not only them.

Thus, the tradition of “Kabbalah” depicts cosmogony, or complete knowledge of the creation and development of the world, in the form of a kind of symbolic palace. This palace has 50 doors, and all doors open with one key. Knowing that key gives access to the secrets of cosmogony. There are 10 doors on each of the four sides of the horizon, and 9 other doors lead up into the sky. In addition, there is another door about which nothing is known yet. Only by opening it can you find out where it leads - up or down, into the abyss. It is only known that none of those who entered it returned back. Through this symbol of “non-return” the ancients denoted the danger of accessing some knowledge. Danger – both for those who have achieved it and for others. There is a mention of this, in particular, in the Book of Enoch. It says that there was once a lot of evil on Earth from people to whom the “heavenly secrets of the world” were revealed.

An example of hiding dangerous knowledge is the famous “Greek fire”. It was an “absolute weapon” at that time. In the battle with the Arabs in 716, the Byzantines destroyed almost their entire fleet, all 800 ships. The precautions that the Byzantines took to ensure that the secret of the composition did not fall into anyone’s hands are understandable. They succeeded; they protected the secret for five centuries. Until the secret of the “Greek fire” was lost forever.

The secret of gunpowder was also kept secret, which the ancients knew about centuries before its discovery by Bartold Schwartz. In the 7th century AD e. Gunpowder was known in Egypt, long before that - in India, in the 5th century BC. e. - in China.

An example of a discovery that was not made public is given by Leonardo da Vinci: “How and why do I not write about my method of staying under water for as long as you can remain without food? I will not make this public and I will not make it public because evil people, who would use this method to kill at the bottom of the sea, breaking through the bottom of ships and drowning them along with the people in them" (Leicester manuscript).

Of course, today it is difficult to say what kind of knowledge it was that was so carefully guarded. Perhaps some answer to this can be found in what will be said below.

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The MIYuFA website www.site and its board differs from other Russian sites in that articles always appear on it about what others are talking about, including television and the media different countries, they dare to speak only after only years. Today we present to your attention, as well as to the attention of various scientific circles and government agencies, another exclusive and unique article, which is not just an article, but the beginning of a new, seemingly anti-scientific, although deeply thought-out, direction of philosophy. The author of this article is the scientific secretary of the educational and educational organization Society “Knowledge for the People”, researcher and author of a number of books and articles on such sensitive issues of our time as Podshivalova V.V., which shows the meaninglessness of all modern “scientific progress”. She makes a well-deserved reproach to modern science for hiding the true knowledge necessary for the full development of society and for human life, and promises in a series of her articles to reveal that very hidden inner truth. A truth that each of us knows and understands on a subconscious level, but hides in the depths of our souls under the yoke of modern “scientific” “progress” and even pressure from such false scientists. The truth that gives anyone (even a completely uneducated person) the keys to unraveling the mysteries and mysteries of nature, and even anomalous phenomena that in fact are not such by nature, but turned into them thanks to the “diligent efforts” of scientists who erased and hid true knowledge from us in order to populate our minds with other “scientific” knowledge and values, to increase their personal well-being and imaginary authority.

Writer-publicist, author of theory and scientific works research of the energy-informational state of space, head of the board of IIYuFA, deputy. Chairman of the Board of the Society "Knowledge of the People"

Peter Iv. Kikilik

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Academic Council of MIYuFA, Chairman of the Board of the Society “Knowledge for the People”

Stanislav Nick. Nekrasov

Researcher, scientific secretary

regional educational and educational

organizations Society "Knowledge to the People"

Veronica Podshivalova

Who and why hides true knowledge from people and turns the obvious into secret, and the laws of nature into its mysteries and anomalous phenomena?

