Where to complain about a private kindergarten. Where can I complain about a kindergarten? Legal advice

11.01.2018 Documentation

Children are the most important people for any parents. Therefore, giving them to kindergarten ik, they hope that their child will be carefully looked after, played educational games, fed healthy food and put to bed on time. However, often in practice everything turns out to be completely different: teachers do not devote any time to the child, children are left to their own devices during walks, food does not meet standards, and parent meetings we are only talking about raising money for the endless needs of the preschool institution. And this is not a complete list of unpleasant moments that any person may encounter when sending their child to kindergarten. Separately, it is worth mentioning the so-called entry fees, which are absolutely illegal and are possible only on a voluntary basis as charity.

In this regard, many parents are interested in questions: where to write if their child is not accepted into kindergarten, breaking the law? Who should I complain to about the manager if problematic situations arise?

You can look for answers on your own, but it will take a lot of time and effort.

It is much more convenient to contact experienced lawyers who will analyze each case and provide free competent advice at any time of the day, seven days a week.

You just need to enter your question in a special feedback form and wait for the answer from the specialist on duty.

  • Manager. Before writing complaints about a kindergarten to the Department of Education, the prosecutor's office and other higher authorities, you must report your complaints to the immediate supervisor of the preschool institution. You can write a complaint in any form or complain verbally in a personal meeting. In most cases, these measures help, since the manager has the opportunity to carry out internal review, eliminate identified violations and influence the behavior of teachers and other employees.
  • Department of Preschool Education. Parents can contact this department of the Department of Education of their locality of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if conversations with the head did not give a positive result or, on the contrary, worsened an already difficult situation (for example, they began to treat the child negatively, ignoring his requests). In addition, you can write to this authority if your child is not accepted into kindergarten on time. As such, there is no complaint form to the Office, so you can fill it out in any form or download a sample from the Internet. Such a claim is sent by mail by registered mail or handed over to the Department of Education personally into the hands of an employee of the Department (in this case, it is necessary to prepare 2 copies of the document, on one of which the secretary or another person will mark acceptance).
  • Rospotrebnadzor. The task of this body is to protect the rights of all consumers in Russian Federation. If parents notice that their children are fed products of poor quality, the menu does not meet established standards, and the kindergarten rooms are completely unsanitary, then contacting Rospotrebnadzor will help solve these problems. You can complain in several ways:
    • by calling a toll-free hotline (in this case, the operator will accept an oral request and advise the applicant on further actions);
    • through the feedback form on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you need to click on the “Send message” tab, indicate your full name, contact information, the essence of the complaint and the method of sending a response based on the results of consideration of the complaint. If a citizen wants to have an official document with all signatures and a seal in his hands, then he must indicate a postal address for sending correspondence. If an email response is enough for him, then just write the address of your Email.
    • sending a regular registered letter to the postal address of Rospotrebnadzor, which can be found on its website or in any help system;
    • personal visit to the territorial unit.
  • General Prosecutor's Office. This is one of those government agencies where you should write only in cases of gross violation of the law. An example would be: physical violence, intimidation of a child, extortion of money from parents and other similar situations. If the child is not accepted into kindergarten because there is no space, then it is better to contact the Department of Education (Department of Preschool Education). You can complain to the prosecutor's office in the same ways as to Rospotrebnadzor:
    • through the Internet reception;
    • by calling the hotline;
    • personal appeal to the territorial authority at the place of residence of the parents;
    • sending a registered letter to the postal address of the Prosecutor General's Office.

If the prosecutor's office reveals violations of the law in preschool institution at the request of the applicant, its employees themselves initiate legal proceedings in the prescribed manner. In court, parents have the opportunity to recover from the head of the kindergarten not only material, but also moral damage.

