Kindergarten sports games. Sports games in kindergarten

04.07.2019 beauty

A major role in the comprehensive physical education of children preschool age play elements of sports games. They are selected taking into account the age, health status, individual inclinations and interests of the child. They use only some elements of sports game technology that are accessible and useful to preschool children. Based on these elements learned by children, games can be organized that are played according to simplified rules.
Sport games strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. In sports games, the child’s mental activity and orientation in space increase, intelligence and quick thinking develop, and awareness of his own actions occurs. The child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades; he develops restraint, self-control, responsibility, will and determination; His sensorimotor experience is enriched and creativity develops.
It is extremely important to take into account the developmental role of joy, strong emotions, and undying interest in the results of the game. A child’s passion for play enhances the physiological state of the body.
Sports exercises replenish and enrich the vocabulary with words such as “racket”, “shuttlecock”, “rack” (of a badminton player or tennis player), “towns”, “skittles”, “bat”, etc. Sports games relieve nervous tension and help free expression of emotions.
Badminton(ball with feathers) - a sports game with a shuttlecock and rackets. The goal of the game is to prevent the shuttlecock from falling on your court and land it on the opponent's side. Simplicity of the rules, the ability to play on any small area, lawn, beach, etc. making badminton a widely accessible game. Before the game, the child is taught to hold the racket correctly: hold it in the right hand so that the end of the handle rests against the base of the palm, thumb slightly extended forward and rests on the racket handle. A child practices hitting a shuttlecock. With his left hand, he throws the shuttlecock in front of him and hits it upward with the racket, not allowing it to fall (see Fig. 13).
Before teaching children this game directly, the teacher must prepare them according to the following indicators:
1) develop appropriate posture; 2) develop physical qualities: impact force, reaction speed, etc.;

  1. develop mobility of the hand, for this purpose give exercises that develop the fingers and joints of the hand;
  2. develop the child’s ability to play ball;
  3. develop detailed tasks that will ensure the development of throwing skills;
  4. lead children to effectively master the game and its rules;
  5. practice the basic techniques of playing badminton (badminton player’s stance, racket grip, shuttlecock reception, shuttlecock serve).

After mastering these exercises, a game for two is suggested. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-5 m. The child, who has a shuttlecock in his left hand and a racket in his right, throws the shuttlecock in front of him and directs it to his partner with a blow from the racket. The partner hits the shuttlecock with the racket to the first player.
A variant of the game is to play through a net or cord stretched at the level of the child’s head. The players try to hit the shuttlecock so that it falls on the opponent's side. If one child made a mistake (the shuttlecock fell on his side, or he did not throw it over the net), then the other gets a point.
Basketball- This team game, wherein collaboration players are conditioned common goal. It is complex and emotional, includes fast running, jumping, throwing, carried out in originally conceived combinations, carried out with the opposition of playing partners (see Fig. 14).
N. Shashkova’s research showed that if a child has the skills of various ball manipulations (“Ball School”), this makes it easier to master the game of basketball.

Before you start playing basketball, you must follow the following sequence of exercises to master this game:

  1. training in the technique of moving and holding the ball; passing the ball; dribbling;
  2. throwing a ball into a basket.

Moving technique
To successfully master actions with the ball, it is necessary to teach children such moving techniques as standing, running, jumping, turning, stopping.
Children should be taught to accept and subsequently maintain the basic stance of a basketball player: legs are bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart, one of them is put forward half a step. The body is directed forward, its weight is distributed evenly on both legs. Rumi is bent at the elbows, pressed to the body.
1. Children run around the playground with a ball in their hands. They play freely on the court, perform different movements with the ball; after the teacher’s signal, they quickly catch the ball and take the correct stance.
2. Children stand in a circle. Everyone runs in a circle, taking the correct stance at the signal.
Movement around the site is carried out by running in combination with walking, jumping, stopping and turning. While running, the child must place his entire foot on the ground.

3. Children without balls are distributed in a circle, facing the middle
no, at a distance of 2-3 steps from each other. They move
with side steps in the direction indicated by the teacher. Wake up
The operator often changes direction of movement.

  1. Children stand in 2-3 columns at a distance of 2-3 m from one another. The columns move forward slowly at the usual pace; after the teacher’s signal, those standing first move at a side step facing their column at its end and become the last.
  2. Stops. Preschool children should be taught to stop in two steps. Stopping begins with an energetic push off with one leg. The child takes an elongated, stopping step and, leaning slightly onto the supporting leg, takes the second step. When learning to stop, you should adhere to the following sequence: stop after walking at a pace, then after a slow run, after a fast run and a sudden stop.

Ball holding technique
The pace of the exercises and the flow of the game depend on the level of ball control. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to the technique of holding and performing actions with
Forming a sense of the ball. When developing actions with the ball, it is necessary for the child to feel the ball as part of his body and learn to control it easily and accurately.
The task of the first stage of training is to develop in children certain skills to handle the ball, therefore, at the initial stage of training, it is advisable to give free games with the ball in physical education classes and in independent motor activities, without the goal of practicing the technique of these actions.
Children need to be introduced to some of the properties of the ball, showing that the height of the rebound depends on the force applied to the ball, the throw distance depends on the weight of the ball, as well as on the force applied to it. Then the teacher offers to play with the ball, throwing it up, down, throwing it from one hand to the other, etc. In exercises, children get used to the ball and learn to control it. When teaching preschoolers to play basketball, ordinary large rubber balls are used.
Great importance has the right holding the ball. Starting position: hold the ball at chest level with both hands. In this case, the arms should be bent, elbows down, hands at the back of the ball, fingers spread wide; the thumbs are directed towards each other, the rest - up and forward.

Rules for holding the ball:

  1. Hold the ball at chest level.
  2. The arms are bent, fingers spread wide.
  3. Elbows down, arm muscles relaxed.

Catching the ball. It is necessary to teach children to meet the ball with their hands as early as possible, using their fingers to form, as it were, half a hollow ball into which the ball should fit. The child follows the flight of the ball, and as soon as the ball touches his fingertips, he must grab it and pull it towards him with a shock-absorbing movement. At the same time, you need to bend your legs so as to take the position of the original stance.
Rules for catching the ball:

  1. Catch the ball with your hands, without pressing it to your chest, moving towards the flying ball.
  2. Without holding the ball in your hands, quickly pass it.

Passing the ball. Simultaneously with catching the ball, it is necessary to teach children to pass it with both hands from a place, and then in motion. Children should be taught to pass the ball from the correct stance, holding the ball with both hands at chest level. When passing, the child must describe a small arc with the ball towards the body downwards - onto the chest and, extending his arms forward, send the ball away from himself with an active movement of the hand, while simultaneously straightening his legs.
Rules for passing the ball:

  1. Lower your elbows down.
  2. Throw the ball at your partner's chest level.
  3. Follow the ball with your eyes and hands.


  1. Children stand in two lines, facing each other at a distance of 2-3 m. Children in pairs pass the ball to each other.
  2. The construction is the same. One child from the first rank holds the ball. He passes the ball to his partner from the second rank, who returns the ball to the first rank. The second child from the first line throws the ball to the child of the second line standing opposite, etc. The last child, having caught the ball, runs forward and becomes the first in his line.
  3. Three children stand in a triangle. They take turns throwing the ball to each other.
  4. Three children stand in a triangle, they have one ball. Children pass the ball to each other. After the pass, the child moves to the place of the person to whom he threw the ball.

Dribbling. At the initial stage of learning, dribbling the ball with a high bounce is more accessible to children of six years of age because it does not require a low stance. Then it becomes possible to teach the child to move on bent legs. And finally, he easily masters dribbling the ball with a regular bounce in a straight line, with changes in directions.
When wielding a sword, children learn to move on slightly bent legs, leaning slightly forward. The hand dribbling the ball is bent at the elbow, the hand with freely spaced fingers is placed on the ball above and away from you. The player pushes the ball slightly to the side of himself, evenly.
Basic mistakes: children hit the ball with a relaxed palm; many try to dribble the ball straight in front of them, which interferes with forward movement.
Rules for dribbling:

  1. Don't hit the ball, but push it down.
  2. Dribble the ball from the front - from the side, and not directly in front of you.

3. Look forward, not down, at the ball.
When learning to dribble the ball, it is advisable to first use preparatory exercises: hitting the ball with both hands, hitting the ball with the right and left hands in place, dribbling in place with the right and left hands alternately. After the child learns to control the ball with both hands confidently enough, you can move on to dribbling in moving first by walking, then by running.

  1. Dribbling the ball in place, actively pushing it down with your right hand, then with your left hand.
  2. Dribbling the ball in place alternately with the right and left hands.
  3. The group consists of 6 people, and subgroups are located along the entire length of the site. The first player leads the ball to the second, passing the ball, he himself remains in his place; the second dribbles the ball to the third and does the same. The last one returns to its place

4. Children line up in columns of 4-6 people. Opposite each
the columns are set with pins at a distance of 1-2 m from each other -
After the teacher's signal, the children dribble the ball, going around the first pin
on the right, second on the left. They dribble the balls back in a straight line and pass them
the next one and stand at the end of the column.
Throwing a ball into a basket. The movement when passing the ball and throwing it into the basket are similar in structure. Therefore, learning to throw a ball into a basket can also be limited to instilling throwing skills with two hands from the chest and one hand from the shoulder. Holding the ball at chest level, the child should make a small arc downwards towards himself and, straightening his arms up, throw it while straightening his legs.
Throwing the ball with two hands from the chest is used mainly when throwing the ball into the basket from a standing position. Throwing the ball into the basket. after dribbling or after catching it, when the child receives the ball, running to the center, most often done with one hand from the shoulder. When throwing with one hand from the shoulder from a place, one leg is put out | takes half a step forward. The ball is in the palm of the arm bent at the elbow joint and held with the other hand. Extending the legs while simultaneously straightening the arm with the ball up and forward, the child directs the ball into the basket with a gentle push of the hand.
Rules for throwing the ball into the basket:

  1. When throwing the ball, do not lower your head, follow it with your hands.
  2. Look at the front edge of the hoop if you are shooting while standing directly in front of the basket. If you are not in a straight line in front of the basket, shoot with a rebound from the backboard - aim at the point where you want to hit the ball.