From the series of articles “What is completely unconscious and unidentified by anyone, not subject to anyone’s control, but completely controlling a person’s life”

Humanity daily, hourly, every second strives for knowledge of the entire surrounding world, tirelessly moving from ignorance to knowledge. And it sincerely believes that it solves the mysteries of nature and history. Scientists convince us that it was thanks to their merits that humanity received the necessary knowledge and enlightenment. As a result, what was frightening is already perceived in its “natural form”, the surprising and mysterious seems natural. For example, no one is afraid of an eclipse of the sun anymore, because we have been told that the cause of this phenomenon has supposedly been clarified. At the same time, scientists do not understand why the eclipse occurs and who is in charge. In addition, humanity is regularly told to enjoy regular technical innovations and supposedly has in its arsenal many cures for intractable diseases.

Unfortunately, I have to disappoint the entire scientific world. My many years of observations and research have shown two things:

1. Our ancestors had much more knowledge about everything than we have now; moreover, they had true knowledge.

2. For a number of reasons, this true knowledge was destroyed and erased in our memory (in our brains), but there are places where this memory was preserved, and every person can easily use it and for this there is absolutely no need to be a scientist or have any knowledge. then special abilities. Although there are limitations here too, the limitations are not the existing level of knowledge and understanding and the current level of development of science, but the level of what we are “allowed to know.”

It is precisely what we have all forgotten, what no one hides from us, but we don’t see it at all, and who is hiding what and why from us, that is the subject of my series of articles “The Unrealized and Unidentified by No One” , not subject to anyone, but completely controlling a person’s life.” In these articles I will tell you something that no one wants to argue with, agreeing with every word of mine that does not contradict modern science, but at the same time my statements will debunk the high importance of modern science that is familiar to us. I will not give numbers, dates, analytical tables and other things necessary for scientific articles, but I will try to explain everything as is customary among the common people “on the fingers” in order to make my articles understandable to anyone, not just the scientific world. And for those who want to get evidence and facts, there is the Internet, which is filled with such facts and scientific articles with evidence in abundance.

To clearly show the absurdity of statements that science has gone far ahead, I will show you the example of two categories of our ancestors. The first category is “close” ancestors, those whom we remember from the stories of our older generation, passed down from mouth to mouth from generation to generation, roughly speaking, people of recent centuries and up to “modern” centuries. The second category is the most “distant” ancestors - which in science are called previous civilizations. Modern science does not deny the existence of ancient civilizations? No! This means that I haven’t written anything anti-scientific just now.

And now we move on to what is now considered to be the achievements of modern science. For example:

- technical progress. Progress has been made, but compared to what? With the technical level of previous civilizations? So now it is no secret for modern science that we have not achieved even a small grain of the technical progress that our “distant” ancestors, the so-called scientifically called previous civilizations, had. A striking example of this is the Egyptian pyramids, the construction technologies of which are still not available to us. Progress compared to the technical level of “close” ancestors is obvious. Scientists beat their chests, receive awards and feel proud that they were able to achieve what our ancestors could not. And no one has any questions: why couldn’t “close” ancestors master that level of technical development? What was stopping them? Not enough resources? Underdeveloped brain? Illiteracy? Absence necessary knowledge and knowledge? Or maybe, on the contrary, the “close” ancestors had much more knowledge then than all the scientists in the world have now and today? Maybe they understood that it was precisely the current level of technical development that would destroy the main natural organism - planet Earth, thanks to which we continue to live, while destroying humanity itself? Yes, you heard right, modern scientists have finally “realized” that the Earth is alive. In recent years, more and more scientists have declared that the Earth is a living, intelligent organism that knows about the existence of human civilization and observes its activities. Water is compared to blood, mountain ranges to a spine, etc. That is, in fact, the Earth is exactly the same organism as the human one. And the ancient people, our “close” ancestors, knew this very well and used this knowledge in their lives instead of chasing some kind of progress, and did not try to start building their lives in a scientific way, violating the laws of nature, as our main organism . For example, the day-night phenomenon. “Close” ancestors did not need scientific knowledge in order to correctly use this phenomenon. They, not having modern technical innovations, lived “by the rules” of nature, woke up with the sunrise, and fell asleep with its sunset. All work was carried out only in daytime days. At the same time, they did not need a clue as to why the daylight hours are longer in the summer, when it is harvest time, and in the winter, when nature is hibernating, the days are shorter. The life of “close” ancestors followed the same rhythms as the life of the planet itself. Let's look at what technological progress has given us: humanity does not sleep at night, fascinated by modern achievements - TV, the Internet, communication and games in gadgets; the morning does not begin at dawn, but from the moment the working day begins, and the day also ends much later than sunset. At the same time, all scientists are sounding the alarm due to the fact that the number of various diseases is increasing, they do not perceive the real things, that this is happening from a simple systematic lack of sleep. Modern man does not hear the rhythms of the earth, scientists inspire him with something else, and gradually destroys himself. It’s like a disease called cardiac arrhythmia, the heart beats not according to the laws of the human body, but as it pleases or can for reasons of deviation of the diseased heart from the healthy one. Such an arrhythmic heart is recognized even by scientists as sick and the person dies before people with a healthy heart. But no one notices the deviation of the human rhythm from the rhythm of the earth against the background of technological progress, only recording an increase in the mortality rate and a decrease in the birth rate. So were our “close” ancestors so stupid that they could not progress technically, or did they deliberately avoid such progress so as not to destroy themselves? After this, we can say with confidence that the “Close” ancestors were much smarter than our progressive technical generation. They adjusted to the rhythm of the Earth, and therefore could use its full potential. They did not disturb nature with modern vehicles and equipment for harvesting and planting crops in pursuit of increasing productivity, and by being able to plant plants correctly, putting a certain energy in them, they received more harvest than the most modern farms and farms now produce, using the latest technology, modern highly effective fertilizers and seeds. And environmental scientists did not sound the alarm at that time, because no one polluted or violated the environment. So what is the progress achieved by modern scientists and technicians? Progress in the destruction of the natural, progress in transforming the healthy cardiac system of the Earth (humanity) into an arrhythmic one? Transformation of living nature into inanimate?