How to properly file a complaint

A complaint against a kindergarten is made by parents in any form - there is no established template. However, there are certain rules for writing documents of this kind that allow officials to consider a claim in short time and send a response to the applicant:

  • Any complaint must be drawn up on a sheet of A4 paper (landscape sheet).
  • In the upper right corner it is indicated where the document is sent (addressee institution), the position and full name of the person who will presumably consider the claim (if known).
  • Next, you should write your full name so that the recipient knows who sent him the document. Here you need to mention the full name of the child whose interests are represented by the parent.
  • Below, in the center of the sheet, the title of the text “Complaint” is written;
  • Then the parents must clearly and clearly state the current situation (for example, that, despite the benefits and the established queue, the child is not accepted into kindergarten or the head is abusing her official position). Obscene expressions and phrases that are used in everyday life should be avoided: literacy and logic of the text should come first. We must not forget about evidence and arguments - officials must see that the rights of parents are truly infringed.
  • At the end of the document, you need to write what results the citizen expects to see (issuing a voucher, conducting an inspection, etc.) and at what address he is waiting for a response to his appeal (postal or electronic).

If the child’s parent intends to complain about the head of the kindergarten to higher authorities personally, he needs to prepare two identical copies of the complaint at once, because on one of them the official must put an acceptance mark and return it to the citizen.

If the applicant simply sends the complaint by registered mail, then one copy of the document must be enclosed in the envelope, and the form for receiving the correspondence by the addressee and the payment receipt will serve as evidence of sending.

We have already talked more than once about where to complain about school fees and arbitrariness of teachers - in detail step by step instructions You can find information on drawing up and filing complaints against a school in our previous articles. In today's review, we decided to deal with another, no less important problem that interests many young parents - how to protect the rights of a child in kindergarten?

This issue has remained relevant for many years, because you can encounter negligence and unprofessionalism of employees both in a district and in an elite kindergarten - absolutely no one is immune from this. So, where and how to properly complain about a kindergarten? Read about this in our new material.

Complaint from the head of the kindergarten

If you have any complaints about the work of kindergarten teachers, do not rush to immediately file complaints with all sorts of authorities, from the prosecutor's office to the president's reception. It is quite possible that your problem can be solved peacefully by simply talking with the manager. You can make a complaint either in writing or during a personal visit: clearly and clearly state your complaints, present your demands and ask that appropriate measures be taken.

You can be sure that the management values ​​​​its reputation and the last thing they want is unnecessary checks and re-certifications, which are inevitable if parents turn to higher authorities. As practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, one appeal to the head of the kindergarten is sufficient to resolve the issue.

Complaint about a kindergarten to Rospotrebnadzor

If the complaint to the management of the kindergarten does not bring a positive result, you have the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor. You can submit a complaint in any way convenient for you: in person, in writing, by phone or email. You can find the phone number and address of the branch in your city on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor. You must respond to your complaint within 30 days.

Complaint about a kindergarten to the local education department

The next authority you can turn to to protect your rights is the local education department. The procedure for filing a complaint is the same as in previous cases - the application is drawn up in free form, you can submit it in person or by mail, by registered mail with notification.

Complaint about a kindergarten to the Deputy Head of the Administration for Social Affairs

If previous authorities ignored your complaints, contact your city administration with a complaint. You can also submit your application in person or by registered mail.

Note! If you have it in your hands written refusals from previous authorities - be sure to scan these documents or make copies of them and attach them to your application. They will serve as evidence and help you confirm the inaction and indifference of the officials you contacted earlier.

When choosing a kindergarten for our child, we always listen to reviews from other parents, and also first study the condition of the building, walking area, etc. However, not everyone pays attention to such important factors as the competence of the staff and the level of their accreditation. Often, due to the lack of these parameters, problems arise. conflict situations with the administration right up to the change of kindergarten. If you find that your child’s rights have been violated in some way by employees of the establishment, you can file a complaint. Let's take a closer look at how to design it correctly.