  1. Children line up in two columns of 4-6 people each, opposite one basket. One column occupies a place on the left side of the basket, the other on the right. First up perform a throw, catch the ball and stand at the end of their column. The next children repeat the same.
  2. 5-6 children sit freely in front of the basket, each with a ball. After the teacher’s signal, the children throw the ball, trying

; trying to get into the basket as often as possible.
First, the teacher shows and explains to the children the rules of aiming, then invites them to throw the ball to the backboard, then gives them the task of throwing the ball over a high-hanging net, rope, etc. (150-170 cm). When they learn to simply throw the ball to the basket, you need to offer to get into it in any way. It is advisable to gradually increase the height. A convenient stand with a variable ring height.
Interesting game ringball1. This is a type of mini-basketball, it was described by V. Titov. This game develops endurance, jumping ability, agility, reaction speed, and the ability to navigate well on the court.

The game is played on a round platform. In the center of two circles with a radius of 4 and 1.5 m, a metal mast 4-5 m high is installed vertically. To its upper part, depending on the technical preparedness and age group of the players, at one of the heights (3.5; 2.6; 2 .15 m - the height of the hoops in basketball, mini-basketball and ringball) two standard basketball hoops are attached.
The area of ​​the large circle is the playing field, the area of ​​the small circle is the free throw area. middle line divides the playing field into two zones - rear and forward.
From the outer part of the boundary line of the playing field, eight marking lines, each 15 cm long, are applied at equal intervals. The width of all marking lines is 5 cm.
In ringball competitions, dribbling (driving the ball) is not provided for by the rules, so in addition to a basketball, a volleyball, soccer or rubber water polo ball can be used.
Rules of the game: Each team has 6 players (2 fielders and 4 setters). Field players perform the roles of defenders and forwards and, while on the playing field, are directly involved in shots at the opponents’ hoop. The set players are in their sectors outside the court and participate only in receiving and passing the ball to the field players of their team.
The game consists of three periods, each of which continues until a field player of one of the teams makes a shot at the ring. After this, the field players of both teams take the places of the setters, who in turn become field players, etc.
The technical element - the repeated steps of a player with the ball in his hands forward, backward, left, right, in which the supporting leg does not leave the court - is included in the rules of the game.
All other advances and movements of field players around the court are carried out without the ball.
Having received the ball, the field player, in order to further advance into the front zone (half of the court on which the opponent’s ring is located), must pass to his team’s set player. In turn, the setter, having received the ball, tries to make an accurate pass to one of the field players of his team.
The ball is passed between field players only through set players, and between set players only through field players.
The game is stopped and the ball is given to the opposing team or a free throw is awarded for the following violations:

a) when receiving or passing the ball, the set player stepped or
[ crossed the boundary line of the site or his sector;
b) direct transmission between connecting players of one team
| cunts;
c) direct transmission between field players of the same team;
d) touching the mast with your hand in a game situation;
e) the attacker is in the opponent’s free throw zone for more than three seconds;
f) the setter performs a throw-in or free throw;
g) deliberate touching of an opponent (delay, pushing,
| ry, blocking with hands and feet).
As the game of ringball is mastered, the competition may * include a zone rule (the attacking team cannot return the ball to its own half of the court). For children younger age We recommend holding ringball competitions with one field and four set players. In this case, the game will consist of 5 periods.
Tennis - sport game. It is played by hitting a racket on a small rubber ball weighing 56.7-58.5 g, with a diameter of 6.35-6.67 cm. The playing area is 23.77 m long and 10.97 m wide, for single player the size of the site is 8.23 ​​m with a length of 23.77 m. The soil for the site is clay-sand or asphalt, wood, or grass. The essence of the game is that players, occupying opposite sides of the court, throw the ball over the net, trying to direct it so that the opponent cannot reflect the ball.
A system of introductory exercises precedes learning to play tennis. L. Korovkina's research showed the feasibility of teaching the technique of basic strikes.
Technique of basic strikes
The way to hold the racket is by grip. The grip largely determines the playing style of tennis players, but even more so the quality of the strokes. Tennis players mainly use three grips - the all-purpose grip, the forehand grip and the backhand grip.
All of the described methods of holding a racket have certain differences, but they also have something in common: the fingers on the hand are not located in the fist, and the index finger is slightly set back, which increases the plane of contact of the playing hand with the racket when performing strikes.

A tennis player's stance is the position from which one can most effectively prepare for a shot and move around the court towards the ball. In a standing position - legs slightly bent at the knees, shoulder-width apart, body weight on the feet, racket in the right/left hand, left/ right hand supports the racket by the neck, with the head facing the net.
Exercises with hitting the ball with a racket:

  1. With your left hand, lightly throw the ball onto the floor, after the first bounce, catch it on the racket and do not let it roll. Options: catch after two bounces or several; catch first on one side of the racket, then on the other; Take it as low as possible from the floor.
  2. Throw the ball on the floor and bounce it, lightly hit it from below with the racket so that the ball bounces off the floor again. Options: perform the exercise and hit the racket twice, but moving forward.
  3. Throw the ball on the floor and hit it with a slight upward blow of the racket, hitting at the highest point of takeoff.
  4. Throw the ball onto the floor and, without letting it touch the floor, with a jerky but gentle movement of the racket, hit it upward from below and hit it several times. Options: the same with moving forward, to the sides, hitting the ball with the other side of the racket, “chasing”, performed with the left hand.

Exercises against the wall, hitting the ball with a racket:

  1. Throw the ball against the wall with your hand and catch it, hit the ball with the racket and, after bouncing off the wall, send the ball back into the wall. Option: one of the tennis players hits the ball against the wall and quickly moves to the side, hits one, then the second, etc.
  2. Throw the ball against the wall with your hand and, after bouncing off the floor, send the ball into the wall with your racket. The option is the same as in the first exercise.
  3. Throw the ball on the floor so that it hits the wall, then hit the racket to send it to the floor, wall, or racket.
  4. The distance between the two players is 5-6 m. The child hits the racket towards the floor and then towards the partner.
  5. One of the players stands behind the other, facing the wall. Points the ball at the wall so that it does not touch the floor; partner hits the ball.

Serso. IN kindergarten Serso games are used. "Cerso" in French is a hoop. IN preschool institution Serso games are recommended to be used starting from senior group. These games contribute to the development of basic motor qualities (dexterity, strength, speed, endurance), help orientation in space, coordination of actions, train the vestibular apparatus, influence the formation of moral qualities (mutual assistance, endurance, discipline, courage, perseverance, etc.). etc.), foster the desire to perform the exercise not only correctly, but also beautifully, easily, and naturally (see Fig. 15).

The equipment for playing serso is simple: a ring and a skewer.
The rules of the main game boil down to the following: a child throws a ring with one hand or a skewer to a partner, who catches it with his hand, on his hand or on a skewer. Take turns changing roles. The winner is determined by the number of rings caught (the number is set in advance).
There are about 60 different exercises, games, relay races with serso; their study involves following a certain sequence - from simple to more complex with a gradual increase in physical activity.
The first group - exercises, games, relay races with a ring (without a skewer). Children acquire initial skills in handling the Ring in games: rolling the ring on the floor (ground, asphalt, wooden flooring), on a gymnastics bench; throwing on horizontal and vertical objects (stationary and moving); tossing and catching the ring. Grabbing the ring Can be from the outside or inside, with one or two hands.
The second group - exercises, games, relay races with a ring "Skewer". Children play with two objects: roll a ring guided by a skewer, put a ring on a skewer, etc. Cerso games are played outdoors if possible.
All exercises, games and relay races, when used wisely, are completely safe for children.
The teacher must teach children to follow the basic rules of all games.
Table tennis. To play table tennis make tables: for middle group height 65 cm, length 230 cm and width 100 cm; for the senior and preparatory groups, the table sizes are 68, 250, 130 cm, respectively. For throwing and playing with the ball, vertical and horizontal targets are built on the court - these are metal rings, chocks with attached rings. They are used for throwing and climbing, and for various games. A rocket model installed on the playground is also used for throwing - children throw balls, cones, bags of sand, trying to get them to fly through the rings and fly out with opposite side. The rocket is used both for exercises in running on an inclined plane and for role-playing games.
Children love to throw balls and cones into ball throwers (made of metal rods). They are brightly colored, attract children's attention and are a good target. For throwing, targets made of cardboard, natural material, heather rings, etc. are widely used. Much attention is paid to games with balls (especially “ball school”). Children are also offered racket and ball juggling. They walk and run around the hall with a racket on which the ball lies, trying not to drop it; catch the ball with a racket after it bounces off the floor or wall, pick up the ball, etc. After such exercises, children are invited to play with the ball in pairs, then they can be offered exercises on the table. V. G. Grishin recommends the following exercises:

  1. Throw the ball with your hand so that it touches the table once; the partner also catches with his hand.
  2. The same thing, just hit and deflect the ball with a racket.
  3. It is allowed to take the ball not only from the air, but also from the floor, directing it to the table and also bouncing off the table to a partner.