- modern medicine. She has reached, according to scientists, enormous heights. New medicines for various viruses and diseases are regularly invented, our pharmaceuticals are more developed in some places than industry, the number of pharmacies exceeds the number of grocery stores. The enormous progress of modern times. And how did our ancestors survive without such progress? How could they live without life-saving medications? Why didn’t they develop and come up with more and more new drugs? Firstly, most modern diseases were created artificially, for example, cancer, AIDS, urogenital infections, endless new influenza and ARVI viruses, etc. The creation of new types of diseases has always kept pace with the discovery of new drugs for them (the disease has not yet been discovered , but there is already a cure. And so, day after day, science moves forward, and the life of the planet and people is shortened due to this science). Just as, for example, in order to earn “a piece of bread and put the earned money into a bank account abroad, first scientists (supposedly hackers) create computer viruses, and then every day the same scientists and for the same purpose update anti-virus databases, showing a prompt response to modern computer evil. There are also other diseases not consciously discovered by scientists, diseases of civilization - hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, etc. from a sedentary lifestyle, which is required by modern technological progress or neuroses, and the modern syndrome of chronic fatigue, which is familiar to everyone (here again the factor of disruption of the rhythms of nature is evident - sleep disturbances ). And our “close” ancestors did not have such an abundance of diseases as in the modern age of progress, and those diseases that did exist were treated, again, with the help of the natural capabilities of our planet, our main living organism, our nurse. “Close” ancestors knew which herbs or roots to cure this or that disease; they knew how to turn to the forces of nature for help. Modern progress has begun to call people who have retained such abilities of their “close” ancestors, “healers”, “shamans”, in general, anti-scientific and uneducated people. But why then, in those days of witchcraft, women, for example, did not endlessly lie in hospitals trying to get pregnant, carry and give birth to a child? Why, during the time of our “close” ancestors, did a woman continue to lead her usual way of life, without being distracted by pregnancy, and gave birth where labor begins? Why now, in the age of medical progress, a pregnant woman automatically turns into a sick person, requiring constant monitoring by doctors, special nutrition and necessarily treatment with at least vitamin preparations? Because the woman’s body has changed? Or maybe because evolution occurred and the process of pregnancy and childbirth changed? Or still, because those who came up with progress and medicines need funds for a comfortable life. For the process of giving birth, the “close” ancestors needed only a “grandmother-midwife”, who could deliver the birth correctly and correct the baby in the literal sense of the word, straighten his still soft bones as necessary for him to be healthy. And in the current age of modern medicine, not only is a child tortured with medications while he is in the womb, but he is also subjected to regular ultrasounds and other examinations on modern medical devices and instruments during pregnancy (otherwise, scientists become involved in the invention of these devices and drugs meaningless). But, despite such progress, during childbirth, most children are born with hematomas, oxygen deficiency and injuries received during childbirth in modern medical clinics, which, despite their “progressive” level, cannot gently straighten the bones and easily deliver birth like the old “midwives”. These modern clinics do not give the child and his mother what their “close” ancestors gave - the feeling of home comfort and family energy. In the hospital, these two closest people (mother and child) are in official conditions, isolated not only from their home, but also often from their native country, when women in labor go for help to “great specialists” of other countries. Or will scientists say that “close” ancestors had a high mortality rate of infants and women in childbirth? Or maybe the birth rate was low? And if you look carefully at modern statistical data? How many babies die in the womb in each maternity hospital every year? How many mothers die during childbirth? And all this is attributed to the unhealthy body of women in labor, while missing the mistakes of doctors and the result of the “progress” of medicine. The same nature and natural products, undisturbed by technological progress, made it possible for most women to give birth both at home and in the field and without consequences. Now it’s nonsense if a woman gives birth on the way to the hospital. Because we are used to most often forcing childbirth artificially and under the supervision of modern “progressive” and “competent” doctors in order to extort funds for “food”. The mortality rate was several times lower among our “close” ancestors, and the birth rate was higher. Proof of this can only be the fact that previously there were large families, albeit poor, but healthy, friendly and happy, and now there are families with “young children” and “childless”, and living in constant strife even within their own family circle. “Close” ancestors did not need medicines in the form in which modern scientists present them to us; they knew how to use not only the unique properties of nature - herbs and roots, but also the unique properties of water. “Living” and “dead” water were not just subjects for fairy tales, they were not yet forgotten and not lost abilities to be able to use the capabilities of nature, in particular water. Huge mortality in modern world With high level progress does not shock anyone, and the most common cause of death - cancer, tuberculosis, etc. - have become as natural as natural death from old age (like “close” ancestors). What did the “distant” ancestors have? No one knows for sure, but the absence of burials and cemeteries in the discovered remains of settlements of “ancient civilizations” of such a scale as in the modern world, I think, may indicate a developed level of natural medicine, and not the various drugs implanted by modern scientists. And again, to the level that was used by the ancient uneducated ancestors, to which our modern “progress” is still far away. Again, if we compare the Planet with the human body, then why doesn’t anyone treat the Earth, why can it restore itself, but the human body supposedly cannot? Modern scientists will still prove the progressiveness and usefulness of the drugs they create, as something without which one cannot exist modern man(and all this with one goal - to extort money from a working person). But what about the placebo effect (a generally accepted fact when a patient is given a dummy pill, but he recovers from it as if he were given a real drug because the patient sincerely believes that he took the medicine and not the dummy)? The pacifier effect that even cures cancer? Isn't it proof that medical progress is unnecessary? Does this mean that “close” and “distant” ancestors were able to use not drug treatment, but the capabilities of consciousness for health? And even now, given the number of counterfeit drugs, many patients receive treatment precisely due to this “placebo” effect, using ordinary chalk instead of drugs. So what is the progress of modern medicine? In the treatment of diseases invented during this progress, in the creation of “drug dependence” and “hospital dependence” in humanity, with the aim of profiting from patients and destroying humanity?