Preparing to write a complaint

Rules for document execution

As such, there is no clear structure in drawing up such an appeal. The main thing is that it fully reflects the meaning of the problem and is supported by substantial evidence. When filing a written complaint against a kindergarten, adhere to following rules:

  1. In the header of the document, indicate the full name and address of the organization to which you are sending the request. It is best to contact a specific person, for example, the head of the city administration, the Minister of Health, etc. You can generally send it to several authorities at the same time.
  2. Describe your problem in detail, pointing to specific facts and arguments. In addition, do not forget to attach supporting documents to your application (photos, videos, excerpts from legislative acts of the Russian Federation, etc.).
  3. In conclusion, offer your solution to the situation. For example, this could be a warning, depreciation of staff or their dismissal. It is important here to be objective and restrained in your desires. However, this does not mean that this particular method of “punishment” will be chosen by the relevant authority.

Don't forget to sign the document and also leave personal contact details for feedback.

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Methods for submitting a complaint

There are several ways to send a complaint: by registered mail with notification, by email, or by handing it over personally to an employee of the appropriate authority. In addition, there is an alternative channel for submitting an application - through the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. To do this, go to the menu "Connection", paragraph "Leave an email" and fill out the proposed document form.

The time frame for considering a complaint depends on the complexity of the issue. As defined by Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals”, state authorities and local governments are required to provide information on the progress of solving the stated problem within 15 days. If you are not satisfied with the response of the authority, you have the right to go to court.

Parents often have a situation where questions about queuing up for kindergarten, obtaining the required referral to kindergarten, etc. remain unanswered after contacting the OSIP and even " hotline". In this case, it makes sense to apply in writing and officially, since your appeal will become valid and will be recorded at the reception of the Department.

Below we will try to describe in detail how and where you can turn to resolve controversial and pressing issues.

So, appeals received by the Public Reception of the Moscow Department of Education are considered in accordance with Federal Law dated May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, Federal Law dated February 9, 2009 No. 8-FZ ( ed. dated December 28, 2013) “On ensuring access to information about the activities of state bodies and local governments.”

You can contact the Public Reception of the Moscow Department of Education in the following ways:

  • Write a letter and send it by mail to the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Spasskaya st., building 15, building 1
  • Bring the letter in person and submit it to the Public Reception of the Department of Education at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Spasskaya St., 15, building 1
  • Use the Internet appeal system through the Electronic Reception
Public reception opening hours:
  • Monday - from 8:30 to 12:00
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:30
  • Friday - from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00

Let us dwell in more detail on the possibility of officially contacting the Electronic Reception of the Moscow Department of Education. The procedure for considering appeals from citizens is regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.” Work with appeals received in the form of electronic documents is carried out in the manner established for written appeals from citizens. The review period is 30 calendar days.

Your appeal will definitely be considered, but it must comply with the conditions for considering electronic appeals from citizens described below.

Appeal received in the form electronic document, is considered if the following details are available:
  • Name government agency or its structural unit to which the written appeal is sent, or the last name, first name, patronymic of the official, or the title of the position of the official to whom the citizen’s appeal is addressed;
  • first name, patronymic (if any), last name of the applicant;
    postal/email address to which the response and/or notification of forwarding of the request should be sent;
  • statement of the essence of the proposal, statement or complaint.

Please note that the Department does not consider requests and does not provide a response in the following cases:

  • not indicated in the appeallast name and first name of the applicant;
  • when specifying an incomplete or incorrect postal address or email address to which the response should be sent;
  • the appeal contains obscene or offensive language, threats to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
  • The appeal contains calls to overthrow the existing system and incite ethnic hatred.

After consideration of the appeal (no later than 30 calendar days from the date of its sending), the author of the electronic appeal is sent a response in the form of an electronic document to the email address specified in the appeal (e-mail) or in writing to the postal address specified in the appeal.

You also need to agree to the use of information contained in the appeal as channels for transmission, open channels Internet connections (in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation). To do this, click on the "AGREE" button at the bottom of this page.