Then the children perform exercises along the tennis table without a net (4-5 pairs practice at the same time).

  1. Hit the ball so that it hits the table several times; After this, the partner hits the ball back from the air.
  2. The ball must touch the table once, then the partner reflects it.

\ 6. Playing the ball without a net according to the rules of the game for two bounces from the table - on your own half, then on your partner's half - only then the player reflects it.
After this, exercises are offered on a table with a net. The mesh is installed at a height of up to 10 cm.
Children master the simplest blow - the push. To do this, the child is one step away from the table, slightly tilting his torso forward, his legs slightly bent at the knees, holding the racket parallel to the net at a distance of 10-15 cm just above the waist.
When hitting the ball, the child takes a step forward with the arm straightened at the elbow joint towards the net; The mirror of the racket must be in a vertical position in relation to the table. First, they learn how to serve the ball; this is more difficult for children than receiving the ball.
When serving the ball, the racket top part The playing surface is tilted towards the table. First, the ball is served without reflection through the net by 5 cm, then by 10 cm. In the first period of training, children find it difficult to take low balls. Therefore, it is important to explain to them that they need to serve high balls and direct the ball to the center of the table so that it is more convenient to deflect it.
Hockey. During the preparatory period, children master basic concepts: stick, stick blade, puck, etc.
At first, children play with small sticks without skates. During this period, the child’s hands get used to the weight of the stick, children acquire dexterity, learn to maneuver, hit the puck, etc. Using small sticks, children try to drive a piece of ice into a hole, circle or goal. They play games “Pass the puck”, “Who can get the puck to the circle faster”, etc. From the very beginning it is important to teach how to hold the stick correctly and naturally with both hands - with your right (strong) hand at the end of the stick, with an overhand grip (stepping back 1.5 -2 cm), and the other arm a little lower - with an underhand grip. The stick must be held so that the blade is completely adjacent to the ice with its lower edge. During the game you should not grab the stick with your hands. In the hands of the player it should be light and obedient. For this, the Children are offered exercises: swinging their arms with a stick, carrying the stick around the body, from one hand to the other, rotating the Stick while holding it with both hands, etc.
Dribbling the puck is possible in two ways: smooth dribbling, when the hook of the stick is in continuous contact with the puck, and the technique of the so-called “puck chop”, when the puck is driven with light blows of the hook on the right and left.
How to shoot a puck with a stick?

When throwing from the left and. p. - feet shoulder-width apart and the right leg slightly bent slightly in front of the left, stand in a half-turn towards the goal "puck with the stick to the left of the player. During the throw, the puck does not come off the stick hook. Throws of the puck from the right are similar to throws from the left.
When children master the skill of moving on skates, you can offer a game of ice hockey using simplified rules.
During the preparatory period, children are given skating exercises to develop a sense of dexterity, ability to maneuver, etc. Children are invited to slip between towns, trying not to hit any of them; run on skates, pushing a rag ball or wooden puck with a stick; or skate together to the line (10-15 m). Everyone moves their puck along the ice with their stick. The one who crosses the line first wins.
Then the children try to drive their puck into the goal marked with paint on the ice. The winner is the one who is the first to drive the puck or piece of ice into the goal 3 times.
F. Kiryanova1 suggests playing hockey on a small court (15x7.5 m) on the kindergarten site. This makeshift skating rink is surrounded by meter-high snow banks. Children are even offered goals with a metal body and a net, measuring 1.8 m. Children's clothing when playing hockey should be light, loose, and not restricting movement.
When a hockey game is planned during a walk, the teacher carefully thinks through the game plan. Children, having put on skates, run out onto the ice, walk 2-3 laps on skates, and perform a series of exercises at a fast pace, first without a stick, and then with a stick. After this, the children are offered to learn some technique, for example, throwing the puck from the left, etc., then a game is played.
The lesson ends with slow skating with changes in tempo and direction (without a stick).
The following rules of the game are proposed:

  1. They play in two teams of 5-6 people on each team.
  2. The duration of the game is 20 minutes (two periods of 10 minutes each with a break of 5-8 minutes).
  3. During the game, players can be replaced at the discretion of the referee (educator).
  4. During the game, do not push, do not lift the stick above your shoulder, and do not throw the puck high in the air.
  5. Every 5 minutes, replace the goalkeeper with team members (alternately, at the suggestion of the referee).
  6. Players should not enter the goal area.

7. After a missed goal, the game starts from the center of the field. 8. For violation of the rules, remove the player from the field for 1-2 minutes.
Towns - old Russian game. This game develops the eye, accuracy of movements, strengthens the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, and evokes strong emotions.
For preschool children, lightweight bats 45-50 cm long, weighing 400-450 g, and 10-12 cm high are selected.
The system and rules of the game in small towns are significantly simplified compared to the game for adults.
A “city” is drawn on the ground - a square, each side of which is 1 m. At a distance of 3-4 m from the front (front) line of the city, a line is drawn from which the end begins. Between the city and the kon at a distance of 2-2.5 m from the city there is a half-kon. When children learn to knock out towns from this distance, the cone and half-cone lines increase by a distance of 5-6 and 2-3 m.
Various figures are formed on the front line of the city (“fence”, “barrel”, “well”, “plane”, etc.). By throwing bats, the player tries to knock the towns out of the city square. The bats are first thrown from the stake when at least one town has been knocked out - from the half stake. The winner is the one who knocks out the most towns with fewer throws (see Fig. 16).
Throwing a bat is taught in two ways. One of them is done with the hand with a bat bent at the elbow and raised high, the other is done straight

with a hand moved to the side - back. The child is taught both methods, and during the game he uses any of them.
To play, children are divided into two groups of three people each; at the beginning of the game, the bits lie at the stake line, and the players are also there; From the towns, figures are laid out on the platforms one by one. When one figure is knocked out, you can lay out the next one. One town is knocked out from the kon line, then the players move to the half-kon line, from where they knock out the remaining towns and figures. The link that knocks out five pieces first wins. In this case, the correctness of the posture and a strong blow are taken into account (a blow at will, either from the shoulder or backhand). Towns and bats can only be brought from the outside of the site, so as not to get hit by another link.
Classes are conducted with groups of children and individually.
Skittles (German: Kegel) is a sports game, the goal of which is to knock down fewer balls with your hands, larger number pins installed on the court in a certain order.
In a preschool institution, children should have skittles, skittles, croquet, serso, and badminton at their constant disposal.
Outdoor games with elements of sports games require special preparation of the child’s body to carry them out. To do this, in kindergarten it is necessary to use only those games that will give children the opportunity to quickly master the elements of sports games. To this end, the greatest attention should be paid to ball games. In these games, children will master the skills of catching, throwing, and throwing. Observations and studies have led to the conclusion that ball games are an excellent means of physical and neuropsychic development. Medical and pedagogical control shows that with fast movements with the ball, all physiological processes occur more intensely. Playing with a ball plays a particularly important role in developing reaction speed, agility, mobility, etc.
Children should be taught games with elements of sports games gradually, moving from simple to complex. Training should begin with learning common techniques that are similar to a number of games. When learning the basic techniques of sports games, the greatest favorite (especially among boys) is playing gorodki, as well as ball games such as basketball, badminton, and tennis.

Junior preschool age

“Roll the ball into the goal!”


Rules: Take turns rolling the ball so that it rolls into the goal

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs. A gate is made in the middle of the playground (the teacher places two chairs). Opposite the gate on each side at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m, draw a line. The teacher calls one of the children to one of these lines, stands opposite the child on the second line and rolls the ball through the goal. The child catches the ball, rolls it back to the teacher and sits down. Then the next child comes out. The game ends when all children have rolled the ball over the goal.

Benefits: Gates

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: Children must roll the ball with one hand


Junior preschool age

"Bring the ball!"

Target: Teach children to throw with one hand from behind the head

Rules: Catch up with the ball and throw it as far as possible

Progress of the game: Children sit on chairs placed on one side of the playground; a line is drawn at a distance of 2-3 steps. The teacher calls 5 - 7 children who stand on a line at a certain distance from one another. A teacher stands next to them with balls in the basket according to the number of children called.
To the words of the teacher: “One, two, three, run!” and throws all the balls from the basket forward. Children run after the balls, each catches up with a certain ball, catches it, approaches the teacher and puts the ball in the basket. Then the children sit down in their places. The next group of children comes on line. The game ends when all the children bring the balls to the teacher.

Benefits: Chairs according to the number of players, balls of small diameter

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: Children should throw alternately with their right and left hands.

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Junior preschool age

"Pass the ball"

Target: Prepare children's muscles for such a basic movement as throwing from behind the head

Rules: Pass the ball in the indicated direction

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle with their teacher. The teacher has a large colored ball in his hands, he raises it up and says: “Yana” (his name), turns his body to the right or left (by agreement) and, handing the ball to the child, says her name (for example, Andrey). The child who receives the ball raises it up, says his name - “Andrey”, and, passing the ball to his neighbor, says his name - “Seryozha”, etc. The game ends when the ball reaches the teacher again.

Benefits: Big colored ball

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, the ball is passed in a different direction.