- modern education. Modern progress in education is obvious, in comparison with the education of our ancestors, not only scientists, but also all ordinary people and housewives will say. Judging by the number of subjects taught in modern educational institutions and their complexity, then of course the science of “education” runs quickly and so far that no one can know and understand the words and terms used in science. And if judged by the results of the training received? Do educated people reach the level of knowledge that their “distant” ancestors had? Judging by the fact that humanity still cannot unravel the secrets of previous civilizations, no, they do not. What if you compare it with “close” ancestors? It would seem that, yes, modern educated humanity is ahead of them, but in what way? Can a modern graduate of an educational institution do what an uneducated “close” ancestor of that time could? For example, to survive in the wild, know how to plant and harvest crops correctly, find the necessary food in the forest, hunt, etc. without modern technical devices? Yes, modern educated people know how to do all this, but not in real, but in virtual reality, playing various simulation games using modern technical innovations. In other words, those practical skills that “close” ancestors possessed, modern humanity not only did it not develop, but also lost what it had. And I suspect that they were lost deliberately and precisely by these same scientists who diligently destroyed them, and all for the sake of “moving progress forward”! What else does modern education provide for the life of mankind? The opportunity to become modern scientists, to be proud of the fact that they are the ones making progress “to nowhere”? But it’s no secret that the majority of both student and scientific papers are often not written by the authors themselves, but someone does it for them for various reasons, while doing the same thing, copying each other, then quoting themselves. And teachers require that students always use references and quotations in their work, and work without the use of “other people’s words” is not accepted for credit. And what can such “educated” people achieve, whose education is expressed only “on paper”? I assert, and I think everyone will agree with me, that the modern education system (from preschool to modern higher educational institutions) was created only to tear people away from true knowledge, to destroy all the knowledge of their ancestors. Students, in order to master all the knowledge necessary to successfully graduate from an educational institution, are forced to spend most of their free life time on learning, which they could spend on real research and knowledge of themselves and the world around them, on obtaining true knowledge, and not imposed on us by modern society scientists. But humanity has no time to do this, and it is not profitable for the inventors of more and more new drugs and technical devices; we need to master what modern scientists have come up with and are imposing on us, calling it population degradation a beautiful word"modern education". Another proof of degradation can be the fact that modern “developed” humanity has lost the ability of both “close” and “distant” ancestors to receive all the necessary information and all the necessary information from space (or as the writer-publicist, researcher of the energy-informational state of space writes .And Kikilyk that humanity breathes memory and drinks memory, since one copy of the Planet’s memory is embedded in space, the second in water). Nowadays, those who have such skills are called psychics and are considered someone special, beyond understanding. And before, every person was such a psychic, just as now everyone can become one. They just don’t teach this art in educational institutions, but rather lead them away from it. For what? And so that modern humanity does not learn terrible secrets, but not the secrets of Nature, but the secrets of those who consciously and purposefully are engaged in the destruction of the knowledge of their ancestors, the knowledge of Nature, they created false sciences that contradict the laws of Nature. Those who hid from humanity the real alphabet that was used by ancestors throughout the entire planet, and real language, in which they spoke, and which kept the entire Planet and humanity in energy balance. Those who removed many components from the concepts of physics, for example, the power of sound, without giving sounds and vibrations any role, while vibrations emitted by both man himself and nature are the basis of everything. I don’t even want and won’t now remember some scientists who replaced the speed of thought with the speed of light, thus setting humanity on the wrong path of development of both science and life. Is this modern educational progress? Select true knowledge, take time to study it, and instill artificially created knowledge, achieving progress in this artificial knowledge?

So what have you achieved? modern science in recent centuries? She gave me something that was completely unnecessary. She herself came up with new viruses - she herself came up with cures for them, she herself invented weapons - she herself figured out how to protect herself from them, she herself came up with gadgets - and continues to think about how to improve them... That is. science is busy wasting time - it artificially creates a “problem” and solves it itself, in other words, science is marking time, creating the illusion of achievements. And if it moves forward, it is not for the benefit of humanity, but in order to make more profit (for example, new gadgets are regularly invented). But in fact, modern science has not achieved even a fraction of what our ancestors, both “near” and “distant,” possessed. Because someone cleverly destroyed that knowledge and skills from the memory of the modern generation, replacing them with worthless modern ones. For what? Yes, in order to rule, to turn us from free and independent people (as our ancestors were) into their slaves (as is happening now). We are absolutely dependent on all the results of “progress”: household amenities, medicines, telephony, the Internet, the pursuit of education for a more prestigious job, etc. All this makes us slaves of this “progress” and eternal buyers of regularly improved new products that become unusable after six months, a year, i.e. people who are constantly forced to work “for their uncle”, and then give what they earn to the same “uncle”, buying what they need to live in a modern progressive society, or rather, for the profit of certain people who are behind modern “progress”. These are those “ghosts” invisible to us, who call themselves “priests” from the world council of priests, who rule the world, who possess the knowledge of our ancestors, but skillfully took it away from us (See on the website www..

They take away knowledge from us by putting secrecy marks on “discoveries” and making them inaccessible to ordinary people (whom they call their slaves), or by declaring crazy those who still dare, without fear of persecution and stamps “secret”, to declare publicly about true knowledge and real discoveries (not new discoveries, but discovered “old” and long-forgotten ones). Yes, in principle, there is no need to declare people with true knowledge crazy. Most people, having received a modern education and thanks to “scientific progress” itself, consider this true information to be nonsense, and if they see evidence of this, in their opinion, nonsense, they consider them anomalous phenomena, since science cannot explain these phenomena, despite your “progress”. Well, if the attempts of our “ghost rulers” do not work, then the “knowledgeable” people are physically destroyed. Therefore, many people who have true knowledge are silent, afraid to show in any way that they are only playing the role of slaves in this world, in fact they are the freest, since they have true knowledge that is absolutely not similar to modern generally accepted “scientific” knowledge. Some of the “knowledgeable” people still cannot keep it to themselves, and finding a compromise, breaks the silence, becoming a science fiction writer. What are your complaints about the science fiction writer? You can’t declare him crazy - he’s a writer, maybe he came up with everything. Again, you can’t put it “secret” because these are just books and there seems to be no reason to destroy them for revealing a secret, because nothing has been revealed. But the books of science fiction writers, just like folk children's fairy tales, contain a truth hidden from us and make us think. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows” - all folk tales (coming from “close” ancestors) ended with these words. These “ghost” rulers not only destroy the “secrets” themselves and people who have “secret” knowledge, they also hide fairy tales from us, filling the heads of modern children with new cartoons that do not carry information from the past. They take all scientific progress in a completely different direction, coming up with priority tasks for science, either finding a cure for a modern virus, or inventing a new necessary weapon, or something else. Because if all the modern “secrets of past knowledge” are revealed, then the modern system of human life will be destroyed as House of cards, and this will begin with the sciences taught in schools, since their falsity will be revealed.

And now that I have shown the senselessness of scientific progress and talked about who is to blame for our real ignorance of nothing, I will reveal the secrets of correct knowledge without fear of being declared crazy. Since in each article devoted to a certain incredible - non-obvious, but vitally important, I will gradually clear grains with true titles from the scientific artificially inspired scientific husk, but this will absolutely not contradict modern scientific discoveries, and at the same time every reader will understand that he is either knows, or heard about it once, or guessed, and will always agree with my words, and at the same time it will not be similar to the knowledge that “scientists” regularly present to us.