Junior preschool age

"Ball Chicken"

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) with two hands Rules: Catch up with the ball and throw it as far as possible

Progress of the game:

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle. The teacher stands at a distance of 1 - 2 m from the children and rolls the ball to each player in turn. Children catch the ball with both hands and roll the ball back to the teacher.

Benefits: Ball

Location: In a group, preschool gym

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Junior preschool age

"The small ball catches up with the big one"

Target: Prepare children's muscles for such a basic movement as throwing with both hands from below

Rules: Pass the balls in the indicated direction with both hands between your legs

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle. The teacher stands next to them and gives a large ball to the child, who is standing with right side. Children pass the ball around in a circle. When approximately the fifth child has the ball, the teacher gives the children a ball, but a small one. The children also pass it around. The game ends only when the teacher has both balls. The teacher marks the children who passed the ball correctly and quickly. When repeating the game, the teacher gives balls from the left side.

Benefits: One big ball and one small ball

Location: In the gym, preschool group

Complication: When the game is repeated, the balls are passed in a different direction

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Hit the object"

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with their right and left hands from behind their heads

Rules: Hit the target

Progress of the game:

Children sit along the room. A circle is drawn in the center of the room (diameter (1.5 - 2 m). Place a box (40 cm high) in the middle of the circle. Place two balls or two bags (filled with squeaks) in the box for each child. The teacher takes 4 - 5 children who approach the box, take two balls and stand on the line of the circle at a distance of 1 m from the box and at a certain distance from one another.
At the “one” signal, the children all throw the balls together with their right hands into the box (target). At the signal “two” they throw the balls with their left hand. The game ends when the children throw two balls each.


Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution Complication:

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with their right and left hands from behind their heads

Rules: Catch up with the ball and throw it as far as possible

Progress of the game:

Children sit on chairs at a distance of 1-2 m from this line. The teacher places two bags of the same color on the line in advance for each child (the weight of the bags is 100 - 200 g). Children who are called by the teacher (you can call 5-4 people), taking a bag in their hands, stand on a line at arm's length from one another. At the teacher’s signal, the children throw the bag forward with their right hand and the second with their left.
The teacher marks the children who threw further. Children pick up the bags and put them in their places. Other children throw bags after them. The game ends after all children have taken part in the game. Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution Complication: Children should not just throw, but hit a large target

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

“Hit the hoop!”

Target: Teach children to throw alternately with the right and left hands from behind the head, developing accuracy

Rules: Hit a vertical target - a hoop

Progress of the game: Divide the children into columns and seat them at opposite ends along the room. Place two targets (vertical) in the middle of the room. Before each target, place two bags (weighing 150 g) on ​​the line. The distance from the target to the line is 1.5 - 2 m. Children from two columns come to the line, take the bags in their right hand and, at a certain signal from the teacher, “one”, throw the bags at the target. Then they take the bags in their left hand and, when the “one” signal is repeated, they throw the bags at the target with their left hand. Then the bags are collected and placed on the line, sitting in their places. The teacher notes which of the children hit the hoop. Then the rest of the children from both columns go to throw, etc. The game ends when all the children throw the balls at the target.

Benefits: Two bags of the same color, for each child, weighing 100 - 200 g

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: Children must throw the bags with their eyes closed

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

“Who should I roll the ball to?”

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) with two hands

Rules: Knock down rolled cubes with a ball

Progress of the game: Children are divided into four groups. Each group is given a specific color: red, green, blue, yellow. There is a line drawn in the middle of the court on which there are two balls for each child. At a distance of one meter from this line, a second, parallel line is drawn, on which the cubes stand (at a distance of 10 - 20 cm from one another). When a flag is raised by the teacher, for example, red, the children, for whom the teacher has assigned the color red, take the balls in their right hand and stand in front of their cubes. At the teacher's signal "one" the children roll the balls in the direction of the cubes, at the signal "two" they roll with their left hand. The teacher marks the children who hit the cube. Children collect the balls and place them on the line, then sit down in their seats. When a flag of a different color, for example green, is raised, children come out with green color, and the game continues. The game ends when all groups of children have rolled balls to the cubes. The teacher marks the group of children who had more hits and knocked down cubes.

Benefits: Ball, cubes

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: Introducing a competitive moment between teams for a while

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Middle preschool age

"Two Balls"

Target: Prepare the muscles of children for such a basic movement as throwing with both hands from behind the head

Rules: Pass the balls in the indicated direction with both hands above your head

Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle at arm's length from one another. The teacher gives two balls to the children standing next to each other. On the “one” command, children begin to pass the balls over the top, one on their right side, and the other on their left. When the balls meet the children who are standing next to each other, these children go to the middle of the circle, throw the ball at the target, catch up with it, with the ball they approach the children who are standing nearby in the circle and give them the ball, and they themselves stand in their places. Game continues. The teacher marks the children whose ball never fell when passed to another.

Benefits: Two balls of the same size

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, the balls are passed in a different direction.

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

"Disc Throwing"

Target: Teach children the technique of throwing into the distance with a turn, developing accuracy

Progress of the game: Place the children in a line in front of the line. Place several cardboard disks on the line in front of each child. At the signal "one!" Children throw discs with their right hand as far and as quickly as possible. At the signal "two!" children throw discs with their left hand. The teacher marks the children who completed the task better.

Benefits: Several cardboard disks

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When repeating, children must throw the disc to knock down the toy

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

“Roll the hoop to the flag”

Target: Teach children horizontal throwing (rolling) alternately with their right and left hands

Rules: Roll the hoop to the flags without ever dropping it.

Progress of the game: Children are divided into 3 - 4 columns. There is a hoop on the line opposite each column. The first of the columns go out onto the line, take the hoops and stand in the starting position: the hoop and left foot are placed on the line, the fingers of the left hand lightly support the hoop, the stick is a pusher in the right hand. At the teacher’s signal “one!” children roll hoops towards flags that are installed on the opposite line (at a distance of 15 - 20 steps). The one whose hoop never falls on the way to the flag wins. The game ends when all the children roll the hoops to the flags.

Benefits: Hoops, orientation flags

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, a competitive moment is introduced between the teams for a while, hands are changed

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

“Get into the hole!”


Rules: Get into a hole with a chestnut

Progress of the game: The children are divided into 2 groups. A child comes out of each column and stands on the line. There are 5 holes made in front of the child (15 cm in diameter, the distance between them is 0.5 m). The pits are located in one row and numbered in a certain order. The child stands at a distance of 0.5 m from the first hole. The teacher says the number of the hole, for example 2, and two children throw a chestnut into the named hole - first with their right hand, and then with their left. Then the next pair comes out and throws chestnuts into another hole, for example 4, etc.
The game ends when one of the columns scores a certain number of points, for example 10. At the end of the game, mark the column in which the children scored the most points.

Benefits: Chestnut fruit, shoulder blade

Location: At the preschool site


Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Senior preschool age

“Hit the ball!”

Target: Development of the eye, marksmanship, accuracy with the throwing and right hand

Rules: Get into a hole with a chestnut

Progress of the game:

Children sit on one side of the playground. In the middle of the court there is a table, along the edges of which there are large balls. Children in pairs go out to the line (at a distance of 1 m from the table), where small balls lie opposite large ones that lie on the table. At the teacher’s signal: “Get ready!” children raise the balls to the signal “one!” throw them at large balls, trying to knock them off the table. The child who hits the ball with his right and left hand wins.

Benefits: Large and small balls according to the number of children playing

Location: In the gym of the preschool educational institution

Complication: When the game is repeated, a competitive moment is introduced for a while between the participants

Literature: O.E. Gromova. Sports games for children. M. 2009.

Changing positions

Target: memory development.

Number of players: 6—25

Rules and main content: A driver and coordinator are selected from among the participants. The rest of the players disperse around the room and take some poses. The driver tries to remember the location and poses of all the players for several minutes. After this, the driver turns his back to the other players, and they make several changes in their positions. The coordinator's job is to keep track of how many changes have been made ( total number changes must be agreed upon before the start of the game) and remember these changes. After the players' movements are completed, the driver turns around to face the players and tries to name all the changes.

To change positions, you can use the movement of players around the hall and changes in their poses.

Complication options: The difficulty of the game can be varied by changing the number of players from 5 to 20 and the number of changes from 3 to 10.

New purpose of the item

Target: memory development

Number of players: any

Required benefits: any items

Main content: The guys are sitting in a circle. The presenter launches some object (an old iron, an umbrella, a pot, a bag, a newspaper). Everyone comes up with a new purpose for this item. For example, an iron can be used as a weight or a device for cracking coconuts. The winner is the one who comes up with the most incredible uses for this item.

An object can “walk” in a circle while new purposes are invented for it.

Complication options: in accordance with the new purpose, come up with a new name.

Simulation of actions

Target: memory development

Main content: Cooking soup. Show: You wash and dry your hands before preparing food. Pour water into the pan. Light the gas stove burner and place the pan on the burner. Peel and cut the vegetables, pour them into the pan, add salt, stir the soup with a spoon, and scoop the soup with a ladle.

Show how to carefully carry a cup filled with hot water. Imagine and show: you lift a hot frying pan and pass a hot potato around.

Complication options: make mistakes in sequence; come up with more complex topics to imitate.

Let's invent

Target:memory development

Number of players: any

Required benefits: a set of objects of different shapes (sticks, ball, ring, boxes, cylinder) and cards depicting different objects of a certain shape - mirror, pencil, egg, apple.

IMPORTANT! the images in the pictures should be similar to the objects. For example: a pencil, a fishing rod, a needle, a knife - similar in shape to a stick; vase, glass, thimble - a hollow cylinder.