To be continued…

Ural, Chelyabinsk. January 2016

Today we are clearly aware that our knowledge of the past is in many ways incomplete. The question arises - who is to blame for this?
Some of this knowledge was quite likely deliberately hidden by the guardians of antiquity. One can only speculate: perhaps this was the knowledge the possession of which made a person dangerous to others. Especially if this knowledge became the property of rulers and military leaders. You can look for the reason for this. But not only this.

The dissemination of certain knowledge was also hampered by considerations of a different order - the desire to maintain a monopoly in a particular field of activity. And the “Kabala” is told about a certain “Book of Higher Knowledge,” which, so as not to fall into the hands of the unworthy, was hidden in a deep cave.

Newton also wrote about the bearers of secret knowledge in his time: “There are great secrets that the great enlightened do not boast about, so that the world does not find itself in great danger.”

According to Plutarch, as a student of Aristotle, Alexander the Great acquired knowledge that was not widely publicized. This knowledge was called “hidden, oral.” When Aristotle wrote down some information, Macedonsky reproached him for divulging secret teachings: “You did wrong by promulgating a teaching intended only for oral teaching.”

Knowledge of astronomy was hidden in the same way. The Druid priests, hiding their knowledge from random people, did not make any notes. Everything was passed on to the “right” people only orally. This was a tradition, and all their knowledge disappeared with them.

Another way to hide secrets is to encrypt them. To do this, they used various symbols, conventional phrases, drawings, and designations that prevented the understanding of what was written.

More than 100 thousand manuscripts on alchemy have survived to this day. That is, 100 thousand alchemists set out on parchment some information that, as they believed, should not be lost after them.

In 1585, Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II received a gift of a manuscript from Roger Bacon, a scientist who somehow anticipated a number of discoveries of subsequent centuries: the telephone, the self-propelled carriage, flying machines... If you remember that Bacon lived in the 13th century, you can imagine the scale of his abilities!

However, Bacon's 24-page manuscript was never included in the collection of his works, because. was written in code. And scientists to this day have not been able to find the key to Bacon's cipher. In addition, the language of the manuscript has no analogue in any known language. It is unknown whether this is an artificial language. But it is known that the first such language was created only in the 17th century. Riddles, riddles...

Another example of hiding dangerous knowledge is the famous “Greek fire.” At that time it was an “absolute weapon.” In the battle with the Arabs in 716, the Byzantines destroyed the entire enemy fleet, all 800 ships. It’s easy to understand the Byzantines - why did they need to divulge the secret of their weapons?! And they managed to guard their secret for five centuries until it was lost.

Centuries before the advent of gunpowder, the secret of its production was known to the ancients. Back in the 7th century, gunpowder was known in Egypt, and long before that - in India and China. So Berthold Schwartz would not be the first. True, he did it on his own.

Even the great Leonardo da Vinci wrote: - “How and why I don’t write about my method of staying under water for as long as you can remain without food, I’ll say - I won’t make it public because of the evil people who use this method to kill at the bottom seas, breaking through the bottom of ships and sinking them along with their people."

Sometimes, as we have already understood, people themselves deprived their descendants of their inheritance. If we recall the events associated with the manuscripts and ancient texts of the Maya, an unsightly image of the young Spanish monk Diego de Landa arises. In 1549, he arrived in newly conquered Mexico and decided to eradicate the very spirit of the pagan faith. A huge library of ancient manuscripts was discovered in one of the Mayan temples. By order of the monk, all day long the soldiers carried these manuscripts and scrolls with incomprehensible drawings and signs to the square in front of the temple. Having finished his work, the monk brought a burning torch to these manuscripts. Later, this “smart guy” wrote that “the manuscripts contained nothing but superstitions and inventions of the devil.”
Only three Mayan manuscripts have survived to this day.