Main content: children (or a child) sit in front of the table, each with a set of objects. An adult sits opposite him, he has cards with pictures. An adult shows cards one at a time and asks:

Who has an object similar to this pencil?

The child with the stick answers:

And receives a card with a picture of a pencil.

Complication options: Children have cards with pictures, and adults have different objects.

Children from 5 years old can play this game independently and without pictures, imagining what this or that object might look like.


Target: memory development

Number of players: two

Main content: Two players draw a zigzag line for themselves on the floor or ground. One player draws a line for two meters, the other continues this line for another two meters. They can study it for a few minutes to remember it better. And after that they must walk along it from end to end backwards. One moves along the line, and the other counts how many times he goes beyond the line. Then they change roles.

Rules of the game: don't go over the line.

Complication options: walk the same distance against time.

Chain of actions

Target: development memory, an exercise in sequence of actions.

Main content: The child is offered a chain of actions that must be performed sequentially. For example: “Go to the closet, take a book to read, put it in the middle of the table.” If he gets confused, he puts down a forfeit.

Rules of the game: maintain consistency.

Complication options: performing actions with eyes closed.

Who where

Target: memory development

Number of players: ten or more people

Main content: The players stand or sit in a circle, the driver is in the center. He carefully examines the circle, trying to remember who is standing where. Then he closes his eyes and turns around his axis three times. During this time, two of the players standing next to one change places.

The driver’s task is to point out those who are out of place. If he is wrong, he remains the driver; if he guesses correctly, the specified player takes his place.

Rules of the game: do not prompt the driver.

Complication options: more than two players change.


Target: memory development

Number of players: any

Main content: Children stand in one line. By lot or counting, I choose the first participant. He faces everyone and performs some movement, for example: clapping his hands, jumping on one leg, turning his head, raising his arms, etc. Then he stands in his place, and the next player takes his place. He repeats the movement of the first participant and adds his own.

The third player repeats the two previous gestures and adds his own, and so do the rest of the game participants in turn.

A player who fails to repeat any gesture is eliminated from the game. The winner is the last child standing.

Rules of the game: do not repeat yourself when showing your action.

Complication options: When the whole team has finished showing, the game can go on for the second round.


Target: memory development, exercise in sequence of actions.

Number of players: seven or more people

Required benefits: ball

Main content: Players memorize a simple, funny poem. Mastery is checked: the driver reads the first half of each phrase, the players pronounce the second. Then the children say the first half of the phrase, and the driver says the second.

When the poem is mastered, the players stand in a circle. One of them receives the ball, says part of the phrase and throws the ball to anyone else. He continues and passes the move to someone else.

If a player cannot continue or pronounces a phrase with an error, he puts a forfeit in the circle, and after the game he “buys it back” by reciting any poem.

Complication options: increasing the tempo, adding new lines.

Junior preschool age

“Jump to the flag!”

Target: teaching children to jump on two legs.

With the end of the words, the kids raise the flags up, wave them, put them down and go back. The next 5-6 children come out.

Rules : move towards the flag by jumping on two legs, you cannot run; when jumping, follow the direction, take your flag; The first one to raise the flag wins.

Benefits: 5-6 flags.

Complication: play the game in pairs, threes, teams.


Junior preschool age


Target: teaching children to bounce

“Tsok! Clack! Clack! Clack!

I am a horse with a gray side.

I'm knocking my hooves.

If you want, I’ll give you a ride.”

I. Mikhailova

With the end of the words, the children walk around the playground and sit down on benches, stumps, and trees. After a short rest, the game is repeated.

Rules : while galloping, try to bring one leg closer to the other; coordinate the gallop steps with the rhythm of the song.

Benefits: horses on a stick.

Complication: “horse” jumps, can be performed in groups of 3-4 children

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Junior preschool age

"Will not give it back!"

Target: teaching children to jump.

Rules : jump to connect your legs together in front of the object and again jump to place your legs apart; Only the one the teacher approaches jumps.

Benefits: stick, cone, snowball, leaf.

Complication: carrying objects with two legs (jumping)

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Junior preschool age

"Not get your feet wet"

Target: teaching children to bounce

content: On the site they lay out a stream of sticks, pebbles, and cones. In a forest or meadow, you can use a narrow path (20-30 cm wide). Children stand next to the stream and, at the signal “jump,” jump over it, pushing off with both feet, and scatter around the playground; at the signal “home” they jump over again. If all the children have completed the task at once, the teacher makes the stream wider (up to 30-40 cm), saying:

“There is a lot of water in the stream, it has become wide.” Reminds you to push off energetically.

Rules: push off with both feet at the same time, and land softly on both feet; whoever stumbles remains in the stream for 1-2 repetitions.

Benefits: sticks, pebbles, cones.

Complication: make another wide stream (40-50 cm) for those who completed the previous task.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Junior preschool age

"Birds in Nests"

Target: learning to jump over an object (on two legs).

Rules: when given a signal, jump out on two legs; the hoop that touches remains in it until the next repetition of the game; After running, you can do any hoop.

Benefits: hoops

Complication: having run to the hoop, you need to stop and jump into it with a push of both legs; make bigger hoops, each with two chicks.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age


Target: teach children standing long jump.

Content : A small square is drawn on the ground - a house. Around it are four cardboard (plywood) plates - leaves interspersed with four hummocks - a pond. 4-6 guys play. One is a frog, the rest are baby frogs. A frog teaches baby frogs to jump. She stands to the right of the pond, the frogs are to the left. Each frog stands in the house and, listening carefully to the commands, jumps, pushing off with both feet and landing on both feet. The frog clearly gives the command: “Bump, leaf, leaf, house, leaf, bump, bump!” One frog jumps, the rest watch to see if he does it correctly.

Rules: If the frog jumped high and did not mix up a single command, he learned to jump and stands next to the frog, and if he made a mistake, he returns to the frogs.

Complication: several “frogs” can participate simultaneously

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

“Who will collect the most ribbons?”

Target: teaching children to jump high from a place.

Rules : jump up on two legs; remove only one ribbon during a jump.

Benefits: rope, small ribbons.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

« Kick the ball"

Target: teaching children to jump high from a place.

Rules: jump with a push of two legs; hit the ball with both hands at the same time.

Benefits: rope, ball in the net.

Complication: raise the ball higher, hang two balls, divide the children into teams.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

"Jump - turn around!"

Target: teaching children to bounce

content: Children, freely positioned on the playground, jump in place to the count of “one, two, three”, and to the count of “four” they turn 45° to the right. Again they make three jumps in place, and on the fourth they turn to the right. Returning to the starting position, children perform jumps to the left side. Between repetitions, you need to take a short break - walk around the site.

Complication: try to turn 90°.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Middle preschool age

"Not I'm afraid!"

Target: teaching children to jump.

Rules: As soon as the trap moves away from the player, he must spread his arms to the sides.

Complication: jump with your legs to the sides, you can hit someone who is standing with their legs apart.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Senior preschool age


Target: teaching children to bounce

content: There are “horses” standing in the “stable”, and grooms with reins are sitting on benches not far from them. The senior groom-teacher approaches a board suspended on a tree and strikes approximately 15-18 blows. During this time, the grooms quickly bring out the horses, harness them and line them up one after another. At the signal “let’s go” they gallop. At the signal “the horses got scared” they scatter in different directions. The grooms catch and take the horses to the stable. Children change roles, the game is repeated.

Senior preschool age

“Jump - sit down!”

Target: teach children to jump over a rope

content: The players stand in a column at a distance of one step from each other. Two drivers with a rope in their hands (length 1.5 m) are located to the right and left of the column. At a signal, children carry a rope in front of the column (at a height of 25-30 cm from the ground). The players in the column take turns jumping over the rope. Then, having passed the column, the drivers turn back, carrying the rope at a height of 50-60 cm. Children quickly squat down, taking a tuck position (clasp their knees with their hands, bring their heads closer to their knees) so that the rope does not touch them. When the game is repeated, the drivers change. The winners are those who managed to perform jumps and squats without touching the rope.

Target: strengthen children's ability to jump on two legs

content: Children stand in 4-5 lines. Opposite each link (at a distance of 4-5 m) there is a landmark - a tall cube, a stick. The first in the lines receive balls (rubber, volleyball, soft fabric). Holding them between their knees, they jump to the object, take the ball and, having run around the landmark, each return to their own link and pass the ball to the next one. When everyone comes running, the other 4-5 children jump.

Rules: jump without losing the ball; the loser must again grasp the ball with his feet and begin jumping from the place where the ball was lost.

Benefit: tall cube, stick, balls (rubber, volleyball, soft fabric).

Complication: jump with the ball to a landmark and back; play as a team - the one whose players managed to complete the distance faster wins.

Literature: Vavilova E.N. “Teach to run, jump, climb, throw.”

Senior preschool age

"Be Nimble"

Target: teach children to long jump from a standing position, followed by rolling onto their entire foot.

Content: Children stand facing in a circle, with a bag of sand at each feet. The driver is in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal, children jump into the circle and back through the bags, pushing off with both feet. The driver tries to make fun of the children before they jump out of the circle. After 30-40 seconds, the teacher stops the game and counts the losers. They choose a new driver from those who were never touched by the previous driver.

: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation, interaction in pairs.

Required benefits: items that players will hide and find.

Game content: The participants of the game gather in a clearing and are divided into pairs. The leader hands the players, for example, objects with the first numbers: a flag, a pin, a ball, etc. After that, they, together with the judge, go into the forest at a distance of 200-300 meters. Everyone hides their item and returns to the leader, remembering the path using the landmarks. The judge ensures that the objects are hidden at approximately the same distance from the clearing and are visible no further than 2-3 meters away. The player who hid the item tells the player of his pair the location and route to it. On command, all second numbers go in search of objects. Whoever does it first and faster wins.

Then the first and second numbers change roles and the search for objects is carried out again. The winner is determined by the results of the game.

Rules: Taking notes is not permitted.

Complication: The first player tells his partner only half of the way.

Find the item

preparatory group

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation, ability to work with a map, dexterity.

Required benefits: map of the area, some object.

Game content: The leader of the game tells the children that an object (a flag or a pin) is hidden in the forest nearby and to find it, they need to study the map indicating the way to the object. It is hidden nearby in the bushes. The leader explains to the guys how to get to this place. You can study the map, but do not take it with you. Next, the player goes on a search. The one who brings the found item first wins. The leader must be in the area of ​​the hidden card and resolve all conflicts that arise during the game.

Complication: The card can be guarded by two guards who are two or three steps away from it. The player who manages to quietly creep closer to the guards within ten steps without being called out gets the right to look at the map. This is given 40 seconds, after which the guard hides the card again. If the guard notices someone approaching and calls out to him, the player is eliminated from the game.

Color route

For children 5 years old

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation skills, ability to work with a map.

Required benefits: objects or toys of four colors familiar to children, chart cards, blank sheets, and felt-tip pens are placed.

Game content: The site is conventionally divided into 4 routes: for example, red, blue, yellow, green. Objects or toys familiar to children in the indicated four colors are placed along the routes as landmarks. On the schematic map, the routes are depicted with color signs corresponding to the placed landmarks, which at the same time serve as turn signals along the route.
Each team member (a team of approximately four children) is given a map with the upcoming route marked on it. Children must follow their route, remember landmarks, and then draw them with felt-tip pens on a general map. You can also cycle along the route.

Complication: Independent games like “Cossacks-Robbers”: one of the teams runs away, marking its direction with arrows, the other looks for it.

Animal hunting

For children 6 years old

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation skills, ability to work with route sheets.

Required benefits: pictures depicting various predatory animals, route sheets.

Game content: Pictures depicting various predatory animals are attached to small cardboards. The pictures are placed on the territory of the kindergarten, serving as route markers. The list of animals on a particular route is sketched by the teacher on a control card. As they progress along the route, children collect pictures of animals and give them to an adult to evaluate the completion of the task.

Complication:enter cards with pets, for example, animals. For confusion.

Night orienteering

Purpose of the game: terrain orientation, development of memory, observation skills

Number of players: even

Required benefits: stool, 2 blindfolds

A stool is placed at a distance of 10 meters from the start, and the first participants are blindfolded. At the signal, they must walk or run to the stool, walk around it and, returning to the team, pass the baton to the next participants, who are already standing blindfolded! And so does the whole team. While moving, the team can help its participants by shouting: “to the right,” “to the left,” “forward,” “backward.” And since all commands are shouting at the same time, the player must make out which calls apply specifically to him.

Play a major role in the comprehensive physical education of preschool children. elements of sports games. They are selected taking into account the age, health status, individual inclinations and interests of the child. They use only some elements of sports game technology that are accessible and useful to preschool children. Based on these elements learned by children, games can be organized that are played according to simplified rules.

Sports games strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities: strength, speed, agility, endurance. In sports games, a child’s mental activity and orientation in space increase, intelligence and quick thinking develop, and awareness of his own actions occurs. The child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of his comrades; he develops restraint, self-control, responsibility, will and determination; His sensorimotor experience is enriched, creativity develops.

It is extremely important to take into account the developmental role of joy, strong emotions, and undying interest in the results of the game. A child’s passion for play enhances the physiological state of the body.

Sports exercises replenish and enrich the vocabulary with words such as “racket”, “shuttlecock”, “rack” (of a badminton player or tennis player), “towns”, “skittles”, “bat”, etc. Sports games relieve nervous tension and help free expression of emotions.

In a preschool institution, children should have skittles, skittles, croquet, serso, and badminton at their constant disposal.

Outdoor games with elements of sports games require special preparation of the child’s body to carry them out. To do this, in kindergarten it is necessary to use only those games that will give children the opportunity to quickly master the elements of sports games. To this end, the greatest attention should be paid to ball games. In these games, children will master the skills of catching, throwing, and throwing. Observations and studies have led to the conclusion that ball games are an excellent means of physical and neuropsychic development. Medical and pedagogical control shows that with fast movements with the ball, all physiological processes occur more intensely. Playing with a ball plays a particularly important role in developing reaction speed, agility, mobility, etc.

Teach children games with elements of sports games follows gradually, moving from simple to complex. Training should begin with learning common techniques that are similar to a number of games. When learning the basic techniques of sports games, the greatest favorite (especially among boys) is playing gorodki, as well as ball games such as basketball, badminton, and tennis.

Stepanenkova E. Ya. Theory and methodology of physical education and child development: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2001. - 368 p. pp. 241-246.

Instructor physical culture: Korotya A.L. Municipal preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 3, Leningradskaya village municipality Leningradsky district

  1. stage: Methodology for conducting sports games.
  2. stage: "First steps to mastery" (field hockey).
  3. stage: Practical lesson in field hockey.
  4. Methodology for conducting sports games.

The most effective form of teaching preschoolers sports games and exercises is organized exercise during walks.

Sports games and exercises are aimed primarily at strengthening health, improving the overall physical fitness of children, and satisfying their biological need for movement.

The main goal of playing sports games and exercises is to familiarize children with sports games and exercises, laying the basics of correct technique. But under no circumstances should this become highly specialized training or preparation for participation in competitions. Real competitions, where the fight is for points and places, are an unbearable psychological burden for a child.

A distinctive feature of sports games and exercises is their emotionality. Positive emotional tone is an important prerequisite for health, prevents various diseases, and maintains interest in physical exercise. The joyful mood continues to possess the child even after the lesson. Children are interested in class when they are busy, when rest time does not exceed work time. Boredom comes when guys are left idle, when they are forced to perform monotonous, monotonous movements. A variety of exercises and games captivates children: they sometimes "forget" about the time. Having experienced the joy and pleasure of the activity offered to them, they leave the lesson with the desire to continue it.

The game form of conducting classes is the basis of the methodology for teaching sports games and exercises. The lesson should be held as an entertaining game. Monotony and boredom should not be allowed; the movements and games themselves should bring pleasure to the child; Therefore, it is important that the lesson contains motor tasks that are interesting for children, game images, and unexpected moments.

Teaching sports games and exercises proceeds more successfully when all general didactic principles are implemented. It is especially important to ensure accessibility educational material and an individual approach to children, since sports exercises and games are quite complex for preschoolers. When selecting physical exercises, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child and, on their basis, determine tasks that are feasible for him. It is advisable to use introductory exercises that will help quickly teach children the chosen motor action. Leading exercises include movements that are similar in structure to the main elements of the technique of the action that is to be mastered. For example, when learning to throw a ball into a basket in basketball, the first exercise is a regular ball pass, then a high-trajectory pass, then passing the ball over various high-placed obstacles (net, rope, bar) hitting a horizontal target (basketball basket backboard) and finally, shots directly into the basket. As you can see, all these exercises include throwing a ball, but the conditions for its implementation are gradually becoming more complicated. It is important to determine the optimal number of repetitions of lead-in exercises so that children do not develop bad habits that interfere with further learning. If a previously well-mastered movement is used as a lead-in exercise, then it is enough to repeat it only a few times immediately before learning a new motor action.

Leading exercises can include:

  1. Separate parts of the studied motor action.
  2. Imitation of the studied motor actions.
  3. Directly studied motor action, which

performed under easy conditions. Such exercises are especially

important when learning new motor actions associated

with the possibility of falls and injuries.

4. The motor action being studied itself, performed at a slow pace. When performing the exercise at a slow pace, it is easier for the child to control his movements, and he allows

less mistakes.

More complex actions of sports games can be learned in specially created conditions (out of the game). In this case, it is advisable to direct the child’s attention to the quality of the movement. In the future, you can complicate the conditions for performing actions and lead children to more difficult tasks. For example, exercises with elements of competition can be carried out in the following sequence of complication: at the beginning of training, competitions are held on the accuracy of performing actions, then on the speed of performing movements, first between individual children, and then between groups of children. After this, it is possible to carry out exercises with elements of competition, which require not only precise, but also fast execution of movements. This ensures continuity and gradual complication of performance conditions, consolidation of the correct skill, and helps to avoid monotonous work on the technique that tires preschool children.

Equally important is the individualization of the learning process for sports exercises and games. An individual approach is achieved by selecting teaching and upbringing methods depending on the degree of assimilation of educational material by each child, taking into account the reaction of his body to physical activity. The content of classes is built taking into account the physical fitness, individual talent of children for a certain type of movement and their desires. When playing football, he often managed to score a goal into the goal: he was the fastest to reach the ball. Playing football was his dream, he could run after the ball all day. But it was difficult for him to make precise movements of the badminton racket. And if he could choose, he always chose to play football. In this case, the teacher needed to interest Nerijus in playing badminton by offering him interesting game tasks. The task when learning to play football is to, taking into account the child’s individual talent, purposefully develop his motor qualities and abilities, offering him feasible tasks that require physical and mental effort.