It is no less regrettable to teach the Incan script. An epidemic began under one of the rulers. The oracle, which was approached with the question - what to do? - ordered to ban writing. The ruler ordered the destruction of all written monuments. Moreover, he ordered not to use the letter at all.
Only in the Temple of the Sun there remained several paintings describing the history of the Incas, and only the reigning Incas and the guardian priests were allowed to enter the room where they were kept.

Many years later, when all the manuscripts were destroyed and writing was prohibited under penalty of death, one priest took the risk of inventing an alphabet. The result was terrible - he was burned alive.

In 1572, four manuscript paintings captured by the Spaniards were sent by ship to Madrid to King Philip II. But even here evil fate showed its unsightly face - the ship sank along with its precious cargo. But these were the only monuments of Inca writing!

According to historians, the libraries of Carthage consisted of at least 500 thousand volumes. Of this many, one has survived - the only one translated into Latin. The rest was burned by the Romans to destroy the culture of the people and their history.

The Muslim conquerors behaved similarly. They not only confiscated all ancient books and manuscripts, but also promised rich rewards to those who gave them up voluntarily. All this was mercilessly burned. Yes, whoever does not create cannot understand the value of what he created, and easily destroys it. Unfortunately.

As we see, the destruction of written monuments and manuscripts has the same ancient history, like writing itself.
One of the first fires in which books were burned was the fire whose flames destroyed the works of Pratogor (5th century BC)

Wasn't the first emperor of the Qin dynasty a criminal who ordered the burning of Confucius's writings in China in the 3rd century BC?

In 272 BC. bonfires burned in Rome. Later, the Roman Emperor Augustus ordered all books on astronomy and astrology to be burned.

That is why, from the extensive evidence of the past - works on history, literature, science, medicine - only pitiful fragments have reached us.

Can our understanding of, say, Sophocles be complete if he wrote about 120 dramas, and only 7 of them have reached us?
Of the 100 dramas of Euripides, 19 have survived. Of all the works of Aristotle, one has survived, the rest are records of his contemporaries and students.

One of the greatest historians of antiquity, Titus Livius (58 BC - 17 AD) left a great work - "History of Rome." These are 143 books, of which only 35 volumes have reached us.

The library of the city of Pergamum in Asia Minor consisted of 200 thousand volumes of works and scrolls of unique manuscripts. And what? The Roman Emperor Anthony took all this away and gave it to Cleopatra. Generous Antonio! Nothing remains of this library.

The same fate - complete destruction - befell the library of the Temple of Ptah in Memphis and the book depository of the Jerusalem Temple.
In 47 BC, when Julius Caesar set fire to the Egyptian fleet in the harbor of Alexandria, the fire spread to the city and the first, smaller of the libraries perished.
During the reign of Diocletian and in subsequent years, ignorant crowds repeatedly raided the second library, burning valuable manuscripts.
The destruction of the library was completed by the Muslim Arabs who captured Alexandria.

So time and people forever “hidden” from future generations much that could enrich them with knowledge.


I used to be indignant at the barbarity of the destroyers of books and knowledge... But over the years I began to understand that “manuscripts do not burn.” Any knowledge is in the noosphere and can be “restored”. Casey left notes about Atlantis, about Christ... He fell into a trance. There are thousands of them. If anyone wants to restore lost novels, plays, volume 2 " Dead souls" - there are no problems for those who can... But from the esoteric books of contemporaries it follows that there were battles on the subtle plane to prevent television and the Internet - a duping of unprecedented proportions. 5000 years of history - our calendars have a different countdown - were stolen. The Slavic-Aryans skillfully pitted against each other in World War I and World War II, but the royal families were intertwined... Maps and chronicles were destroyed and “corrected.” German “historians” worked hard to eradicate the truth about the Russian State, and lost Lomonosov’s version... This data is about to emerge , either from the library of Grozny, or from the revelations of mystics...
Thanks for the selection.