In the process of learning sports exercises and games, it is extremely important to ensure conscious mastery of actions. Children’s understanding of the meaning of actions accelerates the process of skill formation, contributes to the ability in subsequent motor activity to independently select effective actions and expediently apply them. A child’s conscious and active attitude to actions arises only when he knows why in a given situation it is more appropriate to use certain actions and carry them out in a certain direction. But for this, it is not enough just for the teacher to explain and demonstrate movements in stereotypical exercises - it is necessary to create conditions for the use of learned actions in a variety of motor activities. Creative activity will manifest itself only if children learn to independently use actions freely in a variety of situations. Children should be encouraged to be creative.

A lesson in sports games and exercises, like a lesson teaching basic movements, consists of three interconnected parts: introductory, main and final.

The introductory part of the lesson may vary depending on the content of the exercises in the main part of the lesson. In this part of the lesson, a warm-up is carried out in order to prepare the child’s body for more intense work in the main part. An important task The first part of the lesson is to develop children's interest in the upcoming movements and focus their attention on the material being studied. This part of the lesson can also include exercises that lead to the study of movements in the main part of the lesson. Duration of the introductory part in the second younger group from 3 to 4 minutes, in the middle - from 4 to 5 minutes, in the senior - from 4 to 6 minutes. For example, learning to ski includes a variety of movements with skis: children must learn to alternately lift their right and left legs with the ski, make turns on skis by stepping to the right and left around the heels of the skis (the back end of the skis remains stationary), rearrange skis "ladder" etc. Or in the introductory part they can be offered familiar general developmental exercises, different types running, outdoor games that do not require much time to explain, regrouping the children.

The main part of the lesson outlines the tasks of teaching children sports exercises and games, and developing physical qualities. First, it is planned to familiarize children with new material, then repeat and consolidate what is already known and improve existing motor skills. It is more expedient to plan in one lesson to teach children the actions of one type of sports exercise or game. But sometimes the equipment available in kindergarten and the conditions for conducting the educational process limit the possibility of joint active participation of all children in exercises. In this case, the main part of the lesson outlines two types of sports exercises. One of them is planned as the leading one, and when teaching, the teacher devotes time to it. Special attention; the second, already known to children, is selected for the purpose of repetition and improvement. For example, learning to turn while riding a two-wheeler and repeating the shuttlecock passing exercise in badminton.

The content of the main part of the lesson can be very varied: exercises, games, relay races, etc. It combines more intense exercises with less intense ones, which ensures an optimal level of physical and mental stress on the child’s body. The movements selected are energetic, fast, require endurance, and increase the functional state of the body. The duration of the main part of the lesson is from 12 to 20 minutes.

In a sports game, children usually get carried away and behave very emotionally. Therefore, it is important to monitor the well-being of the children so that exercise stress on the child’s body did not exceed its capabilities.

The goal of the final part of the lesson is to reduce the general excitability of the body’s functions and bring it to a relatively calm state. At the same time, the child’s pulse decreases and approaches normal. This part of the lesson consists of walking in combination with breathing exercises, as well as exercises that help relax different muscle groups, or quiet play. Exercises with prolonged static body positions are contraindicated. The duration of the final part of the lesson in the second junior group is 3 minutes, in the middle group - 4 minutes, in the senior group - 5 minutes.

2. "First steps to mastery" .

What is playing technique

To successfully play field hockey, you need to be able to use all the techniques of the game provided for and permitted by the rules of the competition, i.e. have good playing technique. Many beginning players are a little intimidated by the fact that in field hockey you can only play with one side of the STICK. By the way, this requirement for playing technique very often surprises those who learn about it for the first time. What can you do, rules are rules. After all, no one today is indignant at the fact that in football you can’t play with your hands, in volleyball you can’t play with your legs, and basketball rules prohibit players from running around the court while holding the ball in their hands. In addition, the more difficult the task, the more interesting it is to solve it. But what admiration is caused by the play of real field hockey masters, their masterly use of a stick. And young players, as soon as they master the basics of the technique, quickly forget to use the round side of the stick, without experiencing any inconvenience.

To become a true master, a player needs to master a wide arsenal of various technical techniques and methods of performing them, be able to choose the most suitable gaming techniques or combination of them for each moment of the game, and perform them quickly and accurately. We can assess the technical skill of players by observing how varied the techniques they use in different game situations, how accurately these techniques are performed, and whether there are differences between how successfully a hockey player manages to perform them at the beginning and at the end of the game, when he is already tired .

Anyone who has watched hockey players play at least once (the same as football players, handball players) could notice how different the actions of the field players and the goalkeeper are on the court. To perform their tasks, they use different techniques, so they distinguish between the technique of field players and the technique of goalkeepers.

All field player techniques can be divided into attacking technique and defensive technique.

Field player's playing technique

The game is played simultaneously by two teams of 11 players. And there is only one ball. And therefore, at each moment of the game, only one of the hockey players has the ball. But the rest of the players at this time also participate in the game, solve their game problems, performing actions without the ball. Therefore, among the technical techniques there are those that relate to ball possession (or opposition to it) and technique of playing without the ball.

Attack technique includes movement technique and stick and ball handling technique. In defensive technique - movement technique and technique of countering ball possession. Each of these groups combines playing techniques that can be performed different ways. In addition, the technique of each technique is influenced by the conditions of its implementation: either in motion, with a stationary or flying ball, when the opponent is located in front or on the side, etc.

Attack technique

Movement technique

A player’s movements are his actions when choosing a place on the court. The movement technique of players in field hockey includes the following group: walking, running, jumping, falling, stopping, turning, feints. During the game they are used in a variety of combinations. And this allows players to solve game problems: open up to receive the ball, choose a position, cover a player, etc.).

Walking is used by hockey players mainly to change positions during pauses, to change the pace of movement in combination with running. The game uses regular and side step walking. Players move face-first or backwards.

Running is the main means of transportation in field hockey. Hockey players use different running techniques: regular, backward, cross-step, with a change in speed, in a straight line and with a change in direction.

Regular running is used by hockey players to reach free space, pursue an opponent, etc. Cross-step running is used to change the direction of movement, when jerking from one place to the side, after making turns. Running with side steps can be used to take the most advantageous position on the playing field (when choosing a place to start and open, when the defender is guarding the attacker).

The stops are effective means changes in direction of movement. After completing a stop, a jerk often follows (both without a change and with a change of direction), leaving to the right or left. There are two types of stops: jump and lunge. Stops are usually followed by rapid movements, so the final stop position should be the starting position for subsequent movements of the hockey player.

Feints are deceptive movements aimed at deceiving an opponent and winning a duel in a game episode. Moving around playing field, attacking players use feints mainly when freeing themselves from the opponent’s guard. In this case, they can use such techniques as a feint with changing the speed of movement and a feint with changing the direction of movement.

During the game, movement techniques are used by hockey players in various combinations: the speed of movement changes (from walking to jerking with maximum speed) , the direction and rhythm of running change, running and walking are combined with jumping, stopping and turning.

Stick and ball handling technique

The most important section in training hockey players is stick and ball control. When playing offensively, it means the hockey player’s ability to reliably perform and effectively use in the game such technical techniques as dribbling, pushing, hitting, throwing, clicking, stopping, adjusting, and feinting.

Speaking about ball handling technique, one cannot fail to mention such an important component as "ready stance" or player landing. Look closely at the play of the leading field hockey masters: almost all technical techniques - receiving, passing, tackling, dribbling - they perform in a low position, which provides them with confident control of the ball, quick switching from one action to another, and excellent vision of the field. Great attention must be paid to developing this component from the very first steps of the long path to technical mastery.

The peculiarity of the game of field hockey is that players can perform all technical techniques only with the flat side of the stick. In this regard, when playing the ball, they are sometimes forced to turn the stick with the hook down. The important thing to remember here is that the rotation of the club does left hand, and the right hand is only "guide" , it supports the club, but does not participate in its rotation.

This introduces certain difficulties in performing all technical techniques, as it reduces the possible area of ​​contact between the club blade and the ball. Therefore, when talking about playing techniques, we will use terms such as performing a technique with "comfortable" from both sides "uncomfortable" (that is, with the club turned downward) sides.

Of great importance for the correct implementation of technical techniques is the

3. Practical lesson in field hockey.

The goal is to study and improve dribbling the ball.

Preparatory part.

Light jogging, general developmental exercises, running exercises.

Outdoor game "Traffic Light". All players are located on the court in random order. At the presenter's (at the coach)- three cards (three checkboxes, etc.) different colors. Players carefully observe what color card the leader raises: red - you need to stop, yellow - run in place, green - accelerated run forward.

Main part.

Exercise 1: "Chinese Wall" .

All players have clubs and balls, the driver has only

hockey stick. The players simultaneously begin dribbling the ball, trying

bring the ball over the line marked by the posts.

The driver tries to take the ball away.

The player from whom the ball was taken also becomes the driver. Gradually, the number of drivers increases, and the number of players with balls decreases. The last player left with the ball wins.

Exercise 2: Relay race.

The whole group is divided into threes participating in the “Shuttle” relay race with dribbling the ball.

Exercise 3: "By the square."

Performed in pairs. Player A with the ball, player B without the ball. Players start at the same time. "A" dribbles the ball, moving along the inner square. "B" - externally. The player who reaches the finish line first wins.

A game "Mini hockey 2*2" .

4 gates are installed on the site (stands of 2 colors are used). Each pair defends a goal of its own color and attacks the goal of the opposing pair.

Final part.

Light jogging, flexibility and relaxation exercises.

Sports games in kindergarten

Sports games are types of gaming competitions, the basis of which are various technical and tactical techniques of hitting a target (goal, net, court, etc.) with a sports equipment (ball, bat, racket...).


Sports Movable

General signs : jumping, running, throwing, balance exercises.


The game follows strictly established rules;

Teams consist of a clear number of players;

The duration of the game is limited in time;

The conditions for the game require a specially prepared place, site markings, appropriate equipment, inventory;

They require greater composure, organization, observation, mastery of a certain movement technique and speed of motor reaction than in outdoor games.

Sports games and exercises are mainly carried out in the fresh air. Therefore, when selecting them, you should take into account seasonal weather conditions.

Sports games according to simplified rules, elements of sports games, practiced in senior and preparatory groups kindergarten.

Senior group : Preparatory group:

Skiing; - skiing, skating;

Badminton; - badminton;

Football; - football;

Basketball; - basketball;

Towns; - towns;


Table tennis.



Hockey; - badminton;

Skis. – football;



Table tennis.


Badminton - a sports game with a shuttlecock and racket.

Target: prevent the shuttlecock from falling on your court and land it on the opponent’s side.

Number of players: 1x1 or 2x2.

Location:a rectangular area (court) 8x4 m, which is divided in half by a net.

Sport equipment: badminton racket, feather or plastic shuttlecocks, net 76 cm wide, 120-130 cm high.

Teaching the elements of badminton:


Racket grip;

Tossing a shuttlecock on a racket;

Batting with a racket from the right, left, above, below.

Hit a shuttlecock suspended on a rope;

Shuttlecock delivery;

Pass the shuttlecock in pairs at a distance of 4-5 m.

Playing badminton promotes the development of such valuable qualities as speed, agility, endurance, accuracy and coordination of movements, eye, and strengthens the arm muscles.


Football - a sports game with a ball.

Target: – score the ball into the opponent’s goal and prevent the opponent’s ball from entering your own goal.

Number of players:two teams of 5-7 players, including a goalkeeper. One of the players is the captain. Team players must have distinctive signs.

Location: rectangular ground (18x24m) with a field center line and a goal.

Time spending:30 minutes. The game time is divided into two halves of 15 minutes with a break of 5 minutes.

Sport equipment: soccer ball, goal (width 3m, height 2m).

Teaching the elements of football:

Dribbling the ball in a straight line;

Dribbling the ball between objects (cones);

Stopping a rolling ball with the inside of the foot or sole;

Passing the ball with your feet to each other;

Hitting the ball into the goal from 3-4 m.


Use footrests;

Push and hit players;

Take the ball from the goalkeeper.


Basketball – This is a team game in which the joint actions of players are determined by a common goal.

Target: take possession of the ball and throw it into the opponent's basket.

Number of players:5 people per team.

Location:platform measuring 18x12m. and a basketball hoop with a diameter of 45 cm.

Sport equipment:basketball ball.

Basketball training:

- hitting the ball on the floor;

Dribbling the ball with one hand in a straight line;

Dribbling the ball between objects;

Passing the ball with both hands from below, from above (in pairs);

Throwing the ball into the basket;

Dribbling the ball and throwing it into the basket (describing an arc).

Note: The height of the ring can be gradually increased.


Towns - a sports game with a bat (stick) and towns (ryukhi). The principle of the game is similar to bowling.

Target: Knock the towns out of the city (square) with a bat (stick).

Number of players: from 2 to 12 people.

Location: Site size is approximate. It may increase. (15x6m.)

Inventory: bat (length 75-80cm), towns (ryukhi). Towns can be made from round birch bars 12-15 cm long and 4-5 cm in diameter. It is necessary to learn the figures, which consist of five towns. There are 15 of them in total.

Preparatory stage:learn the figures (15): “cannon”, “star”, “well”, “artillery”, “machine gun nest”, “sentinels”, “shooting gallery”, “fork”, “arrow”, “crankshaft”, “racket” ", "cancer", "sickle", "plane", "letter".

Teaching the elements of playing towns:

The starting position for throwing the bat from the side, giving it rotational movements;

Ability to lay out figures and know their names;

Knocking out a town from the stake (2-3m.). In normal (5-6m.)

After learning the elements of the game, you can begin the game itself using simplified rules.

In the game you can use counting rhymes, for example: “there was a car dark forest, for some kind of interest...” You can use a stick. Toss a coin and ask: “Heads or tails.” You can use a formation in two columns and two ranks, counting on “first” and “second”.

Sports games are of great importance in solving educational and educational problems. They contribute to the development of accuracy, dexterity of movements, eye, and orientation in space. In the game, children have to quickly make decisions, which contributes to the development of thinking and speed of motor response to visual and auditory signals. Mandatory adherence to the rules in games helps to develop self-control, honesty, discipline, responsibility to the team, and the ability to take others into account.

Good sporting success to you, friends!

Who's ahead?

Equipment: sled.

Age: 3–4 years.

Progress of the game: The sleds are placed parallel to each other at a distance of 2–3 steps. Each of the children stands next to their sled. At the teacher’s signal, the children run around their sleds. The one who completes the task faster wins.


Equipment: sleds, skittles.

Age: 3–5 years.

Progress of the game: children stand in two columns one after another, holding the sled by the rope. A pin is placed in front at a distance of 10 m. At the teacher’s signal, the children take the sled to the pin, go around it and return to their place. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Racing in threes

Equipment: sled.

Age: 3–5 years.

Progress of the game: Next to one sled are three children. One child carries the sled, the second sits on it, and the third pushes the sled from behind. At the teacher's signal, the race begins. Children drive to the designated landmark and return back. The game ends when each child from the trio plays all the roles. Those children who complete the task faster win.

On the sled!

Equipment: sled.

Age: 3–5 years.

Progress of the game: The sleds are placed parallel to each other at a distance of 3 steps, with fewer sleds than players. Children run freely around the playground. At the teacher’s signal “On the sled!” children run to the sled and sit on it. Latecomers are left without a seat.


Equipment: sled.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: children with sleds climb the mountain. A traffic controller stands below with flags in his hands. Children take turns sliding down the mountain on a sled. The traffic controller uses flags to indicate the direction of turn - right or left

Who is first

Equipment: sleds, ski poles.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: children standing on sleds push off ski poles to quickly get to a certain place and return back. Whoever completes this task first will win.

Fast sled

Equipment: sled.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: Children take turns sledding down an ice slide. Whose sled goes the farthest is the winner. The game is played separately for girls and boys.

Sled racing

Equipment: sled.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: Three children sit on each sled. They move forward to a certain place, pushing off the snow with their feet. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Collect the flags

Equipment: sleds, flags.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: On the mountainside they place flags in one row one after another. While going down the mountain on a sled, children must collect flags. The one who collects the most flags wins.

Descent into the gate

Equipment: sled.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: When going down the mountain on a sled, children must pass through the designated gates without breaking them.


Equipment: sled, flag.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: children, two at a time, sit on the sled with their backs to each other. At the teacher’s signal, they push off with their feet, trying to cover a distance of 5 m to the flag as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Get the toy

Equipment: toy.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: while sliding along an icy path, the child must reach a toy suspended on a rope.


Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: children stand in pairs one behind the other, holding the belt in front standing child, and slide down the icy path.

Through the gate

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: children slide along the icy path, trying to pass through the gate without hitting it.

Ball on target

Equipment: ball.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: While going down the ice path, children throw the ball to the designated place.

Who's better at slipping?

Equipment: skis.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: the child must ski a distance of 20–25 m with the least number of steps.

Equipment: skis.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: Children, at the teacher’s signal, run up and slide on two skis until they come to a complete stop. The one who slips the farthest wins.

Catch up

Equipment: skis.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: children on skis line up in one line. At the teacher’s signal, they must catch up with the teacher. The teacher runs so that the children can catch up with him.

Running on one ski

Equipment: skis.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: Each child stands on one ski (with poles) at the start line. At the signal, everyone rushes forward, pushing off with their free leg. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Through the gate

Equipment: skis.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: Several small gates are placed on the path of skiers. Children must drive under them, trying not to hit them.

Ski couples

Equipment: skis.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: Children stand in pairs, holding hands, at the starting line. At the signal, the children run forward. The winner is the pair that reaches the finish line ahead of everyone else without separating their hands.


Equipment: skis. Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: children on skis snake their way between the placed flags. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line faster and does not knock down a single flag.

Along a narrow path

Equipment: bicycle, skittles.

Age: 4–5 years.

Progress of the game: children on bicycles line up at the starting line. At the signal, they must go along a path 80 cm wide, which is fenced on both sides with pins. The winner is the one who drives along the track without knocking over the pins.

Who will go faster

Equipment: bicycle.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: children on bicycles line up at the starting line. At the signal, they race to the designated place. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Who will come last

Equipment: bicycle.

Age: 5–7 years.

Progress of the game: At the teacher's signal, the children rush forward. But they must travel the way to the finish line at the slowest speed possible. You can't stop. The one who comes to the finish line last wins.

Relay races

Equipment: bicycle.

Age: 6–7 years.

Progress of the game: children on bicycles must ride between the skittles arranged in a zigzag pattern to the designated area. Returning in a straight line, they transmit

Municipal state preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 421 of a combined type named after. S. N. Rovbel.

Report on the topic: “Sports games in preschool educational institutions”

Petukhova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Head of Physical Education

Novosibirsk 2014